Interactive design project documentation

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Invisible Man Walking in Emoji Rain Project Documentation Interactive Design Yoonpyo Lee Hongik Univ Visual Communication Design 2021 Spring Semester

Week 2-3

Ableton Sound S

Signal Processing

Week 3

“What I would like telepresen

I want to live in two d the same time and get countries. I like the id another self in the dis to a different countr lot of risk and uncert telepresence ability, I job and life while e count

to do with the true nce ability”

different countries at t nationalities of both dea of supporting my stant country. Moving ry usually involves a tainty. But with true I can still have a stable exploring different tries.

Week 3

"Implication of telepre I think true high resolution telepresence will have a huge impact on urban planning. The distance between the central business district and residential area will grow. It may grow further and further away to the degree where those are separated in worldwide scale. Majority of population will live in a country with nice weather and environment, and rest countries will be used as commercial and business districts.

high resolution esense" If this happens, the traditional idea of nationality will fade away. The nationalities of individuals will not be determined by the location of birth. Rather, individuals will get to choose their nationalities based on their belief and values towards law system. Individuals’ life will be fragmented into many different versions. Each telepresence entity will live different themed life. Having multiple families might be widespread.

Week 4

Another Experim Proce

ment with Sound essing

Week 6

Trying Pr Fracta

rocessing al Cube

Week 6

Trying Pr Fractal

rocessing l Circle

Week 6

Trying Pr Fracta

rocessing al Tree

Week 6

Trying Pr Image Pix An Oran

rocessing xel Sorting nge Cat

Week 6

Trying Pr Random Co

rocessing olor Picker

Week 6

Trying Pr Fourier Series

rocessing s Square Wave

Week 7

How will a telepresent entity be seen by others, and what emotions will it elicit?

It will not be at first. It wo different bei

e considered as a whole person ould elicit fear of an eerie and ing.

Week 7

Earlier idea I had about telepresence was about blurred borders of nations.

The idea of traditional nations will fade, and individuals’ life will be fragmented. The city planning will change drastically since there will no longer be the limit caused by transportations. Most of human population will live in the single residential area, and other regions will be business and industrial district.

Week 7



They Live

Fantastic Planet

Week 7

"What would it be lik

"What would it be li telepresne

A telepresent entity has the power lacks. I want to implement emotion eerie feeling implemented to

ke to be telepresent?"

ike to be around the et beings?"

that an entity with biological flesh ns elicited by this. Awe-like fear and o an interactive installation.

Week 8

Working P


Week 11


ped Idea

Week 13

Week 14

Emotions serve us as a set of shortcut triggers of timely actions. We do not comtemplate on our next action when we encounter a poisonous snake. This algorithm is embedded in our mind in a way that it bypasses logical second thoughts. That trait helped our distant ancestors survive and reproduce. But in modern days, emotions are often considered as something that hinderes proper decision making. We witness people's emotional systems malfunctioning leading to catastrophic consequences. It seems like evolution is having a hard time keeping up with rapidly changing environments. This raises questions about the impact of telepresent experience on a person's emotional system. The person will constantly be exposed to countless multicontextual emotional triggers

being a telepresent entity. Do we need to set a standardized training system to guarantee telepresent "pilots" to travel safe? In this context, the interactive art project visualizes the emotional aspect of telepresent experience. As a person makes sounds, the emojis fall down from the sky like raindrops. The amount of raindrops corresponds to the amplitude of sounds. This simulates how an action of telepresent entity induces multiple emotional triggers while non-telepresent action normally causes single emotion. As the viewer walks in the suffocating amount of emoji rains, they may contemplate on the future of their mental state.

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