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FIAP’s profi net ALU, the aluminium fi sh landing net for commercial and recreational use
by Eurofish
animal feed production, it frees up thousands of hectares of agricultural land to grow crops for human consumption. At the same time, the mealworm feeds on by-products of cereals, such as wheat, barley, or oats, obtained from other industrial processes and which generally cannot be reused in any other way.
Regarding current legislation, the mealworm was one of the first insects to receive the approval of the health authorities for animal and human consumption. Its use in feed was approved almost four years ago, in the summer of 2017. The European regulations came into force in December and Tebrio was one of the first companies to enter the market. That document specified that Tenebrio molitor protein was safe. And that insects intended for use in aquaculture should be fed with plant-based products, with certain exceptions such as hydrolysed proteins, collagen and gelatine from non-ruminants, or some products derived from eggs.
Authorization for human consumption came in 2021. The mealworm was the first insect that the European Commission approved for commercialization. It can now be consumed dehydrated or processed as an ingredient in other food products, such as pasta, cookies, shakes or ultra-protein gels for athletes. In addition, a recommendation made by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), underlines the potential of insects as an alternative food source, because of their high nutritional content, rich in unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins, fibre, and minerals
Certification in place to guarantee quality
Finally, Tebrio is certified to the ISO-9001 standard which guarantees the quality, safety and stability of its products. The company obtained this certificate in 2021 and was the first insect processing firm to achieve it in Spain. The company has implemented a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan, a demanding preventive process that guarantees the safety of its products. This applies to the food industry as well as to the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and to all those manufacturers of materials that come into contact with food.
Ctra. N-620 Km. 244 37120 Doñinos de Salamanca Salamanca, Spain contact@tebrio.com Tel.: +34 923 048 049
CEO: Adriana Casillas Adriana Casillas, CEO, Tebrio
Main product: Insect protein Volumes: Currently scaling up to reach 100,000 tonnes by 2024 Brand: :oProtein Sectors: Aquafeeds, pet food, poultry and pig feeds Markets: European Union
FIAP’s profinet ALU, the aluminium fish landing net for commercial and recreational use Simple yet sturdy nets for fish famers and anglers
Simplicity can be deceptive. Attempts to reproduce fish landing nets have failed to match the quality of the original.
FIAP, a German supplier of equipment to the international fish farming industry, has developed a range of landing nets for farmers and recreational fishermen. The nets, called the Profinet series, are simple yet very sturdy and are available in a range of sizes. The depth of the net, mesh dimensions, and length of the handle can be varied so that the product can be adapted to all requirements.
The net comprises a wooden handle and a frame supporting the mesh. The frame is made of aluminium so that it is light but strong, and is reinforced to make it even sturdier. The mesh is pulled into a guide rail in the frame and flexibly secured by plastic beads. The handle fits into the frame with a tough holding clamp. Over the years, the components, such as the frame, holding clamp, and handle retaining clips, have been improved to make the net even more robust. In addition to strength the net is also flexible— mesh sizes of 5, 10, 15, or 20 mm can be attached to the frame. Replacing one mesh with another is quickly and easily carried out, so farming operations are barely interrupted.
The right net for any task
The depth of the mesh corresponds to the dimensions of the frame, so that a mesh with a depth of 300 mm is attached to a frame of 300 mm. Frame dimensions and mesh depths are from 300 to 600 mm in 100 mm intervals. Spare parts for the nets are also available. These include meshes of different dimensions, the beads used to attach the mesh to the frame, and the clamps to secure the frame to the handle. The handle itself is available in two lengths, 110 cm and 180 cm.
The system’s simplicity has led to attempts at counterfeiting, but the fake products have been unable to match the quality and durability of the original. The FIAP profinet aluminium fish landing net has been serving the fish farming and angling communities for decades and will not be easily replaced.