2 minute read
A must-attend event for the global fishing sector
by Eurofish
DanFish International takes place on 10-12 October in Aalborg Congress & Culture Center (AKKC). It is the 28th time this key fishing industry event is being held. The last time the show was held, in 2021, corona restrictions were still in force. The organisers therefore look forward to welcoming the industry to an event not overshadowed by the pandemic.

There is an almost fty-year tradition behind this event, which has grown over the years to establish itself rmly as the most international shing industry exhibition in Europe, consistently attracting visitors and exhibitors from all around the world. It has not always been this way. Since the 1990s, what had been a modest local event successfully partnered with the Danish Ministry of Foreign A airs to attract overseas visitors. e rest is history.
Exhibitors and visitors from around the world
DanFish is a genuinely global exhibition, attracting partners, clients, and colleagues from across the world, says Francis Parrott of Notus, a Canadian electronics company and longstanding exhibitor at DanFish. Despite recently emerging from the pandemic, the previous DanFish event was a remarkable success, he continues, and we look forward to our return to Aalborg this year and beyond, continuing the momentum of this thriving exhibition. The 2021 event was limited in size as it took place under difficult circumstances because of restrictions on travel introduced in response to covid. However, now that the world has come back to normal, DanFish International looks forward to welcoming participants to a restriction-free exhibition.
It is a relief to many that visitors can again visit Aalborg again without having to be concerned about restrictions. We are aware that both exhibitors and visitors look forward to participating in the DanFish exhibition in October without being hampered by corona restrictions, says Else Herfort, Head of Sales and Expos, AKKC. Everyone is looking forward to coming to the event, feeling the atmosphere and seeing the many products.
New midweek format gives attendees a full weekend at home
In response to comments from exhibitors and visitors DanFish International has chosen an innovative approach for this year’s event. For the rst time, the exhibition will take the form of a midweek event. It has been many years since the extension of the exhibition into Saturday was abandoned in response to those who were tired of business events regularly taking place on the weekends. Now, DanFish’s organisers have gone a step further: this year’s event opens on Tuesday and ends on ursday evening, giving participants the opportunity to travel home for the weekend.
Showcasing the world’s fishing industry
is year DanFish is back in full swing with 7,000 square metres of exhibition space at Aalborg’s AKKC venue, and an additional 4,000 square metres of space set up speci cally for the busiest shing industry event in the northern hemisphere. While the exhibition centre itself buzzes with activity for three days, the city’s hotels, restaurants and other venues will bene t from the event as thousands of visitors come from around the world to exhibit, look for new business, inspect the latest developments, and catch up with innovations in the shing industry. For yborøn Trawldoor, a Danish trawl door manufacturer, DanFish is a big deal. It is the biggest international exhibition, well visited by decision makers from all over the world, and even better, it is right here in Denmark, says Henrik Andreassen, the company’s sales manager. Its international credentials notwithstanding, DanFish o ers an unparalleled opportunity to show the world what Danish craftsmanship, quality, and development are all about.
Zusanna Slowik, info@euro sh.dk
Organiser: Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center Europa Plads 4 9000 Aalborg Denmark
Tel.: +45 9935 5555 info@akkc.dk www.akkc.dk
Early bird prices (before Monday, 9 October, 18.00)
Day ticket: DKK150
3-day ticket: DKK250
Prices at the entrance
Day ticket: DKK200
3-day ticket: DKK300