The AAAgency for youth employment

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Professional experiences abroad - EURES, European Job Mobility Platform : - Pôle Emploi International : - Programme-vacances-travail / Working Holiday Visa : - European Voluntary Service :

Claim for your rights - Génération Précaire : - B!ngo: - Youth Guarantee :

Watch and track Members of the European Parliament - - - (choose EMPL for Employment Committee)

Find political parties’ proposals on youth employment - The AAAgency : - Compare parties’ programmes on topics:

Some useful resources:

Mr / Mrs……………………………………. President of the European Commission Rue de la Loi 175 / Wetstraat 175 1048 Bruxelles / Brussel Belgium

presents :

What is it like to be a young person in Europe in the 21st century? Well, here’s what it like. Young people are about a fifth of the European Union’s (EU) population, most of them complete secondary education and one out of three tertiary education. They’re also increasingly disengaged with elections, much more than their parents, and in particular for European elections. There are also more than 5 million of them in EU28 who are unemployed, without a job, training or apprenticeship – as many as the population of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania together. But the power to make significant changes to the economic and social situation of young people often lies with undemocratic structures. And the rating agencies, feared by states and institutions, are a symbol of this. So… we decided to become the rating agency: the AAAgency! What do we rate, would you ask? Not “interest on debt and risks premiums”, as the ALDE proposed in their Manifesto, but transnational political parties’ proposals to address youth unemployment, to see what the alternatives ideas proposed for the 2014 EU elections were! With moustaches and complicated graphs, off we went in the mysterious fields of European parties’ manifestos and programmes. Our first task, finding them online, turned out to be tricky! We then set out to analyse each programme, focusing on six topics closely linked to youth unemployment, and gave parties a first rating (below) according to whether the topic appeared in the programme and if proposals were detailed and developed. But the fair rating agency that we were respected the right of parties to reply to our rating: we invited candidates to a debate in Lyon, where this time, the audience became the agency and graded the parties’ programmes (results on page 2). Find out more about the results on!

Mr / Mrs………………………………........... Member of the European Parliament European Parliament 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel Belgium

Mr / Mrs……………………………………. Council of the European Union Rue de la Loi 175/ Wetstraat 175 1048 Bruxelles / Brussel Belgium

Parti Populaire Européen (PPE)

Parti Socialiste Européen (PSE)

Alliance of Liberals & Greens Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

Alliance of The Party European of the Conservatives European & Reformists Left

Alliance of European Movement European European European Christian EU for a Europe European Alliance for Political Democrats of Liberties& Democratic Free Freedom (EAF) National Movements Movement Democracy Party (EDP) Alliance (AENM) (ECPM) (MELD)

European Federalist Party

topics education internships/ apprenticeship worker’s rights mobility quality of employment discrimination youth and employment Upper traffic light: degree of importance and priority of this topic in the party's programme or manifesto Lower traffic light: degree of precision and details of the proposals on this topic in the party's programme or manifesto green - high red - low/none orange - middle

Young people and unemployment

The Lyon debate The AAAgency met in Lyon on Tuesday 22nd April to present the results of its analysis to several candidates from the South-East constituency for the EU elections, and to debate youth unemployment with them. Candidates at the debate were : - Thierry Cornillet for the MoDem-UDI (corresponding to ALDE in the European Parliament) - Zaki Laïdi for the PS (PES) - Lela Bencharif for the EELV (Greens) - Eric Coquerel for the Front de Gauche (European Left) - Alain Malégarie for the European Federalist Party - The UMP (EPP) didn’t accept our invitation. Cartoon by Laura Sorvala, originally published on In the European Union, youth


Unemployment in General Population and Youth Unemployment in the EU 28 (data source: Eurostats)

Results of the vote by the AAA rating agency:

unemployment has increased from 12% to 18% since 2008

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

after a decrease from 14,7% to

Data / Year General Unemployment Youth Unemployment Youth Unemployment > 12 months Part-time Work Contracts in % of Youth Employment Temporary Work Contracts







2) to a Member of the European Parliament: it could be the elected representative from your constituency – who you can find on - or a member of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee – list on The European Parliament (EP) is the only directly elected EU institution and one of the two institutions (with the Council of Ministers, or Council of the EU) with legislative power. 3) to the Italian presidency of the Council of the EU (July to December 2014) or to a member of the Council. The Council holds legislative power together with the EP and is composed of executives of EU Member State. • Check the different links on the back side of this card to explore more ways of action

This situation is unacceptable and must be combated. Youth unemployment cannot be addressed successfully only at national level: transnational coordinated European action is needed. We neither want to be the “lost generation” nor the “youth without future”. We urge you to make the struggle against youth unemployment the priority for your mandate and ask the Commission to legislate to guarantee quality and fair education, training and job opportunities and working conditions for young people in Europe.

higher than in the general active

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

Dear Member of the Council of the EU,

Youth unemployment in Europe has reached historic levels. More and more young people live in extremely precarious conditions and go from one insecure contract to another, with direct negative effects on their access to housing and healthcare, among others. Internships and traineeships are widely used as a cheap (if not free) replacement for paid jobs. Young people increasingly have to delocate unwillingly and are pressured to accept positions for which they are overqualified, leading to a race to the bottom in terms of quality of employment for young people. Youth unemployment hits groups that were already the most vulnerable and participates in an increase of inequalities.

Youth unemployment in Europe has reached historic levels. More and more young people live in extremely precarious conditions and go from one insecure contract to another, with direct negative effects on their access to housing and healthcare, among others. Internships and traineeships are widely used as a cheap (if not free) replacement for paid jobs. Young people increasingly have to delocate unwillingly and are pressured to accept positions for which they are overqualified, leading to a race to the bottom in terms of quality of employment for young people. Youth unemployment hits groups that were already the most vulnerable and participates in an increase of inequalities.

This situation is unacceptable and must be combated. Youth unemployment cannot be addressed successfully only at national level: transnational coordinated European action is needed.

This situation is unacceptable and must be combated. Youth unemployment cannot be addressed successfully only at national level: transnational coordinated European action is needed.

We neither want to be the “lost generation” nor the “youth without future”. We urge you to make this the priority for your mandate and to act to guarantee quality and fair education, training and job opportunities and working conditions for young people in Europe.

We neither want to be the “lost generation” nor the “youth without future”. We urge you to make this the priority for your mandate and to act at EU level to guarantee quality and fair education, training and job opportunities and working conditions for young people in Europe.

emerge as a specific issue with

population in 2005. But it has 1

1) the president of the European Commission (still under discussion at the time of writing). The Commission is the only institution that has the power to initiate EU legislation.

Youth unemployment in Europe has reached historic levels. More and more young people live in extremely precarious conditions and go from one insecure contract to another, with direct negative effects on their access to housing and healthcare, among others. Internships and traineeships are widely used as a cheap (if not free) replacement for paid jobs. Young people increasingly have to delocate unwillingly and are pressured to accept positions for which they are overqualified, leading to a race to the bottom in terms of quality of employment for young people. Youth unemployment hits groups that were already the most vulnerable and participates in an increase of inequalities.

the crisis. It was already 5 points

Youth unemployment did not

Youth Unemployment

• Cut off the three detachable cards and send out your messages for more EU action for youth employment to

• You want to know more about youth unemployment in Europe or about the AAAgency, you’d like to organise actions or campaigns transnationally for youth employment? Contact us on and join European Alternatives!

12% between 2005 and 2008. General Unemployment

What YOU can do!

Dear President of the European Commission,

Best regards, Signature:____________

been affected more by the crisis


and is now 7% higher than in the


















there is an increasingly high



































percentage of part-time and of temporary work contracts for people aged 15-29, as well as of long termunemployment (over 12 months).

Check out the video of the AAAgency online!

The AAA project is organised by European Alternatives with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission within the frame of the Partnership of European Communication management. This text is attributable only to its author; the Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission are not responsible for the use ofthe information contained in this text. Thanks to Citizens for Europe for the financial support.

Best regards,

Best regards,



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