Annual Report 2011

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Annual Report 2011

EUROPEAN DISABILITY FORUM European Disability Forum | Annual Report 2011 - 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS p 4 p 5 p 6 p 8 p 10 p 11

Who we are Structure Members Executive and Board Members Secretariat Finances

p 12 EDF’s work p 14 UN Convention: time for implementation p 16 State of the Union on disability p 18 The impact of the crisis p 20 We want freedom of movement p 22 We want equal access to transport p 24 We want equal access to goods and services p 26 Disability in Europe 2020 p 28 Non-discrimination and independent living p 30 The disability movement is buiding key partnerships p 32 Our target groups p 33 Easy to read

This publication is also available in alternative formats upon request. This publication is supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity – PROGRESS (2007-2013) Editorial and publication coordination: Aurélien Daydé and Lila Sylviti Graphic design: Aurore de Boncourt

who we are The voice of persons with disabilities in Europe An independent NGO





• The European Disability Forum is an independent NGO that represents the interests of 80 million Europeans with disabilities


We are peRSONS with disabilities • EDF is the only European platform run by persons with disabilities and their families

elects every 4 years

The front runners for disability rights


• EDF was created in 1996 by its member organisations to make sure decisions concerning persons with disabilities are taken with and by persons with disabilities

elects every 4 years



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EDF members: a wide network 54 Full members 29 national councils • Austria Austrian National Council of Disabled Persons (öAR) • Belgium Belgian Disability Forum (BDF) • Bulgaria National Council of People with Disabilities in Bulgaria (NCDPB) • Cyprus Cyprus Confederation of Organizations of the Disabled (CCOD) • Czech Republic Czech National Disability Council (CNDC) • Denmark Disabled Peoples Organisations Denmark (DH) • Estonia The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People (EPIK) • Finland Finnish Disability Forum (FDF) • France French Council of Disabled People for European Affairs (CFHE) • Germany German Disability Council (DBR) • Greece National Confederation of Disabled People (ESAEA) • Hungary National Council of Federations of People with Disabilities (FESZT) • Iceland The Organisation of Disabled in Iceland (ÖBI) • Ireland Disability Federation Ireland (DFI) • Italy Italian Disability Forum (FID) • Latvia The Latvian Umbrella Body for Disability Organisations (SUSTENTO) • Lithuania Lithuanian National Forum of the Disabled (LNF) • Luxembourg Luxembourg National Disability Council (Info Handicap) • Malta Malta Federation of Organisations of Persons with Disability (MFOPD) • Netherlands National Disability Council of the Netherlands (VGPN) • Norway National Disability Council of Norway (FFO) • Poland Polish Disability Forum (PDF) • Portugal National Confederation of Organisations of Disabled People (CNOD) • Romania National Disability Council (CNDR) • Slovakia Slovak Disability Council (NROZP) • Slovenia Nacionalni svet invalidskih organizacij Slovenije (NSIOS) • Spain Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (CERMI) • Sweden The Swedish Disability Federation (HSO) • United Kingdom and Northern Ireland United Kingdom Disabled People Council (UKDPC) 25 European NGOS • Action Européenne des Handicapés (AEH) • Autism-Europe • Brain Injured & Families - European Confederation (BIF-EC) • Cerebral Palsy – European Communities Association (CP-ECA) • Disabled Peoples’ International Europe (DPI-Europe) • DEBRA-International • European Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Association (EAMDA) • European Association of Cochlear Implant Users (EURO-CIU) • European Blind Union (EBU/Union européenne des Aveugles (UEA) • European Cooperation in Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy (ECCE) • European Deafblind Network (EDbN) • European Deafblind Union (EDBU)

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• European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA) • European Dyslexia Association (EDA) • European Federation of Hard of Hearing (EFHOH) • European Federation of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children (FEPEDA) • European Kidney Patients’ Association (CEAPIR) • European League of Stuttering Associations (ELSA) • European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP) • European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) • European Union of the Deaf (EUD) • Inclusion Europe • International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability (FIMITIC) • International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IF) • Retina Europe

14 Ordinary member NGOs • Association Internationale Aphasie (AIA) • Association de Recherche et de Formation sur l’Insertion en Europe (ARFIE) • Confederation of European Firms Initiatives and Cooperatives for Psychically Disabled People (CEFEC) • Design for All Europe (EIDD) • Eucrea International (EUCREA) • European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) • European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) • European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) • European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) • European Paralympic Committee (EPC) • European Parkinson Disease Association (EPDA) • European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) • Mental Health Europe-Santé Mentale Europe (MHE-SME) • Workability Europe (WE)

5 Observer members • Albanian National Council of Disabled People (ANCDP) • National Council of Disability Organisations of FYROM (NSIOM) • National Organisation of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS) • Confederation of the Disabled Turkey in 2012 (CDT) • Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities in Croatia (SOIH)

31 Associate members

Albanian Disabled People Association (ADPA) • Associazione Famiglie Audiolesi (AFA) • Associazione Nazionale Mutilati ed Invalidi Civili (ANMIC) • Associazione per il Tempo Libero dei Disabili (ATHLa ONLUS) • CBM EU Liaison Office • Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE) • Dacherband der Steirischen Behindertenhilfe (DSBH) • Ente Nazionale per la protezione e l’assistenza dei Sordi (ENS) • Equality and Human Rights Commission • European Academy of Yuste Foundation • European Federation of Hereditary Ataxias (EURO-ATAXIA) • European Ostomy Association (EOA) • Euro Psy Rehabilitation • European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (ESCIF) • Fundación ONCE • Gelijke Rechten voor iedere Persoon met een handicap (GRIP) • The Guide Dog for the Blind Association (GDBA) • Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs (HBSO) • Hungarian Association with Persons with a Mental Handicap (EFOESZ) • Hungarian Disability Forum (HDF) • Inclusion Scotland • International Association for Handicapped Divers (IAHD) • International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) • Landmine Survivors Initiatives (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (LSNBIH) • Leonard Cheshire Disability • Le Ricochet • National Commission Persons with Disability (NCPD) • Nordic Federation for associations of Disabled/ Nordiska Handikapp Förbundet (NHF) • Plain-Pied asbl • Royal National Institute for the Deaf and hard of hearing people (RNID) • Union of Disabled People in Bulgaria (UDPB) European Disability Forum | Annual Report 2011 - 7


NCPD Greece

Erzsebet Földesi | VICE PRESIDENT FESTZT Hungary

Donata Vivanti | VICE PRESIDENT Autism Europe

Pekka Tuominen | TREASURER

FDF Finland

Rodolfo Cattani | SECRETARY EBU

Alain Faure

Ingrid Körner

| CFHE France

| Inclusion Europe

Erik Olsen | ENUSP

Stig Langvad | DH Denmark


Gunta Ancazi

Karin Brünger

Constantinos EFREM

John Evans

Ingemar Färm

Athena Frangoulie



| CCOD Cyprus in 2012


| HSO Sweden


Board members Ana Peláez | CERMI Spain

John Patrick Clarke | EDSA

Miguel Angel Garcia Ocazi

Giampero Griffo

Satü Jarviö

Krasimir Kocev

| FID Italy


| NCDPB Bulgaria

Niels Anton Svendsen

Andrej Szalach

Josée Van Remoortel


| PDF Poland



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Klaus Lachwitz | DBR Germany

Branislav Mamojka

Gisèle Marlièree

Pierre Mertens

Thoomas Mihkelson

Jean- Luc Simone

| NROZP Slovakia

| BDF Belgium

| IF

| EPIK Estonia


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35 square de Meeûs - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Tel +32 2 282 46 00 - Fax +32 2 282 46 09 e-mail -

Carlotta Besozzizi

Javier Güemes

| Director

| Deputy Director


(Acting Director in 2011)



Costs financed outside EU General costs Small projects costs Etienne Cuche

Muriel DaVia

Aurélien Daydé

Guillaume Dufresne

Simona Giarratano

| European Parliament Officer

| Finance Officer

| Communication and media officer

| Transport and Mobility Officer

| Policy Officer

International Disability Alliance costs

56 681,71 € 44 401,65 € 1 022 115,95 €

Total 1 123 199,31 € Operating costs Staff 662 408,98 € Travel and subsistence

305 734,17 €


167 084,44 €

Administration An Sofie Leenknecht

Virginie Niyonzima

Nadège Riche

| Human Rights Officer

| Assistant to the Director

| Policy Officer

We thank for their longstanding commitment to EDF : Janina Arsenjeva, Maria Nyman, Ewa Pawlowska

10 - European Disability Forum | Annual Report 2011

Lila Sylviti

Ann Vervaecke

| Communications officer

| Events Organiser

(replaced Aurélien Daydé from October 2012)

We had 3 enthousiastic trainees: Charlotte May, Agnès Chamayou, Alex Lawson

221 719,75 €

Total 1 356 947,34 € TOTAL 2 480 146,65 €

EC Grant

965 000 €

Membership fees Membership contribution to governing bodies

219 848,77 € 71 013,49 €

Travel refund

21 288,49 €

Contributions for small projects - ETSI, eAccessibility, Atis4all, Vodafone foundation Smart Accessibility Awards, Fundación ONCE, IDA- compensation for admin, use of the reserve

171 369,83 €

International Disability Alliance income

1 022 115,95 €

TOTAL 2 470 636,53 €

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2011 EDF’s WORK

UN Convention: time for implementation p 14

State of the Union on disability p 16

The impact of the crisis p 18

We want freedom of movement p 20 We want equal access to transport p 22 We want equal access to goods and services p 24

Disability in Europe 2020 p 26

Non-discrimination and independent living p 28

the disability movement is buiding key partnerships p 30

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A word from the President 2011 has been an important year for the European Disability movement. The entry into force of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the adoption of the Disability Strategy finally give a legal and policy framework to the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe. The State of the Union on disability was also a great highlight: the three Presidents of the EU met the disability movement in order to discuss how to raise the profile of disability and human rights in the EU agenda. This was the recognition that EDF, in its 15th anniversary, has become the interlocutor of the European Union regarding the rights of persons with disabilities. From the outside, Europe offers increased opportunities for citizens to work, study and live outside their own country. Yet despite improvements, accepting a job abroad, taking the benefit of an Erasmus grant, catching a plane or a train, visiting a museum, shopping or going to a restaurant is almost impossible for the 15% of the EU population that has a disability with important consequences also for families and friends. That is why in 2011 we launched our campaign on freedom of movement: a pillar of the European treaties which is far from being a reality for us. The ultimate goal of this campaign is that the EU adopts a binding legislation with a broad scope: the European Accessibility Act. EDF was also part of the Access Denied Campaign calling on the European Commission to adopt legislation on accessibility of public websites and websites providing services to the public.

2011 was also a very turbulent year with the crisis having devastating effects on the economic, political and social structures that have been built in our societies over the last decades. The cuts in the national budgets directly affected persons with disabilities. We have denounced current austerity measures adopted by Member States which may lead to an increase of people experiencing social exclusion in Europe. EDF created a monitoring tool: the EDF observatory on the impact of the economic crisis on the rights of persons with disabilities. This helped us monitor, through the collection of adequate examples, the impact of the measures taken by EU member states, European Union and International financial institutions. EDF was also active to ensure the inclusion of inclusive measures in the main flagships and goals of Europe 2020. In 2011 the WHO officially announced that 1 billion persons have a disability in the world. Above the fight for human rights at European level, EDF contributed to building the International Disability Alliance (IDA). The implementation of the CRPD at all levels requires a united voice of organisations of persons with disabilities. EDF has supported the administration of IDA and has shared its advocacy expertise with other regional organisations. Yannis Vardakastanis

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UN Convention: time for implementation January 2011: Entry into force of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the European Union

What happened in 2011: We have worked to make sure the disability movement is part of the framework that will promote, protect and monitor the implementation of the Convention. It is necessary to guarantee the close and active involvement of persons with disabilities and their representative organisations. EDF campaigned for the conclusion of the Optional Protocol by the EU. EDF is building the world wide network of organisations of persons with disabilities with the International Disability Alliance: EDF contributed to the 2nd European Commission Work Forum on the Implementation of the CRPD.

Often labeled as the first international human rights treaty of the 21st century, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has the potential of significantly changing the lives of many people. The WHO says that 1 billion persons live with a disability in the world. In Europe this group represents 15% of the population with many excluded from fully participating in the economic, social, and political lives of their communities.

It is a historical moment: the European Union has now to implement the CRPD

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State of the Union on disability Disability on top of the EU agenda: the first time an organisation gathered the three EU Presidents The first State of the Union on Disability was organised in Brussels on December 6th 2011 . Hosted by President José Manuel Barroso, this historic meeting gathered all the Presidents of the EU institutions and a delegation of the leaders of the disability movement.

Yannis Vardakastannis,

José Manuel Barroso,

President of the European Disability Forum:

President of the European Commission:

“The State of the Union on Disability is a unique opportunity for the EU leaders to put in place all the necessary policies and measures to make the European Institutions work for the real protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities..”

“The current crisis shouldn’t prevent us from advancing in the implementation of the UN Convention. There won’t be any postponed legislation because of this crisis.”

Jerzy Buzek,

Van Rompuy,

President of the European Parliament:

President of the European Council:

“I am calling for the conclusion of the Optional Protocol by the European Council”

“When we discuss macroeconomic policy, we tend to forget the concrete situation of persons with disabilities.” Therefore EDF requested to have a presentation at the European Council about the effects of the economic crisis: a social way out of the crisis is possible”

EDF brought a series of proposals and welcomes the commitments and positive response that came out of the meeting:

how to improve the lives of 80 million Europeans with disabilities and to guarantee their rights and freedom of movement

• EDF participation to one meeting of the college of Commissioners • the involvement of EDF in one of the meetings of the European Commission General Directors in to ensure the horizontal implementation of the UN Convention • the European Parliament of persons with disabilities in 2012, widely supported by President Buzek and by MEP Adam Kosa, President of the Disability Intergroup. EDF President have also met with President Barroso and Vice President Reding ahead of the State of the Union.

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The impact of the crisis a hard time for Europeans with disabilities The current economic, social and political policies adopted by Member States and the EU lead to an increase in the number of persons with disabilities experiencing social exclusion.

The economic crisis in the EU is having devastating effects on the economic, political and social structures that have been built in our societies over the last decades. Despite the fact that European Union’s Europe 2020 strategy has made social inclusion 1 of the 3 pillars bringing Europe out the crisis, EDF deplores that current economic, social and political policies adopted by Member States and the EU lead to social exclusion in Europe and calls for a real inclusive strategy to bring Europe out of the crisis. We created a monitoring tool: the EDF observatory on the impact of the economic crisis on the rights of persons with disabilities. This monitors, through the collection of adequate examples by the European disability movement, the measures taken by EU member states, European Union institutions and international financial institutions EDF has worked with the European Commission so that the European Day of Persons with Disabilities focuses on the effect of the crisis.


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We want freedom of movement Freedom of movement is one of the cornerstones of the European construction

EDF produced the Freedom Guide: to provide a disability understanding of the freedoms recognised by the Treaty of the European Union and the important barriers faced by persons with disabilities.

How accessible does Europe want to be?

• persons with disabilities • academics • and experts give their vision on how to design a European Accessibility Act. They talk about freedom. The European Disability Strategy 2012 – 2020 includes a step in the right direction: the European Accessibility Act. The Freedom Guide gives the right vision and provides expertise to support the EU in designing a strong European Accessibility Act.

Thanks to the free movement principles, millions of European citizens have been able to work, establish themselves, study and travel abroad and have easy access to goods and services in all corners of Europe. This is a fantastic achievement but the reverse side of the coin is that 80 million Europeans with disabilities cannot fully enjoy or benefit from this freedoms due to a number of barriers.

Accessibility for persons with disabilities must be at the core of freedom of movement: free movement of persons and equal access to goods and services

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We want equal access to transport We are working to improve our journeys by plane, bus, train, boat, taxi and cars

What we achieved in 2011: Plane We participated in the working group on disabled air passengers of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). EDF raised awareness in the EU media about the obstacles passengers with disabilities face everyday when travelling by plane.

Bus We produced a toolkit on the implementation of the passengers rights regulations. EDF adopted a joint position with AGE for the New Passengers Forum

Rail EDF contributes to the Rail Passenger Working Group of CER (Community of European Railway), UIC (International Union of Railway), and ERA (European Railway Agency).

Road EDF cooperated with International Road Union (IRU) to produce guidelines on how taxi drivers can better meet the needs of passengers with disabilities.

EDF adopted a public position in favour of the creation of a European Mobility Card

EDF met with Commissioner for Transport and Vice President of the European Commission Siim Kallas.

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We want equal access to goods and services The internal market must be accessible to persons with disabilities

What we did in 2011: EDF has launched the Access Denied campaign (with AGE, ANEC and EBU): a campaign to have accessible website through EU legislation. EDF worked with the European standardization organisation to : • improve the access to technologies • improve the access to the built environment • mainstream design for all EDF has worked with AGE and the Vodafone Foundation on the Smart Accessibility Awards for an accessible Internet mobile. Access city award In 2011, EDF was involved in the jury to reward the Austrian City of Salzburg.

By taking into consideration the needs of users with disabilities, legislation supported by standardization encourages equal access and avoids exclusion

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Disability in Europe 2020 Disability is a cross cutting issue

What we did: EDF monitored the EU disability strategy 2010 - 2020 EDF mainstreamed disability in the EU social agenda:

Employment EDF raised awareness on the discrimination of persons with disabilities in the access to work and training.

Education EDF mainstreamed the issues of school drop-out and showed why all education policies have to be inclusive.

Social Services EDF ensured persons with disabilities are involved in the definition of high quality of social services.

We believe that the mainstreaming of disability in general policy framework is the most cost-effective way to create an inclusive society

What we have asked the EU : The social inclusion of persons with disabilities at European and National Level.

The revision of the European legilsation, ensuring it complies with the UN Convention.

A real cooperation between the EU institutions to implement the UN Convention.

The use of European funds to promote community living.

EDF worked with EU Institutions, European bodies and International organisations

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nondiscrimination & independent living EDF fights all discrimination based on disability

EDF Has been active with the Council of the EU for a horizontal anti-discrimination directive protecting persons with disabilities outside of employment

EDF defended the rights of persons with disabilities: • through third parties interventions before the European Court of Human Rights: - against Croatia concerning hate crime against a youngster with disabilities - against France about forced sterilization of women with intellectual disabilities • together with IDA through submissions on information on the human rights situation of persons with disabilities to the CRPD Committee

• with the British Court of Appeal providing a third party intervention on the issue of compensation to disabled air passengers for refusal of assistance EDF is working to promote the rights of persons with disabilities to live independently in the community. Together with the European expert group on transition from institutional to community based care, EDF fights against abuse and segregation of persons with disabilities focusing on the implementation of the EU structural funds.

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The disability movement is building key partnerships In 2010, EDF focused on improving the participation of young persons with disabilities within the movement

EDF is a member of: • The European Women’s Lobby • The International Disability Alliance • The Social Platform • The EESC liaison group with the European civil society organisations

EDF works closely with: The European Trade Union Confederations (ETUC) EDF organised a joint conference: together for a more inclusive labour market The European Foundation Center (EFC) EDF is a member of the European Consortium on Human Rights and Disability

The European Lotteries Through a cooperation agreement to develop and promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society

The Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) The European Quality in Social Services (EQUASS)

Maastricht University EDF sponsors the first Chair of European Disability Law, at Maastricht University

EDF runs the Secretariat of the European Parliament Disability Intergroup

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Our target groups EDF wants the disability movement to be inclusive Women with disabilities EDF has produced the 2nd Manifesto on the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities in the European Union.

Youth EDF worked to improve access to universities for students with disabilities in cooperation with: The European Youth Forum European Student Network (ESN) The Network of Universities from the Capital of Europe (UNICA) Exchangeability

easy to read Easy-to-read is one of the accessible information formats along with large print, Braille and audio recordings. It is mostly used by people with intellectual disabilities, as well as other groups like older people and speakers of other languages. Sentences are short and simple, using words which are easy to understand. The design is clear and avoids complicated page settings.

Persons who require more intensive support EDF ensured that all positions from the disability movement are inclusive of persons who require more intensive support. EDF members also organised a training for the staff to highlight the main issues and how to best address them.

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p 12



The European Disability Forum is an organisation of people with disabilities in Europe. It works to protect the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe. In short, we call it EDF. EDF was created by persons with disabilities in 1996. EDF is the link between persons with disabilities and people who make laws. EDF believes that a fair society includes persons with disabilities.

In 2011, EDF focused on different topics. In the next pages, you will read about these topics. p 14-15 The United Nations Convention

p 6 -10 EDF MEMBERS EDF has many members. There are also organisations of persons with disabilities. Some of them are big and some others are smaller. Some of these organisations represent people with a certain type of disability, for example intellectual disability. On page 6 and 7 of this booklet, there is a list of all EDF members. On page 8 and 9 you will see pictures of people who take decisions for EDF. On page 10, you will see pictures of the people who work at the office of EDF in Brussels. You will also find information on how to contact these people. p 11

The United Nations is a big world organisation. It suggests laws for countries all around the world. The United Nations proposed a law to make things better for persons with disabilities. We call this law the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The European Union is a group of countries in Europe which came together to make things better for their people. In 2010, the European Union agreed to use the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities This was an important step. However, they are still far from putting this law into practice. Governments in Europe should work together with persons with disabilities and their organisations to put this law into practice. The International Disability Alliance is an organisation that defends the rights of persons with disabilities around the world. In short, we call it IDA. EDF works with IDA to make sure that the Convention becomes a reality.

FINANCES In 2011, EDF spent almost as much money as it received. The money came from the European Commission and the members of EDF. EDF also received money for special projects and IDA, a word organisation of persons with disabilities. EDF spent this money on meetings and other activities. These activities were done to promote the rights of persons with disabilities.

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p 16-17

p 20-21



In December 2011, EDF had a very important meeting. This meeting was called ‘State of the Union’. In this meeting, EDF met the presidents of the 3 most important European institutions. European institutions are bodies that make the decisions for the European Union. Together we discussed how to make things better for persons with disabilities in Europe. We also agreed to have other meetings in 2012 to check if things are getting better for persons with disabilities in Europe.

People who live in the European Union have the right to move, live and work in any country of the European Union. This right is called freedom of movement.

p 18-19 THE IMPACT OF THE ECONOMIC CRISIS Last years were hard for Europe. Because of the economic crisis, European governments have less money to spend for people in Europe. They often take decisions to cut the support for their citizens. That has a big impact also on the lives of persons with disabilities. With less support, it is even more difficult for persons with disabilities to live in the community and enjoy the same rights as everyone. EDF checks what effect the crisis has on the lives of persons with disabilities in Europe. EDF asks persons with disabilities and their organisations from different countries in Europe to talk about the changes they have in their lives because of the crisis.

In 2011, EDF had a campaign to promote the freedom of movement of persons with disabilities. That means that persons with disabilities should be able to move, live and work in the European Union just like anyone else. It also means that in any country of the European Union, they should be able to use the same goods and services as any other person with disabilities from that country. EDF made a guide to show how to make Europe more accessible for persons with disabilities. For that, Europe needs a strong law. That law will be called the European Accessibility Act. p 22-23 TRANSPORT People can travel from one country to another. Persons with disabilities should also be able to do that. For this, transport in all countries must be accessible. For example, planes, buses, trains, taxis and others. In 2011, EDF talked about the difficulties that persons with disabilities have when travelling. EDF also had many meetings to discuss how to make it easier for persons with disabilities to travel in Europe.

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p 24-25

p 28-29



Inside the European Union people can easily buy and sell goods and services from one country to another. Persons with disabilities should be able to use, buy or sell these goods and services like anyone else.

Persons with disabilities can be treated badly because of their disability. Here are some examples of bad behaviour towards persons with disabilities. Recently, in Croatia a young person with disabilities was treated badly. In France, women with intellectual disabilities had against their will an operation which made it impossible for them to ever have children. Passengers with disabilities can also have troubles when travelling. They may not get proper help.

EDF had a campaign to make the websites accessible for persons with disabilities. EDF worked together with other organisations to make computers, mobile phones, buildings and other goods and services accessible for persons with disabilities.

EDF worked to protect persons with disabilities from such unfair treatment. EDF wants to make sure that this will not happen again in the future. EDF wants to make sure that persons with disabilities will be able to live in the community and enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

p 26-27 EUROPE 2020

P. 30-31

The European Union has a plan to make things better for everyone in Europe. This plan is called ‘Europe 2020’. The plan runs until2020. EDF worked to make sure that persons with disabilities benefit from this plan.


EDF showed the difficulties persons with disabilities have to find work. EDF also showed why it is important that students with disabilities go to schools together with students without disabilities.

EDF has partnerships with different organisations. Some of them are European organisations and some others are world organisations.

Finally, EDF made sure that persons with disabilities have a say in what services are good for them. EDF asked the European Union to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities, to respect the Convention of the United Nations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to spend money on helping persons with disabilities to live in the community.

Together, they work to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.

EDF works together with other organisations. We call this a partnership.


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Women are often left out or treated differently just because they are women. Women with disabilities are more likely to be treated unfairly than other women because of their disability. EDF wrote a text about how to protect the rights of women and girls with disabilities in Europe. EDF also worked with many organisations to make sure that young people with disabilities can go to university like anyone else. European Disability Forum | Annual Report 2011 - 39

EUROPEAN DISABILITY FORUM 35 square de Mee没s 1000 Brussels - Belgium Tel +32 2 282 46 00 Fax +32 2 282 46 09

40 - European Disability Forum | Annual Report 2011

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