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by Eurofish
Eurofish partners with stakeholders in its member countries and beyond executing projects for the development of fisheries and aquaculture.
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For industry actors working in the blue bioeconomy, there are innumerable possibilities for innovation and development. e opportunities are not limited to technological innovation in, for example, sheries and aquaculture or monitoring and observation, but extend to engaging with society (coastal communities in particular) to fully implement sustainable value chains. ere is no blue bioeconomy without a social licence. As climate change is ever more pronounced, all industry actors must also integrate adaptation and mitigation actions into their working practices, especially in aquatic landscapes.
A solid foundation for future research activities has been laid
Despite the challenges, the future of the blue bioeconomy is bright, with many opportunities for new value chains, both at local and global levels. And for proactive and strategic actors we present a research agenda for the blue bioeconomy of the future. ough the Blue Bioeconomy Cofund collaboration will end in 2024, many of the funding partners will continue to be engaged in collaborative e orts where further development of the blue bioeconomy is central, e.g. in the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership and EU Mission “Restore our ocean and waters by 2030”.

Ingeborg Korme, Majbritt BoltonWarberg, Dennis Lisbjerg, Blue Bioeconomy Cofund management. Further information on the foresight and research and innovation needs identi ed can be found at bluebioeconomy.eu or by contacting bluebio@bluebio.eu