The European Times - Morocco

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MOROCCO INTRODUCTION • Dynamic Modern Kingdom Linking Europe and Africa 4 • His Majesty King Mohammed VI: Ruler for the 21st Century 6 • Stable Constitutional Monarchy 7

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JM Suites Hotel Top Sites for Travellers Helnan Chellah Hotel Regency Group

19 20 21 22


FINANCE 10 11 © Typhoonski -

• Open, Modern, Globalised Economy • CIMR

TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS • Leading International Transport and Logistics Hub


TOURISM • Boosting Growth of High-Potential Tourism Industry 16 • Park Suites Hotel & Spa 17

Production Coordinator: Iskra Ilievska – Regional Manager: Josee Kanne– Proofreading: Vicky Kox– Editorial: Emily Emerson-Le Moing – Design: Martine Vandervoort, Johny Verstegen, Walter Vranken, Dirk Van Bun

The European Times PO Box 685 66 – London EC1P 1XP – United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)208 371 2356 – Fax: +44 (0)208 371 2410 – The European Times is a trading name of Crystal Mediacorp Ltd This guide is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced, stored electronically or transmitted in any form, without the prior written permission of European Times. Every effort has been made to ensure information contained in this publication is correct and up-to-date. The authors and publisher accept no responsibility for any errors it may contain, or for any loss, financial or otherwise, sustained by any person using this publication. 05-14

Moroccan Motorways, two decades of progress and prosperity!




© Typhoonski - United Nations Square in Casablanca

Dynamic Modern Kingdom Linking Europe and Africa Morocco, strategically set on the north-western tip of Africa, is a fascinating blend of European,

African and Middle Eastern cultures. Known locally as Al Mamlakah al Maghribiyah, or Al Maghrib, Morocco borders the North Atlantic,

the Mediterranean, Algeria and the Western

Sahara. It is separated from the rest of the African continent by the rugged Atlas Mountains

and the vast Sahara desert, and is only eight

kilometres from Europe across the Strait of Gibraltar.


Because of these geographic factors, Morocco has long been tied more closely to the Mediterranean region and to Europe than to the rest of Africa. This is particularly true in the northern parts of the country, known for beautiful beaches, fertile valleys, busy ports and historic cities where most of the population speaks French fluently. In recent years, Morocco has built on its unique location and cultural heritage to position itself as an economic link between Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean region.

Long history as trade hub Morocco’s history began with the Berbers, who inhabited the country beginning in the second millennium BC. Rome ruled what is now Morocco beginning in 146 BC. In the 7th century, immigrants from the Middle East brought


Introduction Sector

Islam to Morocco, along with the Arabic language. Seeking to take advantage of Morocco’s ports and location, Spain occupied the country from 1860 to 1912 and then France, with similar goals, made Morocco a protectorate until the kingdom achieved its independence in 1956. The city of Tangier and most Spanish possessions in Morocco were turned over to the newly independent country that year. This colourful history has made Morocco what it is today: a rich mixture of cultural and linguistic influences with close ties to Europe.

Modernism under King Mohammed VI Morocco is currently ruled by King Mohammed VI, whose family, the Alaouite Dynasty, has reigned in Morocco for generations, beginning in the 17th century. Sultan Mohammed V, the current monarch’s grandfather, established a constitutional monarchy in Morocco when the kingdom became independent from France and assumed the title of king in 1957. He was succeeded in 1961 by his son, Hassan II, who ruled for 38 years and played a prominent role in the search for peace in the Middle East. Hassan II’s son King Mohammed VI, who came to the throne in 1999, has introduced economic and social liberalisation in Morocco. In 2011 he revised the constitution in response to “Arab Spring” protests, and in 2012 he appointed a new government, granting additional powers to parliament and to the Moroccan Prime Minister. Morocco has earned international praise for its ability to maintain peace and stability through these changes and for its support for global efforts to crack down on terrorism. Morocco is made up of 15 regions plus the Western Sahara, each with its own character and economic advantages. The country’s capital city is Rabat. Other major cities are Casablanca, the kingdom’s financial capital; historic Fes; Marrakesh, a major tourism centre; Tangier, home of Morocco’s busiest port; Oujda, Agadir, Dakhla and Laayoune. Morocco’s official language is Arabic, but French and Spanish are widely spoken. Moroccans are known for their hospitality, entrepreneurship and language abilities.

Increasingly global economy In recent years, Morocco has developed an open, market-oriented, globalised economy with significant investment appeal. To stimulate its international trade, over the past decade Morocco has signed free-trade agreements with the EU (the Morocco-EU Association Agreement), the US, EFTA and Turkey. Morocco is also a member of the Arab Free-Trade Zone and has signed the Morocco-Arab Countries Free-Trade Agreement. Morocco has developed free zones designed as the ideal base for export-oriented companies in Tangier, Dakhla, Laayoune, Kebdana, Nador and Kenitra. The Moroccan Investment Development Agency (MIDA) serves as a one-stop shop for investors and provides information about investment opportunities as well as assistance throughout an FDI project.

Significant investment appeal International investors in many sectors have been quick to take advantage of Morocco’s attractions as a business base. In addition to investments in agriculture, ICT, renewable energy and many other sectors, Morocco has recently attracted the attention of some of the world’s leading oil and gas companies, including BP, Chevron, Kosmos, Circle Oil, Longreach Oil and Gas, and Cairn. All are involved in exploration activities in the kingdom. In fact, FDI in Morocco grew by 24% last year compared to 2012, reaching a total of more than €14.6 billion. This made Morocco the second-biggest FDI recipient on the African continent in 2013. Danone is one satisfied foreign investor in Morocco. Franck Riboud, CEO of the Danone Group, points out, “Morocco is of particular interest to Danone as it is stable, booming, and features an economic environment which is conducive to investment.” The ancient kingdom of Morocco, the link between Africa and Europe, clearly has a bright future.




His Majesty King Mohammed VI: Ruler for the 21st Century against colonialism took place. However, they are now involved in another revolution, which I am spearheading with a view to developing human resources, achieving economic and social progress and promoting a dignified life for our citizens.” He added, “This is an ongoing revolution which requires collective, wide-ranging mobilisation as well as active involvement in development projects so that we may rise to current and future challenges and fulfil the legitimate aspirations of Moroccan citizens.”

Dynamic modern leader Morocco’s dynamic, very modern leader is the 23rd king of Morocco in the Alaouite Dynasty, whose reign began in the 17th century and whose members are directly descended from Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. King Mohammed VI, son of the late King Hassan II, was born in Rabat in 1963. He married Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Salma in 2002 and their son His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan was born in 2003. Their daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Khadija, was born in 2007.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, ruler of Morocco

since 1999, is well known for launching a series of far-reaching economic, political and social reforms which have helped Morocco to achieve steady GDP growth, strengthen its private

sector, improve quality of life for its citizens and draw significant FDI.

In a speech he delivered in August 2013 to mark the anniversary of Morocco’s “Revolution of the King and the People”, which led to the country’s independence in 1956, King Mohammed VI commented, “Many Moroccans had not yet been born when the revolution


King Mohammed VI studied in Morocco and abroad, earning an undergraduate law degree at the University Mohammed V and a doctorate in law at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in France. He has received several international awards and has published a book and several articles on cooperation between Europe and Morocco, among other subjects. The king remains committed to Morocco’s modernisation. In his speech in August 2013, he particularly emphasised the need to upgrade the kingdom’s education system. He said, “As part of my commitment to make Moroccan citizens the central element of the development process and of public policies, I will continue to make sure that our schools get the means they need to carry out their responsibilities in education and training.” He welcomed citizens of Morocco to work with him to achieve the kingdom’s “further unity, progress and comprehensive development.”


Stable Constitutional Monarchy The Kingdom of Morocco is a constitutional monarchy ruled by a hereditary monarch. Morocco achieved independence (from France)

in March 1956. It has had several constitutions. The current one went into force in 2011.

Government organisation Executive branch Morocco’s Chief of State is King Mohammed VI (since 1999). The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Abdelilah Benkirane (since 2011). The Prime Minister appoints a Council of Ministers (cabinet) after consultation with other parties forming the government coalition, and the monarch then validates these appointments. Legislative branch Morocco has a bicameral Parliament (Majlis) which is made up of the House (or Chamber) of Counsellors (Majlis alMustacharin) and the House (or Chamber) of Representatives (Majlis al-Nuwab). Members of the House of Counsellors are elected by local councils, professional organisations and labour syndicates. They serve six-year terms. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by popular vote to serve five-year terms.

Judicial branch Morocco has a dual legal system consisting of secular courts based on the French legal tradition and other courts based on Jewish and Islamic traditions. The secular system includes the Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority) as well as communal and district courts, courts of first instance, and appellate courts. The Supreme Court is divided into five chambers: criminal, correctional (civil) appeals, social, administrative, and constitutional. The Supreme Council of the Judiciary regulates the judiciary and is presided over by the king. Judges are appointed by the king on the advice of the council. Morocco’s legal system also includes 27 Sadad courts, which are courts of first instance for Muslim and Jewish personal law. The Sadad courts are divided into Shari’ah; Rabbinical; civil, commercial, and administrative sections; and a criminal section.

Key leaders King Mohammed VI, ruler of Morocco since 1999, is the 23rd king of Morocco in the Alaouite Dynasty, whose reign began in the 17th century and whose members are directly descended from Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. King Mohammed VI was born in Rabat in 1963. He has initiated a number of political and economic reforms, including an investigation into human-rights abuses during the rule of his father, King Hassan II. King Mohammed VI is known as the “guardian of the poor” for his efforts to fight poverty. A key




reform during his reign is the Mudawana, a law which grants more rights to women. The king also oversaw the creation of new anti-terrorism laws following bomb attacks in Casablanca in 2003. In 2011, King Mohammed announced a wide-ranging review of the constitution. The new constitution grants more powers to the prime minister and parliament, although the king retains veto power over most government decisions.

Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs: Ahmed Toufiq Minister of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment: Abdelkader Amara Minister of Equipment, Transport and Logistics: Aziz Rabbah Minister of Foreign Affairs: Salaheddine Mezouar

Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, whose moderate Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD) won the most seats in parliamentary elections in 2011, was appointed prime minister by the king under the terms of Morocco’s constitution. He leads a broad coalition in which his party holds the top positions but governs along with conservative monarchists, liberals, socialists and former communists. The PJD is the first Islamist party to dominate in Morocco. The prime minister leads the PJD’s pro-monarchy faction and has publicly stated his support for a strong king in Morocco.

Elections The monarchy is hereditary. The prime minister is appointed by the monarch following legislative elections; the head of the party winning the most seats becomes prime minister under the terms of Morocco’s constitution. The most recent House of Counsellors elections were held in 2013, with the next to be held in 2019. The most recent House of Representatives elections were held in November 2011 and the next are to be held in 2016.

Ministers Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Aziz Akhannouch

Minister of Handicrafts, Social Affairs and Solidarity: Fatema Marouane Minister of Health: El Hossein El Ouardi Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Training: Lahcen Daoudi Minister of Housing and Urban Planning: Nabil Benabdallah Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy: Moulay Hafid El Alamy Minister of the Interior: Mohamed Hassad Minister of Justice and Liberties: Mustafa Ramid Minister of Moroccan Expatriates and Migration Affairs: Anis Birou Minister of Education and Vocational Training: Rachid Belmokhtar Minister of Planning and Development: Mohand Laensar Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development: Bassima Hakkaoui

Minister of Communications and Government Spokesperson: Mustapha Khalfi

Minister of State: Abdellah Baha

Minister of Culture: Mohamed Amine Sbihi

Minister of Tourism: Lahcen Haddad

Minister of Economy and Finance: Mohamed Boussaid

Minister of Youth and Sports: Mohammed Ouzzine

Minister of Employment and Social Affairs: Abdesslam Seddiki

Minister for Relations with Parliament and Civil Society: Lahbib Choubani



• Open, Modern, Globalised Economy


“The new World Bank strategy reinforces the IFC’s commitment to creating the conditions for Morocco to become a regional hub for investments.” Mouayed Makhlouf, IFC’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa




Open, Modern, Globalised Economy Casablanca © Pivariz -

strong commitment to maintaining economic stability, steady growth, low inflation and a reduction in unemployment. Morocco’s many freetrade agreements – including with the EU, the US, EFTA, Turkey and Arab countries – have stimulated the kingdom’s economic expansion. A poor harvest and an economic downturn in the EU contributed to Morocco’s slowdown in 2012 but the kingdom showed resilience by continuing its ambitious industrial-development and infrastructure projects, including the new port and free-trade zone near Tangier and Casablanca Finance City, which is positioning Morocco as a leading financial-services hub.

Morocco has capitalised on its proximity to Europe and relatively

low labour costs to build a diverse, open, market-oriented and

increasingly globalised economy which achieved impressive average annual GDP growth of 5.7% from 1999 through 2013. In

the first quarter of 2014, Morocco’s GDP grew 2.5% over the last quarter of 2013.

By implementing a series of development programmes in agriculture, industry, renewable energies, tourism, off shoring and other sectors, and by increasingly diversifying its trading partners to include emerging countries, the Moroccan economy continues to expand and diversify. In 2012, the country’s top export markets were France, Spain, Brazil, India and the US, while its main sources of


imports were Spain, France, China, the US, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Russia and Germany. Morocco’s strong economic performance is especially impressive since the kingdom was heavily in debt in the 1980s before initiating austerity measures and pro-market reforms. Since taking the throne in 1999, King Mohammed VI has demonstrated a

Morocco’s financial sector is strong. BMCE Bank CEO Othman Benjelloun comments, “While there is uncertainty as to whether banks can be trusted once more on an international scale, Morocco’s banking sector fulfils its role as a responsible lender to the economy as well as funding the country’s various reforms and structural projects, providing support to large companies and SMEs.” Total assets of banks in Morocco have tripled in recent years while shareholders’ equity has quadrupled and loan activity has increased by 123%. In the first half of 2013, banking institutions listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange saw their consolidated net income rise by 6%. Moroccan banks are also extending their branch networks across the kingdom and expanding into other countries in Africa.


Finance Sector

Dynamic Pension Fund Serving as Reliable Partner Founded in 1949 as Morocco’s first pension

fund for private-sector companies, CIMR (Caisse

Interprofessionelle Marocaine de Retraites) has continuously





performance over the years. It has established an impressive track record for reliable retirement support,




(including e-services) and solid financial returns.

Strong performance boosting FDI Morocco’s steady economic growth and sound financial sector are attracting more FDI. The Moroccan Investment Development Agency (MIDA) cites seven main reasons to invest in Morocco: strong and stable macroeconomic performance, free-trade access to over one billion consumers all over the world, world-class infrastructure, skilled and multilingual workers, programmes to spur on the growth of key sectors, and a constantly improving business climate. Sectors with particularly strong growth potential, according to MIDA, range from tourism and industrial production to retail sales, agriculture, chemicals, textiles and apparel, subcomponents, oil and gas, ICT and renewable energies. In the energy sector, for example, the government seeks to have renewable energies account for 40% of Morocco’s electricity output by 2020, creating outstanding opportunities for investment in solar and wind power. Challenges facing Morocco’s economy include reducing unemployment, poverty and illiteracy, particularly in rural areas; continuing to fight corruption; reforming the education system; and reducing strains on the state budget. The Moroccan government capped fuel subsidies in fall 2013 and aims to reduce the budget deficit to 3% of GDP by 2016. The World Bank is very confident about Morocco’s future and renewed its Country Partnership Strategy with the kingdom in April 2014. Mouayed Makhlouf, Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa for the IFC, comments, “The new World Bank strategy reinforces the IFC’s commitment to creating the conditions for Morocco to become a regional hub for investments.”

CIMR is currently managing around €3.3 billion in funds which it invests in stocks and bonds, real estate and infrastructure projects.

Khalid Cheddadi, CEO, explains that CIMR is looking forward to strong growth. He says, “We are gradually introducing our pension plan to the private sector as a mutual company pension. This would bring CIMR around 10,000 new member companies, 350,000 affiliated employees and more than €903.5 million Khalid Cheddadi, CEO in annual contributions by 2015.” The company is particularly targeting Morocco’s small and medium-sized enterprises, for which CIMR has created a special offer to meet growing demand among SMEs for supplementary pension support. CIMR welcomes the chance to work with foreign investors and partners. Khalid Cheddadi says, “In addition to our equity contribution, we can share our in-depth experience of the Moroccan market and create synergies with our different investments. CIMR is already a significant investor and the leader and reference in the private supplementary-pension sector in Morocco, a country rich in opportunities.” 100, Bd Abdelmoumen, 20340 Casablanca Tel: +212 522 49 67 51 –




Transport & Logistics




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Seaport Casablanca

Leading International Transport and Logistics Hub Morocco hosted the Mediterranean International

Transport and Logistics Show (Logismed) in Casablanca from May 6 to May 8 this year,

highlighting the kingdom’s commitment to developing world-class transport and logistics

services. At the event, Bolloré Africa Logistics, Africa’s leading integrated logistics operator,

and SDV Morocco, the Moroccan division of the France-based group, announced their merger into a new entity that will be the kingdom’s leading integrated logistics enterprise.

This major new venture reflects Morocco’s increasingly important role as a key international transport centre. Thanks to a strategic location linking Africa, Europe, and markets throughout the Mediterranean region and beyond, Morocco has long been a hub for regional and global trade. Now the kingdom is making the most of this advantage by investing significantly in modern transport infrastructure and logistics services. A cornerstone of this effort is Morocco’s Tangier-Med project, one of the biggest port complexes in the world.

More infrastructure projects in the works Morocco’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Logistics has liberalised the transport sector to boost com-


petition and improve quality while also investing in new roads, railways, airports and ports. The Ministry launched a transport and logistics development strategy for 2012 to 2016 that includes further liberalisation as well as a focus on intermodal transport. The Ministry has also set up the Moroccan Agency for the Development of Logistics Competitiveness (AMDL). Specific objectives in the new strategy include building new motorways so that Morocco will have a total of 1,800 km of motorways by 2015; completing a ruralroads upgrade this year; opening more high-speed rail connections and rail-logistics facilities; continuing to develop Morocco’s seaports through a cluster concept; improving and expanding airport services to help meet Morocco’s tourism objectives in the government’s Vision 2020 programme, particularly at the kingdom’s main air-travel hub, Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport; and spurring on the growth of Morocco’s logistics industry. On May 13, King Mohammed VI presided over the signing of seven agreements aimed at accelerating the implementation of Morocco’s National Strategy for the Development of Logistical Competitiveness from 2014 to 2020. The new agreements outlined logistics projects geared to handling shipments of building materials, imported and exported goods, and domestic distribution. The king also inaugurated the second phase of the Zenata Logistics Zone outside Casablanca, which includes 10 warehouses with a total covered area of 60,000 sq m. Projects like these demonstrate that Morocco is determined to carve out a niche for itself as a leading international transport and logistics hub.



Operating in the 10 major ports of the Kingdom and with an experience of 45 years, Marsa Maroc offers port logistics solutions to go beyond your expectations. Marsa Maroc offers a wide range of services: Ships and cargo services, logistics services and real time information. In addition to expertise in ports’ management, Marsa Maroc provides you with advanced equipments and qualified teams striving to always take care when handling your cargo.



• Boosting Growth of High-Potential Tourism Industry • Top Sites for Travellers





Boosting Growth of High-Potential Tourism Industry Morocco than


welcomed million




arrivals in 2013, a 7.2% increase over 2012. Lahcen

Haddad, Minister of Tourism, predicts an additional 8% growth in arrivals this year.


The minister recently noted that in addition to Morocco’s many other tourism attractions, the kingdom is seen as a safe and secure destination in North Africa, especially when compared to Egypt and other countries in the region where violence against tourists has been on the rise. Security is certainly not the only reason to visit Morocco. This multicultural kingdom offers beautiful beaches, a welcoming and largely multilingual population, fabulous cuisine, historic cities, a sunny climate, a wealth of shopping options, world-class services for the MICE travel segment, and very varied

natural wonders, from four different mountain ranges to lush river valleys and the vast Sahara.

Easy to reach from Europe In addition, Morocco is not far from many European capitals and will soon be even easier to reach when new air routes are inaugurated. Lahcen Haddad reports that the kingdom is in negotiations with British Airways, Lufthansa, Ryanair, EasyJet, Transavia and Air Berlin concerning new routes, while direct flights between Morocco and China should begin in 2015.

This growth in tourism means a big boost for the Moroccan economy, since the tourism industry accounts for around 10% of Morocco’s GDP, making it the second-biggest GDP contributor after agriculture. Tourism is a priority area in the kingdom’s Vision 2020 development strategy, which aims to position Morocco as one of the world’s top 20 destinations and a model for sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region. Specific Vision 2020 goals for the tourism sector include attracting more FDI, adding 200,000 more hotel beds, doubling tourism arrivals and revenues, tripling domestic tourism, creating 470,000 new jobs, and increasing tourism’s GDP contribution.

Atlas Almohades Casablanca Avenue Hassan 1er, Casablanca Tel: +212 5 22 22 05 05

Atlas Almohades Tanger Avenue Mohamed VI, 43, Tanger Tel: +212 5 39 94 07 55




Boutique Suite Hotel and Spa in the Heart of Casablanca The luxurious Park Suites Hotel & Spa is located in Casablanca’s

city centre near the famed medina,



V and Hassan II mosque. It offers elegant facilities, upscale

services and panoramic views of the city’s Ligue Arabe Park.

Having only 20 luxurious suites allows the hotel to personalise their service with the help of their multilingual staff.

Every suite is elegantly decorated and equipped with air-conditioning, heating, a kitchenette, satellite TV, Telephone, an Apple docking system, a safe, a business desk, ironing facilities, a separate seating area, extra long comfortable beds, a comfortable sofa, free Wi-Fi connection, a minibar, a balcony, hardwood floors, soundproof doors, a private bathroom including a hairdryer and bathroom amenities. In-suite kitchenettes include a microwave, a stove top, a refrigerator, an electric kettle, a coffee machine and a

separate dining area. Connecting suites are available upon request. The Senior Suites are 40 sq m while the Executive Suites are larger, 45 sq m, appropriate for three persons. Our most popular suite amongst the honeymooners is the Bridal Suite.

Range of upscale amenities The hotel’s O Park restaurant serves American breakfast and both local and international dishes for lunch/dinner. The hotel’s bar is innovative and serves a wide variety of beverages. Guests can pamper themselves at the Park Suites’ luxurious spa, which offers ample choices of relaxing treatments. The spa also offers a soothing hammam, a sauna, four massage rooms and a fitness centre. Guests can relax on the outdoor terrace and count on being treated royally.


The hotel also offers a range of special services such as a 24 hour reception desk, express check-in/check-out, car rental, a business centre, daily maid service, laundry and dry-cleaning, currency exchange and private parking. The hotel accommodates business meetings and other special events. Casablanca’s airport is just 25 km away and the tram stop is just around the corner from the hotel. Serving both business and leisure visitors in Casablanca, Park Suites Hotel and Spa is a reliable choice for travellers looking for a small, yet luxury, boutique hotel that creates an ultimate experience for every guest. Park Suites Hotel & Spa 55 Bd Hassan II, 29 Rue des Terves, 20000 Casablanca Tel: +212 522 42 33 60


Well-appointed rooms, a breakfast buffet and reception 24h/24 await you at the Texuda 3-star hotel located in the heart of the Moroccan capital, within walking distance of several attractions, including the famous BAB L’HAD, the Old Medina and Oudaya. It is just five minutes from the city centre and mainline transportation stations, and only 10 minutes from the famous Mausoleum of Mohammed V. The hotel offers 28 inviting rooms and 4 spacious suites, all with high-quality finishing. The single, double and triple rooms are all equipped with private bathrooms, flat screen TV and desk with hairdryer and Wi-Fi.

SERVICES: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Breakfast ( included ) Reception 24h/24 Luggage Private parking Elevator Wi-Fi in all rooms Pub Pharmacy Air Conditioning Restaurant: fish specialties


Arrivals: 24/24 - Departures: 24/24 Credit cards accepted


32, bd Almoukawama - Quartier L’océan - Rabat - Maroc - Tel: (+212) 0537 73 00 32 - Fax: (+212) 0537 73 00 33 E-mail: -



Casablanca’s Top Upscale Long-Stay Suite Hotel JM Suites Hotel, Morocco’s first

five-star boutique hotel, offers

luxurious facilities and services in an ideal location in the heart

of Casablanca. The hotel, which

opened in late 2007, is one of

the few in the country, which has earned the “Eco Friendly Label” for the past five years.

JM Suites was named “Best Small Hotel with Less Than 50 Rooms” by CNBC Arabia

in 2009 and won the coveted Trip Advisor “Certificate of Excellence” in 2013.

Every suite in the hotel is very spacious (more than 42 sq m) and well designed, featuring a fully equipped kitchenette, a large desk, an ergonomic desk chair, and many luxurious amenities. Hassan Joundy, General Manager, says, “You can work, entertain and relax in the privacy of your own living space. Guests also benefit from full hotel services, and our mission at JM Suites Hotel is to anticipate guests’ needs.” The hotel’s facilities include La Table du JM, ranked one of the best French restaurants in Casablanca; a meeting room which can accommodate up to 40 people; a fitness centre and spa; and a fully equipped business centre. Hassan Joundy has ambitious goals for JM Suites. He says, “Delivering a sustainable quality of service is our highest priority. Our vision is to be the


leading serviced-residence company with a brand, products and services that set new industry benchmarks. We endeavour to contribute to the wellbeing and success of people who live and work away from home.”

Upscale services and ideal location Most of the hotel’s visitors are from France and Spain, but JM Suites is currently stepping up its marketing efforts to reach travellers throughout Europe, particularly in Germany, the UK and Italy, as well as in new markets like Russia and Brazil. JM Suites also plans to open another suites hotel in Morocco. Hassan Joundy says, “Thanks to the fully equipped kitchenette in every room, as well as the comfort of our facilities and our great location, we are identified as Casablanca’s best choice for

accommodations with upscale services for an extended stay.” Casablanca’s Mohammed V International Airport makes the city easy to reach from international markets, and Morocco’s national airline, Royal Air Maroc, offers a number of direct flights worldwide, including new connections to Moscow and Sao Paolo. To potential visitors, Hassan Joundy comments, “I invite you to come to JM Suites Hotel in Casablanca. You can count on a warm welcome and efficient service. You will feel very much at home here.” JM Suites Hotel 161, Angle Blvd Rachidi & Blvd Moulay Hassan 1er Casablanca Tel : +212 522 26 06 66




Top Sites for Travellers Morocco lives up to its slogan, “the country that travels within you”. No matter where

visitors go, they will collect memories to last a lifetime.


One of Morocco’s Imperial Cities, vibrant Marrakesh at the foot of the Atlas Mountains is known for its traditional architecture, lively souks, lush Marjorelle gardens, and colourful Djemaa El Fna Square filled with fortune-tellers, snakecharmers and musicians.

Fes (Fez)

Ancient Fes, an Imperial City, was Morocco’s capital for more than 400 years and is still the kingdom’s religious and cultural hub. Visitors can tour the historic Mellah (Jewish quarter), the Royal Palace, the Merenid tombs and Fes El Bali medina.


Surrounded by ramparts overlooking a wide beach, Essaouira is known for its narrow streets lined with brightly-painted houses, its many cafés, its souks and its traditional music.


A bustling modern city recognised as Morocco’s business hub, “Casa” is the home of the landmark Hassan II mosque, one of the largest in the world, as well as its beaches and Mohammed V Boulevard with its arcades, shops and restaurants.


A UNESCO World Heritage site singled out as one of CNN’s top travel destinations in 2013, Morocco’s capital is known for its beaches, colourful 12th century medina, and historic Oudayas Kasbah.



Morocco’s top beach resort offers sunshine 300 days a year along with a 10 km white-sand beach.


A village in the rugged Rif Mountains, Chefchaouen is popular among independent travellers for its unspoiled landscapes and café-lined main square (Outa el Hammam).


This small town near the dramatic Erg Chebbi sand dunes is a popular base for camel treks and visits to nearby Bedouin communities.

High Atlas Mountains

The rugged, snow-topped mountains are ideal for trekking. One of Morocco’s best-known hiking trails leads to the top of Jebel Toubkal, North Africa’s highest peak at 4,167 m.


Another of Morocco’s Imperial Cities, Meknes features a colourful medina filled with souks as well as the 17th century Imperial City, a showcase of Moroccan architecture complete with massive gates and elaborate carvings. The Volubilis Roman ruins are nearby.


The ideal base for visiting unspoiled southern Morocco, Ouarzazate is near the lush Dadès Valley, which is lined with traditional forts (kasbahs), Berber villages and many gorges.


The gateway to Africa for many travellers today as in the past, Tangier has a lively medina, a historic Kasbah, a modern new town and one of the world’s busiest ports.



Landmark Hotel Ideal Choice for Leisure and Business The first-class Helnan Chellah hotel in Rabat offers elegant accommodations, a range of world-class amenities, and a traditional Moroccan welcome. Opened in 1973, the Helnan Chellah was

Rabat’s first hotel. It was fully renovated in 2004 to meet the highest international standards and continues to be improved. Business and leisure travellers alike will delight in the hotel’s blend of authentic

Moroccan architecture and style along with cutting-edge facilities and services. The hotel is now part of the prestigious Helnan International Hotels group.

Enan Galaly, President

Ideally located in downtown Rabat just a short stroll from trendy Mohamed V avenue with its luxury boutiques, the Helnan Chellah is the ideal base for exploring Rabat’s many cultural, shopping, restaurant and entertainment attractions. The hotel is just 10 km from Rabat airport and 85 km from Casablanca International Airport. The Helnan Chellah offers 120 spacious, comfortable guestrooms, including three large junior suites, all tastefully

decorated and luxuriously appointed. Every guestroom and suite is equipped with satellite TV, a direct international telephone line, high-speed wireless Internet connections, a mini bar, a safe, a hairdryer and central air-conditioning. Room service is available around the clock.

Choice of dining options The hotel offers a choice of dining options. Chellah restaurant serves inventive international cuisine in an elegant modern dining room. Kanoun Grill specialises in authentic Moroccan grilled dishes and features genuine Moroccan décor and local music. An English-themed bar, The Lion Pub, is a great place for drinks any time. Guests can relax in the hotel’s spa and wellness centre, which offers modern fitness equipment, various spa treatments, and a real Moroccan Hammam. Executive travellers benefit from the hotel’s outstanding, adaptable conference and meeting facilities. These include two rooms which can accommodate up to

Hassan Ait Lahcen, General Manager


300 guests, a meeting space for up to 350 guests for a reception, and several smaller rooms. The Helnan Chellah is within easy reach of all of Rabat’s outstanding tourism sites, such as Hassan Tower, a minaret from an incomplete mosque built in 1195 AD; the 45-hole Golf Royal Dar El Salam golf course, designed by Robert Trent Johnes; the Archeological Museum, which houses the most extensive collection of archaeological artefacts found in Morocco; the Oudayas Kasbah, a beautiful neighbourhood overlooking the sea; a number of souks; and Chellah Gardens and Palace, known for its Roman ruins, a magnificent door inscribed with traditional calligraphy, and luxuriant gardens. The Helnan Chellah is the right choice for leisure and business travellers. Helnan Chellah Hotel 2, rue D’infi Rabat Tel: +212 537 66 83 00




World-Class Limousine and Security Services The Regency Group brings world-class limousine, chauffeur and security services to the Moroccan market. The innovative enterprise was founded by Hatim Bencherradia, who has had long-term

professional experience in providing security

services in France and the Middle East. He also created Royal Regency in France, a car-hire company specialising in limousines.

Seeing a need for top-quality limousine and security services in Morocco, Hatim Bencherradia founded Regency Group along with his colleague Myriam Laissy in 2009. He says, “We obtained a contract with the Mazagan complex and set up the business here. We have developed extensive experience and know-how during our professional activities abroad, and we have brought this expertise to Morocco. Both of us oversee the training of all our employees and executives and we are uncompromising in our quality standards.”

Drivers the best in the business The company offers limousines throughout the country, and its drivers are the best in the business. Chauffeurs who speak English, Russian, Italian, Spanish or French are available on request. Hatim Bencherradia says, “All our drivers are trained to maintain the highest standards of hygiene, courtesy, behaviour and diligence.”

Hatim Bencherradia and Myriam Laissy

The Regency Group also offers security services in Morocco and abroad. Hatim Bencherradia points out, “Both our chauffeurs and security experts demonstrate exceptional professionalism. This is what gives us our competitive edge.” The Regency Group maintains a fleet of new luxury vehicles, including Audi 6 and Mercedes E class cars, all equipped with GPS systems. “Mobility is our profession. We are committed to guaranteeing transport with the highest possible security that meets the most stringent international standards thanks to our high-quality fleet and our well-trained employees,” Myriam Laissy points out. She adds, “Our customers trust us to provide not only secure transport in comfortable vehicles but also the best customer service, from our initial consultation to the actual service and our billing procedures.” Hatim Bencherradia anticipates strong growth for Regency and for Morocco and aims for Regency to continue to provide its customers with service which meets the highest international standards. He says, “Our clients in Morocco, France and beyond are leaders in their fields. Our international standards and modern management style ensure a bright future for Regency here in Morocco.” To potential customers, he adds, “I invite you to discover this exciting country which will be Africa’s business hub in the future, and to let us provide you with the best possible limousine and security services.” Regency Group Boulevard Océan Atlantique Kasr Nouzha, Imm 2 Appartement 19, 20050 Casablanca Tel: +212 522 98 43 28


Welcome home

First luxury boutique-hotel in Morocco ● Best location in Casablanca in the heart of the financial district ● Free wifi ● 5 times Eco Friendly Labelled «La clef verte» ● 22 high tech suites with fully equiped Kitchenette ● Design hotel and cosy ambiance ● Free Tv on demand with over 300 channels in 6 languages ● Pillow service on demand ● Private Spa ● Meeting room ● La Table du Jm - French cuisine - one of the best restaurants in town ● Cigar lounge Fitness center ● Business Corner ● Car rental on site

Feel the experience …

2009 - 2013

161, Angle Blvd Rachidi & Blvd Moulay Hassan 1er 20 070 Casablanca Tel: + 212 522 26 06 66 (LG) Fax: + 212 522 20 97 11 GPS : N 33° 35’ W 7° 37’

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