ISSUE NO. 1612
26 May - 1 June 2016
Stop Press
PAGES 65 - 80
Mutiny in Malaga The Malaga-Costa del Sol airport may be set for travel chaos after members of the Federal Union of The General Confederation of Labour (CGT), working within the subsidiary easyJet Handling Spain, submitted a call for a general strike of all easyJet staff to begin Tuesday, May 31. The strike would be indefinite and run for 24 hours per day, seven days per week. “We want to display the strongest possible protest against the completely unjustified dismissals of three colleagues,” said a CGT source, adding that as in previous cases “it seems that company practice is to process ‘disciplinary’ dismissals, then later offer financial settlements when they recognise the inappropriate nature of their actions.” According to the no-frills carrier, the measures fall in line with the company’s ‘viability plan,’ but the CGT are convinced that it is “a method
Photo Credit Arena Photo UK/Shutterstock
By Matt Ford
that only aims to increase profits of the airline as they lay off employees in possession of long-term contracts with decent wages and other perks, in order to replace them with temporary staff on precarious contracts and with harsh working conditions.”
The CGT source continued, adding that easyJet Handling Spain “has not failed to improve their record profit margin for five consecutive years, and they want to increase it further by applying this policy of unfair dismissals.”
easyJet’s viability plan was put into place in February 2016, and included an ‘adjustment’ relating to Spanish staff, despite its €1 billion profit margin in 2015. Given that easyJet is Malaga’s second-largest airline by numbers of passengers, any-
one wishing to travel in or out of the Costa del Sol with easyJet at the beginning of June may now wish to consider the possibility of flying into Gibraltar, which offers daily connections to London Gatwick and three flights per week to Bristol.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Photo by Wikimedia
Training available JOBLESS people registered as residents in Marbella and San Pedro have until Tuesday (May 31) to sign up for the latest round of free work-related training courses funded by the council which are to be held at
the municipal training centre. Application forms can be downloaded from the council’s website, or visit the training centre offices at Marbella sports stadium for more information.
Jobless concern THE main problems highlighted by the public in Malaga Province are unemployment, cleanliness and health, according to a survey by Costa del Sol Tourism and Planning. Other matters those questioned highlighted as problems in the province that concerned them were public transport, roads and communications, financial problems, infrastructure, corruption and fraud, education and culture, pensions and social aid.
THE TRIAL: Is taking place at the Malaga courthouse.
Bush murder trial begins By Matt Ford
Lab is liquidated TORREMOLINOS is likely to abolish its laboratory after reports revealed that its existence is not mandatory, and is costing the municipality some €300,000 per year. The lab was created in 1991 and conducts analyses of tap water, as well as swimming pools and beaches, but is considered an autonomous, rather than municipal, service.
EX-MODEL and former girlfriend of murdered British millionaire Andrew Bush appeared in a Malaga court on Monday May 23. The wealthy jeweller was shot three times at his Estepona villa on April 5, 2014, after Mayka Kukucova, then
aged 24, confronted him in front of his new girlfriend. She told the court that he attacked her, saying “I don’t know how but when we were fighting I got the weapon and it went off,” and the prosecution alleges that she then positioned the weapon in his hand to indicate suicide, whereas she claims she didn’t
even know he was dead as she fled the scene. Kukucova immediately left Spain for Slovakia but later turned herself into police after an arrest warrant was issued. She was then extradited to Madrid and has been in an Alhaurin de la Torre prison for over two years awaiting trial. The case continues.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Your papers, your views
Can’t buy me love: why Spain owes us ‘nada’
Our readers have been expressing their views on an article about Spain and what it owes us British which appeared on our website
Credit Rushkpp Shutterstock Here are a few of your comments, some of which have had to be cut due to size, and we are always happy to hear from everyone whatever their opinion.
Lazy expats I’ve found Spain to be hugely welcome of foreigners. It takes decades before anyone who isn’t their cousin or even from the next village to be considered ‘one of them,’ but they’re a bit too understanding with lazy expatriates who won’t learn the language. However, if a ‘tradition’ is cruel or a law is oppressive, it should be challenged, whether you’re foreign or not. Kally
Tables turned Good points. The bottom line is that, despite all the hoopla, very few Brits are ever forced into adapting to another language and culture, and wouldn’t like it at all if they were. Yet many of us don’t afford the same common decency to the countries we inhabit. Sometimes, I suppose, cash is king. Arnold
SPAIN: Has strong regional traditions, far more than contemporary Britain, but they’re under serious threat.
By Matthew Elliott ONE of the main gripes many Brits have about their country is that the ‘powers that be’ bend over backwards to appease cosmopolitan ideologies, spouted by people divorced from everyday reality. There has always been a tension between the high-brow elite who believe they know what’s best for the commoners, and the visceral urge most people have, to tell these patronisers where to stick it. Whatever your opinion on how a country should treat its foreign born subjects, Britain is undoubtedly one of the m o st f l e x i b l e n atio n s o u t there when it comes to cultural immersion. It’s a different story in Spain, where immigrants like the British, Chinese and Romanians can be given noth i n g b u t a h a r d time o f it through bureaucracy, taxation, and hugely curtailed civic rights. Unfortunately decades of fascism, cronyism, financial mismanagement and regional division have
Whatever your opinion on how a country should treat its foreign born subjects, Britain is undoubtedly one of the most flexible nations out there when it comes to cultural immersion.
left the Spanish economy in urgent need of a cash injection, with sunstrapped Brits happy to oblige. So inevitably there’s resentment at having to endure these northern hordes simply to pay the bills, and a flaky passive-aggressiveness ensues, especially towards ‘guiris,’ foreigners who fail to properly integrate.
In Greece you can see the worst expression of this contorted relationship, with many locals learning Russian to please their new paymasters now that the Germans have left the building. That’s a matchbox already catching fire, and who could blame the Greeks for rioting? Imagine your business suddenly relied on the whim of foreigners because your neighbours were all broke. Most Brits wouldn’t last very long be ing forc e d to grove l in Poland in exchange for a wad of s hiny e uros , pra ying the ir ne w overlords don’t return to Warsaw and write a bad review on TripAdvisor. Russians and Brits, used to getting their own way, would be humilia te d by s uc h a re ve rs a l, but many Spaniards and Greeks feel exactly the same, after all they were empires too once. As experience will tell you, letting yourself be walked over doesn’t bode well for your chances of a
fair shake further down the line; if anything quite the opposite. It’s remarkably easy to become a victim. Is it time Spain stood up for itself by cracking down harder on foreigners who don’t fully assimilate, letting off that pent up steam before it explodes all over their already fractured internal politics? Frankly it’s embarrassing that many Spanish allow Brits and other foreigners to walk all over them, criticising their cultural traditions such as bullfighting, without offering a real fight. Money talks, but personal pride is hugely important to a healthy society. Spain has strong regional traditions, far more so than contemporary Britain, but they’re under serious threat. A line needs to be drawn in the sand soon, if Spain doesn’t want to become another lobotomised Trojan horse for cultural imperialism, and moaning foreigners should be first up for the chop.
Greater good We’ve every right to protest bullfighting because it’s abhorrent. It doesn’t matter that it’s been going on for ages; so has murder and slavery but humans have evolved by challenging tradition. Beatrice
Karma police Soon the tables will turn and us Brits will be in trouble when we’re the ones needing tips and charity, it’s just common sense to behave decently whatever the circumstances. Karma isn’t just a metaphor you know! Steve
Treated equal We pay our bills, we contribute to the economy and we deserve precisely the same rights as the Spanish do. Should the case be the same for foreigners in Britain? Absolutely! It’s time to do away with all of this nationalism and division and deal with people on their individual merits Jack
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Musical spectacular
News 1 - 53
Featured News 3
Russian Press 55
Finance 57 - 62
Stocks 58
Leapy Lee 63 SAN BERNABE FESTIVAL: Will feature music, dance, food and a variety of other performances.
Letters 83 By Matthew Elliott
Our View 84
Colin Bird 84
John Smith 84
Daily TV 86, 88, 90, 92,
94, 96, 98
Time Out 101 - 104
Gibraltar 100
Health & Beauty 105 - 107
Social Scene 108 - 118
Homes & Gardens 120 - 121
Pets 122
Services 123 - 128
Classifieds 129 - 137
Motoring 139 - 141
Sport 142 + 144
THIS year’s San Bernabe festival in Marbella will see a healthy and helpful injection of generous funding from the Marbella Town Hall which will contribute more than €120,000 to ensure that musical performances enrapture the audience and showcase the event’s growing reputation.
Taking place from June 6 to June 12, the feria ushers in a wonderful period for the city and is the first of a terrific series of events set to make summer magical for families, residents and foreigners alike. The money will chiefly be used to help fund the enviable range of local artists who will be showing off their talent throughout the week, including
BENALMADENA Council has ann o u n c e d a c h arity marc h e ntitle d ‘Walking for a challenge: destination New York.’ This will consist of a five kilometre stomp through the centre of Arroyo de la Miel in aid of the Local Network for Health Action in Andalucia (RELAS).
Loquilo, Gisela and youth group Sweet California. Other costs will include security and organisation as the event planners want to ensure everything goes off without a hitch and is memorable for all the attendees. Taking place across local fairgrounds and drawing crowds from right across the Costa del Sol, the San Bernabe
Going for a short stroll A round 2,000 pe ople inc luding schoolchildren, teachers, parents, and medical professionals are expected to pa rtic ipa te in the e ve nt, w hic h is
Festival celebrates the capture of Marbella by the catholic Kings more than 500 years ago in 1485. Traditional Andalucian culture, as well as Marbella’s own melting pot charm are part of parcel of the fun, which will feature music, dance, food, and a huge variety of other performances well worth a visit.
s c he dul ed t o st ar t at 10.30am on Thursday June 2. Mayor Victor Navas beamed: “This project sets an example of cooperation between municipal offices and institutions in Benalmadena, in which we place ourselves at the forefront of initia t i ves t o pr om ot e heal t hy lifestyles.”
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Accusations dropped THE accusations for the socalled Goldfinger case regarding construction on a plot of land in Marbella where Sean Connery and his wife’s villa was previously located have dropped charges against four more people, reducing the number on trial to 14.
66 Posts THE University of Malaga is dealing with 1,004 applications to fill 66 associate professor posts currently up for grabs.
Fuse box fire TWO men, aged 76 and 32, required medical treatment after inhaling smoke when a fuse box caught fire in a block of flats in Malaga City on Thursday May 19, 112 Andalucia Emergency services reported.
Pup’s a helping paw Photo Credit Facebook
By Matt Ford A FUENGIROLA mother is battling local education authorities in order to allow her 12year-old daughter to attend school alongside her therapy dog in the next academic year, and has already collected over 30,000 signatures. Patricia Jimenez Fernandez was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer in 2011, when she was seven, and now suffers partial memory loss, epilepsy and extreme disorientation due to radiotherapy she has received. She currently attends school one hour per day, accompanied by mum Marisa Jimenez, but has now asked to attend more due to being “bored at home,” and the idea is to allow her to go for two hours per day, plus break time, accompanied by therapy dog Dora. Patricia currently sees eightmonth-old Dora once a month, but from July the golden retriever will be a new addition
BEST OF FRIENDS: Patricia with her therapy dog, Dora.
to the Jimenez family after completing her training at K9 Malaga, Torremolinos. Unlike in Madrid and Catalunya, there are no specific regulations governing the use of therapy dogs in Andalu-
cian schools, and Marisa was only able to encounter one comparable example in Jaen, so she decided to start a petition on the website. This received 24,000 signa-
tures in the first day, a figure which has now risen to 32,000, with the family requesting that Patricia be allowed to attend with Dora, and also be provided with a dedicated carer during school hours.
Getting to work WOMEN still face more difficulties accessing the job market than men, a problem Mijas Council’s Equality department is currently working to combat with a new initiative and specific training. Women at risk of social exclusion were provided with specific training to help them learn how to create a CV and to use the internet to find work. Subjects touched upon at the training days (on Tuesday May 24 and Thursday May 26) included what to put on a CV and what to leave out, how to use online employment platforms to search for work and how to write an attractive cover letter. This is to be followed by a new digital platform which aims to link local women seeking work with local businesses, with the Equality department acting as an intermediary.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Brexicide observations received letters of complaint Mr Smith, I could have ignored your headline, I could have even ignored the ill-informed article you wrote, but sadly and unprofessionally, your penultimate paragraph made the fatal mistake of judging others, their capacity to understand what independence from the European Union means to the UK, their intelligence and their reasoning… and just exactly how are you any more informed, educated or able to fully understand or comprehend the results of the UK rejecting their membership of the European Union? As you have chosen to forsake the UK in favour of living and working in Spain, when was the last time you actually spent any time in your homeland? When was the last time
IN our May 19 edition, the Page 3 article by John Smith elicited some criticism for the fact that it appeared biased and insulting to the British voter, so we are publishing the two letters we have received (edited due to size not content) to show that we are always happy to receive comments from readers and that we don’t only publish comments that favour EWN or our writers. As certain assumptions are being made about RESPONSE: John’s article received criticism. you experienced working in the UK in a small business bogged down in European Legislation? As a registered freelance photo-journalist with the NUJ in the UK and internationally with the IFJ in Belgium that
has travelled around the European Union for over 27yrs, I have seen for myself the detrimental changes that have oc-
John’s age, experience and length of time in Spain, he will use his half page byline in next week’s edition of the Euro Weekly News to explain some of his background and knowledge of both Britain and Spain together with a third letter just received. His only comment now is that in the last elections to the European Parliament in 2014, just 35.6 per cent of the British electorate bothered to turn out to vote. curred and you and many others are sadly mistaken if you think that only people in the UK think that the EU is not working for them. Due to our Membership of the EU, the UK gave up many trade ties with former commonwealth countries, and leaving the EU will permit the UK to rebuild these trade agreements and relationships, and on this topic, whilst blasting our lost predecessors that built the British Empire, it was a different time and place and the people of today need not to be reminded and made to feel lesser worth because of the actions of our forefathers, as the UK might have made mistakes in the past, but it also brought
democracy, railways, legislative procedures, housing, sewage and much more that people still benefit from to this day. Both my grandfathers and great grandfathers gave their lives in 1914-1918 and 19391945 for democracy, freedom and liberty, three words sadly missing in any document relating to the EU and their plans for a super state with a single government. I am proud to be English and therefore British, I am proud to have the freedoms I enjoy today around the world because of those that gave their lives in two world wars to give me and every other UK Citizen to vote for what we ‘believe’ to be best for our country… we certainly do not need crass, pious, ignorant insults from a journalist, who, like the rest of the EU be-
lieves they know better than anyone else.” Demon Lee B.Sc. MBA (Hons) Ph.D
I am staggered, disappointed and somewhat bemused that you should publish such a one-sided and quite honestly biased virtually whole-page article in this week’s paper on page three. If you have personal views, just state that fact, don’t try and present it as a balanced view. May I remind you and the writer, John Smith, that the referendum is not based on personalities, name calling and petty quips, but on the real problems facing the UK. If you publish such an article, you should at least take a balanced and more pragmatic approach rather than pandering to one side or the other. As a proud Briton who has served his country, what we need are facts, not opinions. As with politics, you will always find a great number of people on opposite sides of the argument, but that neither makes them bad or mad. In terms of the referendum, if you are prepared to read all the comments, you will find there are as many economists that have an opposing view to those that say stay. The list of facts is so long it would take an eternity to complete. Yet you seem to believe that the colour and logo on 50 million passports is an issue? What a plonker! For those that can remember (and as advice for those too young to have watched), if you want to know how the UK is run, just look at any programme from the old ‘Yes Minister’ series. Having worked closely with the inner workings of Government, it is pretty much 100 per cent accurate, very alarming and so, so frightening. State the facts, not the fiction!” A very disgruntled ex-reader Ian Munro
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
PP’s Muñoz denies Gibraltar rumours By John Smith THE leader of the Popular Party (PP) in Marbella, Angeles Muñoz, has come out strongly to deny all rumours that have appeared in recent days which link her and her finances to a company in Gibraltar. She has stated quite clearly, “I do not have any connection with Gibraltar, and I have never had any company in Gibraltar, or in any other location other than Spain.” In addition, she made it clear that she believed that she had made her financial situation
quite clear to the tax authorities and had no reason to be ashamed of any action that she had taken. With the forthcoming election due to be held on June 26, Ms Muñoz clearly believes that the timing of any accusation concerning her financial situation and thinly veiled inference of tax evasion using the ‘bête noir ’ of Gibraltar (which is actually seen as being much ‘cleaner’ than many other small administrations) is meant to discredit her to the advantage of her political opponents.
Prevent fires
Unlucky angler
ENVIRONMENTAL officers from the Junta de Andalucia regional government are to conduct a series of 230 anti-wildfire inspections during May and June, while Malaga Province will count on 74 dedicated agents during the high-risk period, which runs from June 1 to October 15. Junta spokesman Jose Luis Ruiz Espejo said: “Prevention is the most effective action against wildfires.”
THE lifeless body of a 78-year-old fisherman was found floating in the mouth of the River Guadiaro in the early hours of Saturday, May 21, following a brief search. The alarm had been raised by the Malaga native’s fellow fishermen, who alerted police after losing sight of the man near Sotogrande marina, with his corpse eventually turning up on Tiburon beach. It remains unclear exactly what happened, but the incident is being treated as an accident.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Hired success CAR rental agencies in Malaga picked up €92 million over the last business year, representing some 30 per cent of Andalucia’s €284 million total.
Local hero HUNDREDS of residents gathered outside Mijas medical centre to demand that nurse Juan Antonio Dominguez, based in the town for 28 years, is not transferred to La Cala.
Blue zones MALAGA has introduced the same parking technology as Fuengirola for its blue zones, allowing drivers to park and pay for precisely what they use via a smartphone app.
Maltreatment scandal By Matt Ford A DOZEN families filed an official complaint on Monday May 23, concerning perceived mistreatment of pensioners at the SARquavitae Azalea nursing home in San Pedro de Alcantara, Marbella. The relatives assert that numerous irregularities and “continuous abuse” have been taking place at the lodgings, most seriously illegal retention of clients, errors in drug administration, lack of hygiene, and unqualified staff, with residents left malnourished and dehydrated. The company running the home has rejected all charges, declaring that it has passed all necessary inspections carried out to date, and this was confirmed by the Junta de Andalucia regional government, which subsidises a number of places for poorer families and is now accused of “collusion.” Perhaps the most spectacular allegation is that staff are allowing elderly people to die, especially if their families complain about the revolting conditions, and that “they don’t care if people die since they have a lengthy waiting list.” Hygiene is said to be abject, with the
Photo Credit Shutterstock
MISPRACTICE: The retirement facility has been accused of treating residents badly. pensioners restricted to one shower a week and not having their teeth cleaned or clothing changed, while food is served in insufficiently-sized portions with no attention to individual needs based on the residents’ pathology. The retention of residents against their will is another serious assertion, and has led to the home being referred to as “Guantanamo” by locals.
Manuel Fernandez, one of the family members involved and a former ombudsman, said: “Residents without families who visit them are abducted and locked away behind doors with a secret code for the rest of their lives; they are only allowed out to eat and do not see the sun, spending the rest of their time sat in wheelchairs.” Fernandez says that his brother-in-
law was subjected to 20 days of solitary confinement without explanation, eventually managing to escape following a call to National Police and an individual court case. In response, Azalea defended its work, referencing “high quality standards,” and adding that residents “have a personalised care plan and a daily record to ensure quality care.”
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Aging population is endangering pensions By Eleanor Hawkins ALTHOUGH Spain is slowly recovering from the recession, at least on paper, the latest figures on pensions and social security payments published this week by the National Statistics Institute shine a worrying light on the future of state pensions in Malaga Province. On May 31, 2015, 142,254 people in the province were being paid a state retirement pension, almost 32,000 more than in 2008. However, there were just 543,492 people in active employment paying into the Social Security system whereas in 2008 there were 589,438. Although the number of people in work has increased gradually since 2013, the proportion of pensioners to workers is still a far cry from what it was in the golden years. Once disability, widows and other pensions are taken into account there are 252,095 people receiving monthly payments from the state, giv-
STATE PENSIONS: In May 2015, 142,254 people in Malaga were being paid a state pension, almost 32,000 more than in 2008. ing a ratio of almost exactly one pensioner per two workers. In 2008 the rate was one per 2.75. Although unemployment remains a major issue, the main factor contributing to this problem, which is causing
the provincial piggy banks to crack, is the aging population. On January 1, 2016, there were almost 270,000 people in the province aged 65 or over, 20.3 per cent more than in 2008. Unless birth rates and em-
ployment increase drastically, there is a serious risk of today’s generation of workers finding in the future that there are no funds left to provide the pensions they believe they have been paying towards all their working lives.
Full house arrest for illegal gamblers AN illicit poker den, where games were organised five days per week, has been busted in Campanillas, with 15 to 35 individuals taking part and
large sums of money involved. Documentation revealed that some players would gamble well over â‚Ź2,000 per day, with a typical session involving
some â‚Ź12,000 worth of bets. Ten illegal betting establishments have been taken down by police across Malaga Province in the last three years,
with this latest coup adding to others in Estepona, Mijas, Marbella, Torremolinos and Almogia on the Costa del Sol side of the city.
Del Mar opens for the summer season! Beachfront restaurant Del Mar opens this week for the summer season with an exclusive gastronomic experience. From 27th to 29th of May the restaurant will be hosting Josper BBQ and Wagyu days. The highly-rated Josper Barbecue is an impressive grill-oven hybrid which offers a unique cooking technique which really intensifies the flavour of the food. ‘Wagyu’ refers to selected breeds of Japanese beef cattle; ‘Wa’ meaning Japanese and ‘gyu’ meaning cow. Wagyu beef has an extraordinary depth of flavour due to its high degree of marbling.
It is also renowned for its tenderness and succulent qualities, making it one of the finest beef one can enjoy. Restaurant Del Mar, which is situated in Puente Romano Beach Resort & SPA will be offering lunch and dinner every day throughout the summer. The Del Mar kitchen has a diverse menu mix of Oriental & Southern Spanish gastronomy featuring a variety of freshly caught fish served many ways; Sushi, ceviche, tartar or more traditional Andalucian style. A large selection of salads & meats from the grill complete the menu.
For table reservations please call 952 820 900 or email
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
‘Fake Sheikh’ jailed By Matt Ford THE Malaga Provincial Court has sentenced a Nigerian man who convinced a Marbella doctor he was an Arab sheikh and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates to four-and-a-half years in prison, with his accomplice receiving a two-year sentence. He also told the woman that he had fallen in love with her after contacting her through Facebook, and the pair later had a Skype video conference in which he inserted an image of the true UAE minister, Mohammed Bin Raschid Al Makhoun, dubbed over with his own voice. During the initial period of contact, the fake Sheikh asked to be friends with the doctor and began to shower her with flattering comments, even proposing marriage
and declaring that if she accepted he would quit his job and change her life. After receiving a steady stream of messages in which the fraudster declared his undying love for her, she started to trust her princely admirer, with her confidence eventually reaching a point where she agreed to make a series of payments to the man’s account. The hapless doctor thus handed over considerable sums of money, including one deposit of €25,000, being told that the funds would be used to fight terrorism or help innocent Syrians who died in the war, with the bogus nobleman unable to transfer the cash himself for fear of sparking a diplomatic incident, and pledging compensation of €1.5 million. Once all the money had been received,
the ersatz minister asked the woman how much cash she had available, dispatching a henchman posing as a Syrian delegate to Puerto Banus in order to collect the €50,000 she agreed to donate. The victim eventually realised she was being scammed, and contacted the Spanish Embassy in Dubai in June 2014, demanding the money be returned to her. She was referred to Spanish police, who concocted a plan to unmask the culprits, by convincing them that she was willing to provide more capital, and they arranged a meeting for July 9 2014. The phoney Syrian appeared clutching a bunch of flowers and hand-written letter from the Sheikh, leading to the arrest of both men, who must now compensate the victim to the tune of €585,000.
FALSE IDENTITY: The man used social networks to draw his victim in.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Boat rescue FIFTY-TWO migrants were rescued by the Alnitak l i f e b o a t f r o m a dinghy found 52 miles s outh o f Ma l a g a o n Thursday morning (May 19).
No eviction A BENALMADENA family with two children have been saved from mortgage foreclosure and eviction at the last moment last week thanks to intervention from the council’s relatively new Citizens’ Rescue department.
More goods GOODS traffic through Mala g a p o rt re a c h e d 836,089 tonnes during the first four months of the ye a r, a 3 0 . 2 4 p er cent increase on figures for the same period in 2015.
Doggie DNA register to keep track of pets By Eleanor Hawkins OJEN is to become the first village in Malaga Province to make a dog DNA register, the council has announced. The measure, local mayor Jose Antonio Gomez explained, aims to keep track of the pets resident in the village, combat animal cruelty and abandonment and help keep the streets clean. Town hall representatives will be meeting local vets over the next few days to organise an information campaign for pet owners. Then DNA samples will be collected with a maximum of two months allowed for all dogs to be registered. Initially the cost of testing and registration will be covered by the municipal coffers, however further testing and registration of new pets at a later date will be paid for by the owners. Once samples have been taken owners will be given a metal tag for their dogs’ collars and a pet ID card. After the two month period, the council explained, the order will be given for samples to be taken of mess found on the streets which will be sent to a laboratory in Sevilla to track down and fine the offending owners up to €500.
DNA TEST: Will identify owners who do not clean up after their dog.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
A RATHER bizarre case handled by the National Police in Marbella has seen a man go from reporting being raped and robbed to him being arrested for making up a very tall tale and wasting police time, all in an attempt to avoid his wife discovering his infidelity. The surprising story began when a 50-yearold man and his wife arrived at the police station, explaining that they wanted to report a very serious matter. The man told officers that while jogging near Plaza de la Libertad he had been grabbed from behind and forced into the entrance to a building with a knife held to his head by a man and woman. Once alone, he reported, the woman had pulled down his trousers and performed oral sex on him while the man continued to threaten him with the knife before going through
his pockets and running away with his mobile phone. Although the officers found the story rather suspicious, they began to investigate but soon decided that it could not be true. Upon challenging the man on discrepancies in his statement, officers reported, he broke down and confessed he had actually been unfaithful to his wife without using protection but later feared he could have caught something and so decided to use a condom. When his wife, finding this unusual, asked what was going on the bizarre story was the first thing he could come up with, he said. Now, along with having been arrested for reporting a fake crime and possibly having to compensate the police force for wasting their time, the imaginative man will have to face the wrath of his spouse.
Photo Credit Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock
From victim to culprit
INFATUATED: Mel and Rosalind on the red carpet at Cannes Film Festival.
‘William Wallace’ spotted in Ronda By Matt Ford AFTER taking on the Romans in his Jesus-based epic ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ Mel Gibson has been spotted soaking up the sights of Ronda, much of which was built by the ancient empire-builders, as he holidayed with his girlfriend.
Sporting dark glasses atop his bushy white beard, Mel was barely recognisable as he toured the town’s main sights on May 18, including the famous El Tajo bridge, a similarly quaint period piece to Mel’s 1980s mullet-style hairdo. Following their Spanish jaunt, Mel and his young girl-
friend Rosalind Ross later indulged in a public display of affection on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, as they shared a number of kisses and cuddles on the red carpet outside the Palais des Festivals, having made their first public appearance together back in January this year.
Former mayor taken ill in jail FORMER Marbella mayor Julian Muñoz, who is currently doing time in jail for a number of charges related to his time in the position, was hospitalised in Algeciras on Tuesday (May 24). Muñoz was taken to the hospital after suf-
Prancing horse finally stabled NATIONAL POLICE forces in Malaga have seized a high-end Ferrari valued at €270,000 from a private garage near the city’s airport, with the car wanted by Belgian authorities in connection with a money-laundering investigation. An international cooperative effort revealed that the owner apparently hid the car in Spain to avoid it being repossessed, but now it has been impounded and made available to judicial authorities. Following his journey to Malaga, the accused was arrested on his return to Belgium.
fering dramatic blood pressure drops and was kept in for heart tests, his lawyer told the press. Although he was recently granted more lenient conditions due to ill health, Muñoz still has more than 19 years to serve.
Training is safety net FIFTY officers from the Local and National Police and Guardia Civil took part in a training course on jihadist terrorism in Torremolinos last week, held at the Pablo Ruiz Picasso Cultural Centre by the Unified Police Union. Torremolinos Council’s Security Coordinator Carlos Barranco said: “training is an officer’s safety net when it comes down to it, providing this type of back-up means we can guarantee a quality service to the public, which is our main priority.”
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Pride on the front foot TORREMOLINOS was whisked away to central Madrid for a special evening to promote its new tourist offerings, with local chefs even preparing typical fried fish for the assembled crowd of actors and artists. The event was sponsored by actors Bibiana Fernandez and Manuel Bandera, who share a strong connection with the town, with both preparing to appear at the opening of June’s Torremolinos Pride LGBT event. In addition to promoting the resort’s new tourism infrastructure, such as the pedestrianised town centre, and the creation of an updated brand identity, the LGBT association of Torremolinos is now officially twinned with its Madrid counterpart, as an agreement between Pride Torremolinos and the Gay and Lesbian Association of Businessman and Trades in Madrid was signed.
Perilous pooches to require paperwork By Matt Ford MALAGA Province appears to be in the midst of a tail-wagging crime wave, with the number of disciplinary sanctions for pet-related offences in 2015 increasing by 61 per cent compared with 2014. Among these, the council’s Department for Justice and Home Affairs issued a whopping 83 per cent of the infractions to owners of ‘potentially dangerous dogs,’ with 235 of 281 penalties relating to Rottweilers, pitbulls, Staffordshire and American bull terriers, Dobermans, Dogo Argentinos, and Fila Brasileiros, several of which are banned entirely in the UK. These breeds all possess strong jaws and are capable of causing serious injury should they become aggressive, therefore owners are req u ired to o b ta in an appropria te license, which must be renewed every five years, and register the dog with
Photo Credit Shutterstock.
Luxurious new homes SAN ROQUE Mayor Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix held a meeting with directors of real estate agency Sotogrande SA, in order to discuss development of the ‘La Reserva’ urbanisation, which aims to construct 42 exclusive new homes, starting this autumn. A second scheme, pencilled in for 2017, would result in 47 additional properties being built, with each project expected to provide around 200 jobs.
Peace prose
MENACING MUTT: If you like it then you’d better put a lead on it. the municipal authorities. B re e ds lis te d on the da nge rous dogs list may not be taken out in public without a lead and muzzle.
In addition to the varieties listed above, the list also includes Akitainus, Boxers, Napolitan Mastiffs, Presa Canarios, and Tosa Inus.
FIFTH and sixth year students from Benalmadena’s Jacaranda school took part in Intercultural Day activities at the Manuel Altolaguirre public library on Thursday (May 19). The event was organised by the library and the council’s Culture Department to encourage creativity and imagination amongst local children and included a poetry workshop.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Salary shambles soldiers on SIX employees of private catering and tourism academy CIOMijas, who have not been paid for 22 months, started working again on Monday May 23, after the local council received €111,000 from the liquida-
tors of the former consortium last month. Their task will be a somewhat sombre one, since the only jobs left to do at the institute are related to the liquidation proceedings and dissolving the society.
Juani Garcia, one of the workers, said: “The fact we start work today is positive, but we still feel nervous because the money that the council has only covers three months and we don’t know what will happen after that.”
Stag and off duty police punch-up Arena Photo UK/Shutterstock
Advertising feature Welcome to the weekly news from Hola Credito, Spain’s leading short term lender. In our weekly column, we look at different financial products that Hola Credito offers – this week, if you need some cash to support a teenage daughter’s high expectations perhaps we can help.
Avoid teenage tantrums let Hola Credito help A loan is simple to arrange, just take a picture of what you have available as security, send it with a description to Hola Credito so that they can give you an idea of the amount you could receive. If their offer is acceptable, you can either send it or deliver it yourself. Once received, in the condition described, money can be transferred to your bank account or given as cash and your goods kept safe and secure until redeemed. Other lenders charge interest on a weekly or monthly basis but Hola Credito calculates it on a daily basis using competitive rates, so you only pay for the length of time you have the loan.
CASH BOOST: Borrow against your bracelet.
ARGY-BARGY: The ruckus took place in Benalmadena’s Puerto Marina. By Matt Ford Credit Everything Shutterstock.
WELCOME to the weekly news from Hola Credito, Spain’s leading short term lender. In our weekly column, we look at different financial products that Hola Credito offers – this week, perhaps your daughters turning sweet sixteen and you need some help. Daughters manipulate their fathers perhaps Hola Credito can help? With the advent of the MTV generation, pester power has become a great deal stronger and suddenly life is over if you can’t supply a sweet 16 party for a daughter who is already sulking just because of her age and money doesn’t grow on trees. Don’t worry, a short term loan from Hola Credito ( could help you to give her a night and a gift to remember and you can repay Hola Credito over a number of months making it far less painful both on your pocket and your ears. Discretely placed in Puerto Banus they offer an efficient and confidential service by lending cash against easily stored items including jewellery, watches or even cars which would be left as security.
A BAKER’S dozen of wrongdoers, including five police officers, will appear before a Malaga court in June following a mass brawl outside a nightclub in Puerto Marina, Benalmadena. The scrimmage broke out after a skirmish in the
nightspot between two men belonging to the same stag party, as one chomped down on the other’s hand. This caused a National Police officer, socialising in the club and not on duty, to attempt to separate the cannibalistic pair by “rushing into one of them” according to reports. Outside the premises, the
remainder of the stag group were told what had happened and one, a Local Police officer, decided to demand an explanation from his national counterpart, which he did by beating him in the face with the butt of a gun he was carrying, as the other man punched him in the mouth. A second National Police officer, and friend of the first, attempted to intervene and break up the melee, as did three others who arrived at the scene, but they were unable to do so as enraged members of the stag party refused to back down, with a free-for-all breaking out. According to prosecutors, one of the stag group was handcuffed, after which the officers continued to maul him and injure three of his friends as they joined the melee, with the police officers also suffering unspecified injuries. The eight stag party members are accused of assault and intentional injury, with the prosecution requesting eight years in prison for each of them, while the five officers are charged with four counts of injury and may also be imprisoned.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
A digital challenge By Eleanor Hawkins A GROUP of students from the University of Malaga have been invited to visit the Google headquarters in California after being the first in Europe to take part in
Local conquers Ironman DISABLED Marbella man Javier Merida returned to Lanzarote on Friday (May 20) to take part in the Ironman Challenge for the third time. The athlete, who wears a prosthesis as he lost his right leg in a tragic accident involving a drunk driver in 2008, has dedicated his life to sport and demonstrating that strength doesn’t just come from the body but also from within. He regularly plays football and goes skiing and running, and in 2009 became a member of the Triathlon Club in Marbella, a gruelling discipline he has persevered with ever since. The Ironman races are known throughout the world for being brutal and tough, both physically and mentally. The Lanzarote race involved swimming 3.86 km, cycling for 180.2 km and running a 42.20 km marathon; the Marbella athlete confirmed that he reached the finishing line in 17 hours and 20 minutes. Merida had aimed to complete the distance in less than 16 hours and 40 minutes, beating his previous Ironman record in 2014; however a problem with his prosthesis on the second kilometre of the marathon meant that Merida had to slow down significantly. Although disappointed with his final time, the athlete remained positive about the race and commented that it is “a constant battle against oneself.”
an Activate your City challenge to digitalise local businesses. More than 100 students were provided with specific training in negotiation, communication and the market before being given the challenge of using the Google My
Business tool to get as many small and medium businesses as possible on board and online. The two teams of students who won the challenge and are to travel to California were XYZ and Alpaca.
Hard right, caution! THE Councillor and Secretary General of the Nuevas Generaciones del Partido Popular has been asked to explain his participation in the Gibralfaro Rally, in a car sponsored by companies in possession of municipal contracts.
JM Mancebo, spokesperson for civil group ‘Alhaurin Awake’ said: “It is necessary to give all kinds of explanations when the boundaries between the private and civil sectors become so close.”
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Hotels full
Oceanic fracture probed
THE Costa del Sol sold more hotel rooms than Madrid during April, surpassing the capital by more than 20,000 and leaving the region second only to Barcelona across Spain.
Bird brains ORNITHOLOGISTS, conservation scientists and policy-makers, including staff from the ‘Birding Malaga’ initiative, will descend on Casares on Thursday May 26 for a seminar covering bird conservation and environmental awareness.
New garden GARDEN chain Verdecora will open the doors of its huge new Malaga centre next to the Plaza Mayor shopping centre on Friday May 27, the brand’s eighth in Spain and first in Andalucia.
GROUNDBREAKER: The research vessel Hesperides. By Matt Ford THE National Geographical Institute (IGN) announced that 52 earthquake aftershocks were recorded in the Alboran Sea in the 10 days prior to and including Monday May 23. The mini-quakes are related to the larger event which shook the beds of a
good number of Costa del Sol residents on January 25, although the most powerful recorded measured just 2.7 in magnitude. The oceanographic ship ‘Hesperides’ has been conducting surveys in the area since Monday, and will continue until Friday, May 27, with experts believing that the pattern of aftershocks following
the 6.3 magnitude January tremor, plus the location of its epicentre, point to the existence of a new fault in the western portion of the Alboran Ridge. The new fault appears to be around 25 kilometres long, and will now be investigated by the Hesperides team, which includes scientists from a number of regional and national institutes.
Mosaic tile reproduction is planned SO far there is no sign of the tiles stolen from the mosaic of Medusa’s head, which dominates the Roman Villa in Rio Verde, and Marbella Council has decided it is going to have to replace them with a reproduction. Four specialist companies have drawn up proposals, which include two different ways of going about the work, which the local and regional government will now have to consider. The aim, Marbella’s Culture and Heritage Councillor Gema Midon has stressed, is to get things moving as quickly as possible to allow the mosaic to be returned, at least temporarily, to its former glory by the end of this year. The funds will all come from the municipal coffers, and the colour will be toned down on the replacement tiles to avoid what experts call creating a false history, and to allow them to be easily identified and swapped over if and when the originals are found.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Suicide concerns By Matt Ford A RECENT spate of suicides on Ronda, where two people died having thrown themselves off the city’s famous Puente Nuevo bridge, has led a group of youngsters to launch a petition via the website, demanding action from the local council.
The teenagers are friends of a 16-year-old boy who committed suicide by leaping into the abyss of the El Tajo gorge, and they ask authorities to consider installing a fence or surveillance equipment on the bridge, comparing the case to the Eiffel Tower, which is fenced to prevent people jumping.
Officials have said that the measures are not viable, not only due to the risk of disfiguring the monument, but because if the bridge were secured, there would still remain ‘several kilometres’ of cornices which would also need to be monitored or otherwise protected, a mission that municipal sources deem “practically impossible.”
PP senator Bed linen fire fight is in debt FORMER Popular Party (PP) senator and current number two in the PP candidature for Malaga to the Upper House, Joaquin Ramirez, accumulated a total of €6,300 of municipal debt for unpaid taxes and various traffic fines dating back to 2011, it emerged on Tuesday, May 24. Tax management body Gestrisam issued an order to withhold his salary in February of this year, but this was not executed, with Ramirez asserting that he agreed to a payment schedule.
FIREFIGHTERS from La Linea de la Concepcion were forced to intervene after a hare-brained resident launched a set of burning bed linen from a twelfth floor apartment, causing the blaze to spread to a parked car. The sheets caught fire after being ignited by an electric heater, and plunged onto the vehicle’s bonnet after being lobbed through the window by the panicking householder, where they continued to burn until flames spread to the engine.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Photo Credit Ayuntamiento de Estepona.
Lovely view A NEW viewpoint has been opened at the main entrance to Manilva, just off the A-7 motorway, including a fountain, tables and chairs, and energysaving LED lamps.
Turf war FIVE separate appeals have been submitted to Andalucia’s High Court, requesting that the case of boundary delimitation between Benahavis and Marbella be reopened; exMarbella Mayor Angeles Muñoz is linked to four of them.
Medieval fun ALHAURIN DE LA TORRE will once again return to the Dark Ages during the fourth annual ‘Alhaurin Medieval Town’ event, with an extensive programme of events taking place from May 27-29.
TASTY TUNA: Malaga company Roman and Martos, the leading wholesale distributor.
A flavoursome distinction By Matt Ford A TUNA fishing boat owned by Malaga company Roman and Martos is the first vessel to have been recognised as representing the ‘Taste Malaga’ (Spanish: Sabor a Malaga) initiative, following a short ceremony in
Estepona harbour. The company is active in waters throughout the C os ta de l Sol a nd Strait of Gibraltar, and is one of the leading wholesale distributors in the provinc e , w ith a s a le s ne tw ork c ove ring a ll of Spa in plus the U nite d Sta te s , G e rma ny,
France, and Belgium, among other countries. All fish sold by the firm will now carry the ‘Taste Malaga’ stamp, which has already been awarded to over 350 producers, shops, retail chains, websites, catering colleges, hotels, restaurants and professionals.
Busted fishy businesses GOVERNANCE of commercial fishing operations in the Malaga area may need a rethink, after authorities seized two large hauls of immature and uncertified fish this week. Both illicit consignments were unearthed at the wholesale market Mercamalaga, with the first discovered during a control operation on Friday May 20. Inspectors stumbled upon 533 kilos of anchovies, 153 kilos of Bluefin tuna and 324 kilos of mixed seafood. The 1,028 kilo hoard originated from Ayamonte and Isla Cristina in Huelva Province and was either immature or lacked supporting documentation. Later, on Wednesday May 25, a further 912 kilos of uncertified seafood was seized after a joint operation by the Andalucian Fish Inspection Board and the Guardia Civil. The illicit haul had 565 kilos of clams and 297 kilos of juvenile fish. Confiscated seafood not compliant with traceability legislation was destroyed, the rest donated to Bancosol food bank.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Mayor digs in By Matt Ford MARBELLA Mayor Jose Bernal has demanded that ex-mayor Angeles Muñoz should provide proof of the inheritance tax in order to justify the purchase of a mansion valued at €12 million on the outskirts of Marbella and Benahavis. The Spanish Socialist
Workers’ Party (PSOE) politician is curious how his conservative Popular Party (PP) counterpart and “public health care physician” could afford such a residence. The PP’s number one Malaga candidate for the Upper House issued a statement in which she said: “I have nothing to hide and everything is transparent, as
specified by the city council and Senate.” The PSOE Secretary General for San Pedro de Alcantara, Ricardo Lopez, called on the interim national PP administration to rescind Muñoz’ nomination to the Senate for her “subterfuge and tax avoidance,” calling her alleged links to offshore tax havens “indecent.”
Head on Carers’ day collision TWO women were injured on Friday afternoon (May 20) when the cars they were driving collided head on on the A7502 road between Cartama and Churriana. The authorities were alerted to the accident by a number of calls to 112 Emergency Services, and Guardia Civil officers and paramedics were imme d i a t e l y d i sp a tc h ed to th e scene.
PEOPLE from Estepona with elderly relatives in their care were to be treated to a day off and a trip today (Thursday 26) as part of a municipal ‘Caring for the Carers’ project. Twenty-five people, Seniors Citizen Councillor Lina Molina explained, would be taking part in a trip to Selwo Adventure safari park for a fun day out, just one of the things the programme recommends for those who bear the weight of caring for the elderly. Since it was launched, the programme has helped about 170 people cope with their situations and remember to take care of themselves while taking care of others through group therapy and classes.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Contract cancelled A CONTRACT between Estepona Town Hall and Loyal Rebel SL for the latter to manage and run the town’s bullring has been cancelled by the local council. The company, the council has said, owes more than €51,000 in annual fees and has failed to meet the conditions of the contract which came into effect in May 2012. Municipal sources stressed that it has failed to provide the events and activities promised in the contract. The council is now working on new conditions and will put the contract out to tender again in the near future.
Hash it out THE former head of the French anti-drugs agency OCRTTIS, Francois Thierry, is under investigation by Paris prosecutors for his alleged involvement in a racket which imported several tonnes of hashish into his country. A man who used to work for the organisation has revealed that Thierry hired him in 2012 to guard a property which held the drugs.
Then there were three By Matt Ford TWO of the five huge cranes located on the Port of Malaga’s container terminal, set sail for Valencia on Monday May 23, embarking on what is expected to be a slow three-day voyage. Each of the 60-metre tall metal behemoths weighs 1,200 tonnes, and they were maneuvered onto a gargantuan floating platform with the help of tugboats, before being secured in a procedure lasting several days. The departure was originally scheduled for Thursday May 19, but conditions at sea delayed matters as a storm surge created waves higher than the maximum 1.5 metres. A third crane will depart in a few weeks, once multifunctional replacement units arrive from Valencia, offering Malaga a more flexible system with the ability to process a greater diversity of traffic.
Credit Vlada Photo/Shutterstock
LIFTING GEAR: Two of these cranes have now left Malaga.
House of Cuture to host Dali special FLAMBOYANT Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali will bring a touch of eccentric tomfoolery to Fuengirola, as an exhibition entitled ‘Dali and Don Quixote, graphic works of Salvador Dali’ will be on display in the
town’s House of Culture throughout June. The showcase of enigmatic artworks forms part of Fuengirola’s 175-year anniversary celebrations, and offers a superb opportunity to dip
into the late artist’s hypnagogic world. Comprising 32 examples of Dali’s work, including a series of etchings dedicated to the history of Don Quixote, the exposition is structured
into thematic blocks relating to different techniques employed by the grandiose Catalan. Specific topics include Dali and Don Quixote, Dali’s eroticism, Surrealism and Religion.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Locals decide By Eleanor Hawkins MIJAS Council will be studying the project to recover the ‘Fountain of the seven spouts’ (Fuente de los siete caños) with local residents before work begins. Infrastructures Councillor Juan Carlos Martin has presented the locals with the paperwork, received last week, and asked for
their suggestions, which will be included in the project before it goes ahead. This is the first time the people have been given a voice on this type of project, the councillor said, and as they decided to recover the fountain, which was stumbled upon during renovation works on Calle Agua and dates back to the 18th century, it is only right that they have their say in the project too.
Taking on the responsibility FORWARD-THINKING Alhaurin de la Torre has been busy improving and maintaining its municipal fire breaks around the town’s ‘urban-forest interface zone’. A total of 11.2 hectares and 4.15 kilometres have been kept in repair, in order to minimise the risk of any wildfire in the Sierra de Mijas spreading to residential areas. The fire breaks have been maintained and entirely funded by the council since 2013, since Andalucian regulations stipulate that local authorities should implement protective methods based around the creation and maintenance of open areas, with no vegetation around urban perimeters.
Ephemeral employees SAN ROQUE Council has announced that it is to use the €1 million received from the Junta de Andalucia regional administration to create a total of 126 jobs, although only six-month contracts will be offered. A total of 24 new projects will see 78 people under the age of 30, and 48 older unemployed individuals obtain work. The contracts will be split into two six-month periods, ensuring the council has plenty of temporary staff to suit its needs.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Electric vehicle plant IN what may be seen as a vaguely desperate m o v e i n so me quarters, Malaga Cou n c i l h a s se n t a n “official letter” to the CEO o f e l e c t r i c c ar manufacturer Tesla to construct an assembly plant in the city when its new Model 3 vehicle goes into production. The new model alread y h a s 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 pre-orders, although the council say that the Junta de Andalucia regional administrati o n wi l l n e e d to prov i d e e c o n o m i c support, fiscal incentives and training in order t o m a k e t h e project viable.
Caminito walks away with honours By Matt Ford THE extraordinary reception received by the Caminito del Rey since its redevelopment shows no sign of abating, with the attraction scooping the three most important accolades at this year’s European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards, held at the Zarzuela Theatre in Madrid on Tuesday May 24. The death-defying walkway won the ‘Grand Prix’ award, of which the winner is chosen by technical experts, and the public vote and will be included in the list of Europe’s 28 best cultural heritage projects. Recognised as the most important European awards in the field, the event is sponsored by Europa Nostra, an organisation which aims to defend the continent’s cultural and natural ancestry and legacy. It brought together 400 institutions, businesses and other entities with 1,500 people from 40 countries in attendance this year. The Caminito had already been selected among this year’s top 28 projects, with the
Photo Credit Shutterstock
WALK THIS WAY: But only if you have a head for heights. restoration of churches in Lorca the only other Spanish scheme selected. Seven were then put forward for the ‘Grand Prix’ prize, while more than 7,000 voted online in the audience award, with the El Chorro crowd-pleaser winning both.
The prizes were collected from legendary Spanish tenor Placido Domingo and European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics by a beaming Elias Bendodo, President of Malaga Council.
Flushing out the fakes MALAGA has become the second Spanish city, after Alicante, to join the ‘Autenticiudad’ Project, an initiative which aims to defend local commercial fabric and actively bring an end to the sales of fake items on municipal streets. The city may now use the campaign’s logos in its institutional advertising and on its website, which councillors believe will serve to create an image of Malaga as a quality tourist destination committed to honest trade. Police will also intensify efforts to stamp out the sale of counterfeit items throughout the city, concentrating on the centre, in order to prevent “unfair competition” for Malaga’s shops.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Weapons auction
Egghead builds barriers
THE Guardia Civil is to auction off some 960 weapons seized during police operations in Malaga on May 31, although bids will not be accepted from those not in possession of the relevant paperwork.
Award won THE Merchants’ Association of Marbella Old Town was awarded the Andalucian trade award in the category of town centre commerce, at an event held in Sevilla on Thursday May 19.
TYRED OUT: A solution to road safety? By Matt Ford
Swim area ESTEPONA swimmers will benefit from the town’s first dedicated swimming area on La Rada beach, next to Plazoleta Ortiz, which will be 100 metres long by 25 metres wide.
FOLLOWING the recent mega-blaze at the infamous ‘tyre cemetery’ in Seseña, Toledo, a Malaga inventor reckons that he has come up with a solution to the problem of what to do with used car rubber. Francisco Caro believes that old tyres should be recycled and turned into crash barriers, asserting that the idea would
have “zero cost for the administration” and create “safer roads.” Caro has actually patented a similar idea before, but has now updated his vision in order to omit certain treatments and processing, making the scheme more environmentally-friendly. Under the new design, the unmodified tyres are simply inserted into a polyester casing which is then filled with a special sand-like material, permitting flexibility
in the event of a collision. In a move sure to delight motorcyclists, no metal is used in the design, with the boffin already having fielded questions from interested parties in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The retired teacher’s other innovations include a sensor to warn wheelchair users about stove fires, and a knife for sufferers of Parkinson’s with a food dispenser in the handle.
Own minireferendum considered THE Council in Alhaurin el Grande is considering holding its own mini-referendum for the 600 residents of the Villafranco del Guadalhorce district to decide whether to change its name. The idea has come following a request from a lawyer who has complained that the name, with pro-Franco connotations, is the only one in Andalucia which has not been changed under the Historical Memory Law. This is simply, Alhaurin Mayor Antonia Ledesma said, because nobody had complained or even seen any political connotations in the name before. “Villafranco del Guadalhorce is simply what the district is called, and there have been other, more urgent things to deal with until now,” Ledesma said. However now the matter has been highlighted it will be considered.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Irish advertisers rush to print media to make the best returns A STUDY carried out by Independent News and Media Ltd (INM) publisher of five national and 13 weekly regional newspapers in the Republic of Ireland, in association with Amarach Research, is believed to be the most comprehensive ever undertaken in Ireland, based on personal interviews with 13,000 newspaper purchasers over a 12 month period. The conclusion is that print media gives the best return on investment, outstripping all other areas including radio and TV and according to the INM research, for every €1 spent on print advertising the return can be up to €39 for the retail sector. The media company also commissioned an econometrics study (which is the application of mathematics, statistical methods, and computer science) in association with Ignite Research, which was run over three years to examine the on-going role of print in the overall marketing mix, confirming that print plays a major role in advertising by delivering a significant return on investment across
Photo Credit Andrey Burmakin Shutterstock
By John Smith
PRINT MEDIA: Gives the best return on investment. all key sectors. INM chief executive Robert Pitt said advertising businesses and brand names that
need to reach consumers cannot afford not to be seen in print. “If you’re not in print - and if you’re not
in print with a strategy that goes across digital media as well, and other channels you’re letting your customer down,” Mr Pitt said. He highlighted the fact that print acts as an influential medium to drive potential customers to other channels as many online visits are prompted by print advertising. Having just produced our 232-page record breaking Costa del Sol edition of Euro Weekly News not only do we endorse the findings of the INM survey, but we know from first-hand experience that a combination of continuity of issue, a name that can be trusted to print what it says it will print, exceptional distribution and long established foundations will deliver the response that advertisers need. At the same time, readers will continue to return and will trust those who advertise regularly in any of the six regional editions which continue to grow in size – published by EWN and both readers and advertisers know that there is a natural progression from reading articles and advertisements to picking up the phone or visiting advertisers’ websites.
Encouraging ‘walking to Mars’ FOUR entrepreneurs in Malaga have come up with a fun social challenge to encourage people to include more activity in their dayto-day lives. Following a very successful Walk to the Moon chal-
lenge, which about 30 people took part in registering a total of more than 380,000 steps in eight weeks, Walk Spain has now announced the Walk to Mars challenge will begin on May 31. However, this isn’t a
challenge for sportspeople, workers’ heal t h exper t Daniel Puchades ( one of t he f our people behind t he pr oj ect ) explained. “We want peopl e i n sui t s and t i es, j eans and trainers, flip-flops and even hi gh heel s,” he continued. The idea is to encourage people to include more physical activity (not exercise!) in their daily routines. After registering at walk participants will be required to l og t hei r dai l y st eps ( t he World Health Organisation recommends 10,000 steps per day f or a heal t hy lifestyle) with screenshots from mobile step counting apps sometimes needed to avoi d cheat i ng, and t hey will be encouraged to compete against themselves and others in their category to
PHONE APP: To log the amount of daily steps taken. increase their numbers. The initiative has already attracted interest from various companies and institutions and sponsors include HolaMobi, OnSpain and Malaga Provincial Council.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Remember to register
REFERENDUM VOTE: The deadline for registering for a postal vote has passed, but you can still vote by proxy. MORE than 120,000 in Spain have clicked on the voter registration web page. British expatriates who have been registered to vote in the UK within the last 15 years have until Tuesday June 7 to apply for a proxy vote in the EU Referendum. That is the final deadline for registering to take part in one of the most historic decisions that the British people will make for a generation. The deadline for registering for a postal vote has now passed, but you can still appoint someone you trust in the UK to vote for you. Simon Manley, British Ambassador to Spain, said: “Although the deadline for expats to vote by post in the EU referendum has now passed, you can still register to vote by proxy, as long as you do so by June 7. We all know how important the referendum will be, for us, for our children, and for our country.
“Whether you think we should leave or remain, I would encourage those who have not yet registered to vote, and who are eligible to do so, to avail themselves of this final opportunity to have their say on June 23. “I am well aware that expatriates who have lived overseas for more than 15 years are ineligible, and I know that many are frustrated about that. The government will bring forward the Overseas Elector Bill to abolish this arbitrary time limit, but it must undergo full Parliamentary scrutiny and debate, so unfortunately it cannot be passed before the referendum.” More than 120,000 people with Spanish IP addresses have now visited the website: since the beginning of the year. And thanks to the online registration system, more than 180,000 expatriates worldwide have so far completed their
registration to vote, nearly double the number for last year’s General Election, which was itself a record figure. The process is easy and takes just five minutes. Go to or search for ‘UK register to vote’ on You need only your National Insurance number and passport. If you did vote in the general election last year, don’t assume you are still on the electoral roll: just as in the UK, you must renew your registration every year. You have until June 7 to go online and make sure you can have your say. If you were last on the electoral roll in Northern Ireland then you need to act quickly. The Electoral Office for Northern Ireland says that if you are appointing a proxy to vote at the EU Referendum, the deadline for sending in your application is 5.00pm on June 3.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Parking mad By Eleanor Hawkins FOLLOWING a decade of setbacks and postponements, the underground car park in Benalmadena’s Pueblo Sol district is finally operational. Located in Arroyo de la Miel, the privately-operated facility is set to solve a number of issues, with affordable monthly rent available on some of its 800 spaces, while the remainder are earmarked for shoppers and other temporary visitors. Despite the positive outcome, opposition
Councillor Enrique Garcia of the CSSPPodemos coalition still managed to find fault with the project, as he said: “This is good news for the town, but we would have preferred a municipal car park… we hope that Benalmadena citizens will not have to wait over 10 years for future projects such as this, and that public benefit can be more important than private interests.” Meanwhile, maintenance work in Pueblo Sol’s Plaza Adolfo Suarez has been completed, with the fountains now in working order.
Encouraging the future MIJAS Youth Department has put out a call to local youths to encourage them to create youth groups and help develop common activities and projects. This , Youth C ounc ill or Nur i a Rodr i guez stressed, is an important way of motivating the young of the area who are also its future. Local residents aged 14 to 30 interested in becoming part of the new project are invited to visit the youth offices at the Las Lagunas theatre for more information.
Celebrating the brand THE Junta de Andalucia Regional Government will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the contemporary ‘Andalucia’ brand in Torremolinos over the weekend of May 27-29. A series of events will take place at emblematic sites throughout the town, of which several will be open to the general public, with live music on Friday night in Plaza de la Nogalera, where an exhibition will be in place on Saturday and Sunday.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Coastal path gradually grows By Eleanor Hawkins SLOWLY but surely, work continues on the ambitious Senda Litoral (coastal path) project which eventually aims to make it possible to walk from one end of the Costa del Sol to the other without leaving the beachside. The latest plans drawn up by Malaga Provincial Council
concern a stretch of pathway in Casares, which will also allow the local beach to recover 2.5 square kilometres of sand currently occupied by the seafront promenade. The plans have been handed over to the council by provincial council deputy Ana Mata, who explained that it will now be down to the local authority to obtain approval
Volunteering to be encouraged FUENGIROLA’S Social Services department has called for those with time to spare to sign up to the Fuengirola Voluntaria volunteering project. The project is run from an office at the Social Services building, open to the public on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7.30pm for anyone wishing to help, be it at the Municipal Food Bank, providing company to the elderly, tutoring children or in other ways.
from the Junta de Andalucia regional government’s Environmental Department before putting the work out to tender. The work, which is also to include landscaping, recovering vegetation and touching up the neighbouring beach, has a budget of €241,806 which will be provided by the provincial council.
Gun suspect is arrested A MAN, 38, has been arrested by the Local Police in Malaga City for allegedly damaging and breaking into six cars and setting fire to a seventh. Police officers tracked the suspect, who matched witness’s descriptions, to a nearby street and reported he appeared to be carrying a gun, however, it turned out to be a replica.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Get yourself connected
Futuristic cops
MIJAS Town Planning department has announced that a fibre optic internet connection will soon be available for all residents following meetings with contractors.
Stitched up A SAN ROQUE resident successfully called for the arrest of his brother after the latter smacked him in the forehead with a toy gun, forcing him to attend hospital for stitches.
Good neighbours A SAN ROQUE community discussion regarding ‘coexistence issues’ ended with a man being stabbed in the arm by his neighbours as he returned from making an official complaint about them.
STYLISH: The two new cars on display. By Matt Ford FUENGIROLA Local Police have been brought bang up-to-date with the introduction of two new police cars equipped with the latest technology. The state-of-the-art Renault Kadjar Intens Energy dCi vehicles will replace a pair of dilapidated patrol cars, and
38 vehicles now make up the municipal fleet
come with fancy video surveillance technology in order to capture what is happening both inside and outside, plus sound recording devices allowing officers to capture statements and suchlike. The local fleet now comprises 16 patrol cars, 20 motorcycles and two quadtype vehicles.
Environmental laws ignored CHEEKY Mijas Mayor Juan Carlos Maldonado is once again under fire from the Popular Party (PP) opposition, who this time claim that he has allowed a Lebanese businessman to commit “serious environmental crimes,” including construction of a house, removal of rare cork oak trees, diversion of a tributary of the River Ojen, and excavation of two large waste water ponds with a capacity of 32 million litres. The issue surrounds the location of the suspicious site, at the border between the municipalities of Mijas and Ojen, with the latter side urbanised and the former comprising undeveloped, specially protected land. Although the landowner was told to replace any removed earth and pay successive fines amounting to 10 per cent of the work’s value on April 12, progress has simply continued unchecked, with water now being appropriated from the protected river for an illegal well, and the two ponds receiving wastewater from a nearby sewage works on the Ojen side. The PP drew attention to a report produced by SEPRONA, the environmental branch of the Guardia Civil, which states that the infractions already ‘violate 11 laws.’
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Port area IMPROVEMENT work has been completed in the central square at Fuengirola port. Next on the list for attention are the jetties and the areas where containers are located, for which €53,000 has been set aside.
Council fine MIJAS Council has been fined €4,000 for failing to meet work risk prevention and safety regulations at a building site in Los Perales industrial estate.
Expats plan BENALMADENA’ S Foreign Residents councillor, Ana Scherman, met representatives of the UFE group for French people living abroad on Friday (May 20) as part of her department’s ongoing scheme to contact and collaborate with all local expat groups.
Local natural park fiasco rumbles on By Matt Ford
MALAGA CITY Council will implore the Junta de Andalucia regional government to take responsibility for the ‘guaranteed cleaning and conservation status’ of the Guadalhorce Natural Park, located between the provincial capital and Torremolinos. The site is among the most important for birdlife in the province, and the Junta has been in charge of its management since 1989, when it was first declared a protected space. Local councillor for Town Planning, Jose Francisco Pomares, said that the spot has been “treated as a pile of dung,” and referenced recent events in which a number of benches and rubbish bins had
Photo Credit Shutterstock
BIRDLIFE: The site attracts birds such as flamingos.
been left concealed behind vegetation for two years rather than being installed, then hastily removed without warning when found by a member of the public. In addition, the council is requesting answers from the Junta regarding the planned footbridge that is supposed to traverse the park, forming a key link in the ‘senda litoral’ coastal footpath. Pomares said the walkway had been “paralysed for two years” with the regional body offering only “excuses” of “environmental protection.” “We find it curious, not to mention incoherent, how we need to be on top of environmental issues while the regional Environment Ministry uses the space we want to preserve as a dumping ground.”
Modern times REPRESENTATIVES of councils and Local Police forces from various parts of Andalucia took part in an information and communication technology session in Alhaurin de la Torre on Tuesday (May 24). Visitors came from towns including Puerto de Santa Maria, Baza, Algeciras, Fuengirola, Monachil and Ronda to discover the latest in modern technology and applications which police forces can use to improve and facilitate their work. Local Mayor Joaquin Villanova said: “we at the council are working to gradually introduce more technology in our police force and other departments to optimise the great work done by municipal employees for the public.”
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Speed demons
HYPERLOOP: A futuristic development in high speed travel. RUSSIAN RAILWAYS, the vast state monopoly that is one of the world’s largest employers, is interested in bringing high speed Hyperloop trains developed by technology pioneer Elon Musk to the country. Yet to be developed the Hyperloop proposes transportation through pressurised air capsules, with analysis suggesting speeds to easily exceed 1,000 kph.
Vanishing privacy FINDFACE, a mobile phone application that allows users to upload images of strangers and identify them on Russian social media site Vkontakte, is attracting millions of searches and now serious government attention. The technology has huge implications for the security forces and has also been used to identify and shame porn actresses.
NEW APP: Potential risk to security.
Battle Royale THE spectre of ethnic tension reared its ugly head after three Tajiks were killed during a huge cemetery battle in the Moscow hinterlands. Hundreds of people wielding Kalashnikovs, shovels and crowbars fought among the gravestones, with the antagonists thought to be Russians from the North Caucasus region angry over migration from Central Asia.
Feeding fear A FORMER deputy NATO Commander and British General claimed that the West and Russia are on course for war in 2017. Though tensions have certainly escalated, Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff ’s musing should be taken with a grain of salt as he conveniently has a new book to publish.
Tough call THREE editors have resigned from one of Russia’s last major independent news outlets. Foreign journalists claim political pressure was behind the resignations at RBC, which saw the offices of its billionaire owner, Mikhail Prokhorov, raided recently. Prokhorov ran against Putin in the 2012 election and RBC has reported heavily on the president’s family.
Touching tribute AN ITALIAN seeking election to the Varese Council will strive to name a street or square
in the Lombardy town after Alexander Prokhorenko, a Russian soldier killed during the liberation of Palmyra in Syria. The 25-year-old called in an air strike on his own location after being surrounded by Daesh terrorists.
Neighbourhood watch AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL has ranked Russia bottom of 27 countries rated on the extent to which their citizens welcome refugees. Only 26 per cent of Russians thought their government should do more to help those fleeing, compared to 86 per cent in China and 70 per cent in the UK.
Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
Short-haul savings speculation By John Smith THERE is some speculation that British Airways (BA) passengers could be charged for meals and drinks on short-haul flights as the airline continues to fight so-called budget rivals. Although denied by the airline, there are rumours that it is already in discussion with Waitrose over possi-
is the level of operating profit made by BA in 2015.
FANS: Enduring demotion and possible sale of club.
Aston Villa sold to China AMERICAN billionaire Randy Lerner has agreed to sell recently demoted Aston Villa Football Club to minority shareholder Chinese businessman Dr Tony Xia for £60 million (€78 million) and a spokesman for the club said that Mr Lerner had “sought the right owner to take care of the club and restore fortunes.” Although the sale is subject
ble food to be offered for sale. The current policy of including juice and a wrap or sandwich must be costly so if savings help to cut fares, this will most likely be welcomed by passengers, especially as a large percentage of many fares go to the government to cover insurance. The new head of BA, Spaniard Alex Cruz, has been transferred from sister airline Vueling which
People coming from North America and South East Asia are fearful of coming to Europe at all and would rather go elsewhere altogether,” Eurostar Chief Executive Nicolas Petrovic on drop-in passengers.
Credit Dom Fellowes Wikimedia
Quote of the Week
£1.4bn (€1.8 bn)
to Football League approval, the new chairman will have to find a new manager and decide how to spend the estimated £90 million (€117 million) ‘parachute payment’ payable over three years if the club remains in the lower league, although this is a miniscule amount compared to the share of TV rights that Premier League clubs receive.
Vodafone losses VODAFONE has posted losses after tax of €5.14 billion for the year to the end of March 2016 due mainly to the revaluation of its investments in Luxembourg, yet share prices rose thanks to confidence in its long-term growth and investment plan.
EU helps Rajoy THE leader of Spain’s largest union, the CCOO, Ignacio Fernández Toxo, has effectively accused the European Commission of timing its decision to delay any fine for missing EU GDP targets as being a definite benefit to Mariano Rajoy and the interim government. He suggests that the delaywill hurt opposition parties, especially if a new government inherits both the current deficit and a significant fine after the forthcoming general election on June 26.
Bankia shares offer news THERE are reports that the Bankia Group has received nearly 200,000 applications from shareholders for refunds after the ruling that the public launch of shares was misleading. It has made provision for eventual refunds of up to €1.2 billion although its dayto-day activities continue to be profitable.
2.1 million is the number of EU nationals currently working in the UK – a triumph for the economy according to government and a disaster according to those supporting the Brexit.
business & legal
In further news, a Spanish judge has put one of the world’s largest accounting firms Deloitte on notice that he is investigating that company’s role in the possibly irregular auditing of Bankia prior to the share offer and representatives of the company will be called to appear before him in late June.
merged with his low cost airline Clickair in 2009 so he has a definite understanding of the cheaper end of the market. BA has already introduced cheaper fares for those without hold baggage. With its wide range of services across Europe it often goes head-tohead with other airlines including easyJet and Ryanair so any financial saving it can make will be welcome.
Peugeot investment THE PSA Group (Peugeot Citröen) has announced that it will invest €700 million in Spain over the next four years, mainly on the manufacture of a new model at its Vigo factory. The company has not yet revealed details but the model is speculated to be a new Peugeot SUV which will help to secure around 6,000 jobs in Vigo. Funds will also be channelled into its Madrid factory which builds the Citröen C4 Cactus.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See our advert on opposite page
PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 507.75 2.30 Admiral Group PLC 1883.00 10.00 Anglo American PLC 577.65 -22.80 Antofagasta PLC 425.70 -3.40 ARM Holdings PLC 966.75 22.50 Ashtead Group PLC 968.50 3.50 Associated British Foods PLC 2923.00 3.00 AstraZeneca PLC 3886.50 -8.00 Aviva PLC 434.50 -2.40 Babcock International Group... 992.00 5.00 BAE Systems PLC 480.10 -3.30 Barclays PLC 176.40 0.55 Barratt Developments PLC 578.75 -2.00 Berkeley Group Holdings 3222.00 20.00 BHP Billiton PLC 797.80 -20.10 BP PLC 359.20 -2.40 British American Tobacco PLC 4134.25 -12.50 British Land Co PLC 744.75 3.50 BT Group PLC 442.82 -0.20 Bunzl PLC 2031.00 6.00 Burberry Group PLC 1088.50 -7.00 Capita PLC 1075.50 -2.00 Carnival PLC 3564.50 31.00 Centrica PLC 201.60 0.10 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1377.00 11.70 Compass Group PLC 1280.50 2.00 CRH PLC 2050.50 8.00 DCC PLC 6550.00 65.00 Diageo PLC 1829.50 -8.50 Direct Line Insurance Group 367.90 -0.10 Dixons Carphone PLC 438.80 -0.30 easyJet PLC 1476.00 7.00 Experian PLC 1268.00 3.00 Fresnillo PLC 1080.00 0.00 GKN PLC 274.20 -1.10 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1435.75 0.00 Glencore PLC 126.17 -2.65 Hammerson PLC 570.00 2.50 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1271.50 8.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 427.38 -1.90 Imperial Brands PLC 3693.50 -6.00 Informa PLC 669.25 2.50 Inmarsat PLC 734.75 -20.00 InterContinental Hotels Gr 2570.00 10.00 International Consolidated. 518.00 1.50 Intertek Group PLC 3298.50 6.00 Intu Properties PLC 288.20 1.70 ITV PLC 211.80 -1.10 Johnson Matthey PLC 2881.50 6.00 Kingfisher PLC 359.90 -1.30
% CHG. 0.45 0.53 -3.80 -0.79 2.38 0.36 0.10 -0.21 -0.55 0.51 -0.68 0.31 -0.34 0.62 -2.46 -0.66 -0.30 0.47 -0.05 0.30 -0.64 -0.19 0.88 0.05 0.86 0.16 0.39 1.00 -0.46 -0.03 -0.07 0.48 0.24 0.00 -0.40 0.00 -2.06 0.44 0.63 -0.44 -0.16 0.37 -2.65 0.39 0.29 0.18 0.59 -0.52 0.21 -0.36
NET VOL 275.61 33.75 1,420.95 194.71 1,279.62 104.62 29.01 137.31 311.07 54.22 293.80 3,889.30 367.92 50.26 1,221.93 1,575.43 272.71 371.37 1,687.48 24.33 166.66 43.42 26.77 927.55 40.59 140.25 56.22 12.25 196.33 188.83 86.80 101.73 105.25 106.54 204.32 295.63 5,068.41 56.72 29.21 2,470.62 204.40 126.24 475.53 87.46 353.56 14.95 178.49 736.91 19.48 427.43
COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Land Securities Group PLC 1183.50 8.00 Legal & General Group PLC 225.50 0.10 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 70.56 0.22 London Stock Exchange Gr. 2614.00 16.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 438.90 -5.80 Mediclinic International PLC 850.00 3.50 Merlin Entertainments PLC 416.30 0.10 Mondi PLC 1338.50 -1.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 191.75 -1.20 National Grid PLC 986.70 0.10 Next PLC 5330.00 -15.00 Old Mutual PLC 168.80 -0.90 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 8782.50 30.00 Pearson PLC 817.50 1.00 Persimmon PLC 2093.00 3.00 Provident Financial PLC 2866.00 15.00 Prudential PLC 1327.50 -6.50 Randgold Resources Ltd 6117.50 85.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 6811.00 -7.00 RELX PLC 1236.00 3.00 REXAM PLC 628.50 0.50 Rio Tinto PLC 1923.25 -29.00 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 637.25 -6.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Grp 233.50 1.70 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1672.50 -16.50 Royal Mail PLC 509.50 17.60 RSA Insurance Group PLC 480.70 0.00 SABMiller PLC 4250.25 0.00 Sage Group (The) PLC 597.00 6.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 259.55 -1.10 Schroders PLC 2569.50 -6.00 Severn Trent PLC 2211.50 -2.00 Shire PLC 4270.50 -10.00 Sky PLC 945.00 2.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1155.50 4.00 SSE PLC 1521.50 -14.00 Standard Chartered PLC 519.50 -6.70 Standard Life PLC 330.65 -0.90 St James's Place PLC 896.75 0.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 204.45 -1.07 Tesco PLC 162.82 -1.50 Travis Perkins PLC 1865.50 6.00 TUI AG 1038.50 0.00 Unilever PLC 3064.25 -16.50 United Utilities Group PLC 956.00 1.00 Vodafone Group PLC 228.12 -0.95 Whitbread PLC 4264.00 -16.00 Wolseley PLC 3997.00 24.39 Worldpay Group PLC 264.60 0.40 WPP PLC 1581.50 -1.00
% CHG. 0.68 0.04 0.31 0.62 -1.30 0.41 0.02 -0.07 -0.62 0.01 -0.28 -0.53 0.34 0.12 0.14 0.53 -0.49 1.41 -0.10 0.24 0.08 -1.49 -0.93 0.73 -0.98 3.58 0.00 0.00 1.10 -0.42 -0.23 -0.09 -0.23 0.21 0.35 -0.91 -1.27 -0.27 0.00 -0.52 -0.91 0.32 0.00 -0.54 0.10 -0.41 -0.37 0.61 0.15 -0.06
NET VOL 163.80 1,020.59 10,566.53 17.31 726.56 55.77 63.07 98.45 412.83 317.25 23.31 330.44 2.37 98.74 75.35 22.59 315.66 72.74 76.34 174.07 112.95 381.79 285.10 787.63 250.75 566.64 133.17 153.62 107.38 533.06 12.32 14.33 160.08 206.14 87.91 161.05 519.41 131.63 50.18 1,966.50 653.35 43.94 43.45 154.38 106.52 2,464.11 128.02 46.02 440.41 236.75
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COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart
PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 165.01 -0.10 -0.06% 1.7M 63.92 +1.18 +1.88% 5.3M 95.22 +1.02 +1.08% 32.0M 127.39 -0.69 -0.54% 3.3M 69.87 +0.44 +0.63% 5.7M 99.79 -0.06 -0.06% 4.7M 27.97 +0.40 +1.45% 32.7M 43.95 -0.37 -0.83% 12.9M 99.78 +1.37 +1.39% 7.3M 65.75 +1.34 +2.08% 3.9M 89.74 -0.37 -0.41% 13.2M 29.56 +0.20 +0.68% 35.0M 154.51 -0.19 -0.12% 3.2M 131.85 +0.12 +0.09% 5.1M 147.25 +2.32 +1.60% 3.7M 30.15 +0.52 +1.75% 22.8M 112.64 -0.21 -0.19% 7.4M 63.51 +0.12 +0.19% 11.9M 122.56 -2.73 -2.18% 9.7M 55.11 +0.53 +0.97% 8.6M 50.62 +0.30 +0.60% 23.9M 56.48 -0.56 -0.98% 13.7M 33.74 +0.36 +1.08% 34.6M 80.02 -0.17 -0.21% 6.5M 111.89 +1.79 +1.63% 1.8M 99.10 +0.59 +0.60% 4.3M 130.94 +0.94 +0.72% 2.5M 49.66 +0.03 +0.06% 15.3M 77.67 +0.79 +1.03% 6.3M 69.86 +0.66 +0.95% 16.7M
Most Advanced Ocean Rig UDW Inc. PTC Therapeutics, Inc. Otonomy, Inc. Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc. SunEdison Semiconductor Limited Applied Materials, Inc. EV Energy Partners, L.P. Ovascience Inc. Genocea Biosciences, Inc. AveXis, Inc. Destination XL Group, Inc.
$ 2.22 $8 $ 13.76 $ 3.50 $ 5.07 $ 22.66 $ 2.40 $ 8.67 $ 4.01 $ 38.61 $5
0.41 ▲ 22.65% 1.35 ▲ 20.30% 2.07 ▲ 17.71% 0.48 ▲ 15.89% 0.64 ▲ 14.45% 2.75 ▲ 13.81% 0.28 ▲ 13.21% 1 ▲ 13.04% 0.41 ▲ 11.39% 3.93 ▲ 11.33% 0.50 ▲ 11.11%
Most Declined Liberty Media Corporation $ 2.52 Destination Maternity Corporation $ 5.49 Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc. $ 2.37 Shoe Carnival, Inc. $ 21.27 DHX Media Ltd. $ 4.89 Quality Systems, Inc. $ 13.29 ATA Inc. $ 4.88 region $ 3.02 John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. $ 50.43 ProShares UltraPro Short NASDAQ Biotechnology$ 31.90 USA Truck, Inc. $ 18.65
0.49 ▼ 16.28% 0.64 ▼ 10.44% 0.25 ▼ 9.54% 2.12 ▼ 9.06% 0.48 ▼ 8.94% 1.13 ▼ 7.84% 0.38 ▼ 7.22% 0.21 ▼ 6.50% 3.37 ▼ 6.26% 2.06 ▼ 6.07% 1.20 ▼ 6.05%
Photo credit: Pete Souza Wikimedia.
Spanish industry giants to pitch for Cuban trade
VISIT: President Barack Obama with Cuban President Raul Castro in Havana. IT has been reported that Spanish electricity providers, including Gamesa, Acciona and Gas Natural, sent emissaries to Cuba in order to establish trade opportunities and connections for business development now that the US has removed its long-standing sanctions and trading embargo with the neighbouring country. The Cuban Government has apparently decided to concentrate on finding new methods of obtaining and maintaining renewable energy sources in order to minimise external influence generated from importing electro-power, preferring to produce their own. The emphasis on finding energy production sources that can be generated from wind or sun is linked to the supposition that Cuban fuel is considered to be of rather low quality, as well as in short supply. A further 55 enterprises from Spain are visiting Cuba during this official trip, organised by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. The Cuban market, now open after the removal of the American trade and commerce blockade, has attracted massive international interest and many companies headed there in order to cement their position on this emerging economical podium. Amongst the first US companies travelling to conquer new territory were Marriott, Google and AT&T, after US leader, Barack Obama’s historical visit to Havana, closely followed by a state visit from French President, Francois Hollande; the first European leader to make the step. The exciting opportunities come with Cuban President’s Raul Castro’s policies for liberalisation and modernisation of the previously isolated state.
Modesto Pineiro, who is the Vice President of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce as well as the Chairman of the Bilateral Business Committee, has stated that, “Spain has a very competitive position in Cuba - it is the third largest presence on the island - and must move to maintain its weight amongst increased competition and interest from other countries.”
38 per cent increase in exports to Cuba, a fast growing market, in 2015.
He believes that Cuba is a fast growing market and that Spain and its companies should take a leading role in Cuba’s development process. Considering that export to the island grew 38 per cent in 2015, reaching a record 964 million, it is not surprising that many countries are interested in sharing Cuba’s expanding commercial platform. Business opportunities for Spanish companies are not just limited to renewable energy products, but also to the island’s plans to develop their shipping industry and trade ports, warranting a visit from Urbas and other real-estate firms, who develop ports such as Ineco and Port of Barcelona. Furthermore, companies such as Productos La Constancia, Roser and Germina, who specialise in the installation of equipment for the food industry, are aiming to improve Cuba’s food tourism sector.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
How am I the sane one here? LEAPY LEE SAYS IT
I’m beginning to believe this could truly be the case
I CAN honestly say that never in my wildest dreams would I ever consider myself the voice of sanity. However, with the ever increasing madness that seems to be prevailing on this asylum of a planet, I’m beginning to believe this could truly be the case. A first example is a group of men and women who should be the undisputed bastions of reason and responsibility, namely our esteemed judges. Instead, with monotonous regularity, we read of judgements being made by these people that truly should earn them a one way ticket to the local establishment of lunatics. This week was no exception. One of our twirling top knots actually ruled that a one-legged, self-confessed Albanian double murderer, who has a four-bedroom council house plus £2,000 (€2,587) a month
ESTEEMED JUDGES: Most of these maniacal rulings originate from the European courts. in benefits, and reputedly makes a fortune selling cocaine, should receive legal aid to fight extradition from the UK, under (you’ve guessed
it) the Human Rights Act! You will, I’m sure, note that most of these maniacal rulings originate from the European courts. Yet more reason we
should be breathing sighs of relief and good riddance next month! In yet more insanity, this week Tony Blair announced he would help
three million Albanians get the right to work in the UK! This traitor, who in my opinion is responsible for practically all our immigration problems, is still working to undermine the UK. And last, but by no means least, the Judge’s decision to gag the media in the celebrity ‘ménage a trois’ affair. The identity of this couple has been all over the Scottish Press, is rife in the American media and the Internet. In a highly expensive court proceeding Judges ruled that the British media should be banned from revealing their identity! Well, all I can say is how delighted I was to recently read they were one of the most happily married couples in show biz. Keep the faith Love Leapy,
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Advertising feature
All change at Globelink It’s goodbye from David – and hello to Christina David Deverson GLOBELINK INTERNATIONAL Insurance correspondent
AS Globelink Travel Insurance celebrates its 20th anniversary it’s now time for me to hang up the phone and to enjoy some travelling myself. I will certainly miss the friendly banter, and hearing about your fantastic holiday experiences, and I have fond memories of meeting some of you personally at our Roadshows in Malaga, Alicante and Estepona. Many of you have regularly arranged your travel insurance with us since our early years and it is a special pleasure when I see your names year after year. I thank all of you for your support, friendship, funny stories, and even some of your constructive criticism! It doesn’t feel like 20 years ago when I started Globelink from my spare room, and
CHRISTINA SHARP: Is ready to take over.
we have come a long way since then. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I am very proud that Globelink has become the leading travel insurer for people who live in Spain with a dedicated team focused in continuing the highest level of customer service. Many of you will be on first name terms with Tracey, Sarah, Jordan, Hayley or Alex in our Customer Service Team. Now I am pleased to introduce to you Globelink’s newly appointed Managing Director, Christina Sharp who has considerable experience in the insurance industry and joined us in January from ACE European Group. We have been working closely together to ensure a smooth handover and I know that she is
looking forward to carrying on our philosophy of treating our clients in the same way we would expect to be treated ourselves. Goodbye from David Christina has announced the first of a series of competitions to celebrate our 20th anniversary which she hopes you will participate in by sending us your favourite holiday snap. Just visit www.globelink-20th-anniver say-photo-contest for further information. I encourage you to enter and wish you luck in this chance to win a Kindle or one of many other exciting prizes. For an instant travel insurance quote or to arrange cover securely online, enabling you to print your policy documents immediately, visit or you can telephone Globelink on 00 44 1353 699082 or their Spanish link lines on 966 265 000 or 951 242 434.
26 May - 1 June 2016
Costa del Sol
Look no further for a home. 16-page special starts here...
Intelligent evolution
COSTA DEL SOL: Today you have far more technology, expertise and collective experience at your fingertips to make a vastly more informed decision about investing in the property market. By Matthew Elliott PROPERTY markets are by their very nature complex, dynamic and subject to powerful external forces, yet the Costa del Sol has persevered in its phenomenal recovery and recent years have seen the marketplace enjoy a welcome level of stability, while growing in confidence with each passing day. The dream of owning a home on the Costa, whether in elegant Marbella, picturesque Mijas, on the shores of Benalmadena, Fuengirola, and San Pedro, or inland in beautiful Coin, Alhaurin and Benahavis, is as potent as ever, and has spread far beyond Britain, Germany, and other reservoirs of expatriate adventurers. Today the Costa del Sol property market boasts huge levels of interest from smart in-
vestors from places like Russia, China, and even America, as well as broadening its appeal throughout Europe, with ever growing numbers of Finnish, French, and Belgians contributing to the vibrant cultural melting pot. This is an incredibly important and beneficial development, both to local residents and anyone interested in buying or selling a home here. By consolidating its reputation and attracting a wider variety of investors, the property market is successfully insulating itself from concerns over the Brexit, while also helping power the engine of the national market. Regardless of uncertainty over the referendum, the Spanish property market is in rude health, seeing numbers not witnessed in almost a decade across all the essential indicators. Home sales and transac-
The Costa del Sol property market boasts huge levels of interest from smart investors. tions, rental markets, the related construction and legal sectors, and foreign interest have also seen tremendous improvements since 2014, marked by a welcome blend of stability that hints at a maturing marketplace. A crucial piece of the puzzle is the evolution of the market itself, in terms of how business is conducted, how clients are treated, and the vast scope of immensely valuable information now at their disposal. With widespread investment and growing awareness from the international business community there is now simply too
much money at stake for the sector not to rapidly adapt and become one of the world’s most advanced, and fortunately that is precisely what is happening. Values including trust, transparency, financial fairness, and sustainability now enjoy a far more privileged place than seen in the past, and this development allows foreign residents and expatriates the much deserved opportunity to be confident in their property decisions, and to choose Spain, and the Costa del Sol, ahead of other prime destinations. A fundamental part of this evolution is down to the dedication of local property specialists and real estate agents, who have come through the tough times stronger than ever, and can attribute their success to their firm commitment to community values of fairness and sustainability.
Because these people are from the community, live in the community, owe their success and future to the community, they are far more inclined to ensure, not only that their neighbours are protected, but that the financial health of local properties continues to excel. If you are seriously considering buying or selling a property here on the Costa del Sol, then it is the specialists and experts featured throughout these pages who should be your first port of call, who know the areas and communities intimately, and can offer priceless advice, even if just a quick chat over a cup of tea. It is this kind of client and community focussed service that you simply will not find elsewhere, and it’s hugely beneficial when making such a serious consideration to be able to talk with someone on the level,
who understands exactly any hopes and concerns you may have. Today you have far more technology, expertise and collective experience at your fingertips to make a vastly more informed decision, and a healthy vibrant market to look forward to investing in. Should you wish to truly understand local dynamics and ensure that you make the smart, sensible decision when it comes to your financial future, then the experts in this supplement are the people to speak with. The enduring appeal of the Costa del Sol is that it offers a range of property options for all budgets, interests and desires. Its property marketplace has now earned a well deserved reputation for a dynamic professionalism that is set to ensure the region’s long term prosperity.
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
More tips on selling your home John Graham The property expert
THIS week we will continue with my Top Tips on selling your home. Right now we will go through tips six to eight. Next week we will conclude with the last two. 6. Not everyone can afford or will want to spend a lot of money on new kitchens, bathrooms, curtains and furnishings etc to make their home look at its best. My Top Tip number six for preparing your home for the buyers visit on a low budget, is cover up and hide anything that looks worn or out of date. Sofas and chairs in the living room can be brought back to life if you buy neutral covers for them and add a few scatter cushions. All old curtains should be open and tied back. For bedrooms, buy new bed covers, and for bathrooms buy matching sets of bathroom mats and
SPARE ROOM: Make it into a dedicated guest bedroom. towels and new shower curtains. Take up carpets that look a bit worn, and in the kitchen keep work surfaces clear and tidy and fit new door handles to the cupboards.
7. Most modern villas and apartments in Spain have a garage and storeroom, and the buyer needs to feel he can easily park the car and store accessories in their new home.
My Top Tip number seven is clear out the garage and storeroom so that the buyer can visualise parking the car easily, and there’s also plenty of storage space available. It’s a small
detail but sales have been lost because buyers couldn’t visualise their 4x4 car fitting into the garage space. 8. Many homes have what’s commonly called a spare room, which in many cases turns into a junk room because it is not used daily. My Top Tip number eight is give this room a clear identity, you want to avoid the buyer thinking they are paying for something that is a waste of space and will probably want to reduce their offer. Make your spare room into a dedicated guest bedroom, put new neutral colored covers on the bed, add scatter cushions, a matching carpet and curtains. Or if the spare room is a bit small, turn the room into a study, buy a desk and chair, reading lamp and if you have one, put your laptop on the desk. All of a sudden your spare room looks part of the home: neat, tidy and functional. John H Graham is a Fellow of The Architecture & Surveyors Institute. You can contact him by email if you are thinking of selling your home. Email:
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Credit Shutterstock
Real estate in upswing
POSTIVE SIGNS: The property market is in its fifth year of recovery after the housing bubble burst in 2007 and 2008. By Matt Ford ALTHOUGH Spain continues to battle the effects of the recession, the Marbella housing market is showing extremely positive signs of recovery, with 4,390 homes sold in
2015, representing an increase of 9.83 per cent in 2014 and an outcome comparable to 2006. In 2008, only 2,116 properties were traded, with numbers remaining less than 2,500 until 2012. Light appeared at the end of the
Analysts suggest that contributing factors include a weak euro, easy acquisition of low-interest loans and mortgages, an improved city image, and high returns on investment. While an average of 13.18 per
tunnel in 2013, and the market is now entrenched in its fifth consecutive year of recovery after the housing bubble burst in 2007 and 2008. The number of completed projects also exceeded 60 for the first time since 2010 in 2015.
Excellent property returns in the Spanish market ONE of the world’s largest and most respected investor indexes has revealed that returns on Spanish property are currently running at their best results in 10 years. A report from the internationally renowned MSCI has noted an excellent 15.3 per cent total return on investments in Spanish property in 2015. Its comprehensive IPD Spain Annual Property Index followed the financial performance of more than 400 investments, which a have combined value of €17.6 billion. The last time such successful figures were seen was back in 2006 when property returns jumped a record 16.9 per cent. Last year’s data marks an eyecatching improvement on the 9.4 per cent increase seen in 2014, and is thought to have been encouraged by excellent capital growth, which rose to 9.7 per cent, from a solid 3.4 per cent the previous year. Senior associate at MSCI, Luis Francisco, was buoyant with the
PROPERTY MARKET: Is demonstrating wider stability in Spain. news, indicating that the figures demonstrated the “health of the sector and its new found resilience.” Real estate is continuing to be the investment of choice for companies
and individuals alike as it outperforms bonds and equities, he noted. Yield compression has been strong and, importantly, the situation has markedly improved across all
sectors of the property market, demonstrating wider stability and encouraging more investment throughout 2016 as the market exudes confidence.
cent of buyers are of foreign origin in Spain, this figure exceeds 80 per cent in Marbella, where there has also been a clear escalation in the number of luxury sales of €4 million or more, of which more than 100 were sold in 2015.
Heaven - it wants its grass back GREEN is back in vogue as residents and businesses alike realise the tremendous benefits of landscaped roofs for properties. Spain has cultivated a growing reputation in the field with Madrid building one of the largest ecological covers in the world atop the Banco Santander Financial City, which boasts 100,000 square metres of greenery. Green roofs are proving to have a diverse variety of benefits. They provide thermal insulation in summer to prevent indoor temperatures rising too high, saving businesses thousands on air conditioning. Heating costs are also dramatically reduced through an awning effect, while water bills are discounted by the efficient channelling of soaked up rainwater. Noise pollution is reduced as vegetation and landscaping absorbs sound waves while seating, furniture, orchards and picnic areas provide a welcome respite for those feeling suffocated by city life. The Spanish Association of Green Covers (Aescuve) suggests that landscaping a roof professionally can be so beneficial as to revalue a property by up to 12 per cent.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Fixed-rates flourishing MORTGAGE dynamics in the Spanish property market have seen a recent increase in the number of people opting for a fixed-rate deal, traditionally shunned in favour of a variable-rate option. The National Consumer Institute (INE) has published new figures which show that, in the months of 2016, those selecting fixed-rate mortgages represent 10.8 per cent of the total number taken out, with an average interest rate of 3.31 per cent. Now property experts are suggesting that the figure could be as high as 20 per cent by the end of summer, as many families look towards the long-term stability offered by fixed-rates. Interest rates are at their lowest ever levels and the Euribor looks set to see low figures for the remainder of the decade, both factors which would suggest variable-rate mortgages are the smarter financial option, in the middle term at least. Should you elect to go with a fixed-rate mortgage there are a variety of bank options which have nominal interest rates hovering between 2-3 per cent. It is important, however, to consider that you take into account other expenses than the nominal interest rate alone. Some providers will charge an opening fee, while others have fees for early fulfilment, so shop around and be sure to consult a local property expert before you commit to anything.
Things to ask before taking the plunge By Eleanor Hawkins A HOLIDAY home in the Spanish sun is a dream come true for many. In fact, according to a study by Re/Max Europe real estate franchise, Spain is the country with the fifth most holiday homes on the continent. However, as tempting as it is to take the plunge the moment you set eyes on what could well be the second home of your dreams, there are five questions you should ask yourself before signing on the dotted line. 1. Will you love the location forever? It’s a good idea to visit the area you’re intending to adopt as your second home during the quiet season, not just when it’s packed with tourists having fun in the sun. You need to know whether you’ll still love it when it’s cloudy, or the sea breeze is too strong to lay on the beach.
HOLIDAY HOMES: A dream come true for many. 2. How often will you be able to use it? Work out how many times per year you’ll be able to go there. Think also of the travelling time and bear in mind your professional obligations to determine how often you really will be able to sneak away, and compare them to the cost of the home and its maintenance.
3. Have you talked to the neighbours? Visit local bars and restaurants, wander the streets, nose about and get chatting to the neighbours and year-round residents to see what it’s like to live there. 4. How much will you be able to rent it for? It’s important to think about
this as there will often be times when you won’t be able to use the holiday home and renting it out could help cover the maintenance costs. 5. What are the running costs? Add up all the expenses that come with the property (community fees, taxes, etc) to avoid unexpected surprises later on.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Bulletproofing your new home investment Many expatriates acquire property chiefly as an investment.
By Matthew Elliott WHILE many expatriates purchase a home in Spain with a view to moving to the country for a variety of exciting personal reasons, whether it is love, work, or simply enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of hard work. Many others acquire property chiefly as an investment. If this sounds like you, then some of the fundamentals in buying a home should be given a higher emphasis. One central question is whether there are hidden debts associated with the property that might make an unwelcome appearance in the guise of the taxman, years down the line. Things like unpaid council taxes (IBI), and unaccounted for personal or inheritance taxes of the owner, can seriously affect your later ability to capitalise on your property investment. If you have been closely following news on the Spanish property market
PROPERTY INVESTMENT: A full house survey is advisable.
you’ll also be aware of the incredible importance of ensuring that your new investment acquisition was built with proper planning permission. This also includes anything constructed after the original build, such as swimming pools and extensions. In this respect a full survey is highly advisable, preferably with a local expert you can trust to get the job done comprehensively and ensure that there are no unwelcome skeletons in the closet. Be sure to consult with a property specialist too to guarantee that your investment is in tip top shape.
Classic buyer returns WITH all the statistics, percentages, and comparisons flying around it is easy to lose sight of the human side of the rebounding Spanish property market. One key development which is often overlooked, despite being a hugely positive indicator for the market as a whole, is the return of the traditional homebuyer. This is a person, couple or family, typically younger than 40, who are taking the classic route of finding their feet on the property ladder, by taking out a mortgage plan and borrowing from the bank. It is this group which has seen the most marked Turn to page 74
Housing market stability Second-hand ONE of Britain’s biggest building societies has reported that it is experiencing its highest mortgage-lending levels since the heady days before the recession of 2008. Nationwide says that its market share is 13.7 per cent, with mortgages accounting for roughly €40 billion of all lending. New lending now exceeds mortgages being repaid and the building society has announced that, with its yearly profits rising to more than €1.5 billion, it has increased the age until which mortgages can be repaid from 75 to 85. The firm, the UK’s second biggest lender after Lloyds, took a 21 per cent share of the mortgage lending market last year but has warned shareholders that profits are likely to drop should competition increase. On the plus side, Nationwide said that it expects UK economic growth and the housing market to stabilise
NATIONWIDE: Expects housing market to stabilise and continue to strengthen. and continue to strengthen due to an improving labour market and housing undersupply. Once the referendum is out of the way, property ex-
perts across the UK are anticipating that the market will shift back towards its typical trend rate of 2 to 2.5 per cent per year growth. This year’s introduction
of stamp duty on buy to let homes has somewhat skewed the market, but is expected to become less of a factor in the ensuing months.
A REPORT from the wellregarded El Economista newspaper has suggested that prospective investors in Spanish property may be better served buying and renovating an older home than purchasing a brand new one. The advice doesn’t stretch across the entire country but is applicable to most regions. An average new-build home encapsulating an area of 90 square metres works out to a cost of €185,000, while a ‘second-hand’ property of the same size yet in need of refurbishment will see buyers pay around €140,000. Evidently this leaves a sizeable sum available to pay for any required renovations or face-lifts, which typically cost an average of just €16,000, leaving savings of approximately €30,000, naturally with a little more inconvenience.
90 square metres of new-build home works out at a cost of €185,000. Any inconveniences will, however, be mitigated by the fact that buyers can transform the property according to their own tastes and desires. Also, particularly in Spain, many second-hand homes are typically located in the more desirable and central neighbourhoods of villages, towns and cities, while new builds tend to be further out in suburban or even rural territory. The figures don’t apply in every region, however, and in Navarre, the Basque Country, Cantabria, and even Madrid, second-hand homes are actually more expensive than their newly constructed counterparts.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Those boomtown rats By Matthew Elliott THE extreme nature of the housing boom in southern England has been laid bare by a startling new report from Halifax, the UK based mortgage lender. A shocking report indicates that Greater London has seen property prices per square metre rise by an astonishing 432 per cent over the course of the past 20 years. At present the national average stands at £2,216 (€2,906), but there is a dramatic distinction that reinforces the traditional notion of a strong north-south divide. There are 17 areas in Greater London where the average price per square metre stands at more than £5,000 (€6,560), with Kensington and Chelsea continued to be the most expensive at an eye-watering £11,321 (€14,854). Outside of the capital and its ambit the other most ex-
A bird’s eye view WITH all the facts and figures flying around, often seemingly contradictory and playing to different sectors and interests, it’s a pleasing change in tact to see the property market summarised as succinctly as a snapshot from Spanish property valuation expert Tinsa. There has been a substantial rise in the number of mortgages granted, with Tinsa’s data showing a 13.3 per cent year-on-year increase in the first quarter of 2016. The year’s first three months also saw a spectacular 39.2 per cent increase in the number of building licences granted. Sales and supply are perhaps two of the most important factors and here the statistics also show good cause for optimism. Home sales recorded a stellar 9.2 per cent rise in the first quarter. Good news all round and suggestive that now is a great time to invest in Spain.
pensive towns are places like Solihull at £2,661 (€3,491) and Leamington Spa at £2,645 (€3,470). There was no area which registered a lower average than £1,000 (€1,312), with the lowest found in Scotland’s Airdrie at £1,019 (€1,337).
2,216 pounds (€2,906) is the average price per square metre for a house in the UK. In fact the north/south divide has widened across the past two decades as prices in the south continue to rise almost exponentially. Compared to the UK, the situation in Spain looks particularly good for those looking to invest in a second home, whether for themselves or to refurbish and sell, or simply let out to fellow expatriates.
LONDON: Property prices per square metre have risen by 432 per cent over 20 years.
Family buyers BUYERS: Are looking outside of the UK to invest.
Stars aligning
TRADITIONAL BUYER: Has made a return to the Spanish property market.
From page 72 recovery in recent years, indeed seeing the highest growth in 2015. The traditional buyer stands in stark contrast to the type of home purchaser who continued to flourish despite the recession. The two groups are not opposed but the re-emer-
gence of traditional buyers is more emblematic of the growing confidence and stability of the Spanish property market. With banks more willing to loan and more families seeing their peers getting on the property ladder, the isolation of the young and working classes looks set to be reversed in the near future.
SPANISH and British property firms, agencies and charted surveyors are joining forces in a series of moves that underscores the growing confidence British experts have in the strengthening Spanish market. Chelsea based Maskells Estate Agents now offers prime properties in Costa del Sol hotspots Benahavis and Marbella, as well as across Mallorca and the other Balearic Islands. Meanwhile the renowned Cluttons agency has opened up its second Spanish office in Barcelona following the success of its first venture in Marbella.
Central to the moves is the recent change in UK tax laws, making it more expensive for UK investors to buy properties to let. While criticised by many in Britain, the new stamp duty greatly benefits places like the Costa del Sol as buyers look outside of the UK for the most lucrative places to invest. With even the most expensive parts of Marbella, one of Spain’s top luxury destinations, representing far greater value for money than modest parts of London, the Costa del Sol represents a great investment opportunity for individuals.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Final count HOLIDAY rentals will be under the spotlight in forthcoming weeks as authorities in Andalucia begin a three-week countdown to the registration deadline for homeowners who rent their properties out to tourists on official channels. Meanwhile in Ibiza the government has identified more than 4,000 holiday homes being rented without a licence, with those responsible facing fines of up to €40,000 if found to be in breach of the law. An unlikely alliance between environmentalists eager to protect the island’s pristine ecology, and the hotel industry furious at being cut out of the tourist action, has welcomed the news that the local authorities look set to finally penalise errant homeowners.
Smart property planning By Matthew Elliott
PART of the beauty of Spain is that if you are planning to buy a new property, you have ample opportunity to sample different regions and styles of home by enjoying short stays at the huge variety of guesthouses scattered across the country. With solid transport links across the country and to and from the UK, and a hugely significant decision ahead of you then, should you have the opportunity, you’d do well to take advantage of any time you’ve set aside for your property hunt. There is a real abundance of holiday homes available right across the Costa del Sol if you want to appreciate vibrant community life by the seaside. Or head inland to places like Ronda and Coin for a more rustic flavour, and see how rural tranquillity suits you. The more cosmopolitan minded might like to rent an apartment in Marbella or Malaga to see how city life suits. If you’re active you can choose somewhere close to one of your favourite golf courses or hiking spots to test out the route, and see whether living there is all it’s cracked up to be. Whatever you decide it’s a smart move to explore a possible new neighbourhood as best you can before taking the plunge, and fortunately you’ve plenty of scope here for doing just that.
DIFFERENT REGIONS: Explore a possible new neighbourhood before taking the plunge.
Coastal pricing conundrum By Matthew Elliott IT is increasingly well understood that the Spanish property market has evolved into something of a two-tiered system, with the major cities and prime neighbourhoods seeing rapid growth while the interior hinterlands go at a slower pace, even seeing reversals. What is also becoming apparent is that the strongly performing coastal areas are seeing their own two-tier phenomenon develop, with towns just a stone’s throw away from one another witnessing markedly different pricing dynamics. In Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol for example, the first quarter of 2016 has seen house prices decrease by 5.6 per cent to an average of €1,399 per square metre, while in Marbella, just a short drive away, prices have risen by 5.5 per cent to an average of €1,864 per square metre. Marbella is something of a special case, but the phenomenon is abundant across the coast. In Benidorm prices are down 5.4 per cent, as they rise 6.6 per cent in Torrevieja. In Sitges, near Barcelona, prices have skyrocketed to €2,495, while further south in Castellon there are rows of abandoned homes. New housing developments in the Balearic Islands are fetching record prices, even reaching a maximum of €17,000 in the ex-
SPANISH MARKET: Property prices have developed a two-tier system across coastal areas. clusive areas of Mallorca. A likely explanation for the distinctions is the underappreciated role of foreign buyers, who accounted for 13.4 per cent of purchases in the first
quarter of the year, with sales highly concentrated on the coast. With more purchasing power, foreigners have had the capacity to be far more selective in their approach, but with
new developments expanding across less densely populated coastal frontiers, it is likely that we will seeing more standardisation of prices in the near future.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
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26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:
Supporting a worthy cause I SAW an article in the latest edition (Almeria) about Nick Ainsworth of Zurgena raising money for a local child with Perthes disease. My own daughter suffered with this condition and is now a successful lawyer who also does rock climbing, skiing, kayaking etc. I would like to contact someone involved to give support and encouragement, knowing the process and the results that can be achieved. Is it possible to either provide contact details for the charity or pass on my email to someone involved so they can contact me? Regards Stan Redfern EDITORS’S NOTE: We have put Stan in contact with Nick Ainsworth
Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:
Many hands make light work
Sadistic sport WE live in central Andalucia in a small, typically Spanish village, where hunting is the winter ‘sport.’ We have three Spanish rescue dogs and one is an Orito Podenco Español who was roaming the village two years ago with a length of rope tied tightly around his neck. Our vet said she thought that he had been hung and we believe that, as he was a young dog (six months no more) he got the rope between his sharp juvenile teeth and severed it and escaped. He now lives a contented life as a member of our 'family'. Some Spanish believe that a quick death by the gun is a waste of a bullet. Peter Stott
I WAS moved by your article prompted by a 91year-old pensioner living on the Costa del Sol. When my wife and I retired to Spain in 1996 we wished to live in peace and tranquillity. The Second World War was a traumatic experience for us, and, although neither of us was old enough to engage in the hostilities, we saw first-hand the tragedy of war, its effect on families and everyday life. Europe since then has started to work together with the EU encompassing more nations and play-
ing a major role in bringing European countries together in peaceful trading and security. Germany divided is now one nation and many other nations labouring under the yoke of communism have cast it aside and joined the EU. The newer members of the EU need the help and experience from the more developed ones. What price peace and security? Let us all bury our differences and join together to build a Europe of which we can be proud. Robert Peake, Mijas
Dogs suffer TERRIBLE, we have a ‘neighbour’ here in Benissa, Alicante with six hunting dogs chained-up and incarcerated in a small 2 x 2m tin roofed hole... the temperatures in the summer go more than 50 degrees, the dogs suffer terribly, cry and bark day and night and live in the sheer hell of their own ‘mess’... My wife and Mother-in-law are traumatised by this cruelty, complained to the town hall and after eight months they replied saying what did we expect living in the countryside... Have taken photos of these dogs and their suffering but not sure what to do with them as nobody here seems to want to know! Toni
Air affair GREAT to know that the blue flag is back in Alicante Province but are you sure that the air people breathe is good? Do you know that people still burn their green waste in this province? Some days the fumes are even blocked under a cloud of mist all over Albir! Every morning people are allowed to burn until 11am (with a permit) but too often they just let the fire burn and die out which might take another hour or two! The problem gets even worse when they not only burn green waste but add plastic, polystyrene etc. The beautiful orange groves are
some days inundated by particle pollution. There are regulations that date from 1997 and it’s high time that they update them and adapt them with the rules dictated by the Spanish Government as well as the European Union. Thank you for passing on the message so people will choose to go to beaches where the air and water are healthy! Micheline Berger
Up the ante THE Nonogram isn’t as challenging as it was before. I appreciate that you brought it back, but I’ll have
you know that I was the Basingstoke Crossword Champion for four years running before the Muslims knocked down our local Bingo Hall and replaced it with a curry house. In 2003 I was invited to Japan to participate in the Suzuki Sudoko Speed Contest and came in fifth place, although customs took my medal away. So stop patronising your readers and give us a real challenge. Gordon
Swing voters MY other half and I were deliberating on whether to write in, but de-
cided it might be of interest to some of your readers to know that we have each arranged a proxy vote in the UK for the upcoming EU referendum. Now here’s the rub, neither of us can make up our minds and, since we are both of shall we say an advanced age, have decided to ask our friends, families, and the greater public for advice on how they think we should vote before instructing our proxies. To be frank we don’t think it’ll make much difference either way but feel slightly guilty because we do have a vote, unlike many expats, and think it should be used properly. We know that, barring some miracle, the result will not really affect us in any way. We’re comfortable and secure in Spain, and have no dependents who will suffer/enjoy the consequences of our decision. We’d be especially interested in hearing from anybody who can’t vote but has a real stake in the outcome, perhaps due to children in the UK or Spain, and a very strong opinion! Philip & Vera, Palma de Mallorca
Marbella madness I FIND it astonishing that the Coastal Authority can just suddenly ‘find out’ that the land on which the chiringuitos stand is their property. A further fine example of the incompetence of Spanish bureaucrats and then of the high-handed way in which they deal with a problem they created themselves... I suppose noone will lose their job for this infringement oversight? But the chiringuito staff will presumably lose theirs and the owners will have to cough up compensation for the staff in the usual draconian way. Mike via web
WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:
The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Health & safety Mike Senker
In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man I’VE been away for a few days and have been staying in hotels and have had a couple of health and safety issues. I had just finished a meal in the hotel restaurant and asked for a toothpick. The young lady went off then came back and told me they didn’t have any. “Why?” This is my standard reply when people say no to me. You ready for this - ‘health and safety.’ “What? Are you nuts? How on earth can a tooth pick be more dangerous than the steak knife you just gave me to eat the lousy overpriced tough burger you just served me and which I am having difficulty removing from my teeth?” As usual the person I was talking to was just staring at me blankly. I knew I was going to get no reason from her so I asked to see the manager. As my Polish is worse than my Spanish, I’m in the UK by the way not Poland, I was just told it was a head office decision along with removing all beer mugs with handles!! To be honest I gave up pretty quickly for me and wandered back to my room in
search of a business card to try and bend it into a shape that would do the trick which it did but not before getting some cardboard stuck in between my teeth! The second incident is a blinder. I’m in my room, just had a shower and go to walk out of the bathroom. I open the door and as it opens it springs back, because there are two bathrobes hanging behind the door, and I stub my little toe. I am now rolling on the bed in agony calling the bathroom door every name possible. I look down and see it’s obviously broken as it’s kind of hanging there at a dodgy angle. I get dressed and manage to hobble down to reception as I need to strap it to the little piggy next to it. They open the first aid kit and I find a couple of plasters that will do the job. I then ask if they have any paracetamol to help with the pain. “Oh no sir we are not allowed to give out tablets health and safety.” I said, “I just want a painkiller. I’ll sign a disclaimer.” Not a chance. Then I thought health and safety. They want health and safety, they can have it. I asked to see the manager and told him that he needed to see what had caused my broken toe. He said he will report it to the general manager and we will see what happens. Of course I will let you know. Because you know I’m not letting this go!
Some potential road hazards AS part of the series, we answer some common driving questions and keep you updated on the latest driving and road news kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers.
kavalenkau /
CYCLISTS: Are perhaps the most vulnerable of road users. EVERY time we get behind the wheel of a car our fate lies somewhat in the hands of others and there are potential hazards at every turn. So what hazards can drivers meet and how can you best avoid the risk? Pedestrian crossings When approaching a pedestrian crossing look both ways to see if anyone is waiting to cross and slow right down. Drivers must give way to allow them to cross and be on the look out for anything that might be blocking a clear view of the crossing. Children Look out for children and young road users as often they have no real awareness of the dangers of the roads and could cross without taking precautions. Look for tell-tale
signs of being near parks, schools and gardens. Young people can also be distracted with their head phones on or being on a mobile phone. Elderly and disabled The elderly can take longer crossing roads along with those with assisted mobility so drivers need to be more patient and aware of their vulnerability. Cyclists Cyclists are perhaps the most vulnerable groups of road users. When you go to overtake make sure you leave a minimum 1.5m gap between your vehicle and cyclist and make sure you can safely overtake. Look out for potential hazards to the cyclist that may cause them to deviate from the bike’s course.
For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.
Items on the Agenda? AN owner took our Community and President to court for not allowing certain items to be put on the AGM agenda for discussion. The Spanish court has now ruled that the President has the obligation to include in the Agenda all items proposed by any owner, but also has the right to reject those items that are not important or relevant to the community. The Horizontal Law, Article 16.2, says the President shall include on the Agenda items that any owner requests but it does not state that the President has the right to refuse items being put on the Agenda. RB (Costa Blanca) The official Agenda for the AGM of a Community of Property Owners is important. Any point to be discussed and voted by the members should be listed on it before
David Searl You and the Law in Spain
the AGM. Yes, the President is obligated to include items
proposed by members, but the Spanish courts have ruled over the years that frivolous items or items which do not pertain to the operation of the Community can be refused.
Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
The deafening silence of a cover up: Stop the scandals and start Nora Johnson
Michel & Steven Euesden.
Breaking Views
A record achievement
Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to
THE recent inquest into the Hillsborough tragedy and its verdict of unlawful killing again raises questions about police conduct. Now, it’s easy enough to live in a monastery and remain squeaky-clean. It’s hard to remain decent and above the daily grind when ‘keeping in’ with the right people in the underworld is necessary to obtain information. They and the police are two sides of the same coin and have a symbiotic relationship. And compared to what passes for a police service in some parts of the developing world, the UK police look like paragons of honesty, integrity and trust. However, in the view of many, they are failing. And who knows whether it’s the police themselves, the judicial system, successive Home Secretaries or a combination of all three, but there is undeniably an urgent need for a shake up. As a writer of crime novels (all profits to Cudeca, the Costa del Sol cancer
TRUST: Needs to be rebuilt in the police since they can’t function without it. charity), I admit I’m attracted by crime and all it entails. From lurid descriptions of crime scenes to the gruesome details of post mortems. And given the opportunity to talk to criminals, I’d jump at it for the first-hand information they’d provide. But that’s as far as it’d go. Not so with some police officers, apparently. The charge sheet gets ever longer, doesn’t it? In addition to Hillsborough (the issue here isn’t that a police force wanted to cover up: it was that it was POSSIBLE to cover up), there’s Org-
reave (police brutality), Ian Tomlinson, Plebgate, Stephen Lawrence, Rotherham (child-grooming), Lords Brittan and Bramall (false allegations), to name just a few scandals. Because of the toxic combination of poor leadership and lack of public trust, what’s needed, at minimum, is a massive clear out at the top and searching questions asked. Is dividing the police into 43 forces compatible with the right command structure and cultural change? How genuine is local accountability? Are police and crime commis-
sioners worthwhile? Are sick-leave and early retirement arrangements too generous? This isn’t about fairness or efficiency but about rebuilding the public’s trust since, without it, the police can’t function. Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore.
Credit Orlok Shutterstock
A threat of a new right John Smith Random thoughts... IN fairness to British politicians generally, no matter on which side of the political spectrum or even if they appear to be totally incompetent, there has been very little possibility of a far right or indeed far left government coming to power in 150 years or more. The same cannot be said for the rest of Europe and it appears that Austria has escaped from having the first extreme right wing President, thanks in part to postal votes which were received from 12 per cent of that country’s tiny voting population of just 6.4 million. The early 20th century saw the rise of communism which was matched by fascism by the time of the Second World War and despite the result of the war, which saw large areas of Eastern Europe turn ‘red,’ Spain stayed defiantly rightist, Greece vacillated from Civil War to the right wing military junta and Portugal went left.
TIME WILL TELL: Syrian ‘refugees’ in Turkey.
Many countries within the EU are agreeable to taking in these migrants/ refugees.
As the end of the 20th century approached so we saw a breakdown of communist rule and a general move towards what is generally described as Democracy. Now however the terrible events in the Middle East and Northern Africa have seen an influx of ‘foreign’ Muslims who have no concept
ALTHOUGH we are proud of what we achieve with the production of six weekly English language newspapers, we don’t normally ‘blow our own trumpets’ excessively but what we and our staff achieved last week with our massive 232 page Costa del Sol edition does deserve repeating. As far as we know, this is a record size for a free English language newspaper, not just in Spain but across Europe and we have to congratulate everyone involved. First and foremost we have to thank our advertisers for supporting the Costa del Sol Success supplement that consisted of 104 pages which included a whole range of stories which had to be written by our team of writers in addition to their normal work. Equally to be thanked are you the reader for risking a hernia in picking up such a large newspaper but we sincerely hope you found it enjoyable. Our printers had to tackle the largest edition they had seen from us in all of our years of working with them and the distributors had to ensure they delivered this bumper newspaper to all of their usual collection points. Last but not least, we need to thank all of the salespeople, writers, proof readers, designers and support staff who spent some very long hours preparing the newspaper for publication. We may be nearly 20 years old but we don’t sit back and hope, we go out and make sure that we produce the most successful and widely read English language newspapers in Spain.
of the European way of life and things have started to turn nasty. Many countries within the EU are agreeable to taking in these migrants/refugees but their electorate is understandably not so happy and we have seen some of the problems that can arise when two completely alien cultures clash, with Germany perhaps being one of the best examples of how good intentions can have dreadful consequences. Without doubt there will be a growth in negative response to the ever-increasing number of new ‘citizens’ entering the Union as well as the somewhat ill-timed possibility of allowing Turkish passport holders into Europe without visas. If the voters in each country are sufficiently motivated by this ever-increasing number of mainly Muslim arrivals, then they will vote for parties that promise to bring an end to the tide Now we and this could see a number of potenwant to tially right wing and possibly isolahear your views. tionist governments which could in turn lead to a break-up of the YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE European Union. - YOUR OPINION Time will tell whether this is a good or bad thing.
Advertising feature
Luxu Parking for a luxury service
FANTASTIC FEATURES: Includes a guarantee for absolute punctuality. LUXU PARKING is the exciting new and dedicated venture of German national, Marlon, and Dutchman, Niek, who have both been living on the Costa del Sol for the last 18 years. Within a few short months, their company has already earned an excellent reputation for an outstanding and terrific car parking and valeting service. Located in Camino las Huertecillas in Malaga airport, Luxu Parking is one of the leading airport parking providers; amongst other fantastic features, their service includes a guarantee for absolute punctuality. “We are already at the terminal 20 minutes before the scheduled appointment. And upon arrival, we closely track all flight times and are already waiting at the agreed location once the flight has landed,” explains the 27-year-old Marlon. Previously, Marlon had worked for nine years at other park and airport services in Malaga, and him and his partner Niek, who has extensive work experience as an auto mechanic and painter, quickly realised that together they could build a company and service that is more customer friendly, effective and professional, under their own direction. Almost immediately, they had the idea to create a luxury parking service at Malaga airport. Now Luxu Parking is proud to boast that they have a 100 per cent customer satisfac-
tion guarantee, with a service that is not only practical and efficient, but also luxurious, convenient, customer friendly and professional. Luxu Parking offer a free full valet service for every customer’s stay, as well as the opportunity to conduct mechanical repairs and vehicle improvements on request, such as cleaning, car vacuuming, paintwork and a full correction detail and polish service. In addition, a professional window-tinting service can also be requested. Furthermore, despite the luxury service that Luxu Parking provides, they are very competitively priced and aim to ensure that fees are fair and affordable. Annual parking packs begin at €499 per year: outdoor parking starts at €3.50 per day and indoor parking from €5.00 per day. Of course, their secure alarmed parking facilities and exceptional service are in line with their punctual, luxurious and customer-orientated ethos.
For more information, please contact Marlon or Niek on 0034 651 668 640 or 0034 651 668 656, or email them at the address: More information can be found on their website:
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Council House Crackdown 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Family Finders 12:45pm Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm For What It's Worth 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Chelsea Flower Show 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm How Should I Vote? - the EU Debate 10:00pm The Truth About Alcohol 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News 11:45pm Question Time 12:45am This Week 1:30am Weather for the Week Ahead
7:30am Council House Crackdown 8:15am Family Finders 9:00am The Great Interior Design Challenge 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Pressure Pad 2:45pm A Taste of Britain 3:30pm The TV That Made Me 4:00pm Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 4:45pm Caribbean with Simon Reeve 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Countryfile Spring Diaries 8:00pm Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm Chelsea Flower Show 10:00pm Peaky Blinders 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am Horizon 1:15am Hillsborough 3:20am Chasing Dad: A Lifelong Addiction
8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Top of the Pops: 1981 Simon Bates presents the weekly pop chart show, originally broadcast on 29 October 1981. 9:00pm The Last Journey of the Magna Carta King 10:00pm Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British 11:00pm Going Forward Three-part dark comedy series centred around three days in the life of the Wilde family. 11:30pm A Very British Airline Looking behind the scenes of British Airways. 12:30am Francesco's Venice 1:30am Top of the Pops: 1981 2:05am Storyville
7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am
Countdown Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Four in a Bed Channel 4 News Summary Four in a Bed Fifteen to One Countdown Couples Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Shipping Wars The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie and Phil's Love it or List it 24 Hours in Police Custody Undercover How to Get a Council House
8:20am Bob the Builder 8:35am Thomas and Friends 8:50am Noddy: Toyland Detective 9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Reluctant Witness 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 9:00pm Inside Britain's Biggest Mosque 10:00pm On Benefits: Life on the Dole 11:00pm Britain's Flashiest Families 12:00am Up Late with Rylan
7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am
Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory Brooklyn Nine-Nine Angie Tribeca The Windsors The IT Crowd The IT Crowd
7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 9:45am 12:00pm 12:50pm 1:05pm 1:15pm 1:45pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 11:30pm 12:00am
7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Britain's Got Talent 10:00pm Coronation Street 10:30pm Britain's Got Talent 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:35pm ITV News London 11:45pm Las Vegas with Trevor Mcdonald 12:45am Murder, She Wrote 1:40am Jackpot247 4:00am Countrywise 4:25am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.
7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Dinner Date 8:00am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8:50am Emmerdale 9:20am Coronation Street 9:50am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:20am Psych 11:10am Britain's Got Talent 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Britain's Got Talent 8:00pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 8:30pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Family Guy 11:00pm Britain's Got More Talent 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy
7:00am 7:25am 8:20am 9:25am 10:30am 11:00am 11:25am 11:55am 12:55pm 2:00pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am
1:15am 2:35am 3:00am
In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Return of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Wycliffe The Knock Drama series following the dangerous investigations of an HM Customs and Excise unit. Cold Blood On the Buses ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping
7:00am World Cup Rivalries: Brazil v Italy 7:20am Minder 8:30am The Chase 9:30am Fifth Gear 10:30am French Open John Inverdale presents live coverage from Paris as the second round of the 2016 French Open concludes. 4:30pm French Open 10:00pm World Series of Darts 2:00am Hell on Wheels Western adventure series. 2:55am Ax Men Series following the work of North American lumberjacks as they risk their lives to cut timber. 3:45am ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 4:00am Teleshopping Shopping from home.
7:00am Fury 9:20am The Patriot 12:15pm Kingsman: The Secret Service 2:35pm The Matrix 5:00pm The Golden Child 6:40pm Fury 9:00pm Kingsman: The Secret Service 11:15pm The Matrix 1:35am Lethal Weapon 3:35am Death Warrant
7:50am Pitch Perfect 2 Special 8:20am The Goonies 10:20am Idiocracy 11:50am Barely Lethal 1:35pm Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 3:30pm The Top Ten Show 2016 3:50pm 50 First Dates 5:35pm The Wedding Singer 7:20pm The Waterboy 9:00pm Dumb and Dumber 11:00pm Get Hard 12:50am Superbad 2:50am South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
9:00am The Top Ten Show 2016 9:15am True Story A disgraced journalist discovers that an accused killer has assumed his identity. True-life drama. 11:00am Max A military dog that served in Afghanistan is adopted by his late handler's grieving family. 1:00pm Lessons in Love 2:45pm The Gallows 4:15pm Trainwreck 6:30pm Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 7:00pm Max 9:00pm Trainwreck 11:10pm Lessons in Love 12:55am The Gallows 2:25am We Still Kill the Old Way An ex-East End gangster returns to London from Spain when his brother is murdered by a street gang.
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! Premier League 100 Club Sporting Triumphs Live Monaco GP: Practice Live Monaco GP: Practice Sporting Triumphs Sky Scholars F1 Report: Monaco GP Preview Live Monaco GP: Practice Live Monaco GP2:Qualifying Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs The F1 Show Football's Greatest Barclays Premier League World Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold World Rugby Live Super League Barclays Premier League World Bpl 100 Club
7:00am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. 7:30am Cricket's Greatest 8:00am Sky Sports Years 9:00am Cricket Classic 10:00am Cricket's Greatest 10:30am Cricket's Greatest 11:00am Darts Gold 11:30am Cricket's Greatest 12:00pm Cricket's Greatest 12:30pm Cricketing Yorkshire 1:00pm Cricketing Yorkshire 1:30pm Cricketing Yorkshire 2:00pm Cricketing Yorkshire 2:30pm Cricketing Yorkshire 3:00pm ICC Cricket 4:00pm Darts Gold 4:30pm Darts Gold 5:00pm Time of Our Lives 6:00pm Cricket Classic 7:00pm Live T20 Blast 11:00pm Bass Fishing 12:00am Time of Our Lives 1:00am T20 Blast Surrey face off against Glamorgan at The Kia Oval in the NatWest T20 Blast. 5:00am Cricket Classic
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
7:00am Breakfast 10:30am Council House Crackdown 11:15am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Family Finders 12:45pm Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm For What It's Worth 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Chelsea Flower Show 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Chelsea Flower Show 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Would I Lie to You? 10:00pm Have I Got News for You 10:30pm Love, Nina 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show 12:20am Witless
7:00am Flog it! Trade Secrets 7:30am Council House Crackdown 8:15am Family Finders 9:00am Into the Wild with Gordon Buchanan 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Pressure Pad 2:45pm A Taste of Britain 3:30pm The TV That Made Me 4:00pm Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 4:45pm The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve 5:45pm Great British Railway Journeys 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Countryfile Spring Diaries 8:00pm Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm Chelsea Flower Show 10:00pm The World's Biggest Flower Market 11:00pm Mum 11:30pm Newsnight 12:05am No Such Thing as the News
8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Top of the Pops: 1981 Peter Powell presents the weekly pop chart show, first broadcast on 5 November 1981. 9:00pm The Good Old Days 9:45pm Sounds of the Sixties 9:55pm Pop Go the Sixties 10:00pm Tales from the Tourbus 11:00pm Totally British 12:00am Totally British 1:00am Top of the Pops: 1981 Peter Powell presents the weekly pop chart show, first broadcast on 5 November 1981. 1:40am Tales from the Tourbus 2:40am Totally British 3:40am Totally British
7:00am Countdown 7:45am Will and Grace 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 11:30am Undercover Boss Canada 12:30pm Four in a Bed 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Four in a Bed 3:10pm Fifteen to One 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Shipping Wars 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:30pm Travel Man: 48 Hours in Paris 9:00pm George Clarke's Amazing Homes on Wheels 10:00pm Gogglebox 11:00pm The Windsors 11:35pm Very British Problems 12:35am Rude Tube
7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm International Football Live 11:15pm ITV News 11:45pm ITV News London 11:55pm International Football Highlights 1:00am Murder, She Wrote 1:50am Jackpot247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote Mystery series. 4:50am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.
7:10am Dinner Date 8:00am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8:50am Emmerdale 9:20am Coronation Street 9:50am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:20am Psych 11:10am Britain's Got Talent 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:00pm Britain's Got Talent 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 12:15am Family Guy
7:00am 7:25am 8:20am 9:25am 10:25am 10:55am 11:20am 11:50am 12:55pm
7:00am 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am 4:30pm 10:00pm 1:00am 2:05am
2:00pm 3:05pm 4:05pm 5:10pm 5:45pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 7:55pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:15am 2:35am 3:25am 4:20am 5:10am 5:35am
In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Return of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Wycliffe The Knock Cold Blood Long Lost Family Rory Bremner's Great British Views Rory Bremner's Great British Views George and Mildred George and Mildred
Motorway Patrol Minder The Chase Fifth Gear French Open French Open World Series of Darts Police Academy FYI Daily A round up of the latest entertainment news. Police Academy The comic misadventures of a group of inept police recruits. Tommy Cooper Comedy and magic from comedian Tommy Cooper. Movies Now The latest news and reviews of this week's film releases. ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping Shopping from home.
8:35am Thomas and Friends 8:50am Noddy: Toyland Detective 9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Cowboy Builders and Bodge Jobs 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Fatal Honeymoon 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Cricket on 5: England v Sri Lanka 9:00pm Kitten's Got Talent 10:00pm Ant and Dec: Their Story 11:30pm Britain's Best Loved Double Acts 1:00am Super Casino
7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm
8:45am 10:45am 12:45pm 2:50pm 4:35pm
7:00am Max A military dog that served in Afghanistan is adopted by his late handler's grieving family. 9:00am Kingsman: The Secret Service Special Alex Zane looks at Matthew Vaughn's riotous love letter to the spy genre starring Colin Firth. 9:30am The Forbidden Kingdom 11:30am Self/Less 1:30pm The Maid's Room 3:15pm Max 5:15pm The Bad Education Movie 7:00pm The Forbidden Kingdom 9:00pm The Bad Education Movie 10:45pm Self/Less 12:45am The Maid's Room 2:30am The Gallows 4:00am The Maid's Room 5:45am Kingsman
7:05pm 9:00pm 11:10pm 1:00am 3:10am
7:45am 9:40am 10:00am 11:45am 1:25pm 3:10pm 5:10pm 7:05pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:45am 2:30am
Jaws 2 Constantine Mad Max: Fury Road Reign of Fire Exodus: Gods and Kings The Italian Job Mad Max: Fury Road RoboCop RoboCop 2 The Marine 4: Moving Target
27 Dresses Inside Out: Special Mean Girls Romy and Michele's High School Reunion Tammy Pitch Perfect 2 Never Been Kissed 27 Dresses Tammy Pitch Perfect 2 Romy and Michele's High School Reunion Never Been Kissed
2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:05am 12:35am
Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory Rush Hour Daredevil The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory
7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 11:30am 11:40am 1:30pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 8:30pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am 12:45am 1:00am 1:15am 1:30am 2:00am 2:30am 2:45am 3:00am 5:00am 5:30am
Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event BPL Legends Premier League 100 Club Live Super Rugby Super Rugby Gold Live Super Rugby Sporting Greats The Premier League Years Live Indian Premier League Live Super League The F1 Show: Monaco Special Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Super League Highlights Football Gold Football's Greatest Bpl 100 Club Football Gold Football Gold The Premier League Years BPL Legends BPL Legends
7:00am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. 7:30am Cricket's Greatest 8:00am Sky Sports Years 9:00am Cricket Classic 10:00am Cricket's Greatest 10:30am Cricket's Greatest 11:00am Live Test Cricket 7:45pm Live T20 Blast 11:30pm Cricket's Greatest 12:00am Cricket 1:00am Cricket 2:00am Cricket's Greatest 2:30am Cricket's Greatest 3:00am Cricket 4:00am Cricket 5:00am Super League Highlights 5:15am Rugby Classic A chance to relive some classic rugby sevens 5:30am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
2:35am 7:00am 11:00am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 1:10pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 5:15pm 6:00pm 6:50pm 7:00pm 7:05pm 7:10pm 8:00pm 8:50pm 9:40pm 10:30pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 11:50pm 12:20am 1:05am 2:40am 2:45am
7:00am 9:25am 9:30am 10:25am 11:20am 12:20pm 1:05pm 1:10pm 2:15pm 4:50pm 7:00pm 7:10pm 7:25pm 8:30pm 11:00pm
12:00am 12:15am
BBC News Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Mary Berry Cooks BBC News Weather Bargain Hunt Homes Under the Hammer Gymnastics Escape to the Country Can't Touch This BBC News Regional News Weather Pointless Michael Mcintyre's Big Show The National Lottery: In It to Win It Casualty The Musketeers BBC News Weather Peter Kay's Comedy Shuffle Live at the Apollo The Tuxedo Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News
7:30am Homes Under the Hammer 8:30am Death of a Scoundrel 10:25am The Glass Bottom Boat 12:10pm Natural World 1:00pm The Hairy Bikers' Everyday Gourmets 2:00pm Father of the Bride 3:30pm Flog It! 4:20pm The Great British Sewing Bee 5:20pm The Great British Sewing Bee 6:20pm This Week's World 7:00pm Golf 8:00pm Nick Baker's Wild West 8:30pm RHS Chelsea Flower Show 9:30pm Dad's Army 10:00pm The Secret of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony 11:30pm Artsnight 12:00am The Prestige 2:00am The Disappearance of Alice Creed 3:35am This is BBC Two
CITV ITV News Weekend Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express Kindergarten Cop Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Bang on the Money Britain's Got Talent Let's Do it: A Tribute to Victoria Wood A compilation of songs and sketches in tribute of the late comedienne. ITV News and Weather UEFA Champions League Highlights
7:00am Emmerdale Omnibus 9:20am Coronation Street Omnibus 11:50am Catchphrase 12:35pm The Cube 1:30pm A Little Princess 2:30pm FYI Daily 2:35pm A Little Princess 3:30pm Scorpion 4:25pm Uncle Buck 5:25pm FYI Daily 5:30pm Uncle Buck 6:25pm The Smurfs 2 7:25pm FYI Daily 7:30pm The Smurfs 2 8:20pm Hulk 9:20pm FYI Daily 9:25pm Hulk 11:00pm Britain's Got More Talent 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy 1:00am Family Guy 1:30am American Dad! 2:00am American Dad! 2:25am The Cleveland Show Animated spin-off from Family Guy. 2:50am The Cleveland Show
8:00pm Francesco's Venice 9:00pm Hidden Killers of the Post War Home 10:00pm The Disappearance 10:55pm The Disappearance 11:40pm BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend 12:40am Pop Charts Britannia: 60 Years of the Top 10 2:10am Tales from the Tourbus Rock legend and tour bus afficionado Rick Wakeman takes us on a timetravelling trip through the decades in this first-hand account of rockers on the road from the late 1950s to the 80s and beyond. 3:10am Top of the Pops: 1981 3:45am Top of the Pops: 1981 4:25am Sounds of the Eighties 4:50am This is BBC Four
7:10am Cycling 8:05am Motorsport 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am The Morning Line 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am The Big Bang Theory 12:00pm The Superhumans Show 12:30pm The Big Bang Theory 1:00pm The Big Bang Theory 1:30pm The Simpsons 2:00pm The Simpsons 2:30pm Channel 4 Racing 5:15pm A Place in the Sun 6:15pm Channel 4 News 6:45pm Formula 1 8:30pm Guy Martin: Last Flight of the Vulcan Bomber 10:00pm Red 2 12:10am End of Days 2:30am Hollyoaks Omnibus 4:35am Posh Pawnbrokers 5:30am Win it Cook it 5:55am Fifteen to One
7:00am Milkshake! 9:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30am The Saturday Show Live 12:30pm Fail Army 1:00pm Police Interceptors 2:00pm Police Interceptors 3:00pm Police Interceptors 4:00pm Police Interceptors 5:00pm Police Interceptors 6:00pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 7:00pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 7:55pm 5 News 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles 10:00pm NCIS 11:00pm The Championship Final Football League Tonight. 11:45pm The 80s: The Best of Bad TV 1:15am Super Casino Live interactive gaming featuring roulette, blackjack and autowheel. 4:10am Police Interceptors
7:00am 7:20am 8:15am 9:20am 10:20am 10:25am 11:35am 1:35pm
7:00am Ax Men 7:55am Motorsport UK 8:55am British Superbike Championship Highlights 9:55am Hsbc Rugby 7's Highlights 10:30am French Open Tennis 10:00pm Cycling 11:00pm Rugby: Aviva Premiership Highlights 12:00am The Long Kiss Goodnight Geena Davis plays Samantha Caine, a schoolteacher in a small town with a sweet kid and a nice boyfriend. 1:10am FYI Daily 1:15am The Long Kiss Goodnight 2:25am Hell on Wheels 3:25am Tommy Cooper 3:55am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping
9:20am Godzilla 11:35am The Rock 2:05pm The Top Ten Show 2016 2:20pm Avengers 4:50pm The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 6:50pm Godzilla 9:00pm The Rock 11:20pm Avengers: Age of Ultron
2:40pm 3:55pm 5:55pm 8:00pm
9:00pm 11:00pm 1:00am
2:05am 3:00am 3:30am
Judge Judy Where the Heart is Where the Heart is The Railway Children FYI Daily The Railway Children Columbo The Return of Sherlock Holmes The Return of Sherlock Holmes Foyle's War Rosemary and Thyme Doc Martin Comedy drama series about a top London surgeon who developed a phobia of blood. Foyle's War Lewis Trial and Retribution Crime drama series which includes the crime, investigation and trial of a particular case. Northern Lights ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
7:00am Calendar Girls 9:00am The Top Ten Show 2016 9:15am Sweet Home Alabama 11:15am When Harry Met Sally 1:00pm Sleepless in Seattle 2:50pm Trainwreck 5:00pm The Other Woman 7:00pm Calendar Girls 9:00pm Trainwreck 11:10pm The Other Woman 1:10am Sweet Home Alabama
7:00am 7:20am 7:45am 8:35am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm
Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Jane the Virgin Made in Chelsea Suburgatory Suburgatory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Maid in Manhattan The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Battle: Los Angeles Gogglebox Gogglebox
7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 11:30am 1:45pm 2:00pm
7:00am Max 9:00am The Forbidden Kingdom 11:00am The Maid's Room 12:45pm Self/Less 2:45pm Fast and Furious 7 Special 3:15pm The Bad Education Movie An inept teacher takes his class on a chaotic school trip to Cornwall. 5:00pm Max 7:00pm The Forbidden Kingdom 9:00pm The Bad Education Movie 10:45pm Self/Less 12:45am The Maid's Room 2:30am The Gallows 4:00am The Maid's Room A Colombian immigrant hired as a live-in maid at a luxurious summer house witnesses something she shouldn't. Atmospheric thriller.
7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am
2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 7:05pm 7:35pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:20am 1:25am
2:30pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 9:00pm 12:30am 12:45am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 2:15am 3:15am 3:45am
11:30am 8:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am 12:45am 1:00am
2:00am 3:00am 4:00am 5:00am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold BPL Legends Bpl 100 Club Bpl 100 Club Live Super Rugby Live Super Rugby Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Live Super Rugby Live Championship Play-Off Final Live Fight Night Super League Highlights Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Super League Highlights Championship PlayOff Final Highlights Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club
Cricket Classic Cricket Cricket Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Live Saturday Debate Live Test Cricket Live Rugby League Summer Bash Cricket Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classic Sky Sports delves into its cricket archives to revive some Ashes action from 2005. Cricket Cricket Cricket Classic Cricket
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
7:00am Breakfast 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am The Big Questions 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:10pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:15pm Homes Under the Hammer 3:15pm Escape to the Country 4:00pm Lose Weight for Love 5:00pm Nature's Epic Journeys 6:00pm Points of View 6:15pm Songs of Praise 6:50pm Pointless 7:35pm BBC News 7:50pm Regional News 7:55pm Weather 8:00pm Countryfile 9:00pm Antiques Roadshow 10:00pm Wallander 11:30pm BBC News 11:50pm Regional News 11:55pm Weather 12:00am Room 101 12:40am Grosse Pointe Blank 2:20am Weather for the Week Ahead 2:25am BBC News
7:35am Great British Garden Revival 8:35am This Farming Life 9:35am Countryfile 10:30am The Beechgrove Garden 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30pm The Hairy Bikers' Asian Adventure 1:00pm Tom Kerridge's Proper Pub Food 1:30pm Rowing 3:30pm Athletics 4:30pm Gymnastics 7:00pm Golf 8:00pm Rugby Union 9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm Battle of Jutland: The Navy's Bloodiest Day 11:05pm QI 11:35pm Stupid Man, Smart Phone 12:25am Flat TV 12:45am Later... with Jools Holland 1:50am Countryfile 2:45am Holby City 3:45am This is BBC Two
8:00pm Playing Beethoven's 5th 8:45pm Mozart Uncovered: Mozart Arias 9:00pm Ballrooms and Ballerinas: Dance at the BBC 10:00pm BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend 11:00pm Biggest Band Breakups and Makeups 12:00am Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons Side by Side: The Interview 12:30am Last Journey of the Magna Carta King 1:30am World War Two: 1945 and the Wheelchair President 3:00am Going Going Gone: Nick Broomfield's Disappearing Britain 4:00am Ballrooms and Ballerinas: Dance at the BBC
7:15am Salvage S.O.S 7:40am Salvage S.O.S 8:05am Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2016 9:00am Frasier 9:25am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm Step Up 2: The Streets 3:25pm George Clarke's Amazing Spaces 4:25pm Location, Location, Location 5:30pm A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 6:30pm Channel 4 News 6:45pm Formula 1 9:00pm Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon 10:00pm Channel 4's Comedy Gala 2016 12:30am 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 1:30am The Two Faces of January 3:05am Come Dine with Me 3:30am Come Dine with Me 3:55am Come Dine with Me 4:20am Come Dine with Me 4:50am Come Dine with Me
7:00am Milkshake! 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30am Fail Army 11:55am Now That's Funny! 12:55pm Holy Man 3:05pm Bride Wars 4:50pm 5 News 7:00pm Kitten's Got Talent 7:55pm 5 News 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm Egypt: Secrets of the Sphinx 10:00pm 5 News 12:00am League 1 Final: Football League Tonight 12:45am Crank 2: High Voltage 2:30am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heartthumping casino experience every night. 4:10am The KKK: Behind the Mask 5:00am Criminals Caught on Camera 5:50am Nick's Quest
7:00am 7:25am 7:45am 8:05am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:35pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 12:35am 1:10am
Rude(Ish) Tube Rude(Ish) Tube Suburgatory Suburgatory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Hollyoaks Omnibus Made in Chelsea Couples Come Dine with Me The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Rio The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tattoo Fixers The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners Gogglebox
7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:50am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am 2:15am 2:30am 3:30am 4:30am
7:00am 9:25am 9:30am 10:25am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:55pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:05pm 5:35pm 7:30pm 7:40pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 11:20pm 12:20am 1:15am 4:00am
CITV ITV News Weekend Griff's Great Britain Peston on Sunday The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Britain's Got Talent Midsomer Murders Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Where are They Now? The Reunions The British Soap Awards 2016 ITV News and Weather Perspectives Aviva Premiership Rugby Highlights Jackpot Motorsport UK
7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Planet's Funniest Animals 7:30am Emmerdale Omnibus 9:50am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:15pm Britain's Got Talent 2:45pm Beethoven 3:45pm FYI Daily 3:50pm Beethoven 4:35pm The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 5:35pm FYI Daily 5:40pm The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 6:20pm Despicable Me 7:20pm FYI Daily 7:25pm Despicable Me 8:15pm Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 9:15pm FYI Daily 9:20pm Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy 1:00am American Dad! 1:30am American Dad! 2:00am The Cleveland Show
7:00am 7:20am 7:50am 8:55am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:05pm 1:20pm 3:20pm 5:30pm 6:40pm 6:45pm 7:30pm 9:00pm 11:05pm 12:10am 12:15am 1:45am 3:05am 3:55am 4:45am 5:40am
Judge Judy On the Buses The Railway Children FYI Daily The Railway Children Heartbeat Heartbeat The Return of Sherlock Holmes Foyle's War Columbo Doc Hollywood FYI Daily Doc Hollywood Rosemary and Thyme Lewis Good Will Hunting FYI Daily Good Will Hunting Secret Smile Blue Murder May the Best House Win May the Best House Win On the Buses This bold, bawdy and brash sitcom hit British screens in 1969.
7:00am Football's Greatest 7:20am Tommy Cooper 7:55am Formula E: Sound of the Future 8:30am Fifth Gear 9:25am Cycling 10:30am French Open Tennis 10:00pm Police Academy 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Police Academy The comic misadventures of a group of inept police recruits. 11:55pm The Chronicles of Riddick 1:00am FYI Daily 1:05am The Chronicles of Riddick 2:15am Minder Modern-day reimagineering on the classic comedydrama. 3:20am Tommy Cooper 3:50am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping
7:00am 8:50am 10:40am 12:40pm 2:25pm 4:25pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 10:50pm 12:45am 3:10am 5:20am
Jaws 3 Wild Wild West San Andreas John Wick Taken 3 The Last Samurai San Andreas John Wick Taken 3 True Lies Last Knights In the Line of Duty
9:30am Sex Tape 11:10am Mamma Mia! 1:10pm The Devil Wears Prada 3:10pm Hot Pursuit 4:50pm The Top Ten Show 2016 5:05pm There's Something About Mary 7:10pm Death Becomes Her 9:00pm Hot Pursuit 10:40pm There's Something About Mary 12:50am Sex Tape 2:35am Election
7:00am Max 9:00am Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 9:30am The Gallows 11:15am The Forbidden Kingdom 1:15pm Self/Less A dying billionaire transfers his consciousness into a new body, but is it all too good to be true? 3:15pm Max 5:15pm The Bad Education Movie An inept teacher takes his class on a chaotic school trip to Cornwall. 7:00pm The Forbidden Kingdom 9:00pm Self/Less 11:00pm The Bad Education Movie 12:45am The Maid's Room 2:30am The Gallows 4:00am The Maid's Room 5:45am Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Live Super Rugby Super Rugby Classic Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Championship PlayOff Final Highlights The Premier League Years Championship PlayOff Final Highlights Live League 1 PlayOff Final Football Gold Football Gold Live Fight Night League 1 Play-Off Final Highlights Championship PlayOff Final Highlights Football Gold Football Gold League 1 Play-Off Final Highlights Championship PlayOff Final Highlights The Premier League
Cricket Classics Cricket Cricket Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Live Cricket Writers on TV Live Test Cricket Cricket in the 90's Cricket Cricket Indian Premier League Final Cricket in the 90's Cricket Cricket Indian Premier League Final Cricket Day three of the second Test between England and Sri Lanka at the Emirates Durham ICG. Cricket The Verdict offers reaction to and analysis of day three of the second Test.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
10:45am Homes Under the Hammer 11:45am Family Finders 12:30pm Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 1:00pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:20pm Regional News 2:25pm Weather 2:30pm For What It's Worth 3:15pm Money for Nothing 4:00pm Escape to the Country 5:00pm The Instant Gardener 5:45pm Flog It! 6:45pm Pointless 7:30pm BBC News 7:50pm Regional News 7:55pm Weather 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm A Midsummer Night's Dream 11:00pm BBC News 11:15pm Regional News 11:20pm Weather 11:25pm Have I Got a Bit More News for You 12:10am The Graham Norton Show
7:00am Council House Crackdown 7:45am Homes Under the Hammer 8:45am Family Finders 9:30am Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 10:00am Quo Vadis 12:45pm 102 Dalmatians 2:20pm Golf 4:20pm Emma 6:15pm Eggheads 6:45pm Bargain Hunt 7:30pm Springwatch 8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Springwatch 10:00pm The Great British Sewing Bee 11:00pm Upstart Crow 11:30pm The Real Versailles 12:15am Caravanner of the Year 1:25am Lose Weight for Love 2:25am Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit 3:25am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.
8:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am The Secret of My Succe$s 1:35pm Big Star's Little Star 2:35pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:45pm All Star Family Fortunes 3:30pm Judge Rinder 4:30pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:30pm Tipping Point 6:30pm The Chase 7:30pm Local News and Weather 7:45pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Wild Australia with Ray Mears 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Britain's Busiest Airport - Heathrow 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:15pm Class of 92 1:05am Murder, She Wrote
7:00am Planet's Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Cube 9:15am Emmerdale 9:45am Catchphrase 10:30am The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 11:30am FYI Daily 11:35am The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 12:15pm The Nation's Favourite Disney Song 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm The Perfect Man 2:45pm The Perfect Man 3:50pm A Cinderella Story 4:50pm FYI Daily 4:55pm A Cinderella Story 5:45pm Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 6:45pm FYI Daily 6:50pm Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 7:55pm The Wedding Planner 8:55pm FYI Daily 9:00pm The Wedding Planner 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy
8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm The Brecon Beacons with Iolo Williams 9:00pm Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British 10:00pm Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather 11:00pm Catch Me If You Can 1:15am Biggest Band Breakups and Makeups 2:15am Bullets, Boots and Bandages: How to Really Win at War 3:15am The Brecon Beacons with Iolo Williams 3:45am Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather
7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 10:15am 10:45am 11:15am 11:45am 12:20pm 12:50pm 1:25pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm
Countdown Will and Grace Explorers The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Astro Boy Fifteen to One Countdown Couples Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Shipping Wars The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Big Spring Clean Food Unwrapped 24 Hours in A and E An Immigrant's Guide to Britain Secret Life of the Human Pups 24 Hours in Police Custody Random Acts Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA
7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:25pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:20pm 5 News 1:25pm Home and Away 2:00pm Neighbours 2:30pm NCIS: New Orleans 3:30pm Where Eagles Dare 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm Police Interceptors 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm Police Interceptors: Fast and Furious 10:00pm Can't Pay Special: Big Family Bust Up 11:00pm Gotham 12:00am League 2 Final: Football League Tonight 12:45am Tears of the Sun 2:40am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heartthumping casino experience every night. 4:10am Castle 5:00am Criminals Caught on Camera
7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 12:30am
7:00am Highway Patrol 7:30am Minder Modern-day reimagineering on the classic comedydrama. 8:35am The Chase 9:30am Fifth Gear 10:30am French Open Tennis Action from the French Open Tennis tournament. 10:00pm TT 2016 11:00pm Cycling 12:00am 30 Days of Night 1:05am FYI Daily 1:10am 30 Days of Night 2:20am Rugby: Aviva Premiership Highlights "" 3:25am Tommy Cooper 3:55am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping Innovative, value-formoney products brought directly to you at home
10:50am The Goonies 12:50pm Furious 7 3:10pm The Fast and the Furious 5:10pm 2 Fast 2 Furious 7:10pm The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 9:00pm Furious 7 11:20pm The Fast and the Furious 1:10am 2 Fast 2 Furious 3:00am Crimson Tide
7:00am Max 9:00am Kingsman: The Secret Service Special 9:30am The Forbidden Kingdom 11:30am The Maid's Room 1:15pm Max 3:15pm The Bad Education Movie 5:00pm Self/Less 7:00pm The Forbidden Kingdom 9:00pm The Bad Education Movie An inept teacher takes his class on a chaotic school trip to Cornwall. 10:45pm Self/Less A dying billionaire transfers his consciousness into a new body, but is it all too good to be true? 12:45am The Maid's Room 2:30am The Gallows 4:00am The Maid's Room 5:45am Pitch Perfect 2 Special
6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:20am 1:20am 1:45am
7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:30am 10:35am 11:00am 11:25am 11:55am 12:55pm 2:05pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:45pm 6:20pm
6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:35pm 12:05am 1:15am 3:05am 3:30am
In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Return of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory On the Buses George and Mildred Comedy series following George and Mildred Roper. Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote The Sound of Music Live The Making of the Sound of Music Live The Knock A Touch of Frost ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping
8:55am Two Weeks Notice 10:45am Pitch Perfect 2 Special 11:15am Bridget Jones's Diary 1:00pm Trainwreck 3:15pm My Best Friend's Wedding 5:10pm How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 7:10pm St. Vincent 9:00pm Trainwreck 11:10pm Bridget Jones's Diary 12:55am Juno 2:40am St. Vincent
Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Made in Chelsea Empire The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory
7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 10:30pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 2:30am
7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 8:00pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 8:45pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:15am 1:30am 1:45am 2:00am 2:30am 3:00am 3:30am 4:00am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw League 1 Play-Off Final Highlights MLS Highlights League 1 Play-Off Final Highlights International Rugby Union Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Live League 2 PlayOff Final BPL Legends BPL Legends BPL Legends BPL Legends Live Elite League Speedway League 2 Play-Off Final Highlights BPL Legends BPL Legends Elite League Speedway League 2 Play-Off Final Highlights
Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Cricket International Rugby Union Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Live Test Cricket Cricket Classic Cricket Classic Cricket Classic Cricket Classic Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Classic Cricket Classic Cricket Classic Cricket Classic Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time Cricket Classic
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Council House Crackdown 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:45am World War One Remembered: The Battle of Jutland 1:30pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm For What It's Worth 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm The Instant Gardener 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm In the Club 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm All in the Mind 12:30am The Truth About Alcohol 1:30am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:35am BBC News
7:30am Family Finders 8:15am The Instant Gardener 9:00am The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain 9:30am Great British Railway Journeys 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 11:45am Family Finders 12:30pm Wanted Down Under 1:15pm Pressure Pad 2:00pm The Super League Show 2:45pm Cycling 3:45pm The TV That Made Me 4:15pm Australia with Simon Reeve 5:15pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Springwatch 8:00pm World War One Remembered: The Battle of Jutland 9:00pm Springwatch 10:00pm Britain and Europe: For Richer or Poorer? 11:00pm Later Live... with Jools Holland 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather
8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Railway Walks with Julia Bradbury 9:00pm Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather 10:00pm Revolution and Romance: Musical Masters of the 19th Century 11:00pm The Seven Ages of Britain 12:00am Miracle in the Marshes of Iraq: Natural World 1:00am Ian Hislop Goes off the Rails 2:00am The Art of Gothic: Britain's Midnight Hour 3:00am Pugin: Gods Own Architect 4:00am Revolution and Romance: Musical Masters of the 19th Century
7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 9:00pm Fierce Natural series seeking out the world's most fierce animals. 10:00pm Myleene Klass: Single Mums on Benefits 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm On Assignment 12:10am Columbo 2:00am Jackpot 247 4:00am Loose Women 4:50am Nightscreen
7:00am Planet's Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out (60). 7:50pm The Hot Desk 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy 12:50am Family Guy
7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am 10:55am 11:20am 11:50am
12:55pm 2:00pm 3:05pm 4:05pm 5:10pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 7:55pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:20am 3:10am 3:30am
In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. The Return of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Wycliffe The Knock A Touch of Frost ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping Innovative, value-formoney products brought directly to you at home.
7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 10:00am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm
10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am
Countdown Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Fifteen to One Countdown Couples Come Dine with Me Four in a Bed Shipping Wars The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Referendum Campaign Broadcast Obsessive Compulsive Country House Cleaners How to Get a Council House Gogglebox First Dates Chasing Perfection
7:00am Motorway Patrol 7:30am Minder 8:30am The Chase 9:35am Fifth Gear 10:30am Ax Men 11:25am Cycling 12:30pm TT 2016 Hutchy: Miracle Man. 1:30pm French Open Tennis Action from the French Open Tennis tournament. 9:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 10:00pm TT 2016 11:00pm World Superbike Highlights 12:00am Road 1:05am FYI Daily 1:10am Road 2:15am Motorsport UK 3:20am Tommy Cooper 3:50am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping Innovative, value-formoney products brought directly to you at home
7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Cowboy Builders 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:20pm NCIS 4:20pm Nightmare Nurse 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 7:55pm Referendum Campaign Broadcast by the Vote Leave Campaign. 8:00pm Cricket on 5 9:00pm The Yorkshire Vet 10:00pm Inside the World's Scariest Prison: Exposed and Uncut 11:00pm Party Pensioners: Sex, Drugs and Bingo 12:00am Up Late with Rylan UK version of a late night chat show. 12:45am Can't Pay Special: Big Family Bust Up 1:45am Police Interceptors 2:10am Super Casino 4:10am Castle
9:20am Terminator Genisys: The Future Reborn 9:50am Gone in 60 Seconds 11:55am Jurassic World 2:05pm Gladiator 4:45pm The Top Ten Show 2016 5:05pm Seventh Son 7:00pm Clash of the Titans 9:00pm Jurassic World 11:10pm Gone in 60 Seconds 1:20am Armageddon
7:00am Dragnet 8:50am Jersey Girl 10:40am Pitch Perfect 2 Special 11:10am The Full Monty 12:50pm The 40 Year Old Virgin 2:50pm The Wedding Ringer 4:45pm Pitch Perfect 2 Special 5:15pm A Million Ways to Die in the West 7:15pm Tammy 9:00pm Horrible Bosses 2 11:00pm The Inbetweeners 2 12:40am The Wedding Singer 2:25am Lake Placid
7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am
Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs Twilight The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Tattoo Fixers
7:00am Max 9:00am Pitch Perfect 2 Special 9:30am The Forbidden Kingdom 11:30am The Maid's Room 1:15pm Self/Less 3:15pm Max 5:15pm The Bad Education Movie An inept teacher takes his class on a chaotic school trip to Cornwall. Based on the hit TV series. 7:00pm The Forbidden Kingdom 9:00pm The Bad Education Movie 10:45pm Self/Less A dying billionaire transfers his consciousness into a new body, but is it all too good to be true? 12:45am The Maid's Room 2:30am The Gallows 4:00am The Maid's Room 5:45am Kingsman: The Secret Service Special
7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am
7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 7:30pm 7:45pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 3:00am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE SmackDown! BPL Legends BPL Legends Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club The Premier League Years Football Gold BPL Legends Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club The Premier League Years Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Live Horse Racing BPL Legends BPL Legends MLS Goals Round Up Show Premier League 100 Club Boxing Gold Boxing Gold
Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Cricket Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Live Test Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Cricket Cricket The Verdict offers reaction to and analysis of day five of the second Test between England and Sri Lanka. 4:00am Cricket's Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. 4:30am Cricket's Greatest 5:00am Cricket's Greatest
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa Costa del Sol
7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Council House Crackdown 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Family Finders 12:45pm Break-in Britain - The Crackdown 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm For What It's Worth 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm The Instant Gardener 5:30pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Living in '66 9:00pm Lose Weight for Love 10:00pm The Big c and Me 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Alan Shearer's Euro 96: When Football Came Home 12:45am A Question of Sport 1:15am Weather for the Week Ahead
7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Tonight at the London Palladium 10:00pm The Secrets of Growing Old 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:45pm Britain's Busiest Airport - Heathrow 12:40am The Chase 1:35am Jackpot 247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote 4:50am Nightscreen
7:30am 8:15am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 6:55pm
7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:30pm 11:30pm 12:10am 12:15am 1:10am 1:40am 2:40am 3:10am
Family Finders The Instant Gardener See Hear The Hairy Bikers' Pubs That Built Britain Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Sydney White The TV That Made Me The Big Allotment Challenge Australia with Simon Reeve Great Continental Railway Journeys Bargain Hunt Referendum Campaign Broadcast by the Stronger in Europe Campaign Eggheads Springwatch Antiques Road Trip Springwatch Versailles Newsnight Weather The Real Versailles See Hear Secret Britain Normal for Norfolk This is BBC Two
7:00am Planet's Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:15am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 10:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 2:15pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm White House Down 11:50pm Family Guy
8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Railway Walks with Julia Bradbury 9:00pm Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home In a genuine horror story, Dr Suzannah Lipscomb reveals the killers that lurked in every room of the Victorian home and shows how they were unmasked. 10:00pm Ben Building: Mussolini, Monuments and Modernism 11:30pm Andrew Marr on Churchill 12:30am Echo: An Unforgettable Elephant: Natural World 1:30am Heart v Mind: What Makes Us Human? 2:30am The Seven Ages of Britain 3:30am Ben Building: Mussolini, Monuments and Modernism 5:00am This is BBC Four
9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Frasier 11:30am Undercover Boss Canada 12:30pm Come Dine with Me 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 1:35pm Come Dine with Me 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 2:40pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Fifteen to One 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 6:00pm Four in a Bed 6:30pm Shipping Wars 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:55pm Referendum Campaign Broadcast 9:00pm The Supervet 10:00pm 24 Hours in Police Custody 11:00pm Seventy with a Six Pack 12:05am 24 Hours in A and E
7:00am Milkshake! 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 1:10pm 5 News 1:15pm Cowboy Builders 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS: Los Angeles 4:15pm Stranger in the House 6:00pm 5 News 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News 7:55pm Referendum Campaign Broadcast by the Stronger in Europe Campaign. 8:00pm Police Interceptors: Fast and Furious 9:00pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 10:00pm The Hotel Inspector 11:00pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Documentary examining the feuds between landlords and tenants. 12:00am Up Late with Rylan 12:45am On Benefits: Life on the Dole
7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm
7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:30am 10:35am 11:00am 11:25am 11:55am 12:55pm
7:00am 7:30am 8:35am 9:35am 10:35am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:25pm
7:00am The Matrix 9:25am Godzilla 11:35am Transformers: Age of Extinction 2:30pm Guardians of the Galaxy 4:35pm Constantine 6:40pm The Matrix 9:00pm Transformers: Age of Extinction 11:45pm Godzilla 1:50am xXx2: The Next Level
7:00am Max A military dog that served in Afghanistan is adopted by his late handler's grieving family. Canine adventure. 9:00am Everest: Sky Movies Special 9:30am The Forbidden Kingdom 11:30am The Maid's Room 1:15pm Self/Less 3:15pm Max 5:15pm The Bad Education Movie 7:00pm The Forbidden Kingdom 9:00pm The Bad Education Movie 10:45pm Self/Less A dying billionaire transfers his consciousness into a new body, but is it all too good to be true? 12:45am The Maid's Room 2:30am The Gallows 4:00am The Maid's Room 5:45am Pitch Perfect 2 Special
2:00pm 3:05pm 4:05pm 5:10pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm
12:05am 1:15am 3:00am
In Loving Memory Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is In Loving Memory On the Buses George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Wycliffe Drama series about a Cornish police detective. The Knock A Touch of Frost ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping
9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm
12:00am 1:10am 1:15am 2:25am
3:30am 4:00am
Tommy Cooper Minder The Chase Fifth Gear Ax Men Storage Wars Storage Wars TT 2016 Sidecar Superstars. French Open Tennis Action from the French Open Tennis tournament. The Chase: Celebrity Special TT 2016 Cycling Coverage of a cycling event. The Long Kiss Goodnight FYI Daily The Long Kiss Goodnight TT 2016 Steve and James' TT Road Trip. Tommy Cooper Teleshopping
7:10am Pitch Perfect 2 Special 7:40am Alien Autopsy 9:25am City Slickers 11:25am Twins 1:20pm Pitch Perfect 2 3:20pm Bad Words 5:00pm The Heartbreak Kid 7:00pm The Other Woman 9:00pm Pitch Perfect 2 11:00pm Bad Words 12:40am Sex Tape 2:20am South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 3:50am Better Living Through Chemistry 5:30am King Ralph
2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am
Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Brooklyn Nine-Nine Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Jane the Virgin The Big Bang Theory The 100 Supernatural The Big Bang Theory
11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 3:00pm 3:15pm 3:30pm 3:45pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:45pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am
7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:15pm 12:30pm 12:45pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am
Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold The Premier League Years Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Premier League 100 Club Football's Greatest Football's Greatest Teams Boxing Gold Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Premier League 100 Club Live Elite League Speedway Sky Sports Originals BPL Legends BPL Legends Football's Greatest
Cricket Classics Cricket Cricket CWC Classics Cricket's Greatest Cricket's Greatest Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics Sporting Rivalries Pace Like Fire Ricky Ponting Masterclass Adam Gilchrist Masterclass Glenn Mcgrath Masterclass Cricket's Greatest Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics Live T20 Blast Cricket Classic Cricket's Greatest Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs T20 Blast
E W N Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
Raking it in from seabed
Maxi Priest films a video
Violent attacker jailed
SPANISH fishermen have returned to Gibraltar waters according to the Ornithological and Natural History Society and are raking the seabed with no apparent response from the Royal Gibraltar Police or Department of the Environment. The Society objects to this type of fishing as it takes no notice of what is being caught and does considerable harm to the seabed.
WELL-KNOWN Reggae star Maxi Priest has returned to Gibraltar to film a video for one of his new songs which was apparently inspired by his mother and her reference for the need to be strong like the Rock of Gibraltar. In addition to recording the video, he will also be celebrating his 55th birthday by performing at St Michael’s Cave on June 10.
AFTER breaking into a storeroom with a young woman in 2014, 27-year-old Karim Rudge started drinking heavily and started to argue with her. The argument became violent and he then head-butted, kicked and punched her leaving her bloodied. Upon appearing in court, he was sentenced to four months imprisonment.
Delegation visits Brussels
GIBRALTAR DELEGATION: Held various meetings in Brussels.
FOLLOWING a formal v o t e f r o m F I FA t o a l low Gibraltar to join the World Federation, possibly in time to participate in the next qualifying rounds, it was also announced that the European Fede r a t i o n U E FA h a s agreed to pay 100 per cent of the cost of building a new, smaller than anticipated 4,000 to 5,000 seater stadium at Lathbury Barracks but they will not pay anything towards upgrading Victoria Stadium. It has been a week of good news for Gibraltar football and also fans who in due course will be saved the cost of travelling to Faro to w a t c h t h e i r t e a m ’s home games.
Gibraltar Youth Service IN an effort to raise funds in support of Mental Health Day, the Youth Service collaborated with Clubhouse Gibraltar for the second year running. The event was a great success with two cake stalls and the Youth Service DJs providing a day of entertainment. In addition to the day event, the Youth Centre also participated in a ‘Big Sleep Out’ event inspired by UK charities ‘Shelter’ and ‘Framework.’ A group of young people and workers were sponsored by friends
Credit HM Government of Gibraltar
A GIBRALTAR delegation consisting of the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo and Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Joseph Garcia, left Gibraltar on Monday, May 23 for a two-day visit to Brussels, where they were to hold various meetings with Members of the European Parliament and senior officials at the European Commission. Although this visit comes at a crucial time with Britain’s EU Referendum only a month away, it was unfortunate it coincided with a major protest in the streets of Brussels on May 24, which left a number of people injured with several arrests. The President of the European Commission, Mr Jean-Claude Juncker sent his best wishes to the Chief Minister for a successful trip to Brussels. Dr Garcia, who is the Minister for Europe, travelled to Brussels via London, as he was to address a distinguished audience at the National Liberal Club on the Monday evening.
Photo Credit HM Government of Gibraltar
By John Smith
Football focus
CAKE STALL: Raising funds in support of Mental Health Day. and family to spend a night sleeping rough in John Mackintosh Square.
As well as supporting Mental Health Awareness this formed part of their Life
Skills project where they have been learning about poverty and homelessness.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Famous quote
This week
We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true. Robert Wilensky
in history 1135 - Alfonso VII of Castilla y Leon is crowned as Emperor of all of Spain, Imperator totius Hispaniae in Leon Cathedral. 1293 - An earthquake strikes Kamakura, Japan, killing an estimated 30,000 people. 1431 - Nineteen-year-old Joan of Arc is burned at the stake by an English-dominated tribunal. 1503 - James IV of Scotland and Margaret Tudor are married according to a papal bull by Pope Alexander VI. A treaty signed on the occasion marks the start of 10 years of peace between the two countries. 1533 - Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, declares the marriage of King Henry VII of England to Anne Boleyn to be valid. 1538 - Geneva expels John Calvin and his followers from the city. Calvin lives in exile in Strasbourg for the next three years. 1588 - The Spanish Armada sets sail from Lisbon, heading for the English Channel, with 130 ships carrying 30,000 men. 1703 - Czar Peter the Great founds the city of Saint Petersburg. 1805 - Napoleon Bonaparte assumes the title of King of Italy and is crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy in Milan Cathedral. 1849 - The Great Hall of Euston station in London is opened. 1868 - Michael Barrett is the last person to be publicly executed in Great Britain. 1906 - Vauxhall Bridge is opened in London. 1951 - The BBC broadcasts the radio comedy The Goon Show for the first time. 1952 - Women are granted the right to vote in Greece. 1986 - The European Community adopts the European flag. 1999 - Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece The Last Supper is put back on display in Milan following 22 years of restoration work. 2002 - The last steel girder is removed from the original World Trade Centre site in Manhattan, New York City. Clean-up duties officially end with closing ceremonies at Ground Zero.
Photo Credit Helga Esteb/Shutterstock
Women’s wit
Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage; they’ve experienced pain and bought jewellery. Rita Rudner
World of English
If vegetarians eat vegetables then what on earth do humanitarians eat?
for next 7 days
Costa del Sol
Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.
Fri Sat Sun -
25 18 C 26 19 C 29 18 Cl
Benidorm MAX 26C, MIN 18C Mon - 26 18 S Tues - 25 18 S Wed - 25 18 S
Fri Sat Sun -
28 19 Cl 27 17 S 24 18 S
MAX 27C, MIN 18C Mon - 24 18 S Tues - 26 19 S Wed - 26 19 S
Fri Sat Sun -
25 17 Cl 25 18 C 24 17 Sh S Sun,
25 14 Cl 23 15 Th 19 13 Th
Mon - 21 13 Sh Tues - 24 13 C Wed - 23 13 Sh
Mon - 24 17 S Tues - 24 17 S Wed - 24 17 S Cl Clear,
Fri Sat Sun -
26 16 Cl 27 16 C 25 16 S
26 13 S 23 11 Cl 21 11 C C Cloudy,
Mon - 25 14 S Tues - 25 15 S Wed - 26 15 S
Mon - 24 11 Cl Tues - 26 14 S Wed - 28 14 S Sh Showers,
Fri Sat Sun -
32 19 C 33 19 Cl 30 18 S Sn Snow,
Mon - 27 17 S Tues - 28 17 S Wed - 27 17 S
Fri Sat Sun -
29 18 Cl 28 17 S 25 16 Cl
Fri Sat Sun -
Fri Sat Sun -
Mon - 25 19 S Tues - 25 19 S Wed - 25 18 S
Barcelona TODAY:
25 19 C 26 19 Cl 27 19 Cl
Almeria TODAY:
Fri Sat Sun -
Mon - 30 17 S Tues - 31 17 S Wed - 30 17 S Th Thunder
Alicante TODAY:
E W N 101
Saturday May 21
Saturday May 21
Tuesday May 17
Friday May 20
Sunday May 22
27 19
Saturday May 21
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
The Witch Directed by: Robert Eggers Starring: Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie IN a genre that too often relies on tired cliches, Robert Eggers’ stunning debut is one of the most disquieting horror movies in years, basing its frights on mindsets rather than monsters. Playing out like a campfire folktale, the plot follows a family in 17th-century New England who are excommunicated from a Puritan community. After setting up an isolated home near a foreboding forest, their youngest child goes missing. Fear and paranoia start to tear the family apart amid accusations of satanism, and they must discover where the true threat is coming from.
Mutari on Wikimedia commons Narcis Serra i Serra, politician, May 30. SERRA was the 114th Mayor of Barcelona from 1979 to 1982, Minister of Defence and became 11th Vice President of the Spanish Government in 1991. He also represented Barcelona region in the Spanish Congress of Deputies from 1986 to 2004.
Jeremy Corbyn, Politician, May 26, 67 This British politician, Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party as of September 2015, is a selfproclaimed democratic socialist who has been recognised for his work as an international human rights campaigner. Jamie Oliver, Chef, May 27, 41 Born in Clavering, England, this restaurateur and media personality became well-known during his campaign for healthier school lunches. A father of four, he has also written an extensive collection of popular cookery books. Kylie Minogue, Singer, May 28, 48 A Grammy Award winning pop star, Minogue released one of Australia’s biggest hits, The Loco-Motion after gaining relative fame for her role in soap opera Neighbours. She was made a member of the Order of the British Empire in 2008 for her services to music. Noel Gallagher, Guitarist, May 29, 49 British songwriter and lead guitarist, Gallagher was the driving force behind Oasis, which became popular for songs including Wonderwall and Don’t Look Back in Anger. Before his musical career took off he worked with a building firm. Clint Eastwood, Director, May 31, 86 Before becoming a renowned director and winning Academy Awards for best director and best picture for films Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby, Eastwood gained fame on the other side of the cameras in classic westerns A Fistful of Dollars and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
Just Joking
Unscramble the name of a type of motor sport (two words): GRAND CIGAR Unscramble the name of a popular snack (two words): THIS REBEL WAR
The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (GARNER) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.
1 Assent 2 Ersatz 3 Behest 4 Beadle 5 Coarse 6 Yearly 7 Sacred 8 Touchy 9 Delete 10 Couple 11 Scanty 12 Resent 13 Poncho 14 Twenty 15 Locals 16 Decade 17 Teller 18 Schema 19 Splash.
LEO (July 24 - August 23) Something has come to your attention and, quite frankly, you don’t understand what is going on. It is possible that, if you don’t react, the situation will just go away. Equally, you may want to influence the outcome and fear that it will not be to your advantage. VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) You seem to be in a ‘plodding’ situation that is starting to cause you some irritation. That is all that it is though, irritation. See it as a big dilemma and it throws up all sorts of anxieties. Let’s not go there. LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) You are being shown a great deal of affection which may be taken for granted. Even you are capable of putting people’s backs up. As you dislike making enemies, I suggest that you take a little more time with family and loved ones.
(May 22 - June 21)
It’s not so difficult this week to get exactly what you want. Being sure is another matter, however, there are plenty of people who will cast doubts on where you are going and what you are aiming for. What do they know?
SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) By deciding now that you will not rise to the bait on a certain matter you are taking the best option. Much as you would like to confront someone head on, it is possible that this is just what they want you to do. Be a little bit canny here. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Are you being asked to open your heart? What are you most afraid of about that? On the other hand, what would the rewards be if you did? Sometimes, we have to take a chance that others will not let us down or, at least that if they do, they will let us down gently. CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) As you try to control someone else’s life, it could be that your own is slipping past you. Have you recently given up on a relationship or job that you dearly would have loved?
INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S DAY (June 1) 1. According to the nursery rhyme, a child born on which day of the week will be ‘loving and giving’? 2. How many children did Queen Victoria have? 3. In which decade was the NSPCC founded as the ‘London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children’: 1880s, 1920s or 1940s? 4. Name either of the two children of Gomez and Morticia Addams? 5. What was the title of the 1976 British musical gangster film, directed by Alan Parker that featured only child actors? 6. Which ‘Merseybeat’ act topped the UK singles charts in March 1964 with ‘Little Children’? 7. Which 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical featured the song ‘When the Children Are Asleep’? 8. Which BBC television sitcom created and written by Andrew Marshall followed the lives of the Porters, a seemingly average family whose world is frequently turned upside-down by bad luck and bizarre occurrences? 9. Which branch of medicine deals with children and their diseases? 10. Which English author and poet’s best known work was ‘The Railway Children,’ originally serialised in ‘The London Magazine’ during 1905? Not a lot of people know that... until 1913, children in America could legally be sent by parcel post.
YOUR STARS CANCER (June 22 - July 23) As you are in the middle of a plan, it would be a shame to stop now. Yes, I realise that you have given it lots of time and thought. Even so, the events midweek bring a new perspective.
10-Star Quiz
A man goes to the doctor and says: “Doctor, there’s a piece of lettuce sticking out of my bottom.” The doctor asks him to drop his trousers and examines him. The man asks: “Is it serious, doctor?” and the doctor replies: “I’m sorry to tell you, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Are you still in a very positive frame of mind? Okay, then. It is time to decide what is to be done about that problem. If you really can’t see a way round this then seek help. Even if you don’t agree with the reply, you will feel that you have made a step in the right direction. PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Don’t ask a question unless you want to be told the truth this weekend. Go on, you’re a big person and you can take it. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Sometimes you wonder why people make promises when they find them so hard to keep. However, losing your temper with someone midweek will not help at all because the person you are dealing with is not very sensitive. Patience will pay off and, by the weekend, a weight will have been lifted from your mind. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Somehow you seem to be going every which way round a situation but getting nowhere. Rather than burn yourself out and fray your nerves, just stay still. At the end of the day, someone else wants to solve this dilemma as much as you do.
Answers 1. FRIDAY, 2. NINE, 3. 1880s (1884), 4. PUGSLEY and WEDNESDAY, 5. BUGSY MALONE, 6. BILLY J KRAMER (and the Dakotas), 7. CAROUSEL, 8. 2POINT4 CHILDREN, 9. PAEDIATRICS,10. Edith NESBIT (married name Edith Bland)
Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case L) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.
TARGET: • Average: 5 • Good: 7 • Very good: 11 • Excellent: 14
LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION cedi code deco dice dine dive done dove iced node vend vide vied void coned video coined conned voiced connived CONVINCED
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition
Across 1 Burglar tried urn by mistake (8) 4 Little sister follows one goddess (4) 8 Spread out the feline in Wisteria Centre (7) 10 Little orphan girl is hiding in the pannier (5) 11 Lively dance can go wrong (5) 12 Old Testament book figures (7) 13 Scary extremists stalk organisation (6) 15 Rushes off for shows (6) 19 Attack artist in a flatboat (7) 21 Philosopher who started philosophising late and too obscurely (5) 23 Fear some Territorial Army recruits (5) 24 Investigate old African dictator taking a boat (7) 25 Cast returns in Orson Welles’s ‘Othello’ (4) 26 Copy lass arranging West Indian music (8) Down 1 Creature’s scent is disguised (7) 2 Prepare for a procession (5) 3 Queen's angry outburst is wrong (6) 5 Wrong church about to be free from pretence (7) 6 Appears to understand the manuscript (5) 7 Still in nautical miles (4) 9 Swap jazz key (5) 14 Hair highlights for unsteady skaters (7) 16 Colour that is constant in the main (5) 17 Wet forecast for bridal parties? (7)
Code Breaker
E W N 103
1 Tester, 4 Stand, 8 Agent, 9 Remains, 10 Echelon, 11 Onus, 12 Err, 14 Edge, 15 Ever, 18 Doe, 21 Warn, 23 Sheathe, 25 Emulate, 26 Afire, 27 Siege, 28 Behest. Down: 1 Teased, 2 Seethed, 3 Extolled, 4 Same, 5 Avian, 6 Disuse, 7 Prune, 13 Relegate, 16 Entwine, 17 Owners, 19 Essen, 20 Defect, 22 Route, 24 Babe.
QUICK Across:
18 Organised seance for a philosopher (6) 19 Creature spotted in the Danube? A stag perhaps (5) 20 Highest point of lilac meadow (4) 22 Boxer has a Sunday nickname (5) Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 1 represents B and 13 represents Z, so fill in B every time the figure 1 appears and Z every time the figure 13 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.
Across 1 Enlisted person (7) 5 Swimming stroke (5) 8 Apartments (5) 9 Spectacles (7) 10 Outermost (7) 11 Wait on (5) 12 Sharp or severe (5) 14 Normal (5) 19 Seashore (5) 21 Vast (7) 23 Increases in scope, range or area (7) 24 Peers (5) 25 Revolves (5) 26 Toilers (7)
Down 1 Endure (6) 2 Little beyond all others (5) 3 Look over carefully (7) 4 Feel remorse (6) 5 Marine decapod crustaceans (5) 6 Mountainous European country (7) 7 Endured (6) 13 Small talk (7) 15 Resembling (7) 16 Consider true (6) 17 Interlocking puzzle (6) 18 Stops (6) 20 Melodies (5) 22 Person trained to care for the sick (5)
English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.
1 Rises, 4 Threats, 8 Apologising, 9 Solution, 10 Fear, 12 Single, 13 Patrol, 16 Park, 18 Aquarium, 21 Probability, 22 Tadpole, 23 Eagle. Down: 1 Reads, 2 Swollen, 3 Smoothly, 4 Tailor, 5 Raid, 6 Argue, 7 Several, 11 Magazine, 12 Support, 14 Raising, 15 Equate, 17 Rapid, 19 Maybe, 20 Solo.
ENGLISHSPANISH Across: 1 Agradable, 7 Nogal, 8 Traje, 9 Granjeros, 13 Llave, 15 Fresa, 16 Everybody. Down: 1 Aunt, 2 Regar, 3 Delante de, 4 Butterfly, 5 Esa, 6 Chew, 10 Obeso, 11 Flag, 12 Lazy, 14 Ace.
Across 1 Castillo (6) 4 Kiss (4) 8 Fiesta (reunión) (5) 9 Place (5) 10 Periódico (diario) (9) 14 Hedgehog (5) 15 Lack (5) 16 Fácil (sencillo) (4) 17 Poetry (6)
Down 1 Glass (for wine, sherry, champagne) (4) 2 Cirugías (9) 3 Law (legislation) (3) 5 Stars (in sky) (9) 6 Bears (animals) (4) 7 Island (4) 11 Lento (ritmo, movimiento, caída) (4) 12 Boss (4) 13 Spade (tool) (4) 15 Ugly (appearance, person) (3)
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
By Emma John IN 1993, while everyone else was learning Oasis lyrics or crushing on Kate Moss and Keanu, 14-yearold Emma John was obsessing over the England cricket team. The primary object of her affection: Michael Atherton, a boyishly handsome captain who promised to lead his young troops to glory. What followed was one of the worst sporting streaks of all time, a decade of frustration, dismay and bungling that made the team a byword for British failure. Now a sports journalist, John is a sufficiently selfaware narrator to portray the world of cricket in an engaging and accessible fashion, so even if you haven’t got a clue what a leading edge or featherbed is, the charming and, at times, hilarious story will keep you entertained.
Simple spelling, grammatical or punctuation mistakes can, in some cases, end up costing far more than just the ink used to print them. Here are our favourites: 1. Pasta for cannibals The Pasta Bible, a cookbook published by Penguin Books in Australia, rather upset its more sensitive readers by suggesting they add a generous seasoning of ‘freshly ground black people’ to a tagliatelle and sardines dish (they meant pepper.) 2. If you insist Another type of bible, the official one, isn’t immune to whoopsies either. The most famous of these was in the ‘Wicked Bible’ of 1631, when a rather important ‘not’ was missed out, thus telling the faithful ‘thou shalt commit adultery.’ 3. Google grief For an hour early on January 31, 2009, internet users all over the world were sent into blind panic as almost all Google searches returned error messages warning that sites could harm their computers. The cause of this online chaos was a typing error, as someone at Google had mistakenly entered the backslash symbol as a malicious website, meaning any website with the symbol in their address (almost all of them have at least one) were automatically marked as malicious. 4. Million dollar comma A seemingly innocent, tiny punctuation mark, the comma, caused a dispute between Canadian communications giants Rogers and Bell Aliant which ended up costing about a million Canadian dollars. Placement of a comma on a contract between the two saw complicated legal battles, which were eventually solved by relying on the French version of the same contract. 5. The destructive S In 2009, Companies House in the UK an-
Pushbullet PUSHBULLET is all about saving time and not having to dig out your phone every five minutes. Need to get a file or link from your phone to your computer or viceversa? Pushbullet can do it in a couple of taps. Wondering who keeps texting but too busy to check your phone? Pushbullet can display the notification on your computer and even lets you interact with the notifications from there. Best of all, it’s free!
Play on Words GOOGLE GRIEF: Internet users were sent into blind panic. nounced that a 124-year-old engineering company, Taylor & Sons Ltd, had closed down. Although it was not the case, the company’s customers panicked, cancelled orders, declared contracts void and in the end it was forced to close after failing to recover from the blow. It later turned out that the company that had really closed was Taylor & Son, without the S. 6. Two million dollar comma The US Tariff Act of 1872 should have removed tariffs from ‘fruit-plants, tropical and semi-tropical’ but a copy clerk swapped the hyphen for a comma and quick-witted importers used this as a reason not to pay taxes on any fruit imports. Although they were forced to pay, the US Treasury was eventually ordered to pay them back about two million dollars. 7. What’s in a name? In 2008, the Chilean mint released thousands of 50-peso coins reading ‘Chiie’ instead of ‘Chile.’ Amazingly, it took until late 2009 for anyone to formally report and, although the government decided not to take the coins out of circulation it did fire the manager of the mint and several other employees. 8. Yet another comma Just in case anyone still doesn’t believe
how important commas are, there is a third example: in the 1990s, aerospace company Lockheed Martin signed a deal to produce a military transport plane for an unnamed foreign air force. The contract included a formula to calculate the increase in price based on inflation, which is where the problems started. A misplaced comma led to vastly underpriced planes being sold at an estimated loss of $70 million. 9. Shortest reign Twenty-six-year-old Denise Garrido became the shortest-reigning, and most disappointed, Miss Universe Canada when she was stripped of her crown 24 hours after she was given it in 2013 when independent auditors found that an inexperienced worker had misunderstood the judges’ handwriting. 10. The missing hyphen NASA may be good at finding things in space, but a hyphen missing from coding used to set the trajectory and speed of the Mariner 1, America’s first interplanetary probe caused it to explode minutes after take off in 1962. With the damage valued at $80 million, Arthur C Clarke referred to it in 2001: A Space Odyssey as ‘the most expensive hyphen in history.’
Boggled How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.
TARGET: • Average: 20 • Good: 27 • Very good: 39 • Excellent: 51
SCORING: • 4 letters: 1 point • 5 letters: 2 points • 6 letters: 3 points • 7 letters: 4 points • 8 or more letters: 11 points
LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION dice dicer idea ides aide aides aids acid acids acre aeon aeons joes jones dens dent echo echoed echoes echt eons enol ceca cosh cone coned cones cons conn conned conns cold colt chose chosen hoed hoes hose hosed hone honed hones hold holt
Word Ladder HALF
Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.
App of the Week
typos that shouldn’t have happened Nito/
Following On: A Memoir of Teenage Obsession and Terrible Cricket
Move from the start word (HALF) to the end word (AUNT) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time. Solution HALF HALT HART (HILT) HURT (HINT) HUNT AUNT
TOP 10
Answers: Overwhelming odds, Bigfoot.
26 May - 1 June 2016
Costa del Sol
Advertising feature
Spikes hair and beauty salon service JOINT managers at Spikes, Helen and Rebecca, along with stylist Amber are hairdressing specialists who offer all up-to-date hair and beauty treatments. All staff are fully qualified and have many years experience here on the coast. They would like to introduce Britt: the latest member to the hairdressing team, Britt also specialises in all types of make-up from wedding to special effects. S p i k e s a l so h a v e an in -h o u s e ch iropodist, Wendy, specialising in treating clients with diabetes and any foot problems. Then they have Amalia, their nail technician for manicures, pedicures, shellac and acrylic nails as well as waxing. Sarah the beautician covers facials and massages and advanced cosmetic procedures. Treatments using electrolysis are becoming increasingly popular as knowl-
often instantaneous, pleasing and life enhancing. Blemishes such as f aci al t hr ead vei ns, blood spots, spider Naevus, skin tags, milia, moles, warts, age spots, verrucas, a wide range of skin blemishes can be quickly and easily treated with immediate and effective results, offering a blemish free smooth skin. The procedure removes any unsightly blemishes that may have affected your confidence and wellbeing recently or throughout your life. Spikes also have a room where they can provide pamper parties, make-up parties & bridal packages. Between them they speak English, Spanish, Romanian, Dutch and Belgian.
SIMPLY THE BEST: The salon offers a wide variety of hair and beauty treatments. edge about these fantastic treatments increases. It is probably the least invasive
yet effective method of treatment for such a wide variety of blemishes. Results are
For a free consultation on any of their services, please call in at Spikes, next to Mercadona in C.C. Calahonda, Los Jarales, Mijas Costa or phone 952 935 297.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Advertising feature
Multimedica Steiner Marbella is 10 EVERYONE is talking about chiropractics, yet many people don’t have a clear idea of what it is. A chiropractor is a doctor of medicine who specialises in different safe manipulation techniques with surprising effects which are now being discovered by more and more people who find the treatments beneficial. Doctor Carsten Rudolf Steiner, from Multimedica Steiner Marbella, studied in the UK and US and has more than 20 years experience in the field. This year he is celebrating the 10th annivers ar y o f h i s c l i n i c in M arb ella with all his patients. Chiropractics, Dr Steiner explains, is a simple alternative which can help free us of pain without relying on medicines or drugs which do nothing other than tricking our illnesses. “Chiropractics allow us to find spinal obstructions which irritate the nervous system. When the
OBSTRUCTION: Chiropractic treatment helping return the body’s normal flow. nervous system works correctly, the body takes charge of doing the rest and corrects its health,” he said. D id y o u k n o w you c a n fe e l back pain if your kidneys aren’t working properly?
Did you know a mouth infection can cause serious back problems? Chiropractors believe that the nervous system controls all bodi-
ly functions and works to remove anything that obstructs its normal flow. There are other things that can contribute to these obstructions, known as the three T’s: 1. Toxins 2. Traumas 3. Emotional Tension If we ignore what our bodies are trying to tell us with signs such as a bit of a headache, neck ache or other pain, we begin a degenerat i ve pr ocess whi ch, i f deal t with immediately, can result in a r et ur n t o an optimal quality of life. No pain, no gain! The concept is that we must learn that sometimes we have to feel pain to experience the pleasure of wellness and good health.
Dr Steiner is of the opinion that the sooner health problems are dealt with, the easier they will be to correct and the less pain we will suffer. Prevention is t he key t o t he f ut ur e of our health. We’re all taught to follow a balanced diet, the importance of exercise, not to smoke, but there is still little awareness of the importance of regular visits to a chiropractor, which is, Dr Steiner stresses, the best investment for a pain free life. His profession, the doctor says, is his passion and also the best gift for health. Therefore, to celebrate the clinic’s anniversary, he is offering free check-ups on the last Thursday of the month every month this year except July and August for patients who request one. Tlf. 952 86 66 61 – 652 31 83 52 Edf. Panorama, 2º Planta. Torre Real, Salida 184 29600 Marbella
Transplanting Is technology adversely the gift of life affecting test results? CORDOBA’S Reina Sofia University Hospital has conducted the first liver transplant in Spain using a living adult
donor to transplant to a child patient. Baby Emma was just ninemonths-old when she received the transplant from her maternal aunt, aged 35, through keyhole surgery. Emma suffered from a rare congenital disease that causes the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder to be obstructed. She was made stable until surgery was carried out in March with both baby and aunt reported to be doing well. In Spain, few centres use laparoscopic techniques for liver surgery interventions and Reina Sofia Hospital is one of them. Professionals in this field began in 2013 and now keyhole liver surgery represents approximately 30 per cent of conventional liver operations. In the Andalucia region, 277 transplants were carried out in the first quarter of the year, compared to 269 from January to April last year.
TECHNOLOGY: Children love it but for some it may be detrimental to their education. LAPTOPS and tablets are becoming ever more present in the classroom with many praising their ability to assist youngsters and prepare them for a technologically growing world. But are they affecting a child’s test scores? A study conducted at the United States Military Acade-
my found that students who were allowed to use laptops or tablets in class performed worse than those who went without. The researchers said those with an initially higher grade point average were most heavily affected with the devices appearing to ‘dumb them down.’
Students who were allowed unrestricted use of their electronic devices saw their scores drop by 1.7 points on average on the 100 point marking scale. The negative effects were seen most heavily in male students, and those who came into the class with higher grades.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Advertising feature
Ask The
Brought to you by
Reader’s response
iPain, can mobile technology impact on breathing? By Estelle Mitchell
SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. THIS week Dr Perez Belmonte wishes to respond to a letter received from a reader in response to a recent column: Dear Dr, Just read a letter from a 60-year-old. Having being quite sick over the last 15 years with all the respiratory conditions known to man, I overcame it with ‘Salt therapy’. My heart goes out to anybody with a respiratory condition, because for the last 20 years the same dose of antibiotics are put forward as the solution. I have spoken to many surgeons and they all agreed with me, however they cannot endorse it because it does not come under any medical solution. I think salt therapy, otherwise known as ‘halotherapy’ in eastern European countries, is the ONLY solution for this illness. Basically, it’s a matter of breathing in the salt vapour for an hour each day to clear the lungs of the mucus that is catching, thus the coughing. I will leave it with you.
The doctor replied: Halotherapy or therapy based on the properties of salt is a form of alternative treatment with limited scientific and methodological evidence. However, it is being used quite successfully in many countries. It has mainly been used to treat patients with respiratory conditions and has had mixed results. In my case, as a scientist (Specialist in Internal Medicine and Research) I must exercise caution in suggesting a therapy with limited recommendations, but if a patient is already being treated and is having clearly beneficial results with no adverse side effects, I will not be the one to refuse it outright. What is really needed is an exhaustive study on a large number of patients undergoing this type of therapy, as analysis of this data would provide us with valuable information.
If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to: The Coast’s Home GP service - wherever you are - at home - in the office - in the car - on the golf course your GP will get to see you any time, anywhere. A priceless service at an affordable price.
I’VE spoken before about iPain – how the use of technology, and the positions we use it in, can have an effect on our health. The neck pain caused as we hunch over smaller and smaller screens for longer and longer can cause headaches, migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome and other issues. Is your mobile stopping you breathing properly? Recent studies have shown that smartphone users tend to report more pain in their necks, shoulders and thumbs, most likely related to the neck forward, rounded shoulder, hunch that we all tend to adopt to use them. But can this cause dysfunctional breathing? A recent study looked at the correlation
Healthier brains FEEL like you’re juggling too much and got too much to do? Well rather than feeling stressed it could actually be good for you. Scientists say their research shows that the busier people are, the sharper their minds and the better their memories. Scientists at the University of Texas, Dallas, said that packing more into the day increases the opportunity to learn new things, stimulating a nd c ha lle nging the brain making it ultimately healthier. They carried out a study on 330 he a lthy me n a nd w ome n in the ir 50s , 60s , 70s and 80s. They were a s ke d a bout the ir da ily schedules and then had to carry out a number of mental tests. The results showed that those who had busier days were able to process information more quickly and had a superior memory, irrespective of their age and previous education.
TECH PAIN: Unhealthy hunching. between neck pain and breathing: 83 per cent of patients with neck pain had breathing issues. Of those patients, the worse affected were using smartphones for 4 hours a day. Why is neck pain affecting breathing? If your chin is forward and down your windpipe isn’t running in its ideal, straight pattern. It’s like trying to suck through a squished straw, you don’t get much drink. If your shoulders are rounded and
hunched you are literally squashing your lungs, giving them less room to expand and take a full breath. If you aren’t standing properly you aren’t using your core muscles correctly so your diaphragm can’t expand to let you take a full breath or exhale completely. What to do? • Sit with your elbows and lower back supported (backless bar stools are not your friend!) and the screen lifted to eye height. • Instead of tipping your head forward to get closer to the screen, keep your spine straight with your head back and bend at the waist, this gives you a nice low back stretch at the same time. • If you do work at a desk invest the time and money to set your chair up properly. • Take regular breaks. For more information on how to relieve neck pain and improve your breathing please check out our blog, our Facebook page Bodyworks Health Clinic or call us on 952 883 151.
E W N Costa del Sol
ON Saturday June 11, there will be a six kilometre walk or 10 kilometre run starting at the El Oceano Hotel in La Cala de Mijas to raised funds for Positively Pink and Positively Blue cancer charities. Registration commences at 9am and all participants will be asked to donate €10 towards the fund which pays for breast and prostate screening here in southern Spain. Those taking part on the mainly flat and easily navigable course are invited to wear pink or blue to show their support for the aims of the charities. In addition, sponsorship forms are available in advance from the charities which need to keep raising funds to ensure that people continue to be checked for these life threatening diseases. Last year, 900 women and 450 men were screened, but this can only continue if funds are made available.
Music in the sunshine By Matt Ford HUNDREDS of happy revellers took to the streets of Coin to enjoy a feast of free live music on a sweltering Saturday May 21, as the town’s annual ‘Coincierto’ event took place. A total of five music stages were set up in plazas around the village centre, with a convivial atmosphere prevalent from the outset, as reggae sound system Wadada Sound provided a perfect midday soundtrack to a scenario of sunshine and cold beer on the Friendship Stage. By the time local heroes and headliners Malaka Youth appeared a few hours later, a full-blown party had broken out, with an ever-growing throng of groovers and skankers stuffing Plaza Jose Bermudez de la Rubia to bulging point. Meanwhile, a heady mixture of flamenco and fusion was enthralling the Roots Stage, while contrasting hip-hop flavours were the order of the day over on the
Photo Credit Matt Ford
June cancer charity event
26 May - 1 June 2016
RIOTOUS: Briatore produced a marvellous ska-inflected racket.
Urban Stage. Post-lunch the biggest crowds were to be found in Plaza Alameda, where an artisanal market complemented the alternative and rock sounds emanating from the Village Stage, as Marbella-based purveyors of ska and seedy garage Briatore brought events to an uproarious conclusion in anticipation of the evening concert featuring reggae legends The Skatalites, among others. The event was particularly enjoyable for its lively but never-threatening ambience, with no problems noted despite the ubiquitous drinking on display, as families with children rubbed shoulders with other music fans of all ages throughout the day. There was also an excellent childrens’ zone with a bargain entry price of €1, where youngsters were able to get their faces painted and bounce around on various inflatables, allowing parents to receive a welcome break.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Presentation of the cheque.
KIND DONATION: The La Cala de Mijas Lions presented a cheque to FAMA to help them protect their dogs.
The Lions help FAMA By John Smith ON Monday May 23, the La Cala de Mijas L i o n s p r e se n t e d a c h eq u e to FAMA, the Foundation for Abandoned and Mistreated Animals, to help them with protecting the dogs from insects, including fleas, sand-flies, and ticks, and diseases such as leichmaniasis. The c h e q u e wa s p r es e n ted to th e
President of FAMA, Pat Coleman, by th e P re s id en t of the La C a la Lions Club, Tony Bellamy. In the past year, the La Cala Lions have donated over â‚Ź60,000 to local charities and good causes. This money has been raised at the various functions such as the recent Fashion Show, and by sales at the Lions Shop in La Cala.
The next social event in the Lions calendar is their Charter Night Ball at the Tamisa Golf Hotel, on Friday, June 10. This w ill inc lude a s umptuous three-course dinner, drinks until midnight, and entertainment by Jo Layte and Lee Jay. Tickets, at only â‚Ź45, are a va ila ble from a ny of the Lions or from the Lions Shop in La Cala, telephone 677 059 061.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Villa Tiberio to host Charity Ball for Children with Cancer UK By John Smith MAKE a note in your diary that on Sunday June 12 the spectacular Villa Tiberio in Marbella will host a starstudded event to raise money for Children with Cancer UK which is affiliated to Great Ormond Street hospital. Tickets cost €75 with a guaranteed donation of €25 to CWC and you can help to add to the £273,500 (€355,000) already raised through these elegant Summer Balls over the last eight years, whilst everyone hopes that this year will beat the €29,000 raised in 2015. The legendary Sandro Morelli, owner of the elegant Marbella venue, has supported the Children with Cancer UK charity for many years, and this will be the ninth year that Villa Tiberio will be the fantastic backdrop for the event. Italian-born Sandro came to Marbella from London, bringing with him a wealth of experience from working at the Ritz and Cavendish Hotels, so he is undoubtedly a number one choice for
EVER HOSPITABLE: Sandro Morelli of Villa Tiberio. knowing how to attract a following. Villa Tiberio is his life and soul, and the walls of the restaurant are decorated with an array of celebrities who have enjoyed Sandro’s hospitality over the years. Sandro cares about the less fortunate, as he says: “The world has forgotten what is important. How can we spend millions on warheads when there are millions of children dying around the world?”
Children with Cancer UK was founded in 1988 by Diana, Princess of Wales, in memory of Jean and Paul O’Gorman and this charity has touched the hearts of many further afield than just the UK. Although the emphasis will be on fundraising for the charity and apart from a superb meal there will be some first class entertainment from a trio of well-known singers some of whom are
returning to appear at this year’s ball and the entertainment will be introduced by multi-award-winning Scottish comedienne, playwright, awardwinning blogger, best-selling author and former Scotsman newspaper columnist, Janey Godley. After an absence of four years, Lauren Samuels returns for the fourth time to Villa Tiberio. Lauren came to prominence as a runner up on the BBC television series ‘Over the Rainbow’ and has gone on to become one of the West End’s leading ladies, starring in shows such as ‘Grease,’ ‘We Will Rock You’ and most recently in her award nominated role as Jules in ‘Bend it Like Beckham - the Musical.’ She returns to Marbella having just finished the critically acclaimed new musical ‘The Beggar’s Opera.’ Charlotte Jaconelli shot to fame on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ as half of Jonathan and Charlotte, the duo that brought the judges and nation to their feet - and proved Simon Cowell wrong. She won a £1 million (€1,311,922) recording contract, sold
over half a million albums, received two gold discs and a solo album deal. Charlotte makes her debut in Spain and is delighted to be supporting Children with Cancer at their Summer Ball. Rounding off this talented trio of delightful singers is Claire Huckle, who starred in her alter-ego role as an actress in Without Motive, A Respectable Trade and Casualty. She not only has a spectacular showcase of television productions behind her, but she is an excellent performer and highly accredited in her field, so this her second appearance at the ball, promises to be as electrifying as her debut last year. Adding to the fun of the evening there will be appearances from local personalities including Steve Cline who will conduct the auction, Zoe Hughes, Helena Paul, Frank Valentine, Mel Williams and Rachelle. Visit or for further information e-mail but to reserve tickets just visit
Marbella film night THERE is to be a very special showing of the Oscar nominated film ‘The Danish Girl,’ starring Eddie Redmayne as Lili Elbe, one of the first-known recipients of sex change surgery and Alicia Vikander who plays his understanding wife, which will be presented jointly by the Marbella International Film Festival and H10 Andalucia Plaza on June 2.
Tickets for the presentatio n w h ich w ill in clu d e a buffet meal cost just €20 but must be booked in adv an ce by e -ma iling or calling 952 812 000. The buffet which does not in clu d e d rin k s w ill c ommence at 7pm and the film will start at 9pm at the H10 Andalucia Plaza opposite Puerto Banus.
Textiles on show WELL-KNOWN artist Elaine Carlton whose work involves textiles and textures is showing her new work until September 1 at two venues in the Costa del Sol. Her Series 3 Black and White which includes printing on silk using antique lace which is then quilted, machine embroidered and beaded can be viewed at La Luna Restaurant, Mijas Campo on Tuesday to Saturday from 7pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. For further information call 952 588 036. Elaine’s new abstract work can be seen at Albahaca, Calle Butibamba, La Cala de Mijas and for access and additional details call 607 802 557.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Lark in the Park on Sunday evening By John Smith THERE will be an evening of music and theatre in Benahavis in the early evening of Sunday May 29 in aid of Caritas. Doors open at 5.30pm in the Parque Leonera where there will be music from
Soul sensation Two True as well as The Art Thieves band and the inimitable Stella. There will also be a stage production of a comedy ‘Baground Artiste’ by Stephen Smith and the whole evening is presented by the International Theatre Studio with the approval of Benahavis Town Hall.
The entertainment will start at 6.30pm and you can take a picnic for the interval. Entry is by donation although a minimum of €12 is suggested and tickets can be obtained on the door or from Viva San Pedro, Time in Spain Estepona Port 952 798 305 or call 629 261 309.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Salon Spain motoring gala By Elene Kotetishvili MAY 28 and 29 will see Ascari, the famous Formula 1 circuit in Ronda, host the prestigious Salon Spain motoring event. The Salon Spain gala will feature exclusive automobiles from brands such as Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Maserati, Aston Martin, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Scotty, Viper and Bentley, amongst others. A unique event in Spain, the gala is a private affair, where enthusiast, collector, owners and potential buyers will have the opportunity to drive, buy, and sell a selection of the best currently available vehicles on the market. It is estimated that an approximate 700 attendees will participate in the weekend event at the circuit to enjoy
an unparalleled atmosphere amongst connoisseurs, professionals and important figures in the world of luxury motoring.
A unique event in Spain, the gala is where enthusiast, collector, owners and potential buyers will have the opportunity to drive, buy and sell a section of the best on the market. Motorbikes and other valuable vehicles will be available to discerning clients at this attractive and intimate
event; in fact, organisers are currently exploring the possibility of including jets and boats at the gala. Gener al Di r ect or of Ascar i r ace track, Melchor DurĂĄn, has underlined that the gala, proudly taking place at the longest Formula One circuit in Spain, is expected to be an astonishing event. The general director further highlighted the stunning location of the racing venue, which he described as a veritable piece of art, especially in the month of May. Tickets are still available at:, and on the Spanish version of the site:, as well as from El Corte InglĂŠs.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Poem about the wonder that is Noche en Blanco By John Smith THE following poem has been kindly sent by one of our readers Alan S Jones Starry Night The night is bathed in starlight as the revellers appear, As from coaches and on eager foot the crowds assemble here, To greet a night of ghostly white in the city of the south, Home of Picasso and Banderas as told by word of mouth. The streets are thronged with people of all colour, creed and hue, They come to see the spectacle and strive to get a view, Of dancers, street musicians, entertainers for the show, As a silver moon lights up the scene and people come and go. They quaff the local culture, the museums and the art; They sit in busy restaurants and order a la carte, And when they finish dining they emerge and seek out more, And when they
Photo Credit Jorge Gonzรกlez.
LOCAL CULTURE: A scene of Noche en Blanco. do not find it they do what they did before. The cruise ships lie at anchor
in the Puerto close at hand, The festive air is broken by the music from a band, The stars shine
down like diamonds from a constellated sky, And far away in Mijas I avoid the public eye.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Auditions at the Salon for Fiddler on the Roof By John Smith AUDITIONS will be held on Saturday June 11 from noon to 5pm and Sunday June 12 from 2pm to 4pm for the musical Fiddler on The Roof. Director will be Peter Mitchell, Choreographer Peter Height, and Musical Director Sylvia Griffiths. List of Principal Characters Tevye the milkman: A strong actor and good singer who must carry the show. Golde (his wife): Excellent actress required.
Yente (the matchmaker): the village busybody. Comedy role. Lazar Wolf (the butcher): a comic role for a good singer. Tzeitel Tevye’s daughter: singer dancer Motel the tailor: sensitive, nervous but loveable. Hodel: good singer actress. Perchik: a student and political radical in love with Hodel. Chava: a scholarly girl Tevye’s third daughter. Fyedka: a Russian soldier, excellent singer dancer. The Constable: Russian military official, non-singing.
Grandma Tzeitel: featured in the dream scene. Fruma Sarah: singer featured in the dream scene. Shprinze and Bielke: Tevye’s two younger daughters. Mordcha the Inn Keeper, Rabbi, Avramm the bookseller, Nachum the beggar. Please contact Sarah-Jane Gale at the theatre Box Office on 952 474 542. There will be a workshop on the show on Friday June 10 at 6pm. The show production dates will be October 14 to 23, 2016.
Garry Waite. THE Euro Weekly News would like to congratulate Garry Waite in his new role as Maitre D at the soon to open Oak Garden and Grill by Sala, where we are sure that he will enjoy many successful years following his extensive experience working in many world-class restaurants all along the Costa del Sol.
120 E W N
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
A summer living garden plan Dick Handscombe
Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.
WAY before having our own property in Spain parts of many summers were spent in friends’ properties in La Carihuela and Montemar south of Torremolinos going back to before the Benalmadena port was even started. Temperatures soared into the upper 40s, but features of old villa gardens that made it bearable still stick in the mind and influenced the development
of our own garden. • Shade is a must. The best is under spreading old trees with a thick canopy of overlapping leaves. The second best is a covered terrace stretching out from the house. Next is a gazebo covered with a thick growth of climbers and lastly some umbrellas and sails. • If you don’t acclimatise in the early years in Spain by taking siestas in a hammock or on a sun bed in deep shade rather than indoors with the air conditioning set below 25 degrees centigrade one will never enjoy the realities of Spanish summers. • Plant with drought-resistant plants
that put down deep roots which within a few years can be weaned off constant watering. That is why bougainvilleas, lantanas, hibiscus, aeoniums, false acacias, chorisias, palms, cordylines and yuccas were so popular. The plant lists in our books ‘Your garden in Spain’ and ‘How to use less water in your garden’ include Botanical Spanish and English names and indicate the drought resistance of some 400 plants. By the way, if you want to grow vegetables through the summer give them shade. Even tomatoes don’t need to be in full sun to ripen. Once the sun becomes low al fresco
dinners are a great thing in Spain with rather less flying insects to put up with compared with on a balmy evening in the UK. Like most we started by barbecuing but became bored with the smoky taste and found more pleasure in cooking in tagines purchased from Marrakesh, a Mexican oven, a paella pan and gas ring, and the best of all slow cooking with a solar cooker. Kits for various sizes are available from Thinking about summer insects do spray if you have to with ecological products, now widely available and
safer for people, pets and nature than most chemical sprays and powders. We remain amazed at the number of chemical insecticides and fungicides in garden centres and many agricultural cooperatives, when most problems can be solved by not co-planting drought resistant and thirsty plants, not overwatering and feeding, using neem oil, garlic or ecological soap sprays as insecticides and natural sulphur powder, not copper sulphate, and propolis as fungicides. (c) Dick Handscombe May 2016
Prickly customers THE hot climate of Mediterranean Spain provides an ideal environment to grow cacti and other succulents which would have to be grown indoors back in Blighty. There is an enormous variety available, and they are particularly useful for those lacking green fingers or who only spend part of the year here, since many demand relatively little care and attention. Choose a humus-rich, freedraining, gritty or sandy growing medium, and try not to place them in areas where moisture collects, since they tend to fare badly if roots be-
come waterlogged. They can be planted in window boxes, rockeries, raised beds, or pots, so you can easily build up an interesting collection on a terrace or rooftop if you don’t have a garden. Better still, small plants can usually be picked up very cheaply from garden centres, and the weather favours quick growth, so you can easily experiment with the plants’ often remarkable forms. Do bear in mind that some cacti can have pretty vicious spines, so if children frequent your garden the more prickly varieties should be avoided.
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Advertising feature
Beds and More: sleep yourself happy BEDS AND MORE has been a veritable success since its opening two years ago and has even warranted a refit to expand their display space and cater to demand. Established by the owners of the very well-known Yorkshire Linen stores, both showrooms are conveniently located next door to one another, in the area of Myramar Retail Park close to the Iceland supermarket. Beds and More is a beds and mattress specialist, which originally operated out of its sister shop, Yorkshire Linen. With many years of experience, the staff is able to advise customers on exactly the right type of beds and mattresses to suit their needs, enabling their clients to “sleep themselves happy.” Having built up a strong relationship with many of the leading bed manufacturers in Spain, Beds and More receive the best deals from companies like PIKOLIN, enabling customers to pick up great deals on everything from storage beds to pocket sprung mattresses. All beds and mattresses come with a genuine two-year guarantee and customers have the priceless peace of mind knowing that should there be any defect or problem, they can deal with the friendly staff at Beds and More, rather than a faceless customer helpline. Uniquely, the staff at Beds and More are all
STUNNING: Just some of the hand-picked, basic and bespoke products available in store. female. This exceptional environment has meant that many ladies feel comfortable when testing the beds in store, allowing them time to make a decision. “It’s normally the wife who makes the final decision when choosing a bed” says store manager, Marie. Her wonderful
team always has a pot of coffee on the go and she finds they really understand each individual client’s needs over a chat in such a relaxed atmosphere, “this helps make our job easy in matching a bed to a client!” The stunning furniture and carpets in store
have been imported from all over the world, with Beds and More having built a reputation for a magnificent collection of interesting and bespoke pieces, as well as great prices on great quality basic lines for the bedroom and lounge. With products that vary from hand-picked Chesterfield style sofas, velvet headboards adorned with Swarovski crystals, and bespoke beds, handcrafted in the style of Louis 16th, the wealth of choice available will ensure that you find something stylish and beautiful for every decor. Whether you have just completed on a property, or restyling, Beds and More can put together a full furniture package for you, most for next day delivery!
To get in touch, please call 952 667 095 or email
E W N Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
Henry can be a poorly hound
Uses of dog harnesses
House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experience and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865521508.
David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm
HENRY: Feeling a little under the weather. SINCE he was a puppy Henry has had a delicate constitution. Wendy, his owner, rescued him from a puppy farm and believes that something in his early life had given him difficulties with his constitution and on top of that he gets separation anxiety. On the one occasion she left Henry for a week at a kennels he lost so much weight that he had to be under supervision for several months after her return. Now, Wendy chooses housesitters with a lot of dog-sitting experience who can come to care for Henry at home.
She has written ‘How to care for Henry at home’ guide for his routines and medications. Henry is happier at home, his anxiety is dramatically reduced because all his favourite things are around him. House-sitting can be a winwin for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register now with a 50 per cent off introductory offer using coupon code SPECIAL50. To find a pet-sitter go to the website
IT seems now that most dogs wear a harness. I am unable to understand why. If one goes to a proper school they will not allow them. When a dog is being trained I do not object to using one. A dog harness is similar to harness tack for horses. There are various designs. Harnesses can be used on Seeing Eye dogs in assistance of a disabled person, on working dogs that haul a cart or sled, in sporting events such as the Scandinavian practice of skijoring and pulka, and by non-working dogs for training purposes. Assistance dogs will sometimes wear a harness if part of their job requires guiding or providing physical mobility for a disabled person. Generally, the harness design includes a built-in handle for the person to grip. This type also offers reinforcement to
DOG HARNESS: Can be used for training purposes. the handler as well as a padded breast plate for the dog. The sturdiness depends on whether the dog is gently leading, acting as a brace, or physically pulling a wheelchair. Sled dog harnesses vary depending on the purpose of the animal; the two basic duties of a sled dog is hauling freight or racing. Harnesses come in three main types: the freight, the H-back, and the X-back. Dog sports are growing and more types of harnesses are being developed, including the Y-back
style and distance harness. The freight harness is often an H-back harness that forms a ladder-like effect across the back with a wide chest band and sometimes extra padding. The construction distributes the weight across the chest and over the shoulders because of the broadness of the area; it is designed to help the dog pull heavy weights efficiently. They may also feature a spreader bar behind the wheel dogs and before the sled or cart. Racing harnesses are often lighter and shorter than
freight harnesses. The Xback harness gets its name from the straps that form an ‘X’ across the back of the dog. It is used more frequently than the H-back, with short versions that ride farther forward on the dog’s body recently gaining popularity. The Y-back is a hybrid that is similar in appearance to the H-back. The tugline attaches to the harness on top of the dog’s back and stretches parallel to the ground or upwards to whatever is being hauled.
Help your pets to live longer WHILE just 20 or so years ago larger breeds of dog like Labradors could be expected to live to the age of nine or 10, nowadays they can be with us for 15 or 16 years thanks to improved care.
Dr Robin Downing, from the Downing Center for Animal Pain Management in the US gave five key tips to keep ageing pets comfortable and help them remain healthy: 1. Routine is all Pe ts fe e l s a fe , a nd a re healthier, when they have re gula r routine s . The s e should include check-ups with the vet and a good diet. 2. Protect and prevent O lde r dogs a nd c a ts should visit their vet at least tw ic e a ye a r. “ The mos t da nge rous w ords in the English language are ‘Let’s jus t w a tc h it’,” D ow ning
times a year is the frequency that an older dog or cat should visit their vet.
said. While we may think it’s normal for our fourlegged friends to slow down and age over time, early detection is critical. 3. Chubby is not healthy Obesity is the most frequent preventable disease in cats and dogs in the US, Downing said. Pets should be fed the correct type and amount of food for their age. 4. Keep an eye on science
Investigators are making breakthroughs all the time, so tomorrow there may well be something that can be done for your pet’s problems that wasn’t possible last week. 5. Ease and comfort We can adapt our homes to cater for our pets as they age. Carpet-covered steps or ramps can be put in place to help aging hips, for example. move from one level to another, non-skid carpets or rubber mats put down to avoid slips and falls and food and drink bowls raised to avoid straining backs for example.
Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
AIRFLOW Air conditioning for cooling and heating units. Professional, fully guaranteed installations. Tel: 952 443 222 AIR CONDITIONING repairs and servicing. Airflow. 952 443 222 (240270) AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. EsoSense movement sensor supplied and fitted for 80 euros. Coin meters supplied and fitted from 260 euros. For other energysaving products, visit Tel 952 935 513 (241244) AIR CON repairs & installation. Tel Jim 652 023 012 (241707) AIR CONDITIONING: INSTALLATIONS: REPAIRS: SERVICE. COMPLIANCE TO PROPERTY RENTAL REQUIREMENTS. AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICITY USAGE METERS: TIMERS: ENVIROCARE, 1ST FOR QUALITY FOR OVER 21 YEARS. ALL AREAS COVERED. +34 952 663 141 +34 670 409 759
PREMIER ARTIFICIAL GRASS, Gardens, Sports, Terraces. 10 year Guarantee! www. – 952 494 523 (242258)
ACE OF SHADES - All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation, also recover service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730)
BATH REPAIRS BATHOLOGIST. Specialist in repairing chipped baths or refurbishing old/worn baths. No mess or disruption. 678 808 837 (229862)
BLINDS ACE OF SHADES - Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730) BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (238609)
SOLAR BLINDS SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER TOO improve your living environment. Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (238665)
VERISURE SECURITAS Direct alarm system. 50% discount including installation. Karl 952 494 523 / 661 219 469 (235603)
ANTIQUES WANTED! All types of antiques, paintings, jewellery, watches, silver etc. Any condition. Immediate cash settlement. For more information call into Anthony’s Antiques and Jewellers shops, extensive premises at C/Ramon y Cajal 40, Fuengirola. Mobile 609 529 633. Telephone 952 588 795 (201522)
DAVID´S BOOKS AND CARDS 1000’s of new and second/hand English books. Greetings cards for all occasions. Children’s books. Crossword, Trivia, Code Breaks Magazines. Royal Mail postal service. Passport Renewals and secure post/boxes. Fax/Lamination/boarding passes printed. Tel. 952588685. Mon/Fri 10/2.00, 4/6.30. Sat 10/2.00. 2 streets behind Yaramar Hotel. Calle Franciso Cano 49, Los Boliches. (243843)
ALL BUILDING WORK undertaken painting, plumbing ,tiling chain link fencing – Call 604 163 289 (234034)
PROJECTS, constructions, new buildings, extensions, reforms, licences, legalisations, interior design. 680 700 430 (235661)
Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
BUILDING SERVICES For new builds, major reforms and project rescue. Designs, Licences, construction and management 952 472 283 (242257) SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit www.swinglescasas. com for more details or call 952 428 067 / 666 960 262 (237039)
HANDYMAN ALL building works, all trades. Retired Builder / Handyman. Barry 676 143 789 / 602 669 240 (242259) HANDYMAN – any work undertaken, good rates, Torremolinos – Marbella. No Job too Small. Gareth 674 808 717 (232999)
JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. bathrooms / kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (242298)
IMPRINTED CONCRETE (driveways & patios). All paving work & terracotta tiling, floor tiling & screeding. Many more Building Services available. 603 236 650 Free quotes: (243280)
PLASTERING, all aspects covered, skimming, rendering, screeding, covering, tiling, Dean 691 044 287 (229992)
PLASTERING, rendering, dry lining, coving, suspended ceilings. Fitted kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. All work guaranteed. 689 515 558 (232930)
For daily news visit
WANTED all furniture and household items. Best prices. 697 511 071 (241392) CASH CREATORS we buy, we sell, we loan cash Tel: 951 318 440 (228159) DECLUTTER, cash paid for small/medium furniture, antiques, furs, brass, copper and other ornaments. Tel: Howard 608 121 817 (243284)
CHIMNEY SERVICES APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (228863)
CHURCH SERVICES BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Sundays 11am. or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627 (0)
CASH for your used furniture. House Clearance. Quick Service – 622 290 009 BUY and SELL Used Furniture Online. / cor / Tel 722 644 727 (237065)
ALH RENT A CAR – SHORT & LONG TERM RENTALS FROM €9.90 – DAY INSURANCE INCLUDED IN OUR PRICES www.alhrentacar. com - TLF: 638 846 909 (241375) LONG & Short term Car hire – Airport Service – 607 334 610 (240339)
PARTY/CARD/GIFT shop for lease in centre of Arroyo. Est. 8 years. Bargain. Must sell, €18,000 negotiable. Includes all stock, fixtures and fittings. Mobile 651 323 945 (241283)
CARPENTER cabinet maker, Irish. Available for all types of property maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, kitchens and bathrooms renovated etc, 30 years experience, very reliable. Tel: 952 441 955 / 677 087 575 (224853)
THE WAREHOUSE - We buy a single item to a full house clearance - 602 610 103
CONCRETE – OZBUILD. The specialists of printed concrete. Reseals, Brickwork, Tiling, Plastering, Screeding. 13 Years in Spain. Competitive Prices, Quality Finish. 952 426 074/606 745 920 (242251) INLAND Construction. Complete professional building services. Fully legal and insured. Take a look at our website: or follow us on our Facebook site. Tlf Off 958 192 291 / Mobile 695 903 825 (240420)
SUPERPOOL EST. 1985. Pool tables, boxing and minivending machines on profit share, also new/second hand domestic tables and accessories. Tel 629 530 233 - www.superpool (243279)
HOUSE/ Flats / Bars cleared. Top price paid, same day cash. 611 206 962 (241288)
GENERAL BUILDER. Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available) (232989)
PARKING, STORAGE & SALES. Caravans - Motorhomes - Boats - Cars and Vans etc. Short / long term - Safe & secure, drop off & collections. Excellent rates, discount for long term, 5 mins from Fuengirola. Established 25 years. / 679 786 669 / 606 101 807 (239968)
DAMP PROOFING DR DAMP leaking roofs, damp walls, all mold cured. All work guaranteed. Call 689 515 558 (232930)
CLEANING SERVICES UPHOLSTERY and steam cleaning sofas, carpets etc… JA Cleaning Services 626 357 955 (231262) CARPET & UPHOLSTERY PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WET OR DRY CLEAN, HONEST,RELIABLE SERVICE. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 (229862) CONEJO Cleaning and Property Management. Est. over 20 years. Rentals, residential, one off cleans. Wendy 635 630 370 / 952 964 407 / (243440) OVEN CLEANING, domestic, commercial, complete fittings, let professional do hard dirty work. From 40€. 632 569 282 ovencleaning (241395)
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
WINDOWS THE WINDOW CLEANERS. 691 140 427 (228963) GLASS CURTAINS Cleaning Specialists Call – 602 628 451
COMPUTERS COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED. Error messages fixed, viruses removed. Repairs and upgrades available. Laptops in English. Kindle, iPad & Android help. One-toone training. Also, low cost, reliable internet TV solutions, even for slow connections. Experienced, reliable service. Paul 630 652 338 / 952 493 859 (238660) LAPTOP HELP LINE. Notebooks, netbooks and tablets repaired, software updates, Internet and email problems solved. Refurbished laptops for sale. Web page designed and maintained. 952 564 274 / 677 702 501.
BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (238657) BLOCKED drains? Call Clearflow. CCTV Inspections. Drain Location. HP Jetting. Repairs & Installations. More than 30 years on the Coast. All major credit cards accepted. Telephone 952 885 661 / 630 200 600 (238597)
DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKER – Bridalwear, Everydaywear Alterations/Repairs, Curtains – Affordable prices. Sue – 952 568 637 / 672 529 745 (238592)
ELEC INSTALLATION ALL electrical installations & repairs. Tel Jim 652 023 012 (241707)
FLOOR POLISHING MARBLE FLOOR (2.50€/m2) WHY PAY MORE .WE CLEAN, CRYSTALLISE, SEAL THEN POLISH YOUR MARBLE TO HIGH GLOSS, NON SLIP. PROFESSIONAL GUARANTEED, FAST SERVICE. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. ALSO REPAIRS DAMAGES TO MARBLE, CLEAN AND SEAL TERRACOTTA TERRACES, COVERS ALL COSTA DEL SOL. TEL: 671 244 683 (232888) T1 MARBLE FLOORS polished. Fast service. Reliable, family run. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. Wooden floors treated. No job too small. Family run. Cleansol 10am 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)
COMPUTER help. Patient teacher. PC sales, set up, repairs, problem solving, internet TV boxes. Kindle, Ipads, Internet, email. 30 years experience. 19 years on the coast. Friendly and reliable. Dave 952 664 713 (241353)
DOMESTIC Appliance repairs washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (243751)
FULLY QUALIFIED Scottish Greenkeeper is available parttime Gardening or Maintenance work, Manilva-Estepona. Free Quote on Request. Call Dale 694 401 204 (241405)
IRRIGATION IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. New Installations and problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing and maintenance. 676 747 521 (242267)
FUNERALS BS ELECTRICAL, All electrical work, rewires, Boletins, Endesa helpline, professional genuine service, Call Sean 952 961 108, 669 070 011 (241148)T1
MY WEIGH, Join the best weekly weight loss meetings. 663 674 804 facebook/MyWeighSpain (242401) MIND BODY AND SPIRIT HEALER, LUIS LEITE healer 603 700 541 (242375) CALL the MD Clinic if you suffer from pain Our Integral Medical Service combines the best of Natural Traditional and Modern Medicine to aleviate pain and improve quality of life. We are close to Puerto Banus in Casa Rusia Azalea Beach. Good Parking! Phone us on 951 279 129 or 637 123 306e mail doctorizotov@
BEAUTY TREATMENTS BOTOX AND FILLERS From €95. Covers the Costa del Sol and inland. 609 347 086. (238551)
www.chiropodistcostadelsol. com (241394)
MY ENERGY CERTIFICATE. Now legally required for ALL properties for sale or rent. Call +34 627 805 581 /
METS dog training club, Fuengirola. Glyn 605 121 831 / Jeff 692 832 250 (241431)
TREE SURGEONS. No tree too tall, removal of dead palm trees and limbs, eco gardening, mulch and manure, fertilizer, palm pruning. 686 948 552 / 631 181 971. Facebook: Andres Jardinero Malaga
CHAIN LINK FENCE erectors, general builders, all types of welding fabrication. Tel: 655 218 466 (238589)
DENTISTS ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (238604)
SKIN specialist NHS registered. Treats all kinds of skin problems. Consultion 70 euros. Dr Eva. Fuengirola/Calahonda 664 747 267 (241278)
CASH CREATORS: Laptops and computers always wanted. Tel: 951 318 440 (228159) PC-DOCTOR Repairs, Sales of PCs, Macs, Laptops, iPads. Home & office visits. / 952 591 071 (235968)
ARBOLISTA Tree surgery, No. 1 for trees and palms, on the Costa since 1998. 600 260 534 - 952 117 486 Kit Hogg C.G.Arb
FURNITURE FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, cash waiting, reliable service. 645 334 512 (229862) WANTED good quality second hand furniture. Call Tony 633 921 239 or / antho (238521)
GARDENING PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@gar (236851) GARDEN and pool maintenance. 10 euros per hour, monthly maintenance available from 120 euros. Tools and products included. RICARDO 637 160 129 (241123)
MAN with small van for all your needs, English/Spanish speaking translations, waiting in offices for you etc, based in Marbella (all the coast) 678 817 145 (241236)
GLASS CURTAINS GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (238723)
GOLF CASH CREATORS: We buy and sell used golf clubs. Tel: 951 318 440 (228159)
HEALTH & BEAUTY FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Release. J. Shaegen, Specialized in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224 www.body (243287) SAYAN MASSAGE. Your best traditional & tantric massage for ladies and gentlemen. 952 586 339 - 608 977 260 (238664)
NHS REGISTERED DENTIST in Fuengirola. Specializing in Zircon crowns, bridges etc. Free check up! - 689 887 019 (242252)
MASSAGE PROFESSIONAL SPORTS MASSAGE, 16 years´ experience. 1 hour €35, 1.5 hours €50, Elviria. Wendy 952 852 330 or 634 310 821. Mobile service +€10 (240312) FANTASTIC massage. Female masseuse. Home: Miraflores. Visits: Fuengirola to Estapona. 7 days. Tel. 603 135 167 (241284)
CLASSIFIEDS THERAPIST DEEP TISSUE THERAPUTIC MASSAGE €50 for 75 Minutes. SPECIAL OFFER Book 2 Sessions for €90 – 646 760 028 (241371)
HIRED SERVICES Mobility scooters 39 euros per week delivered. 611 206 962 (241288)
HOT TUBS / SPAS HOT TUBS, new, used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. 691 973 131 / 952 793 398 (243823)
HOUSE CLEARANCES FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, cash waiting, reliable service. 645 334 512 (229862) CASH paid for your unwanted house or garage items. Please call 600 041 434 (232896) WE CLEAR houses, apartments, garages, bars, storage units. Tel 656 187 140 bri (241357)
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol EU INSURANCE DIRECT Extra Special Offers. Up to €50 cash back for car and home insurance (conditions apply) for new customers. For all your Insurance Needs and the Best Price and Best Cover in English, call Wendy on 952 830 843 / 676 098 464 email (241322)
LONELY 63 Year old Gentleman – looking for mature woman to Love & Cherish. Torreblanca. 620 020 232 (240365)
MISCELLANEOUS WOODY´S LOS BOLICHES. Greeting Cards, mail to and from the UK. Worldwide courier and Passport renewals. All adverts taken for the Euro Weekly News- display or classified. Open 9.00-2.00PM (Monday to Friday). Special hours apply August and Xmas. One street behind the Confortel, just off Plaza San Rafael, Los Boliches, on C/Poeta Salvador Rueda 93. Tel: 952 471 877
MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 153, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 902 123 153 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726) LSM INSURANCE. No fat singing blokes or trumpeting telephone´s, just professional service at the best prices for all your insurance needs including car, household, commercial, life, health and travel. Tel 952 578 008 or www.lsminsurance. biz f o r a q u o t a t i o n (242392)
INTERIOR DESIGN WE FURNISH your apartment reusing secondhand chic furniture with full decoration from only 3000€ ! Free consultation – 622 290 009 (242385) ABBEYGATE INSURANCE If you are renewing your policy or looking for new cover. Call us, as we are the only Insurance Company in Spain to offer protection on your no claims bonus. Call 952 893 380 ABBEYGATE INSURANCE Make the right choice and join the thousands of expatriates who have. We provide a friendly personal service, for all your home, motor, health, travel or marine insurance. Call 952 893 380 (68259) HEALTH INSURANCE Competitive prices, English worded policies. Pay monthly or annually. All levels of cover. Premiums from €25 a month. Tel: 956 795 453 Abbeygate Insurance (68259) ABBEYGATE INSURANCE Car insurance exclusive for expatriates, save up to 50%. Find out about our price pledge on UK plated cars. Home insurance from €50. Tel: 952 893 380 (68259)
INTERNET GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email mark.w@euroweek for more details
INTERPRETER INTERPRETER & TRANSLATOR. French, Spanish & English. 695 909 025 (241370)
MOBILE HOMES HOLIDAY RENTALS REGISTRATIONS - Andalucía Decree 28/2016 (+34) 95 281 0391 or 696 166 338 (241272)
LOANS HOLA CREDITO. Instant short term loans against your valuables. Quick, easy and always discreet. Tel 900 123 457 (241174) LOANS AVAILABLE on all types of paintings, jewellery, watches, silver etc. Any condition. Immediate cash settlement. For more information call into Anthony’s Antiques & Jewellers shops extensive premises at C/Ramon y Cajal 40, Fuengirola. Mobile 609 529 633. Tel: 952 588 795 (SE) (201522) CASH CREATORS we buy, we sell, we loan cash Tel: 951 318 440 (228159)
24/7 LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH emergency / appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657 466 803 (229854) T1 ENGLISH 24/7 LOCKSMITH/SAFE ENGINEERS. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE, CALL DAREN OR BOB 952 660 233 / 667 668 673 WWW.SECURITYOFS PAIN.COM (241275)
WANT TO RELOCATE? We can transport your home and install on to a 12 month park from £4,995. Annual site fees from €3,000 Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143) BRAND NEW WILLERBY Siena 32m² home sited within a stylish gated community, 45 minutes from Malaga airport £19,995 Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143) WILLERBY COTTAGE 28x10 sited in ‘La Serrana Hills’ of Pizarra, site open all year round, swimming pool, only £13,495. Want to view? Freephone: 0044 1782 90 80 70 (85143)
MOBILITY MOBILITY scooters, electric wheelchairs, wheelchairs, walking frames, etc, for sale and rent. Large selection of quality used scooters at competitive prices. Rascal vantage X, Rascal Veo X, Shoprider Sovereign, Pride Go Go, Neo 4 and 8, Mercury Prism, Pride XL8, Rascal 388, Rascal 329, Rascal 125 Wheelchair, Shoprider electric wheelchair breaks up for boot, Rascal 330 electric wheelchair as new condition at considerable saving, Rascal turnabout electric wheelchair, plus many more all with guarantee. New and used wheelchairs for sale at competitive prices. Brand New Pride Go Go Mobility Scooters All models just arrived huge savings on retails prices. Rentals from 55 euros weekly. New mobility scooter batteries supplied and fitted. Mobility scooters bought for cash. bilityscootersdirectspain. com email info@mobili Tel 609581139 (241153) SENIORWORLD - MOBILITY scooters, wheelchairs, stairlifts, nursing beds, rise ´n´ recline chairs and a large range of daily living aids for sale or hire. Visit our showroom in Los Boliches - or call on 952 663 131 or 670 964 181 for advice & best prices. (243272)
MOBILITY ABROAD – Mobility-Scooter Service & Repairs. We offer the following for your vehicle – Collection. 22 Point Service. Battery Charger Test. Batteries tested with results printout. Delivered back to you Valeted. Contact us on -English 952 447 764 / Spanish 622 747 764. Mobility Scooters Bought, Sold & Hired. (240482)
MORTGAGES FLUENT Finance Abroad Are you looking to release equity in your home here in Spain? Need to pay IBI, Community Fees, Taxes, but don’t have the cash available now to do this. Do you want to sell your property for what it is worth but don’t have the ability/time frame due to cash constraints? Do you want an alternative to the Banks who are costly and slow? Call us now on +34 691 179 445 +34 952 961 952 or email ronald@fluent Come and visit us in our San Pedro office (241390)
MOSQUITO SCREENS MOSQUITO NICK No1 Specialist for Mosquito Screens for all types of windows and doors. PRICE PROMISE / NEVER BEATEN ON PRICE!!! All types of screens: sliding, pull-down, pleated, fixed and ARCHED available in all colours including wood grain. Call Nick at 647 072 861, (241320) (T1) ACE OF SHADES - Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730) MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (238722)
CARS PART EXCHANGE PART exchange to clear Automatic Ford Focus Ghia Estate 1.6 Inj. 2003 from private owner new ITV (MOT) Spanish plates A/C, CD. Electric pack metallic paint looks and drives great don’t delay at this trade price of only 2’995€ 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 bill (241236)
CAR SERVICES AUTOMATIC gearbox specialist. Transmatic. All models including classic cars, serviced, repaired and reconditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes and power steering Call/fax 952 796 166 / 952 805 804 email: transmat (243319) GT AUTOS Mijas – ITV´s, Servicing and Repairs. Diagnostics; Engines, ABS, Airbags, Aircon. 952 462 852 – 622 252 570 (241430)
CLASSIC CARS CLASSIC CAR RESTORATION over 30 years experience, bodywork, mechanical, Show Cars, Concourse Racing cars. We build your dream car. Contact Mark - 611 249 340 (240362)
FOR SALE SELLING YOUR SPANISH CAR? PHONE Bill Brady for the best cash price. Stay safe and phone Bill on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 billbradycars. com (241236) BILL BRADY CARS has been established on the Costa del Sol since 1986, in which time he has helped thousands of expatriates to buy or sell their quality used Spanish cars and also keeping all the documentation simple so you understand all that is going on (which is important). You can contact Bill direct on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 or (241236) DIESEL / Estate Seat Exeo ST. 2.0 TDI. (the same as Audi A4 ) 2011 full service history metallic blue, privy glass (double glazing ) this car is immaculate look at this saving new price nearly 30’000€ its only 12’995€ 952 838 842 608 950 221 (241236)
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
CHEAP Ford KA 2006 looks and drives great A/C, P/steering, CD. Elec/windows/locks metallic blue yes its only 2’995€ 952 838 842 608 950 221 (241236) IDEAL town car Renault Twingo 2009 only 33’000 Klm. (20’000Mls) from lady owner diamond white jazzy interior air-conditioning town steering for easy parking and great consumption and a great price also at only 4’995€ 952 838 842 608 950 221 billbrady (241236) DIESEL Citroen Picasso 2.0 HDI. From private owner bought and serviced by Citroen 116’000 Klm (73’000 Mls) Just been serviced, new battery and ITV (MOT) Dog guard, cruise control, climate control, and much more great MPV for only 4,995€ 952 838 842 608 950 221 billbrady (241236) PRICE SLASHED NISSAN JUKE 1.6i Turbo Tenka Sport 2011 from private owner bought and serviced by NISSAN with warranty till August 2016 98’000Klm (61’000 Mls) Great looking jeep, has sports drive and lots more WAS 10’995€ NOW 9’995€ . 952 838 842 608 950 221 bill (241236) AUTOMATIC Ford Focus 1.6 Inj. 2007 5 door from lady owner 76’000 Kim (47’000Mls) with service history Spanish plates. Health forces this sale at only 5’995€ 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (241236) FORD Fusion 2005 Mdl. 1.6 Inj. 60’000Klm. (37’000Mls) from private owner leaving Spain. Privy glass, CD, air-conditioning, the little car with loads of room for the family great price only 4’995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 (241236) FORD C-Max. Diesel Titanium 2.0 Ltr. TDCI. 6 speed gearbox, 2012 One private owner (not ex-rental) 38’000Klm (23’000Mls) Health forces this sale. Too many extras to list a very scarce car and a massive saving at only 14’995€. 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 billbrady (241236) CHEAP from private owner Hyundai Lantra 1.6 Inj. 4 door 1998 but only 115’000 Klm. (72’000 Mls.) good ITV (MOT) A/C P/Steering, Electric windows/locks/ stereo looks great and drives great for only 950€ 678 817 145 (241236)
FORD C-MAX GHIA, 2007 model (Dec 2006) 88,000Kms, Diesel, Air Con, Radio, CD, Electric Windows and mirrors, Tow Bar. €5,500 655 827 333 DRIVE BACK TO UK…right hand drive UK.Reg. Mercedes C180. 1994. genuine 102,000miles, one lady owner from new, 5 speed,manual with sunroof,4 door, big boot to take all your stuff, only 1,500 euros. Yes ! 1,500 euros phone Samantha Robertson 952 832 173 or 608 658 785 AUTOMATIC PEUGEOT 307 1.6 XR,2002. 5 door,hatchback aircondition, green,trade in cheap and cheerful small automatic only 2,995 euros, phone Samantha Robertson 952 832 173 or 608 658 785 DIESEL SEAT IBIZA TDI 2014 only 12,000kms. Silver, 5 door, air con, cd player, like new condition. Ill health forces sale, genuine bargain 9,995 euros be quick. Samantha Robertson 952 832 173 or 608 658 785 see ad (241666) AUTOMATIC /CABRIO MERCEDES CLK 320 ELEGANCE 1998, only 172.000kms..(approx 107,000miles that is an average of only 5,000miles each year) stunning blue with blue electric hood,climate & cruise control,electric seats /windows/locking, truly immaculate condition must be seen now 5,500 euros .see photo phone Samantha Robertson 952 832 173/ 608 658 785 (241666) AUTOMATIC PEUGEOT 307 2litre.2007 ( only 56,000kms. )5 door,hatchback, metallic aubergine with beige interior, cd.player, aircondition, electric locking ,windows etc. low kms, small automatic very scarce bargain buy at 6,995 euros. Phone Samantha Robertson 952 832 173 / 608 658 785 (241666) ONLY 16,000KMS. NEW shape FORD FIESTA 1Litre.Eco.Trend,2014 model, 5 door, hatchback, looks right in white with black interior, aircondition, cd. player amazingly powerful for a 1litre. Fab to drive. Like new condition save thousands on new price our bargain buy 9,500 euros.see photo www.robertson Samantha Robertson 952 832 173 /608 658 785 (241666)
F o r d a i l y n e w s v i s i t MOTORING DIESEL /AUTOMATIC MERCEDES C220,2007 only 106,000kms.( approx 65,000miles) full service history, one golfing lady owner from new,cd.,Bluetooth, 5 door,big boot,climate/cruise control metallic black with grey cloth interior,see photo Samantha Robertson 952 832 173/ 608 658 785 (241666) HYUNDAI I20 METALLIC BLUE 2010, petrol, manual, all extras, 103kms, very good economical car. 4995€ 607 334 610 (240339) RENAULT DACIA SANDERO 1500 diesel, 2010, white, all extras 150kms, very good car. 5350€ 607 334 610 (240339) SKODA FABIA. 1.9 Diesel Saloon, FSH, 2005, RHD. Spanish Plates, Only 88,000 miles. Reliable, economical, superb throughout €2950 ONO, 656 920 936 (241449) SUMMER HEAD TURNER FIAT BARCHETTA SPORTS, 1.8, Convertible, 135cv, 2000, Yellow/Black, Alloys, 151,000 KM, ITV December 16, Fast & Economical, Radio/CD, Fast & Economical, Lady Owner, 3,350€ ONO, Transfer Included - 681 609675 – Alhaurin 2003 RENAULT MEGANE late shape, 5 Door, RHD, UK Reg, very clean, long MOT €895 – 722 737 565 (241708)
INSURANCE ABBEYGATE INSURANCE. No automatic annual increase on our Motor Insurance, renewal policies. Call 952 893 380 (68259)
CARS AND VANS, ANY REGISTRATION, INSTANT CASH, FINANCE/EMBARGO UK OR SPANISH 693 028 325 (229862) CARS WANTED, all registration numbers, any age, runners/non-runners, finance, embargoes no problem 687 049 592 or 622 156 022 (242256) T2
KARAOKE SYSTEMS. Everything you need. Songs in all languages with regular updates. 664 540 154 (232947)
REPAIRS ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job too Small. 952 667 074 (242452)
CASH CREATORS: We´ll buy your old music system. Tel: 951 318 440 (228159)
COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Guarantee. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940 (237402)
HARLEY DAVIDSON Dyna Superglide, 1450 engine, black, all extras, immaculate, includes 3 month guarantee, 2006 8,750€ - 607 334 610 (240339)
BRITISH MECHANIC WORKSHOP family run business since 2000 in Mijas Costa Fuengirola. Servicing Repairs, ITVS, Full Engine Rebuilds, Body Work Repairs, Recovery Service, Paperwork Transfers. Checks on all cars & 4x4. CALL TODAY 605 407 369 / 951 914 025 (243443)
COSTA CARE SPAIN SL Fully Licensed Fully Legal 15 years experience the caring company that gives you peace of mind when you need it the most! 952 560 718 Find us on Facebook! (236765)
WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)
MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (238607)
“SIMPLY THE BEST” on the coast. Forget the rest, have the job done right. Call Sam. 18 years Mijas. 952 666 025 / 629 546 128. You’re worth it. PROFESSIONAL female decorator for all your decorating needs. For free advice and quotes, English 639 928 090, Spanish/Swedish/German 618 055 563 (244775)
PERGOLAS/DECKING PERGOLAS, Decking and Thatched Gazebos. Best quality and prices. Installations. For free quotation call 686 322 328 (233956)
PERSONAL HAPPY POSITIVE Slim Gent, 66, 5ft 9, Solvent, Genuine, Caring. Fashionable, fit, enjoys travel, walking, dining, music, motoring & well balanced lifestyle. Would like to meet – Slim, sincere, caring, non-smoking lady, 50 – 70 yrs, for friendship/long-term relationship. Tel/Text 600 679 232 (232990)
PUERTO BANÚS – Moorings for rent. 8, 12 & 15 meters. 662 379 483 (240400) FOR SALE - 20 Metre Berths, Main Port Sotogrande & 15 Metre Berth Port of Duquesa, Contact: 0044 7768 028400 (241255) PUERTO BANUS – Moorings wanted to buy. 0032 473 815 789 TERMITE DOCTOR Got Termites? Call or Whatsapp for a FREE Survey. Qualified, Legal. Tel: 684 217 181 (241382)
YOUNG DOMESTICATED cats rescued from the killing station need kind homes. Fully vaccinated and neutered. We will also deliver to England for a donation to the charity. Please give one of these beautiful cats a home so we can save more from death. Can be seen without obligation at Cat and Dog World Kennels. Tel. 630 197 435 (93398)
CHARITIES ACE CHARITY “El Refugio” in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the Town Hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is www.ace-chari where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320) ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call Marjorie 952 79 74 05 or 636 934 146 (93319) SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public week-ends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at anytime. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just
commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 info@sepeon (93321)
EURODOG Boarding Kennels & Cattery. Under new ownership by animal loving family. Large kennels and exercise yards, fully licensed and sanitary approved. Safe, secure and caring environment. Inspections welcome anyt ime. 5 minutes from Fuengirola 679 786 669 / 952 464 947 / www.eurodog. es (239968)
AT SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about re-homing, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website www.sos-ani or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317) ARCH - THE ANDALUCIAN RESCUE CENTRE FOR HORSES WELCOMES VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS TO THEIR STABLES ON SATURDAYS FROM 10 - 12 OR BY APPOINTMENT. COME AND HELP OUT, OR SPONSOR OR ADOPT ONE OF OUR HORSES, DONKEYS OR MULES. WE ALWAYS NEED HELP WITH FUND RAISING TO LOOK AFTER THE ABANDONED AND ABUSED ANIMALS. OUR AIM IS TO RESCUE, REHABILITATE AND REHOME. WE ARE A SMALL FRIENDLY TEAM - WHY NOT JOIN US. FIND US IN ALHAURIN EL GRANDE, BEHIND THE VENTA MIRALMONTE ON THE ROAD FROM ALHAURIN TO COIN, (A404), URB.VIÑA BORREGO, FOLLOW THE YELLOW SIGNS. CHARITY REGISTERED WITH THE JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA NO 8448. WWW.HORSERESCUESPAIN. ORG INFO@HORSERESCUES PAIN.ORG ARCHRESCUE@ YAHOO.CO.UK TEL:635798219 OR 656935613 OR 620175828. NEW: ARCH CHARITY SHOP NOW OPEN IN ALHAURIN, NEXT TO MONEY CHANGE SHOP, AVENIDA GERALD BRENAN (93322)
CAT AND DOG WORLD KENNELS AND CATTERY, superb licensed facilities, viewing welcome. Tel: 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (231335)
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
PET TRANSPORTATION by road. Fully DEFRA / OCA / TRACES compliant. Complete service by professional licensed kennels. 630 197 435
PHOTOGRAPHY ECONOMICAL PHOTOGR A P H Y & V I D E O for all types of Events. Reservation Call Adrian 640 350 479 (241379)
PETCARE PET HOTEL. Alhaurin el Grande. Holiday accommodation for dogs and cats. Heated/Air conditioned kennels available. Tel: 952 112 284 / 685 400 216 Find us on Facebook at Petcare Spain (243370)
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PRO VENT. Kitchens, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Windows, Glass Curtains creatively designed and expertly fitted. Visit our showroom in La Cala or call 639 727 188 for a free quotation. From inspiration to installation
LAGUNA KENNELS AND CATTERY. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter.Near Coin. lagu Tel 952 112 021 / 606 838 983 (232830)
PLUMBER for all your plumbing. Water heaters, bathrooms, tiling. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Construction work. Glen 669 073 773 (242389) PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / drain (238657) BLOCKED drains? Avoid this nuisance by installing a dosing unit that injects a grease and fat eating friendly enzyme daily. For information call Clearflow 952 885 661 / 630 200 600. All major credit cards accepted. (238597)
PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or email us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (243861) THE DOG MOVER. Licensed transporters. Two handlers, so never alone. 651 581 067 / 0044 (0) 7875 947230. www.thedog (228731) ACCOMPANY your pets to their new home. Fully licensed pet transport service. Denise 952 197 187 / 696 233 848
w w w . e u r o w e e k l y n e w s . c o m
For daily news visit
MARBELLA, INSIDE BANUS, 3 Bedroom apartment, Shortterm, private gardens, garage. / 0034 637 439 222 (232970)
EUROARTS – Large format digital graphic design & printing. Floors, Pools, Signage, Shop Displays. 951 287 167 / 602 494 347 (240341)
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE MR MAINTENANCE For all your property needs see our main advert in the service section 647 460 155 (243842)
PROPERTY FOR SALE WWW.INMOANDALUZ. COM is always looking for realistically priced inland properties to sell to our interested buyers. Tel 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (238070)
PROPERTY TO LET +34 646 686 463 Professional Reliable Service Free quotes 12 years working on the costa del sol (240276)
BUSINESS cards, flyers, posters, magazines, design, canvas, exhibition equipment, signage, vehicle branding Eyeprint: 951 310 395 (238598)
WWW.INMOANDALUZ. COM. Bargain inland properties for all budgets, fincas, village homes, apartments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 ATTRACTIVE 2 Bed, 2 Bath, Ground Floor Apartment in DON ALBERTO Mijas Costa. Fully Furnished to high standard. Close to Pool, Air-Conditioning & in a very safe position. 185,000 Euros. +44 7850 746 151 goodson.buil (240371) LA CALA VILLA, 631Sqm Built with Stables. 20,900Sqm of Land. Pool. 4 Mins to Beach €1.2 million – 691 921 512 LA CALA 1 Bedroom Apartment. 555Sqm. Park Location. Close to Beach €99,900 – 691 921 512 SUPER bargain. Property / Investment Golden Mile Marbella, Calle Murcia 14 Guadalmina Baja google map. Villa 800m Plot 3000m 40m from beach + 3 possibilities, Building 2/3 villas making 3-5 million. Build a stock on the whole building. Build stock on 50% left side sea views build villa another 50% 1500m sea views from 3.2 for only 2.3 millions. IN FO – 665 787 998 (240536) RIVIERA Luxury garden apartment, two beds, two baths, 145 m2. Sea views, south facing, garage, storage. Owners direct. €190,000. Call 669 974 643
PROP MANAGEMENT WE CARE for your property as it was our own. 618 228 309. www.newstarhomesinspain. com (243364)
FUENGIROLA. Calle La Fuensanta. 60m2 Local with ventilation duct for any type of Business. 380 euros/month. 626 248 132 (232940) LONG TERM RENTALS. Super prices, no commission. Apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (241672) FUENGIROLA Centre. 1 Bedroom Apartment in new block. Nicely furnished. Residential pedestrian street. Very quiet and very close to the beach with all amenities. 500€/Month only long term. Preferably only for elderly responsible pensioners. 608 337 300 / 670 789 798 (241423)
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (243481) PROFESSIONAL LOCAL REMOVALS AT AFFORDABLE RATES. 1/2 DAY FROM €90. FULL DAY FROM €175. WE ALSO PROVIDE A FORTNIGHTLY DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE TO UK AND EUROPE (INCL SCOTLAND). WORLDWIDE SHIPPING TO USA, AUSTRALIA, ETC AND FULL STORAGE FACILITIES. TEL (0034) 952 578 507 OR (0034) 637 892 278 / EMAIL garymoveit@ya (238527) UK/EUROPE fortnightly, full or part load service. Tel 696 810 618 or www.moveit-store (237065) INTERNATIONAL and European Removals. Expert removals worldwide. www.uni Tel: 951 247 834 / +44 (0)203 128 7007 (240372)
MARBELLA DESIGN ACADEMY is expanding! We need more apartments, houses and rooms, for our students in Marbella, Monda and Coin. If you have a place available then please contact: housing-stu (241391) PROPERTIES wanted for long term rental in Benalmadena area. Clients waiting. Call Mandy 695 715 703 (232954)
NATIONAL / INTERNATIONAL 15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 10th June. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (233214) EUROPE SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (243481) USA SPECIALIST Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (243481) STORAGE SPECIALIST. Combitrans Movers. 952 775 300 (243481)
MOVERS INTERNATIONAL EUROPE LTD Regular Service Spain, UK and Ireland BAR MEMBER. 9 5 2 4 2 6 560 rebecca_mover (238565) BRITONS REMOVALS - UKSpain-UK. Regular Fully Registered Removal & Storage Service for over 30 years. Tel 618 984 570 or 914 143 164 (242465) MOVING BACK TO UK? Removal vehicle departing weekly throughout the year. Excellent, professional service & great rates. Ring (0034) 665 089 244 or (0044) 01922 682 667 & see www.elite-euro (93139) UK - SPAIN - Anywhere Europe! Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with Royal Sun Alliance. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and / Part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! www.bmceuro Tel: UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! (243375) MOVING MATTERS SL – removals and storage. Local or to and from the UK/Ireland/Portugal and across Europe. Over 16 years experience. For free quotation Tel 951 311 118. (243480) LOCAL & International Removals Regular Schedules 952 816 582 move@freinternation (236930) LOCAL Removals Large or Small 952 816 582 move@ freinternational. com (236930) SPAIN-UK-SPAIN removals, full load to single items, pets, motorbikes, door to door service, over 20 years trading on the Costa. References available. Fully insured NERJA TRANSPORT tel 608 091 660 or 00 44 7907 735324 email web VAN + MAN /Men removals, 17 euros P/H. Storage available. 611 206 962 (241288)
MAN AND VAN MAN & VAN, 100% reliable, Removals, Clearances, 3 Vans available, €20 per Hour – 622 020 856 (239980) MAN VAN REMOVALS 20 euros/hour, 3 vans available. House clearances. Tel David 696 810 618 (237065) BIG VAN (removal) always on time. 100% reliable. 20€. P.H. - 622 665 263 (237249) 2 MEN, Van €30 hour. Always on time 651 081 610 (240483)
THE VAN MAN. Cheap and cheerful. €20 per hour. 677 251 025 (243948) MAN & VAN from 20€ per hour. Ikea Specialist. House Clearances Free Quote – 602 628 451 (240391) SMALL VAN - Light removals, Goes Under Garages, deliveries, assembly. Experienced. €20 hourly – 642 165 644 (241706)
STORAGE REMOVAL BOXES Large, med, wardrobe, bubble wrap, tape, collect or delivered. Local and international removals also undertaken. 952 239 110 / 632 702 306 (44093) FIRST MONTH €1. Packing materials. Self storage Marbella. 952 811 311 (235804) STORAGE CONTAINERS: 10 euros/week, packing and removal service. Tel David 696 810 618 / www.moveit-store (237065)
ROLLER SHUTTERS ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730) ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (238609)
CARPENTRY CARPENTER cabinet maker, Irish. Property maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, kitchens. Bathrooms renovated etc. 30 years experience. Very reliable. 677 087 575 (224853)
FURNITURE FRENCH POLISHING REPAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable furniture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 119 190 (224373)
CLASSIFIEDS WINDOWS COIN WINDOWS Aluminium windows, Doors, PVC, Blinds, Mosquito screens, Canopies, Glass Factory, shower screens, etc. All at village prices. Spanish owned business English 646 066 351
SEWING ALL STYLES Curtains, upholstery, soft furnishings and bean bags made to measure. Sensible prices. Also repairs / alterations. All areas. Call 672 800 887 or email judein (228136)
SIGNS & DESIGNS SHOP signs, vehicle signs, banners, window signs, 952 930 547, 603 464 582, EYEPRINT – 951 310 395 (238598) EUROARTS – 951 287 167 (240341) HAND-PAINTED signs, Props, Blackboards for Weddings & Special Occasions. To buy or rent 669 722 504 also original artwork. (241257)
LOOKING for a new job? JobFinder Spain adds a fresh approach to finding your ideal role. Our clients love the way we work and so do our candidates, just check out the testimonials on our website. We are looking for all types of staff so just upload your CV at or call us on 951 400 234 LOOKING for quality staff? JobFinder Spain can help you, efficiently and cost effectively. Find out how at www.jobfind or just call 951 400 234 (241400) EXPERIENCED COOK /HOUSEKEEPER required for Full-Time Position in Villa Near ESTEPONA. Enquiries to MARBELLA SUNCARE ADVISOR – Are you active, outgoing and enthusiastic? Want a rewarding job, with contract and excellent earning potential? Suncare Central is recruiting motivated individuals with all experience levels to several vacancies in the Marbella area. It´s a fun deal, with training and constant back-up. Sales and customer service experience is not essential! Car an advantage. Interested? Send CV with Photo to Coral – cgon
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol HIRING IMMEDIATELY – Searching for experienced Admin and Sales Consultants / Staff. The role is liaising with high net worth individuals & our partners via phone and in person. Please send your CV: / 0034 951 203 537 (241408) CHEF wanted for busy pub/bar in Benahavís. Fluent in English and experience highly preferred. Send CV to EXPERIENCED CHEF REQUIRED for busy carvery in Montemar, Torremolinos. Fluent English a must. Please send CV to info@the EXPERIENCED BAR PERSON REQUIRED for busy carvery in Montemar, Torremolinos. Fluent English a must. Please send CV to (233262) HOUSEKEEPER required in Mijas Costa to manage Villa rental, Greet guests, clean villa and do laundry. Must speak English. Please email your details, experience, age and location to for further details (241444) HANDYMAN required in Mijas Costa to clean out outside terraces, windows and do general repairs. Must speak English, please email your details, experience, age and location to for further details (241444)
POOL & SPA company in Nueva Andalucía is looking for a technician, full time. English & Spanish a must. Some knowledge within pool/spa is a plus. Please send cv to or call: 951 194 739 (241713) POOL & SPA company in Nueva Andalucía is looking for a secretary, part/full time. English & Spanish a must. Please send CV to: office@aqualiv or call: 951 194 739 (241713) POOL & SPA company in Nueva Andalucía is looking for a sales person to develop our shop and dealer network. English, Spanish & sales experience a must! Please send CV to: or call: 951 194 739 (241713)
SITUATIONS WANTED I AM A fifty year old female, NVQ2 qualified professional care/support worker with 18 years experience in all aspects of person centred care, I have worked with dementia and special needs. I am looking for a live-in or contract position. I am available starting in May 2016. Call Jayne 0044 7548 021539 bjayne48@ (232911) BRITISH TRAINED NURSE with over 30 year´s experience is looking for Care/Nursing work. Available for immediate start. Contact 666 277 748 (241386)
SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosan
SOLAR LOWEST PRICES IN SPAIN. www.solarmegas (236769)
STORAGE STORAGE secure clean dry warehousing. Collection and delivery available. Guaranteed best rates. Focus Transport Marbella 952 816 582
POOL MAINTENANCE, repairs, friendly, reliable service. Estepona, Malaga, inland regrouts, heaters. 678 791 495 / 951 295 699 www.sparklen (241243) T3 Maintenance, Repairs & Renovation. Professional & Reliable Service. All Areas. info@per 650 348 785 (238659) WESTARPOOLS. Pool construction, renovation, repairs and heating. 619 246 372 / (243786) LEAK DETECTION & Pool Repair using pressure testing & Ultra-sound Technology. Atlas Aqua 654 250 794 (241274) POOL HEATING - swim in your pool all year round. JACUZZI’S, POOL COVERS, POOL ROLLERS, POOL FILTRATION. ENVIROCARE 1ST FOR QUALITY FOR OVER 21 YEARS. ALL AREAS COVERED. +34 952 663141 +34 670 409 759 (232972)
THERAPISTS CHANGE your thinking, change your life. Psychotherapist Philip Jameson. Adults, adolescents, families. 635 276 140 (242307)
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
LIFE COACHING, stress, depression, other problems. 24 years experience. Contact 634 369 414 / info@thewaychris / theway (236862)
TRANSLATOR OFFICIAL translations. All languages. 952 789 204. Mobile 654 613 094. sanpedrotraduc (242424)
TROPHIES LASER ENGRAVED Trophies, Prizes, quality glass engraving service, competitive prices, with 40 years experience. Trophies, medal, badges from 1€. THE SPORTS SHOP, Fuengirola. Tel: 952 473 530 (240283)
TUITION MARBELLA DESIGN ACADEMY: Validated programmes. Bachelor of Arts degrees awarded by Middlesex University London. (235482) SPANISH Tuition by qualified and experienced teacher. Beginners / Intermediate / GCSE / A-Level. 622886251 bea.san (232845)
TV & SATELLITE REPAIRS – TV’s, Plasmas, LCD’s, Digi – Boxes, Video, HiFi and microwaves. Free estimates, can collect. 35 Years experience. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201 (240315) CASH CREATORS: TV´s, DVD players always wanted. Tel: 951 318 440 (228159)
ENGLISH CHANNELS. Freeview, Movies, Sky Channels, Sports Catch up and much more. All Free No Monthly Costs Inc. Warranty from €140. 653 061 472 (243447) ENGLISH TV. BBC 1, 2, 3, 4, ITV, CH4. No internet needed. No subscriptions, 250 euros. Also dish realignment. Tel: 652 023 012
UPHOLSTERY CARPET & UPHOLSTERY PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WET OR DRY CLEAN, HONEST,RELIABLE SERVICE. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 (229862) CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)
WANTED CASH CREATORS: Don´t need it, we´ll buy it. Tel: 951 318 440 (228159)
REPAIRS WASHING machine repairs. No fix No fee. Call Joe: 686 271 836 (241707)
WINDOW TINTING MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 – 644 546 176 solarshadetinting@ (238665)
FEMALE MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for your enjoyment in the city centre, eight young ladies for unforgettable moments. Open 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (237494) T1 CALAHONDA, black girl with big boobs and a bouncy bottom, hot blooded with a body to die for. Kinky lover, affectionate and pleasing. I’m the only one who will know how to fulfill your fantasies, feel free to ask me for what you’ve always wanted to but never dared to. 648 814 653 (244511) RIVIERA. Hello my love! I’m Lola, aged 23, from Paraguay, a brunette nymphomaniac with long locks and fire in my veins. I really enjoy throwing myself into sex and filling hours with passion drives me crazy. 616 368 985 (244511) MIRAFLORES, Barbara, sweet and passionate Brazilian blonde, beautiful and slim, kinky and horny. I’m the lover who with enjoy everything you want with you. I love erotic games. 24 hours. 650 237 102 (244511) NEAR ELVIRIA, mature blonde with green eyes, slim and elegant, will share your hours of passion. Don’t think twice, come and see for yourself. I speak English. 648 814 653 (244511) RIVIERA, Spanish, pretty, sensual and very hot. A stylish young lady who will bring you pleasure like never before. I have lots of erotic toys we can play with. 650 237 102 (244511) BUTTERFLY GIRLS, quality incall and outcall services. Eight international young ladies are waiting for you 24 hours a day. Striptease, lesbian, Greek, orgies, porn films, toys. Visa. www.butter 951 274 723, 648 814 653 (244511) FUENGIROLA: 5 spectacular friends. 24hrs. From only 30€. We do everything! Guaranteed Pleasure! Outcalls. 633 520 255 (243800) WANTED. Girls aged between 25 and 35, preferably English speaking for Fuengirola’s busiest adult relax apartment. (See Fuengirola Port’s advert in adult section for further details.) If interested please phone 663 645 432. Discretion guaranteed. Excellent money paid daily. (230263)
MARBELLA - Novelty, beautiful lady, elegant, slim, brunette. Hotels and visits only. 698 329 112 (240316)
BENALMADENA: Young lady 35, attractive, sexy, educated. For gentlemen. 30 euros. 634 209 427 (232859)
BENALMADENA Classy, supersexy blonde model. Taste the pleasure. 632 801 194 (232987)
COMPLIANT GENUINE COUPLE ( willing wife and knowing husband ) offer an extremely sexual and unique experience to ladies, couples, and gentlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be a voyeur, or simply enjoy very special pleasures with us. Private apartment in Nueva Andalucia or out calls 685 189 518
BENALMADENA - LAURA 28, slim brunette. Sexy model. Warm and friendly. Fluent English. Incalls & outcalls. 633 744 422 (243439) NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and submissive girl offers you a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, including sensual massages (qualified independent masseuse) with natural French and happy ending. Private apartment. 656 350 401 MATURE elegant lady. Voluptuous bust. All services. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (243921) ASIAN and European, Friendly, Sexy, Hot Horny, Multi-Orgasmic, Oriental Massage, Luxury discreet place – Marbella Centre – 671 126 231 (243363) SQUIRTINGGIRL with special ability squirting. Private apartment. Escort also. 24hrs. Hotel, home visits. 622 269 947 (241264) VICKY pretty Brazilian woman for a Girlfriend experience. Private apartment in Marbella. Age 28 – 602 600 302 (243417) PUERTO Banús. Rubi Explosive Brazilian. Fitness champion. Caribbean color. I send photos. Outcalls. 24h. Visa. 617 7916 44] (244522) PUERTO Banús: Deluxe villa rents rooms with luxurious spa, per hour for couples or open minded persons. Erotic toys, DVD, bondage, threesomes... 680 554 614] (244522) PTO BANUS: I’m Sira female dominant mistress, strong, relentless, impatient. Type of disciplines I do: Sadomination, fetishism, CBT, spitting, trampling and much more. Call me and inform you of the type of session you want. I send photos. Visa. 617 791 644] (244522) MARBELLA Nymphomaniac, Rocio blonde student, superluscious, 1.70, French till end, Greek, Deep throat. Duplex. Couples. Toys. 697 343 052] (244522) PUERTO Banus. 3 Spanish students. Paula 18yrs, brunete, green eyes, White skin. Soraya from Seville 19yrs. Jasmin 19yrs model, lingerie. Only for wealthy gentlemen. Outcalls. 634 230 013 (244522) MARBELLA. Rubí brazilian and Angela colombian, bisexual couples, threesome, dúplex services, toys, suite with jacuzzi, French, Greek, Outcalls. 617 791 644 (244522)
LIA 24, Black beautiful Caribbean girl. All services from 50 euros. 611 321 225 Torremolinos/Benalmadena/M alaga (240354) DOMINANT, Gorgeous, Sexy, Mature Goddess can and will make your fantasies come true. Bondage, Whips, etc Naughty Boys call now..633 421 818 (240375) ESTEPONA Escorts, Massage, Pretty, Vicious, Pleasant, expert in sado and fantasies, transformism, French, sexy toys, outcalls www.nenases – Tel 662 303 121 (240418)
MALE Ricky - Muscular body, handsome. Also couples. Private apartment. Visits. 24h. 634 033 971 (240378) SINCERE, Sensitive submissive seeks an equivalent healthy cut male dominant 50-60`s WITH secluded venue who can and will indulge in extremely kinky scenarios boundaries negotiable. 658 401 778 George (241398)
MASSAGE TRY something different, Asian, Russian, Latin, amazing, absolute pleasure Balinese, Thai luxury, San Pedro 618 448 131 (243363) PURE ECSTACY in Nueva Andalucia with young pretty independent masseuse. Erotic body, tantric and other completely relaxing massages in private apartment 656 350 401 VICTORIA. Therapeutic massages anti-stress, cervical, sports, hands relaxation, Benalmadena Gamonal 633 693 334 (241426)
VARIOUS, the number one website to meet like-minded singles/couples for fun and friendship VIAGRA/Kamagra/Cialis for sale @ the best prices in Spain! Bodybuilding Supplements also in Stock & National Delivery! anonuser1@proton / 605 854 232 (241406) Viagra, cialis, kamagra discounts for large orders, can deliver/post 603 255 411 (241710)
26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Clarkson Quote of theWeek
Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
CALL: 952 89 33 80
“Everything I have ever bought is in my car. People say it’s a skip and disgusting, and refuse to get in there. That’s one advantage. Another is that last week, I needed a headache pill and it was simply a case of rummaging under the seat until I found one.” Some might say...
IT’S a strange feeling to hear a manual gearstick described as vintage, but that’s the direction Aston Martin have taken their classic V12 Vantage S in, reconfiguring the powerful model with a third pedal and a proper gearstick. Something of an
ASTON MARTIN: The classic V12 Vantage S.
anachronism in the modern quest to make life faster, more streamlined, but above all easier, the bold move from the British manufacturer will capitalise on that atavistic demand for serious, old-school, clutch battering driving. The new V12 Vantage S
A manual revolution at Aston Martin of them all By Matthew Elliott
manual doesn’t sacrifice speed for gear shifting interaction. It can hit 100kph in 3.9 seconds, boasts a maximum 330kph, making it Aston Martin’s fastest series production car, helped along by a 6.0 litre engine powering 421kW and 620Nm of torque. Indeed the V12 Vantage S
manual is old-school in its entirety, in its very fabric. It stands almost in defiant opposition to contemporary trends towards elegance and sophistication. Not this model, this is a loud, aggressive throwback to times past, a physically confident car that bellows, roars and curves and demands attention. So it makes perfect sense that it would abandon paddle-shifting automatic transmission in favour of a
seven-speed Graziano gearbox with the first six gears positioned as you’d expect, while the seventh is stuck in at the top right in what oldschoolers would call a dogleg. A definite nod to enthusiasts and hardcore motorheads, the question is whether, at €170,000 there is a significant market of determined car lovers who would take the time to appreciate this beast, or whether those who can afford the model are generally the type to opt for smoother, sleeker, sexier cars they can take around town? Aston Martin has indicated that future production cars will also see manual transmissions incorporated, with automatic backup for those who have forgotten the lost art of proper driving, so the dog-leg might still have its day.
Motoring shorts
Motoring Brexit cost MOTORISTS are often left out of the debate on how a Brexit would affect everyday life for British nationals. Though it’s impossible to be exactly sure of driving affairs should Britain leave the EU, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland examples are something to go on. Freedom of travel and health insurance would likely continue, albeit with slightly modified rules. An AA report suggests a short-term rise in petrol prices in Britain, traditionally higher than on the continent. The cost of cars could change and BMW has already warned UK staff could see jobs threatened, impacting on manufacturing.
Electric race event THIS year will be the last FIA Formula E race held in London’s Battersea area after residents’ complaints over the disruption caused. An eco-friendly version of Formula 1 it prides itself on low noise levels. The FIA says it the race will return to London once it finds a new venue and also plans to bring an electric Grand Prix.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
Practice makes perfect drivers BRITISH parents are letting their children get a head start on driving, with more than one third claim-
ing they allowed their youngsters to drive before reaching the legal age of 17. A survey conducted by Voucher Codes Pro saw 35 per cent of parents admitting to it, with the vast maj o r i t y a rg u i n g t h a t t h e y were helping their children prepare before they embarked on official lessons. More than half claimed they allowed their children on public roads, with 23 per cent confessing that they weren’t always present.
E W N 26 May - 1 June 2016 / Costa del Sol
La Quinta Golf CostaLessGolf Weekly News with
Ron Garrood DESIGNED by three-time world champion and Ryder Cup winner, Manuel Piñero, it is one of the most attractive courses in the area, accessible to all levels of play. It satisfies the amateur golfer in the same way as the professional. The speed of its greens is noteworthy, as is the quality of the service offered in the golf club. La Quinta has 27 holes, split among three nine-hole courses, which are completely integrated into a splendid natural landscape of exceptional beauty, from which one can contemplate the Mediterranean Sea which bathes Marbella, and the mountains which surround the Benahavis Golf Valley. The combination of these three courses gives the golfer a wide choice of possible golf games. The course has been re-
BEAUTY: There are three courses to choose from. modelled, both in its design and its technical installations, and has become one of the courses that hosts a European Tour event, testament to which are the various editions of the Benahavis Senior Masters or the Spanish Ladies Open, which have been held at the course. Additionally, the new restaurant service on offer at the La Quinta Restaurant, means that the golfer cannot only enjoy a fabulous day of
golf, but can also delight his palate with a wonderful culinary experience, thanks to the various restaurants within the complex. La Quinta Golf Resort also houses a 170-bedroom, fivestar hotel with an Arab-influenced Spa, gymnasium, golf academy and paddle tennis courts. For June & July offers – two players including shared buggy for only €140.00 call 0034 952 661 849.
E W N Costa del Sol
26 May - 1 June 2016
ROSSI: Roared on by a partisan crowd, Valentino Rossi’s Italian MotoGP dream went up in smoke when his Yamaha malfunctioned on lap nine.
Costa del Sol’s best guide to local sport
Well done to all cup winners and Anderson, top bowler Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria
FOOTBALL • Last Saturday, 88,619 fans
at Wembley saw Manchester United win the FA Cup for a joint record 12th time, beating Crystal Palace 2-1 with a Jesse Lingard goal in extra time. United had Chris Smalling sent off in what is said was Louis Van Gaal’s ‘last game’ as United’s boss… his replacement, the ‘Special One’ himself, Jose Mourinho! • North of the border, a near-
51,000 crowd saw Hibs net twice in the last 10 minutes to defeat Rangers 3-2, to lift the Scottish Cup for the first time since 1902. However, there were appalling scenes after the game when Hibs supporters invaded the pitch and certain Rangers players were assaulted. The SFA is investigating the incident. • Elsewhere, there were cup
final wins for Bayern Munich (Pep Guardiola’s last game in charge), Juventus, Barcelona (2-0 over Sevilla) and PSG… and therefore each team completed their domestic double. • Last Sunday, England edged past Turkey 2-1 in a preEuro 2016 warm-up friendly before 45,000 fans at The Etihad Stadium. Harry Kane and Jamie Vardy scored the goals but Kane also missed a penalty. CRICKET • England (298) crushed Sri Lanka (91 and 119) by an innings and 88 runs in the first Test at Headingly. • James Anderson took 10 wickets in the match (5-16 and 5-29) while Yorkshire wicketkeeper Jonny Bairstow claimed nine catches and scored 140.
• Anderson’s figures were the best by an English bowler against Sri Lanka, beating Graeme Swann’s haul of 10-181 in 2012 and Bairstow is the first Englishman to strike a century and take nine catches in the same Test. South Africa’s AB De Villiers holds the record with 10 dismissals and a hundred in a single match. • Crowds of 9,122, 13,039 and 21,393 attended the three days of the Leeds Test. GOLF • Top golfer Rory McIlroy has, at last, won the Irish Open Championship.
JAMES ANDERSON: Took 10 wickets against Sri Lanka.