Why your Audi Engine Cause Knocking Noise?
Fully functional internal combustion engine will never make any unusual noises.
If you hear strange noises from the Audi, then it could indicate a lot of problems.
Mechanical problems in the engine may cause knocking noise from the car.
Knocking sound from the Audi may get worse when you step on the gas pedal.
Below points define the reason behind your Audi engine is making a knocking noise.
Wrong spark plugs
If your car has wrong spark plugs, it will cause a knocking noise from the engine.
Wrong spark plugs cannot tolerate the engine’s heat and produce the noise.
Not lubricated cylinders
If the cylinder head is not lubricated properly, it will form a knocking noise.
As a result, the loose lifters or valves are unable to get the proper amount of oil.
Unbalanced air to fuel mixture
More fuel will unevenly burn due to the unbalanced air and fuel mixture.
If it continues regularly, then it will cause strange knocking noises.
Carbon deposits
Gasoline has a carbon cleaning additive to prevent carbon deposits on the: Spark plugs
Valves Other parts
Carbon molecules can easily form on these parts and produce knocking noise.
Low octane rating
During the compression of the internal combustion chamber, an octane rating may cause knocking noise.
If the octane rating is too low, the air and fuel mixture will ignite before the spark.
If you start up the car and hear knocking noises, it means that the fuel was not ignited properly.
Neglecting problem may damage the components of the engine in your Audi.
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