Partnership Proposal: European SRI Study 2016
European SRI Study Sponsorship Leverage benchmarking of the European SRI Market
Contents The SRI Study: a unique tool
The SRI Study: Content and themes The SRI Study timeline Sponsorship opportunities Sponsorship fees Overview
The SRI study: a unique tool ‘Total SRI assets under management (AuM) estimated at EUR 7.5 trillion as of end of 2013 covering institutional and retail assets from 13 distinct European markets’
Industry benchmark
In-depth analysis
•One of the few sources detailing the European SRI market both in investments and national trends •Data is quoted and used in research papers (OECD, EU institutions EU Member States and ministers)
•The study collates and analyses national SRI data to provide an oerview of pan-European market size (institutional & retail) and enable cross-country comparisons
European SRI Study 2014
‘The European SRI Study provides the most comprehensive overview of the European market for SRI and gives a good understanding of practices and trends across Europe.’ Ulrika Hasselgren, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable & Responsible Investment ISS | Institutional Shareholder Services
European perspective
•Focus on current national research, different approaches, introducing key players, estimating market size, providing “soft” predictions for future SRI trends.
The SRI study: a unique tool The Study measures the European Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) market, by qualifying the capital invested in SRI as well as highlighting trends in the industry at European and National level
Covers Institutional and Retail assets
The SRI Study has been covered in media across the EU and by publications with global reach
200+ Asset Managers / Owners participating
Each National SIF (UK, France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and Sweden) is distributing the SRI Study to leading local players in their respective domestic markets
In 13 Countries
11, 776 Twitter Reach 8,826
14 Events 9 Countries
The SRI study: Content and Themes The Study will look at the growth of SRI over the years: Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), focusing in depth on the development of each strategy trend
Strategy Case Studies: An opportunity for our sponsors to detail how they are developing their investing approach
ESG Integration Impact Investing Best-in-Class selection Sustainability themed Engagement and Voting Norms-based screening Exclusions
Policy Case Studies: The last 24 months have seen quite a number of regulatory initiatives which have and will continue to affect SRI and its key players. An in-depth look at the main risks and opportunities for the industry
ESG disclosure Green Bonds Conflict Minerals Active Share ownership
The SRI study timeline December March
Visual branding and Press Outreach SILVER
Logo on the cover page and collateral Logo on the credit page, in the sponsor section (inside end of the report) Logo on Eurosif webpage where the study is downloadable Outreach to Eurosif’s handpicked network of 400+ Financial & EU Journalists Mention of Sponsor during interviews
Advertising space SILVER
Half pager at the beginning of the report (circa 200 words) with picture 2 page advertorial (focus on strategy but not marketing related) Opportunity to host & brand launch event Opportunity to have Eurosif staff at client event to present findings
Preferential use & Access SILVER
Opportunity to host webinar to introduce main findings and key highlights of the report Access to the final draft before publication One-to-one meeting with Eurosif Head of Policy & Research to discuss findings after Study has been completed
Sponsorship fees Contribution of 20,000 euros • Platinum Contribution of 15,000 euros • Gold
Contribution of 10,000 euros • Silver
Logo on Cover Page, Credit page, website and all collateral
Outreach to Eurosif’s handpicked network of 400+ Financial & EU Journalists
Mention of Sponsor during interviews
Half-pager with foreword (200 words & picture)
2 page advertorial – Case Study
Opportunity to host & brand launch event
Opportunity to have Eurosif staff at client event to present findings
Visual Branding and Press Outreach
Advertising Space
Preferential use and access To final draft before publication
Opportunity to host webinar with Eurosif staff to discuss findings
To Eurosif Head of Policy & Research to discuss findings after the report has been completed