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The Growing Importance of Technology in the Care Sector
readily available. The issue was that using several different systems gave providers fragmented solutions, with data that could not be synchronised with other software. Data often had to be manually transferred from one system to another, to generate invoices and wages for example, leading to the possibility of error if mistakes were made during the data input and taking up valuable staff time.
The second generation of CMS
Its white paper ‘People at the Heart of Care’ pledged to ensure that at least 80% of social care providers (60% are still paper based) have a digitised care record that can connect to a shared care record in place by March 2024, with £150m of investment promised.
Growing demand
The demand for social care has risen in recent years, with the number of people requesting support from their council returning to pre-pandemic levels whilst vacancies in the sector are rising. At the same time, people are also living longer with multiple or complex needs. These factors mean that providers are experiencing increasing pressure to deliver high-quality care with less resources.
The effect of the Pandemic
The pandemic was a watershed moment for the use of technology in care homes. Facilities which had previously been paper-based were forced to adopt some level of digitisation almost overnight, as family visits took place over Zoom and MS Teams, and patient records had to be sent to medical professionals electronically. The Care Quality Commission also ceased in-person visits, instead requesting information to be sent digitally. It is against this backdrop that the use of technology in care facilities is increasing, as workflow automation was needed to create much-needed efficiencies in the sector at a time when the pandemic had removed some of the fear of ‘going digital’. To begin with, the focus of technology in care homes was on care planning, with residents’ personal details and care plans stored electronically. Care Managers and Shift Leaders were able to amend or add to these care plans giving an accurate record online, rather than a paper file which could be incomplete and/or out of date.
Some care homes also computerised other aspects of their business, utilising programmes for functions such as finance, HR and rotas. These programmes were already being widely used in other sectors, and so were
In recent years the newer generation of Care Management Software (CMS) solutions have encompassed several functions in one system. On the following page, there is a general comparison of the types of CMS currently available, demonstrating how the market has developed in recent years. Some CMS now enable care providers to manage their care planning, staff rota, home diary, and quality assurance on one system, creating greater workflow efficiencies. A recent survey showed that care compliance software (46%) and care planning software (46%) were the most widely adopted digital tools in care services, closely followed by e-learning software (30%). Care Home technology can also have other benefits, with the overwhelming majority of respondents (85%) rating their productivity as seven or higher on a scale of 10 after embracing digital tools; whilst 64% reported a positive impact on staff wellbeing. However, as the comparison chart shows, there is a wide variation in the modules which each product offers, meaning that, until now, there has not been a single holistic solution. This means that, if a provider wishes to digitise all functions of their care home(s), they must purchase several different systems (increasing their costs, losing efficiencies, increasing duplication of tasks/processes) and continue to apply a degree of manual input. This, as previously mentioned, not only takes time but is also prone to failure. The manner in which the existing care planning tools capture data makes applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) and Machine Learning (ML) incredibly difficult.
The latest innovation: A Single EcoSystem
The next generation of CMS must seek to remove this fragmentation, in order that providers can fully automate and digitise their care homes. If data can be structured in a single eco system, the risk of mistakes due to human error is greatly reduced. In addition, increased staff productivity through a reduction in duplication of tasks and general administration reduces pressure on the care team, enabling them to spend more time with the residents. This has a positive effect on both the residents and the staff.
PredicAire is currently the only CMS to be truly holistic, with a single signon ecosystem. It has been shown to improve staff workflow by at least 30% and allow optimal staff allocation, by avoiding duplicative tasks at all levels of the workforce, and seamless integration of the various departments within a care setting.
Watch how PredicAire could help you reimagine your care business
The next step – Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is infiltrating every aspect of our lives. It has been used in other sectors, such as financial services and retail, for many years. But Health and Social Care are behind the curve.
As the demand for care grows and the needs of residents increase, Ai will become increasingly relevant and important in the care sector. With a single ecosystem managing all elements of a care home, the possibility of utilising Ai to deliver predictive and preventative care is around the corner. This does not mean that care will be delivered by robots; rather that it will be possible to collect real-time data on things such as a resident’s vital signs, nutrition, and fluid output, to highlight anomalies and take proactive steps before it becomes more serious. In this way, Ai can help care providers to obtain better outcomes through better data. PredicAire is currently the only CMS to utilise Ai in this manner.
Data synchronising with Healthcare
The final step in the evolution of CMS will be the ability to share data with the NHS for a truly joined up care journey. The NHS Long Term Plan published in 2019 stated that, “data sharing holds huge potential to drive transformation, create efficiencies in care delivery, and improve patient experiences of care.” Providers will soon need to be able to synchronise their CMS with solutions such as Inrupt, which enables encrypted NHS data sharing across platforms. PredicAire is one of very few solutions which is preparing for this.
Read more about PredicAire here
Are you ready to take the next step in your care home’s digital journey?
If so, speak to PredicAire!
The benefits to you and your care business include:
• Competitive advantage through using an award winning holistic CMS
• User friendly and modern interface, ensuring ease of use
• Training at no cost to your business
• Less time spent on administration, more with your residents
• Safer, holistic record keeping
• Better Data means Better Outcomes
• Better Communication with families and staff
• Better Communication and connectivity with the NHS
• Better connectivity across all departments of your care business
• Accurate Staff Records and Audits
• Inspection-ready home
• Affordable - significant Return on Investment