Wildwood Process Book

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Wi l d w o o d F u r n i t u r e

C o m pa n y

Process Book Prepared by Europa Babbini

Adrift Essence Creekside Driftwood Wildwood

Cascade Chisel Cedar and Saw Hew and Hemlock Northwest Upcycled Foraged Woodworks Second Cut Furniture Scrub Jay Furniture Co. Rootstock Refurbishing Driftwood Refurbishing Sasquatch Woodworking Lone Madrone Woodworks Cascade Wood Reclamation Cascade Furniture Company Counterbalance Woodworking

This locally owned and operated woodworking company values its craft above all. Master woodworkers transform reclaimed wood into functional, timeless pieces. The new name needed to stay true to the company’s values and touch upon either material, process, or location. Wildwood Furniture Company communicates material sourcing as well as the end product—furniture.

i d e n t i t y


The moodboards were a collaborative effort between the client and designer in an effort to explore visual and typographic languages. The graphic language images evoked a personal experience with nature and a hint of nostalgia. Abstract, organic, and fluid shapes were prevalent. The typographic languages explored were handwritten and sans serif. The handwritten touches alluded to the importance of craft, while the sans serif lent an air of modernity and sleekness. Worn textures communicated a rustic feel.

V i s u a l

L a n g u a g e

Wi l d w o o d F u r n i t u r e

C o m pa n y

The client noted that their products were sleek, with a hint of whimsy. The serif and sans serifs explored had lighter weights to reflect this. The display fonts were very much statement pieces, and quickly eliminated.

t y p o g r a p h y

The initial design focused on two approaches: monogram as logo and as a badge. The driving force behind these ideas was that they could be deconstructed and translated to branded marks on the bottom of a furniture piece. Badges insinuate authenticity and allude to outdoor gear and durability. Furniture as structure informed the choice of containers, which acted as a stabilizing anchor for an otherwise chaotic mark.

r o u n d

o n e

The abstracted woodgrain texture added dimension. Using this texture as part of the mark itself organically allowed the mark to exist independently, whereas using the texture as a secondary, separate element made it more of a decoration.

The final mark is a pair of W’s, one upside and the other is flipped vertically. It is subtle enough that initially it seems like an abstract object. The company’s name is built into the core of the shape. An altered driftwood texture and a distressed texture were applied to a couple of the iterations.

r o u n d

t w o


The primary mark is the solid double W. The distressed pattern touches upon the crafted and unique nature of the products. The red ombre on the primary mark is dynamic yet rustic.

p r i m a r y

m a r k s

These banners were originally designed for print use, such as in magazines or stationary. They can easily be repurposed for use online, either on the main website, or as banner ads on other sites. The new tagline, “Bringing the outside in� is featured without the logo in order to avoid brand overload.

b a n n e r s

Traditional woodworking tools are repurposed into icons. These icons can be used on a website for navigation. They can also be used on small-scale promotional materials such as postcards or pamphlets as minor accent elements.

s e c o n d a r y

i c o n s

Cool Mud




The color system chosen is grounded in nature. The colors are purposefully muddy to in order to stay true to a natural palette as well as avoid being distracting from the marks themselves. The colors enhance and reflect the new brand system,.

c o l o r

s y s t e m

Telegrafico 2:1 Head:Subhead Ratio

Wi l d w o o d F u r n i t u r e

C o m pa n y

Iowan Old Style Roman Body Text

The Wildwood brand embraces the “neo-localism� movement with both material and process. Focused on craft, sustainability, and functionality, Wildwood aims to create works of art.

Iowan Old Style Italic Subhead and Tagline

Integrating local, reclaimed material into your home has never looked so good.

The crisp, angular form of the Telegrafico typeface works well as Wildwood’s primary display font. Iowan Old Style serif font is a classic style serif font that balances out Telegrafico.

The Wildwood company website is designed with ease of use and simplicity in mind. The company name is featured prominently, with the primary mark made into a pattern texture. The tool icons correspond with each of the section pages. Standard social media icons sit just below the navigation bar to encourage the visitor to interact further with the company beyond the website. A product display slider automatically showcases the latest pieces from Wildwood. In the gallery, Each piece has a large feature image, two secondary images, and a description.

w e b s i t e

Advertising opportunities can be explored in both regional magazines such as

Portland Monthly and 1859 , as well as specialty and lifestyle magazines like Dwell

and Country Living. The magazine ad features a large image and one of the banners with a call to action below.

m a g a z i n e

The business items are printed on recycled materials to stay true to the core value of sustainability. The banner format lends itself to the shape of item tags and business cards. Each includes the primary mark as a quick brand recognition cue.

b u s i n e s s

m a t e r i a l s

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