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Industry News
INDUSTRY NEWS Biodegradable Eyedrops
Santen unveiled plans to launch the first bio-based plastic eyedrop bottle in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa in early 2023. The company says this is part of its global commitment to create a zero-carbon world and a sustainable future. The bottle is made from a sugar cane-derived material that uses natural resources while maintaining the structural integrity of traditional plastic, so the medication is kept stable.
“To achieve Santen’s Vision for the Earth 2050, we have three environmental targets for 2030—which consist of contribution to a carbon-free society, conservation of limited resources including water, and reduction of plastic use. The introduction of the biomass plastic bottle is part of our efforts to achieve our Vision. Santen is committed to strengthening the business foundation for its sustainable growth with full recognition that conserving the global environment is one of the most important challenges,” said Takahiro Morita, Corporate Officer, Core Principle and Corporate Social Responsibility, Santen.
OCULUS announced the launch of the new GRAS (Gullstrand Refractive Analysis System) software module of the Myopia Master®. The company says the innovation will simplify keratometry, axial length, and refraction measurements. The company has adapted the Gullstrand eye model for use with very young patients as well, extending the application field of the Myopia Master to include children. The company notes the availability of products and features may vary by country. www.myopia-master.com
AcuFocus received an Approvable Letter from the FDA for its IC-8 small aperture IOL for cataract patients. The aspheric monofocal lens has an embedded filter with a small central aperture. The IC-8 lens is based on the same pinhole lens optical principle as the Kamra (AcuFocus) corneal inlay and is designed to provide an increased depth of focus compared to a standard spherical IOL. Initial studies and case reports relating to corneal pinhole inlays for the correction of presbyopia in patients with previous LASIK are promising.
“We are thrilled to receive the approvable letter from the FDA ahead of our MDUFA date. And we look forward to working with the FDA to successfully complete these customary pre-approval inspections,” Al Waterhouse, president and chief executive officer of AcuFocus, said in a statement. www.acufocus.com
The Juvene™ IOL (LensGen) moved one step closer to US approval, receiving Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This allows the company to begin a pivotal study of the company’s device for patients with cataracts. The Juvene IOL is a single-piece IOL with two fluid reservoir haptics, two optics attached by a flexible actuator, and active and passive fluid chambers. The capsular forces exerted on the haptics during accommodation cause the fluid to be pumped centrally into the optic resulting in a shape change and increased refractive power without splitting the light like multifocal IOLs. The lens is designed for implantation in the capsular bag through a sub-4 mm incision. www.lensgen.com