10 - 16 March 2022
Royal visit KING FELIPE and Queen Letizia inaugurated the Tour de Talento in Mala‐ ga City on Monday March 7 as well as con‐ firming that the Premio de Artes y Letras award of the Princess of Girona Foundation has been conferred on actress Maria Sanz Hervas. Accompanying the Royal visitors was the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegria, and the President of the Junta de Andalucia, Juan Manuel Moreno. They took undertook a tour of La Termica Cultural Centre to talk to stu‐ dents taking part as well as presenting the award. More than 75 activi‐ ties are taking place over a four‐day period in Malaga which have been designed to con‐ tribute to the develop‐ ment of professional and personal skills and abilities. From Malaga, the Tour will move to four other Autonomous Communities with the intention of helping pre‐ pare others for the fu‐ ture of technology in the workplace.
To help the situation in Ukraine see our special on page 14
SIX SPECIAL WOMEN Credit: Marbella
Issue No. 1914
Turn to page 2 » FULL SUPPORT: Mayor Angeles Muñoz presented the awards.
SIX female residents of Marbella were recognised on International Women’s Day for their commitment to charity and the community. Speaking about equality, Mayor Angeles Munoz said, “Although much progress has been made, the achievement of real equality is still
far away. “Today we want to tell all those who are going through difficult times and who are suffering for the fact of being a woman that they are not alone and that they have our full support,” she added on Tues‐ day March 8.
Mijas Selfie Route THIS year’s capital of rural tourism, Mijas, has un‐ veiled a Selfie Route where visitors and influencers can follow a unique route with 15 ideal selfie stops. The Mijas Pueblo Tourist Office has produced a leaflet with details of all of the ideal places for photographs including the Mirador Hermanos Nunez Andreu, Virgen de la Pena Hermitage, Zam‐ bombero Statue, Calle La Fishermen’s Trail, Castillo de la Muralla, Plaza de la Constitucion, Calle Muro, Callejon de los Gitanos, Plaza de los Siete Canos and Nuestra Senora de los Remedio’s hermitage.
10 - 16 March 2022
from Front page »
Congratulations Among those who re‐ ceived an award were President of the Mar‐ bella Voluntary Associa‐ tion, Maria del Carmen Bertomeu, and the for‐ mer president of the Spanish Association Against Cancer in Mar‐ bella and of the Bas‐ tiano Berguese Founda‐ tion, Elda Lavagetti. Others included the former patron of the Bastiano Berguese Foundation, Maria Paz Ametller, with her hus‐ band, Santiago Dominguez, receiving
the award on her be‐ half, and the manager of the DYA Malaga as‐ sociation, Francisca Munoz. The first woman to join the Marbella Local Police, Trinidad Parejo, and the President of Fundatul, Remedios Ni‐ eto, were also recog‐ nised. Making the presenta‐ tion, Mayor Munoz said the women “represent the values that women have in our society” and congratulated them all.
A new mural ESTEPONA has added a 62nd mural to its Artistic Route which has been created throughout the town as an open‐air gallery and has gained a great deal of attention. This latest piece, El Pescador Moderno (The Modern Fisher‐ man) is a work by Juan Pineda from Malaga that combines graffiti and sculptural ele‐ ments on the side of a building on Calle San Juan Bosco. It is intended to be an allegory of the cur‐ rent Estepona, which has managed to pre‐ serve its traditions and essence, while at the same time being im‐ mersed in a transfor‐ mation and modernisa‐ tion that aims to improve the quality of life of residents. For this reason, the
Credit: Estepona Council
LATEST ARTWORK: The Modern Fisherman.
centre of this new painting is a fisherman realistically represent‐ ed in a work that con‐ tains marine illustra‐
tions drawn in a con‐ temporary style. To give the mural greater originality, the artist has chosen to in‐ tegrate three gal‐ vanised metal pieces into the work. These silhouettes, which represent the waves, a seagull and the sailor’s face, have been installed five cen‐ timetres from the wall to generate greater depth and the entire mural covers an area of 112 square metres.
Another Nolotil warning IN 2018 Spain’s healthcare regulator the Agency of Medicines and Medi‐ cal Devices (AEMPS) warned about the dangers posed by painkiller Nolotil (metamizole) to those from northern Europe, especially the UK and Ireland. However, it is still being prescribed. In early March, an elderly British man liv‐ ing in Sotogrande was rushed to hospital in La Linea de la Fron‐ tera suffering from in‐ ternal bleeding thought to have been caused by Nolotil. Another possible side effect is agranu‐ locytosis, which can cause fatal blood poi‐ soning due to a lack of white blood cells. Those most at risk are the elderly and indi‐ viduals with su‐ pressed immune sys‐ tems. Nolotil is not li‐ censed in the UK or Ireland and its manu‐ facturers have in the past denied that there is any evidence of a direct link between the drug and death for fair‐skinned people.
E-books TURISMO Costa del Sol has created different e‐books with useful information about the province. These guides are available free of charge in four languages (Spanish, English, French and German) from www.visitacostadelsol.com/ ebooks and each is being promoted through differ‐ ent campaigns on social media.
Beach bars THERE was a back log of approval of licences for some 30 beach bars and chiringuitos along the Tor‐ remolinos coast which meant that they were un‐ able to open, but the coun‐ cil has now undertaken to not only speed up the pro‐ cess, but advise owners of their individual situation.
Supporting firemen SINCE 2019, the Fuengirola Council has allocated €2 million towards the renew‐ al of items from uniforms to vehicles used by the local Fire Department according to Mayor Ana Mula who on March 4 delivered 30 new suits made from flame re‐ tardant fabrics.
Refugees welcomed MANILVA has received its first two families who fled the conflict in Ukraine and they met with the mayor on Monday March 7 to be welcomed. They were told that they would be offered vaccination against Covid‐ 19 and their children would be found places in local schools.
SISTERS who fled Uganda will host a fundraiser for Ukraine in Alhaurin de la Torre knowing the prob‐ lems facing refugees. Bindi and Sadna decided that the best way to help those in need in the Ukraine would be to open their home which is situat‐ ed at Casa Kanani, Lugar Menaya 5, La Fuensanta, Alhaurin de la Torre, Mala‐ ga 29130. Tickets cost €25 per per‐ son with all proceeds going to Ukraine via Sunflower of Peace and guests will enjoy a selection of home‐cooked Indian vegetarian food as well as drinks and enter‐ tainment. It all takes place on Sun‐
Celebrated harpist and singer Anna Sargeant.
day March 13 from 2pm and during the afternoon
Paintings for Ukraine UKRAINIAN artist Olga Luka‐ sevych, who moved from Kyiv to Marbella in 2002, is offering 17 of her paintings for sale to Olga Lukasevych raise funds to help her country with her art. in this time of need. She still has family in Ukraine and is anxious to do all she can to send support to those so badly affected by the invasion. Each piece of artwork is available for €100 and can be re‐ served by visiting her Facebook page which can be found at https://www.facebook.com/uliana.marbella/posts/9688582 94016475. Once you have viewed the artwork and agreed to purchase you can arrange to meet with Olga to pay and col‐ lect your painting.
St David’s Day THERE was a good turnout of people dressed in bright red or traditional costume in Benalmadena on March 1 to celebrate St David’s Day. The mayor, Victor Navas, who is also councillor for Foreign Residents visited the Tanges bar in Plaza Vir‐ gen del Carmen, as this was the venue chosen by the Welsh community for the celebration of its national holiday. Highlighting the impor‐
tance of multiculturalism and integration in Benal‐ madena, the mayor ob‐ served “with this festivity, the Welsh community of Benalmadena once again demonstrates its support for others, as every year they allocate any money raised during the celebra‐ tion to a not‐for‐profit cause.” The money raised this year was donated to AVOI, a charity for children with cancer, www.avoi.es.
there will be an appear‐ ance by renowned harpist
and singer Anna Sargeant who settled in Marbella several years ago after graduating from the Acade‐ my of Music in Poznan in Poland and playing as a so‐ lo artist in the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bialystok. She has toured much of Europe and the Middle East before becoming a popular musician here on the Costa del Sol and she will be per‐ forming without charge as her contribution to the fundraising. Bookings must be made in advance via email to bindiya1961@gmail.com to receive details of how to make payment or by calling the sisters on +34 666 754 459.
Tribute to Santana
SPECIAL TRIBUTE: Remembering the great tennis star.
SATURDAY March 5 saw a special tribute to the late ten‐ nis star and friend of Marbel‐ la, Manolo Santana, at the Puente Romano tennis club, the setting for Spain to beat Romania in their Davis Cup contest. Attending the event were Marbella mayor, Ange‐ les Munoz, and president of the Junta de Andalucia, Juan Manuel Moreno, alongside some of the great names of tennis such as Bjorn Borg, Alex Corretja, Anabel Medina, Juan Carlos Ferrero, Emilio Bu‐ tragueno, Nicolas Almagro and Albert Costa. Speaking about the late Santana, the Munoz said: “Manolo would feel very proud to be here, to see that he is loved, because he was a person who bet a lot on Mar‐ bella and who always carried the name of this city wherev‐
Email: newsdesk@euroweeklynews.com or call 951 38 61 61 and ask for the EWN news team.
er he went.” She went on to observe how important it was to the city to host its fourth Davis Cup Qualifier not only from a prestige point of view, but from the benefit of so many people from across Spain at‐ tending and spending money locally. Also present at this special tribute were his widow Clau‐ dia Rodriguez and one of his daughters, Barbara Santana.
Man of the year Credit: Cudeca Foundation
IN anticipation of a busy Easter and summer, Mijas Council is working to im‐ prove the facilities at the El Puerto Quarry in order to facilitate easier parking with more spaces and new lighting as part of its tourism plan, as well as an information service.
A fundraising Sunday
Credit: Marbella Council
More parking
Credit: Anna Sargeant Facebook
10 - 16 March 2022
Credit: Facebook
Presentation of the Award.
PART of the Benalmadena celebration of Andalucia Day included the declara‐ tion that Dr Yusuf Hamied was ‘Benalmadense of the Year’. He was awarded this honour in an open‐air cer‐ emony in the Plaza de An‐ dalucia by Mayor Victor Navas. Dr Hamied was recog‐ nised for his link and in‐ volvement with the Cude‐ ca Hospice, making possible the construction of the Centre for Studies and Research in Palliative Care which bears his name. The main objective of the centre is to train health and social care pro‐ fessionals at all levels to improve the quality in pal‐ liative care and the contin‐ uous improvement of it, as well as to develop innova‐ tive models of interven‐ tion and research. In addition, the centre will be a complementary source of income, which will help to cope with the increase in the number of patients treated. The centre, which is lo‐ cated on and made over to the Cudeca Hospice on lease from Benalmadena Council, will open its doors in April this year.
and finally... A PROMOTING tourism in Torremolinos exhibition was held at Expoplaya, a traditional meeting place for the Malaga and An‐ dalucian tourism sector on March 4. The President of the Mala‐ ga Provincial Council as well as Turismo Costa del Sol, Francisco Salado, said as he opened the exhibition that the sun and beach sector are absolutely vital as more than 14,000 companies and 117,000 families in the province live off the proceeds of tourism. During the day, various workshops and tastings of ‘Sabor a Malaga’ products were arranged with the possibility of tasting olives, cheeses, bread, wines, oil, beer, chips, fish, shellfish, mol‐ luscs, nettles and gin from Malaga producers.
10 - 16 March 2022
Our lucky giveaway winner! AS part of the launch of our brand new website and to celebrate the once in a lifetime date of 02.02.20222, the Euro Weekly News held a giveaway of €2,222 for one of our lucky readers! We spoke with the winner of our giveaway, Ivy Grace Galicto, to find out how she felt when we drew her name out of the hat on Tuesday, March 1. Twenty‐nine‐year‐old Ivy Grace, originally from the Philip‐ pines, now lives in Madrid and has been reading the Euro Week‐ ly News since she moved to Spain two and a half years ago. When we asked Ivy Grace why she entered the giveaway and how she felt when she found out she had won, she said: “I was just trying my luck when I entered and this is my first time to win
02.02.22: The once in a lifetime date.
GIVEAWAY: Ivy’s name was pulled out of the hat.
anything! I was eating my dinner late on Monday night while scrolling through my phone when I saw the video posted on the Eu‐ ro Weekly News Facebook page and unexpectedly heard my name being announced ‐ I started jumping up and down in my bed
and shouting loudly that I had won!” We asked Ivy Grace what she plans to do with her winnings and she will be “saving it first and once I have enough money I am hoping I can get an apartment. The money is a big help to me.”
Congratulations again to our lucky winner, Ivy Grace!
IVY GRACE: The Euro Weekly News reader from Madrid.
War and real estate THE war in Ukraine is threat‐ ening the future of the Rus‐ sian real estate investments on the Costa del Sol. According to Idealista, a leading Spanish real estate portal, “the market takes it for granted that purchases of homes by Russian citizens will practically disappear” as a result of the armed conflict. However, impact will be lim‐ ited to areas that are most popular among Russians, mainly the Alicante coast and the Costa del Sol. Nearly 2 per cent of homes purchased by foreigners last year in Spain were bought by
PROPERTY: Russian buyers have been falling since 2012.
Russian citizens, roughly 1,280 properties. Although the number of Russian buy‐ ers in Spain has been falling since 2012, it is expected to fall even further this year and
beyond, according to data from the Association of Regis‐ trars. Russian President Vladimir Putin is rumoured have sev‐ eral properties in Spain, in‐ cluding a mansion on a pri‐ vate hill in Marbella, although this has not been confirmed. In 2006, Russian buyers in Spain accounted for only 1.24 per cent of all foreign buyers and Ukrainian buyers ac‐ counted for 1.12 per cent. By 2012 Russians represented 9.62 per cent of foreign buy‐ ers in Spain but the figure has been in steady decline since.
10 - 16 March 2022
Wet market
SUPPLIES: Prices could at least double.
Oil and gas RUSSIA has warned that it will cut gas supplies to Eu‐ rope if Russian oil is banned. Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said, “A rejection of Rus‐ sian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market.” Experts warn a ban on Russian oil could lead prices for the commodity to at least double. Although Germany and the Netherlands have ruled it out, the US and the UK are considering a ban.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “We have to consider how we can all move away as fast as possible from depen‐ dence, reliance, on Rus‐ sian hydrocarbons, Rus‐ sian oil and gas.” However, Novak added on March 8 it is “impossi‐ ble to quickly find a re‐ placement for Russian oil on the European market. It will take years, and it will still be much more expen‐ sive for European con‐ sumers. Ultimately, they will be hurt the worst by this outcome.”
NEW research into the ori‐ gins of Covid‐19 points to animals sold at a wet mar‐ ket in Wuhan city not a lab‐ oratory leak, according to scientists. The extensive research released on Saturday February 26 found no sup‐ port for the theory that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese government run laboratory. Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona, said: “When you look at all of the evidence together, it’s an extraordinarily clear picture that the pandemic started at the Huanan mar‐ ket.” However, not all scien‐ tists are prepared to accept the hypothesis. Dr Jesse Bloom, a Virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, said there remains a glaring absence of direct evidence that ani‐ mals at the market had themselves been infected with the coronavirus.
Brits donate BRITONS have donated more than £100 million (€120 million) to provide aid to Ukrainians fleeing the war. The donations, which continue to come in, were made after an appeal was launched by the UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). Donors include the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge. Hundreds of thousands of members of the public have also responded to the call from the DEC, which brings together 15 leading UK aid charities at times of crisis. The DEC said the funds are being used to give people food, water, medical as‐ sistance, protection and trauma care. Jo Kitterick, head of supporter engagement at the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, one of the charities involved, said on Monday March 7, “This amazing show of support for people fleeing the conflict has meant that we have been able to start spending money straight away to help more people.”
Jo Joyner’s IVF battle EX EastEnders’ star Jo Joyner has opened up about her IVF battle. Jo is the proud mum of twins Freddie and Edie. She announced in 2009 that she had finally become pregnant after undergoing IVF treatment. The twins are now 12 years old. “I started journalling as it’s like a form of CBT [cognitive behavioural therapy] really, because a lot of it is laugh or cry. But there are funny situations which arise during IVF. It sounds a bit harsh to
say, but there are such stupid scenarios that happen, let alone men giving their ‘samples’, bless them,” Jo said on March 7. Jo had tried everything to get pregnant including reflexology. She added, “We tried everything ‐ acupuncture, fertility diets, reflexology ‐ but nothing worked. We had tests and knew there was a slim chance anything would work and that was when we made the decision to try IVF.”
10 - 16 March 2022
Simply Surviving group surpasses €25,000 in donations THE Group concluded its activities in support of the children’s charity ACAE with their first foray into children’s en‐ tertainment at The Moonlight Bar at Sunset Beach Club in Benalmadena on Andalucia Day. More than 120 people, children and adults alike, enjoyed a bril‐ liant afternoon’s entertainment on the impressive stage. The first half saw a comedy version of Cinderella in English. Complete with ‘The Hairy Godmother’, this was directed by Dahlia Helsby and largely written by Shaun Welch. Following the interval, the ‘clowns and princesses’ from ACAE treat‐ ed the audience to a singalong treat of fun Spanish songs. It was great to see both children AND adults dancing along! Throughout the event, the Princesses were on hand to offer face painting for the children and soon the room was full of mini‐princesses, Spidermen and tigers! Many thanks to the management at Sunset Beach Club, who not only provided the venue free of charge, but also their excellent sound engineer. Together with the receipts from the rest of the month’s activities, the Group is able to present
CLOWNS AND PRINCESSES: Treated the audience to a singalong treat and face painting.
ACAE with a total of €3,359. Many thanks to corporate sponsors Blevins Franks, Ibex In‐ surance and Costa Care Funeral Services, whose donations helped swell the final total. A competition was held to find the happiest drawing and mes‐ sage to be given to poorly chil‐ dren in hospital. Very generously sponsored by Euro Weekly News, the winning entry won a voucher for a tablet!! The event raised a total of €460. Last week the Group held two lunches at Sandpiper Restaurant in Fuengirola. The food and service were superb. Everyone attending was well aware by that time of the plight of the people in Ukraine and so organiser Val Williams appealed for diners to bring along foodstuffs that could be handed in to a collec‐ tion point. They did not disap‐ point, with hun‐ dreds of items donated.
Simply Surviving Group has a full programme of events each month and so if you would like to learn more, please check out their Facebook page or message Val Williams on valwilliams39@yahoo.com.
10 - 16 March 2022
Fish battered by Russia THE rising cost of fish, batter, fat, wrapping pa‐ per and energy may lead a third of Britain’s fish and chips shops to go out of business over the next 12 months. According to the Nation‐ al Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF), one in three fish and chip shops could be forced to close this year. Andrew Crook, president of the NFFF, said the situa‐ tion was about to get
Fish & chips in trouble. much worse due to sanc‐ tions against Russia. Roughly 60 per cent of haddock and cod are im‐ ported from Russia.
According to Crook, “We’re expecting a third of fish and chip shops to go out of business.” He added, “Whitefish comes from Russia be‐ cause they are a very big fishing nation in the Bar‐ ents Sea. So, if we lose that, the price of fish will go significantly higher and this is on top of the cur‐ rent record prices we are seeing. If that happens, we are in real dire straits.”
Masks abolished soon PRESIDENT Pedro Sanchez said the mandatory use of masks inside build‐ ings as a Covid‐19 prevention measure is set to be abolished soon, possibly as early as mid‐March. He made the announcement during a PSOE party meeting on Sunday March 6 called to address the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The head of the Executive highlight‐ ed the “formidable response” of citi‐ zens to the pandemic. He praised
Spain’s “extraordinarily high” vaccina‐ tion rate and said that the country has reached the lowest reported cumula‐ tive incidence in Europe. Sanchez however stressed that the new rules can only be confirmed by the Ministry of Health following con‐ sultations with representatives of the autonomous communities at the next Interterritorial Council of Health meeting which is scheduled for today, Thursday March 10 in Zaragoza.
10 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Freedom walk AN 11‐year‐old Ukrainian boy made the incredible 600‐mile trek to Slovakia, all by himself. He fled the country carrying just a plastic bag and a contact phone number written on his hand. His amazing feat has been verified by the Slo‐ vakian government. The boy was picked up at the border by volunteers. He was given food and drink
THE Queen has held her first in‐person engage‐ ment since beating Covid‐19. The in‐person audience was held at Windsor Castle on March 7. The British monarch met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Prime Minister Boris Johnson also held talks with Trudeau along with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. The heads of state were discussing Russia’s continuing inva‐ sion of Ukraine.
Stones to tour LEGENDARY British rock band, the Rolling Stones, will celebrate their 60th anniversary with a Euro‐ pean tour due to be an‐ nounced later this month. The Stones are expected to reveal details of the tour on March 14 and insiders say it will include a date at Liverpool’s iconic Anfield football stadium. By performing at Anfield, the Stones join an exclu‐ sive list of less than 20 acts who have played at the venue. Bon Jovi, Paul Mc‐ Cartney, Pink, and Take That are among the star names to have performed at the Reds’ stadium. The final date on Sir Elton John’s world tour is also due to be staged there lat‐ er this year. Following Anfield, the band will play two concerts at London’s Hyde Park as part of the British Summer Time festival.
after his epic trip. “He won them over with his smile, fearlessness and determination, worthy of a true hero,” a spokesman for the Slovakian govern‐ ment said on Sunday March 6. Thanks to the number his mother had written on her son’s hand, it was pos‐ sible to contact her from Slovakia to let her know that her son was safe.
Contact phone number.
Yulia Pisecka, the boy’s mother, from the town of Zaporizhzhya, the location of severe fighting for pos‐ session of a nearby nucle‐ ar power plant, said she had no choice but to save him by sending him to Slo‐ vakia.
Meet and greet The Queen, 95, caught Covid in late February. At the time Buckingham Palace said that she ex‐ perienced “mild cold‐like symptoms.” Numerous virtual events were can‐ celled due to her illness. Following the Queen’s Covid‐19 battle, she also
welcomed two new High Commissioners to the UK. The engagement was held virtually last week. The Prince of Wales re‐ cently confirmed that the Queen is “a lot bet‐ ter now” following her brush with the virus.
Debris hits Moon A PIECE of a rocket launched years ago crashed into the Moon on March 4. It was proba‐ bly the first time a piece of a spacecraft has hit the Moon accidentally. The impact took place at 12.25pm UTC on the far side of the Moon, near the equator, out of view of ground‐based telescopes and probably also far from the immedi‐ ate view of NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The impact was pre‐ dicted in late January by Bill Gray, who writes the
Project Pluto software widely used to track near‐Earth objects, aster‐ oids, minor planets and comets. He initially identified the culprit as the second stage of a Space X Falcon 9 rocket launched in 2015. But in February, he changed his opinion on the origin of the object and said that it belonged to the Chinese experi‐ mental lunar mission Chang’e 5‐T1, launched in October 2014. The Chinese govern‐ ment denies this.
and finally... US Senator Lindsey Graham has called on Russians to assassinate President Vladimir Putin in light of the in‐ vasion of Ukraine. “Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more suc‐ cessful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?” he tweeted on March 3, referring to the army officer who tried to kill Adolf Hitler. “The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your coun‐ try ‐ and the world ‐ a great service,” he said.
12 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Lack of humanity Chicken Kyiv UKRAINIANS: Were told to go to Paris or Brussels.
B R I T A I N has been ac‐ cused of lacking humani‐ ty after 150 Ukrainians were turned away in Calais. According to Gerald Darmanin, the French in‐
Putin’s alleged mistress RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin is believed to have sent his alleged mistress, Alina Kabae‐ va, to Switzerland where she is hiding out in a private chalet. Famous for its neutrality, the Swiss country is also where her twin girls are thought to have been born. It has never been confirmed that Putin is the father of any of her four children. Kabaeva won two Olympic medals during her glittering career as a rhythmic gymnast, becom‐
ing one of Russia’s most decorated athletes. She won bronze in the 2000 Sydney Games fol‐ lowed by gold in the 2004 Athens Olympics. There were also 21 European Championship medals and 14 World Championship medals. Putin’s private life has always been shrouded in mystery. He was married for about 30 years to air hostess Lyudmila Putina. They divorced in 2013. “I have a private life in which I do not per‐ mit interference,” he once said.
Renfe offers free travel to Ukrainians THE Spanish national railway network Renfe has announced that it will offer free travel on all its trains to refugees arriving from Ukraine. Minister for Transport Raquel Sanchez said on Thurs‐ day March 3 that all Renfe trains will be free for Ukrainian
citizens arriving in Spain, in‐ cluding those who wish to travel to France and elsewhere in Europe. Renfe will handle the man‐ agement of all such move‐ ments of Ukrainian refugees in Barcelona, which has been set up as a hub for refugees arriv‐
ing in Spain. The terminal is served by the Elipsos cross‐bor‐ der trains which connect France with Spain. Once in Barcelona, refugees can take any Renfe train on their journey. Ukrainian citi‐ zens should carry a passport or identity card for presentation.
terior minister, refugees were told to go to Paris or Brussels to obtain visas from UK con‐ sulates. Darmanin has called on the UK to set up a con‐ sular presence in Calais. “It is imperative that your consular represen‐ tation, exceptionally and for the duration of this crisis, is able to issue visas for family reunifica‐ tion on the spot in Calais. Our coasts have been the scene of too many hu‐ man tragedies. Let’s not add to that those Ukrainian families,” he wrote to Home Secretary Priti Patel. Hundreds of Ukrainian people have travelled to Calais after it was an‐ nounced by France that the UK would set up a visa centre in the city. Patel however hit back saying the Home Office’s response was adequate and launched “within a matter of days.”
TESCO is considering renaming Chicken Kiev as Chicken Kyiv to show support for the Ukrainian people. Other su‐ permarkets including Morrisons and Sainsbury’s may al‐ so change the name of the popular dish. The capital of Ukraine was known as Kiev under Sovi‐ et rule, but Kyiv has been favoured on an international level since the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs started the online campaign #KyivNotKiev in 2018. Waitrose and Marks & Spencer do not currently in‐ tend to rename their products, but some smaller com‐ panies have been boycotting Russian goods. Other su‐ permarkets are refusing to stock Russian vodka. British company Finnebrogue Artisan tweeted that they had decided to rename their vegetarian version of Chicken Kiev “in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.” Changing the spelling is a small yet significant and peaceful way of showing support for Ukraine and taking a stand against Russia, it is argued.
and finally... CHINA has been working on high‐speed Maglev train technology for some years, with the latest prototype expected to reach a top speed in excess of 620kph. Unveiled in China in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the sleek 21 metre long prototype runs on high‐tem‐ perature superconducting (HTS) power that makes it look as if the train is floating along the magnetised tracks.
14 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
What is happening in Ukraine? ON February 24, 2022, Russia launched a devastating large‐ scale military invasion of Ukraine ‐ a European democracy of 44 million people ‐ marking a major escalation to a conflict that began in 2014. Several officials and ana‐ lysts called the invasion the largest conventional military at‐ tack in Europe since the Second World War. Russian President Vladimir Putin consistently denied that he would invade Ukraine, but then tore up a peace deal and began what Ger‐ many calls ‘Putin’s war’, sending forces into Ukraine’s north, east and south. On February 24, Putin claimed the constant threat from modern Ukraine meant that Russia could not feel ‘safe, develop and exist’, from there, airports and military headquarters have been attacked, warplanes have
RUSSIA: Launched an attack on Ukraine on February 24.
bombed major cities and Russia has seized control of the impor‐ tant port in Kherson. Putin claims he wants to pro‐ tect people from genocide and the ‘demilitarisation and de‐Nazification’ of Ukraine. However, Ukraine is actu‐
Free Airbnb housing for Ukrainians FOLLOWING Russia’s attack on Ukraine that began on February 24, up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees will be housed for free by online rental company Airbnb. Brian Chesky, the company’s CEO, has al‐ ready contacted the leaders of Hun‐ gary, Romania, Poland, and Ger‐ many offering this help. Taking to Twitter on Monday, February 28, Chesky urged: “We need help to meet this goal. The greatest need we have is for more people who can offer their homes in nearby countries.” Airbnb.org, which is chaired by Joe Gebbia, the Airbnb co‐founder, is the lesser‐known non‐profit branch of the company that is dedi‐ cated to helping to house people during such moments of crisis glob‐ ally. The specific needs of Ukrainian refugees in each country will be done by liaising specifically with each government and longer peri‐ ods of stay will be investigated. Airbnb will fund these stays through Refugee Fund, the main donor, and also by other hosts of Airbnb.org. A statement from the company released on Monday, February 28 said, “We know that hosts and guests on Airbnb around the world will be eager to stand up and assist this massive effort to help those fleeing Ukraine.”
ally a modern democracy led by a Jewish president, Volodymyr Ze‐ lensky, who has drawn parallels with Russia’s invasion and that of Nazi Germany in the Second
World War. Russia has long resisted Ukraine moving towards the European Union and Nato, and following the rejection of Ukraine’s former pro‐ Russian president Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, Putin has fre‐ quently accused Ukraine of ex‐ tremism. Last year, Russia started to send large numbers of troops close to the borders of Ukraine, while still denying any attacks would hap‐ pen. Now, it’s clear Russia wants to take over the big cities and overthrow the Ukrainian Govern‐ ment, although Putin’s long‐term plans are still unknown. As the death numbers increase, Putin stands accused of disinte‐ grating peace in Europe, however, Russia refuses to use the terms war or invasion.
and ALL PROFITS are being do‐ nated to UNICEF, currently in Ukraine providing humanitari‐ an aid. There are ‘No More War’, ‘Support Ukraine’ and Ukraini‐ an flag prints, and for those wishing to support the charity but keep their home decor neutral, a number of modern minimalist designs too. Annie Rose is keen to ramp up as much local interest and
fundraising as possible to help with the devastating impacts seen in Ukraine, offering cre‐ ative and meaningful prints for people’s homes throughout some of humanity’s darkest hours. To order your prints go to @printsforukraine on Insta‐ gram, orders can also be made via the Etsy store here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/S upportUkraineShop.
Help in your area ITEMS required include: generators, bandages, antibiotics, painkillers, First Aid kits, torches, blan‐ kets, batteries, personal hygiene products, mats, military boots, petrol chainsaws, nuts, chocolate, energy bars, other food items that don’t need to be cooked, baby food and nappies. Malaga Costa Golf caravan parking site 10am every day. Contact: 664 073 264 or 666 612 765. Calle Lasso De la Vega 18 ‐1‐0 Contact: 692 747 049 Mix Saborea (Прохлада) C/ Blanco Coris, 3. Near El Corte Ingles Marbella/San Pedro/Estepona Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones Adolfo Suarez (Marbella) from 9am. Contact: 632 106 028 or 722 171 032 (Estepona)
How you can help online Donating online From donating clothes to signing peti‐ tions, there are many ways you can help the Ukraine crisis. Here is a list of charities you can donate to directly on‐ line: Red Cross Your donation will help in areas where medical services are limited and hu‐ manitarian aid is required. https://redcross.org.ua/en/donate/ With Ukraine The website states: “The Embassy of Ukraine in the UK set up a special fund to provide humanitarian assistance to the victims of Russian war against Ukraine.” https://www.withukraine.org/en Revived Soldiers Ukraine (RSU) This nonprofit organisation helps fund medication and essential supplies for army hospitals that are on the front line. https://www.rsukraine.org/
Marbella designer fundraising for Ukraine YOUNG, local Marbella design‐ er, Annie Rose, design partner of Boho Club Marbella, Scot‐ son Property Maintenance and other Marbella‐based businesses, not to mention popular UK fitness influencers, has launched a line of art prints to raise money for the suffering children and their families of Ukraine. These retail at less than the cost of a Starbucks Frappuccino
Benalmadena Av. Manuel Mena Palma PROSVITA Contact: 628 463 994 Fuengirola Los Boliches Mark Connor and Nathan Dean https://www.face book.com/groups/507811220036834/perma link/1166555347495748/. Suitte: Calle Las Salinas, 16 (opposite Mercadona). Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm. Mijas Pueblo Sunshine Language School, Av. de Mejico, 6. Tues‐ day to Thursday: 10am to 1.45pm / 4pm to 8pm. Friday: 10am to 1.45pm / 4pm to 6pm La Cala de Mijas Heladeria Casa Esteban. C/. Marbella, 3. Every day 12pm to 6pm Las Lagunas, Mijas
Voices of Children This charitable Voices of Children foun‐ dation provides immediate aid to fami‐ lies affected by the invasion and helps children to recover from the psycho‐ logical effects of war. https://voices.org.ua/en/donat/ UNCHR Refugee Agency This organisation is providing shelter for Ukrainians who have been dis‐ placed from their homes. https://donate.unrefugees.org.uk/ Petitions you can sign There are various national and interna‐ tional petitions that will be debated by governments and leaders once a set number of signatures have been raised: (Parliament.uk) Pledge any necessary military support to defend Ukraine (38 degrees) An open letter to Priti Pa‐ tel: The UK must give safe passage to those fleeing war in Ukraine (Change.org) Tell the UK govt: Help Ukrainian refugees! (Open petition) Ask NATO to close the airspace over Ukraine (Avaaz ‐ worldwide) Stop this war Get your information from verified sources With a lot of misinformation circulat‐ ing on social media, it is very important to get your information from reliable sources. Here is where you can follow: www.gov.uk
16 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
GB’s first gold at Winter Paralympics NEIL SIMPSON won Britain’s first gold at the 2022 Beijing Winter Para‐ lympics on Sunday March 6. The 19‐year‐old from Scot‐ land put in a stunning per‐ formance at the visually‐im‐ paired super‐G event. The gold medal win has “not really sunk in yet” ac‐ cording to the young athlete. “We went in with a clear game plan and it worked out pretty well. We put it all down on the line and really went for it and I’m just very happy with the perfor‐ mance. It felt good. I could tell it was quick, but I didn’t know how special it was,” he said. “I’m just really thrilled. It’s not really sunk in yet. Initial‐ ly when we came down there was a bit of an anxious
wait. I wasn’t thinking about it being a winning perfor‐ mance, I was just thinking
that it was a good run. It’s such a high. It’s almost inde‐ scribable,” he added.
Pregnant Harry Potter star suffers Covid HARRY POTTER star Jessie Cave has been admitted to hospital with Covid‐19. The actress played Laven‐ der Brown in the famous JK Rowling franchise. She is pregnant with her fourth child. The 34‐year‐old actress took to Instagram to share the news with her fans. She posted a photo showing herself in a hospital bed. She told fans: “Triage, once again… Anyone else had Covid in third trimester and had it hit them like a tonne of bricks for weeks?” Later on, she posted again and said: “Also ‐ has anyone taken the anti‐nausea drug and it made them feel worse?” After her latest post, she has received plenty of support from Harry Potter fans. One fan comment‐ ed: “Oh honey. I’m so sorry. Like your body hasn’t got enough to deal with. Sending you lots of love lovely.” Another added: “Oh Jessie I’m so sorry this is rotten.”
Gold medal for athlete.
A chef’s hat has 100 pleats.
18 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Sex toy win for cyclist NOT every sport has success in finding the level or type of sponsorship they are look‐ ing for and cycling is no different, with the recent winner of the Tour de Friesland Chrono seeing the funny side in winning a selection of sex toys. Dutch cyclist Ellen van Dijk, six‐time road cycling world champion, won the first leg of the race and received a box including a vibrator, lubricant, some socks, an eye mask, a pumice stone and a deck of cards to play the Kama Sutra. Van Dijk, who was presented the box on the podium, was not offended and asked her followers on social media what they advised she should do with the gifts. EasyToys.nl, the sponsoring company, is
WORLD CHAMPION: Ellen van Dijk.
currently enjoying more coverage than they expected, with the story around the box getting more attention than their usu‐ al advertising efforts.
Spain sending oil to Ukraine SPAIN will send two mil‐ lion barrels of crude oil from its reserves to Ukraine, the government announced on Friday March 4. Government spokesper‐ son Isabel Rodriguez said the oil will be voluntarily transferred to Ukraine in co‐ ordination with the Interna‐ tional Energy Agency. The shipment represents rough‐ ly the amount of crude oil Spain would use in two and half days. Spain has already sent 20 tons of medical supplies and other items which are being delivered to Ukraine by road from the Torrejon de Ardoz airbase in Madrid. As the conflict in Ukraine continues, humanitarian aid
for the country is crucial as Russian forces continue to bombard cities, Rodriguez said. More than 1.5 million people have left the former Soviet territory in order to
escape the crisis which con‐ tinues to escalate while a diplomatic solution proves evasive. Roughly one million of those have crossed the land border into Poland.
and finally... DANIEL ANDREWS, the Premier of the Australian State of Victoria has offered the family of cricketer Shane Warne a state funeral after his sudden death. Warne, who died on holiday in Koh Samui, Thailand, was 52. Andrews said: “Shane Warne didn’t just inspire a crick‐ et generation ‐ he defined it. To us, he was the greatest ‐ but to his family, he was so much more. Our hearts are breaking for Shane’s family and friends ‐ and they are in the thoughts of all Victorians. “I have offered a state funeral to his family so Victorians can pay tribute to his legacy and contribution to our state, community and country.”
10 - 16 March 2022
EWN 19
A Spirited Culinary Evening Nobu Marbella unveils unique Whisky Experience
EVERY Thursday, from March 24, the prestigious Nobu Marbella restaurant will be offering a new culinary adventure, its new ‘Whisky Experience’. In addition to the a la carte and renowned omakase menu, guests can also enjoy an evening dedicated to the finest Japanese whisky from the Suntory distillery, paired with dishes by Executive Chef Eleni Manousou. Whisky is having a global renaissance, with growing popularity amongst men and women who want to enjoy the drink in new and innovative ways. Japan is a world leader in whisky production, and the Suntory distillery creates both award-winning single malt and blended whisky that can be enjoyed neat or in cocktails. Nobu style is innovative and inventive and that’s true when it comes to enjoying whisky. So, join the fun each Thursday from March 24.
Call: 952 77 86 86 • Email: reservations-marbella@nobuhotels.com
20 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Jet2 ditches masks Football bloodbath Jet2 change their policy.
Putin faces jail THE British Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Sec‐ retary has warned Vladimir Putin that UK prison cells are ready for him. It has been hinted that Putin could well stand in the dock at the Hague, and face trial for slaughtering innocent civilians. Russia is currently under investi‐ gation by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already accused the Russian president of committing such crimes by dropping cluster bombs on blocks of flats in Ukraine, killing many innocent people. “The UK has a role to play, and we are sending a message out now that we will not just turn the other way. However long it takes, if you commit a war crime on Ukrainian soil, expect to be held to ac‐ count,” warned Raab.
JET2 has become the first ma‐ jor UK airline to ditch face masks on flights. This is in line with the latest regulations from the govern‐ ment. Face masks will no longer be necessary on flights from Northern Ireland and England. The airline though has recommended that cus‐ tomers still wear their masks on board and at the airport. A spokesperson from Jet2 explained: “It is no longer a le‐ gal requirement to wear a face mask in England and Northern Ireland, including at our airports or on board our aircraft.” They went on to add: “However, as per UK Govern‐ ment guidance, we recom‐ mend that customers contin‐ ue to wear a face mask in these spaces, and we remind customers that they will need to wear one when they get to their overseas destination.” For flights travelling from Wales and Scotland travellers aged six and over will still need to wear their masks.
AN on‐pitch brawl broke out at a Queretaro v Atlas FC game on Saturday March 5 in Mexico. Initial reports suggest that at least 17 people were killed and 22 people taken to hospi‐ tal. Local officials said: “The rest are stable. It should be mentioned that all of those injured are male and at this moment it’s been con‐ firmed that four were from the state of Jalisco.” The bloodbath began as
Many fans rushed onto the pitch.
Queretaro were losing the match. At the 62nd minute the game had to be sus‐ pended. Metal bars were
SPAIN has changed travel rules for un‐ vaccinated holidaymakers in a boost to the country’s tourism sector. When entering Spain holidaymakers previously had to be fully vaccinated to avoid undergoing tests or quarantine. As part of the new measures, unvacci‐ nated travellers who have beaten the coronavirus in the last six months will be able to enter Spain. Holidaymakers from the UK can head to Spain under the new rules if they can prove they have been vaccinated
used as weapons as fans rushed onto the pitch. The teams escaped the violence by retreating to their locker rooms. Mikel Arriola, President of Liga MX, said on Twitter: “Unacceptable and unfortu‐ nate violence at the Corregi‐ dora stadium in Queretaro. Those responsible for the lack of security in the stadi‐ um will be punished in an exemplary manner. The safety of our players and fans is a priority!”
Travel update or that they have recovered from Covid. The recovery must have taken place in the last six months before trav‐ elling. After taking a first positive Covid test, 11 days must have passed before travelling. This can be a PCR test or similar or a rapid antigen test. In Spain, the recovery certificate will only be valid for 180 days though.
22 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Homeless pensioners PENSIONERS are among those who have been sleeping rough at Manchester Airport. Two of the people have been helped into temporary accommodation. Speaking for
the Reach Out to the Commu‐ nity charity, Steph Moore re‐ vealed that around 15 people regularly sleep at the airport. She told one publication: “It’s very transient,
“It’s not the same people we’re seeing all the time. There are a handful of regulars. Peo‐ ple go, come back and go again.” Steph added: “If you’re
homeless, where can you go where it’s dry and indoors? And where have they got toilets? “It’s all those kind of things we all take for granted. “To a lot of people in the community, the airport feels safe. There are cameras there. It’s warmer than some places. “People don’t want to go in‐ to the city centre. Homeless‐ ness has steadily increased and Piccadilly is just bedlam at the moment.” She went on to add: “And we had a couple of women re‐ cently at the airport. One wom‐ an came from Europe. During the pandemic there were a lot of European people working who lost their jobs in hospitality and ended up on the streets.”
ITV expands streaming ITV has announced that it is set to launch its new ITVX streaming platform. The platform will pro‐ vide free content with ad‐ verts and viewers will al‐ so be able to opt for a subscription service that will remove all the ad‐ verts. Viewers will be treated to new content first on the platform before it even hits TV. According to ITV: “There will be something for everyone on ITVX, with more fresh new content dropping ev‐ ery week of the year than
any other British video on demand platform.” ITV’s Chief Executive Carolyn McCall revealed: “The digital acceleration we are announcing today builds on everything we have achieved in phase one of our More Than TV strategy. ITVX will be a free ser‐ vice supported by ad‐ verts, with a compelling subscription proposition. This is fantastic for view‐ ers ‐ it will provide a sim‐ plified and seamless ex‐ perience with thousands of hours of free content.”
Expat escapes the Ukraine A SCOTTISH expat and his family made it out of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on the last train on Wednesday, March 2. Managing to catch the last train after a 15‐hour wait, the couple and their child made it to western Ukraine. Chloe told the media: “We managed to get into the train only around midnight. It was very cold, very dangerous, very loud. “There was a possible chance of them bombing the actual building, so people were panicking. It was our last chance. We knew if we didn’t get in we’d probably have to spend the night there.” Chloe added: “I knew this day might come so I’ve been preparing as much as I
FAMILY: Managed to escape to the west of the country.
can. I have food and basic clothes for [my son], I didn’t want him to get cold. “We’re all exhausted but we’re in a more safe place and we also have people around ‐ they’re all helping each other, they’re giv‐ ing us food and water. So we’re not that bad. I think it’s worth it to take this chance.”
24 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
A sugary secret Quarantine eased ON February 21, Guardia Civil officers in the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria port of La Luz seized two bags with about 100 kilos of cocaine hidden between bags of sugar in a container arriving from Brazil. This is the second bust of the same kind at the port in recent days. On February 17, a total of 268 kilos of cocaine, also from Brazil, was report‐ ed seized. These seizures, clarify the force, are the re‐ sult of monitoring and joint surveillance carried out by both the Guardia Civil and
HIDDEN DRUGS: Found in sacks of sugar.
the Tax Agency in the port fa‐ cilities. In recent months this has led to exhaustive docu‐ mentary analyses of the ships coming from Brazil, as well as of inspections of con‐ tainers suspected of contain‐ ing cocaine hidden among
the sacks of sugar they were transporting. The narcotics have remained at the dispos‐ al of the corresponding judi‐ cial authority, while the au‐ thorities continue their investigation to identify and locate those implicated.
I’m A Celeb comeback I’M A CELEB is set to return to Australia for an epic comeback in November. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the show had taken place in Wales for two years. For the 2022 season though the series will return to Australia. Rosemary Newell, Director of Content for ITV confirmed that the show will soon return home. She revealed: “We expect a celebrity to return in Australia in November,
when it will generate an audience over 11 mil‐ lion.” Ant and Dec had reportedly been hoping to head back to the jungle in Australia. The pair appeared on The One Show last month. Ant re‐ vealed: “Well, the plan is the jungle, so if all things...” Dec interjected: “Nothing against Wales!” Ant defended Wales too and said: “We love Wales but you know, Australia is its home and we’d like to get back there if we can.”
FROM Saturday, March 5, new rules came in‐ to force in Spain for close contacts of Covid cases. The decision to ease the rules were made by the Public Health Commission. Coronavirus quarantine rules for close contacts will be eased regardless of the person’s vaccination status. The rule changes were announced on Tues‐ day, March 1. From March 5, close contacts of Covid cases will not need to quarantine, ac‐ cording to La Sexta. The Public Health Commission though has recommended that precautionary measures for vulnerable people be increased. The Commission has advised that for 10 days after being exposed to a positive case close contacts should reduce social interactions and
A TEXAS-BASED Airbnb host has been accused of record‐ ing more than 2,000 photos and videos of people at his cabin. A Jay Allee, 54, was caught out in July last year. Accord‐ ing to the police, the hidden camera resembled a power adaptor for a Wi‐Fi router. Af‐ ter becoming suspicious, a couple staying at the cabin googled how to spot hidden
take precautions where possible. The commis‐ sion has suggested constant mask‐wearing and following hand hygiene measures. The organi‐ sation has also said that close contacts should avoid being in contact with vulnerable people. The incidence rate in Spain is falling which has led to this decision. Fully vaccinated people in Spain were already able to avoid quarantine. The new measure will affect people who have not yet been fully vacci‐ nated. It will also affect young children who have not had the full vaccine schedule. Children below five years old are not being vaccinated in Spain. Just under 20 per cent of children between five and 11 years old have been vaccinated. Anyone who has been infected with the virus though will have to self‐isolate.
Airbnb hidden camera cameras and searched the property. An investigation was car‐ ried out by the Kendall Coun‐ ty police and they discovered that the man had allegedly been recording his guests for more than a year. The police seized the fake router along with laptops,
phones and a tablet. The guests had been caught out in compromising positions and were partially dressed or naked. The Airbnb host was arrest‐ ed in November. He is facing multiple charges, although he has insisted he is innocent ac‐ cording to his lawyers.
26 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Citizenship refused
Electric cars
A 64-YEAR-OLD Irishman Billy O’Shea refused to shake hands officially with a Copenhagen councillor because he believed the requirement “is un-Danish, undemocratic and in conflict with the constitution,” so even though he shook hands privately to prove he could do it, his refusal meant he lost citizenship.
FOLLOWING a landmark agreement signed with energy group EWII to set up 1,350 new electric car charging points at Copenhagen Airport (which boasts 14,000 parking spaces), it will become the site of the largest charging station in the country within the next 10 years.
Amsterdam Museum
THERE is something of a conundrum for politicians in Holland as a new initiative on climate requires that 1.5 million Dutch homes be removed from the gas network by 2030, but a survey has found that more than half of local councils say it can’t be afforded.
ALTHOUGH an independent organisation, the Hermitage Amsterdam is effectively an arm of the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and because of this, the Amsterdam Museum which was due to temporarily relocate to the Hermitage on March 5 has decided to postpone the opening.
BELGIUM Iodine tablets
Office closure
IN 2018 the Belgian Government made supply of iodine tablets free as part of its defence against radioactivity and according to the Pharmacists Association on the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, just under 30,000 people asked for tablets which supposedly prevent thyroid cancer.
CONFIDENT that the pandemic is now under control, the Corona Commissioner’s office, which was responsible for the coordination of Belgium’s coronavirus policy and giving advice to the government will close on April 8, although it may be reconstituted if there is a sudden spike.
GERMANY Unable to fly
Greeting refugees
MAIN Russian airline Aeroflot doesn’t own a great number of aircraft but leases them from many European owners and now will be required to return them under new sanctions and as Russian aircraft are banned from European airspace, several planes are stuck at German airports.
AN estimated 1,000 Ukrainians and African guest workers who had fled the conflict initially via Poland arrived at Berlin Central Station on March 3 to be met by volunteers who either helped them find trains to onward destinations or to find accommodation in the city.
FRANCE Hijab ban
Émigré actor
WHEN the Bar Council in Lille issued a ruling that no lawyer could wear religious or political dress in courtrooms, a 30-year-old hijabwearing female lawyer of Syrian descent challenged the decision on the grounds that it was discriminatory, but her case was rejected by France’s highest court.
IN 2013 as a protest against a hike in taxation on the very rich, French actor Gerard Depardieu applied for Russian citizenship which was personally given to him over dinner by Vladimir Putin. On March 1, speaking to AFP he called for peace with Ukraine.
NORWAY Peace Prize
National income
IRONICALLY in the year that Russia invaded the Ukraine, 2022 has seen the second highest number of nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize with 343, mainly individuals, including British broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, with the final presentation to be made in Oslo this December.
ALTHOUGH Norwegian exports fell dramatically during the start of the pandemic in 2020, they soon recovered and according to new figures from Statistics Norway (SSB), the ongoing increase of the price of crude oil and natural gas saw the country’s Gross National Income increase by 22.2 per cent.
28 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
English please
Airline furlough
WITH a much more multi-cultural society, some politicians in Finland believe that many new citizens are missing out on all sorts of opportunities including health care because they don’t speak Finnish. As English is the ‘lingua franca’ for many, it is suggested that it should become a ‘service language’.
FINNAIR has had to react to the crisis with Russia as many of its flights into or overflying have had to be temporarily halted which means in turn that it has decided to enter into negotiations with unions over possible 90-day furloughs for cabin crew.
IRELAND Radioactive surprise
Irish census
AN appeal has been put out to thieves who broke into a parked van and stole a Nuclear Moisture Density Gauge in Drogheda, to contact the Garda and arrange to leave it at a prearranged location as it could potentially harm them if they try to dismantle it.
HAVING been postponed from last year due to the pandemic, the next Irish census will take place on April 3 and for the first time the Roma community will be identified as an ethnic group which leaders have been demanding for many years.
ITALY Venus identified
Special train
A MINIATURE limestone statue known as the Venus of Willendorf and believed to be more than 25,000 years old was so named as it was dug up in the Austrian region in 1908, but a researcher at the University of Vienna has declared it to be from northern Italy.
A COMMUTER train on Rome's underground line which entered service on March 3 has been decorated with the blue and yellow colours of Ukraine's flag, with the word for peace in Italian and Ukrainian appearing alternately on each seat as a sign of solidarity.
PORTUGAL Ryanair ultimatum
Abramovich controversy
IRRITATED by so called ‘ghost flights’, Ryanair issued an ultimatum to the Portuguese Government that unless it redistributed a number of slots allocated to State Airline TAP (which it isn’t using) in time for the summer, then it would reduce its fleet of seven aircraft at Lisbon Airport to four.
IT was only recently that Russian Oligarch Roman Abramovich was granted a Portuguese passport but now, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Portugal, has asked the government to impose sanctions on Russian citizens with Portuguese nationality such as Abramovich.
UKRAINE Foreign Legion
Paralympic Games
ACCORDING to a statement by the Ukrainian multimedia platform Ukrinform, the country is creating an International Legion of Territorial Defence manned by foreigners who want to join the resistance to Russian aggressors, with 16,000 reportedly already in or en route to Ukraine.
THE International Paralympic Committee (IPC), has, following representations from Ukraine and other national committees, announced that entries of athletes from the Russian Paralympic Committee (PRC) and the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Belarus for the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games will be declined.
SWEDEN Cat control
Suspended sentence
FOR more than a decade, Animal Welfare Sweden has been demanding that cats be treated the same as dogs with its Stop the Catastrophe campaign and finally, the Swedish Parliament has voted in favour of all cats being registered and chipped.
THE Court of Appeal in Gothenburg has suspended the sentence of one year imprisonment for a doctor who issued false corona certificates which showed that every individual who applied was declared negative, despite the fact that he never tested the samples taken.
FINANCE BUSINESS EXTRA Euro fall THE Russian invasion of Ukraine has seen a major knock‐on effect on the euro which has fallen to a two year low against the dollar and has broken the €1.20 level against sterling due to perceived threats of rampant inflation fu‐ elled by additional rises in en‐ ergy costs.
On the go SWISS company Selecta which cur‐ rently operates 200 ‘Starbucks on the Go’ self‐service stands across Spain has announced plans to ex‐ pand dramatically to at least 1,000 outlets situated in airports, petrol stations, large offices and universi‐ ties offering the usual range of spe‐ cialised coffees.
AENA action AFTER being refused permission by the government to increase landing fees at airports in Spain, airport management group AENA is on a campaign to reduce interest on loans and is reportedly considering issuing ethical ‘Green bonds’ with a value of up to €3 billion.
Inditex quandary AS a number of Spanish and Eu‐ ropean companies took action to either close their stores or stop supplying goods to Russia, fashion leader Inditex finally de‐ cided to close its 521 stores in that country which employ around 9,000 people.
Car sales down THE UK Society of Motor Manu‐ facturers and Traders (SMMT) has confirmed that 58,994 new cars were registered in Britain during the month of February. It believes that this figure which is some 25 per cent lower than February 2020, the month before the start of the pandemic is not simply a sign of depressed demand, but has been hurt by the shortage of semiconductors, so necessary in modern cars. With less stock available, prices are not being reduced but there is now a very healthy take up of electric vehicles as they become available with longer ranges.
www.euroweeklynews.com • 10 - 16 March 2022
€7.2 billion
is the amount that Dutch bank ING says that it has in outstanding loans to companies and individuals in Russia and Ukraine.
UK Funeral Plan Providers must be registered FCA UK now requires Funeral Plan Providers to register with them, as from July 29, 2022 if they aren’t autho‐ rised then it will be a criminal offence to sell or administer a funeral plan con‐ tract. Many people have been prudent and taken out such a plan in order to ensure that their families are not sud‐ denly burdened with the cost of bury‐ ing them and having to find thousands of pounds or euros at short notice. Although this new law will only be effective in the UK, it must be noted that some funeral plans aimed at the British residents in Spain are actually administered from a UK base so it is important that everyone is aware of the situation. It has been made a little easier to check as the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority has a list giving details of some 71 providers where you can check their status to see whether they have applied or not, or in some cases
don’t intend to apply for authorisation, which means that they should have contacted clients to advise them. The list is at https://www.fca. org.uk/consumers/funeral‐plans/ providers‐list#revisions. The majority of the larger providers will already have applied for authorisa‐ tion, amongst them popular and much used Golden Leaves who supply such plans across the whole of Spain which are administered from the UK and has issued the following statement: “Golden Leaves is aware of recent press coverage of the fact that funeral plan providers like ourselves are re‐ quired to become authorised and reg‐ ulated by the Financial Conduct Au‐ thority (FCA) from the end of July this year. “We have received inquiries as a result of this from customers asking about our intentions and what regu‐ lation by the FCA might mean for those with existing Golden Leaves
funeral plans. “Please be assured that Golden Leaves, in common with many other funeral plan providers, submitted its application for authorisation to the FCA in late 2021 and this is under re‐ view by the regulator at the current time. “While this remains under consider‐ ation, Golden Leaves remains free to promote its funeral plan services to new customers and to administer those plans that are already in place. “Golden Leaves is confident that its application will proceed and wishes to reassure its customers that business will be conducted as normal until such time as the regulator confirms its au‐ thorisation.” In some cases, the company that sold you the funeral plan, may actually have sold it on behalf of a third party which may be on the FCA list, so if you can’t see your provider, don’t panic but just double check with them.
Explaining the Golden Plan WHEN looking at funeral plans, it can all get a little overwhelming, that’s why Golden Leaves is here to help. The Golden Leaves Golden Funeral Plan is de‐ signed for those who wish to be repatriated to a country other than their current country of residence. The plan includes administration of the plan, attending to all necessary funeral arrangements, advice to executors re‐ lating to repatriation and all legal documents required. It also includes the funeral director’s services, a quality wood veneer coffin and a simple coffin for international travel, use of the chapels of rest, a hearse, provision of conductor, service and committal at crematorium and bearers and minister services. Golden Leaves will arrange the preparation for international travel, delivery to the airport in a closed hearse, delivery from UK airport to fu‐
Find the right pre-paid funeral plan for you.
neral directors, freight free allowance and contribution to UK funeral director’s fee. To find the right pre‐paid funeral plan for when the time comes, contact Golden Leaves today.
For more information, visit their website: www.goldenleavesinternational.com, send an email to info@goldenleavesinternational.com, or call for free on 800 098 309.
AFTER the German Government can‐ celled the Nord Stream 2 pipeline prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine it seems that the company organising it has encountered serious financial diffi‐ culties. The concept to pipe more natural gas from Russia to much of Europe was becoming unattractive even be‐ fore the invasion as it appeared that too much control over energy supply
Nord Stream 2 would rest with Gazprom and there‐ fore the Russian Government. Soon after the announcement by Germany and the imposition of sanc‐ tions by the US and EU, it was ru‐ moured that the company handling the $11 billion pipeline intended to file for bankruptcy in Switzerland.
This has since been denied although the company has terminated the em‐ ployment of its entire staff. The company’s website now simply contains the following statement; “We cannot confirm the media reports that Nord Stream 2 has filed for bankrupt‐ cy. “The company only informed the
£170 million pay cut BRITAIN’S highest paid woman Denise Coates, co‐owner of gambling firm Bet 365 took a drop in pay of some £170 million in its last financial year. The pandemic saw the cancel‐ lation of all sporting events which meant that even with on‐ line gambling less money than expected was spent, but the overall figures were however similar to those earned in the year before the pandemic struck. All in all, she managed to ac‐ cept almost £350 million from her combined salary and bonus, so whilst taking a pay cut, she is hardly likely to be left in financial difficulty.
Smart marketing WHILST many bands com‐ plain about low income from music sites such as Spotify, one is promoting its new al‐ bum with an unusual free of‐ fer for fans. A number of London taxi cabs are emblazoned with the artwork for Marillion’s 20th album ‘An Hour Before It’s Dark’. Anyone who hails one of those cabs until March 14 and says the secret password (the name of the album) will be entitled to a ride to any destination within the capital completely free of charge. In return, those taking ad‐ vantage of the offer are asked to take a photograph of themselves with the cab and to post it on social me‐ dia, thus promoting the al‐ bum and the band. local authorities that the company had to terminate contracts with employ‐ ees following the recent geopolitical developments leading to the imposi‐ tion of US sanctions on the company. “We can confirm that we have tak‐ en down this website due to serious and continuous attacks from outside. “Unfortunately, our mobile and fixed network lines are also not reach‐ able ‐ at least for the time being.”
32 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
See our advert on previous page
COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.101,50 Abrdn 171,40 Admiral Group 2.390,0 Anglo American 4.000,5 Antofagasta 1.595,50 Ashtead Group 4.493,0 Associated British Foods 1.642,0 AstraZeneca 8.476,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 613,40 Avast 635,20 Aveva 2.318,0 Aviva 369,50 B&M European Value 590,40 BAE Systems 729,35 Bank VTB DRC 0,010 Barclays 147,66 Barratt Developments 524,40 Berkeley 3.589,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.837,50 BP 353,00 British American Tobacco 2.947,5 British Land Company 454,00 BT Group 159,50 Bunzl 2.792,0 Burberry Group 1.567,0 Carnival 1.135,0 Centrica 69,34 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.434,0 Compass 1.521,50 CRH 2.898,0 Croda Intl 6.966,0 DCC 5.298,0 Diageo 3.357,5 DS Smith 286,70 EasyJet 451,40 Experian 2.770,0 Ferguson 10.615,0 Flutter Entertainment 7.896,0 Fresnillo 765,00 GlaxoSmithKline 1.460,37 Glencore 477,40 Halma 2.298,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 990,14 Hikma Pharma 1.788,50 HSBC 459,90 IAG 115,90 Imperial Brands 1.467,00 Informa 510,60 InterContinental 4.456,0
CHANGE(P) 1.125,50 174,25 2.465,0 4.141,5 1.605,00 4.517,0 1.671,5 8.624,0 619,80 635,60 2.320,0 379,00 594,00 741,00 0,010 150,08 531,20 3.597,0 2.852,50 363,70 3.033,5 461,20 164,05 2.803,0 1.588,0 1.171,6 71,02 1.513,0 1.540,00 2.902,0 7.012,0 5.350,0 3.421,5 293,50 454,20 2.793,0 10.790,0 7.920,0 783,40 1.483,92 489,90 2.312,0 1.000,50 1.840,50 463,40 119,28 1.505,50 523,60 4.500,0
% CHG. 1.071,00 164,80 2.346,0 3.973,0 1.537,00 4.410,0 1.585,6 8.385,0 608,40 625,20 2.264,0 361,20 579,40 684,60 0,010 142,06 511,80 3.490,0 2.797,50 350,95 2.915,0 442,90 153,70 2.751,0 1.536,0 1.070,6 67,66 1.403,5 1.494,00 2.775,0 6.868,0 5.050,0 3.319,0 279,40 417,40 2.729,0 10.520,0 7.600,0 753,60 1.445,40 475,85 2.227,0 976,00 1.767,00 449,20 109,42 1.434,50 496,80 4.300,0
NET VOL 320,58K 1,41M 139,95K 1,28M 189,95K 207,98K 58,11K 521,41K 366,53K 253,70K 70,77K 4,75M 302,80K 4,25M 0 20,53M 521,68K 76,86K 931,88K 2,05M 1,15M 60,59K 7,25M 154,38K 429,45K 435,08K 4,66M 386,58K 623,70K 446,02K 55,32K 60,75K 1,03M 928,28K 3,84M 203,28K 119,58K 130,60K 581,28K 280,71K 2,58M 127,74K 280,41K 95,42K 13,77M 20,08M 511,81K 962,40K 88,84K
Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP
1.350,50 4.794,0 72,20 240,10 1.738,0 690,00 233,50 39,93 7.356,0 746,20 114,05 1.281,50 1.081,60 192,50 5.716,0 1,89 1.150,50 2.244,0 574,80 1.031,50 5.552,0 2.199,00 468,20 642,40 6.168,5 87,09 0,60 653,00 1.420,50 0,0453 2.750,0 852,96 1.204,50 2.839,0 1.926,2 1.187,50 1.357,00 11.050,0 1.556,50 1.180,00 441,60 127,25 267,45 180,95 3.326,5 1.035,00 119,06 2.474,0 890,20
% CHG.
1.379,00 4.833,0 75,20 245,70 1.748,0 703,09 239,40 45,10 7.450,0 750,60 116,35 1.284,00 1.099,40 196,35 5.886,0 1,89 1.195,00 2.254,0 576,00 1.055,50 5.705,0 2.225,33 476,30 644,00 6.282,0 87,76 0,60 653,00 1.431,50 0,0453 2.784,0 874,20 1.217,00 2.854,0 1.951,8 1.223,00 1.359,50 11.100,0 1.577,50 1.208,50 460,00 130,75 274,65 183,40 3.366,5 1.042,00 121,08 2.497,0 909,00
1.285,00 4.718,0 69,30 236,30 1.650,0 681,42 225,50 38,12 7.164,0 743,80 109,40 1.233,50 1.061,20 182,85 5.578,0 1,89 1.127,00 2.183,0 559,20 992,60 5.502,0 2.170,00 467,00 629,80 6.123,0 83,50 0,60 633,60 1.414,00 0,0453 2.674,0 834,80 1.194,00 2.813,0 1.853,4 1.170,00 1.323,00 10.785,0 1.525,50 1.156,50 431,30 125,65 264,45 166,70 3.294,0 1.022,00 115,88 2.384,0 868,80
341,17K 41,85K 8,18M 1,24M 266,38K 47,58K 4,84M 61,73M 395,42K 298,69K 3,99M 560,92K 1,41M 10,54M 57,67K 0 300,13K 226,85K 725,49K 1,34M 239,97K 42,51K 749,11K 920,33K 885,84K 20,58M 0 539,36K 6,32K 0 57,80K 2,36M 294,44K 84,10K 5,62M 488,79K 183,02K 20,84K 679,98K 382,72K 1,96M 3,81M 5,92M 4,92M 2,14M 195,06K 18,89M 140,46K 1,16M
Units per €
US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0857 Japan yen (JPY)........................................124.91 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0023 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4396 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.7633
COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble Salesforce.com The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney
PRICE 146,73 172,95 232,91 163,17 180,84 195,66 158,65 56,51 62,57 58,83 329,67 324,26 187,43 126,62 48,07 169,48 134,40 235,81 77,83 289,86 131,18 155,14 203,01 173,40 498,65 55,11 200,29 47,72 142,82 140,72
CHANGE 147,69 176,83 235,74 165,55 188,32 196,01 159,95 56,90 62,59 58,88 330,66 326,66 187,67 127,35 48,26 169,86 135,42 236,39 77,86 295,66 133,62 155,35 206,38 173,96 499,66 55,39 206,37 47,79 142,94 144,26
CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 145,74 3,23M 170,82 5,32M 230,14 3,76M 162,10 83,16M 178,97 12,96M 190,31 3,99M 155,09 29,00M 55,25 16,55M 61,20 17,06M 57,83 5,87M 324,00 3,25M 319,51 3,52M 184,52 5,06M 124,21 4,39M 47,37 37,30M 166,85 6,14M 132,40 20,67M 231,64 4,18M 76,02 12,04M 287,17 31,93M 130,70 7,08M 152,55 8,55M 199,26 6,38M 169,51 1,15M 477,49 4,15M 54,26 26,80M 196,86 10,87M 46,05 9,59M 137,59 11,57M 139,55 12,77M M - MILLION DOLLARS
+211.38% +101.83% +84.47% +53.64% +52.09% +49.42% +42.86% +35.21% +34.90% +32.87% +32.53%
65.38M 66.37M 7.36M 148.20M 286.12M 11.32M 6.22M 1.99M 53.68M 4.58M 1.28M
-25.74% -25.16% -24.89% -24.66% -23.81% -23.78% -23.43% -23.14% -23.10% -22.31% -22.02%
2.29M 61.40K 7.38K 1.06M 29.10K 11.68M 444.18K 564.74K 34.06M 11.97M 23.20K
Most Advanced Atreca Indonesia Energy Mexco Energy Imperial Petroleum VEON Ion Geophysical Nine Energy Origin Agritech EHome Household Service Holdings Houston American Energy Marine Petroleum
Most Declined Cerberus Cyber Sentinel LAIX Immuron Cambium Networks Cazoo Group Wnt. View DBV Technologies iClick Interactive Asia Ocugen WeWork Skylight Health Prf A
Victoria’s Secret UK returns
Credit: Victoria’s Secret
BOUNCES BACK: All 25 shops in the UK were closed due to the pandemic.
VICTORIA’S SECRET UK has bounced back after entering into liquidation in 2021 with all 25 shops being closed due to the pandemic. A joint rescue bid under‐ taken by US parent L Brands and the Next Group saw the UK business resurrected and they now trade from 27 UK stores and a popular website. It was known that the company had some difficul‐ ties in the US as well where it operated around 1,000 stores and at one time was responsible for 25 per cent of all US intimate lingerie sales. Although business picked up considerably in 2021, it has now had to lower its 2022 first quarter forecast to around $80 to $110 mil‐ lion which compares un‐ favourably with sales of $225 million in the same quarter last year. It said that the reasons are two‐fold, firstly because of increased supply chain
costs and also because it didn’t receive the federal stimulus support it did last year. Despite this, actual sales volume is up by some 25 per cent and it reported that overall operating in‐ come for 2021 was $869.5 million which saw a com‐ plete turn around from the overall operating loss of $101.5 million for 2020. Having recognised that the mood of the market has swung away from the overt‐ ly sexual nature of the Vic‐ toria’s Angels and their an‐ nual runway shows, the company has positioned it‐ self as being more aware of the average woman who wants to look and feel at‐ tractive. Their 2022 Love Cloud Collection features a total of 18 models of different age, ethnicity and size likely to appeal to a very wide range of customers including those based in Spain and the UK.
Inflation soars INITIAL figures released by Spain’s National Statistics In‐ stitute (INE) indicated the highest monthly inflation rate since 1989 with February coming in at 7.4 per cent. Although the Bank of Spain and the European Central Bank (ECB) had previously warned that inflation would continue into 2022, they both expected it to be short term, but the current main culprits are the cost of food and energy. This will not be helped by the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine as crude oil prices have jumped, even though Spain doesn’t rely heavily on Russian gas.
BUSINESS EXTRA Higher prices EVEN though Spanish leg‐ islation precludes tech‐ nology companies from simply increasing prices in line with inflation, Tele‐ fónica Chief Operating Of‐ ficer Angel Vila has pub‐ licly stated that the company is currently con‐ sidering ways of recover‐ ing profits by offering higher internet speeds and more data at higher prices.
Part refund THERE was a great deal of criticism when Ladbrokes’ owner Entain gave no in‐ dication that it planned to repay the £101.5 million it received from the British Government in furlough payment, but it now plans to return £44 mil‐ lion after declaring 2021 pre‐tax profits of £393 million.
Jobs affected A DECISION by Sains‐ bury’s bosses to close around 200 of its in‐store cafes as well as some hot food counters in April will affect 2,000 workers and although the company plans to offer vacant posts to many, there is no guarantee that there will be no redundancies.
10 - 16 March 2022
EWN 33
34 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT DON’T mention the war! Despite the devastating military onslaught Putin has released on the beleaguered people of Ukraine, in my opinion this pumped up steroid of evil has now unleashed one of the most demoralising and dangerous weapons of all ‐ on his own people. He has virtually quashed the freedom of speech. By closing down the free media outlets and threatening up to 15 years in prison to anyone he regards as spreading anti‐government narrative, he effectively now commands all the data both leaving and entering his iron domain. The control of information is a crushing power. This move will now ensure the majority of decent, ordinary Russian citizens will, through his own carefully contrived propaganda, still consider his bloodthirsty incursion on Ukraine a legitimate and moral effort to liberate the people and ‘denazify’ its corrupt government. Let’s just pray that modern day social communication will be able to overcome his efforts of misinformation and encourages the Russian citizens to overthrow his regime of wicked malevolence. It is also a further reminder that the freedom of speech and open
Freedom discussion is one of our most basic of human rights and something we need to protect at all cost ‐ lest we all becoming victims of the dictators and politically correct that seek supremacy in our precious world. When are the rational authorities (assuming there are any left!) going to get off their complacent derrieres and start prosecuting some of these woke wallies for child abuse? This latest outrage truly should finish up with someone standing in the dock. Not content with traumatising young pre‐pubertal girls by insisting schools have gender free toilets and promoting fully dragged up transvestites as teachers of four‐year‐olds, these dangerous individuals now have the sheer audacity to label a six‐year‐old child, confused by a fellow schoolmate, who identified themselves as a ‘gender fluid,’ (apparently someone who changes their appearance from day to day!) as Transphobic! Don’t bother looking this up, it’s another of those contrived terminologies set to join the categories of racist, homophobic, non‐ PC and all the other expressions conceived to suppress the freedom of speech. This
little boy has now been made to feel an outcast. An innocent six‐year‐old, who should be playing with his friends and learning to read and write, is now identified as an enemy of the politically correct. You really couldn’t make it up. Both he and his sister, who also had trouble identifying the ’gender fluid’, have now been pulled out of the school by their naturally concerned parents, who no doubt will now be accused of homophobia themselves. Thank you all for your marvellous support in the recent ‘popularity poll’. Although I consider all out wonderful scribes top notch, it is nice to know I still have so many readers backing my weekly wanderings. Bless y’all. Keep the Faith Love Leapy leapylee2002@gmail.com expatradioscotland Mon. and Fri. 1pm till 4. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to www.euroweeklynews.com
Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp
A personal family look BELFAST is a deeply personal look at a family during the Troubles in Ireland from writer‐ director Kenneth Branagh, based on his own experiences. Belfast, directed, written and produced by the legendary Ken‐ neth Branagh, is a personal look at his experiences of being a young child during the late 1960s Troubles in Ireland. This film has an impressive 87 per cent critic rating and 92 per cent audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is definitely worth a watch. Despite its sub‐ ject matter, Belfast is an uplifting and humourous film starring some acting greats including Dame Judi Dench (James Bond), Ciaran Hinds (Harry Potter), Jamie Dornan (50 Shades of Grey) and Caitriona Balfe (Mon‐ ey Monster). Belfast is a black and white coming of age movie set against a bouncy Van Morri‐ son soundtrack, focusing on a tight‐knit family in which Hinds and Dench play the grandpar‐ ents superbly, adding more hu‐ mour and a feeling of comfort. Buddy and his family are Protestant, watching the attacks
on the Catholic people living on their street ‐ people they think of as their friends and neigh‐ bours. The movie doesn’t go in‐ to too much context around the Troubles, something that Bud‐ dy’s family feels somewhat sep‐ arate from and something they don’t want to get involved with ‐ no matter how hard people try and recruit Buddy’s father to their Protestant vigilante groups. The credits say the film is “For the ones who stayed,” “For the ones who left,” “And for all the ones who were lost” and it does exactly that, as the audience fol‐ lows Buddy and his family as they decide whether to move away from Ireland with heavy hearts. I really enjoyed this movie, it’s a feel‐good film de‐ spite the backdrop of the Trou‐ bles, as we watch Buddy form a crush for a Catholic girl at school, the funny conversations he has with family members and the growing tension in religion ‐ all tied up with the famous Irish hu‐ mour. Belfast can be rented on‐ line via Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, YouTube, Redbox or Vudu.
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Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators The Repair Shop Escape to the Country
1:15pm 2:00pm
1:00pm 2:00pm 2:10pm 2:15pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:20pm
Football Focus BBC News Weather Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Garden Rescue Final Score Superman & Lois BBC News BBC London News; Weather
1:30pm 2:00pm 2:10pm
Bargain Hunt BBC News Weather for the Week Ahead Songs of Praise Kung Fu Panda 3 Dodger Frozen Planet BBC News BBC London News; Weather Weather
9:45am 10:45am
Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather A Service of Celebration for Commonwealth Day The Repair Shop
10:00am 11:00am 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm
Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country
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Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country
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SUNDAY 13/03
FRIDAY 11/03
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MONDAY 14/03
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Forces of Nature with Brian Cox Earth's Greatest Spectacles Your Garden Made Perfect Great British Menu Great British Menu Oz: The Great and Powerful Flog It! Pride & Prejudice The Radio 2 Piano Room
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1:55am 2:25am 2:55am 3:55am
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11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am 3:30am
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10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Coast vs Country Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons Hollyoaks
10:15am 1:15pm
Frasier Frasier Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Coast vs Country Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed
9:50am 10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm
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Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours Who Is Living In The Attic? Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours
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Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours The Wrong Mr Right Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads
Jeremy Vine Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours Stolen By My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley Story Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours
Odo Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours An Imposter in My Home Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5
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38 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
OFCOM’S LATEST LIST OF OFFENSIVE WORDS annoyingly enough, when there is an actual problem and that is why you are speaking to them in the first place. Whatever happened to ‘you’re welcome’ or ‘I’ll see to that straight‐ away’? And finally, the most annoying six words: ‘Your call is important to us’. Plus: ‘We are ex‐ periencing unusually high call volumes.’ Since we invariably have to wait 15 minutes to get through to someone, this is a blatant lie. They’re simply too mean to employ enough staff to take calls. What words do you find offensive? Let me know and ‘I’ll circle back to you’. No problem! How I love a good grumble!
NORA JOHNSON BREAKING VIEWS Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to www.euroweeklynews.com/3.0.15/nora-johnson
I’M aware it’s not currently the biggest news story, but reports that the media regulator Ofcom added ‘boomer’ and ‘snowflake’ to its list of terms that TV and radio audiences might find offensive are nonetheless thought‐ provoking. Well, what about ‘trigger’ warnings that seemingly precede nearly every TV pro‐ gramme? I think people have the intelligence to work it out from the title. (And then you watch the programme and wonder what it was that was supposed to be upsetting!) And then there’s ‘journey’ used to refer to basically any amount of time that’s passed in a person’s life eg “my journey has brought me to my new role with this life‐affirming company.” Roughly translated as: “I hated the last place I worked and the pay here is better.” And ‘lived experience’ which actually means opinion, not events that occurred. Makes me cringe! And how about I’m ‘living the dream’ (It’s Nora Johnson’s opinions
THOUGHT-PROVOKING: What words do you find offensive?
Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘The Sentinel’, ‘No Safe Place’, ‘Be‐ trayal’, ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ (www.nora‐johnson.net) available online as eBook (€0.99; £0.99), Ap‐ ple Books, paperback &and audiobook. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer chari‐ ty.
time to wake up!), ‘it doesn’t get better than from saying ‘hard‐working’ people, ‘we’re in this’, people ‘speaking their truths’, ‘reaching this together’, ‘working tirelessly’ and ‘working out to you’ or saying they’ll ‘circle back to you’. 24/7’. Are they really? Basically, all govern‐ Urgh! ment‐ese for: ‘we’ll get round to you eventual‐ To read more articles from our columnists ‘For your comfort and convenience’ almost ly’. and to have your say in the comments go invariably means you’re about to enter a And what about ‘no problem’? Always said to www.euroweeklynews.com ‘world of pain’. Politicians should be banned when people are either just doing their job or, are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
10 - 16 March 2022
THINKING ALOUD Here we go again. In forty years of research, I have unearthed some extraordinary words and names, most of them in the English lan‐ guage. For example, in my opinion, Crapper and Ramsbottom are not the most elegant of surnames, al‐ though you may beg to differ. The word frequently cited as the most beautiful in the English lan‐ guage is the monosyllabic “queen”. “Sasquatch” is possibly the ugliest sounding but others are unpleasant through their connotations. “Diar‐ rhoea”, “torture”, “cancer” and “vomit” fall into this category. At the age of ten, I was briefly a bibliokleptomaniac. This meant I was suffering from a mental disor‐ der which leads to a compulsion to steal books – in my case, Arthur Ran‐ some books. I was quickly cured once my father found out and re‐ turned them, unread, to the shop. In the sixties, curiosity took me to some of the worst slum areas in the East End of London. The squalor, the
EWN 39
"Chinless Wonder" Coulthard and "Jug Ears" Martin
hopeless poverty and the menacing atmosphere were quite new to me and left a shocking impression. Yet, some of these awful districts had de‐ lightful sounding names such as Whitechapel and Bethnal Green. Conversely, one of London’s most prestigious addresses (in Kensing‐ ton) was known as Rotten Row. Gary Grant is the charitable founder of “The Entertainer” toyshop group (and why not Cary
Gooper?) Joe Starling was a peace‐ loving animal rights activist, where‐ as, on the contrary, Connell Make‐ peace is a ferocious rugby forward. Oliver Jawdropper was a reasonably unassuming Welsh fisherman and there is a male nurse called Marty Filibuster. While some of these names are plain inappropriate, oth‐ ers must have been tampered with somewhere along the line to raise a lifetime of weary laughs. Robin
Swansong (the “g” added as a joke?) and Herbert Pants are milder exam‐ ples. I guess his co‐directors should avoid getting on the wrong side of Michael Kill, CEO of Night‐time In‐ dustries. There could be more than their jobs at stake. Which brings us to John Dangler, a well‐liked and highly respected Morristown Superi‐ or Court Judge. Is he that well‐en‐ dowed? We’d better ask his con‐
quests. England’s football team in 1974‐ 1976 included three players whose names suggest they were infiltra‐ tors. But it seems that Emlyn Hugh‐ es was not Welsh, Malcolm Mac‐ Donald is not Scottish and Kevin Keegan is not Irish. They are all En‐ glish. A former business colleague used to go for what I call negative nick‐ names. For example, he would refer to the prognathic Formula 1 com‐ mentator David Coulthard as “the Chinless Wonder” and the former American tennis star as Todd “Jug Ears” Martin (who, from certain an‐ gles, appears to have no ears at all). And, before we complain too much about irregular Spanish (and French) words, how about the En‐ glish ones? Why are these past tens‐ es not I buyed, I bringed, I catched, I fighted, I seeked, I teached? In fact, To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to www.euroweeklynews.com
David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
40 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
Surely in this day and age... MIKE SENKER IN MY OPINION Views of a Grumpy Old Man I FIND what’s happening in Ukraine absolutely abhorrent and hope that somehow peace will happen very soon. I, like everybody else, watch it on the news every day and also look at stuff on social media. What fascinates me is that last week’s Covid experts are now war experts, with the solution to everything. Twitter is just full of folks telling me what to stop buying to hurt Russia and help Ukraine. The problem is it only hurts the Russian civil‐ ians, not Putin or the Russian economy. It doesn’t help a cause either by inviting Z list celebrities on to a supposedly serious news bulletin to give their opinion. Somebody mocked up a video of Kerry Katona threaten‐ ing Putin, turned out it was a recent appear‐ ance on a daytime TV show, but many people thought it was real and were impressed with it. I have no idea how to stop this terrifying lu‐ natic but I’m not sure kicking Russia out of the Eurovision Song Contest will help or removing Smirnoff vodka off the shelves bothers him as it’s not even Russian anymore. It’s been made in the USA and other countries since 1917.
Countries are also seizing Russian Oligarchs’ possessions like yachts and multimillion dollar homes. But what do they do with them? Can they sell them? If so, where does the money go? If the war stops next week, do they have to give the stuff back to owners? I need to under‐ stand how this helps the people that are being attacked. I just hope that it doesn’t escalate to a situation where Putin goes full out raving ma‐ niac. Can someone explain why people go on to Facebook and ask a group that is there for buy‐ ing and selling stuff on the Costa del Sol ‘What’s the weather like there in March?’ Why don’t they just google it? My guess is it’s just to see how many people answer. I see so many stupid questions getting 30/40 replies. I saw another one that asked, ‘How long is the flight from Doncaster to Malaga?’ The mind boggles. Why isn’t sound on TV kept at the same lev‐ el? I’m permanently sitting there with my TV control changing volume when music plays in a show or adverts come on. It always gets so much louder. Surely in this day and age of tech‐ nology it should be very simple to sort out and maybe it has and I just don’t know about it. If anyone knows, let me know please. Email: mikesenker@gmail.com
Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
10 - 16 March 2022
EWN 41
Here’s a pótpourri of island news - mostly good LETTER FROM
CANARIES DEAR reader, Fingers crossed that during the in‐ terval between me writing this and your kind perusal of it, the megalo‐ maniac with his finger on the nuclear button gets struck by lightning. We need divine retribution here. Our leaders are incapable of action. In‐ credibly, thousands of innocent peo‐ ple will die because of him. Have you seen his dead eyes? We’re in trouble. I alternate between ostriching the whole disaster and making plans for a well supplied bunker. Looking at the planet’s prevailing winds to see how safe we’d be here from fallout was a bad move. Nobody’s really safe. Heading out of pandemic and vol‐ cano frying pans into the apocalypse fire, hoping for the best with spring’s advance visible everywhere, life in the Canaries continues apace.
GOOD NEWS: The volcanic ash can be used for other purposes.
Here’s a pòtpourri of island news. May it distract you from larger issues beyond our control, although under‐ standing how one nutter sends gen‐ erations of innocent people to their deaths is incomprehesible. Forgive an ingenuous question: if eveybody said “No thanks, I’ll pass. Go yourself if you fancy a war,” could would‐be warmonger/s im‐ prison and punish a whole popula‐ tion for disobedience? Isn’t this all about lack of a united refusal, or is unity impossible with 50 per cent of
humans testosterone‐driven? Back to the news, mostly good. The islands are full of tourists finally able to travel, looking for safe winter sun. We’re so happy, we can hardly count. On the island of Lanazarote and tiny neighbour La Graciosa, a New‐ foundland dog called Urko, trained to save lives at sea, has joined the Emer‐ lan Canine Unit NGO, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary on the islands. Newfoundlands can save up to six people and are capable of
towing small boats to safety. Also in Lanzarote, two Guinea‐Bis‐ sau passengers arriving at the island airport via Madrid were arrested for drug running when found to have swallowed 169 capsules containing nearly two kilos of cocaine between them. Vigilance at the airport was in‐ creased after three other ‘mules’ were arrested in January. The traditional Canarian role as in‐ tercontinental waystation between Europe, Africa and the Americas lives on. Cocaine comes from South America, not Africa’s west coast, and is destined for rich Europe. African ports are easier to enter with dubious cargoes than Eur‐ poean and, as for unfortunate mules, poor Africans are closer to
Europe than poor South Americans. La Palma’s recovery from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is a long story, but there’s some good news: once removed from property, fincas and natural landscapes, millions of tons of volcanic ash can be used for con‐ struction of new roads and buildings and as fertiliser. On El Hierro, the recovery of the island’s ancient giant lizard, Gallotia Simonyi Machadoi, prospers with the declaration of the present Re‐ covery Centre ‘Zoological Park’. Tenerife, currently in muted Car‐ naval mode, will shortly offer the Ca‐ naries’ first drive‐in cinema with a 650 car capacity and in Fuerteventu‐ ra concern grows in ever continuing drought, which is changing the is‐ land’s landscapes. Good luck to us all! Barbara Belt barbarabelt@gmail.com
Barbara Belt’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
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From our Facebook
OPINIONS: Might not necessarily accord with yours.
Dear Sirs, Possibly you quite correctly place a disclaimer on Leapy’s column, that his opinions do not necessarily accord with yours. Certainly not the case this week where Leapy correctly called Putin’s move and your leader column is little more than an extension of his column. Plenty of wisdom in the old boy musings. Maybe he’s not ‘woke’, but he’s certainly awake! Yours sincerely, Barry
On the lookout Hello Euro Weekly News, There was an incident where a person masquerading as a Repsol technician and carrying a clipboard came to my property in Moraira saying that he had to check my gas equipment. I do not use gas in my house, and when I did previously, my contract was with Cepsa. This guy was evidently a fraudster. I am writing to you in case you wish to tell your readers that this scam is again operating in Moraira. The man was wearing a blue uniform with the logo of a Repsol techni-
OUTPOURING OF SUPPORT THE response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by Spanish residents, businesses, charities and councils has been incredible. There has been an outpouring of sympathy for those badly affected by the Russian aggression which seems to be much greater compared to the last major European conflict which took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Perhaps on this occasion because it is not considered an internal struggle but a brutal invasion, a David and Goliath scenario, so many are taking a positive stance to try to help people in trouble. Schoolchildren are already collecting goods to send to refugees. Companies and caring individuals are arranging to transport these much-needed items overland to try to help those who have fled with so very little. All across Europe, people are offering to assist
cian, is of slim build, around 1m 70cm tall with darkish complexion, dark brown hair with a receding hairline and thinning on top. I took a photo of him, much to his annoyance, which unfortunately I know that legally you cannot use. He was on foot, and as far as I could see, was alone. I didn’t allow him onto my property. I phoned the Teulada Local Police immediately after I sent him on his way. They are aware of the incident, when and where it took place and that I have a photo of him if they need it. Kind regards, John
those in need and rail companies are in many cases offering free transport across the continent for those who are able to find accommodation with family. Others are being offered free accommodation while they decide what to do in the future. Councils are acting as depots for goods and some are offering access to beds in hostels or council run accommodation to those fleeing the conflict. Apart from public protests against the actions of such a dangerous man as Russian President Vladimir Putin, there is little that individuals can do other than offer aid. But one thing is certain, no-one wants this unprincipled attack to escalate into a Europe-wide war which is how Putin is able to get away with his shameless incursion into Ukraine.
PRESIDENT PUTIN: Can anything be done to stop him?
Heather JJ Sewell-Bullock Putin has lost the plot and is nothing less than an arrogant dictator of the modern age. He’s on a par with Hitler, Batista and the likes. He needs to be taken out!
Theresa Attwood Two sides to a story and after the Corona virus media and politician brain washing, I don’t believe this is being done for no reason.
Gilbert Jassey The only thing that can stop him is our fear, all out war against him. Nothing less, nothing more.
Robert Miller Snr USA and NATO and the EU created this dreadful situation, they must have been well aware that trying to push further eastwards would provoke the Russian Bear.
Sandra Howells Take a vote all over Europe and United States, every country give your opinion, do we lock together or be frightened and abused by a bigger country when he takes the rest over. We are all frightened because of nuclear war, but it makes no difference, he will have his hand on the button if we do or if we don’t.
Jacqueline Leathem Hard to believe that one insane man is doing all this???? ... People of Russia need to rise up before the war comes to their towns and homes too ... as he is pushing it that way.
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48 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
MARBELLA MOMENTS BY NICOLE KING EACH week it gets harder to concen‐ trate on the ‘happenings’ in our city or the typical behind the scenes in‐ terviews of our local community; nothing is typical any longer. I’m not sure if it’s the stress of the last couple of years but something has changed lately; people have changed. Perhaps we’ve become im‐ mune with so much upset to our ‘norm’, so much horror and disbelief of what our world has turned into over the past few years, apparently everything out of our control, that empathy has fallen by the wayside. We feel perhaps that life has become so desperate there is no time or room to share anything with others. Don’t get me wrong; there are still a lot of people involved in charity and doing a lot of good out there, but some seemingly more zealous about their own cause and far less supportive of other plights; particu‐ larly to the needs of the individuals who are falling into poverty through no fault of their own.
MAN “KIND” What kind of human are you?
I’m also finding people more judgemental, in general, feeling that their opinion is so valid that it must be defended vehemently. The main topics, laced with insults and innuen‐ do are whether people are vaxed or unvaxed and now another cause for anger and dispute, Russia and Ukraine. We have the privilege of living to‐ gether amongst 146 other nationali‐ ties and we know that we are all the
www.nicoleking.es CLAIRE GORDON FINDING BALANCE IN AN UNEVEN WORLD THERE is nothing like a cri‐ sis to bring out the inepti‐ tude of various govern‐ ments and organisations. As people flee conflict in Ukraine, leaving behind the
same regardless of our differences. We share the same hopes and de‐ sires, the same restaurants. We don’t all have to agree, but we do have to continue living in the same harmony and respect we all deserve. More so than in any other place in the world we can lead by example in tolerance and being kind to each oth‐ er. There is no room for indifference or disrespect if we aspire to attain the peace we obviously all wish for too.
• www.zerohero.es
Why would normally polite people suddenly feel the need and right to be vehemently opinionated on oth‐ ers? What has happened to us? Why this increasing egocentric atti‐ tude to replace the ‘all for one’ ap‐ proach at the start of the pandemic? During the ‘times of Covid’ we came together in communities; but in‐ creasingly I hear people saying ‘as long as I’m / we’re OK, that’s enough’. Have we been worn down to the point of detachment? I think many of us have lost or had to change our way; there has been and obviously still will be a lot to deal with, but I hope we find a way to do so together and not by survival of the fittest. I’m not trying to preach but just re‐ mind everyone ‐ including myself ‐ that whilst we’re on our way, to con‐ sciously decide what kind of person we want to be, regardless of the cir‐ cumstances.
To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to www.euroweeklynews.com
• www.u-n-m.org
Aid in focus lives they spent years building in their past in or‐ der to protect their future, the UK government umms and ahhs over letting
refugees to safety on their shores. Even the communica‐ tions that were given to British people in the affect‐ ed areas were confused, badly worded and delayed repeatedly. While other countries al‐ low streams of the dis‐ placed and disillusioned through their borders, UK border police stop people in their hundreds from boarding the Eurostar into London. As Boris bumbles his way through another an‐ nouncement dedicated on‐ ly to his ego and his ulti‐ mate dream of playing a cut‐price Churchill, riling up tension that could see even more devastation wrought upon innocent people, no meaningful action is taken to assist Ukraine unless it
involves the sale of arms or the tit‐for‐tat propaganda that attempts to make the UK seem like a strong pow‐ er on the world stage. These empty gestures fil‐ ter down to the general public also. The missteps made by ordinary people may not have such sinister undertones as the ones made by people in office, but they can be just as dis‐ tracting and unhelpful as the ones that come from ‘above’. While the changing of profile pictures on social media and boycotting of Russian (or not Russian, as in the case of British‐ owned Smirnoff Vodka) is rife, relevant aid is left be‐ hind. The buying up of Airbnb nights is a frankly bizarre way of offering help to a
war‐torn country when there are legitimate chari‐ ties on the ground that could take that money and help many more people than the few who have the ability to get onto the in‐ ternet and have spare rooms available in their homes. While I understand the need to help in the grand scheme of things, following non‐Ukrainian Facebook posts may not be the way to actually assist. The posts that have the most shares are obviously visible and palatable, a way to connect to others and show that you care, but lis‐ tening to people who actu‐ ally understand the crisis is preferable. The feeling of over‐ whelm when looking for ways to help is legitimate
and understandable but we have the privilege to be at least one step removed from the panic. The use of critical thinking and under‐ standing of where our news and information comes from is more impor‐ tant than ever. I have a friend who has lived in Ukraine for a few years now and has slowly made his way out of the country over the last few weeks. He has given me this website as a guide for peo‐ ple to choose a charity that can make a direct differ‐ ence, with enough choices that people should be able to pick an organisation that aligns with their general beliefs too. Please do take a look and donate what you can: https://how‐to‐help‐ ukraine‐now.super.site/ help‐translate/united‐king‐ dom/donate To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to www.euroweeklynews.com
Claire Gordon’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
Why hip injuries affect women three times more often than men HIP injuries can make day‐to‐ day life very difficult and may have permanent conse‐ quences for mobility. Some‐ times fractures are small enough to heal on their own, but larger fractures may need to be stabilised via surgery. Hip fractures affect three times as many women as men because they lose bone density faster than men. The menopause reduces oestro‐ gen levels, which accelerates the loss of bone mass. Factors that increase the risk of hip injuries Diseases Osteoporosis is the disease that is most likely to lead to a hip fracture. The bones be‐ come so fragile that a simple blow or sudden movement can break them.
HIP FRACTURES: Women lose bone density faster than men.
There are also other dis‐ eases that affect bone strength, such as certain dis‐ orders of the endocrine sys‐ tem (eg hyperthyroidism), as well as certain diseases of the intestine that affect the ab‐ sorption of vitamin D and cal‐ cium. Medications Certain medicines, such as cortisone, directly affect the bones. If you are prescribed them, remember to watch
out for falls and blows. We are also at greater risk if the side effects of certain medicines can affect our bal‐ ance or make us dizzy (seda‐ tives, sleeping pills, etc). Lack of nutrients Vitamin D and calcium are essential for good bone health. We get this vitamin mostly from sunlight and it helps us to absorb calcium. Sedentary lifestyle A lack of physical activity weakens bones and muscles, causing us to have more diffi‐ culty holding ourselves up without strain. Smoking and excessive drinking Alcohol and smoking both impair bone regeneration and proper bone maintenance, which leads bone mass to de‐ grade more rapidly.
Two essential vitamins for a healthier you WRINKLES, sagging and blemishes are natural and in‐ evitable over time. As we age, cell renewal slows down and lipid, collagen and elastin pro‐ duction decreases, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and the loss of elasticity, radi‐ ance and firmness. Although factors such as age and genetics cannot be helped, external elements such as sun exposure, pollu‐ tion, diet and smoking can cause excessive production of free radicals, which contribute significantly to early signs of ageing. The B vitamins are essential for helping to maintain healthy and beautiful skin, and there are two that are particularly important. Vitamin B3 or niacin Due to its low molecular weight, this vitamin is easily absorbed and is able to act in the skin’s deepest layers. From
there, it stimulates microcircu‐ lation in the dermis, prevent‐ ing water loss and helping to keep the skin hydrated. It also participates in the synthesis of keratin, collagen and elastin, meaning that it im‐ proves the appearance of wrinkles, prevents sagging and helps to fade age spots. It is also beneficial for prob‐ lems such as acne, rosacea and dry or sensitive skin. Sources include brown rice, tuna, chicken, mushrooms, peanuts and avocados.
Vitamin B7 or biotin Biotin has vital functions in the body that go far beyond the surface, but it also pre‐ vents irritation, dryness and cracking of the skin, keeping it healthy and preventing the ap‐ pearance of wrinkles. Biotin also stimulates the ac‐ tion of certain essential en‐ zymes in cell replication, which then stimulates the regenera‐ tion of tissues, skin and hair. Foods rich in biotin include milk, spinach, avocado, straw‐ berries, seeds, nuts and liver.
10 - 16 March 2022
EWN 49
Teen-spirational Women HAPPY International Women’s Day which took place on March 8, I hope you all had an inspirational day! Firstly, I have to say and I’m sure I speak for the whole world when I mention the inspirational and courageous women sol‐ diers on the front line in Ukraine, ready to protect their country and the freedom of its people. The amazing bravery of young women in Russia also speaking out using social media platforms as a voice against their leader, the number of protests demonstrating in the streets condemning the war in Ukraine has been incredible. It highlights the strong independent women of the 21st century and the overall uniting of the world inspiring hope. As teens, it’s important to have inspira‐ tional females to look up to. Also let’s not forget you may be overlooking the inspira‐ tional female you are unaware of sitting next to you in class. Empower each other, make your female peers feel good about themselves, accept their differences with‐ out judgement, compliment each other on successes within the classroom and most importantly just be kind to each other, not against each other. Remember, what you do makes a difference. You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
@MINDFULTEENWORLD ON INSTAGRAM Do you want to inspire others? You can do anything you want to do as a female and there are no limits. The important thing to remember is never give up, no matter what challenges or adversities we face. We can thrive as successful indepen‐ dent women and inspire generations to follow. How do you want to make a differ‐ ence? As well as careers month, for inspira‐ tional women’s month, we will be cele‐ brating the successes of female role mod‐ els who I will be chatting with on Instagram live so be sure to check @mind fulteenworld regularly on the upcoming speakers I will be chatting with to inspire our teens! Also, teens please make sure to interact with us and tell us who inspires you and we will share your inspirations in our stories. Be empowered and empower! Alison, #Mindfulteenworld To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to www.euroweeklynews.com
Alison’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
50 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
THE Queen’s Six are a group of choristers, five men and one woman based in Windsor and named for Queen Eliza‐ beth I. They will be performing at the Convent in Gibraltar on Wednesday March 30 with tickets costing £22 through www.buytickets.gi, but admittance is subject to proof of vaccination or negative lateral flow test in the previous 48 hours.
Benalmadena tributes THERE will be an exciting series of concerts at the Benalmadena Auditorium with a se‐ lection of Spanish and international trib‐ utes. Highlights which are likely to appeal to an expatriate audience include Paul Maxwel and his tribute to Elton John on Saturday April 23, the Beatles v The Rolling Stones on Saturday May 7, Elvis and Friends on Satur‐ day May 28 and Tribute to Supertramp on Saturday June 18. Tickets for all of these shows are available from Eventbrite and cost €22.41 including booking fees. Scheduled for September are tributes to Phil Collins, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Ab‐ ba.
Photo credit: Paul Maxwel
The Queen’s Six
Paul Maxwel appears on April 23.
Specifically aimed at youngsters at the same venue, there will be Michael4Kids on Sunday June 5 telling the story of Michael Jackson costing €16.86 and Beatles4Kids on September 18.
PUEBL UE BLObeaL B ÓatP ÓP EZ Fu enengiro l a’’s mosstt beau u titifu l pati io Opening 11th March
International Menu
New exciting dishes on the menu
Bar/restaurant Pueblo López C/ VALENCIA
100 MTR
C/Mijas, 9 Pueblo López, 29640 Fuengirola
TEL. 952 471 929
From the Wall IF you love the music of Pink Floyd, there’s a chance to catch one of Spain’s top tribute bands From the Wall who will be playing in Fuengiro‐ la on the evening of Friday March 25. This is an eight‐piece band from Malaga who are currently touring the country with their Division Wall Tour which has already seen them
play in Cordoba and Sevilla. Incorporating lights and videos alongside a strong stage presence, they will be appearing at the Sala Su‐ per Star Fuengirola, Calle Jacinto Be‐ navente with doors opening at 8pm and the band appearing at 9pm. Tickets cost €10 in advance via Eventbrite (with a €1.32 booking fee) or €15 on the night.
Relive the 60s and the 70s JOIN the Cudeca Goldies on Thurs‐ day March 24 to enjoy lunch and music from the 60s and 70s at the Vinea Restaurant in Fuengirola in aid of the Cudeca Foundation. In addition to raising money for the Cudeca Hospice in Benalmade‐ na, the Goldies believe in enjoying good food and great music. The day will start at 12.30pm with a welcome drink followed by a three‐course meal with a choice of three starters, three mains, three desserts and a vegetarian option. There will be a bottle of Cham‐ pagne for the best dressed lady or gentleman and live entertainment is intended, although the interna‐ tional singing group, Touch of Class had to recently cancel an appear‐ ance as one of their members caught Covid‐19, but hopefully all will be healthy for this event. Tickets cost €20 which includes a €5 donation to Cudeca Hospice as Cudeca Goldies put the fun into fundraising. So, make your reservation by calling 951 530 498, 653 916 588 or 619 444 184.
Country Legend SALÓN VARIETÉS THEATRE THIS weekend at the Salón Varietés The‐ atre, Fuengirola come and watch interna‐ tionally acclaimed artist Johnny Westwood as he brings you his Legends of Country Show! All your favourite country artists, cov‐ ered by the smooth southern sound of Johnny’s trademark voice. John Westwood is an actor, singer and screenwriter who trained in London. John has toured in many theatre pro‐ ductions including Macbeth and Edge of Darkness, Kiss Me Kate playing Gremio, Rocky Horror show playing Riff Raff and Blood Brothers playing Mickey Johnstone. John is also an award‐winning Country singer who has enjoyed success in the Indi Charts of the US, where he has had several Number One records! John has several of his screenplays in production in the USA
COUNTRY MUSIC: Johnny Westwood.
and the Salón Varietés is thrilled to have him back on the stage here in Fuengirola! Don’t miss this concert on Friday 11th and Saturday February 12, book online at salonvarietes.com or call the box office.
Teatro Salon Varietes, C/ Emancípación, s/n, Fuengirola 29640 - Malaga. Telephone (+34) 952 474 542 - boxoffice@salonvarietestheatre.com Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 11.00 - 14.30 We also open one hour before any show!
10 - 16 March 2022
MARENOSTRUM Fuengirola will host its first Comic Con on June 4 with an eclectic mix of comics, movies, TV series, cos play and much more. It’s an unusual event taking place in the sur‐ roundings of Castle Sohail and is being organised by Metrópoli Comic Con, a company that has a long record of putting together comic events such as this and is believed to have introduced the concept to Spain. The renowned Pascu and Rodri will be adding their own stellar perfor‐ mance of the show ‘Destripando la Historia’ based on the comic books of the same name and there will be something for everyone on the day which starts at 11am and goes on to 2am. Cosplay will be an important part of the day, with a large number of people expected to turn up in their own special creations, but it’s not just for humans as there will be a special event for pets under the heading Comic Dog. There’s music in‐
SAYING farewell to a previous week of jazz at the MVA Festi‐ val, Little Monster, a band made up of young students from the Alhaurin de la Torre School of Music and Dance will be performing on Friday March 18. Entry to the show which starts at 9pm in the Santo Domingo convent is free and
Photo credit: Kevon Baird flickr
Fuengirola Comic Con
COSPLAY: Expect some amazing costumes.
cluding a section on K Pop, magic events and pho‐ to calls with artists and actors as well as plenty of food trucks and a special shopping alley. Comic Con Fuengirola promises to be an un‐ missable event, ideal for all of the family with so much to do and see and tickets cost from €18 to €34.90 at www.fuengirolacomiccon.com.
Jazz in Ronda all guests will be accommo‐ dated subject to health re‐ strictions until capacity is filled. The 10‐piece band has already released its first al‐ bum and was placed second in the national jazz contest of Talavera de la Reina as well as
being booked to appear at the Mallorca Jazz Festival and play at many venues in Mala‐ ga Province. Known for their fresh ap‐ proach to jazz standards they bring a young perspective to classics of the genre.
EWN 51
www.euroweeklynews.com • 10 - 16 March 2022
Who will look after your pets when you’re away? IF you are planning a trip later this year you still need to plan early for pet and house‐sitters. Per‐ haps you are already making plans for a stayca‐ tion get away. Even if you are planning just a short trip, you’ll know that you simply can’t travel with some pets. Young pets in particular may benefit from staying behind so they can follow their rou‐ tines at home. So, plan ahead. Take a moment to plan ahead for pet and house‐
sitters, if you have trips planned later this year. Now is the time to get ready. We will help you as much as we can. Our phi‐ losophy is that we are all in this together. These are the steps to take: 1. Register as a home‐ owner on HouseSit Match.com 2. Choose a Premium account (£89 per year) to ensure you can help on‐ line when needed 3. Create a profile with photos of your pet and the house
4. Post a house‐sit ad‐ vert stating your plans for next year’s holiday Covid permitting Do you need a pet‐sitter in 2022? Then get started right now. How does it work? HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our network for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your advert saying when you are going on holiday. House‐sitters see your advert, they re‐ spond and you choose the sitter who’ll care for your pets. Trustpilot Testimonials ‐ 4.8 / 5 Excellent rating (New Trustpilot rating scale) Here’s what members have said about us ‐
Nukka loves her pet-sitters from HouseSitMatch.
HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter… HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter while we were away in Canada and we were de‐ lighted with the care and attention that HouseSit Match took in helping us find the right person. Ros Morris ‐ Dog owner How do you join? Please register online via our website w w w . H o u s e s i t match.com ‐ Choose a member‐ ship plan ‐ Please note prices go up soon so sign up now on subscription to secure these prices: o Standard (DIY op‐ tion) = £69 pa o Premium (with sup‐ port at each step) = £89 pa
Do you need a house-sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either house-sitter or homeowner with a 50 per cent discount using coupon code SUPER50 - an exclusive offer for readers. To find a house or pet-sitter go to www.HousesitMatch.com
54 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
10 - 16 March 2022
EWN 55
56 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
10 - 16 March 2022 • www.euroweeklynews.com
SOLAR BLINDS SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to improve your living environment. ian@solar shadetinting.com Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (290765)
AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. Ecosense movement sensors supplied and fitted from 100 Euros. For other energy-saving products visit www.cooland cosy.es. 952 935 513. We are Junta de Andalucia authorised installers as the new law states (real decreto 115/2017). On the Costa del Sol since 1993 (285966) MR COOL – Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heating Systems, Sales & Service – Call Christian +34 629 527 587 or Nick +34 618 678 853 – www.mrcool.es (294131) QUALITY Air Conditioning Installations. Economical to use, & silent in operation. 26 Years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocarespain.com www.envirocarespain.com (295314)
AWNINGS ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation; also recovery service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof shades.design T1(101730) SUNSHINE AWNINGS / BLINDS Awnings, Persiana, Shutter & Rejas Specialist. New & Repairs. 25yrs on the coast. 680 323 969 (295315)
BEAUTY PRODUCTS FOR ALL your beauty products order. Avon delivered to your door. www.avon.es /store/jan (294533)
BUY & SELL HOUSE CLEARANCE SPECIALISTS, FULL OR PART CLEARANCE. ALL FURNITURE WANTED, WE PAY MORE. TEL 634 324 914 OR EMAIL h o u s e c l e a ra n c e m a n @ h o t mail.com (293619) PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM Buyers & Sellers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. 697 511 071 (294573)
BUILDING SERVICES JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Bathrooms / kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (294590)
ACE OF SHADES – Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceofshades.design (101730)
NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 17yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/WhatsApp 655 040 648 (295145)
BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (290491)
FRANK Dr Damp, bricklaying & plastering. All work guaranteed. 689 515 558 (295377)
CHARITY COLLECTIVE CALLING are urgently requesting donations of clothing, shoes, handbags & home-ware. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-income families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Alcantara, alternatively, call us to arrange collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137)
CHURCH SERVICES BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Elimfamilyfellowship.com or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011)
SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit www.swinglescasas.com for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (292511)
HAVING A NEW BABY? Antenatal and postnatal advice and support available from experienced UK registered Nurse and Health Visitor. Home visits and phone consultations. Contact Janette www.maat family.com, info@maat family.com +34 602 472 460 (294228)
APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (293804)
GENERAL BUILDER, Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available (294356)
R.K.S PROPERTY SERVICES Kitchen & Bathroom specialists. Full reforms. Plastering, Tiling & Plumbing services. Established 2005. 634 315 264 / 634 345 118 (295073)
CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497 (293053)
www.handymanservices.e s Electrician, plumbing, construction, painting. Innovation. ROT deduction for Swedish, Sotogrande to Marbella 648 712 530 (294359)
PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 (294773)
CALAHONDA: Encounter Church (Elim), Family church with kids activities, Iglesia San Miguel, Sundays 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodgson, 695 115 496 (10012)
CAR HIRE ALH RENT A CAR – SHORT & LONG-TERM RENTALS FROM €9.90 A DAY. INSURANCE INCLUDED IN OUR PRICES. www.alhrentacar.com TLF: 638 846 909 or reser vasalhrentacar@gmail.co m (292446)
THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (The road behind the Mijas Aquapark)on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 www.thearkspain.com (293850)
CLASSES SPANISH. I’m a great Spanish teacher. Imagine you can speak Spanish in no time with me. 649 341 877 (286327)
CLEANING&MAINTENANCE ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email acservs@outlook.com (290739)
CONEJO CLEANING & Property Management. Est. over 25 years. Rentals management, one off cleans. New Property set up service. Wendy 635 630 370 / 952 964 407 www.conejocleaning.com (294579) Starlight Cleaning Services. All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Deep Clean for Bars & Restaurants. We also do a professional Chimney Sweeping service. 682 636 451 w w w. s t a r l i g h t- s p a i n . c o m (293737) CLEANING woman available, my own vehicle, cover the Costa del Sol 12€/hour Carmen 603 84 42 54 (295320)
DECORATORS RAINBOW Pinturas. English Painters & decorators. All aspects. Interior/exterior, private residential, commercial & communities. Spraying: door, kitchens & furniture. Light construction. Call/WhatsApp: Daniel: 628 066 308 www.rain bowpinturas.com (293975) ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctual. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 603 132 783 Facebook: @ATDDecorMalaga (294436)
DESIGNS & SIGNS SIGNS all type of 3D letters and light boxes, full CNC cutting services , large and small format printing like posters , roller banners , business card and flyers, we create your corporate identity, logos, real estate boards, decoration items for homes and offices. We cover the Coast and delivery. 951 310 395 / 665 804 321 info@eyeprint.es (295065)
DOMESTIC APP REP DOMESTIC Appliance repairs - washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (293053)
ELECTRICIAN LIT ELECTRICIANS for all your Electrical & maintenance needs, no job too small for a FREE Quote. Call C ra i g o n 6 0 4 1 0 6 4 1 4 o r Ben 679 505 761 (294959) ALL TYPES, of Electrical work undertaken. Malaga to Marbella & Inland. Call Frank 650 561 629 (294230)
FOR SALE/WANTED W A N T E D G o l d , S i l v e r, Ro l e x & Pa t e k P h i l i p p e Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) WE buy stamps Collections pre 1950. Asian and oriental items of all kind. Please whatsapp 618 090 073 (ask for peter) (295398)
DRAINAGE BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / drainspain.com (289699) CLEARFLOW– Unblocking, CCTV inspection, repair and installation. Tel: 630 200 600 / 952 885 661. www.de satorosclearflow Facebook: DesatorosClearflow (294767)
If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
58 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
FURNITURE FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. 697 511 071 (294573)
GARDENING PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@gar den-professionals.com (291784)
IRRIGATION IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation installation, Cables, Fibre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problemsolving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (292929)
GATE REPAIRS ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (294530)
GATES ELECTRIC GATES/Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement remotes. New installs and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. tgdc@hotmail.co.uk www.2waygates.com (295301)
GLASS CURTAINS GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354)
GOLF FOR SALE F U L L set of irons never used, plus ping putter. Offers for the lot. 625 908 687 (293391)
GUTTERING GUTTERING: Protect your property from rain damage. Quality guaranteed. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered 952 663 141 / 670 409 759 info@envi rocarespain.com www. envirocarespain.com (295314)
BOTOX & fillers from €95. Skinny Jab & Fat reducing injections. Cover Coast & Inland. www.beautifulmarbella .es 609 347 086 (293618)
VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY R E P LA C E W H E N YO U C A N RENOVATE? Modern adhesive vinyl coverings in hundreds of styles and designs c a n r e n o va t e a t i r e d kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood designed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Wo r k c a r r i e d o u t o n s i t e w i t h 1 0 y e a r w a r ra n t i e s Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples. (292272)
CHIROPRACTOR FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Release. J Schaegen, Specialised in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224 www.body work.es (292480)
CLAIRVOYANT CLAIRVOYANT guidance & coaching in all areas of life, like job, love, healing. Warm welcome, book your session: avrilpsychic@gmail.com Whatsapp 604 290 470 (text) (295316)
HEATING FIRES: Electric, Gas, Wood Burning Stoves. Quality guaranteed. EnviroCare. All areas covered. 952 663 141 / 670 409 759. info@enviro carespain.com www.envi rocarespain.com (295314)
If you can read it,
HOT TUBS AND SPAS HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 (294340)
HOUSE CLEARANCES ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. 697 511 071 (294573)
so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
EU INSURANCE DIRECT. Best prices, best service, best cover for all your Insurance needs. TEL 951 080 118 or 952 830 843 (282687)
MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 309, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 902 123 309 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726) STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Ins u ra n c e C a l l 9 7 1 2 7 7 4 5 5 Fo r yo u r s e c u r i ty www.abbeygateinsure.com (291234) LSM INSURANCE. No fat singing blokes or trumpeting telephone´s, just professional service at the best prices for all your insurance needs including car, household, commercial, life, health and travel. Tel 952 578008 or www.lsminsurance.biz for a quotation (295139)
INVESTMENT OPP 12% PA Fixed Rate Return. UK Commercial Property. Low entry level. Tel: 965 020 402 (294802)
LOCKSMITHS LOCKSMITH emergency / appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657 466 803 (288129) ENGLISH 24/7 LOCKSMITHS AND SECURITY COMPANY, FREE HOME SECURITY SURVEY. 636 770 865 / 952 660 233 WWW.SECURITYOF SPAIN.COM CONTACT DAREN (294126)
MISCELLANEOUS GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)
MOBILITY THE WORLD OF MOBILITY superstore. Your independent living & mobility specialist. All mobility needs under one roof. Sales, Repairs & Rentals. FREE delivery with all online sales. www.worldofmobility.es/shop (295079)
SENIORWORLD (est.2008) – MOBILITY scooters, wheelchairs, stairlifts, nursing beds, rise ‘n’ recline chairs & a large range of daily living aids for sale or hire, for a better life. Visit our showroom in Los Boliches - or call on 952 663 131 or 670 964 181 for advice & best prices (294342)
MOSQUITO SCREENS ACE OF SHADES – Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof shades.design (101730) MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354) MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 www.mos quitonick.ws (293466)
MOTORING FOR SALE – SELLING YOUR SPANISH CAR? PHONE Bill Brady for the best cash price. Stay safe and phone Bill on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 bill bradycars.com MASSIVE SAVINGS AT B I L L B R A D Y C A R S has been established on the Costa del Sol since 1986, in which time he has helped thousands of expatriates to buy or sell their quality used Spanish cars and also keeping all the documentation simple so you understand all that is going on (which is important). You can contact Bill direct on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 or billbradycars.com NEW Cars and SUVs coming soon please check our web page billbradycars.com. KIA SOL, Diesel, One private owner, Low km, 9995 € . 952838842 & 608950221, billbradycars.com MUST be the cheapest car on the coast CONV E R T I B L E Automatic / Diesel Mercedes SLK 250 CDI. 2012 R:H:D: With service history 96’000 Klm. (
CLASSIFIEDS 60’000 Mls ) New ITV. ( MOT ) Health forces this sale this car is immaculate for year yes the price is correct WAS 14’995€ Now slashed to only 12’ 995€ 952 838 842 608 950 221 billbradycars.com IMMACULATE JAGUAR X Type 3.0 Sport Automatic. This is a RHD car with Spanish plates and ITV. Genuine 74k miles and full service history. Metallic blue with cream and walnut interior. Two owners from new. Company directors second car. €4,500. Tel: 951 400 234 (295538) WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)
CAR SERVICES MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (293920) ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (293789)
WANTED A L L C A R S / Commercials wanted, runners or non-runners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (294574) WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (293494) CAMPER VANS, CARAVANS, MOBILE HOMES, BOATS AND ALL PLANT, DIGGERS, DUMPERS, MOTORBIKES, CARS AND COMMERCIALS WANTED. BEST PRICE PAID, CASH TODAY, ANY REGISTRATION WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 (290739) CAR, VANS BOUGHT WITH/WITHOUT PAPERS. CASH WAITING 678 808 837 (290739)
IMPORT / TRANSFER CARS transferred, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678 808 837 Or email carsinspain@ live.co.uk (290739)
NAUTICAL INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE, VHF/DSC-Radio or Radar Courses held in English individual or small groups starts soon. 626 245 098 (295374)
PASSPORT RENEWALS UK & IRISH Passport renewals including photo’s. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. www.cathscards.es (291992)
PEST CONTROL COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Guarantee. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940 (293982)
PETS KENNELS CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. www.catand dogworld.com (293576)
If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
www.euroweeklynews.com PET CHARITY ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the Town Hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is www.ace-charity.org where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320) ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on www.adana.es. Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 14.00pm. (93319) ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving something for abandoned animals. Contact animexfoun dation@gmail.com or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287) ARCH - The Andalucian Rescue Centre for Horses, registered charity 8448, the Centre is now open again to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish authorities, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is located between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website www.horserescue spain.org, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322) SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments a n d a r e w e l c o m e a t a ny time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will
r e a l l y h e l p m a ke a d i ffe re n c e . Yo u c a n f i n d u s a t Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la To r r e . Te l . 6 0 8 2 5 8 9 5 0 info@sepeonline.net www.sepeonline.net (93321) SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clear-out, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about rehoming, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website www.sos-animals.org or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)
MALAGA EXPAT CONSULTING - Spanish Paperwork: NIE, Residency, TIE, Non-Lucrative & Golden Visas, Car Transfers, Property Tourist License, Translations, Property Search & Relocation Consultancy. Outstanding service at competitive rates. Call or WhatsApp Irina Saltmarsh 687 733 743 www.malagaexpat.com (295136)
WWW.INMOANDALUZ. COM. Bargain inland properties for all budgets, fincas, village homes, apartments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (292246)
WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email info@intermarbella.com (291563)
PROP MAINTENANCE STARLIGHT PROPERTY. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 689 819 592 w w w. s t a r l i g h t- s p a i n . c o m (293737)
PROPERTY TO LET LONG TERM RENTALS AVAILABLE and also wanted. Super prices. Apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (294737) WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@inter marbella.com (291563)
MIJAS countryside townhouse. 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Spectacular sea views. Storage, pool and Parking. 800€. To see photos. www.bit.ly/MIJAS. Tlf. 627 642 642 (292529) RENTALS, LEASHOLDS AND SALES of all kind of commercial properties along the coast. Excellent prices. Tel 664.686.653 – 611.226.000 – damisa123@yahoo.es (295539)
PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / drainspain.com (289699)
S E L L I N G U P ? ? W hy n o t give us a call an let us give you an honest and realistic valuation of your property. List with us and l e t u s t a ke t h e s t r e s s o u t of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients waiting. Please call 685 524 921. (290739) WE have many clients actively looking for villas, townhouses & apartments from Torremolinos to Calahonda. Call Joe 626 864 683 (294765) WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@intermarbella.com (291563)
REMOVAL/STORAGE 15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 25th March 2022. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (295018)
MAN AND VAN MAN & VAN, 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (289055) 2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 (294942) MOVEIT-storeit.com Tel David 696 810 618 (291053)
EWN 59
JDS EURO TRANSPORT & REMOVALS - Regular trips throughout Europe. Contact Julian 00 44 7884 908 929/00 34 637 066 114 See Facebook Page for recommendations (293747) MOVEIT-storeit.com Tel David 696 810 618 (291053)
STORAGE STORAGE lowest price guaranteed. Packaging materials Self-Storage Marbella 952 811 311 (292300) MOVEIT-storeit.com Tel David 696 810 618 (291053)
ROLLER SHUTTERS ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof shades.design (101730) ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (290491)
SERVICES FURNITURE FRENCH POLISHING REPAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable furniture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 499 944 (285318)
SITUATIONS VACANT DISTRIBUTION DRIVERS wanted for Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical. One day per week. Must be legal to work in Spain, have own transport, know the areas and be reliable. Please send CV with covering letter to Martyn by email mab021262@gmail. com (292475) CLEANING woman required, possibly Ukrainian. 5hrs per week. Marbella. 695 629 289 (295536)
SOLAR SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@enviro carespain.com www.envi rocarespain.com (295314)
If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
60 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
SOLAR ENERGY SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for Large Glazed Areas To Re f l e c t H e a t / G l a r e A n d Stop Furniture Fading And S t i l l Ke e p T h e V i e w. S ave Heat in The Winter To Improve Your Living Environment. ian@solarshadetint i n g . c o m Te l Ia n 9 5 8 4 9 6 571 / 644 546 176
SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Te l 6 5 7 3 6 9 3 4 3 o r r o s a n nacarmella@hotmail.com (293734)
SWIMMING POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE, & Repairs, including heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678791495 / 952756168 www.sparklen ripple.net (288721) WESTARPOOLS. Pool construction, renovation, re pairs and heating. 619 246 372 / www.westarpools.com (295064)
SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Systems. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality Guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envi rocarespain.com www. envirocarespain.com (295314)
TRANSLATORS OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 sanpedrotrans lations@gmail.com (293783)
TV & SATELLITE REPAIRS – TVs, Plasmas, LCDs, Digi-Boxes, Video, Hi-Fi & microwaves. Free estimates, can collect. 35 years’ experience. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201 (295141) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
BRITISH BBC / ITV TV channels, Smart TV, Satellite, Firesticks, WiFi Networks, Marine Electronics. Andrew & Jayne 711 021 678 or +447968 488 998 www.costaelectronicso lutions.com (295537)
UPHOLSTERY ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 ac servs@outlook.com (290739) CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437) UPHOLSTERY including l e a t h e r c l e a n e d a l s o c a rpets. 685 524 921 (290739)
WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC & Ga s Wa te r Heaters. Quality Installations. 26 years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocarespain.co m www.envirocare spain.com (295314) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
WINDOWS DREAM Windows & Building Services UPVC windows & d o o r s . H i g h q u a l i ty a t great prices 15yrs on the coast. All work guaranteed. Also offer Aluminium windows, Mosquito screens, Pe r s i a n a s , G l a s s r e p l a c e ments, shower screens & much more. Call us on 619 604 562 dreamwindow1@outlook. com (294545)
WINDOW CLEANER TRADITIONAL Window Cleaner. Give your windows and doors that professional finish at affordable prices. Call Chris 711 007 665/ 952 638 548 (294581)
WINDOW TINTING MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 – 644 546 176 ian@solarshade tinting. com (290765)
XXX RELAXATION Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE.
MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for your enjoym e n t i n t h e c i ty c e n t r e , eight young ladies for unforg e tt a b l e m o m e n t s . O p e n 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and inform a t i o n c a l l 6 2 0 3 6 6 8 1 7. (291714) MATURE elegant lady. Voluptuous bust. All services. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (286295)tp2 LAURA 28, slim, blonde, friendly. Fluent English. Incalls & outcalls. 633 744 422 (292444) YOU will live a moment of p a s s i o n a n d u n p a ra l l e l e d sweetness. Don’ t hesitate and come check it out. I can b e yo u r s e c r e t a r y, yo u r nurse or your kinky lover. Natural French. Tel. 648 814 653 (294721) SADOMASO. Fully equipped dungeon. Professional services and equipment. Pain is the source of pleasure! Whips, gags, handcuffs, bandages, ropes. Ask for your appointment. Tel. 650 237 102 (294721) FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japaneses girls. Complete services. Pleasure always guaranteed. Discretion Assured. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (WhatsApp) (295143) MARBELLA mother and daughter playful horny fun k i s s i n g d o m i n a t i o n fe t i s h massage on a bed 672 159 565 (293609) E N G L I S H E L E G A N T , attractive & classy lady in her late 40s, gives a very sensual girlfriend experience. First timers & golfers especially welcome. Discretion assured. Call 680 177 569 (294948) tp7 HIGH standard villa. Luxury services. Cosy, discreet atm o s p h e r e a n d ve r y g o o d treatment. 8 beautiful girls delivered to the max. Free
If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161
CLASSIFIEDS drink. Porn movies, erotic t oy s , jacuzzi, n a t u ra l French, kisses, Greek, lesbian, couples. Outcalls. 24h. VISA - 951 274 723 & 650 2 3 7 1 0 2 w w w. b u tt e r f l y girls.es from € 50 (294721) RIVIERA, Katya, a beautiful Ukrainian girl with an exquisite body that will awaken all your desires. I am an expert, liberal and passionate lover. You will adore my kisses on the mouth and my m a s s a g e s w i l l l e ave yo u ready to enjoy and you will want to repeat as soon as possible. It will be unforgettable. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 102 (294721) M I K A E L A , h o t- b l o o d e d Brazilian, body of scandal. I am a beautiful blonde escort with green eyes and you will adore me at first sight. I have soft white skin, beautiful natural breasts and I will take care of making those fantasies that you keep only for yourself come true. You will adore me, I assure you. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) M O R G A N , 2 6 ye a r s o l d , English lady, luxury escort that will drive you crazy with pleasure. You will be attracted to my beauty and my insatiable sexual appetite. Get c a r r i e d a way b y yo u r i n stincts and try the most ardent English. Brunette with b i g n a t u ra l b r e a s t s , b l u e e ye s a n d w h i t e s k i n t h a t wa n t s t o p l e a s e yo u . M y specialty is natural French, b u t I w i l l a l s o e xc i t e yo u with a lingerie show and you should know that I am fascinated by Greek and that I am ready to ride a wild dup l e x . R i v i e ra d e l S o l , 2 4 h o u r s , Te l . 6 5 0 2 3 7 1 4 5 (294721) RIVIERA, Eva, Venezuelan girl, 21 years old, sensual and very spicy. A girl with style that will make you enjoy like nobody else. I have many erotic toys with which we can enjoy to the fullest. I am a sweetheart, I love to g i ve yo u l ove , k i s s yo u r
CLASSIFIEDS w h o l e b o d y a n d p a s s my wet tongue wherever you l i ke i t . Te l . 6 5 0 2 3 7 1 4 5 (294721) N E A R B Y E l v i r i a , S a ra , sweet and passionate Colombian, gorgeous and s l i m , m o r b i d a n d h o r ny. I love to please my lovers and I assure you that I will not d i s a p p o i n t yo u . I l ove games and erotic massages. L o o k a t my p r o f i l e a t www.butterflygirls.es and you will fall in love. 24hrs. Tel. 648 814 653 (294721) RIVIERA DEL SOL, Latin blonde, goddess of sex, ny m p h o m a n i a c , h o t a n d multi-orgasmic. I am a real volcano, as well as a very beautiful, kind and dedicated woman. Complete services. Incalls and outcalls. 2 4 h r s . Te l . 6 5 0 2 3 7 1 4 5 (294721) C A L A H O N D A . Kelly, Slim Brazilian, girl breast, long black hair and great ass. Vicious, loving and accommodating lover. I am the only one who will know how to fulfil your fantasies, dare to a s k m e w h a t yo u a l way s dreamed of and did not d a r e . F r o m € 5 0 . Te l . 6 4 8 814 653 (294721)
www.euroweeklynews.com FUENGIROLA Po Maritimo: S p a n i s h 3 5 ye a r s b l o n d e , voluptuous. Black Kiss. Natu ra l F r e n c h . C o u c h m a ss a g e . E r o t i c s h o w e r. A b solute hygiene. 677 353 323 (FU 2106) ELVIRIA Asian young pretty, slim, hot, horny unforgettable relax, private. 604 143 788 (MI 491) F U E N G I R O L A B r u n e tt e m u l a t a 4 0 ye a r s , 1 5 0 breast. All services. 634 006 059 (FU 2107) NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and subm i s s i ve g i r l o ffe r s yo u a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, including sensual massages (qualified independent masseuse) with natural French and happy ending. Private apartment. 656 350 401 ORIENTAL busty mature, multiorgasmic, passionate pleasure, discreet. 603 208 080 (MI 492) CANDY!! Your sweet young girl come and enjoy with me!! 632 199 815 (FU 2151)
RIVIERA. Pretty Colombian Brunette long hair, elegant and discreet but also very vicious. I enjoy living of sex with no limits. Call me. I am desperate to give you pleasure and lust for an unforgettable moment. Available 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)
SPECIAL anal. Marbella explosive blonde, 120 breasts. Couples. French without. Squirting. Photos available. Visa/ Amex. Visits 24hrs. We can send photos & videos on request. 680 554 614 (FU 2352)
www.casakinkspain.com Inland retreat and fantasy hideaway with a full service. 662 913 428 (FU 2553)
MARBELLA Gabrielle Dominatrix I enjoy torturing, humiliation, Golden rain. Black kiss. Anal. Latex. Leather. Tongue kisses. I send photos. 24hrs. Visa/ Amex. 680 554 614 (FU 2352)
NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and subm i s s i ve g i r l o ffe r s yo u a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, including sensual massages (qualified independent masseuse) with natural French and happy ending. Private apartment. 656 350 401
PUERTO BANUS. Giovanna 38 years, beautiful Brazilian. Guaranteed pleasure. Discreet. 645 760 963 (FU 2183)
ASIAN mature sweet hot, sexual orgasm, supervicious, clean. Marbella. 604 354 485 (MI 493) A S I A N , b u s ty, l o n g h a i r, love sexual desire, naughty. Marbella. 602 415 351 (Mi 477) CASSIE. Mature English lad y. D i s c r e e t a n d c l e a n . Fuengirola. 667 914 732 (FU 2560) FUENGIROLA. JOHANNA Santa Ana Street. Brazilian 4 5 y r s , Ta l l B r u n e tt e , B i g B r e a t , Pe r fe c t B o d y - Te l 617.818.615 (294994) YOUNG and mature girls with big tits, kisses and domination. Outcalls 675 175 950 (292649) FUENGIROLA P r e tty, young 25, busty, naughty, h o t , a ffe c t i o n a t e , F r e n c h kissing to the end 611 346 741 (293185) MARBELLA Pretty Russian, young 24, naughty, kisser, h o t , a ffe c t i o n a t e , F r e n c h kissing to the end 604 286 601(293185) COMPLIANT GENUINE COUPLE (willing wife and knowing husband) offer an incredibly sexual and unique experience to l a d i e s , c o u p l e s , a n d g e ntlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be a voyeur, or simply enjoy very special pleasures with us. Private apartment in Nueva Andalucia or out calls 685 189 518 SAN PEDRO/ Estepona: Estrella 19 years, pretty, beautiful body, loving. No experience... but love to play with you. Outcalls. 24hrs. Call me 602 465 372 (FU 2420) NEW FUENGIROLA: Ely 1 9 y r s , N a t u ra l F r e n c h , Greek. No limits. 603 366 841 (FU 2557) BENALMADENA Young lady 35, attractive, sexy, educated. For gentlemen. €30. 634 209 427 (295354) E S C O R T 120€. Explosive blonde. All included. Receive & visits. Fuengirola. 645 131 273 (FU 2416) NEW SARA 19yrs beautiful brunette, pert ass. No limits. Fuengirola 603 366 841 (FU 2557) ELVIRIA Malayan Philipina, four hands, naughty, sensual relaxing massage, satisfaction guaranteed. Private villa. 604 224 127 (MI 494) FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japaneses girls. Complete services. Pleasure always guaranteed. Discretion Assured. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (WhatsApp) (293973)
10 - 16 March 2022 NEW FUENGIROLA: Ana beautiful Paraguayan, wasp waist, pert ass. No limits. 603 366 841 (FU 2557) R U S S I A N Oriental, sexy, friendly, hot horny, luxury San Pedro near Banú s . 618 448 131 (Mi 470) E N G L I S H E L E G A N T , attractive & classy lady in her late 40s, gives a very sensual girlfriend experience. First timers & golfers especially welcome. Discretion assured. Call 680 177 569 (292335) ESTEPONA Simply Seductive, British Busty Blonde, GFE. Role Play. 686 792 992 (295534) N E W C O U P L E ! Costa del Sol Outcalls only! Companions available to gentlemen, ladies and couples! 604 256 336 (FU 2549) MICKY 19yrs Asian traditional sensual massage passionate discreet, clean atmosphere. Marbella . 633 705 558 (MI 488) PTO BANUS: Special couple, Alex Italian superendowed and Malena Latina. Horny, liberal couple. All areas. Outcalls. 680 554 614 Amex Visa (FU 2538)
MIKEY 19yrs old Asian tradition, proffessional sensual massage relaxing. Marbella. 611 213 711 (MI 497) YUKO oriental young, slim, naughty erotic, multiorgasmic friendly, discreet. Marbella. 618 448 131 (MI 496)
XXX MALE BI ACTIVE powerful 20 c e n t i m e t r e s . V e r y p r oductive, well endowed, party animal. Your perfect lover for men and couples 603 202 758 (295148) XXL DOMINANT MASTER for good time and horny fantasies 643 101 739 (295148) FUENGIROLA– Male to m a l e fu l l b o d y m a s s a g e . Very discreet, private villa. 634 004 512 (294353) A S I A N male friendly, full body massage, clean discreet villa. Elviria 602 509 623 (MI 489)
NUEVA Andalucia - Gisele w e l c o m e s yo u t o e n j oy a ve r y s e n s u a l fu l l b o d y t o body Massage. P r i va t e place. 604 290 610 (295370) VANESSA 37 years, blonde, all services for Gentlemen. Private apartment, discreet. Benalmadena 624 811 098 (295369) BRITISH slim busty brunette, 39 years, green eyes, loves kissing. In calls. Golfers & first timers welcome. Near Estepona. Accepts bitcoin. Jade 665 896 519. (295368) N. ANDALUCIA escort Susy, sweet, pretty, discreet lady, 35, full services, in/out calls. 675 888 810 (295373)
Erotic body, tantric and other completely relaxing massages in private apartment 656 350 401 THAI Benalmá d ena Costa. Full body-body erotic massages. Vibrators. Domination. Visits. WhatsApp 612 210 289 (MI478) TWO LADIES will give you an erotic massage, total satisfaction guaranteed, Happy Ending. Masks are essential Torremolinos. 621 395 221 (295150) MIJAS COSTA Naturist C e n t e r - Ta n t r i c , S e n s u a l and Sensitive Massage -TEL 6 0 8 0 1 6 9 8 3 w w w. t a n t ra zenn.com (294156) THAI Asiatic Massage: Sensual and relaxing massage for men. Private, located at Marbella Centre. 602 526 618 (FU 2558) BENALMADENA: Sabrina from NY City offers 30mins of massage Pensioners 50% discount. 658 336 295 (FU 2559) PARAÍ S O RIVIERA: RELAXING FULL BODY, FACELIFTING, STRAIGHTENING BACK M A SSA G E . 9 5 1 4 9 7 6 2 4 / 605 304 448 (FU 2496) MARBELLA Experienced Masseuse. Therapeutic, Sensitive & Relaxing massage fo r yo u r b o d y. Visit Hotels/Homes Portable massage bed. Monik 686 740 661 (295512)
PTO BANUS: Alejandra & Camila supervicious Latinas. Bondage, dildos, arnes, French without, anal, couples, threesomes. We send photos & videos. Out calls. 24hrs. 617 791 644 (FU 2538) PTO BANUS: Liberal girlfriends WLTM people. We make your fantasies come true! Chantal 24 Venezuelan, 120 breast. Special for couples. Daniela explosive 19 Colombian mulata, stunning curves, French without. Lina 18 Brazilian, sweet baby face, slim, supervicious. 617 791 644. Outcalls. 24hrs. (FU 2538)
EWN 61
THAI Benalmádena Costa. Full body-body erotic massages. Vibrators. Domination. Visits. Whatsapp 612 210 289 (MI 490) MASSAGES Outcalls Only – Hotels or Private homes. Spanish girl. Very Friendly & Beautiful. Perfect Body. Diana 603 844 254 (295320)
ASIAN 20 years old young lady. Massage sensual & relaxing Fuengirola. Call 634 103 607 (293073) AN EXPLOSION of sensitive massage by qualified masseuse. Marbella / Puerto Banus. 634 088 859 (FU 2141) MASSAGE body2body : You’ll experience a feeling of joy and pleasure. 634 066 860 (FU 2152) PHILIPINA Thai, professional massage, relieve pain, stress Elviria, Marbella. 633 703 558 (MI 495) F U E N G I R O L A . Carolina, blonde, elegant, relaxing m a s s a g e , fu l l e r o t i c m a s sage. Whatsapp. Message: 634 797 230 (FU 2546) PURE ECSTACY in Nueva Andalucia with young pretty independent masseuse.
F U E N G I R O L A . Explosive blonde, massage, sex and more... Only outcalls. 657 697 397 (FU 2555)
XXX SHEMALE THAI/ Filipino offers relaxing massage. Authentic profe s s i o n a l A s i a n m a s s e u r. Marbella Centre 632 629 075 (Mi 382) MARBELLA Shemale Karina 29, beautiful, blonde, femin i n e B ra z i l i a n . E n d o w e d . WhatsApp 667 846 464 (FU 2556)
XXX VARIOUS M A L E / F e m a l e v i a g ra , cialis, kamagra jelly all areas. Mixed trial packs available. Delivery or mail order available 604 385 476. viagra4you19@gmail.com WWW.EXPATSWING. COM the number one website to meet like-minded sing l e s / c o u p l e s fo r fu n a n d friendship (295131)
62 EWN
10 - 16 March 2022
ROAD TEST by Mark Slack WE’RE used to cars being adapted from combustion engine vehicles to accommodate the change to battery power. Hyundai’s IONIQ 5 is differ‐ ent in that it was designed as a bat‐ tery electric vehicle. It looks striking compared to anything else and one of the best comments describes it as looking very digital. From matrix style lights to pop‐out door han‐ dles it’s futuristic without looking odd. It’s a surprisingly large vehicle, inside and out, and you might reasonably expect it to be something along the lines of the i30, but it’s much larger and almost feels like a mini‐SUV. It attracts attention! Rarely have so many people stopped me to talk about a car. The top‐of‐the‐range 20‐inch wheels are particularly unique and add to the futuristic look. Oddly, there is no rear wiper despite an obvious need, water may disperse off the screen at speed, but dirt doesn’t! Inside it looks and feels very premi‐ um, with the lighter interior especially IN Spain, many second‐ hand cars are given much longer lifespans as they are passed from one indi‐ vidual to another. The most immediate consequence of this is the very high level of emis‐ sions released into the at‐ mosphere due to the low energy efficiency of en‐ gines that were manufac‐
Hyundai IONIQ 5 attention seeking style
Facts at a Glance
IONIQ 5: Inside it looks and feels very premium.
Model: Hyundai IONIQ 5 Ultimate RWD Engine: 73kwh 217PS battery electric Gears: Automatic Performance: 0-100 kmh (62 mph) 5.2 seconds/Maximum Speed 185 kmh (115 mph) Economy: Range 479 km (298 miles) Emissions: 0 g/km (WLTP) Price: €55,112/£46,090 Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.
upmarket. A near flat floor and seats that are more like aircraft than car seat, particularly good comfort levels and an exceptionally good range of adjustment. Clever battery saving de‐ vices such as switching off passenger heating are well thought out. Equally good thinking with doors that open
beyond the sill to keep your legs clean when exiting the car. Many manufacturers are moving towards completely digital controls but the IONIQ5 is very digital, but it’s a double‐edged sword. There’s a clean‐ er and more modern interior look, but many functions require delving in‐ to sub menus making it somewhat of a hassle. Buttons are quicker, easier and more readily useable without tak‐ ing your eyes off the road. I could rant on further about the far too interven‐ tionist lane‐keep and other auto‐ matic systems, but this is some‐ thing common to all manufacturers. The IONIQ 5 starts at a not unreasonable, in EV terms, €44,964/£37,600 with three trim levels and two battery options of 58kwh or 73kwh. The driving range is 383km/238 miles or 479km/298 miles respectively, but bear in mind those are ideal world figures. On the road the IONIQ 5 is a superb drive, 62mph in just over five seconds and a suspen‐ sion system that very successfully irons out the bumps with generally decent handling given its size and a ride obviously aimed at comfort. If you’re thinking of making the change to electric motoring, then the IONIQ 5 really should be on your shortlist.
Second-hand cars hinder goals tured years ago. The difference in the amounts of emissions produced by a car made 10 years ago and one manufactured two or three years ago is enor‐ mous, according to ex‐
perts. The boom in the sale of second‐hand cars, espe‐ cially those over 15 years old, complicates the ob‐ jective of reducing emis‐ sions from vehicles. Ex‐ perts say that it also
highlights the need for a plan for their removal from circulation. According to industry data, 859,477 passenger cars and SUVs were regis‐ tered in Spain in 2021, 1 per cent more than in
2020. Only 66,915 (7.8 per cent) were labelled 0 (electric and plug‐in hy‐ brids) and 233,463 were labelled ECO (27.1 per cent), while the remaining 65 per cent had a tradi‐ tional combustion engine. The sale and purchase of used cars grew by 9 per cent to a total of 1,989,662 transactions, of which 680,477 were vehicles over 15 years old and 509,370 were cars between 10 and 15
years old. Together, these two categories accounted for nearly 60 per cent of the second‐hand market, which means that for ev‐ ery new car sold in Spain, 1.4 cars over 10 years old changed hands. “The average age of sec‐ ond‐hand vehicles sold is over 11 years old. If we look only at transactions between private individu‐ als ‐ more than 50 per cent of the total ‐ the av‐ erage age rises to 14.5 years,” Raúl Palacios, president of the sellers’ association Ganvam.
SECOND-HAND: Complicates the objective of reducing omissions from vehicles.
10 - 16 March 2022
to read more visit www.euroweeklynews.com
The Women of Walking Football
FIFA allows leave
NEW MEASURE: A special transfer window will open.
New Chairman, Andrew Sweeney. THE women’s game has been given a massive boost on the Costa del Sol. For the first time they have a representative on the management com‐ mittee tasked with over‐ seeing the development of walking football for women. Sheila Bella Clif‐ ford (ex‐Chelsea) has taken the reigns and is busy putting together a plan. Early signs are very good, and the East Costa
Benalmadena Ladies played in the Baha Irish Whiskey Cup.
Mark Coleman. del Sol will be putting a side out against the al‐ ready established Benal‐ madena Ladies, who ap‐ peared in the Baha Irish
Whiskey Cup earlier this season. Date TBA. The Hidromaster championship and pre‐ miership games be‐ tween Malaga WFC and Aston Viñuela, that were due to be played on Sat‐ urday, March 6 were cancelled due to unfore‐ seen circumstances. They will be resched‐ uled for a later date. In other news, Mark Cole‐ man from Mijas Costa outfit and current league leaders, the Walking Dead, heads the scoring charts through‐ out the Hidromaster leagues. Benahavis WFC have a new chairman Andrew Sweeney, this is after Tony Cifaldi stepped down due to business commitments. We wish both well and
thank Tony for his vital role in the development of the management committee. Referee recruitment continues with Keith Doughty posting positive results both in numbers and quality of new refer‐ ees. They will all under‐ take a training course. Both Boca seniors and Torrox Tornadoes con‐ tinue their recruitment and development after both teams had superb first tournaments at the recent Iberian Cup spon‐ sored by the Euro Week‐ ly News. For their training times, and the times for all other clubs, or to show an interest in play‐ ing, refereeing, or just helping out, visit walk ingfooty.com on Face‐ book.
FIFA confirmed a measure on Monday, March 7, that had been rumoured for the last few days. It announced that it is authorising foreign football players and coaches cur‐ rently signed to clubs in the Russian and Ukrainian leagues to unilaterally break their contracts immediately. This decision, adopted by the highest body in interna‐ tional football, allows these players to be able to sign for another club anywhere in the world, and be registered immediately, without waiting for the next transfer win‐ dow. A special transfer window will end on April 7 and will al‐ low players to join clubs until June 30, 2022, with no con‐ sequences. In the case of Ukraine, FIFA has decided to automatical‐ ly suspend all players’ contracts with the country’s clubs, unless the club and the player mutually agree otherwise. FIFA argues in its statement that it has made this deci‐ sion to “give players and coaches the opportunity to work and earn a salary,” as well as to “protect Ukrainian clubs” that obviously lack income in a war situation. With the Russian clubs, FIFA has given them three days to reach agreements with their foreign players, but has given them the freedom to unilaterally terminate their contracts from Friday March 11 if they so wish. This is a measure that could collide though with the labour laws that govern these two countries, especially in the Russian case, given that their league continues to be played normally. This unforeseen window of opportunity could alert clubs across the world, being able to reinforce their squad with players from these leagues without paying a euro.