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SAFETY FIRST: Insurer issues warning as garden fire claims soared last year
Data reveals 2022 saw the number of garden fire related claims almost triple compared to 2019
Caravan park owners are being advised to urge residents and guests to take extra care with BBQs, firepits and bonfires following a surge in garden fires. The insurer Admiral has also warned caution when using bio-ethanol weed burners after a number of claims.
Admiral says its data reveals claims for damage caused by garden fires have increased by 178% since 2019. The warm, dry summer of 2022 resulted in a surge of claims, with Admiral recording more last year than in 2020 and 2021 combined.
Admiral’s claims data from the last four years shows May, June and July are the worst months for garden fire related claims with claims in these months increasing by a staggering 496% last year compared to the previous year.
Despite the cool, wet start to the year, the insurer has already registered more garden fire related claims in the first three months of 2023 than the same period in any of the previous four years. It is warning people planning to use barbecues, firepits and pizza ovens to make sure they’re following safety advice, and to never leave fires unattended.
Admiral is also warning people to use caution when using bioethanol weed burners after seeing a number of claims for significant damage in recent years, including an incident where someone accidentally set fire to their shed and fence, and damaged a neighbour’s car. Another case saw an oil tank explode after a fire from a weed burner spread, causing a significant amount of damage to a neighbouring property.
Noel Summerfield, Head of Household at Admiral, said: “Over the last four years, we’ve seen the number of claims for damage caused by garden fires soar, after items like barbecues, firepits and bonfires became increasingly popular during pandemic lockdowns. We thought the numbers might fall in 2022 as people spent less time at home, but in fact the opposite happened. The long, hot summer meant we saw almost three times as many claims as pre-pandemic 2019, and more than the total numbers for 2020 and 2021 combined.
“Our data shows May, June and July are the worst months for garden fires, and last year we saw the number of claims increase during this time by almost 500% compared to 2021.
“We’ve also seen an increasing number of claims related to the use of bioethanol weed burners, with some fires getting out of control and causing a significant amount of damage.”
Here are Admiral’s top tips to avoid fires
• Make sure your bonfire is placed away from buildings, bushes and fences
• Never pour flammable liquid onto a bonfire
• Never burn aerosol cans, batteries, paint tins or furniture containing foam
• Never leave a fire unattended and pour plenty of water on it when you’ve finished BBQs and firepits
• Make sure your BBQ works and is on a flat surface away from any shed, trees and bushes
• Never leave your BBQ or fire pit unattended
• Keep a bucket of water or sand nearby for emergencies
• Keep children and pets away from the area
• Only move BBQs once cool