Nl nº7 ingles

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Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

Summary Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Euro-Solar holds its 3rd regional workshops in Quito, Ecuador .............................................................. 2

......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Visit to the first communities ........................................................................................................... 4 ................................................................................................................................................... 5 El Salvador continues with the work installing the Euro-Solar kits. ................................................ 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Installation of the first Programme kits in Guatemala ..................................................................... 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Tender for supply of internet connection equipment....................................................................... 6 ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Progress in support for the LCO ..................................................................................................... 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 The initial installation phase of the 34 Euro-Solar Kits has been completed in the rural communities .................................................................................................................................... 7 ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 The process of provisional reception of the kits is underway. ........................................................ 7 ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 EURO-SOLAR takes part in the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 EURO-SOLAR participates in OLADE’s first ELEC 2010 Electricity Workshop ............................. 8

This publication has been developed with support from European Union. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of SOCOIN, and under no circumstances should it be deemed to reflect the views of the European Union.

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

Euro-Solar holds its 3rd regional workshops in Quito, Ecuador During the week of 31 May to 4 June the 3rd EURO-SOLAR. Programme Regional Workshops were held in Quito, Ecuador.

With regard to sustainability, in the past year achievements included the signature of numerous institutional agreements and conventions between the Ministries of Energy, Education, Health and other related institutions. Another highlight was the significant progress made in ensuring sustainability through the set up of community organisations and training of beneficiaries. rd

The 3 Regional Workshops were characterised by a marked and extensive attendance of representatives from the beneficiary countries, the European Commission in Brussels, and its 8 Delegations as well as representatives from the Technical Assistance (SOCOIN), the Renewable energy Technology Institute (ITER) and from the equipment supply companies CYMI and AGMIN.

The Regional Workshops, which are held annually in order to provide an opportunity for the main organisers and participants in the Programme to meet and coordinate, thus exchanging ideas and experiences and providing assistance in resolving problems and any queries arising during the various phases of the programme project. The event, held in Quito, celebrated the advanced stages of the programme, which is due for completion in October 2011 and the fact that the equipment installation phase was taking place along with its related activities was of particular relevance. At the present time installation of the kits is being finalised and the process of provisional reception is taking place, while the work of training and support to the communities continues..

In addition, the inaugural meeting was attended by Ecuadorian politicians, Miguel Calahorrano, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy and Vladimir González, Under secretary of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency as a measure of institutional support for the programme in the country. The event closed on Friday 4 June with a plenary session summing up the main conclusions reached during the workshops held.. In his speech summarising the event, José González y González, Head of the Sector "Higher education and new technologies" of EuropeAid Centralised Operations Unit for Latin America, emphasised the importance of the commitment of institutions to the Programme and the need to ensure acceptance of the project by the communities involved as a measure of guarantee of its sustainability.

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7


Programme 3

SCHEDULE 08:00 to 08:30 08:30 to 09:30 09:30 t 10:30

Regional Workshops EURO- SOLAR MONDAY



01-June 10

Welcome and regional overview of the Programme

Community Organisation for management of the kits (LCOs)

18:00 to 19:00

19:00 to 20:00

03-June -10


Institutional sustainability

Conclusions workshops by country

Provisional reception

Fulfilment of Technical training undertakings nd of managers and defined in the 2 manuals Regional Workshops Round tables by Post sales country service (conclusions)

General conclusions Closure of the workshops

LUNCH Transfer of ownership of the kits

16:30 to 17:00 17:00 to 18:00



13:00 to 14:30

15:30 to 16:30


Renovations and Technical training installation of of managers and kits manuals

12:00 to 13:00

14:30 to 15:30



10:30 to 11:00

11:00 to 12:00


Visibility Meetings by country identification of critical issues

Provisional reception Resolving technical queries COFFEE-BREAK Remote monitoring Portal VISIT TO THE CENTRE OF QUITO

During recent months the most significant advances made as part of the programme were the renovation projects fitting out the installations which will house the kits, the actual installation of the equipment by the suppliers and the developing the skills and training of the beneficiaries..

Internet connection

Round tables by country (conclusions

Supplementary training Meetings by country identification of critical issues

installation of the systems in 24% of the beneficiary communities.

First and foremost, the renovation work has made tremendous strides is now almost complete in Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Overall data indicates that 79% of the work has been completed, 19% is in its final phase and in only 2% of communities has renovation work not been started.

Thanks to the progress made in completing the kits installation over the last month work has begun on the provisional reception phase. Provisional reception is entails a process of checking that the supplier has complied with contract requirements in installing the kits and training managers. ITER has developed a procedure and a specific computer application designed to facilitate the process of provisional reception In Peru, Paraguay and El Salvador the first on site checks have been carried out under the guidance of ITER.

In terms of installing the kits by the end of May 2010, 36% of the installations were complete and 41% are currently underway and are awaiting

Finally, in terms of technical training which is a key factor in ensuring sustainability of the equipment, the CNC have made progress in approving the

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

training manuals, and selected the technical managers of the kits in the communities.Training of these managers is part of the scope of the contracts entered into with the suppliers AGMIN and CYMI who will provide them with the theoretical and practical training required to perform their duties. With regard to complementary and auxiliary training the CNC of each country has defined a training

strategy aimed at the different community populations in order to create technical know-how skills and abilities in the beneficiary communities, thus facilitating better use and operation of the euro-solar kit and in short, the Programme sustainability. pendiente el inicio de la instalaci贸n de los sistemas en el 24% de las comunidades beneficiarias.



Technical Managers of the Kit

Ensure correct use and maintenance of the equipment and electrical energy management.

Kit Managers

Teachers Health Personnel Students

Ensure adequate use of peripheral equipment, post sale formalities and administration and management of the telecentre. Educational use of ICT Use of refrigerator for health use Use of ICT to disseminate health information Basic information and use of educational content


CNC / AT Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Teachers

Community in general (open to teachers)

Basic IT skills


Parents Associations, farmers, producers, etc

Use of content in developing productive activities through community business development specialists


Visit to the first communities From the 29 to 30 May prior to holding the 3 rd Regional Workshops a technical visit was made to the three beneficiary communities of the Programme in Ecuador. The communities visited were Nueva Providencia, A帽angu Nueva and Providencia, in the province of Orellana on the banks of the River Napo. The purpose of the visit was to check the progress of the kit installations in situ in these communities and

to discover any concerns or problems of the beneficiary populations regarding the implementation of the Euro-Solar Programme. The visiting team comprised members of the various bodies involved in the programme such as the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy delegates from the European Union, Technical Assistance, ITER and the supply company (Agmin).

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

El Salvador continues with the work installing the Euro-Solar kits. The company which will install the satellite connection equipment has been contracted On 11 May a contract was signed with JMTelcom and the European Union Delegation in El Salvador for the installation of satellite connection equipment in each of the 48 schools involved in the Euro-Solar Programme. The contract date for completion of the installations is 11 August 2010.

The Ministry of Education has set up a process for contracting a satellite internet service which will enable the beneficiary communities to obtain internet service by the final quarter of 2010. With regard to installation of the remaining equipment, it is expected that this will be 100% complete by the month of June and the process of checking the installations will continue. The on site checking phase will begin in May with the arrival of experts from the Renewable Energy Technology Institute (ITER) in order to train the Euro-Solar team in El Salvador. When the reception procedure is complete in each school, students, teachers and community members will be able to begin to enjoy the benefits of using the kit, with electrical energy, lighting, laptops, spotlight, back projector, water filter etc.

Installation of the first Programme kits in Guatemala The Communities of Nuevo Aquil, Chajmacan, Chitoc, Chinasayub, and Nimlasayub, located in the north of the country in the department of Alta Verapaz, were the first communities of the 117 beneficiary groups in Guatemala where the EURO-SOLAR Programme is finalising installation of the kits. Progress is also being made in the region of QuichĂŠ in the west of the country and subsequently the remaining departments will be covered. In the visit made to the Community of Nuevo Aquil, Mr Abelino Batz, chairman of the Euro-Solar Committee, spoke of how the community is delighted with the installation of the equipment and that the greatest benefit will be to children, as it will be their first contact with a computer and using internet.

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

Tender for supply of internet connection equipment The European Union Delegation in Honduras announced its public tender for a purchase agreement for satellite internet connection equipment Reference: ALA/ 2006/17-223 The purpose of the contract is to purchase satellite internet connection equipment which includes: satellite aerial, ODU (Out Door Unit) and satellite MODEM which should be installed by the supplier in 68 schools, who are beneficiaries of the EuroSolar programme, located in rural areas of El Salvador.

As established, the contract will be signed on 4 April 2010, following the result of the bidding procedure. The deadline for submitting bids ended on Monday 21 June 2010 at 16:00 hours (local time) The specifications and conditions may be consulted on the Delegation’s web site at in the “tenders” section.

Progress in support for the LCO Nicaragua continues its active progress in strengthening Local Community Organisations, through the development of skills and provision of training. As part of the strategic alliances signed with TELCOR / FITEL, Instituto Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones and Correos, through Management of the Telecommunications Investment Fund, training has been provided in two of the five modules established in the Nicaragua training strategy for the Euro-Solar programme, for eight community managers in different locations and a social animator. The theme of the training programme was “Training of Telecentre Administrators and Euro-Solar community centre managers in financial stability”. The training was provided by a group of students working with a social volunteering group from the Business Administration Department of the Central American University UCA. This training was supported by the UCP/rural Telecentres executed by TELCOR with funding from the World Bank and additionally for the training of Telecentre administrators, using funding from UNESCO and the Ministry of Energy and Mines. When training in the five modules has been completed a strategy will be devised for

transferring this training to the managers of the remaining 34 communities, which will be carried

out by skilled and trained managers. Furthermore, training has been set up in each district for health care leaders in the 42 communities providing skills in the ABC of computers. Firstly, training has been provided to educational advisers and subsequently teachers will be trained in each of the schools of the 42 communities benefiting from the Euro-Solar project.

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

The initial installation phase of the 34 Euro-Solar Kits has been completed in the rural communities In Paraguay, the initial installation phase of the 34 Euro-Solar Kits in rural communities has been completed. Installation of peripheral equipment was warmly welcomed by teachers, students and the general population in the area. This installation has was carried out during the new academic year, and this will enable students to start learning IT skills and put that knowledge into practice when using the computers and peripheral equipment installed. The first Euro-Solar community managers have now received the initial training. These skills were aimed at training in operation and maintenance of the electricity generation system, and this will enable the kit managers to monitor and manage the equipment, thus ensuring correct and efficient use of the devices. In the health care field, health care workers in the community have stressed the vital importance of new healthcare equipment, in particular the refrigerator, as this will be used in the present triple vaccination campaign against A N1H1 influenza, along with two other vaccines, which was initiated during the second fortnight of May..

Peru. The process of provisional reception of the kits is underway. In the past month of May the process of provisional reception of the kits began in the Euro-Solar beneficiary communities. These initiatives have also begun in El Salvador and Paraguay. The process of provisional reception begins with training by ITER of experts contracted by the CNC and Technical Assistance who will be responsible for checking the kits on site. In these technical visits checks are made to ensure that the equipment is fully installed and operating correctly. Peru was the first country to begin this process. From 7 to 15 May ITER’s training programme began. This consisted of an initial theory workshop and the other days were taken up with practical training. During the practical section 14 communities were visited in order to check the state of the installations with positive results.

The process of provisional reception of the kits is underway. In the past month of May the process of provisional reception of the kits began in the Euro-Solar beneficiary communities. These initiatives have also begun in El Salvador and Paraguay. The process of provisional reception begins with training by ITER of experts contracted by the CNC and Technical Assistance who will be responsible for checking the kits on site. In these technical visits checks are made to ensure that the equipment is fully installed and operating correctly. Peru was the first country to begin this process. From 7 to 15 May ITER’s training programme began. This consisted of an initial theory workshop and the other days were taken up with practical training. During the practical section 14 communities were visited in order to check the state of the installations with positive results.

Jun 28, 2010

Newsletter 7

EURO-SOLAR takes part in the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth The EURO-SOLAR Programme took part in the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, in Cochabamba, which was held in order to analyse the structural and systemic causes of climate change and to propose basic measures for achieving the well being of all mankind in harmony with nature. The official inauguration of the conference was attended by the President and Vice President of Bolivia Evo Morales Ayma, in addition to other important dignitaries from Africa, India and Brazil, along with indigenous authorities from five continents and representatives of various environmental organisations from all over the world.

EURO-SOLAR gave an extensive presentation of its programme designed to provide electricity with hybrid energies (wind-solar) to 59 rural communities in five regional departments of the country. It also installed an information stand equipped with an operating wind turbine and system demonstrating photovoltaic energy which aroused considerable interest, particularly from representatives of organisations from rural areas interested in gaining access to electricity through these technologies, the outstanding features of which are the fact that they do not cause pollution, are clean and make use of natural resources.

EURO-SOLAR participates in OLADE’s first ELEC 2010 Electricity Workshop From 26 to 27 May the first ELEC 2010 Electricity Workshop was held in Asunción, Paraguay. The event was organised by OLADE in conjunction with the ViceMinistry of Mining and Engineering and was attended by numerous representatives and government officials of the 26 OLADE member countries, together with representatives of public and private business, international bodies and a many specialists from the energy sector in the Latin America Region. The workshop was designed to publicise new trends in industry, electricity generation technology using renewable energy, comparative analysis of the benefits of its application and to show regional and international examples of its implementation in electricity generation and the technical and

financial challenges faced in establishing such systems. EURO-SOLAR was widely represented at the event as one of its sponsors. It also had a stand in the exhibition area and played a significant role in the conference area. The Programme was presented by Mr Andrés González, who is responsible for the Paraguay National Coordination Cell. In his lecture “Goals, organisation, activities and results of the EUROSOLAR Programme”, he detailed the Programme’s activities in eight beneficiary countries and the expected results of the installation of 600 Kits in Latin America. The speaker presented EURO-SOLAR as an example and an experience worthy of repetition in other countries of the region.

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