Natrue 05-2013 ita

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Aggiornato o a: Marzo 20 013 – Ulteriorri informazion ni su:

er prod dotti BASF B Cerrtificatti NaTrrue pe All fine di ren ndere più s semplice la a scelta deii materiali, aumentare e le probab bilità e velo ocizzare il processo p pe er la certificazione co ome prodottto cosmettico naturale, Natrue ha h rilasciatto certifica azioni per 47 4 prodotti BA ASF utilizz zati per: o Cosm metici Natura ali o Cosm metici Natura ali con parte e Organica o Cosm metici Organ nici Prrodotti certtificati e BA ASF Eco sttatus: Prrodotti Natu urali:

Prodotti di derivazio one naturale e:

Ce egesoft ® PF FO

Gluadin ® WP Lameform m ® TGI Lamesofft ® OD Lamesofft ® PO 65 Lanette ® E Lanette ® N Lanette ® O Lanette ® 16 Monomuls ® 90-L12 8 Monomuls ® 90-O 18 Myritol ® 312 Myritol ® 318 Myritol ® 331 Plantaca are ® 810 UP P Plantaca are ® 818 UP P Plantaca are ® 1200 UP U Plantaca are ® 2000 UP U Plantasil ® Micro Sulfopon n ® 1216 G Texapon ® ALS Benz z Texapon ® K 30 UP

Ce egesoft ® SB B Co ovi-Ox ® T 90 9 EU C Prrodotti di de erivazione naturale: Ce egesoft ® HF F 52 Ce egesoft ® PS S6 Ce egesoft ® VP P Ce etiol ® C 5 Ce etiol ® LC Ce etiol ® LDO Ce etiol ® MM Ce etiol ® OE Ce etiol ® RLF Ce etiol ® V Cu utina ® CP Cu utina ® FS 45 Cu utina ® GMS S–V Cu utina ® GMS S SE Cu utina ® HVG G De ehymuls ® PGPH P Em mulgade ® PL P 68/50 Eu umulgin ® SG G Eu umulgin ® VL L 75 Eu uperlan ® Grreen Eu utanol ® G Glluadin ® WLM Benz

Prodotti misti: Plantaqu uat ® NC (75% derrived natural, 25% natu ural)

Alth hough all stateme ents and informatio on in this advertise ement are believe ed to be accurate and reliable, they are presented gra atis and for guidan nce only, and riskss and liab bility for results ob btained by use of the t products or ap pplication of the su uggestions describ bed are assumed by the user. The claims c and suppo orting data provide ed in this s publication have e not been evaluatted for compliance e with any jurisdicttion’s regulatory rrequirements and the results reporte ed may not be gen nerally true underr other con nditions or in other matrices. Users must evaluate wh hat claims and info ormation are apprropriate and comp ply with a jurisdictio on’s regulatory req quirements. SE ELLER MAKES NO O WARRANTY OF F ANY KIND, EITH HER EXPRESS OR O IMPLIED, BY FACT F OR LAW, IN NCLUDING WARRANTIES OR ME ERCHANTABILITY Y OR FIT TNESS FOR A PA ARTICULAR PURPOSE

Aggiornato o a: Marzo 20 013 – Ulteriorri informazion ni su:

Ingre edienti BA ASF senza a Certificaz zione NaT True

Prrodotti di de erivazione naturale: Ce egesoft ® HF F 62: Cu utina ® LE De ehymuls ® SML S De ehymuls ® SMS S Glluadin ® Alm mond Benz Glluadin ® R Benz B La anette ® 14 La anette ® 18 La anette ® 22 La anette ® SX Mo onomuls ® 60-35 6 C Te exapon ® K12 G Te exapon ® K12 P

Prodotti misti: naturali + derivati naturali, naturali + organici, derivati naturali + organici Arganyl™ ™ PW 9830 Argatenssyl™ PW Bio o LS 9902 (82% org ganic) Dn-Age™ ™ PW PSE LS L 9827 Elestan PW P LS 9879 Eperuline e PW LS 962 27 Myoxinoll™ Proteasyyl™ PW PSE E LS 8951 Purisoft™ ™ PW PSE LS L 9836 Vit-a-like e™ PW LS 98 898

So ostanze natu urali: Lip pofructyl™ Argan A LS 977 79* Sq quisandryl™

organico o da a coltivazioni selvatiche controllate c *o

Alth hough all stateme ents and informatio on in this advertise ement are believe ed to be accurate and reliable, they are presented gra atis and for guidan nce only, and riskss and liab bility for results ob btained by use of the t products or ap pplication of the su uggestions describ bed are assumed by the user. The claims c and suppo orting data provide ed in this s publication have e not been evaluatted for compliance e with any jurisdicttion’s regulatory rrequirements and the results reporte ed may not be gen nerally true underr other con nditions or in other matrices. Users must evaluate wh hat claims and info ormation are apprropriate and comp ply with a jurisdictio on’s regulatory req quirements. SE ELLER MAKES NO O WARRANTY OF F ANY KIND, EITH HER EXPRESS OR O IMPLIED, BY FACT F OR LAW, IN NCLUDING WARRANTIES OR ME ERCHANTABILITY Y OR FIT TNESS FOR A PA ARTICULAR PURPOSE

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