19 minute read

Buenos Aires

4 Days / 3 Nights



wHAT’S INCLUDED • Needed transfers • Accommodation: 3 nights • Tour: classic city tour (3 hours) • Meals: 3 breakfasts

Day 1 Arrival, reception at Ezeiza International Airport and transfer to the hotel. In the afternoon, we make a panoramic tour of the city. we start in Plaza de Mayo, witness to the most important events of the country since 1810. There, we are able to appreciate the surrounding buildings like the ‘Pink House’ (Government house), the Cathedral and Town Hall. we continue towards La Boca to walk along the famous Caminito alley and its colourful “conventillos”. we leave the southern area of the city to head north towards Palermo and Recoleta, where we make a final stop to appreciate the contrast of what we have seen with this aristocratic district, famous for its cemetery where relevant personalities are buried. Return to the hotel. Day 2 & 3 B Days at leisure. Buenos Aires offers many options. During these days we suggest you experience the city through its history, art and gastronomy, in order to understand the passion that generates. Please, consult the great variety of tours we offer. Day 4 B At due time, transfer to the local or international airport, to board the scheduled flight.

La Boca, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of @visitargentina

to keep in mind: In private service we suggest adding a guided visit to Colon Theatre, one of the five best Opera´s theatres in the world, a stop at a remarkable bar or at El Ateneo Grand Splendid, considered one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. In the evenings, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy a gastronomic tour or enjoy a Dinner Tango Show, a must-see.


Tango Show, Buenos Aires

Dinner Tango Show

Tango is the music of Buenos Aires par excellence and the best way to enjoy it is with a dinner and a later tango show where dancers and orchestra invite us to learn about its history. operates: Daily Duration: 4 hours Meals: Dinner

to keep in mind: Tango lessons or wine tasting are available before the show.


Tigre, Buenos Aires

Visit the northern area of the city through residential areas in order to get to Tigre where we enjoy a one-hour boat ride through the River Delta while observing the particular lifestyle of the Tigre’s islands. operates: Daily Duration: 4 hours AM/PM

Gaucho Party, Buenos Aires

Gaucho Party

Enjoy a day in the outskirts of the city and get the chance to learn about gaucho´s traditions and their skills. At noon, time to taste the Asado, the typical barbecue which is a classic in our local cuisine. operates: Daily, except for Mondays. Duration: 8 hours Meals: Lunch

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

Full Day Colonia

we board a ferry in order to go to Uruguay, crossing De la Plata River. when we arrive there, we visit this small city declared Humanity’s Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. A tour through its streets makes us travel back in time. operates: Daily Duration: 8 hours Meals: Lunch

Domes of Buenos Aires, Courtesy of @travelBuenosAires

Viewpoints of Buenos Aires

Get to know the city from its heights and enjoy its architectural heritage. we begin at El Cabildo (Town Hall) and from its balcony, view of Plaza de Mayo we get a unique panoramic view, Plaza de Mayo. Continue towards Galeria Guemes, a viewpoint that offers a 360-degree view of the city and end at Barolo Palace where Dante’s Divine Comedy is present in the atmosphere. operates: WED/THU/FRi/SAT PM Duration: 4 hours Meals: drink

to keep in mind: • Cabildo close on Monday, Güemes Gallery on Saturday. During those day seach viewpoint will be replaced by the one in the English Tower.

Divine Buenos Aires

Get to know the city and its lights from the ground as well from the sky. Visit Barolo Palace to learn about the history of this building where the allegory of Dante Alighieri`s Divine Comedy is present. Arrive at its dome from where you can see how the lighthouse illuminates the city. After enjoying the view, we visit an office, which is set like 1920, and taste a glass of wine while we hear a violin, a tango or cello depending on the day. operates: MoN/WED/THU/FRi/SAT PM Duration: 3 hours Meals: Glass of wine to keep in mind: • Access to the Barolo Palace lighthouse is not suitable for people with reduced mobility.


The Obelisk, Buenos Aires. Courtesy @travelBuenosAires

San Telmo Market, Buenos aires. Courtesy of @travelbuenosaires

The Authentic Tour

If you seek to know the city and at the same time discover how “being a Porteño”, this tour is for you. During the tour, we visit some of the sites that have an importance for those who live in the city: The Obelisk, Plaza de Mayo, La Boca and La Recoleta. In order to reach the different attractions, we move by subway, bus and taxi. while travelling by taxi, we learn more about the origin of the bus and its eternal rivalry with the yellow-roofed cars. As we travel, learn about Porteños’ customs, idioms and idiosyncrasies. operates: Daily Duration: 4 hours Meals: one drink at a Remarkable bar

Walking Tour Southern Area

Discover the historic center of the city starting at the site where the first foundation of the city took place: the Lezama Park. Through a walk along Defensa street we join this point with Plaza de Mayo as we pass by buildings and churches of great historical value. Option to enter Zanjón de Granados, historic tunnel.

operates: Daily except Sundays. AM / PM Duration: 3 hours Meals: 1 drink at Remarkable Bar Distance: 3 kms (1,8 mile)

to keep in mind: • we suggest not taking the tour on Sundays, due to San Telmo’s Fair • It is possible to add the visit to Zanjon de Granados except Saturdays.

Floralis Generalis, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of @visitargentina

Walking tour Northern Area

The tour begins in Plaza San Martin where we get to know part of its history as well as the surrounding palaces. we continue towards 9 de Julio Avenue and then walk along Alvear Avenue, where we find a series of aristocratic residences, which provides to the avenue a Parisian atmosphere. During the tour we pass by the sophisticated Alvear Palace, the Recoleta Cemetery and La Isla, a small sector characterized by its passages with stairways. operates: Private daily except Sundays. AM/PM Duration: 3 hours Meals: 1 drink Distance: 4 kms (2,4 miles)

La Boca

This tour is for those who want to learn about the history of a neighbourhood, which is important in the construction of the Porteño. Football, tango and pizza are breathed in every corner of this part of the city. During the tour we get to understand how the arrival of immigrants changed inhabitants’ life and how their idioms and customs gave rise to lunfardo (Porteños’ slang) and tango. Also how pizza and football are main characters of its streets. At the end, we visit La Bombonera Museum and we learn about the story of Boca Juniors and its rivality with River Plate. operates: Daily Duration: 4 hours Meals: Pizza tasting

to keep in mind: Only available in private service


Pizzerias Tour

Through this tour, get to know a little of our history, the Genoese, Sicilian and Neapolitan influence, as well as the difference between the Argentinian and the Italian versions of pizza. we suggest these routes: Corrientes Avenue, San Telmo or Palermo in order to discover the secrets of the dough and taste their specialty to learn more about this traditional meal, which defines ourselves gastronomically and culturally. operates: Daily Duration: 3 hours Meals: pizza and empanada tasting, with beverage

Pizzeria tour, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of @visitargentina

Bodegones Tour

Enjoy dinner as Argentinians do. A “bodegón” originally was a meeting place, then it began to be a bar, and finally turned into a restaurant where porteños eat like at home. The tour shows us the history and influence of immigrants in our food and customs. For this reason, we visit a ‘vermuteria’ and learn about this gastronomic ritual, which grew through years, and enjoy dinner. Not recommended for those on a diet. operates: Daily, except Saturdays and Sundays Duration: 4 hours Meals: appetizer and dinner

Bodegones Tour, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of visit@argentina

Fogon Experience, Buenos Aires

Fogón Asado Experience

A closed-door gastronomic experience that explores new ways of serving typical Asado’s meat cuts. At the bar, you will see, feel and experience in a close and personal manner the different techniques of grill cooking (“a la parrilla”). The Chef has designed the tasting menu in order to combine the new grill techniques with true and tasted Argentinian recipes, which take the Asado to a higher level. The wines have been chosen to enhance the ingredients flavours, proposing some of the best boutiques wines from Argentina. operates: Daily Duration: 3 hours Meals: Dinner

Argentine Experience

This tour is for those who want to learn about the fascinating gastronomy of our country. Learn how to repulse the patty (sealing mode), to ask for the meat cooking point and to talk with gestures. After dinner, prepare the typical alfajores and mate, the most famous argentine infusion. Everything accompanied by a good talk and excellent wines. operates: Daily except Sundays. Duration: 3 hours Meals: Dinner


Sharpa Food Tour

we invite you to a unique culinary experience in Palermo, a neighbourhood where bohemia is tangible. The tour includes four stops. The starting point is a ‘vermuteria’ the perfect place for meeting friends. we continue through La Malbequeria, which is the ideal place for a wine tasting. Then visit a Bodegon to finally end at Santa Evita restaurant where the allegory to Evita is present in the menu and atmosphere. operates: Daily Duration: From 3 to 4 hours Meals: Drinks tasting and dinner

Sant Evita Restaurant, Sharpa Food tour, Buenos Aires

Wine Tasting

To taste a wine we just need the nose, the taste buds, the brain and the desire to spend a good time. For this reason, we propose a guided tour of 18 wine dispensers ready to taste at any time. During the tourwe will find 140 labels from different regions of our country and the world, curated by the sommelier. Do not forget to enjoy the wine with an octopus tapa. operates: WED to SAT Duration: From 2 to 3 hours

La Malbequeria, wine tasting, Buenos Aires

Cooking class, Espacio Azai, Buenos Aires

Cooking Lesson

The kitchen includes, unites and stimulates team work. we propose you attend a cooking lesson where you can learn about our gastronomy but also cook different delicacies. The proposal includes “criolla” (local) cooking lesson in which typical Argentinian meals are prepared according to the season. Moreover, “empanadas”

Mate tasting

we invite you to experiment the mate’s world in a playful and sensorial way in order to discover flavours, savours and rituals related with this infusion which has more than 3 centuries of antiquity. we start with a tour through a Guaraní legend that tells us how and where the yerba mate’s tree was born, get to know the needed elements to this ritual and delve into some urban myths. During the tasting, we will see different kinds of yerba that are exclusively made and learn to “cebar” and taste. operates: MoN to FRi Duration: 3 hours

and “asado” (barbecue) lessons where we learn about meat’s cuts, contemporary Argentinian food or Argentinian baking. Lunches and dinners are accompanied by Argentinian wines. operates: MoN to FRi Duration: From 3 to 4 hours Meals: There are lunch, afternoon snack or dinner options


Museum of Decorative Art, Buenos Aires

Museums Tour

Visit two of the most representative museums, dedicated to different aspects and times of Argentinian art and culture. we propose visiting two museums and end at Errazuriz Palace, a unique French style residence where we recover strength and enjoy its patisserie. you can choose between: MALBA (Museum of Latin American Art),

Urban Art

In recent years, the city has been decorated by artists who express their art in different neighborhoods, turning Buenos Aires into one of the world capitals of Street Art. As we walk through the streets, we admire these giant murals and in some cases, the story behind them. This tour is ideal for those who seek Fine Arts Museum which exhibits paintings of renowned artists such as El Greco, Goya, Van Gogh, Manet; the Popular Art museum or the National Museum of Decorative Art. operates: Daily Duration: 4 hours To keep in mind: MALBA closes on TUE / Rest of the museums close on MoN

to discover the city through its graffiti and murals. To enhance the experience we recommend taking an aereosol class and creating your own designs on the walls of the city. operates: Private daily. Regular TUE / THU / SAT. PM Duration: 3/4 hours


Bares & Cafés Notables (Remarkable Bars)

Some bars in the city used to be a meeting place for musicians, writers, actors and politicians. Many of them, by antiquity, architecture or local relevance, were considered “remarkable” and are part of the cultural heritage of the city. Feel welcome and share a coffee chat, enjoying a classic “cortado” (typical coffee with a dash of milk), which is a must and an unforgettable experience for travellers. The tour includes bars from San Telmo, Congreso, Barrio Norte and Recoleta. operates: Every day except for Sundays Duration: 4 hours. AM / PM Meals: 2 drinks

Remarkable bar, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of @travelbuenosaires

Mataderos´s Fair, Buenos Aires. Courtesy of @travelBuenosAires

Zanjon de Granados, Buenos Aires

Mataderos Fair

Just half an hour from downtown, the city’s physiognomy changes with the Mataderos Fair. In front of the old Hacienda Market (where cattle arrived to be controlled and sold), there are more than 700 stalls where it is possible to find from fine pieces of silverware to mates, ponchos, blankets and leather objects. An authentic folkloric fair in the middle of the city.

Duration: 5/6 hours Season: March to December operates: Sundays during daytime Meals: lunch

to keep in mind: The fair does not operate in January. In February, it can just operate during the night subject to confirmation

Tunnels of Buenos Aires

Get to know the colonial Buenos Aires through its old buildings such as the Zanjón de Granados which tells us 4 centuries of history; the Church of San Ignacio de Loyola, the oldest in the city, and the Museum of the Casa Rosada, located at the same place where the Fort of Buenos Aires and Taylor Customs used to be. operates: WED /THU /FRi /SUN Duration: 5 hours Meals: snack in a Remarkable Bar

to keep in mind: • The order in which we visit the attractions may vary according to language and availability • On Sundays the visit to Zanjon de Granados is shorter than the rest of the days

Evita: Beyond the Myth

A tour of the relevant sites that help us to understand why Eva was one of the most important female personalities in the Argentinian history. During the tour, we pass by Retiro area, the Luna Park Stadium, the CGT (General Confederation of Labour) that was her foundation’s headquarters, Plaza de Mayo and La Recoleta, where we visit her grave. Meanwhile, we stop at Tabac Café, a Remarkable bar with a story to learn. operates: MoN to FRi Duration: 4 hours Meals: 1 beverage in a Remarkable Bar to keep in mind: • The visit to the CGT or “Legislatura Porteña” (City Legislature) is subject to its scheduled activities


Bandoneón, Buenos Aires

Carlos Gardel, Buenos Aires

Milongas Tour, Buenos Aires

Tango’s Origins

we explore the neighbourhoods that gave origin to tango and deep into some aspects which help us understand why it was declared Humanity’s Immaterial Heritage by the UNESCO. Our tour takes us through 4 neighbourhoods where tango developed: La Boca, where some people say the tango was born; San Telmo, where it was developed; Boedo and Almagro, cradle of personalities and tango bars. we finish in Las Violetas bar which was chosen as the best city’s Remarkable Bar, where we will enjoy a light lunch. operates: MoN-FRi Duration: 6 hours Meals: Tea - Light lunch

Carlos Gardel’s History

If we speak about Tango, anything better than knowing a bit about Carlos Gardel’s history, the most important tango singer of all times. The tour includes two relevant neighbourhoods: San Nicolás, passing by some sites where he was raised, Tortoni Café and Los Angelitos Café, and Abasto neighbourhood which gave him the nickname “Morocho del Abasto”. we visit the house where he lived that nowadays is a museum, the Zelaya Passage where there are murals of him, the Gardel walk with his monument and the Chanta Cuatro Corner where there was a tanguería. operates: MoN-FRi Duration: 4 hours

to keep in mind: Option with lunch, 6 hours

Milongas Tour

This option allows us to discover tango in a different way. The “Porteños” who dance tango, prefer to go to the milongas, and here is where we are going to take you. Do you want to know what the “cabeceo” (nod) is? why is music heard in “Tandas” and why are the tables distributed around the track? why do dancers circulate against the hands of the clock? For three to four hours, you are able to learn about tango, take a lesson and enjoy tango with locals. operates: Private daily. Regular MoN / WED / SUN Duration: 3/4 hours

to keep in mind: The selected milonga can be modified according to availability

Tango Lesson

Tango is a characteristic dance of the Rio de la Plata region, which was spread throughout the world. It is characterized by the close embrace of the couple, the tango walk, the “corte” and “quebrada”, and the improvisation. Enjoy an hour with a tango instructor to learn the basics of this dance that makes people from all over the world fall in love with it. Taking one or several tango lessons during your stay and then attending a typical milonga is a good way to experience this dance in the most authentic way. operates: Daily except for Sundays Duration: 1 hour

to keep in mind: The duration of the tour is according to the passengers’ preference


Biking, Costanera, Buenos Aires

Biking, Palermo, Buenos Aires

Tigre, Buenos Aires

Southern Bike Tour

we start our tour at one of the oldest and with great diversity of cultures in Buenos Aires City: San Telmo neighbourhood. we continue towards La Boca to explore the neighbourhood and then go on to Puerto Madero, the city’s most modern and sophisticated neighbourhood. while in this area, we arrive to the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve, where we share one of the most symbolic rituals of Argentinian culture: the “mate”. The tour finishes in Plaza de Mayo (Mayo’s Square). operates: Daily Duration: 5 hours Meals: Lunch Distance: 17 km (10 miles) Difficulty: Low

Northern Bike Tour

A tour that includes: Lezama Park, La Boca neighbourhood discovering the tango’s origins, its art and the typical colourful “conventillos”. Continue towards Puerto Madero, the city’s most modern and sophisticated neighbourhood. There we make our main stop to have lunch in a classic parrilla. Then continue to the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve, Plaza de Mayo (May’s Square), the aristocrat Buenos Aires with its parks and palaces, and finally Recoleta’s Cemetery, the oldest and most famous in the city. operates: Daily Duration: 7 hours Distance: 26 km (16 miles) Difficulty: Medium

Tigre with Kayak

An adventure day: train, bike and kayak in the Delta del Paraná. After an introduction and safety talk, we take the train to the point where we begin our trip by bike to Tigre and the Delta. After exploring Tigre, the Puerto de Frutos (Port of Fruits) and Victorica walk, we change the bikes and helmets for lifejackets and kayak in order to start the activity. we arrive to an island where the typical asado is waiting for us. After that, return in the same way. operates: MoN-WED-FRi Duration: 9 hours Meals: Lunch Distance: 30 km (18 miles) by bike and 5 km (3 miles) by kayak Difficulty: Medium-high

Polo day

It is an excursion planned to make you a polo player for a day. The day starts with a talk about the game and polo’s horses, while we taste “empanadas” and a good Argentinian wine. After learning about the rules, equipment and the different tailshot’s techniques, we attend a live professional polo match. After lunch, we have a polo lesson where you will learn to ride a horse and to handle the stick. It concludes with a mini polo match. we finish this day with a horseback riding. operates: Daily Duration: 8 hours Meals: Lunch Difficulty: Experience is not required

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