Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca South 6 - 12 October 2016 Issue 1631

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ISSUE NO. 1631

6 - 12 October 2016



Fugitive held at the airport

An Irishman accused of involvement in a raid on a van carrying cash for a bank after kidnapping a man and his family, has been arrested at Alicante airport. Jeffrey Melvin skipped bail before his 2012 trial following the raid on the Brinks Allied transit van in Dublin. He is alleged to have falsely imprisoned a Brinks Allied worker’s elderly mother and an eight-year-old child before forcing the man to intercept the transit van containing cash. Melvin is said to have got

away with more than €130,000 in the so-called tiger kidnapping raid which took place in 2010. The 34-year-old was detained in Alicante on a European Arrest Warrant ‘accused of committing 11 crimes’ in Ireland, a Spanish National Police spokesman said. These include robbery, illegal detention, possession of firearms and membership of a criminal organisation. A police statement said Melvin was thought to have been living in the Alicante Province using a fake ID.

He had adopted high levels of security to avoid being detected but was eventually arrested sitting in a car outside the airport. Extradition proceedings will take place in Madrid but they could be extended by months if he does not consent to a return to Ireland. Melvin’s case has been described in the media as a ‘tiger kidnapping’ which involves two separate crimes: in the first a person or persons are abducted and then a second crime is committed on behalf of the captor.



6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

A personal thank you from Michel Euesden… I AM back! Not completely tip-top but getting there. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their good wi sh e s a n d k in d thoughts over the last few weeks. A period of illness always knocks y o u si d e w a y s whether expecting it or not. A s peci a l t h a n k s m u s t g o Helicopteros Sanitarios who responded with expediency and professionalism from the moment I entered ICU until my departure - which could not

come quickly enough! They are without doubt responsible for my recovery a n d S tev en a n d I c a n n ot thank them enough. It’s not been easy, but I’m getting th ere . F in a lly a s p ec ia l thanks to my fantastic EWN family who have covered fo r me ex ce lle n tly and p ro v ed to me ag ain how lucky I am to work with the best team in the business. Getting back into the swing of things is great. O n c e ag ain , th a n k s to e v ery o n e w h o k e p t me in th eir th o u g h ts ; family, friends and my brilliant clients who after 20 years have become personal friends, and of course, you, our EWN readers. Your support to Steven and myself is appreciated in a way words cannot express. The flowers and gifts were wonderfu l to rec e iv e. Lots of love, Michel X.

IKEA green light?

Photo by Shutterstock

ALICANTE DEBUT: The controversy is over where to locate the store.

By Matthew Elliott

THANKS: For all the kind thoughts.


DESPITE all the hesitation and commotion, IKEA looks set to debut in Alicante after all. The giant Swedish multinational furniture outlet has been eyeing the Costa Blanca city for quite some time but its desires have been thwarted by local debate over the how’s and where’s. After a meeting with Valencia region president Ximo Puig, Alicante mayor

It is time to start listening to the popular store’s proposals. Gabriel Echavarri has said it is time to start listening to the popular furniture leviathan’s proposals. Whether the city

wants IKEA or not has been incontrovertible as the proposed 80,000 square metres would be a massive local economic boost. The controversy is over where to put it, and how to ensure that the shady corruption which often accompanies Spanish construction deals is prevented from dirtying the deal. Lagunas Rabassa remains the mayor’s favoured site for what would be the Swedish company’s 40,000th store.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Spanish corruption: Bad and getting worse By Matthew Elliott SPAIN is the most corrupt country in the entire EU. It accounts for most of the €120 billion that either seeps away from the EU’s coffers or is never returned, and the problem is getting worse. Some will say, a la Nigel Farage, that the EU itself is a poorly regulated body, whose audited accounts have been delayed for years, and where officials appointed to public office can latch themselves onto a gravy train that meanders slowly but inexorably along. Maybe so. But another group has now joined the Commission in issuing a damning indictment of Spanish public political life. The authoritative Berlin-based group, Transparency International (TI), says Spain’s problem is bad and getting worse. Although not painted in the dark red of Somalia or Russia on TI’s corruption perception map, Spain is a deep orange blotch on an otherwise yellow western Europe, rivalled only by Italy in the shady sweepstakes. Two years ago prime minister Mariano Rajoy told the nation that “there is no such thing as generalised corruption,” offering no prizes for viewers who correctly guessed the operative word. Since then his administration and the wider country has been rocked by a relentless wave of corruption scandals brazen enough to raise the eyebrows of even the most seasoned Spanish observers. There was the PP leader filmed counting wads of cash after accepting party financing in exchange for construction contracts: the top banker blowing €15 million on lavish company expenses: the kickback scheme masterminded by a politician who insisted on being called Don Vito in tribute to The God-

father. You had the fantastical tale of Carlos Fabra, who refuses to be seen without his sunglasses on, who spent more than €10,000 of public funds building a statue of himself, and claimed to have won the lottery four times when questioned over money laundering allegations, and who was once dubbed a “model citizen” by Rajoy. Next month one of the biggest corruption scandals in history, the Gurtel case, will finally go to

trial but as any long-term expat will tell you such national humiliations are just the tip of a very deep iceberg. Hardly a week goes by without a mayor landing themselves in hot water over some racket or another. Football, property, banks, construction, public contracts, campaign financing, water, electricity. It’s hard to name a single facet of Spanish life which isn’t affected by corruption in one way or another. Take the spectacular case of Isabel Pantoja. A prodigious singing talent as a child, Pantoja stole the heart of the nation and sold millions of albums, bringing flamenco back into the main stream. An Andalucian of gypsy descent, she married the most iconic bullfighter of the era, Francisco Rivera, and became the ‘widow of Spain’ after he was gored to death in the ring. Yet perhaps the most stereotypically Spanish part of her life story was Pantoja’s involvement in the notorious Malaya case, which has so far seen billions seized from moneylaundering councilmen, business leaders and lawyers. She was romantically involved with disgraced former Marbella mayor Julian Munoz, who is still languishing in prison for his role in the affair. Corruption simply seems to be part and parcel of life in Spain, which is all well and good until it hits you in the pocket, or makes your own waking life a nightmare.



Your papers, your views Our readers have been expressing their views about the latest EU developments which appeared on our website. Here are a few of your comments some of which have had to be cut due to size but we are always happy to hear from everyone.

Facts of life WHAT makes Spain different from other EU countries, where corruption is certainly rife, is that it is simply part of everyday life. Even children’s football matches are rigged, and of course these kids grow up thinking that bribery and back scratching is entirely normal. Some of them end up controlling the fates of millions of people and don’t think twice about lining their own pockets. Jim

They all do it IS it really so bad here? Or are they just terribly obvious? I’m pretty sure that we have similar problems back home in the UK, they’re just far better at it. Surely the Panama Papers showed that British politicians are just as corrupt as their banana republic counterparts? The problem Spain has is that bribery is considered so normal no one even bothers to hide it! Susanne

Ghost rule CORRUPTION and Spain are seemingly two interchangeable words. The ghosts of Franco’s era still rule. Especially with the squabbling politicians taking something approaching a whole year to form any semblance of a democratically elected government while Rajoy and co sit on the fence raking in the money for doing next to nothing. It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Brian

It’s farcical

Isabel Pantoja: ‘Widow of Spain’

It’s hard to name a single facet of Spanish life which isn’t affected by corruption in one way or another.”

NOTHING a team of top lawyers couldn’t have sorted out. Corrupt is just the word we give to people who weren’t smart enough to properly cover their tracks. The whole system is corrupted. You have two political parties with the same policies who went to the same schools and grew up in the same areas swapping power every few years and calling it democracy. Kevin


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


A spectacular success

News 1 - 40

Featured News 3

European Press 42

Russian Press 44

Finance 45 - 49

Stocks 46

Leapy Lee 51

FILM FESTIVAL: The esteemed festival drew global attention to Marbella. Matthew Elliott

Daily TV 54, 56, 58,

60, 62, 64, 66

Letters 68

Our View 69

John Smith 69

Time Out 70 - 71

Health & Beauty 72 - 76

Social Scene 77 - 80

Property 81 - 85

Homes & Gardens 86 - 85

Pets 91

Services 92 - 97

Classifieds 99 - 101

Motoring 102

Sport 103 - 104

THE films were better, the stars were bigger and Marbella’s International Film Festival’s light shines brighter. After a tremendous five days of screenings, artistry, innovation and celebrity appearances, the festival wrapped up with a Gala dinner at the H10 Andalucia Plaza in Puerto Banus, having exceeded its wildest expectations. With entries from all across the world,

the quality of the films, shorts and documentaries on display at the 11th edition of this esteemed Festival cemented its reputation as one of the planet’s finest up and coming affairs. The onscreen acting talent proved the Marbella International Film Festival continues to not only draw the very best from Britain, Spain and beyond, but also provides a fantastic showcase for prodigious young stars.

Sponsored by Euro Weekly News, the Festival has gone from strength to strength since its debut in 2006. It’s now a platform for high-level discussions on the future of the global film industry, whilst drawing global attention to the Costa del Sol city. Much of that attention was focused on the awards ceremony and Gala dinner attended by EWN owners Michel and Steven Euesden, and such stars as Craig Fairbrass and Brad Moore.

Brothel leader incarcerated THE owner of four strip clubs has been sentenced to four years and three months in prison for crimes of conspiracy and against the rights of foreign nationals. The Superior Court of Va-

lencia heard how the man kept 33 women (20 irregularly) in five brothels located in Villena, Pinos and El Provencio (Cuenca), Ibiza and Palma. He was the sole manager of three venues that profited from

the “sexual exploitation of women, mainly from Paraguay.” They were brought to Spain with promises of work as waitresses. On arrival were told they’d need to prostitute themselves to repay debt

incurred travelling to Spain. Nine others were also sentenced to nine months in prison on charges of conspiracy and prostitution of adults. A 10th person was sentenced to three months for conspiracy.



6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Demands for safer access TORREVIEJA’S mayor wants a pedestrian pathway to be constructed along the CV-95 to Lago Jardin. The council is urging the Department of Public Works to consider a solutio n t o e n su r e t h e safe transit of pedestrians in this area between the ro u n d a b o u t s a t Lago Jardin II to Lago Jardin I , a n d L o s Balcones. Jose Manuel Dolon has informed the regional admi n i st r a t i o n t h a t the city h a s r e c e i v e d complaints from neighbours and residents in the area about the ‘lack of adequate access to allow safe passage for pedestrians needing to use this route.’ Currently, pedestrians have to go on to the busy road.

ALICANTE: Aid granted for investment into the Las Cigarreras area.

Green light for an ambitious project By Gemma Elvins-Quinn ONE of the most ambitious projects of Alicante is to receive an investment of 11 million euros in European aid, the amount will double with municipal funds added. There is a six-year plan for the renovation and investment in the Las Cigarreras area of the city, and the neighbourhoods between the Santa Barbara castle and San Fernando. Las Cigarreras will become a state of the art

multifunctional centre with the focus on performance. There will be four main areas of the plan, technologies, environmental, rehabilitation and, economic. In turn, these are divided into 12 lines of action, containing 45 specific projects. The city requested 15 million euros of funding, but it is still the most well-supported and funded project in the region to receive the European funds. A total of 270 applications were made in Spain for the grants with 83 receiving funding.




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Concerns and frustrations in Torrevieja By Gemma Elvins-Quinn THE PP party in Torrevieja welcomed residents to their first sub-committee meeting, offering an opportunity

to g e t an in s ig h t in to t he cu rren t s itu a tio n o f t he city’s politics. Hosted by former mayor Eduardo Dolon and councillor Rosario Martinez at

Restaurant Campobello, El Chaparral, the pair fielded a range of questions from reside nts a ll e a ge r to know what is happening with their adopted home. Dolon and Martinez explained that the 2016 budget w a s not a pprove d by the plenary council meeting as it was substantially less tha n la s t ye a r ’s me a ning there was no investment or funds available for areas such as charities, aids and school buses. This e xtra mone y w a s wanted by the mayor to be spent on purchasing rubbish trucks so the city can run the c olle c tion s e rvic e in house, prompting questions by the groups to a s k w hy the mayor is “so obsessed with rubbish.” R os a rio e xpla ine d the mayor reports he can save €13 million by running the rubbis h c olle c tion ra the r than contracting it out but this figure has not included the initia l outla w of pur-

PARK CONCERN: The La Siesta park remains abandoned and continues to become an unsightly wasteland area. chasing the rubbish trucks. The stagnant situation of the La Siesta park continues to be a c onc e rn for loc a l residents of the urbanisation as once again they called for work to be done. Even if the original plan is scrapped, residents want the wasteland area cleared

to give a tidier appearance and to prevent a potential fire hazard. Dolon and Martinez noted the requests of citizens and their concerns as they also expressed their frustration at the lack of action being t aken by t he new r ul i ng counci l wi t hi n t he t own

hall: “They have done nothing this past year but look for something wrong and to target the PP but they have found nothing.” It was commented: “Torrevieja is not a little town any m or e but i t i s bei ng r ul ed wi t h a l i t t l e t own mentality.”

E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Photo Credit Wikimedia


Wanted Brit arrested A 32-YEAR-OLD British man has been arrested in Mazarron under a European arrest warrant. Wanted by authorities in the UK accused of several crimes for cultivation and trafficking of narcotics, damage and reckless driving, he faces a total of 27 years in prison. Police found him in an urbanisation of Mazarron, where he was living with his partner. The extradition process will now begin so he can report to the UK courts.



Speedy police LOCAL POLICE of Orihuela are to be equipped with five PDA digital devices to speed up the processing of traffic fines. They are being rented for €3,000 a year.

Cycling visits

NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: The ecological and cultural value of land has been attacked.

Catastrophic impact on environment By Gemma Elvins-Quinn CATASTROPHIC, that’s how the Archangel Neighbourhood Association of San Miguel describes the environmental management of the government team in the town hall.

The group said that in the current legislature there has been nine environmental issues reported that particularly affect the Zepa area of Sierra Escalona, which “has seriously degraded the natural heritage.” They complain there has

been attacks on the natural environment affecting the high ecological and cultural value of the land, including in the Valencian forest map. The area “has also affected the dumping of debris in green areas and lack of sanitation of sewage.”

MORE people are visiting Elche’s Museum del Pusol. The centre’s director said they have particularly noted an increase in the number of visitors cycling to the museum from the coast. The museum transports visitors back to life years ago in the campo.

Consul visit THE Consul of Colombia, based in Valencia, visited Torrevieja to host a talk to the Asila Association. There are around 1,000 Colombians registered as living in Torrevieja.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Get on the property ladder with subsidised housing OVER 40 VPO social housing apartments in Orihuela Costa are up for auction. Applications for these homes are now being received through

the Department of Housing. In July, the first auction of a b lo ck o f 2 1 h o m e s took pla c e with more than 100 applications received from prospective pur-

chasers. Those unsuccessful this time around, will be given preference in the process of selling the second phase of 42 homes. Prices range from 46,900 euros

to 68,000 euros and the homes are situated in Sector 2, El Barranco, in Calle Clavo. To find out more information, a nd to s ee i f you m eet t he r e-

quirements to purchase VPO soci al housi ng, pl ease vi si t, or you can call 965 934 540, or send an email to ven

CONTINUOUS DAY: Lucky students who do not have to return for afternoon classes.

The first early school leavers By Gemma Elvins-Quinn

SEVENTY PER CENT of schools in Alicante Province began this week with the launch of the new continuous day project. With lessons finishing at 2pm, there was a 20 per cent decrease in the number of

children opting to stay for the lunch service. Half of those who stayed for ‘comedor,’ then also stayed on for the optional extracurricular activities until 5pm. A spokesman for the Directors of Infants and Primary Schools, Eric Valor, stressed however that these figures are expected to adjust by the end

of the month as more people sign up. He said of the average school size, if around 300 children were eating lunch at school, this has fallen to around 255. Parents voted last month on whether they wanted their child’s school to change the schedule and implement the continuous day programme.

A one sided agreement A PROMOTER is claiming back 3.5 million euros from Albatera Council. The two sides signed an agreement almost 15 years ago that consisted of an exchange of land so that the promoters could build and develop a golf course and 1,500 homes. In exchange for this land reclassification from the town hall allowing the project to go ahead, the company had to make a series of investments in the municipality. They say these investments were executed, but the council has not yet fulfilled its part of

the deal, which was to cede some land. As a result, the company is calling for all money invested in the public works to be returned, with interest, amounting to over 3.5 million euros. The company, San Jose Inversiones y Proyectos SA, has now gone bankrupt and has been taken over by receivers. They want the town hall to recognise the situation and to commit to returning the money within a time frame of a maximum of four years.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Who will pay for healthcare? BREXIT PAGE By Matthew Elliot and Simon Firth MARCH next year sees the firing of the official starting gun for the Brexit negotiations, according to Theresa May. It is then that the UK government will invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and start the twoyear countdown to the moment its supporters say heralds a new era of sovereignty. Theresa May admitted on Tuesday the road will be bumpy but some politicians her government will encounter during those two years mean to make it very bumpy indeed. With almost a million British citizens living in the country, and a centuries-old dispute over Gibraltar, Spain is perhaps the UK’s most intimately connected European partner, and the country with the most sway over key elements of the divorce settlement. Boris Johnson’s opposite number in Spain, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, has now broached the issue of healthcare. It’s

one of a number of areas giving the expatriate community more than a little cause for concern. Foreign minister Garcia-Margallo has said a deal must be reached with the UK government so that they pay for the healthcare of its citizens living in Spain. According to Spanish news site Estrella Digital, the Spanish minister made his views known at a conference in Alicante. Whether they are his own views or were in fact officially sanctioned, it means a slow but inexorable ramping up of the pressure. He poured cold water on the idea Britain might secure a Canada-style waiver scheme

CAUSE FOR CONCERN: The issue of healthcare was broached.

absolving it of 99 per cent of healthcare tariffs. On Gibraltar, Garcia-Margallo froze out Boris Johnson by sending every other foreign minister in the EU a letter urging them to exclude the issue from wider Brexit talks, allowing it to be handled bilaterally. Spain can then use the Rock as a bargaining chip in direct talks with the UK, and threaten to veto any Brexit deal favourable to British interests, unless it makes some headway with its Gibraltar aspirations.

Academic voices food sector fears AN academic and expert in the agri-food sector has voiced his concerns about the impact of the Article 50 negotiations if the UK is barred from continental markets or any tariffs are prohibitively high. José García Gómez, from Murcia University’s faculty of economics, says the main worry is that the UK ends up signing trade agreements to source agricultural produce from new markets. UK imports from Murcia equate to around €950 million, of which 70 per cent is from the agricultural and related sectors, he says. If the pound declines against the Euro then agriculture and tourism sectors will suffer if the British consumer suffers a fall in spending power. He joins a number of observers and commentators who are warning about the implications for many markets of a British exit from the EU if this is followed by the erection of excessive barriers to UK businesses.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Estate planning is a high priority for many expatriates in Spain. They want to ensure that their wealth is passed down to their family and heirs according to their wishes, that the inheritance process is as straightforward as possible, and that their heirs are not faced with high tax bills. Living in Spain makes this more complicated, as you have to deal with foreign rules and also the interaction of two countries’ succession laws and tax regimes. How could the UK’s decision to leave the EU affect estate planning in Spain? Brussels IV Under the 2015 EU succession regulation ‘Brussels IV’, the succession law of your country of residence will apply to your assets when you die – and Spanish succession law is restrictive – but you can opt for the law of your country of nationality to apply instead. Although Brussels IV is an EU regulation, it applies to third party countries. Brexit has no effect on the ability for British expatriates to elect to use UK succession law.



Will Brexit Affect Your Estate Planning In Spain?

By Brett Hanson, Partner, Blevins Franks Spanish succession tax In Spain the local autonomous regions are able to adjust the state succession and gift tax rates and allowances, and the local regime can be much more beneficial than the state one. For example, under the state rules the tax free allowance is €15,957 for spouses, descendants over 21 and ascendants, €7,993 for other close

relatives and nil for everyone else. In Comunidad Valenciana, spouses and children receive an allowance of €100,000 and can benefit from a 75% reduction in the amount of tax payable. In Murcia, the taxable inheritance for children under 21 is reduced by 99%, while older children and spouses get a 50% reduction. Until last year the regional rules could only be applied if the deceased was habitually resident in the region. The EU ruled that this tax treatment was discriminatory and Spain changed it rules. Local rules now also apply to those who reside in an EU/EEA country. • If you are not resident in Spain when you die, but are resident in another EU/EEA country, your Spanish assets benefit from the rules of the region where most of your assets are located. • If you are not resident in Spain or another EU/EEA country, state

rules apply to your Spanish assets. • If you are resident in Spain and your beneficiaries are resident here or an EU/EEA country, regional rules apply. • If you are resident in Spain but your beneficiaries are not resident in Spain or the EU/EEA, state succession tax rules will apply. So it is possible that UK residents, or heirs who live in the UK, will be affected if the UK ends up outside both the EU and EEA. It is still early days and this could be an issue that is negotiated between the two countries. And the exit process will take at least two years, so there is time to review your succession tax planning if necessary and take advice on how to protect your heirs.

paid in one country can be deducted against taxes due in the other, and there is no reason for this to change with Brexit.

UK inheritance tax and Brexit UK domiciles in Spain are liable to both Spanish succession tax and UK inheritance tax. Taxes already

To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website

Cross-border estate planning is complex, and needs to take multijurisdictional succession law, taxes and probate into account. There are compliant opportunities available in Spain that allow you to do all this, which provide significant tax advantages. This is a specialist area, so take professional, personalised advice. Summarised tax information is based upon our understanding of current laws and practices which may change. Individuals should seek personalised advice.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


A halt is called By Gemma Elvins-Quinn STRIKE action is underway by workers of AFEMA, the Association of Families of Mentally Ill, as they await payment of their salaries. Workers have downed tools as they c la im the y ha ve not be e n pai d f or f our months. The Ombudsman has held a meeting with representatives of AFEMA that manages

The summer ends and so do the jobs THE end of the summer season closed leaving 957 more people unemployed in the province of Alicante. According to the Ministry of Employment there is now a total of 169,851 people without work. The figures come as temporary summer contracts come to an end, however, the good news is that this increase is lower than that recorded last year, when there were 1,273 Alicantinos enrolled in the offices of Servef in September. Across the Valencian Region unemployment rose by 324 people, although in Valencia Province it actually fell.

both the Centre for Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CRIS), and the Garden City Day Centre, to try and resolve the situation. Some delays in the payment of wages are due to delays in payments from the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies to AFEMA. This breach of the commitments of payments is not a new issue but a situation that workers have been enduring for more than seven years.

More injuries with one killed on roads ONE driver was killed and another injured in a head-on collision on the N-332 at El Campello. A car and a van collided in El Campello at the height of Coveta Fuma. Paramedic crews could only confirm the death of one of the drivers, aged 82, whilst the other, aged 46, was treated at the scene before being taken to Sant Joan hospital with multiple injuries. The accident caused traffic delays in the area for over four hours. Shortly after, there was another accident on the A-70 of Alicante. Two vehicles were involved in a rear-end collision by the Villafranqueza, two people suffered mild injuries.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Rescuers find missing woman By Gemma Elvins-Quinn A MISSING woman with Alzheimer’s has been found safe and well after getting lost and disorientated in Orihuela. The woman was reported missing by her family and was found the following day.

Due to her condition, security forces were deployed at the request of the Local Police, including a rescue helicopter, the canine unit, Red Cross, and Civil Protection. She was found less than a kilometre from the village of El Mudamiento, she spent

the night in an open area of reeds after becoming confused and lost in the rain. After a check up at hospital she was given the all clear and allowed home. Police have thanked residents who spread the word on social media to help find her.

Three held in drugs bust THREE men have been arrested in Murcia and Torrevieja after police found more than 1,000 cannabis plants. The men, aged between 30 and 57, are Spanish and Dutch, according to reports. The arrests were the result of ‘Operation Roscan,’ launched last June. The Guardia Civil had been investigating an isolated house in a rural area of Mula, Murcia. Surveillance revealed cannabis plants being cultivated, and police then


Cannabis plants found growing in a rural area.

identified three people regularly visiting the farm. Officers seized the plants, all in differing stages of growth, as well as the necessary materials needed for growing and trafficking the drugs.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Solutions still being sought for schools By Gemma Elvins-Quinn ELEVE N c h i l d r e n i n th e Arneva school in Orihuela will receive a dinner service. ‘Comedor ’ has been approved by the Ministry of Education for the village school, which only had 11 applications for the lunch service. The approval came just days after Orihuela’s councillor for Education Begoña Cuartero, said the service was up in the air due to the low demand and earlier in September no one had wanted it, “but in recent days 11 children have signed up.” The councillor said they are now trying to resolve the situation of the buses for

students in the hamlets of Ba rb arro ja an d E l M udamiento. The Ministry cancelled buses in these districts leavin g 1 2 s tu d en ts w ith out transport to their schools, “c a u s in g p ro b lems for families as in recent years th e y h a v e h ad a fre e bus s erv ice , ” s aid c o u n cillor Cuartero.

Attack by stiletto AN Alicante woman was arrested in Melilla after attacking another woman with the heel of her shoe. Police said the two women, who are both Moroccan, came to blows during a quarrel over a man. The argument became increasingly heated and the 39 year-old Alicante woman, who was in Melilla at the time, grabbed her high heel and stabbed her rival in the head with it. The Local Police were called to separate the women and arrested the attacker.




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Pay day due for the government THE former management company of the Corvera airport, Aeromur, has until November 5 to pay back 182 million euros to the regional government. This was the loan extended to Aeromur for which the government acted as guarantor in 2010. Now the courts have ruled that Aeromur should repay the government, with payment instalments possible if guarantees are provided, after the management contract was rescinded in 2013. Meanwhile news is still not forthcoming on the tender for the new management contract or the long-awaited opening of Murcia’s new airport.

Paraglide crash onto beach proved fatal A PARAGLIDER died in Puerto de Mazarron after his engine failed. The 61-year-old from Fuente Alamo was flying with a group of friends near Bolnuevo in an area popular with paragliding enthusiasts when his motor engine failed, and he crashed onto the Ermita beach as he tried to land. An official investigation has been launched to determine exactly what happened, but it is believed he was too close to the ground to activate the emergency chute and he died upon impact.


Not as By Linda Hall THE Guardia Civil were recently called in after suspicious looking objects were recovered from the seabed and shore. One was found in Santa Pola and another in Altea, but despite causing initial

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Credit Philip Bird LRPS CPAGB/Shutterstock


arching for strange objects on the seabed.

s bad as they look alarm, neither posed danger to the public. The Santa Pola find, which looked like an explosive devi ce , appe a r e d d u r i n g a seabed clean-up operation. A bomb disposal unit identified it as a used marine marker device, used by the US navy to indicate a sea-surface refer-

ence point. These are dropped by aircraft and used in antisubmarine warfare. The Altea artefact found on the beach in July was another false alarm. Again, this was an inert and harmless marine marker. Guardia Civil advises members of the public encounter-

ing anything that resembles an explosive device neither to touch nor move it. Instead they should call 062 for the Guardia Civil, or 112 for the Emergency Services, and keep a distance of at least 300 metres in case the device is still active and contains explosives.




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


No cast-iron excuses will be accepted THE manager, buyer, and cashier of an Alicante City scrap metal firm will stand trial for receiving stolen goods. They face 15 month sentences for knowingly acquiring 89 stolen manhole covers, 30 metal beer barrels, and 40 gas bottles.

They were arrested after the National Police searched the premises while investigating robberies of objects clearly taken for their scrap value. The stolen objects were still there, including the manhole covers with the inscription ‘Aguas de Alicante.’

Those who carried out the robberies were never located, but the Prosecution Service has chosen to bring the three men to trial for receiving stolen goods. Two of the three arrested men already have criminal records for offences totally unconnect-

ed to the present case, sources revealed. A close watch is being kept on dealers who acquire used goods without verifying their origin, the Alicante Province Prosecution Service said, not only scrap metal but all previouslyowned objects such as jewellery and gold.

A job well done By Gemma Elvins-Quinn ORIHUELA is to receive 10 million euros for the rehabilitation work of the Old Quarter of the city. Mayor Emilio Bascuñana, and the councillor for Environment and Industry, Miguel Angel Fernandez, said the grant aid corresponds to the Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development (DUSI) European funds. It will be used “to allow Orihuela to develop different actions to rehabilitate the Old Town and the Urban Belt of Monte de San Miguel,” explained the mayor. Orihuela is one of three municipalities in the province of Alicante that has managed to gain funds, as mayor Bascuñana congratulated, “all Oriolanos on this good

news.” He added. “It is a major challenge ahead and one that the government team assumes with pride. It is the result of a job well done that we have dedicated many months of effort to secure the funds.” With the money, plans include a revitalisation programme of the city and making it more accessible, to create a more sustainable mobility model, protect and promote the environment and resource efficiency, promote social inclusion, and combat poverty through boosting trade. OLD QUARTER: Money will be spent to revitalise and renovate the area.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Phone thieves sentenced TWO thieves have been sentenced to five years in prison for stealing mobile phones from under-age youngsters in Alicante. Following an agreement reached in trial, the two, aged 28 and 29, pleaded guilty to the crimes and accepted their sentence. They admitted conspiring to stealing phones

from youngsters, threatening them with a beating if they did not hand over their mobiles. A judge handed them a year in jail for each of the five thefts. They were also ordered to compensate the owners the value of the stolen phones, amounting to over 1,400 euros in total.


Welcome visit

ALICANTE PORT: All set for the influx of passengers. By Gemma Elvins-Quinn FROM Sunday October 9, for six weeks, Alicante becomes a home port for cruises. It is expected the port will receive around 9,000 tourists. Pullmantur will board the nearly 4,000 passengers, who will join 5,000 already on board from Malaga.

From the province the ship will visit Civitavecchia (Rome), Livorno (Florence), Villefranche (Monaco), and Malaga on a journey of eight days ending again in Alicante. Pullmantur president, Richard J. Vogel, confirmed expectations are being met, and next year plans to offer more cruises from Alicante.

Francesco Balbi, director of Costa Blanca Port which manages the cruise terminal at Alicante, welcomed the sale of seats for the up coming cruises,“We are very pleased that Pullmantur has chosen us.� Cruise tourists spend on average 81 euros per day each, so will be a welcome economic boost for the city.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Facing a lifetime of loneliness By Gemma Elvins-Quinn

MORE than 192,000 people live alone in the province of Alicante, almost one in 10. With the ageing population, almost half of these are aged over 65, many being widows whose children have left home. Figures also show that the change in economic situation of many youngsters and job insecurity, means that just 22,200 young Alicantinos aged between 18 and 34 live alone and have left the family home. The growing concern is that these elderly living alone are facing a life of loneliness without choosing it. The large number of elderly people living alone requires municipalities to devote resources to their attention. Alicante’s Social Action allocates a bud-

get of €2.3 million to home help. This year, until August 31, they have attended 909 elderly, mostly living alone. The Red Cross also serves more than 22,000 elderly people with needs in the province through its

CHANGING TIMES: In years to come there will be more single homes being built.

various programmes. According to the projection made by the National Statistics Institute, there will be more single occupant homes in the province, growing at a rate of between 2,500 and 3,000 each year, which will also mean a shift with regards to aspects such as building and buying habits. “The design of cities is changing, and the type of housing is a reflection of society. We are witnessing an abandonment of baby boomer households, the time when there was work, when people married young, then bought large homes. “Today, however, there will be an increase in housing with just one room, and there are even people with large homes that will begin to divide into smaller apartments” explained sociologist Albert Poveda.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Family reunited By Gemma Elvins-Quinn A JUDGE has ordered a child to be returned to the care of her grandmother. A c ourt in A lic a nte ha s suspended the ruling of the Department of Social Services which placed the child in fos te r c a re a nd s a id Maruja Cuena should have custody of her granddaughter until the case is issued a final ruling.

The court said there was no evidence the child had suffered and said there are “no indications that the situation of the maternal grandmother has changed” since she was deemed fit and suitable to care for the youngster. Last week ar ound 200 people took to the streets of Orihuela in protest that t he young gi r l had been pl aced i n f ost er car e and

taken from her grandmother. Maruja Cuenca’s daughter was killed two years ago in t he ci t y al l egedl y by her par t ner, and Mar uj a r ecei ved cust ody of her gr andchi l d unt i l she was t aken i nt o car e by soci al services who claimed she could not care for her properly due to her age and soci o- econom i c ci r cum stances.

Indoor heated pool now closed for repairs TORREVIEJA’S heated indoor pool has been closed for maintenance work. Councillor for Sports, Pablo Samper, said the boiler and electrical panel have already been repaired but other work is still being carried out that is “essential and urgent.” Sa mpe r s a id the pool shoul d not be

closed the whole season, but will not be accessible until the work is completed which should hopefully be by January or February. “We have encountered this situation and for the sake of all users, individuals and cl ubs i n t he t own, wor k has t o be done.”


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Call to help homeless families By Gemma Elvins-Quinn A JUDGE has ruled in favour of a family occupying one of the empty floors of a property belonging to EIGE (Entity Infrastructure of the Generalitat). The Ciudadanos party, along with Antonio Padilla from the PAH, Stop Evictions Platform, were in court to defend the family.

The court said that whilst they recognised the illegal occupation of the property, they understood the obvious needs of those affected. The family were one of 10 in desperate need who moved into a block of 40 houses owned by EIGE. The company later filed a complaint. Pilar Gomez, from the Ciudadanos party, presented a petition in support of the

Mental illness study complete A TOTAL of 2,632 Murcianos took part in a study on mental illness. The participants were representative of the general population of the region and took part in the research project ‘Pegasus-Murcia,’ which started in 2006-07, and conducted fieldwork in 20102012 with the first set of results now being published. The study aimed to analyse the prevalence of mental illness, quality of life, associat-

ed disability, use of psychotropic drugs, health resources, and unmet health care needs and to assess risk factors of mental illness. Over 2,000 participants also provided biological samples which were processed and stored to allow genetic factors related to mental illness to be studied. The project is gaining knowledge and was part of the Global Initiative for Studies of Mental Health.

family and criticised the Municipal Housing Office accusing them of “not doing anything for these families.” “In Torrevieja there are families desperately seeking housing. There are real needs and the City must engage, assist and not look away.” He added. “Why have these families been targeted when there are other EIGE in Torrevieja being occupied but are not reported?”

Rain please go away RAIN and hail has caused 800,000 euros worth of damage to crops in the Murcia Region. This is according to a provisional assessment by the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, with around 325 hectares of crops being affected. Most of the damage is to grapes and vines which will affect future productivity, as well as olive crops.




SANTA POLA: The castle car park is crumbling.

Car park cracks raise fears for safety By Gemma Elvins-Quinn USERS of the castle car park in Santa Pola have demanded information on the materials used during its construction following the appearance of several cracks. They want the cement to be tested to ensure that it complies with the minimum recommendations for installation in the seaside fishing village.

Residents submitted their concerns to the town hall asking if the cement was of a type that is resistant to sulphates and will remain undamaged by sea water. Councillor for Infrastructure, Francisco Soler, said they have referred the request to the construction company and are now waiting for the report. Any repairs to the structure could cost several hundred thousand euros, it is reported.

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Google shock for parents By Gemma Elvins-Quinn PARENTS of a 12 year-old boy in Torrevieja got the shock of their lives to find Google had charged them €100,000 after their son set up an account. The youngster wanted to be a ‘YouTuber ’ and with the help of a friend set up an account with Google AdWords. This is a paid for advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network. They used their bank account details thinking it was an account where money would be deposited as they continued to gain more hits and views and raise hundreds of thousands of euros as they hoped to follow in

the footsteps of other famous YouTubers on the YouTube website.

They were never asked to provide proof of their age, this is something other parents need to be aware of.”

However, just weeks after setting up the account the youngster ’s mother, Inma Quesada, said her bank alerted her that there were charges coming from Google Ireland, headquarters of the company in Europe.

In total, in less than a month, the child’s family owes a whopping €100,000 to Google Ireland for advertising requested by the two friends. The process for signing up to Google AdWords is relatively easy and the youngsters were never asked to provide proof of their age, something that Inma wants changing as she urges other parents to be aware. “He told me he wanted to be a ‘YouTuber’ and started talking of all the things they they would buy with the money they were making on the internet. I did not pay much attention. I thought it was a children’s thing.” The family have now left the matter in the hands of lawyers.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


The name game

ALL CHANGE: For some streets and public spaces in Alicante.

By Gemma Elvins-Quinn THE names of 46 streets and public spaces linked to Franco will be removed in Alicante. The city is removing all names with fascist connotations in line with the Historical Memory Law. For example, a neighbour-

hood called Jose Antonio, named after the creator and leader of the Spanish Falange, a political party with a fascist ideology, will now be named after the Orihuela poet Miguel Hernandez. The Department of Historical Memory has developed a list of road names to be re-

moved and the proposed name change which will include references to local culture, artists, athletes and journalists. The document of name changes was approved by the town hall and a budget of â‚Ź20,000 has been assigned to process the replacing of signs.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Get the bus

Business destroyed

TORREVIEJA plans to expand the city’s urban bus routes. The project is still being assessed but is proposing the extension of lines throughout the municipality in addition to the seven it now offers through Costa Azul. The base price for transport will also be set at €1.30 with numerous discounts for various groups such as young people and the elderly. For most users, around 15,000, the service is currently virtually free. The only requirement is to be registered in the city with users then able to pay €7 for an annual bus card. This costs the city around €3 million but the town hall is now looking at turning that money into a better investment which would include the purchase of 20 new vehicles. They want to offer more regular routes to improve the service which often receives complaints about its frequency from passengers.

A FIRE has destroyed a warehouse on the Rebasa industrial estate in Alicante, the flames reached such magnitude that they caused the entire building to collapse. Police established a perimeter around the site to prevent further damage or injuries. The warehouse was a service centre for appliances and insulation products and so potentially highly flammable. The fire occurred outside of working hours and no one was injured. It is the second fire to occur in recent weeks after a shoe factory was destroyed in Elche.

VALENCIA: Favourite destination this year for foreign tourists.

Biggest increase for regional visitors By Gemma Elvins-Quinn VALENCIA was the Spanish region which recorded the greatest increase in foreign tourists in the first eight months of this year. According to the Frontur Tourism Survey and the National Statistics Institute (INE), visitor numbers were

up 16.2 per cent compared to the same eight month period of 2015. The national average increase was 10.1 per cent, and from January to August 52.5 million foreign tourists arrived on Spanish soil. In August alone, the country was visited by 10.1 million foreign tourists with the UK be-

ing the main source of visitors. In the Valencia Region there were 5.6 million tourists in the first eight months of 2016, 16.2 per cent more than last year. This increase in numbers was the highest in the country, followed by Andalucia which saw an increase of 13.4 per cent.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Woman on holiday drowned after ‘not waving hard enough’ A BRITISH woman on holiday in Alicante drowned after Spanish lifeguards refused to take action as she ‘wasn’t waving hard enough’ an inquest into her death has been told. Julie Dudhill, 57, drifted away from her husband while they both swam near the Costa Blanca city on June 27. When he saw that she was struggling, he desperately swam back to shore to seek the help of lifeguards. At the inquest on October 4 he reported that four lifeguards had shrugged their shoulders, suggesting that Mrs Dudhill would be ‘waving her arms about more’ if she was in mortal danger. When he rushed back into the sea himself, one lifeguard followed suit, but it was too late and his wife was dead by the time they managed to take her back to the shore. “They didn’t react and stayed on the shore line.

“They suggested to me that if she was having difficulties she would be waving her arms about more’ he told the inquest. “By that time, which felt like five minutes later, two more lifeguards turned up and she was waving at them, but they were under the impression she was OK. ‘She was calling out to them. I can’t understand why they didn’t react faster. “I could see the lifeguards were not doing anything so I went in but one of them called me back. “T h en one of the life gua rds took a leisurely swim out to her. The next thing I know the lifeguard is saying she needs oxygen. “By the time they brought her back I just knew it was too late.” The coroner has reported that Mrs Dudhill’s drowning was an accidental death. More than 1,000 people have drowned off the coast of Spanish beaches in the past two years.


Like a red ra By Gemma Elvins-Quinn ORIHUELA’S historic bullring which has been a crumbling ruin for the last 30 years is to be saved and turned into a cultural arena for up to 2,800 people with museum, garden, playground for children and cafeteria. It will be Orihuela City’s third cultural centre in addition to the classic Teatro Circo which can seat an audience of 1,000 and the Lonja which is used for exhibitions and has an auditorium with seats for 600. The cost of restoring the bullring is estimated to be over €400,000, money which the CLARO political party claims is coming from the Orihuela Costa; an area with a population to that of Orihuela City, but has no cultural centre. In the recent public hearings for the 2017 budget, CLARO, the Federation of

BULLRING PLANS: Currently abandoned, there are plans to into a cultural arena.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

ag to a bull

FUTURE PLANS: A cultural arena with a museum.

turn the bullring in Orihuela Associations of Orihuela Costa and an interested resident put forward proposals for a cultural centre in Orihuela Costa, including a library, to be situated on municipal land in the parking area of the centrally placed La Zenia Boulevard Commercial Centre. CLARO reports the mayor said on the occasion of the budget hearing that there would be left over funds from previous financial years and Orihuela Costa could look

forward to some attractive investments in infrastructure and social facilities: “He did not refer to the rumour that a so-called cultural centre would be housed in an inappropriate empty shell of a building isolated, along the canal road in Villamartin. “Nor did he apologise for the fact that year after year, Orihuela Costa gets no benefit whatsoever from the million euro annual cultural budget, the reason, because Orihuela Costa has no facilities to host such events.” CLARO continued: “Alas, we are being cheated again of

our rights. The funds to revamp the ruined bullring are apparently to be taken from the left over funds from previous years, the ones halfpromised by the mayor for Orihuela Costa. Once again we are to be victims of shabby, shameful treatment when a revived housing boom is expanding the population of Orihuela Costa, swelling the coffers of the Orihuela Town Hall and aggravating the deficiencies in services and facilities from which we suffer. “They are robbing Orihuela Costa of the money needed to improve our quality of life.”

Murcia wants to be bike friendly PEDAL power is being promoted in Murcia with the town hall wanting to promote cycling tourism and become a bicycle friendly city. Councillor for Employment, Tourism and Culture, Jesus Pacheco, has proposed that h o t e l s i n Mu r cia , b ec o me ‘b ik e friendly’ establishments. This will be implemented through a series of measures including special space for parking cycles, providing facilities

and information on bicycles and workshops and promote cycling tourism. The plans were announced during the European Mobility Week of initiatives as part of a working meeting ‘Green Jobs: Mobility and Tourism.’ Pacheco met with local tourism and hotel representatives and discussed the current situation of the economic activity carried out on the model of sustainable tourism.




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Chatters feel good factor

Campoverde Theatre Group Help the Heroes

THE Guest Speaker at the Chatters October Meeting will be Craig Hadley from the FX salon in Los Alcazares. Craig is well-known for his physiotherapy and massage as well as holistic therapy and reflexology. He will be explaining how he can help and answering your individual questions. Chatters is open to all and is free of charge. The next meeting is on Wednesday October 19 at the Pasty Shack in Rio Nalon (near to the Mercadona) in Los Alcazares. Complimentary refreshments are available from 10.15 until 10.45 and the meeting will start at 11am. As well as the Guest Speaker we will have the usual games and quizzes, and the opportunity to win modest prizes. Why not come along and meet old friends and make some new ones? There will also be the opportunity to buy tickets for the popular Pasty Shack Chatters Christmas Carvery. Tickets are selling fast and places are limited so don’t leave it too late! Chatters is sponsored by Help At Home, a local charity helping people in temporary need of help in their own homes. The group makes no charge for the help it provides, and relies solely on donations and fundraising to support its activities. Follow the group on Facebook, or find out more at

THE members of Campoverde Theatre Group were delighted to present a cheque worth over 700 euros to the Help for Heroes Charity on Monday September 19. This represented the second charity donation from their last production, ‘Somme’ Memories of a Century which raised money for The Royal British Legion in addition to Help for Heroes. The success of this show has encouraged the group to organise another Supper show at the Phoenix Nights Bar in San Miguel de Salinas. The group are now busy rehearsing for their next production Gone But Not Forgotten; Memories of the Stars, which will also be staged at the Phoenix Nights Bar. This production will pay homage to some of the great stars that have died during 2016, which has witnessed the death of so many well-loved stars of stage,

THEATRE GROUP: Are now rehearsing for their next production. television and the world of popular music. The work of a few of these well-loved personalities will be presented by Campoverde Theatre Group during an evening of song, dance and some very funny sketches. Dates for your diary are

Thursday October 13, Friday 14, Saturday 15 and Sunday 16. This show promises to be a great evening of entertainment with an affectionate look at stars who will continue to live in our memories. Tickets cost just €10, with the price including a one-course meal. Tickets are

available from the Ticket Line email or by telephone on 629 258 697. You can also purchase tickets directly from The Book Shop in San Miguel, or why not drop into the Community Centre, Blue Lagoon (Monday and Wednesday 2-4 pm).


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



HELP shows summer high fashion ON Thursday September 29 HELP Murcia Mar staged its summer fashion show at the Las Claras centre Los Narejos. Introduced by HELP member Tricia Brister, the models

Dianna, Ann, Leonie, Christine, Sue, Jean, Gill, Margaret, Sandy and Bella paraded in a variety of outfits from chic casual day wear to formal evening wear in front of an audience of 90 HELP

members, friends and the general public. All the items on show had been donated and HELP would like to thank Solo Boutique of Los Balones and the members of the public

Coffee morning in aid of the AECC

Debbie Weedon and Cath from Buck’s E-Cigs, who won the hamper. DUE to unforeseen circumstances the original venue for the coffee morning had to be changed just a few days before the event, and Plaza Diferente, Benimar certainly stepped up to the plate. Everyone was suitably impressed with their wonderful array of pastries, cakes, sandwiches and desserts, which were beautifully presented. Debbie Weedon, representing Maria and the Pink Ladies, was there to organise a

raffle and together with the donation from the coffee morning €310 was raised. Debbie’s husband Ralph made up a super hamper for the raffle, plus there were donations from local businesses, while Cath from Buck’s E-Cigs put up a few prizes including a tablet. Debbie would like to thank everyone who turned up for their generosity, Plaza Diferente for their amazing help, and Tracy for organising the raffle prizes.

who gave so generously such an array of top class women’s clothes. During the show background music was supplied by Ron and when the models had finished promenading, all the items

shown were then put on sale. Thanks to the generosity of those attending the show raised a total of €780 which will enable HELP to help the poor and needy in the Murcia Region.

This popular show was a real team effort and the team would like to thank all the volunteers who gave of their time and put such effort into making the afternoon a success.

E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Biggest illicit tobacco seizure ever in Spain By John Smith IN a joint investigation between the Guardia Civil and the Spanish Tax Office, an organisation which was smuggling tobacco plants into Spain and then drying and distributing it has resulted in the arrest of 13 people and the seizure of 100,000 kilos of tobacco valued at €16 million, the largest seizure of its kind ever. In an operation which has taken more than eight months to bring to a close, officers became aware of an internet site where a range of tobacco and associated products were being offered for sale. After investigation it became clear that the owners of the site were attempting to avoid the payment of tax whilst selling the products on a retail basis and it transpired that the tobacco itself was not

Guardia Civil


JOINT INVESTIGATION: Some of the tobacco seized. being checked for impurities or disease.

Potential loss to the Treasury was almost €2 million. Raids were undertaken in five Valencian towns which re-

sulted in the arrest of 10 men and three women from Poland and Spain as well as 100,000 kilos of tobacco, 1,866 machines used in the tobacco trade, five vehicles and a number of motor bikes. It is estimated that the potential loss to the Treasury had all of the seized tobacco been sold would have been in the region of €2 million.


Fundraising nights and two cruise winners CHARITY fundraising nights are a monthly feature at Restaurante El Alto La Dolores. In September, however, two such nights were held, raising a total of €1,670 for charity. The benefiting charities were Elche Children’s Care Home and the Cats and Dogs Association. Restaurant owners donated a Mediterranean Cruise for the raffle on each night. Winner of the first cruise was Denise Van Der Goten, from Torrevieja, and the second winner was Colleen Bryce of La Marina. Another cruise will be available on Wednesday, October 19, when money will be raised for Torrevieja Stroke Support. Woody and the Peckers will be entertaining. Tickets are priced at just €10 and are available from the Restaurant, The Card Place in Benimar and Redz Cafe Bar in Quesada.

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Quesada Art Group By Jean Murray THE Quesada Art Group has launched their 2017 calendar. It costs €5 and all proceeds will go to the Debra charity to help butterfly children. You can buy a calendar from the Debra shops in Pueblo Bravo or La Marina, and also the Post Box, Dona Pepa. The group would like to thank their generous sponsors, where you can also purchase a calendar. These are Mercury FM,, Resolution Ingles, Harry’s Bar, HiFX international payments, The Little Don Carlos, Cyclogical, Quesada Butchers,, Marcos Motors SA, Marabou Lounge, and Perfect Smiles. Last year they raised over €2,000 for this worthy cause. 2017 CALENDAR: All proceeds will go to the Debra charity.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Get smart with your money CRUISE WINNER: Mar y McDermott with Richard Kirk from Smart Currency Exchange.

SMART CURRENCY: Team launched the La Zenia office. By Gemma Elvins-Quinn SMART CURRENCY EXCHANGE has celebrated the opening of their first office on the Costa Blanca. Established for over a decade in London, and with offices on the Costa del Sol and Barcelona, Richard Kirk, operations manager for Spain, said they were delighted to be able to offer the people of the Costa Blanca the same great service others were already enjoying, and more offices will be opening soon. Based within Comaskey Properties at

their Calle Malaquita office in La Zenia, the office launch drew in a crowd enjoying the late afternoon sunshine, live music, food and drink, as well as getting to find out more about the services of Smart Currency Exchange. There was also a prize draw with lucky Mary McDermott from La Zenia walking away with a mini-cruise from Barcelona. Smart Currency Exchange offer jargon-free guidance from experienced currency experts, getting you more for your money with no commission or

transfer fees. “We are around 5 per cent cheaper than banks, and clients can see the actual saving they make,” said Richard, who explained they offer a wide range of services with all money guaranteed and protected, and transfers able to be booked up to 12 months in advance. To find out more about how Currency Exchange can benefit you and your money, visit the team in the Smart office in La Zenia Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm or visit www.smartcur


Continental guards SPANISH military forces are becoming an ever more influential actor in the defence of Europe and the country’s Nato allies. A new global defence strategy pioneered by the European Union has placed Spain at the helm of operations, with a particular focus on people trafficking in Libya. The commendation from the High Representative of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, comes after Spain was criticised by senior Nato officials for allowing Russian ships to pass through its territorial waters. There are roughly 123,000 personnel under the command of the Spanish Armed Forces, whose last military adventure ended in a withdrawal from Afghanistan after the Madrid train bombings of 2004.

Divvying up a nation THE political landscape on which we stand may change dramatically as early as next year. The president of Cataluna, one of Spain’s richest and most populous regions, has made clear his desire to hold an independence referendum in September 2017. Carles Puigdemont made a speech laying out his plans for a formal divorce from Spain, having tried fruitless-

ly to secure approval from Madrid to hold a referendum similar to that held in Scotland in 2014. Acting prime minister Mariano Rajoy, has stubbornly withheld his permission for Catalunian residents to exercise their right to selfdetermination, but the lack of compromise has only encouraged separatists to pile pressure on the parliament by holding a vote regardless.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Karaoke twist SWEDISH company Spotify has announced it is launching a streaming service with a karaoke twist in Japan, the world’s second-biggest music market.

Best brand SWEDISH furniture giant Ikea has topped the Evimetrix Brand Awards as resident’s favourite brand. Thousands of Swedes responded with national brands topping the list.

Bloodbath SWEDEN: A man ran onto the stage during a concert by US rappers Ghostface Killah and Killah Priest in Stockholm and attacked a member of concert security staff. Witnesses said it was like a ‘bloodbath on stage.’


Druid king at war KING ARTHUR is suing the police and English Heritage over a £15 parking charge at Stonehenge he reckons is illegal. Arthur Pendragon, the self-styled king of British druids, says that it’s “grossly unfair” that he should have to “pay to pray” at the pagan site.


Bullied to death AN 11-year-old-boy was found hanged in his bedroom after telling his mother he was being bullied just weeks into his first term at secondary school in Bradford.

Parking prices

25 years on POLICE have resumed the search in Greece for British toddler Ben Needham who disappeared from a farmhouse in Kos in 1991. The focus is said to be on a plot of land which includes a fig tree supposedly planted after he went missing.

BRITAIN’S cheapest and most expensive car parks have been revealed. The Railway Street car park in Dewsbury is the cheapest at just 5p to leave your car for an hour, compared to £13 an hour in the heart of London’s West End. DRUID KING: Unfair he should have to pay to pray.

NORWAY: Oslo City Council passed a ‘climate budget’ to ensure that a number of green initiatives get implemented. The budget calls for greenhouse gas emissions to be halved in just four years by boosting public transport and adding around 10km of new cycle paths.

DENMARK: A new project based in Copenhagen was launched this week to promote a more sustainable lifestyle. is a sustainability think-tank that will provide a location and platform for connecting with like-minded people.

Escaped lion A MALE lion was shot dead at Leipzig Zoo after he broke out of his enclosure and the sedative failed to work. The zoo said at no point had visitors been in danger but are investigating how the lion escaped.

Tourist tax GERMANY is being taken to the EU Court of Justice over its plan to impose a road toll that would mainly charge foreign drivers. German residents would pay but would get a rebate on their vehicle taxes.

Bomber sentenced

Go green THE Green party wants German cars to be petrol and diesel free within the next 15 years. They said they want all new cars to be electric as the increasing number of cars is one of the biggest threats to the climate.

Human rights

Think tank


A MAN was sentenced to four years in jail for heading to Paris with assault rifles and explosives hidden in his car shortly before the November attacks. He was arrested during a routine check on a Bavarian motorway a week before the attacks.

Green budget

NORWAY: The Rafto Prize for human rights was awarded to Yanar Mohammed of Iraq for her efforts to help women subjected to sexual abuse in the war-torn country. She is cofounder of the Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq.


Bomb found EUROPEAN UNION: Fewer people now want to come out of the EU.

EU positive


THE Dutch are more positive about the European Union, with 46 per cent now thinking membership is ‘a good thing’ according to new research by the government. Fewer people now want to come out of the EU.

communicating their tax affairs by letter after a change in law allowed the government to communicate via email.

Email shy

IVF extension

ALMOST 60,000 people have told the tax office they wish to continue

DUTCH women up to the age of 50 will soon be eligible for IVF fertility

treatments if their eggs were harvested before they turned 43. The current age limit is 45 but this is to be extended.

Teaching costs NINE out of 10 primary school teachers buy teaching materials themselves, but one third are unable to claim back the cost from their school budgets, according to a union survey.

A DISTRICT of Cologne was evacuated after a Second World War bomb was found in a parking lot. Over 3,000 people within a 700m radius of the bomb were evacuated as a precaution.

Airline loss AIR BERLIN,Germany’s second-largest airline, is to cut around 1,200 jobs and halve its fleet as it ‘concent r at es on i t s cor e oper ations.’ Last year the company reported a record loss of €447 million.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



ORTHODOX CHURCH: Has called for a complete ban on abortion.

A pagan sacrifice A NEW petition launched by the Russian Orthodox Church calling for a complete ban on abortion has been signed by more than 300,000 people. Activists also want to ban the morningafter pill which they liken to a “pagan sacrifice of children.” A Senator has blamed guilt over abortions for increased aggressiveness in society.

Great escape A PENAL colony prisone r w a s c a pture d a fte r he broke fre e during a s tin t working on the vegetable pa tc h a nd w a lke d 200km across the Tomsk region in Siberia to look for his eightyear-old daughter. The convicted drug trafficker now faces an extra four years in the camp and will be fined for the cost of the manhunt.

Plot thickens RELATIONS between Moscow and the West were strained further after an international investigation saw that the missile which destroyed a Malaysian Airlines flight over Ukraine had come from Russia. The Kremlin has dismissed the findings and blames the 298 deaths in July 2014 on prowestern Ukrainian rebels.

Modern art A PRIVATE art gallery in

WILDERNESS: A toddler survived for three days.

Tale of survival A TODDLER miraculously managed to survive three days stranded in the Siberian wilderness surrounded by wolves and bears. The three-year-old vanished from his great-grandparents home in the small village of Khut. A huge search effort found him days later in nearby forest with a bar of chocolate in his pocket explaining that he’d followed a puppy.

Moscow has closed down an exhibition from American photographer Jock Sturges after a protestor threw urine over the portraits. A Russi an senat or descr i bed t he exhi bi t i on, which features images of naked school-age girls, as child pornography. It follows a series of attacks on modern art by furious traditionalists.

Terrible tragedy A HUGE blaze broke out at a warehouse in eastern Moscow taking the lives of eight firefighters as they fought to extinguish it. Moscow mayor Sergei

Sobyanin has described the men as heroes and announced an investigation into the cause. Several deadly fires have struck industrial estates across the capital this year.

Cheeky customer A VLADIVOSTOK resident has been caught on camera several times entering local shops, picking up a bottle of vodka and downing it in one gulp before leaving without paying. He was caught one day after collapsing in a shop but was undeterred and was filmed performing the same money-saving trick days later.


Costa Blanca South

6 - 12 October 2016


business & legal LONDON - FTSE 100









German bank facing trouble

Quote of the Week

$14 billion (€12.5 billion) is the amount of the fine levied by the US Department of Justice on Deutsche Bank for the improper sale of bonds in the USA in 2008.

it go under. Both the bank and the German gov-

ernment have denied there is any truth in the report but the newspaper stands by its story, saying that as the fine is some three times greater than the bank had provided for in its accounts, there was every reason for the government to be involved. According to the CEO of Deutsche Bank, the record fine was never expected to be paid and it was an ‘opening gambit’ from the US Department of Justice

George Osborne will go down in history as a particularly inept Chancellor. He created fiscal targets that entrapped him,” said former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis.


Exploding machines Microsoft Sweden Wikimedia

SHARING MUSIC: Daniel Ek of Spotify.

Soundcloud and Spotify in talks AS the digital age progresses, so the legal downloading of music is becoming more sophisticated and Swedish company Spotify formed by Daniel Ek is now apparently in takeover talks with German platform Soundcloud. The concept of file sharing for music was launched by American company Napster which was nullified due to problems with copyright infringement, but Spotify appeared on the scene and offers subscribers the opportunity to stream music of their choice after it has signed formal deals

with record companies around the world. Soundcloud had a different motive as it simply allowed bands and musicians (often unsigned) to upload their works to the site which was accessible to fans around the world. This has now changed as Soundcloud has also started to charge for certain services. Some believe this was done deliberately at the request of shareholders who want to see the company sold as it is yet to make a profit and an existing pay to play service would appeal to potential purchasers.

AFTER revelations that the new Samsung Galaxy telephone could catch fire because of battery problems, it now transpires it is about to face a lawsuit in the USA after one of its top loading washing machines ‘exploded.’ The company accepts there may be some problems with machines sold between March 2011 and April 2016 and said certain models could be affected when washing bedding or bulky loads. Owners in Europe need not panic, however, as the problem is confined to models sold within North America.

Hidden funds IN 2012, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy granted a partial tax amnesty to approximately 30,000 people when it was revealed billions of euros were held in overseas accounts and at that time, they were forgiven their actions, provided they confirmed their assets and paid 10 per cent in tax. Now it appears the Treasury will be investigating those persons involved anew to see if they have other hidden assets.

OPEC reduces oil production AFTER the announcement from OPEC it intended to cut oil production by up to 700,000 barrels a day, the market reacted immediately and increased oil prices, but within 24 hours it emerged this was a recommendation which would have to be approved at a November meeting of the organisation.


£25 million (€28.95 million) is the amount that Capita, the company that operates the London congestion charge will lose for late IT updates to the systems managing the charge.


By John Smith A WELL-RESPECTED weekly ‘highbrow’ newspaper published in Hamburg, Die Zeit has revealed its understanding that the German government is preparing a rescue plan for Deutsche Bank, which is facing massive fines for the improper selling of mortgage bonds in the USA and like the British government before it, may have to take a significant stake in the bank rather than let


The sticking point with any OPEC agreement is invariably over the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia and whilst it appears the Saudis have agreed they will restrict their production and allow Iran to increase its, many analysts fear this situation could be reversed by the next meeting.

and that a lower figure would be negotiated, although it does seem a little unusual for the US government to be effectively ‘playing a hand of poker’ to see how much it can win. In a step towards raising funds to pay the eventual fine, the bank has sold its UK based Abbey Life Assurance business for £935 million (€1.08 billion) and may be forced to sell other assets once the total fine is agreed.




Corruption trial THE trial of Rodrigo Rato and 64 others accused of improperly using bank issued credit cards for personal purchases and cash withdrawals has started in Madrid to boos and accusations that he is a thief and a fraud from protestors outside the court room. A former minister in the PP government, chief of the IMF and director of the government rescued Bankia group, Rato is a prime target for the prosecutors who are looking for a four and a half year prison sentence and significant fine while opponents of the interim government use him as an example of alleged corruption within the party.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group PLC 655.75 5.00 Admiral Group PLC 2068.50 19.00 Anglo American PLC 976.70 9.10 Antofagasta PLC 529.25 5.50 Ashtead Group PLC 1283.50 12.00 Associated British Foods PLC 2614.00 14.00 AstraZeneca PLC 5058.50 55.00 Aviva PLC 444.15 3.80 Babcock International Grp 1050.50 16.00 BAE Systems PLC 524.75 0.67 Barclays PLC 167.90 0.15 Barratt Developments PLC 498.10 3.90 BHP Billiton PLC 1174.75 12.00 BP PLC 453.77 3.80 British American Tobacco PLC 4972.75 43.00 British Land Co PLC 629.50 -3.00 BT Group PLC 385.02 -4.10 Bunzl PLC 2301.00 21.00 Burberry Group PLC 1384.50 6.00 Capita PLC 669.25 -1.00 Carnival PLC 3797.00 29.00 Centrica PLC 226.05 -2.10 Coca-Cola HBC AG 1797.50 6.00 Compass Group PLC 1504.50 10.00 CRH PLC 2588.50 27.00 DCC PLC 7060.00 40.00 Diageo PLC 2237.25 26.50 Direct Line Insurance Grp 365.85 1.10 Dixons Carphone PLC 367.20 -1.10 easyJet PLC 1008.50 1.00 Experian PLC 1558.00 14.00 Fresnillo PLC 1818.00 4.00 GKN PLC 320.00 -0.20 GlaxoSmithKline PLC 1660.00 17.00 Glencore PLC 213.35 1.25 Hammerson PLC 588.75 1.91 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1288.00 15.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2073.50 55.00 HSBC Holdings PLC 583.15 4.52 Imperial Brands PLC 4016.25 43.00 Informa PLC 713.75 2.00 InterContinental Hotels Grp 3227.50 46.00 International Consolidated 398.50 -0.30 Intertek Group PLC 3506.50 18.00 Intu Properties PLC 295.90 -0.40 ITV PLC 186.05 -1.20 Johnson Matthey PLC 3330.00 34.00 Kingfisher PLC 376.80 0.00 Land Securities Group PLC 1055.00 -3.00 Legal & General Group PLC 218.35 -0.30

% CHG. 0.77 0.93 0.94 1.05 0.94 0.54 1.10 0.86 1.55 0.13 0.09 0.79 1.03 0.84 0.87 -0.47 -1.05 0.92 0.44 -0.15 0.77 -0.92 0.33 0.67 1.05 0.57 1.20 0.30 -0.30 0.10 0.91 0.22 -0.06 1.03 0.59 0.33 1.18 2.73 0.78 1.08 0.28 1.45 -0.08 0.52 -0.13 -0.64 1.03 0.00 -0.28 -0.14

NET VOL 335.00 30.70 376.74 125.99 86.37 42.76 133.55 412.17 92.12 391.97 3,321.10 1,247.76 509.54 1,597.85 182.09 392.09 1,234.90 50.80 99.91 449.77 23.51 1,180.03 29.49 231.83 56.86 2.86 375.48 261.05 99.59 236.48 242.15 44.83 240.79 763.23 3,576.35 158.67 55.06 68.57 1,509.77 138.78 49.69 45.75 623.38 9.25 209.23 1,073.08 28.16 479.25 85.91 1,723.58

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Lloyds Banking Group PLC 54.50 -0.04 London Stock Exchange Grp. 2825.50 26.00 Marks & Spencer Group PLC 328.80 -2.20 Mediclinic International PLC 930.00 4.00 Merlin Entertainments PLC 437.20 -2.50 Micro Focus International PLC 2212.00 14.10 Mondi PLC 1638.50 15.00 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 219.10 1.20 National Grid PLC 1087.25 -4.50 Next PLC 4755.00 -20.00 Old Mutual PLC 204.60 2.20 Paddy Power Betfair PLC 8800.00 100.00 Pearson PLC 758.25 5.50 Persimmon PLC 1837.00 23.00 Polymetal International PLC 973.00 5.00 Provident Financial PLC 3062.00 29.00 Prudential PLC 1386.50 19.80 Randgold Resources Ltd 7747.50 -35.00 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 7266.00 1.00 RELX PLC 1478.50 15.00 Rio Tinto PLC 2590.75 15.50 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 721.25 1.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Grp 179.00 0.20 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 2043.00 46.64 Royal Mail PLC 488.40 -1.40 RSA Insurance Group PLC 549.75 4.00 SABMiller PLC 4494.25 -1.00 Sage Group (The) PLC 743.75 5.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 244.55 -1.20 Schroders PLC 2761.00 65.00 Severn Trent PLC 2490.00 -15.00 Shire PLC 5021.00 23.00 Sky PLC 896.75 3.00 Smith & Nephew PLC 1252.50 9.00 Smiths Group PLC 1484.00 20.00 SSE PLC 1557.50 -11.00 Standard Chartered PLC 632.85 4.60 Standard Life PLC 347.45 3.70 St James's Place PLC 957.00 9.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 155.10 1.00 Tesco PLC 182.35 -0.62 Travis Perkins PLC 1571.00 27.00 TUI AG 1102.50 6.00 Unilever PLC 3700.50 46.00 United Utilities Group PLC 995.00 -7.50 Vodafone Group PLC 223.38 1.60 Whitbread PLC 3916.00 2.00 Wolseley PLC 4402.50 47.50 Worldpay Group PLC 298.05 1.80 WPP PLC 1822.50 8.00

% CHG. -0.07 0.93 -0.66 0.43 -0.57 0.64 0.92 0.55 -0.41 -0.42 1.09 1.15 0.73 1.27 0.52 0.96 1.45 -0.45 0.01 1.03 0.60 0.14 0.11 2.34 -0.29 0.73 -0.02 0.75 -0.49 2.41 -0.60 0.46 0.34 0.72 1.37 -0.70 0.73 1.08 0.95 0.65 -0.34 1.75 0.55 1.26 -0.75 0.72 0.05 1.09 0.61 0.44

NET VOL 11,187.32 5.46 484.14 69.00 227.04 28.10 61.25 757.38 476.16 55.48 529.25 2.35 217.09 209.82 31.48 16.79 347.30 34.66 79.42 286.99 218.71 178.12 2,006.29 492.96 134.61 74.42 258.65 152.24 556.94 101.52 28.35 132.84 261.23 84.64 107.05 178.88 446.91 357.95 55.58 1,873.81 1,425.94 110.71 18.84 215.13 122.92 3,555.85 40.46 33.51 382.01 149.35

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COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 176.23 +0.86 +0.49% 2.4M 64.04 +0.67 +1.06% 4.3M 113.05 +0.87 +0.78% 36.4M 131.74 +0.71 +0.54% 3.1M 88.77 +1.30 +1.49% 6.4M 102.92 +1.65 +1.63% 9.4M 31.72 +0.33 +1.05% 30.4M 42.32 +0.29 +0.69% 14.4M 92.86 +1.06 +1.15% 8.9M 66.97 +0.60 +0.90% 2.9M 87.28 +0.82 +0.95% 16.0M 29.62 +0.09 +0.30% 36.1M 161.27 +2.32 +1.46% 4.5M 128.68 +0.75 +0.59% 6.0M 158.85 +0.74 +0.47% 3.6M 37.75 +0.43 +1.15% 24.3M 118.13 +0.86 +0.73% 7.9M 66.59 +0.94 +1.43% 21.7M 115.36 +0.57 +0.50% 4.2M 62.41 +0.50 +0.81% 13.6M 57.60 +0.20 +0.35% 29.9M 52.65 +0.49 +0.94% 12.9M 33.87 +0.55 +1.65% 28.6M 89.75 +1.52 +1.72% 123.7M 114.55 +0.68 +0.60% 1.4M 101.60 +0.54 +0.53% 5.1M 140.00 +1.68 +1.21% 4.2M 51.98 -0.14 -0.27% 13.1M 82.70 +0.78 +0.95% 9.8M 72.12 +1.39 +1.97% 10.0M





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1.1301 ▲ 45.21% 2.45 ▲ 21.19% 0.37 ▲ 14.02% 0.68 ▲ 13.08% 2.59 ▲ 12.66% 1.76 ▲ 11.74% 1.92 ▲ 11.07% 0.61 ▲ 10.66% 0.33 ▲ 10.58% 0.4201 ▲ 10.05% 3.41 ▲ 9.82%

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Most Declined CalAmp Corp. Ophthotech Corporation Gaming Partners International Corporation Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation Arbutus Biopharma Corporation Highpower International Inc VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short Term ETN SPI Energy Co., Ltd. Novan, Inc. Zions Bancorporation Arotech Corporation


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Pound brightens on post Brexit data Ask the expert Peter Loveday Contact me at

FOLLOWING the Brexit vote the pound tumbled as expected but the downturn thus far has not been as big as some had feared. In fact, recently the pound has found its feet again and has managed to claw back across a range of currencies. Recent UK data has surprised many observers with stronger numbers than expected in retail sales and across the PMI surveys including manufacturing, construction and services. Britain could argue it is on safer soil and the doom and gloom is behind them. However, before anyone gets too carried away they need to remember that it is still early days. The Bank of England (BoE) is likely to echo this point and ongoing UK data releases will continue to be scrutinised. The BoE was the first to react to the Brexit vote by cutting interest rates and expanding the Quantitative Easing programme. It also downgraded the growth

GBP WEAKNESS: Could be mitigated with smooth Brexit negotiations. forecast for the remainder of 2016 and 2017. Attention will now be upon whether the BoE eases further, however given the more upbeat data this is less likely. Although the BoE will highlight ongoing risks and uncertainty it may improve the forecast slightly given the improvement in data, if

so this would prove pound-positive. It is a similar picture here in the Eurozone with post-Brexit data holding up reasonably well. Again the focus ahead will be on any additional measures taken by the European Central Bank (ECB). In September it held fire and will now wait for a

clearer picture of growth and inflation. December is now being eyed as a month in which the ECB could ease further by extending and possibly expanding the current Quantitative Easing programme. This opens the possibility of an easing ECB against a BoE holding current levels. This sentiment could help boost GBP/EUR as we move closer to December. In 2017 the real challenge begins and it is now up to the UK government to negotiate a deal for Brexit. The triggering of Article 50 presents a big stumbling block for the pound. If the UK government can smooth this process with negotiations, then GBP weakness can be mitigated. This remains a big area of uncertainty going into 2017 and as things stand the UK government are not rushing or playing an early hand in negotiations. In the coming months the key drivers for GBP/EUR will be ongoing economic data, the policy actions of the central banks and Brexit negotiations. Volatility is expected to remain high and we anticipate some opportunities for pound gains in the short to medium term for 2016 before facing fresh headwinds in 2017.

Visit us at our Spanish offices in Costa del Sol, Costa Almeria, North Costa Blanca and South Costa Blanca. Telephone: UK +44 (0) 207 847 9400 SPAIN +34 950 478 914 Email: •

By John Smith AS has been speculated for some months following the arrival of new British Airways Spanish CEO Alex Cruz from low cost airline Vueling, it is now certain that economy passengers on BA flights lasting less than five hours will no longer receive a free snack and drink. In fairness, the actual food served was effectively a fairly boring half sandwich and to dress up the decision, it is being explained that sophisticated modern passengers want a greater choice of high quality food which they can purchase. The only slight surprise is that rather than tie up with Waitrose which was originally muted, the airline will instead offer a range of Marks and Spencer products at prices which it believes are highly competitive with other ‘budget’ airlines such as Ryanair and Norwegian, the latter airline really attracting a large number of new passengers. Mr Cruz was quoted as saying “We know our customers expect a great experience with British Airways. They’ve told us we are experts in flying and service, but when it

© British Airways

British Airways scraps free inflight food

FOOD FOR SALE: BA flights will offer premium products from M&S for passengers to purchase. comes to catering on short-haul flights, they want to choose from a wider range of premium products. Like British Airways, Marks & Spencer is a well-known, premium

British brand that is respected and trusted, so it’s an ideal partnership, providing our customers with a choice of products they recognise and value.”

At the moment, it appears that the maximum price of any food item will be £4.95 (€5.75) and that choices will be aimed at the time of day of the flight with regular changes of

menu to also reflect the season. There will clearly be a significant saving overall for the airline but it is highly unlikely that any savings will be seen in the price of individual airfares as the cost of a sandwich and a drink is insignificant but does mount up to a decent amount over a year. It is planned that these food free (as opposed to free food) flights will start from Gatwick and Heathrow with effect from January 11 of next year although passengers from London City and Stansted can continue to gorge themselves on half a sandwich until the middle of next year. As what may be considered more complicated than it is worth, it will also be possible for frequent travellers to use their bonus Avios points to pay for inflight snacks and drinks in the future. It has also been revealed that the airline will be attempting to make its fare structures more understandable as having introduced options for travel with or without baggage and payment for seat choices, consumers appear to have had some trouble in fully understanding what is available and at what cost.


Momo5287 Shutterstock

Comparing price comparisons

COMPARISON WEBSITES: May steer towards companies paying the best commission. By John Smith IN the UK, there has been a major growth in comparison web sites which infer that they will help to find the best prices for a whole range of products including gas, electricity, insurance, credit cards, and broadband suppliers, in fact almost anything is fair game for them. These companies have in many ways been a lifeline for television stations as they spend huge amounts with long running and highly creative (except for the men in shorts and high heels twerking) commercials which captivate audiences and bring them to the various comparison sites. One thing that is often unexpected is the level of information that is required before any comparisons are available and it should be understood that all of the information provided can and will be disseminated to other parties unless the enquirer specifically indicates that the information may not be passed to third parties indiscriminately. There have been some sugges-

The CMA ruled that comparison sites didn’t have to show consumers the best deals.” tions that as these free sites often receive payment from companies who gain new clients through the site, they cannot be completely impartial and consumers may not always be made aware of the best deals but may be steered towards companies that pay the best commissions. Now, alert to this fact, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) intends to review a number of these sites to see whether they are offering the best advice to consumers and whether consumers understand the financial benefits that the sites may receive for the information that they receive. This decision comes just a few months after the CMA ruled that the comparison sites didn’t have to show consumers the best deals

and could show just those where they received commission if this suited them. That decision by the CMA which reversed an earlier ruling by energy regulator Ofgem has been heavily criticised by MPs who are also worried that the sites are becoming profit making machines which have changed from being a useful consumer tool to actually stifle genuine competition. Naturally the CMA which is a government organisation and its minister won’t want to admit that the decision taken earlier this year was the wrong one, so they are dressing this latest exercise as a study which will take several months to complete and they then have a further year to publish the findings. Critics suggest that the answer is ‘simples’ and investigators need the brain capacity of a stuffed animal to recognise that any company will take advantage of the opportunity given to reap the greatest profits even if it does not work to the best advantage of the consumer.

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Build camps across Europe LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT SO, certain charities are refusing to bring aid to the infamous Calais ‘Jungle Camp.’ Apparently after visiting and witnessing unwanted clothing and foodstuffs being dumped and burnt, the Human Relief Foundation has decided to suspend its charitable expeditions into these areas. Another reason given is that, despite the bias of the BBC, who mainly feature women and children in their news reports, the charity found the camp contained over 95 per cent of young ablebodied men. Why does that come as such a surprise to them and so little surprise to the rest of us!? This rag-bag collection of trainer-shod, mobile-clutching cowards should never have even been allowed to get as far as the English Channel. Countries en route should have been weeding them

CALAIS CAMP: Aid being left to go to waste. out and turning back thousands of this rabble bunch of feral opportunists. At last however, the French authorities are making

closing down moves, and not before time. As I wrote a couple of years ago, the only way to solve this problem is by building camps

across Europe. We simply cannot allow them to flood into the towns and the cities of the West, where they will only cause disruption and

unrest with the distinct possibility of ultimate violence. These camps should be orderly places, evenly distributed between countries. They should be controlled and inspected regularly with all amenities, medical care, and acceptable living conditions. Over a period the refugees should be interviewed and assessed, and either given permits to work in allocated countries or deported back from whence they came. Problem solved. Wonderful to see Corbyn reelected as leader of the Labour party. At least this means we won’t be seeing this lot in power for many years to come. Probably not in my lifetime anyway. Bliss. What about the mother who pointed out a black car to her 11year-old daughter stating that she didn’t like the colour? Her shocked offspring immediately accused her of racism! Sometimes I really do despair of it all. Keep that mail coming and always. Keep the Faith Love Leapy


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Advertising feature

Solar electricity is the best investment available today!

INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS: Allow installation of panels virtually anywhere.

I HAVE heard and read a lot about solar electricity being illegal in Spain. Is this true? No it’s not. Solar in Spain are legally installing solar electricity systems on and off grid to residential homes and businesses every day here in Spain. Do I need permission from Iberdrola /Endesa to install a system in my property? Yes you do. This is very important and must not be overlooked. Permissions need to be obtained before the installation takes place. Every grid-connected electricity system needs authorisation from both the utility company and the Spanish government. Currently there are fines of up to €30,000 for unautho-

SOLAR ELECTRICITY SYSTEM: Will pay for itself within five to six years.

Electricity prices have increased by over 10 per cent each year in Spain during the past five years and the cost is likely to increase by similar amounts over the next few years. Here, Fidelma Matthews, a director from renewable energy company Solar in Spain answers the main questions that people tend to ask about solar electricity systems: rised installations. Solar in Spain completes all the paperwork for clients and is one of the few companies that actually ensures their installations comply fully with the law. Do I have to pay tax if I install a solar electricity system? No, not for systems smaller than 10kW. Last November the government introduced a new law regarding solar electricity. Systems that are smaller than 10kW will not be subject to any tax. This is great news for homeowners as a system under this size will easily produce all the electricity needed for most homes.

Are these the same types of systems that many people are installing in the UK and all over Europe? Yes, and you will start saving and reducing your carbon footprint as soon as it is installed and switched on. What is the life expectancy of a solar grid-connected electricity system? A well designed solar system will last for 25-30 years. Both the solar panels and the inverters used by Solar in Spain are guaranteed for 25 years. How does a solar grid-connected system work? You remain connected to your electricity supplier (Iberdrola/Endesa) and all the electricity your solar electricity system pro-

duces is used by your home instead of the expensive supply from your electricity company. Solar electricity systems capture the sun’s energy using photovoltaic (PV) cells. PV cells are made from layers of semi-conducting material, usually silicon. When light shines on the cell it creates an electric field. The PV modules generate Direct Current (DC) sending it to an inverter which transforms the electricity from DC to AC (Alternating Current) for ordinary household needs. What happens to the electricity that is produced but not used? Endesa/Iberdrola will now buy back any solar electricity that is sent back to the grid. Alternatively, you can install batteries to store the electricity and then use the electricity during the night. Does solar energy only work on sunny days? No. These cells do not need direct sunshine to work. They can still generate electricity on cloudy days. The stronger the sunshine, the more electricity is produced. Are solar electricity systems expensive? A solar electricity system will pay

for itself within five to six years. The annual Return on Investment is 12 per cent which is a very much higher return than you will receive from any other secure investment. In addition, every time Iberdrola increase their prices in the future your solar investment improves! I’m not sure that I have a suitable area or roof to install solar panels? There are lots of new and innovative panel installation systems that will allow you to use car ports, flat roofs and difficult roofs. We will perform a site survey and come up with an unobtrusive solution for you. Will the same solar system heat my hot water? No, but it can subsidise your existing imersion heater or we can also supply a solar solution for your hot water supply. Where can I find out more information? Solar in Spain has been in business in Spain for 15 years. Their office and showroom is in the Pedreguer Industrial Estate. They are open from 9.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday and would be delighted to answer any questions. They can also be contacted on 962 854 488 or by sending an email to Their website is at


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Auction 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Decimate 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Going Back Giving Back 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Anne Robinson’s Britain 10:00pm The Apprentice 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:30pm BBC London News 11:45pm Question Time 12:45am This Week 1:30am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:35am BBC News

7:45am 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Rip Off Britain Thief Trackers Gardeners’ World Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Coast The Edge Hi-De-Hi! Yes, Prime Minister To the Manor Born Hidden Kingdoms The Link Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Simply Nigella Great British Menu Nature’s Weirdest Events The Fall The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight Man Like Mobeen Limbo A World Without Down’s Syndrome? Diabetes Conviction: Murder at the Station

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm Goodbye Rosetta: A Sky at Night Special 9:00pm Railways: The Making of a Nation 9:30pm Hive Minds 10:00pm The Incredible Story of Marie Antoinette’s Watch with Nicholas Parsons 11:00pm China in Six Easy Pieces 12:00am Dissected: The Incredible Human Hand 1:00am Natural World 2:00am When Wrestling Was Golden: Grapples, Grunts and Grannies 3:00am Totally 60s Psychedelic Rock at the BBC 4:00am The Incredible Story of Marie Antoinette’s Watch with Nicholas Parsons 5:00am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more.

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs 10:00pm Paranoid 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm The Chase 12:40am Murder, She Wrote 1:35am Jackpot247 4:00am Tonight 4:25am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am You’ve Been Framed! 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm You’ve Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:20pm Totally You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Dating in the Dark 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 11:50pm Family Guy 12:20am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:15am American Dad!

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am Man About the House 7:35am Heartbeat 8:35am Where the Heart is 9:35am Wild at Heart 10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 11:55am Murder, She Wrote 12:55pm The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:05pm Wild at Heart 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm Man About the House 5:50pm You’re Only Young Twice 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 8:55pm Rosemary and Thyme 10:00pm Paul O’Grady’s Animal Orphans 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:05am Wycliffe 1:10am Wycliffe 2:15am Law and Order: UK 3:05am ITV3 Nightscreen 3:30am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am

8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:15am 12:25am 12:50am 1:50am 2:50am

9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:50pm 12:55am

6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:55pm 8:25pm 11:00pm 12:00am 1:05am

1:10am 2:10am

3:05am 4:00am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun Posh Pawn Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Hunted The Lie Detective Gogglebox Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls

8:40am Noddy: Toyland Detective 8:55am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Wissper 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm House Doctor 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Crimes of the Mind 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm The Tube: Going Underground 9:00pm On Benefits 10:00pm The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 11:00pm Celebrity Botched Up Bodies 12:05am Tattoo Disasters UK: What Were You Inking?

8:40am 9:10am 9:40am 10:05am 10:35am 11:00am

Magnum, P.I. The Chase The Sweeney Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Test Match Bowls Live Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars World Cup Qualifier When Football Changed Forever Class of 92 FYI Daily A round-up of the latest entertainment news. Class of 92 The Classic Car Show Documentary series celebrating classic cars presented by Quentin Willson and Jodie Kidd. The Big Fish Off Teleshopping Shopping from home.


7:00am Backtrack 8:45am Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger’s Baby 9:15am The Crow’s Egg 11:00am Victor Frankenstein 1:00pm A Promise 2:45pm The Top Ten Show 2016 3:00pm Bridge of Spies 5:30pm Girl on the Edge 7:15pm A Promise Rebecca Hall stars as a married woman who falls for her ailing husband’s young protégé. 9:00pm Victor Frankenstein 11:00pm Bridge of Spies 1:30am Julia 3:15am The Benefactor Drama about a guiltwracked philanthropist who meddles in the lives of a young couple. 5:00am Girl on the Edge

2047: Sights of Death 9:10am Die Hard 4.0 11:25am Furious 7 1:55pm Exodus: Gods and Kings 4:35pm Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F 6:25pm Minority Report 9:00pm Furious 7 11:30pm Die Hard 4.0 1:50am Kite

7:45am The Top Ten Show 2016 8:05am One Night in Istanbul 9:45am Spud 3: Learning to Fly 11:25am Failure to Launch 1:10pm Big Hero 6 Special 1:40pm Ted 2 3:40pm Nine Months 5:30pm Hot Shots! Part Deux 7:05pm The Devil Wears Prada 9:00pm Ted 2 11:00pm Entourage 12:50am The Hangover 2:40am Rushmore

11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 1:00am

Coach Trip Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Stage School The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory New Girl The Inbetweeners The Running Man The Big Bang Theory


7:00am Premier League Legends 7:30am Premier League Legends 8:00am Live ATP Beijing/Tokyo 3:00pm Football’s Greatest 3:30pm Barclays Premier League World 4:00pm Boxing Gold 4:30pm Darts Gold 5:00pm Premier League Legends 5:30pm Premier League Legends 6:00pm Football’s Greatest 6:30pm Barclays Premier League World 7:00pm MLS Goals Round Up Show 7:30pm Boxing Gold 8:00pm Football 11:15pm Barclays Premier League World 11:45pm Sporting Triumphs 12:00am NFL 1:00am NFL 2:00am Live NFL:Arizona San Francisco 5:30am Great Sporting Moments 5:45am Great Sporting Moments

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 9:45am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am 2:00am 3:00am

Cricket Classics Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket’s Greatest Racemax Cricket Racing News Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Classics Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Cricket’s Greatest Sporting Heroes Sporting Rivalries Sporting Greats Cricket Motorsport Mundial Cricket Classics Football Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Greats La Liga Show Barclays Premier League World Football Football Cricket Time of Our Lives


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Auction 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Decimate 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Going Back Giving Back 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Would I Lie to You? 10:00pm Have I Got News for You 10:30pm Still Game 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show 12:25am Josh

7:45am Rip Off Britain 8:30am Thief Trackers 9:00am DIY SOS The Big Build 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Coast 2:15pm The Edge 3:00pm Hi-De-Hi! 3:30pm Yes, Prime Minister 4:00pm To the Manor Born 4:30pm Ultimate Swarms 5:30pm The Link 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Mary Berry’s Foolproof Cooking 8:30pm Great British Menu 9:00pm Mastermind 9:30pm Gardeners’ World 10:30pm The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight 12:05am Later... with Jools Holland 1:10am London River

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm ITV News London 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Countrywise 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm The Level 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:30pm ITV News London 11:40pm American Pie 1:30am Jackpot247 4:00am Murder, She Wrote 4:50am ITV Nightscreen Text-based information service.

7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Emmerdale 10:00am You’ve Been Framed! 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Emmerdale 2:15pm You’ve Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 7:50pm Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Knocked Up 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Knocked Up 12:35am Family Guy

8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:45pm 9:55pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

12:00am 1:00am


2:35am 3:35am 4:35am

World News Today Top of the Pops The Good Old Days Sounds of the Sixties Pop Go the Sixties The People’s History of Pop Classic Albums: The Wailers - Catch a Fire Island at the BBC Top of the Pops Peter Powell presents the weekly chart show, first broadcast on 20th May 1982. The People’s History of Pop Series telling the story of pop music through fans’ memories and memorabilia. Classic Albums Island at the BBC This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more.

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am Man About the House 7:35am Heartbeat 8:35am Where the Heart is 9:35am Wild at Heart 10:35am Judge Judy 11:05am Judge Judy 11:35am Judge Judy 12:00pm Murder, She Wrote 1:00pm The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:10pm Wild at Heart 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm Man About the House 5:50pm You’re Only Young Twice 6:25pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Rosemary and Thyme 10:00pm Long Lost Family 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:05am Wycliffe 1:15am Case Sensitive 2:15am Case Sensitive 3:05am Long Lost Family

7:00am 7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:10am

7:00am 7:50am 8:50am 9:55am 11:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 11:05pm

11:10pm 12:20am 1:25am

1:30am 2:15am 3:20am 3:45am

Countdown King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Summary A Place in the Sun Channel 4 Racing Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Jamie’s Super Food Travel Man Gogglebox The Last Leg First Dates It’s a Weird World

8:10am Pip Ahoy! 8:25am Thomas and Friends 8:40am Noddy: Toyland Detective 8:55am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Wissper 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:00am Bananas in Pyjamas 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:15pm House Doctor 1:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm The Yorkshire Vet 2:15pm Home and Away 2:45pm Neighbours 3:15pm NCIS 4:15pm Fatal Justice 6:00pm 5 News at 5 6:30pm Neighbours 7:00pm Home and Away 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm The Gadget Show 9:00pm The Cars That Made Britain Great 10:00pm Carry on Caravanning 11:00pm Killer Elite 12:00am 5 News

8:40am 9:10am 9:40am 10:05am 10:35am 11:00am

Magnum, P.I. The Chase The Sweeney Ironside Test Match Bowls Live Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Steve Mcqueen: Motorcycle Movie Star Goldfinger FYI Daily A round-up of the latest entertainment news. Goldfinger A Dangerous Man FYI Daily A round-up of the latest entertainment news. A Dangerous Man River Monsters Pawn Stars Reality series. ITV4 Nightscreen

9:50am Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 12:20pm Everest 2:35pm The Golden Child 4:20pm The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 7:30pm Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 10:00pm Everest

7:00am The Benefactor 8:45am The Top Ten Show 2016 9:00am The Crow’s Egg 10:45am Black Mass 1:00pm A Promise 3:00pm Victor Frankenstein 5:00pm Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger’s Baby 5:30pm Girl on the Edge 7:15pm A Promise Rebecca Hall stars as a married woman who falls for her ailing husband’s young protégé. 9:00pm Black Mass 11:10pm Victor Frankenstein 1:05am Julia 2:45am The Benefactor Drama about a guiltwracked philanthropist who meddles in the lives of a young couple. 4:30am Avengers: Age of Ultron Special 5:00am Girl on the Edge

8:10am Stretch 9:50am This is Where I Leave You 11:40am Twins 1:35pm Big Daddy 3:20pm Pixels 5:15pm Me, Myself and Irene 7:20pm Welcome to Me 9:00pm Pixels 11:00pm Horrible Bosses 2 1:00am South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 2:30am Blazing Saddles 4:10am Lake Placid

11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:25am

Coach Trip Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Stage School The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Die Hard 2 The Big Bang Theory


7:00am Live ATP Beijing/Tokyo 12:30pm Sporting Triumphs 12:45pm Sporting Triumphs 1:00pm Sporting Triumphs 1:15pm Sporting Triumphs 1:30pm Live ATP Beijing/Tokyo 3:30pm Spanish Gold 3:45pm Spanish Gold 4:00pm Football 4:30pm Football 5:00pm Premier League Legends 5:30pm Premier League Legends 6:00pm Football 6:30pm Football 7:00pm The Fantasy Football Club 8:00pm Live World Grand Prix Darts Day six of darts’ Unibet World Grand Prix from Dublin. 11:00pm Super League Grand Final Preview 12:00am Sporting Mavericks 12:30am Sporting Mavericks 1:00am World Grand Prix Darts 4:00am Darts Gold

7:00am 7:30am 8:30am 8:45am 9:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:45pm

7:00pm 9:00pm 12:30am 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am

4:00am 5:00am

Cricket’s Greatest NFL Highlights Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Cricket Game Changers Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs An in-depth look at one of Joe Calzaghe’s career defining moments. Information not available Live Fight Night International Sporting Greats Sky Sports Years Cricket Cricket The third ODI between South Africa and Australia at Sahara Stadium Kingsmead. Sporting Heroes Live ATP Beijing/Tokyo



E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

2:00am BBC News 7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30pm James Martin: Home Comforts 1:00pm Football Focus 1:30pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:15pm Homes Under the Hammer 3:15pm Escape to the Country 4:00pm Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out 4:20pm Shrek The Third 5:45pm Can't Touch This 6:35pm BBC News 6:45pm BBC London News 6:55pm Pointless 7:45pm Strictly Come Dancing 9:50pm The National Lottery: 5-Star Family Reunion 10:40pm Casualty 11:30pm BBC News 11:50pm Iron Man 3 1:50am The NFL Show

7:00am 10:25am 10:30am 11:25am 12:25pm 1:25pm 1:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:30am 1:50am 4:00am 4:50am

CITV ITV News Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Judge Rinder ITV News and Weather Tipping Point The Chase The X Factor Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather World Cup 2018 Qualifier Live ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! The X Factor Newzoids The Jonathan Ross Show World Cup 2018 Qualifier Highlights Jackpot247 Murder, She Wrote Nightscreen

7:30am They Flew Alone 9:10am Evening 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Lost Land of the Jaguar 1:00pm Lorraine’s Fast Fresh and Easy Food 1:30pm Great British Menu 2:00pm Great British Menu 2:30pm Great British Menu 3:00pm Nature’s Weirdest Events 4:00pm Flog It! 5:00pm Hairy Bikers Chicken and Egg 6:00pm Gardeners’ World 7:00pm Inside the Commons 8:00pm The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 8:30pm Dad’s Army 9:00pm A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley 10:00pm Michael Palin Meets Jan Morris 10:30pm Boy George’s 1970s: Save Me From Suburbia 11:35pm Cabaret 1:35am Marnie

4:35am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. 8:00pm Lost Kingdoms of South America 9:00pm Scotland's Vital Spark: The Clyde Puffer 10:00pm Beck Swedish detective drama. 11:30pm It's Only Rock 'N' Roll: Rock 'N' Roll at the BBC 12:30am Totally British 1:30am Totally British 2:30am Top of the Pops Peter Powell presents the weekly chart show, first broadcast on 20th May 1982. 3:05am It's Only Rock 'N' Roll: Rock 'N' Roll at the BBC 4:05am The Good Old Days 4:50am This is BBC Four

7:00am Emmerdale Omnibus 9:40am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00pm The X Factor 1:30pm The Xtra Factor 2:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 3:15pm Kangaroo Jack 4:15pm FYI Daily 4:20pm Kangaroo Jack 5:00pm The Flintstones 6:00pm FYI Daily 6:05pm The Flintstones 6:45pm The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 7:45pm FYI Daily 7:50pm The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 9:00pm The Mask 10:00pm FYI Daily 10:05pm The Mask 11:00pm The Xtra Factor 11:30pm Celebrity Juice 12:20am Family Guy 12:50am Family Guy 1:20am Family Guy 1:50am American Dad! 2:15am American Pie Presents Band Camp

7:10am 7:35am 8:00am 9:05am 10:10am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:20pm 1:05pm 2:40pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 12:00am 2:00am 2:30am 2:55am 3:30am

Doctor at Large Doctor at Large Where the Heart is Where the Heart is The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Carry on Again, Doctor FYI Daily Carry on Again, Doctor Columbo Inspector Morse Midsomer Murders Midsomer Murders Doc Martin Comedy drama series about a top London surgeon who developed a phobia of blood. Midsomer Murders Lewis You’re Only Young Twice You’re Only Young Twice ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

7:05am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am


Gillette World Sport Motorsport Triathlon Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Morning Line The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Sarah Beeny’s Four Rooms Formula 1 Channel 4 Racing A Place in the Sun Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke Channel 4 News Grand Designs Walking Through Time 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Limitless Good Morning, Vietnam Hollyoaks Omnibus

7:00am Milkshake! 10:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:30am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 12:00pm FIA Formula E: Season Preview 1:00pm Police Interceptors 1:55pm Police Interceptors 2:55pm Police Interceptors 3:55pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 4:55pm Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 6:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 7:00pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 8:00pm 5 News 8:05pm NCIS 9:00pm NCIS: New Orleans 10:00pm NCIS: New Orleans 10:55pm Gotham 11:55pm Football on 5 12:55am Access 1:00am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heartthumping casino experience every night.

10:15am Postman Pat: The Movie 12:00pm Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts 12:05pm How I Met Your Mother 12:35pm How I Met Your Mother 1:05pm Baby Daddy 1:35pm Baby Daddy 2:00pm The Goldbergs 2:35pm The Goldbergs 3:00pm The Goldbergs 3:30pm The Goldbergs 4:00pm The Goldbergs 4:30pm The Goldbergs 5:00pm The Big Bang Theory 5:30pm The Big Bang Theory 6:00pm The Big Bang Theory 6:30pm The Big Bang Theory 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm The Big Bang Theory 8:30pm The Big Bang Theory 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Contraband 12:10am Gogglebox 1:15am Gogglebox 2:15am Rude Tube 3:20am Rude Tube

7:00am Live Japanese GP: Qualifying 9:45am Great Sporting Moments 10:00am The Fantasy Football Club 11:00am Soccer A.M. 12:30pm Football 3:00pm Live Pro 12 Rugby 5:30pm Super League Gold 5:45pm Super League Gold 6:00pm Live Super League Grand Final 9:30pm Live World Grand Prix Darts 11:30pm More Than a Game 12:00am Super League Highlights 12:15am Super League Gold A chance to relive the 2002 Super League Grand Final between St Helens and Bradford Bulls. 12:30am More Than a Game 1:00am World Grand Prix Darts 3:00am Football’s Greatest 3:30am Super League Highlights 3:45am Super League Gold

7:50am World Superbike Highlights 8:45am Bundesliga 9:50am Ironside 10:50am Storage Wars Texas 11:25am Pawn Stars 11:50am Pawn Stars 12:25pm The Alamo 1:35pm FYI Daily 1:40pm The Alamo 3:40pm British Superbike Championship Highlights 4:40pm British Touring Car Championship Highlights 6:10pm Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey 7:10pm FYI Daily 7:15pm Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey 8:00pm Fierce 9:00pm Storage Wars 9:30pm Storage Wars 10:00pm Cliffhanger Outdoor action thriller. 11:10pm FYI Daily 11:15pm Cliffhanger 12:10am Public Enemies

7:00am Lawrence of Arabia 10:35am Sahara 12:45pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 3:00pm Twister 5:00pm Dante’s Peak 7:00pm Ghost Rider 9:00pm Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation 11:20pm Taken 1:00am Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

7:00am 9:00am 10:45am 12:45pm

9:00am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am

9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 3:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm

7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:55am 2:50am

8:00am Meatballs 9:45am And So it Goes 11:30am The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1:40pm Hot Pursuit 3:15pm Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger’s Baby 3:45pm Get Hard 5:35pm Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story 7:20pm The Simpsons Movie 9:00pm Hot Pursuit 10:35pm Get Hard 12:25am Cop Out

1:15pm 3:30pm 5:15pm

7:00pm 9:00pm 11:10pm 1:10am 2:55am 4:40am


A Promise Girl on the Edge The 5th Wave Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger’s Baby Bridget Jones is back. Black Mass Girl on the Edge A Promise Rebecca Hall stars as a married woman who falls for her ailing husband’s young protégé. The 5th Wave Black Mass Victor Frankenstein Julia Backtrack Bridget Jones: Renee Zellweger’s Baby Bridget Jones is back. The Crow’s Egg Delightful comedydrama.

1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 5:55pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:00am 1:00am

Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Live ATP Beijing/Tokyo Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Live ATP Beijing/Tokyo Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Football Gold Football Football Gold Football Football Darts Gold Darts Gold Cricket Cricket Classics


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am Sunday Morning Live 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:15pm Homes Under the Hammer 3:00pm Escape to the Country 3:45pm Points of View 4:00pm The Great British Bake Off 5:00pm Lifeline 5:10pm Songs of Praise 5:50pm Animal Babies 6:50pm BBC News 7:05pm BBC London News 7:15pm Countryfile 8:15pm Strictly Come Dancing 9:00pm Antiques Roadshow 10:00pm Poldark 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm BBC London News 11:30pm Room 101 12:10am War of the Worlds 1:55am Weather for the Week Ahead 2:00am BBC News

7:30am A to Z of TV Gardening 8:15am Glorious Gardens From Above 9:00am Gardeners' World 10:00am Countryfile 11:00am The Beechgrove Garden 11:30am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 1:00pm Food and Drink 1:30pm Great British Menu 2:00pm Great British Menu 2:30pm Great British Menu 3:00pm Natural World 4:00pm Heir Hunters 5:00pm Flog It! 6:00pm Rugby League 7:00pm Modern Times 8:00pm Ireland with Simon Reeve 9:00pm Wild West: America's Great Frontier 10:00pm Sir Chris Hoy 11:00pm Begin Again 12:40am Wonder Boys 2:25am Countryfile 3:20am Holby City 4:20am This is BBC Two

4:50am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. 8:00pm In Their Own Words: 20th Century Composers 9:00pm Gypsy: Live From the Savoy Theatre 11:15pm Darcey Bussell Dances Hollywood 12:45am Tales From the Royal Bedchamber Lucy Worsley gets into bed with our past monarchs to uncover the Tales from the Royal Bedchamber. 1:45am Light and Dark 2:45am Impact! a Horizon Guide to Plane Crashes 3:45am Dissected: The Incredible Human Hand 4:45am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more.

7:00am CITV 10:25am ITV News 10:30am Bear Grylls Survival School 11:00am Peston on Sunday 12:00pm Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury 12:30pm Chopping Block 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:40pm The X Factor 3:40pm Midsomer Murders 5:40pm Victoria 6:40pm Doc Martin 7:35pm Local News and Weather All the very latest local news and weather. 7:45pm ITV News and Weather 8:00pm The Chase Celebrity Special 9:00pm The X Factor Results Show 10:00pm Victoria 11:05pm ITV News and Weather 11:20pm Peston on Sunday

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:00am The X Factor 12:00pm Coronation Street Omnibus 2:25pm Catchphrase 3:10pm You’ve Been Framed! 3:40pm Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 4:40pm FYI Daily 4:45pm Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 5:55pm Despicable Me 6:55pm FYI Daily 7:00pm Despicable Me 7:50pm Paranoia 8:50pm FYI Daily 8:55pm Paranoia 10:00pm The Xtra Factor 11:00pm Family Guy 11:30pm Family Guy 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:55am American Dad! 1:25am American Dad! 1:50am The Cleveland Show 2:15am The Cleveland Show

7:00am 7:10am 9:10am 10:10am 11:10am 1:25pm 2:25pm 3:25pm 5:10pm 6:10pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 1:05am 2:05am 2:55am 4:35am 5:25am

Movies Now Inspector Morse Heartbeat Heartbeat Sherlock Holmes Rosemary and Thyme Rosemary and Thyme Columbo Carry on at Your Convenience FYI Daily Carry on at Your Convenience Rosemary and Thyme Lewis It’ll be Alright on the Night A Touch of Frost Wire in the Blood Wire in the Blood A Touch of Frost May the Best House Win May the Best House Win

7:00am 7:20am 7:50am 8:40am 9:30am 10:30am 1:30pm 2:30pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am 2:30am 3:25am

Shipping Wars Motorsport Triathlon Frasier Find it, Fix it, Flog it Sunday Brunch Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast Formula 1 The Simpsons The Simpsons Location, Location, Location A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Posh Pawn Speed Special: Guy’s World Record Attempt Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls Gogglebox Stoker Grand Designs Gordon Ramsay’s Festive Home Cooking it’s never too early to think about Christmas.

7:00am Magnum, P.I. 7:50am British Touring Car Championship Highlights 9:10am Fifth Gear 10:10am The Classic Car Show 11:10am Storage Wars 11:40am Storage Wars 12:10pm Storage Wars Texas 12:35pm Pawn Stars 1:00pm Pawn Stars 1:30pm Pawn Stars 2:00pm Pawn Stars 2:30pm Pawn Stars 2:55pm Pawn Stars 3:25pm The Hanging Tree 4:25pm FYI Daily 4:30pm The Hanging Tree 5:45pm The Alamo 6:50pm FYI Daily 6:55pm The Alamo 9:00pm Rugby Highlights 10:00pm Car Crash Britain Caught on Camera 11:05pm American Gangster 12:15am FYI Daily 12:20am American Gangster 2:10am Steve Mcqueen

7:00am Milkshake! 8:30am FIA Formula E Live: Hong Kong 10:30am Football on 5 Goal Rush. 11:30am The Gadget Show 12:30pm Fail Army 1:00pm The Hotel Inspector 2:00pm The Unbeatables 3:45pm Disney’s Hercules 5:30pm Robin Hood 7:10pm Now That’s Funny 8:00pm Penn and Teller: Fool Us in Vegas 9:00pm Ice Road Truckers 9:55pm 5 News The latest news coverage. 10:00pm Parker A thief with a unique code of professional ethics is doublecrossed by his crew and left for dead. 12:20am Safe 2:00am Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heartthumping casino experience every night.

7:00am Eight Legged Freaks 8:45am Cloverfield 10:15am The Top Ten Show 2016 10:30am Batman Begins 12:55pm The Dark Knight 3:30pm The Goonies 5:30pm Serenity 7:35pm Batman Begins 10:00pm The Dark Knight 12:35am Cloverfield 2:05am Swordfish

7:50am The Top Ten Show 2016 8:05am Death Becomes Her 9:55am Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 11:50am Norbit 1:40pm Valentine’s Day 3:50pm Bruce Almighty 5:40pm Happy Gilmore 7:20pm Bad Words 9:00pm Ricki and the Flash 10:45pm Bruce Almighty 12:35am The 40 Year Old Virgin

7:00am 7:25am 7:50am 8:20am 8:55am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm

3:40pm 5:20pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 12:15am 1:20am 1:55am 2:25am

Rude(Ish) Tube Stage School Stage School Stage School Stage School Stage School Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Hollyoaks Omnibus Come Dine with Me Made in Chelsea Does Come Dine with Me Dr. Seuss' the Lorax Rude(Ish) Tube Shorts The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Shallow Hal Tattoo Fixers on Holiday The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners Gogglebox

7:00am A Promise 8:45am The 5th Wave 10:40am The Top Ten Show 2016 Which movies are doing the best business at home and across the pond? 11:00am Girl on the Edge 12:45pm Black Mass 3:00pm Sisters 5:15pm Backtrack 7:00pm The 5th Wave 9:00pm Sisters 11:05pm Black Mass Compelling crime drama starring Johnny Depp as notorious Boston gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. 1:20am Victor Frankenstein 3:20am Julia 5:05am Girl on the Edge


9:30am Live Japanese GP: Paddock Live 10:15am Sporting Triumphs 10:30am The Sunday Supplement 12:00pm Goals on Sunday 1:00pm Football 3:15pm Football 5:30pm Football 8:15pm Football 11:15pm Football Gold A chance to relive classic matches from English football’s top flight. 11:30pm Goals on Sunday 12:30am Football Wales play Georgia at Cardiff City Stadium in a 2018 FIFA World Cup Group D qualifier. 1:00am Football 1:30am Sporting Triumphs 1:45am Sporting Triumphs 2:00am Football Wales play Georgia at Cardiff City Stadium in a 2018 FIFA World Cup Group D qualifier. 2:30am Football

7:00am Football 7:30am Football 8:00am Football Scotland play Lithuania at Hampden Park in a qualifier for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. 8:30am Great Sporting Moments 8:45am Great Sporting Moments 9:00am Cricket The second ODI between Bangladesh and England, held in Dhaka. 6:00pm Darts Gold 6:15pm Darts Gold 6:30pm Sporting Greats 7:00pm Live NFL 10:00pm Live NFL 2:00am Live NFL Action from the National Football League. 5:30am Sporting Greats


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Auction 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Decimate 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Going Back Giving Back 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm Inside Out 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Panorama 10:00pm Reggie Yates’ Extreme UK 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Have I Got a Bit More News for You 12:30am The Graham Norton Show

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm Local News and Weather 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Gino’s Hidden Italy 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Cold Feet 11:00pm ITV News 11:30pm Local News and Weather 11:45pm The Agenda 12:25am The Jonathan Ross Show 1:25am Newzoids

7:45am 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:15pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:10am 12:15am 1:15am

Rip Off Britain Thief Trackers Ingenious Animals Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Coast The Edge Hi-De-Hi! Yes, Prime Minister To the Manor Born Wonders of the Monsoon The Link Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Simply Nigella Great British Menu University Challenge Only Connect The Victorian Slum Morgana Robinson’s the Agency Newsnight Weather Sir Chris Hoy The Great British Bake Off

8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Family Guy 10:30pm Family Guy 11:00pm American Dad! 11:30pm American Dad! 11:55pm Family Guy 12:25am The Cleveland Show

4:45am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. 8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Great Irish Journeys with Martha Kearney 9:00pm British Gardens in Time Series which explores four iconic British gardens. 10:00pm The Great Butterfly Adventure: Africa to Britain with the Painted Lady 11:30pm The Victorians 12:30am The First World War 1:20am The Somme 2:20am China in Six Easy Pieces

7:20am 3rd Rock from the Sun 7:45am King of Queens 8:10am King of Queens 8:35am King of Queens 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Posh Pawn 2:05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Four in a Bed 5:30pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm My Kitchen Rules UK 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:55pm SU2C 9:00pm Dispatches 9:30pm Food Unwrapped

7:20am 7:50am 8:45am 9:45am 10:45am 11:10am 11:35am 12:05pm 1:00pm

7:00am Barcelona’s European Glory 7:10am Magnum, P.I. 8:00am The Chase 8:50am The Sweeney 9:50am Ironside 10:50am Minder 11:55am Magnum, P.I. 12:55pm The Chase 1:55pm Pawn Stars 2:25pm Pawn Stars 2:50pm Storage Wars Texas 3:20pm Storage Wars Texas 3:50pm The Sweeney 4:50pm Minder 5:50pm Ironside 6:55pm Storage Wars Texas 7:25pm Storage Wars Texas 7:55pm Pawn Stars 8:25pm World Cup 2018 Qualifier Live 11:00pm Ronaldo 12:00am FYI Daily 12:05am Ronaldo 1:00am Rugby Highlights 2:00am Motorsport UK 3:00am The Classic Car Show 4:00am Teleshopping

2:05pm 3:05pm 4:10pm 5:15pm 5:50pm 6:20pm 6:55pm 7:55pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

12:00am 1:10am

On the Buses Heartbeat Where the Heart is Wild at Heart Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat Wild at Heart Where the Heart is Man About the House You’re Only Young Twice On the Buses Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow Law and Order: UK Crime drama based on the hit US series Law and Order. Wycliffe Law and Order: UK

10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:20pm 4:20pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am


The Wright Stuff House Doctor 5 News Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: New Orleans When Calls the Heart 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Conspiracy Police Interceptors Raw Recruits: Squaddies at 16 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Layer Cake A clever gangster movie, based on J.J. Connolly’s London based crime thriller. Super Casino Feeling lucky? Get the authentic, heart-thumping casino experience every night.

7:50am Young Sherlock Holmes 9:50am Poseidon 11:40am Sherlock Holmes 2:00pm The Patriot 4:55pm Gone in 60 Seconds 7:05pm Behind Enemy Lines 9:00pm Sherlock Holmes 11:10pm Armageddon 1:45am Enemy of the State 4:00am Darkman 5:40am Maverick

10:05am Rules of Engagement 10:35am Rules of Engagement 11:00am How I Met Your Mother 11:30am How I Met Your Mother 12:00pm Charmed 1:00pm Charmed 2:00pm The Goldbergs 2:30pm The Goldbergs 3:00pm The Big Bang Theory 3:30pm The Big Bang Theory 4:00pm How I Met Your Mother 4:30pm How I Met Your Mother 5:00pm Baby Daddy 5:30pm Baby Daddy 6:00pm The Goldbergs 6:30pm The Goldbergs 7:00pm The Big Bang Theory 7:30pm The Big Bang Theory 8:00pm Hollyoaks 8:30pm Stage School 9:00pm The Big Bang Theory 9:30pm The Big Bang Theory 10:00pm Made in Chelsea 11:00pm Drifters 11:35pm The Inbetweeners 12:10am The Big Bang Theory 12:35am The Big Bang Theory

7:00am Live ATP MastersShanghai 1000 4:00pm ATP Masters-Bejing 6:00pm Football’s Greatest 6:30pm Football 7:00pm Football 7:30pm Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 8:00pm Great Sporting Moments 8:15pm Great Sporting Moments 8:30pm Football Gold 8:40pm Football 11:00pm Sky Sports Originals 12:00am Premier League Legends Series profiling some of the greatest players to grace the Premier League. 12:30am Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 1:00am More Than a Game Profiling the moments that have transcended sport. 1:30am Sporting Triumphs 1:45am Sporting Triumphs 2:00am Great Sporting Moments

7:00am 8:45am 10:30am 12:30pm 2:45pm 4:30pm

7:00am 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 8:40pm 11:00pm 12:00am

6:45pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 12:40am 10:15am 11:55am 1:40pm 3:20pm 3:50pm 5:35pm 7:15pm

9:00pm 11:00pm

License to Drive I-Spy Billy Madison Fast and Furious 7 Special When Harry Met Sally Rushmore Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Pitch Perfect 2 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story


2:50am 4:30am

Backtrack A Promise The 5th Wave Sisters Continuum Black Mass Compelling crime drama starring Johnny Depp as notorious Boston gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. Sisters The 5th Wave Continuum Black Mass Compelling crime drama starring Johnny Depp as notorious Boston gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. Julia The Crow’s Egg

Cricket Football Football NFL Highlights NFL Highlights NFL Highlights Cricket Football Football NFL Highlights NFL Highlights NFL Highlights Cricket Cricket ICC Cricket Sporting Rivalries Sky Scholars Football ICC Cricket NFL Highlights A match from the 2016 NFL season. 1:00am NFL Highlights 2:00am Cricket South Africa play Australia at St George’s Park in the fourth ODI of the five-match series. 3:00am Cricket


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Advertising feature

VP Advisers: professional and affordable ESTABLISHED since 2010, VP Advisers are tax specialists based in Playa Flamenca. The expert team is able to assist and advise in most instances from tax management and business accountancy, to conveyancing and wills. They also have fully trained professional economists and lawyers covering all your legal needs. Their main business is conveyancing and accountancy, assisting you in setting up and running your own business or being a selfemployed worker and doing your quarterly tax returns, all on a low price policy. At VP Advisers, based in the La Mosca Commercial Centre, you will speak directly with the professionals. There is no middle man so every time you have a concern or question, it will be their expertise that assists you and they are continually keeping updated with the ever changing laws, rules and regulations in Spain. They also offer a free initial consultation if you are looking at setting up your own business, can explain how the process

VP ADVISERS: In Playa Flamenca for all your fiscal and legal needs. works and what is involved, and offer free business registration for self-employed workers. If you take the services of VP Advisers, there are no registration fees unlike other companies, and with non-residents’ taxes being carried out for €30 per person, VP Advisers offer the best value around. “We started in the height of the

economic crisis,” said economist and owner David Valero. “A lot of people were going through changes in their situation and our ethos was giving the correct legal advice for their situation and if they went on to use our services, we wanted to offer the best value possible.” As a result, they have hundreds of happy customers who use them

for all their legal and fiscal needs, when buying and selling a property, making or changing a will, and doing their tax returns. Currently, VP Advisers can make your will for just €50 per person plus notary fees. VP Advisers also continually work in the best interest of their clients and keep them updated on

any changes, “For example, there have been big changes in wills in Europe so we are explaining to our clients how this could affect them and the same with taxes.” David said they are now seeing a positive upturn in the property market with more people buying compared to a few years ago, when they were dealing with a lot of property sales and expatriates selling to return to their home countries. He said now is also a good time for business with a lot more incentives and lower costs in setting up as autonomous. For more information, or advice and assistance, visit the office on the first floor of the La Mosca Commercial Centre, open 10am to 2pm and 3pm to 6pm. Booking an appointment is advisable to ensure the best possible service and full attention. La Mosca Commercial Centre, Local 18 Playa Flamenca Tel: 965 327 714. Visit: Email:


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Auction 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Decimate 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Going Back Giving Back 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm Ambulance 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm Anne Robinson’s Britain

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm Local News and Weather 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather All the very latest local news and weather. 7:15pm ITV Evening News Round-up of the main national and international news. 7:45pm Emmerdale 8:15pm World Cup Qualifier 11:00pm ITV News 11:35pm Local News and Weather 11:45pm World Cup Qualifier Highlights 1:10am Murder, She Wrote

7:00am Street Auction 7:45am Thief Trackers 8:15am Going Back Giving Back 9:00am Coast Great Guides 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Countryfile 2:15pm The Edge 3:00pm Hi-De-Hi! 3:30pm Yes, Prime Minister 4:00pm To the Manor Born 4:30pm Wonders of the Monsoon 5:30pm The Link 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Mary Berry’s Foolproof Cooking 8:30pm Great British Menu 9:00pm Hairy Bikers Chicken and Egg 10:00pm Great Continental Railway Journeys 11:00pm Later Live... with Jools Holland 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am NFL

4:50am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. 8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Great Irish Journeys with Martha Kearney 9:00pm Great Barrier Reef 10:00pm Horizon Series exploring topical scientific issues. 11:00pm The Brain: A Secret History Series in which Dr Michael Mosley explores the brutal history of experimental psychology. 12:00am Natural World 1:00am Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams 2:00am In Their Own Words: 20th Century Composers 3:00am Darcey Bussell Dances Hollywood

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am Coronation Street 10:00am Coronation Street 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm Coronation Street 2:15pm Coronation Street 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Knocked Up 11:00pm FYI Daily 11:05pm Knocked Up 12:30am Family Guy 1:00am Family Guy 1:30am American Dad!

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am Man About the House 7:35am Heartbeat 8:40am Where the Heart is 9:40am Wild at Heart 10:40am Judge Judy 11:05am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 12:00pm Murder, She Wrote 1:00pm The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:10pm Wild at Heart 4:15pm Where the Heart is 5:20pm Man About the House 5:50pm You’re Only Young Twice 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Life of Crime 1:00am Wycliffe Drama series about a Cornwall police detective. 2:05am Law and Order: UK 3:00am ITV3 Nightscreen 3:30am Teleshopping

7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:35am

7:00am 7:10am 8:00am 8:50am 9:50am 10:55am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:30pm

3:55pm 4:55pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm 12:10am 12:15am 1:40am

King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Summary Posh Pawn Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News SU2C Location, Location, Location National Treasure Damned 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Hunted

Football Rivalries Magnum, P.I. The Chase The Sweeney Ironside Minder Magnum, P.I. The Chase The Car Chasers Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Reality series in which antiques experts bid on lockers. The Sweeney Minder Ironside Storage Wars Texas Reality series in which antiques experts bid on lockers. Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars River Monsters Benidorm Body of Lies FYI Daily Body of Lies Class of 92

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:20pm 4:20pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am

2:00am 4:05am 5:00am

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff House Doctor 5 News Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: New Orleans When Calls the Heart 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News House Doctor The Yorkshire Vet Eamonn and Ruth: How the Other Half Lives Extraordinary People The Hotel Inspector Returns Inside Broadmoor Years ago, a damning TV report on the notorious highsecurity hospital prompted major changes. Super Casino Love/Hate Criminals Caught on Camera

7:50am Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods 9:45am Sword of Vengeance 11:20am Exodus: Gods and Kings 2:00pm Jurassic World 4:15pm Stealth 6:25pm Night at the Museum 8:25pm Walking Tall 10:00pm Jurassic World 12:10am Max Payne

8:10am Office Space 9:45am Alien Autopsy 11:25am Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 1:05pm The Intern 3:15pm White Men Can’t Jump 5:15pm Mr Woodcock 6:50pm Ghostbusters II 9:00pm The Intern 11:10pm Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 12:50am Jackass: The Movie 2:30am The War of the Roses 4:30am Never Been Kissed

8:10am 8:40am 9:10am 9:40am 10:05am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:00am

Stage School Coach Trip Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Stage School The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Body Fixers Empire First Dates Abroad

7:00am A Promise Rebecca Hall stars as a married woman who falls for her ailing husband’s young protégé. 8:45am The 5th Wave 10:45am Black Mass Compelling crime drama starring Johnny Depp as notorious Boston gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. 1:00pm Extraction 2:35pm Sisters Tina Fey and Amy Poehler star as chalkand-cheese siblings bidding a chaotic goodbye to their family home. Crowdpleasing comedy with Maya Rudolph. 4:45pm The 5th Wave 6:45pm Black Mass 9:00pm Sisters 11:15pm Extraction 12:55am Continuum 2:35am Julia 4:15am Backtrack


7:00am Live ATP MastersShanghai 1000 4:00pm Boxing Gold 4:30pm Darts Gold 5:00pm Premier League Legends 5:30pm Football Gold 5:45pm Football Gold 5:55pm Football 8:00pm Football 11:00pm Football 11:30pm Spanish Gold 11:45pm Spanish Gold 12:00am La Liga World 12:30am Football 1:00am Football Slovenia host England at SRC Stozice in FIFA World Cup qualifying Group F. 1:30am Football 2:00am Football 2:30am Football 3:00am La Liga World A focus on all the big stories from Spain’s La Liga, including interviews, features and more. 3:30am The Premier League Years 5:30am Football’s Greatest Teams

7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am

10:30am 11:00am

12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:15pm 8:30pm 11:00pm 12:00am

Cricket Classics Time of Our Lives NFL Highlights Cricket’s Greatest Series profiling some of the greatest cricketers of all time. Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 Cricket South Africa play Australia at St George’s Park in the fourth ODI of the five-match series. CWC Classics Cricket Classics NFL Highlights Cricket Cricket Sporting Rivalries Cricket’s Greatest Cricket Top 14 Highlights Super Heroes: James Horwill Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Football Cricket Cricket


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Rip Off Britain 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Street Auction 12:45pm Thief Trackers 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:30pm Regional News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm Decimate 4:00pm Escape to the Country 4:45pm Going Back Giving Back 5:30pm Antiques Road Trip 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News 7:30pm Regional News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm The Great British Bake Off 10:00pm The Missing 11:00pm BBC News 11:30pm Regional News 11:40pm Weather 11:45pm A Question of Sport 12:15am Ambulance 1:15am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:20am BBC News

7:00am Street Auction 7:45am Thief Trackers 8:15am Going Back Giving Back 9:00am Great British Menu 9:30am The Severn Bridge at 50: A High Wire Act 10:00am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC Newsroom Live 12:30pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Lifeline 2:15pm The Edge 3:00pm Hi-De-Hi! 3:30pm Yes, Prime Minister 4:00pm To the Manor Born 4:30pm Wonders of the Monsoon 5:30pm The Link 6:15pm Flog It! 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Simply Nigella 8:30pm Great British Menu 9:00pm Coast Great Guides 10:00pm Horizon 11:00pm The Premier League Show 11:30pm Newsnight 12:10am Weather 12:15am No Such Thing as the News

4:30am This is BBC Four BBC Four is the BBC channel for people who want more. 8:00pm World News Today The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective. 8:30pm Great Irish Journeys with Martha Kearney 9:00pm Castles: Britain's Fortified History 10:00pm Britain's Lost Masterpieces 11:00pm The Incredible Story of Marie Antoinette's Watch with Nicholas Parsons 12:00am Lost Kingdoms of South America 1:00am The Last Explorers Archaeologist and writer Neil Oliver follows in the footsteps of four Scottish explorers. 2:00am Scotland's Vital Spark: The Clyde Puffer 3:00am Rosslyn Chapel: A Treasure in Stone

9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 2:55pm Local News and Weather 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm Who’s Doing the Dishes? 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm Local News and Weather 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm All Star Mr and Mrs 10:00pm Aberfan: The Young Wives Club 11:00pm ITV News 11:30pm Local News and Weather All the very latest local news and weather. 11:40pm Wedding Surprises Caught on Camera 12:40am British Touring Car Championships Highlights

7:00am Planet’s Funniest Animals 7:20am Dinner Date 8:10am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 9:00am Emmerdale 9:30am You’ve Been Framed! 10:30am Psych 11:20am Royal Pains 12:15pm Dinner Date 1:15pm Emmerdale 1:45pm You’ve Been Framed! 2:45pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:45pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 6:50pm Take Me Out 8:00pm You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Hell’s Kitchen 11:00pm The Ibiza Weekender 12:00am Family Guy 12:30am Family Guy 1:00am American Dad! 1:30am American Dad! 2:00am Two and a Half Men 2:30am Hell’s Kitchen

7:00am Man About the House 7:25am On the Buses 7:50am Heartbeat 8:50am Where the Heart is 9:50am Wild at Heart 10:45am Judge Judy 11:10am Judge Judy 11:35am Judge Judy 12:05pm Murder, She Wrote 1:00pm The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 2:05pm Heartbeat 3:10pm Wild at Heart 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm Man About the House 5:50pm You’re Only Young Twice 6:20pm On the Buses 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Law and Order: UK Crime drama based on the hit US series Law and Order. 12:00am Life of Crime 1:05am Wycliffe Drama series about a Cornish police detective. 2:10am Law and Order: UK

7:45am 8:10am 8:35am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:05pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am

7:00am 7:10am 8:00am 8:50am 9:50am 10:55am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:30pm 3:55pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:35pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 12:10am 1:50am 2:50am 3:45am 4:00am

King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Summary Posh Pawn at Christmas Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me My Kitchen Rules UK The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News SU2C Penelope Keith’s Hidden Villages Grand Designs It’s a Weird World 999: What’s Your Emergency?

7:00am 10:15am 12:15pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:20pm 4:20pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

Football Rivalries Magnum, P.I. The Chase The Sweeney Ironside Minder Magnum, P.I. The Chase Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas The Sweeney Minder Ironside Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Pawn Stars Pawn Stars When Football Changed Forever Car Crash Global Terminator 2: Judgment Day FYI Daily Terminator 2: Judgment Day The Big Fish Off Minder ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping Shopping from home.

1:15pm Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 3:50pm The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 5:55pm Days of Thunder 7:55pm Ant-Man 10:00pm Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 12:30am The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:05am 1:05am 2:00am 4:05am 5:00am 5:45am

Milkshake! The Wright Stuff House Doctor 5 News The Gadget Show Home and Away Neighbours NCIS When Calls the Heart 5 News Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Police Interceptors Gps Behind Closed Doors Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Undercover: Nailing the Fraudsters The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door On Benefits Super Casino Love/Hate Witches: A Century of Murder HouseBusters

8:10am 8:40am 9:10am 9:40am 10:05am 10:35am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:50pm 11:55pm 12:25am

8:05am Romancing the Stone 10:00am The Jewel of the Nile 11:55am Idiocracy 1:25pm The Cable Guy 3:10pm Twins 5:05pm Dumb and Dumber 7:00pm Dumb and Dumber 9:00pm Ghost Town 10:45pm Search Party 12:30am Jackass: Number Two 2:15am What About Bob? 4:05am Mountain Men 5:45am The Grass is Greener

7:00am 8:45am 11:00am 12:45pm

3:10pm 4:55pm 6:55pm 9:00pm

11:10pm 12:45am 2:25am 4:05am


Stage School Coach Trip Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Charmed Charmed The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Baby Daddy Baby Daddy The Goldbergs The Goldbergs The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hollyoaks Stage School Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Tattoo Fixers The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory

Girl on the Edge Sisters Extraction Black Mass Compelling crime drama starring Johnny Depp as notorious Boston gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. Extraction The 5th Wave Sisters Black Mass Compelling crime drama starring Johnny Depp as notorious Boston gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger. Colt .45 Continuum Julia A Promise Rebecca Hall stars as a married woman who falls for her ailing husband’s young protégé.

7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 8:30am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 1:25pm

9:30pm 9:45pm 10:00pm 10:15pm

10:30pm 10:45pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:00am 12:30am 1:00am 1:30am

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 8:30am 8:45am 9:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am

Super League Gold Super League Gold WWE Experience The Premier League Years Football Football The Premier League Years Cricket South Africa host Australia in the fifth and final ODI in the series at Newlands in Cape Town. Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs An in-depth look at one of Seb Coe’s finest moments. Sporting Triumphs Sporting Triumphs Football Football Football Football Football Football’s Greatest A profile of Barcelona and Spain midfielder Andres Iniesta.

Football Football Football Great Sporting Moments Great Sporting Moments Cricket Football Premier League Legends Series profiling some of the greatest players to grace the Premier League. Football Barclays Premier League World Wc Qualifiers Round Up Cricket Cricket Day five of the third Test as India host New Zealand at Holkar Stadium in Indore. Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Truth, frustration and mixed messages when her predecessor was the target of much criticism – for recently it’s been her turn as the target of considerable retaliation in rushed-out memoirs by aggrieved followers of David Cameron. But say what you will about Dave, and believe me I have, didn’t he reveal something unusual in politicians on leaving Number 10: some self-awareness? When Tony Blair left, it was all drama. When Dave left, he admitted self-effacingly: “I was the future once.” The brutal decision to fire the ‘Cameroons’ and appoint the three Brexiteers may be the canniest move Mrs May ever made… or be the act of sowing the seeds of destruction of her premiership. Only time will tell.

Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

HARD Brexit or soft Brexit? Should Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty be triggered now or later? There seems as much confusion in Britain as to its negotiating position and the timing of negotiations as there is frustration in Brussels. On the one hand, there’s international trade secretary, Liam Fox, making the case for hard Brexit – the UK outside the EU’s single market but with full control of its borders – and David Davis, the Brexit minister, saying much the same thing, while on the other, Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, stating that claims of an ‘automatic link’ between single market access and freedom of movement were “complete baloney.” (He was rebuked by Mrs May for urging the government to ‘get on’ with triggering Article 50). Who envies Mrs May? Not only

BORIS JOHNSON: Rebuked by Theresa May. does she have these three alphamale Brexiteers to keep on message but also has to come up with a negotiation package that will unify the country. One thing’s patently clear though: whatever it is, it won’t sat-

isfy everyone. A soft Brexit won’t appease the millions who voted Leave, who expect curbs on immigration and an end to contributions to the EU budget. For them, only a hard Brexit will do.

Vertical acceleration

RACY ROLLERCOASTER: The Ferrari attraction will hit 180kmh in five seconds. By Matthew Elliott FERRARI is set to build Europe’s fastest ever rollercoaster in Spain. Recruiting a Formula One test driver to work on the project, speed was never going to be an issue. The ‘vertical accelerator ’ will hit 180kmh in just five seconds and even boast more G-Force than a Formula One racer courtesy of the faster accelerations.

The Italian manufacturer has inked a deal with Catalonia theme park Port Adventura World to help build its very own Ferrarithemed park in the region with a €100 million investment. From surfing in the south to rock-climbing in Andalucia, Spain is fast making a name for itself as one of the best destinations on the planet for adrenaline junkies and thrill-seekers.

And what about the millions who voted Remain? A soft Brexit might go towards healing some wounds, a hard Brexit would leave them raw. Theresa May’s honeymoon period is well and truly over – a period

Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘No Way Back,’ ‘Landscape of Lies,’ ‘Retribution,’ ‘Soul Stealer,’ ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




Letters for Your Say should be emailed to or make your comments straight on our website:

We’re builders trying to be waiters ONE can only applaud Malaga Town Hall for the new Gran Hotel Miramar and the proposed port based 34-storey hotel potentially funded by Qatari investors. Hotels of these standards ‘could’ be the equal of any hotel in Madrid, Barcelona or further afield, and I for one cannot wait to have a luxury city break in one of these hotels even though we only live half an hour away. What I do worry about are the people that are going to staff these places. I find to my regret that many of the hotels and restaurants in Malaga and on the coast still have employees that are very much of the ‘dame y dime’ school of service that will just not do in such spectacular hotels. As a Malagueño friend of mine who is a sales rep in the city selling ‘embutidos’ said, five years ago we were all builders and now we are trying to be waiters! Best of luck to these projects and here’s to hoping that my scepticism is proved unfounded. Robert

Cyclist anger I READ with interest the article in Issue 1630 on the rules that govern cyclists. I have been waiting a long time for these issues to be clarified. I have asked people on many occasions why they proceed the wrong way down a one way street. I have been told to get a life and only this week called a tosser. I have on two occasions nearly been run down from behind and told to watch where I was walking. I live near Quesada, where Calle Los Arcos is rampant daily with such law breakers. This particular street is dangerous enough with motorists parking on both sides outside the old Post Office. Perhaps we might see some action by the Local Police? Philip

Fuengirola fightback REGARDING the ‘Tourist Prevention Police in Fuengirola’ letter from Stuart last week, who was complaining, in extremely rude language, that police had moved on a ‘two piece band’ who were playing in the port area, watched he said “by 200 people.” The port area has many bars thus each has a

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

Witless water wasters I CANNOT understand the mentality of people of all nationalities who live in a semi-desert region in one of the worst droughts for many years and who still think a good way to use water is to a) fill their swimming pools with a hosepipe and b) wash down their patios, terraces, windows and cars with a hosepipe. A hosepipe ban should be made across the region during such times as these and anyone caught using one should be fined on the spot. Also anyone without a valid annual receipt for a tanker of water to fill their pools should be fined double the cost of a tanker load on the spot for a first offence and then face prison if they persist in

very small area which they are licensed, and pay taxes, to use. Two hundred people would have swamped the area. I understand from enquiries I made the police are often called by bar owners to that area to move on the unlicensed performers when they attract too large a crowd. Far from interfering with the facilities which visitors might enjoy, the police were ensuring bylaws were enforced and complaints from bar owners were respected. We residents of Fuengirola are very proud of our very well kept, law-abiding town, which is enjoyed in safety by an increasing number of visitors, both music loving and others seeking more tranquil surroundings, whilst enjoying sitting by the sea. Elaine

doing so. Yes, they pay for it with their water bills but it is the quantity they use solely for personal pleasure in such times which causes a problem. Car washes are quick and cheap with only the minimum of water being used and what’s wrong with cleaning windows the old fashioned way with a bucket, a proprietary window cleaner or a steam cleaner? As for washing patios and terraces down why not use a brush or vacuum them? It’s quick and easy. Please stop and think before you turn on the tap - don’t take water for granted in such a cavalier way - it is the one thing we all need to survive. Jen, Almeria

Overseas pensioners IN response to the letter from Jan in Murcia in Issue no 1630. We, like many pensioners abroad, chose this lifestyle as we wanted to spend the rest of our lives in the sunshine and have a more active and better quality of life. The majority of pensioners in UK have this same choice to ‘up sticks and leave.’ Unfortunately the referendum was not a fair and democratic vote as a good many pensioners living abroad were not allowed to vote. How different the result might have been! I don’t think Mrs Middleton is self-

ish, she’s just concerned about her future, as are a good many. How would you feel if, through no fault of your own, you were told you had to leave Britain even though you had nowhere else to live? Printed in this newspaper is an article regarding pensioners having to return to UK due to Brexit, “the strain it would place on the NHS, social housing and other social benefits, should not be underestimated. Every overseas pensioner saves the UK government on average £1,575 per year because of NHS and benefit savings.” And there are thousands of overseas pensioners! No one knows what the outcome of Brexit will be. Only time will tell. Pat, San Fulgencio

Growing old disgracefully! ONE of the reasons I wanted to leave the EU was because of the lack of democracy and the power of a nonelected EU commission. However it seems there is no change. We now seem to be in a very similar situation with a non-elected prime minister. Theresa May was barely competent as home secretary tinkering with things and making change for the sake of change, rather than the need for change. Now here she is with a mandate from the Tory Party faithful and the pro-out campaigners, not necessarily representative of the view from the majority of people of the UK. I have been speaking to lots of people with a variety of political affiliations and it appears to be very likely Theresa May would not be the people’s choice. Corbyn is totally unelectable and has no chance of winning a general election so why not have one now and let the people decide who they want as prime minister? Yanto

Subtle slavery WHEN you think about it, western nations are bringing in uneducated, poor immigrants who will never integrate in western society. This is the same as modern slavery! With no language, skills or education and no prospects of having any, they are destined to be slaves. Working for poverty wages, if they can get a job. Or being used by controlling gangs in their own society under Sharia law. Kept virtual prisoners and trapped in ghettos. I can see future history telling the tales of the bringing in of economic slaves who were used to oil the gears of a failing ageing population and to work as domestic slaves for starvation wages. Viv

WHEN YOU WRITE All letters, whether by email or post, should carry the writer’s postal address, NIE and contact number though only the name and town will be published. Letters may also be edited. Readers who have missed earlier correspondence can see all letters posted on:

The views expressed and opinions given in Letters are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. They accept no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements, and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Alarm bells were ringing Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

I HAD been hearing alarm bells for some time. That’s nothing unusual where you have properties that remain unoccupied for months on end, often sounding false alarms. Some are so sensitive that a sparrow breaking wind in Alicante will trigger that infernal high pitched peeping that drives everybody nuts. But that’s not the type of alarm I am talking about. The kind I am referring to are the ones that had been going off as I left certain stores in the Zenia Boulevard shopping centre. I had become quite accustomed to being challenged leaving Zara Man which happened with such frequency, that when assistants came hurrying up to see who was half inching their gear, they simply shrugged and turned away when they saw it was

CONSTANT SEARCHES: By store security guards. yours truly. I was constantly being searched at Leroy Merlin as I left with my purchases. I got to know the security man quite well there, but he had his job to do, and he always

kindly but firmly asked to inspect my man bag. Yes I’ve got a man bag. Get over it. We tried testing my house and car keys, phone and anything else metallic that might be the culprit, on the scanner,

but all with a negative response. It was weird. Then last week the same thing happened as we were leaving Media Markt. We had simply been in to compare prices, but again that

familiar honking as we attempted to make our getaway. Leaving I mean. What did security think I had in my cute little man bag? A coffee machine or a 72” TV? But fair do’s, he was merely doing his job. But the whole mystery was solved a few minutes later in Marvimundo, from where the Princess needed to replenish some of her smelly stuff. Again that familiar sound as we attempted to leave. But with the usual fruitless search completed, a charming young lady assistant suggested that for my own peace of mind, she tested every single item in my bag. Bingo! It was my leather wallet. But why? On close inspection, deep down and sewn inside one of the compartments was a plastic doody with two slivers of metal inside. Its purpose is still a mystery, but having removed it, I can now leave shops without feeling like a master criminal.

US Department of State Wikimedia

9/11 families may sue Saudi Arabia John Smith Random thoughts... CONSIDERING the number of years western leaders have tried to cultivate the Saudi Arabian Royal Family, often seeming to humiliate themselves in order to stay friendly with this oil-rich desert kingdom, which is one of the mainstays of conservative Islam, it is interesting to see how opinion has so radically changed. Jeremy Corbyn has stated publically that if elected Prime Minister, one of his first acts will be to suspend arms sales to a number of countries throughout the world. The most prominent is Saudi Arabia which is using British-produced arms in its surrogate war with Iran and literally tearing Yemen apart. As new sources of oil become available with fracking and increased output from Iran as well as the development of decent electric motors for cars then Saudi domination of the oil market has been significantly eroded meaning it is no longer able to just bank its oil cash

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Meets Saudi Royal Family. but has to consider the world market and become somewhat more amenable. The big news however is that despite a veto by President Obama, the US Congress has backed a call for a new law which would allow the families of those who died in the terrible 9/11 attack to sue Saudi Arabia. This is causing ‘great concern,’ according to the Saudi foreign ministry which added: “The erosion of

sovereign immunity will have a negative impact on all nations, including the United States.” The argument which has been accepted by Congress, is that as 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals then it is reasonable to take action against their government although the Saudis deny having any involvement whatsoever in the attacks. Sovereign immunity is generally accepted in most countries and is




Generalitat de Catalunya Wikimedia

Carles Puigdemont.

Interesting times ahead WHILST a great deal of Spanish newspaper space has been given over to the rapidly disintegrating main left wing opposition party PSOE, two separatist groups have taken the opportunity to make their positions clear. With the former king, Juan Carlos in Colombia witnessing the signing of the peace treaty between the government there and the FARC rebel group, the Basque terrorist group ETA which announced a ceasefire in 2011, called for Spain to follow this example, release imprisoned ETA members and enter into a dialogue with the group concerning the future destiny of the Basque country. In the Catalonian parliament, a plan presented by President Carles Puigdemont to call a referendum on independence next September was approved, although it was forced upon them since the CUP party demanded it in return for its vote to accept the proposed 2016 Catalan government budget. The vote was tight at 72 for and 63 against and he is now committed to proceed in the knowledge the referendum is unlikely to be approved by the Cortes regardless of who is in power next year and that former president Artur Mas is to be prosecuted for holding an informal referendum last year. The latter part of this year will hopefully see a national ruling government in power, either because PSOE agree to allow Mariano Rajoy to form a minority government, PSOE manages to put together a coalition to take power or a third election takes place from which a government emerges. Whatever the result, expats in Spain can expect to see some very interesting developments in 2017.

something of an anachronism in as much as it effectively says that an individual or group is prohibited from taking legal action against an overseas government unless that government agrees the action can go ahead. This change will also affect most of Europe if the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is signed as it will allow American firms to sue European governments in the event that their laws hurt a company’s profits! Now, the decision by Congress removes this immunity within the USA but when a precedent is set, then it can spread very quickly and the USA will need to look at its own house to see whether it could be sued for damages in respect of any action it may have taken over the years. In a congressional election year, there could have been a loss of votes if individual congressmen or one of the two parties had been seen to vote down such an emotive issue. But it seems that the decision was more Now we emotional than rational and now want to many political observers are sughear your views. gesting that those same congressmen and women are having YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE second thoughts as they recog- YOUR OPINION nise the immensity of their sion.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




Word Ladder



for next 7 days


Move from the start word (SENT) to the end word (RAIN) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.








Fri Sat Sun -


Mon - 24 18 Sh Tues - 24 18 Sh Wed - 24 17 C

27 19 Cl 27 19 C 25 19 C

Fri Sat Sun -

Almeria TODAY:

MAX 26C, MIN 20C



Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 24 18 Sh Tues - 24 18 C Wed - 25 18 C

28 19 Cl 26 20 Cl 25 20 Cl

time alone then these plans cannot be changed.

This is an important week for both your physical health and your mental well-being. Because of things beyond your control, you may have let your diet or exercise slip. Having sorted out any problems that side-tracked you, there is a need to be particularly strong.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) This is a week to let yourself be heard. Be it writing letters, sending emails, making phone calls or making conversation, you must express yourself. Being honest and outspoken need not mean upsetting people. Think of the way that a child gets its point over.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) The importance of making the right choices is clear to you. Where to begin seems to be a sticking point. Starting by taking away the things you really do not want is essential. Be practical and logical.

outcomes can be quirky. People change their minds, technology doesn't work, phone calls don't come. Be assured, however, that if you keep your sense of the absurd it could all be quite amusing. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) When it comes to throwing wobblers, please don't. It is so important this week to stay cool and unruffled. Change nothing that you can avoid changing.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) Having problems with that new computer? Fallen foul of the new mobile phone? That wouldn’t be surprising this week. As you are prone to mistakes and misunderstandings, try not to tackle anything vital.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) Getting together with others to entertain is sure to be successful after the 26th. Before that there may be some irritations, particularly with people who refuse to be positive and make decisions. Those moving house or going on a journey need a lot of patience, and forward planning is essential.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) The prospect of travel sets you thinking. Have you been spending too much time considering others? Should you take steps now to get


Saturday October 1

Saturday October 1

















EURO MILLIONS Tuesday September 27


9 39

13 41




Friday September 30


35 43

37 44



Mon - 23 14 C Tues - 24 15 C Wed - 23 16 C


Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 23 19 Sh Tues - 23 19 Sh Wed - 23 18 Sh

S Sun,

MAX 31C, MIN 18C



27 19 C 26 19 Sh 25 18 Sh



Cl Clear,

F Fog,

Sh Showers,

Sn Snow,


29 17 C 28 17 C 27 17 C

Mon - 24 15 Sh Tues - 26 16 Sh Wed - 25 15 C

C Cloudy, Th Thunder

How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case R) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.


TARGET: • Average: 25 • Good: 35 • Very good: 50 • Excellent: 64

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION gelt, gent, gift, gilt, glen, ling, nigh, ting, eight, feign, fight, fling, genii, glint, hinge, ingle, legit, light, neigh, night, thegn, thing, tinge, feting, filing, flight, hieing, ignite, length, tiling, tingle, felting, hefting, lifting, lighten, lignite, nightie, NIGHTLIFE


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.



25 15 Cl 25 15 C 23 15 C



LEO (July 24 - August 23) Going over old ground is counter-productive. There is nothing to be gained from repeating methods that did not work in the past. If it is not possible to find a fresh approach then seek the opinions of others.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Although you have the feeling that younger members of the family are not interested in your point of view, this is far off the mark. They, in their inexperience, may not know how best to approach you in this regard.

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) This month, there is much to be cele-brated. So much has happened in the latter part of the year. Certainly, congratulations are in order. When you have made such an effort and are rewarded for it, satisfaction is high.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) You are in for a bit of a bumpy ride this week. Some things will go well but other

CANCER (June 22 - July 23) With the best will in the world it is only possible to spend money once. We are all guilty of trying to get over this truth, but it never works. Have patience when looking to improve your possessions.

Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 34 24 Th Tues - 34 24 Th Wed - 35 24 Th

Benidorm TODAY: Fri Sat Sun -

(September 24 - October 23)



34 24 Th 34 24 Th 34 24 Th






Saturday October 1

Sunday October 2











12 35

34 40







Mon - 24 16 S Tues - 23 15 C Wed - 24 16 C

Answers 1. AER LINGUS, 2. SEVEN (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1996), 3. The highest PEAKS/MOUNTAINS in Ireland, 4. HIBERNIA, 5. GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH, 6. PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON, 7. SHERGAR, 8. CORK, 9. MARY ROBINSON, 10. BALLET/DANCE






26 17 Cl 26 17 S 25 16 Cl



Fri Sat Sun -

Mon - 23 10 S Tues - 22 10 C Wed - 21 10 C



Barcelona TODAY:


27 11 S 26 11 C 25 10 S



Fri Sat Sun -




6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition


Code Breaker

Quick Across 1 Not often (6) 3 Fasten together (6) 8 Comprehend completely (7) 10 Lag behind (5) 11 Expenses (5) 12 Absence of sound (7) 13 Conceals (5) 15 Containing nothing (5) 20 Watch (7) 22 Coach (5) 24 Gain knowledge (5) 25 Make good (7) 26 Obligations (6) 27 Law-abiding (6) Down 1 Rigidly accurate (6) 2 Shows the way (5) 4 Whole amount (5) 5 Opposed to (7) 6 Assisted (6) 7 Compact (5) 9 Edition (5)







Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 3 represents S and 16 represents M, so fill in S every time the figure 3 appears and M every time the figure 16 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

1 Sinks, 4 Admirer, 8 Ingredients, 9 Turnover, 10 Heat, 12 Brandy, 13 Voices, 16 Area, 18 Brisbane, 21 Greengrocer, 22 Endless, 23 Earns. Down: 1 Shift, 2 Nigeria, 3 Steroids, 4 Abides, 5 Mint, 6 Rosie, 7 Rebates, 11 Construe, 12 Bramble, 14 Chaucer, 15 Trunks, 17 Edged, 19 Earls, 20 Gene.

QUICK Across: 14 Immediate (7) 16 Legendary tales (5) 17 Made less hot (6) 18 Very tired (5)

English - Spanish

1 Simple, 3 Useful, 8 Largest, 10 Rules, 11 Maybe, 12 Approve, 13 Hurts, 15 Cross, 20 Examine, 22 Begin, 24 Raise, 25 Sunrise, 26 Humble, 27 Sweets.

19 Clothe with insignia of office (6) 21 Kitchen appliance (5) 23 At a higher position than (5)


The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

1 Solemn, 2 Marry, 4 Scrap, 5 Follows, 6 Listen, 7 Steam, 9 Event, 14 Uranium, 16 Robin, 17 Search, 18 Least, 19 Enters, 21 Ideal, 23 Guide.

Across 1 Nightmare (9) 7 Juez (5) 8 Cockerel (5) 9 Radiación (9) 13 Acordar (5) 15 Only (5) 16 Great grandfather (9)

ENGLISH-SPANISH Across: 1 Lavadero, 7 Coins, 8 Traje, 10 Scab, 11 Roer, 14 Opaco, 15 Abajo, 16 Profesor.

Down 1 Straw (agriculture ) (4) 2 Cider (5) 3 Sixteen (9) 4 Bombilla (5,4) 5 Todo (en su totalidad) (3) 6 Cuervo (4) 10 Aceituna (5) 11 Bebé (4) 12 Well (for water) (4) 14 Costilla (3)



Down: 2 Ahijada, 3 Also, 4 Este, 5 Beetroot, 6 Scissors, 9 Avocado, 12 Topo, 13 Gate.

Cryptic The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (RETAIN) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Brutal, 2 Enable, 3 Bateau, 4 Hereby, 5 Pellet, 6 Hoarse, 7 Freest, 8 Ghetto, 9 Deface, 10 Specie, 11 Sleigh, 12 Neater, 13 Chisel, 14 Deceit, 15 Grille, 16 Excuse, 17 Gazing, 18 Usable, 19 Bridge

Across 1 Former lover modelled in the open (7) 5 Today I join the EU and say farewell to the French (5) 8 Do come back to Spain for a poem (3) 9 Forgive for breaking axe on tree (9) 10 Waste second tablet (5) 11 Exhibit a fast train (7) 12 Finishes ahead of crazy beast (5) 14 Earliest evergreen found by holy man (5) 19 Priest is around a power plant (7) 21 Wait to start a tennis match (5) 22 Block news to all by mistake (9) 23 Expert in bracelets (3) 24 Court orders corsets (5) 25 Kindly get pudding for heartless lady (7) Down 1 Self-love in San Diego is mutual (6) 2 Accurate summary at the end of June (7) 3 She will be a hard case (5) 4 Goes on and on about one in doctor's (6) 5 Had pile repaired for a London theatre (7) 6 The brigand, needing no introduction, is very angry (5) 7 Use any doctor if anxious (6)

13 Del Boy's family have no registered Rolls (7) 15 Helper raves about centre of fountain (7) 16 Judge ways to make appointments (6) 17 Really fears what head of department

studies (6) 18 In this place some youngsters start religious dissent (6) 20 A halo used as a greeting (5) 21 Explain Costa del Sol vegetable smuggling (5)


E W N Costa Blanca South

6 - 12 October 2016





Advertising feature

Early screening helps you to protect yourself OCTOBER is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Medcare British GP practice on the Costa Blanca is doing its bit by providing subsidised mammograms. Throughout the month, Medcare is offering mammograms at the special price of €65, which is less than half the usual price. Medcare GP, Dr Najma Hussain said: “Too many women are dying from breast cancer, yet if caught early, before the cancer has spread, treatments can be very effective. Mammograms can detect cancer before any physical symptoms appear and remain the best way to diagnose breast cancer at the earliest stage, therefore saving lives.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, affecting around 50,000 women each year.

Thanks to screening, research and better treatments, more than 80 per cent of women with breast cancer are still alive five years after diagnosis. Yet, about 11,500 women and 80 men die from the disease each year. Many of these deaths could be avoided with earlier diagnosis. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is supported by all the major breast cancer charities. There are many ways to support the event, from fundraising to wearing pink to show your support on ’Wear It Pink Day’ on October 21, and of course, you can mark it by protecting yourself with a mammogram. Cervical cancer is the second most common female cancer, and Medcare GP clinics in Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi are urging

women to come forward for cervical smear tests as well as mammograms. Almost 2,000 lives are saved every year in the UK by the cervical screening programme, yet many more deaths could be prevented if all women attended their screening appointments. As with breast cancer, cervical cancer responds well to treatment if caught early. If it goes undiagnosed for too long it is a killer. Dr Hussain said: “Cervical screening is so successful it can actually detect abnormal cells even before they become malignant. It is a simple test, yet many women are missing out.” Dr Hussain also expresses concern for the many British expats living in Spain who are not being screened for cervical

cancer. “We don’t have exact figures, but there is a very real fear that many expat women in Spain are not attending for tests. This may be because they do not understand what is available under the Spanish health system, or it may be because they do not have public health cover. Whatever the reason, by not attending for this simple test they are putting their lives at risk.” Medcare performs cervical smears at its clinics in Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi. Anyone can book a smear, you do not have to be registered as a patient with Medcare, so call now to book your appointment. Medcare Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi Tel: 966 860 258 Visit: Email:


More donors sign up SINCE 2013 and the launch of the National Plan, the Spanish Registry of Bone Marrow Donors (REDMO) has exceeded 200,000 donors one year ahead of schedule, and will close 2016 with a quarter of a million donors. There are around 120 new donors a day who also automatically go onto the World Register, where they are available to any patient in the world. This has helped a donor be found for patients within an average of 33 days in 90 per cent of cases. Acute Leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma are the main diseases that may benefit from a bone marrow transplant. In Spain each year around 5,000 people are diagnosed with acute Leukaemia and around 7,000 with lymphoma. Leukaemia is the most common childhood cancer and in many of these cases,

bone marrow transplantation is the only hope as it replaces diseased cells with healthy cells from a donor. But how can you become a bone marrow donor? The National Transplant Organisation establishes a series of requirements to ensure maximum success. Donors must be aged between 18 and 55 (although people on the register can be donors up to 60 years of age), and be healthy and not suffering from any disease likely to be transmitted to the receiver. The only side effect of bone marrow donation is the possible pain of the puncture site where the marrow is taken, which usually disappears within 48 hours and is controlled with common analgesics. As it is performed in the operating room under general anaesthesia, it has the same risks as any operation.

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


More spots, less wrinkles SUFFERING from acne can be pretty miserable, especially during those difficult adolescent years, but sufferers can take heart that come middle age they may be the envy of their peers. British research has revealed that acne sufferers’ cells have built-in protection against ageing that is likely to keep them looking younger later in life. A team from King’s College London, studied tiny structures called telomeres, caps on the ends of chromosones that protect the DNA from damage. Thought of as tiny biological clocks, telomeres get shorter during the ageing process and eventually become so short that cells die. Studies have found men and women with long telomeres tend to be biologically younger than those of the same age but with shorter ones, and these telomeres were significantly longer in those who had a spotty adolescence. The King’s College study

ACNE SUFFERERS: Have built-in protection against ageing. measured the telomeres in the white blood cells of more than 1,200 twins, a quarter of whom had suffered from acne. The team hope that by

learning more about the genetic process it could help in the development of acne drugs, as well as anti-ageing treatments.


Ask The Doctor

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

Brought to you by

Poor posture

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. POOR posture results from certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak, which often occurs as a result of one’s daily activities. There are different factors which can impact on posture, and these include occupational activities and biomechanical factors such as force and repetition. Workers who have higher job stress are more likely to develop neck and shoulder symptoms. What long and shortterm effects can an incorrect posture have? Co r r e c t si t t i n g a n d walking posture is essential in keeping our spine and other joints healthy. In fact, adopting an incorrect posture can cause prob l e m s i n b o t h th e short and long-term. It can start with backaches and muscle spasms but ove r t i m e c a n d e v e lo p into much more severe disorders such as hernias and slipped discs.

th is . It is a ls o rec o mme n d e d to mo v e y o u r le g s re g u la rly a n d to stand up often to stretch both the back and legs.

What posture is recomm e nde d f o r o ffice workers who sit for excessive periods of time? Office workers or people wh o a r e si t t i n g fo r long p e r i o d s o f time must maintain a posture in which the back is as straight as possible, if pos si b l e wi t h a p r o p er chair that helps support

Can poor posture be associated with older people taking falls? Older people lose musc le mas s an d to n e, s o this often causes them to have a bad sitting posture causing back proble ms . In a d v a n ce d a n d s e v ere c a s e s th is ca n cause the elderly to have frequent falls.

Are there are any exercises that can be done to improve posture? T h e firs t th in g is to maintain proper posture so it is less likely comp lica tio n s w ill o c c u r. Any e x erc is e s to strengthen the back muscles will also help to prevent injuries.

If you have any questions for Dr Perez Belmonte, please send them to:

Babies are hard A NEW report has revealed that 35 per cent of UK parents were not prepared in the slightest for how hard having a baby would be. Almost half, 49 per cent, said the y fe lt s hoc ke d a s the y a djus te d to the ir ne w lifestyle. The re s e a rc h w a s c ommissioned by toy company ‘Little Tikes,’ and quizzed 1,500 UK parents in their first year of parenting. The poll found the hardest part of being a parent is the constant tidying up (25 per cent), closely followed by bedtime issues, including the sleepless nights (22 per cent), and the battle to get the ba by to s le e p (14 pe r cent). O ve r a third a dmitte d they only enjoyed being a

Three-parent baby born THE world’s first ‘three-parent baby’ has been born in Mexico. The baby boy was born using a revolutionary technique that combines the genes of three parents. He carries DNA from both his parents, but also a tiny piece of genetic code from a donor, that avoided him inheriting a genetic condition from his Jordanian mother. The technique is controversial and was engineered by a US medical team who treated the mother and her husband in Mexico, where there are no laws to block the procedure. Embryologists believe this birth should fast-forward progress around the world, offering hope to millions who face the prospect of delivering terminally ill children. However those opposed to it have questioned whether the techniques have been used before, but are only now being reported as this one was successful.

parent ‘some of the time.’ However, on the flip side, the survey found the smallest things the most rewarding, with 38 per cent of res ponde nts s a ying tha t seeing their little one smile was the most fulfilling feeling, giving it a happiness rating of 8.5 out of 10. Pa re nts a ls o s a id the y spent around 2,263 hours holding the ir ba by in the first year, which equates to over six hours a day. Almost three quarters, 73 per cent, said that during the first year with a new baby they feel pressure from friends and family to be a ‘perfect’ parent, and 66 per c e nt of pa re nts s a id the y regularly get annoyed with others on social media who portray a perfect family.




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Ride a roller coaster to pass kidney stones RIDING a roller coaster could be the most pain-free and cost-efficient way to pass kidney stones. That’s according to a team at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, who rode Disney World’s top rides 60 times to test their theory. They rode three roller coasters 60 times in a row with a model kidney and three different sized kidney stones to see if it helped to stimulate passing kidney stones. By the end, they concluded it did. Independent of kidney stone volume and location, findings by the researchers showed sitting in the back of the roller coaster resulted in a passage rate of 63.89 per cent, compared to a passage rate of 16.67 when sat in the front seat of rides. The urologist behind the study said that the study supports the anecdotal evidence that a ride on a moderate-intensity roller coaster could

benefit some patients with small kidney stones. “Passing a kidney stone before it reaches an obstructive size can prevent surgeries and emergency room visits.”

THRILLING TREATMENT: Take a ride to get rid of kidney stones.



Recognising women in business BUSINESS women (and men) are being recognised on the Costa Blanca. The Business Women Recognition Awards, sponsored by HiFX, aim to recognise and reward exceptional women and men, who through their dedication to business, networking and community engagement are striving to be ahead of the game and standing out from the crowd. Nominations are now being accepted in the categories of Business Start Up; Customer Start Up; Community/Charity Worker (male or female); Behind the Scenes (male or female); Health and Beauty; Rising Star; Mentor of the Year and Outstanding Business Woman. Nomination forms can be obtained from www.gmpro and winners will be announced at a gala awards dinner at Venta La Chata, Calpe, in December.

6 - 12 October 2016


Costa Blanca South




Final farewell as local charity founder returns to the UK By Gemma Elvins-Quinn CHARITY founder Pauline Prior is sadly saying goodbye to AAN (Ayuda Al Neccesitado De San Fulgencio) as she steps down as president of the charity and embarks on a new life back in the UK. AAN helps support and provide for the many families in the San Fulgencio municipality who are on the verge of poverty, struggling to put food on the table and clothe their children. For Pauline, it started in 2014 when the Councillor for the Urbanisations at the time told her about the amount of people who were struggling and approaching social services for help. Appalled at what was literally happening on her doorstep, Pauline started fundraising for them and to raise money to purchase general food supplies which the town hall then distributed to those who needed it. The charity has expanded and

NEW PRESIDENT: Jan (rt) takes over AAN as Pauline heads back to the UK. grown since then and with the small army of volunteers and support from local residents they are now

providing over â‚Ź2,000 worth of food parcels each month. Pauline has been in Spain over 12

years and started charity work 11 years ago, but now, much to the loss of the local community in San Fulgencio and La Marina, Pauline is saying adios to Spanish shores and moving to Hastings after her husband Peter got offered a job managing a local pub. Pauline has now finished working in the charity shop and Jan Castleton is taking over at the helm. Jan has been working with Pauline since AAN started and helped her set up the charity so it is in good hands. Jan is keen to stress AAN is open for business as normal and they are looking forward to launching their Christmas shoe box campaign and hosting a fashion show on October 26 at the shop at 1pm and the Christmas Fair on November 17 at Plaza 39. The charity shop is open Monday to Friday from 10am-2pm and 10am-1pm Saturdays.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South

It’s up, up and away BREAST Cancer Awareness D a y, is be ing ma rke d on Sunday October 9 at Zenia Boulevard shopping centre in La Zenia. From midday a range of entertainers will be on stage a s M a ria Wils on a nd the Pink Ladies will be selling their pink balloons before the annual release at 7pm. The owner of the balloon that travels the furthest and the ta g is re turne d by the finde r, w ill w in a c a s h prize. All money raised on the da y a nd through the purchase of balloons, will go to the AECC cancer charity to help in research and prevention of the deadly disease.


Volunteers are the backbone of local charity By Gemma Elvins-Quinn HELP Vega Baja volunteer Pat Milligan is part of the Hospital Visiting Team and spends many hours supporting patients and their families at the Vega Baja hospital. Feeling that she would like to do even

We are extremely fortunate to have such a great team of volunteers.” more, Pat is often found organising fundraising events, particularly in the Catral area. Recently she hosted a night with Abba Elite in Catral in aid of HELP Vega Baja. It was a well-supported event where everyone not only enjoyed the ever popular music of Abba, but at the same time knew that they were supporting a great cause. As a result of the night, Pat presented HELP Vega Baja

President, Michele Masson, with €500 which will be used to help those people in need throughout the Vega Baja area. Michele Masson said: “We are extremely fortunate that we have such a great team of volunteers and we would like to thank Pat for not only being such a dedicated volunteer with our charity, but also to recognise the fundraising she does quietly in the background for so many good causes. “Volunteers are very special people and although I am here to accept the donation on behalf of the charity, there should be no mistaking that it is the tremendous efforts that go on in the background by volunteers such as Pat that ensures we are able to continue to support people in the area when they need us as we have for the past 35 years.” For more information on HELP Vega Baja, visit or email of or call 966 723 733, Monday to Friday between 10am and 1.30pm.


ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST: Halloween event launched in Torrevieja.

Zombies prepare to invade La Mata By Gemma Elvins-Quinn LA MATA will be taken over by zombies on October 31. Following the success of last year ’s ‘zombie holocaust’ in Torrevieja, this year the event moves to La Mata for Halloween. Councillor for Culture, Alejandro Blanco, said: “This is a live role playing

game where participants immerse themselves fully into a unique experience, in a bleak environment in which they will have to perform various tests to continue their adventure and survive all night surrounded by zombies.” The councillor added that this year they will also have activities during the day that

will try to include things for different age groups. Horacio Zon from organisers Creative Live Experience, said this edition “will be a much more realistic and dynamic experience.” Around 800 people are expected to take part and tickets, costing €25 for survivors, are on sale via

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Will Scrooge repent his miserly ways? TICKETS are selling fast for ‘A Christmas Carol; the Musical.’ Studio 32’s winter production is on stage at the Cardenal Bellugal Theatre in San Fulgencio on November 30 and December 1 -3 with doors opening at 7pm. Tickets cost €9. Be prepared for fun, hilarity, love, a wonderful Dickens storyline, lots of song and dance, and first class entertainment as this talented company bring full-scale musical theatre to the festive season. Keeping true to the original Dickens’ tale Scrooge is taken back to his past by the first Ghost of Christmas, witnessing the joy and fun of ‘making merry’ at Christmas. Mr and Mrs Fezziwig (played by Mervyn Williams and Bev McEwan) entertain their employees on Christmas Eve with their Annual Christmas Ball, an actionpacked song and dance number featuring the whole company.

REHEARSAL TIME: Mr and Mrs Fezziwig played by Mervyn Williams and Bev McEwan. Bev is an experienced actress who has played many roles, including Ado Annie in Studio 32’s production of ‘Oklahoma!’ last year. She is partnered by newcomer to the company Mervyn Williams, playing the bubbly full-of-life character of Mr Fezziwig. Will memories of Fezziwig’s Annual Christmas Ball help

Scrooge to repent of his miserly ways? To find out book your seat for this original entertaining show. Studio 32 will be supporting the Alzheimer’s Association once again with a donation made to the charity following the performances. For tickets call 642 080 258 or email tickets@studiothirtyt For more information

on Studio32 and their productions past and present, including theatre seating plan and reserved ticket status, visit Tickets are also available from the Tourist Information, La Marina; Cards and More, La Marina; The Card Place, Benijofar and Kennedy Supermarket in Los Montesinos.

The nice guys THIS week’s film showing at the cinema in Pilar de l a Hor adada i s ‘ The Ni ce Guys’ showi ng tonight (Thursday) at 7pm and Saturday October 8 at 5pm. Starring Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling, it tells the story of a mismatched pair of private eyes investigating the apparent suici de of a por n st ar i n 1970s Los Angeles. Next week’s film showing on Thursday and Sat-

urday at the same time is this year’s new version of ‘The Jungle Book.’ Tickets cost €5 and the cinema is located in the Duplex Espacio Cultural in Calle Canalejas, 4. To keep updated on the latest films and monthly specials such as classics and children’s films, search Cinemapilar on Facebook or visit http://cinemapilar.

Coffee and cake celebrations THE DEBRA Butterfly Children Charity is hosting a coffee morning tomorrow (Friday). The event is hot on the heels of the successful butterfly ball which raised over €6,000 for the charity and it is hoped the coffee morning will bring in more funds. All customers old and new are invited to the La Marina DEBRA charity shop between 10.30am-2pm where they will be serving free tea, coffee and home-made cakes. The annual event also marks the ninth anniversary of the opening of the La Marina shop.


6 - 12 October 2016


Costa Blanca South

The property expert

IMPROVEMENTS can increase the value of your home and make daily life much more comfortable. Normally the first room to get a makeover is the kitchen. Many EWN readers will be planning ahead and want improvements to be completed for end of the year celebrations, so there’s no time to waste. Over the next few weeks I will be giving you my top tips. Here’s my kitchen improvements dos and don’ts: 1. Leave cabinets. Don’t: throw out old kitchen cabinets if they are in good condition. Do: save money and time by fitting new cabinet doors, draw-

er fronts, handles and hinges. 2. For a small kitchen. Don’t: use dark wall or floor colours or dark coloured work tops. Do: fit light coloured doors and window blinds. Install lighting under wall units and good lighting to the ceiling to brighten up a small space. 3. Budget before you start. Don’t: forget that moving electrical, plumbing, gas connections and walls, is expensive. Do: save money by designing your new kitchen to have new appliances, sink, etc. in the same place or as close as possible to existing connections. 4. Be safe. Don’t: DIY on electrical, gas or plumbing work. Do: employ professional tradesmen to carry out work makeing sure you have an annual safety inspection certificate for home electrics and gas


V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M

Plan and budget for home improvements John Graham


appliances, system and connections. Also, your kitchen should have a fire blanket, extinguisher and first aid box. 5. Efficient recycling. Do: fit recycling bins next to your kitchen for paper, plastic, rubbish, light bulbs and old batteries. 6. If you have the space. Do: fit a breakfast bar and stools, it’s an ideal space for children to snack and for guests to enjoy pre-dinner drinks. Don’t: knock down walls to make a breakfast bar unless a professional builder has checked you can do so safely, you may need to fit metal or concrete reinforced beams. 7. Left over budget. Do: give your kitchen a touch of luxury, add a wine cabinet, flat screen TV or quality coffee machine, every day will also be more fun. Contact John by email


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


London on the verge

BURST BUBBLE: London is one of the cities at risk.

THE only real surprise is the word ‘second’. A ‘bubble index’ designed by banking leviathan UBS suggests London has the second most over-valued property market in the world. Only Vancouver is worse according to the Swiss bank, which notes an invasion of Chinese buyers has pushed the Canadian to the brink. Hong Kong, Munich, Stockholm and Sydney have

also been declared at serious risk of a property bubble burst by UBS economists who point to price hikes in excess of 50 per cent in just five years as symptomatic of the problem. In fact the report finds all t he Eur opean ci t i es analysed are vastly overvalued, with prices bearing l i t t l e cor r el at i on t o l ocal economic conditions and inflation rates. USB admit property bubbles can’t be proven until they burst but are adamant the situation is fragile for par t i cul ar l y over val ued markets. All it would take to tip a city over the edge would be a slight change in interest rates or international capital flow, which could happen any time in an increasingly volatile financial system.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Big Sam’s villa WITH a sterling 100 per cent victory record former England manager Sam Allardyce left the post by ‘mutual consent’ after he was caught up in an undercover sting operation orchestrated by the Daily Telegraph. His comments on ‘getting around’ third-party ownership rules, and willingness to take a €500,000 gig as a ‘keynote speaker’ for a fictitious Singapore-based consortium, were the final straw for the beleaguered FA. But Allardyce doubtless has an eye for a deal and runs a lucrative set of assets and directorships away from the game. Chief among them is his ‘refuge from the madness of football,’ a €1.75 million hillside villa on the Costa Blanca. It took two years for the former Bolton defender to get the home built but he described it as well worth the wait and denied claims it was named Casa St James after

HILLSIDE VILLA: A luxury asset for Sam to escape to. being paid for in 2007 by a multimillion pound severance deal from Newcastle. It does, however, have a sandstone sign nailed to the wall which welcomes visitors to ‘Big Sam’s Villa,’ allegedly stuck up by a cheeky builder.

With the obligatory outdoor pool, BBQ, white stone pillars and a Buddha statue, the Moraira property keeps Big Sam close to his sporting neighbours Chris Eubank and Terry Venables who have homes close by.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South






Advertising feature

Prepare for the winter with Neater Heater WITH summer coming to an end it makes good sense to start thinking about your winter heating, especially for those expats who would like to use their Spanish holiday homes all year round, rather than just for the summer. We also urge new owners who have just moved to Spain this year, to consider their winter heating. All fuel costs are rising steadily whether you choose gas, oil, or electricity; it pays to make sure that whichever system you decide upon is efficient and economical. Remember: efficient means it does the job, and economical means it cheap to run. Many systems are one OR the other, but Neater Heaters are both. Neater Heaters are made in Norway, where they benefit from Scandinavian styling, and modern, state-of-the-art, design and materials. Whether wall-mounted or free-standing, you have the confidence that these heaters will be providing a more cost-effective efficient heat output than any of their rivals. Our ADAX standard panel heater offers the customer a cheaper option to the stylish BEHA heater, without compromising on the running efficiency and reliability that we have come to associate with Norwegian systems. Neater Heater can also offer the stylish Neo

EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL: As well as being stylish. range for people with a more colourful outlook on life. At the moment the customer can choose to have their Neo heaters in one of four colours: white, black, silver and red. “By offering the Adax range as well as the Beha range, we believe that we have all bases covered when it comes to electric convector

heating,” says Tony. “Customers can now browse our website, or visit one of our distributors, and select a heater that totally suits their circumstances, whether it is a stylish Beha or Neo heater or a more utilitarian, but cheaper, Adax standard panel heater.” Buying now, allows you the comfort of hav-

NEATER HEATER DISTRIBUTORS: COSTA BLANCA SOUTH BENIJOFAR: Vincent Real Estate. Tel. 966 712 440 QUESADA:The Electrical Shop (Euronics). Tel: 966 188 169 NORTH TORREVIEJA: For home inspections call Colin. Tel. 636 537 338 TORREVIEJA: S J & A. Digital. Tel. 966 319 253 BLUE LAGOON: The Electrical Shop (Euronics). Tel. 966 188 170 MURCIA PROVINCE Nigel & Anne home inspections Tel. 660 893 861 SOUTH TORREVIEJA: For home inspections call Edmund. Tel. 966 765 552 Heaters also available for purchase at our online shop with free home delivery WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES OR Tel. 634 312 171 ing plenty of time to investigate our heaters against all others. We know the ones you will probably choose, as we made the same choice ourselves many years ago. In fact; we were so impressed we started a company.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



Pomegranate cultivation THE fruits of the trees of the Mediterranean garden are bountiful at this time of year. If you have some land to grow trees there is a rich variety of fruit trees to grow here. Lack of rain in many areas over summer has meant that many trees fruits are smaller than usual this year, even when they were irrigated. Natural rainfall provides the best watering as it is richer in atmospheric nitrogen which evaporates or dissipates when water is stored. Figs, quinces, grapes, olives, persimmons, pistachios, prickly pears, walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, and pomegranates are all in their fruiting season now. Many temperate fruits such as peach and apple may also be grown in Spain in protected zones but they nearly always require consideration of environmental impacts on the plants that will demand more care to produce good fruit. If you want an easy to grow fruit for your garden or even in a pot for your balcony or terrace, few are as hardy as a self pollinating pomegranate. The red pear shaped or lamp like flowers of the pomegranate are a treasure in themselves to be present in any garden, with the fruit being a bonus. To grow one, select a good, sweet, soft seeded variety, such as Mollar, or one recommended for your area as it is very important. Pomegranate fruit can be very tart if wilder varieties are grown and the fruit is usually smaller. Seeds can be soft or very hard by variety selection. To plant, it is best to prepare a large hole filled with compost and the original soil mixed together before setting out in the ground or for containers, a good potting mixture. Pomegranates need care with watering for the first year but when established they are

Grafinata Shutterstock

By Graeme Tyrrell

EASY TO GROW: The pomegranate tree. very drought resistant. Pruning should be in winter after fruit has finished ripening and harvested. Remove the excess centre growth and shape to the form required, usually three to six main branches. Remember to remove the dried fruit to reduce the chance of pests and disease for the next season and cut away suckers at the base of the trunk. The fruit is really a berry and it is the seed

sac or arils that are eaten or squeezed to obtain the juice. The fruit is very precise on harvest time. It will not ripen off the tree and should be picked when it reaches maturity but before it cracks. After picking, let the unopened fruit dry a little as this will

concentrate the sugars, making it sweeter. The fruit’s leathery skin gave the ability to be transported easily and it was used by desert travellers as a food and water source in ancient days. The Phoenicians traded with pomegranates throughout the Mediterranean regions from Persia, helping to spread it through these regions. The Spanish introduced it to America. We are fortunate to have a perfect climate to easily grow this fruit of paradise.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


Advertising feature

Stay cool with Cool Glass They also have frosted film that can be used for glass balconies.

WHY have window film installed in your home or office? There are numerous benefits to the product including keeping heat out and reducing glare and Cool Glass Tinting gives seven top reasons why it can improve your property:

Enhance appearance: Enhance your exterior of any home or office and get the look you desire with an extensive range of solar control and decorative films. Cool Glass Tinting have a range of films available from clear to total blackout film.

Decreases heat: Today’s solar control window films are highly efficient in reducing the amount of heat that passes through your windows into your home or office. Clear untreated glass blocks only 14 per cent of the sun’s energy while solar screen films reject 75 per cent, increasing the comfort of your property.

Fast and easy: At Cool Glass Tinting owner Mark Williams is fully qualified and he trained with Ultimate Tinting in the UK before moving to Spain eight years ago. Mark operates a competitive pricing policy and offers free, no obligation quotations and unlimited advice on the type of tinting required. Solar screen film applied by Mark of Cool Glass Tinting is easy to clean, requires no special treatment and lasts for 10 years or more.

Protection from UV rays: Solar control film blocks 99 per cent or more of UV rays while also significantly lowering solar heat gain. Reducing these two primary causes of fading helps protect your valuable furnishings. WINDOW TINTING: Offers a range of benefits. Reduce annoying glare: Direct sunlight is not only annoying but also can be dangerous if it obstructs your vision. Like sunglasses, window film does an excellent job of reducing glare by up to 85 per cent.

Enjoy energy savings: Solar control film can significantly reduce air conditioning bills, saving you money on your electricity bills.

Increase privacy: Stop preying eyes from seeing into your property through the day. With the mirror finish film you can see out and no one can see in.

Cool Glass Tinting Tel: 608 100 610 Visit Email

Gardening chores for autumn Pain free and

spider free By Eleanor Hawkins

DIGGING DUTIES: Time to plant those autumn bulbs. AUTUMN is here and the cooler weather has arrived with it, meaning it’s time to get out in the garden and welcome in the new season. This month, get pruning. It’s the perfect time to tidy up hedges, conifers and other perennial trees and once tidy, pep up with organic fertiliser. Before dumping branches in the bin or setting on fire, check with your local authority as to how to correctly dispose of waste to avoid fines. Most Spanish towns and villages have strict regulations.

Plant autumn bulbs and annual plants. It’s time for pansies, chrysanthemums and heathers. Pansies make a colourful addition to any garden, but need nutrient-rich earth, direct natural sunlight and damp but not waterlogged ground to flourish. Watch for mildew as cooler temperatures and humidity can encourage it to pop up. Finally, replant any bald patches in the lawn and nourish your earth by digging small holes to let more oxygen in and applying fertilisers.

WHILE some people love spiders and find their presence helps keep midges at bay, other are frightened of them or simply do not wish to share their homes with companions of the eight-legged variety, no matter how harmless they may be. Luckily, as is the case for many other insects and pests, by using natural scent-based remedies and reducing the amount of enticing hiding places about the home we can often help persuade spiders to find somewhere else to stay. Strong scents repel spiders and essential oils commonly used for their fragrance can encourage them to stay away. Peppermint, tea-tree, lavender, rose and cinnamon are scents arachnids are particularly averse to, so for a nice smelling, spider free zone,

add 15 to 20 drops of oil to a bottle of water and spray about the house. Although not as nice smelling, a 50-50 mix of vinegar and water can work in the same way or if brave enough you can try adding garlic (crushed or whole) to water and spraying that in corners, along skirting tiles and around door and window frames. Citrus fruit also repel insects, so rub orange or lemon peel around areas where spiders could be entering your home to provide an aromatic no-entry signal. Another way to make your home as unattractive as possible to spiders is to remove hiding places. Clean nooks and crannies frequently and avoid using cardboard boxes for storage, replacing them with plastic containers which are far harder to crawl into.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca North

Remakes, why bother? Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man I AM a movie buff. I love watching films and one of the reasons is because I was in the business for over 20 years. I started renting out videos in 1979 and opened my first shop in 1980, one of the first in London. So until 2001 when I retired, my main job was to watch and buy movies. You may wonder what this has got to do with me now being a grumpy old sod? Well I am glad you asked. This week I watched ‘The Magnificent Seven.’ Not the wonderful 1960 original with Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, etc., but a 2016 version which was terrible. By the way, before anyone tells me, I know the 1960 movie was a remake of the even more wonderful Akira Kurosawa 1954 movie ‘Seven Samurai’ which is a must watch. I digress, my point to film-makers is ‘Don’t do it!’ There has never been a remake better than the original. This version of ‘The Magnificent Seven’ is nowhere near the quality. Why do they do it? It’s such a cop out! There are thousands of original scripts out

there but the film companies like to play safe. They made a remake of Hitchcock’s ‘Pyscho’. It was absolute garbage. How could a studio boss in his right mind think it could possibly work? They even tried to remake ‘Willy Wonka’ putting Johnny Depp in the title role. How on earth can you ever, ever even consider trying to remake a movie with Gene Wilder as the star? It’s an insult to ….. well to the whole world actually. Whilst on the subject, some of the dross which is being turned out at the moment is beyond bad. In fact, they could not ever actually have been released, they must have escaped! I allowed Mrs S to choose a movie to watch as she doesn’t always like my choice and likes to go for the gentler option. She found a movie called ‘Weiner Dog’ which was advertised as a comedy. Well if I tell you it was as funny as a smack in the mouth and just so nobody else has to suffer it I’m going to tell you how it ends. The beautiful little sausage dog gets run over and squashed by a truck, then two cars and then another truck!!! Laughing hysterically? ... my arse! She’s now banned from choosing. I once walked out in the middle of a movie it was so bad. ‘So?’ you might ask. ‘What’s the big deal? Many people have done that.’ Well I was in my house at the time! if you want to comment.



Speed detectors AS part of the series, we answer some common driving questions and keep you updated on the latest driving and road news kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers.

MONITORING DEVICES: There are five types currently in use. NEWS about new radar speed detectors being carried on police motorbikes has caused confusion and speculation about the radars. The N332 Guardia Civil Traffico team are clearing up the confusion and said: “When we said the DGT has spent €1 million on new mobile cameras which can be carried by traffic police on their motorcycles, that sentence is entirely accurate.” They explained these cameras and radar detectors are not installed on the bikes, they are carried on them, allowing officers to set up temporary detection zones in any location. Some people believe they have seen cameras on the front of these new motorbikes but they are in fact lights which flash to advise a vehicle to stop. Other images have been posted in the media of hidden cameras inside a roof box on a car, but the Guardia Civil never hide cameras to catch speeding motorists: their aim is to slow traffic down to the legal and safe speed. In Spain, there are five types of monitoring devices currently in use: Fixed Cameras: Located on the road network they monitor vehicles as they pass, recording those who exceed the speed limit. Newer versions can also look for seatbelt

and mobile phone use. Mobile Radars: These have an operator and are often in unmarked Guardia Civil vehicles and marked cars belonging to traffic reinforcement groups, including the DGT. Fixed-section Radars: These devices operate over a fixed distance of road and monitor the average speed of the vehicle between two points using automatic number plate recognition technology. These devices are often considered to give a more realistic impression of the speed as the driver doesn’t usually react instantly when they see one. Red Light Cameras: This type of equipment takes a photograph if the vehicle failed to stop at a red light. Pegasus Equipped Helicopters: Pegasus is the name of the recording device fitted to most of the DGT traffic helicopters. Distinctive by their yellow and light blue colouring, these ‘eyes in the sky’ can catch offending motorists from a kilometre away and at a height of 300m, recording the average speed and vehicle characteristics. Across Spain, there are 800 fixed cameras, 16 fixed-section radars and six helicopters equipped with Pegasus.

For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.

Is he interfering with post? MY question concerns postal mail delivery. A member of our Community of 20 units has taken it on himself to get the postman to put all the mail in his box and then, when he remembers, he distributes it to the other boxes. Sometimes he is away on holiday or in the UK and the mail is not distributed. Is this activity against the law? J.B. (Costa Blanca) INTERFERING with the delivery of the Spanish Postal Service is against the law. Correos is required to make every effort to deliver the mail to the person to whom it is addressed. So here we have a situa-

David Searl You and the Law in Spain

tion where, probably with all good will, a person has asked the postman to put it all in one box. The person

committing the offence is the postman. He could lose his job if it is revealed. I suggest the Community members ask the person to tell the postman he should put each letter in the box of the person to whom it is addressed.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.


Costa Blanca South

6 - 12 October 2016




Dogs travelling in cars David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

MANY people think they are being kind giving their dog freedom to bounce around the car, but actually dogs will feel much safer secured in a travel kennel, wearing a harness, on the floor of the car, or behind a dog guard. The National Canine Defence League urge dog owners to give their dog the same attention they would give a small child when they travel, and always make sure that the dog is restrained in the rear of the car. Dogs must get used to travelling in

CANINE CRUISING: It’s dangerous for dogs to hang out the window. vehicles, so it is best to get them used to travelling safely as soon as possible when they are young. I would not encourage holding puppies on the lap, this way you are training the puppy that this is the place to travel. As a dog gets big-

ger he is put in the back of the car and will not like the idea. This results in barking and jumping. Resulting in owners shouting and turning around, thus being unattentive to their driving. Many owners think that it is a good

idea to let dogs have their heads hanging out of the window of the car whilst travelling. This is dangerous for the dog and can cause many health problems to the eyes and to the nose. Never let your dog hang his head out of the window. Many a dog has jumped out of a travelling car through the window, resulting in death. In many parts of Europe it is an offence to allow dogs to be loose or unsecured in cars, and can be very costly in fines. A dog should never be left in a car during hot weather for longer than a few minutes. Owners should park in shaded areas keeping in mind that the sun moves. Even if windows are left open the temperature can reach 35 degrees in a few minutes. Dogs can suffer heatstroke in less than 10 minutes. From a training point of view it is a good idea to make dogs sit before allowing them into the car. When opening a car door dogs should be trained to stay, so that there is no chance of them jumping out onto a road and causing an accident or indeed killing themselves. There are many products on the market to ensure your pets safety and to ensure the safety of the car!

Willow enjoys visiting the office House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on 00 44 (0) 777 214 2742. ONCE in a while Willow the black Labrador comes to the HouseSitMatch offices on a little holiday while her Mum Mary goes away for work. She seems to like coming and without a doubt we love having her with us. Needless to say it’s hard to resist stroking her if she passes by, she is calm and very affectionate. She makes sure she does the rounds of all our desks on a regular basis, we are after

CAPTIVE AUDIENCE: For Willow with the people in the office. all her captive audience. At 11 years old Willow is ageing gracefully, though she does walk with a little rheumatic limp. Chasing

other dogs and even running after her ball though a tempting proposition is a little more difficult now. And new environments can

cause her a little anxiety sometimes. So Mary her owner tries to keep Willow’s routine pretty stable by either hav-

ing house-sitters at home or taking her to a familiar and friendly home. It also happens that she loves coming to our office and being part of the gang, greeting everyone as they come in, and visiting from time to time to make sure they relax a little by petting and stroking her. We love you Willow, you can visit us at any time. Do you need a sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either housesitter or homeowner now with a 20 per cent off introductory offer using coupon code PERFECT20. To find a house pet-sitter go to

Prevention is best.

Autumn pet health AUTUMN’S here, bringing weather changes which mean dog owners need to pay extra attention to their pets’ health. Prevention is always better than cure so follow these tips for dogs: - Keep protecting against parasites. Although there’s less parasites, benign autumns and winters are becoming the norm. Remember damp + heat = parasites. - Use a dog raincoat to keep it dry on walks and dry it off well once home to keep parasites at bay. - Watch their skin and coat. Some hair loss may be normal but bald patches or skin problems should be checked out by a vet. - Exercise is a very important part of a dog’s routine and reducing it could lead to stress so keep up the long walks. - Try to avoid puddles as contaminated water can lead to serious health risks. - Keep up with vaccinations, kennel cough can cause great discomfort.


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016

Costa Blanca South


















6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South













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6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South




6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South








ALARMS ALARMS & CCTV: All types, quality systems, very reasonable, guaranteed. Tel: 966 797 370 / 662 243 099 (245707)


BUILDING SERVICES J & J PAINTERS. Inside outside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Tel: 650 363 159 (244772)


DUE TO Illness/Retirement Cafe Bar/Bistro in Cabo De Palos/La Manga. Excellent location in a busy commercial centre with all year round trading. For further details call 634 342 452 or email: thesquare (245609)





CHARITIES/CHURCHES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. Englishspeaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: *648 169 045* or Costa Blanca South: *625 912 078* or Costa Calida *679 385 105*. All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323) ROUNDABOUT CHARITY SHOP. We are now into summer and very soon we will be feeling the heat! It is time therefore for another visit to the shop where you might find a bargain or two. Choose from the clothing selection, jewellery, household goods, books or bric a brac. There is usually something there for everyone —- but not always. Charitable donations have recently been made to The Alzheimers Centre, Cancer Research and The Amigos Ambulance Service. We still need your help with donations etc. Please keep them coming in! We are situated on Avenida Del Furs close to the Fountain Roundabout and immediate left by Don Colchon bed shop. (93325) THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION, Torrevieja Branch, meet at 17.00 on the first Wednesday of each month at the Restaurante El Paraiso, Urb. Jardin del Mar 3 (behind Carrefour), Torrevieja. Contact Mike Wright, Chairman 966 722 895 or Margaret Forshaw, Secretary 966 921 996. (95455) HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports anyone, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area. Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4


Costa Blanca South

6 - 12 October 2016

(Tel 965 704 282). Both offices are open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1.30 pm and the Helpdesk at La Marina is open every Thursday (10 am to 1.30 pm) at the Hope Fellowship Church (opposite the Thursday Market site) at Avda de Justo Antonio Quesada, Urb. La Marina (Tel 615770145). We are online at and also on Facebook. You can email the San Miguel Centre at We also have a 24 hour Emergency help-line which is available to both members and non-members on 966 723 733 (95456) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Orihuela Costa - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. The branch meets at Olympia restaurant, Mil Palmeras on 3rd Thursday of each month at 19.00 - 19.30pm. More info can be found on branch website www.orihuelacostarbl (95457) THE BAKER FOUNDATION for SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. 16 Nicolas De Bussi Ave, Playa Flamenca. Sunday Service every week 11am to 12 noon, everyone welcome. For further details please phone/fax 966 760 665 (95458) THE PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB meets every Friday in the Bar Catorce, Benijofar. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459) CHARITY BOOK STALL PEGO THURSDAY MARKET. Selection of over 500 books, all proceeds given to the elderly/disabled of Pego and local Animal Rescue. More stock always required please contact Chrissie 965 977 228/617 647 395 (95460) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188 (95461) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462) PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH, Calle Canalejas, 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am & Thursday at 5pm for Prayer and Praise and Worship. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, contact PilarChristian.Community / 966 849 448 / 966 848 806. Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463) TORREVIEJA Christian Fellowship (TCF) is an English speaking lively church located

at Avenida de las Valencianas 68, Torrevieja 03183. Residents and holidaymakers are welcome to attend our services with communion and ‘kids church’ each Sunday at 10.30am. We have a Fellowship Meeting (Bible Study) each Wednesday at 6.00pm. For further information see our website or tel 966 700 391. (95464) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. Former & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.aca or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION JAVEA BRANCH meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month @ Scallops Rest on the Arenal at 11.00am. Everyone is welcome to attend as a visitor and join the branch if they wish. Anyone needing any help or advice on welfare, or any information regarding the branch can contact either Sheila on 965 791 270 or Roger on 965 790 123 (95472) TORREVIEJA STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets each Friday 2.45pm to 5pm in The Annex, (behind Age Concern Centre), Calle Paganini, Urb. La Siesta. Our aim is to support stroke survivors and their carers by a range of facilities from speech therapy, rehabilitation exercise, group discussion etc. For info: Louie 966 718 964 or 965 071 920, email: strokesupportgroup@ Donations and further voluntary helpers are needed and guest speakers with relevant knowledge or experience are very welcome. (95473) THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch meets 1st Monday of every month (except July and August) at Bar Sioux , Avda Escandinavia GA at 7pm for 7.30pm prompt. For further info contact Brian, Branch Secretary on 639 917 971 / email secretarybr3606@gmail .com (95474) CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer has opened a charity shop at C/Virgen de los Desamparados No 13 (next door to Mas y mas) El Campello. The shop is open Mon-Fri 10 - 2pm and is run by unpaid volunteers and all monies raised goes to the AECC. We urgently need donations of clothes, books, large and small furniture etc, and we will arrange collection of large items. We need volunteers to help out in the shop and also clothes rails, shelves etc. for display. Please

support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please stop by at the shop. Contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail (95475) INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Calle Pilar de Horadada 5, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational Sunday services 11am Children’s church 11am House groups in Torrevieja, Los Balcones, San Javier Ladies meeting Thursdays 11am. Pastor, Rafael Restrepo All nationalities welcome 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. (95476) ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION (Costa Blanca). The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service personnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. We meet on the last Tuesday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis Urbanisation, at 6.30pm. For further details Hon Sec 965 724 652 FREEMASONRY Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various lodges meeting up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact Harry Palmer Membership Committee Tel: 966 712 326 or email: palmers.quesa (95477) ROYAL AIR FORCES Association Branch #1359 Costa Blanca The Branch meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the El Paraiso Restaurant located close to the Carrefour Supermarket in Torrevieja. The meeting starts at 1430 hrs. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association which supports the welfare of the RAF family and provides a social hub for ex RAF members and their friends. For further information about the Association and its activities please contact the Chairman on 692 508 916 or the Welfare Officer on 615 048 892 or visit our website: MEETS at Hamilton´s Bake House, 62 Calle Vicente, Blasco Ibañez, Benijofar 03178. We hold a Sunday Service at


11.30 a.m., a Tuesday Evening of Mediumship at 7 p.m. And every alternate Thursday from 22nd September, there is an Development/Awareness Circle where you can develop your skills commencing at 6.30 p.m. Spiritual healing is available every Sunday and Tuesday after the service. The Divine Service with Mediumship, on Sunday, 9th October, will be taken by Marilyn Webb (visiting UK Medium). Marilyn will also take the Evening of Mediumship on Tuesday, 11th October. The Divine Service with Mediumship, on Sunday, 16th October will be taken by Ray Bailey. This service is our Harvest Festival and we ask that people bring cat and dog food to the service or give a donation which will be split between Dog and Cat Rescue Centres. Contact Wendy on 965323028. www.spiritualist New email is phoenixchurch23 or info@spiritual Identificacion Fiscal G54713789.

CHIMNEY SWEEP PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. Family Business established over 60 years. 660 478 881 (249058)

DAMP - We are the longest established Damp Proofing company in Spain. We can cure Rising Damp, leaking Flat Roof or Terrace problems quickly & safely. We can make your Underbuild Dry. Villa Paint Due! We can protect your villa & stop PENETRATING DAMP with a Protective Coating. Call us for a survey now; Tel: 634 322 672 (232365)

DEBT COLLECTION DEBT collecting, odd contracts, private collecting, any form of debt. Call Stephan 603 373 183 (236605)

ELECTRICIAN MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (243738)


E W N 6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South


METAL WORK MOBILE Metal Work Any welding or plasma cutting work carried out. For a free quote call 639 487 503 (249066)

MOBILITY MOBILITY equipment wanted. Cash paid. Scooters, wheelchairs etc Phone Will´s 602 547 878 (249042)

INSURANCE THE MOBILITY WIZARDS – Offering a New Service: Comprehensive Insurance policies for mobility scooters & power chairs. See website for more details & free quote. (241720)


WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)

WANTED WANTED Cars, vans, caravans, 4 X 4’s British Spanish 600 781 873 ibuyany (241494)

MUSIC TUITION PIANO, Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (240072)


SOS <http://www.sosin> Insurance in Spain. Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year and cars from 120 euros. Tel 966 787 123 / 622 275 561 / 686 116 297 / email info@sosinsur (242646)

1992 HYMER B544 Motor home LHD 2.5 TD power steering Many extras: safe awning awning tent underbody storage towbar UK registered Sorned no MOT no tax Due to unforeseen circumstances currently stored near Alicante Spain. It’s 1992 so condition reflects age but drives well and everything works Can be viewed between Oct 9th and Oct 17th 2016 Sensible offers Email: asiasi@rock (249560)



TAILOR made, durable canvas, sails, umbrella, spa and BBQ covers. Mazarron based, and at Procomobel Market, Guardamar Saturday mornings. 667 879 399 kruger


INTERNET GET YOUR business noticed online! Make sure that expats in Spain can find your product, service, restaurant, bar or shop. Contact Spain’s newest and brightest online directory TODAY. Call 952 561 245 or email mark.w@euroweek for more details.

PERGOLA COVERS PET-COURIERS.COM – If you love your pet try us first – we are the best. Door to door service throughout Europe. Specialised vehicles – bespoke service. Full legal service including documentation if required. For further information call or e-mail us: Tel: (0034) 651 033 670 or (0034) 637 066 227. Email: or (243861)

PET CHARITIES EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE. We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easyhorsecare .net or call Sue 652 021 980 SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting re-homing. Shelter open 7 days a week 12noon 2.00pm & 3.30pm - 7.00pm. (Spanish speaking staff) or phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM (95707)

GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, dewormed, de-fleed. We also need volunteers to help Car boot sale in Polop on Sundays Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977

PET TRANSPORT THE DOG MOVER. Licensed transporters. Two handlers, so never alone. 651 581 067 / 0044 (0) 7875 947230. www.thedog



MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434

POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360



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P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog, or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: EURO WEEKLY NEWS CLASSIFAX AGENT (95708)

PET TRAVEL UK Family pet transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. All air conditioned vehicles (no vans) Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (243500)



SPANISH MOVES Small removals and deliveries. Spain/UK Budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Pet transport also arranged in our air conditioned pet/people carriers. Telephone UK 0800 612 4922 or Spain 960130537 (243500)

SEWING PROP MAINTENANCE PROPERTY SERVICE CAMPELLO – ALICANTE. Home – Pool – Garden. Mobile 635 354 068 / info@campelloproperty (232265)


QUALIFIED SEAMSTRESS 40 years experience, turn-ups to tailoring patterns taken from your favourite cloths, reasonable prices. Torrevieja, Sandra: 966 799 188 / 680 486 336 (241582)

CLASSIFIEDS SITUATIONS VACANT TELEMARKETING company located in Sax, Alicante is looking for telesales staff. Previous office experience, good telephone skills and a positive attitude are required together with a good understanding of computers. We have diverse shifts to be covered as the hours would depend on the Country you are calling into. Native speaking English, Spanish, Dutch, German, French. Contact Sara 966 315 355. (232467) FIELD SALES positions available. Must have own transport, English and Spanish preferred, but not essential, must have local knowledge of the area and be smart and presentable. Applications by email with full CV should be sent to recruitment@euroweek

6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



LIONELA, 29 years old from Italy. Sexy and good service in Orihuela Costa. Punta Prima 631 840 956 (249054)

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SEXY MATURE ENGLISH BLONDE, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or overnight stay. 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel Karen 662 049 021 (232368) BEAUTIFUL Dutch girl, 36, slim, blonde hair, big breasts, all fantasies. Campoamor, 676 067 381 (249082) ENJOY Veronica´s exciting full 1 hour massage. Fully qualified. For an appointment call 679 292 678 (245675) SPANISH lady - classic. Playa Flamenca, private house, 35 years, attractive. All erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie. From €40. Ana 865 646 437 (249126) ORIHUELA COSTA. Luxury Villa with 6 slim, young and vivacious girls. All services, 24h, sex toys, strap-on, fetishes, couples, lingerie, credit cards, outcalls. m. 645 385 461 (232352)

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LA ZENIA. Sexy 20 year old Spanish girl. Natural French, anal, lesbian, all services. I love white party. 645 385 461. (232352) MISUKY 42, ASIAN QUALIFIED MASSEUSE, SLIM, THE BEST

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E W N 6 - 12 October 2016

Costa Blanca South



Clarkson Quote of the Week

“Only the Americans would invent a car polish you can eat.” Some might say...

Storming the big smoke By Matthew Elliott DAREDEVIL driver Mark Webber staged a wild stunt on the congested streets of central London when he took the Le Mans-winning Porsche 919 hybrid racing car out for a four-mile sprint from Park Lane to Westminster Bridge. Webber was offering an early glimpse of the new Panamera 4 E-Hybrid model and managed to stay under the city’s speed limit due to a tight outrider police escort, despite having almost 1,000hp under his toes. Porsche’s 919 Hybrid won

LE MANS WINNER: Porsche 919 Hybrid Le Mans two years running after making its race debut in 2014 and boasts a 2.0 litre V4 petrol engine with an electric motor. Australian Mark Webber competes in the World Endurance Championship for Porsche after a hugely successful Formula One career

with Jaguar, Williams and Red Bull. He has history performing city racing stunts having torn across Sydney harbour Bridge

in 2005 powered by a BMW V10 engine with 900hp.


Motoring shorts

Land Rover Discovery DUBBED ‘the most complete all-round SUV package on sale’ Land Rover has revealed its 2017 Discovery which hits showrooms in spring. This is only the third full new model since the Discovery debuted in 1989 and it’s sleek new look appears more Range Rover or Discovery Sport. Headlights are sculpted and smooth and almost a half ton of weight has shifted. It retains the timeless stepped roofline, is just under five metres long, and easily seats seven adults. It has an onboard infotainment system and in-built Wi-Fi allowing drivers to communicate with the car remotely. Off-road capability is enhanced by the design shift with off-road cruise control and a two-speed transfer box offering high and low-range gears. At more than €50,000 2017 Discovery isn’t come cheap, but it will definitely be popular.

Miracle Mercury Cougar

CLASSIC VEHICLE: The first Mercury Cougar ever produced will be showcased. A MAJOR event is being scheduled to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of the legendary Mercury Cougar. The Carlisle Ford Nationals is already one of the world’s biggest motoring events and next year’s will pay homage to the Mercury by showcasing the first Cougar ever produced, somewhat mirac-

ulously found in tip-top condition in the hands of a local collector. This particular car was one of eight sent by Ford and Chrysler icon Lee Iacocca to Canada on loan in 1967. It returned to the dealership in 1979 and was sold to a local shopkeeper who got bored driving it after a few years and placed an ad for sale in 1982.

Nobody wanted the classic vehicle and it sat in his garage for 12 years until an avid Cougar fan came across the old 1982 motoring magazine and saw the ad and, feeling lucky, gave the owner a call on a whim. He still had the same telephone number, he still had the car, and absolutely he was willing to sell.


6 - 12 October 2016 / Costa Blanca South



USA win Ryder Cup, Hamilton ‘blows up’ and City’s run ends Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

GOLF Team USA won the 2016 and 41st Ryder Cup following three days of superb action at the Haseltine Club in Minnesota. The European Team were 4-0 and 5-1 down on day one, recovered to 5-3 and then trailed by three points at the end of day two. They failed to recover after that and eventually lost the contest by 17 points to 11 as the USA recorded their best win for 35 years. RYDER CUP: Three days of superb action.

This is not ‘sour grapes’ but how disgusting were some of the idiot USA supporters who chose to boo successful European putts and misses, and regularly heckled at European players on the tee. And by the way the coverage by Sky was pretty poor, especially the camera-work! FOOTBALL There were PL wins last weekend for Arsenal (just at Burnley), Chelsea, Liverpool and Spurs, the latter ending Manchester City’s sevenmatch winning run. West Ham, Stoke and Sunderland sit in the bottom three. Huddersfield remain top of the Championship, Scunthorpe and Plymouth lead Leagues 1 and 2 and Celtic are setting the pace in the SPL. In the Championship last Saturday, the match between two founder members of the League ended Preston 2 Aston Villa 0… and as a result Villa sacked manager Roberto di Matteo after just four months in charge!

Bayern Munich dropped their first points of the season with a draw against FC Cologne and here in Spain’s La Liga, it’s Atletico Madrid, Real Madrid, Sevilla and Barcelona. We have 2018 World Cup qualifiers this weekend with England-Malta, Northern Ireland-San Marino and Scotland-Lithuania (Saturday) and Albania-Spain, Moldova-Republic of Ireland and Wales-Georgia (Sunday). There are several U21 European Championship qualifying matches as well. Gareth Southgate will take charge of England’s next four games (at least) following the sacking of Sam Allardyce. And he has already added Jesse Lingard (Manchester United) to his squad. Manchester City

beat Birmingham in the final of the women’s European Cup and victory gave City the double. David Herd, the ex-Arsenal, Manchester United, Stoke City and Scottish international has died, aged 82. FORMULA ONE Lewis Hamilton became the first Brit to have a century of front row starts in last Sunday’s Malaysian Grand Prix, but it all ended in disappointment for the Mercedes driver when, once again, his engine simply blew up (caught fire) on lap 43 when he was set to win the race. This has now severely dented his title hopes. Hamilton had dominated the race until flames started

pouring from his Mercedes, promoting him to say on the radio: “Oh, no, no.” After a gripping contest, Daniel Ricciardo beat Max Verstappen to a Red Bull one-two. Hamilton’s teammate Nico Rosberg finished third to extend his lead to 23 points with five races to go and 125 points available. The next race is in Japan this Sunday, followed by those in the USA, Mexico, Brazil and Abu Dhabi. After the Malaysian GP, a disgruntled Hamilton told BBC Radio 5: “My question is to Mercedes. We have so many engines made, but mine are the only ones failing this year. Someone needs to give me some answers because this is not acceptable. It does not sit right with me.” CRICKET Tomorrow England - without James Anderson, Mark Wood and Eoin Morgan play Bangladesh in the first of three ODIs in Sher-eBangla and there could be a senior debut for 19-year-old Lancashire opener Haseeb Hameed as well as Northants left-hander Ben Duckett. The second and third games take place on Sunday (in Dhaka) and next Wednesday in Chittagong. Wicketkeeper-batsman Jos Buttler takes over as One Day captain. RUGBY Rugby’s Su-

per League’s Grand final will feature Warrington Wolves against Wigan Warriors at Old Trafford on Saturday. In the semis Wolves beat St Helens and Warriors defeated Hull. Wasps thrashed Harlequins 47-18 to go top of Union’s Premiership with a 100 per cent record. HORSE RACING Found (6-1, ridden by Ryan Moore) won last weekend’s Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, ahead of Highland Reed (20-1) and Order of St. George (14-1). Trainer Aiden O’Brien saddled all three horses… and for the first time since 1975, there wasn’t a three-year-old in the first four. ROUND-UP Bearded 25-year-old Dundee boxer Mike Towell has died after being knocked out during his welterweight fight by Dale Evans in Glasgow a week ago. He was taken to hospital with bleeding to his brain but failed to respond to treatment. Meanwhile, GB heavyweight Tyson Fury has failed a random drugs test, although some say he may not fight again. Starting this weekend we have the Shanghai Masters tennis tournament (until October 16). LEWIS HAMILTON: “Someone needs to give me answers.”

104 E W N

Costa Blanca South

6 - 12 October 2016

MARC-ANDRE TER STEGEN could only say sorry after he conceded four goals and made some spectacular mistakes against Celta de Vigo.


Costa Blanca’s best guide to local sport

Celts monthly open day at La Serena ON Saturday September 24 the Celts held their monthly Open Day at La Serena with 63 competitors. To John, Paul and Jose, a big thank you for your organisation and assistance. Thank you to Camillus and his committee who had a very early start and as usual had the event running smoothly. Captain Bev Ellender was at hand to present the monthly prizes; Medal results, Category 1 Steven Baron 64. Category 2 John Walsh 69. Monthly Crystal winners were, Steven Hopkins 42 points, 2nd Samuel Cherry 41points and 3rd Denis McCormack 39points.

Results: Nial Murray won the visitors section with 33 points. NTP’s. John Moran, Tony Edwards, Hep Kinnear, Mick The Grip, Tony Head and James Woodham. Category III, winner Nigel Brandish 39, 2nd James Willoughby 36 and 3rd Giovanni Butto 35. Category II, winner Frank Considine 37, 2nd Alan Woods 37 and 3rd Alan Proudfoot 37. Category I, winner Denis McCormack 35, 2nd Tony Head 35 and 3rd John O’Brien 34. Second overall went to Wayne Leivars with 39 points and winner on the day was Eddie Wall on 39 points. Next event is the Presidents’ prize on October 12. Entry for this competition is €10 and includes the competition, dinner and entertainment by Jackie Whyte, guests are welcome at €15. Please reserve your place for the presentation dinner at El Prado in San Miguel de Salinas. For further details on membership call 615 466 398.


Eurogolf better ball pairs

EUROGOLF MEMBERS: There were some good pairings, but the favourites didn’t take the winner’s prize. ON Thursday September 29, despite torrential rain during the evening and early morning Eurogolf played a better ball pairs competition. Amazingly the course was dry and even the bunkers didn’t hold water. There were some good pairings on paper but the favourites didn’t take the winner’s prize. In 3rd place with a credible score of 43 points were George McCallum and Hedy Paehlig, 2nd David Valentine and Ken En-

ever 44 points, 1st Mike Mitchell and Clive Peck with an impressive 46 points. NTP’s 11th David Blanchette, 15th Ian Pegg, 17th Steve Sayers. Football draw Sharon Horne, Mary Sanderson, David Gregson and Clive Peck. Tuesday Toffs On Tuesday September 27, 70 players took part in the Toffs stableford. The results were as follows Cat 3 (25-31) 1st Joe Og-

den 38, 2nd Clare Daye-Gretton 37 points, 3rd Bev Fairhurst 35 points. Cat 2 (16-24) 1st Clive Peck 36 points, 2nd Jan Shorley 35 points, 3rd Steve Sayers 34 points. Cat 1 (0-15) 1st and overall winner George McCallum 38 c/b, 2nd Paul Manning 35 points, 3rd Arthur Crammon 35 c/b. If you would like to play with Eurogolf on Tuesdays and Thursdays at La Marquesa please visit

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