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school event recap

Our Graduation Day was held to recognize the accomplishments of the Grade 10 and Grade 12 students, and also the Grade 9 students for their Ujian Sekolah rankings.
During the bright afternoon of June 17th 2022, the graduation of the year 2021-2022 took place. We were graced with heartfelt speeches from Mr. Michael Thia, the school superintendent, as well as two student representatives, Caroline from Grade 12 and Elsey from Grade 10. First, we had our mindfulness session, then the singing of our school songs and National Anthem. The first announcements were then made for the Grade 10 graduates, followed by the announcements for Grade 12 graduates.
Following that, awards much like ones on Recognition Day were given. Firstly, for Grade 10 students we had Ben Rui Avellino, who achieved highest in additional math and chemistry; Elsey Djaparily Chan, who achieved highest in mathematics and Chinese mandarin; Jason Fijiano, who achieved highest in Music; Lord Daemien Firston, who achieved highest in English as a second language, business studies, physical education, PPKn, and the Most Improved Student Award; Nareswari Maritza Bhanuwati, who achieved highest in first language english, biology, physics, economics, literature in english and arts and design; Kezia Adeline, who achieved the Student Leadership Award; and lastly, Valieza Susanto, who achieved highest in Bahasa Indonesia and the Model Student Award. Next the awardees for Grade 12 were announced. We had Avansya Lukyana Putra, who achieved highest in english (IPS), economics (IPS), sociology (IPS), and chinese mandarin; Caroline Falisha Fitz Cherani, who achieved highest in mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, bahasa Indonesia,PPKn, and the Model Student Award; Dinakara Hapsari Suharno, who achieved highest in english general paper and music; Izat Syauqan Rasyad, who achieved highest in economics, business, and Student Leadership Award. There were also Rizky Guntoro, who achieved highest in geography (IPS), history (IPS) and physical education; Salwa Sausan Zaini, who achieved highest in Mathematics (IPS) and ICT; and lastly, Sean Matthew Prayuda, who received the Most Improved Student Award.
After the announcement for the awardees we moved on to the rankings for Ujian Sekolah. Firstly the top 5 from grade 12 were given out: Caroline Falisha Fitz Cherani ranking first, Kyra Risanti Rusly second, Rizky Guntoro ranking third, Dinakara Hapsari Suharno ranking fourth, and Izat Syauqan Rasyad ranking fifth.
Last but not least, the top 10 students of Grade 9 who achieved highest in Ujian Sekolah were presented. Among them were Tanisha Richelle Claire who ranked first, Arthur Atimano Nursalim who ranked second, and Candice Christabel who ranked third.
written by Gaby Priyanka Permana and Shane Natalie The- interview with Mr Christopher Amargo

Recognition Day is an annual occasion where students are given awards for their academic hard work, perseverance and determination. Students are recognized for other qualities like effort, improvement, and cooperation as well, which can increase self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment, and generate respect among their peers. Recognition Day is a chance for the teachers to recognize not only the academic achievements, but also the small improvements from the students when it comes to discipline issues, behavior and their study habits. For the Students Leadership Award, we had Shane Natalie The from Grade 7, Celine Nathania Kiswanto from Grade 8, Arthur Atinamo Nursalim from Grade 9, and Darin Putra Bagaskara from Grade 11. For the most improved students awards, we had Nicole Vita Rahardja from Grade 7, Herfeld Dee from Grade 8, Ravi Hilmifuad Purnama from Grade 9, and Ravelin Roseline Hariyanto from Grade 11. Last but not least, we had the Model Student Award. Congratulations to Shane Natalie The from Grade 7, Celine Nathania Kiswanto from Grade 8, Arthur Atimano Nursalim from Grade 9, and Dulce Amor Santia from Grade 11 on getting this. The remarkable event was closed off at 11.30AM with a speech by our vice principal for national curriculum, Mr Stanislaus Ola.
Recognition Day was held at our school on Thursday, 15 June 2022, organized by our VP for international curriculum, Mr. Mark Ferdinand. The event started with a mindfulness session that was led by Ms Natasha Fredlina Ginting, then we sang our school song and our National Anthem ‘Indonesia Raya’ . This is followed by an inspirational speech from our dear principal, Mr Christopher Amargo. Then the wonderful students who had done such amazing jobs the previous year received their rewards.

written by Gaby Priyanka Permana - interview with Mr Mark Ferdinand