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Sustainability Strategy and Goals
Eurolinx engaged Cress Consulting to develop a sustainability strategy to guide the continued growth and success of Eurolinx in a sustainable way. A sustainability analysis was completed, including a materiality and stakeholder analysis, peer and competitor benchmarking to develop a sustainability roadmap with key three focus areas: energy use and efficiency, packaging and waste management. Goals were defined:
1. Reduce energy use and carbon emissions across the business
2. Improve visibility over modern slavery risk present in the value chain
3. Transition away from petroleum based plastic packaging wherever possible
4. Divert waste away from landfill through increased recycling
Carbon emissions and reduction opportunities
We found that the majority of direct emissions are related to the fuel consumption of owned vehicles, and indirect emissions coming from purchased electricity and the value chain, particularly with regards to general waste sent to landfill. There are opportunities to increase further energy efficiency, achieve 100% renewable electricity and improve the waste management and packaging at operations for public reporting.
Modern Slavery risks and statement
Preliminary modern slavery risks were identified for Eurolinx operations and supply chains, particularly regarding the type of employment arrangements and suppliers in manufacturing, transport, cleaning, and recycling sector. Manufacturing in China and Turkey represents the highest exposure to modern slavery. The next step is for Eurolinx to complete a comprehensive modern slavery risk assessment and engage suppliers with a Modern Slavery and Trafficking Supplier Questionnaire.