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Kraken Sea’s ready-to-eat products

Kraken Sea, Valencia, Spain

Kraken Sea is a company based in Valencia, Spain that imports seafood products, processes them in-house, and then distributes them. Esteban Andrés Gómez, the company’s commerical director, explained that the company imports giant squid, cuttle sh, and octopus and process it in Galicia. is can entail a variety of di erent preparation methods for their di erent seafood products. Some of what they distribute is just frozen squid, cuttle sh, and octopus, but what makes Kraken Sea stand out, is that much of the production is refrigerated, ready-to-eat products, says Mr Gómez. e company has a variety of recipes, some of which are traditional Galician recipes, that they use to make di erent sorts of salads. Some of them mix multiple

A Pulpeira, Galicia, Spain

types of sh, and others combine a sh product with vegetables. Mr Gómez mentioned, for example, that some of their recipes use paprika or whole peppers to provide lots of avor. Many of these salads are prepared in oil, so they cannot be frozen. ese products are meant to be enjoyed fresh, and Mr Gómez explained that most of the company’s ready-to-eat products are sold to bars and restaurants in Spain, where tapas is extremely popular. Our products are meant to be shared and enjoyed amongst a group of two or three friends, says Mr Gómez. e company’s products that are not distributed to bars and restaurants in Spain are primarily sold in supermarkets in Spain, France, and Italy. Mr Gómez explained that they import their cephalopod raw material year-round most of which, speci cally their giant squid, come from Peru. e company’s cephalopods are block frozen in containers for shipment, and when they arrive at the facilities in Valencia, they are either boiled and then frozen, cut and frozen, or cut, seasoned, and

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