Beneficiary countries It is planned to develop the EURO-SOLAR Programme in: Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru. GUATEMALA
Executive body: Ministry of Energy and Mines via the Directorate General of Energy European Commission Funding: 4,436,250 € Guatemala Funding: 1,170,000 € Beneficiary communities: 117
Executive body: Honduras Council for Science and Technology European Commission Funding: 2,577,667 € Honduras Funding: 680,000 € Beneficiary communities: 68
Executive body: Ministry of Energy and Mines European Commission Funding: 1,592,500 € Nicaragua Funding: 420,000 € Beneficiary communities: 42
Executive body: Ministry of Education European Commission Funding: 1,820,000 € El Salvador Funding: 480,000 € Beneficiary communities: 48
Cooperating in energy and environment
Executive body: Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy via the Department of Electricity and Alternative Energy European Commission Funding: 2,237,417 € Bolivia Funding: 590,000 € Beneficiary communities: 59
Executive body: Ministry of Electricity
and Renewable Energy via the Department of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency European Commission Funding: 3,450,083 € Ecuador Funding: 910,000 € Beneficiary communities: 91
El Salvador
Guatemala ·
Perú ·
Executive body: Ministry of Energy and Mines via the Directorate General of Rural Electrification European Commission Funding: 4,929,833 € Peru Funding: 1,300,000 € Beneficiary communities: 130
Executive body: Ministry of Public Works and Communications via the Department of Mines and Energy European Commission Funding: 1,706,250 € Paraguay Funding: 450,000 € Beneficiary communities: 45
Further information: EuropeAid Operations - Cooperation Office Directorate B - Latin America Unit B.2 - Centralized Operations Euro-Solar Programme (J 54 - 04/13) B - 1049 Brussels Fax: +32 229 91080
EURO SOLAR Programme
renewable energy for development
funding contributions * The refer to the initial budget of 30 million euros.
This publication has been prepared with the assistance of the European Union. Contents are the exclusive responsibility of SOCOIN and should not be considered as reflecting the views of the European Union under any circumstances.
Programme funded by the European Union
Project Stages
Energy for development Energy supply plays a key role in ensuring basic services for the population, promoting health and education, assisting in developing communication tools and productive activities to name just some of its benefits, and it should be a major priority in combating poverty. Currently 1.6 billion people, which is a quarter of the world’s population, have no access to an electricity source and this has led to isolation and economic scarcity. Four fifths of this population live in rural areas with subsistence farming as their only activity.
EURO-SOLAR Programme The EURO-SOLAR Programme is a pioneering global initiative organised by the European Commission’s EuropeAid Cooperation Office. The main goal of the Programme is to foster the use of renewable energies as part of a drive towards human development in Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru, the eight least developed countries in Latin America. The Programme involves the installation of 600 electricity generation kits using 100% renewable energy sources. The equipment consists of photovoltaic panels and, in some cases, a wind generator as back-up. It is estimated that over 300,000 people from 600 rural communities currently with no connection to the electricity grid will ultimately benefit from the Programme and will become the eventual owners of the kits.
The EURO-SOLAR kit provides basic technical equipment designed to foster human development in isolated rural communities. The kit’s main component is an electricity generation system consisting of photovoltaic solar panels with, in some cases, a wind turbine acting as backup, all of which will provide basic electricity destined primarily for community use. For increased efficiency, the system is supplied with reserve batteries and a control panel enabling the community to manage the energy available and to select which equipment should be operating at any given time.
EURO-SOLAR fosters human development in health, education and communication and helps to promote productive activities.
Key features
Programme sponsor providing 80% funding.
Responsible for programme execution in each country providing 20% funding.
SOCOIN International Technical Assistance.
Exchange of experiences and good practices
Pioneering innovative programme. Integral concept of rural electrification.
between member countries. Local community training.
Local kit installation Training of community operations, operation and maintenance of kits Maintenance and guarantee of kits Providing skills to the community in using equipment Community work: fostering educational, health, communications and productive uses of the kit
Exchange of experiences at a regional level (8 countries) Visibility and dissemination of the Programme
Set up of community organisations Renovation of buildings designed to house equipment
Key participants
EC technological Adviser in designing the kits.
Standard kit.
Kit design Selection of beneficiaries International bidding procedure for kits (installation and maintenance)
Community Contact and Support
The kit will be installed in the communities by suppliers selected through an international bidding procedure organised by the European Commission. These companies will also be responsible for training representatives of the rural community in the use and maintenance of the kit. SOCOIN will provide the Programme’s technical assistance, supporting the beneficiary countries in the implementation and regional coordination of the project. ITER, Technological and Renewable Energies Institute, provides technological support to the European Commission in the design, testing and supervision in operating the kits.
Renewable energies.
In order to improve the isolated situation of the beneficiary communities, the kit includes telecommunications equipment (which provides internet connection for five computers, a telephone and a combined fax, printer and scanner). In order to encourage educational and cultural activities, there will also be a film projector. Finally, the kit includes a refrigerator for storing saline solutions and medicines along with a water purifier to assist prevention and treatment of disease.
EURO-SOLAR is an integrated programme that is not confined to installation and commissioning of the equipment but which also includes training villagers in the management and maintenance of the kits and providing support in developing basic services in the areas of education, health and information technologies, as well as fostering productive activities. The initial duration of the Programme was 48 months with a total budget of 30 million Euros jointly funded by the European Commission (80%) and the beneficiary countries (20%). The Programme has subsequently been extended for a further 9 months and the European Commission has increased its contribution by 4.7 million euros.
The duration of the project is 57 months. The Funding Agreement between the European Commission and beneficiary countries was signed on 21 December 2006 and entered into force on 18 January 2007.
Companies/suppliers and installers of the kit.
LRC Direct beneficiaries.
Technical expertise Implementation Contractual relations
EC: European Commission / CNC: National Coordination Body / LRC: Local Rural Communities / ITER: Technological and Renewable Energies Institute
The rural communities will own the kit and will be responsible for its operation and management.