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Welcome to our 2023 coloured breeds catalogue. Eurogene is proud that we use our knowledge and expertise to work with innovative farmers like you! Our common goal is to produce genetically driven higher quality milk and beef. We are helping you improve the profitability of your herd, through our tailored genetic solutions, by targeting traits that increase revenue and reduce expenses.

Our Expertise, Reliability, Experience and Local team of breeding advisors & AI Technicians Licensed under the Eurogene Field Service Licence makes us the perfect choice for you! We are constantly exploring new advances in bovine genetics to find more efficient, future proofed sustainable solutions. We are aware that you are under increasing time pressure, so why not let us work for you. We are improving the profitability & sustainability of your herd by targeting desirable genetic traits and introducing new technologies. Combining our genetic expertise, reproductive management and a deep understanding of cattle breeding. Ensures that through optimal bovine genetics that your herd produces higher quality milk and meat in a sustainable way.


Full Pedigree

Full pedigree

Milk contains two copies of A2 protein

Suitable for both milk & meat

Scores above average for easy calving

Higher fertility

Scores above average for Health

High type

Produces high milk solids

Suitable for use with automated milking machine

Available as part of our Sexed Ultra programme

Lower than average gestation period

Naturally polled

At Eurogene Ai Services we strive to provide you with the best genetics to improve your animal health and performance.

Power & Strength

High production

Highly Proven

To assist you in your selection process our icons are here to identify the key traits you may be looking for in your herd.

As always our team are available to help you with your future breeding plans and welcome your contact.

Eurogene AI Services is the supplier/seller of semen and does not carry any responsibility for, or liability to the buyer in respect of loss arising from performance or fertility issues, or any other matters which are outside of the direct control of Eurogene. The purchase of semen does not guarantee fertility or conception. Please see our website for terms & conditions.

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