Euro Weekly News - Costa de Almeria 17 - 23 March 2022 Issue 1915

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MBE FOR GOLDEN LEAVES FOUNDER The history of the Golden Leaves founder includes the New Year’s Honours list of 2020 which included a name well‐known in the world of funerals, and to many residents of Croydon and the surrounding districts. Director of Rowland Brothers Limited Tony Rowland was honoured with an MBE for his long career serving the community, both through his services to undertaking and the many local charity and community projects in his home town of South Croydon. His drive to help create an equal society too helped him achieve the MBE ‘For services to undertaking and the community in Surrey’.

Tony’s Story THE work to which Tony was ap‐ prenticed at the age of 15 in the year of the Queen’s coronation quickly identified to him that sup‐ porting people through the grief and loss of bereavement was an area in which he could make a dif‐ ference. From that time on, his family funeral business has always been much more than a means of making a living. Now, at the age of 80 and still working full time, he can look back on innovations for which he was personally responsible, which have become standards the undertaking profession seeks uni‐ versally to attain. He is a man who has changed things with his initia‐ tive and practical achievements. One such innovation was setting up, four decades ago, a continuing bereavement aftercare programme for all individuals and families mak‐ ing use of his firm’s services ‐ at no extra cost to them. He established this at a time when professional be‐ reavement counselling was yet to become generally available to griev‐ ing people. Dedicating specific mem‐ bers of staff solely to this purpose, Tony ensures that sympathetic con‐ tact is made immediately following a funeral, and continues for at least a year afterwards, and often much longer. Both practical assistance and emotional support are readily and sensitively provided to people who are sometimes unsure how to cope in the often‐heartbreaking situation in which they suddenly find them‐ selves. A second innovation was the es‐ tablishment of a worldwide network and support structure improving hugely the efficient and compassion‐ ate repatriation of deceased British nationals who die while on holiday or working overseas, and citizens of other countries who die in similar

Tony Rowland, Golden Leaves founder.

circumstances in the UK. Since 1971, Tony has been responsible for more than 40,000 such repatriations, util‐ ising his personally established net‐ work of 500 agents throughout the world. He has always regarded this as so much more than an adminis‐ trative exercise and frequently goes far beyond the call of duty in his ex‐ tra‐mile service. The 40,000 repatriations included the return of all the UK citizens who died in the South Asia tsunami. Tony is continually involved in the conse‐ quences of disasters around the world, including the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings, travel disasters, extreme weather emergencies and overseas hostage situations. Such work involves Tony in discus‐ sions with the Foreign and Com‐ monwealth Office and its embassies

and consulates around the world, overseas diplomats and foreign gov‐ ernment offices, coroners, airlines, travel companies, insurance bodies and health organisations. As a result, Tony is regarded as an expert in in‐ ternational repatriation and lectures at Scotland Yard to police family liai‐ son officers and to the Rapid Re‐ sponse Team at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Tony is also a training officer for new UK diplo‐ mats being prepared for overseas assignments. Tony’s company, which was an of‐ ficial supplier to the 2012 London Olympics, provides the official repa‐ triation helpline for the National As‐ sociation of Funeral Directors. Another innovation was the de‐ velopment of his funeral planning company, Golden Leaves, which was

originally developed in 1984 and was one of the first funeral plan providers in the UK. The company has now grown to be one of the most reputable fu‐ neral plan providers in the industry and is now based at the No.1 Croydon build‐ ing outside East Croydon station. Tony was instrumental in develop‐ ing the first standards in the funeral plan industry when he helped devel‐ op the National Association of Pre‐ paid Funeral Plans of which he was chairman in the 1990s. Golden Leaves is also a founding member of the Funeral Planning Authority, pro‐ vides funeral plans to all UK resi‐ dents, to British expatriates living abroad and include in their innova‐ tions a green burial plan and the in‐ dustry’s leading insurance plan. The Trustees in charge of all funds are very highly individuals including a re‐ tired vice present of the OFT and the President of the European Stan‐ dards Committee and Chairman of the UK National Consumer Federa‐ tion. Tony’s work has also been charac‐ terised by his ability to relate to peo‐ ple of all ethnic origins and religious affiliations, and ‐ increasingly impor‐ tantly ‐ to those with no faith at all. Not only does he expertly meet the needs of the whole gamut of Chris‐ tian denominations, but he is also equally adept at understanding and complying sympathetically with the customs of all major world faiths. For example, he is particularly ap‐ preciated by the African‐Caribbean community, being almost unique in some of the services he provides. Tony has served as Chairman of the Croydon Association of Funeral Directors and President of the Lon‐ don Association of Funeral Directors. In this capacity, he has been a men‐ tor to many young people coming into this business as well as a staunch advocate for continually im‐

proving standards. In addition to his exemplary pro‐ fessional work, in which he exhibits great personal credibility, integrity and compassion, Tony is involved in local charitable and community work to a quite remarkable, often sacrificial, degree. As well as con‐ tributing actively to the work of such groups as Rotary, the Round Table, the Royal British Legion, Freemason‐ ry, Scouting and schools he has per‐ sonally raised considerable sums of money through his tireless fundrais‐ ing efforts on their behalf. To facili‐ tate its charity work, Rowland Broth‐ ers set up the Rowland Brothers Foundation, whose income is boost‐ ed by regular donations from the family businesses. One ongoing contribution to his local community is as Chairman of the Thornton Heath Business Part‐ nership, in which role he organises the annual Thornton Heath Festival, which he inaugurated 11 years ago. This highlights the work of youth groups such as Scouts, Guides, the Boys’ Brigade, and Cadet Corps, with the aim of influencing young people to join them rather than the often knife‐carrying street gangs which op‐ erate in South London. Many people, even if they spare a thought for these dire circum‐ stances, do little but bemoan hope‐ lessly the way things are. Tony has thought through the situation and tenaciously done something practi‐ cal about it. As a result, hundreds of young people have been influenced in the past 11 years. He works tire‐ lessly towards this end, both behind the scenes and with his sleeves rolled up on the front line. The festi‐ val in its first year alone led to 170 young people enthusiastically joining youth groups in the town. For a man so intimately involved in caring for those who have died, and their loved ones, Tony Rowland is passionate about making life bet‐ ter for coming generations.

Issue No. 1915

17 - 23 March 2022

Province needs water ALMERIA’S Water Com‐ mittee has asked the Junta to help the province survive the present drought. Aranzazu Martin Moya, the Junta’s Agri‐ culture delegate to Almeria, stressed that the regional govern‐ ment’s Agriculture de‐ partment was taking ac‐ tion “to anticipate problems” in a difficult situation, while ensuring that municipalities were supplied with water. Referring to the Jun‐ ta’s crisis measures, Martin Moya revealed that emergency work carried out in the Al‐ manzora Valley should guarantee a supply via the Negratin‐Almanzo‐ ra pipeline, supple‐ mented with desalinat‐ ed water.



Turn to page 2 » HIGH SPEED TRAIN: The current work is badly behind schedule.



17 - 23 March 2022

ALMERIA’S business, manu‐ facturing and agricultural sec‐ tors insist ever‐louder that the province’s future hangs on the high‐speed train. It was essential that the AVE arrived in 2026 as promised by the central gov‐ ernment, Chamber of Com‐ merce President Jeronomo Parra insisted. “Pressure has to continue,”

from Front page »

AVE is behind schedule Parra said. “We must keep on making the first move and make ourselves heard,” Parra said at a meeting of the Obje‐ tivo Almeria AVE platform at the Hotel del Este on March

10. “Our aim is to ensure that our demands reach the of‐ fices where political and tech‐ nical decisions are made, that they arrive wherever there is willingness to advance this

project,” he added. Approximately 200 people attended the meeting which was preceded by a well‐at‐ tended gathering of Objetivo Almeria AVE supporters who assembled near the Pulpi‐Ve‐ ra stretch of the Almeria‐Mur‐ cia route. Track operator Adif’s progress on this section, which should have been com‐ pleted by November 2021, is badly behind schedule, the platform maintained. Attendees wore hard hats and high visibility jackets, wielding shovels and pickaxes to bring home their message

that Adif needed to work faster. Echoing Parra, Francisco Garcia Calvo, Juan Pedro Gar‐ cia and Fernando Rivas ‐ engi‐ neers on Objetivo Almeria AVE’s technical committee ‐ agreed that meeting the deadline was feasible. But for this to happen, the companies awarded the con‐ tracts to build Almeria’s three sections of AVE track had to work faster, the said. “This is a chain with differ‐ ent links,” Garcia Calvo said. “Any setback, like Greek tor‐ toises or an archaeological site, could hold things up.”


Help for refugees THE Diputacion provincial council and College of Lawyers will work togeth‐ er to ensure international protection for Almeria’s Ukrainian refugees. Diputacion President Javier Aureliano Garcia and the College dean, Juan Luis Aynat, met re‐ cently to outline their 2022 collaboration agreement on advising Ukrainians and refugees arriving in Almeria Province. This involves creating an international protec‐ tion body that will be a pioneer project both re‐ gionally and nationally. Garcia and Aynat also concurred on the impor‐ tance of joining forces and exchanging informa‐ tion to ensure the scheme’s success. Garcia thanked Alme‐ ria’s College of Lawyers for its important social and legal role inside the province and for the great work it has carried out in the past with the Diputacion. “Its generosity enrich‐ es society and this initia‐ tive to provide legal ad‐ vice for Almeria Province’s refugees will provide an effective re‐ sponse to the Ukrainians’ needs,” he said.


NIBS EXTRA New centre LOS GALLARDOS’ new multi‐use centre situated on the site of the former Guardia Civil headquarters should be completed by the summer. The Local Po‐ lice and Justice of the Peace will occupy offices on the €365,000 building’s ground floor, while the municipal library will be located on the second.

Looking up VICAR Town Hall’s recent‐ ly approved €26.6 million Budget is €1.3 million up on 2021. Mayor Antonio Bonillo said 2022 would see a revival of the munici‐ pality’s social life, parallel to the recovery of the local economy despite uncer‐ tainty regarding the in‐ creases in the price of raw materials.

Passing by THE navy’s flagship, the Juan Carlos I aircraft carri‐ er, will dock in Almeria City’s port on March 18, 19 and 20. Spain’s biggest‐ ever vessel will be accom‐ panied by the amphibious craft Galicia and the Santa Maria frigate as well as the Italian amphibious ship, San Marco.

Art show MOJACAR’S La Fuente art centre is hosting an exhibi‐ tion by painter Ricardo Re‐ jon, who was originally Madrid‐based but moved to Garrucha five years ago. Rejon’s pictures can be vis‐ ited until March 31 be‐ tween 10am and 1pm from Wednesday to Fri‐ day, and between 10am and 2pm at the weekend.

Tensions rise A RUSSIAN woman living in Aguadulce has lodged an official complaint with the Guardia Civil, alleging that she was threatened and attacked by a young Ukrainian in the 501 shop‐ ping centre. She said he grasped her by the shoul‐ ders, “shaking her rough‐ ly” and threatened to kill her.

17 - 23 March 2022

Town hall takes over NIJAR Town Hall will use its own cash to relocate the municipality’s Guardia Civil post. Following more than 15 years of requests from the local population, the Technical Services depart‐ ment will complete the necessary work enabling the local Guardia Civil force to move into the former kindergarten which adjoins land ceded to the Ministry of the In‐ terior in 2019. The town hall decision, approved at the last plenary meeting, should not be seen as supplanting or disagree‐ ing with the provincial council, said Mayor Esper‐

Photo credit: Nijar town hall

PLENARY MEETING: Nijar town hall voted to relocate local Guardia Civil force.

anza Perez Felices. “On the contrary, we are perfectly aware of all administrations’ workload following the pandemic because this has also af‐

Terraces sitting pretty ROQUETAS Town Hall announced that once again it is waiving the tax on the hos‐ pitality sector’s terrace tables. “We are continuing our intention of in‐ troducing measures that can assist the eco‐ nomic recovery of the municipality’s princi‐ pal productive sectors,” Roquetas mayor Gabriel Amat said. Amat pointed out that this tax was sus‐ pended after the State of Alarm was de‐ clared on March 13 two years ago. “We are convinced that it is necessary to carry on supporting the sectors that have suffered most during Covid‐19 pandemic,” Amat said. “We are demonstrating this with a series of measures that directly benefit the hospi‐ tality industry together with non‐refund‐ able grants for local businesses. “I am pleased with the way that the town hall team has assisted the municipali‐ ty’s small and medium firms so that, be‐ tween us all, we can counter the negative effects of a crisis that has hit all sectors so hard,” Amat added.

CUEVAS DEL ALMANZORA has three new police officers on patrol. Local mayor Antonio Fer‐ nandez Liria, Public Safety councillor Isabel Maria Sals and Local Police chief Juan Javier Castro Alsonso, re‐ cently welcomed the three new officers. Following their training period at the IESPA police academy in Sevilla, Oscar Lorenzo Haro, Manuel Gomez Portero and Felipe Francisco Perez Cano passed

fected us. Nonetheless, Nijar has resources which, with certain adjustments, permit us to find a rapid solution,” she said. Technical Services will

now carry out the original Diputacion project. Mean‐ while, as approved at the last council meeting, the town hall will ask for the return of the €250,000 it advanced in 2021, togeth‐ er with a further alloca‐ tion not yet forwarded. Adapting the building and relocating the Guardia Civil will cost more than €500,000, the mayor revealed. “What Nijarenos should understand is that the Guardia Civil will at last have a headquarters that enables it to provide the service that society re‐ quires,” Perez Felices said.

Fight against drugs ALMERIA is now included in the central government’s Campo de Gibraltar Security Plan. Manuel de la Fuente, Madrid’s sub‐delegate to Almeria, described the news of Almeria’s inclusion as “awaited, requested and ab‐ solutely necessary.” The Security Plan was origi‐ nally launched in Cadiz in 2018 to combat criminal gangs engaged in drug traf‐ ficking, but was expanded in 2020 to include Huelva in Malaga and has been expand‐ ed once again with the addi‐ tion of Almeria, Granada and Sevilla. With a total allocation of €35 million, more personnel can be taken on, including 300 more National Police and

New Local Police intake the selection process in Cuevas. They will now take up their duties as trainee offi‐ cers and in July, once the probationary period is over, they will be assessed before becoming permanent mem‐ bers of the force. “With these new admis‐ sions, we are fulfilling our objective of increasing our

Guardia Civil officers for Almeria Province, De la Fuente said. More human and material resources would boost opera‐ tional capacity, the sub‐dele‐ gate added: “This will in‐ crease effectiveness and improve public safety.” De la Fuente also said that Almeria’s inclusion in the Se‐ curity Plan would “directly af‐ fect activities in some Alme‐ ria neighbourhoods.” Improved resources would allow the security forces to crack down more efficiently on indoor marihuana planta‐ tions, inevitably coupled with illegal electricity connections. “It will also make it easier to counteract the decline in neighbourhoods that are oc‐ cupied by mafias,” he added.

police personnel while pro‐ viding them with the neces‐ sary resources they need for their daily responsibilities,” Fernandez Liria said. Meanwhile, Vera has also added another three trainees to its Local Police force after they passed the initial selection process. The three aspiring police officers will now begin a six‐ month training course, after which they will carry out practical duties before be‐ coming established officers.



Professionals more at risk THERE were nine attacks on Almeria Province’s health professionals in 2021. Coinciding with Euro‐ pean Day to Fight Violence against Doctors and Health Professionals on March 12, Andalucia’s Col‐ lege of Physicians (CACM) revealed that total as‐ saults inside the region’s hospitals and health cen‐ tres rose 22 per cent to 135 cases last year, com‐ pared with 110 in 2020. “Attacking your doctor is an attack on everyone’s health protection,” said Dr Gaspar Garrote who coor‐ dinates the CACM’s cases of attacks on medical per‐ sonnel. “Zero tolerance isn’t on‐ ly a slogan, it’s a reality, be‐ cause attacking the doc‐ tor‐patient relationship attacks the well‐being and health of the people we attend,” he added. Sixty‐two per cent of the attacks in 2021 in‐ volved women doctors and nurses, following the trend of previous years, while the majority of tar‐ geted personnel were un‐ der 35. Primary care health centres accounted for 56 per cent of aggres‐ sive behaviour towards medical staff, followed by hospitals, 15 per cent, acci‐ dent emergency at prima‐ ry care centres, also 15 per cent, and accident and emergency at hospitals, 7 per cent. The remaining attacks occurred during home visits.

and finally... CUEVAS DEL ALMANZORA’S Calvario area is getting spruced up, ready for the Easter Week processions. Public Works and Services councillor, Francisco Jesus Navarro Navarro, explained that the spring clean is being carried out by personnel employed by the provincial council’s Agricultural Employment Promotion Plan (PFEA). At the same time, the town hall is also helping to reha‐ bilitate the facades of buildings in the centre of Cuevas. Many of the properties date from the 19th century and the local government is providing grants covering up to 80 per cent of the cost of painting and restoring facades, with a €7,000 limit.


17 - 23 March 2022

No risk of food shortages THE Minister of Agricul‐ ture Luis Planas said that there will be no food shortages in Spain despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. “It is by no means one of the most serious situa‐ tions, we have a very high level of food supply and this is a source of pride. We have a level of food autonomy that allows me to say that there is no problem of shortages, de‐ spite the images that are emerging of hoarding of products, which makes no sense,” the Minister said on Monday, March 14. Spain is working to im‐ port raw materials from outside of the EU where necessary given that that is has some areas of vul‐

FOOD SUPPLY: Importing raw materials from outside the EU.

nerability. Cornflour and half a million tons of sun‐ flower oil are imported from Ukraine. “The EU is the largest ex‐ porter and importer in the world. We have almost ev‐ erything but we have iden‐ tified some bottlenecks, so we have to move towards

having our own produc‐ tion. “We are not in danger. We are at a remarkable high and we want to go further. We are not an is‐ land in the world and what happens in the rest of the world also concerns us,” Planas added.


Los Bandidos support the Red Cross FOR 2022 Los Bandidos are supporting the Red Cross foodbank. John and Marie Ross are coordinat‐ ing collections, of cash or non‐perisable food items, on Wednesdays and Sat‐ urdays and deliver items to the Red Cross on a reg‐ ular basis. On Saturday March 12, runners, joggers and walk‐ ers completed the usual 5k then gathered at the Mul‐ tiusos Centre in the Pueblo to join the Día de la Mujer walk organised by the Red Cross. Over 30 Bandidos joined the walk from the Pueblo to the Red Cross roundabout, proudly wear‐ ing the pink t‐shirts provid‐ ed on registration. The walk was just over 3.5k and finishers were presented with a picnic

lunch by the Red Cross vol‐ unteers. Los Bandidos is a local group, set up by Kevin Rowe in June 2018. The group started with a small number of regulars and has grown with runners, joggers and walkers, from permanent residents to regular visitors and holiday makers, covering the 5k

Mojácar Paseo. All ages, nationalities and speeds are welcome! They also have a road cycling group and now a triathlon group! If you would like more information please contact Kevin on ironmankev08 and follow them on Facebook m/pg/elbandidorunners.

TURRE WOMENS DAY THIRTY-TWO dames in Turre celebrated International Women’s Day with a lovely day out going to the Torreca‐ denas shopping centre in Almeria. They followed up with a superb lunch at Donde Caparros in Carbonares overlooking the beach. The weather was kind as was their driver Marco who drove everyone home via the coastal route. They even stopped off at the Mirador for a photoshoot. Five lucky ladies won a prize at a surprise raffle during the lunch.


The Brit family fleeing Ukraine

CHRIS JAMES BALSHAW and his wife and two children were forced to abandon their home in Kherson, Ukraine, when Russian forces surrounded the city. After four days of hiding in their building’s underground car park, they decided to make the dangerous journey to the border. The family managed to get into Moldova and are currently at a refugee camp, al‐ though they are still waiting for their rela‐ tives. Chris, originally from Bolton, said: “When they arrive safely, hopefully, we will move on probably to Romania. We are still in shock and every time we hear a door close or a loud bang, we begin to be really nervous.” The family were forced to leave everything in Ukraine. “We have been given basic treat‐ ment and food. But we really need donations to buy essentials and hot meals and warm clothes for the kids,” said Chris. Chris spent five years living in Fuengirola, where he worked as an entertainer and per‐ formed at many charity events. He now hopes to get something in return and is ap‐ pealing to the public for help. He said: “I have done many charity events in my career, and now I would really appreci‐ ate some help for me and my family. I want to get them back to safety. Back to my home‐ town in Bolton.” Donations to Chris’s family can be made at:‐bolton‐ man‐escape‐ukraine.

FAMILY: Forced to abandon their home.

MOLDOVA: Family are at a refugee camp.

17 - 23 March 2022




17 - 23 March 2022


Brave Russian protestor A NEWS editor at Russia’s state‐owned Channel One disrupted a live news broadcast to protest against the war in Ukraine. Marina Ovsyannikova, a mother‐of‐two, barged in during the broadcast on Monday, March 14 hold‐ ing a placard behind the presenter’s head which read: “No war. Russians against war” in English. Below that she had writ‐ ten in Russian: “No war. Stop the war. Don’t be‐ lieve propaganda. They are lying to you here.” Before storming the broadcast, Ovsyannikova recorded a video and re‐ leased it to social media. Ovsyannikova’s mother is Russian and her father is Ukrainian. In the video, she said: “What is happening in Ukraine is a crime and Rus‐ sia is the aggressor. Re‐ sponsibility for that ag‐

Backing board games SPAIN is aiming to become a world‐leader in promot‐ ing board games as a “healthy and sustainable” pastime, the Minister for Consumer Affairs has pledged. Speaking at the opening of the InterOcio 2022 Fair in Madrid, Alberto Garzon said boardgames have “enormous potential to teach, educate and stimu‐ late” people of all ages. “The purpose of a game is fun and that is an irre‐ placeable value in itself. Board games teach, edu‐ cate and stimulate. They help development and per‐ sonal growth and are not just for children,” he said on Friday, March 11. Faced with “other activi‐ ties that entail risks and cause harm to the youngest and most vulnerable peo‐ ple” board games build “small but valuable contri‐ butions that make us grow as a society with healthy environments,” Garzon added.

LIVE BROADCAST: Was disrupted by protestor.

gression lies on the con‐ science of only one per‐ son. That person is Vladimir Putin. “My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian, and they were never enemies. The necklace around my neck is a symbol that Rus‐ sia must immediately stop this fratricidal war and our brother peoples can yet reconcile. She added: “We were quiet in 2014 when all of this was just starting. We did not go out to protest

when the Kremlin poi‐ soned Navalny. We simply watched this inhumane regime. And now the en‐ tire world has turned away from us. And another 10 generations of our descen‐ dants will not wash them‐ selves clean of the shame of this fratricidal war. “We are Russian people: thinking, and intelligent. It is only in our strength to stop all of this insanity. Come out to protect. Do not fear anything. They cannot jail us all.”

BA scraps masks BRITISH AIRWAYS is set to scrap requirements on some flights. Accord‐ ing to BA’s chief operat‐ ing officer Jason Ma‐ honey, passengers heading out of the UK on BA flights will not need to wear masks if they are flying into a destination that does not require them. Mahoney said: “We’re working through [the current travel restric ‐ tions] and from Wednesday, March 16, customers will only be required to wear a face covering onboard our flights if the destination they’re travelling to re‐ quires it.”

It is expected that for destinations such as Italy and the US masks will still be required on BA flights. “ Fo r destinations where the wearing of a face covering is not mandated, our cus‐ tomers are able to make a personal choice, and we kindly request everyone respects each other’s preferences,” Mahoney added on Tuesday March 15. Ryanair could soon follow suit. Michael O’Leary said that masks could possibly be ditched on Ryanair planes by “the end of April or May.”

and finally... LANDLADY Sam Rice of Burton upon Trent’s the Loaf and Cheese pub has banned President Vladimir Putin. She claims that if he appeared at her bar customers would “wreck him.” Sam revealed: “It is absolutely wrong what he is doing.”


17 - 23 March 2022

Science suspended SPAIN will no longer sign any new contracts or agreements with Russian or Belarusian scientific organisations and uni‐ versities. The Spanish government has also called on its internation‐ al partners to halt their research work with Belarus and Rus‐ sia and “as a matter of principle,” all ongoing bilateral pro‐ jects and contracts involving Russian research organisations have been suspended. The Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, said the measures show the international community that scientific cooperation can only take place if there are “mini‐ mum common values.” “Science is an instrument of peace and progress, which should improve people’s lives. Spain has always defended scientific, technical and innovation cooperation based on universal principles and values. The aggression ordered by the Russian government against Ukraine is unacceptable and violates these principles,” she said on Thursday March 10. In support of Ukrainian researchers, the Ministry will pro‐ pose the creation of a line of projects at the European level for the recovery of Ukraine’s science and research sector.

and finally...

A GROUP of climbers and adventurers have broken a world record by holding the world’s highest tea par‐ ty, some 6,500 metres above sea level. The party was held last year, but only confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records now, at Mount Everest’s Camp 2 in Nepal. The idea for the tea party came from Hughes, a self‐described high‐endurance athlete from Seattle, Washington. He said he first got the idea for the tea party early in the pandemic when Covid‐19 travel re‐ strictions and shutdowns meant expeditions were not possible.


Fake notes A CRIMINAL network, led by a mother and son of Lithuanian origin and com‐ posed of members mainly of Spanish, Lithuanian and Moroccan origin, has been dismantled after an exten‐ sive police investigation in Estepona, Tarragona and Barcelona. The gang counterfeited €20 and €50 banknotes us‐ ing three different printing machines, having purchased the paper and guillotine on a well‐known e‐commerce platform. The counterfeiters were disseminating the fake notes by selling them on the dark web. The suspects used the il‐ legal profits from the cur‐ rency counterfeiting to in‐ vest in the production and trafficking of marijuana. Members of the network were also involved in differ‐ ent scams and identity theft. In one such scheme, they published false job of‐ fers for drivers and used the driving licence of the job ap‐ plicants to rent high‐end ve‐ hicles, which they never re‐ turned. Europol facilitated the in‐ formation exchange, opera‐ tional coordination and pro‐ vided analytical support. During the action, Europol supported with technical expertise and cross‐checked operational information against Europol’s databases and systems of the Euro‐ pean Central Bank in early March.

10 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

PRINCE HARRY will not fly to Britain to attend a memorial service for his grandfather, Prince Philip, a spokesman for the US‐based royal said on Friday, March 11. The service for the Duke of Edinburgh is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 29 in London. Although no official reason was given

Harry’s no-show for this decision, it comes only a few months after Prince Harry filed a judi‐ cial claim over police protection after the Home Office allegedly refused to al‐ low him to personally pay for protec‐

tion during visits to Britain. A legal representative for the Duke of Sussex said Harry feared it would be too dangerous to bring Archie and Lili‐ bet from their home in California if he


did not have the security protection of his choice. Prince Harry’s last visit to Britain was in July 2021 when he flew back to attend the unveiling of a statue on July 1, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace, London. The statue was dedicated to his mother Princess Diana on what would have been her 60th birthday.

Hopes of bringing back Beale ACTOR Adam Woodyatt is be‐ lieved to be engaged in talks with bosses of top BBC drama EastEnders. He played the iconic soap star Ian Beale since the show’s inception in 1985, appearing in more than 3,000 episodes. He was the drama’s longest‐serving main character. After 36 years in the role, he departed on Jan‐ uary 22, 2021. Now he is tipped to make a dramatic return, something that could help to cushion the loss of arguably the show’s biggest star, 44‐year‐old Dan‐ ny Dyer, who plays Queen Vic landlord and Mick Carter, who will leave later this year.

EASTENDERS: Adam was one of the highest earners.

A deal in the region of £300,000 is believed to be in‐ volved. One stumbling block could be Woodyatt’s ongoing divorce settlement with his ex‐wife. After 22 years of mar‐ riage he parted from 56‐year‐ old Bev Sharpe in 2020, and they have to reach an agree‐ ment. “Adam was one of the highest earners in East Enders, and there’s no doubt he’d be

looking to come back on at least the same amount of money, if not more. They’re hugely keen to get him back after the massive blow of los‐ ing Danny,” a source said on Sunday March 13.

and finally... RYAN REYNOLDS had to be censored chatting with Lorraine Kelly about his latest film The Adam Project. During the inter‐ view, Lorraine said: “I love how you referenced movies like ET and Back to the Future. It has got a lot of heart, but it’s funny, it’s snappy, it’s clever, it’s silly and I like that too.” She then quizzed Ryan and said: “What about your little co‐star? (15‐year‐old Braxton Bjerken) He is a bit of a scene‐stealer.” Ryan jokingly quipped: “He is. That cheeky little b****, I’ll tell you that much.”

12 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

AN abandoned Cold War nuclear bunker that was previously fea‐ tured on Doctor Who has been re‐ discovered. Jay Curtis made his discovery in Bridgend’s Brackla late last year. The 32‐year‐old from Wales has shared his findings on YouTube. “Now this place might look like any ordinary industrial estate, but with the imminent Second World War upon Britain, this place be‐

THE Minister of Foreign Af‐ fairs, Jose Manuel Albares, has called on China to use its influence in Russia to end the war against Ukraine. China has so far refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and blamed NA‐ TO’s ‘eastward expansion’ for worsening tensions. Albares told his counter‐


Doctor Who nuclear bunker came one of the most secretive places in south Wales and there’s plenty of other hidden history left over if you know where to look,” he said. The site hosted around 40,000 workers during the Second World War. It also had nuclear blast

doors and its own power supply complete with a generator, air fil‐ tration system, and water storage system. “It’s in these dark magazine tun‐ nels that thousands upon thou‐ sands of tons of explosives would be piled high to the ceiling, hidden

away from the enemy and the threat from above. It was a com‐ plete surprise to find this as I went looking for evidence of the former munitions factory tunnels and did not expect to stumble across the bunkers in the woods,” Curtis added.

Payment warning

Calls on China

part during a telephone con‐ versation on Monday March 14: “We are facing a historic moment that requires from all world leaders a sense of responsibility and vision for the future.

“Russia has undermined the foundations of peace and stability in Europe and is already threatening the in‐ ternational community as a whole. Spain is fully commit‐ ted to the principles of

Bunker appeared on Doctor Who.

Facing a historic moment.

sovereignty and territorial integrity in Ukraine,” he added. Without criticising Russia, China has called for the prin‐ ciples of the UN Charter to be observed. Director of Foreign Affairs, Yang Jiechi, said following talk with US diplomats: “All parties should exercise max‐ imum restraint, protect civil‐ ians and prevent a massive humanitarian crisis.”

BRITISH online shoppers may have their credit and debit cards declined under new rules that came in to force on Monday, March 14. Online shoppers could see their cards declined if they cannot prove their identity. Retailers will need to make additional checks before purchases can be made or mon‐ ey can be taken out. This will not apply to all payments though. Anyone who makes purchases online or who banks on‐ line will be hit by extra security checks. The checks aim to make transactions safer for the customer. Banks will usu‐ ally send a code to the customer’s mobile phone when an online payment is made. The codes will be needed for payments to be approved at the checkout. Some people will be able to use their mobile banking app to approve payments too. But if the checks cannot be carried out successfully, card payments could be de‐ clined. The new rules come into force under the Financial Conduct Authority fraud‐prevention rules. This latest rule is called Strong Customer Authentication.


William Hurt dies

DIED PEACEFULLY: The Oscar-winning actor.

OSCAR-WINNING actor William Hurt died aged 71 on Sunday March 13. “It is with great sadness that the Hurt family mourns the passing of William Hurt, beloved father and Oscar‐win‐ ning actor, on March 13, 2022, one week before his 72nd birthday,” his son Will said in a statement. “He died peaceful‐ ly, among family, of natural causes. The family requests pri‐ vacy at this time.” Hurt was Oscar‐nominated four times, picking up the stat‐

ue in 1986 for his role in Kiss of the Spider Woman, where he played the part of a gay prison‐ er. He missed out with Chil‐ dren of a Lesser God also in 1986, Broadcast News in 1987, and 2005’s A History of Vio‐ lence. More recently he starred in some Marvel films, including The Incredible Hulk in 2008 and Black Widow in 2021. He was also in a string of Avengers films. In one of his last roles, he starred as Stephen Holstrom in the TV series Pantheon.

17 - 23 March 2022 THE Spanish National Cyberse‐ curity Institute (Incibe) has warned of a rising number of fraudulent calls in which someone claiming to be a Mi‐ crosoft technician tells the computer user that their de‐ vice is infected with a virus and that they will need to fix it by installing a remote access application. The caller is not a real Mi‐ crosoft employee, but a cyber‐ criminal posing as a technician from the company in order to take control of the victim’s de‐ vice, Incibe said on Friday, March 11. The scammer asks the vic‐ tim to download and install a remote access tool on their

EWN 13

Latest scam device. They then provide a series of instructions so that the two computers can be connected. Documents, photos, videos and other files stored on the victim’s device become acces‐ sible to the cybercriminal and could be stolen. Other ser‐ vices, such as apps or social networks, could also be af‐ fected. “If you store pass‐ words for social networks or email in the browser, the at‐ tacker could access and per‐ form actions on your behalf,”

and finally... UKRAINIAN baker Yuriy Kachak had organised a fundraiser at Glasgow’s Deanston Bakery. The bake sale raised more than £30,000. Hundreds of people turned up to buy the baked goods and help raise funds for people affected by Russia’s war on Ukraine. After the bake sale finished a JustGiving page was set up in the hopes of bringing in further funds. One generous, anonymous donor decided to double the amount raised to to‐ tal £72,451! Anyone wanting to donate to the cause should head to bakery.

the Institute warned. In some cases, victims have lost money after paying for the scammer to “remove a virus” from their device or pro‐ viding bank details, either by telephone or via a website.

INCIBE: Has warned of increasing fraudulent calls.

14 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Aid for refugees SHIPMENT: Consisted of blankets and family cooking kits.

Deadly camel A CAMEL escaped from a small zoo in rural Tennessee, killing two people and at‐ tacking law enforcement offi‐ cers who were pursuing it. The animal was later shot dead. Obion County Sheriff Karl Jackson said his office re‐ ceived a call on Thursday, March 10 from someone who had seen a camel loose in an area near The Pumpkin Barn, a recreational farm with a small zoo. When they arrived at the nearby Shirley Farms area,

they found two people un‐ conscious. They later died at the scene from their in‐ juries. The camel then attacked a police vehicle as well as offi‐ cers who were attempting to transport the victims to a mobile medical unit. The officers opened fire on the camel because the safety of those present was at risk, according to the statement from Sheriff Jackson. The deceased have been identified as Bobby Mathe‐ ny, 42, and Tommy Gunn, 67.

THE Spanish Red Cross and Iberia have sent their first shipment of humanitarian aid to Budapest for Ukrainians fleeing the conflict. The 12 ton shipment con‐ sisted of tarpaulins, blankets and family cooking kits. It was sent on Thursday, March 10. The airline currently oper‐ ates three direct flights a week from Madrid to Budapest. The route usually uses narrow‐ body aircraft but the flight car‐ rying aid was made by a wide‐ body aircraft, an Airbus A330‐200, to increase cargo capacity. “Ukraine is going through an extreme situation and needs the solidarity and commit‐ ment of those who can con‐ tribute in any way,” said Tere‐ sa Parejo, Iberia’s Director of Sustainability. “Aviation can contribute a lot in emergency situations like this, and at Iberia, we have made ourselves available to NGOs such as the Red Cross to channel this solidarity as best we can,” she added.

New summer routes RYANAIR has announced five new routes for summer 2022 between Spain and other European destinations. The new summer schedule will have five additional routes to destinations such as Perpignan and Rome, which means that the airline will have a total of 687 routes at 27 Spanish airports over the coming summer period. The five new routes are: Madrid ‐ Faro; Barcelona ‐ Poitiers; Valencia ‐ Perpignan; Castellon ‐ Brussels Charleroi and Girona ‐ Rome Fiumicino. “With 90 bases and more than 2,400 routes operating this summer, Ryanair is driving traffic recovery and creat‐ ing jobs across Europe,” the budget airline said on Friday March 11.

Lockdown in China CHINA is facing its worst Covid‐19 outbreak in two years. On Sunday, March 13, millions of people entered a new lockdown with infections tripling in some areas in just one day. Restrictions have been put in place in multiple provinces with outbreaks of both Delta and Omicron vari‐ ants. Jilin city health commission official Zhang Yan said the response so far had been inadequate. “The emergency response mechanism in some areas is not robust enough. There is insufficient understanding of the characteristics of the Omicron variant and judgement has been inaccurate,” Zhang said on March 13. Jilin is home to nine million people. A surge in new Covid‐19 cases has also been reported in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing.

16 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Russian airline theft

AIRLINES in Russia have reportedly absconded with billions of pounds worth of rented aero‐ planes. This is to prevent them from being repossessed af‐ ter EU sanctions have been put in place. The lat‐ est sanctions mean that aircraft and plane parts cannot be sold to Russian companies. EU airspace

has also been restricted for Russian planes. Russia has kept hold of more than 500 planes to prevent them from being repossessed, according to media sources. Russia has seen its wings clipped as international markets and supply chains are closed off. The Russian firms are said to be hold‐ ing onto the planes to miti‐

A SECOND planeload of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees was sent to the Polish bor‐ der by Correos Cargo on Thursday, March 10. The Correos Cargo Airbus A330 ‘Milana Bonita’ headed to Rzeszow‐Jasionka airport, on the Polish‐Ukrainian border loaded with kitchen materials destined for the NGO World Central Kitchen of Spanish chef Jose Andres, to help feed Ukrainians who have been fleeing the conflict in their country. Belonging to Iberojet, the air division of Avoris Corporacion Empresarial, the plane took off from Madrid airport. Manning the air‐ craft was the company’s own crew, who, in solidarity, offer to carry out the trips in their spare time. Volunteers from the Post Office were in

gate against any losses. Russia runs the risk of any planes being detained on arrival when flying in other countries’ airspace. Rob Stallard, an analyst at Vertical Research Part‐ ners revealed: “The Rus‐ sian aviation sector is now on footing that is similar to North Korea and Iran ‐ and similar to where it was un‐ der Soviet rule.”

Spanish aid CORREOS CARGO: Sent to Polish border.

charge of transporting the kitchen material to the airport. It was subsequently loaded onto the plane to guarantee distribution at its desti‐ nation ‐ by the World Central Kitchen ‐ of hot food, at various points near the border for the Ukrainian population.

18 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

Disease breakthrough RESEARCHERS in Australia have developed a simple DNA test that can detect a

wide range of genetic neuro‐ logical and neuromuscular diseases. The test will make

Eden Project earthquake LOCALS near the Eden Project said that a mini earthquake at the site sounded ‘like a bomb had gone off’ after a geother‐ mal drilling site caused a 1.6 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday, March 9. One resident told media: “Maybe you should’ve warned people. “You freaked a lot of us out. And that must’ve been very strong for our houses to rumble like they did.” Another resident added: “It sounded like a bomb had gone off in Penwith‐ ick.” Geothermal drilling that aims to provide heat to the Eden Project biome has been temporarily suspend‐ ed according to media sources.

Commenting on the quake Eden geothermal said: “We are aware that a seismic event was felt and heard in the vicinity of the Eden Geothermal site shortly after 9.20pm this evening. “An investigation and analysis of seismic moni‐ toring data have confirmed that the event was linked to testing operations at Eden Geothermal. “No damage has been reported, and the event was within regulatory lim‐ its, but in order to min‐ imise the likelihood of fur‐ ther disturbance, we have halted operations while additional mitigation con‐ trols are put in place. “We apologise for any disturbance that has been caused.”

it easier to diagnose difficult conditions more quickly and more accurately than exist‐ ing tests, reducing diagnosis from decades to days. The technology used in the Nanopore device is capa‐ ble of separating genomic sequences that share a unique repetitive sequence for more than 50 genetic dis‐ eases. Currently many of these diseases are difficult to diag‐ nose due to the complex symptoms presented by pa‐ tients and due to the tech‐ nological limitations of exist‐ ing genetic analysis methods. The test has al‐ ready accurately detected diverse diseases including motor neuron disease, Hunt‐ ington’s and myoclonic epilepsies. Researchers hope that the single Nanopore technology will be widely available in two to five years in patholo‐ gy laboratories across the world to detect genetic dis‐ eases following clinical ac‐ creditation.


Check the receipt

THE Bank of Spain is urging consumers to always check their receipts when making payments with their bank cards. Contactless payments are easy and below a certain amount do not require a PIN number. The card just needs to be brought close enough to the sales terminal or data‐ phone. However, large amounts require that a PIN number be entered. The Bank of Spain is advis‐ ing that card users check the amount on the sales termi‐ nal before using contactless

Contactless payments.

payments. People are in‐ clined to be trusting and just touch the card to the data‐ phone or sales terminal without looking at the amount. Many people also do not bother to ask for a re‐ ceipt.

This could lead to people being victims of a glitch or even scams. If the amount is not checked, people could end up paying a higher amount than they should. The Bank of Spain also recommend that people re‐ quest a copy of any pay‐ ments made and it urged people to periodically check card charges on their ac‐ counts. The possibility of re‐ ceiving SMS notifications re‐ garding card payments should also be considered, the Bank advised on WednesdayMarch 9.

DiCaprio donates ACTOR Leonardo DiCaprio has donated to multiple humanitarian groups help‐ ing Ukraine, but reports that he donat‐ ed $10 million to the Ukrainian mili‐ tary are false. “Leo had privately made several do‐ nations to humanitarian groups includ‐ ing CARE, IRC, UNHCR and Save the Children. All directed at Ukraine,” a

source close to the actor said. “He had been watching things unfold and wanted to support Ukraine the best he could. He will continue to sup‐ port humanitarian groups on the ground which are helping the people of Ukraine. He stands with Ukraine and will continue to support,” the source added on Thursday March 10.


17 - 23 March 2022

Nazi-era abortion law GERMANY has approved new legislation that will abol‐ ish a Nazi‐era abortion law that banned doctors from providing factual information about abortions under sec‐ tion 219a of the country’s pe‐ nal code. German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said the law, which was introduced in 1933, was an “intolerable state of affairs.” Buschmann said the new bill would not lead to abor‐ tions being advertised “like chocolate bars or travel.” “There is no need for any‐ one to worry about this, that is legally impossible,” he added on March 9. Women’s Affairs Minister Anne Spiegel said: “Doctors should in future be able to provide information about their medical services for abortions without having to fear prosecution or stigmati‐ sation. We are strengthening women’s right to self‐deter‐ mination in the long term.” Under the existing legisla‐ tion doctors have been fined

NEW BILL: Strengthening women’s rights.

for informing people that they have performed abor‐ tions. The new legislation still

has to be passed by the Bun‐ destag, Germany’s parlia‐ ment.

Apple upgrades APPLE has announced a range of new products and phones, including a 5k screen and a 60 per cent speed per‐ formance improvement to its top of the range Mac. There is also an upgrade for its budget iPhone SE. The price of the iPhone SE has risen by €24 to just over €500, but it now comes with a better battery and the same A15 bionic chip that is present in all of the iPhone 13 range. It is also 5G enabled. Apple is hoping that the new products will reverse a downward trend that saw their share price fall by more than 10 per cent since the beginning of the year. The company has also confirmed that it has stopped selling its products in Russia following the country’s inva‐ sion of Ukraine.

EWN 19

20 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Austria drops Covid rule AUSTRIA has suspended com‐ pulsory Covid‐19 vaccination requirements that came into force in February. Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler said: “There are cur‐ rently many arguments to say that this violation of funda‐ mental rights is not justified. “After consultations with the health minister, we have decided that we will of course follow what the commission has said. We see no need to actually implement this com‐

No longer compulsory.

pulsory vaccination due to the Omicron variant that we are predominantly experiencing

here,” she added on March 9. The law, which come into force on February 5, was unique in the EU. It required that everyone over the age of 18 had to be vaccinated, al‐ though those who had been infected with Covid‐19 in the last 180 days, pregnant moth‐ ers and citizens with certain medical conditions were ex‐ empt. Anyone who failed to get vaccinated after the intro‐ duction of the law faced a fine of up to €3,600.

Murray supports UNICEF

UNICEF ambassador, Sir Andy Murray, is to donate the rest of the season’s prize mon‐ ey to the organisation’s Ukraine appeal. Sir Andy works with UNICEF to support chil‐ dren with medical supplies and educational needs. The father of four wrote on Twitter: “Over 7.5 million children are at risk with the escalating conflict in Ukraine, so I’m working with @UNICEF_uk to help provide urgent medical supplies and early child‐ hood development kits. “It’s vital education continues, so UNICEF

is working to enable access to learning for displaced children, as well as supporting the rehabilitation of damaged schools, to‐ gether with replacement equipment and furniture. “I’m going to be donating my earnings from my prize money for the rest of the year, but anyone in the UK can support UNICEF’s humanitarian response by donat‐ ing to our appeal by following this link ‐ Children in Ukraine need peace ‐ now,” he added on Wednesday March 9.

22 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


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Rock toilet

IN 1993, the then Danish government negotiated an opt out from European military missions and is the only one of the 27 member states to have this option. Now in view of recent developments it will hold a referendum on June 1 to decide whether to return.

PRINCE MIDNIGHT, an American heavy metal musician and artist, has donated a toilet he sculpted to look like Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich to the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum in Copenhagen where it will be displayed in their ‘odditorium’.


Amsterdam museum

THE speaker in the Dutch Parliament is being encouraged to exercise her rights to ban MPs from taking part in debates if they are found guilty of abusing or threatening other MPs in the house especially after threats were made to two Muslim MPs earlier in the year.

THE opening of the temporary home of the Amsterdam Museum at the Hermitage has gone ahead after initially being cancelled due to its links with its sister museum, the Hermitage in St Petersburg. The Dutch Hermitage has since severed all ties with the Russian institution.

BELGIUM Royal Visit

Bizarre roundabout

KING PHILIPPE and Queen Mathilde visited a reception centre for Ukrainian refugees in the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels on March 9 to learn more about how they left the country and to welcome them to Belgium, offering what comfort they could.

WHEN local authorities in the town of Mechelen wanted to knock down 14 houses to allow buses to turn around when they terminated their journey, one owner, 80-yearold Dirk Van den Broek refused to move, so his house now sits alone on a new roundabout.

GERMANY Michelin stars

VW camper van

THE latest edition of the German Michelin gourmet restaurant guidebook published on March 9 added 17 new Michelin Star restaurants in Germany bringing the total to an all-time high of 327. It also added one more three-star establishment to the existing eight.

HAMBURG on March 9 saw the much-awaited unveiling of the electric version of the iconic 1960s Volkswagen camper van, popular for decades with so-called hippies and surfers. The ID Buzz is made from recycled synthetic material and can transport five people and luggage.

FRANCE Limit refugees

Flag waving

RIGHT wing presidential contender Eric Zemmour has praised Britain over its decision to impose stringent restrictions on Ukrainians seeking visas and he wants France to do the same. Zemmour thinks France should only accept Ukrainian refugees with direct family links to the country, while Muslim refugees should not be allowed entry at all.

A REPORT by The Connexion says that one unexpected benefit from the invasion of Ukraine is that French flag manufacturers have been swamped with orders for Ukrainian flags and are having to take on more staff and order additional materials to keep up with demand.

NORWAY Gas pipeline

Free insurance

PLANNED to cut dependency on Russian gas before the invasion of Ukraine, a pipeline from Norway to Poland via Denmark is currently under construction. According to Polish Prime Minster Mateusz Morawiecki, it should start pumping gas by November 2022 and be in full flow in 2023.

NORWEGIAN insurance company Gjensidige announced on March 9 that if any household takes in Ukrainian refugees and does not charge them rent, their household contents and liability insurance will be extended at no cost to include the refugee’s effects and liabilities.

17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 23

FINANCE BUSINESS EXTRA Unicaja concern ACCORDING to a statement by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Nadia Calvino, both the European Cen‐ tral Bank and the Bank of Spain are “very concerned about the drift in governance” of Unicaja Banco, currently Spain’s fifth largest bank.

Gran Via 18 WITH the opening on March 12 of megastore WOW, put together by former El Corte Ingles CEO Dimas Gimeno, came the news that the building in which it is housed, Gran Via 18 in Madrid, is on the market for around €90 million.

Jedi Blue IN a show of possible cooperation, the EU and UK Competition and Markets Authority have both be‐ gun investigating what is known as the ‘Jedi Blue’ arrangement be‐ tween Google and Meta, formerly Facebook, over potential breaking of competition rules for online dis‐ play advertising.

Airport City DETERMINED to build the Airport City next to Madrid’s Barajas air‐ port, operator AENA has whittled down its short list of 10 prospec‐ tive investors to just five and is cur‐ rently considering the ideal part‐ ner to become the majority shareholder in the venture.

Robot wars GROCERY delivery company Oca‐ do is pleased by a decision handed down by the International Trade Commission (ITC) to rule against AutoStore. The Norwegian com‐ pany which operates around the world claimed that Britain’s Ocado had infringed a number of robotic patents held by AutoStore, but all 33 claims were either rejected by the ITC for the second time or abandoned. Embarrassingly for AutoStore, the trade commission ruled that every patent about which it complained was either in‐ valid or was not infringed by Oca‐ do’s technology. There will how‐ ever be a court hearing in the UK which may see Ocado issuing counter claims. • 17 - 23 March 2022



€122 million

is the amount that the online survey company Typeform, founded 10 years ago in Barcelona, has raised from corporate investors.

Heathrow passengers down HEATHROW Airport says that pas‐ senger numbers are down by 50 per cent when compared to pre‐pan‐ demic levels. Although there are signs that more people are thinking of using the UK’s busiest hub airport in the future, only 2.8 million passengers were recorded in February which was also 15 per cent below forecast. It noted that outbound leisure de‐ mand is recovering strongly as coun‐ tries are starting to remove travel re‐ strictions however, demand from inbound leisure and business travel remains suppressed by the testing and quarantine requirements that

Levelling Up IN February the British Government published its Levelling Up the UK White Paper recognising that the huge spread of towns and cities is a major problem. It could do worse than look at Spain, where according to the Organ‐ isation for Economic Co‐operation and Development, some 65 per cent of the population live in flats whilst in the UK the figure is just 15 per cent. The fact that so many people in the UK live in houses means that the population is spread more widely which in turn makes commuting to work longer, more expensive and of‐ ten more difficult. Cities like Barcelona, although large, are much more densely popu‐ lated and have a number of car free areas which means that getting pub‐ lic transport from one place to anoth‐ er is quicker, easier and often cheap‐ er. London is really the exception that tests the rule as it now sprawls in all directions, but does at least have a transport system which covers the majority of its suburbs. A STRONG economic bounce back in the UK during January may be short lived, warned a industry expert as the Office for National Statistics re‐ vealed that the economy grew by 0.8 per cent compared with a 0.2 per cent contraction in December. Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chamber of Commerce, said on Friday, March 11, the day the figures were released: “While there was a strong rebound in output in January as the impact of Omicron started to ease, the figures have been pushed into the rear‐view mir‐

are still in place in nearly two‐thirds of the markets it serves. While the management of the air‐ port hopes that these requirements will be removed, they now face headwinds from higher fuel prices, longer flight times to destinations impacted by airspace closures, con‐ cerns from US travellers over war in Europe and the likelihood of new ‘Variants of Concern’, which togeth‐ er create huge uncertainty over the passenger forecasts this year. Based on the strength of out‐ bound leisure bookings being report‐ ed by airlines, peak days in the sum‐ mer holidays could be very busy, at

up to 85 per cent of pre‐pandemic levels, but this is likely to feel even busier at check in because of the ad‐ ditional pre‐departure checks. If correct, this is higher than cur‐ rent airline, handler and airport ca‐ pacity, so they say that they are putting passengers first by gearing up across the airport for peak de‐ mand, working with airlines to re‐ duce check in times and recruiting 12,000 new staff In addition, Terminal 4 will be re‐ opened before July but for incoming passengers there is a fear over Bor‐ der Force’s ability to scale up to meet demand.

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THE Minister of Industry, Com‐ merce and Tourism, Reyes Maro‐ to, formally closed HIP Horeca 2022, the Spanish hospitality in‐ dustry’s largest professional trade fair in Madrid on March 9. The hospitality industry was deeply impacted by the Covid‐19 pandemic and lockdown, but after seeing a number of establish‐ ments go to the wall in 2020 and 2021, things are beginning to look up. With 500 exhibitors and some 35,000 visitors this, the sixth HIP show to be held, attracted a record number of visitors and next stop for the organisers will be in Ibiza later in March. It is hoped the coming summer should see the return of foreign visitors, boosting businesses even more.

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Economic problems ror by renewed domestic and global shocks, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Consumer facing services firms enjoyed a particularly strong start to the year, following the partial re‐ lease of pent‐up customer demand as concerns over Omicron started to fade. “UK’s economy could stall in the near term as rising inflation, soaring

Madrid trade fair

energy bills and higher taxes increas‐ ingly drag on activity, despite a prob‐ able boost to output in February from the end of Plan B Covid restric‐ tions,” Thiru said. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has increased the risk of a recession in the UK by exacerbating the already acute inflationary squeeze on con‐ sumers and businesses and derailing the supply of critical commodities to

ONE of the traditional homes for investment at times of crisis sees money moving into gold. Although it did rise following the invasion of Ukraine and reached an all‐time high of €1,849, it has dipped and then recovered slightly sitting at around the €1,829 per ounce mark as of Mon‐ day, March 14. Many, including US politicians fear that the Russian Government has been stockpiling gold for at least a decade and already pro‐ duces 80 per cent of all European gold. Moves are afoot to try to ban the sale of Russian gold as Putin could cut the market price by up to a third if he decided to unload large volumes to pay for the inva‐ sion of Ukraine. many sectors of the economy. “Raising interest rates and taxes at this time would weaken the UK’s growth prospects further, by under‐ mining confidence and diminishing households’ and firms’ finances. “We urge the Chancellor to use the upcoming Spring Statement to tackle the cost‐of‐doing‐business cri‐ sis by delaying the National Insur‐ ance rise and committing to no fur‐ ther policy measures that will increase costs for business for the re‐ mainder of this Parliament,” he added.

28 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022




COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.280,50 Abrdn 199,60 Admiral Group 2.672,0 Anglo American 3.740,0 Antofagasta 1.574,50 Ashtead Group 5.030,0 Associated British Foods 1.759,5 AstraZeneca 9.344,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 638,00 Avast 640,80 Aveva 2.526,0 Aviva 417,60 B&M European Value Retail 544,60 BAE Systems 741,40 Bank VTB DRC 0,010 Barclays 167,34 Barratt Developments 559,20 Berkeley 3.922,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.581,00 BP 357,70 British American Tobacco 3.016,8 British Land Company 506,60 BT Group 176,00 Bunzl 2.777,0 Burberry Group 1.579,0 Carnival 1.249,1 Centrica 76,54 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.617,0 Compass 1.673,50 CRH 3.255,0 Croda Intl 6.858,0 DCC 5.756,0 Diageo 3.390,0 DS Smith 318,94 EasyJet 508,60 Experian 2.834,0 Ferguson 11.425,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.956,0 Fresnillo 708,20 GlaxoSmithKline 1.541,20 Glencore 494,30 Halma 2.374,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 1.049,70 Hikma Pharma 2.013,00 HSBC 487,15 IAG 137,81 Imperial Brands 1.535,00 Informa 550,80 InterContinental 5.018,0

CHANGE(P) 1.282,00 200,30 2.709,0 3.872,5 1.583,00 5.042,0 1.773,0 9.365,0 647,00 643,20 2.546,0 419,40 554,20 749,60 0,010 167,82 565,20 3.926,0 2.620,50 364,65 3.073,5 512,00 176,25 2.784,0 1.579,0 1.271,0 77,04 1.632,0 1.693,00 3.280,0 6.916,0 5.804,0 3.395,8 320,00 512,80 2.847,0 11.465,0 9.118,0 722,00 1.548,80 505,50 2.384,0 1.054,10 2.018,00 490,25 139,90 1.539,50 554,20 5.114,0

% CHG. 1.250,00 194,80 2.594,0 3.734,0 1.543,60 4.931,0 1.711,0 9.249,0 637,80 640,00 2.500,0 412,50 541,60 737,20 0,010 163,22 551,00 3.831,0 2.565,00 355,10 2.973,5 501,80 172,40 2.741,0 1.547,5 1.233,6 75,96 1.558,5 1.661,50 3.181,0 6.744,0 5.730,0 3.366,7 308,13 496,50 2.795,0 11.085,0 8.884,0 703,40 1.534,60 489,05 2.355,0 1.040,52 1.988,00 482,25 134,96 1.517,00 547,20 4.997,0

NET VOL 113,29K 593,03K 211,49K 625,20K 29,84K 85,77K 95,26K 279,83K 19,91K 78,24K 20,09K 1,08M 301,15K 360,83K 0 6,12M 487,40K 30,50K 942,22K 4,75M 780,97K 124,35K 2,17M 64,00K 133,32K 143,47K 1,00M 179,05K 259,03K 176,85K 22,16K 31,20K 25,36K 163,15K 785,90K 131,80K 74,76K 46,41K 353,55K 499,97K 8,60M 47,40K 9,49K 38,66K 245,41K 8,59M 218,61K 471,41K 56,92K



Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

1.601,50 4.910,0 85,50 254,80 1.917,5 754,40 264,40 46,91 7.526,0 760,00 128,60 1.461,00 1.115,60 214,00 6.266,0 1,89 1.170,00 2.267,2 634,80 1.076,00 5.653,0 2.114,00 480,40 618,00 5.367,0 96,65 0,60 669,20 1.410,50 0,0453 3.063,0 877,79 1.297,50 2.810,0 1.941,0 1.213,00 1.453,00 12.055,0 1.663,50 1.358,50 491,60 138,05 272,50 237,70 3.394,1 1.045,50 120,82 2.704,0 1.008,50


% CHG.


1.617,00 4.916,0 87,94 256,90 1.930,0 764,00 267,30 47,23 7.544,0 761,80 129,05 1.462,50 1.119,20 214,60 6.294,0 1,89 1.199,21 2.300,0 649,20 1.090,50 5.681,0 2.116,00 482,30 624,91 5.522,0 97,24 0,60 670,40 1.411,00 0,0453 3.072,0 901,60 1.301,50 2.847,0 1.959,0 1.214,00 1.457,00 12.130,0 1.670,00 1.370,50 496,50 139,25 273,25 240,50 3.404,3 1.053,50 121,00 2.755,0 1.022,00

1.571,00 4.840,0 85,24 253,62 1.904,0 749,60 261,70 46,16 7.418,0 756,20 124,65 1.427,50 1.101,20 210,60 6.150,0 1,89 1.164,20 2.216,8 626,00 1.066,00 5.591,0 2.089,00 471,80 616,60 5.330,0 93,94 0,60 660,80 1.401,50 0,0453 3.003,0 870,00 1.290,00 2.795,8 1.926,2 1.194,50 1.432,50 11.920,0 1.648,50 1.338,50 487,60 135,75 269,85 235,10 3.364,9 1.029,00 119,20 2.679,0 1.001,50

40,42K 15,28K 2,23M 125,20K 37,75K 178,50K 1,78M 16,02M 45,54K 35,94K 1,95M 144,72K 469,86K 1,67M 25,65K 0 28,05K 103,98K 791,56K 689,92K 166,93K 729,36K 443,61K 18,13K 552,24K 6,50M 0 117,77K 1,70K 0 92,21K 638,74K 130,42K 3,93K 2,02M 328,63K 37,11K 19,01K 205,54K 49,71K 698,76K 2,24M 1,78M 1,90M 35,58K 207,27K 6,91M 31,08K 509,12K



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0960 Japan yen (JPY)........................................129.11 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0251 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4408 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.8154 • Tel: +34 950 478 914 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 140,96 167,90 228,85 154,73 176,23 214,83 170,90 54,69 57,92 60,91 327,00 316,79 182,24 123,96 45,83 169,35 128,89 226,87 78,26 280,07 122,63 143,22 197,90 173,73 482,87 53,04 196,71 47,44 142,07 131,75

CHANGE 144,48 172,31 230,03 159,28 184,86 217,77 172,98 56,21 58,85 62,49 336,61 321,79 186,93 126,77 47,28 171,46 134,08 229,11 79,63 289,51 127,87 146,16 204,77 175,95 493,80 53,58 200,84 48,97 144,05 136,16

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 140,83 3,95M 167,63 2,69M 226,77 2,64M 154,50 95,07M 175,95 9,22M 212,30 3,96M 165,88 28,31M 54,60 19,83M 57,86 19,85M 60,87 6,11M 326,71 2,58M 316,23 2,96M 182,03 2,63M 123,91 4,11M 45,76 26,27M 169,02 5,12M 128,42 19,41M 224,20 6,06M 78,20 8,54M 279,43 27,01M 122,51 5,79M 143,03 7,03M 197,63 5,09M 173,44 1,39M 482,51 2,61M 53,01 19,42M 196,46 5,43M 47,38 5,73M 141,88 6,35M 131,57 6,94M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+89.40% +49.29% +45.04% +42.59% +40.82% +37.63% +37.38% +36.70% +33.07% +32.95% +26.17%

89.91M 7.21M 182.03M 25.60M 36.96M 205.50K 7.04M 16.79M 15.97M 0.54K 230.25M

-45.75% -44.08% -38.24% -36.32% -35.46% -32.68% -32.04% -30.39% -30.00% -29.28% -27.66%

5.80M 240.43M 109.76K 91.15M 28.63K 85.92M 3.93M 836.02K 1.20K 2.96M 22.05M

Most Advanced Marygold Companies Terawulf Guardforce AI Clearside Biomedical Excellon Resources Inc. 4D Pharma ADR Solid Biosciences Altamira Therapeutics Kala Pharma Incannex Healthcare ADR Mullen Automotive

Most Declined Orphazyme Didi Global Zhongchao RLX Technology Zanite Acquisition Exela Tech Tuya LiveVox Holdings LiveVox Holdings Unit Indonesia Energy Imperial Petroleum


Glovo back in Ukraine

DELIVERY group Glovo has partially resumed opera‐ tions in Ukraine, in order to provide essential services in 20 cities across the country, including Kyiv. The company announced on March 9 that its objec‐ tive is to provide humanitar‐ ian support and offer essen‐ tial logistics to those in need, connecting customers and couriers with partner restaurants, pharmacies, grocery stores and NGOs. Glovo does not seek and will not have any financial gains from these services in Ukraine and waives com‐ mission and delivery fees to partners, NGOs and phar‐ macies. Additionally, while all us‐ er delivery fees remain, they will be donated through a Ukraine‐based NGO, Come Back Alive, which looks to support the Ukrainian society. Given the current circum‐ stances, the active couriers’ compensation has been adapted to ensure they can support themselves and their families and all couri‐ ers are covered by local and global insurance. Since operations resumed in Ukraine, nearly 10,000 or‐ ders were delivered in a sin‐ gle week, with nearly 1,000 active stores and more than 700 couriers operating so far. Originally founded in Spain, Glovo has seen huge expansion and the majority

Credit: Glovo

PROVIDING SUPPORT: Back delivering in the Ukraine.

of shares were purchased by Germany’s Delivery Hero early in 2022. Meanwhile, in Spain, a war of words has broken out between Uber Eats and Glovo after the Uber deliv‐ ery arm wrote to the Span‐ ish Government saying that it cannot recruit sufficient couriers. It alleges that whilst it is complying completely with the requirement to ensure workers are contracted, Glovo still allows some to be registered as self em‐ ployed and they can then choose to work only in the most lucrative hours of the day. According to a report by IBTimes, a spokesperson for Glovo rejected this claim and said that it complied with the law.

Backing circular economy THE European Investment Bank (EIB) is to provide a €20 million loan to Hinojosa, a recycled paper and packaging solutions company in Xativa Valencia. The company is dedicated to supporting what is known as the circular economy so that everything it produces can be recycled thus reducing waste to a bare minimum. The long‐term loan will allow Hinojosa to mod‐ ernise or upgrade equipment in its eight Spanish fac‐ tories and part will be spent on digitisation and in‐ stallation of solar power to reduce its CO2 footprint. Although introducing new technology, the com‐ pany also expects to increase its work force in the future.

BUSINESS EXTRA Mango profits SPANISH clothing store Mango which has been in the financial dol‐ drums for some time, has reported that 2021 delivered its highest profits in almost a decade, with a net profit of €67 million, more than three times the €21 million reported be‐ fore the pandemic hit.

Bonus back THE John Lewis Group which owns Waitrose has undertaken to pay staff a bonus after cutting it completely during the pandemic, although di‐ rectors have offered to give theirs to charity. In addition, it will ensure all employees earn the mini‐ mum real living wage.

European hotspot THE president of the Jun‐ ta de Andalucia, Juanma Moreno told the Por‐ tuguese News Agency LUSA that he believes the Algarve, Alentejo and An‐ dalucia regions can be‐ come the next economic hotspot within Europe in less than three decades thanks to planned future cooperation.

17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 29

30 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT PERHAPS if the UK hadn’t packed hotels and facilities across the country with thousands of young, mobile toting young males from the Middle East, they would be able to cope more easily with genuine fellow Europeans seeking refuge from the Ukraine? These physically fit boat people are still costing the country millions of British pounds a day. Most have not one ounce of gratitude in their whole self‐entitled bodies. Quite the reverse, many have complained that their food and accommodation is not up to standard. Ha! What standard? I thought they had all come from the rubble of war‐torn starving countries? This whole politically instigated exercise is an unmitigated disaster. If it wasn’t so dangerous it would be almost laughable. A short time ago, I pointed out that these young men, with their Nike trainers and remarkable absence of female compatriots ‐ who had purportedly trekked for miles with no visible access to food or financial support ‐ all looked remarkably fit and presumably could afford large sums of money to pay the people smugglers for their boats and ‘travel arrangements’. It was my opinion

Selfish that someone had to be footing the bill. I suggested that Putin could be one contender interested in seeking to install a sleeper army into the UK. Imagine my surprise and indeed consternation when, a few days ago, it was revealed that Putin was negotiating with countries in the Middle East to supply young fighting conscripts to join up with his troops in the Ukraine. It was also disclosed that large numbers had already signed up. Coincidence? Somehow, I think not. It will be interesting to see if, in the weeks ahead, the numbers of young ‘refugees’ in Calais is significantly reduced. This would be a sure sign that this potential army is being temporarily diverted to other areas, where their services are more urgently required. Just saying. Somewhat conveniently lost in the initial pandemic panic of 2020, the Relationships and Sex Education for children (RSE) quietly became mandatory in British State Schools. On the face of it this idea sounds an intelligent and beneficial scheme, set to deal with many of the issues that beset

youngsters born into the 21st century. That is of course until you look more carefully into this heavily woked and often child abusive piece of British Government educative legislation. To be honest there is far too much of it to include here. This is a short list of subjects that have been introduced into the classrooms of the innocents. It includes lessons on being ‘born in the wrong body’ which teaches children as young as six to ‘reject themselves; lessons about how friendship and sexual attraction are the same; teaching ‘gender equality’ to tots as young as four and lessons about masturbation recommended for six‐year‐olds! Anyone feeling angry yet? Don’t tell me these people aren’t dangerous. In my opinion they should all be locked up. Keep the Faith. Love Leapy To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp

Netflix - Pieces of Her NEW Netflix series Pieces of Her, starring the incredible Toni Collette (About A Boy) as Laura Oliver, has not received great reviews on Rotten Toma‐ toes ‐ with a critic rating of 50 per cent and an audience rat‐ ing of 39 per cent ‐ and I have to agree that there were too few pieces of her to make up the final puzzle. I was hooked on the eight‐ part series Pieces of Her during the first episode, which sees Laura and her daughter Andy Oliver, played by Bella Heath‐ cote (The Neon Demon), in‐ volved in a mass shooting at a restaurant. Laura brutally slices the neck of the shooter to pro‐ tect Andy, resulting in world‐ wide attention ‐ something that could cost Laura and Andy their lives. But my interest began to fade with each episode. Andy goes down the rabbit hole to find out where her mother learnt her impressive assassination skills and the real truth behind Laura’s incredibly wealthy family and her past ‐ queue flashbacks and disjoint‐ ed scenes that are synonymous

with the genre of a mystery thriller. However, Pieces of Her holds back too much, ending up in the series being some‐ what frustrating, with too much information being held back to feel like you have any idea of what is actually happening and why. With so many twists and turns, that probably make more sense in the hit book by Karin Slaughter that the series is based on, by the time you start figuring out what is going on, which doesn’t happen until around episode five, it is difficult to stay interested in the narra‐ tive and the characters. The brilliant acting carries this series, Toni Collette can do no wrong in my opinion, and this isn’t a narrative that you can easily dip in and out of or watch casually because of the intrica‐ cies of the story. If you like mys‐ tery dramas and have spare time then it’s worth a watch, however, you may come away disappointed and feeling a bit flat. You can stream Pieces of Her on Netflix now.


12:15pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm



MONDAY 21/03

SUNDAY 20/03


FRIDAY 18/03

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2:45pm 10:15am 11:00am 11:45am 12:15pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm

Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country

1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm

Crimewatch Roadshow Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Shakespeare and Hathaway


Saturday Kitchen Live Marcus Wareing's Tales from a Kitchen Garden Football Focus BBC News Weather Bargain Hunt Live Six Nations Rugby Union BBC News BBC London News


Match of the Day Sunday Morning Sunday Politics London Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships Comic Relief BBC News Weather for the Week Ahead Songs of Praise Dodger


Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators

1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm

Morning Live Crimewatch Roadshow Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors

10:00am 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm

Morning Live Crimewatch Roadshow Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors

9:00am 10:00am 12:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm

4:00pm 4:30pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm

2:15pm 3:45pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm

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5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm

5:15pm 6:15pm

Politics Live Ready, Steady, Cook Eggheads Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is The Heights Murder, Mystery and My Family The Real Marigold Hotel Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games


Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships School for Scoundrels The Heights Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is The Wonder of Animals Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships MOTDx Inside Culture with Shahidha Bari

9:00pm 10:00pm

Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships Great British Menu This Beautiful Fantastic Lightning Richard Osman's House of Games Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships TOTP: The Story of 1992 TOTP 1992 Biggest Hits Annie Lennox

8:00pm 9:00pm

Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Great British Menu Clash of the Titans Flog It! Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships Six Nations: Rugby Special The Speedshop The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan A Million Little Pieces

9:00pm 11:00pm

Politics Live Ready, Steady, Cook Eggheads Street Auction The Heights The Customer is Always Right Gorilla Family and Me Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games Lightning


BBC News Politics Live The Super League Show Eggheads Street Auction The Heights The Customer is Always Right Gorilla Family and Me Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games

8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm

Gardeners' World BBC News Politics Live Ready, Steady, Cook Eggheads Street Auction The Heights The Customer is Always Right The Sweet Makers: A Tudor Treat Flog It!

8:30pm 9:00pm

8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:55pm 1:25am

2:25am 2:55am


12:00am 12:45am


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10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 1:40pm 1:50pm

TOTP: 1992 St Patrick's Day at the BBC Ireland's Greatest Small Music Festival: Other Voices TOTP2: St Patrick's Day Special Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan TOTP: 1992

7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 1:40pm 1:50pm

The Normans Arctic with Bruce Parry Hidden Burning Wogan: The Best Of Yes, Prime Minister Keeping Up Appearances Arctic with Bruce Parry


5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm

5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

7:35am 8:00am 10:30am 12:40pm 1:45pm 2:09pm 2:10pm 5:00pm

11:15pm 11:30pm 11:45pm 12:05am 1:05am 2:05am

10:00pm 11:00pm

12:00am 1:35am 2:05am

11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:30am 1:30am 2:00am

Lorraine This Morning ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London ITV Racing: Cheltenham Festival Live Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale


Good Morning Britain Lorraine This Morning ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London ITV Racing: Cheltenham Festival Live Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News

10:00am 11:30am

The Rubbish World of Dave Spud Thunderbirds are Go ITV News Saturday Morning with James Martin Simply Raymond Blanc ITV News and Weather ITV London Weather ITV Racing: Live from Uttoxeter Six Nations Live

9:55am 10:25am 12:25pm 1:00pm 3:45pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

10:30am 1:30pm 2:35pm 4:15pm

10:00am 11:30am 12:25pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

12:25pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm

7:00pm 7:30pm

John Williams Film Prom Skint: I'd like to Speak to the Manager Skint: No Grasses, No Nonces Skint: Hannah Skint: Regeneration The Sound of TV with Neil Brand The Sound of TV with Neil Brand The Beauty of Diagrams

7:35am 8:00am 10:30am


Thunderbirds are Go ITV News Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh ITV News and Weather ITV London Weather Live FA Cup Football You've Been Framed! Tipping Point: Lucky Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special Live FA Cup Football

Britain's Lost Masterpieces The Golden Age of Steam Railways Ian Hislop's Stiff Upper Lip: An Emotional History of Britain Imagine - Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise Canal Boat Diaries Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam

7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Good Morning Britain Lorraine This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Lingo ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London


Canal Boat Diaries Keeping Up Appearances Yes, Prime Minister Mysteries of the Bayeux Tapestry Battlefield Britain Cat Tales: In from the Wild Twin Sisters: A World Apart Skint: I'd like to Speak to the Manager

10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Lorraine This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Lingo ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News


Canal Boat Diaries Secret Life of Farm Animals Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal The Distant Barking of Dogs: Storyville Super Powered Owls: Natural World Canal Boat Diaries Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam

10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Lorraine This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Lingo ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News

10:05am 11:35am

12:30pm 12:44pm 12:45pm 3:45pm 4:15pm 5:15pm

6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm

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12:35pm 1:30pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Coast vs Country Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed


Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Coast vs Country Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons


The Simpsons Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Live Rugby League A Place in the Sun A Place in the Sun Grand Designs Location, Location, Location Channel 4 News Matt Baker: Our Farm in the Dales

10:05am 10:15am

Sunday Brunch The Simpsons Stuart Little Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Channel 4 News One and Six Zeros George Clarke's Amazing Spaces Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix Highlights

11:30am 2:05pm

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons Hollyoaks

9:50am 9:55am

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons Hollyoaks

10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm

Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Includes headlines and weather. Undercover Boss USA Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed

10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm

10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm

2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm

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2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 5:00pm

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3:05pm 4:05pm 4:10pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 6:35pm 7:25pm 7:30pm

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2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours You Can't Take My Daughter


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours My Deadly Ex Filthy House SOS


Ricky Zoom The World According to Grandpa Go Green with the Grimwades The Adventures of Paddington Circle Square SpongeBob Squarepants Entertainment News on 5 Friends Our Yorkshire Farm


Friends A Country Life for Half the Price Steel Magnolias Entertainment News on 5 Steel Magnolias Little Voice 5 News Update Little Voice 5 News Weekend When Luxury Cruising Goes Wrong

8:00am 8:30am

Odo Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours Secrets, Lies and Shattered Dreams


Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours A Deadly Mother Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads


Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours Her Stolen Past Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours

1:30pm 3:30pm

9:05am 10:00am 12:00pm 4:30pm 8:30pm 11:00pm

6:05am 8:00am 8:30am 9:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 2:20pm

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6:05am 7:00am 9:05am 1:30pm 1:00am 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am

7:00pm 8:00pm 11:30pm 1:00am 1:30am

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34 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Ukraine crisis is a wake-up call for the West rather than flattery. Like his attempt to lead white Siberian cranes towards their winter habitat when he flew a microlight dressed in white to fool the birds. And finished up look‐ ing more like a character from Bowie’s Space Odyssey phase. As for the brave Ukrainians, their best prospect is that they’ll eventually drive the Russians out of their ravaged country and we in the West can then help rebuild. Ukraine’s agony has bought us time. Hopefully, the West will use that time to ready our defences, so that Russia (or China) will no longer be able to dismiss our capability to look after our in‐ terests. Meanwhile ‘Slava Ukraini!’

NORA JOHNSON BREAKING VIEWS Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

AS a columnist you ask yourself, in the wake of Putin’s merciless invasion, whether you had better write about Ukraine, because it is all anyone wants to read about, or whether you had better not, because it is the one thing nobody wants to read about. I have avoided writing about Ukraine, not because I don’t care, but the opposite. I have close friends there whose future is frighten‐ ingly uncertain since the primary fear is what a cornered Vladimir Putin might do. There is a sense that nothing makes sense, nothing can be predicted, because he follows no logic that standard politicians would apply. But then this former KGB agent is no stan‐ dard politician. Just look at how carefully he’s polished his public image as a ‘caring’ man of adventure, frequently appearing bare‐chest‐ ed for cameras. He’s been shown wrestling heroically with a python after it ‘escaped’ from a Moscow zoo. Tranquilising a tiger, Nora Johnson’s opinions

UKRAINE: Hopefully they will drive the Russians out of their ravaged country.

Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘The Sentinel’, ‘No Safe Place’, ‘Be‐ trayal’, ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ (www.nora‐ available online as eBook (€0.99; £0.99), Ap‐ ple Books, paperback and audiobook.All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity.

putting a tracking collar on a polar bear and the Kerch Strait in the Black Sea and, amazing‐ using a crossbow to extract tissue from a ly, immediately ‘discovered’ fragments of two whale. ancient Greek urns ‐ later admitted as a total To read more articles from our columnists He’s posed topless riding a horse in Siberia set up. and to have your say in the comments go and flown on a fighter jet, a bomber and an Indeed, Putin’s more recent stunts seem to to amphibious firefighting aircraft. He dived into have misfired and ended up the subject of fun are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors. • 17 - 23 March 2022





36 • 17 - 23 March 2022






38 • 17 - 23 March 2022



EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

SCAM OR SALES? I WAS interested in your item on page 3 of the current edition of your informative newspaper. It may be just coincidence, but this sounds very much like the approach that I have encountered a number of times over recent years, here on Gata Residencial. Young men turn up and ring my doorbell and notwithstanding that I have a number of signs indicating that I already have an alarm system, they try to sell me a new one. When I say, no thanks, they offer to demonstrate the problems that my system suffers from. These guys represent Securitas Direct, and there are always a number of them blitzing our Urbanisation with their sales pitch. They seem to be quite successful, as a number of houses in my neighbourhood, whose houses already had an alarm system, are now showing their signs. Regards. Ken

Praise for Leapy Dear Sir Just read your March 10/16 weekly sermon and had to write and say WELL DONE, my sentiments exactly !! I applaud you for saying what many think but do not/are not able to express in the mainstream media. Your column is a brief glimpse of

SALES PITCH: Offering to demonstrate problems with current system.

sanity in a topsy turvey world. Would that you could advise/order the politicians etc who govern the ordinary persons’ lives to such an extent. Leapy Lee THANK YOU Sid

Long time plan Hi, What is happening in Ukraine is something that Putin had been planning for a long time. KGB has spies in all our countries, speaking the language as natives, without accent. Pity some guards at the border treated Africans and overseas students without pity. Beating Africans and as-

UNWELCOME STRIKE AFTER the travails of the last two years and then the Russian invasion of Ukraine, what do we need next? A transport strike! Drivers’ unions complain that they are badly affected by the rising price of fuel which is why they need to take strike action. But the main losers will be the general public who have had to put up with so much since the start of the pandemic. Every business and every household suffer from the rise in energy prices, be it gas, electricity or fuel, but when most of the country was in lockdown and those in the hospitality industry had no work, drivers were still able follow their trade. Certainly, some of their demands which include not having to unload deliveries, monitored rest stops and retirement at 60 are not unreasonable and the right to strike is important in any democracy, but timing is essential.


From our Facebook

king the students for money to board the buses, some buses with empty seats. They walked for four nights and when they arrived in Poland, they were treated as human beings. Welcomed, fed, wounds treated and a bed. Embassies were informed. This was not reported by BBC, but French and Belgian TV. Putin had Trump in his pocket. On a visit to Russia, Putin knew Trump’s weakness, WOMEN. I leave you to imagine the rest. Our Leaders are being protective of us. Do we want to die of nerve poisoning? Regards SA


In this case, it seems that the unions are using the general public as a tool to influence the government and already there have been some signs of panic with certain goods unavailable and queues at some petrol stations. At the moment, what we need is some relief from the misery and encouragement for overseas visitors to return to Spain, but if an indefinite strike does cause genuine shortages in Spain, then tourists will simply opt to go to other holiday destinations. Hopefully, this situation will be resolved quickly although the Spanish government can do little about the price of fuel, unless it decides to take a cut in tax. Some slightly encouraging news is that the United Arab Emirates intends to increase production which would cut the wholesale price of crude oil.

UKRAINE PRESIDENT: Does he deserve to get a knighthood?

Theresa Attwood Oh give it a break. From videos and news articles I’ve seen, from what the Ukraine army did to people from 2004, that all gets hushed up, ever thought that’s why Putin has gone in. Bloody joke.

Jay Denton Oh give it a break, has any of these over inflated MPs seen his record before this war? Ukraine has long been regarded as the most corrupt country in Europe.

Helen Jordan How many leaders would stand by their people and fight. Anyone else would be giving orders safely away from all of it. Well done to this amazing man.

Victoria Lynn Absolute hero, visiting wounded soldiers in hospitals while the evil imbecile who caused this war is hidden away!

Robert Miller Snr What for, he made a wrong call, this war was very avoidable, more debate should have taken place and the concern Russia had for its borders and military and rocket bases being built on the borders guarantee request by Russia were not given by Nato who are basically run by the USA Democratic Party, which escalated this atrocity.

Sheila Hounslow I think he would rather support and freedom at the moment. Those tongs come later .

At the EWN, we pride ourselves that reports are accurate and fair. If we do slip up, we promise to set the record straight in a clear, no-nonsense manner. To ask for an inaccuracy to be corrected. Email:

42 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

Advertising Feature Voss Homes

Property of the week

Cortijo Las Ramblares near Huércal-Overa A BEAUTIFULLY renovated, private, two storey country house of 281m2 with large outbuildings of 177m2 for sale in the Huer‐ cal‐Overa countryside. Currently with five bedrooms, two bathrooms, conservatory, jacuzzi room, mains and solar electricity, agricultural water, solar heated hot water and amazing unspoilt country views on 44,735m2 of land (7,500m2 fenced around the house). Eight mins drive to Urcal village with three cafe/bar/restaurants, medical centre and school. Eighteen mins drive to Huercal‐Overa town with hospital, numerous shops, super‐ markets, restaurants, sports and leisure facili‐ ties, parks and plazas and historic buildings. Forty‐five mins drive to the coast at San Juan de Los Terreros or Mojacar. Cortijo Las Ramblares is ideal if you are looking for amazing views and a tastefully restored, full of character country house with rustic tiles, wooden beamed ceilings, doors and windows etc in a rural but not too remote location with neighbours within walking distance and are ok with flat, un‐

COUNTRY HOUSE: With amazing views, is full of character and tastefully restored.

made country lane access of 1.8km (1.1 miles). A normal car is more than sufficient. The extra land and outbuildings mean it is suitable for animals, horses and storage etc.

For a full description and to see our walk around property video tour please go to our website and search for VH1925 Cortijo Las Ramblares.


Ref. VH1925

249,000 euros

Surrounding the house is the fenced gar‐ den of approx 7,500m2. To the rear of the house approx 15 metres away are the out‐ buildings / stables and garage. These are ideal for keeping animals or for storage and can be adapted to your needs. To the front and sides of the house are landscaped gar‐ dens with a large variety of Mediterranean plants, trees including olive, fruit trees, shrubs and cacti and a number of interest‐ ing feature areas including an artificial grass area which would be ideal place for an above ground pool. Outside of this is a further approx 37,235m2 of mostly flat, natural land with approx 350 almond trees. Voss Homes is a British family‐run busi‐ ness with offices in the nearby thriving, market town of Huercal‐Overa and village of La Alfoquia. We specialise in selling prop‐ erties around Huercal‐Overa, Zurgena, La Alfoquia and Taberno. We look forward to helping you find your ideal property in Spain and supporting you in our after sales service.

For more information and to arrange a viewing or a meeting in our offices please contact Voss Homes on 0034 950 616 827 or 0034 678 002 006 or email us on

Listen to me being grumpy! MIKE SENKER IN MY OPINION Views of a Grumpy Old Man I WROTE about this previously but now it’s getting ridiculous how products, like bars of chocolate, ice creams, packets of crisps, actually everything, really are getting smaller and smaller for the same money. Now it’s getting even worse because now they have got so small, they can’t make them any smaller, they are actually having to put the prices up because of choose your reason - Covid-19, Brexit, Russia or China. All these companies are making huge profits, and I mean many, many millions in net profit, yet they still keep rooking Joe Public and the real reason is because they have to keep shareholders happy. I am really concerned about what is going on generally. It’s like maybe the people that were considered crackpots a year or so ago, because of all their conspiracy theories, are now making a little bit of sense. The price of fuel is crazy. I mean last year we couldn’t drive five kilometres because of Covid. This year we can’t even afford to drive five kilomtres because of Russia. Roman Abramovich has lost his stake in

Chelsea because of his connections with Putin which was fine for the 20 years before. The UK government has been fully aware of all the hooky money that was being funnelled into the UK but just didn’t care. All of a sudden, it’s got to be confiscated. It should never have been allowed in the first place but the scumbag politicians turned a blind eye because of the backhanders flying about. So, who is going to suffer? The Chelsea fans, of course, because I can assure you Abramovich won’t be that bothered. Some of the hysteria about banning Russian products and people are crazy too. Two Strictly Come Dancing professionals are allegedly to be banned. A Royal Opera House summer season of the Bolshoi Ballet had been in the final stages of planning, but now is not going to happen. Hopefully the madness will be over soon. There seems to be a competition on social media, that when someone famous dies, who is first to get their RIP message on Insta or Twitter. Piers Morgan, I think, is top of the leader board at the moment. He really is a total knob head. I wouldn’t mind a few emails of your thoughts and I’m on Talk Radio Europe on Friday March 18 at 11.30 CET being grumpy. Listen and call in and we can chat.p Email:

Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

44 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Mould and allergies Mature skin: Make-up MOULD and dampness on the walls of a home can trigger allergies and other health problems, and it is important to keep them un‐ der control. In older houses or in hous‐ es with poor insulation, dampness and mould can appear on the walls. Many people think that this is mainly an aesthetic prob‐ lem, but it can have serious consequences for your health. The main problem with mould is that it releases spores, which can enter the body when they are touched or inhaled and cause various types of irrita‐ tions and infections. Mould on the walls mostly affects the respiratory tract, but other organs, such as the eyes or the digestive system, can also be affected. This is especially danger‐ ous for people who already suffer from certain condi‐ tions, such as those who are immunosuppressed or who suffer from asthma or fungal

RESPIRATORY TRACT: Can be affected by mould on walls.

allergies. These people may experience nasal conges‐ tion, wheezing and redness and itching of the eyes or skin. Mould is also thought to promote the develop‐ ment of asthma in children when they are exposed at an early age. Once mould appears, there is no way to complete‐ ly eliminate all of the fungus or spores, but its growth can be controlled. This is mainly

achieved by controlling the humidity, but first, the af‐ fected area must be thor‐ oughly cleaned and any leaks that may be causing the wall to become damp must be repaired. The relative humidity in the room needs to be be‐ tween 30 per cent and 60 per cent, which can be achieved through ventila‐ tion, dehumidifiers and, if necessary, better insulation.

OUR skin naturally changes over the years. Of course, make‐up can be enjoyed at any age, but some tech‐ niques that work well on younger skin may be less effective on more mature skin. Moisturiser and sun pro‐ tection This step is essential for all ages. For mature skin, choose a moisturiser that is quickly absorbed and contains prop‐ erties that help to plump and smooth the skin. Also, whether winter or summer, keeping your face protected from the sun’s rays will make all the difference. Foundation and conceal‐ er Opt for a light liquid foun‐ dation. Using a dense, high‐ coverage foundation may make your skin look stiff and wrinkles and pores may look even more obvious. The same goes for conceal‐ er, so apply it subtly and sparingly. Powder Using too much will make

LIPSTICK: Avoid matte as this can damage the lips’ skin.

your face look stiff and overly matte. Choose a translucent powder that gives just the right amount of hold and spread a small amount very evenly. Blending Blending is essential. Use a good brush or a sponge that will not absorb too much product. Always use small strokes, preferably in upward or circular move‐ ments. Eyes Well‐defined eyebrows

can lift and frame the face. Give them body and shape with an eyebrow gel, pencil or powder. Lifting the eye‐ lashes by curling them and using a good mascara will give them life, volume and length. Lips You can play around as much as you like here, but try to avoid very mat‐ te or drying lipsticks, as this is unflattering and can damage the skin on your lips.


Dealing with scabies OUTBREAKS of scabies are most common in nursing homes, university resi‐ dences and day‐care cen‐ tres. Increasingly, however, they are seen in hospitals and private homes. Luckily, it is possible to stop the spread of scabies by prop‐ erly washing all surfaces and fabrics. What to do if you have scabies 1. Do not be embar‐ rassed to seek medical help. Scabies has nothing to do with hygiene and can af‐ fect people of all ages and income levels. 2. Everyone you had close contact with should have treatment. Some‐ times people do not have any signs of scabies even though there are mites on their skin, and symptoms may take two to six weeks to appear. 3. Take a bath or show‐ er before applying the cream. Apply the cream to clean, dry skin and leave it

TREATMENT: Wash all your clothes, bedding and towels in hot water and dry in a dryer.

for eight to 14 hours. It is most convenient to apply it at bedtime and wash it off in the morning. 4. Apply the cream to your whole body, from your neck to your toes. This includes the skin around your nails, the crease be‐ tween your buttocks, and the skin between your toes. Reapply the cream to your hands every time you wash them.

5. The first day of treat‐ ment, wash all clothes, bed‐ ding and towels in hot wa‐ ter. If possible, dry everything in a dryer. Things that cannot be washed in a washing ma‐ chine can be taken to a dry cleaner or sealed in a plas‐ tic bag for at least a week. You should also vacuum your entire home, including rugs and upholstered furni‐ ture.

17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 45

46 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


GO LOCAL THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to sup‐ port local businesses in the community by shopping lo‐ cally in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we challenge you to maintain that habit by sup‐ porting local high streets, markets, butchers, green‐ grocers and all of the won‐ derfully quirky independent businesses in your area. Local businesses make our villages, towns and cities

what they are. They add unique character. They are convenient. And they offer excellent produce from known suppliers. The joy of shopping locally means that independent businesses can support the local communi‐ ty. You may find something a euro or two cheaper online but have you considered where your money is actual‐ ly going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local fami‐ ly’s table and there is noth‐ ing better than giving back to the communities that have given us so much. Local stores support charities and they sponsor local sports teams. In many cases, they are much more than just a business, they’re a legacy. They may have supported generations of the same family. Likewise, brand new local stores and bars may

BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, independent businesses can help support the local community.

help the generations of the future fulfil their dreams and ambitions. Remember, your local store is going up against multinationals and chains. They can’t win that battle on their own. So give them your support. Spending your money lo‐ cally will make a real differ‐

ence to the local economy. Local businesses recirculate a greater share of every euro they receive at local level. They create locally owned supply chains and they in‐ vest in their employees. So remember. When you go shopping ‐ go local! • 17 - 23 March 2022




Fido staying home for the holidays? Who will watch him? IF you are planning a trip later this year you still need to plan early for pet and house‐sit‐ ters. Perhaps you are already making plans for a staycation get away. Even if you are planning just a short trip, you’ll know that you simply can’t travel with some pets. Young pets in particular may benefit from staying behind so they can follow their rou‐ tines at home. So, plan ahead. Take a moment to plan ahead for pet and house‐sit‐ ters, if you have trips planned later this year. Now is the time to get ready. We will help you as much as we can. Our phi‐ losophy is that we are all in this together. These are the steps to take: 1. Register as a home‐ owner on 2. Choose a Premium ac‐

count (£89 per year) to ensure you can help online when needed 3. Create a profile with photos of your pet and the house 4. Post a house‐sit advert stating your plans for next year’s holiday Covid permit‐ ting Do you need a pet‐sitter in 2022? Then get started right now. How does it work? HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our network for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your ad‐ vert saying when you are go‐ ing on holiday. House‐sitters see your advert, they respond and you choose the sitter who’ll care for your pets. Trustpilot Testimonials ‐ 4.8 / 5 Excellent rating (New

Fido can’t wait until his pet-sitter gets there.

Trustpilot rating scale) Here’s what members have said about us ‐ HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter… HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter while we were away in Canada and we were delighted with the care and attention that HouseSit Match took in helping us find the right person. Ros Morris ‐ Dog owner How do you join? Please register online via our website www.Housesit ‐ Choose a membership plan ‐ Please note prices go up soon so sign up now on sub‐ scription to secure these prices: • Standard (DIY option) = £69 pa • Premium (with support at each step) = £89 pa

Do you need a house-sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either a house-sitter or homeowner with a 50 per cent discount using coupon code SUPER50 - an exclusive offer for readers. To find a house or pet-sitter go to A MORE unusual kind of pet has been rising in pop‐ ularity in households in re‐ cent years. An increasing number of people are choosing chick‐ ens as their pet of choice, and give them names and rights to roam in their gar‐ dens. More than half a mil‐ lion are now kept as do‐ mestic animals in households across the UK alone according to the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Asso‐ ciation’s annual survey. Chickens have been

What the cluck! shown to be very sociable creatures, are known to have their own personali‐ ties and like routine. Chicken litter is a great natural fertiliser so if you let them have free range of your garden, your plants will start looking perkier in no time. They also devour any un‐

CHICKENS: Now being kept as domestic animals.

wanted pests and bugs in the gardens. Not to men‐ tion you’ll get an endless supply of fresh eggs in the morning. Before taking a few hens

into your home, check with neighbours and the local council first, as they’re classed as ‘livestock’ and sometimes aren’t allowed to be kept in gardens.


BUILDERS ALMERIA BUILDERS: Fully Legal, Fully Insured, All Work Guaranteed. 659 685 133 www.almeriabuilders .com (253556)

BUY & SELL PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)


ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - Why not make this year the year you volunteer? Call and see how you can help either as a caseworker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info tbuddyhhvisits If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, ties/spain-north ZURGENA Branch meeting on the first Thursday, Coffee Morning on the third Thursday and Buffet & Quiz Night on the last Tuesday of the month all at Bar Trinidad, Arboleas, for further details please email zurgenarblchair - (253989)


quia, Zurgena & Taberno area. Andy, Anna, Jess, Adele, Hannah, Amy & Karen look forward to helping you buy, sell or rent your ideal property. Please call 678 002 006 for more information (283824)

FOR SALE WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 309, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 902 123 309 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726)


TURRE EVANGELICAL CHURCH We meet every Sunday at 10.30. For worship. We believe you’ll find us ‘relaxed’, welcoming’ and ‘informal’. Find us on Turre’s main street, towards the motorway at the far end on the left. To know more contact 617 614 156 (10021)


KNOWLES PLUMBING No 1 for all plumbing jobs big or small. Central heating, solar hot water and water deposits. Tel: 606 807 797 or 684 143 560 (295173)

Male/Female viagra, cialis, kamagra jelly, mixed trial packs available, all areas mail order. 604 385 476.




SOLAR ENERGY SOLAR WIND POWER SOLUTIONS. Over 20 years installation experience. Established 17 years in Spain. Call Phil for competitive prices on 636 261 240 or email info (292258)

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LOCAL ANGLICAN (C of E) church services at Mojacar Los Llanos Del Peral and Alhambra. Communion every Sunday in Mojacar at 11am. Communion at Los Llanos every Sunday except the last Sunday in the month when there will be Prayer and Praise all at 11am. The Alhambra service has moved to the Peruvian church in Albox and Communion is held on the second Thursday of the month at 11am. Priest in charge Rev Vincent ORAM. For further information, please go to The Anglican Chaplaincy of Costa Almeria and Costa Calida web page. Or contact Tony Noble 950 069 103. (10002)





WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)


THE FIVE BONE HOTEL, TURRE. Little dogs €7, medium dogs €7.75, big dogs €8.50, cats from €6.25 a day. 630 234 556 / the5bonehotel (294971)

STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security

DAMP PROOFING RISING DAMP / ROOFING REPAIRS info@elec 619 666 363 (293910)

17 - 23 March 2022 • SPONSORED BY

NAUTICAL INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE, VHF/DSC-Radio or Radar Courses held in English individual or small groups starts soon. 626 245 098 (295374)

PAINTING ELECTRICAL ABBOTT ELECTRICS. From a Light Fitting to a Full Rewire. Tel: 950 137 208 / 638 010 691 (293950)

ESTATE AGENT VOSS HOMES are a professional, British family-run Estate Agents with an office in Huercal-Overa town. They specialise in selling and renting properties in the Huercal-Overa, La Alfo-


Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE.



If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 38 61 61

50 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022 VELOLASERS, also known as invisible radars, have been present on Spanish roads since 2018. They are compact, and very light, so they can be installed by the DGT at any point of the traf‐ fic network, whether they are high capacity, national, or urban roads. Being mobile radars, their known location is not al‐


Detecting ‘invisible’ DGT velolasers ways available, despite the fact that the DGT regularly updates lists with the sec‐ tions of the road where these speed detectors can be found. It is possible to consult the location of the fixed and section speed cameras on the website of the General Directorate of Traffic. With the latest updates to the Traffic Law, which come into force on March 21, the sanctions against drivers who use radar de‐ tectors and inhibitors are going to be much harsher, and are going to be accom‐ panied by more economic high fines. Thanks to the social net‐ work for drivers, Social Drive, it is now possible to consult an interactive map created in Google Maps, to find out where these invisi‐ ble speed cameras are lo‐ cated. They are distributed throughout the country, and the locations are added

to the interactive map thanks to the collaboration of drivers, who report the position of the speed cam‐ eras as soon as they have been found on the road. These velolasers are small radars that are barely 50 centimetres high, and only need a tripod to en‐ able them to function. They have up to five hours of completely autonomous operation, and are con‐ trolled by a Wi‐Fi connec‐ tion. Capable of detecting speed violations in both di‐ rections of traffic (although they work better in urban environments), these de‐ vices have a precision that allows them to operate be‐ tween 15 and 50 metres away, distinguishing even the largest vehicles from conventional passenger cars, and therefore differ‐ entiating which speed limits are applicable to each vehi‐ cle.


17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 51

Messi may be seeking Barcelona return A WARM WELCOME: Awaits you at the local walking football clubs.


WALKING football is for fun, if you are unfit, have some form of illness, ail‐ ment, forgotten how to kick a ball, you are 50 or over, you will fit right in! The following clubs will all give you a warm welcome and they all have a social scene too so come along to a session, join in and make new friends. Almanzora. Tuesdays and Fridays 9.30am to 11am at the football pitch in La Alfoquia. Los Amigos. Monday 9.30am to 12 noon at the foot‐ ball pitch, Turre. Lubrin. Wednesday

10.30am to 12 noon at the Campo de Futbol, Lubrin. Good choice of days so get yourself along and start to cap‐ ture the skills of youth again ‐ walking not running, minimal contact. Why not start your own team? Hire the local council pitch for an hour... 10 or more

family, friends or work col‐ leagues, a football, kick the ball as you walk and before you know it word will spread and you will have your own club boosting walking football in Almeria Province... what are you waiting for? It’s the fastest growing sport in Europe... For more information con‐ tact philholme2@hotmail., club Facebook pages or, apalmar2011 More Walking Football in next week’s Euro Weekly News... make sure you get your copy!

L I O N E L M E S S I appears to have reached a desperate position in Paris, after his move to the French champi‐ ons from Barcelona last summer. His season is going from bad to worse, culminating in the Champions League defeat at the hands of his old rivals, Real Madrid last week. According to sensational reports, it was suggested on Monday, March 14, by respected Spanish journalist Ger‐ ard Romero, that Jorge Messi, the 34‐ year‐old Argentine superstar’s father, has been calling officials at the Camp Nou asking them to take his son back. After signing for Paris St Germain amid huge fanfares, Messi has strug‐ gled to make any impact whatsoever, bagging just two goals in 19 Ligue 1 matches. In last weekend’s game with Bordeaux, every time he touched the ball, the crowd booed him. Even a 3‐0 win was not enough to prevent the fans from also giving Neymar the exact same treatment. On a reputed £1 million a week, the fans seem to expect a lot more from the player. Graffiti was even daubed

MESSI: Season going from bad to worse.

on a wall at the club’s training ground urging Messi to quit the club. After building a team full of inter‐ national stars, PSG have continually failed to shine in the later stages of the Champions League. This season they have been eliminated in the round‐of‐16, something that the fans are finding hard to accept clearly.

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