Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca North 7 - 13 July 2016 Issue 1618

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ISSUE NO. 1618

7 - 13 July 2016


Stop Press



Reassurance for Brits

By Linda Hall “REST easy” was regional president Ximo Puig’s message to the Valencian Community’s 100,000 British

residents. The healthcare of any citizen living in the region is guaranteed, he declared. The pledge was made during a visit

to Benidorm where Puig met representatives from the local tourist industry to discuss Brexit’s impact on the sector. Turn to page 4


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Hotel go-ahead PENDING approval of the appropriate licences, work is soon expected to start on a new 4-star hotel complex in Villajoyosa. The hotel will be built on


Fire rapidly doused Linda Hall


a plot of around 5,000 metres and will have 90 rooms, gardens and underground parking. Construction is expected to take around a year to complete.

Art exhibition A DISPLAY of original paintings by Miguel Canamas Monzonis is inaugurated this Friday, July 8, in Oliva. The ‘Pequenas percepciones’ or ‘small perceptions’ exhibition is in the Museu Casa Maians until July 17, and is open from 10.30am to 1.30pm and 6pm to 10.30pm except Sundays. For more details see the website

Holding steady DENIA’S Department of Tourism expects hotel occupancy in the town for the first fortnight in July to be around 66 per cent, slightly higher than last year’s confirmed oc-

cupancy of 62 per cent. For campsites the expected figure is 46 per cent and for private lettings 70 per cent. The occupancy rate for Denia’s hotels in June was 66.2 per cent.

EXTINGUISHED: Disaster is averted…this time. By Linda Hall FIRE is an ever-present risk in Alicante Province’s wooded inland areas. Nevertheless, the Costa Blanca’s remaining semi-rural zones are at risk, too, a nd fire broke out e a rlie r this week in Cap Negret (Altea). It was rapidly extinguished despite

high winds fanning the flames, but firemen at the scene were unable at this stage to say how it was started. One fireman at the scene shrugged his shoulders when the Euro Weekly News asked for an opinion, but said off the record that it was not surprising the fire had spread, as the abandoned orange grove was full of rubbish, allow-

ing the blaze to rip through it. If there was a touch of irritation in his reply, it was with good reason. As Alicante enters its third year of drought it doesn’t take much to start a fire, and landowners know they should cooperate by reducing the risk by ensuring that their land is kept clear of rubbish.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Brexit and Spanish election result gives Mr Margallo the chance to air his views again By John Smith WITH the ironic title Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Spain’s José Margallo doesn’t go out of his way to hide his disdain for the people of Gibraltar and relies on very old rhetoric to try to do all that he can to inflame Spanish nationalism and intimidate the Gibraltarians. His latest pronouncement that he doesn’t want Gibraltar involved in any discussions which the UK may have with the EU does nothing more than to irritate Gibraltarians, some of whom still remember the closure of the border due to the Spanish Civil War whilst many more remember the closure during the reign of Franco. The double irony is that despite Gibraltarian protestations of being British, they do actually have as much, if not more, in common with Spain and if their neighbour could recognize the fact that all that happens every time Mr Margallo rattles his saber is that he pushes Gibraltarians even further away tension would be dramatically reduced. Put succinctly, Gibraltar doesn’t trust the interim Spanish Government and doesn’t wish to be politically aligned with it. They have a booming economy, an apparent lack of corruption nowadays and the ability to work alongside people of all nationalities, creeds and colours which is remarkable. Locally, the bulk of the town councils in the surrounding areas see Gibraltar as helping to support their economies and the government has been diligent in cutting tobacco smuggling dramatically and is not a third world financial bolt hole, with money launderers or corrupt politicians. Spain has far less to be proud of than Gibraltar in this area, but in an ideal world there would be the concept of live and let live. The Spanish

government doesn’t seem to understand how it can exist with Ceuta and Melilla and doesn’t offer to return Menorca back to the UK which it obtained as part of a Treaty yet is so desperately sure that Gibraltar belongs to Spain. By the simple argument of geographical position, should Portugal claim Spain or vice versa? A statement issued by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar on July 1 pretty much sums up the view of the people of Gibraltar as Mr Picardo said “Mr Margallo should take careful note that an overwhelming majority of the people of Gibraltar rejected the very principle of shared sovereignty in 2002.” “This remains the position of the government and of the people of Gibraltar to this day. In setting this condition as his personal criteria for Gibraltar to remain in the EU, he knows that this has already been rejected out of hand and that it will never happen.” “Therefore Mr Margallo, with his unhealthy obsession about Gibraltar, is putting at risk the jobs of thousands of his countrymen who live in Spain and are employed in Gibraltar and who depend on the EU principle of freedom of movement to get from home to work every day.” Just 34 years ago Britain sent thousands of men and women

Mr Margallo, with his unhealthy obsession about Gibraltar, is putting at risk the jobs of thousands of his countrymen who live in Spain and are employed in Gibraltar.”

across the world to fight a war over a few islands and a couple of thousand people who had been invaded by descendants of Spanish colonisers in order to protect the rights of British descendants. The Falkland Islands have been a British territory for around 100 years less than Gibraltar which has seen many ‘rulers’ but it is clear that the people’s preferred choice is Great Britain but in these very different times does Britain have the political will to actually protect Gibraltar? Already, the current government has indicated that it won’t be as easy to defend the rights of Gibraltar from outside the EU and the Chief Minister is understandably looking at all of his options in order to try and protect the Rock against any change in sovereignty, especially when a new British government could be contrary. If some form of shared sovereignty is anathema to the people of Gibraltar who are genuinely proud to feel British Gibraltarians then would a call for independence actually be the way forward? Nauru, Tuvalu and Palau all have smaller populations than Gibraltar and yet have independence and membership of the United Nations whilst Monaco and San Marino with slightly larger populations are also members of the UN, so logically, if Spain objects to British sovereignty, then it could be difficult for them to oppose independence for what it considers a ‘British colony’.



Your papers, your views Our readers have been expressing their views about Spain and Gibraltar which appeared on our website. Here are a few of your comments some of which have had to be cut due to size but we are always happy to hear from everyone.

Alter thinking To be honest the Spanish have got huge problems in their own country to deal with that they can’t seem to get a grip on, most of the time seem uninterested in sorting them out, strange they always bring up Gibraltar every time they want to divert the public’s thinking lol. Mike in ESP

Brexit veto An early general election is proposed before the end of the year. Scotland’s first minister is in talks with Gibraltar and Northern Ireland leaders over vetoing Brexit because all three countries voted to Remain, only England and Wales voted to Leave. Brian

We remember Our families remember what it was like to watch people plead to enter Gibraltar during the civil war and how much money was lost by those who had funds in Spain at the time, we’ll never agree to Spanish involvement in our affairs. Pepe

Not reality They all live in cloud cuckoo land. Kay

Hands off Keep your hands off Gibraltar, it’s British and will remain so. In 1713 Spain’s king, Phillip V signed an agreement that territory known as Gibraltar be handed ‘in Perpetua’ to Britain. Like or not, this is irrevocable unless Gibraltar people decide to join Spain. Roy

Keep out You’d think Spanish politicians would have more important things to do than try to take over the lives of people who want nothing to do with them. Maureen

JOSÉ MARGALLO: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

© Inna Sokolovska


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

INDEX News 1 - 41

Featured News 3

Pharmacies piloting electronic prescriptions By Simon Russell

Indoor Market 14

Finance 45 - 50

Stocks 46

Leapy Lee 51

Daily TV 52, 102, 104,

106, 108, 110, 112

Letters 109

Time Out 113 - 116

Health & Beauty 117 - 121

Social Scene 122 - 126

THE Ministry of Health and the region’s College of Pharmacists are trialling electronic prescriptions. The main benefit of this is to allow drugs to be collected from pharmacies anywhere in Spain and in turn for Valencian pharmacies to serve users from outside the Community. A group of pharmacies are taking part in the pilot scheme across Valencia which is already in operation in the Canary Islands and Extremadura and being trialled across six other communities countrywide. The benefits at this time of year are particularly apparent, both for the influx of visitors from other parts of Spain, and for Valencian residents travelling elsewhere. Many elderly visitors from the north and centre of the country reside in Va-

CHANGING TIMES: Pharmacies begin to embrace new technology.

lencia for several weeks. The Canaries and Extremadura were ‘guinea pigs’ for the scheme in 2013 and after a successful pilot the scheme was fully adopted in

Our View 127

John Smith 127

Property 128 - 129

Homes & Gardens 130 - 132

Pets 134 - 135

Services 137 - 142

Classifieds 144 - 146

Motoring 147 - 149

Sport 150 - 151

in the trial are Asturias, Galicia, Murcia, Navarra and Castilla La Mancha. La Mancha has nearly completed successful trials and expects to adopt the scheme in full shortly.

Keep visitors happy and returning From front page

Colin Bird 127

2015. However the scheme obviously has limited benefits until most or all communities have adopted the electronic system. Other communities involved

“The Generalitat Valenciana won’t interrupt fundamental public services,” Puig assured British residents. A specifically-created regional committee will deal with the situation, he said, sending the British community a message of “fondness and warmth.”

Referring to Brexit’s impact Puig expressed confidence in the tourist sector’s “possibilities” but rejected “alarmist messages.” Instead he favoured a collective plan to boost next year’s tourist campaign. Puig admitted concerns regarding the situation of the pound sterling and urged the tourist industry to improve its offer without

associating this with a reduction in prices. “The important thing is to improve our position through quality,” he stressed. “Visitors are happy but we have to help them so they will continue to holiday here.” Neither did Puig foresee a spectacular fall-off in British visitors: “Holidays are a priority for them,” he said.



7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Keep calm and don’t breathe too deeply By Linda Hall THERE’S nothing like breathing in a healthy lungful of sea air. Or is there? According to a report by enviro n m e n t a l i st g ro u p Ecologistas en Accion based on World Health Organisation recommendations, the residents of Benidorm, Alicante, Alcoy and Elche have to breathe the worst air in the region. Almost two million Va-

len cia n Co mmu n ity re s idents - 36 per cent of the region’s total population - are breathing more than the reco mme n d e d a mo u n ts of o z o n e . W h at’s mo re , the environmentalists claim, the entire region is exposed to ozone levels that are considered harmful to vegetation. The most frequently-occu rrin g co n ta min ating agents in the Valencia region are PM10 and PM25 particles and, in more localised form, nitrogen diox-

Car plot pair arrested A LUXURY car plot has been foiled. Police have arrested two men allegedly responsible for a corporate plot that, after gaining the trust of an official car dealer in Germany, bought 37 highend cars, valued at €2 million, but later failed to pay for them. The cars were gained throughout 2010 and 2014 and later sold in Alicante, Madrid, Malaga, Badajoz, A Coruña and Ibiza. The arrests took place in the Madrid Barajas airport when the two men returned to Spain on a flight from Qatar.

ide, according to Ecologists en Accion. Particles in this size range make up a large proportion of dust that is drawn deep into the lungs. Larger particles tend to be trapped in the nose, mouth and throat. The authors of the report used data gathered in 2015 by 63 pollution control stations belonging to the Generalitat’s network and a pollution me a s uring tow e r belonging to Spain’s meteorological office Aemet.



Teenage cyclist seriously hurt A 19-YEAR-OLD man is in Denia hospital with head injuries and various scrapes and bruises after losing control of his bicycle outside Javea and colliding with a truck on Monday July 4. It appears the young man lost control after mounting a speed bump at the bottom

of a steep hill and veered over into the opposite lane where he hit the truck despite the truck driver’s best efforts to avoid the collision. The cyclist was transferred by ambulance to the hospital in Denia for treatment and doctors decided to keep him in overnight for observation.

E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

PRECOOKED ‘El Cultivador’ white beans were withdrawn after being linked to botulism cases in Gerona (Cataluña). Two people who ate them are now seriously ill with food poisoning in Gerona’s Hospital Josep Trueta. The same beans were sold in the Valencian Community by the Aldi chain which marketed them in June. The serial numbers of the affected batches were L-151-16 and L-158-16 but all jars of the ‘El Cultivador’ brand has now been removed from Aldi shelves. Any jars with these identification numbers should be returned to the shop.


Watch out for thieves By Linda Hall

CHRISTINE WHITE hopes a recent incident when her husband’s watch was stolen will serve as a warning to readers. Some days back she, her husband and a friend had been shopping near Kristal Mar in Moraira and were returning to their car when another drew up. The occupants looked Eastern European and a woman got out, asking directions. Christine was inside their car, the friend was getting in and her husband was still outside when she became suspicious. “Get in! Get in!” she urged, but her husband could not escape the clutches of the woman who grasped his wrist, gabbling away in a language that wasn’t Spanish. That was when Mr White felt the catch go on his Rolex. Seconds later the watch and the woman were gone. “We did nothing to get it


Botulism threat detected

MORAIRA: Peaceful, law-abiding but not immune to pickpockets. back. Who knows if they might have pulled a knife on us?” Mrs White commented philosophically. They reported the robbery to the Guardia Civil and have claimed on the insurance.

While at the Guardia Civil, they were shown photographs and without hesitation recognised the woman in the first they saw. “We thought it would be her,” a resigned Guardia Civ-

il officer admitted. When you are relaxed, robbery is the last thing on your mind, as Christine said. So remember: that is when thieves are most likely to strike.

2.9 Earthquake shakes Valencia tourist resorts Photo by Flickr (Maria Victoria Rodriguez)


CULLERA: A very popular resort with Spanish tourists. AN earthquake that measured 2.9 on the Richter scale shook the towns of Sueca and Cullera that lie on the coast between Gandia and Valencia City late on Monday July 4. The National Geographic Institute was able to pinpoint the quake to 10.16pm and say its epicentre was just off the coast of Sueca. Residents of the tall blocks on Cullera’s seafront clearly felt the vibrations according to reports and tremors were also re-

ported in nearby El Saler, although not in Sueca despite being the closest town to the earthquake’s centre. Emergency services reported a total of six calls and no damage was reported although some furniture was shifted. Another smaller quake was reported to have occurred at 11pm in the same area. Cullera is a very popular resort with Spanish tourists and would be well occupied at this time of year.

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Not forgotten MANY towns up and down the Valencian Community remembered those killed in the Turkish airport bombing with a minute’s silence on Thursday, June 30. Over 40 were killed and 200 injured in the attack.

New chief BENISSA Town Hall has appointed a new chief of the Local Police force. Manolo Risueno Banuls commenced his duties in the Marina Alta town in the week beginning June 27, in time for summer.

Cyclist dies A 78- YE A R - OLD ma n died while riding his bicycle o n t h e J a v e a to Gata ro a d o n S u n da y July 3. It is believed he suffere d f ro m c a rd ia c ar rest a n d d i e d a t t h e scene.

Beach activities and a clean sweep By Linda Hall FINESTRAT is organising games for children every Friday morning on La Cala beach. The activities, for the three-to-12 age group, continue each Friday until September 2 in the children’s area adjoining the lifeguards’ post between 10am and 2pm. Specialist monitors will organise games, sports, swimming, music and workshops which will vary each week, so that the children can enjoy different activities over the coming weeks. “We want children to have somewhere to have fun and learn while they are at the beach,” said Finestrat’s deputy mayor Victor Dario Llinares. “Their area is marked out and they will wear identity bracelets as a safety measure,” he added. Summer has also arrived for La Cala street cleaners as the town hall has organised a special brigade in addition to the usual team. This operates throughout Finestrat,

town hall


LA CALA: Summertime is playtime for local children. focusing on the beach area which has the greatest number of visitors. “It is essential to redouble efforts to keep the town clean at this time of the year,” said Tomas Selles, councillor responsible for

Apartments to get a facelift THE long-awaited and expected rehabilitation of two apartment blocks of the Santa Isabel neighbourhood of San Vicente del Raspeig are on the final step to becoming reality. The Regional Minister for Housing, Public Works and Structuring of the territory, María Jose Salvado, signed at the town hall the collaboration agreement for the management of the Performance Rehabilitation and Regeneration Plan (Arrús) of the Santa Isabel neighbourhood. Apartment blocks 24 and 25 are first

to be renovated at a cost of €868,000, of which the Ministry of Development will provide €304,000, the Ministry of Housing €169,000 and the city of San Vicente €395,000. The work project will now be tendered with an estimated start date of around three months, with renovations expected to last two years. The work affects four neighbouring communities and 84 houses in total. It will focus on improving communal areas such as the building’s structure, facades and stairwells.

street cleaning. The brigade will also be out in the evenings until September, preparing the seafront for the following day. “We want the town in tip-top condition,” Selles added.

Staffing issues hit the museum AS the member of staff who usually runs the Archaeological Museum in Elda is on holiday, the museum has been forced to close for the moment. They return on July 25, and until then the Department of Heritage are seeking an interim solution. They admit that ideally the museum would be open all summer as this is the time when Elda has an influx of visitors. In particular there are a high number of British, French and Germans staying on the coast who come up to visit the town and the Archaeological Museum should be open to take advantage of this. This is not the first time this has happened, and in fact since 2009 planned or unplanned absence of the concierge has generally resulted in closure. The heritage department expect to have a solution very soon, and expect the museum to be open as usual “very shortly.”



Summer parking zones SUMMER par ki ng i s back in Benidorm. Until September 30, a total of 1,126 parking spaces i n 10 st r eet s, that are mainly located in the Rincon de Loix and La Cal a ar e now Zona Azul (Blue Zone) and are no longer free. The blue lines have been repainted just to make sure that no one fails to get the message while notices announci ng f r ee Whi t e Zones have been substituted for others informing the publ i c t hat t hese ar e now Blue Zones. Five thousand leaflets in Spanish and 2,000 in English have also been distributed throughout the town, warning about the change.

E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


AVE shuttle ‘needs time’ AFTER three years of haggling and false starts, Benidorm has a direct bus link with Alicante’s mainline railway station. Nevertheless it had a disappointingly slow start and the first Alsa buses inside the station precinct waited in vain for passengers arriving on the high-speed AVE trains from Madrid. “These are early days and it’s normal for this to happen. People still don’t know about the service,” Alsa drivers said. AVE passengers are certainly arriving from Madrid, and in Benidorm



SHUTTLE: One of Benidorm’s three stops for AVE bus.

the tourist industry and the town hall are convinced that many are bound for the resort. If so, they are either taking taxis or making their way to the tram or bus station. “The station shuttle will be a success. It will take time because this type of service takes a while to get going,” insisted Benidorm’s Transport councillor Jose Ramon Gonzalez de Zarate. De Zarate also predicted that the combined AVE-plus-shuttle tickets will persuade many more Madrileños to take weekend and ‘puente’ breaks.

School timetable change endorsed JAVEA Town Hall has endorsed the proposal to change the school hours of four of the town’s state schools. The new proposed hours are from 9am to 2pm, which retains the five hours schooling requirement (minus two breaks), but without the long break in the middle of the day. At the moment pupils either return home for the midday break or stay at school for lunch, which has to be paid for in most cases. The proposed new times will leave the afternoons and evenings free for pupils’ extracurricular activities, said councillor for Education Montse Villaverde. Not everyone approves of the change, including those employed providing pupils with school lunches, and parents who would find it difficult to collect their children from school at the new time. The proposal has yet to be fully authorised and an independent body will assess the plans before the change is submitted to parents for a vote. The schools affected are Arenal, Grall, Trenc d’Alba and Port.

Housing grants to be paid ALICANTE’S Department of Housing and Public Works has started payment of housing allowances corresponding to 2015. In total, aid worth €1,699,751 is being handed out that will benefit more than 1,500 families. In addition, the current Ministry of Housing has solved a problem affecting thousands of families across Valencia. Outstanding payments of the previous Consell in housing subsidies amounted to €240 million are now being paid, and further payments will be made totalling around €40 million to assist some 5,500 families who did not receive their aid under the previous government.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Water works in the pipeline VILLAJOYOSA Town Hall has confirmed that works to improve the town’s drinking water supply and infrastructure will get underway shortly, and will be expected to last about two months. Mayor Andreu Verdu and other dignitaries including Pedro Alemany, councillor for Water and Jaime Ramis, councillor for Urban Development, visited the San Isidro site area on Monday, July 4. The works are the culmination of a major investment plan by water concession company Hidraqua, and aim to improve the problematic water pressure and water flow in the area. Works will primarily con-

WATER PROJECT: Mayor Verdu (second left) and other councillors at the site. sist of relaying 460 metres of pipes, three hydrants and seven sluice gate valves.

They will be concentrated on the San Isidro barrio in Villajoyosa town.

Costa Blanca takes part in Madrid Pride By Gemma Elvins-Quinn THE Costa Blanca has participated in Madrid Pride 2016 under the umbrella of the Valencia Regional Tourist Board. Promotional material such as balloons, fans, bracelets and rainbow flags were handed out as well as information promoting Alicante and Benidorm’s gay pride events. Regional Secretary, Francesc Colomer, said participation in Madrid 2016 was to “visualise our tourism among this group showing that we are an ‘open to all’ destination, and we want to do it in the biggest event of this kind held in Spain.” Colomer emphasised that one of his priori-

ties since taking possession of office as head of tourism has been to: “show Valencia as a hospitable land; a land of diversity where we want to welcome all profiles of tourists, because there is tourism for all and all are welcome.” In addition to attending Madrid Pride 2016, Valencia will also participate in the Pride Park Stockholm and is launching the next edition of the guide map to promote LGBT friendly venues and leisure activities. Spain has become one of the world’s top five destinations for gay tourism, and among the top three in Europe, with the community providing millions of euros annually to the Spanish economy.

Deadly waters claim a life A YOUNG Colombian man drowned on Sunday, July 3 after swimming in the perilous waters of L’Assut de Antella in the Ribera area, Valencia. There were three young men in the water and all got into trouble. An ambulance crew was called while people tried to haul the youths from the water. The crew attended immediately to the young man who was obviously seriously ill and he was sadly declared dead at 7pm. It is prohibited to enter the

waters at L’Assut de Antella, which have dangerous currents arising mainly from the floodgates that are positioned in the water. It appears the man who drowned did get caught up in the current and he was seen struggling in the water and clearly having problems. To illustrate the force of the water, two rescuers were pulled in while attempting to help the swimmer, and narrowly avoided being part of a bigger tragedy.

Last year another young man died in the waters, also of South American origin.



E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

A quick response IN a summer where forest fires are already becoming an unfortunate feature, thankfully a rapid response by the Benitachell ‘bomberos’ (firefighters) prevented a potentially nasty fire spreading. Local volunteers from Cumbre del Sol, Local Police and forest rangers all lent a hand as the blaze on Cumbre del Sol was quickly extinguished. The fire brigade spokesman said that all the hydrants had also been in good working order and the ongoing maintenance of these has proved its worth. Dirk Rhiendorf, from Cumbre del Sol’s neighbourhood association, thanked all involved for their bravery and quick response.


Wind-blown Sunday sail Photo credit: Annette


BOAT AGROUND: Outing didn’t go the way the sailors had planned. SIX friends from Alcoy who rented a boat in Altea last weekend did not get very far. An incredibly strong Levante gale was blowing and an easterly wind soon dragged them inland. The boat ran aground on the beach between Al-

tea and Albir, and EWN reader Annette, who was out for a walk, saw the abandoned boat on the beach and took a photo to share with readers. Fortunately, none of the six sailors were hurt in the incident.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

An uncaring carer robs her employer By Linda Hall AN Elda carer allegedly s tole € 9 5 0 f r o m h e r 9 1 year-old employer who can barely see and uses a wheelchair. Earlier he withdrew €1,000 from the bank, part

of which was to pay her wages. She knew she was to be dismissed as the man’s family were unhappy with her services. T h e c a re r a lle g edly s n atc h ed th e mo ne y, scratching and hitting the

elderly man, before running off with €950 after dropping a €50 note. He called a neighbour for help and police easily intercepted the carer, who denied taking the money although the re w a s €950 inside her handbag.

Fake goods seized at flea market THE Guardia Civil seized a variety of items of clothing at a flea market in Calpe after having reason to believe they were counterfeit goods. Their suspicions were raised when they saw a large number of items ready to be packed into boxes and moved to a nearby van ready for a ‘quick getaway’ should the need arise. The stallholder, a Moroccan man in his late 40s, was unable to produce a certificate of authenticity for the goods, and was detained under the infringement of the rights of intellectual property laws.

The confiscated goods are thought to be worth about €14,000. The haul consisted of 345 items of clothing including 60 Real Madrid Adidas football kits, 90 Nike shirts, 20 items by Gant, 20 Tommy Hilfiger brand items, 40 Fred Perry polo shirts and 90 unspecified Lacoste brand items. Police in Spain have been cracking down on the black market in counterfeit goods increasingly in recent years. They had previously been accused of largely turning a blind eye to these activities.



E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

NEWS town hall


CALLE HONDO: Revamp planned for pavements.

Uphill upheaval of steep street works By Linda Hall ONE of Benidorm’s most awkward roads is being radically altered. Calle Hondo, which connects Avenida L’Aiguera and Calle Ruzafa is losing the stairs on one of its steep pavements. They will be replaced with a ramp during roadworks that involve closing Calle Hondo for a week. Public Works and Transport Councillor Jose Ramon Gonzalez de Zarate apologised for the inevitable inconvenience. “But it is necessary to guarantee ease of movement for residents and visitors with mobility problems,” he added. The project includes extending the pavements at the top and bottom of the street with

an ‘ear’ that will effectively stop cars from parking on either corner. This in turn will prevent the notorious traffic jams that in the past have been known to stretch to the Calle Limones and even the Avenida del Mediterraneo, De Zarate added. Once Calle Hondo has been dealt with, attention will turn to asphalting Calle Ruzafa and Calle Pino. Responding to complaints that the town hall has waited until the height of the season to do so when by-laws veto this type of infrastructure work, De Zarate answered that it was in the public interest and had been discussed with the area’s shop and business owners. Asphalting Ruzafa will take only two days and Calle Pino three, and both should be finished by July 15 at the latest, he said.

Fibre optic future TELECOMMUNICATIONS firm Rio Telecom had previously presented a plan to Calpe Town Hall about the installation of fibre optic technology. This has been accepted after some revisions and installation has now begun. The fibre optic will be introduced in phases with a view to minimising disruption across the town. Further plans such as using existing sites containing telephone wiring where feasible have been put in place. Fibre optic technology allows high speed internet access and faster digital TV reception. The service will cover the town centre and the beach areas of Calpe.

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7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


MARKET Benidorm


Temptingly fresh food By Keith Baker

BENIDORM-BORN Lorenzo enjoys his work. Every day he ensures he has fresh, locally sourced produce to tempt his regulars, passers-by and holiday-makers with his selection of tapas in his bar, “Bar Loren – Tapas y Mas.” He’s also known for his Spanish omelette, and has a large range of tempting wines, lagers, draughts and ciders on offer. Did he dream of having this sort of business? No! The opportunity came along, and he took it. He’d been running bars in this part of Benidorm for 18 years and it was time for the next challenge. Lorenzo’s relaxed, chatty nature is well suited to the market, which he describes as a great place to be. He says there’s a really good ambience here, with a good camaraderie between the traders. The bars, for example, are always happy to help each other out, so if one runs short of something they simply borrow it from someone else. He clearly has a natural ability when it comes to languages. As well as near-perfect English, he speaks French and Portuguese – all learnt at uni-



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TAPAS AND MORE: Lorenzo waiting to tempt you. versity – so communicating with his international clientele is no problem. So whether you want to eat in or take away, take a look at Lorenzo’s tempting range next time

Journey back in time A PHOTOGRAPHIC exhibition portraying 1950’s Benidorm, by American photographer Patty Stratton, has opened in Museu L’Hort de Colon. The photographer first came to Benidorm in the spring of 1955 and returned two years later to settle. Ana Pellicer, Councillor for Culture, said the exhibition “takes you back in time to learn about our history through photographs and see the immense evolution of our town in just a few decades, thanks to the superb photographs of Patty Stratton.” The exhibition is open until September 30, and can be visited

you’re in the Benidorm Indoor Market. You won’t be disappointed! You can find Lorenzo just inside the southern entrance to the market on aisle 1.

Edificio Benidorm 7, Moraira: Tel: 966 265 072. from Wednesday to Sunday from 10.30am to 1.30pm and 6.30pm to 9.30pm.

Olympic gymnasts show their mettle THE national team of rhythmic gymnastics performed at the Palau d’Esports l’Illa de Benidorm recently in front of a large audience keen to see the team, who will be taking part in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez, was amongst the dignitaries who attended.

Drone on duty THE drone acquired by Benidorm Council is now operational. As reported in EWN (issue 1613), this new piece of equipment will be used by the police and lifeguard services for surveillance on the beaches and to carry out environmental controls. The device weighs less than two kilos and can be airborne for up to 28 minutes. It can rise to 120 metres, within 500 metres from the checkpoint. It also has 4K camera recording, positioning and anti-crash sensors, GPS, and automatic return flight in the event of signal loss. The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez, said that with this device the city is among the ‘pioneers’ in the use of this technology for coastal surveillance. Besides being used for

coastal surveillance work, it will also serve to strengthen environmental monitoring work in areas such as the natural park of the Serra Gelada or the ravines of the town. The €7,000 cost has been borne by RA Benidorm, which has the concession for the rented beach equipment, so the drone has cost the council nothing. RA Benidorm will also bear the maintenance costs.

Hotel ceremony

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THE mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez, officially opened the new Grand Luxor Hotel last week, together with George Santamaria, the president of the owners, Santa-Maria Group and the Regional Secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer. The four-star hotel, which is next to the Terra Mitica theme park, has 300 rooms.

‘Xtrem’ fun run ON Saturday, July 2, 335 people took part in ‘Xtrem Running Benidorm’ at the Guillermo Amor de Benidorm sports centre. Many wore fancy dress while they negotiated mud pools, tyres, nets, vines, and much more mud along the four kilometre route, organised by Grupo Brotons and the Sports department of Benidorm. The first to finish was Kevin Fuster. The first woman was Patricia Jornet. Ana Pellicer, councillor for Sports, also took part in the race, and presented the awards afterwards. There was also an ‘Xtrem Kids’ version with 12 obstacles, 75 children took part.

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E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Sad news at Terra Natura By Linda Hall TRAGEDY struck at Terra Natura in Benidorm when a tiger attacked and killed a keeper. The 37-year-old Benidorm resident had worked at the nature park for eight years. She was highly experienced although family members claimed that she had been working in the big cats’ complex only for a short time. The accident occurred at around 5pm in the Asian tigers’ enclosure, which is accessible only to authorised staff members and not visible to the public, explained a statement from the Terra Natura management. In the aftermath of the attack, Terra Natura released the following statement: “The animal and nature park Terra Natura Benidorm is deeply mourning the passing yesterday of one of its employees while she was working in the complex, and wishes to send out its condolences to her

family and friends. All of the staff of the park are devastated and profoundly affected by the tragic news. “The accident occurred at around 5pm in the indoor enclosure of the Asian tigers, an area which only authorised staff has access to, and which is out of sight of the visitors. “The zoo complies with a strict security protocol for the management of animals. “For causes which are being investigated, the carer entered into direct contact with the animal while carrying out cleaning tasks in the indoor enclosure. “As soon as the incident was detected, emergency services and security staff were alerted, after which the animal was sedated. “Sadly, medical workers soon verified the death of the carer, who had been working in the park for eight years as an expert carer of felines and other species.”

ASIAN TIGER: Beautiful but deadly.

Photo by Sumeet Moghe


On the buses THERE will now be a C2 bus i n Cam pel l o ever y hour bet ween 7am and 9.30pm. Thi s r epl aces t he t wi ce- dai l y ser vi ce, which the town hall’s Infrastructure and Services department admitted did not cover residents’ needs. The over l ong r out e included areas like Covet a Fum a, wher e f ew passengers took the bus, whose stops coincided with the tram’s. Residents were consulted and the route has been ext ended t o i nclude areas like Alkabir, Al bai na and Bar r i o Bonny. The new ser vi ce i s still at an experimental stage and the town hall will decide in September what adjustments, if any, shoul d be subsequently made.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



What Does Brexit Mean For UK Expatriates? This is a very historic moment for the UK. Forty three years after joining the European Community it now starts the process of leaving the EU. This is new territory, and while we hope for a smooth transition there will be a period of uncertainty until the negotiations are completed. Leaving the EU will affect most UK nationals, in varying degrees, whether you live in the UK or abroad. Expatriates living in the EU have extra concerns such as over residency, healthcare etc. No-one can be sure exactly what will happen next, but we can put your mind at ease in some key areas. Is there anything I should be doing now? It is expected to take at least two years, if not longer, to work out the terms for leaving the EU. Nothing changes in the short-term. You will have plenty of time to consider how to respond to whatever changes emerge.

vice versa, we would expect new bilateral and multilateral residency agreements to be worked out. These could maintain the current benefits of EU membership for expatriates.

By Robert Croizat, Senior Partner, Blevins Franks

With expatriates contributing to the local economy, it is likely the authorities here will want to make sure Spain remains an attractive place for Britons to invest and relocate.

Do I have the right to stay in Spain? Acting Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said that in all likelihood the procedure will last at least two years, that the rights of Spanish citizens in the UK remain unchanged for that period, and the same can be said for British citizens residing and working in Spain.

What about healthcare? Your current healthcare benefits should continue for the next couple of years until the Brexit terms have been ironed out. Again, it is possible that new bilateral agreements will be negotiated with regards healthcare for expatriates, but we need to wait and see what happens here. It may become more important to have good private health insurance.

Looking ahead, with so many EU nationals living in the UK and

What about taxation? Will I pay more tax in Spain?

If you are resident in Spain, Brexit will not affect how you are taxed here. The local rules will remain the same as for all residents, and double tax treaties, such as the one between the UK and Spain, are independent of the EU, so your existing tax treatment will continue to apply. The UK, for example, has treaties with many non-EU countries like Australia, the US, Canada and Norway. For those who are non-resident in Spain, there is a possibility that they may have to pay some higher taxes in future, where Spain taxes non-EU and non-EEA residents a higher tax rate than Spanish and EU/EEA residents. What about my investment portfolio? If you use tax-efficient investment structures which are provided by companies outside the UK, such as the ones Blevins Franks recommends to clients, these are not dependent on UK

rules and so Brexit does not affect them. Investment markets do not like uncertainty so there is bound to be some volatility for a while. Try to avoid turning paper losses into real ones by selling investments which have fallen. It is also important to have a portfolio that is well diversified and designed around an objective assessment of your attitude to risk. While the longer-term implications are difficult to predict, it will take several years for the terms and details to be worked out. With professional and personalised financial advice, you can make sure that you are prepared and in a good position to protect yourself, whatever the future brings. To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Cleaning up the coast By Simon Russell AN international group of volunteers, the Amicitia Association, are staying for two weeks in Calpe to clean up areas of the town that hold environmental and historical importance. They have started by collecting 22 bags, around 250 kilos, of glass from the famous Las Salines salt flats. On Mo n d a y Ju l y 4 th e y w e re scheduled to start clearance work on the Ba n o s d e l a R e i n a (Q u e e n s Baths) in preparation for the arrival of an archaeological team. The volunteers come from Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania and even South Korea as well as Spain.

CALPE CLEAN-UP: Volunteers hard at work picking up rubbish.

Joint committee will try to woo Ikea By Linda Hall ALL parties on Alicante City Council are prepared to settle their differences in hopes that Ikea open an Alicante branch. The three parties that control city hall – the PSOE, Compromis and Guanyar – together with the Partido Popular (PP) and Ciudadanos agree that preventing Ikea’s departure exit is more important than political rivalry or ideology. They all backed a PP proposal to create a committee to

decide strategies for negotiating with the Swedish multinational. Natxo Bellido, spokesman both for Compromis and the three-party city hall alliance, pointed out that PP’s previous experience in negotiations with Ikea would be useful to the committee. He stressed, however, that all meetings would be held at city hall. Mayor Gabriel Echavarri was willing to give PSOE support for the initiative because Ikea is a city issue, he said:

“There is no place for winners or losers.” Predictably, Urban Development Councillor Migue Angel Pavon from Guanyar criticised the former PP council’s handling of the Ikea project and warned that his party would not countenance the original project that included a macroshopping centre. It now remains to be seen what stance non-aligned councillors, who have already defeated two PSOE-CompromisGuanyar motions, will take.


Keeping track of the little ones THANKFULLY missing children are rare along the Costa Blanca. In 2015’s peak season just four missing children cases were reported in Denia and all were resolved happily. However anyone with children of their own will realise that moment of panic when your child wanders off, even for a few minutes. Denia’s police force has introduced a wristband scheme for the summer aimed at minimising the risks. The bands are available free of charge from the city’s tourist offices and will contain your contact details should a child wander off and be found. These are especially useful for children too young to give many details when found. This initiative is all part of Denia’s ‘Closer to you’ campaign running this summer aimed at protecting citizens and tourists during the busy summer months.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Tideless Med still poses dangers By Linda Hall THIS summer had a tragic beginning in the Valencian Community with 11 drownings. The alarming number of deaths, more than double those of June 2015, correspond to an increase in visitors to the region’s coast. All Costa Blanca resorts organise a beach watch service but many are not in place until mid-June, adding to the risk. According to information from the Emergencies Informa-

tion and Coordination Centre (CICU), eight of the Valencian region’s deaths last month occurred on beaches, two in private swimming pools and one – in Carcaixent (Valencia) – in an agricultural water deposit. Four of the people who lost their lives on the coast last June were elderly but had gone swimming outside the hours when lifeguards were on duty, CICU said. “At present the law does not set out timetables, or specify

how many lifeguards there should be on a beach or when vigilance should begin,” said Jesus Troyano, president of Valencian Community’s Federation of Lifesavers. “We need legislation that defines parameters.” Lifeguards are usually assigned to beaches between 11am and 6pm, Troyano pointed out, although days are longer in the summer. “Beaches begin to fill up before then, and people remain longer,” he said.

Man dies after falling into well A 64-YEAR-OLD Lliber man died on Thursday June 30 after becoming trapped in a well while working. The incident happened on an orchard outside Benissa. The man had been irrigating the orchard and managed to fall into the well where he was trapped.

The exact circumstances are unclear as he was working alone. Despite the six metre fall he was able to call for help and a neighbouring farmer came to his aid. However in the struggle to climb out of the well tragically the man suffered a heart attack and died immediately.




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The end of the line

NO MORE: Failed film studios auction means company will be broken up. By Linda Hall MIGUEL MAZON, managing director of the Ciudad de la Luz film studios is awaiting official permission to break up the company. There were no takers for the forced auction of the film studios on the outskirts of Alicante City, which had the best facilities in the world, according to British film director Ridley Scott.

Mazon expects permission to arrive from Valencia’s regional government this month. The procedure will then be taken over by the Board of Shareholders. “We will work ourselves to death to steer the process successfully,” he pledged. All that remains is to wind up the company and hand over all assets and debts to the Generalitat. The sell-off was imposed by the EU because Ciudad de la Luz, and subsequent subsidies to filmmakers, were funded with

public money giving them an unfair advantage, Britain’s Pinewood Studios complained. They were ordered to repay the public money and when this proved impossible were told to auction the complex. So far there’s no reaction from the EU to the failed second auction: “They’ve said absolutely nothing. We’ve done the best we could, Brussels has enough to worry about with Brexit,” Mazon complained.

Refugees get app THE city of Valencia continues to show its willingness to help refugees, and has now introduced a free app to assist refugees newly arrived in the city.

Valencia City Council started the ‘Our city, your refuge’ programme and this is part of that scheme. The overall scheme has been funded with €200,000 from various

sources, including the Red Cross and the Migration and Development department, with the overall aim being to allow refugees to integrate and be made to feel welcome. This has included education and awareness campaigns in areas where the refugees have settled. Another initiative has been assistance in opening bank accounts, a crucial first step to anyone being able to properly settle in any foreign country. Other areas of focus include helping with transport needs, registering in local schools and help finding employment.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Deadly synthetic drug detected By Linda Hall KROKODIL, a killer synthetic drug, has arrived in the Valencian Community. Researchers from Cardenal Herrera University identified it in Castellon when a drug addict bought it in the street from two dealers. The drug is based on codeine and usually made at home for addicts’ own consumption and is generally injected intravenously although the Castel-

lon user swallowed it. He immediately suffered gastroenteritis and strong stomach pains, explained Dr Gonzalez Haro, who heads Cardenal Herrera’s Medical School. “He was lucky. He only took it once although he is still addicted to heroin,” Dr Haro said. The drug earned its name because addicts’ skin often turns greenish-black and scaly, resembling a crocodile’s, hence its street name of Krokodil. It also causes ulcers, vein damage

and gangrene. It has been used in Russia for a decade. It is often lethal because organic solvents including petrol, paint thinner, lighter fluid, iodine, hydrochloric acid and red phosphorous from matches are not sufficiently cooked out, Dr Haro explained. Police have not yet impounded doses of Krokodil but the Castellon incident last year should warn health professionals and drug dependency support groups of its presence.

More bullfight protests planned THE latest Costa Blanca town to witness protests about bullfighting or events involving bulls will be Denia. Several associations are planning the protest on Calle Marques de Campo on July 10. This coincides with Denia’s famous, but increasingly controversial, ‘bous a la mar’ festi-

val on the same date. This involves the corralled bulls being chased and harried into the sea and there have been recent injuries of both animals and human participants. Recently several local town halls have made moves towards banning or refusing to endorse any fiestas involving bulls or other animals.




E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


GETTING INVOLVED: Foreign residents discussing their ideas.

Foreign residents in consultation By Simon Russell A MEETING was organised by the team heading up the ongoing EDUSI town development strategy to ensure foreign residents in TeuladaMoraira are not excluded

from the consultation stage of the vital project. The workshop was held last Monday, July 4, and residents from Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK were all in attendance with the meeting being held in

several languages. The EDUSI project is currently going through the consultation phase, and a wide cross section of the municipality has been consulted, from school children to local business owners.

Local tech triumphs in Europe A TEAM from the Alcoy Eco-Institute triumphed in the Shell Eco-marathon competition. They competed with other teams from across Europe in the competition for developing new electric vehicles. The competition was held in London at the Olympic Park, and institutes from Italy, France, Germany and the UK joined the Alcoy team. The winning team would be the one that

travels the furthest on a small amount of fuel with the Alcoy Institute’s entry proving to be the winner. They put their triumph down to a combination of prototype batteries and a special mono carbon fibre chassis. The chassis meant the vehicle weighed only 25 kilos compared to the runner up’s weight of 34 kilos. The Institute was represented by two teachers and 11 students who were involved in the development.

A cheap break away MORE foreign tourists have chosen the Costa Blanca in the first half of the year for their holidays, enabling a turnover of €870 million in five months, 12 per cent more than in the same period of 2015. However, whilst this is a clear boost to business, analysts say the tourists are actually spending less. Average daily spending of tourists fell 6 per cent in Ali-

cante Province and stood at €90, the lowest figure of the main destinations of sun and

90 euros is the average daily spending for tourists in Alicante Province.

beach in Spain, according to the National Statistics Institute. This average €90 daily

spending (€40 less than the average in Spain) contrasts to the €126 spent daily in Andalucia, the €140 in the Balearic Islands and €189 in the Canary Islands. From January to May, tourists from the UK across Spain spent €4.918 billion, and in May British spending was up 10.3 per cent compared to the same month in 2015.


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Big cats to make comeback? By Simon Russell A CONSORTIUM led by the University of Cardinal Herrera has announced plans to assist in the recovery of the Iberian lynx in the Valencian community. The plan is to reintroduce specimens in places where it used to thrive but now no longer lives. They plan to make these areas lynx friendly with actions such as increasing the rabbit population, a principal source of food for the creatures. The decline of the lynx in the area coincided with the population build up in the mid 1800s and they are now believed to be restricted to just two sites in Valencia.

The lynx is considered to be the most endangered of all the big cats. It is so dependent on rabbits as a food source even small declines in rabbit numbers has a knock-on effect. As well as the university the consortium comprises the Federation of Agricultural Schools and Veterinarian association CEUUCH. All these groups have a number of student volunteers who are crucial to the success and funding of the project. The ministry of Agriculture and Valencian Farmers Association are also supporting the initiative.

Photo credit Susanne Nilsson, Flickr

IBERIAN LYNX: Plans to increase numbers.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



New equipment to replace old and outdated By Linda Hall

SAN JUAN hospital’s outdated hand-cranked beds are on their way out. A total of 310 electronically controlled articulated beds are on order for patients’ rooms and A&E, together with 365 bedside cabinets

Drug awareness and prevention workshops THE Department of Social Welfare has organised various preventative actions in Denia this summer around the topic of drugs. This will be mainly aimed at the town’s youths and the ‘Don’t miss a thing’ campaign wi l l b e i n t r o d u ce d during t h e Fe st a Majo r which runs from July 9 to 17. This aims to send a clear messag e t o y o u n g p e o p le about the hazards of drugs and alc o h o l u si n g wo rk shops, merchandising and music. On Saturday August 13 there will be a focus on the dangers of cocaine, still perceived by many as a recreational drug rather than a potentially lethal heroin derivative. This will be held around the popular youngsters’ destination area of El Portet. Many of the events will take pl a c e a f t e r 11 p m at night wh e n m a n y y o u n g sters are vulnerable to peer pressure regarding drug taking and alcohol. The aim of a lot of the drug related initiatives is to give people the chance to look out for the signs that friends or family may be taking drugs or developing a probl e m . T h e g u i d an ce around alcohol will focus on encouraging people to consume alcohol responsibly. The counsellors and volunteers will be present across the summer at various o t h e r e v e n t s a n d venues.

and 348 ergonomic chairs. The new equipment is expected to cost €1.5 million. Seventy per cent of the hospital’s beds originally came from the former Hospital Provincial, which means that they are all at least 25 years old. Some are in such bad condition that they are held together with bandages and surgical tape, patients have com-

plained. There are not enough crank handles to go round, hospital sources maintained, and they have become coveted objects on the wards at mealtimes when beds must be adjusted so that patients can eat. The remaining 30 per cent of the beds were acquired in recent years, explained the hospital management, and do not need replacing.

The paperwork involved in purchasing the new beds is nearly complete and they should arrive during the last three months of the year. Meanwhile a further €400,000 must be spent on widening doors so that the new acquisitions, which are bigger than the existing beds, can be installed in patients’ rooms.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Moors and Christians is declared a success

FESTIVAL: There was a strong female presence in the events. BENISSA held its annual Moors and Christians Festival over the weekend of Friday, July 1. The weather held fair, as it generally does for the summer festival, without being too warm. Events kicked off on Friday in traditional manner with the parade of the flags and pennants borne aloft by the various captains. Over the weekend there were the battle enactments on both sides and, of course, plenty of time to don weapons and enjoy the food and drink

available. The events organiser noted that once again there was a strong female presence in the events which used to be an almost exclusively male domain. The award for best costumes went to the Fila Pirata with the Lauradors, Caliphs and Sharquies all in a tie for second place. Many Costa Blanca towns and cities will be holding similar events this summer. Check with your local tourist office for further details.

ONDARA: Buildings are available for hire.

Bullring for hire By Simon Russell

Local tuna on way back THE major fishing ports along the Marina Alta of Denia, Javea and Moraira used to be some of the principal places where tuna, especially the famous bluefin variety, was landed for sale. However overfishing, environmental issues and the subsequent decline in tuna stocks led to painful but much-needed restrictions on the tuna that could be caught. Since the mid 1990s Spain has been operat-

ing an annual quota system, broken down by region, which has seen a gradual replenishment of the tuna stock. In the light of this the quota for catching tuna this year has been increased by 20 per cent and it is hoped to see a further increase in 2017. As one of the main tuna fishing areas it is hoped that the local fishing fleets will be able to benefit.

ONDARA Council has agreed and published a list of prices for public buildings in their care that are to be made available for hire to the general public. Probably the most eyecatching on the list is the town’s famous bullring, which can be hired for between €800 and €1,600 a day. The difference in price is

due to factors such as the purpose for hire, so for example if it was a charitable event the price could well be reduced or even free. If the public were invited but it was still a profit making event, such as a concert, the tariff may be lower providing the event was in the public interest. If the hire was for a purely private event such as a wedding then the tariff would

probably be at the top end of the scale. Other municipal buildings for hire include the sports stadium, the auditorium, the town gallery and certain school buildings. The council explained that this kept buildings in use rather than standing around empty as happens at times and, of course, raises money for the town’s treasury at the same time.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

town hall


More parking JUST in time for the peak season Denia Town Hall has created another 80 parking spaces in the town centre. These are located at the end of Les Rotes, a busy part of the city.

Free movies JAVEA’S ‘Cine Vora Mar’ is screening free movies through the summer on the Arenal beach. These start on Tuesday July 5 at 10pm and each subsequent Tuesday over the summer. Films will be shown in Spanish with English subtitles.

Big swim THE annual swim across the bay takes place in Moraira on July 9 starting in front of the castle at midday and ending at L‘Andrago beach.

STEERING COMMITTEE: The group discusses the Vuelta passing through Benitachell.

La Vuelta impact discussed By Simon Russell A GROUP from Benitachell Town Hall met with organisers of ‘La Vuelta,’ Spain’s premier cycling event, which will pass through the town on Friday September 9. The effects on traffic, full schedules and recruitment of volunteers were all under discussion. The organisers were able to say to the minute the arrival of the first (1.34pm)

and last cyclist (5.02pm) in the town accurately as the race is a time trial. The necessary traffic measures will be based on this information. The organisers also issued a request for the town’s schools to be closed on the day due to a clash with the race’s timing and possible disruption. The passage through the town will give an excellent opportunity for promotion of the municipality and much of

this will be filmed by helicopter. Representatives from the council included the mayor, Josep Femenia, and the councillor for Sports Toni Colomer. The deputy head of tourism for Alicante, Eduardo Dolon, also attended. The group was also reminded of the ongoing initiative in the town for residents to suggest their own ideas for the event. These have so far included mosaics, street decorations and painting of house roofs.



Homeless shelter to be pulled down THE Alicante building which caught fire last week is being pulled down. Councillor for Planning, Miguel Angel Pavon, said the abandoned building in the San Agustin neighbourhood, which sheltered a number of homeless people, will be demolished immediately following the fire. He said they are also working to rehouse people who took shelter in the building. Municipal coffers would bear the cost of the demolition. As reported in last week’s Euro Weekly News, the abandoned property was the scene of a serious fire. Fire crews had to rescue four homeless people who had been trapped inside and could not leave as the building began to collapse. Investigations have now been launched into the cause of the fire, but some reported to police they saw two people appear to throw a bottle inside the building which they claim could have been gasoline.

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Job offer TWO of Benitatchell’s unemployed youths will be given work for the summer by the town hall. They will be acting as guides for tourists to local attractions such as the witches’ caves and the Moscatell grape growing areas.

Bug battle TEULADA-MORAIRA Town Hall resumed its fumigation programme against cockroaches on Friday July 1. They have focused on drains in the old town area of Teulada. There will be some limited disruption while the work is undertaken.

Numbers up MORAIRA tourists increased 12 per cent during June against the same period last year with a 71 per cent hotel/hostel occupation rate.


Vueling un QUEUES and complaints were the scene at the Vueling airline counters following the cancellation of numerous flights. Around a dozen flights were cancelled on Saturday morning to or from Barcelona, affecting transfers from AlicanteElche airport, with almost all routes accumulating delays of up to four hours. Barcelona’s El Prat airport heads the operations for Vueling with the delays and cancellations being reported as the result of ‘operational problems.’


flickr by Oriol Salvador

nder fire

VUELING AIRLINES: Flights were cancelled.

Promoting wineries to the British BRITISH journalists have been given a guided tour of the Bullas Wine Route to help make British residents, particularly those resident on the Costa Calida and Costa Blanca, more aware of local wines. Director General of the Murcia Institute of Tourism, Manuel Fernandez-Delgado, highlighted the work of regional promotion as journalists viewed a selection of winerie s in Bulla s a nd the Wine M us e um, Aceniche Valley, and the Casa-Museo Don Pepe. Fernandez-Delgado highlighted the power of this tourist modality, with trips to the vineyards and museums able to be enjoyed during all seasons of the year, and offering an alternative to attractions such as the traditional sun and beach holidays. “Food and wine has emerged as an engine of development within the region, and is perfect for tourists who come to know how our culture complements our natural landscapes and our lifestyle.” Delgado said. He added: “Murcia is the only province with three designations of origin and that is to our advantage.”

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North




E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


photo by Ainhoa Sanchez / Volvo Ocean Race

Volvo Ocean Race set to be longest distance in history By Gemma Elvins-Quinn TOUGH, intense, and featuring almost three times as much Southern Ocean sailing as the previous edition, the Volvo Ocean Race 201718 will be contested over the longest distance in race history at around 45,000 nautical miles (nm), crossing four oceans and taking in 11 major cities on five continents. The 43-year-old race around the world, the ultimate ocean marathon, will start from Alicante in late 2017 with a 700nm sprint to Lisbon, Portugal. From the Portuguese capital, the fleet will plunge south towards Cape Town, South Africa, before an epic few weeks racing through the Southern Ocean and then back north across the equator to Hong Kong SAR, China in what will be one of the longest legs in race history. After a non-scoring transition to Guangzhou, China, where an in-port race and full set of stopover activities will be held, the ocean racing will resume from Hong Kong to Auckland,

ALL CHANGE: Tougher challenge ahead for the next edition of the Volvo Ocean Race.

New Zealand. The fleet will then head back through the Southern Ocean, around the most famous landmark of them all, Cape Horn, to the southern Brazilian city of Itajaí. From there, as in the last edition, the boats will head back in to the northern hemisphere to the Eastern seaboard of the USA, Newport, Rhode Island, before a blast across the North Atlantic which will see them make a first return to British shores in 12 years. The fleet will arrive in Cardiff, Wales, in May 2018, before beating its way around the top of the British Isles on a short but potentially brutal leg to the penultimate stopover in Gothenburg, Sweden. The 2017-18 race will end with a grand finale into The Hague, Netherlands. “More action, more speed, more tough miles and more host venues, but a shorter race; it’s an evolution in the right direction and a move that takes the race closer to its original roots and heritage,” said Mark Turner, who took over as CEO of the Volvo Ocean Race earlier this month.

STAR PUPILS: The Benissa pupils receiving their diplomas for English.

Help for summer school BENISSA Council has announced that scholarships will be given to 12 pupils to allow them to attend the town’s sponsored summer activities free for one or two weeks. Nine of these will be for the two week ‘Summer School’ course which will be focusing on teaching and improving English to the kids taking part. The pupils selected are from year six (12 and 13 years old) and year four (nine and 10 years old) at the Padre Melchor, Manuel Bru and Josep Iborra

12 pupils will receive scholarships to attend the summer activities. primary schools in Benissa. Selection was based on achievement in the school year. The town’s education head, Pepa Marti, and the director of the summer school, Pedro Barbera, awarded the hard-working pupils with their diplomas of excellence

in a ceremony on June 30. There were also three football campus scholarships granted. These pupils were selected on a lottery basis from amongst all of the town’s children who wanted to take part in the draw. The lucky winners will attend a week’s course based around football and other fitness activities while at the same time learning English. Most local towns run subsidised activities for children throughout the summer on both an educational and sporting basis.



Golden duo SYNCHRONISED swimming duo Gemma Mengual and Ona Carbonell won their category in the Infantas Trofeo national championships at Alicante City’s Tossal pool. The routine previewed what they’ll perform in the Rio Olympics.

Flag flaw MUCHAMIEL Mayor Sebastian Cañadas apologised for the rainbow flag used at the Social Centre building to celebrate International Gay Pride day. It had seven bands of colour instead of six.

Fall rescue A HANG-GLIDER with suspected fractures to both legs was rescued in Hondon de las Nieves after falling near La Solana. Firemen stabilised him before he was flown out and transferred to hospital.

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

A taste of Andalucia



Cheaper parking

By Simon Russell POBLE NOU DE BENITACHELL celebrated the feast of the Virgin de Rocio on Saturday July 2. The festivities took place on Calle Mayor for the first time this year after moving from its previous venue of Pous de L’Abiar. More than 100 people took part and many of the ladies were in traditional costume of polka dot dresses with combs holding in place swept back hair in buns.

100 plus people took part in the festivities with many of the ladies dressed in traditional costumes with their hair swept back in buns.

The overall aim was a very Andalucian feel and that was certainly achieved with vibrant colours, dancing and the appropriate musical accompaniment. The event started solemnly with a mass in honour of the Lady of Rocio. After this the ‘Rocieras’ began their dancing and encouraged participation from the crowd. Things then moved on to the church square where food and drink was laid out for the

FLAMENCO GIRLS: Participants performing the Sevillana. traditional ‘sopar de cabasset.’ Afterwards Toni Catala provided musical entertainment for the crowd and the rociera ladies joined in. Things culminated with some displays of Sevillan dancing. This

was the classic ‘Sevillana’, a form of flamenco. Children were, of course, encouraged to take part and many of the young girls could also be seen in the Andalucian style dresses.

CALPE Town Hall has conf i r m ed t hat t he annual or ange parking cards are now avai l abl e f or t he town’s residents. These entitle holders to a 50 per cent par ki ng di scount i n the town’s ‘blue zone’ areas from July 1 until expiry on June 30 next year. Residents with an existing card can use these until August 31 this year. To obtain your permit go to the Oficina de At enci on al Ci udadano on t he m ai n counci l bui l di ng’s ground floor. You will need to bring your recei pt of paym ent of annual taxes for the vehicle that is to be covered.


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Doggone it BLUE FLAGS go only to beaches that ban animals and Pinedo (Valencia) lost its flag for refusing to backtrack on the municipal decision to allow dogs. The hospitality sector said the decision will affect trade.

Swim time MUCHAMIEL’s summer programme of activities for pupils from the town’s state primary schools has begun at the municipal sports complex. These include handball, mini-basketball and swimming.

Ticked off SAN JUAN’S Guardia Civil headquarters were fumigated after officers complained of flea bites. Rubbish, farm animals and marginalised housing adjoining the parking area had caused a plague of fleas, ticks and spiders.

Fight back against tiger mosquitoes By Simon Russell FRIDAY July 1 saw the formal commencement of the initiative to reduce tiger mosquitoes in Calpe. A specialist pest control firm has been hired and they are targeting the unwanted creatures' breeding grounds with special traps. They also aim to target them in their common hideouts such as gutters and pool areas, generally anywhere where water accumulates. Most Costa Blanca municipalities have launched some form of control measure against the tiger mosquitoes this summer, adapted to their individual population and geography. They are originally from Asia but have become increasingly prevalent in mainly coastal parts of Spain in the last 10 years or so. It is thought that without continued eradication and control programmes the creatures will continue to spread to inland Spain and beyond as the eggs are

TIGER MOSQUITOES: Originate from Asia. largely resistant to colder weather. Although the mosquitoes are the main target, pests of all breeds will be targeted and the treatment will continue for up to three months. The town hall has also sent

out leaflets to residents to help educate them about how best to avoid the pests. Measures recommended include avoiding leaving out buckets and plant pots that can gather water.


Streets closed at night ONLY vehicles with official permits may enter Altea’s Old Town after 7pm during the summer. The narrow streets are now closed to traffic after this time and although they may access their homes, residents will not be able to park in the Old Town. Instead they must use the free parking areas near the Palau, the Conservatorio and the Fine Arts faculty. Last year’s permits are still valid but residents who do not have one can apply to the Local Police with a photocopy of their ‘padron’ certificate as well as their driving licence.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

School times ELEVEN of Benidorm’s 13 state schools presented plans for switching to a continuous day. Two state schools and the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores school will retain the traditional timetable.

Sniffed out

Night tram THE late night ‘Tramnochador’ will now run throughout the night on Fridays and Saturdays until September, linking Alicante City with Benidorm, San Juan and Campello.


Measures to alleviate drought


LOCAL POLICE sniffer dogs in Alicante City singled out a 42-year-old Moroccan passenger during an inspection at the city bus station. He was arrested after police found 50 grammes of hashish inside his four anchovy-filled bocadillos.


BATHING AID: An amphibious chair on Playa de L’Ampolla.

Beach help for the disabled By Simon Russell PLAYA DE L’AMPOLLA in TeuladaMoraira has started its special service to help those with disabilities or limited mobility to enjoy the beach over the summer.

These include reserved disabled parking near ramps and gangways allowing easy access to the beach. For those who want to bathe there are amphibious chairs allowing complete access to the sea. There are also specially adapted chang-

ing cubicles, toilets and special showers for wheelchair users. In addition there is a team of first aid and support staff on hand. The service runs daily from 11am to 7pm until August 31.

DROUGHT measures have been extended until September 2017. The Ministry of Agriculture has taken steps to extend the declaration of drought in the river basins Júcar and Segura, which, when approved by Royal Decree, will allow the government to continue to apply exceptional measures to alleviate the effects of drought during the next irrigation season. The measures so far have made available to users over 55 cubic hectometres (hm3) of additional water in the basin of Júcar and 154 hm3 in the Segura basin. The measures put in place aim to reduce as far as possible the impacts caused by the lacks of resources in both river basins as a result of low rainfall.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Ramadan fast for prisoners By Linda Hall VILLENA prison has currently varied mealtimes and menus for Muslim prisoners. They include Hassan El Haski and Youssef Belhadj, two jihadists convicted of participating in the March 11 bombings in Madrid in 2004. Eighty of the prison’s 140 Muslims received permission to observe Ramadan, when they

neither eat nor drink between sunrise and sunset, which began on June 6 and continues until July 6. They remain in the prison patio while other prisoners have breakfast and lunch but go to the dining room for dinner once the sun has gone down, prison authorities explained. They receive rations corresponding to three meals and are allowed to take some to their

cells to eat before sunrise. This is a normal occurrence in the prison, the prison authorities said, citing the Spanish constitution’s guarantee of religious freedom. The decision to observe the fast is personal but many Muslim prisoners don’t undertake it for health reasons. Others fail to complete it, owing to weakness brought on by the austere diet and high summer temperatures.

Noise restrictions in place FROM Friday July 1 a by-law came into operation in Calpe limiting noise from heavy machinery. From this date equipment deemed too noisy will be banned from operating until September 15, the official end of the summer period,

to give tourists a ‘right to rest.’ Equipment banned includes pile drivers, diggers and radial saws. Additionally, general construction likely to be noisy can only be undertaken between 9am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm unless classified as urgent, e.g. for safety reasons.



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Keeping the water flowing in summer By Simon Russell

THERAPY: Infusing a tree trunk protects it from insect damage.

Trunk infusion does the trick for trees ENDOTHERAPY or trunk infusion is now protecting Altea trees. This will eventually be used throughout the town, but the Avenida de la Comunidad Valenciana and Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas were selected for the first applications. Endotherapy, a technique also used in surgery, is an alternative to traditional treatments for protecting trees against red weevils, the tomicus pine beetle and processionary caterpillars, amongst other threats. As the name suggests tree trunks are infused with nutritious substances that travel throughout the tree via the sap.

“The system we are using in Altea is less harmful to the tree as it is not necessary to punch holes in the trunk which can make way for other diseases,” explained councillor Imma Orozco. It eliminates the need to use traditional airborne chemical products which are also pollutants, she said, while allowing selective treatment. There is practically no impact on the environment and the risk to humans is minimal. According to municipal sources, the technique will be used on trees inside local schools. It is so innocuous that there is no health hazard even for the youngest pupils.

JAVEA’S municipal water company, Amjasa, held a meeting on Thursday, June 30 to approve their 2015 accounts. They need to be able to ensure funding is sufficient to address the problems that are anticipated in the summer. The area is experiencing one of the worst droughts in memory and tourist occupation for this summer is expected to be very high, probably even higher than usual. Amjasa’s manager, Josep Henarejos highlighted the success of the zoning measures implemented in June, resulting in an estimated water saving of up to 40 per cent in the areas where this was tested. The firm had spent €900,000 more in 2015 than 2014, mainly on the purchase of a water desalination plant. However they are confident this puts them in a better position to face the summer.

WATER BOARD: Javea’s water committee meet in the town hall. As well as the more tangible projects there have also been initiatives regarding the population’s awareness of water management and to reinforce the idea of it being a precious resource. There has also been some focus on

fraud, and in particular illegal harnessing of water by individuals or even companies. Mayor Jose Chulvi, who is the president of Amjasa, was also in attendance.

Mining for marble THE regional government has promised closer relations with Alicante Province’s marble industry. The Generalitat’s Sustainable Economy department is reviving its Mining Committee to tackle the marble sector’s long-standing legal and political obstacles that make it difficult to extend existing quarries or open new ones.

The committee has met only once since it was set up in 2011 and the permanent working committee has met only twice, the last time in 2011. It has now met once more and the Valencia Region’s director general for Industry and Energy, Julia Company, pledged to help quarries in Alicante, Valencia and Castellon.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

town hall


Egged on RESIDENTS in Petrer’s Plaza de America, kept awake until the early hours by a group of noisy young people, began to pelt them with eggs. Police were called but most of the youngsters disappeared.

Special day CALLOSA’S Housewives’ Association celebrated their annual fiesta with a breakfast, a procession, Mass with an offering of flowers to the Virgen de Las Injurias and a dance featuring DJ Mateu concluded.

Line dance AICO, Benidorm shopkeeper’s association has received complaints recently about phone lines attached to shops and buildings without owners’ consent and urged the town hall to find a suitable alternative.

DISCOVERY DOCUMENTARY: Torben Thoger, Natalia Hansson and Alfaz councillors.

Analysing a popular choice By Linda Hall ALBIR features in a new documentary that analyses its popularity. The 30-minute documentary ‘L’Albir, el lugar donde vivir y que visitar’ (Albir, a place to live and visit) is directed by Torben Thoger and presented by Natalia Hansson. Makers set out to discover why hundreds of families decide to make their

homes in Albir and the municipality of Alfaz del Pi. The documentary, produced by a Norwegian company, also examines why thousands of tourists visit each year. It’s the first in a series spotlighting Costa Blanca enclaves and premiered during the parallel activities accompanying the 28th edition of the Alfaz del Pi Film Festival to be held between July 8 and 17. The documentary’s first airing was attended by Alfaz’s Councillor for Culture,

Mayte Garcia and Marisa Cortes who is councillor responsible for Relations with Foreign Residents. “With productions like these, which showcase our town and its undisputed charms, we achieve the double objective of establishing ourselves as a tourist and residential area,” Garcia said. “And this, of course, also helps to create new companies which ultimately help to create employment,” she added.



Honouring Orlando victims THE 49 victims of the recent homophobic terrorist attack that happened in Orlando, USA, were remembered as part of Denia’s commemoration of International Diversity Day last Tuesday June 28. This formed part of a manifesto which was r ead out si de t he t own hal l t o r ei nf or ce t he counci l ’s pl edge t o recognise diversity and avoid prejudice, in all its forms and at all times. One of the initiatives i n t he t wo day pr ogramme of events had been t he pai nt i ng of a zebr a cr ossi ng i n t he Gay Al l i ance’s i coni c rainbow flag colours. The t own has now conf i r m ed t hat t he colourful zebra crossing will remain in place all summer.


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Dual nationality petition By Matthew Elliott HUNDREDS of people have signed a petition calling on the Spanish Government to grant dual nationality to British expatriates resident in Spain for more than a decade. Madrid-based British author and journalist Giles Tremlett, who has written a history of the country, launched the petition on Monday, July 4, which has already secured more than 800 signatures at the time of writing.

800 people have signed Giles Tremlett’s petition at the time of writing.

“Due to the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves after the Brexit vote, we ask the Spanish Government for an act of generosity for the British residents of Spain,” the petition states. “For many thousands of Brits in Spain and many thousands of Spaniards in the UK, the future is un-

DUAL CITIZENSHIP: Is an option for Spanish nationals living in the UK, but not British nationals living in Spain. certain and worrisome. They are desperate.” Tremlett, who has lived in Spain for roughly 25 years as a correspondent for the Economist and the Guardian, began the petition due to concerns

about his pension, and legal rights should he return to the UK to look after his parents. He argues that Spanish nationals have the option of applying for dual citizenship in the UK after working

there for five years, yet Spanish law demands that foreigners renounce their nationality of birth. The petition also refers to the decision by the Spanish government to offer dual nationality to proven ancestors

of Jews expelled from Spain during the 1492 inquisition. With a flourish of Brits applying for Irish passports in the aftermath of the Brexit vote, and Germany’s vice-chancellor pondering aloud whether to offer dual nationality to young British expatriates, it appears as though centuries of European integration may well overcome political barriers to unity, for some at least. “With Brexit, I’ve effectively been expelled from my European citizenship against my choice and with no say in the matter,” he told local media. “Spain has been a member of the EU for 30 years, Britain for 40 years. “That’s long enough for people to have based their entire life plans, their careers, their families, etc on being a European citizen. “It’s both traumatic and dramatic to have that snatched away.” If any readers are interesting in signing and making their voice heard they can find the petition at with a simple Google search of Giles Tremlett and leading you to the correct page.

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SHOWING SUPPORT: The rainbow ‘flag’ at Muchamiel Town Hall.

Help and support for transgender children By Gemma Elvins-Quinn LIKE other Costa Blanca towns, Muchamiel displayed the rainbow ‘flag’ on International Gay Pride Day. To mark the event the town hall’s Equality and Youth Department organised a talk on ‘The value of diversity’ by the Daniela Foundation. This non-profit association aims to eradicate the stigma and discrimination suffered by transsexual and transgender children and adolescents by creating a

network of professionals who attend to them without treating them as though they are ill. The talk attached special importance to education, beginning with schools, health professionals and society in general. The Daniela Foundation is present in all Spanish regions and was created thanks to ‘Daniela’s Book’ by Africa Pastor, the Foundation’s president, who described her personal experiences to the young people present. Another of the speakers

was Ana Navarro, the Foundation’s coordinator for the Valencian Community. Both described the current situation in the region and were thanked afterwards by Equality and Youth councillor Inmaculada Perez who said the talk “made for emotional listening.” The next equality event will be held on July 12 when Asociacion Diversitat presents its ‘Orgullo Alacant’ programme accompanied by short films on sexual affection and gender in the Casa de Cultura auditorium.

Summer sale shopping THE summer sales have officially begun and each year hundreds of Alicantinos set out to hunt for bargains offered by retailers. The traditional summer sales period runs during July and much of August with shopping centres in the province reporting an expected increase in sales of over 5 per cent compared to last year. Items are expected to be discounted by between 40 and 70 per cent.

Sales have been vital during the tough economic crisis but remember it is only a bargain if it is something you needed rather than just an impulse buy. During sales the sale items must show the original price along with the lower one so consumers can see clearly the discount and after-sales service and warranties are the same as outside the sales period.

Eggs-citing beach extravaganza PEOPLE strolling on a Sueca (Valencia) beach at 11pm were amazed to see a 100-kilo turtle measuring 1.5 metres across emerge from the water. It lumbered up the beach until it was four metres from the promenade and over the

next hour laid 88 eggs, said onlooker Carles Marti. He rang the 112 emergency services who sent out experts from the Oceanografic Aquarium, Valencia University and the region’s Environment department.

They microchipped the turtle before it returned to the sea and transferred some eggs to the Oceanografic for incubation. The remainder were taken to a protected beach to ensure their survival.



E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

NEWS town hall



Light show THE Marina Baja has had three years of drought, but other Valencian Community areas recently experienced summer storms. Some days back Spain’s Met office, Aemet, registered 315 streaks of lightning, most of them inland.

Party time THE Local Police in inland Tibi located an illegal rave in a country property in Moret Alta. They became suspicious after noticing a lot of vehicles using the little-frequented CV-805 road.

CAMPELLO: Extra security and safety personnel are on duty this summer to keep beachgoers safe.

Keeping the beaches safe By Linda Hall ALONG with summer comes extra security measures aimed at ensuring public safety on Costa Blanca beaches. In Campello 68 lifeguards have been

in place since June 15 and 40 of them – split into four groups – will be on duty at any one time during the day until September 30. This service, which has been outsourced by the town hall to Proactiva

Servies Acuatics, is backed up and supplemented by Campello’s Local Police and Civil Protection volunteers. Prepared to swing into action in an emergency are two fully equipped ambulances, a rapid intervention vehicle

Glass clear BENIDORM COUNCIL asked Ecovidrio to replace street containers that are in bad condition. This will reduce unpleasant smells and improve the town’s image, said the town hall’s Street Cleaning councillor.

Helicopter helps excavation SOME very modern technology is being used excavate parts of the historic Cova del Comte in Pedreguer.

This is the fourth such excavation of the culturally important site which contains cave paintings thought

to date back about 20,000 years. A helicopter will be used to remove debris without

bringing in heavy conventional machinery that may cause damage to the culturally important site.

and two boats. There are also three quad bikes, two of them belonging to the Local Police. The entire complement lined up recently on the Clot de l’Illot beach, accompanied by Campello’s mayor, Benjamin Soler, councillors, the Local Police Chief Jose Antonio Cano and the beaches coordinator for Proactiva Servies Acuatics. Safety measures have been stepped up on Campello’s coves, announced Beaches Councillor Cintia Alaves. There will be a lifeguard’s observation chair at Venta Lanuza, another in Coveta, two in Amerador and one in La Almadraba.

Protest at hotel delay MORE than 300 people gathered in front of the Arenales del Sol hotel to show their discontent with the suspension of the building works. With placards reading ‘yes we want to work,’ and ‘shutdowns are not solutions,’ the hour-long protest included numerous local businesses in Los Arenales, who want the hotel renovated and finished to bring more tourists and more businesses.

Former hotel workers also expressed their dissatisfaction with the work stopping. Meanwhile, Elche Councillor Fernando Dura said the Mayor of Elche is talking with Costas to find a resolution on the adaptations of the hotel. The residents’ association said they will now collect signatures for the continuity of work that will be presented to Costas. One neighbour said they

feel abandoned by the city, which “cares more about having a dog beach.” Work on renovating and restoring the hotel was halted last month after Costas said builders had demolished parts of the building without the correct authorisations. The concessionaire company and the technical team responsible for implementing the works were submitting a modified project plan.

Ready for an emergency SAN VICENTE Council voted to increase the number of defibrillators distributed throughout the town. T h i s m a k e s S a n Vi c e n t e a n o ff i c i a l l y cardio-protected town, with defibrillators on hand at the town hall, auditorium, municipal market and the Senior Citizens’ Centre. They are already available at the town’s health centres and sports complex.

The proposal came from the Partido Popular, now in opposition on San Vicente Council, and the party spokesman Mercedes Torregrosa thanked councillors from the other parties for their support. “We hope to gradually extend the network of defibrillators to all public places attended by large numbers of people,” Torregrosa said.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



Visauto Denia move to bigger premises

VILLAJOYOSA VOLUNTEERS: Help to weed Elaine’s Gardens.

Helping for the love of it VOLUNTEERS from Villajoyosa’s Vilamuseu are helping the local council to maintain the town’s monuments and historic sites. They pay monthly visits to Malladeta, a fourth century BC Iberian sanctuary, and the Aguilo watchtower where they carry out any necessary repairs and ensure that enclosure systems are functioning. Some fixed padlocks were removed from the Aguilo tower

as this is now usual practice in other Spanish and European monuments. The path up to the tower has been cleared and with the help of the town hall’s Parks and Gardens department the volunteers removed 50 kilos of litter which was then sorted for recycling at the Clean Point ecopark. Two vandalised information panels were replaced. The Vilamuseu volunteers are also keeping Elaine’s Gar-

dens at the Sant Josep Roman tower tidy, and weeding them each week. The gardens are named after Elaine Evans, the Vilamuseu benefactress who helped to fund reconstruction of the tower, one of the finest of its type in Spain or Portugal. The El Castell cultural park has also come in for attention, together with repairs in La Barbera gardens, the location of Iberian burial mounds and the Almisera Roman necropolis.

Doctors’ aid THE College of Physicians of Alicante has launched an Office of International Cooperation in order to provide i n f o r m a t i o n an d s treaml i n e p r o c e d u r e s to those physicians who are interested in moving to a foreign country to provide humanitarian aid. Doctor and president of the NGO Medicusmundi in Alicante, Diego Torrus, is in charge of coordinating this new office: “The first thing we do is to know who and how many doctors are participat i n g i n c o o p e r a tio n projects, how involved they want to be and what their concerns and expectations are.” The office will also be in contact with other various health NGO’s i n th e province to determine their needs, concerns and ongoing projects. Torrus said this move will allow the College of Physicians to become more in-

volved as an institution in international cooperation and he hopes it will “facilitate and encourage the participation of health person-

ne l in the s e c oope ra tion proje c ts , a s itua tion tha t should be also recognised in the profe s s iona l c urric ulum.”

EXPANDING BUSINESS: The new showroom opened on June 20. MERCEDES-BENZ and Smartcar dealership Visauto is expanding its business in the Marina Alta area and are moving to a new showroom. However for those who were familiar with the old showroom the new premises are just 500 metres away. The new facility has a total size of 4,000m2 fully dedicated to the sales and repairs of cars as well as the sale of car spare parts and accessories. People are invited to come and look around the new showroom which opened on June 20 and is now fully up and running.


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School connections SWEDEN: As the school year ends, Stockholm International School has marked two years of its Nepal Project, a partnership with a primary school in the Himalayas helping to raise funds for the 60 Nepalese students.

Contact police SWEDEN: Police have launched a campaign aimed at curbing sexual harassment among young people and will hand out armbands this summer with the hashtag #tafsainte as police encourage victims of groping and harassment to contact the police.

BRITISH PRESS Big business

A HEDGE FUND manager, whose father is a friend of Prince Charles, won £110 million (€132 million) by betting that B r e x i t would happen and the p o u n d would tumble. The 36ROLLS ROYCE: Plans unchanged.

year-old went against the rest of the market and guessed the Leave camp would win.

New fleet THE RAF’s state-of-the art new fighter jet touched down in the UK for the first time greeted by a rainbow as it landed in Gloucestershire at RAF Fairford. The RAF will eventually have a fleet of 138.

Millionaire’s fine A MILLIONAIRE businesswoman, was fined £14,000 (€16,800) for lying to avoid a £100 (€121) speeding ticket. The 61-year-old was driving 38mph in her Mercedes in a 30mph zone in Essex. She was fined for lying and perverting the course of justice.

SWEDEN: The old Swedish 20, 50 and 1,000 kroner bank notes expire this week and as the deadline draws ever closer, the central bank said there were around two billion of the notes still in circulation.

NORWAY: Oslo District Court has agreed that the Islamist preacher, known as Mullah Krekar, can be extradited to Italy to face terror charges.

Royal apology NORWAY: The Royal Court and the Royal Police Escort have apologised for an incident where an elderly woman was knocked over by a bodyguard during a royal visit.

Birthday attack A MAN was killed after violence erupted at a campsite in Lower Saxony as a group of people were celebrating a birthday. Another gang attacked them armed with baseball bats and fence posts.

Births and deaths GERMANY is undergoing a mini baby boom with 738,000 babies born last year, 23,000 more than in 2014. However more people died in 2015 than in the last three decades.

Snail trail

Oktoberfest security MUNICH is planning to make the annual beer festival safer than ever and organisers are already planning to employ 100 more security personnel, random bag checks and emergency loud speaker systems in multiple languages.

Power purchase

Terror charges


A VINTAGE ‘Trabi’ car came unstuck after its driver hit a snail trail on the Autobahn. The driver said he lost control of the car in snail slime. The car was written off but some of the snails escaped.

Use or lose

NORWAY: Google has agreed to purchase the entire output of the Tellenes wind power park in Rogaland. Construction of the 50 turbine site, the largest in Norway, is expected to be completed by the end of next year.



Will be no change BIG businesses have been insisting the decision to leave the EU would not harm their companies. Leaders from car maker Jaguar Land Rover insisted its plans were unchanged as did RollsRoyce.


FIFTEEN PRODUCTIONS: Will be filmed in the Netherlands over the summer.

six months, according to motoring organisation ANWB who said the problem is particularly bad in and around Amsterdam.

A SWISS boy, aged 12, reported missing by his parents was found in the home of a German man in Dusseldorf who he had met in an internet gaming chat room. Parents are being urged to keep check on their children’s online activities.

Suicide rise

Airport attack

THE number of suicides rose in the Netherlands last year with an average of five a day. While the number of women killing themselves has remained stable, there has been a rise in the number of men in their 20s committing suicide.

ALL flights from Berlin’s Tegel airport to Istanbul were cancelled after a suicide bomb attack killed at least 36 people in the city’s major airport and injured more than 100 others.

Summer filming FILMFONDS, the Dutch film fund, has invested almost €6 million in 23 different productions in its latest funding round. Fifteen productions involve filming in the Netherlands this summer.

Counteractive rule LAWYERS claim that new legislation on redundancy and flexible employment has failed to boost jobs security for temporary workers as it was supposed to do with the rules being so rigid that compa-

DUTCH PRESS nies are being discouraged from taking on staff.

More jams TRAFFIC jams in the Netherlands have become worse since the economic recovery, rising 10 per cent over the past

Online concern


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It’s a fair game

FOOTBALL PLAYERS: Should be paid according to their performance. A RUSSIAN MP has argued that the salary of professional football players should be entirely dependent on their performance using ‘conversion efficiency’ calculations. Igor Lebedev also wants to reduce limits on foreigners playing for the national side following its abysmal exit from Euro 2016.

US EMBASSY: An American diplomat tried to enter.

Hunger strike

Spy drama unfolds in Moscow

IMPORTS of meat, fish, cheese, milk, fruit and veg from western states will continue to be banned after President Putin signed a decree prolonging the existing embargo until the end of 2017. The food embargo was put into place following the imposition of western sanctions in 2014.

AN American diplomat was tackled and injured by an FSB guard as he tried to enter the US Embassy in Moscow. Suffering a broken shoulder the man was flown out of the country for medical care amid suspicions that he may have been a spy seeking refuge from Russian intelligence services.

Draft dodgers FOUR websites have been banned by a Moscow court for instructing viewers on how to avoid the draft. The sites provided information on how to gain an exemption from the one year of military service which is compulsory for most men aged between 18 and 27.

First to blink THE Kremlin reported that

Turkish president Erdogan apologised for the downing of a Russian fighter jet last year as it participated in bombing runs over Syria. The incident strained diplomatic ties between the neighbouring countries but they look to be on the mend following Turkey’s overtures.

Big brother DRACONIAN anti-terror laws passed by the Duma have been denounced by CIA whistleblower and Russian resident Edward Snowden. The measures broaden the scope of criminal activity related to ex-

tremism and oblige phone and internet companies to store records of private communication.

Friends forever PRESIDENT PUTIN travelled to Beijing for talks with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, signing energy deals worth billions, planning a high-speed railway across Russia, criticising anti-missile systems in Europe and agreeing to the need for Russian and Chinese media to increase their influence on world opinion.


Costa Blanca North

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Worst individual debtors in Spain By John Smith EACH year, the Spanish Treasury publishes a list of those who owe the greatest amount of unpaid tax over €1 million, clearly in an effort to embarrass them into settling their debts, although many appear each year and the debts increase on a regular basis. Most high profile in the latest list are those involved in football and industry. Perhaps most easily recognised is

is the amount of unpaid income tax owed by just over 4,700 Spanish individuals and companies.

HERSHEY’S: Rejected takeover by Mondelez.

Cadbury owner tries to take over NOT so long ago, drug companies were desperately trying to merge in order to increase their ability to reduce taxes and costs, but now it seems that chocolate (also seen by some as a drug) is the latest area of proposed joint activity. This time, Mondelez, said to be the second largest company in this area, has had a bid to take over the iconic Hershey business for €20.4 billion rejected by their board.

former Barcelona star Brazilian Dani Alves who recently moved to play for Juventus in Italy, leaving behind an unpaid bill of €1.3 million. A number of Spanish clubs have a combined debt of a little less than €43 million whilst former Real Madrid president Lorenzo Sanz is said to owe €1.36 million. Much publicised former president of Banesto Bank, Mario Conde, who has

“The banking industry is becoming obsolete” according to a statement from Francisco Gonzalez, president of BBVA

Photo Credit Paulo Ordoveza Wikimedia

Quote of the Week

€15.7 billion

Mars, still privately owned by the Mars family and said to be one of the largest private companies in America, is the market leader with sales of €30 billion a year across its global market, would have been dwarfed if this takeover had gone through. The bulk of the Hershey business is still within the USA, whilst Mondelez with acquisitions such as Cadbury, has a far wider market.


Free electric at weekends BRITISH GAS in the UK is to offer free electricity for eight hours at weekends to more than two million customers who have installed smart meters in their houses, and it is anticipated that households could save up to £60 (€72) per year. Depending on their anticipated usage, customers will be able to choose whether they wish to receive the offer, which runs from 9am to 5pm on Saturday or Sunday. Experts however warn consumers not to rush to accept this offer as by shopping around they may find better overall deals from competitors.

Credit rating problems FOLLOWING a decision to reduce the UK’s credit rating from the highest level, it is now the turn of the EU to find itself under the microscope following the Brexit result, and to see a drop in its rating.

Enormous diamonds found THERE seems to be an obvious explanation as to why one mine in Botswana has found three enormous diamonds ranging in size from 374 carats to 1,109 carats in three days after none of that size had been found for 100 years. The answer is very simply that other large stones may well have been excavated around the


€1 billion is the amount that under pressure Volkswagen has announced that it will invest in its works in Navarra to build the next generation Polo SUV.


business & legal


world but due to shared policy, ore has been broken down in order to make it easy to fit in sorting machines. Now, having introduced x-ray machines so that ore is checked prior to being broken down, the results have been spectacular with an 812 carat diamond fetching €55 million at auction.

served several years in prison and has recently been convicted again for embezzlement still owes over €9 million, although how easy that is going to be to collect is arguable. This list, which includes more than 4,700 names of people owing in excess of €1 million, does include a high percentage of people who are bankrupt and where there is little chance of collecting the tax owed.




Surplus by 2020 unlikely NOW that it would appear that there could be a new Chancellor following the election of a new Conservative leader, George Osborne has indicated that he thinks that with the Brexit decision he believes it unlikely that the British economy could return to surplus by 2020. This could then mean that the next Chancellor may feel it prudent to increase borrowing in order to cut some of the austerity measures and to keep taxes at their current levels.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 568.25 3.50 Admiral Group PLC 2031.00 -18.00 Anglo American PLC 781.15 23.39 Antofagasta PLC 486.90 16.89 ARM Holdings PLC 1131.00 0.00 Ashtead Group PLC 1075.50 -4.00 Associated British Foods PLC 2706.50 -26.00 AstraZeneca PLC 4504.25 2.00 Aviva PLC 398.60 -5.10 Babcock International Grp 925.00 -3.50 BAE Systems PLC 532.50 2.00 Barclays PLC 139.10 -0.85 Barratt Developments PLC 408.60 -6.40 Berkeley Group Holdings 2610.50 -45.00 BHP Billiton PLC 968.65 28.70 BP PLC 449.70 4.25 British American Tobacco PLC 4910.25 32.50 British Land Co PLC 599.00 -9.75 BT Group PLC 405.35 -4.39 Bunzl PLC 2330.00 14.00 Burberry Group PLC 1152.50 -13.00 Capita PLC 942.75 -6.50 Carnival PLC 3410.50 -14.00 Centrica PLC 228.50 -0.40 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1530.00 1.00 Compass Group PLC 1449.00 10.00 CRH PLC 2191.50 1.00 DCC PLC 6657.50 5.00 Diageo PLC 2111.00 4.00 Direct Line Insurance Group 349.35 -2.10 Dixons Carphone PLC 319.35 -3.20 easyJet PLC 1087.00 -5.00 Experian PLC 1440.00 5.00 Fresnillo PLC 1897.00 137.00 GKN PLC 271.35 -4.50 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1610.75 11.00 Glencore PLC 160.80 4.80 Hammerson PLC 524.00 -8.50 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1233.50 -14.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2531.00 -1.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 466.97 -2.85 Imperial Brands PLC 4076.00 13.50 Informa PLC 728.00 1.50 InterContinental Hotels Gr 2830.50 -7.00 International Consolidated 372.70 -8.41 Intertek Group PLC 3542.00 43.00 Intu Properties PLC 285.35 -6.30 ITV PLC 179.60 -1.30 Johnson Matthey PLC 2961.50 3.00 Kingfisher PLC 328.30 -1.60

% CHG. 0.62 -0.88 3.09 3.60 0.00 -0.37 -0.95 0.04 -1.26 -0.38 0.38 -0.61 -1.54 -1.70 3.05 0.95 0.67 -1.60 -1.07 0.60 -1.11 -0.68 -0.41 -0.17 0.07 0.69 0.05 0.08 0.19 -0.60 -0.99 -0.46 0.35 7.78 -1.63 0.69 3.08 -1.60 -1.12 -0.04 -0.61 0.33 0.21 -0.25 -2.21 1.23 -2.16 -0.72 0.10 -0.48

NET VOL 180.62 18.97 621.41 249.81 98.25 62.29 37.75 170.09 614.03 62.98 311.23 5,546.08 814.46 90.82 709.28 3,406.56 115.87 397.08 1,058.02 31.54 98.93 70.55 9.91 427.29 14.64 118.07 73.27 6.60 275.37 133.63 223.31 254.30 126.12 434.26 164.81 977.86 7,861.57 114.20 32.02 7.24 3,519.32 99.60 67.22 16.79 2,146.97 22.40 254.99 1,050.10 29.44 335.26

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Land Securities Group PLC 1023.00 -17.00 Legal & General Group PLC 189.40 -1.79 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 54.51 0.16 London Stock Exchange Gr 2513.50 -10.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 314.40 -5.70 Mediclinic International PLC 1097.00 2.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 454.05 -0.20 Mondi PLC 1438.50 6.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 189.15 0.00 National Grid PLC 1109.25 3.74 Next PLC 4860.00 -57.00 Old Mutual PLC 201.10 -1.00 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 8202.50 -50.00 Pearson PLC 975.50 0.50 Persimmon PLC 1520.50 -20.00 Provident Financial PLC 2363.50 -39.00 Prudential PLC 1272.50 -10.00 Randgold Resources Ltd 9160.00 385.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 7585.50 42.00 RELX PLC 1397.50 2.00 Rio Tinto PLC 2385.75 40.00 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 711.75 0.50 Royal Bank of Scotland Grou... 168.15 -1.60 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2111.50 14.65 Royal Mail PLC 500.75 -3.50 RSA Insurance Group PLC 496.55 -2.90 SABMiller PLC 4363.50 -3.00 Sage Group (The) PLC 627.25 2.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 235.20 -0.96 Schroders PLC 2383.00 -39.00 Severn Trent PLC 2437.50 8.00 Shire PLC 4682.00 10.00 Sky PLC 871.75 -1.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1287.50 5.00 Smiths Group PLC 1165.50 0.00 SSE PLC 1575.00 5.00 Standard Chartered PLC 573.85 -7.70 Standard Life PLC 296.60 -3.32 St James's Place PLC 810.00 -9.84 Taylor Wimpey PLC 137.10 -2.30 Tesco PLC 177.45 0.20 Travis Perkins PLC 1444.00 -10.00 TUI AG 900.25 -2.50 Unilever PLC 3636.75 17.50 United Utilities Group PLC 1032.50 3.00 Vodafone Group PLC 229.00 -0.15 Whitbread PLC 3568.00 -23.00 Wolseley PLC 3944.00 -30.00 Worldpay Group PLC 273.00 -1.50 WPP PLC 1626.50 -3.00

% CHG. -1.64 -0.94 0.29 -0.40 -1.78 0.18 -0.04 0.42 0.00 0.34 -1.16 -0.49 -0.61 0.05 -1.30 -1.62 -0.78 4.39 0.56 0.14 1.71 0.07 -0.94 0.70 -0.69 -0.58 -0.07 0.40 -0.41 -1.61 0.33 0.21 -0.11 0.39 0.00 0.32 -1.32 -1.11 -1.20 -1.65 0.11 -0.69 -0.28 0.48 0.29 -0.07 -0.64 -0.75 -0.55 -0.18

NET VOL 213.24 1,652.32 27,343.70 5.56 477.68 19.64 151.54 62.95 218.16 575.30 18.31 479.91 2.38 78.44 393.38 29.38 325.56 72.49 62.88 215.09 378.81 354.48 1,763.51 643.13 98.38 115.32 38.31 88.62 354.94 28.78 40.76 148.27 438.54 152.05 53.14 219.85 882.65 331.63 62.13 3,971.54 1,255.48 45.57 121.92 142.81 103.25 2,744.05 49.26 38.06 147.29 130.41

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COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 175.54 +0.42 +0.24% 1.9M 60.69 -0.07 -0.12% 4.2M 95.89 +0.29 +0.30% 26.0M 129.69 -0.18 -0.14% 3.2M 76.45 +0.64 +0.84% 4.6M 104.15 -0.68 -0.65% 6.1M 28.80 +0.11 +0.38% 20.9M 45.12 -0.21 -0.46% 11.8M 98.03 +0.21 +0.21% 5.7M 64.36 -0.44 -0.68% 3.4M 93.84 +0.10 +0.11% 9.9M 31.49 +0.01 +0.03% 32.7M 148.25 -0.33 -0.22% 3.1M 129.62 +1.93 +1.51% 5.6M 152.35 +0.57 +0.38% 2.7M 32.75 -0.05 -0.15% 17.1M 121.29 -0.01 -0.01% 7.1M 61.26 -0.88 -1.42% 14.2M 120.40 +0.06 +0.05% 3.8M 57.94 +0.33 +0.57% 7.9M 51.16 -0.01 -0.02% 21.4M 55.61 +0.41 +0.74% 9.3M 35.57 +0.36 +1.02% 19.3M 84.78 +0.11 +0.13% 9.5M 118.85 -0.19 -0.16% 1.4M 102.73 +0.18 +0.18% 6.6M 140.86 -0.34 -0.24% 2.9M 56.23 +0.39 +0.70% 16.1M 74.48 +0.31 +0.42% 13.8M 72.81 -0.21 -0.29% 7.6M





Most Advanced XBiotech Inc. Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CoLucid Pharmaceuticals, Inc. OHA Investment Corporation region Lantheus Holdings, Inc. Diana Containerships Inc. Affimed N.V. Adaptimmune Therapeutics plc Aquinox Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Fenix Parts, Inc.

$ 24.90 $ 3.54 $ 9.62 $ 2.24 $ 25.30 $ 4.14 $ 3.98 $ 2.78 $ 9.13 $ 7.39 $ 4.38

3.98 ▲ 19.02% 0.54 ▲ 18.00% 1.45 ▲ 17.75% 0.30 ▲ 15.46% 3.19 ▲ 14.43% 0.47 ▲ 12.81% 0.44 ▲ 12.43% 0.30 ▲ 12.10% 0.98 ▲ 12.02% 0.77 ▲ 11.63% 0.45 ▲ 11.45%

Most Declined region DSLV $ 19.91 Himax Technologies, Inc. $ 7.48 Caesars Entertainment Corporation $ 6.98 Micron Technology, Inc. $ 12.50 IntriCon Corporation $ 4.89 Sunrun Inc. $ 5.44 TerraVia Holdings, Inc. $ 2.42 region TAPR $ 15.8699 region VNET $ 11.0313 21Vianet Group, Inc. $ 9.57 ProShares UltraPro Short NASDAQ Biotechnology$ 30.39

3.48 ▼ 14.88% 0.78 ▼ 9.44% 0.71 ▼ 9.23% 1.26 ▼ 9.16% 0.45 ▼ 8.43% 0.49 ▼ 8.26% 0.20 ▼ 7.63% 1.0801 ▼ 6.37% 0.7422 ▼ 6.30% 0.64 ▼ 6.27% 1.95 ▼ 6.03%


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Anxiety remains after Brexit decision Ask the expert Peter Loveday Contact me at

FOLLOWING the European Union (EU) referendum sterling fell to a 31-year low, its biggest decline in history. The world’s financial markets, shocked by the result, saw a massive wave of uncertainty for investors across the globe. Final referendum results show a nation divided with a close 52 to 48 split in favour of a Brexit, causing British banks to take a hit of £97 million. This month, it is likely that much anxiety and uncertainty will remain throughout the markets, some experts predict a post-Brexit recession. Market focus will remain on negotiations, news and other announcements surrounding Brexit. Stock markets plummeted on Friday June 24, in the aftermath of the result. Sterling also fell considerably, by up to 11 per cent, as markets continue to grapple with the uncertainty that the decision has brought about. With a decision to leave the EU, global markets are wary of the shockwaves, although it will be some time before we really see the economic impact of the vote.

STERLING SLIDE: A considerable fall following the referendum Brexit result. And while the pound’s forex rates were affected almost exclusively by news, it did also continue the trend seen a month ago, where Sterling seemed to be impervious to certain poor economic indicators, managing to withstand the pressures that these put on it. The US Dollar suffered in June, dropping

against other major currencies after the Federal Reserve indicated it has no plans to increase interest rates over the summer months. While it was expected the central bank would not make changes to interest rates in summer thanks to slow and steady rises in consumer spending and other economic indicators, it didn’t stop the ICE

U.S. Dollar index from falling. Following this announcement from the Federal Reserve, the index fell by around 0.3 per cent as concerns emerged. Later in June, the dollar faced an uncertain future as Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve chair, said there are short-term challenges facing the US economy. Although confident about the country’s long-term growth prospects, she said issues such as slower increases in employment, compounded by lower than expected growth in May, and a stubborn inflation rate, could leave exchange rates for the dollar stalling and remaining low for the foreseeable future. This fear will have been further exacerbated by the late June prediction from the International Monetary Fund, which predicted the US economy will experience 0.2 per cent slower growth for 2016 than in 2015. Elsewhere, European and other major global markets slowed on the back of weak economic performance in the Far East. Chinese industrial production and retail sales growth dropped to the lowest rate in the last decade, negatively impacting confidence on a global level, the Eurozone in particular having slowed as a result. Stay up-to-date with the latest currency market movements and how they could affect you by speaking to Currencies Direct or visit www.cur

Visit us at our Spanish offices in Costa del Sol, Costa Almeria, North Costa Blanca and South Costa Blanca. Telephone: UK +44 (0) 207 847 9400 SPAIN +34 950 478 914 Email: •

A new strategy for a new Britain GEORGE OSBORNE must consider himself to be one of the unluckiest men in British politics as he struggles to act as a grown up Chancellor of the Exchequer despite the fact that all of his dreams and expectations have shattered with the result of the exit referendum. During the entire tenure of his position, he was determined that the correct way to pull Britain away from the brink of recession was to be prudent, introducing austerity measures and cutting costs wherever possible in order for the country to return to a positive position by 2020, and to some extent like Gordon Brown, he must have considered himself ‘prime minister in waiting.’ Neither he nor David Cameron seem to have expected the possibility that the referendum would see a successful leave vote and with that, and the resignation of David Cameron, his position and indeed his entire financial policy became tenuous to say the least. Now we see a ‘lame duck’ chancellor who may be out of a job by September trying to manage the

Photo Credit Financial Times flickr wikimedia

By John Smith

TENUOUS POSITION: George Osborne with Richard Desmond owner of Express Newspapers. British economy at what is probably one of the trickiest points in recent history. He has now reversed his position on positive return of the economy by 2020, and is warning of fur-

ther austerity and tax increases but has now announced a proposed cut in corporation tax to try to stimulate a post Brexit economy. The Bank of England (note not

the Bank of the United Kingdom) has already indicated that it may cut interest rates and increase quantitive easing to help the economy in order to make borrowing easier for British

business but this will inevitably hurt the pound and investors will be likely to flow from the UK. Mr Osborne appears to be of the opinion, that a possibly drastic cut in corporation tax from the current 20 per cent to perhaps as low as 15 per cent will help to keep foreign investors in the UK but this is not considered to actually be terribly prudent by specialist observers as they consider that it may upset the very people that the government has to negotiate with, the 27 members of the European Union. The shadow chancellor John McDonnell, one of the few ‘old hands’ still in the shadow cabinet doesn’t think it is a good strategy as it is unlikely to encourage new investment and makes it look as if Britain is setting itself up to become a future ‘tax haven.’ At the end of the day, there is a fairly good chance that Mr Osborne’s position will be terminated in a couple of months so what he does now, whilst important in the short-term may well be reversed quite quickly although it may help his move from politics to the boardroom.

Photo Credit Peter Titmuss Shutterstock


HARVESTING MELONS: Hopefully short-term employees will be kept on longer.

Good news on the job front By John Smith ACCORDING to figures released by the Spanish government, unemployment in June fell by a staggering 124,349 people to just under 3.8 million people out of work which is a 3.2 per cent drop in a month, 8 per cent in a year and is now at its lowest level since 2009. With an anticipated increase in the number of tourist visitors to Spain during the summer period, there is a requirement for a large number of additional staff in the hospitality industry, but whilst this is good news in the short-term, many of the contracts issued will be shortterm rather than permanent which means that unemployment will invariably increase again later in the year. There is the hope that with the ongoing problems with terrorism and general industrial unrest from Turkey through Europe that the season in Spain will extend with increased off peak visitors, meaning that a number of

those employed now will be kept in work for longer than usual.

3.2 per cent, that’s the drop in June of the number of people who are out of work. It has dropped 8 per cent in a year. The level of unemployment is now at its lowest since 2009.

Young people are still the worst sufferers with even international retailers laying shop workers off after three months in order to save social security costs which means that as new workers graduate from schools and universities, they are finding it increasingly difficult to find work, which means that they are forced to continue to live with their parents rather than start an independent life. Many qualified youngsters have been leaving Spain to try to build careers in other

European countries, one of which is the UK but with the uncertainty surrounding further work and immigration status post Brexit that is a door which has been temporarily closed. Spain still has higher unemployment rates than any other EU member other than Greece but this latest news will delight the leaders of the PP who are trying to attract at least one other party in order to form a coalition government and they will argue that it was their policies that ensured that they attracted the largest number of votes. The one negative as far as the good news is concerned is that employment in both agriculture and house building continues to rise but having said that, even taking into account the number of temporary jobs created, the overall trend after adjustment still indicates an overall drop in general unemployment across the country and an increase in the number of people paying into social security.

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North




7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Be careful, Scotland LEAPY LEE SAYS IT


OMG, you Scots really do have to keep an eye on Nicola Sturgeon. I always thought she was dangerous, but never realised she was actually unhinged. Her reaction to the Brexit result contained so much overkill, I’m surprised she didn’t arrive in Brussels riding a chariot and swinging a claymore. And what a fool she made of herself. Talking for all the world as though Scotland had already voted for independence, she swore undying allegiance to the EU, and with an almost unbelievable arrogance, this self-important, English-hating SNP fanatic, with absolutely no mandate from the Scottish people whatsoever, told EU leaders that all immigrants were welcome in Scotland! I wonder what the good people of Scotland made of that little gem?

This sentiment was then echoed by another anti-British caber tosser, Alyn Smith, who embarrassingly begged and pleaded with Brussels to please ‘not let Scotland down,’ rounding off his speech with such guttural ferocity, I half expected Mel Gibson to pop up behind him roaring ‘FREEDOM!’ Give us a break. If ever anyone needed curbing it’s Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP. In my opinion, this hate-fueled, blindly ambitious party is more interested in ‘revenge’ on the English than the well-being of their constituents. Anyone with half a brain knows that an independent Scotland would never be accepted into the EU. With public sector debts of anywhere between £40 (€47) and £60 (€70.7) billion, rampant borrowing, oil revenues tumbling catastrophically, and an annual deficit of £15 (€17.7) billion, it is painfully clear that the policies of this disastrous party, who are so eaten by hatred and out of touch with reality they can’t see the kilts for

the claymores, and already snubbed by the majority of EU leaders, can only bring embarrassment and humiliation to this wonderful nation. I sincerely hope that all my Scottish friends and associates will see through this lot before they make the damage so permanent they will need to rebuild Hadrian’s Wall to keep everyone in (including all those ‘lovely’ immigrants!). Sturgeon, Salmond.... It’s all getting a bit fishy up there! Keep the faith. Love Leapy, Note: As many astute readers pointed out this w eek, t h e p i ct u re f ro m Leapy’s column last week co n t a i n ed a n u p si d ed o w n U n i o n Ja ck. T h e Euro Weekly would like to apologise for the oversight, although it is cert a i n l y n o t o u t si d e t h e realm of possibility that we threw it in intentionally to keep our patriotic readers on their toes.

STURGEON: I always thought she was dangerous, but never realised she was actually unhinged.




E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Matron, Medicine and Me 70 Years of the NHS 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Wanted 12:45pm Close Calls: On Camera 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Wimbledon 2016 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm Celebrity MasterChef 10:00pm New Blood 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News 11:45pm Question Time 12:45am This Week A political review of the week. 1:30am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather forecast. 1:35am BBC News

7:15am Matron, Medicine and Me 8:00am Homes Under the Hammer 9:00am The Great British Sewing Bee 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 12:30pm The Daily Politics 1:30pm Wimbledon 2016 9:00pm Today at Wimbledon 10:00pm The RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:20am The New Gypsy Kings 1:20am Euro 2016 Match Replay A chance to watch the second semifinal at Euro 2016 from Marseille. 3:00am Panorama 3:30am The Millionaires’ Holiday Club 4:30am This is BBC Two Highlights of programmes on BBC Two.

8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Top of the Pops 9:00pm Keys to the Castle 10:00pm The Secret Life of Bob Monkhouse 11:30pm The Bridges That Built London with Dan Cruickshank 12:30am Time Shift 1:30am Keys to the Castle 2:30am Top of the Pops John Peel presents the pop chart show, first broadcast on 4 February 1982. 3:10am The Secret Life of Bob Monkhouse 4:40am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more.

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:15pm ITV Evening News 7:45pm Emmerdale 8:15pm Euro 2016 11:15pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:45pm ITV News London The latest news and weather from London and the South East. 11:55pm The Chase Quiz show hosted by Bradley Walsh. 12:55am Murder, She Wrote

9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm Love Island 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Love Island 11:00pm Safeword 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy

8:30am 9:30am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 11:55am

6:05am 7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:55am 12:55pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am

12:55pm 2:00pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm

8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am



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8:50am Noddy: Toyland Detective 9:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm To B&B the Best 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:20pm NCIS 4:20pm I Dream of Murder 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Eamonn and Ruth: How the Other Half Lives 9:00pm On Benefits: Life on the Dole 10:00pm Big Brother 11:00pm It’s Not Me, It’s You 11:45pm Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:45am Lip Sync Battle

10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm


7:00am 8:40am 10:25am 12:05pm 1:50pm 3:45pm

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Fast and Furious 7 Special Lucy Run All Night Independence Day Troy Rush Hour 2 American Sniper Armageddon Lucy Run All Night Enemy of the State

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2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am

5:30pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:30am 2:30am 4:15am



The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory New Girl Angie Tribeca The IT Crowd The IT Crowd The Big Bang Theory

2:00pm One2eleven - Willy Sagnol 2:10pm One2eleven - Robert Pires 2:20pm One2eleven Christian Panucci 2:30pm One2eleven - Tony Cascarino 2:45pm One2eleven - Danny Gabbidon 3:00pm Stars of Europe 3:30pm Stars of Europe 4:00pm One2eleven - Ray Houghton 4:15pm One2eleven - Andy Townsend 4:30pm One2eleven Michael O’neill 4:45pm One2eleven - Iain Dowie 5:00pm Stars of Europe 5:30pm Stars of Europe 6:00pm One2eleven - Tony Adams 6:30pm One2eleven - Paul Gascoigne 7:00pm The F1 Show 8:00pm Barclays Premier League World 8:30pm Live Super League 11:30pm NRL - The Rookie 12:30am Super League Gold

Irrational Man Bad Bromance The Runner Vacation Regression Irrational Man Drama about a tormented philosophy professor struggling to find purpose in life. The Visit Bad Bromance The Visit Vacation Regression The Frankenstein Theory The Conjuring 2: Special The Warrens are back, this time battling sinister supernatural forces in London. The Runner Drama about a Louisiana congressman.

7:00am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm


6:30pm 7:00pm 10:30pm


1:00am 4:30am 5:00am

Cricket Classics Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest T20 Blast Cricket Cricket Classics Sporting Greats A profile of Australian cricketing icon Sir Don Bradman. T20 Blast Cricket Gloucestershire take on Surrey at The Brightside Ground in the NatWest T20 Blast. ATP Tour Uncovered Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Classics

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North






The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me?” Ayn Rand

Standing on the shoulders of giants By Matthew Elliott A QUICK glance at the headlines and you will see powerful women occupying the highest political offices making groundbreaking deals that shape the entire world and affect the lives of billions of people. Whether they are revolutionary rebels fighting for justice or a safe pair of hands in charge of the ship, women have proven their mettle time and time again, casting chauvinists overboard into the stormy waters of history. In Europe today we see Angela Merkel weathering storms, Nicola Sturgeon batting for Scotland, Theresa May stepping up in England and a tenacious cast of female mayors taking control from Barcelona to Rome. With Hillary Clinton poised to become president, many are predicting that the metaphorical glass ceiling will finally be shattered but back on planet earth women know that there’s more to the story than one house, however White it may be. It is women in the business world who are making the real difference and transforming the history of their communities by taking on leadership roles, setting new standards and using their practical influence to make the world a better place. Though there is much to be done, today we live in a world where women are no longer simply the patronised objects of female-only shortlists designed to make quotas and present the appearance of inclusiveness. Today more and more women are founding and running their own businesses, jilting the need to wait for men to make the changes and choosing instead to forge their own destinies. This is a far more revolutionary development than seeing women sit in high office, wearing staid suits and wielding long titles, because the freedom of private enterprise allows women to rewrite the rulebook itself. By starting their own businesses women are able to dictate their own agenda, choose their own gameplan, and take control of their own lives. So far, so good, Turn to page 54 but since not everyone can run

Featureflash Photo Agency

POWERFUL WOMEN: Stella McCartney and Oprah Winfrey.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend feeling sorry for themselves.

Barbara Corcoran


Bringing you everything from home IT’S not easy to create a new business from scratch and quickly establish it as the go-to place for a group of people, but that’s exactly what Gary and Debbie did when they opened their new business back in August 2005. Bump into any British resident and ask them where to go to buy a given British product, and the chances are they’ll point you to EX-PATS. Many British holiday-makers who regularly visit the area will point you in the same direction too. Back in the UK Debbie was a beauty therapist and Gary a computer consultant. They came to Spain, and after taking some time out and finding their feet, set about doing something completely different. They started out with a small supermarket in Altea, but wanted something bigger. Debbie in particular didn’t want to do without certain British products, but was horrified at the cost of them (if they could be found at all). It became their dream to be able to bring down the prices of British goods in Spain. They spent a year looking for the right location, and in 2005 opened their first warehouse. Their concept was simple, a

EX-PATS: British products always at your fingertips. EX-PATS is easy to find - ask anyone! See their advert in this newspaper for opening times and contact details, or visit

cash-and-carry selling to both trade and the public. They gave trader’s cards to traders and loyalty cards to members of the public, which gives a discount. They bought in bulk so savings could be passed onto customers. Debbie says it’s not just prices that bring people in, or even having the right stock. They, and their staff, are sociable and approachable, and customers like that. As they’ve grown so has their range and they now have over 10,000 lines and occupy four warehouses. They have a cafe too so people can enjoy a bite to eat and drink after shopping.

More than part of a growing trend From page 53

SUCCESSFUL WOMEN: Baroness Michelle Mone, founder of Ultimo.

their very own business, how are these women truly transforming their communities? The answer lies in the example they set. Young girls today have had a huge psychological barrier removed from their consciousness, and, by seeing successful women in every aspect of life, are now able to plan a future free of stifling social stereotypes. Business beats politics hands down when it comes to strengthening the female hand because the examples set are evident across all levels of the community and not simply at the top in a remote ivory tower. Women in business are not

distant celebrities, strange two-dimensional faces plastered across television screens and newspapers, they are the characters you see walking down the street, the women providing the things that we want and need and inspiring us while doing so. They own restaurants, estate agents, insurance firms, and communication companies. They are doctors, vets, lawyers, gardeners, fitters, carers and providers. They provide jobs, they plough money and services into their local community and they, more than a Clinton ever could, make a genuine difference to everyday life. Crucially, women in business have opened the gateway to an entirely new conception of how business itself is done, paving the way

Being a woman in business makes you a role-model and an inspiration.” for future generations to explore new avenues and ideas without being tied down by petty expectations and antiquated rules. History is an ongoing story, not simply a page in a forgotten book, and so it is important to remember that, without the bravery and strength of the trailblazing women of the past, it would be inconceivable to publish a full supplement devoted to women in business. But it is equally as important to remember that the women featured here today are not merely standing on the shoulders of giants, but are

giants themselves, the heroes to whom a generation of children are aspiring. Being a woman in business makes you more than simply part of a growing trend, it makes you a role-model and an inspiration, someone actively changing history rather than simply watching it go by, and a cornerstone of your community. Naturally these women don’t waste much time pausing to reflect on their unwitting heroics, after all they have businesses to run and lives to lead, so it is fitting that every so often we all stop to recognise their tremendous contribution, while doing everything we can to help future generations have their chance to change the world.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

If you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner.



A good sense of humour is a must ENJOYING a challenge keeps Debbie happy “IN this business you have to be a customer-focused person” says Debbie who, with her husband Gary, owns and runs EX-PATS in Villajoyosa. She believes this is fundamental to their success, along with the fact that they identified a need in the community for their vision of cheaper British products being available to everyone. Debbie spends much of her time in the UK sourcing their stock, and clearly enjoys the challenge of keeping her customers happy. She says “personality is much more important than gender, and describes herself as a ‘people’s person’.” She said a good sense of

It’s important to stay relevant to your customers and evolve with the times.” humour is a must and the ability to be friendly but firm where needed, but articulate enough to make your point without being patronising and to always be open to other people’s opinions and suggestions. In terms of staying relevant to their customers, she and Gary believe it is important to evolve with the times. When the financial crisis started in 2007/8 they introduced a lot of discount lines as well as a lot of overproduction lines. These proved very popular. The same mindset is important

now that Brexit has become a reality. She and Gary recognise that now that Britain has disassociated itself from the rest of Europe, there will be major complications for expats and any business in Spain that deals with Britain. Many of those won’t surface for several years, so again you have to evolve with the times and change accordingly.

DEBBIE CLAYTON: A real people’s person.




E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than create it herself.


Anaïs Nin


More than just beds THE BED CENTRE has been in Calpe since 1992 with owner and manageress Lucy working there since 2002 before taking over the business herself in 2006. As you would expect after 14 years Lucy knows pretty much all there is to know about buying a bed. Firstly, you need to go in and try a bed for yourself. Sit on one, have a lie down on one, try and imagine this being where you will spend that sometimes overlooked 33 per cent of your life. The odd customer has even been known to doze off on one. The beds themselves range from budget through to luxury and everything in between. Singles, doubles, bunk beds, whatever you require although they specialise in superking size beds and bed linen. As well as the huge choice of mattresses and bedsteads there is also the headboard to consider, all available here. The shop sells far more than beds of course. There is a wide choice of bedding with linen from the UK and Portugal. Portuguese linen is excellent quality and well suited to the Iberian climate. They also do a wide range of thermal-regu-

THE BED CENTRE: Ranging from budget through to luxury and everything in between as well as a wide choice of bedding with linen.

See their website, call on 965 836 814 or e-mail

lating bed linen for the hot summer nights. Pillows, cushions and children’s furniture are all available. Just ask and if it’s not in stock they well may be able to find it for you. When you have made your purchase it will be delivered and assembled as part of the price and your old bed removed. As part of the after care service they will even visit you

to turn your mattress if you find that a struggle yourself. Customer Service is very important at the Bed Centre as you will find out for yourself if you pay a visit. The Bed Centre is on Centro Commercial Biblos on the Calpe to Moraira road. There is parking available. Open in July and August from 10am to 2pm, Monday to Saturday.

Medical rebel By Matthew Elliott

E X PEC T to he a r the na me Eliz a be th Holmes more in the future. Born in 1984 the CEO and founder of blood-testing company Theranos recently became the world’s youngest self-made female billiona ire , w a s na me d a le a ding globa l thinker by Foreign Policy, one of the top 1 0 0 mos t influe ntia l pe ople by Time , Woman of the Year by Glamour, and Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship by President Obama.

ELIZABETH HOLMES: World’s youngest self-made female billionaire.

11 years were spent developing revolutionary blood-testing technology that looks set to transform health care. Deliberately avoiding the limelight, unusual in the social media age, Holmes has long been something of a prodigy, learning Mandarin in high school, combating the SARS virus while in university, before dropping out to spend 11 years developing revolutionary blood-testing technology that looks set to transform health care across the world. Venturing into one of the world’s most competitive and technological industries, Holmes claimed to have developed a way to run complete diagnostic testing from a single finger-prick and her company was soon valued at more than €8 billion, with her owning a 50 per cent share. An incredibly driven woman she wrote a letter aged just nine detailing her de-

sire to “discover something new, something that mankind didn’t know was possible to do.” A vegan who elects not to eat animal products so as to function on less sleep, she can quote Jane Austen from heart, and shuns dating and television. The health and technology industries have been put on notice by her quest to radically transform the affordability and transparency of quality health care. “The premise that you’re going to run a business, and that if someone is in need, I’m going to charge them a ton of money, is completely wrong,” she argues, as her company charges patients a fraction of the cost presented by rival multinationals. Her rare forays into public life see Holmes encouraging girls to focus on their education and speaking widely on female entrepreneurship. “It was a long time after I started this company that I realised that there had not been a sole female founder-CEO of a multibillion-dollar health care or technology company,” arguing that entrepreneurship is one area where a glass ceiling simply shouldn’t exist.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.



Virginia Woolf


‘Don’t take shortcuts’ HAD the chance to take over the business and jumped at the opportunity

LUCY GRANDE: Has never looked back after moving to Spain.

LUCY first moved to Spain from the UK back in 1981 and has never really looked back. As you can imagine things were very different in Spain in the early 80s. Lucy started her working life making leather handbags and belts in a shop on the Gabriel Miro and then went on to teaching languages for a while. In the late 1990s she started a business importing goods into Spain for a UK catalogue company for the burge oning e xpa tria te community. This was doing very well, but the devaluation of the peseta hit it hard. This led to Lucy working in the Calpe Bed Centre in 2002, although the business itself actually started in 1992. In 2006 she had the chance to take over the business and jumped at the opportunity.

LUCY Work hard, learn the language, but most important of all is customer service, this must ALWAYS be the focus.”

Outside of the business Lucy’s spare time is dominated with the ‘Make a Smile’ charity of which she is the president. Make a Smile is a well-established local charity that helps underprivileged children along the Costa Blanca with essentials such as feeding and

shelter. For example at the moment there is the Olive Tree Project. One thousand olive trees are being offered for sponsorship at €50 each per year. These can be purchased as a gift or maybe as a memorial for a loved one while at the same time helping the environment and the children. For more details about the charity visit Donations including clothing, bric a brac, toys etc can also be dropped in at The Bed Centre itself. Lucy r ecent l y m ar r i ed Tony, her long-time partner and has just become a grandmother for the first time. Asked what advice she would have for anyone starting a business in Spain she said the following: “Work hard, don’t take shortcuts, learn the language. “Most important of all is customer service, this must ALWAYS be the focus.”


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.

Estee Lauder


Your property needs under one roof NO job too big or too small By Simon Russell CBT Construction has been in Moraira since 2001 and they are both an estate agent and construction company. On the estate agency side of the business they cover roughly the area from Calpe to Javea and inland. They offer all types of properties to suit all budgets from small apartments to detached villas with pools. If you are interested in a particular property they will take you out to see it. If you don’t have a specific property in mind they will talk you through the options available to help you find that dream home. As you go through the buying process, Adela will arrange all the help you need on the legal side of things, helping you avoid the many pitfalls of Spanish property purchase. Regarding the construction side of CBT this

CBT CONSTRUCTION: The one stop shop.

is overseen by Adela’s husband Pasquale. He is an experienced builder with an established team of CBT employees working alongside him. There should be minimal need for subcontracting out work to third parties as is so often the case. If you require, Pasquale and his team can build a new property from scratch. They will even help you find the plot of land in your desired location if needs be. If you need major work doing on an existing property, a new pool, an extension, etc. no problem. They are also happy to take on smaller work, just contact the office with your requirements. One advantage as a buyer with this arrangement is, that if you want to purchase a house but feel it needs some modifications to meet your per-

sonal specification, this can all be done through CBT. A ‘one stop shop’ as it were. All new build work has a reassuring 10 year guarantee for the structural work and two years for any machinery and electrical components.

You can drop into the CBT Construction office on 24B Avenida Del Portet in Moraira (just up from the port area). Their website is or e-mail Telephone 966 491 392. Their opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm and 4pm to 7pm (10am to 2pm in the summer months).

A synopsis of women and business in Spain By Eleanor Hawkins

ALTHOUGH it’s undeniable that Spanish women have been far less active in the business world than men in the past, recently they have gained momentum, particularly amongst the self-employed and the world of small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, according to the GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) report for 2014, women made up 41.5 per cent of entrepreneurs starting new business ventures and 42.6 per cent of all entrepreneurs running businesses, and of those who expressed the intention to start up a business within three years 49.8 per cent were female. So what are Spanish women entrepreneurs like? Studies have shown that they don’t have horns or six eyes, in fact women entrepreneurs are very similar to their male counterparts: Age: the average age for women entrepreneurs is 38. For both sexes, 35-44 is the age when Spaniards are the most likely to start up in business. Marital status: approximately 53 per

FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS: Women are becoming much more active in starting new businesses. cent of women entrepreneurs in Spain are single, compared to 53 per cent of men. Yet 35 per cent have family responsibilities. Education: 65 per cent of Spanish women entrepreneurs have university qualifications, compared to 53 per

89 per cent of women who start new projects in Spain do so without any public funding.

cent of men. What sort of businesses do they go for? Men and women in Spain generally go for different types of business: On average, companies started by women take on fewer employees (1.7)

than those started by men (1.85). Women tend to lean more towards retail and consumption sectors: 62.3 per cent of businesses founded by women compared to 47.7 per cent founded by men are in these sectors. Within the industry sector 22.5 per cent of companies are started by men, compared to just 10.5 per cent by women. Women show more originality: 17.8 per cent of companies started by women are unique in the market, yet just 14.5 per cent of women entrepreneurs are found to innovate in their products or services. What problems do they face? A study by Sage software company revealed that 89 per cent of women who start new projects in Spain do so with no public funding, 36.5 per cent use their savings, 23 per cent borrowed money from friends or family and 7 per cent went to private investors. Most women say it should be easier to get government grants and tax and fiscal benefits should be provided to encourage more to launch themselves into the world of business.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!



Audrey Hepburn


Finding and building your perfect home LISTENING to the customer is the key to being successful By Simon Russell

ADELA LLOBELL: Believes in doing things right first time for the customer.

CBT Construction has an office in the heart of Moraira on Avenida Del Portet. Adela has been running their office here since 2001 and they have seen out the recent re c e s s ion a nd othe r dips in the Spanish economy. One of the reassuring things about CBT is that they are a true family business. As well as herself and her husband Pasquale, Adela has a brother and cousin who all work for the firm. Asked about what makes CBT a successful business Adela said it is really very simple “All our clients

Repeat business is the lifeblood of a business like ours, do things right first time and clients will come back to you in the future and recommend you to other people.”

come back! Repeat business is the lifeblood of a business like ours. If you do things right first time, and really listen to the customer, they will come back to you in the future

and recommend you to other people.” Adel a f ocuses on t he off i ce based side of the business and if you go there it is probably her you will meet. She speaks English and Spanish as well as Valenciano. On t he hom e f r ont Adel a and Pasquale have three children, an older child and two who are still at primary school. She was born and still lives in Benitachell in the Marina Alta, so is very much a local. In fact she says that their knowledge of the area is another reason why CBT Construction will always be well placed to help you find - or build the house of your dreams.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in it, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.

Hillary Clinton


Regain control over your life A GOOD night’s sleep and lack of needless complications are among the most understated secrets to a contented and stress-free life. Unfortunately not taking control of certain details can cause a real headache further down the line. However long you have lived in Spain you will likely be all too familiar with the aggravating problem of finding a dependable insurance provider. Someone you can trust to provide the best possible service, and who offers a more personal, collaborative approach to properly address your needs. Jennifer Cunningham Insurances has cultivated a well-deserved reputation across the expatriate community courtesy of a deeper, client friendly focus on insurance policies and an exemplary service backed up by glowing testimonials. Sensitive to the very particular and often complex needs of expats living in Spain, and with professionally qualified, multi-lingual personnel, Jennifer Cunningham Insurances is the place to turn to when you want your insurance claim dealt with swiftly and effectively. Partnered with ASSSA and Liberty Se-

provider should empower you, rather than trap you in even more paperwork and complex contracts. This means that you are able to sit down and have a personal chat with any one of the expert staff at hand, to freely discuss your hopes and concerns with someone who is passionate and determined to help. You are also placed in charge of the renewal process, with nothing happening without your say-so, as is frequently the case in Spain, which means that you can finally regain control over your financial affairs, strengthened by the invaluable guidance of this dedicated and professional team.

JENNIFER CUNNINGHAM: More than just a voice on the phone. guros, two of Spain’s most respected insurers, and with more than 20 years hands-on experience in the industry, Jennifer Cunningham Insurances offers a comprehensive range of services to help you manage your life. Whether it is home, health or car insurance you will be offered the full scope of expertise and advice to help you ensure that you make

A success in her own right By Matthew Elliott

ALTHOUGH her husband received most of the accolades, Rosalia Mera actually co-founded the Zara retail chain and went on to pioneer the evolution of Inditex, the world’s largest fashion group. When she passed away in 2013 Mera was acclaimed by Forbes magazine as the world’s richest self-made woman, proving that she was not just along for the ride, but was a formidable businesswoman in her own right. Indeed before her passing she had a personal wealth of more than €5 billion. Dropping out of school at an early age, Mera began work as a sales assistant in a clothes shop aged just 11 and soon began designing her own clothes at home. With husband Amancio Ortega she opened their first Zara store

€5 BN was the amount of her personal wealth before she died.

in 1975. Inditex was created as a holding company in 1985 and, despite her divorce from Ortega the following year, Mera retained a 7 per cent stake in the rising company. She also owned interests in a scientific research company and one making fingerprint identification for babies. She played a role in politics too, fighting restrictive abortion laws in Spain and opposing austerity cuts in healthcare and education. She also established a foundation to help vulnerable people at risk of social exclusion.

the right decision for you and your family. Legal and financial services are also available, as are life, travel and pet insurance, as well as sensitive funeral planning. The key philosophies underpinning the success of Jennifer Cunningham Insurances are the attitude that they are more than just a voice on the phone, and that a good insurance

So if you want to enlist the help of an insurance provider you can trust and talk to on a down-to-earth and personal level, then simply call 966 461 690 today and request a call back. You can also visit them online at to find out more, read informative articles, and see what other expats have to say.

Pioneering president RISING to the very top of a traditionally male-dominated industry, and commanding great respect while doing so, is no mean feat. That is what makes the achievements of Ruth Salzmann so special. Passing away a few years ago at the ripe old age of 95, Salzmann was a pioneer of the insurance industry, becoming the first female actuarial fellow in the Casualty Actuarial Society in 1946, going on to become the first woman officer at the Insurance Company of North America in 1962. In 1978 when, despite advances in feminism, most women were still struggling for basic rights, including equal pay, Salzmann became the first female president of the Society. Her ‘Salzmann curves’ became required reading for young students and she was renowned by peers for her high ethical standards and witty company. A keen tennis player, she played trumpet with an accomplished symphony orchestra. Later she competed in the national Senior Olympics, wrote several books and was named one of the 100 Leading Women by Business Insurance in 2000.

INSURANCE INDUSTRY: Very much male-dominated.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

People respond well to those that are sure of what they want.



Anna Wintour

JENNIFER CUNNINGHAM - JENNIFER CUNNINGHAM INSURANCES JENNIFER: Her story is a stirring and touching one that relates to courage.

Going the extra mile JENNIFER is an inspiring figure who makes the Costa Blanca a far better place to be A DETERMINED, passionate lady who keeps herself fit and young through healthy living and an inspiring enthusiasm for helping others, Jennifer’s story is a stirring one that relates courage, dedication and the incalculable benefits of a positive mental attitude. Having moved to Spain in the late 1980’s, Jennifer soon found herself alone with only a half finished home and a widows’ pension after her husband sadly passed away. Many will recall the transformative moments in

their life when they stood, changed but unbroken, and found the strength to continue by channelling their love, rather than being overcome by fear, and Jennifer began the long road towards developing her own life, and helping many others along the way. From humble beginnings working from the simplicity of her own bedroom, Jennifer managed to apply her experience working in health insurance, and her philosophy of putting people before profit, to eventually become a household name on the Costa Blanca, admired for her forthright attitude and prudent advice. It certainly wasn’t an easy feat. At the be-

ginning Jennifer wasn’t computer literate, which means she didn’t have a clue how to use the darned machines. Learning from scratch blessed her with a more empathetic understanding of the difficulties faced by her fellow expatriates in Spain. Her company, Jennifer Cunningham Insurances, was built on the principle that a personal, one on one service was fundamental to ensuring that people’s needs are properly met and that real interaction can never be replaced with the detachment of the telephone or internet. Jennifer also has her own sound advice programme on Bay Radio where she offers valuable and impartial insights. More than a caring businesswoman, Jennifer is one of the many inspiring figures who quite simply make the Costa Blanca a far better place to live. Find out more about Jennifer and her company at


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.


Dolly Parton


Leading the way in telecommunications TELITEC are the leading independent provider of telecommunications in Spain, a trusted and well-established company who specialise in dealing with expats and their telecom needs. This is an incredibly fast moving industry and Telitec always ensure they are at the forefront of any new technologies that come onto the market so the benefits can be passed on to the customer. A good example of this is the upcoming launch of Fibre 300. This means Telitec will be able to offer high speed fibre connections to many communities. You can find out more about this product on Telitec offer landlines, mobiles, 4G, wireless and ADSL. Unlike most other telecom companies in Spain they have their own wireless masts which gives them an advantage over other firms who are reliant on third parties. They also provide UKTV packages via either satellite dishes or the internet (IPTV). If you contact Telitec and outline your requirements you will be talked through all options available in plain English with a minimum of ‘tech-talk’ depending, of

Telitec’s office is at Ctra. Moraira a Calpe 82, Teulada, or alternatively you can call them on 965 743 473 or 902 889 070. All details of what they provide, technical support numbers and more can be seen if you visit their excellent website

course, on your own level of knowledge. Once you have purchased one of their products they have a dedicated technical helpline so customer service does not stop at the point of sale as happens with so many firms. The helpline is available out of hours and can even be called from the UK on the 0800 local rate. Telitec are both a locally based and socially minded company covering the whole of Spain and the Baleares. Telitec employs local staff and are constantly involved in charity and other events such as the recent ‘Kids got Talent’ shows right through to their sponsorship of Free Spirits HD, a local Harley Davidson bikers group.

We have a dedicated technical helpline so customer service does not stop at the point of sale.”

Busting the myths about women in business By Eleanor Hawkins

THERE are plenty of myths out there about women, and when it comes to successful businesswomen they become almost outrageous. To combat some of these myths, the 30% Club (a group set up in London in 2010 to try and achieve a minimum of 30 per cent women on FTSE-100 boards) got together with KPMG assessment firm and business psychology firm YSC to investigate data from more than 100 companies across the world, evaluate replies from almost 10,000 questionnaires and interview almost 100 women (and a few men) from various levels on the corporate ladder. These were the seven main beliefs the study revealed to be not entirely true: Myth 1: Having children hinders women on their way to the top. Reality: The impact of maternity on women’s professional opportunities is weaker than imagined. Statistically there are no significant differences in the number of women with

TOP WOMEN: Are more anchored to reality than their male colleagues. and without children who are promoted. Myth 2: Women don’t reach the top because they lack confidence. Reality: Women are very aware of the risks, so they are more anchored to reality than their male col-

30 per cent is the target to achieve in getting a minimum number of women on the FTSE-100 boards.

leagues. This is often taken to mean women are less confident than their male counterparts, however the investigation found no difference in the number of professional decisions made by one sex or the other. Myth 3: Women don’t want top

leadership positions. Reality: The surveys revealed that there are just as many women as men eager to be in charge. Myth 4: Women give up before getting to the top. Reality: Investigators found no evidence of more women giving up than men. Myth 5: Women don’t have the necessary leadership traits to direct. Reality: 360 people were asked about their boss’s behaviour and in general terms there was little difference between the sexes. Myth 6: Women at the top don’t help those underneath them. Reality: Most women leaders use their contacts to create a diverse group in their teams and the majority say they are interested in training and mentoring women in their employ. Myth 7: Women have it easier on the way up. Reality: Most women said that flexible working conditions such as working from home and shorter hours had not actually been significant in their careers.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.



Melinda Gates


The face of Telitec BEING a ‘people person’ is vital to success

GEMMA BROAD: More than just a pretty face.

GEMMA’S role in the telecommunications firm is Business and Promotions manager. Essentially that means she is the face of the company and also that she spends more time working outside of the office than in it. If there is an event organised by Telitec, or one where the firm have a presence, odds are that Gemma will be involved with it every step of the way. A recent example of the sort of thing Gemma gets involved in is the ‘Kids got Talent’ event. This was held earlier in the year showcasing the talents of local Costa Blanca children. It proved such a success that another event is already in the pipeline with entries starting in August for a planned November finale. Other events have included wine tasting, paintballing and Fun Days.

If you need someone to hold your hand when dealing with technology then that is what we will do.”

Gemma also organises the more business oriented events such as the very popular business brunches and business networking events. On top of all this there is the charity side of things with good causes such as Akira and Jalon Valley Help all benefiting from Telitec’s fundraising efforts. Gemma moved over to Spain in 2002 from Rainham in Kent. She had a couple of jobs before arriv-

2002 Moved to Spain

2012 Started working at Telitec

ing at Telitec in 2012. Gemma has two girls aged 10 and two, who both attend local Spanish schools in Javea where they all live. Her partner Ross also works for Telitec. Gemma obviously has to be a ‘people person’ for her job and she believes Telitec’s success is down to their customer service skills. This extends far beyond just sales but after-sales as well. As Gemma put it “if you need someone to hold your hand when dealing with technology, then that is what we will do.”


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

I don’t believe in failure. It’s not failure if you enjoyed the process.


Oprah Winfrey


You may be pleasantly surprised By Simon Russell MELANIE and Siegfried decided to open Amasvista in 2011 after judging there was a gap in the market in quality custom-made windows and doors. People were often making do with an unsuitable product as they felt custom-made products were too expensive or took too long to manufacture. However, the truth is cheap products will not last long in the harsh Spanish climate and badly fitted doors and windows increase heating and air conditioning costs to the point where any saving is effectively wiped out. When people do ask for a quote they are usually pleasantly surprised. Regarding time, most orders will be delivered and fitted within an average of 10 days. Less time than most ‘off the shelf’ products in fact. The other partner in the business is Pedro Vazquez who is half German and half Spanish. He is their commercial technician and will help you in selecting what you need taking into account budget, etc. Two other members of staff work full time on the construction side of things. All frames are made of metal, which Amasvista regards as the best product for the sometimes torrential winter rains and blistering

CONSERVATORIES: Can also be constructed.

You can contact Melanie on 966 457 878 or Their website is The business is located at Poligon Les Galgues, Calle La Pansa 9, Pedreguer.

summer sun we have in these parts. The metals used are steel (stainless or galvanised) and aluminium. While most people will be familiar with aluminium for doors and window frames they may not be so familiar with the benefits of using steel which is very strong and extremely weatherproof. As well as windows and doors Amasvista can also construct car ports, conser-

vatories, wind breaks, glass roofs (fixed and mobile), even metal staircases. They are also suppliers of the well known Markilux Awnings range, the German market leader. Concerning the glass itself a wide range is offered, again depending on your own specifications. Just contact or visit Melanie, explain what you think you want and you may well be pleasantly surprised.

Learning how to delegate for the best outcome THE higher up a person moves in an organisation, the more effectively they need to delegate. Successful delegation involves turning the right tasks over to the right people for the right reasons, with the resources and authority to act. It requires giving employees enough information, authority, and resources to get the job done the way it needs to be done. Delegation goes beyond just handing off the job. It includes setting performance expectations, following-up, and providing feedback

How to be a leader at work Leadership is the set of attitudes that can make a person be considered a leader. From the definition of leader, we can obtain several conclusions. Being a leader is not something that cannot be achieved alone. Being a leader is to be successful as a team by encouraging a team to work in harmony to achieve a common goal. For someone to be considered a leader they need to know how to recognise their own talent and the talent of the rest of the team.

How to value yourself more It is normal to want to wait for consistent recognition by others. One of the most frus-

trating feelings is to give the best, waiting for an outsider to come along and congratulate the work that one did, and that does not happen, ever. Learning lies in enjoying the good work because there springs the true inner satisfaction; a person can feel valuable, capable, competent and creative.

everyday decisions and actions. Walking with direction means that we can create scenarios where we want to be and move. These scenarios that are created in our minds first, have sounds, powerful images and feelings.

How to give direction to your life Whoever walks with direction in life always does it with sense; they have in mind the word ‘hope.’ Who cannot see beyond can hardly give a direction to their life. The directio n o f th e dre a ms c le a rly ma rks

PART OF TEAM: Essential to being a leader.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.



Charlotte Whitton


A gap in the market MELANIE is fluent in English and Spanish as well as German By Simon Russell

BEFORE moving to Spain, Melanie had lived near Stuttgart in Germany, where she had worked for international parcel company UPS. Her role at UPS had involved working in their customs clearance department. It was this role that allowed her to brush up on the English she had first learnt at school and she is now a fluent English speaker. She also speaks Spanish and of course her native German. After holidaying here over the years Melanie and her husband Siegfried (Siggy) decided to make the move permanent in 2009. They initially lived inland of Alicante

2009 Moved permanently to Spain

Melanie You have to be honest with customers at all stages and it is key to run the business in a professional manner at all times.”

but decided to move to the Pedreguer area and in 2011 they started Amasvista Windows.

2011 Started Amasvista Windows

Melanie explained that she and Siggy “felt there was a gap in the market in quality custom windows and doors here while in fact very few off the shelf products are suitable for people’s actual requirements.” They discovered the current unit on the Les Galgues Poligon which was ideal in all respects for what they needed and a well-known location for the public close to the Pedreguer Sunday Rastro site. Asked what she felt was the key to running a successful business - and being a successful businesswoman - in Spain, Melanie was adamant it was customer service. “You have to be honest with customers at all stages,” she said. “The other key thing is to run the business in a professional manner at all times. “Don’t try to cut corners, especially with legal and financial matters.” Asked what was the best thing about her work she replied: “Doing a job well and then seeing the satisfaction of people after we have installed their products - and knowing it will be there for years to come.”


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

To love what you do and feel like it matters, how could anything be more fun? .


Katherine Graham


Pellicer & Heredia are there to help expat community By Simon Russell

The brand new office of Pellicer & Heredia.

PELLICER & HEREDIA have 15 years experience behind them and are members of the Alicante Lawyers Society. Their field of expertise is in international law and they speak English, Spanish, Russian, German and Swedish. As well as lawyers, the firm has barristers, solicitors and tax advisers. There is also a UK qualified solicitor which is invaluable for those moving to or from the UK who need advice. When you first purchase your property in Spain they will ensure everything is done legally with their independent conveyancing service. Taxes in Spain are a complex issue, especially for expatriates, and they will talk you through your tax

obligations based on your personal status and circumstances. Remember not just those in work are affected by Spain’s tax laws and everyone should be aware of where they stand if, for example, they have property or savings in another country. Pellicer & Heredia can also help with setting up your own business and ensuring this is done in a totally legal fashion. Other services include debt recovery, complaints and claims against companies and individuals, consumer rights and enforcement of foreign legal judgements. When moving to Spain it is always advised that you update your will to ensure your wishes are carried out and Pellicer & Heredia can guide you through the whole process.

The firm has eight lawyers and their service is so comprehensive it is fair to say that if you have a legal requirement their legal team will almost certainly be able to help you. Just contact them for an initial discussion. Remember a good lawyer or adviser should save you money in the long term whether it is from avoiding fines or from reducing your tax bills. Everything will be dealt with in English if you wish, so there is no danger of any misunderstanding in what can be a complex subject. Pellicer & Heredia have 10 offices from Marbella to TeuladaMoraira and the full list can be found on their website www.pel If you want to speak to someone (in English) call 965 480 737 or email

Breaking through boundaries By Eleanor Hawkins KATHARINE MEYER GRAHAM, an American publisher who led her family’s newspaper The Washington Post for more than two decades, became the first female Fortune 500 CEO in 1972. Born in 1917 into a privileged New York City family, Katharine was the daughter of a financier, Eugene Meyer, who bought The Washington Post in 1993 at a bankruptcy auction. Her mother Agnes Elizabeth (née Ernst) was a bohemian intellectual and political activist who worked as a journalist when the profession was still uncommon amongst women. After studying at Vassar College and the University of Chicago, Katherine worked for a San Francisco newspaper before joining the Post in 1938 and marrying Philip Graham in 1940. In 1946 Eugene Meyer handed the Post over to his son-in-law. In her autobiography, Katherine explained that at the time she was not bothered that her father hadn’t handed her the reins of the family business: “Far from troubling

KATHARINE MEYER GRAHAM: Became the first female Fortune 500 CEO in 1972. me that my father thought of my husband and not me, it pleased me. In fact, it never crossed my mind that he might have viewed me as someone to take on

an important job at the paper.” After a short period as head of the World Bank, Meyer remained as chairman of the Washington Post Company

until he died in 1959, when Philip Graham took over and expanded the company by buying TV stations and Newsweek magazine.

Eventually, following years of alcoholism and mental illness which eventually led to the couple’s separation, Philip Graham committed suicide in 1963 and his widow stepped in as head of the company and the Post. Katherine took over and in 1972 became the first ever female Fortune 500 CEO. Being the first woman to reach such a high position within a publishing company she had no role models to follow and had a lot of trouble making male colleagues and employees take her seriously, yet she slowly adapted and made her presence felt. Over the years she notched up a number of awards for her work, including the S Roger Horchow Award for Greatest Public Service by a Private Citizen at the Jefferson Awards in 1975 and a Freedom medal in 1997. In 2000, she was named as one of the International Press Institute’s 50 World Press Freedom Heroes of the past 50 years and she was presented posthumously with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President George W Bush in 2002.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. A woman must do what he can’t.



Rhonda Hansome


Think pink – in the legal world! LADIES flying high at Pellicer & Heredia “IF you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. This is exactly what drives the te a m a t Pe llic e r & Heredia

Lawyers Sandra Lacort Longato and Maria Jose Diaz Veracierta at the office opening party.

solicitors and tax advisors. Pellicer & Heredia was created by two ambitious experts of law - Mr Ignacio Pellicer Mollá and Mr Pedro Heredia Ortiz. The idea of creating this law firm was focused on the most important thing for the founding partners - to help peopl e by sol vi ng t hei r problems in the most convenient and comprehensible way. This is why Pellicer & Her edi a gat her ed a t eam with knowledge of both national and international law, and extremely wide competence and skills of several languages… not to mention a team of competent f em al e sol i ci t or s, t ax advi sor s, account ant s and administrators.

Not only are the members of t he t eam at Pel l i cer & Heredia predominantly female… they are incredibly ski l l ed i n t hei r speci f i c fields, speak between them eight languages, act as the legal representatives for some of the largest companies in Spain, have international links with embassies and multinational companies throughout the world and still focus on the most i m por t ant aspect of any business - YOU the customer. To find out more information on the team please visit For more information on changes in the law and subjects of interest to you, look at their blog or videos.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


There are some people who still feel threatened by strong women. That’s their problem, not mine.

Gloria Allred


Care group plugs healthcare system gap for expats on Costa Blanca THE motto adopted by local organisation 3C is ‘Caring-Companionship-Cleaning,’ hence the name of this well-established company which has been in business since 2005. However, Sue freely admits the cleaning side of things is only a small part of their activities these days and the nursing and caring side of things, and the companionship that all good carers provide, is really at the heart of their business now. “The need for qualified experienced carers and nurses in the area was just so great that this side of things took off immediately,” Sue explained. To enable 3C to cater for the still growing demand they are always looking for more nurses and carers. “Our staff need to be RGNs, have NVQ level 2,3,4 or be accredited Health Care Assistants (HCAs).” There are ‘carers’ working out there who are unqualified and this should

CARE GROUP: Cater for a growing demand.

be a worry for people in their hands. To illustrate this, Sue outlined what is expected of her nurses: “They change dressings, remove stitches and also control medication. Even the carers need to be able to hoist and roll patients, as well as their other daily requirements. There is a whole range of things that only experienced and qualified staff can do safely. These are the sort of procedures that would be covered by NHS home visits in

the UK. We also have a number of people who receive palliative care in their own homes.” 3C cares for people from Denia to Mazarron down in Murcia. Not all of them need daily or even weekly visits and not all of them are seriously ill. However they all have certain things that they are unable to do without help and this is really where 3C comes into the picture. 3C tailors a nursing and care package to suit your needs and free assessments are carried out by the nursing co-ordinators, including establishing any hospital equipment required. 3C also offer a repatriation service to the UK.

If you want to find out more either about whether they can help you, someone you know or about working for them Sue can be contacted on 664 266 991 or e-mailed at Her nursing co-ordinator for Alicante to Mar Menor is Anne who can be contacted on 634 318 769 while Jackie, who covers Alicante to Denia, can be reached on 606 890 279. For further information go to 3C’s website

Arianna Huffington - a passion for words By Eleanor Hawkins ARIANNA HUFFINGTON is a prolific author and international media mogul whose name will, if nothing else, ring a bell as the founder of award-winning online news platform The Huffington Post. Born on July 15, 1950, in Athens, Greece, Arianna moved to the UK at the age of 16 and studied economics at Girton College, Cambridge, where she became the first foreign and third female president of its famed debate organisation the Cambridge Union. After obtaining her master’s degree she moved to London and began to write, publishing controversial The Female Woman, a book criticising certain trends in women’s lib movements, with Random House in 1974. This was followed in 1980 with a political-oriented book, After Reason. Early in the 1970s she met Bernard Levin while appearing in an edition of Face the Music and a relationship began which would mark her early career years. After his death she wrote: “He wasn’t just the big love of my life, he was my mentor as a

ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: A prolific author.

writer and a role model as a thinker.” However, as much as she loved Levin, who she spent years working and travelling with, at the age of 30 she realised she yearned for marriage and children while he wanted neither, sparking her move in 1980 to New York to start a new life. The next year she released an acclaimed biography of Maria Callas which got her name better known, and this was followed in the 80’s by a work on the importance of ancient Greek myths and a biography of Pablo Picasso. In 1986 she married Michael Huffington, a secretary within the US Department of Defense, and they had two children. Arianna would assist and support him in his political career until their divorce in 1997. A few years of political dabbling followed, with Huffington running against Arnold Schwarzenegger for the California governorship in 2003 before withdrawing, then in 2005 she hit on gold by launching The Huffington Post online news site with Kenneth Lerer and becoming

its editor-in-chief. By 2008, The Observer had ranked the Post as the most powerful blog in the world. In 2011, Huffington sold the site to AOL for more than 300 million US dollars and subsequently became president and editor-in-chief of the company’s Huffington Post Media Group. From nothing, this woman has grown into an institution, appearing on Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world, Forbes’ lists of the most influential women in media and the 100 most powerful women in the world and The Guardian’s top 100 in media list among others. However since passing out and injuring herself in her office in 2007 from overwork, she has discovered that life should not be all work and no play. She has become a spokesperson for the importance of maintaining a balance between work, good health and enjoyment and has positioned the work/life balance as an important reform for companies to place at the forefront of their culture.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes- understand that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a part of it.



A. Huffington


Always there to lend a helping hand 3C - caring for people in the comfort of their own home

SUE REULA: Always looking to recruit more nurses and carers.

SUE moved to a quiet villa just outside Finestrat in 2002 but things haven’t quite worked out that way. Sue had been holidaying in Spain for as long as she can remember and in fact met her husband Manuel while on holiday in 1972. Manuel came to England to live and they started the construction business in Milton Keynes that they would own, manage and run until they sold it prior to their long planned Spanish ‘retirement.’ While Manuel was enjoying his hobby of golf and settling into retirement nicely, Sue was beginning to feel a bit restless and started helping out with the local HELP

25 nurses and carers are employed by 3C to provide help and care.

charity in nearby Benidorm. Working there she realised that nearly all the people using the HELP service required care of some sort. A nurse Sue knew through HELP had also noticed this and they agreed that if Sue ran the business side of things she could look after the nursing element. Due to the gap in the market that

existed the business took off immediately. Although Sue was still able to control the business side of things it soon became clear that one nurse was insufficient. The search for qualified nurses or nursing assistants began and has been ongoing ever since and they now have 25 nurses and carers and are always looking for more. In case the business wasn’t keeping her busy enough, Sue is also director of the MABS cancer charity for the area which has charity shops along the Costa Blanca. Sue also has two grandchildren aged four and five who live out here and keep her busy a lot of the time.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.

J.K. Rowling


Love, timing and a palace CHRIS came to Benidorm on holiday back in 1971, met and fell in love with Vicente, returned home to work out her notice as a nursery nurse then came back to Vicente. They set up a souvenir shop in Hotel Los Pelicanos, which set them up financially, and they started a family. Things went well for them, so in his early 40s musician Vicente decided to retire. After about a year he was climbing the walls, but an opportunity came along. They found themselves seated with the then owners of Benidorm Palace at a little girl’s communion, and got chatting. They learned that the owners had tried to turn the site into, amongst other things, a hotel and a supermarket, but had always had permission refused. They had decided that the best thing to do was raze it to the ground. Chis was horrified, and said that they couldn’t pull down that beautiful club. The owners’ response was that if she felt so strongly about it she should take it on. A meeting the next day confirmed a deal, and they came away with a 10-year contract to rent, with an option to buy (which they did, four years later). Chris and Vicente took over on August 1, 1990, and on the first night there were only 30

BENIDORM PALACE: A landmark, not just physically, but also in terms of quality. bookings (there were more people on the stage!). A member of staff asked if the show should therefore be cancelled, as was the norm. This prompted a staff meeting at which Chris made it clear that, even if there was only one book-

ing, the show would go on. Within 12 months the Palace had overcome its previously bad reputation and things were looking up. The BBC then made a programme called ‘Escape to the Sun,’ which featured the Palace

heavily, and that put it on the map. Up to this point there were no kitchens, but Chris and Vicente wanted to provide food and entertainment under one roof, so they initially used outside caterers. This was so

successful that they had kitchens built. That opened the doors to congresses, conferences, weddings and so on. Today Benidorm Palace is a landmark, not just physically, but also in terms of quality.

Victoria Beckham: Spice Girl to icon A TOP businesswoman, fashion designer and model By Gemma Quinn WHO would have thought that after bursting on to the scene as part of the quirky, fun pop group Spice Girls in the late 1990’s that Victoria Beckham would now be such a global icon. Born Victoria Caroline Adams in April 1974, the singer is now a top businesswoman, fashion designer and model and is of course best known for being the other half of ‘Brand Beckham,’ marrying England footballer David Beckham in 1999. The couple now have four children and in 2014 it was reported their joint wealth was an estimated £380 million (€537 million) but Victoria is in no way just a ‘WAG’ having traded on her husband’s name and status. She has gone on to create a name

Fury, in citingCan her also rise tobefashion defor herself in the fashion world inCONSERVATORIES: the constructed. signer, concluded that her fashion sales past decade. In 2007 it was reported were down to the appeal of the designs she was the 52nd richest woman in and not the celebrity association. Britain. Whilst she could be a walking adA recognised style icon and fashion vert for women having it all, she does designer she made numerous highsay she struggles like all other workprofile collaborations with other ing mothers: “It’s a constant strugbrands before launching her own label gle,” she said earlier this year. Victoin 2008 and a lower-priced ‘Victoria ria was one of a number of famous By Victoria Beckham’ label in 2011. women who published letters about The Victoria Beckham label was their role as a mother on news named designer brand of the year in website Time: “Like so many the UK in 2011 and in 2012 the brand working mothers all over the was assessed as the star performer in world I feel the constant strugthe Beckham’s business interests. gle to be the best mother I can In September 2012, it was reported whilst setting a good example she was the most talked about designer to my children to work hard. I on Twitter during New York Fashion travel for work when it’s Week and acquired 57,000 new folnecessary and I miss them lowers during the shows. Last year all the time.” fashion journalist and critic Alexander

VICTORIA BECKHAM: A global icon.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Option A is not available. So let’s kick the sh** out of option B.



Sheryl Sandberg


Brick walls in a man’s world WHAT Chris says today, she will still say tomorrow and next week By Keith Baker

CHRIS CLIMENT: Owner of Benidorm Palace (seated).

WORK work work, 24 hours a day. That’s how Chris, owner of the Benidorm Palace, describes what it was like in the early days when she and husband Vicente took on the challenge of the Palace. In those early days there was a brick wall to break down. Not only were they new owners, but one of them was a woman, and a foreigner to boot. The staff had seemingly been there forever, and were very wary. After a short while, Chris overheard a member of staff referring to

Hard work and determination has paid off. Money can’t buy that feeling of achievement.” her as Thatcher, and responded by saying “Great! Then I can’t be doing too bad a job.” That broke the ice, and from then on people realised that what Chris said today she would still say tomorrow and next week. Asked what advice she would offer to other women, Chris said “be

yourself and don’t be scared of anybody. Don’t stand in awe of men or anybody else. Do what you firmly believe is the right thing to do.” Chris says she’s always been fair with people to the best of her ability, and helped them when she can. The ethos of the Palace is that everyone looks after each other, and this comes from the top. All that hard work and determination has paid off. Chris says that even now she gets a buzz when she looks out to a packed house, sees the happy faces and hears the applause, and always remembers those early days. Money can’t buy that feeling of achievement, she says.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.

Sara Blakely


Ristorante Nova Bussola - it’s the best place to go for Italian food By Simon Russell

SERVING Italian food, and only Italian food, to the discerning diner on the Costa Blanca, Ristorante Nova Bussola is a must visit restaurant for lovers of proper, authentic, pizzas, pastas and much more. The customer feedback is terrific with quotes such as “Great place, fantastic crew, service and atmosphere. And most importantly wonderful food. Five star place!” “Excellent. Eat here regularly and we are never disappointed. The food and service are both superb. Prices very reasonable given the quality.” So what type of food can you expect? Well you might be surprised to learn that their most popular dish is spaghetti with parmesan - too simple surely? But of course the essence of

The restaurant can be found at Altea, Parada Cap Negret 1. For enquiries or reservations call 965 845 839. Their opening hours are 1pm until 3.30pm and 7pm until 11pm (closed Wednesdays). You can visit their Facebook page at Nova Bussola Altea. The restaurant is happy to cater for large groups and special occasions, just call and ask Vita what your requirements are.

NOVA BUSSOLA: ‘The best Italian food out of Italy.’

Courage of conviction ‘DRESS like a man, act like a man’ is a tactic followed by many women to gain respect in the workplace and project leadership and strength, but there is an underlying assumption that there’s something wrong with the way women dress or act. The reality is that in order to lead it is important to embrace your strengths, and if this means empathising and building relationships then this shouldn’t be neglected in favour of a more aggressive approach out of sync with your instincts. Being a role-model is also important and female leaders should recognise that the younger generation is looking up to them for inspiration and cues on how to behave and project power. By accepting that male attire, style and presentation is the only way accepted by the business world, it does an enormous disservice to younger women struggling to navigate the corporate world. The important thing is to be yourself and not to fake a personality type simply to gain a perceived psychological advantage. Remember convention and leadership don’t always go together and the strongest person in the room is often the one with the courage of their convictions.

good Italian cooking is simple

ingredients cooked exceptionally well and by experienced chefs and the result here is a wonderfully aromatic and flavoursome dish. Osso Bucco is another favourite, a Milanese speciality of veal, vegetables and a white wine sauce. If you have children or fancy it yourself their pizzas are excellent. As you would expect there is a large range of pasta from lasagne to more unusual dishes like caramel ravioli. There are also salads, starters and a wide range of mouth-watering Italian desserts such as tiramisu or ice cream. If you don’t fancy pizza or pasta a variety of meat, fish and chicken dishes are all also available on the A La Carte menu, the steak always proving popular. A final customer comment sums it up. “Quite simply the best Italian food I have had outside of Italy.”

Inventions from sharp women WHEN the word inventor springs to mind, many automatically think of Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison, tinkering away in isolation as they perfected their contributions to the world. But a multitude of products that many of us use on a daily basis were originally invented by sharp women who had a keen eye for seeing things a little bit differently. The foot-pedal rubbish bin was invented by Lillian Gilbreth, who was noted for improving existing inventions with ingenious add-ons. In addition to allowing us to throw

out our rubbish without getting our hands dirty, Gilbreth also designed the shelves that go inside of refrigerator doors and made the can opener easier to use. Meanwhile, the circular saw was the brainchild of a weaver named Tabitha Babbitt. She came up with the idea by observing lumber workers at work and tested out her theory by attaching a prototype to her spinning wheel. Although it may not be something we think about very much while we enjoy the balmy tempatures of the Costa Blanca, the car heater is an absolute essential in countries

with chillier climates. The very first car heater shot air directly out of the engine to warm the toes of the passengers, and was invented by Margaret A Wilcox in 1893. Wilcox also invented a dishwasher designed to clean clothes and dishes at the same time. And dog lovers of the world should be forever grateful to a woman named Mary A Delaney, who came up with the retractable dog lead, a stroke of genius that ensures that our canine companions can roam a little more freely while still always remaining safely within our reach.

RETRACTABLE DOG LEAD: Was a stroke of genius from a woman named Mary A Delaney.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.



Golda Meir


Bringing an authentic taste of Italy to the Costa Blanca in particular their home town of Altea where the restaurant is based. Vita works at the front of house while Mariano focuses on the food. It is clear that Vita runs a smooth operation from customer feedback. She said “80 IF you’re looking for paella or maybe fish and chips then per cent of our customers are non-Spaniards I would estiRistorante Nova Bussola is probably not the place for you. mate - Belgians, Dutch, Russians, French and plenty of However, if you want to eat some of the best British of course. They generally have a higher level of Italian food on the Costa Blanca then it customer service expectations, really should certainly be your destination. The restaurant has a warm and relaxRepeat business above and beyond what some Spanish ing feel to it which customers come is the key, tourism restaurants tend to offer.” The waiting staff are all well versed back to time and again. is just the icing with the menu and happy to answer any Vita married into a family with huge expeon the cake.” of your questions in that regard. Asked rience of running Italian restaurants and the secret of Nova Bussola’s success she cooking Italian dishes. Her husband Mariano said it was down to a couple of things. has 37 years experience of cooking and They cook what they cook very well preparing Italian food and this certainly and people are happy with the way the menu is and reshows. Ristorante Nova Bussola has been run by Maripeat business is the key, tourism is just the icing on the ano’s family for 20 years and the husband and wife team cake. There is a lot of experience going into these tried are now running the restaurant and doing it with dedicaand tested dishes. Service and atmosphere, which go tion, passion and much more. hand in hand, are the other key as can be seen from their Vita was born in Russia but when she met and married personal slogan of service and cordiality. Mariano she also fell in love with the Costa Blanca and

By Simon Russell

VITA DE LA FUENTE: Runs the front of house.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


People don’t take opportunities because the timing is bad, the financial side unsecure. Too many people are overanalyzing. Sometimes you just have to go for it .

Michelle Zatlyn


Who you gonna call? Bugbusters Benidorm! As their slogan says, taking care of unwanted pests is what they do. By Simon Russell

LOIS TO THE RESCUE: Ready to take control of those pesky pests and also provide prevention advice to stop further problems.

ONE of the key misconceptions about pest control is that it’s all about getting rid of the unwanted guests. That is part of it of course, but as proprietor Lois Clark explained prevention is better than cure. If you run a business in the food industry in Spain you are required by law to have a pest control system in place and if you are opening a new business you are required to have it de-infested and annually checked. Desinfecciones Bugbusters is the only British run pest control firm in the area and with 22 years trading behind her it is better established

than most Spanish firms. Lois said “People think they can deal with pest problems themselves from what they’ve read on the internet or talking to so called experts. The fact is they can’t and if an inspection uncovers pests the business could be closed down.” Did you know for example there are several different types of cockroaches in Spain, all of which require different treatments? Bugbusters use specialist products tailored to the problem such as a special odourless and food friendly gel that means your establishment can stay open when any treatment is ongoing. Imagine the financial effects on your bar or restaurant of having to close down during high season even for a few days? Lois also disinfects or evaluates private homes and even, on occasion, boats. Cockroaches are probably the commonest problem out here in

Spain but rodents, mosquitoes, wasps and other pests can all be dealt with in a fuss free, professional and environmentally friendly manner. Vitally, if Lois has managed an infestation for you she will give you a clear plan on how to prevent future problems. If you want to call Lois for an initial survey of your home or business or just to explain your requirements she will always be happy to see you or chat things through.

Call Lois on 966 865 204 or 619 054 939 E-Mail The website is

Characteristics of successful women By Eleanor Hawkins TODAY there are more women in leadership positions than ever before. Women are changing the world one step at a time. Mos t i m p r e ssi v e i s th e mo v eme n t o f women into entrepreneurial leadership. Women have been starting and growing businesses faster than men for more than 20 years. The question is: what set the women who own and lead the fastest growing and most substantial businesses apart? What can women who aspire to grow their businesses learn from them? Data from the American Center for Women’s Business Research reveals there are 10 characteristics which clearly describe and differentiate the most successful women business owners: 1- They define success in their own terms and refuse to let anyone else dictate their destiny. 2- They are values based. They know what their values are and have the courage

to act upon them. 3- They create cultures of success, they ask employees for their opinions and insights and the actually listen to the replies. 4- They trust their instincts. 5- They set high goals and when they achieve them, they move them up another notch. 6- T he y a re fina nc ia lly s a vvy. The y lea rn about bus ine s s fina nc e a nd s e e k knowledgeable advisors. 7- T he y build multiple s upport ne tworks, recognising that different organisations and groups provide different things their business needs. 8- They treat their time and energy as scarce resources. They learn to say yes at the right times and no at the right times to ensure they don’t run out. 9- They invest in themselves, spending both money and time on their intellectual, physical and spiritual well-being. 10- They always leave time for the unexpected, whether it is a business opportunity or a special unplanned family moment.

GENDERLESS JOBS: More women are now working in traditionally male dominated sectors.

Making it in a man’s world WHILE a lot of attention focuses on women making inroads into major industries like banking, finance, management and medicine, many trailblazers are out there working in jobs considered almost uniquely male. Today there are female truck drivers storming across British highways, train drivers across the tracks, butchers cutting meat and mechanics fixing cars.

It is clear perceptions are shifting and people are becoming more open and inclusive. There are more female army cadets, construction workers, engineers, surgeons and psychologists than ever as women break free of gender stereotypes and their voices heard. The real difference comes with the visibility and normalisation that these trailblazing women provide to younger

generations whose dreams are less and less stifled by social taboos. Even in the world of sport women are making real inroads, with Ronda Rousey a star MMA fighter, women’s boxing in the Olympics and Andy Murray flirting with a female coach for a while. Now, with the England team in dire straits, there’s one more taboo that could perhaps do with breaking.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist.

Queen Victoria


Globetrotting past of Bugbusters proprietor BEEN there, seen it, done it! By Simon Russell ALTHOUGH Lois Clark has been running Desinfecciones Bugbusters in the Benidorm area for over 20 years she travelled and worked in several corners of the earth before settling in the beautiful town of Albir. Lois was born just outside Manchester in Salford where her family were in the motor trade. When she left school in the 1970s Lois decided to move to Paris and straight away got a job in a restaurant. After a couple of years she moved back home and helped her parents with their car business but Lois’s wanderlust soon struck again and in 1980 she moved to Belgium where she worked as an au-pair. She soon got a job in a car rental firm and also tried her hand at working on a market stall. Fancying a complete change she stayed in Belgium but began working on a radio station as a presenter. Lois first lived in Spain in 1987 when she moved to Las Palmas working as the pool manager in a male gay bar. “I was the only woman there, but the job was

great!” From there it was on to Australia where she had friends in Sidney and work there included another market stall (“I love sales”) and a spell at a book factory, again a very male dominated world, not that this put her off. When her visa ran out in Oz she took a 36-hour flight to Albir where her parents were staying. If there is a common thread in her early varied career it is that clearly Lois likes to work in a job where she is constantly interacting with other people, be that radio presenter or waitress. Anyone who knows her would describe Lois as first and foremost a ‘people person’ and a pleasure to do business with. “I really love my customers” stresses Lois “Really, I would do anything for them.” Bugbusters started in 1994 and though things were incredibly hard at first, Lois’s exceptional work ethic and customer service skills led to her building a successful business in what is traditionally a man’s world. To say she has had an interesting and eventful life would be an understatement.

LOIS CLARK: A ‘jack of all trades.’




E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking.

Anita Roddick


Monroes Carvery bringing the great British carvery to the Costa Blanca By Simon Russell MONROES CARVERY in Pedreguer has been serving food to customers old and new since 2003 and was opened due to the success of the original Monroes in Moraira. As the name implies, the carvery always has and always will be at the centre of what Monroes does, but there are many other delights on offer as well. Sam has been working tirelessly in the kitchen for the last 18 months to help cater for everybody’s taste buds and has created the fabulous A La Carte menu to highlight they are more than ‘just a carvery.’ Here you can be tempted with mouth-watering American style baby back ribs, succulent steaks, North Sea cod in either Monroes beer batter or home-made parsley sauce, roast chicken or even home-made pizzas. There are a variety of salads to choose from including Caesar, goat’s cheese and bacon or sundried tomato and mozzarella that are all made fresh to order. Not that hungry? Well there

MONROES CARVERY: Enjoy a great roast and more and not just on Sunday. are lighter meals on the menu plus children’s meals and vegetarian options. And why not round off your meal with a delicious dessert. As well as all that, Monroes are known for their popular theme and specials nights. On offer are Pie Nights, Fishy Friday, Steak and Ribs night and the new addition of Liver and Bacon.

Monroes have regular music nights, quiz nights and other events. A major addition was the opening of the ‘Norma Jean’ bar seven years ago which has all the big sporting events plus a pool table and darts board. As well as the bar and restaurant there is a large terrace to sit back and relax on those warm summer evenings.

Monroes can be found at Avenida Garroffer, Monte Pedreguer. Call 965 761 731 for an enquiry or to book a table (preferable but not essential) or visit their website

From the field to the boardroom: the evolution of women in the workplace By Eleanor Hawkins ALTHOUGH permitted, and indeed expected, to carry out farming tasks virtually since the dawn of civilisation, women were generally banned from business and the workplace until recently. It was only in the late 18th and early 19th centuries with the arrival of the industrial revolution that working for a wage or salary became a common part of life for women. They could be found doing the toughest of physical labour. This came to an end after the government intervened with an attempt at regulating the workplace with the Mines and Collieries Act of 1842. As the 19th century progressed, more and more women in Western countries began to take jobs in factories and assembly lines. In the UK the most common work for women was piecework, needlework for which they were paid for each piece they completed. This was poorly paid work which required up to 14 hours of work per day to bring in wages to live on. During this time almost all working-class women did some sort of paid work. In Victorian times, when there was no sort of compensation

WORLD WAR: During this time, women stepped in to fill the gaps.

for workers who were ill or injured, entire families could end up in the workhouse to pay debts. Yet although they were a common presence in the workplace, there were few women at the top. Moving on to the start of the 20th century, attitudes were slowly changing and educating young women started to become more acceptable. When the First and Second World Wars caused a shortage of workers as men left to fight it was women who stepped in to fill the gaps. Although during the first quarter of the century most women who worked did so as domestic servants or in factories, as the war came to an end they began to branch out into sales and secretarial. By the 1950s and 60s women were heading towards a revolution of their own work and education-wise. They were becoming more and more insistent on their right to an education equal to that of men and many began to go to university. Then in the 1970s women began steering away from the ‘acceptable’ professions of teaching, nursing etc, veering more towards business and management. This revolution continues today, with women quietly, but firmly, proving their worth in the business world.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

My parents ingrained in me early on that the perfect score is always something to strive for. I want to win and I want to succeed no matter what.


Andrea Jung


Branching out on her own TAKING Monroes Carvery to Pedreguer By Simon Russell MONROES CARVERY opened in Pedreguer in 2003 and has been serving British and Spanish style food to its large and loyal customer base ever since. Prior to Monroes in Pedreguer, Heidi had worked at her family’s other Monroes Carvery in Moraira since 1992. After more than 10 years she felt ready to branch out on her own and when the current restaurant became available she saw this as the perfect opportunity. It usually takes a while to build a new business up, however the Monroes brand was already so well-known in the Pedreguer area, that things pretty much got going from day one. In fact constant pleading from some of the Moraira customers travelling up from the Pedreguer area to open a restaurant closer to them was one of the reasons Hei-

1992 Started working in Moraira

2003 Opened in Pedreguer

The Monroes brand was already so well-known that things pretty much got going from day one.”

di settled on this location. Heidi was asked to describe their typical Monroes’ customer. “All sorts really. A lot of expats miss a good roast dinner from home, especially on a Sunday, and they find that what we do is at least as good anything they had back in the UK.

“A lot of tourists come here as well, not all of them feel comfortable in Spanish restaurants so come here instead. “We get quite a few groups as well as we’re a big place and of course we cater for more than just those who want the carvery with a good selection of Spanish food, lighter meals and so on. “We get plenty of other nationalities as well, Dutch and Germans in particular who all like the carvery. As well as that, with the separate bar we get plenty of people just coming down just for a drink or to watch the sport or other events.” In case she wasn’t kept busy enough with the restaurant, Heidi has four children, one of whom is currently working in the restaurant, while another was until recently. The youngest two both go to local Spanish schools in Pedreguer where Heidi also lives.


HEIDI JUNGREUTHMAYER: Making a lot of expats very happy.

E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but it doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

Mary Kay Ash


Customer service is the key By Simon Russell VACATION VILLAS was started way back in 1999 by Christine and Lynn and has been on the same street in La Xara since it opened. Just the durability of the business is evidence that they are doing something right and they were good enough to share some of their experience with us. Diversity appears to be Things have one of the keys, while changed over still sticking to the the years and core business of renting the biggest out villas for holidays. As well change has as rentals they also have sales been the public’s and have recently been developing their finca sales arms use of the internet under the web fincasfor booking and researching Their business covers both holidays Javea, Denia, La Sella and and house sales.” surrounding areas. Things have obviously changed significantly in this period, though probably the biggest change has been the public’s use of the internet for booking and researching both holidays and house sales. However they have embraced this change in a

way not all small businesses have managed and have an excellent web presence. In fact they agree that in most ways the internet has made things easier and more efficient. Another notable change has been an increase in customers’ expectations when renting a villa, something that has actually benefited them as they have a very high standard of properties for rent. However, good old fashioned customer service is still at the heart of their business. Vacation Villas is registered with the Valencian Tourist board and the European Estate Agency (AEGAI) ensuring both owners and holidaymakers are protected through the process. They can’t stress enough that if you have a villa to rent or sell or are thinking of renting or buying one, just pop into their office and they will discuss things with you there and then.

You can contact Lynn or Christine on 966 424 505 or simply go and see them at Avenida del Oeste no 8, La Xara, right by the church.

VACATION VILLAS: Lynn and Christine.

Their websites are:

One woman who has broken the board room glass ceiling KARREN does all she can to promote the role of women in business Photo Credit Featureflash Shutterstock


KARREN BRADY: Rose to the top.

By John Smith BARONESS Karren Brady of Knightsbridge CBE has been in the public eye since becoming Managing Director of Birmingham City football club at the age of 23 and has been an outspoken champion of women’s rights ever since. Unlike some, she was born into a well-off family which had made its money through printing and property, but this does not take away from what she achieved since starting work at advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi where, thanks to family contacts, she was able to introduce the business of media and newspaper magnate David Sullivan who demanded that she manage his account. By the age of 20, she had accepted a position as a director of Sullivan’s Sport newspapers and by all accounts was highly successful. At the age of 23, she persuaded him to buy Birmingham City football club where she immediately encountered the sort of prejudice that woman in business often find.

23 the age at which Karren became Managing Director of Birmingham City football club.

Some footballers are not very bright and one of them shouted at her that he could see a certain part of her anatomy to which, she replied: “Well, don’t worry - when I sell you to Crewe, you won’t be able to see them from there.” Needless to say, she was true to her word and the player moved on to another club soon after this exchange. By all accounts, she is not one to be taken lightly and she even sold her then boyfriend, now husband and father of her two children Paul Peschisolido in 1994 and then again in 1996. She took the club public and became the youngest managing director of a UK plc.

She remained as Managing Director of the club which made its way in and out of the Premier League until 2009 when it was sold by David Sullivan and his partner David Gold, the man behind the Ann Summers chain. Just a year later, she became vice-chairman of West Ham United which the pair purchased when it ran into financial difficulties. During all of this period, Karren Brady has been a champion of women, doing all that she can to promote the role of women in the business place and on the boards of major companies, plus of course her own profile has continued to be raised through her appearances on the BBC show the Apprentice where she is one of Lord Sugar’s judges. Karren has written four books, the latest of which - Strong Woman - tells the story of her own rise to the top, her recovery from a brain aneurysm in 2006, and her efforts to balance work and family life. She is a regular columnist for The Sun newspaper and for Women & Home and Cosmopolitan magazines.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone

Tina Fey


A chance meeting “DON’T be afraid of moving with the times” By Simon Russell

CHRISTINE: First moved to Spain in 1978.

VACATION VILLAS sprung out of a chance meeting at a children’s birthday party in 1997. Lynn said “A mutual friend was giving a party for their daughter. Christine and I were sitting around speaking Spanish and then realised we were both English when our kids joined up with us!” They soon became firm friends and got around to the idea of starting a business. This became a reality in 1999 when Vacation Villas first opened its doors. “Both our children were getting older and we needed something else - we like to keep busy!” said Christine. Christine originally moved to Spain back in 1978 but returned to

the UK after four years. Spain’s pull brought her back here for good in 1992. Lynn moved over in 1991 after working in London as a PA for such luminaries as Richard Branson and Harvey Goldsmith. Christine has three children and Lynn has two, so they have both had to juggle family and careers over the years. As not many British businesses have been around in Spain as long as theirs, I asked them what the secret was. They were both clear on this matter and Christine put it like this: “Always listen to the customer, don’t be afraid of moving with the times, ensure the financial and legal side of things is covered professionally and corners aren’t cut in that respect. And learn the language!” LYNN: Worked in London as a PA.




E W N 7 -13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


I learned a long time ago that there is something worse than missing the goal, and that’s not pulling the trigger.

Mia Hamm


Revamped restaurant offers a great atmosphere with fantastic food and shows

By Simon Russell

By Simon Russell

‘DUENDE’ is a Spanish word that Jacqueline Miralles uses to describe the Viva España experience. Duende is a uniquely Spanish word and the closest translation to this would be passion, inspiration or spirit. These traits are best illustrated by the authentic Flamenco show that Viva España holds every Sunday lunchtime. However you can also see it in the care and attention to detail within the restaurant itself, the spotless décor, the great food and the attentive service. Jacquie took over the front of

VIVA ESPAÑA: Flamenco and dinner are on the menu.

house side of Viva España in 2015 and by her own admission things had become a little bit tired. “We’d done the same thing for over 25 years and although we did it all very well maybe it was all becoming a bit stale.” The restaurant was refurbished and the result is a vibrant, modern restaurant serving excellent food at surprisingly reasonable prices. The Menu del Dia at Viva España for example, is a bargain at €9.50 and is available Monday to Friday lunchtime. Every Saturday they have a ‘dine and dance’ night with a Spanish band and threecourse menu for just €15. A la

carte they serve tapas, salads, rice dishes, meat and fish as well as light bites and even an English breakfast. Every Sunday lunchtime sees their renowned Flamenco dance troupe performing with food and drink included and in the evening there is a buffet at 6.00pm. There are also other events such as this summer there will be regular appearances by the beautiful Andalucian horses who will perform their spectacular show. Just call us for more details. So for a true taste of Spain, both at your table and with the entertainment on offer you need to visit Viva España.

They are located on the N332 just outside Oliva with easy access from the AP7 motorway. Call 962 851 931. Booking required for shows.

More women, more profits ALTHOUGH the world of business is still rife with inequality, with less than 5 per cent of the mo st i m p o r t a n t businesses in the world directe d b y wo m e n , thos e wi t h more women at the top earn more m o n e y, a st u d y has found. Following a worldwide study, the Peterson Institute for Internationa l E c o n o m i c s revealed that organisations that had at least 30 per cent of their top positions occupied by women report profits which are 15 per cent higher than those organisations that are led by men alone.

The Delia Effect By Matthew Elliott LEAVING school without a single O-level, Delia Smith stormed up the business ladder the hard way, starting right at the very bottom. She worked as a hairdresser and shop assistant before starting her cookery career washing dishes in a modest Paddington restaurant aged 21. Moving on to waitressing, she began reading cookery books and trying out new recipes at home. Gaining a reputation for her writing and kitchen talent, she began writing national cookery columns in the 70s, becoming a household name hosting television shows Family Fare and Delia’s How to Cook. Turning her magical hands to other business ventures she became joint majority shareholder at Norwich City FC, saving the club from bankruptcy. She’s been awarded an OBE and a CBE for her contribution to British cooking and has sold more than 21 million books, making her the UK’s best selling cookery author.

BEST SELLING AUTHOR: Delia Smith has become a household name and very successful businesswoman.

Kidnap queen mentor PRESIDENT of a consultancy firm based in the US, Fabiana Lacerca-Allen honed her business instincts through a tumultuous upbringing in her native Argentina that saw her survive three kidnapping attempts. She claims to know within two minutes of meeting someone whether she would want to be kidnapped with them, and advises budding business leaders to always trust their instincts, place competence before confidence, learn how to fail and always look after yourself. Unsurprisingly Lacerca-Allen is a highly regarded mentor to young women who firmly believes in taking control of your own energy while training observation, resilience and toughness in order to succeed.


7 -13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

I was smart enough to go through any door that opened.



Joan Rivers


From dancing to dinners A DEDICATED proprietor who does it all By Simon Russell

JACQUELINE MIRALLES: 100 per cent committed to both family and business.

JACQUIE was born in Johannesburg, South Africa to Spanish parents who had moved there in 1966 and opened the first Viva España 10 years later. The family decided to move back to Oliva to help care for her grandparents and in 1988 ‘Viva España’ was opened on the same site it sits on now, just outside the town. Jacquie’s father used to sing at the restaurant and often to finish off the entertainment Jacquie and her sister would come on stage to perform a Flamenco dance. “We would still be in our clothes from the kitchen!” said Jacquie. “We convinced our father to let us dance in proper flamenco outfits as this segment of the evening was becoming very popular.” The renowned Viva España’s flamenco show was born from this and classically trained Jacquie was the obvious choice for lead dancer. Her famous troupe of dancers quickly became the heart and soul of the business. In 2015 Jacquie took over the running of the restaurant after her father became ill. Around this time she ex-

If we are open then I will be working there. The person in overall charge should always be around to see things are being done the way that they should be.”

perienced the trauma of being badly burnt when a bottle of alcohol that was being heated exploded. Jacquie was in a specialist burns unit in Valencia for a month and, if anything, this difficult time gave her the impetus to restore the restaurant to its former glory. One of the most important steps has been for Jacquie to ensure that she is always there as the proprietor. “If we are open, I will be working there. The person in overall charge should always be around to see things are being done the way they should be.” Jacquie has two daughters of 19 years and 19 months. “Evenings are for my family and daytime is for the restaurant, so I can commit 100 per cent to both.” Whatever the secret is, it works.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Life-fulfilling work is never about the money-when you feel true passion for something you instinctively find ways to nurture it.

Eileen Fisher


Finding your dream home By Simon Russell JOANNE ALDERTON is the vivacious owner of Aldertons of Spain, a property finding and relocation service that is rapidly expanding as they fill an obvious need in the property market. Joanne is also a member of the Association of International Property Professionals. Joanne emphasises that she is NOT running an estate agency. The Aldertons Property Finders job is to find your perfect property based entirely on the criteria you give them - not what they need to sell for commission. In fact she more than once has been called Jasmine Harman (from TV’s a Place in the Sun) without the cameras. Joanne is a great believer that any property search should begin with the location and she will accompany prospective buyers on an orientation tour of suitable areas for your needs. Do you need schools and supermarkets within walking distance or do you prefer being away from the hustle and bustle? Was your two weeks in the sun on holiday sufficient to really get to know an area? Once an area has been decided on then the property search itself can begin based on the criteria you have given Joanne to work with. At this stage crucially Joanne is working just for you and not the seller or sales agent. This means that all properties are available to you rather than just what is on an individual agent’s books. On top of this she will use methods such as leafleting or her network of contacts to find properties that are not currently listed. If you find the home you have been

All properties are available to view.

Many of Joanne’s clients remain friends.

looking for then Joanne will help you every step of the way with the maze of rules and regulations you need to buy a property and, if applicable, settle in Spain. Further down the line she will help you find schools, banks - whatever you need to make your move as smooth as possible. Joanne says that EVERY client has written a thank you letter and they remain friends - how many businesses can make that boast? Aldertons are appearing at the ‘Place in the Sun’ exhibition at Birmingham NEC on September 23 to 25 and at Glasgow in October. Call Joanne for a chat on 626 857 718 or visit their website or Facebook page Aldertons of Spain.

Spain’s powerful businesswomen WOMEN and business are two concepts which have not been linked all that much in Spain in the past, yet recently large multinational companies have been relying on them to manage their Spanish divisions. Women in power in the country now include: By Eleanor Hawkins Ana Patricia Botin (Banco Santander) President of Banco Santander, she is the only Spanish woman on the Forbes list of the world’s most powerful ladies. Raised for the part, she took over the reins of the financial giant when her father, Emilio Botin, died. She studied in Switzerland, the UK, Austria and the US and started working for JP Morgan investment bank at the age of 20. By 29 she was an advisor at Santander. Sol Daurella (Coca Cola) President of the administrative board of Coca Cola Iberian Partners, Daurella is the richest businesswoman in Cataluña and leads a giant company with 27,000 employees. Daughter and granddaughter of businessmen, she is married to Carles Vilarrubi, a Barcelona Football Call director. She is also honorary consul for Iceland in Barcelona. Alicia and Esther Koplowitz (FCC) The Koplowitz sisters have been in business almost since they could walk as they were the daughters of a German businessman who arrived in Spain fleeing from the Nazi regime. They shared space at the helm of FCC construction giant and Esther remains as first vice-president of the company, while Alicia now owns Omega Capital investment company. Maria Dolores Dancausa (Bankinter / Linea Directa) Dancausa has been in the financial sector all her professional career, first with Banco Exterior and then with Bankinter. She was one of the executives who contributed to setting up Linea Directa insur-

ESTHER KOPLOWITZ: Vice-President of FCC.

ance brokerage, and became the first female director in the motor insurance sector to be made CEO and won the Female Director of the year award from the Spanish Association of Female Entrepreneurs of Madrid in 2007. In 2009 she was recognised by Dirigentes magazine as one of the 100 best directors of the year and in 2009 was included amongst the 100 directors with the best reputation in Spain by the Spanish Corporate Reputation Monitor (MERCO). Maria Garaña (Microsoft) Microsoft has had three different women at the head of its Spanish division in the past, with Garaña the best-known of the three. She is now vice-president of the business solutions division for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Rosa Garcia (Siemens) Garcia also spent time at Microsoft and held the post of president. Today she is the top woman at Siemens and on the Bankinter board of advisors. Helena Herrero (HP) President of HP in Spain and Portugal, Herrero joined the company in 1982 and has worked her way up through different posts and departments. Along with her work within the company she takes an active part in the business and cultural worlds and is a patron of the Fundacion I+E Innovacion España foundation. Marta Martinez (IBM) President of IBM Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel since 2013, Martinez has been climbing the corporate ladder within the company since 2003 when she started out as a communications executive.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

If you want anything said, ask a man, if you want anything done, ask a woman.



Margaret Thatcher

JOANNE ALDERTON - ALDERTONS OF SPAIN JOANNE ALDERTON: Has a strong reputation in the area amongst expats she has helped.

Back in Spain and loving it JOANNE returned to Spain when she started a family and a business was born By Simon Russell THIS isn’t Joanne Alderton’s first spell in Spain but she is convinced it is where she wants to spend the rest of her life. Joanne now owns and runs Aldertons Relocation and Property Finding Business. She was born in Bury near Manchester back in England, and moved to Spain in 1995 after finding work as a holiday rep with Thomas Cook. Her work mainly took her to the Balearics and Canaries where she was able to learn the language, although she also had spells in Sri Lanka and Cuba. She left Thomas Cook in 2002 and moved to the Costa Blanca running a

I feel like I’ve won the lottery or something. I am so fortunate to be out here doing a job I adore and bringing my children up in this lovely part of the world.”

sales company in Benidorm. This was clearly a success as she was head-hunted by a Spanish firm to work for them. The catch was this involved a move back to the UK but she felt this was too good a chance to turn down at this time of her life and in 2006 back to the UK she went. A few years later she met her husband Andrew. Once they had started a family she

had no doubt that all their futures lay back in Spain. “There is no better place to bring up children,” she said. They moved out here in 2013 when the children were one and two and after a short spell in Moraira the family moved to Benissa where they are based now. Due to her knowledge of Spain itself and the Spanish language, Joanne found herself being the go-to person for expatriates requiring paperwork, help at the doctors, NIE’s and so on. Last year she decided the natural progression was to take this a step further and the Aldertons business was born. Things immediately took off, mainly due to Joanne’s strong reputation in the area amongst those expatriates she had helped. So does she feel she’s made a wise move? “I feel like I’ve won the lottery or something. I am so fortunate to be out here doing a job I adore and bringing my children up in this lovely part of the world.”


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.



Helping various patients with chiropractic CHIROPRACTIC is one of those procedures that people have common misconceptions about. Yes, it can be used for helping with back pain but did you know it can help alleviate other ailments or even just improve your overall feeling of wellness? The centre itself is modern, bright and airy with state of the art equipment. As you walk through the central reception area there is a presentation room where the ethos of chiropractic will be explained and your personal symptoms discussed. Then there is the adjusting area where the chiropractic care will be carried out (while you are fully clothed). The other key area is the diagnostic room where some gentle tests and a comprehensive health questionnaire will be discussed to establish the best way forward for your individual case. Any pre-consultation is free where you can ask the chiropractor if your case can be helped with chiropractic before booking your first visit for a spinal analysis. Sharon is passionate about chiropractic and how it should complement conventional medical procedures. “It is really about people being more empowered with their own health. We load our bodies with drugs and medicines unquestioningly sometimes. We should always try the natural, non-invasive approach first.” In fact many of Sharon’s patients come as referrals from GPs who recognise the many benefits for what they are. Another misconception is that chiropractic is merely for helping out with existing ailments when in fact it is just as useful as a pre-

Super mums MUMSNET founder Justine Roberts has enjoyed a fascinating career in business, blogging and journalism culminating in her website for mothers’ huge success. Now courted by politicians she has been named the seventh most powerful woman in the UK as her website’s primarily middle-class viewers were seen as crucial swing voters. With more than 5,000 registered bloggers writing about mothering related matters the site is a far cry from Roberts’ early career in banking and even football journalism. Owned by the founders, staff and close associates, Mumsnet is quite a revolutionary outfit in its independence from outside investors and yet continues to grow at an incredible rate, now welcoming more than five million viewers a month to the website. The huge success has even spawned the formation of sister site Gransnet, aimed at the over-50s, and Roberts particularly enjoys the massive impact Mumsnet has made on the public, allowing mums from across the world to share tips, advice and an endless array of funny and unusual stories. She also writes frequently about real issues which affect mums on a daily basis including maternity leave, child care, nursery fees, health, and education, being acutely aware of the very unique pressures mothers are placed under while fighting for both a job and their family.

ventative tool in the same way regular exercise keeps your heart healthy. The type of chiropractic Sharon specializes in is very gentle, not the painful looking manipulations some people associate with the field. The wide variety of patients seen by Sharon include pregnant women and children, with special equipment available for the needs of both groups. Sportsmen and sportswomen are also regulars at the centre, many as a means of improving their performance rather than for looking into any specific pain or ailment.

The chiropractic centre is at Plaza Balduino I de Bélgica, L’Alfas del Pí or you can call on 965 889 303 or e-mail alfas@centroquiro The website address is There is also a centre in Benidorm on Avenida L’Aigüera 6. Telephone 965 865 391 or email CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE: Try the natural, non-invasive way of chiropractic.

The mobile number for both practices is: 692 611 475.

A continuing tradition By Matthew Elliott

DESPITE history being flush with female medical practitioners, with female doctors being used to treat patients of their own sex in ancient China, and women doctors frequently referenced in the classical Greek and Islamic worlds, modern medicine has proven a tougher glass ceiling until recent years. Dr Elizabeth Blackwell was born in Britain and became the first woman to receive an American medical degree in 1849 and was also the first woman on the British medical registrar. Yet more than a century later women were still largely shut out of the maledominated science in the western world, considered more valuable as nurses or even subjects than as doctors. As late as the 1960s pelvic exams were being used as a means of determining

1849 was the year in which the first woman, Dr Elizabeth Blackwell, received an American medical degree.

whether young brides were ready for their wedding nights. The humiliation felt by millions of women helped catalyse a change in the profession as growing numbers of female students began challenging the status quo, particularly as it related to their own bodies. A powerful women’s health movement helped raise awareness of specifically fe-

WOMEN DOCTORS: Today can consider themselves part of an important tradition.

male medical issues, while the concept of a woman doctor became normalised by younger generations. There is still a lot of work to be done to ensure equality, but female medical professionals today can consider themselves part of a hugely important tradition, which has untold benefits for the millions of female patients looking for a safe, reliable place to discuss their bodies.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

You can waste your life drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.



Shonda Rhimes


From motorcycling to gardening AND whatever else she can fit in during her spare time

SHARON NILSSON: Going from strength to strength.

SHARON was born in Kent in the UK but has lived in Spain since 1976 when she moved over with her parents. In 1993 she met her husband, Johan, who is Swedish and a fellow chiropractor. Sharon was studying naturopathy at that time and she went on to study Chinese medicine and worked in that field in her own establishment in Alfaz del Pi. However she had always been interested in chiropractic and started her formal studies in 2005. These were done at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Oxfordshire, UK, widely regarded as the most prestigious chiropractic college. Sharon gained her full certification in 2010 and began working at the centre in Alfaz del Pi. She has continued enhancing and updating her qualifications and is a member of

1976 Moved to Spain

1993 Met husband Johan

2005 Started studying chiropractic

2010 Achieved certification several organisations including the United Chiropractic Association (UK) and the International Chiropractors Association

(US), as well as the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (US). Sharon has a wide range of interests outside of work but her real passions are the contrasting activities of gardening and motorcycling. She actually had a nasty accident a few years ago while biking and although her back was badly hurt, because she was already in regular preventive chiropractic care, with some intensive sessions she was able to get back to work and totally fit in much quicker time than could have been hoped for. This didn’t put her off motorcycling and in fact she has just purchased a 675 horsepower Triumph Street Triple, a serious motorcycle. Sharon is also a very keen horsewoman and rides whenever she gets the chance. Her parents still live in Spain as do Johan’s family.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

You are the one that possessed the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness.

WOMEN IN BUSINESS Diane von Furstenberg


Personal service in a complex industry By Simon Russell ELAINE KAUFMANN has been working in the ever-changing insurance industry in Spain for 30 years. She is based in the Marina Alta town of Altea where she is the Managing Director of Plus Ultra Seguros Altea. Elaine is an exclusive agent for Plus Ultra Seguros and her agency name is Insurance Altea SL. Plus Ultra Seguros Altea is a huge Spanish insurance company with 1,350 offices across Spain. However when you see Elaine you will get a very personal service which she explains. “I deal with every client personally and promptly. I will give immediate or same day service whether you call into the office, phone or email us.” This makes a refreshing change from some companies where you can be kept waiting in call queuing systems before speaking to someone who may only have basic knowledge of the company and the products they sell. Compare that with immediate

Cyber soldiers CYBER-SECURITY is an industry expanding at an almost exponential rate as governments, companies, and individuals seek ever more ingenious ways to protect themselves from hacking, data-theft and damaging viruses. Once an exclusively male field, conjuring up images of computer geeks and teenage hackers, more and more women are taking on leading security roles, using their technological expertise to make a real difference to the industry. So much so that a recent advertising campaign showed leading female coders at work while wearing their underwear, naturally creating controversy, but also showing the world an entirely different side to the field which is rapidly embracing inclusivity.

service by an expert and you can see for yourself the contrast. When you combine this personal service with the security of Elaine being part of such a large and financially secure insurer it is a very strong combination. Plus Ultra Seguros Altea cover all main types of insurance: house, motor, boat and life insurance. They also offer funeral plans which include repatriation. Their house insurance is particularly competitive and will even pay for water damage repairs prior to the damage actually occurring, so a preventative measure. The office is located in Altea town centre at Calle Zubielda 9. To telephone, call 965 840 753 or e-mail on

EXCLUSIVE AGENT: Dealing with every client personally and promptly.

Elaine has policyholders from all over Spain, so if Altea isn’t handy for your location just give Elaine a call and she will be happy to help.

The roof literally fell in on Maureen Hiron By John Smith

THE saying ‘it’s an ill wind’ is so appropriate in the case of games inventor and renaissance woman Maureen Hiron who was the head of the physical department at a large London comprehensive school until part of the school ceiling fell on her head and at the age of 32 she was pensioned off from teaching. Already an expert bridge player, who has represented England and Britain at bridge, she devoted her mental energies to the game whilst she was considering her future which looked somewhat bleak. Then a medical phenomenon occurred. Former dormant areas of Maureen’s brain took over the role of the damaged parts, with the result that she was able to reason with the intuitive mind of a child, yet still retain her acquired knowledge and high IQ level. In 1982, she invented the game Continuo that is a perfect blend of skill and luck which a five-year-old could play on equal terms with all other ages, providing equal enjoyment to all.

TRULY REMARKABLE: Maureen at home in Spain with her organ.

She formed a company to manufacture and market the game which has now been sold in more than 50 countries, with sales in excess of six million. Since then she has sold more than 70 games which are marketed around the world. Maureen has written, with her late husband Alan, several best-selling books, including The Ultimate Trivia Quiz Game Book, which reached No 2 in the British bestsellers list and also worked on a number of TV shows, including Krypton Factor and Fifteen To One. In 1990, Maureen was voted Londoner Of The Year in London Electricity’s Brightening Up London awards and it was soon after that she purchased her second home in Spain, but sadly her husband Alan died in 1999 and she took over his position as Bridge correspondent for the Independent newspaper which she continued to write until its closing in 2016. This is truly a remarkable story which could have ended in disaster but actually shows how even the worst of events can sometimes bring success.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

One cannot accomplish anything without fanaticism .



Eva Peron


An English voice to help you in Spanish insurance minefield INSURANCE with the personal touch By Simon Russell

ELAINE KAUFMANN: Moved with the times.

ELAINE was born back in the UK before moving to Spain in the mid 1970s. She has now been living on the Costa Blanca for 30 years and has worked most of that time in the insurance industry. Elaine is an exclusive agent (Insurance Altea SL) for Plus Ultra Seguros and has also been the Managing Director since 2007, so a happy and long-standing partnership. Asked how much things had changed in that time she said “Simply beyond belief. Computerisation is the main thing, with insurance being affected more than almost any other industry. “When I started we were all surrounded by box files and pieces of paper. Now 95 per cent of what we do is on the PC

2007 was the year in which Elaine became Managing Director, so a happy and long-standing partnership.

and online.” Asked if this had improved things in the industry Elaine said “At first it was difficult but looking back now it would be hard to imagine how we used to manage before computerisation. However we have avoided complete, full scale automation. That would have made things easier for us but for the customer it is impersonal and can be frustrating.”

Elaine has moved with the times successfully and some people may not have adapted so well in an industry that has seen massive changes. One of the other main changes is increased emphasis on compliance and legislation. These things are put in place to help customers but if you don’t stay on top of it all you could end up having problems. With Elaine living on the Costa Blanca for quite some time, needless to say she is fluent in Spanish and this is invaluable for steering you through the complexities of insurance in a foreign country. No matter how fluent someone may be you cannot match having a native English speaker who also knows the industry inside out with your best interests at heart. Elaine’s Spanish colleague is Joanne who is also a fluent English speaker.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.

Marie Curie


Female leaders full of hope, confidence and courage By Matthew Elliott WITH the publication of our Women in Business supplement, exclusively written for our Costa Blanca North clients and readership, the Euro Weekly News (EWN) continues to be at the forefront of fighting for female equality and progress. As the leading English-language community newspaper in Spain, EWN has campaigned vigorously throughout its history to shine a light on real issues that affect real women every day, while promoting clients and charities who make a substantial difference on the ground. As you will have seen throughout this supplement, women are playing a progressively significant role in the business world, transforming it into a more creative, d y n a m i c , f a ir, an d p ro fita b le environment than the exclusionary days of the past. We have been keen to stress the connection between women in business and evolution in the way society treats women, pointing out that, while there is still much to be done, it is these pioneering female leaders who are today influencing their communities and transforming perceptions. EWN believes that by highlighting these women, and the magnificent, invaluable role they play in local life, we can complement our outstanding coverage of other issues that impact women, not just as a collective, but on an individual level, each and every day. Our hugely successful ‘No Means No’ campaign was aimed at raising awareness of sexual assault and educating possible perpetrators and victims as to their rights, responsibilities and the nature of consent and respect. At Christmas, while other newspapers focused on soft coverage of Santa Claus and spending obscene amounts of money, EWN instead chose to carry a hard-hitting special edition on domestic violence, which torments many women even more traumatically during the festive period. Because we know our readership, and because we ourselves have our hearts in our communities, the EWN staff do not shy away from tackling the hard facts of life, the stories swept under the rug which tell

y o u fa r more a bout s oc ie ty tha n a cheap, glitzy pretence that everything is okay. At the core of EWN’s philosophy is the belief that it is how we treat the weakest members of our community th at reve a ls our true na ture a nd strength, that a community newspaper b ea rs a re s pons ibility to tha t one woman, battered, broken and alone with nowhere to turn. By offering oppressed women a voice, by raising public awareness, by

We can help inspire working women and future generations to go out there, make a difference, be themselves, and change the world.”

highlighting female role-models, by p u b licis ing c ha ritie s foc us e d on women’s needs, by initiating camp aig n s , a nd by s pe a king the truth, EWN hopes to meet its responsibilities to those in need. And we are proud to say that we h av e h elpe d. O ve r the ye a rs the amount of requests for help, and expressions of gratitude for providing it, has proven EWN to be the one local paper with the drive, determination, prestige and power to successfully bring change to our communities. One feature which distinguishes EWN from the local media crowd, and places the paper in a unique position to effectively champion the cause of women in business, is that its charismatic and feminist leader is, of course, a woman. M ic h el Eue s de n ha s fought for women’s rights throughout her personal life and career, and today leads by example as one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in Spain, leading EWN as it became the largest free local newspaper in all of Europe.

In 2011 Michel’s contribution to expatriate life was recognised with her inclusion in the Golden Book of the Top 100 Businesswomen in Marbella/Costa del Sol, and she has continued to use EWN’s considerable influence and prestige to further the cause of fairness and equality. EWN is incredibly proud to carry our Women in Business supplement because i t i s one of m any ways i n which we can help inspire working women and future generations to go out there, make a difference, be themselves, and change the world. Women, like men, are not all the same, but it is the right to an independent mind, to be free of crushing social norms, to forge your own path and to help others along the way, that is one of the defining battles of our era, and one which unites women of all personalities or political persuasions. Our sincerest gratitude goes to all the female leaders who have contributed to, and participated, in this supplement. Your inspiration and boundless energy makes our world a better place, our communities stronger and filled with hope, confidence and courage.

MICHEL EUESDEN: The leading lady of the Euro Weekly News and one of Spain’s most successful female entrepreneurs.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.



Harper Lee

Top tips for being a business success LEARNING to assert yourself will give you extra credibility and confidence. 1. Stop apologising Women offer up the phrase “I’m sorry” for a myriad of things that may not even be sorry-worthy. It is rare to see men apologising in the workplace because being sorry all the time does nothing to help credibility. So unless you really have done something that merits an apology, stop yourself and stay focused on what you are doing right. 2. Don’t demean or make fun of yourself Just like constantly apologising, talking down on yourself or becoming the butt of the joke equals lost credibility. Take a nod from the boys and realise that you are a competent professional who works hard and deserves positive attention. 3. Avoid non-committal statements Women will often back away from acting as a confident subject matter expert when talking about their industry or work. In these moments, instead of leading with non-committal statements like “I think…,” own your input and explain it with confidence. And any

time you catch yourself saying “I think that…,” take a breath and start over by saying, “Actually, I don’t think, I know that xyz will be great for your business because…” 4. Believe in yourself But don’t be a know-it-all. Remember that regardless of your sex, knowing your stuff is one thing, and being a know-it-all is another. Find your own way to exude confidence and participate in the discussion, while also staying open to input from others so you never stop learning. 5 Increase your space Social psychologist Amy Cuddy talks about her research on the benefit of ‘power poses’ for women in her October 2012 TED Talks episode. Her research shows that body language is directly correlated to the testosterone and cortisol levels that give us confidence. Try to consciously focus on not crossing your legs, leaning on your elbows, tucking your arms, or making yourself smaller when sitting or standing. Keep strong posture and don’t be afraid to take up space

6. Stop fidgeting around you just like the boys do. Cuddy goes on to show how both men and women use non-verbal communication to convey power. Try not to ruin credibility by incessantly fidgeting with your hands, playing with your hair, licking your lips, etc, during in-person meetings. 7. Try telling, not asking Often, women over explain things like wanting to take a day off or making a business decision. Instead of giving up power by always asking if you can have it, work on being confident when communicating your plans to colleagues. Rest assured that if they need more information or have an issue with it, they would let you know. 8. Control your emotions

Showing unnecessary fear, sadness, hurt, etc., in work situations equals lost power and credibility and you’ll rarely see men doing it.

Know when to show emotion and when to hold back especially in high-stress situations. That doesn’t mean you have to deny them altogether; if you need to take a moment to go cry/talk/write it out, do that and then return to the discussion stronger and ready to handle your business. 9. Embrace the silence When making a powerful statement, negotiating, selling an idea, etc, stop and pause for effect instead of fearing the dead air. This gives your listener time to process what you have said, and also exudes confidence in your own words just like the boys do regardless of whether you are in person or on the phone. 10. Always have your speech ready Create and practise a short speech that gives people a glimpse into why they should work with you. Keep it straight and to the point. Whether you are a woman in the workpl ace or an ent r epr eneur t he t i ps above show that you can learn from the competition while remaining true to yourself.


E W N 7 -13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not making decisions.


Catherine Cook


Your starting point for buying By Simon Russell AS the name implies, Safor Property Services specialise in property in the La Safor district of Valencia, which includes Gandia, Xeraco and Oliva where they are based. When asked what made La Safor different from other districts people who may be more familiar with Ann said With buyers, we “I don’t think peooffer a complete ple realise how stunning the scenery service before, is around here. during and “The mountains, such crucially, for some, as up in the Valldigna are after the sale.” spectacular with wonderful little villages and towns. In contrast we have the tranquillity and wildlife in the marshes and some of the best beaches in the whole of Spain, all of which is relatively undiscovered.” On top of that Valencia airport is about 45 minutes drive away from Oliva as is the cosmopolitan city of Valencia. The types of property available around here are different from further south as well “…there isn’t the density of expatriates here which means that urbanisations are few and far between. We market a lot of

old townhouses as well as apartments. Apartments are usually modern and well situated in the town centres.” They are also currently marketing a development of new build off-plan houses in a purpose built village and resort called Xeresa del Monte. Wendy is arranging transport for people to come down from Valencia to view these on a weekly basis through the summer. So if you’ve decided on La Safor why use Wendy and Ann to buy a property? They explained “With buyers we offer a complete service before, during and, crucially for some, after the sale. We’re experienced, honest and trustworthy - we’re nice people!” They also have a mixed clientele nationality wise. “A lot of Spanish agents only have Spanish clients and the same with the English agents and the English. We have a healthy mix of both which is better for buyers and sellers.”

If you’re thinking of buying or selling with Ann and Wendy then the Safor Property office is located on Carrer Pere Anthoni Salelles 7, Oliva, by the Correos office. SAFOR PROPERTY SERVICES: Honest and trustworthy with years of experience.

You can call them on 616 450 440 or visit their website

Executive chair of Santander Group is successful woman By John Smith ALTHOUGH the fourth generation of her family to head Santander Bank, Ana Patricia Botin-Sanz de Sautuola O’Shea to give her her full name, has not just inherited the title but her history shows that she has earned it. Born in October 1960 the daughter of Spanish banker Emilio Botin and Paloma O’Shea, she studied economics at Bryn Mawr College and attended Harvard Business School where she earned an MBA. She then worked for eight years at JP Morgan in the USA and in 1988 she came back to Spain and began working for the Santander Group. In 2002 she was appointed the executive chairman of the Spanish bank, Banesto, a subsidiary of Santander where she served until 2010 when she became CEO of Santander UK. When her father died in 2014, she was immediately appointed chair of the parent company saying at the time “In these difficult times for me and my family now, I appreciate the confidence of the

ANA BOTIN: Head of Santander Bank.

board and accept with total commitment my new responsibilities. For years I have worked in the Santander Group in different countries and responsibilities and I have seen the enormous quality and dedication of all our teams. We will continue working with full determination to continue building a better Banco Santander each day for our customers, employees and shareholders.” So impressed was David Cameron with this businesswoman and speaker of five languages who had successfully navigated the banks that she was in charge of during the recession that he appointed her in 2014 as one of his advisors in the Business Advisory Group. Following this appointment she was then made an honorary Dame Commander of the British Empire (DBE) in December 2015, for services to the British financial services sector. The appointment reflects mother of three Ms Botin’s services to the UK during her time as CEO of Santander UK from December 2010 until September 2014. As CEO she led the transformation of Santander UK following the merger of Abbey Na-

tional, Alliance & Leicester and Bradford & Bingley building societies and oversaw the steady growth of the business to its current position. The British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, said “I am delighted that Ana Botin has received this honour, reflecting her exceptional contributions to the UK economy and society. The United Kingdom welcomes foreign investors large and small - that wish to expand overseas, for the opportunities that it offers to those companies and the benefits it brings to our country. “In particular, Ms. Botin positioned Santander as a major provider of lending for small and medium-sized UK businesses, complementing the UK government’s wider efforts to boost overseas trade under the newly launched ‘Exporting is GREAT’ campaign.” The award also recognises commitment to the voluntary sector. In 2010 she joined the Board of Trustees of the Mayor’s Fund for London, a foundation that focuses on projects to improve employment opportunities for disadvantaged children.


7 -13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

You have what it takes to be a victorious, independent, fearless woman.



Tyra Banks


Selling properties in La Safor for 20 years ANN AND WENDY combine experience and a fresh outlook for a perfect blend By Simon Russell

1996 Ann moved to Spain

ANN EMERY moved to Spain 30 years ago and started Safor Property Services back in 1996. Originally the business was run with her daughter, but affairs of the heart changed things after Ann’s daughter fell for a Spaniard and moved south to be with him two years after the business started. That worked out well as they married and now have children of their own, but it left Ann to run the business on her own. She quickly rose to the challenge and for the next 18 years ran a successful estate agents single handed. However when Ann’s daughter moved to the UK earlier this year, Ann decided she needed a partner in the business and approached an old client and friend, Wendy to invest in an equal share of Safor Property Services.

2007 Wendy purchased her property

2015 Wendy finally moved to Spain

ANN EMERY and Wendy Noble: Working together for your property needs.

Wendy Noble was born in the UK and worked in London before moving to Kenya where she carved out a successful career in advertising. She then moved to the Netherlands via Dubai and has also been a teacher and swimming instructor. In 2007 she purchased her property in Oliva from Ann at La Safor and eventually moved here in 2015. Ann obviously left a lasting impression and Wendy got back in touch when she moved to Spain.

They became business partners earlier this year and they are both very happy with the changes. Ann realised not only was she getting to a time of life where she was looking to have someone share her workload, but Wendy was also able to bring a completely fresh perspective to running the business. There is a third key person in the business Josefa Santacreu, an English speaking Spanish lawyer who will ensure that the all-important legal side of things is done correctly. Josefa is independent but has been working with Ann for 17 years. Wendy also speaks Dutch and German which is starting to open up another lucrative market. So from starting out as an estate agent where the main marketing tool was the board in your shop window to today where the Internet is increasingly important, Safor Property Services has seen it all and still goes from strength to strength.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

You never lose in business, either you win or you learn.


Melinda Emerson


Helping you through the minefield of selling and buying property WELL established estate agents where the focus is always on the customer ONE thing you notice when you go to Moraira is there are many real estate agents. Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions you make in life and certainly the most important financial transaction you undertake. With this in mind, I asked Linda what is it that makes Select Villas stand out from the crowd? What makes them different is that they have a lot of unique selling points e.g. properties will have up to 50 high quality images on their website with easy links to further information. If you are selling it’s good to know they send regular newsletters to 3,000 clients who want to be kept informed, so a lot of prospective buyers. Unusually they limit the amount of properties on their books (to 300) to ensure that they can give each one the

Women more modest than men A STUDY by Cambridge University has found that even if they generate higher profits, women in business are far less likely to brag about it than their male counterparts. The study, entitled Psychology of Entrepreneurs, revealed that just 42 per cent of successful businesswomen state their business is doing well, compared to 62 per cent of men. After questioning almost 1,000 business owners, the study also revealed that women were the more ambitious sex with 47 per cent of women saying they would like to start another business within three years, compared to 18 per cent of men.

SELECT VILLAS: The office can be found in the heart of Moraira.

level of time and attention required. Another great idea that Select Villas have is that they guarantee to give buyers feedback within 24 hours of any viewing. This is based on crib sheets their staff fill out when showing people round a property as well as their own gut feel. “Understandably, people get very frustrated if they are not kept in touch every step of the way.” explains Linda. Something else they do that buyers like is an orientation tour of the town and its surroundings, invaluable if you have only been there on holiday. Like any good business most trade comes from word of mouth. “We just attended the 81st birthday party of the person who was our first buyer” says Linda. Clearly still a friend as well as a satisfied customer then!

Swinging London and the mini skirt ALTHOUGH there is some argument about who first introduced the mini skirt to the world at large 50 years ago, it is generally accepted that one of the leaders in the forefront of fashion at the time, Mary Quant has a strong claim to the title. It was in 1965 that she first sold a mini skirt (supposedly inspired by the recently introduced mini car) in her shop Bazaar in the very trendy part of Chelsea known as the King’s Road. Soon designers throughout the world were offering miniskirts and mini dresses as well as the ultrashort micro-mini to girls and women alike. As the fashion caught on, so it brought to prominence a 17-yearold ‘waif’, the model, Lesley Hornby (later to change her professional name to Twiggy) who became the face and body of Swinging London.

Credit Padmayogini shutterstock

FASHION LEADER: Mary Quant is claimed to have been the first person to introduce the mini skirt.

The office is in the heart of Moraira on Avenida Madrid 5 (opposite the Banco Sabadell) and is open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm (no midday break) and Saturdays 10am to 1pm.

Linda can be contacted direct on 966 490 861 or e-mail the company at Their website address is

Women are doing it for themselves AS unem pl oym ent i ncr eased i n Spain following the financial crisis, those who were particularly badly affected were women, and if they were young their chances of finding themselves out of work were over 50 per cent. Incredibly and sometimes with a little financial help from the government, over 800,000 women in a period of six years decided to set up their own business, be it as simple as off er i ng cl eani ng ser vi ces t o opening shops or becoming craft workers. The truism that women can multitask has been proven as many have changed t hei r car eer pat hs and moved into unknown territory to tackle completely new challenges. Not all have succeeded but a high proportion have achieved their aims and without these women making t he deci si on t o cr eat e t hei r own wor k, t he unem pl oym ent f i gur e would look even worse.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.



Roseanne Barr


10 years and we’re still going strong WORKING closely together makes us a great team

AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT: Linda Garwood will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Select Villas in November.

SELECT VILLAS of Moraira will be celebrating their 10th anniversary this year, in November in fact. The business was started by Linda Garwood and her husband Chris in 2006 and clearly they know what they are doing to have been around such a competitive market for this long. Back in the UK Linda and Chris’s main business interests were in the health care industry, owning and running nursing homes in East Sussex “so we’ve always worked together. We make a good team.” They have three daughters as well as two granddaughters and a grandson who live back in the UK and Australia. Linda and Chris had been coming on holiday to Moraira since 1983 and it was love at first sight for them with the Marina Alta resort and an easy choice for somewhere to spend their retirement. In fact they hadn’t really intended to start a business when they moved over but once here they could see the need for a real estate agency that caters for people the way they do. Regarding the town itself Linda said “Moraira hasn’t

been allowed to be built up the way other similar resorts have, especially when it comes to high rises. That means it still maintains the village feel that we loved so much when we first came here.” Their long-standing knowledge of the town and surrounding area is a great asset when it comes to helping out both buyers and sellers. Linda believes very much in the people side of the business and this helps with buyers, sellers and staff. They’re proud of their team who all seem very happy to be working there and speak several languages between them including Spanish, English, Valenciano, Dutch, French, German and Belgian. If your image of estate agents is still the ‘Del Boy’ style young wheelers and dealers from the 80’s and that is putting you off the experience, you really should go and visit Select Villas for yourself. You will find an experienced and totally trustworthy team of staff who realise that the days of the hard sell when it comes to buying and selling property has long since had its day.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.

Hillary Clinton


For wonderful food and at great value Recent change of ownership prompts revamp By Simon Russell PIEDAD RODRIGUEZ took over El Sacristán restaurant in April this year and everyone has been working hard to have its makeover ready in time for the summer season. The main aspect of the revamp was the terrace which is beautiful and elegant. Set back from the beach it is shady, cool and quiet but still with great sea views, it is ideal to sit back, relax and enjoy the fantastic cuisine on offer. A variety of breakfasts are on offer as well as a special Dutch breakfast. Weekday lunchtimes El Sacristán offer a Menu del Dia, fantastic value at €10.99 with one drink included. There is also an A La Carte menu which includes a great selection of meat and fish dishes showing influences from across Europe and for the lighter appetites there are salads, tapas and bocadillos or sandwiches. El Sacristán offer a special on Sundays and this is currently roast venison. The interior of the restaurant is built to resemble a cave which means it is both comfortable and cosy and remains cool in the summer. El Sacristán are closed on Tuesdays but welcome you every other day of the week. You can find El Sacristán on Calle Juan Sebastian Bach 2B, just before the campsite along Albir seafront. Please call 645 622 619 to make a reservation or call Piedad to organise a special event on 625 991 557.

A real jewel JULIA CHILD, perhaps the most famous chef of all time, was born on August 15, 1912 in Pasadena, California, but moved to France shortly after that. Over the years she became a recognisable figure in pop culture thanks to her bubbly and quirky personality and her desire to bring French cuisine to mainstream culture for all the world to appreciate. Over the years her fame and fortune continue to grow as she developed into a fully-fledged celebrity icon, with legions of devoted fans tuning into her cooking programmes and thumbing hungrily through her groundbreaking cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Although she died in 2004, her effervescent personality and the passion that she brought to everything she did meant that she will continue to inspire many budding foodies for years to come.

EL SACRISTÁN: Offer a special roast venison on Sundays.

PRG COACHING: Based in Benidorm.

PRG Coaching Inmobiliario & Networking PRG Coaching Inmobiliario & Networking are based in Benidorm and deal with properties across the Marina Baixa. They aim to provide a personalised service for buyers and sellers, tailoring their efforts to whatever your requirement may be. Proprietor Piedad says she views the recent housing crisis as an opportunity, not a barrier. They specialise in housing direct from banks and the great advantage of this is that you are not tangled up

in housing chains and the sellers’ personal moving timetable. Just find a property you like, agree on a price and you are ready to buy. As you are buying off the banks they are also able to arrange financial packages to suit your needs, for example, special rates on mortgages. In addition PRG Coaching Inmobiliario & Networking are best placed to let you take advantage of special bank promotions such as the current ones of a 10 per cent

discount on beach front properties and 110 per cent financing. The staff speak English, Spanish, German and French so will be able to guide you and to help in any way they can. PRG Coaching Inmobiliario & Networking are located on Avenida Europa No8, Local 5, 1st floor. Telephone 965 863 093 to find out more about what they do or visit their website at

Coca Cola 5by20 to help women worldwide By John Smith

THE very size of Coca Cola allows it to be a force for good when it has the will to take on special challenges. A perfect example is its 5by20 programme which in its own words says that it has a “global commitment to enable the economic empowerment of five million women entrepreneurs across the company’s value chain by 2020.” Their explanation of their intention is as follows: “Through 5by20, we address the most common barriers women face when trying to succeed in the marketplace. This initiative offers women access to business skills training courses, financial services and connections with peers or mentors - along with the confidence that comes with building a successful business.” Obviously, none of these women are going to become giants of industry overnight, but if that number can benefit from the companies’ assistance then that is a large number of women and their dependents who are likely to see a better lifestyle, which should in turn lead to their families benefiting in the long term.

5BY20 PROGRAMME: Addresses the most common barriers women face in trying to succeed.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

We need to start work with the idea that we’re going to learn every day. I learn, even at my position, every single day.



Chanda Kochhar


Multi-talented woman with multiple business interests PIEDAD redefines the word ‘busy’ By Simon Russell

PIEDAD RODRIGUEZ: Is difficult to pin a label on.

LOCAL businesswoman Piedad Rodriguez is difficult to pin a label on. Restaurateur? Estate Agent? Life coach? Well, yes to all of the above in fact. Piedad is the proprietor of the newly refurbished El Sacristán restaurant in Albir as well as estate agency PRG Coaching Inmobilaria & Networking in Benidorm and also works as a Life Coach and Network Facilitator. On top of this she has three children to keep her occupied at home. As she likes to say “Life is about constant evolving and having a vision, not standing still. I believe strongly in diversification and I always like to have a Plan B!” When asked about life coaching and networking and what this entails Piedad said:

It is all about giving prioritisation to the most urgent need and having good support staff.” “Life coaching is one to one coaching to help people with their work. Networking is about meeting other likeminded business people in the area. We hold a regular networking forum in Benidorm. Collaboration between local businesses is extremely important.” Networking and life coaching are re-

lated in many ways, both about improving yourself to help your business. A lot of business recommendations come from the networking groups who meet regularly in Benidorm. People that attend know they can trust each other and, crucially, they can trust the others in the group when recommending them to someone else.” So how does Piedad juggle all these diverse businesses so successfully? Piedad explained “It is all about giving prioritisation to the most urgent need and having good support staff.” Free time is a rare thing for Piedad but when she has some she likes to look after body and soul with physical exercise and meditation as well as spending time with her family. Asked if she had a philosophy for life she answered simply “Enjoy all that you do and do it from the heart.”


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

You can never leave footprints that last if you’re walking on tiptoe.


Leymah Gbowee


All your Spanish garden needs catered for By Simon Russell

IDEAGARDEN CALPE CENTER SL has been dedicated to the construction and maintenance of gardens and swimming pools for 26 years and is run by Ruth Regalado and her husband Jose. To help you with the design of your garden Ruth and her sister Romina attended a course in Barcelona in 2006 ‘Auto Arq Paisajismo 3D.’ IdeaGarden also undertake tree and shrub pruning, and specialise in palms, pines and other large trees. They can fit and design artificial lawns and can carry out larger scale excavation work with their mini-excavator such as drainage ditches etc. They have a large range of garden containers of all types available. If you fancy something a bit different they can even design you a Japanese garden, or one done on a Feng Shui basis. As well as the two shop based staff the business has a team of four who are out and about doing everything from day to day maintenance to major projects. They can also advise you on treatments for pests such as palm weevils. In 2010 Ruth and Jose decided to open a florists and garden centre also called IdeaGarden Calpe. The

Five tips to get to the top WITH fewer women in top positions, many believe those who want them have to fight tooth and nail to get them. However women at the top have offered some tips which seem to show that it’s more down to organisation and showing your worth than battling: 1. Plan a strategy to reach your goals. Create an organised work and activity plan and always be first to put your hand up to lead new projects. 2. Be disciplined, keep a clear mind and know your priorities. 3. Balance your behaviour: don’t force or control staff but be firm in your convictions and exercise your authority. 4. Know your field, both through experience and through study. 5. Communicate: your doors should always be open and you should work to motivate and integrate your team and acknowledge their work.

centre sells a range of garden decorations and a large choice of plants and shrubs from flowers to fruit trees. They speak Spanish, English and French and all staff are experienced, knowledgeable and ready to help you with your gardening needs however big or small. As any of you who have tried your hand out here know, gardening in Spain is very different from back in the UK. IdeaGarden’s team of experts will be happy to advise you on what you should know and maybe give you ideas for your Spanish garden. For a look at some of their selection of plants and houseplants have a look at their website where you can also purchase online. You can also find them on Facebook if you search for villafioreshop. IDEAGARDEN: Their team of experts will be happy to advise you.

IdeaGarden is located on the Calpe-Moraira road, Avenida La Marina km3. Call Ruth on 965 747 946 or 626 327 823 or e-mail

Wilde about plants Show in 2005, while she also presented two series of the BBC show ‘Garden Invaders’ and published two books on the subject. “When I was 30 I was enjoying a successful music career, with platinum records and a European tour with Michael Jackson under my belt. I decided the time was right to lay down some roots and I moved into a 16th-century barn that I renovated and treasured.

By Matt Ford

EIGHTIES pop star Kim Wilde is adamant that gardening helped her through bouts of anxiety and to restore “balance” after a turbulent time in the music business, so much so that she managed to forge a second career out of it. “Horticulture really brought me back to life. Gardens are always the first place I go to regenerate ... they are a complete sensory experience. “I love nothing better than being in a garden and feeling connected to nature. “Gardening can be such great therapy, it certainly was for me. Spending time outdoors, learning about plants and nurturing them, really helped me find balance and gave me a greater sense of confidence and peace. I love the way that plants are always changing and growing, just like us.” Wilde, who enjoyed smash hits with ‘Kids in America’ and ‘You Keep Me Hangin’ On,’ began gardening in the 1990s when she moved to the countryside, and subsequently won a gold medal and an award for best courtyard garden at the Chelsea Flower

2005 in this year, Kim Wilde won an award for best courtyard garden at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Credit Featureflash Photo Agency/Sh utterstock

GARDEN STAR: Wilde performing in 2013.

“To the outside world all seemed wonderful, but I was always plagued with anxiety and it badly affected my mental health. “One in four of us will experience issues with our mental health. Gardening really can help. It has been great therapy for me and can help people get back on top of things and restore balance when it feels like life is veering out of control.”


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Those who do not move do not notice their chains.


Rosa Luxemburg


From white collar to green fingers MAKING the move from administration to garden specialist By Simon Russell RUTH REGALADO has always been involved in gardening but started out on the paperwork side of things. Her husband Jose has been a gardener all his working life and has over 26 years experience and his own business. When they married Ruth took over the accounting side of the business which allowed Jose to give his full attention to the manual side of the job. However as circumstances changed Ruth suggested to Jose they open their own garden shop and business so they could offer a more complete service. Ruth had always been interested in garden design and, as it happens, her sister is an artist by trade. In 2010 IdeaGarden Calpe’s garden centre first opened its gates to the public. By this time Ruth’s sister had jumped at the chance to come on

2010 Calpe garden centre opened.

Ruth has recently attended a course that taught how to create incredible 3D images.” board and her artistic background has been invaluable when it comes to the more creative side of garden designs. Ruth has her own creative ideas as well of course but she has also been on courses to allow her to focus on the technical side of the design process. For example she recently attended a course in Barcelona that taught how to create incredible 3D images

of proposed designs. These obviously bring the design process to life for the customer as well as Ruth and any alterations can be made at the click of a mouse rather than on site. To view some of Ruth’s garden designs have a look at her blog site www.vil This is a really helpful site which for example at the moment contains a range of articles and pictures to inspire you when it comes to decorating your balcony or terrace.

Of course the years Ruth spent working with Jose means her knowledge extends beyond just design. Her particular passion and field of expertise is house plants and she will guide you through their extensive range.

RUTH REGALADO: Her particular field of expertise is house plants.



E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Eleanor Roosevelt


Caring for your pets as if they were their own and sizes of dogs. There are also accessories and nutritional supplements. As well as treatment El Port will sort out vaccines, chipping and behavioural problems with a specialist in animal trauma. De-worming, fleas and other pests that your animal may have acquired can all also be treated. If your pet needs to travel abroad, or come from the

By Simon Russell LOOKING after your pet is more than just a job for the El Port staff as director Irene Perez Espla explains. “I love animals and this is all I’ve ever wanted to do. All my colleagues here are the same and it shows - how can you work in a vet’s clinic if you don’t?” As well as manager Irene and proprietor Antonio, there is a third vet, Vanessa, and they all speak good English. The staff roster is completed with vet assistant/receptionist Kirstyn and dog groomer Anna. When you walk into El Port you will enter the small but well-stocked shop. This has well-known pet food brands such as Royal Canin which they have a large range of including kitten food and for different breeds

Planet superstar BEAUTY pageant contestants are rarely noted for their medical expertise or business acumen, but Debbye Turner bucked that trend in true pioneering style. The Hawaiian won Miss America in 1990, becoming just the third black woman to do so, and the following year was awarded a doctorate in veterinary medicine, going on to have a successful career as a vet and becoming a spokeswoman for Purina. Featuring on Animal Planet and being a respected news anchor and television veterinary expert, Turner is also a pianist, singer and percussionist. Today she continues to work with animals and is a motivational speaker and Christian minister.

UK, they can walk you through every step of this complex process. The clinic itself has an X-Ray room, laboratory, two consultancy rooms for animals, a treatment and operation suite plus a recovery room. In other words, complete state of the art equipment for the treatment of your beloved pet. As director of the centre, Irene is responsible for the day to day running of the clinic or as Antonio describes her “my right hand woman.”

El Port is on the N332 running through Altea (Calle la Mar 159, on the right of the road just before the train station as you drive in from the south). Telephone 966 880 612 or e-mail For their emergency service call 617 544 396.

EL PORT: The small well-stocked shop.

25 years of animal rights and vegetarianism By Matt Ford WHEN the late first lady of Rockocracy Linda McCartney launched her vegetarian and vegan food brand in 1991, few could have predicted its impact, as it kick-started a revolution of choice in the food industry, with many more vegetarian products widely available seemingly overnight. Linda became vegetarian in the 1980s, after she and husband Paul spotted some young sheep frolicking in the sun as they were eating a plate of lamb, and following the success of her vegetarian cookbooks she signed a deal with a frozen food company, since she had always wanted to provide an easy alternative. The introduction of the brand contributed greatly to bringing vegetarianism into vogue, and within a year of its debut, it was bringing in more money than her husband’s music. Such was Linda’s im-

Photo Credit Wikimedia

EARLY DAYS: Paul and Linda in 1976.

pact on meat-free eating, in 1995, Paul and Linda were invited to make a guest appearance on The Simpsons in an episode entitled ‘Lisa The Vegetarian.’ The McCartneys were happy to oblige with one condition; Lisa must always maintain a vegetarian diet. The company was sold to Heinz in 2000, before being bought by the Hain Celestial Group, although the family are still involved in its development, with husband Paul pledging to keep it free of genetically modified ingredients. As a strong advocate for animal rights, Linda also lent her support to many organisations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), for whom she narrated a TV advert, in which she said: “Have you ever seen a fish gasping for breath when you take it out of the water? They’re saying, ‘Thanks a lot for killing me. It feels great, you know.’ No! It hurts!”


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Champions keep playing until they get it right.


Billie Jean King


From helping out in childhood to manager at Vets El Port LIFELONG dream to be a vet realised By Simon Russell

IRENE PEREZ ESPLA, director and vet at Veterinarians El Port in Altea, has been one of those driven and fortunate people who has followed the career path she always wanted to. Irene says “I worked with Antonio (a friend of her fathers and El Port’s owner and fellow vet at the clinic) when I was a child. Not for money - just because I loved working with animals so much.” With a lot of children that would have been the end of it, but throughout her schooling Irene strived towards whatever was needed to become a qualified vet. This culminated in a five-

year course at Valencia University and 10 years ago she became fully qualified and, of course, went straight to work for Antonio who opened El Port in 2002. So does she have any animals at home? “Of course! Three dogs, two cats and a miniature pig that won’t stop growing.” Irene’s latest edition to her household is her first child, now two years old, so still pre-school age. Irene explains a lot of Spanish women take a few years away from work when they have children but the thought has never crossed her mind. “I love spending time with my daughter but I could never stop work-

ing here, it is more than just a job for me.” Her interests outside of work unsurprisingly tend towards the more relaxing side of things such as walking along Altea’s wonderful beaches with her dogs and cooking. She also has to do a lot of studying in her free time to keep up to date with developments in her field. “In my spare time I just like to try and do what the British call chilling out.” Irene was born and still lives in Altea and couldn’t think of anywhere else she would rather live or work. So, with ambition and hard work, childhood dreams can come true!

IRENE PEREZ ESPLA: Dreams can come true!



E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.


Eleanor Roosevelt

“Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great."

Oprah Winfrey

OPRAH WINFREY: Seen here with Barack and Michelle Obama. By John Smith WHEN you consider the terrible background that Oprah Gail Winfrey grew up in, her rise to international fame and prominence as an actress, businesswoman, presenter and role model is quite amazing. Born in Kosciusko, Mississippi on January 29, 1954 to an unmarried couple who broke up before she was born, she lived in real poverty and it’s said that as a child she was often dressed in potato sacks which meant that she was given a difficult time by her peers at school and she was sexually abused by relatives and friends of her mother. At the age of 14, after she had become pregnant and lost her baby son, she moved to Nashville to live with her father, Vernon who was a barber and she found it difficult to come to terms with a stricter upbringing than she was used to and was generally disobedient although not to the extent that she ever got into real trouble. Oprah was bright enough to win a scholarship to Tennessee State University in 1971 and then became interested in journalism and the media and began working in radio and television broadcasting in Nashville. Her first job was reading news for a local station where she was the first black person in

the news team. During that time, she also won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant. She moved to Baltimore in 1976 to co-anchor the six o’clock news and was then recruited to act as co-host of WJZ’s local talk show People Are Talking, which launched in 1978. Oprah also hosted the local version of Dialing for Dollars.

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” By 1983, she had moved to Chicago taking over morning talk show AM Chicago which was attracting very low audiences. Her genial and friendly presentation immediately won admirers and the show steadily increased its audience which then led to her being given her own programme, The Oprah Winfrey Show and as the saying goes, the rest is history. In a short period, Oprah Winfrey established her show as the premier daytime talk show in America and it went on to be one of the most successful American TV programmes ever, running from 1986 to 2011. The main reason for the success of

the show is that Oprah appeals to women of all colours and her emotional style, where she appears to be genuinely interested in the stories of both celebrity and viewer guests, appeals to a huge audience around the world. Oprah has gone through a number of the trials and tribulations experienced by her audience. She has conquered her background, poverty and shared her battle against obesity with her family of viewers, proving that despite all of the hardships it’s possible for a child from a deprived background to live the American dream. One of her often repeated observations pays tribute to her achievement when she said “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” Whilst she was carving out this incredible TV career, it must be remembered that as early as 1985 she starred in Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance. She followed this up with other acting roles, voiced a number of characters in animated movies and produced films and stage shows. During the run of her show, many greats appeared with her, including Michael Jackson who gave one of his rare interviews which attracted one of the largest TV audiences of all time for

a chat show. She also introduced the Oprah Book Club as part of the show which gave enormous publicity to many previously unknown authors and helped book sales to grow in the USA. Her business interests continue to expand and as well as the Harpo (Oprah spelled backwards) production company, she is a partner in Oxygen

5,200 people, mainly women, attended the first White House United State of Women summit Oprah spoke at. Media, a cable channel and interactive network presenting programming designed primarily for women. With her success, she has also become one of the world’s most generous philanthropists. In 2000, Oprah’s Angel Network began presenting a $100,000 ‘Use Your Life Award’ to people using their own lives to improve the lives of others. She publishes two magazines, O, The Oprah Magazine, and O at Home and as long ago as 2003, Forbes magazine announced that she was the first African-American woman to become a billionaire.

Her wide-ranging philanthropic efforts were recognised by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a special Oscar statuette, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award and in 2013, President Obama awarded her America’s highest civilian honour, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She still has considerable work ethic, interviewing people that she finds interesting for TV. Perhaps one of the most unlikely, yet fascinating, was with Lance Dunlop the American cyclist who finally admitted he had used performance enhancing drugs. A great supporter of Barack Obama, it’s believed that her personal endorsement of his campaign added about one million votes to his election total. She now promotes the spiritual side of life and continues to do what she can for the poor and underprivileged. Last month, she appeared with Michelle Obama before a largely female crowd of 5,200 at the first White House United State of Women summit where she discussed various matters including what the president and first lady plan to do after he leaves office. Oprah Winfrey is a woman who not only rose from rags to riches but did so with dignity and modesty and deserves to be recognised as a genuine role model for women around the world.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Wanted 12:45pm Close Calls: On Camera 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Wimbledon 2016 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Celebrity MasterChef 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm New Tricks 12:35am The Sentinel 2:20am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather forecast. 2:25am BBC News

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Gino’s Italian Escape: Islands in the Sun 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Doc Martin 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm The Last Boy Scout 1:35am Jackpot247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote 5:00am ITV Nightscreen

7:15am Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 8:00am Homes Under the Hammer 9:00am Attenborough’s Passion Projects 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 12:30pm The Daily Politics 1:30pm Wimbledon 2016 9:00pm Today at Wimbledon 10:00pm The RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 11:00pm Gardeners’ World 11:30pm Newsnight 12:00am Artsnight 12:35am Kipling’s Indian Adventure 1:35am Of Gods and Men A group of monks is stationed with an Algerian community. 3:30am Question Time David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Brighton. 4:30am Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 5:30am This is BBC Two

8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:45pm 9:50pm 9:55pm 10:00pm

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am The Cube 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:45pm The Cube 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm Love Island 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Love Island 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy 12:50am American Dad!

7:25am 8:30am 9:35am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 11:55am 12:55pm 2:00pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm



11:35pm 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am

3:40am 4:40am

6:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 12:35am 1:35am 1:40am 2:35am 3:30am

World News Today Top of the Pops The Good Old Days Pop Go the Sixties Pop Go the Sixties Pop Go the Sixties .. Sings Stevie Wonder Sounds of the 70s Imported American soul was big news in the UK in the 1970s. Pop Go the Sixties More pop moments from the BBC’s sixties archive. T in the Park 2016 Ultimate Number 1s at the BBC How to Make a Number One Record Top of the Pops Tommy Vance presents the pop chart show, first broadcast on 11 February 1982. .. Sings Stevie Wonder This is BBC Four

Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House On the Buses Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Mrs Biggs The Mirror Crack’d FYI Daily The Mirror Crack’d Long Lost Family Rory Bremner’s Great British Views

7:00am 7:25am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 8:55am 9:25am 9:55am 10:25am 10:55am 12:40pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:00pm 2:55pm 4:35pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:10am 3:00am 3:30am

7:00am 7:55am 8:50am 9:55am 10:55am 11:50am 12:55pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:30pm 5:55pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:05pm 10:10pm 11:40pm 12:40am 12:45am 1:50am 2:20am 3:10am 4:00am

Salvage S.O.S Salvage S.O.S Will and Grace Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Formula 1 Salvage S.O.S Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun Posh Pawnbrokers Formula 1 Channel 4 Racing Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Gogglesprogs Celebrity First Dates The Last Leg Rude Tube Arbitrage Power Monkeys Random Acts

8:35am Thomas and Friends 8:50am Noddy: Toyland Detective 9:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm To B&B the Best 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Big Brother 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:20pm NCIS 4:15pm Fatal Acquittal 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Alex Polizzi’s Italian Islands 9:00pm Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild 10:00pm Big Brother: Live Eviction 11:30pm Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 12:30am Big Brother

8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm

Gunsmoke Minder Ironside Quincy, M.E. Ax Men The Chase Gunsmoke Tour de France Highlights Tour de France Live Storage Wars Ironside The Saint Tour de France Highlights The Man with the Golden Gun FYI Daily The Man with the Golden Gun Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning FYI Daily Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning Motorway Patrol Hell on Wheels Tour de France Highlights Teleshopping

9:05am Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 11:30am The Goonies 1:30pm Furious 7 3:50pm Gladiator 6:30pm Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 9:00pm Furious 7 11:20pm Gone in 60 Seconds 1:25am Taken

9:45am Paper Towns Coming-of-age drama about a geeky teenager who embarks on an adventure when his lifelong crush disappears. 11:45am Bad Bromance 1:30pm The Frankenstein Theory 3:00pm Independence Day: Resurgence Special Sky Movies talks to the cast and crew of Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster sci-fi sequel. 3:30pm The Visit 5:15pm Bad Bromance 7:00pm Paper Towns 9:00pm Spectre 11:40pm The Visit 1:20am Regression 3:10am The Frankenstein Theory 4:40am Regression

7:35am One Night in Istanbul 9:15am Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 11:10am Meet the Parents 1:05pm Horrible Bosses 2 3:00pm Pixels 4:55pm Trainwreck 7:05pm Horrible Bosses 2 9:00pm Pixels 11:00pm Trainwreck 1:10am Meet the Parents 3:05am Think Like a Man Too 5:00am King Ralph

2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:40am

Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory This is 40 The Big Bang Theory


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am 11:30am 11:40am 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 4:55pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 11:30pm 12:30am 12:45am

7:00am 8:00am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:30pm



11:15pm 11:30pm 12:00am 1:00am 5:00am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Super Heroes Live Super Rugby Football Gold Live Super Rugby Super Heroes: James Horwill Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Live British GP: Practice Live British GP2: Qualifying Team Principals’ Press Conference The F1 Show Footballs Greatest Teams Boxing Gold Darts Gold Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Live Super League NRL - The Rookie Super League Gold Super League Highlights

Cricket Classics Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Crickets Greatest Crickets Greatest CWC Classics Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Crickets Greatest Crickets Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. Live T20 Blast Cricket Surrey take on Somerset at the Kia Oval in the NatWest T20 Blast. Sporting Triumphs An in-depth look at one of Seb Coe’s finest moments. Sporting Triumphs Crickets Greatest Time of Our Lives T20 Blast Cricket Time of Our Lives


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

E W N 103

Advertising feature

What should I do in case of a car accident? SUMMER is now here in beautiful, sunny Spain. With temperatures soaring it’s a great feeling, although a tad hot at times for all expats that live and work in this tranquilo environment; tranquilo that is until the influx of tourists from many countries around the world, especially from Britain and the rest of Europe. Now, more than other times during the year, one needs to be even more careful than ever on the roads. With all these extra cars and drivers, who are perhaps more used to driving on the left, an increase in the risk of traffic accidents is inevitable. Always make sure your tyre pressures are correct by checking them at least once a month. Also check your car’s radiator level is topped up; the last thing you want is to overheat and have to wait for a breakdown truck on the edge of a busy motorway! It’s also illegal to run out of

STAY CALM: Wear the reflective vest and use the two triangles as a warning. screen wash, so make sure this is topped up too. And driving with flip-flops or shoes with no back is not permitted either. Needless to say, seat belts must be worn all round, and young children need safety harnesses. Using mobile phones is a definite no no, IN-

CLUDING texting, which is probably worse than speaking. Should the unthinkable happen, here are some tips that everyone, from a new driver to an experienced one, should remember in the case of an accident: • Stay calm and wear the reflective vest

• Get to a safe area near the accident scene, turn on your emergency flashers and use the two triangles • Make sure everyone is okay and call 112, if necessary • When it is safe, take pictures of the vehicles involved, damage, road signs, etc. • Get statements and contact

information from any witnesses • Complete the accident report: write down the other driver’s licence number, insurance details, vehicle information and phone number. Remember it has to be signed by both drivers and reported within seven days; If you need road assistance, call immediately to 900 101 369, Liberty Free Phone Number, where you will be attended in your own language. Liberty Seguros Car Insurance is tailor-made with you in mind and is perfect for expats in Spain. It offers total coverage to both the driver and passengers in case of an accident, as well as roadside assistance from kilometre zero. It also includes help with legal def ence, bai l bonds and even courtesy car as standard.

You can select a vehicle repair shop of your choice should you ever need one, and good drivers will be rewarded with no-claims discounts of up to 65 per cent. Liberty Seguros brokers, with many years of experience, can give you in-depth information about the different policies on offer and advise you on the best cover to suit your family, be it in English, Spanish, German, Dutch or Scandinavian. With Liberty Seguros you will always be in safe hands. With over 175,000 international clients and over 300 brokers, Liberty Seguros is the leading expatriate insurance provider in Spain, with a wide range of products to protect all that really matters. So, call Liberty Seguros on 902 255 258 for further information, or visit: www.liberty to find out the name of your nearest broker. Happy holidays!


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30pm Mary Berry’s Absolute Favourites 1:00pm BBC News 1:05pm Weather 1:10pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm Wimbledon: Ladies Final 6:40pm BBC News 6:50pm Regional News 6:55pm Weather 7:00pm Pointless 7:50pm The Getaway Car 8:40pm The National Lottery: In It to Win It 9:30pm The Musketeers 10:25pm Casualty 11:15pm BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather. 11:30pm Weather 11:35pm Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 1:45am The Resident 3:10am Weather for the Week Ahead

7:00am The Long Voyage Home 8:45am Flight of the Navigator 10:10am Natural World 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Wimbledon 1:30pm Coast 2:00pm Firecreek 3:40pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Flog It! 5:20pm The Great British Sewing Bee 6:20pm Gardeners’ World 6:50pm Wimbledon 2016 9:00pm Today at Wimbledon 10:00pm Wipers Times 11:30pm Versailles Period drama depicting the decadent and turbulent early reign of King Louis XIV of France. 12:30am Golf All the action from the latest Golfing events. 1:30am The Big Kahuna

4:40am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. 8:00pm Moominland Tales: The Life of Tove Jansson 9:00pm The Last Seabird Summer 10:00pm A Hijacking 11:40pm Calvin Harris at T in the Park 2:10am Top of the Pops Tommy Vance presents the pop chart show, first broadcast on 11 February 1982. 2:50am Top of the Pops Tommy Vance presents the pop chart show, first broadcast on 11 February 1982. 3:30am Ultimate No 1’s 4:30am This is BBC Four

7:00am Mobil 1 The Grid 7:25am Motorsport 7:55am Nic Hamilton’s Racing Dream 8:55am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:25am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:55am The Morning Line 10:55am Formula 1 12:05pm The Superhumans Show 12:35pm Salvage S.O.S 1:00pm Formula 1 Steve Jones presents live coverage of qualifying from the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. 3:30pm Channel 4 Racing 6:30pm Channel 4 News 7:00pm Gogglesprogs 8:00pm Battleship 10:30pm Ted 12:35am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:35am The Place Beyond the Pines 4:00am Hollyoaks Omnibus

7:00am Milkshake! Programming aimed at children aged two to seven years old. 9:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30am The Saturday Show Live 12:40pm Now That’s Funny 1:40pm Now That’s Funny 2:40pm Now That’s Funny 3:45pm Major Dundee 6:05pm Rio Lobo 8:15pm NCIS: Los Angeles 9:05pm NCIS 10:00pm NCIS 10:55pm 5 News The latest news coverage. 11:00pm Big Brother 12:05am Gemma Collins: In Therapy 1:05am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heartthumping casino experience every night. 4:10am Big Brother

10:00am Baby Daddy 11:00am Melissa and Joey First ever episode of the US sitcom starring Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence. 11:30am Melissa and Joey 12:00pm Rich Kids of Instagram 1:00pm New Girl 1:30pm The Goldbergs 2:00pm The Goldbergs 2:30pm The Goldbergs 3:00pm The Goldbergs 3:30pm The Goldbergs 4:00pm The Goldbergs 4:30pm The Big Bang Theory 5:00pm The Big Bang Theory 5:30pm The Big Bang Theory 6:00pm The Big Bang Theory 6:30pm The Big Bang Theory 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm The Big Bang Theory 8:30pm The Big Bang Theory 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Snow White and the Huntsman 12:30am Gogglebox

8:00am Boxing Gold 8:15am Boxing Gold 8:30am Super Heroes: James Horwill 9:00am Super Heroes: Ali Williams 9:30am Live Super Rugby 11:30am Sporting Triumphs 11:45am Sporting Triumphs 12:00pm Sporting Heroes 1:00pm Live British GP: Qualifying 3:30pm Sporting Triumphs 3:45pm Sporting Triumphs 4:00pm One2eleven - Joe Cole 4:15pm One2eleven - Stuart Pearce 4:30pm One2eleven - Sol Campbell 4:45pm One2eleven - Ryan Giggs 5:00pm Live Super Rugby 6:55pm Super Heroes: Ali Williams 7:05pm Live Super Rugby 9:00pm Super Heroes: Ali Williams 9:05pm MLS Live 11:10pm Super Heroes: Ali Williams 11:20pm Sporting Triumphs

7:00am 9:25am 9:30am 10:25am 11:20am 12:20pm

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:20am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:50pm Ninja Warrior 1:50pm Baby Mama 2:50pm FYI Daily 2:55pm Baby Mama 3:45pm Small Soldiers 4:45pm FYI Daily 4:50pm Small Soldiers 6:00pm Scooby-Doo 7:00pm FYI Daily 7:05pm Scooby-Doo 7:45pm Sweet Home Alabama 8:45pm FYI Daily 8:50pm Sweet Home Alabama 10:00pm Love Island Brand new show featuring a catch up on the latest drama on Love Island. 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy 12:50am Family Guy 1:20am American Dad! 1:45am American Dad!

6:05am 6:25am 6:45am 7:00am 7:10am 7:30am 8:25am 9:30am

7:00am 7:20am 8:05am 8:50am 9:50am

7:00am 9:00am 11:10am 12:50pm 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:20pm 9:00pm 11:10pm 1:20am 3:30am

7:00am 8:45am 10:35am 12:30pm 2:10pm 4:45pm

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm

1:20pm 1:30pm 2:35pm 3:05pm 4:05pm 6:10pm 7:10pm 7:20pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:45pm 11:50pm 12:10am 1:50am 4:00am 4:50am

CITV ITV News Weekend Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Who’s Doing the Dishes? ITV News and Weather The Wine Show Big Box, Little Box Doc Martin The Mirror Crack’d The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Catchphrase The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey ITV News and Weather Carry on Matron Jackpot 247 Murder, She Wrote Nightscreen

11:35am 1:35pm 3:50pm 4:50pm 4:55pm 6:00pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 11:00pm 1:10am 2:10am 3:00am 3:30am

Judge Judy Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen Movies Now Judge Judy Where the Heart is Where the Heart is Agatha Christie’s Marple A Touch of Frost Foyle’s War Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory FYI Daily Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory Midsomer Murders Doc Martin Comedy drama series about a top London surgeon who developed a phobia of blood. Lewis A Touch of Frost: Hidden Truth The Jury City Lights ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

10:55am 11:55am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:05pm 10:10pm 11:40pm 12:40am 12:45am

Motorway Patrol Ax Men Ax Men Motorsport UK The Saint Simon Templar is a debonair master thief with a talent for disguise. The Saint Shed and Buried Goodwood Festival of Speed Tour de France Highlights Tour de France Live Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Monster Carp Tour de France Highlights The Spy Who Loved Me FYI Daily The Spy Who Loved Me A Dangerous Man FYI Daily A Dangerous Man

Wild Wild West Sahara Jurassic Park III Jurassic World Jurassic Park The Lost World Jurassic Park III Jurassic World Jurassic Park The Lost World Commando

7:00pm 9:00pm

8:55am 10:30am 12:15pm 2:10pm 3:50pm 5:30pm 7:15pm 9:00pm 10:40pm 12:20am 2:00am 3:40am 5:25am

The Waterboy Mr. Deeds Click Billy Madison Happy Gilmore 50 First Dates The Wedding Singer Billy Madison Happy Gilmore The Waterboy Big Daddy The Wedding Singer Son of the Pink Panther

11:15pm 1:50am 3:45am 5:30am

Bad Bromance Regression Paper Towns The Visit Spectre Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Ethan Hunt is back battling bad guys in this latest instalment of the globe-trotting spy series. Paper Towns Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Ethan Hunt is back battling bad guys in this latest instalment of the globe-trotting spy series. Spectre Regression The Visit Independence Day: Resurgence Special Sky Movies talks to the cast and crew of Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster sci-fi sequel.




10:00pm 2:00am 2:15am 2:30am 3:00am

Cricket Classics Cricket Classics T20 Blast Cricket Pro Kabaddi How the ICC World Cup Was Won Live T20 Blast Cricket Nottinghamshire play Worcestershire at Trent Bridge in the NatWest T20 Blast. Cricket’s Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. Live GAA Action from the Gaelic Athletic Association. T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics T20 Blast Cricket


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

7:00am Breakfast 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am Sunday Morning Live 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:45pm BBC News 1:55pm Weather for the Week Ahead 2:00pm Wimbledon 2:50pm Wimbledon 6:35pm BBC News 6:50pm Regional News 6:55pm Weather 7:00pm Countryfile 8:00pm Match of the Day Live 11:30pm BBC News 11:50pm Regional News 11:55pm Weather 12:00am Live at the Apollo 12:45am Flatliners 2:35am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 2:40am BBC News The latest national and international news stories, followed by Weather.

7:10am A to Z of TV Gardening 7:35am Great British Garden Revival 8:35am Gardeners’ World More handy horticultural tips from the gardening experts. 9:05am Countryfile 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30am Tom Kerridge’s Best Ever Dishes 12:00pm Wimbledon 1:30pm Coast 2:00pm Pollyanna 4:10pm Escape to the Continent 5:10pm Flog It! 7:00pm Wimbledon 2016 9:00pm The Help 11:15pm Mock the Week 11:50pm Today at Wimbledon John Inverdale and guests bring the main action and stories from the All England Championships. 12:50am Golf

4:30am This is BBC Four 8:00pm The Water Babies 9:30pm The Sky at Night A look at the world of astronomy. 10:00pm Jake Bugg at t in the Park 11:00pm Red Hot Chili Peppers at t in the Park 1:00am American Nomads 2:30am Horizon Series exploring topical scientific issues. 3:30am Immortal? The Horizon Guide to Ageing Is there any way to slow or even prevent the ravages of time? 4:30am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. More depth, more range, more to stimulate the mind.

7:00am 9:25am 9:30am 10:25am 11:00am 11:55am 12:55pm

6:45am 7:00am 7:10am 7:35am 10:45am

7:00am 7:25am 8:20am 9:20am 11:40am 1:50pm 3:55pm 4:55pm 5:00pm 5:50pm 6:55pm

1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

7:15pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

11:45pm 12:00am 1:00am 1:50am

CITV ITV News Weekend Countrywise Peston on Sunday Judge Rinder ITV News and Weather Rebound The Chase Love Your Garden Midsomer Murders Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Local News and Weather All the very latest local news and weather. ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Euro 2016 Final Live coverage of the Euro 2016 final. ITV News and Weather Sports Life Stories Peston on Sunday Jackpot 247

1:20pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:05pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 6:20pm 7:35pm 8:35pm 8:40pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

12:00am 12:30am 1:00am

ITV2 Nightscreen The Hot Desk You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Take Me Out Love Island Kindergarten Cop FYI Daily Kindergarten Cop Back to the Future Part III FYI Daily Back to the Future Part III You’ve Got Mail FYI Daily You’ve Got Mail Love Island Family Guy Family Guy Animated comedy series about the everyday trials and tribulations of family life. Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!



11:00pm 1:00am 2:05am 3:00am

On the Buses Heartbeat Heartbeat Inspector Morse A Touch of Frost A Touch of Frost George and Mildred FYI Daily George and Mildred Wycliffe Sunday Night at the Palladium Live variety show from the London Palladium featuring musicians, comedians and more! Agatha Christie’s Marple Murder mystery. The Bletchley Circle Series based on a group of four former Bletchley Park code breakers. Lewis Wire in the Blood Wire in the Blood A Touch of Frost

6:05am Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 6:20am French Collection 7:15am Salvage S.O.S 7:40am Salvage S.O.S 8:05am King of Queens 8:30am King of Queens 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Sunday Brunch 1:00pm Formula 1 5:00pm Location, Location, Location 6:00pm A Place in the Sun 7:00pm Channel 4 News Includes sport and weather. 7:30pm Paul O’grady’s 100 Years of Movie Musicals Paul O’Grady celebrates the many highlights of the magical movie genre of the musical. 9:00pm Les Miserables 12:05am Formula 1 1:10am The Quiet Ones 2:55am Dogs: Their Secret Lives

7:00am 7:20am 8:10am 8:55am 9:50am

10:50am 11:55am 1:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:05pm 11:05pm 11:10pm 12:15am 1:15am 1:20am

Motorway Patrol Ax Men Ax Men Ax Men Goodwood Festival of Speed Coverage of the Goodwood Festival of Speed from West Sussex. The Saint Monster Carp Tour de France Highlights Tour de France Live Storage Wars Storage Wars The Wine Show Tour de France Highlights River Monsters Last Man Standing FYI Daily Last Man Standing Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning FYI Daily Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

7:00am Milkshake! 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30am Access 11:35am Fail Army 12:05pm Now That’s Funny 1:00pm Police Interceptors 2:00pm Rookies and Raids: A Police Interceptors Special 3:00pm Police Interceptors: Deadly Pursuits 4:00pm Police Interceptors 5:00pm Police Interceptors 5:55pm 5 News 6:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 7:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 8:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 9:00pm Now That’s Funny 10:00pm Big Brother 11:00pm Most Shocking Reality Moments Counting down the most shocking moments in reality TV of all time. 1:45am Lip Sync Battle 2:10am Super Casino

7:00am Superman IV: The Quest for Peace 8:30am Clash of the Titans 10:20am X-Men: Days of Future Past 12:35pm Fantastic Four 2:25pm Spider-Man 4:30pm Spider-Man 2 6:40pm Spider-Man 3 9:00pm X-Men: Days of Future Past 11:15pm Fantastic Four

7:05am 7:35am 9:35am 11:10am 1:00pm 1:30pm 3:20pm 5:10pm 7:10pm 9:00pm 10:45pm 12:45am 2:35am

Ghostbusters: Special Splash The Simpsons Movie The Wedding Ringer Ghostbusters: Special The Hangover Vacation Ted 2 The Hangover Vacation Ted 2 The Wedding Ringer This is Where I Leave You 4:25am Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

7:25am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 1:30pm

3:15pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 11:05pm 12:00am

7:00am 9:00am 10:40am 12:25pm 2:25pm

4:40pm 7:15pm


11:15pm 1:50am 3:30am 5:30am

Suburgatory Suburgatory Baby Daddy Baby Daddy How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Hollyoaks Omnibus Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory X-Men Rich Kids of Instagram Gogglebox

Paper Towns The Visit Strange Magic Paper Towns Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Ethan Hunt is back battling bad guys in this latest instalment of the globe-trotting spy series. Spectre Strange Magic Madcap musical fairy tale inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Ethan Hunt is back battling bad guys in this latest instalment of the globe-trotting spy series. Spectre The Visit Regression Kingsman: The Secret Service Special


7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am 8:15am 8:30am 9:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 4:30pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 1:00am 1:15am

7:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 12:15pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm

8:45pm 9:00pm 1:00am 1:15am 1:30am


Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Boxing Gold Boxing Gold Premier League 100 Club The Premier League Years Premier League Legends Sky Sports Originals Live British GP: Track Parade Live British GP: Pit Lane Live Live British Grand Prix Live British GP: Paddock Live Sporting Triumphs Stars of Europe Stars of Europe Stars of Europe Stars of Europe Stars of Europe Sky Sports Originals Live Us Women’s Open Golf Football Gold Football Gold

Cricket Classics T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics Ab De Villiers Masterclass Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Live Cricket Writers on TV Live T20 Blast Cricket Cricket Classics Ab De Villiers Masterclass Sporting Triumphs A look back at some of sport’s greatest triumphs. Sporting Triumphs T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket’s Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. T20 Blast Cricket


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

E W N 107

Always the bridesmaid Cassandra Nash A weekly look

Frustration of hung parliament again

- and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

FOR once even Rajoy’s detractors agree with him. He said it would be “truly grotesque” if the PSOE, Ciudadanos and Podemos prevent him from forming a government. Neither politicians nor voters are up for another six months of stalemate with the accent on stale. With 137 seats instead of the 176 needed for an overall majority, even Ciudadanos’ 32 seats, assuming Albert Rivera eats his words and backs Rajoy, won’t do the trick. The intransigence of all parties except Ciudadanos landed Spain with a second ballot and the kindest thing for all concerned is to let Rajoy hang on to the Moncloa’s front door key. And see how long he lasts in isolation.

PEDRO SANCHEZ sees scraping into second place with 85 parliamentary seats and proving the pollsters wrong as a victory. But the PSOE has haemorrhaged votes in the three elections since 2011, first wi t h R u b a l c a b a b efo re P o d e mo s erupted onto the scene and twice with Sanchez. Susana Diaz, Andalucia’s regional president and Rubalcaba’s choice as PSOE secretary general, damned Sanchez with faint commiseration. “I’m sure Pedro is as sad as I am,” she said after the elections. Doubtless he is even sadder, wondering when Diaz will step into his shoes.

PEDRO SANCHEZ: Claiming second place ‘victory’ for the PSOE in the recent election.

It all adds up THE Podemos-Izquierda Unida election alliance, that would supposedly propel them into second place, instead lost a combined 1.2 million votes. How did Pablo Iglesias get it so wrong? Simple: IU voters not enamoured of the te lly pundit de c a mpe d to PSOE. And there’s food for thought, because without them, Sanchez’s miserable showing would have been more dismal still.

Sticky situation DURING the election campaign Pedro Sanchez was caught dusting off his hands after greeting a black woman and her children. The video went viral and was welcomed by Podemos and the PP who wanted to rubbish Sanchez by fair means or foul. He clearly rubbed his hands together shortly after shaking hands with the child, but what adult wouldn’t? Children’s hands are sticky – especially at the weekend when Sanchez did his dreadful deed – regardless of colour.

Advertising feature

FANCY something a bit different for a trip out on the Costa Blanca? Then how about a visit to the Cueva de las Calaveras at Benidoleig. The name translates as ‘cave of skulls,’ the name itself sure enough to capture the imagination of some of the smaller members of your group. Archaeologists have established that humans lived here at least 50,000 years ago where it was used as an ossuary. Some of the skulls and bones in question are remains of a variety of animals used for food or labour. These even include one tooth confirmed as being that of a rhinoceros giving a clue as to what the Alicante landscape would have looked like back when people first walked the earth. There are also crude early weapons and tools. The cave is thought to date back to the Palaeolithic era but has a more recent and bloody history as it appears that sacrifices were made

Photo credit: flickr by Rafael Martinez

Going underground

CAVE OF SKULLS: A great day out with plenty of things to do on site. in the Roman-Iberian age about 5,000 years ago. In the late 18th

century, when the caves were first explored, the remains of around a

dozen humans were discovered. Despite many grisly scenarios be-

ing offered it is thought they were most likely Moorish farmers looking for a water source and becoming trapped. In very recent times the cave was used as an armoury during the Spanish civil war and even a site for local village fiestas. In the 1970’s the caves were fully excavated and opened to the public. There are plenty of other things to do on site including a children’s playground, bar and souvenir shop. Cueva de las Calaveras represents a budget trip out at just €3.90 for adults and €2.00 for children. Please enquire about group discounts. They are open from 9am to 8pm currently (including lunchtime) and 9am to 6pm outside of the summer. The cave is located about four kilometres outside of Pedreguer. See the website www.cuevadelas for a full map or call Paco on 966 404 235.

108 E W N

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Right on the Money 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Wanted 12:45pm Neighbourhood Blues 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Fake Britain 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Panorama 10:00pm Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Have I Got Old News for You 12:15am Have I Got a Bit

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Wild France with Ray Mears 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Brief Encounters 11:00pm ITV News 11:40pm The Big Fish Off 12:40am In Plain Sight 1:25am Jackpot 247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:55am Nightscreen

7:15am Matron, Medicine and Me: 70 Years of the NHS 8:00am Homes Under the Hammer 9:00am Close Calls on Camera 9:30am The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Coast 2:10pm Golf 4:10pm Nature’s Miracle Babies 5:10pm Himalaya with Michael Palin 6:10pm Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm The Hairy Builder 8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm University Challenge 9:30pm Only Connect 10:00pm Exodus Our Journey. 11:00pm Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather

4:30am This is BBC Four 8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Taff: The River That Made Wales 9:00pm Trainspotting Live 10:00pm War at Sea: Scotland’s Story 11:00pm The Secret Life of Children’s Books 11:30pm Easter Island: Mysteries of a Lost World 1:00am The Last Seabird Summer 2:00am War at Sea: Scotland’s Story 3:00am Sex and Sensibility: The Allure of Art Nouveau 4:00am The Bridges That Built London With Dan Cruickshank 5:00am This is BBC Four

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm Love Island 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Love Island 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy

7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:35am 10:35am 11:00am 11:25am 11:55am 12:55pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:10pm 5:45pm 6:15pm 6:55pm 7:55pm 8:55pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:15am 2:15am 3:05am


Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House On the Buses Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Someone’s Daughter, Someone’s Son Unforgiven Liverpool 1 Blue Murder Marchlands ITV3 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping

7:00am 7:25am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:00am

7:00am 7:50am 8:45am 9:45am 10:50am 11:45am 12:45pm 1:50pm 2:50pm


4:55pm 5:55pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:05pm 12:35am 1:40am

Salvage S.O.S Salvage S.O.S Will and Grace Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun Posh Pawnbrokers Fifteen to One Countdown The Question Jury Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches The Real Story 999 Celebrity First Dates Ramsay’s Hotel Hell Bodyshockers

Gunsmoke Minder Ironside Quincy M.E. Ax Men The Chase Gunsmoke Tour de France Highlights The Saint Simon Templar is a debonair master thief with a talent for disguise. Minder Modern-day reimagineering on the classic comedydrama. Quincy M.E. Ironside The Saint Tour de France Highlights Motogp Highlights The Krays FYI Daily The Krays A Dangerous Man FYI Daily

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am 2:00am

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff To B&B the Best 5 News Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Lost Letter Mysteries 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News The Concorde Air Disaster Police Interceptors Unleashed Big Brother Wentworth Prison Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heart-thumping casino experience every night.

9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

12:15pm John Wick 2:10pm The Top Ten Show 2016 2:30pm The Fast and the Furious 4:25pm Batman 6:40pm Kingsman: The Secret Service 9:00pm John Wick 10:50pm The Fast and the Furious 12:40am Dante’s Peak

8:05am The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear 9:40am The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult 11:10am Ghostbusters 1:00pm Ghostbusters: Special 1:30pm Ghostbusters II 3:25pm The Cable Guy 5:05pm Failure to Launch 6:50pm Wedding Crashers 9:00pm Unfinished Business 10:40pm Ghostbusters 12:30am Ghostbusters II

Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Rich Kids of Instagram First Dates Abroad

7:00am Independence Day: Resurgence Special 7:30am Strange Magic 9:20am The Walk 11:35am Spectre 2:20pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Ethan Hunt is back battling bad guys in this latest instalment of the globe-trotting spy series. 4:35pm Strange Magic Madcap musical fairy tale inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 6:25pm Spectre 9:00pm The Walk 11:10pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 1:25am The Frankenstein Theory 2:55am Regression 4:45am The Frankenstein Theory


7:00am The Open - Official Films 8:00am The Open - Official Films 9:00am The Open - Official Films 10:00am The Open - Official Films 11:00am The Open - Official Films 12:00pm The Open - Official Films 1:00pm Sky Sports Today 2:00pm The Open - Official Films 3:00pm The Open - Official Films 4:00pm The Open - Official Films 5:00pm Live at the Open 6:30pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 7:00pm The Open - Official Films 8:00pm The Open 9:30pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 10:00pm The Open 11:30pm The Open - Official Films 12:30am The Open

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 10:30pm 10:45pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:00am

2:00am 2:30am 2:45am 3:00am 3:30am 3:45am

Cricket Classics Cricket Classics WWE Raw Major League Soccer Major League Soccer Cricket Classics Cricket Classics Major League Soccer Major League Soccer How the ICC World Cup Was Won Sporting Rivalries Live Elite League Speedway Super League Gold Super League Gold Super League Fulltime Super League Gold Super League Gold Elite League Speedway Action from Elite League Speedway. Sporting Rivalries Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Rivalries Darts Gold Darts Gold



7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

E W N 109


Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

A potential leader candidate WHAT joyous news we received last week! Well, to those of us who voted for Brexit, it was joyous! The majority vote won the day for those of us heartily sick of the restrictions, red tape and bureaucracy binding us to Europe and throttling our freedom with countless rules and regulations issued by Brussels. Now the United Kingdom can make its own decisions in a truly democratic manner, with a government comprising wise leaders and a parliament exercising democracy in debates inspired by a lively opposition. To hear serious questions discussed, analysed and thrashed out in a serious way is a refreshing concept. A century and more ago, parliamentary debates were often of a high intellectual order. I know it will be at least two years before we notice any change at all. Who do we wish to lead this new government as prime minister? I have one candidate to put forward - years of experience in top jobs in banking, years in top government jobs - articulate, intelligent, charismatic, compassionate and in touch with real people, not only politicians! And, yes, she’s a woman. The name, Andrea Leadsom. Mary Groser

‘Racism’ and respect IT is an insult to accuse leave voters of all being stuffy old ‘Johnny Foreigner’ hating racist Brits. A majority have voted to leave the EU, are they all going to be stereotyped as this type of out-of-touch voter? Democracy and freedom of speech are perhaps the two most important pillars upholding our society. These have to be respected; take them away and all that we hold dear will crumble. It is not shame on Boris, as one very passionate young man said it is shame on our government, both national and European, that has created so much discontent that this has happened. Ordinary, working class and decent people, along with many others at the opposite end of the class structure, voted to leave for many reasons, not just immigration. Please do not call somebody who wants the best for their country and their family a racist. Let’s all respect each other, and if we have to vent our fury perhaps we should direct it more towards some of the worst politicians I have seen in liv-

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

History lesson I WOULD like to point out that in your article Festival of Speed (1617), Jaguar was formed out of Swallow Sidecars, that started building motor cars on standard chassis. There is absolutely no connection with the Nazi SS. Yours faithfully, B Johnson, Torrevieja

First victims?

BLISS: Brits Living in Spanish Sun, a Facebook page for anyone affected by Brexit.

Protecting the pensioners I LIVE in Almeria Province and I have set up a Facebook group for anyone affected by Brexit. It is called BLISS - Brits Living in Spanish Sun. It is a closed group, but acceptance is automatically granted to anyone. It’s closed so that abusive members and trolls can be removed and blocked. The group can be found by typing the name into the Facebook search box. It is not intended to be a pressure or protest group, merely a point of first contact, forum, information exchange and source of mutual support. We have strong links with a similar group in France that is more proactive. I have also started a petition on the UK Government’s Petitions website asking for a commitment to maintaining the healthcare arrangements of all British pensioners living in Europe when Britain leaves. As I write, it has been awaiting Standards Compliance clearance since Thursday. This usually takes less than a week so, all being compliant it should be live when the paper goes out on Thursday. I would be grateful if your paper would publicise this information. Dave England, Almeria

ing memory and not at each other. They have caused this mess, however, it is one that can still be turned into something productive and special if we can all get along as decent British and/or European citizens. Robert, La Cala de Mijas

Build a bridge I READ, with dismay, the letters on page three last week. Presumably all but Edward and Brian do not understand the workings of democracy, and to use the ‘racial prejudice’ wording is sinking to deplorable depths. How do they know why people voted to leave? Do they write such letters every time they lose any vote?

Regardless of how people voted, the really important thing now that the decision has been made is for everyone to be positive and work towards resolving the situation in Britain’s favour. Hopefully your letters will reflect this in future, or the job will be made that much harder if people cannot ‘build a bridge and get over it’ John Price

Knitted knockers I AM in the process of trying to raise awareness about the need of ‘Knitted Knockers’ to women in Spa in, w ho ha ve ha d bre a s t

c a nc e r and need a l i ght wei ght , comfortable prosthesis. There is a Facebook page called: ‘Knitted Knockers Spain.’ This group began earlier this year, but I believe it hasn’t had chance to be ‘launched.’ It could do with some publication, would you be able to help, please? Regards, Sue Wright

Top service WOW, what brilliant service. Within two days my friend contacted Maggie and she will be getting her own personalised knitted knocker this week. Well done Euro Weekly. Thank you. Pauline King, Muchamiel

WE have been residents of Spain for 22 years. The reality of no longer being part of the European Union became evident today. My husband had a laryngectomy in 2000 in the hospital Costa del Sol, Marbella, and every year since he has annual checks. Today was the annual check; to be informed ‘you are cured,’ and no more appointments are necessary. We are the first victims of Brexit. The hospital could not give an appointment for a year ahead. Roy & Christine, Torreblanca

Big tantrum ONE of the joys of holidaying in Spain is your paper. It’s informative and, on occasion, entertaining. None more so than the edition (1617) containing a letter from Jonathan Allso of Valencia. Jonathan has got the hump. He’s binned his England football shirts, not because of the dire showing at Euro 2016 but, because he has ‘no more desire to be British.’ Why his outrage? Oh, simply because he had witnessed a democracy at work. Instead of blindly continuing to accept the dictatorship of the arrogant, overpaid, non-elected folk of Brussels, the British electorate voted ‘Leave.’ Jonathan, if your diatribe is anything to go by, I do not think “the insular British nation on their horrible rainy little island” will miss whatever you bring to the party. Pity about your football shirts though, there must be other kids who’d have appreciated one. Alan Price, Portsmouth UK

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Right on the Money 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Wanted 12:45pm Neighbourhood Blues 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm The Living and the Dead 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Would I Lie to You? 12:15am Forces of Nature with Brian Cox 1:15am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:20am BBC News

6:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 9:00pm Love Your Garden 10:00pm Caught on Camera 11:00pm ITV News 11:40pm Davina Mccall: Life at the Extreme Documentary exploring some of the most extreme places on Earth. 12:45am In Plain Sight 1:35am Jackpot 247 4:00am Loose Women

7:00am 7:45am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:45pm 4:10pm 5:10pm 6:10pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 1:15am 2:15am 3:15am

Right on the Money Garden Rescue The Hairy Builder Close Calls on Camera Gardeners’ World Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Pressure Pad The Big Allotment Challenge Natural Curiosities Nature’s Miracle Babies Himalaya with Michael Palin Antiques Roadshow Eggheads The Hairy Builder Great Continental Railway Journeys Trust Me, I’m a Doctor Exodus QI Newsnight Weather Celebrity MasterChef Natural World This is BBC Two

7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:10pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Mom 10:30pm Mom 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am American Dad! 1:40am Two and a Half Men 2:05am Two and a Half Men

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Wonder of Animals Documentary examining the unique features that have made certain animal groups successful. 9:00pm Trainspotting Live 10:00pm War at Sea: Scotland’s Story 11:00pm Inside Claridge’s 12:00am The Seven Ages of Britain 1:00am James Clerk Maxwell: The Man Who Changed the Modern World 2:00am War at Sea: Scotland’s Story 3:00am Inside Claridge’s 4:00am A303: Highway to the Sun The A303 is the road that passes Stonehenge on the way to the beaches of Devon and Cornwall. 5:00am This is BBC Four

7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:35am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 11:55am

1:00pm 2:05pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm

8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:05am 3:10am 3:30am

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House On the Buses Man About the House Heartbeat Drama, set in the North Yorkshire moors in the 1960’s. Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Unforgiven Wire in the Blood Inspector Morse ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

7:40am 8:05am 8:30am 8:55am 9:25am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am 1:40am 2:35am 3:05am 3:35am

Will and Grace Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun Posh Pawnbrokers Fifteen to One Countdown The Question Jury Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Child Genius Gogglesprogs My Worst Job 999 Live From Abbey Road Classics The Last Leg KOTV Boxing Weekly Mobil 1 The Grid Motorsport

7:00am Gunsmoke 7:55am Minder Modern-day reimagineering on the classic comedydrama. 8:50am Ironside 9:55am Quincy M.E. 10:55am Ax Men 11:50am The Chase 12:55pm Gunsmoke 2:00pm Tour de France Highlights 3:00pm Tour de France Live 5:30pm Storage Wars 5:55pm Ironside 7:00pm Motogp Highlights 8:00pm Tour de France Highlights 9:00pm Monster Carp 10:00pm World Superbike Highlights 11:00pm Above the Law 12:00am FYI Daily 12:05am Above the Law 1:05am Motorsport UK 2:00am Tour de France Highlights 3:05am River Monsters 3:55am ITV4 Nightscreen 4:00am Teleshopping

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am 2:00am 4:10am 5:00am 5:45am

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff To B&B the Best 5 News Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Rosamunde Pilcher: The Other Wife 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Rookies and Raids: A Police Interceptors Special The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies Big Brother Body Freaks: Old Face, New Face Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Botched Up Bodies Super Casino Person of Interest Criminals Caught on Camera Divine Designs

7:30am Stealth 9:45am Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 12:00pm San Andreas 2:05pm Fast and Furious 7 Special 2:35pm 2 Fast 2 Furious 4:30pm Batman Returns 6:45pm Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 9:00pm San Andreas 11:00pm 2 Fast 2 Furious

9:50am Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan 11:20am Think Like a Man Too 1:15pm Me, Myself and Irene 3:15pm Get Hard 5:05pm Blazing Saddles 6:45pm The Top Ten Show 2016 7:00pm The 40 Year Old Virgin 9:00pm Hitch

7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:50am

Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks The Big Bang Theory 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Independence Day The Big Bang Theory

7:00am Kingsman: The Secret Service Special 7:30am The Walk 9:50am Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 12:05pm Strange Magic Madcap musical fairy tale inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 1:50pm Spectre 4:35pm The Walk 6:45pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation Ethan Hunt is back battling bad guys in this latest instalment of the globe-trotting spy series. 9:00pm Spectre 11:35pm Me and Earl and the Dying Girl 1:25am Regression 3:15am Me and Earl and the Dying Girl 5:05am Strange Magic Madcap musical fairy tale inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.


7:00am The Open - Official Films 8:00am The Open - Official Films 9:00am The Open 10:30am Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 11:00am The Open - Official Films 12:00pm The Open 1:30pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 2:00pm The Open - Official Films 3:00pm The Open - Official Films 4:00pm The Open - Official Films 5:00pm Live at the Open 6:30pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 7:00pm The Open - Official Films 8:00pm The Open 9:30pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 10:00pm The Open 11:30pm The Open - Official Films 12:30am The Open 2:00am Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 2:30am Chronicles of a Champion Golfer

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 10:45am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 3:45pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 10:45pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 1:00am 4:45am 5:00am 5:30am

Cricket Classics Cricket Classics WWE SmackDown! CWC Classics Sporting Rivalries Darts Gold Darts Gold Sporting Heroes Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest 20 Years of Super League Super League Fulltime Super League Gold Super League Gold Sporting Rivalries Darts Gold Darts Gold Time of Our Lives Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Sporting Heroes Live T20 Blast Cricket Darts Gold Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Time of Our Lives T20 Blast Cricket Darts Gold Cricket Classics Cricket Classics


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Right on the Money 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm The Wanted 12:45pm Neighbourhood Blues 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Red Rock 3:25pm Escape to the Country 4:25pm Garden Rescue 5:10pm Flog It! 6:10pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm Eat Well for Less 10:00pm Saving Lives at Sea 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm A Question of Sport 12:15am Room 101 12:55am Weather for the Week Ahead Detailed weather report. 1:00am BBC News

7:00am 7:45am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:45pm 4:10pm 5:10pm 6:10pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 1:45am 2:45am 3:45am

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm 100 Year Old Drivers Rebooted 10:00pm Long Lost Family 11:00pm ITV News 11:40pm Caught on Camera 12:40am In Plain Sight Drama about a U.S. Marshal attached to the highly secretive Federal Witness Protection Program. 1:30am Jackpot 247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote

Right on the Money Garden Rescue The Hairy Builder Close Calls on Camera The Best Dishes Ever Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics The Super League Show The Big Allotment Challenge Natural Curiosities Nature’s Miracle Babies Himalaya with Michael Palin Antiques Roadshow Eggheads The Hairy Builder Great Continental Railway Journeys Mastermind Gardeners World Boy Meets Girl Newsnight Weather Celebrity MasterChef Old School with the Hairy Bikers This is BBC Two

7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 10:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30am Psych 11:20am Scorpion 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:10pm Emmerdale 2:15pm Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Hell’s Kitchen 11:00pm The Vampire Diaries 11:55pm Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:55am American Dad! 1:25am American Dad! 1:55am Two and a Half Men

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Wonder of Animals Documentary examining the unique features that have made certain animal groups successful. 9:00pm Trainspotting Live 10:00pm The Titfield Thunderbolt 11:20pm Ocean Giants 12:20am Horizon 1:20am Easter Island: Mysteries of a Lost World 2:50am The Seven Ages of Britain 3:50am Ocean Giants 4:50am This is BBC Four

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:35pm 12:35am 1:35am

7:00am 7:25am 8:30am 9:35am 10:40am 11:05am 11:25am 11:55am

1:00pm 2:05pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm

7:55pm 8:55pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:05am 3:05am 3:30am

Doctor in the House Heartbeat Where the Heart is The Royal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Drama series about a sleuthing writer who solves murder mysteries. Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Where the Heart is Doctor in the House On the Buses Man About the House Heartbeat Drama, set in the North Yorkshire moors in the 1960’s. Murder, She Wrote Foyle’s War Unforgiven Wire in the Blood Inspector Morse ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

7:00am 7:55am 8:50am 9:50am 10:55am 11:50am 12:50pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:30pm 5:55pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 11:00pm

12:00am 12:05am 1:35am 2:05am 3:05am 3:55am 4:00am

Countdown Will and Grace Will and Grace Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun Posh Pawnbrokers Fifteen to One Countdown The Question Jury Couples Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Secret Life of Brothers and Sisters 24 Hours in A and E Man Down 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Gogglesprogs My Worst Job

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:15pm

Gunsmoke Minder Ironside Quincy M.E. Ax Men The Chase Gunsmoke Tour de France Highlights Tour de France Live Storage Wars Ironside The Saint Tour de France Highlights British Superbike Championship Highlights The Motorbike Show The Man with the Golden Gun Action adventure. FYI Daily The Man with the Golden Gun Motorway Patrol Tour de France Highlights Monster Carp ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

9:00am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:45am Gladiator 1:20pm Mad Max: Fury Road 3:20pm The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 5:05pm Batman Forever 7:10pm Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 9:00pm Mad Max: Fury Road 11:10pm The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am


8:20am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:40pm 3:30pm 5:10pm 5:30pm 7:20pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:45am 2:30am

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff To B&B the Best 5 News Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Rosamunde Pilcher: The Other Wife 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Secrets of Great British Castles GPs: Behind Closed Doors The Hotel Inspector Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side On Benefits: Life on the Dole Documentary following people living on benefits. Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heartthumping casino experience every night.

Analyze That Patch Adams Nacho Libre Pixels The Bad Education Movie The Top Ten Show 2016 Let’s be Cops Billy Madison Pixels The Bad Education Movie Happy Gilmore South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

7:00am 7:45am 8:35am 9:05am 9:35am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am


Charmed Charmed Hollyoaks Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey Charmed Charmed How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Melissa and Joey Melissa and Joey How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Jane the Virgin The Big Bang Theory Containment Supernatural The Big Bang Theory

7:00am The Walk 9:05am Strange Magic 10:50am Me and Earl and the Dying Girl 12:40pm The Walk 2:50pm Strange Magic Madcap musical fairy tale inspired by Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 4:35pm Spectre 7:10pm Me and Earl and the Dying Girl 9:00pm Spectre 11:35pm Theeb 1:35am Regression 3:35am Theeb 5:30am Independence Day: Resurgence Special Sky Movies talks to the cast and crew of Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster sci-fi sequel.

7:00am The Open - Official Films 8:00am The Open - Official Films 9:00am The Open 10:30am Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 11:00am The Open - Official Films 12:00pm The Open 1:30pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 2:00pm The Open - Official Films 3:00pm The Open - Live 6:00pm The Open - Official Films 7:00pm Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 7:30pm To be Announced 8:00pm The Open 11:00pm The Open - Official Films 12:00am The Open - Official Films 1:00am The Open 4:00am Chronicles of a Champion Golfer 4:30am Chronicles of a Champion Golfer As a child, Darren Clarke longed to be The Open champion.

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 12:45pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 5:45pm 6:00pm

7:00pm 10:45pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

12:00am 1:00am 4:45am 5:00am 5:30am

Cricket Classics Cricket Classics WWE Experience T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics Cricket Classics T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Heroes Former England cricketer Phil Tufnell interviews Arsenal legend Tony Adams. Live T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics Cricket Classics A look at the Pro40 game between Derbyshire and Leicester at the County Ground back in 2007. Time of Our Lives T20 Blast Cricket Sporting Triumphs Cricket Classics Cricket Classics


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North




Famous quote

This week


There are only two conditions where you’re allowed to wake up a woman on a lie-in: it’s snowing or the death of a celebrity. Michael McIntyre

in history 988 - The city of Dublin was founded on the banks of the river Liffey. 1099 - 15,000 hungry Christian crusaders marched around Jerusalem as Muslims watched on from within the city. 1212 - The worst of several early fires of London burned most of the city to the ground. 1290 - Jews were expelled from England by order of King Edward I. 1456 - A retrial verdict acquitted Joan of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death. 1520 - Hernan Cortes and the Tlaxcalans defeated a numerically superior Aztec force at the Battle of Otumba in Mexico. 1540 - King Henry VIII of England annulled his marriage to Anne of Cleves, his fourth wife. 1553 - Lady Jane Grey, daughter of the Duke of Suffolk, was proclaimed queen of England after Edward VI died and proclaimed his half-sisters as illegitimate. She reigned for nine days before being deposed by Mary Tudor. 1568 - Alexander Nowell, dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, perfected a way of bottling beer. 1668 - Isaac Newton received an MA from Trinity College, Cambridge. 1753 - The British parliament granted citizenship to Jews. 1816 - Argentina declared its independence from Spain. 1928 - Sliced bread was sold for the first time by the Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri, US. 1942 - Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in the attic above her father’s office in an Amsterdam warehouse. 1955 - The last execution of a woman in Britain, Ruth Ellis, took place at Holloway Prison in London. 1958 - The first parking metre was installed in England. 1991 - Boris Yeltsin was sworn in as the first elected president of the Russian Federation following the break-up of the USSR. 1996 - Nelson Mandela stepped down as President of South Africa. 2005 - Coordinated terrorist bombs struck London’s public transport system during the morning rush hour killing 52 people and injuring 700.

Women’s wit

I spit on education. No man will ever put his hand up your dress looking for a library card. Joan Rivers

World of English

If you don’t pay your exorcist, will you be repossessed?


Costa Blanca



for next 7 days


Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.














Fri Sat Sun -

29 23 S 31 23 S 30 23 S

Benidorm MAX 29C, MIN 24C Mon - 32 24 S Tues - 31 23 S Wed - 31 23 S


Fri Sat Sun -

29 22 S 28 22 S 31 22 S

MAX 28C, MIN 22C Mon - 28 22 S Tues - 29 22 C Wed - 29 22 S


Fri Sat Sun -

30 22 S 30 22 S 29 22 S S Sun,


Mon - 26 16 Sh Tues - 25 16 Sh Wed - 25 14 Sh

25 16 Cl 22 17 Sh 26 16 C

Madrid MAX 29C, MIN 23C MAX MIN

Mon - 30 23 S Tues - 29 23 S Wed - 30 24 Sh Cl Clear,

TODAY: Fri Sat Sun Fog,

32 22 S 31 22 S 30 24 S



Fri Sat Sun -

32 21 S 31 22 S 32 22 S


Mon - 31 23 S Tues - 31 22 S Wed - 31 22 C



MAX 36C, MIN 24C



36 22 S 36 23 S 35 23 S C Cloudy,

Mon - 34 20 S Tues - 31 20 S Wed - 31 20 S Sh Showers,



Fri Sat Sun -

35 22 S 35 23 S 35 23 S Sn Snow,






Mon - 30 24 S Tues - 31 24 S Wed - 32 23 S

Mallorca CLOUDY MAX 26C, MIN 18C


Fri Sat Sun -


Fri Sat Sun -





Mon - 30 23 S Tues - 31 23 S Wed - 30 23 S

30 23 S 29 23 S 30 23 S



Barcelona TODAY:


Fri Sat Sun -


Almeria TODAY:






Mon - 34 22 S Tues - 34 23 C Wed - 33 23 S Th Thunder


Alicante TODAY:

E W N 113

Saturday July 02



Saturday July 02



Tuesday June 28

Friday July 01

































Sunday July 03


32 16

Saturday July 02










E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North






Born in San Sebastian, this well-known politician has been a member of congress, Minister of the Interior and a Euro MP for Partido Popular party.

Ringo Star, musician, July 7, 76 A member of The Beatles until they broke up in April 1970, Ringo wrote Don’t Pass Me By and Octopus’s Garden. He was asked to join the band after the other members fell out with drummer Pete Best, and sang lead vocals for Yellow Submarine and With a Little Help from My Friends. Robbie Keane, footballer, July 8, 36 One of the top goal scorers in the history of the Premier League, this Irish footballer spent most of his career with Tottenham Hotspurs and was named their player of the year three times. He joined the Irish national team in 1998 and was one of the team’s leaders for more than a decade. Tom Hanks, actor, July 9, 60 This legendary American actor won back-to-back Academy Awards for Best Actor for his roles in Philadelphia in 1993 and Forrest Gump in 1994. Other classics he has starred in include Cast Away, The Green Mile, Saving Private Ryan and Apollo 13. Fiona Shaw, actress, July 10, 58 An English theatre and film actress who became popular as Petunia Dursley in the Harry Potter films. She also appeared in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and won a Drama Desk Award for her one-person performance of TS Eliot’s The Waste Land. Giorgio Armani, fashion designer, July 11, 82 This Italian designer is well-known for his tailored menswear and red carpet looks. He has received multiple awards including the prestigious CFDA International Award in 183. Before entering the world of fashion he intended to be a doctor. Harrison Ford, actor, July 13, 74 An iconic actor whose memorable characters have included Han Solo in the original Star Wars trilogy and Indiana Jones, Ford came first on Empire’s 1997 list of the Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time.


The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (SOURCE) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.




1 Extent 2 Arrest 3 Crania 4 Bypass 5 Statue 6 Icicle 7 Stereo 8 Strive 9 Sodden 10 Rustic 11 Server 12 Decree 13 Sinter 14 Rudder 15 Farina 16 Assent 17 Threat 18 Raised 19 Fright

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) A great light shines on your romantic life. Whether it is meeting up with old chums or a new date, there is electricity in the air for you. Equally, a business coupling is particularly fruitful and you count your blessings to have gone down a particular path.


(June 22 - July 23)

Your mind is sharp and it is easy to spot problems before they arise. Some dispute regarding a trip is disappointing. However, you are not able to please everyone in this instance. A glitch in a close relationship needs sorting out now before things get worse. peaking early on, projects gain momentum and there are early results. A suggestion made to a loved one some time ago is now acceptable and there could be some excitement. Rather than setting down hard-and-fast plans, it may be better to be flexible.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) The usually flamboyant attitude which is yours at this time of the year is now subdued, but this will not last for too much longer and soon things will be back to normal. You will be looking to spice up your romantic life and your partner will be only too willing to go along with your suggestions.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) Your love life is highlighted and, although you may be suspicious of your good luck, this is a new phase. Whereas before you had some reason to mistrust you are now able to have confidence. It is a great time to progress your inclinations on the romantic front.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) There is a lot going on and sometimes you need to take a step back. A feeling that you have covered some ground before is not unfounded. However, there are certain aspects of your life which need to be revisited. Only in this way are you able to see the real progress that has been made.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) Cast your net wide this week and be prepared to take advantage of a state of freedom. With high energy and an expansive mind, you are in a good position. Avoid being thrown out of kilter by activities around you. It may be difficult to make real progress at times but that does not mean you are unable to plan.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Expectations are high. With energy

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) As the moon shines on you, it is almost


SHADES OF GREY 1. Earl Grey tea is a tea blend that has been flavoured with the addition of which essential oil? 2. First published in December 1847, Agnes Grey was the debut novel of which English author writing under the pen name of Acton Bell? 3. On which track in southwest London has the prestigious Greyhound Derby been held since 1985? 4. Seize the Day, published by Hodder and Stoughton in 2001, is the autobiography of which former British wheelchair racer, a parliamentarian and a television presenter? 5. The 1871 painting in oils on canvas Arrangement in Grey and Black No 1 is better known under what two-word colloquial name? 6. The American actor, singer, dancer and photographer Joel Grey is best known for portraying the Master of Ceremonies in both the stage and film versions of which Kander and Ebb musical? 7. ‘The curfew tolls the knell of parting day’ is the first line from which poem by Thomas Gray, which was completed in 1750 and first published in 1751? 8. What was the name of the great-granddaughter of Henry VII who was the de facto monarch of England from July 10 until July 19 1553? 9. What was the name of the Skye terrier who became known in 19th-century Edinburgh for supposedly spending 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until he died himself in January 1872? 10. Zane Grey (1872 –1939) was an American dentist and author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories associated with which genre in literature and the arts? Not a lot of people know that... the American Civil War, was sometimes called the ‘War of the blue and the grey.’

YOUR STARS LEO (July 24 - August 23) Having been given a chance to take responsibility at the beginning of the month, you are determined to do your best. Certainly, it is a time to concentrate on any business matters which need attention.


10-Star Quiz

A JUGGERNAUT of onions has shed its load all over the M1. Motorists are advised to find a hard shoulder to cry on. Police arrested two kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.

Unscramble the name of a famous comic novel, first published in 1932 (three words): OLD MAC FROM CROFT

Directed by: Gavin Hood Starring: Helen Mirren, Aaron Paul, Alan Rickman, Barkhad Abdi The moral implications of modern drone-based warfare are confronted in this powerful drama. Tackling an ethical dilemma in a thoughtprovoking, suspenseful story, the film follows Colonel Katherine Powell, a UK-based military officer in command of a top secret operation to capture terrorists in Kenya. Powell discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from ‘capture’ to ‘kill,’ but a nine-year-old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute which reaches the highest levels of American and British government.


Just Joking

Unscramble the name of an award-winning English actress: UNSEEN ON JARS

Eye in the Sky

Jaime Mayor politician, July 12


possible to feel the light. After a few recent hiccups it is now possible to get down to achieving your heart’s desire. Whether that is what you will want at the end of the day is neither here nor there. What matters most to your well-being now is to see some results. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) There will be good news regarding an application or legal document. Following on from that your finances take a turn for the better and this could be long term. Having extra cash is great, but be wary of someone who would like to part you from it. At the weekend, events take a romantic turn but timing may be bad owing to other commitments. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Although you feel more in control as the week comes to an end, do not make the mistake of counting your chickens before they are hatched. If you do, you could end up with egg on your face. Continue to plan to get the best results but bide your time. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Colleagues are far from helpful at the moment and you may even feel that matters are going backwards. It may be necessary to move away and leave them to haggle among themselves. Perhaps later you may step in and take control of the confusion. If your business life is far from good then it is more than balanced by harmony at home.

Answers 1. OIL OF BERGAMOT, 2. Anne BRONTË, 3. WIMBLEDON STADIUM, 4. Tanni GREY-THOMPSON (Baroness Grey-Thompson), 5. WHISTLER’S MOTHER, 6. CABARET, 7. ELEGY WRITTEN IN A COUNTRY CHURCHYARD, 8. LADY JANE GREY (also known as Lady Jane Dudley or the Nine-Day Queen), 9. GREYFRIARS BOBBY, 10. WESTERNS


Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case D) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.

TARGET: • Average: 11 • Good: 16 • Very good: 23 • Excellent: 29

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION doom door dorm dour drag dram drug drum gaud goad good grad mood odor road rood ardor dogma durra gourd guard mudra odour ardour ramrod GUARDROOM



7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North





Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition


Code Breaker





Across 1 From past experience, stick (5) 4 Tick cop off in driver’s seat (7) 8 Fall out with bank for small bird (7) 9 Concept game I arranged (5) 10 Head of state isn’t a model of virtue (5) 11 Causes are spoilt by boys (7) 12 Most sound sent as arranged (6) 14 Poem parts from adverse situations (6) 17 The late doctor was a competitor (7) 19 Insults some winners' lap sessions (5) 21 Blocks advertisements (5) 22 Foolish Annie is all over the place (7) 23 English can, in French street, find a train (7) 24 Excited to find silver always around (5) Down 1 Jobs for Poles (5) 2 One sail entangled a marine creature (3-4) 3 Bird returning from Münster, Germany (5) 4 Chicken is care of guard (6) 5 Alec and Tim upset mood (7) 6 Large instrument appeared in a utopian orchestra (5) 7 Locks trees around ship (7) 12 Cheat for every dart (7) 13 Let it remain the boy's cowboy hat (7) 15 Rum has king rocking (7)

E W N 115

1 Curtail, 5 Inane, 8 Loire, 9 Stopgap, 10 Operate, 11 Arras, 12 Action, 14 Ostend, 17 Tubas, 19 Resorts, 22 Concede, 23 Agree, 24 Elsie, 25 Steamer. Down: 1 Cello, 2 Raiment, 3 Arena, 4 Lasted, 5 Isobars, 6 Anger, 7 Exposed, 12 Article, 13 Obscene, 15 Eardrum, 16 Briefs, 18 Bonus, 20 Stave, 21 Sheer.

QUICK Across:

16 Put down in a deliberate manner (6) 18 Search for answer in favourite hangout (5) 19 Take a pot shot at wading bird (5) 20 Drive around trees (5) Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 9 represents R and 10 represents F, so fill in R every time the figure 9 appears and F every time the figure 10 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Lower in price (7) 5 Dependable (5) 8 To the lowest degree (5) 9 Having in common (7) 10 Female parents (7) 11 Go into (5) 12 Powerful (6) 14 Broad-bladed digging tool (6) 18 Expressionless (5) 20 Against (7) 22 Service men in the navy (7) 23 Go away from a place (5) 24 Paces (5) 25 Takes industrial action (7)

Down 1 Upright pillars (7) 2 Precise (5) 3 Decorative design (7) 4 Oppose (6) 5 Serpent (5) 6 Left out (7) 7 Large Asian feline (5) 13 Understand (7) 15 Well liked (7) 16 Sorrow (7) 17 Buildings for living in (6) 18 Foundation (5) 19 Is aware of (5) 21 Carnivorous marine fish (5)

English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

1 Alarm, 4 Sponsor, 7 Teacake, 8 Banjo, 9 Muted, 10 Confess, 11 Tawdry, 13 Object, 17 Sardine, 19 Opted, 21 Agile, 22 Soprano, 23 Furious, 24 Roses.

Down: 1 Attempt, 2 Adapt, 3 Meander, 4 Stench, 5 Sincere, 6 Rooms, 8 Ban, 12 Warrior, 14 Blooper, 15 Tedious, 16 Versus, 17 Scarf, 18 Ire, 20 Tears.

ENGLISHSPANISH Across: 1 Team, 3 Apodos, 8 Nephews, 9 Ace, 10 Sweet potato, 11 Ear, 12 Nuestro, 14 Please, 15 Asno. Down: 1 Tin, 2 Apple-tree, 4 Pastores, 5 Diamantes, 6 Suelo, 7 Ventanas, 10 Sleep, 13 Oro.


Across 1 Sagrado (lugar, libro) (6) 4 Island (4) 8 Wall (interior) (5) 9 Ajedrez (5) 10 Retratos (9) 14 Sky (5) 15 Slack (not tight or firm) (5) 16 Smell (odour) (4) 17 Press (newspapers) (6)

Down 1 Toad (4) 2 Coal merchant (9) 3 Fin (3) 5 Maíz dulce (9) 6 También (4) 7 Minutes (of a meeting) (4) 11 Herramienta (4) 12 Leisure (4) 13 Mouth (of person, animal, bottle) (4) 15 Piel (animal) (3)

E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


TOP 10 Harrison Ford films

UNLESS some undiscovered masterpiece is unearthed somewhere, this will be the last new work we will ever see from Terry Pratchett, as his collaborative series with Stephen Baxter draws to a close. Once again, the purpose is less to tell a story than to discover and explore, in both physical and philosophical senses, an infinite landscape of infinite possibilities, as readers are reacquainted with familiar parties such as stepper Joshua Valiente, ubiquitous AI Lobsang, and retired churchman Nelson Azikiwe.


CREDIT: Tinseltown /

BOSS Tuner

The new Boss Tuner App brings Boss’s trusted chromatic tuning technology to iOS and Android mobile devices. Available as a free download, the convenient app features the look of the best-selling TU-3 pedal tuner, and provides accurate on-the-go tuning for guitar, bass, ukulele, and other instruments. The app also works well as a visual pitchchecking tool for practising vocalists.

Play on Words




Boggled HAN SOLO: Still going strong. 6) Blade Runner Although it didn’t really click with audiences when it was first released in 1982, it is an incredibly original mix of the sci-fi and noir genres. Ford plays Rick Deckard, a retired police officer who is called back into active duty in 2019. It has become a cult classic for sci-fi fans and an incredibly influential film in the genre, all thanks to Ford’s performance. 7) Clear and Present Danger Harrison Ford’s second outing as Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan was an improvement in every way. The film has a more thrilling script, better action sequences and an even better performance by Ford than in Ryan’s first appearance. 8) Regarding Henry Ford plays a hotshot New York lawyer who is shot in the head during a robbery and emerges from a coma a very

changed man. Although it received mixed reviews and wasn’t all that profitable compared to some of his films, it is a story which touches the heart. 9) Air Force One Released in 1997, some consider this to be one of Ford’s last truly excellent performances. Although it came some 14 years after Return of the Jedi, his role in the film as US president gave him the chance to show he could still kick backsides as he battled with terrorists. 10) Presumed Innocent After riding off into the sunset at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Ford teamed up with director Alan Pakula for this adaption of Scott Turow’s novel. He plays a prosecutor who is framed for the murder of a colleague who happens to be his mistress. Released in 1990, it gives an overwhelming feel of a great Hitchcock film.

How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.

TARGET: • Average: 21 • Good: 30 • Very good: 43 • Excellent: 55

SCORING: • 4 letters: 1 point • 5 letters: 2 points • 6 letters: 3 points • 7 letters: 4 points • 8 or more letters: 11 points

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION panto append anti antic ante antes apse apes ages attic attend gaps gape gapes gate gates gnat gens geek geeks cotta cottage cottages cite cites ices sett setts etna even esthete esthetes eves evens hewn keep keeps keen keens

Word Ladder




Move from the start word (FULL) to the end word (BEAM) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time. or FULL FELL FELT FEAT BEAT BEAM

By Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter

NOT only is it his birthday this week, Harrison Ford has also been spotted in Spain recently with his wife Calista Flockhart, which was enough to tempt us to revisit many of his many films. After some debate and a lot of popcorn, these are our 10 favourites: 1) The Empire Strikes Back Nothing captures this film and Ford’s character quite as well as the “I love you,” “I know,” exchange between Han Solo and Leia. Praised for its dark, bold storytelling choices, Empire is believed by most to be one of his best performances and his best film ever and the best of the seven Star Wars films. 2) Raiders of the Lost Ark From the very first scene, Ford proved here in 1981 that he could carry a film by himself without a strong supporting cast. Although nowadays it can be easy to forget just how stunning the film was when it was released, audiences are still hooked 35 years later. 3) A New Hope What do you get when you take an old Western cowboy outlaw character and throw him into a sci-fi epic? Han Solo. He has to be one of the coolest and greatest characters ever put on a screen with his confidence, swagger and pure charisma. The first in the original trilogy, the 1977 film introduced us to what would turn out to be a very long relationship with the world of Star Wars. 4) The Fugitive This could well be one of the most rewatchable action films ever made. No matter how many times you watch Dr Richard Kimble leap out of a train, the 1993 film still gets your pulse racing as you follow Ford’s character and hope they don’t catch him. 5) Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade The third of the Indiana Jones films, this digs into Indiana’s history by allowing us to meet his father, played by Sean Connery. Watching Ford and Connery play off each other is a thing of beauty.

App of the Week


The Long Cosmos


Answers: A question mark over, A big letdown.


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.







Costa Blanca North

7 - 13 July 2016





Advertising feature

Are you at risk of skin cancer? SKIN cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the UK, yet still too many people are not taking the risk of contracting the disease seriously enough. Rates of malignant melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, are five times higher today in the UK than in the 1970’s. The rise is blamed on more people taking holidays abroad and using sunbeds and of course living in the sun here in Spain can put us even more at risk. Dr Najma Hussain, GP at Medcare clinics in Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi said she is seeing an increase in skin cancer cases at her clinics: “I see a lot of cases and would urge everyone to be extra vigilant to early signs of the disease. Anyone with a mole or patch of skin that has changed size or colour, or becomes irritated or bleeds should consult a doctor immediately. If ignored, malignant melanoma will kill.” Medcare is so concerned that free skin cancer checks are available at its

CHECK OUT CHANGES: Be aware of early signs and don’t ignore them. clinics and these checks have saved lives. One Medcare patient, Michael Chase, knows only too well the importance of skin checks. An itchy mole on his shoulder was diagnosed as basal cell cancer by Dr Hussain:

“It was quite a shock,” said Michael: “Especially as my wife’s first husband died of skin cancer. According to Dr Hussain I probably did the damage when I was 18 or 19 and used to come to Spain on holiday and spend hours lying in the sun trying to

get a dark tan. All these years later the cancer developed.” That is often the problem, according to Dr Hussain: “People may be safe in the sun now, but if they have sunbathed in the past they are still at high risk of skin cancer so must be

aware of any changes to moles or skin.” More than 13,000 people develop the disease each year in the UK, compared to just 1,800 in 1975. Each year 2,000 people die from the disease. With early diagnosis, the prognosis is usually good. Fair skinned people are generally more at risk, but no skin type is immune. The best defence against skin cancer is to avoid overexposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays. Stay out of the sun during the middle of the day, limit exposure times to no more than 20 minutes and use high protection, broad spectrum sun creams. If you do have a mole or patch of skin that you are concerned about book a free skin cancer check with one of Medcare’s doctors. Medcare Benijofar and Alfaz del Piz Tel: 966 860 258 Visit: Email:


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Make exercise part of your life “I DON’T have time.” It’s a common reason, or excuse, used by many to put off exercising. Amongst today’s busy schedules many people say they simply do not have the time to get fit but there are things you can do: Choose something you enjoy When thinking about exercise, try and find something you like. It doesn’t have to be a hardcore hour long spinning or aerobics class. If you like the freedom of getting out and about go for a brisk walk, walk to the shop instead of driving or take advantage of Spain’s summer weather and go swimming. Try and treat exercise not as work (a means to an end) but as play. Do a little, often Doing a small amount of exercise, such as a short walk at lunchtime or using stairs instead of a lift, all make a difference. There are also numerous 10 and 15 minute work outs online that get the heart pumping that you can do in the comfort of your own living room. Make it social Getting a gym buddy makes you more inclined to go and not give up. Having someone exercise with you

boosts your determination and can make it more fun. Why not have a gossip during that walk or go for a post-exercise drink after. Take time out We are always being told of the importance of taking time out for ourselves so why not combine that

time to focus on you with exercise. A walk or designated time for exercise can be a chance to clear your head. Save money and enjoy the outdoors Commuting on foot or by bike can even save you money, and possibly

time, if you usually spend your journeys fuming in traffic jams. Not only is this a free and easy way of fitting exercise into your life, but it can improve concentration and help you sleep better.

BUDDY UP: Having someone to exercise with can be more fun.

Dealing with asthma

UNDER CONTROL: Inhalers provide quick-relief medicine to help control asthma symptoms. NOWADAYS it almost appears as if the term asthma is used as a catch-all for any problem with breathing and to some extent it may be overused, especially when the problem is temporary rather than permanent. It is one of the most common long-term lung diseases of children, although it often becomes less difficult to cope with as they get older but adults can have asthma, too. Asthma is best associated with wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing at night or early in the morning. Generally, doctors don’t know what causes asthma and there is no cure for it, but it can be managed and kept well under control. Sometimes allergies can cause difficulty with breathing and if

there is a regular problem where the classic symptoms are displayed then, especially with children, it is best to take medical advice. An asthma attack can happen when a person is exposed to what are known as ‘asthma triggers’ which will be different for different people but it is important that you know your triggers such as cigarette smoke, air pollution and dust mites and try to avoid them. Asthma medicines come in two types, quickrelief and long-term control. Quick-relief medicines control the symptoms of an asthma attack whilst long-term control medicines help you have fewer and milder attacks. Always take medical advice and living with asthma can be easily achieved.

Childhood cancer survival stagnates CHILDHOOD cancer survival in Spain is stagnating at below 80 per cent. In the last 30 years advances for increasing the survival of children with cancer have allowed more and more sick children to be cured, however, in the last three years, the survival rate, which currently stands at 77 per cent, has stalled. The statistics have been revealed in the third edition of the book ‘Paediatric Haematology and Oncology’ in which 100 professionals in the field made a snapshot of the current situation of paediatric cancer in Spain. The president of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Dr. Ana Fernandez-Teijeiro, stressed that Spain, with 77 per cent survival rate, is below the EU average in terms of survival of paediatric patients: “Although we had an upward curve, which is satisfactory, something is happening in recent years that has not improved the survival rate and our results are not as desirable as they should be.” She explained the reason could be that there are now more than 40 hospitals in Spain that can treat childhood cancers although some are not specialist centres with the experience to treat some of the more complex cases. President of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics, Serafin Malaga, said “children have the same rights as adults” to be treated by specialists who are trained in paediatric oncology and has warned of “deficit” paediatric cancer research. The most common malignant tumours in children are leukaemias (30 per cent), tumours of the central nervous system (20 per cent), and lymphomas (13 per cent). Whereas in patients aged 14 to 18 years, bone cancers are more prevalent (25 per cent), lymphomas (20 per cent) and central nervous system tumours (15 per cent).


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Say goodbye to cracked heels WORRIED and bothered about showing off cracked heels in your summer sandals? Well worry no more. Beauty hackers say you can get smooth skin without the need for expensive creams and treatments with store cupboard ingredients including aspirin, cotton wool and lemon being the secret to super-soft skin. Aspirin needs to be uncoated and 100 per cent pure to ensure it works on the skin. Then simply crush some pills into powder form, mix with lemon juice and then soak into the cotton wool to allow for easier application onto heels. For best results wrap in cling film or sellotape and leave overnight. Results can be seen in around 10 days.


Ask The Doctor

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Inner ear issues

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. This week a reader asked the doctor how to avoid inner ear problems as a result of swimming:

FLAWLESS FEET: Achieve results with some aspirin and lemon juice.

LAST summer I had a fair amount of problems with my inner ears. It seems that as a result of swimming in the pool and putting my head under the water I got an infection, for which the doctor prescribed me some ear drops. However, instead of improving it got worse until it got to the point where the pain was so unbearable that I had to go to the casualty ward. The specialist told me that I had fungus or something along those lines and had to clean my ears with a kind of hoover. The experience, in addition to being unpleasant, was extremely painful and as they said to me that I shouldn’t get my ears wet I haven’t dared to go swimming again. Now summer is here and I would like to swim but I’m scared that something could happen to me again, and I really don’t want that. Can you explain to me what happened and what I can do to prevent this from happening again? In the hospital they said to me that I could have ruptured my eardrum, is this true? Could I have ended up deaf?

Response: Ear infections are usually frequent in summer and tend to occur, amongst other things, as a result of the contact of the ear with the water in pools and the sea. Infections can be produced by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. In your case, it was probably produced by fungus and bacteria which can be treated with antibiotics in addition to anti-inflammatories, hoovering/extraction of the infected material from the ear and sanitary measures (avoiding getting the ears wet or if they get wet keeping them as dry as possible). In your case, if it was a serious infection as you describe, this year you should be very careful with getting your ears wet or it could happen again. At the slightest symptom you should go to a doctor to start with ear drops again and avoid getting your ears wet. One of the complications which could occur if you don’t take adequate care of your ears is the perforation of eardrums which could potentially result in partial deafness.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to:


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Smartphone obsession A STUDY looking at the behaviours of Android smartphone users, found that the average person swipes, taps and pinches their display about 2,617 times a day and a grand total of one million times per year. Some 10 per cent of users who took part in the study were found to touch their phone 5,427 times in the day, which equals out to two

million times over the course of a year. Users spend about 2.42 hours a day touching their smart phone display and 87 per cent will check their phone at least once between midnight and 5am. Facebook was the most active app by users. Dscout, a Chicago-based research firm and software pro-

ducer, conducted the study by capturing and analysing in-the-moment behaviours at scale of 94 Android users. Our increased obsession with our technology comes as doctors warn that constant texting and gaming could wear out your joints leading to more cases of arthritis developing in younger generations.

TIME WASTE: On average people spend about 2.42 hours per day touching their smartphone display.

Do working mothers have fatter children? CHILDREN of working mothers are more likely to be overweight than other youngsters. Researchers suggest the increase in childhood obesity in recent decades mirrors the rise in women going out to work and believe there is strong evidence that the two trends are related. Worldwide, childhood obesity rates have doubled since the 1970’s, with some 200 million children classed as overweight in 2014. Danish researchers said children of parents

who work may eat more junk food, less home cooking, exercise less and sleep less. However, they stressed the solution isn’t stopping mothers working but offering more support and better work-life balance. Researchers said Denmark, where state funded childcare is high, bucks that trend. They believe policies should be introduced to provide working parents with more flexibility to spend time with their children and to develop high-quality and affordable childcare.




E W N Costa Blanca North


7 - 13 July 2016



The Queen saluted J ALON VAL L E Y HEL P h eld a Royal Celebration Concert recently at El B o t a n i c o i n S ag ra. T h e evening was awash with a sea of red, w h i t e a n d b l u e flag s a n d bunting and guests dressed for the occasion in an amazing selection of crowns, tiaras and party hats.

1,200 euros was raised by the charity to support those in need.

The tables were suitably laden with food and drink. Thirty four entertainers performed to perfection and were kept in order by MC Andy Headford-Lord who kept the audience amused with his fascinating facts about Queen Elizabeth II. The ceremonial cake was made by

JVH volunteer and 80 years young M a r y Wood, and was cut by t he Jalon Valley Help President, Elaine Horton, who told guests that she admired Queen Elizabeth II greatly for her devotion to duty and was surprised to find herself cutting a 90th birthday cake for her. Guest s st ood t o si ng ‘ Happy Birthday, Your Majesty’ and then drank a toast in cava. The rousing finale to the evening was provided by Joanna Baldwin and Music Unlimited, when the audience stood to join in with Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory and Jerusalem, with much cheering and flag waving. ‘The Queen’ at this poin t gr aced t he event wi t h her presence, and accepted the appreciation of those present. A total of €1,200 was raised by the charity, which will be used to support those in need. ‘THE QUEEN’: Graced the Jalon Valley with her presence.

OCIAL Cake and Bubbly in the Plaza LAST Saturday (July 2) the Javea Players celebrated their 40th anniversary with a monstrous ‘everyone welcome’ party in the Plaza Baix in Javea’s Old Town. There to cut the cake and to toast the future of the drama group that has earned such a huge reputation for the outstanding quality of its productions was the mayor of Javea, Jose Chulvi with his councillor for Culture, Quico Moragues. Other VIP guests included the sons of Janet Phillips, the founder of the Javea Players, David and Andrew Philips and her daughter, Jessica who had flown out specially for the celebrations. Great music for a great party was provided by Strikland with the fabulous lead singer, Rob Sweeney.


Hurry up for a bargain IT’S not too late to pick up a bargain and help a charity at the same time. The Original Charity Shop and Library in Javea has launched its MidSeason Sale, but it ends on Saturday. Browse their many boxes with special offers at only €1

and €2. There are also some brand new children’s clothes on sale at great prices. The air-conditioned shop is located on Avenida Fontana, Javea, and is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm. When you’ve done shopping, you can spend some

time in the afternoon with your feet up, reading a good book from their library in Javea Park. You’re sure to find the perfect read from their great selection at bargain prices. For more information, visit

Ending year on a high note By Keith Baker THE Oliva U3A held their final General Meeting of the year recently, which was their annual Showcase. Members enjoyed the various groups, who gave a visual demonstration of their achievements of the past year. At the beginning the President, John Melville, presented a cheque for €500 to their designated charity for the year which was El Bastador. This money had been collected from member’s contributions over the last 12 months. The cheque was accepted on behalf of the charity by Marie Carmen of El Bastador. This was followed by a presentation to winners of the Petanque Trophies. The Alice McDade Memorial Trophy was awarded to the Singles champion, Marian Gardiner, while the Alan Mayhew Memorial Trophy was presented to the Doubles champions Edi Price and Christel Smith. The groups who presented their activities and achievements at the Showcase were: U3A Choir, the Sing and Play group, Poetry, Line Dancing, Creative Writing, Rock and Roll and the Sequence Dancing group. The new Oliva U3A year starts again at the beginning of September. Visit

CHEQUE: Received by Marie Carmen.

The Star Beats perform tribute at Le Cabaret THE ‘Star Beats,’ a four piece live Beatles Tribute Band, will be performing a fabulous tribute to the music and songs of the Beatles at Le Cabaret, La Pedrera Industrial Estate, Benissa on Saturday July 9. This is not a look-a-like

tribute, but an homage to the Fab Four performed by superb musicians. A great night is sure to be had with this show at Le Cabaret. All the hits and more, bring your dancing shoes! Tickets are €20 which in-

cludes a two-course meal. For bookings and details of future events in Le Cabaret phone 608 419 715 or email Le Cabaret is located in the La Pedrera Industrial Estate, on the N 332, between Teulada and Benissa.

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An oasis of peace on lake

ANEMONA: Decorated the chapel in a very special way.

ALBUFERA LAKE: Makes a change from reading. THE Javea Book Circle’s summer outing took place recently. The destination was the village of El Palmar in the Albufera region, near Valencia. It was an oasis of peace and tranquillity where time stands still. The members embarked on a 9km trip around the Albufera lake in a traditional boat. The Albufera is a freshwater lagoon and estuary hosting a wealth of more than 350 species of birds and a rich variety of flora and fauna. They were also able to see a traditional,

high-peaked thatched fisherman’s cottage known as a barraca with a design that dates back hundreds of years. The boat trip was relaxing, refreshing and a total delight! Once safely back on dry land, they gathered for lunch in the excellent El Palmar restaurant and sampled a sumptuous lunch featuring its signature dish, paella, prepared with ingredients grown in the vegetable gardens that surround the wetlands. A splendid day out was had by all!

Free films for all the family A SERIES of family films will be screened over three Fridays in the Playa del Mal Pas. Benidorm’s councillor for Culture, Ana Pellicer, explained that the council has decided to stage the ‘Film d’Estiu’ following a similar initiative in 2008, which was deemed a great success. On Friday August 19, the recent Disney blockbuster ‘Frozen’ will be screened, followed by ‘Nemo’ on Friday, August 26. The final screening will be of ‘Brave,’ on Friday September 2. All screenings will begin at 10pm.

Charity celebrates THE annual charity dinner for Anemona, the self-help group for women with cancer, was held last Saturday, July 2, in the Ermita de

Sanz, Benidorm. Those present enjoyed ‘an exquisite menu,’ and during the evening gifts were distributed to the guests, donated

by partners and supporters. Anemona decorated the chapel in a very special way, using ecological, recycled materials.

Actors raise funds for Emaus THE cast of ‘Benidorm’ held another fundraising Karaoke Night last Saturday (July 2) - their second - to raise funds for the Emaus children’s home in Altea. Organised by writer and creator Derren Litten, the event was held in The UK Cabaret Club in the centre of the town. Derren said that he was delighted that not one of the cast hesitated giving up their end of shoot fancy dress party to take

part… so hats off to them all. Following long queues for last year’s event, which raised over €13,000, tickets were sold in advance this year, with Solana wristbands included in the price. Derren hosted the event, and cast members present included Tony Maudsley, Sherrie Hewson, Danny Walters and Jake Canuso. There was also a raffle with some exclusive

Benidorm Series memorabilia, including an original script signed by the cast, and DVDs. At the time of writing the organisers have not revealed the amount raised. They said that they are “delaying giving the total of the money raised on Saturday night as last year we were given two large donations which made our total super big! “We’re just checking if we have been given all the

money we are going to get; when that’s done we can reveal the total! (In any event, we have raised a lot of money and we would like to thank everyone who supported us on the night!). Back very soon with that final total!” The Emaus children’s home in Altea is in dire financial difficulties and will benefit greatly from the generosity of all those involved in the event.

Workshop term ends with street spectacular D E N I A’ S c h i l d r e n ’s w o r k s h o p group, the Llunatics Dinamics, celebrated the end of their courses by putting on an impressive display for the public last Saturday July 2. This was the first time the traditional end of year activity had come outside and 500 people lined the stage set up on Calle Via to watch

the little ones give a display of the various activities and workshops they had focused on in the previous year. There were 15 demonstrations and displays given in activities as varied as ballet, sign language, yoga, pilates, hip hop, aikido, circus skills, ballroom dancing, guitar, flamenco

dancing, tai chi, oriental dance, study skills and comic writing. All of this was overseen by the town’s head of the Youth Department, Cristina Morera. After the spectacle took place the children were all presented with diplomas of participation and achievement.

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Poppy Appeal in Spain REPRESENTATIVES of the Royal British Legion are often asked “How much money do you raise for the Poppy Appeal and how is it spent here in Spain”? They have therefore undertaken research and listed below are just some of the ways that they were able to help their beneficiaries last year. All nationalities donated to the Poppy Appeal and last year RBL North district raised over €171,000, much of which was spent on stair lifts, mechanical wheelchairs and scooters, refurbishing homes whilst wood, oil and solar panels have been purchased for isolated properties There were also smaller items, such as gas canisters, fridges and food, as well as dental bills and help with purchase of spectacles. Their caseworkers are always busy visiting and spending time with potential beneficiaries. The definition of a beneficiary is someone who has served in the Armed Forces or their dependent(s). On some occasions they are able to ‘sign post’ someone to another charity or organisation and this means the person can get the best possible help available.

Photo Credit Twocoms Shutterstock

By John Smith

POPPY APPEAL: Took place at Downing Street in London. If you feel the Legion may be able to help you or a relative you can either ring 676 451 780 or email Details of the various Branches in the area are on their website in-north or you can email them on

Javea Gala night THIS coming Saturday, July 9, the Javea Rotary Gala will take place at the Marriot Hotel. Awards will be made by the club to individuals and institutions for out st andi ng act i vi t y, dedication, effort and work which contribute t o m aki ng t he t own a m or e pr osper ous and cultured society. Tickets for the gala, which includes a dinner and dance, cost €35. The start time is 9pm. To book a place, cont act any m em ber s of Rot ar y Javea or t el ephone Jesus on 616 884 950 or Pepe on 651 850 647. A portion of the proceeds will go towards hel pi ng f am i l i es who have f i nanci al pr oblems.

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Always in the dog house All our visitors, male or female, were at some time subjected to my dog’s advances.”

Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

OVER a 30-year period, before Spain, we were owned by several Siamese cats, each of them a totally different character with a distinctive and often eccentric personality. All pet owners recognise that whether it’s a cat, dog or bison, all of them have their own unmistakable characteristics and individuality. Whatever the animal, it is as complex and interesting as any human, and in many cases more so. I have only ever owned one dog, a black labrador/ boxer cross named Randy. But stop right there, because I was only 10 when the puppy was presented to me, and in those days I had no idea about the connotations surrounding that word. It just seemed to me a pretty cool handle to give a dog and I could not understand

RANDY ROVER: Embarrassingly had to be detached from the leg of many visitors. why my parents seemed so anxious for me to choose something else. But I stood my ground, and Randy he became. Oh boy did he. All our visitors, male or fe-

male, were at some time or other subjected to my dog’s advances. Right leg or left, it didn’t matter to our Randy because he obviously swung both ways.

He would sit in front of them until his eyes glazed over and then he’d be away. The first reaction of our guests would be to laugh self consciously as we desperately attempted to detach dog

from human, but it became increasingly embarrassing as we tried unsuccessfully to pry him loose. No python ever had a tighter grip. Nobody called on us more than twice, and after a while no one stopped by at all. Not even our local vicar. Word had spread far and wide about our exuberant hound. These days, and after a pet-less number of years, we have two rescued cats in the house, both taken off the streets of Villamartin when they were tiny kittens. Now five and six years old respectively, they are two very sleek and home loving felines and we have no Randy type worries if friends drop by. All we need now are friends.

Tanzania to benefit from massive Helium deposits John Smith

THINK of the gas Helium, which has the atomic number 2 and was discovered by Sir William Ramsay in 1895, and you probably imagine balloons, tyres and squeaky comedy voices but it’s actually a very important gas which can’t be artificially created and contained. It’s most important use is to cool magnets in MRI scanners and the Large Hadron Collider in Cern Switzerland as well as nuclear research facilities. The price of Helium has been rising as reserves were becoming depleted. Scientists were campaigning to stop its use in children’s balloons as they considered it to be a waste of a declining resource but a discovery in Tanzania has put fears of a world shortage to rest. In the past, discovery of Helium (named after Helios the Greek for the

Romaset Shutterstock

Random thoughts...

HELIUM USE: Cools down the magnets in MRI scanners.

Sun as it was first detected in the Sun’s corona) has been unintentional, found as a by-product from natural gas and oil exploration. This discovery was from deliberate and patient research by a combined British and Norwegian team.

This team studied past discoveries and knowing that the gas is normally found underground in areas of past volcanic activity allowed them to hypothesise that there should be deposits in the Rift Valley in Africa.

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OUR VIEW Photo Credit Gavin Lynn flickr


Mindless ‘foreign’ attacks.

Do unto others WHAT on earth has happened as far as an outbreak of extreme xenophobia in Britain is concerned following the result of the referendum? If a small majority of those who voted want Britain to leave the EU then they should be happy and content they got their way but, for some reason, this seems to have given a bunch of mindless idiots encouragement to start insulting or attacking what they see as ‘Johnny foreigner.’ It isn’t just skin colour that now brings bigots out but anything which smacks of being foreign is being targeted. A Spanish school, Vicente Cañada Blanch Institute in Notting Hill found the words ‘foreign pack’ scrawled on a gate and a Spanish restaurant also in London had a brick thrown through its window, although that could be just an example of a drunk misbehaving generally rather than an example of a ‘hate crime.’ We all understand there are British enclaves in many parts of Spain and the Spanish, thank goodness, accept us as guests in their country rather than dangerous foreign scum. Why the British can’t be as generous to their foreign visitors is difficult to understand. EU passport holders have been living and working in the UK legally and the bulk of resident immigrants generally have been allowed in by the government of the UK. Brexit supporters keep reminding us about the democratic referendum which saw the leave decision and rightly or wrongly democratically elected governments have allowed foreign workers and their families into the UK and they also deserve to be treated fairly, as are we.

Having pinpointed an area in Tanzania as a potential host for trapped gasses, the group struck a deposit estimated to contain 54 billion cubic feet of gas. This find has two positive results: firstly there will be sufficient gas available for immediate future needs and secondly because their theoretical blueprint for discovery has been confirmed meaning they can discover more fields. Whilst good news for the world and the economy of Tanzania, there is a potential problem, as the discovery in the area of Dodoma could well cause serious disruption to local inhabitants as the whole area is considered by indigenous tribesmen as being ancestral land and therefore should not be exploited. Tanzania suffered economically for many years under the African socialist policies of quasi-dictator Julius Nyerere Now we and is still finding it difficult to grow its want to economy with 34 per cent of the popuhear your views. lation considered to be living in poverty, so each new discovery YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE of this type is important as it will - YOUR OPINION generate much needed foreign rency for the country.


7 - 13 July 2016

E W N Costa Blanca North

V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M



Consumer power der to make a more informed judgement on their purchase, thus helping to democratise the market place. Using big data, prospective buyers will be able to analyse a property’s potential value and home trends within a particular neighbourhood. Inefficiency is also targeted as developers are aimed to run algorithms on how a space might look after construction, taking into account weather patterns, traffic, energy usage, local employment, sociology, and wider market trends to make a far more educated judgement. For zeroing in on a neighbourhood’s fundamental characteristics, including personalities, culture, and community, however, real estate agents will continue to play a huge role, offering greater insight than that achievable by computers.

By Matthew Elliott TAKING matters out of human hands and delegating more market analysis to advanced computing techniques may well be the magic elixir to preventing another housing bubble from decimating the property market again, according to analysts. Many believe information on the real estate market to be disastrously opaque, outdated and cursed with subjectivity, leading major property companies to consider investing in digitalised ‘big data.’ Through the application of filters, the data could be used to help predict future trends and form the basis of key business decisions backed up by solid evidence. Mathematical models are central to the analysis, which will also allow consumers to investigate the information in or-

TECHNOLOGY: May be the answer.

Industry takes hit SHARES in UK property firms have taken a severe tumble after the construction industry saw its worst performance in seven years in June, compounded by the Brexit vote. A variety of multi-billion pound commercial real estate deals have been indefinitely postponed, while dire predictions have seen forecasts that house prices could decline by 10-18 per cent. Property fund managers have also marked down the value of the buildings they own by roughly 5 per cent, including portfolios managed by Standard Life Investments, Henderson, and M&G Investments. Construction, however, has been hit the worst, with experts predicting that the industry will err on the side of caution, and not build houses that won’t be sold. That means that the landscape could be paved with empty plots while developers wait for the Brexit dust to settle.

MAKING PROGRESS: Claiming back deposits.

Deposits cause continues PROGRESS continues to be made on the legal front for the thousands of British families who lost significant amounts of money after the market crash at the end of 2007. Following the ruling by Madrid’s Supreme Court in December that Spanish banks bear responsibility for miss-

ing deposits placed in their accounts, with interest on top, lawyers across the country are preparing cases in what could be a seismic year for the property industry. Given the myriad legal complexities to unravel, at present those who lost between €23,000 and €83,000 in deposits appear to be mak-

ing the most headway with local lawyers, who are now taking on cases on a no-win, no-fee basis. One such company is Spanish Legal Reclaims, whose chief executive Luis Cuervo stresses the importance of having a strong case backed up by complete documentation.

His company fights for lost deposits, plus interest, and takes a significant fee that still leaves clients with their deposit back and a little more. That being said, all the serious firms offering to take the battle to court on behalf of affected Brits stress that it is likely to be a difficult, lengthy process.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Brexit tips: How to sell a house to UK buyers John Graham The property expert

OVER the past week, I have been meeting and talking to many estate agents and developers throughout the Costas and Mallorca to discuss the UK vote to leave the EU. To understand what all this means to the Spanish property market we need to put this into perspective. The rules have suddenly changed and we are now faced with different market conditions for the foreseeable future, and don’t forget we are still in a buyer’s market, where supply outstrips demand. Over the next couple of weeks I would like to give EWN readers my top tips on selling to UK buyers, taking into account the new market conditions. This week I am going to start with the two most important top tips. 1. Realistic asking price The pound has dropped against the euro and is currently around 1.20. You could reduce your asking price in line with the drop in the value of the pound, so that UK buyers are not paying a higher price than before the Brexit vote. If you do this, you should ask your agent to advertise this point strongly on their website for your property; this will attract UK buyers to view your home. 2. Make sure you have a professional survey This is now more important than ever. It will help you sell your property to a UK buyer. When buying a property in the UK it is standard practice for the seller to give the potential buyer a survey of the property which has been carried out by a professional UK surveyor. If the seller hasn’t had a survey the buyer will have their



Benefit from Brexit WHILE Britain’s decision to leave the EU has caused a fluster of panic among expatriates, there are some causes for optimism, especially if you’re wheeling and dealing in the property market. Those who own a property in Spain might be able secure even more money by selling now that the exchange rates have been battered. Even on the buying front the outlook isn’t so gloomy, as estate agents point out that Spain enjoyed a healthy, vibrant market long before the Eurozone came into play. With nothing legally set to change for at least two years, it seems the best course of action is to keep calm, look for opportunities and see what happens in the near future.

Shady sale PROFESSIONAL SURVEY: Will give a UK buyer more confidence in your property. own survey done. Giving a UK buyer a survey will give confidence that the property is in good condition, and the buyer will not have any nasty surprises later on that could cost a lot of money. Most importantly, going to the trouble and cost of having a survey will be a valuable asset which will help you sell your home. From now on, sellers who present a UK buyer with a professionally prepared full home survey will now have a much stronger chance of making a sale compared to a seller of a similar property without a full house survey. It’s also obvious that if the home survey has been carried

out by a UK qualified surveyor, written in English, the UK buyer will be more confident in the report and trust the surveyor’s qualifications. Once you have had your home survey done by a professional UK surveyor, make sure that your estate agent features

this on their website for your property. From now on it will be a very strong selling point for UK buyers (and other nationalities). EWN readers who take my professional advice will be in a much stronger position to sell

to UK buyers. John Graham is a Fellow of The Architecture & Surveyors Institute. If you would like to have a professional home survey or if you are a real estate agent, please contact John by email

PRINCE ANDREW faces the prospect of an offical inquiry for helping Timur Kulibayev secure a plush London home from the Queen’s estate. He also sold Kulibayev’s his own Sunninghill Park home for more than €3 million over the asking price. Critics argue acting as an estate agent for foreign billionaires reeks of corruption.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North






Surviving the Spanish summer Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

AT the time of publication it will be still only be July 7 but some readers will have already experienced over 40 degrees Fahrenheit and with no rain yet forecast. Will we get rain or not? Will we continue to have no or little rain until the autumn, it’s anyone’s guess. For sure the monthly thunderstorms of the early 90’s are a thing of the past and the ‘Gota Frias’ of midSeptember are now most likely to be one or two months later. With a generally mature garden we only started watering the flower garden on the first of June and then only where necessary once a week. The main thing is that we are coaching roots to search for nutrients and water, not giving it to them on a plate. This way they develop good root systems which will reduce our gardening efforts in the future. Already the considerable shade we have in the garden from high trees and hedges is invaluable. Deep shade becomes the outdoor workshop as well as the place for lunch, siestas, reading newspapers and books and thinking about the content of newspaper articles

GOOD ROOTS: Coaching roots to search for nutrients and water reduces the gardening effort required. and new books. Apart from going indoors to sleep, the interior of the house is rarely visited and when it is it is a cool below 20 degrees centigrade temperature and the

wooden shutters are closed all day to keep the sun out in traditional Spanish style. Once the sun is down shutters and windows can be opened to achieve a night time cooling breeze

across the bedroom. Having come to Spain 25 years ago we became accustomed and acclimatised to living without air conditioning or indeed winter central heating.

We came for the generally liveable climate and did not attempt to establish an expensive electricity driven artificial UK office and home and climates. Likewise generally we chose

plants that caused few summer problems and work. For those who live in apartments blinds and awnings transform the life for persons, pets, and plants. As explained and illustrated in our book Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style awnings and blinds make growing of a wide assortment of flowering plants, herbs, fruit and vegetables very possible, indeed easy if you read and take on board the practical advice given. Lastly dust the sunhat off and wear it when working and wandering around the garden after 10am until sundown. Do most of the essential summer garden work between 6am and 10am plus watering in the evening as the sun goes down. An afternoon siesta will enable you to catch up on sleep and restore energy levels for evening social life. So be prepared to enjoy the Spanish summer. Correctly planned it can be enjoyed without escaping to the unpredictable weather of northern and central Europe. © Dick Handscombe July 2016


Houseplants first aid NOTHING cheers up a room quite like the green leaves and colourful petals of a nice houseplant, and nothing is more depressing than a wilted, drooping one. Before giving up and t h r o wi n g a wa y w o rs e fo r w e a r plants, try these first aid tricks to get them back to their former glory. • Wake them up with a change of pot and soil: A new, slightly larger pot full of new, enriched soil will give plants that are feeling cramped and under the weather the space and nutrients they need to grow o n wa r d s a n d u p wards. • Kee p t h e m o u t o f th e sun: while sunlight is generally beneficial, plants that are feeling under the weather can suffer more harm than good if put in direct sunlight abruptly. Keep them somewhere where they get plenty of indirect light until they perk up again. • Don’t drown them: plants go through cycles and it is important to k n o w a b o u t t h e s e to avoid suddenly going mad with the water and drowning them. • Get rid of pests: if your plant’s leaves or stalks look weak or stained insects could be the problem. Either wipe them down with a soft cloth or spray a

weak solution of soap and water over them to get rid of any pests. • Try a home -ma de gre e nhous e : s ome plants need a more humid atmosphere than the average home. Try popping a planting bag over the top for an individual greenhouse and leave it there for a few days to get it nice and damp inside.

REVIVE: With a new pot and soil.

7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



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7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Mistakes to avoid IF you’re thinking of painting and want to get it right, avoid making these common mistakes when choosing colours for your home: • Separating open areas Two badly matched colours to separate areas with an open room can be a big mistake. Experts generally stick to the same colour or two subtle tones combined in a logical fashion. • Ignoring natural light People tend to think dark colours are more elegant, but they forget to consider the amount of natural light in the room. What should be a dra-

matic touch can become depressing if it’s all too dark. • Choosing bright colours People often go for the bright colours they see in magazines. However, they can be overwhelming, especially in small rooms. • Trusting tiny samples Most people forget how important it is to try and see the colour on the wall, not just on a colour chart. However it is almost impossible to imagine what it will really look like without trying at least a brushstroke in situ. • Matching everything Choosing exactly the same

colour for the walls and the furniture is frankly boring and the eye will have trouble distinguishing one from the other. A darker or lighter tone should be chosen for furniture and accessories. • White for small spaces Although white gives a spacious feel in bright rooms, it can look dirty and be depressing in small dark ones. • Fashion is everything Although the latest fashions are great to provide ideas, trust your taste too. If you hate grey, don’t paint your entire house that colour just because it’s in fashion.

TEST IT OUT: Always try colours on the wall, don’t just rely on a colour chart.

Get shine back on tiles EVER felt frustrated after mopping your ceramic floor tiles or washing tiled walls and spotting foot and handprints the very next day? It could well be that

you’re doing it wrong. Experts say that general cleaning products will leave a layer of residue on the tiles which will pick up marks and prints almost instantly.

There are specific products for ceramic and porcelain tiles which will do a much better job, however be careful not to use too much or you’ll defeat the object. Follow the instructions on the amount to use and how to apply, and take care not to scratch the surface of your tiles by scrubbing too hard with abrasives. Leave it for a few minutes, then rub with a soft brush or cloth, dry with absorbent paper and rinse with clean water. You’ll see the results immediately.


E W N Costa Blanca North

7 - 13 July 2016



Revealing mysteries of cats is happy. It is their way to say that you’re “kneaded!”

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

WHY does my cat stand and lift its paws up and down in one place on your body, almost like marching in place? This is a cat behaviour left over from kittenhood when they kneaded their mother ’s belly to help the milk flow. Some cats will actually knead and drool when they are petted. Don’t w o r r y, t h e k n e a d i n g o r marching means that the cat

C a n c a t s re a l l y g e t stuck in trees? C a t s d o n ’t r e a l l y g e t stuck in trees, we only think they do. It’s been said “When was the last time you saw a cat skeleton in a tree?” Cats claws are constructed for climbing up trees, not down (unlike say a squirrels, which allow them to climb down head first). If you are patient enough a cat in a tree will either jump down or shimmy down backwards. Did Robert E Lee love his cats? Evidence indicates that American Civil War General Robert E Lee was quite a cat lover. Letters survive that he sent home mentioning his love of cats.

While fighting the Mexican-American War he wrote to his daughter requesting her to send him a cat. She did and the cat was his constant companion throughout the war. Which cat had the largest litter? The largest litter of surviving kittens on record is held by a cat named Bluebell, a Persian from South Africa. Once she had a litter of 14 surviving kittens. The record for the total number of kittens born is held by Dusty, a tabby from Texas. By the time she had her last litter at age 18, she had delivered more than 420 kittens. RESCUE ME: Cats will jump or shimmy down the tree, they won’t be stuck.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North

15 foods you should never share with your dog ALTHOUGH they can be great at begging, giving your puppy leftovers from the dinner table can cause them some serious health problems. These 15 foods should never be given to dogs: Bacon: Tasty as it may be, bacon is high in fat and can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Bones: Although it may seem ok to give your dog the leftover bones from your chicken or other meat dinner, they can easily choke on them plus cooked bones can splinter and seriously damage their insides. Raw meat and eggs: The bacteria such as salmonella or E. Coli that can be present are even more harmful to dogs than to humans. Eggs also contain an enzyme which reduces absorption of biotin and can lead to skin and hair problems. Grapes and raisins: For some unknown reason, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Be careful with biscuits and other things which could contain these without you noticing.

Dairy products: Many dogs are lactose intolerant. Milk, cheese and ice cream can all lead to stomach pains and problems. Alcohol: Dogs are even more sensitive to alcohol than children. A sniff of beer or wine could knock your puppy out. Chocolate: Chocolate contains substances which can be fatal for dogs and should be avoided at all costs. Avocado: The high fat content can cause puppies serious stomach problems and their texture can cause too much to be swal-

stuck in a throat or intestine and are very hard to spot on x-rays and ultrasounds. Coffee: The stimulants in coffee can cause high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, tremors and convulsions in dogs. Sugar-free sweets or gum: These contain xilitol, a sugar substitute which can make your dog’s insulin levels soar and cause serious problems. White bread: Commercial white bread is high in fat and sugars and can cause pancreatitis. Schnauzers are particularly sensitive for some reason.

AVACADO: Can cause serious stomach problems.

Making aquatic gardening easy BEMUSED aquarists may have noticed the proliferation of small plastic pots containing live aquarium plants in stores recently, as the popularity of tissue culture plants, also known as ‘in-vitro,’ continues to rise. They are grown under sterile conditions in a lab using the latest tissue culture technologies, and a nutrient-rich gel or liquid. They produce a unique, highquality product guaranteed to be free from snails, pests, algae, and pesticides. This makes them perfect for anyone wishing to grow live plants in their aquarium, and al-

lowed at once, possibly leading to blocked intestines. Leek, onion and garlic: These can all damage dogs’ red blood cells, which can lead to anaemia. Peaches and plums: The fruit themselves aren’t dangerous but the stones pose a serious risk of choking or blocked intestines. Macadamia nuts: Not only are they high in fat, they can irritate dogs’ stomachs and can also be toxic. Corn on the cob: The corn itself is fine but the cobs are the perfect size to get

though a single pot may cost slightly more than a standard bunched plant, you actually get a lot more plant for your money in terms of quantity. After purchasing these plants, they should be removed from their packaging and any gel washed away, then separated into several smaller portions before being planted. The plants also tend to grow quicker and more densely than those grown in a nursery, although some more specialised varieties still require the correct dosages of CO2 and fertilisers to thrive in the long-term.



Reggie loves a good comfortable bed House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to www.Housesit or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865 521508. ONCE upon a time Reggie had a twin brother. You could only tell them apart if you looked at their necks. Reggie has a white fur collar and Freddy didn’t. From when they were kittens, together they were the dynamic duo, chasing each other around the house and tearing around the yard and garden. Sadly last year Freddy was run over by a car just opposite the villa, leaving Reggie all alone. For weeks he would visit the spot looking around and at the ground. For the years they were together their owners booked them into a cattery when they would go away on holiday. The boys kept each other company, and they were fine. Once Freddy was gone, Reggie wasn’t very happy

away from home. In the cattery he lost weight, and it took a few weeks for him to recover his weight and demeanour. So now the homeowners ask house-sitters to come into the house to care for him and their home. He seems happier in his own environment, being cared for in his own home. It means he can stay in his own bed, which he really really loves! House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register now with a 20 per cent off introductory offer using coupon code PERFECT20. To find a pet-sitter go to www.Hous


E W N 7 -13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



Leave me alone! How to stay cool Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man SO here’s a little tip for all the moronic idiotic companies that ask me to take a survey after I’ve been hanging on to speak to a person for 45 minutes, then got cut off mid chat and had to call back on your premium number. DON’T! OK, just DON’T unless you want big fat zeros on every question asked! I can’t even do that sometimes because they don’t allow a zero mark which is ludicrous! It’s not a good idea to ask me if my query was sorted the first time if it’s the fifth time I’ve called! You don’t have to ask for my feedback on everything I do. Every time I stay in a hotel, hire a car or phone a helpline I get asked for feedback. If I call my phone company within five minutes I’ve got a call or a text asking my opinion on how my call was handled. I contacted Microsoft live chat because my keyboard and cable needs renewing and was told my £900 Surface Pro 2, which is only two and a half years old and works fine, was now defunct and Microsoft no longer stock any replacement parts but I might find them on eBay or Amazon.

Now this winds me up big time on its own because nothing these companies do is backward compatible. Why do they have to change the charger cable for every model? Then at the end of the chat the technician says, “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” and I say, “Well actually what have you helped me with today? Absolutely nothing! All you have done is, in fact, told me you can’t help me with anything so what else would you like to have a go at? My tax return? The times crossword? The meaning of life? They have now gone and five minutes later I get an email asking me to rate my experience!! Are you sure? I mark everything the lowest I can and write my reasons in the boxes provided. It won’t achieve anything but hey ho. What about apps for phones? I use a few of the messaging ones and free call ones. Every time they update they ask me do I want to fill out my profile so I can connect with other people. No I don’t. If I did I would have done it the first time you asked. No I don’t want to add a photo or my location or my date of birth or hook up with people nearby. All I want to do is send my mates or family a message now and again and even call them OK? Leave me alone! You and yer bloody algorithms can get lost.

AS part of the series, we answer some common driving questions and keep you updated on the latest driving and road news kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers.

BE COMFORTABLE: Avoid driving at the hottest time of the day. BEING comfortable when driving is essential to staying safe on the roads, not because you want to feel particularly relaxed when you drive, but if you feel uncomfortable then the situation itself can lead to distractions. Similarly, if you start to feel too warm or overheat, that can lead to fatigue, which in turn can lead to a potentially deadly situation when driving. The best way to keep cool whilst driving is to keep the car cool. Park your vehicle in the garage if you have one or in the shade. Remember though, the sun moves and so does the shadow, so plan the position of your parked car based on where the most effective shadows will be cast. You can use reflective screens on your windows when the vehicle is parked to reduce the build-up of heat inside. It is quite common for the interior temperature to reach 10 degrees more than the outside very quickly. This is also the problem with leaving

dogs, and humans for that matter, inside vehicles. You can also buy shades for the side windows, some stick on the glass on the inside, or you can use a cloth. Opening the windows and even the doors of the vehicle for a few minutes before you are planning to drive will reduce the internal temperature. Remember not to hinder any other road users though by leaving your doors open in the potential path of traffic. Many modern vehicles are equipped with air conditioning or climate control, both of which serve to keep the inside temperature of the vehicle at a more comfortable level. Finally, avoiding driving at the hottest time of the day is always recommended. Driving during sunrise and sunset, largely because of the position of the sun can also cause extreme glare and dazzle, rendering drivers temporarily blind. Above all, whatever action you take, always remain calm and alert.

For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.

His post goes missing I had an Apartado, a post box, in our local Post Office and received mail regularly. Then a bank of mailboxes was set up in our urbanisation so I cancelled the post box. Since then, the delivery of mail has become less frequent. I know that items have been sent, correctly addressed. I have been waiting for some insurance documents since February. The insurers insist they have sent them three times. Several birthday cards and a magazine that were posted in the UK never arrived. Our urbanisation administrator knows of mail that she has not received. To whom should I complain? A.S. (Costa Blanca) First, the Spanish postal system, Correos, has a web site at, where you can register a complaint. They also have a client service telephone at 902 197

David Searl You and the Law in Spain

197. You should register your problem at your local

post office. Perhaps they will help you to file a formal complaint with the system. If these disappearances occur only on your housing estate, it is likely that you are dealing with a thief.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.


Costa Blanca North

7 - 13 July 2016











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7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North




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7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North







E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North




E W N Costa Blanca North Benidorm’s New Free Local Classifieds site


CAFE / Restaurant for Sale Calpe Old Town, next to Unemployment Office. Fully furnished. Good Location. 95M2. Very clean. Seating outside possible. Kitchen & storeroom. Freehold. Only 170,000€. TEL: 654 849 020 (241860)

7 - 13 July 2016


NEED AN ELECTRICIAN, moving meter boxes to boundaries, problems with meters tripping, new contracts, upgrading electrics. Mark 608 669 165. (244126)






CHARITIES EL CAMPELLO CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. Our meetings are now held every Sunday at 11am in the hall next to Meson Pueblo Español (Pepe’s Bar). Everybody welcome. For more information email: or tel Sue Bishop on 965 699 991 or 693 048 200 / www.elcampel (233602)

SERVI GARDENS GardensPools-construction Home Maintenance 606 959 425 (241802)

I BUY RECORDS 50’s to the 90’s. Best prices for good records. Tel: 622 750 117 / 962 851 809 (244787)

BOAT FOR SALE EXCELLENT ski / leisure boat in great condition. Bayliner Capri18.50ft bow rider 2001, berthed in Les Bassettes, Benissa with mooring available. 8.500€. Selling due to upgrade. Photos on request 607 415 520. (222179)

WANTED: VINYL albums & singles (all kind of music). Also CD’s, Turntables & Amplifiers. BEST PRICE PAID. Jan 617-395 794 or evenings 966 865 377 (242742)


BOOKS CONCHITA and Hans’ Bookswap and Tablecloths shop has moved from the Indoormarket Mercaloix to Edificio Alhambra, Calle Jaen, opposite Rio Park. (228212)

BUILDING SERVICES m Call for a free quotation 965 835 939 (87006) MINI DIGGER, Dumper, Bobcat with operator for hire. Pedregeur based. Keith 639 620 448 (238608)

BUSINESS FOR SALE BAR for Sale Calpe Old Town, next to Unemployment Office. Fully Furnished. Good Location. 70M2. Very clean and bright. Freehold. ONLY 100,000€. TEL: 654 849 020

CAR PORTS BRICOMADERWOOD.COM. See our advert on page 131 (225994)

CARE SERVICES ENGLISH LIVE-IN COMPANION CAREGIVER. Selfemployed and low cost! NVQ/DBS. Amazing references. Website: Tel Brian (0044) 7941 593082

For daily news visit

COINS WANTED COINS WANTED. English Pre 1937, collectable. Peter: 602 212 215 (244794)

DAMP We are the longest established Damp Proofing company in Spain. We can cure Rising Damp, leaking Flat Roof or Terrace problems quickly & safely. We can make your Underbuild Dry. Villa Paint Due! We can protect your villa & stop PENETRATING DAMP with a Protective Coating. Call us for a survey now; Tel: 634 322 672 (244927) SOS <> Insurance in Spain. Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year and cars from 120 euros. Tel 966 787 123 / 622 275 561 / 686 116 297 / email info@sosinsurancein (241276)

INTERNET GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email mark.w@euroweek for more details.

GARDEN Maintenance, Clearance, Painting and Pools. Reliable and friendly service. From Pego to Javea. Call Keith or Tom 618 012 731. (245000)


ITEMS WANTED WANTED – Washers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers, ovens. Cash Waiting. Tel: 965 874 838 Benidorm to Denia (241894)

CLEANING SERVICES A1 SPECIALIST CLEANING. Carpets, upholstery, 15 years experience 965 058 177 / 697 511 071 marc@barna www.britishbusi (243339)


JET SKI FOR SALE PURELY MAINTENANCE For all your maintenance needs - big or small, contact Carl on 965 878 866 or 669 218 928 email purelymaintenance@hotmail.c om (228949)

JET-SKI FOR SALE 2006 GTX 215 LTD 162HRS 3 seats Price: 5,750 Euros Calpe 1012h Tel: 667 644 466 (241985)



LOCKSMITH/ELECTRICIAN/CA RPENTER for emergency safe opening. Altea area, call Michael Rice: 686 513 510 or Calpe area Sean Gannnon: 667 507 630 (244778)

CHIROPODIST/PODIATRIST, Philip Mann, clinics in Benissa, Moraira, Javea, Calpe and Albir. 686 912 307 (240277) TATTOO Removal by laser fading. Free consultation. www.laser-tattoo-removal. in fo Calpe. Call 965 837 553 (241892)



ELECTRICIANS MB ELECTRICS. Approved electrician. Any electrical repair. Iberdrola paperwork. Affordable prices. Miquel 655 282 175


966 719 951

CLASSIFIEDS MOBILE MECHANIC MOBILE MECHANIC, region Denia - Javea. Call Autobastian. Tel 608 860 725 / email (244993)


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North WANTED Cars, vans, caravans, 4 X 4’s British Spanish 600 781 873 ibuyany (244923)



RIGHT PLUMBER - plumbing & drainage for a honest, affordable, professional service call 656 303 236 (241800)


VISION & CO – Christina Lledó´ Avda Generalitat, 41, El Campello 965 633 971 in (241878)

ESTABLISHED POOL CLEANER, La Fustera to Cumbre del Sol. Tel 671 202 985 m (232272)

INSURANCE THE MOBILITY WIZARDS – Offering a New Service: Comprehensive Insurance policies for mobility scooters & power chairs. See website for more details & free quote. (241720)


PAINT CHAPA Y PINTURA LA PEDRERA. Paint & body workshop! Recognised by all major insurance companies. Efficient service. We speak English! 965 731 816 / info @chplapedr (241759)

PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or e-mail us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (243861)


PAINTERS/DECORATORS HILLIER’S PAINTERS & Decorators. Covering the Costa Blanca & inland, 35yrs established. www.hillier Tel: 644 355 137 Facebook HillierPaintersCostaBlanca (241806)


W. D GILMOUR. Painter & Decorator. Established 35 years in Moraira. Estimates FREE. Call William on 609 691 776 or 966 490 602. (232956)

PERGOLAS BRICOMADERWOOD.COM. See our advert on page 131 (225994)

PEST CONTROL BUGBUSTERS Fully legal Costa Blanca Pest Control Company. EST 1994. For all pest problems, commercial and domestic. Call Lois Clark 619 054 939/96 686 5204. ROESB 05552 CV (244779) CHAPA Y PINTURA LA PEDRERA (Benissa) Paint & body workshop! Recognised by all major insurance companies. Efficient service. We speak English! 965 731 816 / (241389)

COSTA BLANCA DOG Transport. The comfort of your pet is our priority. Excellent rates and Defra run. www.costablancadoghom 675 485 613 (229377) PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING. SANDRA – LA NUCIA. 658 225 196 doggroomingsan (228237) COSY dog boarding resort since 1997, LA NUCIA. Tel: 609 637 385 (244911)

PET TRANSPORT PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (243500)

PET CHARITY PLUMBING m Call for a free quotation 965 835 939 (87006)

WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)


MORAIRA. SEMI-DETACHED TOWNHOUSE WITH GUEST APARTMENT. 3 beds, 2 baths, 85 m2. Swimming pool. Sea view. Ref.: 2ad-3587 – Price: € 130.000, Tel.: 670 771 680. (228116) CALPE. VILLA WITH GUEST APARTMENT. Beautiful. Must see! Everything on 1 level! House 125m2, plot 866 m2. Rennovated in 2014. 3 beds, 3 baths, Price € 380.000, Tel: 670 771 680 (228116) LOS ARCOS-La Nucia Beautiful 1 bed Studio Apartment on Ground Floor within a Detached Villa. Private Parking, Pool, 3 mins walk La Nucia Supermarket. 300 euros pcm. Plus a few hours week basic gardening, suit retired person. Call Nick -(0044)7980 866137 or email nicholasstanton5 (232282)

For daily news visit




DOGS & ALL PETS VERY WELCOME - 500 year old beamed cottage set in beautiful valley of the charming Jesus Pobre village, Javea. Beautiful pool & garden. (243920)

ROLLER SHUTTER REPAIRS, awnings, motors, mosquito blinds. Calpe + 50 kms. 659 464 992 www.toldosal (241760)

REMOVALS & STORAGE UK - SPAIN - Anywhere Europe! Masses of experience. New clean vehicles. Insured with Royal Sun Alliance. Genuinely CARING service. FULL and / Part moves. ONLINE QUOTES!! Tel: UK 08456 443 784 / ES 634 344 787 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! (243375) INTERNATIONAL and European Removals. Expert removals worldwide. Tel: 951 247 834 / +44 (0)203 128 7007 (240372)

NEED YOUR PETS TAKEN CARE OF? Not kennels, just a friendly home. Large fenced area. 699 790 080 Altea (225960)


WE WILL MOVE IT Full roof rack for long loads Full & part loads We will take pets Based in Javea & Denia Spain UK Spain Weekly 0034 634 360 846 0044 7783 222 251 wewill (241318) BENIDORM and surrounding areas. Two man removal. 678 067 163 (232263) SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537

For daily news visit


SITUATIONS VACANT FREE accommodation in Spain in return for handyman work. Email oasisparks@ya Telephone: 696 090 776 (228034) FIELD SALES positions available. Must have own transport, English and Spanish preferred, but not essential, must have local knowledge of the area and be smart and presentable. Applications by email with full CV should be sent to recruitment@euroweek TELESALES positions available for our Benissa office. English and Spanish preferred, but not essential, must have local knowledge of the area and be smart and presentable. Applications by email with full CV should be sent to recruitment@euroweek DO you want a legal contracted position – in an office – administration – must possess common sense and a desire to work. Full and part time hours available. No time wasters please. Send cv to


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



LOOSE COVERS, CURTAINS ETC. Made to Measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful fabrics in your own home. Tel: 965 771 397 or 686 453 827 (241846)

WOODEN POOLS LIMITED. Manufacturers & installers of wooden above ground pools. Take the plunge with one of the above ground pools. Best of all “No Planning Permission Required” Tel: 634 322 672. Phone or email for a FREE COLOUR BROCHURE & PRICE LIST NOW. www.woodenpo info@woodenpo (244927)

SOLAR POWER LOWEST PRICES IN SPAIN, www.solarmegas (236769)

TABLECLOTHS STRUCTURAL SURVEYS MARK PADDON BSc Hons. Building surveying. MCIOB, CAAT. From 245 EUROS + IVA. Insured and legally registered in Spain. Tel: 653 733 066 / 962 807 247 m (242306)

CONCHITA and Hans from DOUBLE DUTCH, Indoormarket, have moved to Edificio Alhambra, near Rio Park Hotel. Also for Flowerseeds, Bedlinen, TopCosmetics, Shoes and Bookswap. (228213)

F o r d a i l y n e w s v i s i t w w w . e u r o w e e k l y n e w s . c o m


TAXI SERVICES A2B TAXIS. Based Pedreguer. Airport transfers and local trips. Colin 635 442 911. (241807)

TV INTERNET & PHONE No Landline required STARTING FROM as little as 49.99€ + iva. More Information Whatsup or Telephone 679 797 473 (232873)

XXX RELAXATION Readers of a sensitive disposition may find some of the advertisements in this section offensive.


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Clarkson Quote of theWeek

Costa Blanca North


7 - 13 July 2016

CALL: 952 89 33 80

“Every year, the world’s Golf GTI enthusiasts congregate in a field in Austria, and they talk about fuel injection and wear jumpers with ‘GTI’ on them. Frankly I'd rather blowtorch my nipples off.” Some might say...

By Matthew Elliott A TOUGH few months for Chris Evans has culminated in the radio and television presenter resigning from Top Gear, as historic allegations of sexual assault come back to haunt him in the guise of Metropolitan police officers looking for a friendly chat.

1.9 million viewers tuned in to the series finale, an all-time low for the series.

CLARKSON ERA: Ratings have hit an all-time low since the presenter left. paper has also relayed a series of stories alleging that the Radio 2 presenter was ‘out of control’ at



Evans quits Top Gear

The accusations were first aired in The Sun newspaper in May, and relate to a ‘non-recent sexual assault,’ said to have taken place in the 1990s. The tabloid


Radio 2 where he hosts a popular breakfast programme. “Stepping down from Top

Gear. Gave it my best shot but sometimes that’s not enough. The team are beyond brilliant, I wish

them all the best,” he wrote on his Twitter account on the afternoon of Monday, July 4. A new ratings low was hit for the show’s series finale on Sunday with the episode drawing just 1.9 million viewers, almost a million less than the previous week, and less than half the 4.3 million who tuned in for the new series’ debut on May 29. Throughout the Clarkson era such figures would be unimaginable, with not a single episode in more than a decade boasting less than two million viewers, even averaging more than seven million in its 12th and 13th seasons. Evans himself has been the main target of critics, while fellow presenter Matt LeBlanc has been warmly received by viewers. The new series will be broadcast in September.

Motoring shorts

Spontaneous combustion TOYOTA has been forced to recall thousands of cars in the UK over a variety of safety concerns, including the possibility that airbags might randomly inflate. The worldwide recall affects almost three million cars, more than 70,000 of which are registered in Britain, including Prius, Auris and the Lexus CT200h. In addition to the airbag issues there are reported cracks in the coating of the emissions channel, which could eventually cause fuel leakage from a full tank. The Japanese manufacturer is no stranger to expensive and embarrassing recalls, and announced last month that it expects a €1.3 billion hit on profits over the next fiscal year purely due to ‘quality-related expenses.’


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


A Royale recreation ONLY six of a scheduled 25 Bugatti Type 41s were ever built but now a seventh might be in the mix following a re-creation project by a Dutch classic car restoration company. Widely known as the Royale, the Bugatti Type 41 was launched in 1926 as the pinnacle of motoring achievement, expected to be the most luxurious and magnificent vehicle ever built and reserved only for royalty. With the Great Depression throwing an enormous spanner in the works only six were completely finished, with four being owned by museums, a fifth by Volkswagen, and the sixth is AWOL, possibly lurking in a super-villain’s underground lair. The potential seventh model is a painstakingly remade prototype model of the Royale 1926 Torpedo Packard, with the entire process taking an astonishing 15 years. Originally built on a chassis boasting a 169.3 inch wheelbase, it had a straight-eight engine of 15 litres and could produce 275-300hp. Other

ROYALE: Launched in 1926, only six were officially built by Bugatti. Royales had a slightly smaller capacity of 12.7 litres, while all were 21-feet long, with a walnut steering wheel and whalebone dash knobs. Today the remake is on display at the Musée National de l’Automobile de Mulhouse, France, and there is even a documentary out about how the Dutch team managed to recreate the prototype. More than 2,000 factory drawings were used in one of engineering’s more heroic recent feats. There are also two exact replicas

in circulation, leading some experts to ponder whether there are really six, seven, or nine Royales in existence. Should one of the originally completed six go up for sale, analysts and collectors are of the mind that it could become the most expensive car ever sold, even reaching nine figures due to its historic appeal. The current record is the approximately €34 million paid for a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO in 2014.

Robot lawyer’s revenge HUNDREDS of thousands of parking tickets in New York and London have been successfully revoked by the world’s first ‘robot lawyer’. Created by a 19-yearold British-American whizz-kid, the artificial intelligence program known as ‘DoNotPay’ enables users to contest tickets using a simple interface. Sparked by a desire to prevent people being exploited as a revenue source, DoNotPay guides citizens through the appeals process and has taken on 250,000 cases, winning 160,000 at a stunning 64 per cent success rate. The technology is ideally suited to artificial intelligence and does not require lawyers or hefty legal fees.


E W N 7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North


Pego Golf Society report WITH the weather on the dull side and the high temperatures of the past few weeks down a little, the golfing conditions were perfect at the Oliva Nova golf course on Tuesday, June 28. The course is 90 per cent back to its best, and with the green staff pouring water onto all fairways and greens, it was in beautiful condition. A team accumulator was the name of the game, utilising stableford points and teams of four persons, of which two counted at par fives, three at par fours, and all four at par threes. Forty-three players took part, including five guests, namely Richard Morris, Ray McAvoy, Neil Elwell, Gordon McBain, and Phil Darren. All were made very welcome by the committee. In the main segment of the competition, the results were as follows:

Texas Scramble Results In first place with 116 points was the team of Paul Trigwell, Neil Elwell, David Blakeley and Gordon McBain. In second, with 115 points, were Stella Fox, Terry Oram, Paul Singh, and of course, Mr Ghost. Third place with 110 points was occupied by Shaun O’Gorman, Richard Morris, John Evans and Linda Davies. The ‘Balls in the Water ’ prize saw 92 balls in the water and was not won, so it will be carried forward until next week. Nearest the hole with his second shot at hole five was Nigel Siddall with the ball just 0.56 metres away, while at hole 16 the closest tee shot was by Mike Holloway, one of our senior members, who left it 2.4 metres away. Well played and congratulations to both of you.

There were five two’s by Donna Green, Danny Herron, Mike Cuerden, Paul Trigwell and Phil Darren, with Mike Holloway failing to hole his putt. There were two match-play games played, with John Nicol beating Bill Pike by one hole, while in the second match Simon Fox beat Steve Patton by 3/2. Well played to John and Simon. If any member or guest wishes to tee off with the Pego Golf Society, now is a good time as ‘The Pego Cup Competition’ is upon us. This is one of our major competitions and it is a medal event, so please contact the club secretary and send an e-mail to Penny Barden at, or enter through our society’s website A warm welcome awaits all.

Orba Warblers report

WARBLERS: Played at Font de Llop on a sunny, warm day this week. THIS week the Warblers travelled to Font del Llop on a sunny, warm day, and found the course in excellent condition. Well done to all the staff. There were 26 members and one guest, Gary Edgeley, who received a Warbler golf ball, although he did get told off for wearing his golf cap the wrong way round. It was all done with a bit of humour, and he was made to feel very welcome. There were two divisions today and in division two the winner, Roy ‘Driver ’ Booth (HDCP 20.9), posted a fantastic par-breaking score of 41 points. Well done, Roy. In second place was Barbara Pollitt (HDCP 22.5)

with 34pts, while third place went to Glyn Walters (HDCP 25.4). The winner of Division one was the inform Vicki ‘Long drive’ Loeber (HDCP 16.6) with another par-breaking score of 38 points. Congratulations, Vicki. Second place went to Glynn ‘bang in form’ Braidley (HDCP 9.7) who scored 36 points, with David French (HDCP 10.8) third on 34 points. Four nearest the pins went to Chris Williamson on hole three, Allan Wilson on hole eight, Arthur Sullivan on hole 12, and Barbara Pollitt on hole 16. Just the single two was achieved, by Chris Williamson on hole three.

There was one singles match between Glynn Braidley and Glyn Walters with Glynn just nicking a tight game two up. The winning football card team was Wolves, won again by Captain David Knight, as cries of ‘it's a fix’ rang out from members. Well done to all the winners. Next week, the Warblers will be playing at Bonalba with a shotgun start of 9.30am, so please arrive by 8.45am for registration. To book, please contact David Knight by email at dr.knight1207@googlemail. com or call 634 307 407. Guests are welcome subject to a current handicap certificate.


7 - 13 July 2016 / Costa Blanca North



Super Sam beats Novak as Wales seek glory and Hamilton wins Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

FOOTBALL – This week we have the evening semi-finals of Euro 2016 involving Portugal and rank-outsiders Wales (yesterday) and Germany v hosts France tonight. The final takes place at St Denis, Paris on Sunday (kick-off 9pm). In the quarter-finals, Wales sensationally knocked out second-favourites Belgium 3-1, Germany edged past Italy 6-5 on penalties (after a 1-1 draw), Portugal beat Poland (also on penalties) and France defeated hard-working and plucky Iceland 5-2. No comments on the performances of England or Spain... I’ve said quite enough on radio

and in public regarding their dismal performances. On the transfer front, Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic has signed a one-year contract with Manchester United; rivals City have recruited Spanish striker Nolito from Celta Vigo for €16.7m; Chelsea have paid €39.3m for the Belgium star Michy Batshuayi from Marseille; Spurs have landed Victor Wanyama from Southampton for €17.2m; Liverpool have secured the services of Sadio Mane from Southampton for €40.5m and Arsenal have bought Granit Xhaka from Borussia Dortmund for €53.6m Jose Mourinho’s young son, José Jr, a goalkeeper, has signed for Fulham! TENNIS – Last Saturday 6ft 5in American Sam Querrey (ranked 29th in the world) sensationally knocked reigning champion and number-one seed Novak Djokovic out of the men’s singles at Wimbledon.

This is the biggest shock in the tournament’s history since GB’s Roger Taylor beat the then holder of four Grand Slam titles, Rod Laver in 1970. As we entered the second week, Andy Murray, Roger Federer, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, Richard Gasquet, David Goffin, Tomáš Berdych, Serena Williams and Venus Williams, Angelique Kerber, plus Adil Shamasdin/Jamie Murray and GB’s Naomi Broady/Heather Watson in the doubles, were all going well in their respective events. TOUR DE FRANCE – The favorites for this year’s 21stage race which began on July 2 in Sainte-Marie Du Pont, and includes a ride through the mountains of Bern, Switzerland, are: GB’s two-time winner Chris Froome, Nairo Quintana of Colombia and Spain’s Alberto Contador, while those in line for general classification are Richie Porte, Mark

Cavendish, Thibaut Pinot, Fabio Aru, Geraint Thomas, Vincenzo Nibali, Romain Bardet and Tejay Van Garderen. In fact, the first stage of this year’s race was won by the ‘Manx Machine’ Mark Cavendish. FORMULA 1 – Last Sunday’s exciting, incident-packed and very watchable Austrian Grand Prix was won by Lewis Hamilton, with Max Verstappen second and Kimi Raikkonen third. Race leader at the time, Nico Rosberg, crashed into Hamilton on the 71st and final lap, allowing the British driver to cruise home. Rosberg was later blamed for the crash, handed a 10-second penalty for the next race and a two-point penalty. “I am not to blame” said the German… After the race, former F1 driver Heikki Kovalainen said: “Great win for Lewis… that was him at his best. He never gives up… and it was Nico

who certainly caused the crash.” Hamilton is now just 11 points behind his Mercedes teammate Rosberg in the driver’s championship.

WALES: Beat Belgium 3-1 to set up a semifinal showdown with Portugal.

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