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An association with a range of sh and seafood

In 1986, Euro sh Napoli was founded at the historic sh market in Piazza Duca delgi Abrizzi in Naples as an organisation that promoted the development of the market, provide support to shermen, and assistance to clients of the market. Ever since, the organisation has served as an important reference point and resource for those connected to the sh industry in Naples. More recently, the company has formed an association of sh producers from in and around Naples. e association currently comprises ve members. Among them is an aquaculture producer, shell sh producers, a sardine producer, a brand o ering other seafood, and a local sh

Carloforte Tonnare, Italy

shop. eir aquaculture producer, Aqualife, grows and fattens blue n tuna. While the market for blue n tuna is dominated by Spanish companies, Aqualife has managed to hold its own successfully supplying blue n tuna to wholesale and retail. Another association member, Oro di Nisida, has a mussel farm on the Italian west coast rather than Italy’s Adriatic coast where mussels are typically produced. Oro di Nisida has been producing mussels on lines for ten years in the sea in the Gulf of Naples and also produces mussels in inland lagoons. e mussels are depurated and comply with all regulations needed to produce mussels for retail. According to Biagio Cacciapuoito, the president of the association, one of Euro sh Napoli’s primary goals is to encourage a connection between their current shing practices and the Naples region’s rich history. He says that their mussel farming practice mirrors the methods the ancient Greeks used in in the region. Mr Cacciapuoito also explained that the consortium is looking to expand beyond the companies it already works with. In its mission to support biodiversity, local businesses related to the industry, and diversication within the shing industry, Euro sh Napoli hopes to continue to work with a wide range of companies and organisations. fresh sh. Part of the production will be exported live, for example, to Serbia and Bosnia where there is often a desire to see the sh swimming before it is purchased as proof of its freshness.

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