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JCRS Highlights
THOMAS KOHNEN European Editor of JCRS
Are current trifocal IOLs effective in eyes that have previously undergone photorefractive surgery? A retrospective comparative case study evaluated 868 eyes of 543 patients who had undergone corneal laser refractive surgery prior to receiving trifocal IOLs. This included 319 eyes treated for myopia and 549 eyes that had undergone treatment for hyperopia. Three months postoperatively, visual outcomes were poorer in the hyperopic group than those in the myopic group for mean CDVA (0.06 ± 0.05 vs 0.04 ± 0.04, P < .01) and safety (21% vs 12% of CDVA line loss, P < .05) outcomes. However, precision outcomes were worse in the myopic group, with a mean spherical equivalent of −0.38 ± 0.3 vs −0.17 ± 0.3 (P < .01). Patients with either high myopia or high hyperopia had poorer visual and safety results. R Cobo-Soriano et al., “Trifocal intraocular lens implantation in eyes with previous corneal refractive surgery for myopia and hyperopia”, 47(10): 1265–1272.
A new modular IOL system with an exchangeable optic component compares favourably with standard IOL implantation both in terms of initial implantation and optic exchange procedures, concludes a prospective clinical study. Surgeons implanted 114 patients with a Harmoni Modular Intraocular Lens (HMIOL) in one eye (monovision target −1.50 dioptre) and a standard monofocal IOL in the contralateral eye. Patients could elect optic exchange three months after primary implantation. Sixty-five patients elected to have an optic exchange because of unsatisfactory visual outcomes from high monovision. No posterior capsular rupture occurred during optic exchange procedures. Short-term (12month) posterior capsule opacification (PCO) evaluation showed that all eyes had PCO grade 1 or less at 12 months. No Nd:YAG capsulotomy was performed in the exchange cohort. The HMIOL is a hydrophobic acrylic foldable posterior chamber IOL system for implantation in the capsular bag. The HMIOL has an exchangeable optic (5.8mm diameter) and separate base component (13.0mm diameter) with an annular groove for attachment of the optic component. R Ang et al., “Evaluation of safety after optic exchange of a modular intraocular lens”, 47(10): 1273–1278.
There is a significant inverse correlation between axial length and the angle α magnitude, a prospective, cross-sectional study concludes. The study evaluated 74 eyes in 74 healthy patients. Patients underwent a complete ophthalmological assessment, including biomicroscopy and biometry. The investigators used an OPD-Scan III analyser to assess both the angle α distance and biometry parameters. Hyperopic patients tended to demonstrate significantly higher angle α values when compared with myopic patients. Hyperopic eyes with steeper mean keratometry and lesser white-to-white distance also had an increased α angle. C Velasco-Barona et al., “Impact of correlation of angle α with ocular biometry variables”, 47(10): 1279–1284.