eurovisie a publication of the study association for european studies
tales as old as time
december edition / /
Volume 19 Issue 1 December Edition
Imprint Editorial office: Kloveniersburgwal 48, room E2.04/2.05, 1012 CX Amsterdam Editor-in-chief: Yael Pless Editors: Yael Pless, Christina Govaerts, Viktorija Greidāne, Miranda Selimovic, Twan Hover, Muska Nur, Davide Distaso, Francesco Bernabeu Fornara, Emilia Juchno, Annelie Ní Dhálaigh Design: Irina Petrescu, Agnette Dobloug.
Editorial Yael Pless Dear reader, The months of midnight dusk have passed, and we find ourselves faced with the period of yearning for an earlier dawn. As we wait for the nightly curtains of darkness over the city to lift, we eagerly hope that the first light will reveal a cerulean sky. Winter can be a challenge, so when the crisp morning air caresses your face in a kiss of ice, remember to embrace the comfort of the colder months - the dance of flickering candlelight, the warmth in a cup of mulled wine, and the cosy holiday atmosphere. As 2023 draws to a close, we exhale memories made and lessons learnt in the past year, while we breathe in all of the possibilities the following trip around the sun holds. The last months of the year are synonymous with festivity and tradition, much of which finds its roots in ancient myths. Let me tell you a secret - elements of myths can be found in countless aspects of your day! For instance, when you step outside and see the sun, lazily yawning its greetings over the picturesque buildings of our quaint city. The centre of our solar system was, in mythical times, known as Helios, the God and personification of the Sun. Or do you hesitate to open your umbrella indoors before leaving the house to face the endless Dutch downpour, intimidated by the myth that doing so will attract bad luck? Our talented writers have cleverly explored the theme of myth in distinct ways, creating thought-provoking articles for you to read. While Christina illustrates the widespread Dutch housing crisis through various mythical metaphors, Viktorija addresses the influence of tourism on climate change, and teaches us about the tragic paradox of people chasing sights that are at risk of being erased as a result of humanity’s own doing. On another front, Emilia reflects on the lure of populist politics in the United States and Poland, and the role that class myth-making plays in it. Vincent uses the mythical tale of the Trojan Horse to describe the geopolitical implications of the Belt and Road Initiative for Europe, while Francesco utilises powerful symbolism to discuss the EU’s path to finding its place in today’s political landscape, which teeters on the edge of a steep cliff. Miranda captures our attention by unpacking and debunking the myth of Sweden being a perfect utopia by opening our eyes to the drastic increase in gang violence which has evolved over the past years. If you fancy an existential trip down memory lane, Muska’s article will guide you through a journey of discovering various world creation myths. In an ode to ancient Greek philosophy, Davide explores the contemporary tendency towards superficiality and materialism by drawing on Plato’s Myth of the cave. Facing a debate that stretches from mythical times to the present, Twan tackles the contentious Israel-Palestine conflict and discusses the EU’s role. Finally, I tell a tale of consumerism in a contemplative piece on Amazon Inc., weaving in the tale of its mythological namesake. Dear reader, as you dive into our musings on myth, I hope that you ease out of this year in a state of contentment. Above all, I wish you an abundance of blessings in 2024 — may we all contribute to a more peaceful world. Magically, Yael Pless, editor-in-chief.
eurovisie | may | page 3
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class myth-making is populist’s most deceitful
the tool
Emilia Juchno
would like to think that we have Donald Trump has taken the idea mother of three named Rebecca. found ourselves at one of those of a government ”Of the people, Rebecca believes that the ascenhistorical turning points with Po- by the people, for the people” sion to power by Trump, a man land finally rejecting its populist and applied it to his own fabri- with a net worth estimated at government in the latest parlia- cated regime which impersona- 2.6 billion dollars and the owner mentary elections. ”Populism can ted a populist government while of several private and commercibe defeated!”, ”Democracy fights being administered by one of the al properties across the country, back!” exclaimed international richest, most upper-class politici- has given her hope that the peonewspapers in late October of ans in the entire country. Today, ple in America who are not rich this year. While these election re- leading newspapers give signifi- would have a chance. Rebecca sults have given well-founded re- cant weight to the possibility of explained her family’s strenuous ason for a sigh of relief in Brussels Trump’s return to power, with The economic situation, having, until and beyond, on the other side of New York Times reporting that the recently, been earning seven dolthe pond, the populist hand once former president now leads in five lars an hour. When asked about again reaches for the highest offi- critical states of Arizona, Nevada, Trump, she said that she felt he ce, casting a frightening shadow. Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylva- was her family’s best option. ”We nia. Could we say … no wonder? are suffering … If he can do good American politics operates very for us, give him a chance” she differently from Polish politics - There are valid reasons for the said. On another occasion, a forthere are two different systems, continuing endorsement of Trump, mer coal miner named Paul tried very peculiar voting and party despite his double indictment and to convince the director that alttraditions and distinct distributi- an ongoing civil fraud trial against hough Trump had promised him on of power and responsibilities, him. that the mine where he had been among many others. However, inworking would not be closed and terestingly enough, in both coun- “To his electorate, Trump that his job would be guaranteed, tries, certain tools have proven when the exact opposite happeeffective for politicians willing to is a figure of heroism, a ned some months later, he did not rise to power and gain popular en- leader who understands blame Trump personally. Despite a dorsement. I refer to those tools their everyday struggles broken promise of Paul’s job being as class myth-making, in other he said with full confidenand sympathises with saved, words, the creation of a false narce: ”I believe in Trump … I feel like rative which aims at levelling the them.” Trump personally supports me”. politician with an average citizen to spread the message that ”he When in 2018 Alexandra Pelo- Listening to people like Rebecca is one of us”. It is anti-elitist, an- si (the daughter of the former or Paul argue in favour of Trump, I ti-technocratic and it is extremely House of Representatives speaker was inevitably reminded of similar compelling. The Polish right-wing Nancy Pelosi), travelled around words of feeling personally cared Law and Justice party has been the US for her documentary entit- for and cherished by their politiquite successful at it, and Donald led “Outside the Bubble”, she en- cal leaders, expressed by my felTrump is a true master of this me- gaged ordinary Trump supporters low citizens here, in Poland. In the in discussions on various issues. weeks leading up to the elections, thod. She also asked them about their journalists in Poland had taken to The populist government thrives personal feelings toward Trump. the streets to interview passerson the ideas of community, nor- In one of the interviews, Pelosi by about who they were planning malcy and oneness. In the US, sat down with a working-class to vote for. In every such material december | eurovisie | page 5
that I have seen, the electorate of fety net, has convinced millions of the Law and Justice party comes Americans that he personally cares across as particularly eager and for a working-class mother on the devoted, practically ready to go brink of extreme poverty? Or that elthrough fire and water for their be- sewhere, the prime minister, who, as loved politicians. They tend to speak it has been recently discovered, has with an exceptional warmth of the been signing his properties worth party’s leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, altogether almost 27 million euros describing him as a man of faith and over to his wife, continues to be degoodwill, someone who cares perso- scribed by his sympathisers as an nally about the everyday struggles of honest, hard-working man who cathe average Pole. Kaczynski’s sympa- res for the interests of other, similar, thisers have been easily impressed hard-working people. The intriguing by the party’s efforts to alleviate the difference between the methods people’s economic struggles during used in Poland and those adopted in a period of the highest inflation that the US is that, unlike the represenwe have witnessed in the country in tatives of the Law and Justice parseveral years, through programmes ty, Trump is not even trying to hide of direct social transfers. the truth about the actual size of his wealth. While Kaczynski claims Both in the US and in Poland, a po- to advocate for a government that litician who can convince the peo- does not accumulate wealth at the ple of his anti-establishment and expense of its citizens (while being anti-elitist position, is essentially a involved in tens of obscure investpolitician who can convince them of ments), Trump brags about being a his realness. He makes evident his billionaire left and right and is soaverageness, even his mediocrity, mehow able to achieve the same reand in such a manner he gives many sult. Perhaps, it has to do with the people a politician that they can not mythological ”American dream”, the only understand but who, they feel, idea that everyone has the opportusympathises with them. It is the kind nity to grow rich thanks to the worof politician who does not use overly kings of the American liberal capitacomplicated words and phrases but list system. Donald Trump surely is, rather speaks bluntly, almost primi- to many, an embodiment of exactly tively. Many people, upon hearing that dream becoming true. someone like Trump or Kaczynski speak on public television, are de- Of course, sentiments shift, both ceived by that compelling manner in Poland and in America, with of speaking enough to pay more at- some former Trump supporters now tention to it than to the actual ideas looking unfavourably at the potenbeing expressed. They look at those tial reelection of a charged criminal, politicians and they think: „Finally, a and on the other side, some Polish guy who speaks the truth!”. Except voters who opted for the Law and that the ”truth” rarely refers to the Justice party in 2015 having turned honest intentions of the speaker, in the 2023 Parliamentary elections but rather, to his ability to convince, towards politicians presented by compel respect, and paint himself the opposition bloc. However, we as an ordinary man. How else can should continue to keep a close eye it be explained, if not as a form of on this particularly dangerous and myth-making, wizardry almost, that deceitful rhetoric of populist politia billionaire accused of repeated cians around the world, in order to fraud who, during his time in office, be able to recognise their insincere has proposed severe cuts to Medi- intentions. The greatest strength of caid, the food stamps programme the class myth-making lies in its exand other elements of the social sa- traordinarily compelling nature. page 6 | eurovisie | december
A Journey Through Diverse Creation Myth Muska Nur
ccording to astronomers, the this chaos, the god Brahma arose Big Bang theory explains how and built the universe by dividing the universe began. However, the elements of Earth, water, fire, this differs from how our world was air, and ether. Brahma subsequently formed according to the oldest cre- made the first living beings, the gods ation myths. These myths are from and the demons. Although the gods across the world. Be that as it may, and the demons could not live in harhow creative and unique were these mony, they engaged in a fierce war in creation myths? The following myths which the gods triumphed. The gods still affect our societies today. When then requested Brahma to create huwe look at literature, films, TV shows, mans to glorify and serve them. art, games, and music, we can trace The first people were made by Brahmany stories and figures back to dif- ma, but they were flawed and lacked ferent creation myths. Others are wisdom. The gods corrected this by part of ancient religions and deeply teaching mankind how to conduct rirooted in cultural heritages. tuals and ceremonies by giving them the Vedas, a compilation of holy wriOur trip around the world starts in tings. Scandinavia in the 1200s, with the Norse Creation Myth. In Norse my- West from India we find ourselves in thology, the world started as a pri- Mesopotamia, in 1600 BCE. The Erimordial nothingness known as Ginn- du Genesis is a Mesopotamian creaungagap. The first to arise from this tion myth depicting the world’s roots void was Ymir, a giant made from ice. and humankind. It starts with the Ymir was killed by Odin and his bro- creation of the gods. Enki, the god thers, using his body to create the of wisdom, built a home for them on world. From his flesh, they created Earth. Following this, Enki created the Earth, his skull, the sky, and the humans out of clay and assigned ocean from his blood. From the Mus- them to serve the gods. As time paspelheim, the kingdom of fire, they sed by, however, humans multiplied made the sun, moon, and stars. significantly and became loud, which Odin and his brothers found two aggravated the gods. The gods chotrees on the shore and created the se to kill humanity with a flood, but first humans, Ask and Embla. Odin Enki warned one man, Ziusudra, to gave them life and intellect, where- tell him to build a boat so he and his as his brothers gave them physical family could survive. After surviving qualities. the flood, Ziusudra received an endless life as a recompense from the Going further in time and to another gods. The story ends with a hymn continent, the Hindu creation myth honouring Enki for his wisdom and in 1500 BCE starts with the cos- his part in creating the world and mos existing in chaos and darkness, rescuing humanity. The Eridu Genewithout shape or structure. From sis is one of the oldest documented december | eurovisie | page 7
versions of the flood myth in many centres on Marduk’s structuring Tefnut, who stood for moisture, cultures worldwide. of the universe, his creation of hu- and Shu, who stood for air. The manity, and his assignment of the earth god Geb and the sky godFor the next creation myth, we gods’ different cosmic roles and dess Nut were born of Shu and only need to go further in time, responsibilities. Tefnut. Geb and Nut were in love, to around the 12th century but Shu, their father, kept them BCE, because we are staying in Our trip is now headed to Gree- apart by dividing the Earth from Mesopotamia. The second creati- ce from about 3000 to 1100 the sky. The story describes the on myth from this region, Enuma BCE. Greek mythology attributes world’s creation, the gods’ creatiElish, narrates the story of Mar- the creation of the universe to on, and their relationships. It was duk, the principal deity of Baby- the primordial gods Chaos, Gaia fundamental to the religion of lon. He becomes the Lord of the (Earth), and Eros (Love). The story the ancient Egyptians, upholding Gods of Heaven and Earth after describes chaos as the universe’s their society’s social and political subduing the elder goddess Tia- original state—a void filled with hierarchy and providing an explamat and restoring order to chaos. emptiness and darkness. Gaia, nation for the global natural phethe embodiment of the Earth, and nomena. The epic starts with the universe Eros, the force of attraction and as a watery mess without a sky love, emerged from Chaos. Finally, arriving at our last destinaor land. The god Apsu, who repretion, we find ourselves in Oceania, sents the sweet waters under the Then, Gaia gave birth to the sky’s Australia 65.000 years ago, where surface, and the goddess Tiamat, Uranus, and the two became the we find one of the oldest and most who represents the sea, mix their first celestial couple. The twelve intricate creation myths in the waters. The gods are born amidst Titans, the three Cyclopes, and world, Dreamtime. The Indigenthem. Lahmu and Lahamu, the the three Hecatonchires were ous Australians, who have lived first pair, symbolize the powers in among their numerous offspring. on the continent for over 60,000 the silt; Anshar and Kishar, the fol- However, the Cyclopes and He- years, hold it dear to their culture lowing pair, represent the powers catonchires were imprisoned in and belief system. The Dreamtime in the horizon. The sky god Anu, Tartarus, the lowest realm of the myth tells of the world’s creation born of Anshar and Kishar, fathers underworld, by their cruel and ty- by strong spiritual beings that the god Ea, often called Nudim- rannical father, Uranus. travelled over land, sea, and sky, mud or Enki. creating rivers, mountains, and “Many of the gods and animals along their way. These The elder gods, Apsu and Tiamat, entities, sometimes called Anceswere displeased with the younger goddesses worshipped tors or Ancestral Spirits, are credigods’ noisy gatherings because by the ancient Greeks, ted with creating everything that they were full of energy. Apsu such as Aphrodite, Apol- exists today. plans to kill the younger gods, lo, and Athena, have The concept of the Dreamtime is which outrages Tiamat. However, Ea casts a spell that kills Apsu origin stories included intricate and multidimensional, and sends him into a deep sleep. in the Greek creation encompassing art, ceremonies, After that, Ea and his wife Dam- myth.” rituals, and storytelling. It serves kina reside in the shrines he has as the foundation for the spiritual built for themselves and the other Heading south, we arrive in Egypt and cultural beliefs of Indigenous gods on Apsu’s corpse. From their during the period between 3100 Australians, a belief system which union, Marduk is born, and he and 2686 BCE. In the Egyptian still impacts their way of life and develops into a magnificent and Creation Myth, Nu, an endless and worldview today. Dreamtime is robust figure. Tiamat gives birth lifeless sea, was the starting point acknowledged as an essential asto an abundance of dragons and of the world. A mound of Earth pect of Australia’s cultural past monsters out of her rage over Ap- known as the Benben emerged and is continually celebrated and su’s death. She then challenges from this water, and the god Atum preserved. the other gods to combat them. materialized atop the mound. The Marduk murders her and divides first god, Atum, spoke his name In retrospect, the oldest creatiher body in two, utilising one half into existence and created him- on myths from diverse corners of to form heaven and the other to self. Atum then created the gods the world share remarkable reform Earth. The rest of the tale semblances, reflecting universal page 8 | eurovisie | december
hemes in human storytelling and perception of the world’s origins. Regardless of geographical and cultural disparities, common threads weave through these narratives. To begin with, in Norse mythology, Hindu cosmogony, Greek beliefs, Mesopotamian narratives, and Egyptian lore, a recurring motif is the emergence from primordial chaos or nothingness. Furthermore, creation involves shaping elements; we saw that Ymir was created from ice, and the Earth, sky, and ocean from his body parts; Brahma divided elements (Earth, water, fire, air, and ether) to create the universe; humans were made from clay according to the Eridu Genesis. Moreover, divine beings, like Odin and his brothers, as well as Brahma, Marduk, and Greek primordial gods such as Chaos, Gaia, Eros, and Uranus, play critical roles in constructing the universe and establishing cosmic order. Similarly, divine intervention and teachings to correct human flaws are evident in Norse, Hindu, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian myths. Finally, conflict among deities leading to creation or after is a prevalent theme in Mesopotamian, Greek, and Egyptian mythologies. In hindsight, the Dreamtime creation myth might be the most unique one compared to the others. Despite these common characteristics, the myths also display the richness of cultural diversity, with each civilisation infusing its narrative with distinctive deities, symbols, and cosmological complexities. The parallels in these creation myths suggest a fascinating glimpse into the human collective imagination and the universal pursuit to make sense of existence, emphasising the imaginative similarities that transcend time and place. january | eurovisie | page 9
Like Father, Like Daughter?
Yael Pless
hey say that the apple does not fall far from the tree. In Greek mythology, Ares is the God of War. His daughters, the Amazons, reflected his warrior nature. Shortly before the turn of the century, Jeff Bezos created a modern-day warrior, Amazon Inc., the infamous label seemingly drawing on an ancient myth. The Amazon we know also wields a spear, not of metal, but of enormous market power. Delivering anything you can imagine to the comfort of your home in rapid-fire fashion, is a name that has come to represent the desires of twenty-first-century adults. It is synonymous with speed, choice, and efficiency. However, its dominance has been under the watchful eye of competition authorities since its debut, while they scramble to find their footing amidst the nebulous digital aspects of antitrust law. Allow me to spark a debate in your mind, to let the wheels turn and drive down a road of myth and materialism. I will not write a manifesto on why you should refrain from shopping on Amazon. Instead, let me tell you a story. Just a few weeks ago, I decided that I needed new towels. The combination of working, studying and procrastinating drew me to the conclusion that the best solution was to order them on Amazon. Although the layout of the website was so infuriating I could almost see steam billowing from my ears, in just a few minutes, I was sold on an ‘Oasis towel set’ with free delivery. The very next day, my eager anticipation of this new purchase was satisfied by the shrill ring of the doorbell, heralding the arrival of my warrior prince, the delivery man. In the passion excited by such triviality, I came to a realisation - how had walking five minutes to the nearest HEMA become so inconceivable to me that I no longer thought twice about ordering online? Only then did I become aware of how habituated I was to the ease and efficiency of the internet. Granted, during the COVID pandemic online stores for any goods and services were a saving grace. The endless isolation left many of us fearing that even breathing the outside air would assault our lungs with illness. Consequently, we began to feel that anything keeping us tucked safely indoors was a solace. Perhaps this conditioned the world to normalise choosing a screen over a walk or an interaction. Undeniably, some people are geographically removed from the necessary stores, are genuinely too busy, or ill…but me? I have few excuses to succumb to the lure of the vast material jungle we call e-commerce. Ergo, my need for new towels quickly turned a simple errand into a spiral of revelations about the significance and consequences of online retail giants.
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It is no secret that to reach a wide range of consumers, placing your product on a website such as Amazon is realistically one of the best courses of action. To a certain extent, Amazon acts as somewhat of a ‘middleman’ for companies and could thus be
seen as a platform aiding smaller suggest that anyone should boybusinesses in reaching a larger au- cott e-commerce, or cease to shop dience. However, the controversy on Amazon entirely. The market is stems from Amazon’s almost in- becoming digital, whether we like disputable dominance and the fact it or not - how the future unfolds that the platform is essentially remains to be seen. If I were to unavoidable. Many search engines suggest anything, it would be to present you with a product’s listing remain mindful of the amount we on Amazon first, rather than giving purchase goods online. precedence to the actual website of the merchandise. When other The mythical era of Greek gods issues are factored in, such as the and goddesses, fierce warriors and costs of advertisement charged by monsters, has long passed. Having Amazon to ensure that one’s pro- survived aeons through the collecduct even sees the light of day, tive minds of many, we remember the puzzle pieces come together. that Ares, the God of War, was never highly regarded by his fellow “Suddenly, the big guns deities. His warrior daughters, the Amazons, descended from him but of monopolies, matters forged their own path to becoming of anti-competitiveness, a tribe of warrior women. Which and abuses of dominan- path will our Amazon’s future, or even its successors, take? ce join the conversati- perhaps Will it leave a trail of smaller, local on.” businesses perishing in its wake? Will it be the first to entirely reIn 2021, Amazon made a revenue place manual labour with artificial of 51 billion EUR from solely its intelligence, or go down swinging European market. There has also as the last? been an increase in the financing of lobbying activities in the EU by If digital giants took moral lessons Amazon since 2021, mainly con- from their mythological namesacerning topics of digital retail and kes, we would be looking at a very its place in EU legislation. We have different tableau. Mythology has seen the European Commission typically been incarnated through legally bind Amazon to abide by art and literature, and has taught EU antitrust rules, which has given us a great deal about the Greek way to a prohibition on using mar- gods of our ancient past. If you ketplace seller data. Precisely the look closely enough and read beaccess to non-public data gives tween the lines, you will see that way to the fiercely discussed de- we were left a message and a lesbate surrounding data protection son, communicated to us from long laws. As the world navigates the ago — Ares was not liked for his legal implications of data selling brutal force and aggression, nor and buying in its highly digitised his affinity for war. What you take age, privacy (or a lack thereof) has from that, and the way you apply it become a serious concern. Ultima- to our world today, is in your hands tely, this has resulted in more than now. Will you, dear reader, choose a handful of wary sideways glan- to reflect on these topics and fight ces at Amazon’s modus operandi. back? Nonetheless, the world is chan- As for all of the other questions, ging, and there is not always much who really knows the answers to success to be found by relentlessly any of them, anyways? Not me, swimming against the stream. The- unfortunately. I am no economist, refore, it would be foolish of me to nor a psychic, just a storyteller…
june | eurovisie | page 11
Viktorija Greidāne
inter is right around the Lisa and most of them leave un- is the sorrow of seeing their home corner, but the fantasy happy), sanctuaries (in Japan vi- change and helplessly observing of ice skating on the fro- sitors have a notebook to collect it. This element of ecological grief zen canal in Amsterdam seems so stamps from temples), painters’ is also present in doomsday touout of reach. It leads me to won- homes (although some visitors rism, but unlike solastalgia, it has der whether it is just a myth, or mention missing a bit of authen- a far different purpose. are the winters getting warmer, ticity in Rembrandt home) and naand the canals are not freezing ture objects (if safari in Serengeti Problems with doomsday tourism anymore? is out of reach, there always is a start at the core of it, understanzoo to see a zebra, an improve- ding why these destinations are Inside the Schengen area reaching ment from watching solely Natio- disappearing in the first place. Amsterdam has never been easier nal Geographic). Tourists can call themselves cuvia plane, train, car, or for some, rious and nature-loving, but many even by bike. 20 million tourists A type of tourism that craves and do not realize the harm they inannually visit the city, no doubt chases this one-of-a-kind expe- flict. A trip to Antarctica to see that tourism has become a staple rience emerged recently and is the melting icebergs and polar in many people’s lives. A parallel called doomsday tourism. Provi- bears is not just expensive to your trend that has been escalating is ding opportunity, a chance to see wallet, but also causes CO2 emisglobal warming. Temperatures are places and things going extinct, sions which lead to higher temperising globally, icebergs are mel- whether icebergs or rhinos, tou- ratures. ting, and heatwaves are hitting rism companies use the slogans records, but tourism is flourishing. See while you can! - a chance for “While a photo under A century ago, traveling to remote consumers to celebrate their sucareas, like Antarctica, was unima- cess and desirability. How can the the arch of the iceberg ginable. nature objects be adjusted to suit that looks just like Arc the desires and needs of tourists, de Triomphe will get Tourism could be described as for instance, creating a luxury pomany likes on Facebook, a complex phenomenon, that is lar campsite in Antarctica where partly associated with curiosity a can of Coke costs $53. Some is it not like taking a seland the desire to learn and to see might argue that the environmen- fie on a sinking Titanic?” the otherness and unknown (Zyg- tal education the visitors receive munt Bauman wrote about mixop- will outweigh the damage, but While doomsday tourism and sohilia). It is a way of entertainment realistically - this sort of tourism lastalgia have sadness about the and leisure, absorbing unfamiliar is damaging. Let’s leave the rese- environmental changes at their environments and experiences, arch to the scientists at the South core, however, doomsday tourists that shapes our identity, a tool to Pole. do not feel it profoundly because broaden the horizon. they do not live there. Many are While some travel to see the chan- witnessing daily change and deToday, tourism reflects a social ging world, others live through struction of their loved homes, status – being successful equals the change. A neologism to des- hurricanes, or simply winters being mobile. Nevertheless, tou- cribe the emotional distress cau- without snow. It shows doomsrism allows one to indulge in one- sed by the environmental change day tourism is simply self-centeof-a-kind experiences. One’s wis- - solastalgia. In contrast to nostal- red, and there is no afterthought, hes and resources allow access gia, which is homesickness when just the question - will the canals to places and activities, however separated from a loved home, so- freeze for ice skating when I visit rare and extraordinary. Those can lastalgia occurs when individuals Amsterdam? be paintings (80 per cent of Lou- directly experience the transforvre visitors are there for the Mona mation of a loved environment. It
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june | eurovisie | page 13
he Trojan Horse, an ancient Greek myth, recounts how the Greeks used a wooden horse as a disguise to invade and conquer Troy from within. Some argue that this myth serves as a metaphor for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an ambitious Chinese infrastructure project that aims to create a global network for enhanced connectivity from China to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. While many European nations have embraced the initiative for its financial benefits, others view it as a modern-day Trojan Horse concealing China’s true geopolitical objectives. Introduced by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, the BRI has become a key foreign policy instrument, involving around 140 countries and investments exceeding an impressive 1 trillion dollars. While comparisons to the Silk Road or the Marshall Plan are made, Chinese discourse challenges these due to the BRI’s extensive scope and unique global placement. However, the broader conceptualization has also led many to question China’s underlying ambitions and aspirations that are associated with the BRI. In Asia and Africa, emerging nations view the BRI as an opportunity to enhance their economic ties with China and foster regional development through impressive infrastructure projects. Numerous European countries, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, totalling 34, have taken part in the initiative. However, other Western countries, in particular the United States, expressed concerns that China may exploit the initiative to gain political and economic influence in the nations involved. An example that could be given of how these influences are evident, is in Greek and Hungarian policy decisions. In 2016, both nations
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How European Countries Welcomed a Trojan Horse Vincent Lubach refrained from supporting the Eu- tion for trade between China and ce on China and advance the EU’s ropean Union External Actions Ser- Europe. Furthermore, the Greek objective of “de-risking” itself from vice’s (EEAS) critique on China’s ac- economy has been very vulnerable China. This strategy aligns with tions in the South China Sea, after since the euro crisis and this could the EU’s broader goal, initiated in the international arbitration court potentially be exploited by Chi- June 2023, to safeguard itself from in The Hague dismissed Beijing’s na. In fact, some even argue that potential risks linked to China. This legal justifications for the asser- Greece sold Piraeus to China, as is especially important considering ted territory. The argument made the Chinese COSCO shipping se- the EU’s dependence on China’s is that this is because Greece and cured a majority stake in the port. supply chains which became appaHungary have been receiving Chi- In other countries, the reconstruc- rent during the COVID-19 pandenese investments. This division tion of maritime infrastructure has mic in 2020. The de-risking stratebetween the EU Member States also sparked criticism and renewed gy is employed as a disguise for an demonstrates how the BRI has a doubt. For example, the country of unofficial “decoupling” approach, polarizing influence. Furthermore, Sri Lanka struggled to make repay- wherein the EU aims for a more the Chinese claims in the South ments on Chinese loans and was independent stance from China China Sea have been particularly forced to lease its Hambantota concerning its long-term interests. contentious due to the construc- port to Chinese multinationals for In essence, these measures signify tion of Chinese military outposts the next 99 years. a deliberate distancing from China on numerous manmade islands. If and a reduction of Chinese influenEuropean allies close to the US do “This example shows ce in Europe. Therefore, the decisinot take China’s military expansions of countries to step out of the on seriously, one could wonder to how China can use its BRI align with the EU’s overarching what extent China’s economic do- projects to gain influence objectives in reshaping its relatiminance through the BRI is not also over countries that take onship with China. political. part in the BRI. In addi- The examples of the investment Besides the critique on the invest- tion, it could strengthen and loans through the BRI have led ments through the BRI, there are China’s military power.” to doubts concerning the true naalso concerns related to extensive ture of the Belt and Road Initiative. loaning programs for participating There are other cases where nati- While it offers economic developcountries’ infrastructure develop- ons were at the point of being ex- ment opportunities, it could potenments. The terms of these loans ploited through the BRI and in one tially expose countries to exploiinclude significant interest rates case it has even led to the con- tation or unnecessary influences. and repayment conditions. These struction of China’s first overseas Currently, criticism has emerged conditions have given rise to what naval post. from participating nations, notably some describe as “debt traps”, in Europe where countries like Italy which is a scenario in which debtor More recently, the uncertainties are seeking to withdraw to safenations, having accepted Chinese surrounding the BRI have prompted guard their national interests. The loans but facing challenges in re- numerous countries to reassess analogy of the Trojan Horse could payment, become susceptible to their participation in the project. serve as a warning, suggesting exploitation. This vulnerability ena- Notably, Italy is contemplating an that beneath the outward appeables Beijing to wield influence over exit from the BRI, aligning itself rance of economic assistance and both their domestic and foreign po- with new policies of both the EU connectivity, the BRI may involve licies. For example, the Greek port and the US concerning China. The strategic and political motivations of Piraeus has been vitalised under EU strongly supports Italy’s with- capable of reshaping the geopolitithe BRI project, as Greece serves drawal from the initiative, viewing cal landscape in ways that are not as an important geographical loca- it as a means to decrease relian- fully comprehended. december | eurovisie | page 15
The Dutch Housing Crisis and the Quest for Resilience
Christina Govaerts
n a land known for its tulips, wind- well intended, they leave many fee- Leiden University College in the Hamills, cobblestones, canals, over- ling as though they were living in a gue is at the forefront of pioneering whelming supply of bikes and Kafkaesque world, where bureau- novel hybrid buildings, such as their stunning weather, Dutch politics cracy is an inescapable maze and Wijnhaven building, where students are currently undergoing a meta- home seekers are but tiny helpless have an apartment of their own on morphosis. One that could make cockroaches. campus. This method of student even the most legendary Gods of housing has been a long-standing ancient Greece proud. The Nether- The incompatibility of Dutch politics practice in the US, and various unilands, once widely recognised for its and the housing crisis should be versities outside of Europe. This progressive policies, now conceals a seen as a call to action rather than has allowed many students, interdire housing crisis, one that bears a lament. In the face of this housing national and local alike, to secure the hallmarks of a profound trans- crisis, the Netherlands has an op- a temporary residence in a space formation, much like the mythical portunity to embrace its own my- that would otherwise have not been tales of yore. Homes have become thological journey. This could be one in use. This approach suggests reelusive treasures, with students that leads to a brighter future; one furbishing the existing spaces into fighting tooth and nail for this cove- where those in charge address the useful and functional accommodatited gold, forcing many to deal with root causes of the crisis and seek to on, serving as a solution to aid stua life full of uncertainty owing to the focus on sustainable and equitable dents housing quests before they fear of ending up without a roof over solutions. This ‘quest’ masquerades find their permanent home. their heads. The transformation of as the Dutch government’s greatest Dutch politics is a tale of a society enemy, as the goals set in place to “By demanding transpain flux, where housing has become fight this dilemma include a goal to the labyrinth through which citizens build 900,000 new houses by 2030 rency, accountability, and must navigate, much like the tale of and possibly setting up a rent cap in innovative solutions, the Theseus and the Minotaur, only this the mid market housing sector. destiny of the Nethertime there is no special thread. lands may change.” In summary, the Dutch government The Dutch political landscape has has tried to tackle these crises by The Dutch housing crisis is indeed been basking in the glow of eco- relying on traditional tenures such a metamorphosis on its own, but it nomic prosperity while ignoring the as ownership and rental housing. need not be a tragedy. There is the brewing housing crisis. The focus on However, given the specific characpotential to emerge from this transeconomic growth and foreign invest- teristics of the Dutch housing sysformative period stronger and more ment has led to soaring property pri- tem, there could be room to experesilient than ever. Both the Dutch ces and an increasingly unaffordable riment with alternative methods. people and their governing bodies housing market. The transformation One sensible approach would be have the power to steer the nation’s that takes place now is essentially to change the Housing Act of 2015 narrative in a positive direction. In the modern-day equivalent of Sisyp- and to allow the housing associatidoing so, they have the potential to hus, condemned to endlessly push ons to build housing for those for craft a contemporary legend—one the boulder of rising rents and un- whom the market does not provide marked by resilience, progress, and reachable mortgages uphill, only to affordable housing. A second apthe triumphant human spirit. And to have it roll back down again, gro- proach urges the universities in the my fellow students, don’t despair. wing more and more exhausted by Netherlands to reconsider how they You may have got your own place, the hour. Young families are delay- use certain spaces in the buildings a room to share, a student dorm or ing their dreams of homeownership, where they provide classes. A lot of perhaps you are still looking for your while the middle class struggles to untouched space in general, could home in this elaborate labyrinth. secure a property to call their own. provide a new type of hybrid learnKeep up your courage and keep In the face of this crisis, the gover- ing where students work lives and checking those Kamernet alerts! nment’s policies have often seemed social lives share the space. to exacerbate the problem. While page 16 | eurovisie | december
What Makes a European City More Liveable? Vincent Lubach
EU’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Twan Hover
political dilemma more di- wing conservative government visive than ever has been that mandates actions to be taken circulating UvA’s universi- against the people living in Gaza. ty grounds and beyond for weeks Moreover, the majority of Israelis now. Obviously, I am talking about believe that what is being done in the Israel-Palestine conflict, taking Gaza is justifiable since the attacks place in the area that has been a by Hamas happened first and they battlefield for as long as humanity have the right to fight back. has inhabited the area. This is also the place with the most religious Another point of attention is the significance across the world, and assassination of Israeli Prime Miwhich, one might say, is the cause nister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. This for its never-ending violence. was a turning point in the conflict’s history. Rabin was an advocate for First of all, a human life is a human peace negotiations, and his death life, no matter the person’s origins, caused political turmoil and chanstatus or beliefs. Just like the UN’s ges in Israel’s political landscape. definition of equality “all persons, This influenced the dynamics of institutions and entities, public peace efforts and contributed to and private, including the State the challenges faced in the pursuit itself, are accountable to just, fair of peace. and equitable laws and are entitled without aunty discrimination to The European Union (EU) has acequal protection of the law”. This tively participated in diplomatic is why it is so disappointing to efforts to address the Israeli-Palessee people picking sides as if it’s tinian conflict. As a member of the a sports match when in fact it is a Middle East Quartet, the EU has ismatter of human lives being taken. sued joint statements and sought Clearly, both the Palestinians and to promote direct negotiations bethe Israelis are in the wrong, they tween Israel and the Palestinians. both have blood on their hands. Association agreements with both The amount of killings Israel is ac- sides leverage political and econocountable for is indeed significantly mic relations, with a focus on prohigher than the number of killings moting human rights and internaHamas is responsible for. But one tional law. EU financial support to must take into consideration that the Palestinian territories aims to neither are committed by the enti- stimulate economic development re populations of these countries, and provide humanitarian assistanbut rather on the Palestinian side, ce. Unfortunately, it is a common this violence is being carried out by occurrence for these aids to end the terrorist group called “Hamas’ up in the wrong hands instead of ‘ and the killings committed by Is- reaching the Palestinians in need. rael are doings of the Israeli army. Some European countries have inCurrently, Israel has a far-right- dividually recognized the state of june | eurovisie | page 17
Palestine (most of the former Soviet Union, plus Iceland and Sweden), highlighting their commitment to the two-state solution. In addition, the EU conducts diplomatic dialogues and engages critically with Israel on issues such as settlements and human rights. By participating in international peace conferences and negotiations, the EU seeks to mediate between Israel and the Palestinians. These various efforts illustrate the EU’s commitment to seeking a just and lasting solution to the complex conflict. This conflict has left Europe scattered, as to which stance should the country’s leaders take in this conflict. Many might say that the sole reason that Israel exists is due to the West’s aid. If it were not for the West, Israel would have been erased from the map a long time ago. After the Second World War, many European countries supported the Zionist idea of a Jewish state in the British protectorate ‘Palestine’, this support came out of a place of guilt for many European countries. This is the reason why it took such a long time for the West to criticize Israel’s actions towards Palestinians. European leaders believe it is not their place to condemn Israeli activities. On the other side, there is also the religious motive, certain Jewish groups in Israel believe it’s their God-given right to claim Israel, “that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants, I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates – the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.” – Genesis 15:18–21. This verse is the reason why many Jewish Israelis believe they can take land owned by Palestinians because God told them they are the legitimate owners of this land and not page 18 | eurovisie | june
the Palestinians. People who hold Europeans have contributed gre- the settlers can just go their way a different belief often call the- atly to the breakout and escala- since it is not set which territories se people ‘colonizers’ because of tion of the conflict. May it be the are owned by which nation. The the striking resemblances they Romans who chased away the inflexibility of Palestine has torn have to the European settlers in Jews from their homeland or the the country into two pieces, the the Americas and other regions British who made the promise of West Bank and the Gaza Strip. of the world. They believe the Je- owning the historical land of Ju- Palestine wants all the land that wish Israelis are foreign invaders dea to different groups of people, it had before 1948, but this would of the land of Palestine while the namely the Jews and the Arabs mean an end to the existence of Jewish Israelis believe they are while not telling either group that the Jewish state. Without immithe indigenous people of this land they would be sharing this land nent cooperation, peace between who are decolonizing themselves with one another. Although Eu- the two seems to appear as only of foreign invaders. Hence, they ropeans caused these divisions a dream we long for. If we want to have the exact opposite ideas and unclarities among the peop- stop the piles of deaths, cooperaabout what is happening now. le, after the establishment of the tion between the nations should Israeli state they left the region be an inevitable objective. UnforA crucial milestone in the efforts with an attitude as if it is not tunately, people’s mindsets are to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian their problem anymore and the still in the way and not likely to conflict was the Oslo Accords of inhabitants of the region should change soon. The only thing that’s the 1990s. Signed between Israel solve these issues by themsel- up to do, is to spread information, and the Palestine Liberation Or- ves. Only recently, European lea- have debates and discussions and ganization (PLO), these accords ders have made diplomatic efforts stop polarization and to support provided for the gradual transfer to ask Israel’s army to not be so each other in coping with grief of powers to the Palestinian Au- hard on the people living in Gaza. and loss. Because without coopethority and represented a hopeful Although it is just a mouse’s step, ration, this war will never come to sign of progress. The EU actively compared to the previous efforts, an end. engaged in supporting the imple- it’s an elephant’s step. Additionalmentation of these accords, both ly, The EU has been a significant politically and financially. donor of humanitarian aid and development assistance to Pales“In the early 2000s, the- tinian territories. This aid aims to alleviate the suffering of Palestire seemed to be a chan- nians, improve living conditions, ce for a breakthrough and promote economic developin peace negotiations. ment. The only hindrance was the army not allowing anything Under the leadership Israeli in Gaza, therefore the aid has not of then-U.S. President always been able to reach the PaJimmy Carter and with lestinians. The EU has often aligEU involvement, inten- ned itself with the United Nations’ position on the Israel-Palestine sive negotiations took conflict. It has supported resolutiplace.” ons and statements calling for the end of violence, the resumption The talks culminated in the propo- of negotiations, and the creation sal during the Camp David summit of a Palestinian state. On the one in 2000, where it appeared that hand, there’s Israel, a firm believer a possibility for a resolution exis- in the two-state solution and on ted. Unfortunately, this opportuni- the other hand there’s Palestine, ty was thwarted by the outbreak in strong opposition to the idea of violence, known as the Second of a two-state solution. This rigiIntifada, which began in Septem- dity on Palestine’s end has made it almost impossible for Israel to ber 2000. come to terms with Palestine. This Nevertheless, without doubt, the unclarity is also the reason why december | eurovisie | page 19
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The Elephant amidst the Bear, the Dragon, Uncle Sam, and God Shiva Francesco Gabriel Bernabeu Fornara
he international arena is moving towards a new dragon. Though ambitious, he is patient and has global order, one epitomised by a multipolar good fortune. In Chinese mythology, dragons have world. The old giants, the United States and stood amongst the most important creatures, haRussia, with their renewed brawls and proxies, have ving been often used as state symbols. Undoubnow been joined by new contenders such as China tedly, China has become yet another polarity in the and India. This has left the European Union (EU) at international arena, emerging as an economic supera balancing act, a role yet to be sincerely embodied. power ready to use its weight to assert its interests abroad. Considering its great economic weight, the EU is relatively ignored as a geopolitical actor in high po- But amid the Dragon’s endeavours rests an unsetlitics. Due to its need to accommodate 27 differing tled neighbour, god Shiva. Ostensibly benevolent foreign policies, it also conveys an attitude of pla- yet fearsome in Hindu mythology, Shiva has lingered cidity and doublespeak towards contentious inter- uneasy with the Dragon’s new daunting ambitions national events, continually expressing a langue de to quietly expand its influence over the jungle. Thus, bois in international affairs. For the same multilate- with determination, Shiva has taken initiative too. ral reason, it also moves slowly and without agility in Rivalling with China over clout, India has indeed tareaction to such unexpected events, often tagging ken steps to become a principal player in the new along behind the US. world order. India’s new ambitions are clear: backed by its immense population and increasing relevance, In other words, the EU is an old elephant who has it looks forward to expanding its voice and becobeen dropped in a highly dynamic and contentious ming a new economic superpower. jungle, one with great weight but one who moves slowly and is easily domesticated, as argued by for- All the more, overlooking beyond the Atlantic has mer EU Ambassador to Russia, Michael Emerson. stood Uncle Sam. Confident and tall, he stands uninhibited to flex his muscles to others. As so for Russia, as Emerson highlights, is big but smaller decades, he remains one of the mightiest, attempthan the EU, yet it is strikingly more aggressive, ting, though sometimes unfruitful, to police the junpunishingly harder to tame, and contrastingly more gle whilst maintaining his position as ruler. Indeed, militarily and politically agile. As portrayed since the ensuing a long rivalry with the Bear for king of the 19th century in political cartoons, Russia is a bear: jungle, America emerged as the undefeated and unbig, fierce, and unyielding. Still, bears are not always paralleled hegemonic power following the Cold War. aggressive. Following the Cold War, Russia entered But rising beasts have now seen their opportunity hibernation before revitalising its attitude of an- to rival Uncle Sam, not least the (still-withered) Bear tagonism in the late 2000s. itself. Yet, both beasts’ contrasts apply also to internatio- For decades behind Uncle Sam’s protection, the nal relations theory. Whilst an elephant is reflexive relatively defenceless Elephant has become unsetand empathetic towards others, a bear is pragmatic tled by the rising beasts around it. Can Uncle Sam, and commonsensical. Indeed, whilst the EU embo- considering his own problems and swaying views dies an idealist conviction in international relations, towards Europe, single-handedly and sincerely proRussia has historically preferred a realist outlook. tect the Elephant forever? But a natural habitat is home to more than two. For With the United States increasingly oscillating betlong silent, under the rubble has risen a powerful ween interventionism and protectionism depending december | eurovisie | page 21
on its president in office, the EU is having rhetorically preached its facing a crossroads in its foreign aspiration for ‘strategic autonoand defence policy. Indeed, the EU my’ or ‘geopolitical actorness’, the is nearing a juncture in choosing Elephant simply cannot compete whether to become a unified ge- as a single actor among all other opolitical actor in its own right, beasts who are ready to use the not only in light of the Bear’s war intimidation of their militaries to against Ukraine but, more impor- defend their interests across the tantly, because of the larger glo- jungle. At the heart of this crossbal power dynamic shifts. roads is the dilemma of the future of the EU, whether it should In an increasingly antagonistic and remain as is or whether Memuncertain world, decisiveness and ber States deem pooling further agility are key in order to defend sovereignty for a more unified and one’s interests. But the obstacle geopolitical Union a better alterthe Elephant faces to achieve this native. is not an external one, but one embedded in its own DNA. But walking this delicate tightrope between intergovernmenta“Ever since the begin- lism and supranationalism is not easy for the large and weighty ning, European integra- Elephant. What is more, though tion has aspired towards sincere friends, it is clear that the peace, prosperity, and Elephant and Uncle Sam do not see eye-to-eye in jungle multilateralism, which always affairs. As Uncle Sam and god in essence, contradicts Shiva look nervously onto the inthe notion of a hawkish creasingly powerful Dragon, the quest for power that the antagonistic Bear has encroached closer and closer towards the vulother beasts have large- nerable Elephant. If ever, it is now ly ascribed to.” the time for the EU to re-evaluate its institutional foreign and deIn practical terms, however, the fence policy capabilities and truly Elephant simply does not possess materialise a ‘strategic autonomy’ the tools to exert power. Embed- in the name of safeguarding its ded in its modus operandi is a values, its interests, and peace in set of rules that prevent it from Europe. acquiring decisiveness or agility, understandably placing respect A new era is undoubtedly dawning for Member States’ sovereignty on the jungle, an era which will not among its principles. Notwithstan- wait patiently for the Elephant to ding, the EU’s need to first satisfy finally decide on its fate. all 27 differing foreign policies not only precludes its agility but also makes its foreign policies weak as it finds the lowest common denominator among every Member States’ position. Not least on top of this is the lack of a unified European military. The reality that geopolitical actorness inevitably relies on the backing of a military to defend one’s interests was and remains patently clear. Though
Órlaith Ní Ruaidh
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Ancient Contemporary From Cave
Plato’s to
Myth modern
Davide Distaso
and Shadows: of
the society
n a society where the main values bly become the contemporary shadows seem to be superficiality and materia- of Plato’s cave. lism, the Myth of the Cave, as told by the Greek philosopher Plato, resonates Furthermore, some historical figures stronger than ever. were able to instrumentalize these means of dissemination, making them Indeed, Plato, through this allegory, the most powerful weapons for subjuprovides a universal metaphor used by gating humanity, becoming the ultimaphilosophers and intellectuals to try to te truth-tellers, making people believe overcome the blindness that contami- what they see, read or hear, forgetting nated Ancient Greek society, preven- that they have their own rationality. ting it from knowing and appreciating the reality of things. As European history tells us, such historical figures were perhaps best emPlato, in his myth, recounted a group bodied through Fascist propaganda acof people living in a deep cave under- tualized by Benito Mussolini in Italy or, ground. They lived here from infancy, similarly, through the great manipulatiwith their legs and necks bound in on of radio and newspapers carried out chains, condemned to seeing only what by Nazism by Joseph Goebbels, the is in front of them, without turning their minister of propaganda for the German heads around. Third Reich under Adolf Hitler. As a matter of fact, such captives Such dictators have succeeded in eswould consider the truth to be nothing tablishing totalitarian regimes precibut the shadow of the carved objects, sely through the manipulation of the projected by fire on the wall in front of masses, casting new shadows on the them. It is the fire itself that makes visi- cave wall, which represented the fiction of the shadows possible, that is why tious reality in which Italy and Germany this element is used by Plato as the fi- were trapped in before and during the gurative representation of knowledge. Second World War. The allegory ends with a cruel conclu- Therefore, like the men chained in the sion: the realization that all humans re- cave, the Italians and Germans were semble captives who are chained deep convinced that the fictitious reality within a cavern, who do not yet realize made by shadows corresponded to the that there is more to reality than the truth, being deprived of their freedom, shadows they see against the wall. in all its forms. They ended up prisoners of chains they could not even see, slaHowever, this attitude does not only ves of a destiny of which they were no refer to antiquity, but also conforms longer the owners. perfectly to the characteristics of modern humans. These instances merely demonstrate what Plato theorized, notably the huThe media, commercials, social net- man attitude to consider as an inescaworks, films and TV series have argua- pable truth what is visible or what is page 24 | eurovisie | december
chosen to be seen.
the system of which they are part.
“Yet, how has It follows that, just this attitude to- as the men in Plawards materia- to’s cave considered lism and super- shadows as truth, or as Italians or ficiality evolved again, Germans regarded from Greek to Nazism or Fascism as modern socie- self-evident, people in contemporary society ty?” are still alienated from There was a philosop- reality.
her who, in the second half of the 19th The shadows continue century, studied it and to wrap humankind, formulated the theory shaping the world as of historical materia- a cave that seems to no longer receive lism. light. Karl Marx in fact, postulated that all in- The laziness that stitutions of human dwells in every human society, including its has now taken over, historical past are the turning into the chain outgrowth of its eco- that makes everyone nomic activity, consti- a slave of themselves. tuting the structure on which reality is After all, the shadows of materialism based. and superficiality will Moreover, according continue to win over to Marx’s view, the the desire to know economy that under- the truth, until thepins human society is re will be those who, itself composed of a instead of using light hierarchy in which the to cast new shadows, capitalist, the person will choose to share it who holds the means in order to free sociof production, is at its ety from the yoke to which it is subjected. peak. Therefore, as aforementioned with the dictators, also capitalism arguably distorts reality for the workers who contribute to the production process. Indeed, workers after all, do not produce for themselves but for december | eurovisie | page 25
When Scandinavia
Miranda Selimovic
realised cool.
weden, and Scandinavia in ge- lence we have ever had in the coun- Sweden and its neighbors are rich neral, has a glorious reputati- try”. The supposed reason behind countries with low unemployment, on. It seems to many like the the recent explosions of violence freedom of speech and well-functiideal place for buying a house one in the Stockholm-region is the con- oning welfare. But the external idea day, a medium sized house, in one version of a 21-year-old man from of Sweden is twisted and exaggeof those suburbs where your child- one gang to their rivals. Since then, rated. It undermines acute issues. ren can ride their bikes to football men, women, children, guilty and How can these myths prevail? Why practice, and you don’t have to take innocent, poor and rich, have been do people t hink I exaggerate when a bus to get to the metro station. killed in acts of vengeance. In 2022: I talk about the gang-criminality in I doubt inhabitants feel the same 391 shootings. So far in 2023: 324 Stockholm? way in today’s Stockholm. shootings. Maybe, we need myths. Maybe, we Have you ever been to France? The criminal networks are upheld by create our identities from them. MaHave you ever been struck by that both teenagers/young adults from ybe, the myth of utopian Sweden is helpless feeling when you are faced low socio-economic backgrounds, crucial to the stability of its liberal with a harsh, irritated, (sexy), per- but also older, usually men; expe- climate? Through other’s impressison who doesn’t understand your rienced, educated and organized. ons and exaggerated ideas about wobbling French. Yes? Me too. Death tolls increase, and the rest of “us” we construct our self-image Swedish society stands by the side- that we come to hold so dearly. To Last year however, I learnt that lines, helplessly observing. push the thought to its extreme; saying you’re Swedish equals a defimaybe Swedes unconsciously hide nite increase in respect. Suddenly I “Two parallel societies issues of gang-criminality and sebecame someone of interest, and I gregation in order to uphold their escaped being just another tourist. exist next to each other, prosperous, free, Scandinavian, My Scandinavian identity ended up only sharing the mo- identities. getting me several jobs. torways, 4G and kebab We can and should criticize the use shops.” For many, not only the French, to live of myths, especially when they supin Sweden is to enjoy complete ecoport propaganda, oppression or war. The two collide when a 13-year nomic prosperity, political stability, But we should also question their old boy is shot next to an ongoing and freedom - and doing all those origins, and the reason for their children’s football practice. things to exactly the right extent. monopoly in constructing others’ Scandinavian countries are seen as socio-cultural identities. The folloWhen the violence stayed at the the utopian modern societies. For wing question would be; What cofar end of the metro-line with the me, having emigrated from Sweden mes first? Myth or real life? Would immigrants, the media portrayed for the “continent” I struggle to unliberal Europe still be so liberal if we the crimes as normal consequences derstand the origin of these ideas. I hadn’t upheld our own myth? Would of poverty. I have even read artisee right through them. I see acute the Italians still cook so well if we cles where the gangs were called problems drowning in them. Segrehadn’t assigned them their myth of “them”, and the non-criminals “us”. gation, gang-criminality and gun vibeing excellent chefs? Would liberal But when the crimes nestled their olence do not fit into the idealized Europe still be so liberal if we hadn’t way into middle-class suburbs, sudmental image other Europeans have upheld our own myth? Would the denly Swedish society was descriof Sweden. Italians still cook so well if we hadn’t bed as in a state of crisis, and the assigned them their myth of being whole Swedish society in decline. The Chief of Swedish National Poexcellent chefs? lice said in a press conference that This is not an attempt to say the recent escalations in gang criP.S. Try googling: why is Scandina“feel-sorry-for-the-Scandinaviminality and death shootings in the via so… and see what suggestions ans-we-also-have-issues”. Evidently, Stockholm region is “the most vioappear. page 26 | eurovisie | december
SES Calendar Winter Wonderland Borrel - 5th of December 2023
The Party Committee would like to invite you to the first festive borrel of the year. Come together to have a drink during the cold but cozy winter months before the holiday rush starts!
Model Security Council Debate - 7th of December
Step into the shoes of global leaders on December 7th in our Model Security Council debate. Together, let’s confront the tragic Srebrenica Massacre (1995), sparking discussions that could rewrite history and foster a future of lasting cooperation.
Gingerbread House Contest - 12th of December
Join the Activity Committee on the 12th of December at 5pm in the SES office for the contest of the holiday season! Show your creative skills or take this as an opportunity for revenge after the beer pong tournament. Pair up with one of your friends and be ready for an afternoon of cozy fun.
Study trip reveal borrel - 12th of December
The travel committee has been working hard to organise one of the most anticipated events of the year, the studytrip! On the 12th of December they will finally reveal the destinations of the trip, be ready for a reveal video of high calibre with lots of surprises! .
(c) studievereniging europese studies 2023