15 Years European Film Promotion

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1997 2012






EUROPE LOVES CINEMA Aviva Silver Head of Unit of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union

The MEDIA Programme has supported European cinema for the last 20 years. In particular, it encourages initiatives like European Film Promotion (EFP) that help to promote the rich variety of talents, stories and emotions that are at the heart of European cinema. EFP has long been a cornerstone of European support for European cinema. Promoting European audiovisual works with professionals and the audience is a key part of the MEDIA programme’s support for transnational circulation. The launch of MEDIA Mundus this year has extended this action beyond European borders, following EFP’s pioneering initiatives in Asian and American important markets. I am happy to announce that the European Commission recently adopted the new “Creative Europe” programme, which proposes significant additional funding for MEDIA in the next seven-year budget period, starting 2014. This comes as very good news as we celebrate two special anniversaries – 20 years of MEDIA and, this year, the 15th birthday of EFP. The promotion of transnational circulation of films and professionals and the transnational development of audience for European film is one of the four specific objectives of our new Creative Europe programme. It will enable us to expand support for the marketing, branding and distribution of European films on all platforms, including cinema, television, online platforms and festivals. I am confident that EFP will continue to be a key building block in the context of our policy. MEDIA is proud to support European Film Promotion and wishes them the best of success in the coming years.

15th ANNIVERSARY OF EUROPEAN FILM PROMOTION Androulla Vassiliou European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Youth

World cinema is extraordinarily diverse. Today, new distribution platforms increase opportunities to discover films from around the world. They also provide an opportunity to encourage and promote European cultural diversity. This is embodied in initiatives such as European Film Promotion, which complements the work of national bodies dedicated to the promotion and export of films. EFP has long been a cornerstone of European action in favour of European cinema, in the context of the MEDIA Programme. This year marks a special milestone since it is the 20th anniversary of the MEDIA Programme. Over the years, the MEDIA Programme has kept pace with evolving challenges in the film industry, like those brought about by new technologies and globalisation. As a complement to its actions within Europe, the EU launched the ’MEDIA Mundus’ Programme in 2011 to encourage international cooperation in co-productions and worldwide distribution of films, helping to promote our works and talent beyond European frontiers. Promoting European films and talent and making the full range of European cinema – from great art to pure entertainment – available and accessible to our fellow citizens is a key consideration for the European Union. We have facilitated the development and distribution of thousands of films, as well as supporting festivals and training activities in this vibrant environment. Creative talent forms the core of the audiovisual industry, and the actions of EFP help to bring European talent, stories, and films to the all corners of our continent and beyond.

CREATING A UNITED EUROPE OF CINEMA Prof. Barbara Kisseler Minister of Culture, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Helping to shape Europe is a difficult thing. It is quite arduous trying to raise people’s awareness about the necessity for resolving globalised problems and conflicts constructively through common action. In a culturally heterogeneous continent like Europe, the (often conflicting) interests of individuals may develop a momentum that is harmful for the European idea as a whole. Being able to breathe life into this idea convincingly is something that requires great skill: the skill to develop something unifying against individual interests in a credible way. European Film Promotion has had this capability from the beginning. The association has not only managed in its first 15 years of existence to successfully take European cinema into the whole world, but has also succeeded – in a setup with the character of a real experiment – in creating a “United Europe of Cinema” with members from meanwhile 33 European states – and all of this in a very short time. And nobody could claim that the price for this was a levelling of cultural life or cultural specificities. In fact, it is more correct to say that quite different national cultures have come together in this European community without any aspect of cultural identity having to be surrendered or even lost. The fact that this was possible is due, in particular, to the association’s managing director Renate Rose and her team. They have all made something small into a great example, and an example for the big players as well.

CONGRATULATIONS! Bernd Neumann Minister of State for Culture and the Media

33 European countries have joined forces under the umbrella of European Film Promotion to market their films within Europe and beyond and to organise successful projects and events. In short, to exemplify a veritable “European Union”. European Film Promotion has succeeded during its 15 years of existence in establishing an efficient network for the promotion of European cinema – congratulations! The promotion of the up-and-coming generation – directors, young creative producers and actors – is a matter of great concern for this network. The honouring of the SHOOTING STARS during the Berlinale is meanwhile not only a nice tradition, but also proves to be a highlight again with each new year! I have often had the great pleasure of welcoming these young actors onto the stage of the Berlinale Palast. Former SHOOTING STARS include Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Melanie Laurent, Moritz Bleibtreu, Daniel Brühl, Andrea Riseborough and many others – world stars who now inspire and influence filmmaking on an international level. My ministry has been supporting the work of European Film Promotion for many years, and I have a high regard for the commitment and creativity of the organisers. I wish every success in the future for this network, which is so important for European cinema.

European Film Promotion Office ;g^ZYZchVaaZZ &)"&+ '',+* =VbWjg\ <ZgbVcn



BEGINNINGS In 1996, the stars aligned, the

and marketability of their films. At

Austrian Film Commission (Martin

time was right, and a new idea was

the same time, after eight years


born. There had been a growing

of supporting the distribution of

Finance (Simon Perry), German Films

realization that “European cinema”,

European films, efdo (European

(Christian Dorsch), Flanders Image

a collaborative label, could be

Film Distribution Office) closed its

(Rita Goegebeur), Greek Film Centre

of great value in promoting and

doors, as the MEDIA Programme

(Voula Georgakakou), Holland Film

marketing the beautiful cinematic

was restructured, leaving behind a

(Claudia Landsberger), Scandinavian

gems from Europe’s culturally rich

wealth of know-how and a European-

Films (Jan Erik Holst), Swiss Films

countries. The MEDIA Programme

wide network in its wake.

(Kathrin Müller), Unifrance (Bruno

was instrumental in developing this

This was fertile ground for the

Berthemy) and Wallonie Bruxelles

concept of a “European network”,

development of a new initiative in


and had supported joint initiatives

promotion and marketing. And as

Landsberger, Christian Dorsch and








a number of the larger European

Bruno Berthemy were elected to the

of European films. That year, a

countries, such as Germany, France

Board of Directors and Renate Rose

number of promotion organisations

and the UK, expressed their support

was hired as Managing Director.



and joined the growing ranks, it


countries took the first steps in

became evident that the time was

Members, the group grew rapidly. As

collaborating on joint promotional

right to formalize the idea. On

the doors to the East were opened,

activities at the Cannes International

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countries from the new “unified”

Film Festival. There was no formal

International Film Festival, European

Europe also petitioned to join. Today,

organisational structure – it was

Film Promotion (EFP) was founded

15 years later, from the original

simply a group of people sharing



group of ten, EFP has expanded to

the same aim: to develop tools

export organisations. The founding

comprise 32 individual organisations

collectively to increase the visibility


representing 33 European countries.












1997 This year sees Ireland (Irish Film Board), Portugal (ICA) and Spain (ICAA) joining the ten founding members.


the US market. EFP’s activities in

EFP’s first official initiative is in

Toronto remain to this day one of our



important initiatives. The festival has

European countries at the Cannes

also become an essential partner

Film Market. The initiative had been

for Film Sales Support. Along with

1998 EFP is growing. The five Nordic countries (Danish Film Institute, Finnish Film Foundation, Icelandic Film Center, Norwegian Film Institute and Swedish Film Institute) join EFP with individual organisations: 17 members are now part of the network.

started in 1996, and EFP stepped

the project-linked grants from the

in with financing from the MEDIA

EFP members, EFP received and

Egd\gVbbZ ^c &.., id ]Zae XgZViZ

is still receiving financial support

more visibility for the participants

from the MEDIA Programme of the

at this important international film

European Union. In EFP’s formative

market. EFP’s support continued

years, the funding was linked to

through 1999. In 2000, the EFP

specific projects only, but in 2003

members created a new initiative

the support was converted into


an annual contract for all projects.

MOVE, which has grown into a

And in a further show of the MEDIA

1999 Luxembourg (Film Fund Luxembourg) and Italy (Cinecitta Film Italia) join EFP as new members.

high profile event, honouring some


of Europe’s top young up-and-

initiatives, in 2006 EFP was granted

coming producers. As the Toronto

framework partnership agreements

International Film Festival began


to emerge in the late 90s to

Representing EFP’s host country,

eventually become one of the most

the German Minister of State for

important international film festivals

Culture and Media (BKM) and the

in the world, EFP saw the potential

Ministry of Culture in Hamburg

of the festival as a vital platform for

both provide administrative support

European film, and as a gateway to

for the organisation.














joint promotional activities. At this


first ever edition of the SHOOTING

EFP presents European directors


STARS, EFP introduced 16 talented

and their films for the first time

young actors. Since then, a total

at the Busan International Film


of 243 new faces have been

Festival (South Korea). With the

unique to their respective country

presented on the international

launch of the Asian Film Market in

and culture. When these resources

stage in Berlin.

2006, the festival took on a new and

are pooled together, there is an

At the Toronto International Film

expanded role for the region – and

extraordinary depth of information

Festival, EFP introduces its first

for the industry in general. Clearly

and creativity which guide the

press panel at the festival, New

committed to creating an influential,




projects, brings

each knowledge

collaborative EFP








independent festival and market


projects and initiatives. During the



in the Asian world, Busan offers

Berlin International Film Festival, a

directors and their newest films at

an opportunity to present quality

group of young European actors

North America’s top festival.

European films to the pan-Asian

on-the-rise are presented for the

At the American Film Market in

industry and to the Korean audience.

first time to the press, industry

Los Angeles, an essential stop on

EFP’s presence in Busan has become

and public with the new initiative

the industry calendar, a European

a tradition, and has grown alongside


Umbrella Office is created for the

the festival, presenting a strong

This is EFP’s first official step

first time as a service for European

artistic and industry delegation from

into supporting young up-and-

sales agents and producers. EFP’s

Europe each year.

coming talent, which is to become

office at the AFM has made it

a central and vital aim of the

edhh^WaZ [dg &,- Y^[[ZgZci hbVaa

organisation. In ’98, EFP is still

- and medium - sized European


a very young organisation, just



starting out on its first full year of

prestigious market.









2002 The Czech Film Center and Magyar Filmunió (Hungary) joined EFP. 2003 Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania join EFP as Baltic Films. 2005 Slovenia (Slovenian Film Fund) and Bulgaria (National Film Centre) join EFP.


initiative presents an official festival

Market, leading the way over the





sidebar of ten European films by up-

years in highlighting the wealth of

and-coming directors, selected by

young producing talent in Europe.

Variety critics in conjunction with

Between 2000 and 2011, the initiative

the Festival and EFP members. Since

has focused the attention of the

its inception, EFP has supported the

international press and industry in

presence of 110 young European

Cannes on a total of 243 up-and-


coming European producers and in

extensive PR activities engaging the

this way worked in support of cross-

press and industry.





border cooperation on their projects.

2002 ON TOUR 2006 The EFP network is growing. Poland (Polish Film Institute), the Slovak Republic (Slovak Film Institute) and Romania (Romanian Film Promotion) join EFP.


Following on the heels of the



programme in Berlin, EFP launches

importance of the Karlovy Vary


International Film Festival in the

PROGRAMME in 2002. Adapting the

Czech Republic, EFP establishes a

concept and promotional platform

collaboration with the festival and

used in Berlin, EFP selects several

the trade paper Variety and co-

partner film festivals each year

presents for the first time Variety

which present a group of SHOOTING



STARS along with their newest films

(re-named in 2011 Variety’s Ten

to the local audience, industry and

European Directors to Watch). The

press. The goal of this initiative is









to improve the opportunities for

directors, devoting a large part of

and when major film markets are

a film’s distribution in a region by

its programming to first and second

included in the initiative, budgets

engaging the actors directly in the

time directors. EFP’s partnership

and partner festivals are increased.

promotional process of their films.

with the festival continues for five

Between 2004 and 2011, a total of

These efforts have succeeded in


906 promotional campaigns for

attracting additional local press

many new European directors to


attention for the films as well as for

the local audience and press.

films, documentaries and animation






films benefit from FSS. On average,

the actors themselves.

45% of the supported films find


distribution, in particular in North



For the first time, EFP presents



In the years 2004 to 2006, in

European directors and their films

financial support from the MEDIA

cooperation with the Rotterdam

at the Buenos Aires International

Programme to provide funding to

International Film Festival, EFP


sales agents and producers for

launches Passions & Promises,

young and exciting festival which

the promotion and marketing


embraced a strong European line-

individual films at four selected

European directors take part in

up of films and directors. The festival

non-European film festivals.

public discussions and panels about

attracts international recognition

Complementing EFP’s efforts to

their creative approach to their work.

for its programming which includes

support European films and talent

In 2004 and 2005, EFP introduces

quality productions by European

around the world, the initiative

a number of European directors at

masters, with an emphasis on

helps sales agents and producers to

the AFI Los Angeles International

director-driven films. The festival

promote and sell their films abroad.

Film Festival under the title: New

also highlights the work of new

FSS grows steadily over the years,

Faces in European Cinema.








programme, (FSS),


Film EFP




and South America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East.






2009 EFP members accept the membership applications of Croatia, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Film Center Serbia and the Macedonian Film Fund join EFP.


countries start the International

EFP initiates a new programme,

the framework of the SHOOTING

Industry Screenings in New York,

STARS event. The initiative is the

with the goal of introducing new

first international network of its kind

European films to North American

and is aimed exclusively at casting

buyers. Originally designed to take

directors who cast feature films.

place twice a year in NYC, each

EFP arranges meetings between the

session showcases a group of films

SHOOTING STARS and the casting

2010 The Albanian National Center of Cinematography joins EFP.

from different European countries,

directors, who are in Berlin each year

all of which have a clear commercial

for their annual meeting. The network

potential, and all of which are seeking

currently compris 39 members.

Network of Casting Directors within

US distribution. World sales agents 2011 With the Georgian National Film Center the network now has 32 member organisations from 33 different European countries.

are invited by EFP to attend the

of 41 films in New York since it first


started in 2005. Over the past several

EFP holds ten different events within

years, EFP has consolidated the

and outside of Europe: SHOOTING

programme by showing films in June


only, following closely on the heels of


the Cannes Film Festival and Market.


25% of the films presented have

York, FILM SALES SUPPORT within the

successfully secured US distribution.

framework of seven international film

Fifteen casting directors from seven

festivals outside of Europe, and the

screenings and present the films. This programme has presented a total


We were very happy to host this wonderful European project in 2007 and 2008. We had marvellous opening celebrations with almost 400 visitors, and very interested audiences thereafter, and saw an increase in box office already in the second year. As a distributor, I also took the opportunity of seeing these films with the public and enjoyed meeting my colleagues at the lunch organised by EFP and Pilar Torre from ICAA for distributors in Spain to initiate a discussion on European cinema. Enrique González Kuhn Cinema director and distributor (Alta Films) in Madrid about PICTURE EUROPE!


hXgZZc^c\ hZg^Zh ^c '%%, VcY '%%- ^c


American Film Market. Promotional

Madrid, London, Berlin, Copenhagen

and supporting some of Europe’s

platforms at film festivals included



Buenos Aires, Karlovy Vary, Toronto

selected due to their strong cinematic

Next! offered selected European

and Busan.

history, their demographics, as well

distributors of quality arthouse fare

as the possibility of collaboration with

valuable promotion and networking

established arthouse exhibitors. The

opportunities. Between 2008 and


selection of films, which vary from city

2010, a total of 28 up-and-coming

EFP launches a new initiative entitled,

to city, was based on specific criteria,

distributors from 28 different countries


always favouring films which were

participated in this programme.

European Cinema, which presented

successful in their native countries.












European “box-office hits” in selected


major European cities. The aim of this initiative was to encourage the

2008 UP NEXT!

The Festival Internacional de Cine

development of new, young audiences

In 2008, EFP takes the lead in

en Guadalajara (Mexico), one of the

throughout Europe by presenting

presenting screenings of European

partner festivals of Film Sales Support,

films which have been box office hits

Oscar entries in Los Angeles during

creates a new initiative with EFP: an

on a national level. In addition to these

the American Film Market (AFM).

umbrella booth at the Mercado de

potential new audiences, EFP aimed

The screenings are arranged for the

Cine Ibero-Americano, which takes

to further cultivate the audiences

industry as well for Academy members

place during the festival. The Umbrella

already devoted to European film via

who reside in LA, which is essential to

Offices provide European sales agents

strategic and innovative promotional

the film’s award possibilities. EFP, in

and production companies with office

and marketing activities. Under the

conjunction with the San Sebastian

space and services. The ongoing

banner “Look what’s happening at

International Film Festival, launches

initiative also promotes European

the neighbours”, EFP presented the

the initiative European Distributors:

cinema at the event.




In 2010, Istanbul takes on the role of

collaboration with the Ontario Media

European Capital of Culture, which

Development Corporation and the



Toronto International Film Festival.

for a one-time EFP initiative at the

The aim of this on-going initiative is



to create tangible opportunities for

unique Istanbul





filmmakers to meet and exchange

Bridges Europe-Turkey, highlighted

projects, ideas and knowledge with

European and Turkish films by up-

the aim of increasing the number of

and-coming directors. The aim is to

co-productions between Europe and

facilitate and improve the distribution

Canada. The European producers

of European films in Turkey and,

are selected from the PRODUCERS

reciprocally, Turkish films in Europe.

ON THE MOVE initiative, and the

The directors were invited to present

Canadian participants are selected

their films to the audience, and the

by EFP’s Canadian partners.


It was a great opportunity to meet with my colleagues from other European countries and discuss the major issues concerning the current crisis of distribution for arthouse films as well as the technical changes in cinema. The programme European





attending industry representatives have the chance to see the latest films from Europe and Turkey. The


Distributors: Up Next!

activities were supported by the EU’s

In the framework of the Film Sales

helped me a lot in my international networking and many of my questions have been answered.

newly established MEDIA Mundus

Support programme, EFP creates


a European Umbrella booth at the

With the financial support of MEDIA

Hong Kong International Film and

Mundus, EFP develops and launches

TV Market to provide opportunities

Jakub DuszyĽski Gutek Film (Poland)

Producers Lab Toronto as well,

for producers and sales agents at


this important and growing market.





It’s been 15 short and very enjoyable years, building EFP into a world-class organisation. There are many people who have helped to make EFP what it is today, and for that, they should be very proud, and I am most grateful. You will find their names and contributions dispersed throughout this brief history. But I would be remiss if I did not single out the MEDIA Programme for standing behind this concept from the start. And, most importantly, our EFP members. It is only thanks to their dedication, passion, guidance and financial support that the organisation has existed these 15 years, and hopefully will for 15 more. Renate Rose EFP Managing Director


Members of European Film Promotion 33 countries – 32 organisations – 1 network

BELGIUM Christian De Schutter Flanders Image

ALBANIA Artan Minarolli ANCC

We believe that EFP’s experience is helping to promote our young directors, producers and actors internationally. After a successful first year of membership, we look forward to other achievements in cooperation with EFP in 2012.

I consider European Film Promotion an excellent tool, a great platform where promotional bodies from all over Europe meet to exchange expertise and knowledge. BELGIUM Eric Franssen Wallonie Bruxelles Images

Being a member of EFP has given me the opportunity of enlarging my network in Europe and beyond. BULGARIA

AUSTRIA Martin Schweighofer Austrian Film Commission

It’s a good thing that EFP already exists – otherwise we would have to invent it! BALTIC COUNTRIES Tristan Priimägi Baltic Films c/o Estonian Film Foundation

EFP offers a greater opportunity to the films from smaller regions like the Baltic states to be noticed on an international level. We are very happy for that.

Irina Kanousheva Bulgarian National Film Center

European Film Promotion’s activities are films’ best friends. CROATIA Ivana Ivišiü Croatian Audiovisual Centre

We value the role that EFP has played – and continues to play – in raising the profile of Croatian films and filmmakers, and in giving our filmmakers the opportunity to promote their work at major film festivals and markets.

FINLAND Jaana Puskala Finnish Film Foundation

CZECH REPUBLIC Jana ýerník Czech Film Center

EFP has now been the most effective network for Czech films and film professionals for the past ten years – both inside and outside of Europe. And it is also an important and indispensable pool of personal contacts and experiences shared by all of the members. The CFC is proud to be part of it.

Bringing people, ideas and films together is always better than staying home, staring out of the window and wondering why our films are not seen by more people. FRANCE Régine Hatchondo Unifrance Films

We express our gratitude for EFP’s initiatives which give the relations among European productions a deeper input. EFP does brilliant and efficient promotional work highlighting the diversity of European cinema.

DENMARK Christian Juhl Lemche Danish Film Institute

To make European films travel outside their country of origin is not always easy. Therefore the Danish Film Institute is happy to work closely with EFP in promoting European cinema around the world through the different EFP activities. Through our common efforts I hope European films will receive the recognition they deserve.

GEORGIA Tamara Tatishvili Georgian National Film Center

It is a professional privilege and achievement to become a member of EFP. Its network and activities offer valuable opportunities for positioning and advancing our film talent on the international film map. We are sure that our cooperation will contribute to a better promotion of Georgian cinema in the European audiovisual landscape.


Members of European Film Promotion 33 countries – 32 organisations – 1 network

GERMANY Mariette Rissenbeek German Films


Over the past 15 years European Film Promotion’s work has established a growing awareness of European films all over the world. Its support of films and of filmmakers is indispensable for the international appeal and success of European cinema.

Laufey Gudjónsdóttir Icelandic Film Centre


EFP provides an excellent platform from which to promote Irish filmmaking to an international audience. It is now an important part of the distribution chain in terms of growing Ireland’s international co-production contacts and ensuring that Irish culture, stories and talent find a central position on the world stage.

Stavroula Geronimaki Greek Film Centre

In the competitive audiovisual sector EFP enhances the visibility of European films worldwide through its innovative actions. HUNGARY Katalin Vajda Magyar Filmunió

There is a far closer relationship among us than the purely professional one of an organization because we are not only bound by a single interest, but also by a common goal to promote European films. Magyar Filmunió, the International Division of the Hungarian National Film Fund, is proud to be a member of this organization.

EFP has proved to be a great platform for Icelandic films and filmmakers. IRELAND Louise Ryan Irish Film Board

ITALY Griselda Guerrasio Cinecittà Luce – Filmitalia

Being part of the EFP network is becoming more important every year. EFP has facilitated the collaborative presence of European and Italian cinema at all of the key events in the film business worldwide – events which would be extremely difficult for us to attend on our own.

THE NETHERLANDS Claudia Landsberger eye Film Institute Netherlands

LUXEMBOURG Françoise Lentz Film Fund Luxembourg

The EFP network has opened countless new boundaries and doors for Luxembourg’s film sector and its professionals, through the years and ongoing. FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Darko Basheski Macedonian Film Fund

European Film Promotion gives us a wonderful opportunity to promote our cinematography abroad and, with all of its promotional events, represents an open door for collaboration and success in Europe and the entire world for new films and directors, discovering new generations of young actors and producers.

EFP is still very important in helping to enhance the visibility of European Films and to facilitate access for the filmmakers to international markets. The Film Sales Support programme has become the best tool to make our films really cross borders. NORWAY Stine Oppegaard Norwegian Film Institute

Being a part of EFP is something we find very valuable. When we go into new markets, we are more powerful as a group than individually. POLAND Izabela Kiszka Polish Film Institute

Being a member of EFP not only gives us great pleasure in working with professionals, but also an opportunity for Polish films to cross the borders, and a challenge and inspiration for Polish filmmakers.


Members of European Film Promotion 33 countries – 32 organisations – 1 network

SERBIA Miroljub Vuþkoviü Film Center Serbia

PORTUGAL Vítor Pinheiro ICA I.P.

The EFP network plays a very important role in providing actors, producers and directors the possibility of promoting their work abroad. Not only within Europe’s frontiers but also worldwide. Otherwise it would be much harder for each of us to spread our cultural and artistic talents. ROMANIA Cristian Hordilć Romanian Film Promotion

European Film Promotion represents a model of how – if you join forces – you can find the perfect way to promote what we love most: cinema. The knowledge, support and knowhow that EFP offers to local cinematography representatives all over Europe helps them to promote and evolve worldwide. Romanian Film Promotion sees its membership in EFP as a great opportunity for Romanian filmmakers to access the cinemas abroad.

The current situation of Serbian cinema does not promise a revolution (the times of revolutions are long gone – with the wind!), but indicates that we are approaching an impending turning point. A turning point of expression, as well as of perception of new films coming from Serbia. SLOVAK REPUBLIC Alexandra Strelková Slovak Film Institute

With the recent increase in the Slovak film production and the growing international acclaim for numerous film titles, EFP’s acitivities have become an even more essential and valuable tool to support the visibility of Slovak films worldwide. SLOVENIA Nerina T. KocjanþLþ Slovenian Film Centre

Motion is not only emotion, but is also promotion. I’m pleased to be part of EFP and be able to use this strong platform to help our producers and members of the film industry to achieve their goals on an international level.

SPAIN Rafael Cabrera ICAA


An organisation such as EFP is extremely important in achieving the common objectives of all European countries that support it. Through the different activities carried out by EFP, we managed to position the European film industry in the international market, highlighting the quality of our talent and movies. Unity is strength!

Maria Stergiou Swiss Films



Pia Lundberg Swedish Film Institute

Briony Hanson British Council

In a global film climate where the position of quality films is getting more and more uncertain, organisations like European Film Promotion are increasingly important. EFP is a good platform, not only to promote Swedish film and talent, but also to increase the status of European cinema worldwide.

The British Council sees its participation in EFP as an invaluable source of support to UK filmmakers. It gives excellent opportunities for our film community – from producers and actors to sales personnel – to interact with potential collaborators internationally and increase their visibility on the world stage.

There is a strong commitment by all EFP members to highlight the quality and diversity of European films and to build bridges to audiences throughout the world. As a founding member, it is a privilege and honour for SWISS FILMS to be part of and contribute to this intention.




SHOOTING STARS for me is invaluable, having a chance to meet & watch films with actors & actresses from across Europe in one weekend! I have cast quite a few SHOOTING STARS over the years and also have been able to recommend many of them to other UK & USA casting directors with great confidence. There is also the added bonus of International Casting Directors Network. Late last year I was able to take on the challenge of casting Fernando Meirelles’ film 360 – set in Vienna/Bratislava/Paris/London/Denver – knowing that in each country I would have the support of the ‘local’ casting director who would introduce Fernando to the best talent. Leo Davis Casting director, London

PROMOTION OF YOUNG ACTING TALENT SHOOTING STARS AT THE BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL EFP annually presents ten up-and-coming European actors and actresses from ten different European countries to the international press, public and industry during the first weekend of the Berlin International Film Festival. The actors and actresses are nominated by EFP members, and a final selection of participants is made by an international jury of industry professionals. These ten SHOOTING STARS are then introduced at the Berlinale through a series of high profile events, including the SHOOTING STARS Awards at the Berlinale Palast, an official press conference, a meeting with casting directors and a reception. The aim of this initiative, which began in 1998, is to bring talented young actors and actresses directly into the promotional process, and thereby encourage the development of a “star system” in Europe, which is essential for the worldwide promotion and marketing of European cinema.


STAR LIGHT STAR BRIGHT Karin Dix Project director Shooting Stars

The goddess Venus was perhaps the

given birth to any gods. But real stars

first star ever. She was the luminous

like Carey Mulligan, Cecile de France,

star rising out of the sea foam. Foam

August Diehl, Elena Anaya or Franka

and light were her elements, glowing

Potente have risen in the Berlinale’s

and emerging her profession. “I


had stirred up a sea and a woman

presented in Berlin didn’t yet know

emerged who was to enchant the

at the time of their presentation that

world,” said Josef von Sternberg

they would become the new stars

at the time about Marlene Dietrich.

in the European cinema’s sky. They

However, in Europe, we don’t speak

had to contend with highly mundane

about stars. We are pleased when we

things like doubts and fears: doubts

see the stars glowing in the sky. But

about whether they really wanted

the creation of stars also requires

this kind of publicity; fears of messing

extensive cosmogonic knowledge.

up before a live audience.



Over the years, this snapshot has

its members from 33 European

evolved into an annual project.

countries has a unique network

SHOOTING STARS is unique. There



are other projects which recognise

possibilities at its disposal. This

great acting, but none of these

network is practical, very personal

supports so concretely a career

and always authentic. That was the

on an international level. Foam and

only way that the SHOOTING STARS

light are its elements. An actor only

project was able to survive during

achieves fame in the form of a strip

these years and develop further:

of celluloid. This shows how much

funded and supported by people,

the foam is indebted to the light.



European Film Promotion puts young

afforded the idea a protected space

actors in the public spotlight and

where it could grow and be brought

hopes that, through the increased

to fruition. In the 15 years of its

attention, the foam factory will finally

existence SHOOTING STARS has not

conjure up a stellar event.












SHOOTING STARS ACTIVITIES Presentation of the SHOOTING STARS Award at the Berlinale Palast Press conference introducing all SHOOTING STARS to the international media Press agency hired to handle interview requests Advertising in major trade papers Industry breakfast: speed dating with casting directors in an informal atmosphere Gala reception for selected guests in honour of the SHOOTING STARS SHOOTING STARS trailer Catalogue and on line presentation of SHOOTING STARS


BERLINALE - PARTNER AND PROTECTOR EFP’s partnership with Berlin has been strong and cooperative. Festival director Dieter Kosslick has always been strongly committed to the SHOOTING STARS initiative, for which EFP is most grateful. The presentation on stage of the main festival cinema is the highlight of the weekend for the young actors. With the help of Dieter Kosslick and his team, the SHOOTING STARS Awards Ceremony has developed into a high-class event broadcast to 28 countries worldwide. Famous actors such as Stellan Skarsgård, Faye Dunaway, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dennis Hopper and others acted as hosts on stage and made the ceremony an unforgettable moment and real encouragement for the actors in their further careers. We must not forget a special thanks to the festival’s Event and Sponsorship departments whose ongoing professionalism gives the project continuous support, protection and guidance.

GLITTERING STARS Dieter Kosslick Director of the Berlin International Film Festival and former efdo President

I remember it well. The last board

This is the most important European

and high motivation at places around

meeting of efdo – the European Film

promotion organisation of the MEDIA

the globe. In Hamburg’s City Hall –

Distribution Office – was held in Paris



Hamburg is still the headquarters of

dc ',#&&#&..+# >i lVh V YZegZhh^c\

32 organisations from 33 European

this important initiative – one can read

final sitting after a success story

countries. This network includes the

the optimistic sentence with which

of more than 10 years for this first

annual SHOOTING STARS Awards, one

the Hamburgers rebuilt their beautiful

initiative of the European Community,

of EFP’s many initiatives. They have

city after the devastating fire storm:

the present-day MEDIA Programme.

been presented at the Berlinale every

“new life rises up out of the ruins”.

Not depressing because we lost our

year since 1998 to young successful

Somehow, this sentence is also just

posts (they were honorary posts


fitting for the long history of efdo,

anyway) but because, apart from the

European countries. The ceremony

efdo abroad and EFP.


there was also a

is traditionally held on Monday during

European Film Promotion still works

complete lack of clarity about what

the festival. A lovely highlight which

with the spirit and conviction of

would happen to the team of the

introduces future European cinema

its roots: to present the cultural

Hamburg office headed by Managing

stars, presented by mentors like Ben


Director Ute Schneider and her

Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, Judi Dench or

promote its talents and make the

deputy Renate Rose.

Today – 15

Peter Fonda. Incredibly, 15 years have

Europe of differences and similarities

years later – we know what happened:

now passed, and the hard-working

internationally competitive.

efdo and its marketing measures for

team continues to organise promotion

Many thanks to Renate Rose, the

European cinema with the nice title

for European cinema and its actors

member organisations, the whole

of efdo abroad gave rise to EFP.

and producers with a lot of gusto

team and all of its supporters.












The film industry is created around actors. Today more than ever, “show business” is dependent on actors for financing. Our past SHOOTING STARS have become some of the KEY components of getting a movie made. Investors are secure doing a film with Daniel Craig or Rachel Weisz, to name a few past SHOOTING STARS. Without those kind of actors, financing collapses and we will have less and less films. Right now I am in Berlin doing the EU casting for an important FOX feature film. I will be bringing in former SHOOTING STARS to audition. They mean something to Hollywood! Lina Todd Casting director, US


EVENT ACTIVITIES Presentation of actors on the main stage of the festival Press conference with SHOOTING STARS Reception in honour of the SHOOTING STARS Presentation of actors and films online and in the festival catalogue

TOURING SHOOTING STARS PROGRAMME In 2002, EFP created a programme to extend the benefits reaped by the young actors presented as SHOOTING STARS at the Berlin International Film Festival. Under




STARS Programme, a selection of these young actors are presented with their latest films at two to three high-quality international film festivals each year. This initiative has become an important and valuable follow-up programme to the launch of SHOOTING STARS in Berlin. Each of the partner festivals creates its own showcase, tailored to the interests of their public as they know best. Partner film festivals over the past years have included The Hamptons, Shanghai, Rome, Copenhagen, Sevilla and the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn.


Attending Karlovy Vary Variety Critics’ Choice was a true highlight of the SNAP festival calendar. Not only was it an unparalleled opportunity to participate meaningfully in a curated community of European filmmakers, it was a chance to bring SNAP to a city that celebrates film on a scale I have not seen. All in all, a deeply inspiring experience, the generous dividends of which I am still enjoying over a year later. Carmel Winters Director SNAP, Variety Critics’ Choice 2010

PROMOTION OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR FILMS VARIETY’S TEN EUROPEAN DIRECTORS TO WATCH AT THE KARLOVY VARY INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL This programme is an official sidebar of ten European films by young European directors presented annually at the renowned Karlovy Vary International Film Festival at the beginning of July. The festival is a key international event which acts as a bridge to the countries and cultures of Central and Eastern Europe. The filmmakers invited to present their films are selected by critics of the international trade paper Variety, in conjunction with EFP members and the festival. The ten directors are introduced to the press, industry and public during two days of events and screenings. Since 2001, EFP and its partners have aimed to celebrate new, groundbreaking European cinema and the talent behind it with activities at Karlovy Vary.


EVENT ACTIVITIES Press presentation of directors Czech press agent hired to handle press and interview requests Introduction of participating directors at their screenings Advertising campaign and online presentation of all participants European industry cocktail in honour of the ten selected directors

The event is one of EFP’s activities established in its early years. It has always been generously supported by Eva Zaoralová, former artistic director (now: artistic consultant) of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and her dedicated team. The new artistic director Karel Och, as well as executive director, Kryštof Mucha, continue the fruitful collaboration with EFP.

SURPRISES Renate Rose EFP Managing Director

There is a strong picture in my mind when I think of our

are long and intensive. And then there is another picture in

programme in Karlovy Vary – it’s the enthusiastic young

my mind – of the spa guests in town, mostly older people,

Czech audience at our screenings. So many young people

not interested at all in films. What do they think about the

from all over the country travel every year to this festival

festival circus, about the youngsters with their backpacks,

with their backpacks, living on campsites outside of town,

about the bands playing in front of the festival centre

and they are never tired of watching the films we bring

– they might feel a bit disturbed in their quiet lives, but

from morning to midnight. The festival supports these

they don’t complain, they just seem to marvel. Altogether,

young people a lot, offering them the last little space in the

it’s a colourful mix of people and atmosphere in Karlovy

cinemas on steps and gangways. The corridors are full of

Vary, famous for hundreds of years for the healing waters

patiently waiting young film buffs. They have the chance to

bubbling up from the ground all over the town and with

see films that they could otherwise never see – just a few

adorable buildings from the past century. Lasting memories

of them make their way into Czech movie theatres. What

are treasured by the participating directors for many years:

a wonderful experience for the up-and-coming directors

the audience, the venues, the town, the magic and, of

to present their films there! The Q&As with the audience

course, the beer and the Becherovka!


DISCOVERING NEW TALENTS Eva Zaoralová Artistic Consultant Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

There is a strong picture in Variety’s Executive Editor Steven Gaydos came up with the idea to establish a new section at the festival, the Variety Critics’ Choice: Europe Now! Ten European Directors through the Eyes of Variety. The first Variety Critics’ Choice was included in the programme of the 33rd Karlovy Vary IFF in 1998. Of course that was still a selection of films that did not only come from Europe, but the USA and Asia were also represented among them. In the following year, however, the Variety Critics’ Choice included ten films chosen only from Europe. One year later, in 2000, European Film Promotion was already contributing to the organisation of Variety Critics’ Choice, primarily in an organisational role as well as financially. From the very beginning the section has discovered new talents: One of these, for example, was Małgoska (Malgorzata)





renowned Polish director, whose film Happy Man was shown as part of Variety Critics’ Choice in 2001. Or also José Luis Guerin, a highly regarded Spanish filmmaker, whose documentary En construcción was shown in this section in 2002. The film by Iceland’s Dagur Kari Nói Albinói (2003) or the first film by Italy’s Francesco Patierno Pater familias (2003) were also revelations.


EUROPE! Steven Gaydos, Executive Editor Variety Between 2001 and 2011 EFP and its member organisations have supported the presence of 110 young European directors to participate with their films in this special programme. According to former Variety senior international film critic Derek Elley, “...we have tried to champion films that haven’t received the attention they deserve on the regular festival circuit.” EFP has evaluated the results between 2007 and 2010: after the presentation in Karlovy Vary, almost 90% of the films were invited to many other international film festivals worldwide and 55% were sold to various territories.

The American film studios create blockbusters. The American indies are struggling to create more commercially minded and formulaic films to accommodate a world marketplace shunning dramas and adventurous filmmaking. If you want a steady stream of challenging films and cutting edge filmmakers who have the opportunities to stretch the envelopes and deal with personal stories and craft compelling dramas that aren’t exploitative or created by committees and/or computers, to quote the great American comedy Ghostbusters, Who ya gonna call? EUROPE! More than ever, the filmmaking community of Europe, with its tradition of film as art, its storied legacy of superb craftsmanship and attention to innovative approaches to storytelling, is at the center of the film universe. You can make the personal and local, universal and riveting. You can focus on humanity, instead of tricks and gimmicks. You can move mountains with the simple gifts of vision and integrity. You’re more important than ever. And if there’s one thing Variety has been good at it for its 106 years of covering international cinema, it’s knowing what’s important and where to find it.


Nowadays, introducing new films to foreign cinema markets is getting more complex than ever. But a marketing sure shot to raise sales interest is still to present the casting and/or the film director “live” to a selected audience of local buyers and press newspapers. It’s definitely a part of the cinema “glamour” effect! Thanks to the EFP initiative, we were happy to experience this marketing effect at Busan IFF/Asian Film Market with the presence of Beryl Koltz (film director of Hot Hot Hot) and Dejan Zecevic (film director of The Enemy). There’s no doubt that our current sales discussions with Asian distributors wouldn’t have been the same without the attendance of both directors. Luc Ntonga Managing Director Insomnia World Sales


The Busan International Film Festival, which takes place annually in October, is one of the most visible and important festivals in Asia. Since 1998, EFP members have worked closely with the festival directors to present an impressive and ever increasing number of quality European ďŹ lms at the event. Directors and actors from Europe are invited to the festival and are welcomed by the Korean audiences as they introduce their ďŹ lms and participate in discussions after the screenings. With the launch of the Asian Film Market in 2006, EFP expanded its programme to include an umbrella booth in support of European sales agents and producers who attend this important and developing new market.




Cooperation with a Korean press agent to handle press and interview requests

Andreas Struck Project Director Busan activities

Advertising campaign in major trade papers

streets of the old Nampo-dong district downtown Busan. Hundreds of girls

Reception for the European film industry in honour of all European directors

like Hollywood celebrities. Hundreds of displays in Korean hands freeze them

Providing an umbrella booth for participating European industry professionals

one more of the European movies premiering within a still young, but fast

Financial support to European sales agents/producers participating in the Film Sales Support (FSS)

thirst to follow it to any very end. Welcoming the filmmakers and actors

Young actors Antonio Wannek and Anne Bertheau are lost in the narrow and some boys take cell phones pictures and welcome the two Europeans to new-born icons from the other side of the world. Hundreds of excited faces follow them upstairs to one of the oldest cinemas in town to share growing festival at the time. Sparkling eyes in the young audience waiting with explosive attention. Welcoming the film’s story full of curiosity and with surprising questions reflecting any possible understanding. There is an enthusiasm among the Korean audiences which has a rare comparison in the festival world. The overwhelming response to the European films with their diversity of individual cinematic hand-writings draws the EFP film artists from abroad into highly inspired and inspiring moods. They look, around at their

199 directors and 36 actors from all over Europe travelled to Busan between 1998 and 2011 with the support of EFP and its members to present their films there. The support includes travel, press work, guidance and various presentations.

fellow filmmakers, and begin watching each other’s films. In Busan, the festival competitors become more than a sing-along-family for one or two hors of Karaoke. They become companions, sometimes friends. There is no sleep during Busan’s 15th festival edition. The beloved Festival Director Kim Dongho dances with Juliette Binoche through the Wide Angle party crowd. Her face is lit by his smile. His energy re-opens our eyes. The following morning, we join the cinema audiences. Curious and thirsty to discover unknown cinematic landscapes of our beautiful and cruel planet. We are wide awake.


BRIDGING CULTURAL GAPS Kim Dong Ho Honorary Festival Director of the Busan International Film Festival

First of all, let me congratulate you on the 15th anniversary of EFP. Ever since it was established, EFP has had a keen relationship with Busan International Film Festival. It has played the key role in presenting a variety of European films at Busan not just to Korean audiences, but also to audiences from all over Asia. I





EFP has made a huge contribution in bridging cultural gaps between two continents with the art form of cinema. It has brought many European filmmakers and their associates to introduce them at the festival, and has offered rare opportunities for the European filmmakers and Eastern audiences to communicate with one another. I am sure that these meetings have created lots of valuable moments for both sides. I am proud to say that EFP is one of the main reasons why the Busan International Film Festival can be this successful, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank EFP for their practical efforts and help in cultural exchanges between East and West. I hope that EFP and the Busan International Film Festival will have a closer relationship in the long term so that we can have an even better understanding of each other. Once again, thank you very much, and I wish you prosperity for many years to come.


It was an incredibly well organised programme, with a high-profile network of producers and better than any co-production market! Almost all of the important producers in Europe are part of the Producers On The Move network, which just goes to show that EFP has the right nose for ‘up-and-coming producers’. It was through EFP and Producers On The Move that I found my co-producers for two really different projects!

Participating in Producers On the Move was a great experience and it’s an excellent network. The producers I met there led to the financing of a number of successful films over the last few years; we established lasting relationships and continue to work together today.

Gian-Piero Ringel Neue Road Movies, Germany

Macdara Kelleher Fastnet Films, Ireland


Since 2000, EFP has offered support and guidance to European producers during the Cannes International Film Festival each May. In a highly selective process, one producer per country is chosen by the respective EFP member to take part in this initiative, which has helped to set a high standard for participation. EFP creates a tightly focused working environment involving project pitching as well as the extensive promotion of the producers via profiles in the international trade papers. The aim of this initiative is to assist European producers in finding partners for their upcoming projects, to strengthen industry networking opportunities and to offer a platform where the producer’s potential can be recognised.


A TABLE FOR 24, PLEASE! Jo Mühlberger EFP Project Director

Reserving a table, ordering some water and coffee,

order to check out co-production opportunities with their

preparing name boards and handing out some files will

European colleagues. Over time, PRODUCERS ON THE

end up in a film? Definitely not. But it can be part of

MOVE has not only become a label for the participants,

the beginnings of an international co-production for an

but is also known for the quality of the meetings with

exciting film. And this has happened at the past editions of

leading producers from throughout Europe during the

EFP’s PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE programme in Cannes.

Producers Lunch when former participants can meet

Calling on a group of select producers to join PRODUCERS

the new group and colleagues from the past. The strong

ON THE MOVE in Cannes each year is very exciting. At

visibility throughout the festival through advertisements

the beginning, it felt almost pretentious to contact the

and posters gives the producers an additional boost as

producers – who were already acknowledged by their

they are introduced to the international industry. We are

first big successes – to join in the activities at the most

very proud to be the facilitator for this programme with

important film festival in the world. I can still remember the

the help of many committed partners. Over the past 12

Çghi nZVg l]Zc lZ ^ck^iZY V \gdje d[ &, YncVb^X ldbZc

years, co-productions have been realised, with some also

producers. We were a bit nervous about how they would

screened in one of the official sections of Cannes, like

like what we had organised and prepared. And we were

the Irish/Dutch/Hungarian co-production The Other Side

enthusiastic after the first meeting of the group, being

of Sleep. A big thank you goes to our members who each

impressed by their personal commitment, their openness

year select their ideal national participant a producer

to join in and their energy to get to know each other in

“on the move” at this special moment.

EVENT ACTIVITIES Press campaign including producer proďŹ les and advertisements in the major dailies Producers Lunch for about 180 European producers Round-table meeting/pitching session for all selected producers Production of a catalogue, poster and online presentation of participating producers

From 2000 to 2011 a total of 243 of Europe’s most talented young producers were selected by the EFP members to participate in this PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE. 89 of them between 2007 and 2010. In order to measure the success of the programme, in 2011 EFP evaluated the number of contracts that were signed between producers participating in the event in Cannes during those four years. It turned out that 39 producers of the 89 (44%), have since begun working together on concrete co-productions.




PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO is an initiative organised by EFP since 2010 in

Pitching sessions

collaboration with the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) and

Round-Table meetings with experts

the Toronto International Film Festival® (TIFF). It aims to facilitate and increase

Case studies

to strengthen the networking between the participating professionals from

Presentation of the 24 participating producers

both continents. PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO brings 12 experienced feature film

Advertisement campaign and online presentation

together with 12 Canadian producers for three days of workshops, seminars,

Production of a catalogue

international co-productions between European and Canadian producers and

producers from Europe (selected from the PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE initiative) pitching sessions and discussions. The European producers and their Canadian counterparts have the opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge and discuss concrete co-production opportunities between Europe and Canada. The LAB, which provides a strong and visible promotional platform for the filmmakers and their projects, takes place at the beginning of the festival in September when most representatives of the international industry are in attendance.

Having participated in other events like this, I can state from experience that the level of discourse at Producers Lab Toronto 2010 was the highest I’ve experienced. It was a real producers’ lab in the truest sense, where producers are able to interact in a dynamic fashion.

Producers Lab Toronto is a great opportunity to upscale your knowledge and network on one of the most interesting non-European coproduction territories. It was an honor being part of it’s initiating event and would recommend it to anyone in the field.

The Producers Lab Toronto 2010 was a terrific opportunity to connect with a diverse group of European producers in a structured, open and committed environment. It is through forums like the Producers Lab that market challenges and learnings can be shared and lasting partnerships be forged.

Jennifer Jonas New Real Films, Toronto

Reinier Selen Rinkel Film, The Netherlands

Corey Marr Corey Marr Productions, Toronto

EUROPEANS AND CANADIANS Jo Mühlberger EFP Project Director

Does the Canadian way of storytelling fit with those from various European countries? Are there financing systems in Europe and Canada that complement one another? And will there be interest from a Canadian producer in co-producing with a peer from a smaller Eastern European country such as Croatia or Estonia? When EFP created PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO, we answered all of these questions with ‘Yes’ without missing a beat! We had experienced the spirit of the PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE in Cannes to know that those joining the Lab in Toronto would be perfect partners for their Canadian counterparts: open-minded professionals, curious and risk-taking if they become enthusiastic about

a project, and highly professional in handling international co-productions. And the Canadian side came with coproduction treaties with almost all of the European countries, great stories and, of course, fantastic producers – the perfect match for their European colleagues. And indeed, our expectations were excelled – alongside our Canadian partners, we could witness how the 12 European and 12 Canadian producers came closer – hour by hour, session by session, day by day. At the end, they seemed like good friends. And they are still in contact – discussing and preparing concrete projects – or on a looser basis, updating each other on what’s going on.


When we conquer our fears, we discover a boundless, bottomless, inexhaustible well of passion; that passion for me is to tell stories and to produce ďŹ lms that bring us to the other side, the side of liberation and inner freedom. Producers Lab Toronto helped me to build a bridge to the other side of the world to conquer new fears and to make dreams come true. Mariano Vanhoof Fobic Films, Belgium


The sales initiative of EFP has been a continuous support ever since the start of our company in 2006. The regular presence at festivals or markets like Toronto, AFM or Sundance has become essential for European arthouse films and helped us to conquer non-European markets for films like Tom Tykwer’s Three or Athina Tsangari’s Attenberg. Apart from that, to work with Renate Rose and her reliable professional team is a great pleasure and I hope we can keep on cooperating for a long time to come.

As a young independent company, without FSS we would often have thought twice about attending certain festivals or markets to represent our films in person, although those trips are always so useful for us: with most of the European films we have sold, it was only possible thanks to our personal promotion outside of the continent.

Michael Weber Managing Director, The Match Factory, Germany

Maren Kroymann Managing Director, m-appeal, Germany


FILM SALES SUPPORT is EFP’s support initiative for European sales agents and those production companies without a sales company that promote and market European films in non-European countries. Since the scheme’s launch in 2004, FSS supported a total of 906 campaigns for 862 different European films at selected international film festivals and markets in North and South America as well as Asia. FSS backs up to 45 percent of a film’s marketing costs with grants limited to €5,000 for one film and €2,500 for subsequent films. FSS grants cover costs for press and public relations activities, publicity material, a subtitled or dubbed print, renting a market booth, market screenings, the airfare and the hotel of the sales representative. To request a grant, companies may apply to EFP at certain deadlines throughout the year.


PARTNER FILM FESTIVALS AND MARKETS FOR FSS Toronto International Film Festival One of the FSS flagship festivals in the autumn with a thriving unofficial market and launch pad for new European films to North America Sundance Film Festival Highly prestigious festival at the beginning of the year for selected European films and a gateway to US independent distribution Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara in Mexico Most important festival in Latin America in spring with a strong commitment to European cinema; the expanding lively Mercado offers opportunities to European professionals São Paulo International Film Festival One of Brazil’s most important festivals in the second half of the year with a strong potential for European films Shanghai International Film Festival China’s only competitive film festival which selects European films for its competition, including a developing film market Hong Kong International Film & TV Market (FILMART) The most important fair trade in Asia for European films after Berlin and before Cannes Asian Film Market, Busan, Korea One of Asia’s promising growing markets offering access to Korean buyers American Film Market, Los Angeles, USA One of the leading annual trade fairs in the US marking the end of business activities with great deal-making potential for European films.

FSS supported 906 marketing campaigns for 862 different European films in North and South America and Asia between 2004 and 2011 102 leading European sales agents received FSS 360 campaigns were dedicated to countries with a small AV industry 45 percent of European films were sold on average to various non-European countries to date


Once it became clear in Brussels that special care should also be devoted to the promotion of European films in countries outside of Europe, Film Sales Support – in short, FSS – was created. EFP had already been covering promotion of talent and producers at festivals around the world for many years; it was therefore more than logical to support those companies who were selling European movies at different festivals and markets. From the very beginning the focus lay on countries with a growth potential for Europe’s cinema: Latin America, North America and Asia. 2004 was the year in which FSS was made availabe to European sales agents and those producers who didn‘t have a sales agent.

After a slow start in 2004 – sales agents weren’t used to this kind of support – the scheme picked up momentum, in particular when new significant festivals were added. In 2005, the Toronto International Film Festival joined the selection, which includes and has included the festivals of Sundance, Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Moscow and Busan as well as the markets, FILMART, the Asian Film Market and the American Film Market. In 2012, the International festival of São Paulo will be added to the current slate of festivals. FSS is cost-effective, quick and flexible with no unneccessary hick-ups at application stage. It is FSS’ credo to make life easier rather than harder for the

applicant. And, most importantly, EFP and its members are picking up on the industries’ needs by way of constant communication to keep the scheme up-to-date as business is changing. Meanwhile, after eight years, demand for the fund is soaring, and most of the European sales agents are making use of the extra help for their campaigns. new sales companies who have heard about the funding are approaching EFP every year. We are talking about European independent films competing for the attention of international buyers and distributors. Is there a better and faster way to support them?


The EFP umbrella office at the AFM is invaluable for any small – or medium-sized European company wanting to participate the American Film Market. The AFM is still a gateway particularly to the North American market, and, at the same time, many Far Eastern and Latin American buyers and other participants attend the AFM, but are not always at European festivals and markets. For these reasons, I hope that we can also participate in the EFP umbrella office at the AFM in the years to come.

Firstly, I was able to set up lots of meetings with sales agents and distributors with regard to the financing of my film projects. Secondly, the fact that we have an office where one can meet up, ask for advice, chill out, etc. is very useful. And thirdly, I was able to meet up with the other EFP attendees, exchange and discuss experiences, and initiate potential collaborations for the future.

Timo T. Lahtinen Chief Executive, Smile Entertainment, Denmark

Eric Dupont Producer, Incognito Films, France


AMERICAN FILM MARKET IN LOS ANGELES (USA) 2012 will mark the 14th year in which EFP supports the presence of European sales agents and producers at the AFM. The European Umbrella Office, started in 1998, is one of the earliest projects of EFP. Recognised as a premiere international market, the AFM hosts close to 8,000 industry professionals at its annual showcase in November in Santa Monica, California. EFP annually organises and runs an umbrella office at the market headquarters in the Loews Hotel, open for 20 to 25 European sales agents and production companies. EFP offers administrative support for registering companies, provides business facilities and an advertising campaign, and hosts an annual industry reception. As part of the AFM activities, EFP also presents screenings of films which have been selected as the national submissions for the Academy Award as Best Foreign Language Film.


EVENT ACTIVITIES AFM Administration of umbrella office for 20-25 European sales agents and producers Organisation of registration for participating companies Partial financial support for company registration Advertising campaign and online presentation of participating companies European reception for European and US industry Between 1998 and 2011, EFP’s Umbrella Office at the AFM was used over 330 times by 178 companies from 23 different European countries. 82,6% of the companies attended from smaller European countries. Since 2008, the number of participating sales agents has been constantly increasing – from 3-4 to now 10-12, representing 40% of those attending. The number of productions developed and/or finalised during this period is higher compared with the number of films sold.

MEETINGS WITH AN OCEAN VIEW Sabine Rolinski Project Director AFM

It seems like an ironic comment on a summer party, but that’s how business proceeds in Santa Monica. Meetings with an ocean view on development and financing plans are held by the pool of the Loews Hotel every November, and EFP’s umbrella office has been part of that mix since 1998. At EFP’s umbrella, well-known companies with 20 years’ experience share the table with newcomers who are making their first steps into the international marketplace’s hustle and bustle. Sales companies from Sweden and Denmark, producers from Bulgaria, Belgium and Ireland – whenever somebody enters EFP’s suite looking for European content, they are sure to linger for a while, moving from place to place. Missed appointments with the one lead to improvised introductions to another; US-based buyers looking for German action concepts end up being impressed by Czech animation projects – welcome to Europe’s creative potential. Many of the participating companies from the first few years are now well established players in the marketplace, like TrustNordisk (then Trust Film and Nordisk Film International Sales) from Denmark, MK2 Diffusion (France), Studio Babelsberg (Germany), to name just a few. Others, like Zephyr Films from the UK, EastWest Filmdistribution from Austria and Banana Films from Belgium, return regularly to EFP’s umbrella, mingling with US- and Asian-based industry colleagues at a reception organised to encourage the intercontinental drift. In the midst of pretzels and chocolate, the business between the two Wednesdays soon passes. Waves of people float along the floors of the Loews, the EFP ‘dorm’ and the little restaurants along the beach and through Third Street, a pedestrian precinct nearby. At the end, people’s faces may look tired, but somehow pleased; established contacts have been refreshed, and new deals and friendships are set to be followed up in Berlin and Cannes – with an ocean view included.


We have been doing good sales to both China and Hong Kong while at the FILMART. The March dates are perfect for the sales agents: to follow up on Berlin and promote Cannes titles to those buyers who don’t necessarily come to European festivals. Nicolai Korsgaard Sales Manager TrustNordisk, Denmark

FILMART IN HONG KONG (CHINA) In March 2011, EFP provided support services under a European umbrella booth at the FILMART in Hong Kong for the first time. EFP members and European sales agents have the opportunity to use the booth as a base for their meetings at this important Asian film market.

For us, the Guadalajara Film Festival, to be considered as part of the FSS, is of great importance and we are proud to belong to this esteemed list of events. Each year, we are excited about this fruitful relationship which has expanded the possibilities of distributing European films in our market and promoting commercial and cultural ties between both continents. Thanks for allowing us to be part of this great work! Alejandra Paulin Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara

I was happy to be back in Busan where I could not only meet my Asian distributors in a casual and relaxed environment, but also get to know about the new projects from Asia and meet with the producers. Hengameh Panahi President Celluloid Dreams

ASIAN FILM MARKET IN BUSAN (SOUTH KOREA) In addition to its support for European films and directors at the


Busan International Film Festival,

In March, EFP represents European

for European sales agents and EFP

films at the market of Guadalajara’s

members at the Asian Film Market

International Film Festival by running

in October. The market houses a



growing number of top European

European sales agents, EFP members

sales agents who are looking to


extend their network and create






EFP operates an umbrella office


booth offers space for meetings


with the local industry as well as

productions as well as for sales and




communication services.

distribution within Asia.


Following Cannes, the EFP Screenings are an integral stop in showcasing to the US industry some of Europe’s newest and most exciting films.

This is a wonderful platform giving great support to the European film industry by creating an event which brings specialty European films directly to US buyers.

Nicholas Shumaker Memento Films International

Penny Wolf Goldcrest Films


INDUSTRY SCREENINGS IN NEW YORK EFP Industry Screenings in New York have taken place each June since 2005. Four to six films, which are selected by EFP members and all of which are seeking US distribution, are screened over a two-day period to an invited industry audience. The aim of these screenings is to raise industry awareness of new European films that may have been overlooked at major festivals or markets, and to provide European sales companies with additional opportunities for securing a US distribution deal. This initiative is part of EFP’s Film Sales Support (FSS).


EVENT ACTIVITIES Organisation of the industry screenings Invitation of sales agents Cocktail receptions following the New York screenings

Between 2005 and 2011, EFP presented 41 new films with commercial potential for the US market at the screening series in New York. Nine films were sold to US distributors after the screenings (= 22%). Between 2008 and 2010 39 national submissions for the Academy Award® for Best Foreign Language Film were presented in Los Angeles during the AFM. Evaluations show that 26 films were sold after the screenings, a sales ratio of 66%, 19 of which to US distributors. In 2011, 12 films were presented in Los Angeles – results are not available yet.

BRINGING EUROPEAN FILMS TO THE US Karen Arikian EFP Consultant, US Projects

The film industry in New York City encompasses an

on the bottom of the screen!). EFP decided to enter that

amazing group of people, and so many of them have played

game in 2005, when the members proposed a series of

seminal roles in bringing European film to the US. Miramax

industry-only screenings in New York featuring selected

Films, Cinecom Entertainment, Sony Picture Classics,

European films which were seeking distribution in the US.

October Films, Island Films, Kino International, New Yorker

It has been my distinct pleasure to present the films on

Films, Circle Releasing, IFC, Magnolia, The Weinstein

behalf of EFP since then, because the films are always

Company, Kino Lorber, Music Box and Film Movement

worth the effort. European cinema represents some of

are just some of the companies which have been at the

the best in film that one can see on the big screen today.

forefront in distributing European cinema over the years.

Most of us in NY have known each other for many years,

The people behind these companies (a group of very well

having grown up in the business together. As we continue

known names) are the reason that great European films

to grow (…older!), every effort that helps get films by great

have seen the light of day in the US. They are passionate

European auteurs and the up-coming new generation

distributors and exhibitors, all personally involved in the

onto the surviving arthouse screens across the nation

films the companies choose to release in an ever-more

is an effort well worth it. Here’s to many more years of

challenging market. As we all know, distributing foreign

EFP Industry Screenings in NYC. And remember: Occupy

language films in the US is no easy matter. (There is writing

Theater Seats!



EVENT ACTIVITIES Advertisements in major trade publications Invitation of international buyers registered at the AFM, LA-based distributors, members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), selected media Cooperation with an LA- based publicist Information material on display Listing of the screenings at various important online platforms

Since 2008, EFP Screenings in Los Angeles have taken place annually during the American Film Market in November. Films screening under this umbrella have been selected as the national submissions for the Academy Award® for Best Foreign Language Film and are available for US distribution. The screenings are open to Academy members, international buyers attending the AFM, selected press and LA based industry. In the past four years, a total of 60 films were presented. EFP complements the screening series by hosting an umbrella office for sales agents and producers at the AFM.

With this unique screening series, EFP is focusing attention on some of the best and most exciting filmmaking taking place in Europe today. All of the films were extremely successful in their home countries and at international film festivals, and it is our hope that we can give maximum exposure to these extraordinary films during this decisive time in Los Angeles. All of the films in the series are seeking US distribution, and presenting the films during the AFM offers the additional benefit of a potential pick-up for North America. Claudia Landsberger EFP Vice President

A TRIP THROUGH EUROPE Luisa Gräve Project Director

We’re nervous, but this is positive nervousness – an overbooked screening, how many of the guests who said they would come will really be there tonight? It’s the last night of the week of 13 European films. We’re getting extra chairs ready. The buzz is out there already. The World Is Big And Salvation Lurks Around The Corner, a Bulgarian/German/ Hungarian/Slovenian co-production, is showing tonight. It’s the Bulgarian entry for the 82nd Academy Awards® 2010. Some people in the City of Angels have seen it already, and the word got out that it is something you shouldn’t miss out on. Our guests waiting in line to see what they’ve been hearing about are discussing other titles – it’s Oscar Season! Several members of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences, who will later vote on the Best Foreign Language Film category, are in the audience. Some of them attended each night of this week, which was packed with European films. The screening room is full – however, the extra chairs are not needed, it all fits perfectly. Stefan Kitanov, producer of the film, is overwhelmed. Will the attending distributors be so as well? At the end of the evening, we hear the audience clapping their hands and see them leaving with a happy smile on their face. “When are you coming back with your European Oscar Screenings? A wonderful opportunity to see them altogether – we just got in the mood!”. With tonight’s film, they have been on a trip through half of Europe on a tandem – and, all of a sudden, Bulgaria doesn’t seem so far away anymore and the world is not that big after all.


The Yellow Affair would not have been able to participate at TIFF or the market without the support of European Film Promotion as the costs are very high for a company starting in the industry. As a new company, it was crucial for us to be there and to meet with distributors and tell them who we are and what type of ďŹ lms we represent. Miira Paasilinna Managing Director, The Yellow Affair, Sweden


The Toronto International Film Festival® is one of the most important film events in North America. Internationally, it has since become clearly ranked just behind Cannes and Berlin. The festival and its busy unofficial market have always served as a testing ground for marketing and release strategies of European films in North America. Professionals from around the world meet in Toronto to network, view, sell and buy films. As a much respected industry and audience platform for European films, Toronto surpasses all other festivals in North America. Idgdcid ]Vh bdgZ i]Vc YdjWaZY i]Z cjbWZg d[ Çabh [gdb :jgdeZ h^cXZ :;E Çghi XVbZ id i]Z [Zhi^kVa ^c &.., º [gdb initially 50 productions to more than 100 in recent years. European films are highly visible, creating substantial promotional opportunities for filmmakers, producers and directors from Europe in North America.

®Toronto International Film Festival is a registered trademark of the Toronto International Film Festival Inc.


EFP’S ACTIVITIES IN TORONTO OVER THE YEARS 1998.2004 THE FACE OF EUROPEAN CINEMA TODAY Presenting new exceptional European directors to the North American press


H^cXZ ^ih aVjcX] ^c &..,! :;E VcY ^ih bZbWZgh ]VkZ ValVnh ]VY V higdc\

Individual booths of EFP members at the Sales and Industry Office

presence at Toronto. Between 1998 and 2004, EFP held pan-European press

European reception for industry and press Financial support for European sales agents/producers as part of Film Sales Support

Xdc[ZgZcXZh [dg Vabdhi ,% je"VcY"Xdb^c\ :jgdeZVc Y^gZXidgh# KVg^djh hjW_ZXih were discussed, such as the making and marketing of films, working with actors and crew, relationships with producers and funding bodies, the influence of potential markets on the work and future projects. Each filmmaker brought something unique to the table. Some were first-time directors, others had one or two films under their belts. In each and every case, the EFP members felt that the film chosen by Toronto was one which demanded close attention. Bringing the directors together to discuss their work was an extraordinary opportunity for dynamic discussions and to highlight their films.

SELECTED DIRECTORS ASSOCIATED WITH FACES OF EUROPEAN CINEMA AT TORONTO 1998 Bent Hamer, Norway: Water Easy Reach (Een dag til I solen) Stefan Ruzowitzky, Austria: The Inheritors (Die Siebtelbauern) Tom Tykwer, Germany: Run Lola Run (Lola rennt) Thomas Vinterberg, Denmark: The Celebration (Festen) Mario Gas, Spain: The Pianist (El Pianista) 1999 Bruno Dumont, France: Humanity (L’Humanité) Frédérique Fontaine, Belgium: A Pornographic Affair (Une liaison pornographique)

Caroline Link, Germany: Annalouise and Anton (Pünktchen und Anton)



Jessica Hausner, Austria: Lovely Rita

Dagur Kári, Iceland: Noi the Albino

Shane Meadows, UK: A Room for Romeo Brass

Lieven Debrower, Belgium: Pauline and Paulette

Peter Webber, UK: Girl with a Pearl Earring

Lukas Moodyson, Sweden: Show Me Love (Fucking Åmål)

Michiel van Jaarsveld, The Netherlands: Drift

Wolfgang Becker, Germany: Goodbye, Lenin!

2000 Asia Argento, Italy: Scarlet Diva Hans Petter Moland, Norway: Aberdeen Baltasar Kormakur, Iceland: 101 Reykjavik Dominik Moll, France: Here to Help (Un ami qui vous veut du bien)

Ole Christian Madsen, Denmark: Kira’s Reason A Love Story 2 2002 Gurinder Chadha, UK: Bend It Like Beckham Emanuele Crialese, Italy: Respiro Penny Panayotopoulos, Greece: Hard Goodbyes: My Father

Mikael Håfström, Sweden: Evil 2004 Susanne Bier, Denmark: Brothers Catherine Breillat, France: Anatomy of Hell (Anatomie de l’enfer) Sally Potter, UK: Yes Saverio Costanzo, Italy: Private Erik van Looy, Belgium: The Alzheimer Case


FILM SALES SUPPORT To help with sales of European films to non-European countries, EFP started offering FILM SALES SUPPORT (FSS) for promotion campaigns of European films at Toronto in 2005. The new support fit in well with EFP’s other long-standing activities at the festival. FSS is a financial incentive for European companies who represent and market their films at this prestigious festival. Toronto is one of FSS’ flagship partner festivals where buyers from all over the world come together to do business at the festival’s unofficial market. Between 2005 and 2011, FSS helped with close on 330 campaigns at Toronto. So far, up to 2011, 194 films were sold to North and South America as well as Asia, which are key countries of this special support.

OLD WORLD MEETS NEW WORLD Piers Handling, Director Toronto International Film Festival

Fifteen years. So many memories. So many conversations, meetings – and so many films. EFP has been a wonderful partner over those years. Supportive, friendly, encouraging – and honest. Every year they are here for us, joining us in Toronto for another season of film, bringing producers and partners to the city to broaden their horizons, open new doors for them and show them our world. Old World meets New World and ideas are sparked and films are made. And the new Europe mingles with the new North America and out of this hybrid are born even more films and opportunities.Toronto is because of its geography a North American festival. But, it is determined to reflect all that is vital and energetic in world cinema. The links to Europe are strong and enduring, and while the city is becoming a wonderfully vibrant mix of cultures from every continent, there will always be a place for films from the ever-expanding European community. At a time when the marketplace looks and feels more and more homogeneous, we embrace diversity and differences. And this is what European cinema adds so richly to Toronto and North America - a different set of eyes. From Méliès and Lumière to von Trier and Varda, the hundred years or so of the cinema have been immensely enriched by the deep roots that have been planted in Europe. Its cinemas, and its artists, have given us some of the most memorable and enduring masterworks of the moving image. We wish all our European partners and their film industries continued success – and salute the achievements of EFP on its 15th anniversary.


Focusing on European cinema at Toronto as a gateway to North America


also included an umbrella booth by EFP where the films were advertised and the associated film industry and EFP’s member organisations had

In 2010, EFP launched a new project,

a base. The members have since provided services for their directors,


producers and sales agents, covering promotion and marketing and

partnership with the Toronto festival

making a name for Europe’s diverse cinema.

and the Ontario Media Development

Strong visibility and good campaigns are key elements in a competitive

Corporation (OMDC). The lab is a

market and Toronto is the place to make the difference for independent

programme for 12 European and

European films in North America.

12 Canadian producers. On three

Networking underlies all of EFP’s activities. On the first Sunday of the

intensive days, selected producers

festival, EFP holds its traditional reception celebrating the European

looking for possible co-production

filmmakers at Toronto. Around 350 international industry representatives,

partners meet to pitch projects and

festival guests and personnel come together after business hours in a

ideas and exchange information on

relaxed atmosphere.

funding in their countries.




Traditional European reception in Toronto celebrating European ďŹ makers


Partners of European Film Promotion

PUBLIC FUNDERS MEDIA Programme of the European Union The MEDIA Programme aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the European audiovisual industry with a series of support measures. H^cXZ ^ih ^cXZei^dc ^c &..,! :;E ]Vh received major financial support from the MEDIA Programme for its initiatives promoting European cinema worldwide. EFP is grateful to Aviva Silver (Head of Unit) and her team for this on-going support and collaboration which has resulted in an enormous increase in programmes and initiatives over the past 15 years.

Aviva Silver (Head of the MEDIA Programme) Claudia Landsberger (EFP Vice President) at the Berlin International Film Festival, 2011 © Markus Nass Arnaud Pasquali (EACEA Head of Sector Promotion) at the Producers Lunch in Cannes 2011 © Matthieu Carlin German Minister of State for Culture and the Media Bernd Neumann at the SHOOTING STARS Award Ceremony 2010 © kiva

MEDIA Mundus Programme of the European Union The MEDIA Mundus programme offers opportunities for global cooperation and is thus bringing more culturally diverse programmes to European and international markets. It also creates new business opportunities for audiovisual professionals from Europe and around the globe. EFP has received support for its events BRIDGES EUROPE – TURKEY in the framework of the Istanbul International Film Festival in 2010 as well as for the PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO in 2010 and 2011.

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) The Brussels-based agency is responsible for the management of certain parts of the EU’s programmes in the fields of education, culture and audiovisual. The tasks of the agency include the launching of the calls for proposals, the selection of applicants, as well as the contracting and monitoring of projects. The communication between EFP and the agency – in particular with Constantin Daskalakis and Arnaud Pasquali – is excellent. EFP is pleased to receive Framework Partnership Agreements as of 2009, running for three years and including all of EFP’s events and initiatives. BKM, Germany’s Minister of State for Culture and the Media Since 1999, the BKM has been a solid and very supportive partner for the administrative operations of EFP’s Hamburg office. The support enables the continuous and effective organisation of the network. In addition to the on-going support, EFP received budget increases in 2004 for its FILM SALES SUPPORT programme and for the MEDIA Mundus projects since 2010.

Partners of European Film Promotion

Ministry of Culture City of Hamburg/Germany The EFP office is based in Hamburg/ Germany, and the Hamburg Ministry of Culture is an important supporter of EFP’s overhead costs. It provides a solid basis for the administrative structure of EFP. Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein/Germany The network was able to establish itself in Hamburg, Germany, thanks to the generous financial support of the Hamburg Film Fund in EFP’s first years of existence. Since then, the close and friendly collaboration with Eva Hubert and her team has been extremely useful for EFP’s institutional and political integration in Hamburg. EFP receives support and guidance whenever there is a direct link to Hamburg in EFP’s activities.

Prof. Barbara Kisseler, Minister of Culture, City of Hamburg and Renate Rose, EFP Managing Director © Anne Oschatz Eva Hubert Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein Laufey Gudjonsdottir Icelandic Film Centre © Volker Renner SHOOTING STARS 2011 with Hannelore Kraft (left) Prime Minister North Rhine-Westphalia and Petra Mueller COO Film/Medienstiftung NRW © Heike Herbertz/Filmstiftung NRW

Film- und Medienstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen/Germany Since the inception of the SHOOTING STARS project, Germany’s largest regional film fund was an enthusiastic supporter of the idea of using the actor, the face of the film, as a marketing engine for its distribution. Each year, the film fund not only helps with a financial contribution, but also presents the young talents on the stage at its prestigious and

always well-attended reception during the Berlin Film Festival. Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg/Germany >c '%%*! '%%,! '%%-! '%&% VcY 2011, this important German film fund supported elements of the PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE event in Cannes if the participating German producer was based in Berlin. In addition, the film fund has supported the SHOOTING STARS project in Berlin since 2009. The Managing Director Kirsten Niehuus in giving both financial contributions and concrete input via her personal relations in the business is highly appreciated and of great use for EFP’s projects. FilmFernsehFonds Bayern/Germany The regional Bavarian film fund joined EFP’s Picture Europe! The Best of European Cinema in 2008 when the screenings of the programme were held in Munich. The FFF Bayern and EFP joined forces to organise a key event for Munich-based distributors and exhibitors. Klaus Schaefer and his team also support PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE and SHOOTING STARS if a Bavarian-based talent is part of the programme.

Partners of European Film Promotion

Nordisk Film & TV Fond/Norway The Nordisk Film & TV Fond has been a dedicated partner of FSS since 2006. Managing Director Hanne Palmquist has always shown a genuine interest in supporting the work of European sales agents.

Roberto Olla (Eurimages) Kirsten Niehuus (Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg) at the PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE event in Cannes, 2010 James Weyman (OMDC) at the Producers Lab Breakfast 2011 © Vali Valenti

Eurimages The European co-production fund of the Council of Europe has been supporting the PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE programme in Cannes financially since 2010. The partnership gives the participating producers the opportunity to come into direct contact with Executive Director Roberto Olla and his team for more detailed and personal information about funding possibilities. Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image animée (CNC) The French film funding institution CNC decided in 2001 to grant financial support to EFP, which continued until 2011 in an effort to support EFP’s promotional work. Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC)/Canada Thanks to the funding possibilities of the MEDIA International/MEDIA Mundus programme, the Torontobased film fund Ontario Media Development Corporation and EFP

teamed up to develop PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO together with the Toronto International Film Festival. The OMDC is more than a signing partner for this programme. With many years of experience in the support of international coproductions, the OMDC is the ideal partners for organising a high-quality event for international producers. The partnership started in 2010 and will be in its third year in 2012. Telefilm Canada It is the vision of this film fund that audiences everywhere will want to see screen-based content created by Canadians – accessible anywhere, anytime and on any platform. It is therefore natural to have the fund involved as an expert and financial supporter for the PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO.

SPONSORS OF INDIVIDUAL EVENTS TESIRO/China The Chinese jewellery company is fostering the European film market by giving support to the Berlin Film Festival in general as well as supporting young faces of European cinema: the SHOOTING STARS. Since 2008, TESIRO, as one of the world‘s

Partners of European Film Promotion

leading diamond traders, has fallen for the project and is main sponsor of the event as of 2012. In this role, TESIRO will donate the SHOOTING STARS Awards. As main sponsor, TESIRO designs the awards, which are presented each year by a famous host (in previous years e.g. Ralph Fiennes, Dame Judy Dench, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Zhang Ziyi). BMW Group/Germany EFP and BMW had a fruitful fouryear partnership for PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE from 2005 to 2008 when BMW offered partnerships to a number of European producers to help finance their film projects. Since 2008, the company supports the SHOOTING STARS at the Berlin International Film Festival.

Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi at the SHOOTING STARS Gala 2009 © Yves Salmon Christoph Fisser (COO, Studio Babelsberg), with UK SHOOTING STAR 2011 Andrea Riseborough on the red carpet in Berlin 2011 Olaf Stührk (Commerzbank), with German PRODUCER ON THE MOVE 2006 Bettina Brokemper at the Producers Lunch in Cannes 2011 © Volker Renner

Commerzbank/Germany The Berlin-based Commerzbank has been EFP’s financial partner since 2010. Apart from the cost-effective handling of EFP’s accounts, the bank provided financial support for the SHOOTING STARS programme in Berlin in 2010 as well as for PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE in Cannes, in 2010 and 2011. Olaf Stührk and his team were present to inform the participants about the possibility of “Gap

Financing” which is of particular value for the producers. Arvato Entertainment Europe/ Germany Since 2000, the company (formerly known as Sonopress) has been a reliable partner for SHOOTING STARS. In this period – when DVD was still a brand-new tool in the field of distribution – EFP was already using the format for its marketing and produced a DVD trailer as part of its print catalogue with the support of Sonopress. When the company was renamed Arvato, the support was extended to include the printing of all materials. The company also became a partner of PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE in 2004. HBO/Cinemax/Czech Republic With its channel Cinemax, the Czech branch of HBO became a supporting partner of EFP’s Variety’s Ten European Directors To Watch at the Karlovy Vary >ciZgcVi^dcVa ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa ^c '%%,# Ever since then, Ondrej Zach and his team have confirmed to celebrate the ten selected films and their directors at the festival. Studio Babelsberg/Germany With a focus on international film

Partners of European Film Promotion

production, Studio Babelsberg served between 2009 and 2011 as the main sponsor for the SHOOTING STARS. In this role, Studio Babelsberg supported the event financially and donated a redesigned SHOOTING STARS Award. The ten statuettes were modelled on Maria, the famous character from Fritz Lang‘s film Metropolis, which was produced at the 7VWZahWZg\ hijY^dh ^c &.',#


I]Z HdcdegZhh iZVb ^c 8VccZh '%%, with Mario Blomberg (second from left) representing Arvato Ondrej Zach (HBO) at the EFP Press Lunch in Karlovy Vary © kiva Dr. Carl Woebcken (President/CEO, Studio Babelsberg) at the SHOOTING STARS producers lunch in Berlin 2010 © kiva

Variety/USA EFP’s partnership with Variety is a piece of history itself. The Variety Critics’ Choice: Europe Now! (now titled Variety’s Ten European Directors to Watch) was launched at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and has constantly been developed over the years. Variety critics select 10 European films by up-and-coming directors in close collaboration with the festival and the respective EFP members. The idea of spotlighting European film talent at various European festivals was expanded to include the San Sebastian International Film Festival from 2008 to 2010, with the focus on distributors: European Distributors: Up Next!

and to Berlin, where Variety, as the main media partner of the SHOOTING STARS in the past few years, has showcased the event prominently in its publications. European Film Academy The European Film Academy (EFA) has been a friend and partner of :;E h^cXZ ^ih ^cXZei^dc ^c &..,# On several occasions, the director Marion Döring and her team have invited selected SHOOTING STARS as presenters for the prestigious European Film Awards. Europa International EFP consults with newly founded Europa International, an organisation with a membership of 28 leading European sales agents, who are regular recipients of Film Sales Support. Based in Brussels, Europa International shares information and seeks common positions under one umbrella in order to increase the circulation of European films worldwide. Michael Weber of The Match Factory is President of Europa International. International Casting Directors Network In 2005, 15 casting directors from seven countries founded the International Network of Casting

Partners of European Film Promotion

Directors within the framework of the SHOOTING STARS event. The initiative is the first network of its kind and is aimed exclusively at casting directors who cast feature films. Up until then, casting directors were only organised in national associations. The network offers casting directors the chance to exchange ideas on an international level about their different ways of working, to take advantage of synergies with international coproductions and to attract greater attention to the work of casting a film. Since its inception, the members of the network meet annually during the SHOOTING STARS project. Their attendance and the possibility for the actors to meet internationally active casting directors from around the world in a relaxed atmosphere is at the centre of the project for the actors and their representatives. In the meantime, the network has grown to 39 members.

Poster for the PICTURE EUROPE! campaign in Madrid, 2008, designed by G2 Elena Anaya on stage with the SHOOTING STARS at the EFA Awards Ceremony in Barcelona, 2004

G2/Germany The internationally operating advertising agency G2, formerly Grey, joined EFP’s film programme Picture Europe! The Best of European Cinema as experts in marketing and advertising at the early stage of preparations. In close cooperation, teams at both

ends were joining forces to develop a unique and strong marketing campaign for this audience event in different European cities in '%%, VcY '%%-# ;daadl^c\ i]^h partnership, G2 continued to support EFP by developing EFP‘s new logo as well as a new art design for the publications over the past two years. EFP has always been a pro bono client of G2

Over the years more generous sponsors and partners have participated in EFP’s events. for SHOOTING STARS: Krüger & Krüger Tonstudios Premiere Rovi Studio Hamburg Volkswagen AG for PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE: Holland Subtitling Producers Network Alvernia Studio Studio Berlin Scandinavian Films for KARLOVY VARY CRITICS’ CHOICE Pricewaterhouse Coopers for FILM SALES SUPPORT: UK Film Council

Partners of European Film Promotion

MEDIA PARTNERS Cineuropa The European cinema portal and EFP have fostered a collaborative relationship in the past few years, with both aiming to promote the European film industry and its talent throughout the world. Meanwhile, most of EFP’s talent promotion receives added value through text and video interviews published in four languages by Cineuropa.

Lori Burgess, Alison Smith, Alex More of The Hollywood Reporter at the Producers Lunch in Cannes 2011 © Volker Renner Michael Werner (Fortissimo), Michael Goodridge (Screen International), Carl Spence (Seattle IFF) at EFP‘s reception in Toronto 2011 © Vali Valenti

Screen International/UK Over the past few years, Screen International has supported EFP’s traditional European Cocktail at the Toronto International Film Festival. Screen also acts as media partner of SHOOTING STARS at the Berlinale and has continuously spotlighted Europe’s best young actors. The Hollywood Reporter/USA For over half a decade, The Hollywood Reporter has been a partner of EFP’s Producers Lunch at the Cannes International Film Festival and has, in this way, supported the networking of exciting young European producers. As a media partner of EFP’s well-known SHOOTING STARS programme, THR has, moreover,

highlighted the wealth of European acting talent to the world. Media Partners for SHOOTING STARS: Apart from the international trade magazines, EFP has various national press organs as media partners for SHOOTING STARS. Domestic trade media such as BLICKPUNKT FILM (Germany) or CINEMA (Sweden), glossy magazines such as VOGUE, VANITY FAIR and MADAME have spotlighted the young European actors in connection with their glamorous presentation at the Berlin International Film Festival.

SHOOTING STARS 2009 © Peter Hönnemann


Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts ALBANIA ALBANIAN NATIONAL CENTER OF CINEMATOGRAPHY (ANCC) Albafilm Studio 6aZ`hVcY g Bd^h^j! ,, AL - 1012 Tirana E]dcZ (** ) '(,- %%) info@nationalfilmcenter.gov.al www.nationalfilmcenter.gov.al Shooting Star 2011: Nik Xhelilaj Producer on the Move 2011: Dritan Huqi (OnFilm Production)

AUSTRIA AUSTRIAN FILM COMMISSION Stiftgasse 6 6 " &%,% K^ZccV Phone +43 1 526 3323 Fax +43 1 526 6801 office@afc.at www.AustrianFilm.com Shooting Stars '%%,/ Sabrina Reiter 2006: Kathrin Resetarits 2005: Franziska Weisz 2004: Georg Friedrich 2003: Maria Hofstätter 2001: Birgit Minichmayr 2000: Nina Proll 1999: Christian Schmidt 1998: Fritz Karl Producers on the Move 2009: Alexander Glehr (Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion GmbH) 2003: Gabriele Kranzelbinder (KGP – Kranzelbinder Gabriele Production GmbH) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice '%%,/ Andreas Prochaska (Dead in 3 Days) 2005: actor Josef Hader for Wolfgang Murnberger (Silentium) 2003: Andrea Maria Dusl (Blue Moon) 2002: Gerhard Ertl Sabine Hiebler (Nogo)

2001: Paul Harather (The Praying Mantis, Die Gottesanbeterin) 2000: Barbara Albert (Nordrand)

BALTIC COUNTRIES BALTIC FILMS c/o Estonian Film Foundation Eesti Filmi Sihtasutus Uus tn. 3 EST - 10111 Tallinn E]dcZ (,' + ',+% +% ;Vm (,' + ',+% +& tristan@efsa.ee www.efsa.ee www.latfilma.lv www.lrkm.lt Shooting Stars '%%,/ Rain Tolk (Estonia) 2006: Maarja Jacobson (Estonia) 2004: Kristine Nevarauska (Latvia) Producers on the Move 2011: Linda Krukle (KrukFilms, Latvia) 2010: Anneli Ahven (Exitfilm, Estonia) 2009: Katrin Kissa (Homeless Bob Production, Estonia) 2008: Alise ğelze (Film Studio TANKA, Latvia) '%%,/ Riina Sildos (Amrion Production, Estonia) 2006: Ieva Norviliene (Tremora, Lithuania) 2005: Gatis Upmalis (Studio F.O.R.M.A., Latvia) 2004: Anu Veermäe (Rudolf Konimois Film, Estonia) 2003: Kristian Taska (Taska Film, Estonia) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Ieva Norviliene (Tremora, Lithuania) 2011: Riina Sildos (Amrion Production, Estonia) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2004: Rando Pettai (Made in Estonia)

BELGIUM FLANDERS IMAGE Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF) c/o Flanders Film House Bischoffsheimlaan 38 B - 1000 Brussels Phone +32 2 2260 630 Fax +32 2 2191 936 cdeschutter@vaf.be www.flandersimage.com WALLONIE BRUXELLES IMAGES 18 Place Eugène Flagey B - 1050 Brussels Phone +32 2 223 2304 Fax +32 2 218 3424 eric.franssen@wbimages.be www.wbimages.be Shooting Stars '%%,/ Kevin Janssens (Flanders) 2005: Marie Vinck (Flanders) 2004: Lubna Azabal (Wallonie) 2003: Matthias Schoenaerts (Flanders) 2002: Jérémie Renier (Wallonie) 2001: Aylin Yay (Wallonie) 2001: Filip Peeters (Flanders) 1998: Sabrina Leurquin (Wallonie) 1998: Michaël Pas (Flanders) Producers on the Move '%%,/ Samuel Tilman (Eklektik Productions, Wallonie) 2006: Tomas Leyers (Minds Meet, Flanders) 2004: Viviane Vanfleteren (Vivi Film scrl, Flanders) 2003: Patrick Quinet (Artémis Productions, Wallonie) 2002: Mariano Vanhoof (Fobic Films, Flanders) 2002: Joseph Rouschop (Tarantula Belgique scrl, Wallonie) 2001: Kaat Camerlynck (Corridor, Flanders) 2001: Diana Elbaum (Entre Chien et Loup, Wallonie) 2000: Rein Boumans (Flanders) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Mariano Vanhoof (Fobic Films, Flanders) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Hans Van Nuffel

(Oxygen) 2008: Pieter Van Hees (Dirty Mind) 2005: Michael Abiteboul (Ultranova) 2004: Gustave Kervern Benoit Delépine (Aaltra)

BULGARIA BULGARIAN NATIONAL FILM CENTER Executive Agency 2-A Dondukov Blvd. BG - 1000 Sofia E]dcZ (*. ' .-, )%.+ ;Vm (*. ' .-,( +'+ nfc@nfc.bg www.nfc.bg Shooting Stars 2006: Vesela Kazakova Producers on the Move 2011: Borislav Chouchkov (Chouchkov Brothers) 2010: Kamen Kalev (Waterfront Film) 2009: Ilian Djevelekov (Miramar Film Ltd)

CROATIA CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL CENTRE Nova Ves 18 HR - 10 000 Zagreb Phone +385 1 604 1080 ;Vm (-* & )++ ,-&. promotion@havc.hr www.havc.hr Shooting Stars 2011: Marija Škariþiü 2010: Zrinka Cvitešiü Producers on the Move 2009: Ankica Juriü Tiliü (Kinorama) Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Ankica Juriü Tiliü (Kinorama) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2008: Goran Rušinoviü (Buick Riviera)


Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH FILM CENTER Národní trída 28 CZ - 110 00 Prague 1 Phone +420 22 1105 321 Fax +420 22 1105 303 info@filmcenter.cz www.filmcenter.cz Shooting Stars 2010: Kryštof Hádek '%%,/ Klara Issa 2006: Pavel Liška 2005: Jan BudaŐ 2004: Aña Geisleróva 2003: Tatiana Vilhelmóva Producers on the Move 2011: Radim Procházka (Produkce Radim Procházka s.r.o.) 2010: Pavel Berþík (Evolution Films Ltd.) 2009: Monika Kristl (Dawson Productions) 2008: JiŐí Koneþný (endorfilm s.r.o.) '%%,/ Martin Vandas (MAUR Film) 2006: Karla Stojáková (Axman Production) 2005: Helena Uldrichová (Asociace Producentú v Audiovizi / APA) 2004: Vratislav Šlajer (Bionaut Films) 2003: Pavel Strnad (Negativ film productions) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Karla Stojakova (Axman Production) 2010: Monika Kristl (Dawson Productions) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2010: Robert Sedláþek (Men In Rut) 2008: Maria Procházková (Who’s Afraid of the Wolf) 2006: Steen Agro producer Jeffrey Brown Monika Splichalova David Rauch (Shut Up And Shoot Me) 2005: Petr Nikolaev (A Little Piece of Heaven)

2003: Jan Kraus (Small Town) 2002: producer Jaroslav Boucek for Vladimir Michálek (Autumn Spring)

DENMARK DANISH FILM INSTITUTE Gothersgade 55 DK - 1123 Copenhagen K E]dcZ )* (( ,)( )+) ;Vm )* (( ,)( ))* christianjl@dfi.dk www.dfi.dk Shooting Stars 2011: Pilou Asbæk 2009: Cyron Melville 2008: Stine Fischer Christensen '%%,/ David Dencik 2006: Beate Bille 2005: Jakob Cedergren 2004: Sonja Richter 2003: Nikolaj Lie Kaas 2002: Maria Würgler Rich 2001: Ann Eleonora Jørgensen 2000: Thure Lindhardt 1999: Iben Hjejle 1998: Lars Simonsen Producers on the Move 2011: Jesper Morthorst (Alphaville Pictures Copenhagen APS) 2010: Christian Rank (DR TV Danish Broadcasting Corporation) 2009: Christian Potalivo (Miso Film ApS) 2008: Louise Vesth (Zentropa Filmbyen APS) '%%,/ Sarita Christensen (Copenhagen Bombay) 2006: René Ezra (Nordisk Film Production A/S) 2005: Tine Grew Pfeiffer (Alphaville Pictures Copenhagen APS) 2004: Thomas Gammeltoft (Fine & Mellow Productions A/S) 2003: Sisse Graum Jørgensen (Zentropa Filmbyen APS) 2002: Michel Schønnemann (Blenkov & Schønnemann) 2001: Kim Magnusson 2000: Brigitte Hald

(Nimbus Film) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2008: Semra Turan for Natasha Arthy (Fighter) '%%,/ Ole Christian Madsen (Prague) 2005: Max Kestner actress Dunja Gry Jensen (Blue Collar White Christmas) 2001: Anders Thomas Jensen (Flickering Lights)

FINLAND FINNISH FILM FOUNDATION Kanavakatu 12 FIN - 00160 Helsinki Phone +358 9 6220 300 Fax +358 9 6220 305 ses@ses.fi www.ses.fi Shooting Stars 2010: Pihla Viitala 2009: Samuli Vauramo '%%,/ Tommi Eronen 2006: Jasper Pääkkönen 2005: Kari-Pekka Toivonen 2004: Irina Björklund 2003: Minna Haapkylä Producers on the Move 2011: Joonas Berghäll (Oktober Oy) 2010: Annika Fryckman (Helsinki-Filmi Oy) 2009: Matti Halonen (Fisher King Production Oy) 2008: Ulla Simonen (MADE) '%%,/ Kai Nordberg (Making Movies Oy) 2006: Aleksi Bardy (Helsinki-Filmi Oy) 2005: Leila Lyytikäinen (Estar Studios Ltd Oy) 2004: Jarkko Hentula (Juonifilmi Oy) 2003: Lasse Saarinen (Kinotar Oy) 2002: Ilkka Mertsola (University of Art and Design) 2001: Anna Heiskanen (University of Art and Design) 2000: Stiina Laakso (MTV Networks Helsinki)

Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Matti Halonen (Fisher King Production Oy) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2006: Joona Tena (FC Venus) 2003: Aku Louhimies (Lovers & Leavers)

FRANCE UNIFRANCE FILMS 13, rue Henner ; " ,*%%. EVg^h E]dcZ (( & ),*( ',&& ;Vm (( & ),%* (+,* regine.hatchondo@unifrance.org www.unifrance.org Shooting Stars 2012: Adéle Haenel 2010: Anaïs Demoustier 2009: Hafsia Herzi 2008: Nicolas Cazalé '%%,/ Mélanie Laurent 2006: Fanny Valette 2005: Sara Forestier 2004: Zoé Félix 2003: Cécile de France 2002: Rachida Brakni 2001: Ludivine Sagnier 2001: Malik Zidi 2000: Caroline Ducey 2000: Antoine Chappey 1999: Alexia Stresi 1999: Mathieu Demy 1998: Clotilde Courau 1998: Melvil Poupaud Producers on the Move 2011: Justin Taurand (Les Films du Bélier) 2010: Lauranne Bourrachot (Chic Films) 2009: Emmanuel Agneray (Bizibi) 2008: Marc-Antoine Robert '#)#,# ;^abh '%%,/ Sylvie Pialat (Les Films du Worso) 2006: Antoine Rein (Karé Productions) 2005: Yann Gilbert (La Mouche du Coche Films) 2004: François Kraus (Les Films du Kiosque)

Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts 2003: Bruno Lévy (Move Movie) 2002: Pascal Arnold (Toloda S.A.R.L.) 2001: Marc Missonnier (Fidélité Films) 2000: Yaël Fogiel (Les Films du Poisson) Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Xavier Rigault for Marc-Antoine Robert (2.4.7. Films) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: David Dusa (Flowers Of Evil) 2010: Mona Achache (The Hedgehog) 2009: Cédric Anger (The Killer) 2007: Alanté Kavaïté (Fissures) 2006: Brice Cauvin editor Agathe Cauvin (Hotel Harabati) 2004: Emilie Deleuze (Mister V.) 2000: Serge Le Péron (The Marcorelle Affaire) 2003: Christophe Loizillon (My Camera and Me) 2002: Claude Miller (The Newcomer) 2001: Emmanuel Mouret (Leave it to Lucie!) (Laissons Lucie Faire!)

GEORGIA GEORGIAN NATIONAL FILM CENTER Tamara Tatishvili 4 Z. Gamsakhurdia Sanapiro Str. 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia phone +995 32 2999 200 info@gnfc.ge www.gnfc.ge/?lang=eng GERMANY GERMAN FILMS Service + Marketing GmbH Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 16 D - 80331 München Phone +49 89 599 787 0 Fax +49 89 599 787 30 info@german-films.de www.german-films.de

Shooting Stars 2012: Anna Maria Mühe 2011: Alexander Fehling 2009: David Kross 2008: Hannah Herzsprung 2007: Maximilian Brückner 2006: Johanna Wokalek 2005: Max Riemelt 2004: Maria Simon 2003: Daniel Brühl 2002: Antonio Wannek 2001: Heike Makatsch 2001: Benno Fürmann 2000: Nina Hoss 2000: August Diehl 1999: Maria Schrader 1999: Moritz Bleibtreu 1998: Franka Potente 1998: Jürgen Vogel Producers on the Move 2011: Gian-Piero Ringel (Neue Road Movies GmbH) 2010: Oliver Damian (27 Films Production) 2009: Janine Jackowski (Komplizen Film GmbH) 2008: Sigrid Hoerner (moneypenny filmproduktion GmbH) 2007: Meike Kordes (Kordes & Kordes Film/Berlin GmbH) 2006: Bettina Brokemper (Heimatfilm GmbH + Co. KG) 2005: Jens Meurer (Egoli Tossell Film AG) 2004: Ralph Schwingel (WÜSTE Film GmbH) 2003: Jakob Claussen (Claussen + Wöbke + Putz Filmproduktion GmbH) 2002: Peter Rommel (Rommel Film e.K.) 2001: Maria Köpf (day-for-night, Maria Köpf Filmproduktion) 2000: Käte Caspar (Distant Dreams Filmproduktion GmbH) Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Janine Jackowski (Komplizen Film GmbH) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Yasemin Samdereli

(Almanya) 2010: Markus Goller (Friendship!) 2009: Franziska Meletzky (According to the Plan) 2007: Sonja Heiss Nikolai von Graevenitz co-writer (Hotel Very Welcome) 2006: Sören Senn (KussKuss-Your Happiness Depends on Me) 2005: Jakob Hüfner Jörn Hintzer (Measures to Better the World) 2003: Stefan Krohmer (They’ve Got Knut) 2002: Henner Winckler (School Trip) 2001: Franziska Petri (Vergiss America) 2000: Leander Haußmann (Sonnenallee)

GREECE GREEK FILM CENTRE 7 Dionissiou Areopagitou GR - Athens 117 42 Phone +30 210 367 8530, +30 210 367 8500 Fax +30 210 361 4336 info@gfc.gr stavroula.geronimaki@gfc.gr www.gfc.gr Shooting Stars 2007: Panayota Vladi 2006: Christos Loulis 2005: Alexia Kaltsiki 2004: Alexandra Aidini 2003: Marilita Lambropoulou 2002: Athena Maximou 2001: Evelina Papoulia 2000: Photini Papadodima 1999: Renos Haralambidis 1998: Vicky Volioti Producers on the Move 2011: Maria Hatzakou (HAOS Film) 2010: Yorgos Tsourgiannis (horsefly productions) 2008: Maria Drandaki (Pan Entertainment SA) 2007: Gregory Athanasiou (Minus Pictures) 2006: Panos Papahadzis (Argonauts Productions S.A.)

2005: Dionyssis Samiotis (Odeon SA) 2003: Thanos Anastopoulos (Fantasia Audiovisual Ltd.) 2001: Lilette Botassi (Inkas Film Productions) 2000: Marianna Spanoudaki-Panayotopoulos (Marianna Films) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Gregory Athanasiou (Minus Pictures) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2009: Vassilis Douvlis (The Homecoming) 2008: Christos Georgiou producer Thanassis Karathanos (Small Crime) 2006: Yorgos Noussias prod. Petros Noussias Louizos Aslanidis script Alex Iosifidis (Evil) 2005: producer Dennis Iliadis for Bouli Lanners (Hardcore) 2004: Tassos Boulmetis (A Touch of Spice) 2002: Yota Festa (The Cistern) 2001: Olga Malea (Risotto) (Rizoto) 2000: Costas Kapakas (Peppermint)

HUNGARY MAGYAR FILMUNIÓ HUNGARIAN NATIONAL FILM FUND Városligeti Fasor 38 H - 1068 Budapest Phone +36 1 351 7760, +36 1 351 7761 Fax +36 1 352 6734 kati.vajda@filmunio.hu www.filmunio.hu Shooting Stars 2009: Orsi Tóth 2008: Zsolt Nagy 2007: Peter Nagy 2006: Gabriella Hámori 2005: Dorka Gryllus 2004: Eszter Ónodi 2003: Szonja Oroszlán 2002: Marcell Miklós


Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts Producers on the Move 2011: Attila Csáky (Cameofilm Kft.) 2010: Tamás Liszka (SzimplaFilm Kft.) 2009: Gábor Sipos (Laokoon Filmgroup) 2008: Dalma Hidasi (Extreme Film Kft.) '%%,/ Ferenc Pusztai (KMH Film Kft.) 2006: Iván Angelusz (Katapult Film Ltd.) 2005: András Muhi (Inforg Stúdió) 2004: Gábor Forgács (HCC Media Group & Parabel Studio) 2003: Viktória Petrányi (Proton Cinema Ltd.) 2002: Csaba Bereczki (Mondial Film) Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Esztergalyos Krisztina for Iván Angelusz (Katapult Film Ltd.) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2008: Gergely Fonyó (Made In Hungaria) 2006: Ágnes Kocsis actor Ferenc Pusztai (Fresh Air) 2004: Nimród Antal (Kontroll) 2003: József Pacskovszky (The Colour of Happiness) 2002: Bence Miklauzic (Sleepwakers) 2001: Ágnes Incze (I Love Budapest)

ICELAND ICELANDIC FILM CENTRE Hverfisgata 54 IS - 101 Reykjavík Phone +354 562 3580 ;Vm (*) *+' ,&,& info@icelandicfilmcentre.is www.icelandicfilmcentre.is Shooting Stars 2012: Hilmar Gudjónsson '%%,/ Gísli Örn Gardarsson

2006: Bjorn Hlynur Haraldsson 2005: Alfrun Ornolfsdottir 2004: Tómas Lemarquis 2003: Nina Dögg Filippusdottir 2002: Margrét Vilhjalmsdóttir 2001: Baltasar Kórmakur 2000: Hilmir Snaer Gudnason 1999: Ingvar Sigurdsson Producers on the Move 2011: Hlin Jóhannesdóttir (Zik Zak Filmworks) 2010: Davíð Óskar Ólafsson (Mystery Ísland ehf.) 2009: Gudrún Edda Thorhannesdóttir (Spellbound Productions) 2008: Magnus Vidar Sigurdsson (Sagafilm) 2006: Ingvar Thordarson (Kisi Production) '%%,/ Kristín Ólafsdóttir (Ísfilm) 2005: Anna María Karlsdóttir (Icelandic Film Corporation) 2004: Agnes Johansen (Blueeyes Productions) 2003: Kristín Atladóttir (Ísfilm) 2001: Júlíus Kemp (Kisi Production) 2000: Hrönn Kristinsdóttir (Ljøsband efh) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Valdís Óskarsdóttir (King’s Road) 2003: Dagur Kári (Noi the Albino)

IRELAND IRISH FILM BOARD Queensgate, 23 Dock Road IRL - Galway Phone +353 91 561 398 Fax +353 91 561 405 info@irishfilmboard.ie www.irishfilmboard.ie Shooting Stars 2012: Antonia Campbell-Hughes 2011: Domhnall Gleeson 2009: Sarah Bolger '%%,/ Padraic Delaney 2006: Ruth Negga 2005: Mark O’Halloran 2004: Andrew Scott

2003: Flora Montgomery 2002: Lindsey Harris 2001: Elaine Cassidy 1999: Paul Ronan Producers on the Move 2011: Rebecca O’Flanagan (Treasure Entertainment) 2010: Katie Holly (Bl!nder Films) 2009: Andrew Freedman (Venom Film) 2008: Macdara Kelleher (Fastnet Films) '%%,/ Martina Niland (Samson Films Ltd. & Accomplice TV) 2006: John McDonnell (Fantastic Films) 2005: Nathalie Lichtenthaeler (Wide Eye Films Ltd.) 2004: Michael Casey (Green Park Films) 2003: David McLoughlin (Wexford Festival Opera) 2002: Paul Donovan (Grand Pictures Ltd) 2001: Tristan Orpen Lynch (Subotica Ltd.) 2000: Marina Hughes (Venus Film & TV Productions) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Tristan Orpen Lynch (Subotica Ltd.) 2010: Martina Niland (Samson Films Ltd. & Accomplice TV) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2010: Carmel Winters (Snap) '%%,/ Steve Hudson (True North) 2000: Gerard Stembridge (About Adam)

ITALY CINECITTÀ LUCE FILMITALIA Via Tuscolana, 1055 > " %%&,( GdbZ E]dcZ (. %+ ,''- +& ;Vm (. %+ ,''& --( g.guerrasio@cinecittaluce.it www.filmitalia.org www.cinecittaluce.it

Shooting Stars 2012: Isabella Ragonese 2010: Michele Riondino 2009: Alba Caterina Rohrwacher 2008: Elio Germano '%%,/ Jasmine Trinca 2006: Riccardo Scamarcio 2005: Giorgio Pasotti 2004: Filippo Nigro 2003: Libero de Rienzo 2002: Fabrizio Gifuni 2001: Stefano Accorsi 2000: Maya Sansa Producers on the Move 2011: Marta Donzelli (Vivo film) 2010: Simone Bachini (Aranciafilm) 2009: Giorgia Priolo (Film Kairòs) 2008: Daniele Mazzocca (Verdeoro) '%%,/ Mario Gianani (Wildside) 2006: Fabrizio Mosca (Acaba Produzioni) 2005: Nicola Giuliano (Indigo Film) 2004: Laura Cafiero (Patrizia Cafiero & Partners) 2003: Amedeo Pagani (Classic) 2002: Andrea de Liberato (Punto Zero Film) 2001: Donatella Botti (Bianca Film) 2000: Tilde Corsi (R&C Produzioni) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Karin Annell for Mario Gianani (Wildside) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Claudio Cupellini (A Quiet Life) 2009: Fabrizio Bentivoglio (Don’t Waste Your Time, Johnny!) 2003: Francesco Patierno (Pater Familias) 2000: Mimmo Calopresti (Preferisco il Rumori del Mare)

Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts LUXEMBOURG FILM FUND LUXEMBOURG 5, rue Large A " &.&, AjmZbWdjg\ E]dcZ (*' '),- '&,. Fax +352 220 963 Francoise.lentz@filmfund.etat.lu www.filmfund.lu Shooting Stars '%%,/ Jules Werner 2005: Sascha Ley 2004: Tom Leick 2002: Luc Feit 2001: Mickey Hardt 2000: Myriam Muller Producers on the Move 2011: David Grumbach (Paul Thiltges Distributions) 2008: Bernard Michaux (lucil s.a.r.l.) 2005: Anne Schroeder (Samsa Film) 2006: Ariane Payen 2004: Heinz Thym (T Films S.A.) 2003: Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu (Minotaurus Film) 2002: Eddy Géradon-Luyckx 2001: Donato Rotunno (Tarantula Luxembourg) 2000: Georgina Bonmariage Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Bernard Michaux (lucil s.a.r.l.) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2009: Paul Kieffer (Arabian Nights)

FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MACEDONIAN FILM FUND st. 8 Mart no. 4 MK - 1000 Skopje Phone +389 2 3224 100 Fax +389 2 3224 111 d.baseski@filmfund.gov.mk www.filmfund.gov.mk Shooting Stars 2011: Natasha Petrovic

Producers on the Move 2011: Darko Popov (Punk Film) 2010: Vladimir Anastasov (Sektor Film)

THE NETHERLANDS EYE FILM INSTITUTE NETHERLANDS Vondelpark 3 CA " &%,& 66 6bhiZgYVb E]dcZ (& '% ,*-' (,* ;Vm (& '% ,*-' (,% international@eyefilm.nl www.international.eyefilm.nl Shooting Stars 2011: Sylvia Hoeks 2010: Lotte Verbeek 2008: Maryam Hassouni '%%,/ Halina Reijn 2006: Mimoun Oaïssa 2005: Monic Hendrickx 2004: Thekla Reuten 2003: Daan Schuurmans 2002: Fedja van Huêt 2000: Nadja Hüpscher 1999: Tamar van den Dop 1998: Victor Löw Producers on the Move 2011: Michael John Fedun (Corrino Media Group) 2009: Carmen Cobos (Cobos Films b.v.) 2008: Reinier Selen (Rinkel Film BV) '%%,/ Petra Goedings (Phanta Vision Film International) 2006: Leontine Petit (Lemming Film) 2005: Stienette Bosklopper (Circe Films) 2004: Jeroen Beker (IDTV Film) 2003: Hanneke Niens (KeyFilm B.V.) 2002: Jan van der Zanden (Waterland Film & TV) 2001: San Fu Maltha (Fu Works) 2000: Els Vandevorst C',. :ciZgiV^cbZci Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Reinier Selen (Rinkel Film BV)

Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2009: Dana Nachushtan (Dunya & Desie) 2008: Noud Heerkens (Last Conversation) 2006: Martin Koolhoven (Schnitzel Paradise) 2004: Albert ter Heerdt (Shouf Shouf Habibi!) 2000: Brat Ljatifi Fow Pyng Hu (Jacky)

2001: Edward Dreyer 2000: Turid Øversveen (4 1/2 Film) Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Silje Hopland Eik (Cinenord Spillefilm AS)

NORWEGIAN FILM INSTITUTE FILMENSHUS P.O. Box 482 Sentrum N - 0105 Oslo E]dcZ ), '' ), )* %%! ), '' ), )* ,* ;Vm ), '' ), )* ., stine.oppegaard@nfi.no www.nfi.no/english/norwegianfilms

Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Jannicke Systad Jacobsen (Turn Me On, Goddammit) '%%,/ Alexander Eik (Cold Feet) 2005: actor Kristoffer Joner prod. Christian Fredrik Martin for Sara Johnsen (Kissed By Winter) 2003: Gunnar Vikene (Falling Sky) 2002: Trygve Allister Diesen (Hold My Heart) 2001: Pal Jackman (Detektor) 2000: Knut Erik Jensen (Passing Darkness)

Shooting Stars 2010: Anders Baasmo Christiansen '%%,/ Nicolai Cleve Broch 2006: Ane Dahl Torp 2005: Trond Espen Seim 2004: Aksel Hennie 2003: Kristoffer Joner 2002: Maria Bonnevie 2001: Gørild Mauseth 1998: Anneke von der Lippe

POLISH FILM INSTITUTE (PISF) ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 21/23 EA " %%"%,& LVghVl E]dcZ )- '' )'&% )., Fax +48 22 4210 241 pisf@pisf.pl www.pisf.pl


Producers on the Move 2011: Maria Ekerhovd (Mer Film AS) 2010: Asle Vatn (Friland AS) 2009: Yngve Sæther (Motlys A/S) 2008: Silje Hopland Eik (Cinenord Spillefilm AS) '%%,/ Eric Vogel (Tordenfilm AS) 2006: Christian Fredrik Martin (Friland AS) 2005: Jørgen Storm Rosenberg (Rubicon TV AS) 2004: Gudny Hummelvoll (SF Norge) 2003: Bent Hamer (BulBul Film AS) 2002: Bjørn Eivind Aarskog (Exposed Films)


Shooting Stars 2012: Jakub Gierszał 2010: Agata Buzek '%%,/ Agnieszka Grochowska Producers on the Move 2011: Lukasz Dzieciol (Opus Film) 2010: Kamila Polit (Prasa i Film Ltd.) 2009: Andrzej Jakimowski (ZAiR - Zjednoczenie Artystów i RzemieŒlników) 2008: Grzegorz Hajdarowicz (Gremi Film Production SA) '%%,/ Piotr Mularuk (Yeti Films) 2006: Piotr DziĘcioł (Opus Film) Producers Lab Toronto 2010: Andrzej Jakimowski (ZAiR - Zjednoczenie Artystów i RzemieŒlników)


Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2010: Borys Lankosz (Reverse) '%%,/ Grzegorz Lewandowski (Hyena) 2006: Dorota KĘdzierzawska, prod. Arthur Reinhart (I Am) 2001: Malgorzata Szumowska (Happy Man) (Szczesliwy Czlowiek)

PORTUGAL ICA Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual, I.P. Institute for Cinema and Audiovisuals Rua São Pedro de Alcântara, 45, 1º P - 1269-138 Lisbon Phone +351 21 323 0800 Fax +351 21 323 0891 vitor.pinheiro@ica-ip.pt www.ica-ip.pt Shooting Stars '%%,/ Afonso Pimentel 2006: Nuno Lopes 2005: Marisa Cruz 2004: Ângelo Torres 2003: Leonor Baldaque 2002: Carla Bolito 2001: Alexandre Pinto 2000: Rita Durão 2000: Francisco Nascimento 1999: Ana Moreira 1999: Diogo Infante 1998: Beatriz Batarda Producers on the Move 2011: João Trabulo (Periferia Filmes) 2010: João Figueiras (Blackmaria Produção Audiovisual Lda) 2009: Rodrigo Areias (Bando à Parte) 2008: Leonel Vieira (Stopline Films) '%%,/ Luís Urbano (O Som e a Fúria) 2006: Alexandre Cebrian Valente (Utopia Filmes) 2005: Fernando Vendrell (david & golias)

2004: Pandora da Cunha Telles (Ukbar Filmes) 2003: Maria João Sigalho (Rosa Filmes) 2002: Francisco Villa-Lobos (Contracosta Produções) 2001: Amândio Coroado 2000: Raquel Freire (Clap Filmes)

ROMANIA ROMANIAN FILM PROMOTION (A.P.F.R.) 52, Popa Soare St., et. 1, ap. 4 RO - 023984 Bucharest 2 Phone +40 21 326 6480 Fax +40 21 326 0268 info@romfilmpromotion.ro www.romfilmpromotion.ro Shooting Stars 2012: Ana Ularu 2010: Dragoú Bucur 2008: Anamaria Marinca '%%,/ Maria Popistaúu Producers on the Move 2011: Ada Solomon (HiFilm Productions) 2010: Daniel Burlac (Elefant Films) 2009: Daniel Mitulescu (Strada Film) 2008: Oana Giurgiu (Libra Film Productions) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Daniel Mitulescu (Strada Film) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Alexandru Maftei (Hello! How Are You?) 2010: Calin Netzer (Medal of Honor)

SERBIA FILM CENTER SERBIA Zagrebacka 9/III SRB - 11000 Belgrade Phone +381 11 262 5131 Fax +381 11 263 4253 fcs.office@fcs.rs www.fcs.rs

Producers on the Move 2010: Jelena Mitroviü (Bas Celik) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2008: Darko Lungulov (Here and There)

SLOVAK REPUBLIC SLOVAK FILM INSTITUTE Grösslingová 32 SK - 811 09 Bratislava 1 E]dcZ )'& ' *,&% &*%( Fax +421 2 5296 3461 sfu@sfu.sk alexandra.strelkova@sfu.sk www.sfu.sk www.aic.sk Shooting Stars 2008: Marko Igonda '%%,/ Tana Pauhofova Producers on the Move 2011: Michal Kollár (Sokol Kollár) 2010: Silvia Panáková (ARINA) 2009: Peter Kerekes (Peter Kerekes) 2008: Marko Škop (Artileria) '%%,/ Marek Veselicky (Farbyka) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Zuzana Liová (The House) 2009: Vlado Fischer, actress Tana Pauhofova (Half Breakdown)

SLOVENIA SLOVENIAN FILM CENTRE Filmski sklad R Slovenije JS Miklošiceva 38 SI - 1000 Ljubljana Phone +386 1 2343 200 Fax +386 1 2343 219 info@film-sklad.si www.film-sklad.si Shooting Stars '%%,/ Marko Mandic

2006: Iva Krajnc 2005: Aleksandra Balmazoviü Producers on the Move 2009: Eva Rohrman (Forum Ljubljana) 2006: Jožko Rutar (Staragara) 2005: Ida Weiss (Bela Film) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2005: Vinko Möderndorfer prod Eva Rohrmann (Suburbs)

SPAIN ICAA - INSTITUTO DE LA CINEMATOGRAFÍA Y DE LAS ARTES AUDIOVISUALES Plaza del Rey, 1°, 3a E - 28004 Madrid E]dcZ () .& ,%& ,'*. ;Vm () .& ,%& ,)%' rafael.cabrera@mcu.es www.mcu.es/cine/index Shooting Stars 2011: Clara Lago 2009: Verónica Echegui '%%,/ Óscar Jaenada 2006: Marta Etura 2005: Unax Ugalde 2004: Elena Anaya 2003: Goya Toledo 2002: Enrique Alcides 2001: Eloy Azorin 2000: Fele Martinez 2000: Natalia Verbeke 1999: Eduardo Noriega 1999: Leonor Watling 1998: Juan Diego Botto 1998: Ingrid Rubio Producers on the Move 2011: Borja Pena (Vaca Films) 2010: Álvaro Alonso (Jaleo Films) 2009: Koldo Zuazua (Alicia Produce, S.L.) 2008: Manuel Cristóbal (Perro Verde Films) '%%,/ Luis Ángel Ramíres (IMVAL Producciones) 2006: Loris Omedes (Bausan Films) 2005: Tomás Cimadevilla (Telespan 2000 S.L.) 2004: Pedro Uriol (Morena Films) 2003: Antonio Saura (Zebra Producciones)

Participating talents in EFP events / Member contacts 2002: Thomas Spieker (42nd Street Productions) 2001: Isona Passola (Massa d’Or Productions) 2000: Mate Cantero (Mate Production) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2010: Edmon Roch (Garbo: The Spy) 2009: Luis Piedrahita Rodrigo Sopeña (Fermat’s Room) 2008: Patxi Amezcua (25 Kilates) '%%,/ VXidg B^\jZa 6c\Za H^akZhigZ for Iñaki Dorronsoro (The Distance) 2006: David Marqués producers Jean-Luc Ducasse, Eric Francés (Isolated) 2005: Vicente Peñarrocha (Body Confusion) 2004: Santi Amodeo (Astronauts) 2002: José Luis Guerin (Work in Progress) 2001: Salvador Garcia Ruiz (The Other Side) (El Otro Barrio) 2000: Elena Taberna Averra (Yoyes)

SWEDEN SWEDISH FILM INSTITUTE 7dm ', &'+ Borgvägen 1-5 S - 102 52 Stockholm Phone +46 8 665 1100 Fax +46 8 661 1820 pia.lundberg@sfi.se www.sfi.se Shooting Stars 2012: Bill Skarsgård 2011: Alicia Vikander '%%,/ Gustaf Skarsgård 2006: Eva Röse 2005: Frida Hallgren 2004: Andreas Wilson 2003: Torkel Petersson 2002: Tuva Novotny 2000: Alexandra Rapaport 1999: Johan Widerberg Producers on the Move 2011: Mimmi Spång (Garagefilm International)

2010: Lizette Jonjic (Migma Film) 2009: Erik Hemmendorff (Plattform Produktion AB) 2008: Fredrik Heinig (St Paul Film) '%%,/ Ulf Synnerholm (AB Svensk Filmindustri) 2006: Helen Ahlsson (Tre Vänner Produktion) 2005: Lena Rehnberg (Sandrew Metronome Sverige AB) 2004: Charlotte Denward (Filmlance International AB now: Swedish Film Institute) 2003: Peter Hiltunen (llusion Film AB) 2001: Anna Anthony (Memfis Films) 2000: Anne Ingvar (Felicia Film) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Lisa Aschan (She Monkeys) 2010: Håkon Liu (Miss Kicki) 2009: Mani Maserrat-Agah (Ciao Bella) 2008: Fredrik Edfeldt (Flickan) 2006: Rafael Edholm Andreas Wilson Sara Sommerfeld actors (Baba’s Cars) 2004: actor Andres Lokko for Tomas Alfredson (Four Shades of Brown)

2001: Anne Shlomit Deonna 2000: Martin Rapold 1999: Soraya Gomaa Producers on the Move 2011: Dan Wechsler (Bord Cadre films) 2010: Anne Walser (C-Films AG) 2008: Max Karli (Rita Productions) '%%,/ Elena Tatti (Box Productions) 2006: Christof Neracher (Hugofilm Productions) 2004: Lukas Hobi (Zodiac Pictures International Ltd.) 2003: Xavier Ruiz (Navarro Film, now: Tarantula Suisse) 2000: Tiziana Soudani (Amka Films) Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Anne Walser (C-Films AG) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2010: Micha Lewinsky (Will You Marry Us?) '%%,/ Jeanne Waltz (Parting Shot) 2004: Anna Luif actress Bernarda Reichmuth (Little Girl Blue) 2003: Jacob Berger (A Loving Father)

UNITED KINGDOM SWITZERLAND SWISS FILMS Neugasse 6, Postfach CH - 8031 Zürich Phone +41 43 211 4050 Fax +41 43 211 4060 info@swissfilms.ch www.swissfilms.ch

BRITISH COUNCIL Film Department 10 Spring Gardens UK - London SW1A 2BN E]dcZ )) '% ,(-. (%'* ;Vm )) '% ,(-. (&,* briony.hanson@britishcouncil.org www.britishcouncil.org/film

Shooting Stars 2012: Max Hubacher 2009: Celine Bolomey 2008: Joel Basman '%%,/ Nils Althaus 2006: Carlos Leal 2005: Johanna Bantzer 2004: Michael Koch 2003: Mona Petri (formerly Fueter) 2002: Michael Finger

Shooting Stars 2012: Riz Ahmed 2011: Andrea Riseborough 2010: Edward Hogg 2009: Carey Mulligan '%%,/ Kate Dickie 2006: Lucy Punch 2005: Archie Panjabi 2004: Eva Birthistle 2003: Jamie Sives

2002: Lucy Russell 2001: Ann Eleonora Jørgensen 2000: Daniel Craig 2000: Kate Ashfield 1999: Rachael Stirling 1999: Kelly McDonald 1998: Rachel Weisz 1998: Labina Mitevska Producers Lab Toronto 2011: Stella Nwimo (Riverchild Films, now: Northpoint Pictures LTD) Producers on the Move 2011: Samm Haillay (Third Films) 2010: Isabelle Stead (Human Film) 2009: Adrian Sturges (Picture Farm) 2008: Laura Hastings-Smith '%%,/ Elaine Wickham (MEDB Films) 2006: Ken Marshall (Steel Mill Pictures) 2005: Gayle Griffiths (Wild Horses Film Company) 2003: Stella Nwimo (Riverchild Films, now: Northpoint Pictures LTD) 2002: Andreas Bajohra (Phantom Pictures) 2001: Ildiko Kemeny (Renegade Films) 2000: Leslee Udwin (Assasin Films) Directors and their films selected for the Karlovy Vary Critic’ Choice 2011: Ben Wheatley (Kill List) 2010: Bruce Webb (The Be All and End All) 2008: Tom Shankland (The Children) '%%,/ Col Spector (Someone Else) 2005: Jason Ford, producer Terry Bird Jamie Palmer (New Town Original) 2004: Malcom Needs (Charlie) 2002: Philippa Collie-Cousins (Happy Now?) 2001: Saul Metzstein (Late Night Shopping) 2000: Julian Kemp (House!)


Credits & Copyrights Page 6 Aviva Silver, Head of Unit of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union ©Markus Nass Page 7 Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Youth Page 8 Prof. Barbara Kisseler, Minister of Culture, City of Hamburg ©Michael Zapf Page 9 Bernd Neumann, Minister of State for Culture and the Media ©Bundesregierung/Kugler Page 10 EFP office in Hamburg ©Antonella Pizzetti Page 14 :;E [djcY^c\ bZbWZgh ^c 7Zga^c &.., $ 7Z`^ EgdWhi! 9^gZXidg EFM Berlin, Wouter Barendrecht, Toronto 1998 / EFP umbrella booth in Toronto 1998 ©Vali Valenti Page 15 Martin Schweighofer, Managing Director Austrian Film Commission, Austrian director Stephan Ruzowitzky in Toronto 1998 / Claudia Landsberger, Managing Director eye International (formally Holland Film) in Toronto 1998 / panel discussion Toronto 1998 ©Vali Valenti Page 15 (big picture) Bistro 990, location for European reception in Toronto ©Vali Valenti Page 16 Photographers ©Eric Vernazobres / Daniel Craig 2000 in Berlin ©Kurt Krieger / SHOOTING STARS presentation at Adlon 2001 ©Kurt Krieger Page 16 (big picture) Sir Ben Kingsley with SHOOTING STARS 1998 on stage of the Berlinale Palast (Zoo) ©Kurt Krieger Page 17 European artists 2001 downtown in Busan / Pierre Menahem, Thorsten Schaumann at EFP’s reception in Busan 1998 / Francine Brücher (SWISS FILMS), Swiss director Daniel Schmid, Jay Jeyon in Busan 1998 Page 18 Producers Lunch Cannes 2006 / Bulgarian SHOOTING STAR Vesela Kazakova, Swiss SHOOTING STAR Carlos Leal, 2006 ©Eric Vernazobres / THE ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE by Gérardo Herrero, FSS supported in Toronto 2004 ©Latido Page 19 The Festival Band with guest singer Maria Jarvenhelmi, performing on stage of the Postovni dvur in Karlovy Vary 2006 / Sevilla Festival de Cine director Manuel Grosse with SHOOTING STARS Monic Hendrickx (The Netherlands), Dorka Gryllus (Hungary), Johanna Bantzer (Switzerland) 2006 ©lolo vasco / SHOOTING STARS on tour in Cabourg Page 20 Audience before screening of BEAUTY AND THE BASTARD by 9dbZ @Vjg^hb~`^ Yjg^c\ E>8IJG: :JGDE: ^c BVYg^Y! '%%, BVgi^c Leggett / Leonor Watling (SHOOTING STAR Spain 1999) in UNCONSCIOUS by Joaquín Oristrell, FSS supported in Toronto 2004 ©Latido / Industry guests at Industry screenings in New York ©Mark Steiner Page 21 Artistic delegation of Variety’s Critics’ Choice 2006 ©kiva / Q&A in Karlovy Vary 2009 ©kiva / SHOOTING STARS 2010 ©Eric Vernazobres Page 21 (big picture) Promotion Banner in Karlovy Vary 2000

©Volker Renner Page 22 German director Sebastian Schipper, Christian Dorsch i]Zc <ZgbVc ;^abh Vi E>8IJG: :JGDE: ^c BVYg^Y '%%, $ American Film Market Headquarters, Loews Hotel in Santa Monica ©Sabine Rolinski / German director Wolfgang Becker, German actor and SHOOTING STAR 2003 Daniel Brühl, German director Hans Weingartner, Spanish director Manuel Huerga at PICTURE EUROPE! ^c 7Zga^c '%%, G^X]VgY = WcZg Page 22 (big picture) Projection during Industry screenings in New York ©Marc Steiner Page 23 Princesa Cinema / Spanish actress Assumpta Serna moderating PICTURE EUROPE! ©Martin Leggett / European umbrella booth at Guadalajara ©Johanna Hoefer Page 24 Damian D‘Oliveira (Conquering Lion Pictures, Canada), Reinier Selen (Rinkel Films, The Netherlands) taking part in PRODUDCERS LAB TORONTO 2010 / names cards / Matti Halonen (Fisher King Production, Finland), Trish Dolman (Screen Siren Pictures Inc., Canada), Martin Paul-Hus (Amérique Film, Canada) during the introductory meeting of PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO 2010 ©Vali Valenti Page 25 European umbrella booth in Hong Kong 2010 ©Jo Mühlberger / EFP Board of Directors with Managing Director Renate Rose 2011 ©Johanna Hoefer Page 25 (big picture) Audience at Workshop on Casting during BRIDGES EUROPE in Istanbul 2010 ©Ilgin Erarslan Yanmaz Page 34 Photographers at press conference ©Eric Vernazobres / Carey Mulligan at SHOOTING STARS Awards Ceremony ©Yves Salmon / Host Peter Fonda with Sonja Richter 2004 ©Kurt Krieger / Photocall at press conference 2006 ©Eric Vernazobres / Lotte Verbeek being pictured at the SHOOTING STARS press conference 2010 ©Eric Vernazobres / Monique Hendrickx 2005 ©Eric Vernazobres Page 35 SHOOTING STARS 2011 with members of the SHOOTING STARS jury on stage of the Berlinale Palast ©Markus Nass Page 36 Andrea Riseborough (SHOOTING STAR UK) 2011 ©Eric Vernazobres Page 38 Italian SHOOTING STAR Elio Germano 2008 ©Eric Vernazobres / UK SHOOTING STAR Carey Mulligan 2009 ©Peter Hoennemann / Bernd Eichinger, German SHOOTING STAR Nina Hoss 2000 ©Kurt Krieger / SHOOTING STARS Natasha Petrovic (FYR of Macedonia), Pilou Asbæk (Denmark) 2011 ©Markus Nass / Host Faye Dunaway with SHOOTING STARS 2002 ©Kurt Krieger / Host Peter Fonda, Finlands SHOOTING STAR Irina Björklund 2004 ©Kurt Krieger / UK SHOOTING STARS Rachel Weisz, Labina Mitevska 1998 ©Kurt Krieger / Irish SHOOTING STAR Domhnall Gleeson 2011 ©Oliver Mark Page 39 (big picture) SHOOTING STARS 2010 with Festival director Dieter Kosslick ©kiva / Ludivine Sagnier (France) 2001 ©Kurt Krieger / Anamaria Marinca (Romania) 2008 ©Eric Vernazobres /


Credits & Copyrights Viviane Reding with SHOOTING STARS 2001 ©Kurt Krieger / Press conference 2010 ©kiva / press conference 2006 ©Eric Vernazobres / 2011 jury SHOOTING STARS member Heike Makatsch ©Markus Nass / Natasha Petrovic (FYRoM) receiving the award from Host Ralph Fiennes ©Markus Nass / Host Dennis Hopper, Daniel Brühl (Germany) 2003 ©Kurt Krieger Page 40 Host Stellan Skarsgard 2010 ©kiva Page 41 German SHOOTING STAR Johanna Wokalek, Berlin IFF Director Dieter Kosslick, Fanny Vallette (SHOOTING STAR France) 2006 ©Eric Vernazobres / Hosts Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Austrian SHOOTING STAR Nina Proll 2000 ©Kurt Krieger / Sarah Bolger ©Yves Salmon / Domhnall Gleeson (SHOOTING STAR Ireland), Host Ralph Fiennes 2011 ©Markus Nass Page 42 Photoshooting 2010 ©Eric Vernazobres Page 44 Lotte Verbeek (SHOOTING STAR The Netherlands) in Tallinn 2010 ©Ardo Kaljuvee Page 45 Pihla Viitala (Finland), Michele Riondino (Italy) with SHOOTING STARS on Tour in Rome / Sylvia Hoeks (The Netherlands), Nik Xhelilaj (Albania), Natasha Petrovic (FYRoM) in Shanghai 2011 / Jasper Pääkkönen(Finland), Ruth Negga (Ireland) being interviewed in Tallinn 2006 / Cyron Melville (Denmark), Rising Star Rooney Mara, Host Sharon Stone, Alba Rohrwacher (Italy), Samuli Vauramo (Finland) at the Hamptons IFF 2009 ©Karin Dix Page 46 Polish producer Dariusz Jablonsky, Malgorzata Szumowska (Polish director HAPPY MAN) in Karlovy Vary 2001 ©Volker Renner / The ten directors selected for the Variety’s Ten European Directors To Watch ©KVIFF / Brice Cauvin (back row), Dorka Gryllus (Hungarian SHOOTING STAR 2005) and guests at EFP’s and Variety’s reception in Karlovy Vary 2006 ©Volker Renner Page 48 Promotion Banner 2008 ©kiva Page 49 Swedish director Rafael Edholm (BABA’S CARS), actors Sara Sommerfeld, Andreas Wilson (SHOOTING STAR 2004) 2006 ©Volker Renner / Spanish director José Luis Guerin, Pilar Torre (ICAA) 2002 ©Volker Renner / Audience 2010 ©kiva / Artistic delegation 2001 ©Volker Renner Page 50 Eva Zaoralová (Consultant KVIFF), Jan Foll (member of FIPRESCI jury) 2010 ©kiva Page 52 (big picture) EFP’s and Variety’s reception 2008 ©kiva / Dutch director Noud Heerkens (LAST CONVERSATION), Claudia Landsberger (eye International) 2009 ©kiva / Q&A, Maly sal, cinema ©kiva / Spanish director Patxi Amezcua (25 CARAT), Derek Elley, selecting films for the Variety Critics’ Choice for many years, 2009 ©kiva / German director Leander Haußmann (SONNENALLEE) 2000 ©Volker Renner / Danish director Ole Christian Madsen (PRAGUE) '%%, :;E $ >XZaVcY^X Y^gZXidg KVaY h ×h`VghY ii^g @>C<¿H GD69 ! Boyd Van Hoeij (Variety) 2011 ©KVIFF Page 53 Director Hakon Liu (MISS KICKI, Sweden) 2010 ©kiva /

Flemish director Hans Van Nuffel (OXYGEN) 2011 ©KVIFF / Steven Gaydos (Variety), Maciej Karpinski (Polish Film Institute), German director Markus Goller (FRIENDSHIP!) ©kiva / Audience ©kiva / Steven Gaydos (Variety) 2002 ©Volker Renner / Artistic delegation with Variety certificates, presented by Voula Georgakakou (Greek Film Centre) 2002 ©Volker Renner / French director Mona Achache (THE HEDGEHOG) prior to the presentation of her film ©kiva Page 54 European artistic delegation on BIFF stage at Haeundae beach in Busan 2009 ©Lim Su-won Page 56 Celebrating Festival Director Kim Dong-ho 2010 ©Mindy Sisco / Directors at Temple 2004, Laila Pakalnina, Freddy Olsson ©EFP Page 57 Actors Anne Bertheau, Antonio Wannek (German SHOOTING STAR 2001) at presentation downtown in Busan 2001 / Busan Pavilion 2010 ©Johanna Hoefer Page 58 Festival Director Kim Dong-ho honoured ©Mindy Sisco / Audience at EFP’s presentation of European artistic delegation in 7jhVc '%%, Page 59 French SHOOTING STAR 1998 Melvil Poupaud with fans '%%, $ 6gi^hi^X YZaZXi^dc egZhZciZY ^c 7jhVc '%&& B^cYn H^hXd / Festival director Kim Dong-Ho with European delegation, 2001 / Artistic delegation at introductory meeting 2010 ©Johanna Hoefer Page 60 Cannes Market 2009 ©Sabine Rolinski / Artwork presenting the participating producers for PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE 2011 ©Volker Renner / Cannes evening atmosphere ©Sabine Rolinski Page 62 (big picture) Cannes atmosphere ©Sabine Rolinski / Cannes atmosphere ©Imke Peters / PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu (Luxembourg, 2003), Piotr Mularuk (Poland, '%%, Da^kZg 9Vb^Vc <ZgbVcn! '%&% Vi :;E¿h EgdYjXZgh AjcX]! 2010 ©France Azur M. Carlin Page 63 Anne Walser (C-Films, Switzerland), Pavel Bercik (Evolution Films, Czech Republic), Asle Vatn (Friland, Norway) ©Kurt Krieger / First delegation PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE in 2000 Page 64 Group of participating producers 2006 ©Birgit Heidsieck / EFP’s Producers Lunch 2010 ©France Azur M. Carlin Page 65 Lunch for the PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE 2008, hosted by BMW / Cannes 2011 ©Sabine Rolinski / Moderationlist 2011 ©Volker Renner / Maria Hatzakou (HAOS film, Greece) in discussion with Marta Donzelli (Vivo film, Italy) 2011 ©Kurt Krieger / Round Table Meeting with all PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE 2011 ©Kurt Krieger Page 68 Participants PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO Leah Jaunzems (Darius Films, Canada), with Viktoria Petranyi (Proton Cinema, Hungary) 2011 ©Vali Valenti / Alison Reid (Free Spirit Films, Canada), Mariano Vanhoof (Fobic Films, Belgium), Alvaro Alonso (Jaleo Films, Spain) at introductory meeting 2011 ©Vali Valenti / One To One meetings 2010 ©Vali Valenti / Luis Angel Ramirez (IMVAL Producciones, Spain), Corey Marr (Corey Marr Productions, Canada) 2010 ©Vali Valenti / Sonja Heinen moderating the introductory

Credits & Copyrights roundtable meeting 2011 ©Vali Valenti Page 69 1:1 Meetings, change the place please 2011 ©Vali Valenti / Paul Scherzer (Six Island Productions Inc., Canada), Xavier G^\Vjai '#)#,# ;^abh! ;gVcXZ Vi &/& BZZi^c\h '%&% KVa^ KVaZci^ / Stella Nwimo (Northpoint Pictures, UK), Alison Reid (Free Spirit Films, Canada) Page 70 ALOIS NEBEL by Tomas Lunak, FSS for Toronto 2011 / ATTENBERG by Athina Rachel Tsangari, FSS for Toronto 2010 and Sundance 2011 / WALKING TOWARDS by Roberto Cuzillo, FSS for Asian Film Market 2011 / TOMBOY by Céline Sciamma, FSS for FILMART 2011 / WASTED YOUTH by Argyris Papadimitropoulos, FSS for Guadalajara 2011 / Projection out of screening room in New York ©Marc Steiner Page 71 Projection out of screening room in New York ©Marc Steiner Page 72 HOT HOT HOT by Beryl Koltz, FSS for Asian Film Market 2011 ©samsa film-artémis productions / BREATHING by Karl Markovics, FSS for Toronto 2011 Page 73 THE DEEP BLUE SEA by Terence Davies, FSS for Toronto 2011 / PRINCIPLES OF LIFE by Constantin Popescu, FSS for FILMART 2011 / VOLCANO by Rúnar Rúnarsson, FSS for Toronto 2011 ©Fine And Mellow/Zik Zak Filmworks Page 74 Impressions of the Loews Hotel, Headquarter of the American Film Market, and of the EFP umbrella office in 2010 / 2008 ©Sabine Rolinski Page 76 Loews Hotel ©Jo Mühlberger / Natja Rosner (LevelK, Denmark) at EFP’s umbrella office 2010 ©Sabine Rolinski / EFP reception 2011 ©Klaus Richard / Olivier van Bockstael (Eastwest Filmdistribution, Austria) in a sales meeting 2011 ©Sabine Rolinski / Santa Monica impression (small and big picture) ©Sabine Rolinski Page 78 Sales meetings at the Asian Film Market 2010 ©Johanna Hoefer / Busan impression ©Johanna Hoefer / Hong Kong 2011 ©Jo Mühlberger Page 79 EFP umbrella booth at the Asian Film Market ©Mindy Sisco / EFP umbrella booth at the Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara in Mexico 2011 ©Johanna Hoefer Page 80 Nicholas Shumaker (Memento Films International, THE GIANTS) with Gary Palmucci (Kino Lorber) 2011 ©Marc Steiner / Penny Wolf (Goldcrest Films) presenting STRICKEN ©Marc Steiner_ 6C? $ >cYjhign \jZhih '%%, BVgX HiZ^cZgT6C? Page 82 Elisar Cabrera representing WINTER IN WARTIME (High Point Media Group, UK), Luis Urbano representing OUR BELOVED MONTH OF AUGUST (O Som e a Fúria, Portugal), Karen Arikian (EFP consultant) 2009 ©Marc Steiner_ANJ / Industry guests at screening of THE SILENCE ©Marc Steiner / Guest, Carole Baraton ©Marc Steiner / Projection room ©Marc Steiner Page 83 John Kochman (uniFrance Films NY) with uniFrance Films guests at the EFP industry cocktail ©Marc Steiner

Page 84 Films screened at EFP’s Industry screenings in Los Angeles from left: EVEN THE RAIN (in 2010) / SIMPLE SIMON ©Niklas Johansson (in 2010) / THE WORLD IS BIG AND SALVATION LURKS AROUND THE CORNER (in 2009) Page 86 :;E¿h gZXZei^dc ^c Idgdcid '%%, $ I^cZ @a^ci i]Zc CdgY^h` Film), actor Jakob Cedergren (THE JOURNALS OF KNUD RASMUSSEN) attending EFP’s event 2006 / Martin Schweighofer (Austrian Film Commission), Hungarian director Bela Tarr (THE MAN FROM LONDON) ©Vali Valenti Page 88 Bent Hamer / Tom Tykwer / Caroline Link / Piers Handling and Wolfgang Becker / Michiel van Jaarsveld / Mario Gas / Icelandic SHOOTING STAR Tomas Lemarquis, Dagur Kari / Stefan Ruzowitzky / Dominique Moll / Lukas Moodyson / Asia Argento / Peter Webber Page 89 Thomas Vinterberg / Swedish SHOOTING STAR Andres Wilson, Mikael Hafström / Emanuele Crialese / Gurinder Chadha / Ole Christian Madsen / Shane Meadows / Catherine Breillat / Saverio Costanzo / Susanne Bier / Frederic Fonteyne (2nd from left), Claudia Landsberger, Guy Daleiden (Film Fund Luxembourg) / Erik Van Looy / Baltasar Kormakur / Hans Petter Moland / Bruno Dumont / Sally Potter Page 90 LAND OF OBLIVION by Michale Boganim, FSS for Toronto 2011 / TRISHNA by Michael Winterbottom, FSS for Toronto 2011 / EVERLASTING MOMENTS by Jan Troell, FSS for Toronto 2008 / (big e^XijgZ A><=IH >C I=: 9JH@! ;HH [dg Idgdcid '%%+ $ B6BB6 <×<× by Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, FSS for Toronto 2010 Page 91 Miroljub Vuckovic (Film Center Serbia), Wieland Speck (Panorama Berlin IFF), Christoph Terhechte (Berlin IFF), guest, Lucius 7VggZ '%%, KVa^ KVaZci^ $ :g^X AV\ZhhZ EngVb^YZ >ciZgcVi^dcVa ! BVgXjh =j HigVcY GZaZVh^c\ Vi :;E¿h ZkZci &.., $ G^iV BX:cingZ" <dZ\ZWZjg! KdjaV <Zdg\V`V`dj &.., $ W^\ e^XijgZ E^Zgh =VcYa^c\ (Director TIFF) with German director Corinna Belz (GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING) ©Vali Valenti / Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgard, Jo Mühlberger (EFP) / German actress Simone Hanselmann, director =Vch LZ^c\VgicZg '%%, KVa^ KVaZci^ Page 92 Nancy Gerstman (Zeitgeist Films), Diana Holzberg (Films Transit), Jonathan Dana (Angel City Entertainment) 2008 ©Vali Valenti / Bistro 990 ©Vali Valenti / Piers Handling, Renate Rose 2004 ©Vali Valenti / Noah Cowan (TIFF) 2001 ©Vali Valenti / John Cooper, 8Vgda^cZ A^WgZhXd HjcYVcXZ >;; '%%, KVa^ KVaZci^ $ <^dg\^d <dhZii^ (formally Filmitalia), Simon Perry (ACE) 2002 ©Vali Valenti Page 93 (big picture) Bistro 990 ©Vali Valenti / Cameron Bailey (Co-Director TIFF), Stine Oppegaard (Norwegian Film Institute), Éva Vezér (formally EFP President, Magyar Filmunió) 2010 ©Vali Valenti / Eva Hubert (Filmfund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein), Austrian Y^gZXidg B^X]VZa =VcZ`Z &.., $ HVcYgV YZc =VbZg ZnZ ;^ab Institute Netherlands), Simon Fields, and Lia van Leer (Jerusalem Film Festival) 2001 ©Vali Valenti


The EFP Network

Thank you

The EFP team would like to thank the following former EFP Board members for their commitment and enthusiasm in building up the EFP network and developing EFP’s international events and activities throughout the years: Lissy Bellaiche Denmark Bruno Berthemy France (founding member) Francine Brücher Switzerland Christian Dorsch Germany :;E K^XZ"EgZh^YZci &.., º '%&% and founding member) Giorgio Gosetti Italy Maciej Karpinski Poland Patrick Lamassoure France Thorfinnur Omarsson Iceland Simon Perry UK/Ireland (founding member) Carmelo Romero Spain Pilar Torre Spain Eva Vezer Hungary (EFP President 2008 – 2011)

AS WELL THE FORMER EFP MEMBERS: Belgium: Rita McEntyre-Goegebeur and Rudi Barnet (both founding members) Annemie Degryse Juliette Duret Bulgaria: Alexander Grozev Alexander Donev Croatia: Albert Kapovic Marina Petrovic Czech Republic: Pavel Strnad Denmark: Peter Wolsgaard Pernille Munk Skydsgaard Anders Geertsen Lizette Gram Mygind Estonia: Riina Sildos Karlo Funk Finland: Kirsi Tykkyläinen

Ireland: Rod Stoneman Moira Horgan Italy: Luciana Castellina Latvia: Zanda Dudina Luxembourg: Guy Daleiden Nathalie Dondelinger Norway: Jan Erik Holst (founding member) Portugal: Justina Bastos Nuno Sena Pedro Berhan da Costa Ana Raquel Almeida Patricia Severino Mariana Pimentel Romania: Mihai Gligor Anca Dragoi

France: Véronique Bouffard Marc Piton Elizabeth Conter

Spain: Elena Martin

Greece: Voula Georgakakou (founding member) Demetri Sofianopoulos Evi Lazari

Switzerland: Kathrin Müller (founding member), Micha Schiwow

Iceland: Anna Maria Karlsdottir

Sweden: Staffan Grönberg

UK: Paul Howson Satwant Gill Christine Bardsley




President: Christian J. Lemche (Danish Film Institute)

Managing Director: Renate Rose

Publisher: European Film Promotion E.V.

Project Directors of EFP events: Karin Dix Jo Mühlberger Andreas Struck

Writers: Karen Arikian Susanne Davis Karin Dix Luisa Gräve Jo Mühlberger Sabine Rolinski Renate Rose Andreas Struck

Vice President: Claudia Landsberger (EYE Film Institute Netherlands) Rafael Cabrera (ICAA/Spain) Ivana Ivišiü (Croatian Audiovisual Centre)

Film Sales Support: Susanne Davis (Project Director) Cornelia Klimkeit

Jaana Puskala (Finnish Film Foundation)

Project Coordination: Luisa Gräve

Mariette Rissenbeek (German Films)

Project Assistance: Katrin Hergt Olga Makarova Ursula Prückner

Martin Schweighofer (Austrian Film Commission)

Head of Press: Mareen Gerisch

Editors: Martin Blaney Stephen Locke Coordination: Sabine Rolinski

Public Relations: Sabine Rolinski

Creative Concept and realisation: Antonella Pizzetti

Online Communication Nora Goldstein

Print Druckwelten/Hamburg

Finance and Accounting: Andrea Froese-Moess Hildegard Wübbe Team Assistants: Olga Makarova Ursula Prückner

This publication has been made possible thanks to the support of: MEDIA Programme of the European Union and Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein

Consultant Karen Arikian (US projects)


EFP has taken every effort to research and publish as many of the copyrights as possible. However, we cannot accept any guarantee for completeness and ask for your indulgence for any possible inconsistencies.

EUROPEAN FILM PROMOTION Friedensallee 14-16 '',+* =VbWjg\ ™ <ZgbVcn phone +49 40- 390 6252 fax +49 40- 390 6249 info@efp-online.com www.efp-online.com www.shooting-stars.eu

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