Annual Report 2019 EuroNatur Foundation

Page 47

How your legacy can do good A testament for European nature

Nature is the very foundation on which our lives are built. We all depend on it. This is one of the most important messages to come out of the Corona crisis. Time is of the essence as the biodiversity and climate crises do not pause because of the pandemic. But the political arena, the business world, and society at large lack the resolve to initiate a reversal in these trends in pursuit of a future that offers genuine quality of life. It is therefore all the more important for individuals to provide a counterbalance, to assume responsibility and help shape the world’s future, even beyond their own death. Testamentary gifts and legacy bequests to EuroNatur support the organization’s long-term planning of project activities designed to maintain Europe’s natural heritage. Your assets help us to maintain a Europe where there are free-flowing rivers, pristine forests, diverse cultural landscapes, and sufficient space for wildlife. Testamentary gifts lay a solid foundation for effective nature conservation and thus generate far-reaching prospects for people and nature. EuroNatur Foundation, as a non-profit foundation, is exempt from inheritance tax and gift tax. Any gifted or bequeathed assets can therefore be devoted exclusively to the pursuit of the Foundation’s objectives.

Nature conservation is very important to me, and a sensitive topic. Before I made my will, I had in-depth discussions with Sabine Günther and Gabriel Schwaderer. At EuroNatur I am seen as a human being, not just some number. I have a very good feeling about this.

Dr. med. Ulrike Hurler included EuroNatur in her will.

Are you too thinking about considering EuroNatur in your will? If you would like to find out more about this issue please get in touch with us. Your contact: Sabine Günther,, Fon + 49 (0) 7732 / 92 72 17

Photo: Kerstin Sauer - European spindle tree (Euonymus europaeus)

Annual Report 2019


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