2 minute read
The FISH INFOnetwork (FIN)
by Eurofish
Positive meeting between Albania’s Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development and Eurofish
The FISH INFONetwork (FIN) consists of seven independent partners who cover all aspects of post-harvest fisheries and aquaculture. Fifty national governments have signed international agreements with the different FIN services and are using the expertise of these services to develop the fishery sector worldwide.
The FIN pages are a regular feature in the four network magazines
- INFOFISH International,
- INFOPESCA Internacional,
- EUROFISH Magazine
- INFOSAMAK Magazine
They present the FIN-wide spectrum of activities, showing actions and results.
The FIN has more than 70 full-time staff and works with more than one hundred international experts in all fields of fisheries. Through its link from FAO GLOBEFISH to the FAO Fisheries Department, it also has access to the latest information and knowledge on fisheries policy and management issues worldwide.
The execution of multilateral and bilateral projects is one of the main activities of the network. It is also widely known for its range of publications and periodicals as well as for the organisation of international conferences, workshops and training seminars. All eight services offer different possibilities for co-operation with the private sector, institutes, government offices and donors.
For more information on the FISH INFONetwork visit the website http://www.fao.org/in-action/globefish/background/fishinfonetwork/en/.
Anila Denaj, Albania’s Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development met with Marco Frederiksen, Director, Euro sh in Tirana on Wednesday, 15 November. Marco Frederiksen gave the minister a presentation on Euro sh and its activities, highlighting four of the ongoing projects Euro sh is involved in, and the Euro sh Magazine. e journal will in fact feature Albania on the cover of the February 2024 edition. Ms Denaj, who has years of experience in international nance and who worked in Albania’s ministry of nance and economy evinced great interest in the potential for industry to bene t from Euro sh, whether through participation in Euro sh-coordinated projects, B2B meetings, eld trips, or promotion through the pages of the Euro sh Magazine. She was also keen on workshops that Mr Frederiksen o ered to organise on a topic of interest for the industry. Euro sh has also produced a couple of guides in Albanian, one on packaging and the other on recirculation aquaculture that will be distributed electronically in Albania, when the nal approval is obtained from FAO, which should happen shortly.
Reporters receive media training to prepare for Pacific Tuna Forum
Nearly two-thirds of the world’s supply of tuna comes from the central Paci c region, and world markets as well as local villages depend on sustainable resources. e regularly held Paci c Tuna Forum provides stakeholders with the opportunity to meet and discuss matters a ecting this resource. In preparation for the 8th Paci c Tuna Forum hosted by Papua New Guinea in September 2023, the government in collaboration with INFOFISH, and with assistance from other organizations, held a 3-day media training workshop for about 20 media practitioners to facilitate media reporting on forum discussions of the key challenges to the tuna shery and its environmental and economic structure that are faced by PNG and other island nations inthe region.
Reporters covering events at this forum play an important role in disseminating information to the public in an understandable, reliable way. e media training workshop held by INFOFISH and the PNG government had two goals: to bring PNG’s media fraternity together to foster a culture of knowledge exchange and to provide a platform to disseminate critical and accurate information to media practitioners in Papua New Guinea. Presentations in the workshop varied by topic but all of them guided attendees toward what was called by one presenter “e ective storytelling techniques,” or putting together facts that allow the reporters’ audiences to realize the importance of sustainable sheries management and its impact on the environment and local economies.