Euro Weekly News - Axarquia 21 - 27 April 2016 Issue 1607

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ISSUE NO. 1607

21 - 27 April 2016


The ever-present dangers of DAFO


Nesting birds STEPS have been taken by the Junta de Andalucia in order to protect local Kentish plover wader birds which live along the coastal areas and nest close to shore in El Playazo. To properly protect the nests from possible damage and destruction, the town hall of Nerja has proceeded to clean the beaches manually during the breeding season of the species, which is from April to July. Photo Credit SOHA

See page 2

Resident’s Day RESIDENT’S Day took place on April 17 in the Plaza de España in Nerja. Multiple stalls were set up throughout the event selling everything from plants to raffle tickets. Local acts added to the fun atmosphere. Musical and dance acts continued throughout the afternoon, carried out by performers of different nationalities, one of the highlights being the ‘rumbas’ danced by the little children. See page 7

Homicide halted THE Guardia Civil prevented an attempted homicide in VelezMalaga after an intensive investigation.

The victim had debts and issues relating to prostitution. Two people were arrested with weapons. See page 8

By John Smith In a quiet little village, Puente don Manuel on Friday April 14, about 150 expatriates were crammed into Mis Tapitas Bar, anxiously listening to an explanation of the catalogue of restrictions which might soon be imposed on their homes. Mario Blancke, well-known activist, the mayor of Alcaucin, and spokesman for SOHA (Save Our Homes in Axarquia), addressed the meeting, which was also attended by Jose Juan Jimenez Lopez, the mayor of La Viñuela, and Gregorio Campos, President of the Common-

wealth of Municipalities of the Costa del Sol-Axarquia. He explained that the Junta de Andalucia is pressuring local councils to classify all of the buildings on non-urbanisable land as either ‘legal’, ‘illegal’ or ‘DAFO’ (Declaration de Asimilado a Fuera de Ordinación), which according to SOHA is hard to translate, because there is no parallel in English planning law, but is roughly ‘accepted without planning permission’. The status of legal or illegal homes will become clear, but if your home has to apply for DAFO status, then the immedi-

ate effects are: You cannot mortgage the property, extend it, or reconstruct it after structural damage. If you sell the property, the town hall has the right of first refusal. Most homes built since 1997 on rural (or non-urbanisable) land would be classified as needing DAFO. Very many expatriates’ homes will fall into this category, since so many building licences were granted illegally by those same town halls which will soon apply these severe restrictions. Mayor Blancke reassured the meeting that no demolitions are

currently planned in the local area. He recommended homeowners not to panic, but to follow the advice of SOHA by awaiting developments, and not to apply for DAFO, or start any legal action until they have been pressured to do so.

Big softies FIRST impressions are important and can be misleading sometimes. A group of bikers called the Bandidos MC from Torrox Costa want to change their perceived image as in reality they are a bunch of softies who regu-

larly raise money for charity. The local group of bikers held a tattoo marathon, which raised €300 to be given to the children's cancer unit in the form of games and entertainment. See page 15


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Return to France ARRESTED Frenchman, A ntoin e De n e v i , i l l e g al arms dealer linked to the supermarket terrorist attack in Paris last year, will be returned to France where he is wanted for

seven offences of organised crime and illegal trafficking of arms, ammunition and explosives. Denevi was arrested in Rincon de la Victoria on April 12.

Two hurt in crash TWO people were injured in a collision involving two motorbikes and a car, at around 10.30am on Thursday April 14. The 112 emergency services received the first call and alerted the incident to the Guardia Civil and ambulance service. The accident happened on the A-356 road next to the reservoir at La Viñuela.

Social sculpture IN order to honour the European Day for Patient’s Rights, Velez-Malaga has inaugurated a sculpture entitled ‘Heads and Spaces,’ to highlight the issue of social

inclusion for mentally disabled people. It is situated in the islet at the entrance of Camino de Malaga and was created by local sculptor, Jose Luis Martin.


Nesting birds cause a careful clean-up By Jill Pickering THE Department of Agriculture, Fishing and Environment for the Council of Andalucia in Malaga has urged the town hall of Nerja to take the necessary measures to avoid irreparable damage to the Kentish plover wader birds (Charadrius alexandrinus), that have made their nests in some areas along the Playazo beach. These swimming birds live in sandy coastal areas and lay their eggs directly on the beach, sandy dunes being their preference. The nests are formed into a cup shape in the sand, lined with small shells, and strategically built at a safe distance from the water ’s

BEACH CLEAN: The birds’ nests are being protected by manual clearing of the beach. edge. The birds generally lay three very pale brown coloured eggs with black and grey spots.

To protect the nests from possible damage and destruction, the town hall of Nerja has proceeded to

clean the beaches manually during the breeding season of the species which is from April to July.


21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Your papers, your views


In a gilded cage

Our readers have been expressing their views on the Queen’s 90th birthday and the Royal Family based on a range of articles which have appeared on our website. Photo Credit Lorna Roberts Shutterstock Here are just a few of your comments and remember we like to hear from everyone regardless of which side of the fence you may sit.

Koh-i-Noor BRITAIN brought India out of the dark ages and the diamond was a gift to Queen Victoria by Duleep Singh, and so therefore it remains the property of the British Royal Family. Just because some Bollywood actress thinks it should be returned is not reason enough to give it back. Roy

Kate’s travels ONE of the perks of the privileged. While the world crumbles around us they have free world travel at our expense. Peter

Birthday bribe HOW disappointing that one of the minor royals, Peter Phillips should appear to be involved in profiting from the selling of tickets to allow attendance to a 90th birthday celebration in the Mall. Charles

Monarch magic

ROYAL FAMILY: Following the Trooping of the Colour in 2015. By John Smith EVEN though she has access to some o f t h e b e st d o c to rs in th e world, death actually can strike the healthiest, and Queen Elizabeth II is either an eternal optimist or as Head of the Church of England, has a direct link with the powers that be. It was brave therefore to agree to allow the government and her advisors to arrange for celebrations so far in advance for her real 90th birthday which takes place on April 21, even though the official birthday is not until the weekend of June 11, which sees the Trooping of the Colour and major celebrations in the Mall. Celebration events will take place during April, May and June, and unofficially there will also be a celebration of Prince Philip’s 95th birthday on June 10 although again with age, anything can and often does happen.

Whilst a growing number of people have reservations about the relevancy of the monarchy, there will still be plenty of people out celebrating Having reached such a ripe old age and having become Britain’s longest reigning monarch, many would argue that it would be better for Her Majesty to step down to allow either Prince Charles or even P rin ce Willia m to ta ke ove r the reins of monarchy, especially as she, Charles and William have each produced ‘an heir and a spare’. Under the somewhat convoluted constitution of the United Kingd o m, w h ic h w h ils t old is full of holes, the Queen may abdicate the crown, but there is no facility for

he r to a bdic a te a s H e a d of the Church. This means of course that she cannot be replaced as monarch by anyone until she dies, although in theory, Charles could become Prince Regent. The reason that Edward VIII was a ble to a bdic a te w a s be c a us e he was never crowned and it is only during the actual coronation that the title of Head of the Church of Engla nd is be s tow e d upon the monarch. Whilst a growing number of people have reservations about the rele va nc e of the mona rc hy in this modern age, there will still be plenty of people out celebrating Her Majesty’s birthday together with St George’s Day, which falls two days later. It was only a trick of fate, or possibly the course of love that led to Princess Elizabeth ever becoming Queen. George VI was the second of King George V’s six children and the natural heir to the crown

was his older brother Edward, who indeed did succeed following the death of his father. Edward and two of his younger brothers Henry and George were well known as Bon Viveurs who ha d mor e i n com m on wi t h t hei r grandfather Edward VII than their own father. They lived a fast and often reckless life whilst Albert, later to become George VI, was in comparis on b ot h m odest and som ewhat nervous in public life. Once Edward decided to give up the throne in favour of marrying American divorcee Wallis Simpson, the die was cast and following the death of George VI the accession of Princess Elizabeth on February 6 followed naturally if earlier than anticipated. Like her mother, Elizabeth has enjoyed a long and healthy life, which we at EWN hope continues for some considerable time to come.

I HAPPEN to think that the Queen has done a rather magnificent job. The role of monarch should be to smile, wave and nod, with warmth and gravitas, and she performs all three expertly. Rarely have I ever seen her falter in this respect, despite how tired she must be after all these years. That’s the German work ethic for you! Irene

Ancient history SURELY we are done with this charade by now! Having a lady in a red coat for the mad-hatted royalists to weep and cry over is one thing, but we should not idolise a family based purely on accidents of birth, while trying to encourage hard work and responsibility among our youth. Brian


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

INDEX News 1 - 17

Featured News 3

Finance 19 - 24

Five trams are better than none

Stocks 20

Leapy Lee 25

Daily TV 28, 30, 32

Time Out 34 - 35

Letters 36

Nora 38

Health & Beauty 39

Our View 40

Colin Bird 40

Mike Senker 42

Social Scene 43

Property 44

Homes & Gardens 46

Pets 48

Services 50 - 51

Classifieds 53

Motoring 54

Sport 55 - 56

OUT of 13 possible proposals to reinstate the tram service in Velez-Malaga, the technical committee, together with technicians from the council and town hall, have opted for two of them that will not increase costs and can improve the timetable (one every 15 minutes). The first option is to sell the three trams for €6 million each. They originally cost €8 million each, and with that money, five smaller trams can be bought, and funds would still be available for the necessary repair works estimated at €1.5 million. The five trams could operate at a more frequent rate of once every 15 minutes. The problem with this proposal is where to sell them, or indeed if another city would be interested in buying them. In the event they were not sold or the sale takes too long, the second


By Jill Pickering

TWO CHOICES: The future of trams in Velez-Malaga has two outcomes. c hoic e c ons is ts of ma inta ining the three existing trams and buying two smaller ones to offer a 15-minute service. This is relying on the council keeping its promise to finance 4 per

cent of the debt and collaborate with repairs to the infrastructure. A further meeting is to be held this month to tie up more loose ends on the future of the trams.

Intelligent town is recognised IN January, the town hall of Almuñecar made a request to the directorate of the Spanish Network of Intelligent Cities (RECI) to be incorporated into the network. In a recent meeting in San-

tander, the RECI, formed by the mayors of 25 founding towns, agreed to grant the title of ‘Town Friend’ to Almuñecar, a title given to those towns with less than 50,000 registered inhabitants.

The RECI is a national network open for new territories that have available an innovative system, which can be used as models for other towns and cities, with the objective of improving economic and political

efficiency and development. The network takes the stance for local territories whose entities form part of the network and leads to innovative systems developed by their own local network of agents.



21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Pedal day returns By Jill Pickering

AFTER last year’s first fun of ‘Pedal Day,’ the event will return to the village of Frigiliana on May 1 for its second anniversary. Over 300 cyclists of all ages attended the first event with a great variation of bicycles and this year is based on the same principle. There is no competition being held. Participants have to complete a course on a bicycle through the streets of Frigiliana at a speed in which nobody is left behind.

There will be prizes for different categories. The first 300 entrants will receive a commemorative t-shirt. There will be prizes for the oldest bicycle, the oldest cyclist and the most original participant. On finalising the cyclist route around the village, the celebration will continue, well into the evening, in the Parque de Andalucia with live music performances, paella and refreshments and a prize raffle. Entrants need to register at the Parque de Andalucia between 10am and 12pm, which is the starting time for the event.

An evening of music THIS Saturday, April 23, David Mesa, a local pianist from Nerja, will present a musical quartet formed by Spanish musicians and with the presence of the marvellous trumpet player from Cuba, Yelfris Valdes. Valdes, who was born in La Habana in 1983, now resides i n L o n d o n , a n d h as become one of the most active musicians on the London scene.

€10 is the cost of a ticket to attend the performance in Nerja Although only being very young, Valdes has a great professional career, having played in festivals including

at Jazz a Vienne and Jazz in Marciac amongst many others. The programme will include standards and some pia no c ompos itions by David Mesa on a contemporary note and maybe with the odd touch of flamenco and Latin music. The performance will be he ld a t the Villa C ultura l Centre in Nerja at 9pm and tickets cost €10.




E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Votes for tasty tapa OUT of 30 participating establishments, the outright winner of the second Ruta de la Tapa celebration of Almuñecar was la Bodega Francisco I for the presentation of their tapa called ‘Bacalao 1951’ (cod 1951), after receiving 63 votes from the public who attended the event. Runner up was La Taberna del Gala for their tapa ‘Iberian sirloin with goat cheese and caramelised onions.’ with 39 votes and 24 votes for third place to Meson Emiliano. The winners were chosen by the customers who voted by means of a ‘passport’ in which they made a note of their preferred tapa. Each passport needed a total of five stamps from the different establishments that were divided into two routes. The best three tapas will receive an ‘Honorary Distinction’ and the first prize winner will be exempt from paying fees at the forthcoming Gastronomic Fair 2016 in Almuñecar where their winning tapa will be on show to the public.

Out of a movie By Jill Pickering EL DESIERTO DE TABERNAS, (Tabernas Desert) was the setting on April 17 for 32 hikers who enjoyed a route which was like something from a film setting. Organised by the hiking centre of the sports board in Almuñecar and coordinated by guides Francisco Novo and Enrique Garin, the hikers enjoyed the ideal temperature and marvellous scenery that the place had to offer leaving them with a very strong impact, comparing it to the Rio Cacin canyon which although different, is also very impressive. It was an unforgettable journey, taking in the botanical elements and geological formations including the cinematographic events used in famous film settings which charmed and left an impressive mark on the participants. Garin explained that nobody on the route expected so many unknown natural wonders to be so close by. The next route will be on May 1 from Restabal to Acebuches, a beautiful trek around rural paths splattered with leafy olive, pine and orange trees in full spring bloom.

TABERNAS DESERT: The route was like something from a film setting.



21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Sun and smiles at Resident’s Day


ID card to keep dangerous dogs THE Local Police in Nerja have activated a ‘Town ID Card’ for all potentially dangerous animals, as a compulsory requirement for walking with animals that are registered in this category. All owners must carry the ID card on their person when walking in public areas. Each animal under this category will need its own separate ID card and the owner is the only person legally permitted to walk the animals. Therefore, in the event the owner has more than one potentially dangerous animal, it

is only possible to walk them one at a time and not together. The police have advised that owners of these dogs must have all documents in order, including public liability insurance. Dogs must wear muzzles and be on a leash at all times in public areas. Breeds that are considered dangerous are Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileno and Akita Inu. Other breeds which are muscular and weigh over 20 kilograms are also considered to be potentially dangerous.

RESIDENT’S DAY: Visitors from various different nations enjoyed the day. By Jill Pickering AFTER a cloudy start to the day, by 1pm the sun was scorching down on the crowds that had gathered in the Plaza de España in Nerja to celebrate Resident’s Day on Sunday April 17. Residents, neighbours and visitors from all nations flocked to the plaza to visit the multiple stalls that were on display by the different

associations from the area. Members of the associations from different countries chatted with passersby, handing out information or answering general queries about their work while others offered fundraising tabletop sales including plants and raffles. An array of tables and chairs, appropriately fitted with bright parasols, were allocated in front of the large

stage, where the public watched the endless performances whilst enjoying food and refreshments on offer. Acts of music and dance continued throughout the afternoon, carried out by performers of different nationalities, one of the highlights being the ‘rumbas’ danced by the little children, energetically swirling their flamenco dresses, which went down a treat with the audience.

After a couple of hours, the plaza was bursting at the seams with people of all ages, from the very elderly to the very young, all enjoying the cultural event and wonderful weather. The dominant sounds of Spanish, English, French and German languages filled the air as people ambled around the venue with cheerful, smiling faces, obviously enjoying a delightful afternoon.


STAFFY: One of the breeds considered a danger.

E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Civil War exhibit Spanish civil war soldier


HISTORICAL: A Spanish Civil War soldier. By Jill Pickering AN interesting exhibition was inaugurated on Friday April 15 at the town hall of Rincon de la Victoria, reflecting the history of the massive exodus of civilians on the Malaga-Almeria road in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. After a lot of effort and thorough investigation, materials and documents went on display for the very first time, never having been exposed to the public before. The combatant military materials were consented by

owners and collectors for public viewing, with the objective to gain knowledge of the deplorable historical chapter which provoked civilians to flee from the MalagaAlmeria road. The exhibition, titled ‘Exodus of the Almeria Road,’ shows photos and documents proceeding from 14 archives, displayed in glass cabinets with explanatory panels, including audio-visual projections as a contribution to remember this historical event. The exhibition is open to the public until Saturday April 30.

Homicide halted by police THE Guardia Civil prevented an attempted homicide in Velez-Malaga after an in-

tensive investigation. It appears the victim had outstanding debts incurred

by issues relating to prostitution and other illegal activities, which was the mot i ve f or pl anni ng t he murder. According to a report by the Guardia Civil, less than a month ago officers gained knowledge of the homicide i nt ent i on, and t hat i t was going to be carried out at any moment. On Friday April 8, the police successfully arrested two people linked to the intention of attempted homicide, and a further person was also arrested who tried to hide a pistol that was fitted with an adapter suitable for a silencer. On searching the property of one of the arrested, officer s di scover ed a hi di ng place in the kitchen where the pistol was hidden and allegedly was going to be used to commit the crime.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Capturing Cataluña tourists TORRE DEL MAR and Velez-Malaga were represented at the B-Travel Fair in Barcelona last week, promoting the Costa del Sol in the most important tourism fair in Cataluña, with 1,050 exhibitors, 56 countries, over 100,000 visitors and 4,000 professionals attending. Between Friday April 15 and Sunday April

17, tourism experts promoted both towns in an effort to attract more tourists, at a stand with a promotional umbrella marked ‘Andalucian Tourism.’ Various leaflets with tourist information were handed out to the public, and there were question-and-answer sessions with Catalan professionals and visitors.


Wetlands hit by wildfires

WETLANDS: The recent fires are having a damaging effect on local wildlife. By Jill Pickering A MEMBER of the Axarquia nature group ‘Ecologists in Action’ has denounced VelezMalaga Council due to the damaging effect that fires have had on the countryside. Last Sunday (17 April), firefighters extinguished yet another blaze, which affected around half a hectare within an area belonging to the wetland inventory of Andalucia. Representative and member of the Ecological Cabinet, Jose Luis Gamez, reported that the recurrent fires seem to

be provoked by the amount of reeds that have been cut down, the accumulation of rubbish and agricultural waste and a lack of maintenance and control. The latest fire incident in the estuary of the Velez River was allegedly caused by the removal of reeds on the banks, an act which is banned after March 15 as it coincides with birds nesting in the area. At this time of year, there are numerous bird species breeding in the area, some of them protected, and while damaging to them, the fires

also have a detrimental effect on tortoises, snakes, hedgehogs and frogs among other species. Gamez warned that these incidents are the latest in a long list of mishaps to threaten one of the most important natural areas in the township of Velez-Malaga, and has requested that Local Police must patrol the area in order to protect it. Wetlands are under threat throughout Andalucia, with a lack of environmental education leading to fly-tipping, illegal fires, and other offences.


21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Arrested and charged By Jill Pickering A WOMAN has been arrested by the Guardia Civil, accused of acts of juvenile corruption and threatening behaviour. An underage juvenile made a report to the police

that her life was being threatened by a woman she was sharing a flat with in Rincon de la Victoria. The police began an investigation into the situation. The girl apparently had no means to pay the rent for the flat, and was allegedly

forced into carrying out massages of a sexual nature and was threatened with being thrown out of the house if she refused. The detained woman, who was a friend of the family, had apparently taken the youngster in with the

Boat owners must clean surface water PROCEDURES have begun to contact 11 boat owners to clean surface water along the coastal beaches of Axarquia during the summer period. These boats eliminate the so called ‘natas’ a kind of scum produced from hydrocarbons that sometimes appear in the sea, and to gather up all types of residues spotted in the water. Last year 10 boats were employed for the operation, but an additional boat will be con-

tracted this year to improve the quality of the sea for bathers and swimmers, which has paramount importance for both locals and tourists. This service will continue throughout the summer between June and September in the townships of Rincon de la Victoria, VelezMalaga, Algarrobo, Torrox and Nerja. Public applications to request a contract finalise on April 28.

excuse of finding work for her in Malaga as they both come from the town of Lepe in the province of Huelva. The accused is awaiting trial and police investigations continue into the possibility of other juveniles being involved.

Summer cleanin’ RINCON DE LA VICTORIA is sprucing up its promenades in anticipation of peak season. In an effort to offer the best possible image to the avalanche of tourists expected to arrive in the summ e r, r e p a i r s a r e b e i n g made to pavements and street furniture located on the sea front of Rincon de la Victoria and La Cala del Moral.




21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Community spirit in disguise shows us to never judge a book by its cover By Jill Pickering FIRST impressions are important. In order for us to make everyday judgements on the people we meet as to whether we see them in a good or bad light. It only takes three seconds for us to make that decision without any verbal communication. It is with no wonder then, that a sighting of motorcyclists, clad in club motto gear, parading in an intimidating fashion on their loud motorbikes along the roads, is for many, a negative image, and let’s not forget those full-body tattoos. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Local based group ‘Bandidos MC,’ from Torrox Costa, want to change this perceived image and let people know they are not the ‘bad guys’ but completely the opposite. Chris Romppanen, aged 49, of Danish nationality, is the president of the local group, which together with Carl Forrester and Frank Kuchta make up the 12 members in the Torrox area. Romppanen explained: “People think we are bad, perhaps hooligans and looking for trouble, when in fact, we are completely the opposite and seek no problems from anyone.” He added that: “The members here are all ordinary men and women with families who do what they enjoy most, riding our motorbikes and having fun.”

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Bandidos MC are challenging the stereotypes regarding motorcyclists. Members of the club form a respect with each other, for them to also gain respect and create harmony between them as a bonded, loving and caring family. The club enjoys meetings, barbecues and family events together, but more than anything they have a spe-

cial commitment to help and share with others. They heard about a local school that was struggling with resources so they decided to step in and help. They held a drawing competition for 240 children from seven classes and handed out trophies to the winners and sweets for everyone.

Forrester, Spanish born but lived in London for some time, is a local tattooist and held a tattoo marathon, organised by the club, which raised over €300 to be given to the children’s cancer unit, in the form of games and entertainment, in a gesture for them to forget for a moment their

Oxen take leading role THE village of Almayate has celebrated t h e se c o n d a n n u a l fe s tiv al Yunta y su Gañan, (Yoke and Farmhand), during the weekend April 16 and 17. The activities started on Saturday at 11am with the presentation and line-up of yokes and carts, followed by an exhibition of draft cart pulling and ha n d l i n g o f o x e n at mid d a y. Awards were presented at 4pm. On Sunday at noon, there was a gathering of horses and carts, and at 1pm a horseback ribbon race. A display of carts and wagons paraded at 4pm, followed by the presentation of prizes. A huge marquee was erected in the fair enclosure and around 10 ox-yoke draft carts participated.

HORSE RACE: A gathering of horses and carts arrived at noon on Sunday.

illness and have fun. Future projects are already underway as Romppanen explained: “We never stop, we are always busy thinking of ways to help the children. There are many that need food so we are thinking of holding a huge Christmas party with all the trimmings but we need to plan and we need support, hopefully from the public.” Forrester added: “We are a big family and help each other but we also love to help those that cannot help themselves. We are not dressed up in leathers or tattooed to the eyeballs to intimidate anyone, it’s the way we are, it’s what we do and what we love, we don’t want anyone to think we are a threat or imposing.” Bandidos MC is an international club originating from the USA with some 40 members in Spain. One of the set laws of the club is to possess a Harley Davidson motorbike. These motorbikes are renowned for their beauty and speed and possess a 1600 cc engine. No doubt they would seem somewhat intimidating to motorists as they race past, as they are machines built for speed. The Harley Davidson motorbikes belonging to the three members are all custom built, and are diligently cared for as part of their dedication to the club and the high standards they want to portray. All support should be directed to the Bandidos MC group who will willingly assist.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


A royal visit THE Spanish royal guard is presenting a series of talks in local schools throughout Nerja between Wednesday April 20 and Friday April 22. They will present a series of talks about their formation and commitments.

Pipe works WORK has begun to repair the underwater sewage pipe in Torre del Mar which broke in two places during the storm before Easter. Repairs are expected to finish within a month.

Road up MORE roadwork projects have been put up for tender in the second phase of improvements to Calle Princesa in Torre del Mar. The roadworks will be completed in three months and aim to extend the pedestrian area.


Standing firm as a rock By Jill Pickering A GROUP of residents and businessmen from Valle Niza managed to put a stop to the removal of the ro c k s o n th e b e a c h u s ed a s a s e a breakwater which runs parallel between the beach and the old N-340 coast road. Operatives from the Demarcacion de Costas (Coast Demarcation) told the neighbours that the rocks were being taken to stabilise the Ferrara beach in Torrox and they had legal authority from the respective ministry to do so. On receiving a phone call from a neighbour, businessman Antonio Martinez Garzon alerted members o f th e Izq u ie rd a U n id a (IU ), re questing their presence to see what was going on and resulted in the police intervening to stop the vehicles from operating. The rocks on the beach at Valle Niza are there to protect the road, telephone lines and water pipes that connect the reservoir of La Viñuela to Malaga from sea water during rough storms. The spokesman for IU , M ig u el A n g el S a nc he z , e x-

SEA BREAKWATER: Rocks were removed and taken by lorry to another site. pressed that, “It appeared to be a surreal situation by taking the rocks away from one beach to another, making one unprotected and stabilising the other.” Garzon stated “they told me there was a gigantic rotatory machine being filled with rocks and we thought

they were cleaning up the beach after the winter storms. Our surprise was when we saw nine lorries leaving with the rocks which made us alert the IU to come to the scene.” He also added that “it was a huge mis ta ke in r em ovi ng t he r ocks which could jeopardise the water

supply to the capital if it became necessary and why decide to take these rocks when there are quarries.” The spokesman for IU also commented on the purpose of the breakwaters in the area and recalled the Ferrara beach project is adjudicated to a private company.


21 - 27 April 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

Photo Credit Wikimedia

Mega-golf no go

GOLF PROJECT: Velez-Malaga will not now see a mega golf resort. By Jill Pickering THE ambitious Juvigolf project, a megatourist construction awaiting the go ahead from the council of Velez-Malaga,

appears to have been dismissed. The decade old plan to build a second golf course in the area has been held up by the recession and changing legislation.

Now, a continued lack of funds required to build an access road from the motorway, plus the discovery of potentially important archaeological sites has shut the project down.



The future will be digitalised AFTER a year of intensive work to classify and digitalise all the documents held by the new town archive in AlmuĂąecar, the process is advancing and entering the final stages. Over 9,000 boxes of documents were taken from the town hall to the new archive department where all the administrative documents were organised and scanned to become digitalised. In the not so distant future, it will be possible to make consultations through a programme from

the town hall without having to go there in person. The objective is to prevent having to go back and forth to the town hall to fill in forms and the advantage of being digitalised means the documents will not get lost or deteriorate. Although the contract has terminated for the work carried out by a specialist company and the task is almost coming to an end, it will never cease because every day tens of files are processed.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Advertising feature

Entering into Lingering dispute traffic circulation THIS applies for all vehicles whether from a parked position, stationary, exiting a building, joining from a service road or any other access. All drivers need to check that they are free to enter traffic circulation in a safe and secure way without hindering other road traffic users. Then by indicating to all road users, using indicators or arm signals, your intention to join, and then carry out the manoeuvre. • ANTICIPATING TRAFFIC Before entering traffic circulation, drivers should pull up to where they want to enter, and check carefully all traffic, relying on relayed information from other people if necessary, to ensure that you are safe and free to continue. On entering a dual carriageway, drivers should anticipate the speeds of oncoming vehicles and enter the right hand lane as safely as possible. • SIGNALLING MANOEUVRES TO OTHER ROAD USERS The second requirement for entering into circulating traffic is to signal clearly and correctly your intentions to the rest of the road users. Drivers must signal all manoeuvres that require their vehicle to move laterally or in reverse direction. Signals must be via indicator lights or arm movements if the vehicle is not equipped with indicators. Indicators must be kept on until the manoeuvre has been completed. Lateral manoeuvres, moving left into the left lane to overtake, require the left hand side indicator to be used, and moving right into the right lane, after overtaking, requires the right hand side indicator to be used until the manoeuvre is completed. When reversing, your vehicle should display a clear reverse light, if not equipped, then the arm should be extended horizontally out of the left hand side window, with the palm facing backwards to indicate the direction you wish to take. All signalling manoeuvres must be made with sufficient time to inform other road users safely and securely. • OVERTAKING SAFELY Overtaking is a dangerous, delicate and complex manoeuvre. It may require entering oncoming traffic lanes, calculating distances and speeds, observing all the traffic signs and road markings, anticipating other road user manoeuvres, watching out for hidden vehicles, having sufficient time and space to return to the right hand lane without

infringing any rules. For all these reasons, road traffic regulations are very strict as to how this procedure should be carried out. Preparing the manoeuvre, before you overtake: • The position and speed of the vehicle you wish to overtake is vital. Check you have sufficient time and space to overtake and that the lane for overtaking is free. • Check you have sufficient space to re-enter the right hand lane after overtaking. • Check you may overtake and that no road markings or signs say otherwise. • During overtaking, your vehicle must travel noticeably faster than the vehicle being overtaken. • Do not pull up too close to the vehicle you wish to overtake as this will reduce all round vision, especially if the vehicle is larger like a truck or bus. Remember you should always leave sufficient breaking space between the vehicle in front, even if you intend to overtake. Overtaking is prohibited: • On bends or in reduced visibility conditions where it’s not possible to see beyond the vehicle in front to check if there is sufficient space to reenter the right hand lane. • In tunnels, one-lane roads with continued white lines. • On pedestrian crossings • At crossroads or intersections, except for overtaking two-wheeled vehicles. Performing the manoeuvre: • Check your mirrors that your overtaking will not jeopardise other road users. • Signal using your indicators to clearly, visibly show all other road users your intentional manoeuvre. You must give other vehicles sufficient time to see and comprehend your manoeuvre. • Carry out the manoeuvre by overtaking on the left hand side, leaving sufficient space between your vehicle and the vehicle you are overtaking. The amount of space should be proportional to overtaking speed, road conditions and amount of road space available. • Once past the vehicle, drivers should again adopt the mirror-signal-manoeuvre drill before re-entering the right hand lane. We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Línea Directa please call 900 123 026 More information on Línea Directa online at

KURIL ISLANDS: Tension has increased between Russia and Japan. MOSCOW has re-emphasised its commitment to protecting the Kuril Islands, the easternmost territories of the federation. The declaration came as tensions increased between Russia and Japan over the islands, which are claimed by Japan, making it the only country to question the results of World War Two.

Lenin stayin’ alive

Close call THE Doomsday clock shivered slightly when a Russian fighter jet flew just feet away from a US navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea. The prospect of an accidental catastrophe has become reminiscent of the Cold War, with increased American activity in eastern Europe following the diplomatic fallout over Crimea.

Hall of mirrors PATRIOTIC Russians have a new Putin-themed cafe to flock to in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk. The interiors are draped with the Russian president’s portraits, there’s a life size cut out of him, a sign reading ‘What have you done for Russia?,’ while the toilet paper is emblazoned with Barack Obama’s face.

Southern strife A SUICIDE bombing took

Calls for a proper burial.

place in Stavropol in the north Caucasus amid explosions and gunfire as four men attacked a local police station. Islamic extremists are hell bent on carving out a caliphate in the mountainous region which is a tinderbox of competing tribes and religions.

Common as muck WHILE the western media has been quick to portray Vladimir Putin as the archdevil of the Panama Papers, the revelations have had little impact on the world weary Russian population who ac-

PRESERVING the body of Vladimir Lenin in its embalmed, lifelike state will cost the government approximately €177,000 this year. The body of the revolutionary leader was displayed in public in Moscow’s Red Square in 1924 and there are growing calls to give him a proper burial.

cept corruption as part and parcel of politics, while noting that the problem is evidently universal.

Children needed POTENTIAL economic growth has taken a serious hit with the revelation that the working-age population has shrunk by five million people since a high of 90 million in 2006. The rate of decline looks set to only escalate in the near future, a fate Russia shares with close neighbours Bulgaria and Ukraine.


Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 April 2016











One ‘Fat Cat’ may have to go on diet By John Smith ALTHOUGH not binding in 2016, corporate shareholders in oil company BP opposed a proposed 20 per cent pay rise for chief executive Bob Dudley on the basis that under his management there have been numerous job cuts and a significant drop in profits. Under somewhat archaic rules, the BP salary policy can only be changed

Quote of the Week

€17.3 million is the proposed new annual salary for BP CEO Bob Dudley.

every three years which means that the proposed rise could be forced through in 2016, but in 2017 disenchanted investors could make things financially difficult for the CEO and the boards. During times of relative austerity and job losses, even the Institute of Directors has commented that massive pay rises of this sort can send the wrong message to other companies and to the work force.

We look forward to working closely and productively with all those who want to see the UK set free to determine its own destiny.” Grassroots Out founder, Tory MP Peter Bone

Credit Bradley P Johnson flickr


JOSE MARIA AZNAR: Used a tax loophole.

Former Prime Minister fined AS if there hasn’t been enough controversy with regards to the personal financial dealings of a raft of politicians in different ranks of the Partido Popular (PP), it has now emerged that former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar is to be fined by the Treasury of the interim government for using a loophole to reduce his income tax obligation.

A former tax inspector himself who often spoke out against tax fraud whilst in power has reportedly been fined €70,400 for using a vehicle to save 21 per cent of his tax liability over a period of a few years. In the same week, the PP mayor of Granada was arrested for alleged financial fraud.

Oil prices rally AFTER months of being in the doldrums and at its lowest price for years, crude oil has seen something of a recovery thanks to a slight increase in industrial need and an agreement between Russia and Saudi Arabia to restrict production. A great deal now depends upon any decision by Iran concerning the volume of oil it extracts and wishes to export whilst it is trying to rebuild its foreign reserves, but generally, although oil price increases may not be welcomed by the average consumer, they are welcomed by economists and those producing the crude oil itself.

Coal trouble PEABODY ENERGY, the world’s largest privately-owned coal miner, has requested bankruptcy protection in the US after a sharp fall in coal prices left it unable to repay its debts especially after it had spent several billion euros on purchasing an Australian group.

IMF delays Spain review WHILST the Spanish budget has been under attack from Brussels, even though the interim government has now undertaken to reduce the amount of money it intends to borrow, another body, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was due to present its opinion on the Spanish economy during the


€133 million is the amount that the former president of Scottish based Rockstar North, developer of video game Grand Theft Auto is suing the company for over alleged unpaid royalties.


business & legal


first quarter of 2016. Recognising however that any report would be immediately outdated in the event of a new government of any type except the PP being put in charge of the economy, it has decided to postpone the report until the future of the government is known.

Other views suggest that Mr Dudley has actually done a good job and deserves to receive what is considered to be his market worth. Much as anticipated, the vote rejecting his proposed pay rise won a majority, but at 59 per cent and with some shareholders said to be abstaining, the actual figure was quite unexpected and is seen to be a major criticism of the CEO.




BBVA to sell properties AS part of an ongoing strategy, the BBVA bank has announced that it will dispose of a number of commercial properties and land which it has accumulated over the years in almost every province of Spain and has appointed BMP Paribas Real Estate to undertake this work on its behalf. Although the portfolio does cover most of Spain, it is reported that the bulk of the properties and land are based in Andalucia and Catalonia.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 478.60 -1.40 Admiral Group PLC 1930.00 -1.00 Anglo American PLC 659.70 -18.50 Antofagasta PLC 455.45 -16.00 ARM Holdings PLC 966.00 -24.50 Ashtead Group PLC 814.00 -0.50 Associated British Foods PLC 3352.00 -5.00 AstraZeneca PLC 4150.75 2.50 Aviva PLC 435.00 -6.20 Babcock International Group... 979.75 -3.50 BAE Systems PLC 509.75 -2.96 Barclays PLC 165.60 -1.30 Barratt Developments PLC 514.25 4.50 Berkeley Group Holdings 2906.50 44.00 BHP Billiton PLC 882.55 -17.10 BP PLC 348.12 -7.80 British American Tobacco PLC 4236.50 4.00 British Land Co PLC 702.50 -4.50 BT Group PLC 451.73 7.70 Bunzl PLC 2065.00 0.00 Burberry Group PLC 1272.50 -1.00 Capita PLC 1041.50 -3.00 Carnival PLC 3788.50 51.00 Centrica PLC 232.65 -5.70 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1453.00 -6.00 Compass Group PLC 1286.00 7.00 CRH PLC 2032.00 -3.00 DCC PLC 6197.50 5.00 Diageo PLC 1937.25 4.50 Direct Line Insurance Group... 360.90 -2.20 Dixons Carphone PLC 412.95 -0.30 easyJet PLC 1472.00 25.00 Experian PLC 1251.50 -2.00 Fresnillo PLC 1006.00 -13.00 GKN PLC 284.70 -0.20 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1510.50 4.50 Glencore PLC 151.90 -3.67 Hammerson PLC 583.75 -2.00 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1354.00 -10.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 444.38 -6.05 Imperial Brands PLC 3758.00 15.00 Informa PLC 694.50 0.00 Inmarsat PLC 1013.00 2.00 InterContinental Hotels Gr 2888.00 27.00 International Consolidated 540.75 6.63 Intertek Group PLC 3164.50 -3.00 Intu Properties PLC 295.75 -0.90 ITV PLC 240.50 1.00 Johnson Matthey PLC 2854.50 -10.00 Kingfisher PLC 357.70 0.30

% CHG. -0.29 -0.05 -2.73 -3.40 -2.47 -0.06 -0.15 0.06 -1.41 -0.36 -0.58 -0.78 0.88 1.54 -1.90 -2.19 0.09 -0.64 1.73 0.00 -0.08 -0.29 1.36 -2.39 -0.41 0.55 -0.15 0.08 0.23 -0.61 -0.07 1.73 -0.16 -1.28 -0.07 0.30 -2.36 -0.34 -0.73 -1.34 0.40 0.00 0.20 0.94 1.24 -0.09 -0.30 0.42 -0.35 0.08

NET VOL 44.42 26.88 971.38 257.34 597.88 99.06 64.28 147.36 563.32 14.70 280.25 4,088.83 436.60 65.34 1,402.93 3,585.74 174.88 235.03 3,379.47 16.91 161.28 80.01 27.01 1,469.18 7.53 159.05 26.53 6.37 209.74 76.32 47.62 99.28 79.54 80.64 561.91 561.52 8,742.55 60.00 30.59 1,734.10 168.81 76.50 41.87 40.74 615.42 19.21 101.68 1,025.62 18.24 358.69

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Land Securities Group PLC 1100.50 -10.00 Legal & General Group PLC 237.10 -1.73 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 68.07 -0.10 London Stock Exchange Grp 2795.00 0.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 441.85 -0.90 Mediclinic International PLC 937.75 -4.50 Merlin Entertainments PLC 461.50 3.00 Mondi PLC 1320.50 -10.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 192.95 -1.80 National Grid PLC 997.00 -3.60 Next PLC 5475.00 25.00 Old Mutual PLC 190.35 -2.40 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 9655.00 35.83 Pearson PLC 829.25 -7.50 Persimmon PLC 1891.50 19.97 Provident Financial PLC 3071.00 -14.00 Prudential PLC 1380.75 -14.50 Randgold Resources Ltd 6605.00 0.13 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 6767.50 33.00 RELX PLC 1307.50 4.00 REXAM PLC 622.25 -0.75 Rio Tinto PLC 2204.00 -26.50 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 661.50 -4.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Gr 232.50 -2.50 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1764.00 -55.00 Royal Mail PLC 488.20 -1.10 RSA Insurance Group PLC 468.10 -2.10 SABMiller PLC 4278.50 -8.00 Sage Group (The) PLC 625.25 2.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 283.70 -1.20 Schroders PLC 2568.50 -20.00 Severn Trent PLC 2244.00 -12.00 Shire PLC 4246.00 -5.00 Sky PLC 1001.50 2.50 Smith & Nephew PLC 1203.50 2.00 SSE PLC 1507.50 -19.00 Standard Chartered PLC 503.40 -17.40 Standard Life PLC 336.00 -3.70 St James's Place PLC 912.75 -4.50 Taylor Wimpey PLC 175.15 2.50 Tesco PLC 177.88 -1.65 Travis Perkins PLC 1782.50 8.00 TUI AG 1058.00 17.00 Unilever PLC 3285.50 6.50 United Utilities Group PLC 952.00 -9.18 Vodafone Group PLC 228.55 -1.25 Whitbread PLC 3758.00 18.00 Wolseley PLC 3847.50 -4.00 Worldpay Group PLC 268.95 0.00 WPP PLC 1657.00 -2.00

% CHG. -0.90 -0.72 -0.15 0.00 -0.20 -0.48 0.65 -0.75 -0.92 -0.36 0.46 -1.25 0.37 -0.90 1.07 -0.45 -1.04 0.00 0.49 0.31 -0.12 -1.19 -0.60 -1.06 -3.02 -0.22 -0.45 -0.19 0.40 -0.42 -0.77 -0.53 -0.12 0.25 0.17 -1.25 -3.34 -1.09 -0.49 1.45 -0.92 0.45 1.63 0.20 -0.96 -0.54 0.48 -0.10 0.00 -0.12

NET VOL 155.09 546.30 8,144.62 12.78 145.19 37.07 51.26 137.54 750.01 306.61 55.49 332.47 3.50 80.61 75.63 6.50 177.11 33.91 90.60 131.57 76.92 430.11 175.28 698.51 884.20 68.43 84.55 99.40 111.19 1,989.93 9.97 11.08 34.09 223.49 172.41 117.48 1,446.34 259.40 50.72 843.77 1,856.02 96.23 59.11 199.04 55.21 2,303.60 21.54 36.02 1,185.29 157.69

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US dollar ...................................................................1.13009 Japan yen.................................................................122.233 Switzerland franc .................................................1.09150 Denmark kroner ..................................................7.44098 Norway kroner.....................................................9.35584 • Tel: +34 952 906 581


COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 168.78 +0.62 +0.37% 1.4M 62.14 -0.37 -0.59% 4.4M 109.85 -2.25 -2.01% 46.9M 131.13 +0.28 +0.21% 5.0M 79.17 +0.12 +0.15% 5.5M 97.23 -0.75 -0.77% 6.6M 27.90 -0.35 -1.24% 23.8M 46.10 +0.27 +0.59% 13.6M 98.59 -0.04 -0.04% 6.1M 65.27 +0.09 +0.14% 2.8M 84.97 -0.46 -0.54% 11.3M 31.03 +0.01 +0.03% 24.4M 158.52 -2.39 -1.49% 3.5M 135.01 +0.64 +0.48% 3.5M 151.72 +0.56 +0.37% 3.7M 31.46 -0.34 -1.07% 28.8M 110.18 +0.34 +0.31% 10.1M 61.87 -0.72 -1.15% 19.3M 127.78 +0.27 +0.21% 3.1M 56.14 -0.31 -0.55% 8.4M 55.65 +0.29 +0.52% 28.8M 59.50 +0.01 +0.02% 7.7M 32.50 -0.15 -0.46% 35.3M 82.30 +0.29 +0.35% 7.3M 116.23 +0.87 +0.75% 1.6M 104.57 -0.11 -0.11% 3.8M 127.33 -0.65 -0.51% 2.8M 51.35 -0.01 -0.02% 11.9M 80.08 -0.25 -0.31% 7.2M 69.06 +0.26 +0.38% 7.6M





Most Advanced PTC Therapeutics, Inc. Vestin Realty Mortgage II, Inc. CyberOptics Corporation XBiotech Inc. Bio Blast Pharma Ltd. Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. Vascular Solutions, Inc. Duluth Holdings Inc. Ebix, Inc. Mid-Con Energy Partners, LP Cynapsus Therapeutics Inc.

$ 8.92 $ 2.90 $ 13.95 $ 13.77 $ 2.71 $ 11.834 $ 38.02 $ 24.69 $ 44.87 $ 3.10 $ 13.69

2.69 ▲ 43.18% 0.72 ▲ 33.03% 2.15 ▲ 18.22% 1.72 ▲ 14.27% 0.31 ▲ 12.92% 1.334 ▲ 12.70% 3.87 ▲ 11.33% 2.31 ▲ 10.32% 4.16 ▲ 10.22% 0.28 ▲ 9.93% 1.21 ▲ 9.70%

$ 26.79 $ 10.19 $ 18.56 $ 4.45 $ 25.48 $ 7.23 $ 17.25 $ 7.12 $ 2.76 $ 13.33 $ 10.27

6.53 ▼ 19.60% 2.01 ▼ 16.48% 3.52 ▼ 15.94% 0.79 ▼ 15.08% 3.87 ▼ 13.19% 0.90 ▼ 11.07% 2.065 ▼ 10.69% 0.76 ▼ 9.64% 0.28 ▼ 9.21% 1.23 ▼ 8.45% 0.82 ▼ 7.39%

Most Declined Super Micro Computer, Inc. Ixia Relypsa, Inc. CareDx, Inc. Stratasys, Ltd. Regulus Therapeutics Inc. BofI Holding, Inc. Mitel Networks Corporation Vanguard Natural Resources LLC The ExOne Company Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Artificial Intelligence creates money Photo Credit

By John Smith ORIGINALLY the stuff of science fiction writers, the past decade in particular has seen a tremendous amount of money thrown into the search for a genuine artificial intelligence, which would in theory have the ability to think for itself.

23M euros is the amount of investment that, run by Dennis Mortensen, has attracted

There have been numerous films on this subject, most of them, such as Terminator showing a dystopian future, where the Asimov laws of Human Protection are ignored and the self replicating AI figures, which are only interested in expanding their domination over the less than perfect humans are involved in nightmare scenarios of extermination, although invariably good old

DENNIS MORTENSEN: Runs the American company Homo Sapien triumphs in the end. Google has been working with driverless cars, Apple has intro-

duced Siri, the perfect assistant for those who use the iPhone, and more and more we are becoming used to

what isn’t quite Artificial Intelligence, but equally is heading in that general direction.

Spanish cigarette machine strike DUE to what many operators consider to be crippling and unfair fines, a decision was made by the Spanish Association of Refillable Points of Sale (AEPVR) to recommend to its members that cigarette machines around the country should be switched off for at least a week. Of the estimated 150,000 machines in Spain, it appears that approximately 50,000 were switched off on April 11, although how this will really affect the government is hard to understand. There will be a temporary loss of the sale of an expected six million packets of cigarettes during the week, but this will be a tiny dent in government income whilst the greater loss will be to the vending machine owners and the bars and cafes in which they have been sited. The whole argument concerns whether information of usage supplied to the cigarette companies for which owners are recompensed should be classed as tobacco advertising and if so, then fines can be levied. Naturally both sides of the argument believe their interpretation of the law is the correct one and this disagreement looks as if it could run on for some time. According to the AEPVR, fines of more than €120,000 have already been levied which has resulted in up to 2,000 of its members going out of business.

CIGARETTE MACHINES: Operators around Spain will switch them off for at least a week.

Like all new inventions, people tend to take tiny steps initially In scenes reminiscent of the first start up hi-tech and internet companies, large amounts are being invested in companies who are on the fringe of an AI breakthrough. One of those is an American company run by Dennis Mortensen the creator of Amy Ingram (spot the AI reference), a personal assistant that can schedule meetings for you, which he has been developing for the past two years. It doesn’t sound terribly exciting, but his company has just announced that it has attracted €23 million worth of investment, which will allow him to bring ‘her’ to the market. Like all new innovations, people tend to take tiny steps initially, but this company might just turn into another Apple, although equally it could go the way of DeLorean.

British inflation increases BRITISH inflation hit its highest level since December 2014 during March, with the rise in airfares during Easter having provided a boost. Following a 0.3 per cent climb during February, consumer prices rose by 0.5 per cent compared with the same period in 2015, according to data released by the Office for National Statistics. Inflation in the UK is recovering slowly having fallen below zero per cent before the turn of the year, the lowest since comparable records began in 1950. It has remained way below the official target of 2 per cent set by the Bank of England for more than two years.


Brussels may silence whistleblowers ma, unlike many other countries, does not have laws to protect whistleblowers and the person involved in releasing the revelations IN what is supposed to be an important panma y b e pros e c ute d, but a ll journa lis ts European law meant to protect companies should currently be safe even though the from industrial espionage and theft of sensilaw firm may well have issued threatening tive commercial information, the European emails to them on the basis that their artiParliament is considering introducing a new cles are based on the results of a theft, and law known as the Trade Secrets Protection their case could be stronger if Brussels Act, which many consider so loosely wordpasses this Act. ed that it could discourage whistleblowers According to French from revealing abusMember of the Euroes. pean Parliament, ConCritics say that in stance Le Grip, oppoits current format, nents are misunderstanthose wh o wa n t t o ding the inte ntion of alert g o v e r n m e n t s the bill, a nd s he is and the world to coris the number of documents leaked to the adamant that journalists porate wrongdoing, press by the Mossack Fonseca whistlewould be immune from and th e j o u r n a l i st s blower and is believed to be the largest prosecution: “We have who ar e n e e d e d t o leak ever, with documents being sent in made clear that this dipublish the whistlebatches over a period of one year. rective shall not affect blowers’ findings the exercise of the right could themselves be to freedom of expression and information subject to criminal proceedings, if the comset out in the European Charter of Fundapany or companies on whom they are remental Rights. porting can prove that the information being “We have also very precisely and clearly released to the public is commercially sensiset out the exemptions for both journalists tive. and whistleblowers.” So wo r r i e d a r e p e op le a b o u t th is b ill One piece of encouraging fact, and conwhich appears to be promoted with good intrary to perceived opinion, in the event that tentions but possibly bad results, that more the Act is approved by the European Parliathan 500,000 people have signed a petition ment, it will still need to be passed into law objecting to the wording of the Act. by parliaments across the 28 memA perfect example of how a woolly-wordbers of the EU, and it is ed act could protect those who have a safe bet that many acted improperly concerns the recent will reject it. Mossack Fonseca revelations, which if published in their entirety could include information which may hav e r e b o u n d e d o n th e journalists involved. It may well be that PanaBy John Smith


CONSTANCE LE GRIP: Member of the European Parliament.

21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Vote out when the time comes LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT HOW on earth can George Osborne declare that a British exit from the EU would cost every member of the British community £4,300 a year? How can this man prophesy an exact figure around such an unkno wn e n t i t y ? No o n e tru ly knows what will happen should we leave, or how we will prosper when a whole world of new markets are open to us to negotiate, and we are able to use our own rules and regulations to deliver the best deals and business agreements. This is a figure plucked out of nowhere, specifically delivered to frighten the British public into staying in, and it’s a disgrace. To me it’s on a par with Blair’s announcement that Saddam Hus-

sein had weapons of mass destruction. It’s scaremongering at a disgusting level and sounds like a ploy, emanating from a government panicking and prepared to go to any lengths to deceive the British people. To me, apart from all the advantages I believe leaving will bring, it is the spectre of some 80 million Turks having free access to Britain should they become members in the future. I see that particular move as the knell of death to the United Kingdom and its culture, and a reversed two finger salute to the th o u s an d s , n a y millions w ho died in their endeavours to create it. Vote out when the time comes and cock a very large snook at the suffocating Brussels buffo o n s a n d th e c onniving of Cameron and his cohorts. Put the great back in Britain. Let’s show the world that the British bulldog is still very much alive

and kicking hard. Personally I think it’s all very exciting, and even though it may make life difficult for us expats, it’s a small price to pay for delive ring a n uns ha c kle d, fre e democracy to our future generations. Out is clout. Let’s bring it on. Nice to see the Pope taking a dozen refugees back to the Vatican. I did notice that none of the party included any of those that make up the majority, ie young fit M us lim me n, w ith tre ndy trainers and mobile phones. Funny that! Keep the faith Love Leapy

GEORGE OSBORNE: How can this man prophesy an exact figure?



E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Wikipedia commons

Follow the money Cassandra Nash A weekly look - and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

ACTING minister of Industry, Jose Manuel Soria, of course, dissolved his offshore Panama company years ago and naturally roundly denied any fiscal wrongdoing. All was going swimmingly until national daily El Mundo claimed to have seen a document with his signature confirming he was also a director of a Jersey-registered Mechanical Trading Limited. Soria has now resigned, something of a first for a Spanish minister, although even the Teflon-coated have to jump out of the frying pan into the fire once they break the 11th Commandment and are found out.

Speaking a different language SUPPORT for independence is waning in the Basque Region, with only 24 per cent of

RESIGNED: Jose Manuel Soria.

It all adds up

answer for and is partly responsble for Cataluña’s continuing discontent.

POLLSTERS predict that Ciudadanos could win more seats in another general election than they managed in December. Which means that it would be interesting to see what happens to the current PSOE-Ciudadanos pact in a notimpossible scenario, where the PP and Ciudadanos could scrape up a majority between them. The prospect of a new election has loomed large following a deadlock in negotiations.

Money, money, money

Basques backing a complete break from Spain. Catalan support is still only half and half, a telling figure bearing in mind the regional government’s assumption that this is what the country wants on one hand, and heckling and hysteria from outside the region on the other. Monolingual Spain’s insistence on identifying nationalism as separatism has much to

MARIANO RAJOY, Pedro Sanchez, Albert Rivera and Pablo Iglesias each want to be president. But unless jointly or singly they manage to get their acts together before April 27 there will be another election and political considerations apart, this is something they wanted to avoid and, as always, filthy lucre is the reason. The PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos and Podemos leaders know that these months of shilly-shallying and failure to form a government are costing them credibility and followers. But another election campaign is going to cost them money and thanks to the tsunami of corruption cases they can’t even succumb to the temptation of a spot of illegal funding.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical


10:15am The Day I Met the Queen 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Queen's 90th Birthday 1:30pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Code 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Money for Nothing 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm MasterChef 10:00pm Elizabeth at 90: A Family Tribute 11:10pm BBC News at Ten 11:40pm BBC London News 11:55pm Question Time 12:55am This Week

7:00am The Day I Met the Queen 7:45am The Sheriffs are Coming 8:30am Money for Nothing 9:15am Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 10:00am The Great Interior Design Challenge 11:00am Coast 12:00pm Wanted Down Under 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm World Championship Snooker 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 8:00pm Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm Natural World 10:00pm Line of Duty 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am World Championship Snooker Highlights 1:05am Five Star Babies: Inside the Portland Hospital

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Top of the Pops: 1981 9:00pm Everyday Miracles: The Genius of Sofas, Stockings and Scanners 10:00pm Aliens: The Big Think 11:00pm Horizon 12:00am Secrets of the Universe 1:00am Top of the Pops: 1981 Richard Skinner introduces the pop programme, featuring Startrax, Soft Cell, the Nolans, Ultravox... 1:35am Roy Orbison 2:35am Chuck Berry in Concert Legendary rock 'n' roller Chuck Berry performs at the BBC Television Theatre in 1972. 3:35am Aliens: The Big Think

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Chopping Block 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Bargain Shop Wars 10:00pm Paul O'Grady's Animal Orphans 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm The Late Debate 12:10am Britain's Oldest Crooks

7:20am Dinner Date 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm You've Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:35pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Scorpion 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:50pm @Elevenish 12:20am Family Guy

7:00am Doctor at Large 7:25am Heartbeat 8:25am Where the Heart is 9:30am The Royal 10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 11:55am The Darling Buds of May 1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:05pm Where the Heart is 5:10pm Doctor at Large 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Our Queen at 90 10:00pm Rosemary and Thyme 11:00pm Prime Suspect 1:00am The Darling Buds of May 2:05am Where the Heart is Drama series following the lives of community nurses in a small Yorkshire town.

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am

12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am

Countdown Will and Grace Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Fifteen to One Countdown Couples Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Too Many Cooks The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Millionaires' Mansions British Army Girls Alan Carr: Chatty Man Gogglebox Murder in Paradise

7:00am Football's Greatest 7:05am Hogan's Heroes 7:30am Hogan's Heroes 8:00am The Chase 8:55am The Professionals 9:55am Minder 10:55am Ax Men 11:50am The Chase 12:50pm The Professionals 1:55pm Pawn Stars 2:25pm Pawn Stars 2:50pm Storage Wars New York 3:25pm Storage Wars New York 3:50pm Hogan's Heroes 4:25pm Hogan's Heroes 4:55pm Minder 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Storage Wars New York 7:30pm Storage Wars New York 8:00pm River Monsters 9:00pm The Big Fish Off 10:00pm River Monsters 11:00pm The Darts Mavericks 12:05am Out for Justice 1:05am FYI Daily 1:10am Out for Justice 2:00am The Fog



9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:10pm Beware! Cowboy Builders 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm The Husband She Met Online 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Elizabeth II: 90 Glorious Years 9:00pm Medical Mysteries 10:00pm On Benefits: Life on the Dole 11:00pm Botched Up Bodies

10:15am The Day I Met the Queen 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Sheriffs are Coming 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Code 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Money for Nothing 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm MasterChef 10:00pm Have I Got News for You 10:30pm Boomers 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show

10:15am The Day I Met the Queen 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Sheriffs are Coming 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Code 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Money for Nothing 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm MasterChef 10:00pm Have I Got News for You 10:30pm Boomers 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm BBC Young Musician 2016 10:00pm The Everly Brothers: Harmonies From Heaven 11:00pm Billy Fury: The Sound of Fury 12:25am It's Only Rock 'N' Roll: Rock 'N' Roll at the BBC 1:25am Trad Jazz Britannia Documentary telling the story of Britain's postwar infatuation with old New Orleans jazz. 2:25am The Everly Brothers: Harmonies From Heaven 3:25am Billy Fury: The Sound of Fury Documentary which recounts the story of Billy Fury and the birth of British popular music. 4:55am This is BBC Four

7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Chopping Block 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Flying Scotsman with Robson Green 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm GoldenEye

8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Emmerdale 10:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Emmerdale 2:15pm You've Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm Best of You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Delivery Man 11:05pm FYI Daily 11:10pm Delivery Man 12:15am Family Guy

7:00am Doctor at Large 7:25am Heartbeat 8:25am Where the Heart is 9:30am The Royal 10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 11:55am The Darling Buds of May 1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm Doctor at Large 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Agatha Christie's Marple 11:00pm Prime Suspect 1:00am A is for Acid 3:00am Long Lost Family 3:50am Rory Bremner's Great British Views 4:40am Rory Bremner's Great British Views 5:35am George and Mildred

9:00am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 1:30pm

7:30pm 8:00pm

11:15pm 12:15am

12:45am 1:00am 2:00am 5:30am 5:45am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Ford Football Special Football Gold Football Gold Ford Football Special Live ATP 500 Tennis: Barcelona ATP Tour Uncovered Live Ford Football Special David Beckham Special Barclays Premier League World Football Gold Ford Football Special Premier League Darts Football Gold Spanish Gold A chance to relive some classic matches from La Liga.

9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Frasier 11:30am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:30pm Jamie's 15 Minute Meals 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Four in a Bed 2:10pm Channel 4 Racing 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Too Many Cooks 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:30pm Unreported World 9:00pm George Clarke's Amazing Treehouses 10:00pm Gogglebox 11:00pm Lookalikes 11:35pm Lookalikes 12:05am First Dates

9:15am 9:25am 9:35am 9:50am 10:00am 10:15am 12:10pm

1:10pm 1:15pm

2:15pm 2:45pm 3:20pm 4:20pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm


7:00am Football's Greatest: Ronaldo 7:05am Hogan's Heroes 7:30am Hogan's Heroes 7:55am The Chase 8:50am The Professionals 9:55am Minder 10:55am Ax Men 11:55am The Chase 12:55pm The Professionals 2:00pm Storage Wars 2:30pm Storage Wars 2:55pm Storage Wars New York 3:25pm Storage Wars New York 3:55pm Hogan's Heroes 4:30pm Hogan's Heroes 5:00pm Minder 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Storage Wars New York 7:35pm Storage Wars New York 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm FA Youth Cup Final Live 11:00pm Death Wish 5: The Face of Death 12:00am FYI Daily

Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Wright Stuff Beware! Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Good Mother 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Gadget Show Henry VIII and His Six Wives Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration Eamonn and Ruth

9:00am Barclays Premier League World 9:30am Live Super Rugby 11:30am Rugby Union Gold 11:40am Live Super Rugby 1:30pm Barclays Premier League World 2:00pm Ford Football Special 3:00pm La Liga Show 2015 3:30pm Premier League Legends 4:00pm Ford Football Special 5:00pm Barclays Premier League World 5:30pm Football Freestyler 6:00pm Game Changers 6:30pm Barclays Premier League World 7:00pm The Fantasy Football Club 8:00pm Football 11:15pm Barclays Premier League Preview


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30pm MasterChef 1:00pm BBC News 1:05pm Weather 1:10pm Football Focus 2:00pm The London Marathon: A Million Reasons to Run 2:30pm Snooker 5:30pm BBC News 5:40pm Regional News 5:45pm Weather 5:50pm Match of the Day Live 8:15pm Michael Mcintyre's Big Show 9:05pm The National Lottery 9:55pm Casualty 10:45pm Mrs. Brown's Boys 11:15pm BBC News 11:30pm Weather 11:35pm Match of the Day 12:20am Peter Kay's Comedy Shuffle 12:50am The London Marathon: A Million Reasons to Run 1:20am Snooker

8:55am Fort Apache 11:00am Snooker 1:00pm Rick Stein From Venice to Istanbul 2:00pm Bargain Hunt 3:00pm Escape to the Country 3:45pm Money for Nothing 4:30pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 5:00pm Gardeners' World 5:30pm Final Score 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Bake Off Crème de la Crème 8:00pm Snooker 9:00pm Dad's Army 9:30pm Shakespeare Live! From the RSC 11:30pm QI XL Panel-based quiz where it is more important to be interesting than right. 12:15am Snooker World Championships 2016 Highlights 1:05am Mesrine: Killer Instinct

8:00pm A History of Ancient Britain 9:00pm Natural World Jonathan Scott narrates the extraordinary story of the leopard - the one big cat that still survives... 10:00pm Hinterland 11:30pm BBC: The Secret Files 2 12:30am BBC: The Secret Files 1:30am Imagine Investigative documentary series in which various aspects of the arts are explored. 2:45am It's Only Rock 'N' Roll: Rock 'N' Roll at the BBC 3:45am BBC: The Secret Files 2 4:45am This is BBC Four

7:10am Asics Greater Manchester Marathon 7:40am British GT 8:05am Brighton Marathon 2016 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am The Morning Line 11:00am Frasier 11:30am Frasier 12:00pm The Big Bang Theory 12:55pm The Simpsons 1:25pm The Simpsons 1:55pm Come Dine with Me 3:00pm Channel 4 Racing 5:30pm A Place in the Sun 6:30pm Homes by the Med 7:30pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm The Secret World of Lego 9:00pm Arnie Schwarzenegger's 50 Greatest Ever Stunts 10:30pm The Transporter 12:20am Contraband 2:20am Hollyoaks Omnibus 4:30am Tricks of the Restaurant Trade

7:00am Milkshake! 9:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30am The Saturday Show 12:30pm Police Interceptors 1:25pm Police Interceptors 2:20pm Police Interceptors 3:15pm Police Interceptors 4:10pm Now That's Funny 5:15pm Now That's Funny 6:15pm Toddlers Make You Laugh Out Loud 7:10pm NCIS: Los Angeles 8:05pm NCIS: New Orleans 9:00pm NCIS 9:55pm 5 News 10:00pm The Championship 11:00pm Goal Rush Football League Tonight. 11:30pm NCIS 12:25am NCIS 1:15am Super Casino

7:00am Breakfast 8:40am Match of the Day 9:30am London Marathon 2:30pm BBC News 2:40pm Sunday Politics 3:50pm The Day I Met the Queen 4:50pm Songs of Praise 5:35pm Elizabeth at 90: A Family Tribute 7:05pm Paul O Grady: The Sally Army and Me 7:35pm BBC News 7:50pm Regional News 7:55pm Weather 8:00pm Countryfile 9:00pm Antiques Roadshow 10:00pm Undercover 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm Regional News 11:25pm Weather 11:30pm Match of the Day 2 Highlights and reaction to all of the latest football action. 12:40am Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights 1:10am Would I Lie to You?

8:00am Island Parish Shetland 8:30am The Beechgrove Garden 9:00am Countryfile 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am Snooker 1:15pm MOTD2 Extra 2:15pm Points of View 2:30pm London Marathon 3:30pm Snooker 7:00pm London Marathon Highlights 8:00pm Snooker 9:00pm Natural Born Winners 10:00pm Louis Theroux 11:00pm Half of a Yellow Sun 12:45am Snooker World Championships 2016 Highlights 1:35am The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story 2:40am Countryfile 3:35am Holby City 4:35am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

8:00pm Virtuoso Violinists at the BBC 9:00pm Yehudi Menhuin: Who Was Yehudi? 10:00pm Arena 11:00pm Forbidden Planet A landmark sci-fi movie, with great special effects, based on Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. 12:35am Aliens: The Big Think 1:35am Horizon 2:35am Natural World Jonathan Scott narrates the extraordinary story of the leopard - the one big cat that still survives across half the world while tigers, cheetahs and lions are all struggling. 3:35am Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City 4:35am This is BBC Four

7:20am King of Queens 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 2:30pm Maid in Manhattan 4:35pm Location, Location, Location 5:35pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 6:35pm Channel 4 News 7:05pm Grand Designs 8:00pm The Fearless Chef 9:00pm Mystery of the Crossrail Skulls 10:00pm Indian Summers 11:00pm Gogglebox 12:05am The Lincoln Lawyer 2:10am Embarrassing Bodies 3:00am Come Dine with Me 3:30am Come Dine with Me 3:55am Come Dine with Me

10:00am Toby's Travelling Circus 10:15am Jelly Jamm 10:35am LazyTown 11:00am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30am The Championship 12:30pm Goal Rush 1:00pm The Gadget Show 2:00pm Grannies Make You Laugh Out Loud 3:00pm Budgies Make You Laugh Out Loud 4:00pm 5 News 6:00pm Miss Congeniality 8:00pm Now That's Funny 9:00pm Penn and Teller: Fool Us in Vegas 9:55pm 5 News 11:40pm Cradle 2 the Grave 1:45am Criminals: Caught on Camera 2:10am Super Casino

7:00am CITV 9:30am Weekend 10:25am Murder, She Wrote 11:15am Murder, She Wrote 12:15pm The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 1:05pm ITV News and Weather 1:15pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:15pm Planet's Got Talent 2:45pm BBQ Champ 3:45pm Beethoven 5:25pm The Wine Show 6:30pm Local News and Weather 6:40pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:00pm Bang on the Money 9:00pm Britain's Got Talent Auditions 10:15pm Play to the Whistle 11:00pm ITV News and Weather 11:15pm The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 1:10am Jackpot 247

7:00am Emmerdale Omnibus 9:35am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00pm Britain's Got Talent 1:20pm Britain's Got More Talent 2:25pm The Almost Impossible Gameshow 3:25pm Scorpion 4:20pm Batteries Not Included 6:30pm Hotel Transylvania 8:15pm After Earth 10:15pm Britain's Got More Talent 11:15pm Celebrity Juice 12:05am Family Guy Animated comedy series about the everyday trials and tribulations of family life. 12:35am Family Guy 1:05am Family Guy 1:35am American Dad! 2:05am American Dad! 2:30am The Cleveland Show 2:55am The Cleveland Show

7:00am 7:10am 7:30am 7:55am 8:25am 8:55am

7:00am Football's Greatest 7:15am Cycling 8:20am Bundesliga 9:20am HSBC World Rugby 7s Series Highlights 10:00am Storage Wars 10:25am Ax Men 11:25am World Superbike Highlights 12:25pm Motorsport UK 1:30pm British Touring Car Championship Highlights 3:00pm FIA Formula e Championship Live 5:30pm BRDC Formula 3 Championship Highlights 6:30pm The Darts Mavericks 7:30pm The Big Fish Off 8:30pm Space Cowboys 9:30pm FYI Daily 9:35pm Space Cowboys 11:05pm Get Carter 12:05am FYI Daily 12:10am Get Carter 1:15am The Fog 2:15am FYI Daily 2:20am The Fog 3:00am Hell on Wheels

7:00am Football Gold 7:15am Football Gold 8:00am Football Freestyler 8:30am Barclays Premier League Preview 9:00am Game Changers 9:30am Nick Kicks 10:00am The Fantasy Football Club 11:00am Soccer A.M. 1:00pm Football 3:45pm Live European Rugby 6:25pm Live European Rugby 8:30pm Football 10:30pm Football 12:30am Indian Premier League Highlights 1:30am Indian Premier League Highlights 2:30am La Liga 2:45am La Liga 3:00am Cricket's Greatest 3:30am Indian Premier League Highlights 4:30am Indian Premier League Highlights

7:00am CITV 9:30am Weekend 10:25am Formula e Highlights 11:20am Murder, She Wrote 12:20pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 1:20pm ITV News and Weather 1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:30pm All Star Family Fortunes 3:15pm Fierce 4:15pm Britain's Got Talent 5:35pm Midsomer Murders 7:30pm Local News and Weather 7:40pm ITV News and Weather 7:55pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 9:00pm The Durrells 10:00pm Home Fires 11:00pm ITV News and Weather 11:15pm Flying Scotsman with Robson Green 12:15am Murder, She Wrote 1:15am Jackpot 247

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Planet's Funniest Animals 7:30am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:15am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45pm Take Me Out 2:00pm Catchphrase 2:45pm The Flintstones 4:25pm Charlotte's Web 6:20pm Britain's Got Talent 7:40pm Britain's Got More Talent 8:45pm Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy 12:55am American Dad! 1:30am American Dad! 1:55am The Cleveland Show 2:20am The Cleveland Show 2:50am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 3:15am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am On the Buses 7:25am On the Buses 7:55am Man About the House 8:55am FYI Daily 9:00am Man About the House 9:40am Heartbeat 10:50am Heartbeat 12:00pm Columbo 1:35pm The Queen 2:35pm FYI Daily 2:40pm The Queen 3:40pm Ben Hur 4:45pm FYI Daily 4:50pm Ben Hur 7:55pm Doc Martin 9:00pm The Cruise Ship Ep (Part 3 of 4). 9:30pm Royal Stories 10:00pm Great Estates 11:20pm Elizabeth: The Golden Age 12:35am FYI Daily 12:40am Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1:40am A Touch of Frost 3:40am Doctor at Large 4:05am May the Best House Win

7:00am Ax Men 7:45am British Touring Car Championship Highlights 9:15am The Big Fish Off 10:15am Pawn Stars 10:40am Pawn Stars 10:45am Pawn Stars 11:10am Pawn Stars 11:40am Pawn Stars 12:05pm Pawn Stars 12:30pm Pawn Stars 1:00pm Pawn Stars 1:30pm Destry 2:30pm FYI Daily 2:35pm Destry 3:35pm The Cimarron Kid 4:35pm FYI Daily 4:40pm The Cimarron Kid 5:15pm Thunderball 6:15pm FYI Daily 6:20pm Thunderball 7:55pm The Wine Show 9:00pm River Monsters 10:05pm Assassins 11:10pm FYI Daily 11:15pm Assassins 12:45am Sleepers 1:50am FYI Daily 1:55am Sleepers

7:00am Football Gold 7:15am Football Gold 7:30am SNF: Match Choice 9:00am The Sunday Supplement 10:30am Goals on Sunday 12:30pm Live Ford Super Sunday 3:00pm Live Ford Super Sunday 5:00pm Live Ford Super Sunday 8:00pm Football League Goals 9:00pm David Beckham Special 10:00pm Goals on Sunday 11:00pm Ford Football Special 12:30am Goals on Sunday 1:30am Football 3:40am Football Gold A chance to relive some classic matches from the English top flight. 3:45am Ford Football Special

10:00am 11:10am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:35pm 3:20pm 4:55pm 5:55pm 7:00pm 9:00pm

11:00pm 1:05am 2:35am 3:00am


Movies Now Judge Judy Judge Judy On the Buses On the Buses Where the Heart is Where the Heart is A Touch of Frost Man About the House FYI Daily Man About the House Columbo Rosemary and Thyme Rosemary and Thyme Midsomer Murders Foyle's War It is July 1945 and Britain is settling into peacetime. Agatha Christie's Marple Blue Murder Doctor at Large ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping


21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Embrace your inner wolf WHAT colour are wolves’ eyes? What is their relationship to dogs? Why do they howl? Are they dangerous to humans, or is it the other way around? Do they have individual personalities? How does a pack work together? What do wolves do when nobody is looking? What is the difference between species? Can man and wolf become friends, or are we doomed to a relationship characterised by fear and mystery? Spiritually, symbolically and allegorically, wolves have formed a powerful part of the human imagination across the ages. They are the anti-heroes and nightmares of myth and fable, worshipped and dreaded in equal measure. Our contemporary impression of wolves is largely a construct of a complex and violent past which has seen human societies across Europe almost wipe them out entirely. The tragedy is that, in doing so, we never had a chance to fully understand them. You have that chance, here and now in Spain. Just a short drive from the Costa del Sol, the Lobo Park in Antequera is one of the world’s foremost scientific parks devoted to the study of wolves in their natural habitat. It is one of the very few places on the planet where you can learn about different wolf species that have kept their wild nature, thanks to the delicate efforts of a very unique group of people. Categorically not a zoo, the Lobo Park is a place where you and your partner or family can discover everything you ever wanted to know



Iberian Wolf.

NATURAL HABITAT: Learn about the wolf species that have kept their wild nature. about wolves, plus a wealth of fascinating information that will likely never have crossed your mind, but will capture your imagination. Meanwhile the wolves linger, photo-ready, behind the fence, stalking their independent territory with a spirited vitality that eludes those condemned to the circus. So if you are looking for something different, ambitious and captivating to do during your time in Spain, a trip to the Lobo Park will

undoubtedly be one of the highlights of your stay, whether you are here for 10 days, or 10 years. There are many options when it comes to exploring the Lobo Park. Special Wolf Howl Nights take place on the full moon. Photographer tours, VIP tours and workshops are all available. Guided tours for families, individuals and groups are available every day (except Wednesday) at 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 4.30pm.

To arrange a tour, or to find out more, you can visit their website at Email the Lobo Park at, or you can call them on +34 952 031 107 to arrange an experience you certainly won’t forget.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

MONDAY - 25 APRIL 4:45pm Money for Nothing 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Is Steel Worth Saving? Panorama 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm MasterChef 10:00pm Peter Kay's Comedy Shuffle 10:30pm I Want My Wife Back 11:00pm BBC News

1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

The Daily Politics Snooker Eggheads The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain Snooker The Food Detectives Island Parish Shetland Horizon Mock the Week Newsnight Weather Snooker World Championships 2016 Highlights

8:30pm National Treasures of Wales 9:00pm Antiques Uncovered 10:00pm A History of Ancient Britain 11:00pm She-Wolves: England's Early Queens In the medieval and Tudor world there was no question in people's minds about the order of God's creation 12:00am The Hollow Crown 2:20am She-Wolves

11:30am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:30pm Four in a Bed 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Four in a Bed 3:10pm Fifteen to One 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Too Many Cooks 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Dispatches 9:30pm The Food Chain 10:00pm The Island with Bear Grylls

4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Family Guy 10:30pm Family Guy 11:00pm Plebs 11:30pm Family Guy

11:55am The Darling Buds of May 1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:00pm The Royal 4:05pm Where the Heart is 5:10pm Doctor at Large 5:45pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 10:00pm Long Lost Family 11:00pm Law and Order: UK

3:55pm 4:25pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Chopping Block Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Wild Australia with Ray Mears Coronation Street Marcella ITV News at Ten and Weather

8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:30am 12:35am

7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm 11:10pm 12:10am

Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Minder The Professionals Storage Wars New York Storage Wars New York Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Motogp Highlights Exit Wounds FYI Daily Exit Wounds Bundesliga


TUESDAY - 26 APRIL 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 12:55am

12:30pm 12:45pm 1:00pm 1:15pm 1:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm

5 News Cowboy Builders Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: New Orleans Killer Collector 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News FIA World Rally Championship Highlights Police Interceptors The Tube: Going Underground Gotham Person of Interest Person of Interest

2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm

6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Ford Football Special Fantasy Football Club Highlights Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits Football League Goals Live Ford Monday Night Football

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm River Monsters 9:00pm Fierce 10:00pm Drive New series in which eight celebrities take part in a series of motorsport challenges. 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather

4:45pm 5:30pm

BBC News Regional News Doctors The Code Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News Regional News The One Show EastEnders Holby City The A Word BBC News Regional News

10:00am Caught Red Handed 10:30am Great British Railway Journeys 11:00am Snooker 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Snooker 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 8:00pm Snooker 9:00pm Bake Off Crème de la Crème 10:00pm Inside the Millionaire's Wardrobe 11:00pm Later Live... with Jools Holland 11:30pm Newsnight

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm National Treasures of Wales Documentary series in which Griff Rhys Jones discovers some of the problems faced by the National Treasures. 9:00pm The Golden Age of Trams: A Streetcar Named Desire 10:00pm Britain's Treasure Islands 11:00pm Jerusalem

11:30am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:30pm Four in a Bed 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Four in a Bed 3:10pm Fifteen to One 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Too Many Cooks 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Tiny Tots Talent Agency 10:00pm One Born Every Minute 11:00pm Flowers

12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Cowboy Builders 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Nightmare From the Past 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration 9:00pm The Yorkshire Vet 10:00pm Tribal Teens... Here Comes Trouble

3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Delivery Man 12:10am Family Guy

1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm The Royal 4:05pm Where the Heart is 5:10pm Doctor at Large 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Law and Order: UK

2:00pm Pawn Stars 2:30pm Pawn Stars 2:50pm Storage Wars New York 3:25pm Storage Wars New York 3:50pm Hogan's Heroes 4:25pm Hogan's Heroes 4:55pm Minder 5:55pm The Professionals 7:00pm Motogp Highlights 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm Celebrity Chase 10:00pm Assassins 11:05pm FYI Daily 11:10pm Assassins

9:00am Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 10:00am Ford Mnf Football Highlights 12:30pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 1:00pm SPFL Round Up 1:30pm Ford Mnf Football Highlights 4:00pm Live Indian Premier League 8:30pm Sporting Triumphs 8:45pm Sporting Triumphs 9:00pm Indian Premier League 1:30am Cricket's Greatest 2:00am La Liga World 2015

7:00am Doctor at Large 7:25am Heartbeat 8:30am Where the Heart is 9:30am The Royal 10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:25am Judge Judy 11:55am The Darling Buds of May 1:00pm Murder, She Wrote 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:00pm The Royal 4:05pm Where the Heart is 5:10pm Doctor at Large 5:45pm On the Buses 6:15pm George and Mildred 6:50pm Heartbeat 7:50pm Murder, She Wrote 8:55pm Wycliffe 10:00pm The Ivy 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am The Knock

7:00am Football's Greatest 7:05am Hogan's Heroes 7:30am Hogan's Heroes 8:00am The Chase 9:00am The Professionals 10:00am Minder 11:00am Ax Men 11:55am The Chase 1:00pm The Professionals 2:00pm Pawn Stars 2:30pm Pawn Stars 2:55pm Storage Wars New York 3:25pm Storage Wars New York 3:50pm Hogan's Heroes 4:25pm Hogan's Heroes 5:00pm Minder 5:55pm Destry 6:55pm FYI Daily 7:00pm Destry 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm FA Youth Cup Final Live 11:05pm You Only Live Twice 12:05am FYI Daily

9:00am Fantasy Football Club Highlights 9:30am Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 10:30am Barclays Premier League Review 11:30am BPL Legends 12:00pm Football Gold 12:15pm Football Gold 12:30pm Football Gold 12:45pm Football Gold 1:00pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 1:30pm Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 2:30pm Football Gold 2:45pm Football Gold 3:00pm Barclays Premier League Review 4:00pm Live Indian Premier League 8:30pm Live Elite League Speedway 10:30pm Boxing 12:30am Boxing Gold

WEDNESDAY - 27 APRIL 12:00pm The Sheriffs are Coming 12:45pm Oxford Street Revealed 1:15pm Bargain Hunt BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Code 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Money for Nothing 5:30pm Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm EastEnders 10:00pm MasterChef 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm I Want My Wife Back 12:15am Boomers

7:00am Rip Off Britain 7:45am Flog It! 8:15am Homes Under the Hammer 9:15am Money for Nothing 10:00am Now You See It 10:30am Great British Menu 11:00am Snooker 12:30pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Snooker 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 8:00pm Snooker 9:00pm Caravanner of the Year 10:00pm Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit 11:00pm Normal for Norfolk 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am Snooker World Championships 2016 Highlights 1:05am Louis Theroux 2:05am MasterChef

8:30pm The Wonder of Bees with Martha Kearney 9:00pm Britain's Treasure Islands 10:00pm The History Boys 11:50pm The Hollow Crown 1:45am Dan Cruickshank and the Family That Built Gothic Britain 2:45am Bunkers Brutalism and Bloodymindedness Concrete Poetry. 3:45am Britain Through a Lens The unlikely story of how, between 1929 and 1945, a group of tweedwearing radicals and pin-striped bureaucrats created the most influential movement in the history of British film.

10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 1:35pm 2:05pm 2:40pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:35pm 12:40am

Frasier Frasier Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Fifteen to One Countdown Couples Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Too Many Cooks The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet 24 Hours in Police Custody Flowers Gogglebox The Island with Bear Grylls

12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors Documentary taking a look at what goes on in the consultation room. 1:10pm 5 News The latest news coverage. 1:15pm The Gadget Show 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:15pm Driven Underground 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 8:00pm Police Interceptors 9:00pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 10:00pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 11:00pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Chopping Block 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Tonight at the London Palladium 10:00pm Scott and Bailey 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm UEFA Champions League Highlights

9:00am 9:30am 10:30am 11:20am 12:10pm 1:10pm 1:45pm 2:45pm 3:35pm 4:40pm 5:45pm 6:50pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 11:30pm

Emmerdale The Cube Psych Royal Pains Dinner Date Emmerdale The Cube The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! You've Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Almost Impossible Gameshow Plebs Family Guy

E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Word Ladder






AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Putting all of your eggs in one basket is rarely to be advised. It should particularly be avoided this week. For the sake of speed and ease it will be tempting to take short cuts and make decisions that are bland. These will, of their nature, not be of the ‘good’ or ‘great’ categories.

energy until your weary head hits the pillow. Be kind to your body. Some things that are taken for granted should not be so. This can lead to neglect. In neither home nor business is this recommended.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) How you feel about someone will change dramatically during the week. This will surprise you. Thinking about it logically, though, you have been missing the point for some time. Someone who you always thought of as a friend turns out to be much more. How you deal with this is very much an individual thing.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) It may seem that everyone wants your attention at the moment. There are times when you would like nothing more than to go away and clear your mind. This is not only possible but essential. You need some quiet moments. Even a day away can renew your spirits and energy.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Give others the benefit of the doubt and your infinite patience this week. Situations will change from minute to minute. It would be a waste of energy to take anything at face value. Time is often the first thing to solve many problems.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) With your engine revving and the road ahead clear, a sense of great freedom is with you. There are those for whom this week is a chance to really make headway. For some, though, it is an irksome task. The difference is that some of you are taking a negative attitude. Make sure that yours is positive and you will have a chance to make real progress.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) So strong have been the practical considerations of late that you have been in a bad position. You need to live more for the ‘now’ and less for the ‘tomorrow’. Of course, life should be a mixture of both but sometimes it all gets a bit jumbled. Getting a few hours peace and quiet on your own may be all that you need. Getting enough sleep is

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Although you are only too aware that you are capable of great good when you put your mind to it, it would be wise to bide your time this week. You may not realise that you are expending too much

Saturday April 16

Saturday April 16

















EURO MILLIONS Tuesday April 12


5 22

9 38




Friday April 15


14 37

32 48







MAX 24C, MIN 14C

Fri Sat Sun -

21 14 C 24 15 Cl 25 15 Cl



Mon - 20 14 Cl Tues - 22 15 Cl Wed - 22 14 Cl

Almeria TODAY:

MAX 20C, MIN 14C Mon - 21 14 S Tues - 21 15 Cl Wed - 21 15 Cl

21 14 C 21 15 S 21 15 Cl

Fri Sat Sun -


21 13 C 24 15 C 25 15 S

Mon - 24 14 S Tues - 24 14 Cl Wed - 24 14 Cl





Mon - 18 12 C Tues - 19 13 C Wed - 20 13 Sh

20 14 C 20 14 C 19 13 Sh

Fri Sat Sun -


21 12 C 22 13 Cl 20 11 Cl

Mon - 19 11 Cl Tues - 21 11 S Wed - 21 11 Cl



Fri Sat Sun -




Benidorm TODAY:

Mon - 19 6 S Tues - 19 7 C Wed - 20 7 Cl




Fri Sat Sun -


16 8 C 17 8 Sh 18 6 C


Barcelona TODAY:


Fri Sat Sun -



Fri Sat Sun -





Mon - 19 14 Cl Tues - 21 15 C Wed - 20 15 Cl

21 15 C 22 15 Cl 22 15 Cl

S Sun,



Cl Clear,

Fri Sat Sun -

F Fog,

Sh Showers,

Sn Snow,


24 13 C 27 15 Cl 28 15 S

Mon - 25 13 C Tues - 26 14 C Wed - 25 14 C

C Cloudy, Th Thunder


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.



also important in this situation.

(April 21 - May 21)

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) You are freer than you imagine. Your imagination is letting you down a bit at the moment. Not for some time have opportunities been throwing themselves at you like this. The question is not if you should take up an offer but rather which one you should choose.





and so you will both be happy.

LEO (July 24 - August 23) With high energy you are seeking to get as much done as possible in a small amount of time. Rather than go at it ‘hammer and tongs’, it could be easier. Let someone help you out. They will find it satisfying



Wanting to put things right with someone close is a good instinct to have. It would certainly give you peace of mind. Indeed, this should be a quiet and peaceful week and one that is long overdue. Being successful in business is only one part of success. The light is dawning that what you have always wanted has changed.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23) What is the reason that you are being held back? Are you sure that you are, in reality, being held back at all? These are not trick questions. Being honest with your answers this week will lift a cloud from your horizon.




GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Someone very special could come into your life. You must, however, be at the ball to meet the prince. This opportunity for happiness is not going to jump up and bite you. A phone call could be the start of it all. Accept invitations and get out and about. Be aware of what is going on so that you can be in the right place at the right time.





Saturday April 16

Sunday April 17











10 36

15 47









for next 7 days

Axarquía TODAY

Move from the start word (CARE) to the end word (POEM) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.



Answers 1. AER LINGUS, 2. SEVEN (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1996), 3. The highest PEAKS/MOUNTAINS in Ireland, 4. HIBERNIA, 5. GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH, 6. PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON, 7. SHERGAR, 8. CORK, 9. MARY ROBINSON, 10. BALLET/DANCE



21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition


Code Breaker

Quick Across 1 Most costly (7) 5 Looks for (5) 8 On one's own (5) 9 Long-winded (7) 10 Educator (7) 12 Earlier in time (5) 13 Relaxed and unconcerned (6) 15 Talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice (6) 18 Move around (5) 19 Gracefully refined (7) 21 Put into words (7) 22 Bet (5) 23 Contract conditions (5) 24 Hang freely (7) Down 1 Forceful and extreme and rigorous (7) 2 Distinctive odour that is pleasant (5) 3 Female sheep (3) 4 Public house or inn (6) 5 Sacred text (9) 6 Conceited and self-centred person (7)







Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 8 represents P and 25 represents C, so fill in P every time the figure 8 appears and C every time the figure 25 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

1 Writs, 4 Recites, 8 Grenada, 9 Barks, 10 Staff, 12 Latrine, 13 Rather, 14 Method, 17 Surmise, 19 Risks, 21 Evade, 22 Swindle, 24 Theseus, 25 Guess.

Down: 1 Wages, 2 Ire, 3 Snaffle, 4 Really, 5 Cabot, 6 Tarnishes, 7 Suspend, 11 Alternate, 13 Respect, 15 Earring, 16 Verses, 18 Irene, 20 Sheds, 23 Doe.

QUICK Across:

7 Smile contemptuously (5) 11 Lacking in feeling, pity or warmth (9) 14 Ship's captain (7) 16 No longer active in your work or profession (7)

English - Spanish

1 Iris, 4 Steady, 9 Soldier, 10 Glare, 11 Fed up, 12 Cassock, 13 Lizard, 15 Candid, 19 Scalpel, 21 Sober, 23 Cross, 24 Evasive, 25 Assess, 26 Nose.

17 Playing in opposition to (6) 18 Pleasing to the senses (5) 20 Discuss with reasoning (5) 22 Existed once (3)


The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

2 Ruled, 3 Skipper, 4 Strict, 5 Edges, 6 Diamond, 7 Useful, 8 Meek, 14 Zealous, 16 Abstain, 17 Darned, 18 Pliers, 19 Sack, 20 Paste, 22 Bliss.

Across 1 Silla de montar (6) 4 Cup (vessel, amount) (4) 8 Molestar (5) 9 Free (at liberty) (5) 10 Forward (in position) (9) 14 Queen (5) 15 Beret (5) 16 Querer (4) 17 Cherry (6)

ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Cielo, 4 Firma, 7 Guarantee, 10/16 Hot air, 15 Primavera, 17 Oeste, 18 Arroz.


Down 1 Jabón (4) 2 Diente de león (9) 3 Law (legislation) (3) 5 Berenjena (9) 6 Birds (large) (4) 7 Plano (llano) (4) 11 Abbot (4) 12 Cuervo (4) 13 Branch (of tree, family, science) (4) 15 Abeja (3)


Down: 1 Caja, 2/8 Egg cup, 3 Orar, 4 Flag, 5 Ritmo, 6 Ayer, 9 Units, 11 Apio, 12 Race, 13 Mesa, 14 Cruz.

Cryptic The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (VULGAR) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Whiten 2 Cordon 3 Ardent 4 Hurtle 5 Centum 6 Depend 7 Tomato 8 Netted 9 Lounge 10 Author 11 Cranny 12 Nutria 13 Heater 14 Tennis 15 Senior 16 Reject 17 Titian 18 Coarse 19 Filter

Across 1 Share out all of the starters (5) 4 Reject not at home with a group of actors (7) 8 Mad Earl becomes worried (7) 9 Get rid of small fish (5) 10 Greek character from the tabloid press (5) 12 Funnily I earn it from lack of motion (7) 13 Finally understood this Roman type of architecture (6) 14 Recently left at a cathedral city (6) 17 Stops a Republican’s lies (7) 19 Locations for spectacles, we hear (5) 21 Instrument for weighing undone laces (5) 22 Raise tax in the Spanish-English quarter (7) 24 Young boy sent assorted poems (7) 25 Post the investment (5) Down 1 A head of department is liable to blend in (5) 2 Begin learning English at the meadow (3) 3 Main tip - adjust the kettledrum (7) 4 Adjudge Rodin a drunk (6) 5 Try some pasta stew (5) 6 A parent taking initially too much for flat (9)

7 They rap in treatment (7) 11 Think about intern, eat bananas (9) 13 Bifocals for tumblers perhaps (7) 15 As Wren's design returns (7) 16 Stares around for autumn flowers (6)

18 Vegetable in recipes we devise (5) 20 Blockade is back with, for example, a boat (5) 23 Turkish leader is in middle of Niagara (3)


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

It’s a slippery slope I AM becoming increasingly hostile towards this ‘obsession’ people seem to be having with their fourlegged friends, and to organisers, like your good self, pandering to a minorit y g r o u p wh e n th ere are more important and pressing matters to attend to. In some cases their owners are elevating their dogs to equal status to themselves. I am sure we have all observed dogs being pushed around in prams, or being towed in an enclosed ‘buggy’ behind a push bike. Firstly, most restaurants seem to allow, or turn a blind eye, when clients and customers arrive with their dog, either on their knee (the lap dogs) or tucked under the table. Some restaurants even put a bowl of water on the floor for the dog, which turns the whole surrounding floor into a skating rink. In one instance my friends and I witnessed the dog urinating on the restaurant floor. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believed that it was against the law to have a dog in a restaurant, the only exception being a guide dog. Secondly, opposite Consum, a ‘dog park’ has recently opened and I personally believe that is a good idea, at least it varies the type of exercise for different sizes of dogs. Thirdly, contrary to popular belief, not all dog owners collect their dog’s excrement. They make a big (empty) statement by putting the little plastic bags in full view so as to give the impression they are responsible owners. I have witnessed on many occasions that the own e r l o o k s a r o u n d , an d if there is nobody watching, they walk away leaving the excrement on the pavement. If you think this is an exaggeration, then why are the streets and pavements in Calpe festooned with dog faeces. Taking into account these points, I am filled with dread to think what any section of beach area will become after a couple of days. I think it is ludicrous to even contemplate having a ‘designated’ area, remember the old adage, give an inch and they take a mile, and today Calpe, tomorrow the whole Costa Blanca. It would be the first in a succession of ‘designated areas’ that would then spread to the whole beach. I am convinced it would be

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

Banning the burka

Akos Nagy Shutterstock

EWN says: The problem is that you can only fit so much on a page and if we try to increase the size of the crosswords then one will have to be sacrificed. What do other readers think?

Voice of reason WHILE I fully sympathise with Peter and Jean over their feelings of horror in the matter of the neglected donkey, stealing is illegal in any country, indeed, in an Arab country, Peter could have had his right hand chopped off. If they are running a legal animal charity, they must be aware of Seprona, the branch of the Guardia Civil which deals with animal welfare, and El Refugio del Burrito, which has an army of vets at its disposal, and which would have dealt with the matter efficiently and diplomatically. Perhaps we should remember that there are cases of shocking animal cruelty in the UK as well. Such high-handed behaviour as shown by Peter and Jean does not endear the Brits to the Spaniards – our hosts. Diana from Fuengirola

Philip from Estepona

Missing the UK? THERE are things that I miss about the UK (not many), children, grandchildren, the Friday night meet with pals putting the world to rights, and the craic. However, a little birdie told me of a sinister happening somewhere in Quesada that stems from British boozers. It won’t affect me as I rarely touch spirits and if I do, I won’t be frequenting this bar in the near future, even if I knew the name of it, which I don’t.

Cross-eyed crossword AS someone who has a brand new pair of glasses I still need to use a magnifying glass to do your crosswords. John via email

WHILST I am delighted that Mr Lee stretched his legs a little and hopped on a plane to Copenhagen, I’m not entirely confident that the same could be said for the Danes, especially if he flaunted the kind of conceited condescension on display in his article. A few corrections if I may, since his remarks frequently go unchallenged. Mr Lee implies that the burka is banned in Denmark and that this is a reason for the harmonious relations seen in the local Muslim community. The burka is not banned in Denmark, which is in fact one of the most liberal countries on earth. It is of course banned in France, which is an emerging hotbed of extremism. There’s a glimpse of where Leapy Lee’s policies would lead. Lee also seems woefully unaware that ‘Muslims’ are not a homogenous group. When it comes to integration, whether you are Arab, Indonesian, Thai, or Turkish will dictate your level of assimilation into a foreign culture far more than your religion. It’s fine to have an opinion, albeit it uninformed, but tapping into popular, justified anger through wild stereotypes and subtle lies is disgraceful.

impossible to police. Children play freely on the beach without having to watch where they are walking, and long may that continue. Please, please, please, keep the beaches pristine and dog free, w ith o u t th e n e e d for s pe c ia l fenced areas which would detract from a most pleasing vista. We are proud of our beaches and so are the thousands of people whether locals, or most usually, holidaymakers. Please do not let, in my opinion, selfish dog owners ruin it. Sorry to be so ‘anti-dog’ but enough is enough. Ian via email

can devote some space to your comments.

My understanding is that they serve their spirits from OPTICS and not anywhere near gentlemen’s size! Let’s get a grip here. Now I can appreciate the need for tighter stock control but optics in Spain... I hope for the gin and tonic brigade’s sake this illness is not catching. Philip in San Fulgencio via email EWN says: What an interesting concept for a feature. What do you miss about the UK and indeed what are you delighted you don’t have to put up with any more? If we receive enough responses we

Happy days GLAD to see the tv programmes restored. Pete via email

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Panama Papers’ ‘taxgate’ and politicians lecturing us on morality – that’s rich Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

WHAT a striking contrast between the integrity of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s response to the revelation that the man he thought was his father was not his biological father, and David Cameron’s ducking and diving response to the revelation that his father established an offshore fund which paid no UK tax for 30 years. How can you really condemn others for using offshore accounts to reduce their tax payments as immoral while involved in one yourself? This situation wouldn’t be so bad for Cameron if it wasn’t for two things. Firstly, the way in which all four statements were dragged out of him, each one seemingly contradicting the one before. As usual, he was being reactive instead of proactive. Secondly, the way he publicly preached ‘morals’ during

DAVID CAMERON: The problem isn’t really about the size of his inheritance, but about transparency. the Jimmy Carr tax affairs furore. Basically, astonishingly inept PR advice and, for many, a sign of hypocrisy. Now, none of the information published so far suggests Cameron didn’t pay what was due. We all know he’s a wealthy man from a wealthy back-

ground married to a wealthy woman from an equally wealthy background. The problem here isn’t really about the size of his inheritance, but about transparency. The prime minister not only has to be seen to be doing the right thing, he has to go much further

and understand the perception that sometimes even doing the right thing may still be seen as evasive and cagey. In politics, perception is everything. More recently, he’s become mired in another controversy, the £9m proEU leaflet campaign to 27 million

homes. Heck, for Brexiteers, the irony is too good to pass up. The PM uses taxpayers’ money to persuade taxpayers to stay in the EU which, for them, wastes taxpayers’ money! David Cameron has enormous influence in the EU referendum campaign, but both these high-profile controversies have chipped away at his integrity and trustworthiness (his approval ratings for the first time are lower than Jeremy Corbyn’s), hence the shift towards Brexit in recent polls. Anything that causes wavering voters to question his credibility will cut away at the EU campaign he heads up. Who knows, in the end this ‘Taxgate’ may yet prove to be the strongest argument in favour of Brexit. In it together? Well, some are! Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore. All profits to Cudeca charity.



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Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 April 2016





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Allergic reactions SERENITY HOUSE: Offers help and is specifically designed to give each individual the best chance of success.

Breathe, you’re not alone SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. NOW out of the clutches of the rainy, cold winter and fully in the essence of spring, with flowers blossoming along the Costas, we can really start to enjoy the warm weather. Although this comes at a cost to a few; increasing pollen counts, and sensitivity to allergies. This week we have asked Dr Perez Belmonte a few questions about allergies. - Is it true that in the modern era there are more allergies than there used to be? Over recent years allergies have started to appear a lot more often than in the past. This may be due to modern lifestyles and exposure to contamination. We now have specialists in allergies who can diagnose them whereas in the past this wasn’t possible, and anyone with signs of a possible allergy should see their doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. - I am sneezing a lot. Do I have an allergy? Allergies can cause all

sorts of symptoms and even seem like other illnesses. Symptoms include sneezing, an itchy nose and sore throat but can also cause breathing difficulties. The eyes and skin can also be affected. Others can affect the digestive system and in serious cases can cause collapse. - What are the best ways to control allergies? The first thing to do is get a diagnosis from a specialist. Then there are many different treatments ranging from tablets to vaccinations, depending on the type of allergy, which can help control symptoms and even cure allergies in some cases. - I think my child has a food allergy. Can this be cured over time? Sometimes children can develop allergies to certain foods, such as nuts, which stop them from leading a normal life. Although cases vary, they are usually unable to ‘get used’ to these foods. These allergies require attention from a specialist in paediatric allergies.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to: The Coast’s Home GP service - wherever you are - at home - in the office - in the car - on the golf course your GP will get to see you any time, anywhere. A priceless service at an affordable price.

ADDICTION comes in many shapes and forms, from alcohol and drugs, to gambling and other activities which can bring pain and heartache to millions of people and their families. It is important to remember, however, that despite how impossible it might seem, help is available and you, or your loved one, can gain back control of life. A powerful and terrifying illness, addiction can cause untold suffering, leading to emotional pain and heartache, huge finan-

cial hardship, and severe deprivation. Unfortunately many people don’t realise that, without a strong support structure, willpower alone is not usually enough to conquer an addiction. Seeing addiction as a struggle for an individual to conquer can often result in relapse and depression when it doesn’t go to plan. The good news is that there is a solution, and millions of people across the world have managed to overcome the odds and transform their lives.

Serenity House is recognised as one the world’s premier addiction recovery centres. It offers a uniquely relaxing and secure environment, which is specifically designed to give each individual the best chance of success. The oldest Englishspeaking treatment centre in Spain, the experience of Serenity House in treating alcohol, cocaine, sex, gambling and other addictions has led to some of the highest success rates in the industry. Serenity House works on-

Habits that are not as healthy as first thought By Gemma Quinn TO mark World Health Day, Quiron Salud Torrevieja Hospital organised a round table discussion attended by doctors and health care workers to discuss commonly believed health myths, such as: Put your head back if you have a nosebleed Press the nose at the top and tilt the head forward. This makes the blood drain out to avoid swallowing or passing through the airways. Coffee wakes you up The body has an internal clock responsible for increasing the level of alert early in the morning with increased production of cortisol. These levels decrease later, so it is more effec-

tive to postpone coffee consumption until two or three hours after getting up. Skipping breakfast to lose weight A balanced diet requires regular meals a day, and ensuring you eat breakfast first gives you energy to face the morning, helps to jump-start your metab-

ly with a small number of clients to ensure a tailormade programme, suitable for each individual, and supported with a comprehensive aftercare service. If you, or someone you love, has a problem with any kind of addiction then call today for a free, confidential discussion and make 2016 the year you change. For more information about addiction and free confidential advice, telephone us on: 654 583 337 or go to our website,

MORNING COFFEE: Postpone until later in the day.

olism and helps preventing eating too much at mealtimes. Eating fruit as dessert Fruit eaten after a meal causes a rapid rise in blood insulin levels and makes everything previously eaten more easily become fat. It is more ideal to

eat a separate portion of fruit outside of meal times. Drinking excess water Experts say too much water forces the kidneys to remove more liquid and with it, electrolytes that are necessary for the body.

E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Good old days or rose tinted spectacles? Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

IT’S a fact that many people of my generation are always banging on about the good old days. We tell ourselves that things were all Enid Blyton and Long John Silver when we were young and that the world was a kinder and safer place all round. The long hot summer days of our school holidays seemed to go on and on. We swam in open-air public pools, picked bluebells for our mums, rollerskated in the street and went fishing. And if we were lucky, spent a fortnight at the seaside. School stood small and distant as we lived every minute of the day to the full. Life was uncomplicated. Or was it?

OLD DAYS: I would switch back in a flash.

Most families happily lived in rented accommodation and mortgages were the exception not the rule. Cars were few if you lived on a council estate and even

televisions were a luxury that relatively few could aspire to, because then our parents only bought what they could afford to pay for in hard-earned cash. Now millions own their own homes - if the millstone of

interminable mortgage payments can be called ownership. There is a car or two in the driveway, we clamour to buy the latest in electronic wizardry and multiple foreign holidays are the norm.

But the pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle has become enormous. Medical science has made advances, but obesity has reached epidemic proportions, new diseases with weird sounding names constantly appear and the scourge of cancer marches on. It’s risky to let your children out to play and teenagers increasingly hit the town with the deliberate intention of becoming wasted, subsequently sharing their dinner with the rest of the world. Where the fear of mutual destruction kept the fingers off the nuclear button during the cold war years, today we have terrorist organisations that would destroy civilisation in the name of their God given the opportunity. ‘The good old days’ may be a slight misnomer, but given the opportunity I would switch back in a flash.

British children, overweight or underweight? Urbans Shutterstock

John Smith Random thoughts... OVER the years it seems that there is always one expert who can warn you ag a i n st o n e se t o f circ u mstances and then in the next week another e x p e r t c o m p le te ly d is proves the assumption and states the opposite. There is no question that smoking is bad for you but should you take a glass of red wine every day to make sure you are healthy or will it a c t u a l l y d a m a g e y o u r health? The latest utterings of a group of MPs really do take the biscuit (assuming that it isn’t bad for your health!). According to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger, there are a rising number of children starting school who are underweight and who don’t get enough to eat, having to rely on school dinners to get their nourishment. Unless I’m greatly mistaken, for years, we have heard experts and Jamie Oliver droning on about how children are unhealthy and obese

LATEST BUDGET: George Osborne introduced a sugar tax. and it was only in the latest budget that George Osborne introduced a sugar tax in order to cut the volume of sweet fizzy drinks that the youth of today favour. E v ery re p o rt s e e ms to bla me

feckless parents who have no money but can afford to purchase pizza, burgers, greasy chicken and fizzy drinks in between smoking, drinking, betting, fighting and some other past time beginning with f.

OUR VIEW Credit Featureflash


PRO: Boris Johnson.

Brexit and Spain IT was very interesting to hear first-hand about the number of people who attended the Conservative Association open debate on the Brexit on Wednesday April 13 in Mijas, and although we featured the story of the afternoon in our last Costa del Sol edition, we feel that it is something that should be shared with all of our readers. This was genuinely a nonpolitical gathering which wanted to air the views of both pro and anti Brexit speakers, and it obviously touched a number of minds as so many people, admittedly the majority elderly and in many cases unable to vote in the referendum, took the trouble to attend. In all honesty, those our reporter spoke to had already made up their minds and others who were undecided and had attended hoping to get some hard facts were really no better off. The basic argument from the anti Brexit speakers boiled down to better the devil you know than one you don’t know, meaning of course that at least one has an idea of how things will progress within the EU in the future. Opposing this view, there was a little bit of looking at the past through rose tinted glasses, but the main bone of contention centred on federal rule from Brussels and the fear of Turkey becoming a member of the Union. Naturally nothing was decided, but clearly rather than indifference to the whole matter, there was an obvious interest from the several hundred people who attended.

Are the children losing weight be c a use of t he j unk f ood or ar e they gaining weight because of it? The report itself doesn’t seem to see the irony in its basic concept that some of the money from the new sugar tax should be used to extend free school meals for poor children into the school holidays, and the fact that fat children might get thin and vice versa. A government spokesperson responded saying: “In the last Budge t, we announced £10 m i l l i on (€12.5 million) of funding per year to e x pand br eakf ast cl ubs i n schools up and down the country, and have vowed to continue free s c hoo l m eal s f or m or e t han 1.3 million children. “ We agr ee wi t h t he al l - par t y group that nobody should go hungry, especially when surplus food goes to waste. We will therefore carefully consider the recommendations made in Now we this report.” want to I just wonder what will be the hear your views. next contradiction, perhaps the moon is made of cheese after YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE all or that the tooth fairy does- YOUR OPINION n’t really exist. Every ‘truth’ does eventually get disproved.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Everything is smaller but they charge more Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man I NEEDED a new pair of scissors so I went to our local Chinese shop to get a pair. I p a i d f o r t hem a n d to o k th em home. That’s when the fun started. How do you get them out of the plastic packaging? You need a pair of scissors to open the bloody thing! What I finished up doing was getting a very sharp knife and stabbing at the packaging like the shower scene in Psycho. Eventually I got them out. This is not the first time this has happened. I once had a similar experience with a cable I needed for my TV. I got it home, did six rounds with the packaging, got it out then realised it was wrong. I took it back to the shop to change it with the ‘original’ packaging. When I got back to the shop they didn’t want to change it because the packaging was in bits. How

was I meant to get it out if it’s sealed in there like the crown jewels? They had no answer and replaced it with another one which was fine. I’d love to know who thinks these things need to be hermetically sealed. Why can’t it be just two bits of plastic that a re h eld toge the r w ith s tic ky ta pe ? Whilst on the subject of packaging it seems to me that everything I buy now is getting smaller and costing more. I picked up an ice cream the other day and it cost €3. Now let’s get this into perspective. That’s about £2.50. My first week’s wages was a fiver and I’m now paying the equivalent of half a week’s wages for something that is half the size it was last year but still in a package the same size! It’s the same with all chocolate bars. You have a look. Every one of them has gone up in in price but look up what the weight and size was last year or the year before. Manufacturers have all slyly made everything smaller but now charge more ….bloody liberty!



Traffic police may be test examiners AS part of a new series, we answer some common driving questions, kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers.

NEW PROPOSAL: To help reduce the backlog of driving test examinations. A NATIONAL federation representing driving schools across Spain has come up with a proposal to help reduce the backlog of driving examinations caused by recent industrial action by examiners. The CNAE says that more than a dozen provinces have not yet recovered from the action, with student drivers having to wait for between one and two months for an appointment for their driving test. In some cases, the student driver isn’t notified until 48 hours before the practical examination. The situation seems to be getting worse, according to the federation, with attempts to fill vacancies for examiners failing and more leaving the industry on a daily basis. The solution that the CNAE has come up with and are proposing, is utilising serving officers from the Guardia Civil traffic department to conduct both the theory and

practical examinations. Although the idea of a uniformed traffic cop sitting alongside a nervous, novice driver conducting the test might well be one of the most daunting prospects that the candidates may face, the federation believes that the officers are uniquely placed in their knowledge of traffic law and procedure to conduct the tests, and would require very little additional training in order to achieve this. The idea comes from France where the government has allowed other departments to control the theory test, and, in some cases, has used gendarmes in test situations on closed tracks. It should be pointed out however that this is just a suggestion from the federation and has not been formally proposed, so is unlikely to become a reality any time soon, if ever.

For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.

How are AGM votes counted? We appreciate this section of questions and answers because being the President of a Community of Property Owners is like a minefield. However, your column two weeks ago Ye s , it is tr ue. Now, let us apologise for omitting the answer to the reader’s second question. It w as c ut at the last moment by space limitations. Here is how AGM voting works: If a ‘quorum’ which is more than half the own-

omitted a crucial point by not answering the reader’s second question. The query was whether non-attendance at the AGM is taken as a yes vote. Is this true? MG (Costa del Sol)

David Searl You and the Law in Spain

ers, is present for the meeting, either in person or by proxy, the meeting goes ahead. If not, there is a ‘second calling’ of t he AGM , usual l y pro-

grammed for half an hour later. Now a majority vote of those present or represented will suffice to carry a measure. Members who are not present have 30 days to protest from t he t i me t hey are not i fied. If no one protests, the results are final.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.



Come and see U3A SINCE their foundation in 2009 membership of the U3A group in Axarquia has grown considerably and new groups have been added to their original activities. The organisation currently has a wide selection of groups including a Book Club, Singing for Pleasure, Photography, Painting, Walking, Quiz, Art Appreciation and more. They are holding an open day showcase on Friday 22nd April from 11am until 3pm at El Parquesol Cafe/ Restaurant in El Morche (next to the roundabout at the western end of El Morche). Their president Andrew Boulton said “Why not come along and see what we have to offer? A free drink and tapas awaits you.” For more information why not visit m.

21 - 27 April 2016


Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Spring dog show is coming to Torrox By John Smith THE Tail Torrox Animal International League’s Spring Dog Show will take place at Torrox Costa on Saturday April 23. There will be 15 classes including pedigree and rescue dogs and novelty, rosettes for all placed and cups for Best in Show and Reserve, Best Puppy and Best Rescue. Their new venue at Los Fugitivos Bar next to Supersol (known as the Bikers Bar) will have a cold bar for soft drinks and sandwiches/cakes and a hot bar for alcohol and burgers/hotdogs. Entries will be accepted from 12 noon, with judging commencing 2pm. Tail’s spring and autumn shows are always a great day out. For more information visit their Facebook page.


DOG SHOW: Rosettes for all placed and cups for various ‘Best’ categories.

Cordoba Festival THE Phoenix Club is off to the famous Patios Festival in Cordoba on Friday May 13. This is an evening trip with a guide to show participants around all the patios bedecked with flowering trees and plants, promising a fabulous evening and a memory to cherish. Plenty of other sights to see include the old Jewish quarter and entertainment in most of the plazas. Price is €22 per person which includes the guide and driver’s gratuity and a deposit of €5 is required when booking. Departure is from the Algarrobo Lidl at 2.30pm and return from Cordoba is planned for 11.30pm For more information or to book call Gail on 951 067 723, visit www.phoenixsocial or e-mail phoenixsocialclub@ya The Phoenix Club is a registered association raising funds for three local charities as well as Help4Heroes in the UK. They meet every Tuesday at the bar restaurant La Vega in Torre del Mar between 12 noon and 2pm. Bookings/payments can be made from 12.15 onwards.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 April 2016

V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M



‘First impressions Golden Rule’ John Graham The property expert

“I HAVE spent all my money on a great interior, but still can’t sell my property close to the asking price.” “Potential buyers have booked a viewing but many didn’t even bother to get out of the car to look around and drove off.” With over 25 years experience in the property industry as a Technical Architect, I have come across this sort of problem many times, and nine times out of 10 it can be solved, so let’s first look at the cause of the problem and then how you can fix it. In my experience most home owners selling their villa or apartment are looking for the best market price, and to achieve a good sale price they

have more often than not fitted a top end kitchen, new bathroom suites, knocked down a few walls, and given the interior a fresh coat of paint, so job done right? Well actually no! There is a what I call the ‘First Impression Golden Rule’ in presenting your home for sale, and most sellers overlook it or don’t even know about it. My First Impression Golden Rule is based on scientific studies and surveys carried out by psychologists, studies by the property industry and my own professional experience. Psychologists have known for many years that when you meet somebody for the first time, you immediately start taking in and processing information about them. Subconsciously you look at the way somebody is dressed, their body language, their personality, or notice whether they are driving an expensive car. In selling your property the

GOLDEN RULE: Save a budget to improve the exterior of your property. buyer’s process is exactly the same, but they start subconsciously making positive or negative decisions about your property as soon as they park up outside your villa or apartment block, and within 10 seconds they will have decided on their first impression.

A negative first impression can also lead to lower offers, which can be extremely costly. For example, if you are selling your apartment for around €500,000 and you are offered 20 per cent less, that’s €100,000 off your asking price, or if you are selling your

villa for around €1,500,000 an offer of 20 per cent less is €300,000 off your asking price. That’s a lot of money to lose but in next week’s article I will write about some of the different ways you can avoid this scenario. So stick to my First Impres-

Brexit looms large on the UK market A MONTHLY report from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has identified a “climate of security” caused by the looming Brexit vote and stamp duty changes, which may prompt lower sales and prices in the UK property market. The report is based on a wide survey of estate agents which, for the first time in eight years, saw more experts expect a decline rather than an increase in the short-term future. Part of the story is the natural decline in sales due to the enforcement of the new stamp du-

ty on April 1, as figures in the previous months were dramatically higher as investors sought to purchase before attracting higher fees. A significant part of the caution, however, is due to the financial and political uncertainty on the cards as the nation gears up to decide whether or not to leave the European Union. While the consequences of a Brexit for the property market and Britain’s wider economic health are unknown, it is the lack of certainty that has spawned concern.

sion Golden Rule and don’t spend all your money on only improving the interior of your home. Save a budget to improve the exterior of your home as well and go for that important first impression. You will then enjoy 10 out of 10 viewings and have offers for or close to your asking price. Remember, you will never get a second chance to make a first impression on the buyer. Next week I will look at how you can improve the potential buyer’s first impression of your property and make a sale for or close to your asking price. If you are selling your property we have buyers for Mallorca and Ibiza, or if you’re buying a home in Spain contact me, we have a wide selection of property on offer. John Graham of Graham & Associates Fellow of The Architecture & Surveyors Institute. Email:

Cheap buying option FOR some buyers price is everything and motivation can be to simply find the cheapest available property. In recent years Spain has had one of the worst economic crises known in Europe, but as the country emerges from the depths of economic depression are there still options for good value properties? One option, which might sound distasteful for many, is bank repossessions. Profiting from someone else’s misfortune is never nice, but it is a legal option for buying property usually below market value. Bank repossessed properties typically mean that the bank who financed a property, has taken the property back, either by forced sale or through an agreement with the owner. For many of the properties, the bank has been responsible for the completion and is the responsible seller.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016 /Axarquía - Costa Tropical






Thoughts on spring gardening Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

JUST a few thoughts about spring gardening in Spain to help you avoid unnecessary problems. 1. If you live inland watch local weather forecasts regularly, there can still be shocks. Last Friday we woke to 10 degrees centigrade but within an hour cold rain dropped this to four, and an hour later inland ridges and peaks were covered in snow. Since then every hour has been 10 to 23 degrees. 2. If visiting garden centres check where recent supplies have been sourced from. Many Italian and French nurseries and garden centres are suffering from disease problems which have even been wiping out olive groves. 3. Minero and honey fungus attacks can occur at any time in the spring on fruit trees so give all a mixed spring neem and propolis foliar spray before or after spring pruning. 4. If you can’t find these products in local nurseries mail order from Trabe. 5. Citrus trees will benefit from

SPRING: Avoid unnecessary problems. a spring feed. For the past two years I have successfully trialled the Neudorff Azet ecological citrus fertiliser. 6. If you wish to seed raised beds with a worm population, one can order from Humus + Fertil, SLL based in Roda in Albacete Province. 7. If you are still looking for a source of ecological grown vegetable plantlets look out for trays with label from ‘Cucala Agricola’. They are based in Alicante Province

and produce over 50 million plantlets a year. 8. If buying perennial plants and shrubs check the extent to which they are root bound before buying. If all are root bound try another garden centre or carefully untangle root balls before planting. 9. The recent rain has not really raised water bed levels, so do continue to take precautions against the possibility of another summer of droughts.

There are several hundred practical actions you can take described in ‘How to use less water in your garden’ whether in your own garden, gar-

dens you tend under contract, gardens you supervise for an urbanisation management committee or municipal gardens. The book is most easily available from Amazon Books and The Book Depository. 10. Where possible choose drought-resistant plants, shrubs and trees. 11. Fantastic displays of annuals are now in garden centres which means that many young plants have been forced in hothouses outside Spain and the first flushes of flowers will finish soon after they are planted in the garden or on apartment terraces and balconies. So try and source less forced plants and ones only showing the first few flowers so as to be sure of the colours. 12. The drying out of annuals is always a challenge especially on apartment terraces and balconies. The book ‘Apartment gardening Mediterranean style’ lists preferred plants and explains in detail how to reduce the risk of plants drying out, as does the aforementioned book. Sorry, the above probably means a busy month but attention to detail now will pay off during the summer months. © Dick Handscombe April 2016

Small but beautiful WHEN it comes to gardens, limited space needn’t be a handicap to originality and design. Some may not be blessed with huge outdoor spaces, which is the norm in many Spanish towns where either a roof terrace or balcony is a bonus, but t hat ’s not t o say you can’t be cr eat i ve with what you do have. With a little design knowhow even the smallest back lawn, the most petite of pat i os or t he t i ni est of bal conies can become an enjoyable place in which to spend time. Whether you’re looking to transform an inauspicious roof space or balcony gar-

den into a stylish urban garden, or create the ideal al fresco dining area perfect for those beautiful Spanish summer days, there are so many tricks of the trade in order to make the most of your space and sometimes havi ng a sm al l gar den or space can be a blessing in disguise. Think small but perfectly formed with no lawnmower needed and weeds sprouting in every possible position. Smaller spaces are easier to maintain. The key is using the space intelligently. Storage seats, wall mounted flower pots or herb planters f r ee up i m por t ant f l oor space.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 April 2016


My life in his paws Shutterstock Kurt M

Pepe the puppy loves his home


House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experience and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865521508.

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

RESCUED PUPPY: Pepe was adopted from a charity in Malaga. P OOPE D Pe p e t a k e s a siesta after lunch. Meet Pe p e , a r e sc u ed puppy wh o se o wn e rs adopted him from a rescue charity l o c a l t o t h e m in M alag a . Ma t t h e w a n d S am s a i d t h e i r h e a rts melted when they saw a tiny little puppy with huge eyes who had been found abandoned by a roadside with several other puppies all neglected and scrawny. Three months later after love, care and attention and a couple of visits to the vet, Pe p e wa s m u ch improved and had settled comfortably into life at home. When Ma t t h e w a n d Sam were called back unexpectedly to the UK to the bedside of a sick relative, they feared disturbing his r o u t i n e a t h o me and started to consider alternatives. As recent expats they didn’t know anyone local-

ly w h o co u ld s tep in to their shoes. A friend reco mme n d e d H o u s eS itMatch, the online houses ittin g a n d p e ts ittin g network and through the w e b s ite th ey met G ary, who was a recently retired p a in ter an d d e c o rato r from Essex. Gary had always loved dogs and for years voluntee re d e a c h w ee k en d at his local dog rescue home in Chelmsford, so houses ittin g fe lt lik e a g o o d way to have an active holiday, and caring for a precious puppy who needed love and attention was a natural next step for him. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experience and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to www.Hous or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865 521 508.

A MUST READ. I interviewed Wendy on my radio show. This week we look at the first part of her story. My name is Wendy Hilling. I suffer with a very rare skin condition called dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa recessive. It means my skin inside and outside my body blisters and tears at the slightest knock. As my condition worsened I found it difficult to open doors, use the cash machine, dress, and undress. I applied for a canine partner to assist me. It was decided I should train my own puppy so it would learn at an early age not to knock me. Edward came into my life at nine weeks old. A snowball on legs, a bundle of fun.

TRAINING EDWARD: We were best friends from the word go. I was on the internet one day when I saw that Canine Partners were training dogs to help people who could not use their hands very well. I rang and got an interview with the training centre in Sussex. I found that the dogs I met were too bouncy for me. The dogs were not bad dogs at all, it is just that my skin is more fragile than a butterfly’s wing. I went home and after a while I had a call from Andy Cook, head of operations and

he decided that I should train my own puppy, under the watchful eye of one of their trainers. It was a decision that was to change my life. Edward arrived in the January of 2007 at nine weeks old. He was a bundle of life and always on the go. He took to the training so well. He made me laugh. We were best friends from the word go. I began to change. Like a butterfly I was emerging out of my shell. I found a new

confidence in training Teddy and showing him off. People would ask all about him and I never once thought about my skin and what they were thinking. I suddenly realised that nothing and nobody mattered, what they thought was up to them. Here I was with a puppy wearing a purple jacket and as proud as I could be. We graduated when he was 18 months old. Read on next week…

Do you look like your dog? By Emily Chettle AS you stroll down the promenade, have you ever noticed how sometimes dogs actually end up resembling their owners? If not, go to any park, and you will see the strange phenomenon of the canine mini-me. Maybe it’s a bearded hipster, accompanied by a bearded collie with the same trendy cut, or a pugnacious thug carrying a bulldog. Or perhaps it’s an athletic jogger and her Afghan hound, their glossy locks blowing effortlessly in the wind. It reveals a narcissistic tendency within us all – a trait that may also be shaping other aspects of life. Why do people choose the dog that looks most like themselves? Far from be-

Mila Atkovska Shutterstock

MINI ME: Four-legged friends. ing skin-deep, the answer may give you a new appreciation of the intense bonds humans have forged with four-legged

friends. Indeed, there are some strange and unexpected parallels with the way we choose our other, two-legged life partners. Evidence from scientific research has even proven there is more to it than mere aesthetics or coincidence. Maybe this is all due to the allure of familiarity. A dog may seem more comforting if it resembles the other members of our family who we know and love. Yet some psychologists believe it might be a spill over from the way we evolved to find mates. Dating someone that looks like us may ensure their genes are generally compatible with our own. Importantly, our narcissism isn’t just skin deep, we don’t just go for people who look like us, we also tend to orbit people who share our personalities too.


E W N 21 - 27 April 2016

Axarquía - Costa Tropical









21 - 27 April 2016/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical





Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 April 2016


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E W N 21 - 27 April 2016

Axarquía - Costa Tropical



C AL L : 9 5 2 8 9 3 3 8 0 Motoring shorts

Phone hackers AN Israeli company has pioneered technology allowing police forces to detect whether drivers are texting while driving. Known as ‘textalysers’, the roadside devices will be able to determine whether a mobile phone is actively sending messages, and thus either penalise drivers for being distracted, or be used to uncover whether someone was texting when investigating an accident.

Clarkson Quote of theWeek


“We all know that small cars are good for us. But so is cod liver oil. And jogging. I want to drive around in a Terminator, not the heroine in an E M Forster novel.” Some might say...

Introducing the BMW M4 GTS By Matthew Elliott BOASTING sleek, powerful, motor-sport looks and a lap time of 7.28 minutes around the hugely taxing Nürburgring-

Nordschleife circuit, the BMW M4 GTS is a modern day masterpiece channelling new levels of excellence. The special edition model is limited to only 700 units and comes in celebration of 30 years of the BMW M3. Also suitable for public roads, it has allowed specialist engineers at the company to creatively develop some of the highest powered technology available today. We’ve taken a radical route with the set-up of the BMW M4 GTS to create a sports machine for the race track that delivers top-end dynamics and inspirational performance. It allows us to demonstrate what is possible today with a road-legal car. Owners can drive their BMW M4 GTS to circuits such as Spa-Francorchamps, the Nürburgring or La-

BMW M4 GTS: A modern day masterpiece.

guna Seca, for clubsport events, for example, and then set lap times there that raise the bar to extremely high levels for roadlegal cars,” said Frank van Meel, CEO of BMW M GmbH. An award winning six-cylinder in-line turbo engine from the BMW M3/M4 is used but with water injective technology to raise output to an impressive 368 kW/500hp while increasing torque to 600 Nm (442 lbft) and maintaining the healthy

fuel economy of the Coupe. Powering from a standstill to 100 km/h in a 3.8 second flash, it can hit a limited top speed of 305 km/h (189.5 mph). An excellent weight-power ratio of 3.0 kg/hp allows for a potent driving experience enhanced dramatically by a stylish efficiency driven interior. This is seen through lightweight panelling construction, doors and boot area, along with carbon-fibre bucket seats and door pull loops rather than solid

handles. Light but extremely strong high-tech material makes up the bulk of the exterior, while even the exhaust system has a titanium muffler. The car also features the debut of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED), a seven-speed M Double Clutch Transmission, the ability to manually select gears, and exclusive M light-alloy wheels in star-spoke 666 M Styling, which are critical to the fantastical mechanical traction and corner grip.


21 - 27 April 2016 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Villa down, six in a row for Rosberg, Bingham out in one Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

FOOTBALL • Last weekend, top of the PL table Leicester (who had Jamie Vardy sent-off) drew 2-2 with West Ham, Arsenal were held 1-1 by Crystal Palace, and Manchester City (with a Sergio Aguero treble) won 3-0 at Chelsea while on Monday, Tottenham won comfortably by 4-0 at Stoke. • At the bottom, Sunderland won 3-0 at Norwich, Newcastle also beat Swansea 3-0 and Manchester United sent Aston Villa down with a 1-0 win at Old Trafford. Elsewhere Liverpool, fresh f r o m their

thrilling Europa League win, won 2-1 at Bournemouth and Watford 1-0 at West Brom. • Games left: Leicester vs Swansea (h), Manchester United (a), Everton (h), Chelsea (a)… Tottenham vs WBA (h), Chelsea (a), Southampton (h), Newcastle (a)… Manchester City vs Stoke (h), Southampton (a), Arsenal (h) and Swansea (a)… and Arsenal vs WBA (h) tonight, Norwich City (h), Manchester City (a) and Aston Villa (h). • Middlesbrough, Burnley, Brighton, Hull, Derby and Sheffield Wednesday occupy the top six places in the Championship. Wigan, Burton Albion and Walsall stand 1-2-3 in FL1 and Northampton are champions of FL2. • In Spain’s

La Liga, Real Madrid beat Getafe 5-1, Barcelona lost 21 at home to Valencia, and in-form Atletico Madrid defeated Granada 3-0. • The Champions League semi-finals will see Manchester City play Real Madrid and Bayern Munich meet Atletico Madrid… this after City saw off PSG 1-0 (32 on aggregate), Real hit back to beat Wolfsburg, also 32, Atletico knocked out the favourites and holders Barcelona and Bayern eased past Benfica. • In the Europa League semi-finals, Liverpool, who came

ASTON VILLA: The defeat against Manchester United confirmed their relegation.

back from 2-0 and then 3-1 down to beat Borussia Dortmund, will play versus Villarreal and Shahktar Donetsk take on holders Sevilla. • This weekend’s FA Cup semi-finals at Wembley feature Everton v Manchester United on Saturday and Crystal Palace v Watford on Sunday. • This season’s Scottish Cup final will feature Hibernian against Rangers who both won their re-

Atletico de Madrid Bayern Munich

NICO ROSBERG: Six Grand Prix victories in a row.

DID YOU KNOW? Cristiano Ronaldo scored three hat-tricks in successive games in 2015… two for Real Madrid vs Elche and Deportivo, and one for Portugal vs Armenia. Lionel Messi bagged three trebles in four games for Barcelona in 2012. And in a recent ‘trial’ match in Chile, the referee awarded 18 penalties, mainly for tugging, pulling and pushing inside the box, of which no less than 14 were missed – seemingly some of them pre-planned! The over-worked official also sent off 10 players and brandished eight yellow cards. There were 16 minutes of added time before FC Seuna beat FC Aldo 7-6.

Man. City Real Madrid

spective semi-finals on penalties, Hibs v Dundee United and the ‘Gers v their Glasgow rivals Celtic. FORMULA ONE • Nico Rosberg made it six Grand Prix victories on the bounce by winning last Sunday’s race in Shanghai by 37.8 seconds from Sebastian Vettel, with Daniil Kvyat third. Lewis Hamilton, who started at the back of the grid and suffered a bump in his Mercedes early on, as did a few other cars,

finished a creditable seventh but is now 36 points behind Rosberg in the driver’s standings. The next race is in Russia on May 1. ROUND-UP • After beating Andy Murray in the semi-final, backto-form Rafael Nadal went on to defeat Gael Montfils in the final to clinch his ninth Monte Carlo Masters title. • And on Sunday, MotoGP Marc Marquez can complete a Spanish double by winning the MotoGP on home soil in Jerez. • Reigning champion Stuart Bingham was knocked out of this year ’s World Snooker Championships in the first round by Ali Carter. Meanwhile, Steve Davis has retired, 35 years after winning his first title. • Notts and England cricketer James Taylor (26) has retired from the game due to a serious heart condition. • Three County Cricket games start on Sunday: Durham-Middlesex, SurreySomerset and WarwickshireYorkshire. • This Sunday 38,000 runners will compete in the London Marathon. • This weekend’s semi-finals of Rugby Union’s European Challenge Cup will feature Saracens-Wasps on Saturday and Leicester-Racing 92 on Sunday. • And last weekend Christian Wade ran in a record six tries as Wasps beat Worcester 54-35 in the Premiership. • Ricky Hatton said Tyson Fury should fight Anthony Joshua sooner rather than later to see who is the best British heavyweight boxer. • We have Premiership Darts in Bournemouth right now, and again in Birmingham from April 28.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

21 - 27 April 2016

NEW TEAM: Triple world champion Jorge Lorenzo is set to join Duccati after the 2016 MotoGP season. Axarquía ’s best guide to local sport

Golf International Nerja Los Moriscos Friday April 8 Individual Stableford Ladies 1st Pat Lowe 2nd Gill Green 3rd Pauline Pearce Men 1st Tony Downey 2nd Bill Randerson 3rd John Murrell 4th Mac Farman 5th Stewart Green

Hcp26 31pts Hcp19 30pts Hcp36 30pts Hcp12 38pts Hcp27 34pts Hcp20 32pts Hcp17 31pts Hcp 7 31pts

Anoreta Monday April 11 One-two-three Waltz 1st John Millward, Brian Haddon, Lola Montero and Bruce Bower 73pts 2nd Bev Legg, Franck Stein, Ana Ma. Junquera and Gill Green 71pts 3rd Lyn and Dan McAllister, May Liz Santon and Malcolm McLeod 70pts



Advance Moves backs Loris Ford-Dunn in Supermoto FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD Loris Ford-Dunn has had a busy winter testing his new ktm SMR 450cc race bike, as he hops up from the youth Supermoto championships of Spain and into the highly competitive adult classes for 2016. But Loris is no stranger to Supermoto racing where racers battle on circuits made of asphalt, with off-road jump sections thrown in to make some of the most spectacular and close racing seen in Spain. Last year Loris finished in fourth place in the Spanish Youth championships for 85cc machines in his first year of racing. He knows that he is now stepping up to the top class, against many racers that have much more experience than himself, but he is relishing the opportunity to learn from the best. This year will essentially

SUPERMOTO RACER: Loris Ford-Dunn. be a learning year as he gets used to the more powerful bike and the tougher competition. With Loris competing under the wing of the Super race team with continued Sponsorship from Advance Moves International Removals, he is guaranteed the backing and support that he needs to get himself up to speed.

SPONSOR: Advance Moves International.

His season starts in Alicante on Saturday April 30 at the Albaida circuit near Alcoy, with the first round of the Spanish championships on one of the toughest supermoto tracks in Spain. The very next day on Sunday May 1, the world’s best Supermoto racers will be racing at the same circuit for the second round of the world

championship Grand Prixs, so some incredible racing will be on show over the weekend. Tickets are available on the gate at around €12 each and the action kicks off from 10am on both days. So if you want to see a great weekends racing action then head to where circuit directions and further details can be found.

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