Euro Weekly News - Costa del Sol 17 - 23 March 2022 Issue 1915

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MBE FOR GOLDEN LEAVES FOUNDER The history of the Golden Leaves founder includes the New Year’s Honours list of 2020 which included a name well‐known in the world of funerals, and to many residents of Croydon and the surrounding districts. Director of Rowland Brothers Limited Tony Rowland was honoured with an MBE for his long career serving the community, both through his services to undertaking and the many local charity and community projects in his home town of South Croydon. His drive to help create an equal society too helped him achieve the MBE ‘For services to undertaking and the community in Surrey’.

Tony’s Story THE work to which Tony was ap‐ prenticed at the age of 15 in the year of the Queen’s coronation quickly identified to him that sup‐ porting people through the grief and loss of bereavement was an area in which he could make a dif‐ ference. From that time on, his family funeral business has always been much more than a means of making a living. Now, at the age of 80 and still working full time, he can look back on innovations for which he was personally responsible, which have become standards the undertaking profession seeks uni‐ versally to attain. He is a man who has changed things with his initia‐ tive and practical achievements. One such innovation was setting up, four decades ago, a continuing bereavement aftercare programme for all individuals and families mak‐ ing use of his firm’s services ‐ at no extra cost to them. He established this at a time when professional be‐ reavement counselling was yet to become generally available to griev‐ ing people. Dedicating specific mem‐ bers of staff solely to this purpose, Tony ensures that sympathetic con‐ tact is made immediately following a funeral, and continues for at least a year afterwards, and often much longer. Both practical assistance and emotional support are readily and sensitively provided to people who are sometimes unsure how to cope in the often‐heartbreaking situation in which they suddenly find them‐ selves. A second innovation was the es‐ tablishment of a worldwide network and support structure improving hugely the efficient and compassion‐ ate repatriation of deceased British nationals who die while on holiday or working overseas, and citizens of other countries who die in similar

Tony Rowland, Golden Leaves founder.

circumstances in the UK. Since 1971, Tony has been responsible for more than 40,000 such repatriations, util‐ ising his personally established net‐ work of 500 agents throughout the world. He has always regarded this as so much more than an adminis‐ trative exercise and frequently goes far beyond the call of duty in his ex‐ tra‐mile service. The 40,000 repatriations included the return of all the UK citizens who died in the South Asia tsunami. Tony is continually involved in the conse‐ quences of disasters around the world, including the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings, travel disasters, extreme weather emergencies and overseas hostage situations. Such work involves Tony in discus‐ sions with the Foreign and Com‐ monwealth Office and its embassies

and consulates around the world, overseas diplomats and foreign gov‐ ernment offices, coroners, airlines, travel companies, insurance bodies and health organisations. As a result, Tony is regarded as an expert in in‐ ternational repatriation and lectures at Scotland Yard to police family liai‐ son officers and to the Rapid Re‐ sponse Team at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Tony is also a training officer for new UK diplo‐ mats being prepared for overseas assignments. Tony’s company, which was an of‐ ficial supplier to the 2012 London Olympics, provides the official repa‐ triation helpline for the National As‐ sociation of Funeral Directors. Another innovation was the de‐ velopment of his funeral planning company, Golden Leaves, which was

originally developed in 1984 and was one of the first funeral plan providers in the UK. The company has now grown to be one of the most reputable fu‐ neral plan providers in the industry and is now based at the No.1 Croydon build‐ ing outside East Croydon station. Tony was instrumental in develop‐ ing the first standards in the funeral plan industry when he helped devel‐ op the National Association of Pre‐ paid Funeral Plans of which he was chairman in the 1990s. Golden Leaves is also a founding member of the Funeral Planning Authority, pro‐ vides funeral plans to all UK resi‐ dents, to British expatriates living abroad and include in their innova‐ tions a green burial plan and the in‐ dustry’s leading insurance plan. The Trustees in charge of all funds are very highly individuals including a re‐ tired vice present of the OFT and the President of the European Stan‐ dards Committee and Chairman of the UK National Consumer Federa‐ tion. Tony’s work has also been charac‐ terised by his ability to relate to peo‐ ple of all ethnic origins and religious affiliations, and ‐ increasingly impor‐ tantly ‐ to those with no faith at all. Not only does he expertly meet the needs of the whole gamut of Chris‐ tian denominations, but he is also equally adept at understanding and complying sympathetically with the customs of all major world faiths. For example, he is particularly ap‐ preciated by the African‐Caribbean community, being almost unique in some of the services he provides. Tony has served as Chairman of the Croydon Association of Funeral Directors and President of the Lon‐ don Association of Funeral Directors. In this capacity, he has been a men‐ tor to many young people coming into this business as well as a staunch advocate for continually im‐

proving standards. In addition to his exemplary pro‐ fessional work, in which he exhibits great personal credibility, integrity and compassion, Tony is involved in local charitable and community work to a quite remarkable, often sacrificial, degree. As well as con‐ tributing actively to the work of such groups as Rotary, the Round Table, the Royal British Legion, Freemason‐ ry, Scouting and schools he has per‐ sonally raised considerable sums of money through his tireless fundrais‐ ing efforts on their behalf. To facili‐ tate its charity work, Rowland Broth‐ ers set up the Rowland Brothers Foundation, whose income is boost‐ ed by regular donations from the family businesses. One ongoing contribution to his local community is as Chairman of the Thornton Heath Business Part‐ nership, in which role he organises the annual Thornton Heath Festival, which he inaugurated 11 years ago. This highlights the work of youth groups such as Scouts, Guides, the Boys’ Brigade, and Cadet Corps, with the aim of influencing young people to join them rather than the often knife‐carrying street gangs which op‐ erate in South London. Many people, even if they spare a thought for these dire circum‐ stances, do little but bemoan hope‐ lessly the way things are. Tony has thought through the situation and tenaciously done something practi‐ cal about it. As a result, hundreds of young people have been influenced in the past 11 years. He works tire‐ lessly towards this end, both behind the scenes and with his sleeves rolled up on the front line. The festi‐ val in its first year alone led to 170 young people enthusiastically joining youth groups in the town. For a man so intimately involved in caring for those who have died, and their loved ones, Tony Rowland is passionate about making life bet‐ ter for coming generations.

Issue No. 1915

17 - 23 March 2022

Fire safety MALAGA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL targets chil‐ dren and fire safety with a one‐week fire prevention pro‐ gramme which start‐ ed on March 14. It was aimed at 1,500 schoolchildren aged from six to 12 with firefighters car‐ rying out informative talks in seven primary schools in Estepona, Manilva, Casares and Benahavis and books concerning the need to be alert to danger were distributed. Youngsters had ex‐ plained the guidelines that should be fol‐ lowed in the event of a fire in a home or school This weekend of March 19 and 20, 22 members of the Mala‐ ga Provincial Fire Brigade are due at the fairground in Es‐ tepona, where visi‐ tors will be able to ex‐ perience a simulated fire with firefighters. During the visit to this simulator that recreates a house with several rooms using an inflatable construction, the fire‐ fighters will explain to the children and their parents the guidelines for be‐ haviour in the event of a fire.


‘MARTIAN SKIES’ Turn to page 2 » SAHARA DUST: Left thick layers of sand on everything.

THE Costa del Sol and half of Spain were hit by ‘Martian skies’ from Mon‐ day March 14. The weather phenomenon, caused by Saharan sands swept across Spain, also saw ‘blood rain’ fall from the sky in many areas too. The Costa del Sol was left with in‐ tense orange skies as Sahara dust left

thick layers of sand on everything. Social media has been awash with im‐ ages of orange skies and dusty patios. Speaking to one publication, Francis‐ co Martin, a meteorologist at Meteored commented: “The most affected areas are Murcia, Almeria, the Valencian Community, Madrid, the two Castillas and the Basque Country.”


Humanitarian aid A BAND of firefighters from Marbella along with mem‐ bers of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Solitude set off for Warsaw on March 15 carrying aid for Ukraine. They have chartered a coach to transport several tons of much needed goods and medicines and will be accompanied by a Ukrainian interpreter and a nurse. Once the items have been distributed, they intend to fill the coach with refugees who have already obtained documents allowing entry to Spain and bring them back. Marbella has already opened a help centre and has so far processed more than 100 refugees.


17 - 23 March 2022

Credit: Pixabay

from Front page »

Dust takes over Miguel Ángel Saz, from the University of Zaragoza commented: “This is a particularly in‐ tense episode. In the city of Murcia and other mu‐ nicipalities in the region, the levels of particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 and 10 microns that the World Health Organisation (WHO) considers healthy have been exceeded.” A spokesperson for Aemet revealed: “The dust concentration is very high and, for this reason, the particles fall

by gravity in a phe‐ nomenon called dry de‐ position. This is what in many cities in Spain has resulted in a significant layer of dust on cars and also on the ground.” Following the Saharan sand which swept across the Costa del Sol and much of the rest of Spain, the Euro Weekly News asked our readers on Facebook to send in their most spectacular images. Elizabeth Parker Gleeson sent in the amazing im‐ age of Mijas Pueblo on the front page.

NEGATIVE EFFECT: Swimming clubs will have difficulty training.

Pool closures SWIMMERS in Estepona and Marbella are disap‐ pointed by pool clo‐ sures which took place on Friday March 11 with just one day’s no‐ tice. Both the Fuentenue‐ va Sports Centre in San Pedro Alcantara and CD José Ramón de la Morena in Estepona are run by a private company Supera, which holds the concession for numerous munici‐ pal pools throughout

Spain. On March 10, the company stated the following on its web‐ site; “From Friday, March 11, the water ar‐ eas of CD José Ramón de la Morena will tem‐ porarily close. “Therefore, neither the swimming pools nor the spa areas can be used. The rest of the services will continue to be provided normal‐ ly. “This situation will

continue due to the un‐ affordable energy costs that we have had to face in recent months, and which will continue and/or worsen in the coming months. “Supera has always provided an optimal service. However, the negative effects of the pandemic, together with the runaway ener‐ gy prices, aggravated by recent events, force us to adopt this tempo‐ rary measure, which we consider to be the most beneficial for our clients.” This rather leaves users ‘high and dry’ al‐ though the Supera Mi‐ raflores Sports Centre currently remains open and the Estepona Coun‐ cil has publicly stated that if they don’t re‐ open, there is evidence of a breach of contract.


Squaring up BENALMADENA and Fuen‐ girola are squaring up for an‐ other fight over possession of land which each town claims as its own. The matter was supposedly settled by the Junta de Andalucia which agreed that the 76,000 square metres of land in the Higueron was not only part of Benalmadena but those living there were receiving services from that council rather than from Fuengirola. Despite this, it appears, ac‐ cording to Benalmadena Council that the Fuengirola Council is trying to reclaim the land under dispute result‐ ing in a statement from Be‐ nalmadena mayor Victor Navas on March 9. In this, he said “we will once again oppose this and we are going to start studying the possibility of claiming damages from the city coun‐ cil of Fuengirola for all the time that these lands have been irregularly included in its planning. “It is not a threat of any kind: it is about seeking a ne‐ gotiated solution with them, as we have always tried to do up to now, but if their in‐ tentions are to return to these lands that belong to Benalmadena, we will de‐ mand that the Fuengirola Council pay everything that corresponds for the time that we have offered public ser‐ vices to the residents of the area without collecting a sin‐ gle penny for it,” said Navas.

NIBS EXTRA Young visitor THERE was an unexpected visitor on the El Saladillo beach in Estepona on March 14, when a young grey seal, possibly in trou‐ ble, came out of the sea and after being watched by experts, sightseers were asked to keep away. Happily, it returned to the sea the following morning.

Shining example MIJAS Council has a pro‐ gramme of replacing inef‐ ficient old street lights with LED bulbs and in 2021 estimates that it saved a colossal €372,000 on its annual electricity bill and continues to in‐ vest in such areas as floodlights at four local sports grounds.

17 - 23 March 2022

Children of Ukraine charity lunch JOIN PLAY Mijas and Costa Women for a charity lunch with proceeds going to the children of Ukraine. At 1pm on Thursday, March 17, PLAY and Costa Women will be holding a charity fundraising lunch to help raise money for children of Ukraine through the foundation The lunch will cost €35 per person including two glasses of wine, water and soft drinks and a €10 donation to foundation. The Voices of Children Foundation has been helping children affected by the war since 2015, providing psychological and psychosocial support to help them overcome the consequences of armed

PLAY MIJAS: Raising funds for the children of Ukraine.

conflict and develop. Today, during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the foundation are providing non-stop assistance to affected children and families from all over the country, providing emergency psychological assistance, and


Municipal nursery IF you are looking to buy plants in the Torremolinos area, the Los Pinares Mu‐ nicipal Nursery which sells plants to the public is now open from seven days a week with new Sunday hours of 10am to 3pm with the added bonus of an expanded car park.

Fire station A DOZEN companies have responded to a €2.71 mil‐ lion tender to build a new fire station in Antequera which will be state of the art, including a mandatory training tower. Once awarded, the company chosen will have 18 months to complete con‐ struction.

Fuel costs A CHECK on the cost of un‐ leaded 95 and diesel fuel in the Costa del Sol by spe‐ cialist website www.diese lo found that the most expensive was in Marbella, whilst the cheapest was in Sabinillas, although if you can face the queue, the cheapest in the area is in Gibraltar.

assisting in the evacuation process. The menu consists of sharing plate starters with a choice of wood fire toast with Jamon Iberico and Sweet Tomatoes marinated in basil, a selection of Malaga cheese with Axar-

NEW PROJECT: Steven Saunders and Shaina Galvin.

CELEBRITY chef and former owner of the Little Gerani‐ um in La Cala de Mijas, Steven Saunders is throwing his weight behind his plan to assist Ukrainian refugees. Working with his new business partner Shaina Galvin at the Willow Tree Restaurant in Bourn, Cam‐ bridgeshire, they have cre‐ ated The Odessa Project. Through this, they hope to link refugee families with well paid jobs and accom‐ modation in the UK’s hospi‐ tality business. He says that hospitality is on the floor in the UK with many places having to re‐ strict business or close due to lack of staff. Chef Steven was on Sky News TV with Kay Burley on Monday March 14 and re‐

ceived a huge amount of support for his project and The Catering Magazine brought in 250 enquiries to assist with jobs and rooms in just one day. He plans to travel to Poland this weekend to meet up with potential workers as he has 300 jobs lined up as well as accom‐ modation for some 600 people and isn’t prepared to wait for the authorities to give him the ok. Steven said, “I have been in the hospitality business all my life but have never had to beg chefs to work like I have had to since Covid. “My aim is to get as many refugees into the UK as pos‐ sible, offering them security, jobs and homes.”

quia raisins and fig bread from Coin or Iberian pork croquettes with Mozzarella balls with cherry tomatoes, basil oil and tapenade. The mains choices are chicken breast criolla with seasonal vegetables and baby potatoes or grilled Salmon with roasted aubergine puree. Dessert will be chocolate cake with orange and ginger ice-cream. To make a booking, please contact PLAY Restaurant and confirm your main course choice - https://www.face or phone Ana-Maria 608 816 739. If you can’t attend but would like to contribute towards the raffle please email

Easter exhibitions

Credit Steven Saunders Facebook


TOWN HALL: One of the Playmobil displays.

TWO different exhibitions opened in Torremolinos on Saturday March 12 on the ground and first floor of the town hall. Running until April 18, the first, entitled the Playmobil Cofrade exhibition, organ‐ ised by Playmobil Capillita, depicts more than a dozen scenes related to Holy Week showing scenes from parades in Sevilla, Malaga City and Torremolinos. Each scene takes a tour of the Andalucian brother‐ hood traditions and unique events such as a Romería del Rocío or an embarkation of the Virgen del Carmen from the beginning of the 20th century as well as de‐ tailing the heritage of the lo‐ cal brotherhoods of Torre‐ molinos. The second exhibition Nuestra Pasión which runs until April 2 concentrates on the heritage of Easter Pa‐


Email: or call 951 38 61 61 and ask for the EWN news team.

rades in Torremolinos and contains a number of val‐ ued artifacts used over the years by the various Broth‐ erhoods. Entry to both exhibitions is free of charge between 9am and 12.30pm.



Volunteer and make a difference VOLUNTEERING is a personal choice. Every individual gives to their ‘Charity of Choice’ a very special commodity ‐ TIME. At Age Concern we not only value the time you are able to give us, we value YOU. That is why so many of our volunteers have been with us since we started. We have become a leading Charity because our success is built on our great volunteers. We know that you have your own life so we will always strive to work around your com‐ mitments. Everyone has a unique skill, so whichever role you choose we want you to be happy and fulfilled. If you would like to volunteer with a Chari‐ ty that genuinely cares about you then contact us NOW. Call Chrissie on 711 019 711 ( week‐ days 10 ‐ 4 ) OR email her at: info@agecon Please include a day‐ time number or visit our shop in Los Bolich‐ es and pick up an appli‐ cation form.

Donkey Dreamland DON’T make an ass of yourself but spend Mother’s Day at Donkey Dreamland Rescue Centre in Las Lagunas, Mijas. It’s UK Mother’s Day on Sunday March 27 so the rescue donkeys will be looking forward to welcoming visiting guests with a traditional afternoon tea from 2pm and a chance to get up close and personal with all of the four‐legged residents. Tickets cost €17.50 (with discounts for children) and all pro‐ ceeds will go towards helping the donkeys. Make your reservation at ersday.

and finally... TO commemorate the 175th anniversary of the death of Felix Mendelssohn, the Classical Quartet of Cordoba will appear at the Unicaja Concert Hall in Malaga City on Wednesday March 30 from 7.30pm playing Spanish in‐ terpretations of the composer’s work with tickets cost‐ ing €10 via

17 - 23 March 2022

IRISH eyes are smiling as St Patrick’s Day returns to the Cos‐ ta del Sol. After two years of muted celebrations, it should arrive with a bang on Thursday March 17. In Benalmadena, the Sunset Beach Club, an Irish‐owned ho‐ tel, will be offering plenty of cold Guinness at the Panorama Bar and an Irish themed set din‐ ner for guests in the Oasis Restaurant. For the 19th year, Marc and Penny Quinlan, owners of the Harbour restaurant in Marbella will host their traditional St Patrick’s Day lunch with guests invited to dress in green and en‐ joy a drink, lunch and some mu‐ sic. Further down the Paseo, the popular Claddagh Irish Bar will have a number of guest musi‐ cians playing indoors and is back organising a larger gather‐ ing on the Paseo itself with food, drink and music. Another of the Costa del Sol´s

St Patrick’s Day Credit: EWN Media Group


St Patrick’s lunch at the Harbour Restaurant in 2021.

great Irish hangouts is Harmons in Elviria and it too will be host‐ ing a St Paddy’s event starting around lunch time and running until late. Further down the road, there

is Irish Stew on the menu at the Blarney in La Cala de Mijas and just round the corner Biddy Mulligans will be ready to wel‐ come all those who want to cel‐ ebrate their Irish heritage or

just have a good time. One sold out event, is a new one at the Palm Beach chirin‐ guito in Estepona which has been taken over for the night by Irish American rocker Danny Vaughn who is promising an evening of great Irish favourites accompanied by his acoustic guitar. A parade planned to be held in Benalmadena by the Irish As‐ sociation of Spain has been can‐ celled due to bad weather. The parade was due to take place from the Renfe train sta‐ tion, opposite the church in Ar‐ royo de la Miel, at 1pm accom‐ panied by their resident piper. However, there will now be a mass at 10.00am at the Inmacu‐ lada Church next to the train station in Arroyo instead. This is just a snapshot of St Patrick Day events to give read‐ ers some idea of where to go but there will no doubt be very many other venues to visit to enjoy the craic.


Ukraine volunteers WE are a small group of volunteers who collect as many useful things as we can to help the people of Ukraine. You will find us on the Fuengirola Féria Ground every Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm. For the last couple of weeks, the re‐ sponse from the community of Los Boliches and the wider area has been one of overwhelming generosity. We even had a local girl Joanne who stayed up half the night to create a painting of the Ukraine flag with a huge golden heart, a donation, that enabled people to easily find us. However, some unscrupulous per‐ son stole the picture from our site, if you see this painting, please can you tell them to bring it back as it was in‐ tended at some point to auction it off, for the people that need it most. We do a small bit for a huge amount of people and we hope you will help us. Please contact Francesca at francesca

Donated with love THE Euro Weekly News proudly handed over a brand new tablet to three‐ year‐old Giorgia Francano, who was the lucky winner of a children’s show by the Sim‐ ply Surviving Group. The EWN had offered to donate the amazing prize to the winner of the show which took place on Mon‐ day February 28 at Sunset Beach Hotel in Benalmade‐ na. In aid of ACAE, an incredi‐ ble charity run by two broth‐ ers who dress up as clowns to entertain sick children in hospitals in the Costa del Sol

VAL WILLIAMS: Handed over the tablet to Giorgia.

area, the show saw Giorgia, of Arroyo del Miel, win a pic‐

ture competition. Entrants submitted a pic‐ ture for a child in hospital and Simply Surviving founder Val Williams hand‐ ed over the tablet to Giorgia. In total Simply Surviving raised an amazing €3,350 for ACEA as their nominated charity of the month in February. Find out more about Sim‐ ply Surviving and their chari‐ ty work one their Facebook page.


17 - 23 March 2022


Walking Football help a princess IN November 2021 after reading about 12‐year‐old ‘Princess’ Lara Gracie’s story, WFS Calahonda Social Convener Robin Beith organised a Penalty Kick Competition among club members at the Finca Naun‐ drup, Calahonda. Little Lara needed urgent treatment to straighten her spine and €50,000 for the fee for the only surgeon in Spain who could per‐ form the treatment. Each member made a donation to Lara’s Fund and then made a contri‐ bution for each missed penalty. Play‐ ers had three penalties in the first round and had to score all three to reach the final. Lara’s father Johnny, who is well known to many of the club members through his restaurant management days, took part and progressed to the final. However, his shooting boots let him down and the eventual winner was the club’s Dutch member Paul Deenan who incredibly scored a max‐ imum with all his penalty kicks. Special mention for club goalkeeper ‘Teflon’ Eddie Ball who was on the receiving end of all the penalty kicks. Lara was born with a genetic muta‐ tion and while still very young devel‐

CLUB MEMBERS: Raised €685 for Lara’s ongoing treatment.

oped cancer of the lymph nodes. Chemo treatment weakened her spine to such an extent it led to her lungs and stomach becoming crushed. Lara required urgent treatment be‐ fore the end of December 2021 as the condition had become worse and was life threatening. She has grown! After four months

in the San Juan de Dios hospital in Barcelona, including eight weeks of preparation stretching with a special ‘halo’ fixed to her skull with eight screws and 10kgs of weights straight‐ ening her spine 24 hours a day. When the straightening prepara‐ tion was complete Doctor Alejandro Peiro Garcia implanted two long met‐ al rods into either side of Lara’s spine to strengthen her posture, freeing her

lungs and stomach which were being crushed without the spinal support. She is now able to breathe more freely and

eat her special diet again. The treatment was successful and while Lara is very happy with the limit‐ ed movement, she will require contin‐ uous alterations to the metal rods and physiotherapy as she continues to grow. Her parents are now having a bathroom specially adapted for Lara and she will need a new wheelchair now that she has grown due to her straightening of the spine. These changes and more treat‐ ment will require further funding and Johnny assures that plans are in hand with the local community vow‐ ing to help the ongoing treatment of a very brave ‘Princess’ Lara Gracie. On Monday March 7, Johnny visit‐ ed the Finca Naundrup to present Paul with the Lara Gracie Penalty Kick Trophy after the walking football ses‐ sion. Robin Beith presented Johnny with a cheque for €685 which the Calahonda club had raised through the competition and a raffle. Afterwards Johnny gave a short video interview for the various social media sites and the WFAI website ( giving an update on Lara’s progress.


17 - 23 March 2022



Couture in the name of charity for Adintre P L AY M I J A S h o s t e d a g l a m o r o u s charity event for Adintre last week‐ end, with a fashion show from cou‐ turier Brian Piccolo and food pro‐ vided by the venue. The guests at the Adintre charity event on Saturday, March 12, dressed to impress at Play Mijas, enjoying an impressive tapas menu of potatas bravas, Spanish tortilla, chicken curry skewers, ham cro‐ quettes and mini cheeseburgers. Organised by the amazing Val Williams, Alan Boardman and his wife Jenny, the event also saw a performance from the daughter of well‐known Costa del Sol artist Ricky Lavazza and four councillors from Fuengirola Town Hall in attendance. The event saw 100 people raise an incredible €2,311 to help those in need Guests also participated in a raf‐ fle with proceeds going to Adintre, with the chance to win a hamper provided by Ibex, a €50 voucher for La Sierra and a €25 voucher from tour company Days Out in Andalu‐ cia. The Adintre Association was set up by the now‐president Joyce Gy‐ imah Amponsah to help and support

PLAY MIJAS: Hosted the glamorous fashion show from couturier Brian Piccolo. families at risk and homeless people in Fuengirola. Joyce set up Adintre 21 years ago after seeing the home‐ less people in Fuengirola and setting up a soup kitchen. During the pandemic, Adintre was vital for displaced people in provid‐ ing housing and food at the sports

centre in Fuengirola. Joyce said: “I set up the charity myself in 2012 after trying to help the homeless with the gospel. After that didn’t work, I set up facilities to provide much needed food and s h e l t e r , e s p e c i a l l y d u r i n g t h e p a n‐ demic, with people travelling as far

as Malaga and Marbella to receive help.” “Our mission is that whatever we have in this life we can’t take with us into the next, so we think it is im‐ portant to give what we can to peo‐ ple in need now.” “We thank everyone on behalf of Adintre and hope to see you all again soon.” Sheila Borrego of the PSOE Party said: “We have been collaborating with Adintre and the amazing work they have been doing around Fuen‐ girola. We have come to the event to help Joyce in her social work, which was fundamental during the pandemic.” Seasoned fundraiser Val Williams thanked the Euro Weekly News and Blevins Franks for their help in the event: “Play Mijas is a lovely setting and everyone came dressed to im‐ press. Adintre is an important chari‐ ty that focuses on the now and they are doing their best to help families in the area.” Jenny added: “Everyone is in their best Sunday attire! It is a beautiful venue and we thank Play Mijas for providing it at a reduced rate for this much needed fundraiser.”


The Brit family fleeing Ukraine CHRIS JAMES BALSHAW and his wife and two children were forced to abandon their home in Kherson, Ukraine, when Russian forces surrounded the city. After four days of hiding in their building’s underground car park, they decided to make the dangerous journey to the border. The family managed to get into Moldova and are currently at a refugee camp, al‐ though they are still waiting for their rela‐ tives. Chris, originally from Bolton, said: “When they arrive safely, hopefully, we will move on probably to Romania. We are still in shock and every time we hear a door close or a loud bang, we begin to be really nervous.” The family were forced to leave everything in Ukraine. “We have been given basic treat‐ ment and food. But we really need donations to buy essentials and hot meals and warm clothes for the kids,” said Chris. Chris spent five years living in Fuengirola, where he worked as an entertainer and per‐ formed at many charity events. He now hopes to get something in return and is ap‐ pealing to the public for help. He said: “I have done many charity events in my career, and now I would really appreci‐ ate some help for me and my family. I want to get them back to safety. Back to my home‐ town in Bolton.” Donations to Chris’s family can be made at:‐bolton‐ man‐escape‐ukraine.

FAMILY: Forced to abandon their home.

MOLDOVA: Family are at a refugee camp.

17 - 23 March 2022



10 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Brave Russian protestor A NEWS editor at Russia’s state‐owned Channel One disrupted a live news broadcast to protest against the war in Ukraine. Marina Ovsyannikova, a mother‐of‐two, barged in during the broadcast on Monday, March 14 hold‐ ing a placard behind the presenter’s head which read: “No war. Russians against war” in English. Below that she had writ‐ ten in Russian: “No war. Stop the war. Don’t be‐ lieve propaganda. They are lying to you here.” Before storming the broadcast, Ovsyannikova recorded a video and re‐ leased it to social media. Ovsyannikova’s mother is Russian and her father is Ukrainian. In the video, she said: “What is happening in Ukraine is a crime and Rus‐ sia is the aggressor. Re‐ sponsibility for that ag‐

LIVE BROADCAST: Was disrupted by protestor.

gression lies on the con‐ science of only one per‐ son. That person is Vladimir Putin. “My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian, and they were never enemies. The necklace around my neck is a symbol that Rus‐ sia must immediately stop this fratricidal war and our brother peoples can yet reconcile. She added: “We were quiet in 2014 when all of this was just starting. We did not go out to protest

when the Kremlin poi‐ soned Navalny. We simply watched this inhumane regime. And now the en‐ tire world has turned away from us. And another 10 generations of our descen‐ dants will not wash them‐ selves clean of the shame of this fratricidal war. “We are Russian people: thinking, and intelligent. It is only in our strength to stop all of this insanity. Come out to protect. Do not fear anything. They cannot jail us all.”

12 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

Fuengirola International Fair It has been greatly missed for the last two years due to the pandemic and now the council is delighted to con‐ firm that it will take place at the Fairgrounds from April 27 to May 2. This is a celebration of

many diverse nationalities getting together and simply having a good time, although there is of course some friendly rivalry over whose booth and traditions are best. Access is free and it’s go‐ ing to be quite a return with everything open from 1pm to 4am each day, although the highlight will be the pa‐ rade of nations on Saturday April 30 from 11.30am with an anticipated 1,000 partici‐ pants all in colourful nation‐

al costume. So far groups from 33 countries have indicated that they will take part with possi‐ bly the pride of place going to Ukraine, whose group will participate for the first time. Nations involved are di‐ verse and hail from Europe, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Asia, the USA and South Africa. As May 1 which is normal‐ ly a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the festival has been extended for an extra day. Credit: Fuengirola Council

EVERY year, residents and visitors look forward to Fuen‐ girola’s International Fair (FIP) which sees people from different countries managing booths and offering an in‐ sight to national food, music and crafts.

26TH EDITION: Mayor Ana Mula announced the news.


No risk of food shortages

FOOD SUPPLY: Importing raw materials from outside the EU.

THE Minister of Agriculture Luis Planas said that there will be no food shortages in Spain despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. “It is by no means one of the most serious situations, we have a very high level of food supply and this is a source of pride. We have a level of food autonomy that allows me to say that there is no problem of shortages, despite the images that are emerging of hoarding of products, which makes no sense,” the Minister said on Monday, March 14. Spain is working to import raw materials from outside of the EU where necessary given that that is has some areas of vul‐ nerability. Cornflour and half a million tons of sunflower oil are imported from Ukraine. “The EU is the largest exporter and importer in the world. We have almost everything but we have identified some bot‐ tlenecks, so we have to move towards having our own produc‐ tion. “We are not in danger. We are at a remarkable high and we want to go further. We are not an island in the world and what happens in the rest of the world also concerns us,” Planas added.

14 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

Simply Surviving group nominated charity for April is Debra IMAGINE for a moment, without prior warning, your baby is born with a rare condition. Their skin is as frag‐ ile as the wings of a butterfly. The lightest touch causes pain and open wounds and this is set to continue for every day of their short lives. The hospital has little information to share because of the rarity of the dis‐ ease and it is unlikely that they will have previously dealt with a case of a newborn with Butterfly skin. It is because of this that DEBRA, the Butterfly Children’s Charity was creat‐ ed to support, inform and to accom‐ pany both families and health care professionals. Life is easier if we can share the journey. Thanks to their team of psy‐ chologists, nurses and social workers, DEBRA can help resolve problems and answer many questions on a dai‐ ly basis. DEBRA is there to offer sup‐ port at the most difficult times. DE‐ BRA also helps to improve knowledge and understanding for professionals working in health care, social care and the education system, and partici‐ pates in and co‐finances important re‐ search projects. DEBRA also strives to remove the obstacles facing families on a daily basis, like access to special‐ ist bandaging materials to treat their wounds. Our first charity event for DEBRA is on April 1 at Monaghans in Torreblan‐

Thank you to the models.

FASHION SHOW: Arranged by Brian Piccolo.

ca. This will be an evening of enter‐ tainment in the form of A Murder Mystery put on by Croft Original. The price is €25. This will be great fun and something different. A welcome drink on arrival and a three‐course meal is included and all details will be on the Facebook site Simply Surviving Group. For further information ring or What‐ sapp 697 145 987. The Simply Surviving lunch bunch meeting will take place on Thursday April 7 at El Rio in Los Boliches. Book‐ ing is essential, but please pay at the restaurant as this is a non profit lunch bunch social group. On March 9, representatives of Simply Surviving Group went along to Plaza Mayor to present €3,359 to rep‐ resentatives of ACAE, a charity which provides entertainment to ill children in Malaga’s hospitals. With this dona‐

tion, you are helping hospitalised children and chil‐ dren with autism in special schools to always have a smile. ACAE also have a new theatre pro‐ ject to help adolescents with cancer problems. It is thanks to all members and sponsors for supporting this char‐ ity and therefore increasing the dona‐ tion. Euro Weekly are invaluable in helping so much along with Blevin Franks, Ibex Insurance and Costa Fu‐ nerals. On March 10 there was a good response for the Breakfast club at B’s Knees, so a pleasant morning was en‐ joyed with friends. On March 11, Val Williams kindly handed over the tablet prize for the raffle held at our children’s show event at Sunset Beach on February 28. Giorgia Francano was the lucky

winner and she and her Mother, Stefania went along to the Euro Weekly office where she was handed her prize. They wish to thank Michel and Steven for such a generous present. Our fashion show on Saturday, March 12 arranged by Brian Piccolo was so popular and everyone had a lovely afternoon at PLAY restaurant. In total, 110 people (mainly ladies) turned up and Brian Piccolo and his models did an excellent job. He then turned his talent to entertainment. It was very successful and thanks to the restaurant giving us a special offer, Brian and models doing such a wonderful job with superb clothes being modelled, all of you supporting this event, the help of the sponsors and the prizes for the raffle €2,311 was made for the charity this month. A special thank you to Brian Piccolo.

Simply Surviving Group has a full programme of events each month and so if you would like to learn more, please check out their Facebook page or message Val Williams on


Embassy helps out ON International Women’s Day, March 8, a team from the British Consulate in Mala‐ ga lent a hand to the volun‐ teers at the Adintre Founda‐ tion in Fuengirola. Founded by the remark‐ able Joyce Gyimah, Adintre provides breakfast, lunch and a takeaway evening meal on a daily basis to anyone who needs it. They also provide clothes, furniture and sup‐ plies to needy families, as well as to other organisa‐ tions, including one that was heading to Ukraine laden with humanitarian help on the morning of the team’s visit. Vice‐Consul Dominic Jack‐ son said: “The global pan‐ demic, increases in the cost of living and now the war in Ukraine, mean that times are hard for many people and the role of charities is more important than ever. But during hard times charities suffer as well, because dona‐ tions are harder to come by and more and more volun‐ teers are needed.” Joyce said: “It was a plea‐ sure to welcome the team from the Consulate and the guests were very grateful to see there are people out there ready to help them.” If you would like to find out more about Adintre or would like to volunteer or make a donation, visit

16 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

Hong Kong earthquake ACCORDING to the Hong Kong Observatory, south‐eastern China was hit by a 4.1 magni‐ tude earthquake on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale. Preliminary analysis revealed that the quake happened 92 kilometres away from Hong Kong and occurred at 2.29am on Monday, March 14. The quake woke thousands of residents in the city. According to the Observatory, more than 10,000 people contacted them to re‐ port the earthquake. The University of Hong Kong’s honorary professor Chan Lung Sang said: “Earthquakes along coastal South China

OSCAR-WINNING actor William Hurt died aged 71 on Sunday March 13. “It is with great sadness that the Hurt family mourns the passing of William Hurt, beloved fa‐ ther and Oscar‐winning ac‐ tor, on March 13, 2022, one week before his 72nd birthday,” his son Will said in a statement. “He died peacefully, among family, of natural causes. The fami‐ ly requests privacy at this time.” Hurt was Oscar‐nominat‐ ed four times, picking up

are not rare. This one, however measured a three to four degrees on the intensity scale, which is among the highest over the past 15 years or so. “An event that affects Hong Kong does not have to be very close. A sufficiently big one that occurs, say, 200 kilometres from Hong Kong, may cause some extent of dam‐ age. “The chance of having a significant one in our lifetime is low, but we should always be prepared even for low‐risk incidents,” Chan added.

William Hurt dies

Oscar-winning actor.

the statue in 1986 for his role in Kiss of the Spider Woman, where he played

the part of a gay prisoner. He missed out with Chil‐ dren of a Lesser God also in 1986, Broadcast News in 1987, and 2005’s A History of Violence. More recently he starred in some Marvel films, in‐ cluding The Incredible Hulk in 2008 and Black Widow in 2021. He was also in a string of Avengers films. In one of his last roles, he starred as Stephen Hol‐ strom in the TV series Pan‐ theon.

THE Spanish National Cyber‐ security Institute (Incibe) has warned of a rising number of fraudulent calls in which someone claiming to be a Mi‐ crosoft technician tells the computer user that their de‐ vice is infected with a virus and that they will need to fix it by installing a remote ac‐ cess application. The caller is not a real Mi‐ crosoft employee, but a cy‐ bercriminal posing as a tech‐ nician from the company in order to take control of the victim’s device, Incibe said on Friday, March 11. The scammer asks the vic‐ tim to download and install a remote access tool on their device. They then provide a series of instructions so that the two computers can be connected. Documents, photos, videos and other files stored on the victim’s device become acces‐ sible to the cybercriminal and could be stolen. Other ser‐ vices, such as apps or social networks, could also be af‐ fected. “If you store pass‐ words for social networks or email in the browser, the at‐ tacker could access and per‐ form actions on your behalf,”


Latest scam

INCIBE: Has warned of increasing fraudulent calls.

the Institute warned. In some cases, victims have lost money after paying for the scammer to “remove a

virus” from their device or providing bank details, either by telephone or via a web‐ site.

and finally... UKRAINIAN baker Yuriy Kachak had organised a fundraiser at Glasgow’s Deanston Bakery. The bake sale raised more than £30,000. Hundreds of people turned up to buy the baked goods and help raise funds for people affected by Russia’s war on Ukraine. After the bake sale finished a JustGiving page was set up in the hopes of bringing in further funds. One generous, anonymous donor decided to double the amount raised to to‐ tal £72,451! Anyone wanting to donate to the cause should head to bakery.


17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 17

A Spirited Culinary Evening Nobu Marbella unveils unique Whisky Experience

Join Nobu Hotel Marbella for a spirited culinary evening, every Thursday, from 24th March at the prestigious Nobu Marbella restaurant. Nobu Marbella Whisky Experience offers an inventive tasting menu created by Executive Chef Eleni Manousou, featuring Japanese whisky from the Suntory distillery, and paired with signature cocktails. Expect Nobu favourites like Chef’s sushi selection and tuna sashimi, innovatively paired with a Karai Sour. Principal dishes include Truffle Risotto with scallops, flambeed with Suntory whisky, and Roasted Duck with Malaga wine, teriyaki, and black pepper, paired with a Seven Spices Old Fashioned. End this memorable culinary evening with a unique ‘Suntory Cappuccino’ whisky dessert.

Call: 952 77 86 86 • Email:

18 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

Disease breakthrough RESEARCHERS in Aus‐ tralia have developed a simple DNA test that can detect a wide range of genetic neu‐ rological and neuro‐ muscular diseases. The test will make it easier

to diagnose difficult conditions more quick‐ ly and more accurately than existing tests, re‐ ducing diagnosis from decades to days. The technology used in the Nanopore de‐

vice is capable of sep‐ arating genomic se‐ quences that share a unique repetitive se‐ quence for more than 50 genetic diseases. Currently many of these diseases are dif‐ ficult to diagnose due to the complex symp‐ toms presented by pa‐ tients and due to the technological limita‐ tions of existing ge‐ netic analysis meth‐ ods. The test has already accurately detected diverse diseases in‐ cluding motor neuron disease, Huntington’s and myoclonic epilep‐ sies. Researchers hope that the single Nanopore technology will be widely avail‐ able in two to five years in pathology lab‐ oratories across the world to detect genet‐ ic diseases following clinical accreditation.


Advertising Feature

Will Russian investors disappear altogether? WAR is a horrible thing, more so when it is no longer in faraway distant locations with little or no impact in our daily lives. The Russian military aggression to Ukraine that commenced almost three weeks ago (seems more like three months), and the ensuing unprecedented eco‐ nomic and financial strangulation against the ag‐ gressor is likely to somehow affect Spain’s most coveted ‘natural resource’, tourism. The year 2021 saw Spain grant around 1,000 Golden Visas to Russian investors and their fam‐ ilies (minimum investment €500k), out of a total of around 8,000 on average each year. Now, things are different: Russian banks have been disconnected from the SWIFT system, individu‐ als connected to the government will be banned from travelling and residency permits will not be granted to applicants in this list. So, whilst ordinary Russian investors will still be allowed to come to Spain, the limitations for this to happen are obvious: devaluation of the ruble, capital controls within Russia, impossibili‐ ty to transfer funds due to sanctions on banks through the regular channels, restrictions to car‐ riers flying from and to Russia and reluctance of Spanish banks to open accounts to ordinary Russians due to PR concerns.

By Antonio Flores Abogado/Lawyer LLM (Essex) Reg. Nº 4712 I.C.A. Málaga E-mail: Homepage:

It is not the first time this has happened: Iran was sanctioned by the EU initially (2012‐2016), and further by Trump’s administration (2018‐). SWIFT was and has been disconnected ever since. As with Russia, interest rates have reached double digits (25 per cent) and as for the currency, it lost around five times its value. As of January 2022, Iranian rial is currently the second weakest circulating currency in the world after the Venezuelan bolivar. Still, Iranian investors have managed to buy Spanish property, and obtain residency statuses, albeit with significant hardship. It is unlikely though that Russian investors will be able to replicate the Iranian experience, such is the scale of the international condemnation.

20 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Austria drops Covid rule AUSTRIA has suspended com‐ pulsory Covid‐19 vaccination requirements that came into force in February. Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler said: “There are cur‐ rently many arguments to say that this violation of funda‐ mental rights is not justified. “After consultations with the health minister, we have decided that we will of course follow what the commission has said. We see no need to actually implement this com‐

No longer compulsory.

pulsory vaccination due to the Omicron variant that we are predominantly experiencing

here,” she added on March 9. The law, which come into force on February 5, was unique in the EU. It required that everyone over the age of 18 had to be vaccinated, al‐ though those who had been infected with Covid‐19 in the last 180 days, pregnant moth‐ ers and citizens with certain medical conditions were ex‐ empt. Anyone who failed to get vaccinated after the intro‐ duction of the law faced a fine of up to €3,600.

Murray supports UNICEF UNICEF ambassador, Sir Andy Murray, is to donate the rest of the season’s prize money to the organisation’s Ukraine ap‐ peal. Sir Andy works with UNICEF to sup‐ port children with medical supplies and educational needs. The father of four wrote on Twitter: “Over 7.5 million children are at risk with the escalating conflict in Ukraine, so I’m working with @UNICEF_uk to help provide urgent medical supplies and early childhood development kits. “It’s vital education continues, so

UNICEF is working to enable access to learning for displaced children, as well as supporting the rehabilitation of dam‐ aged schools, together with replacement equipment and furniture. “I’m going to be donating my earnings from my prize money for the rest of the year, but anyone in the UK can support UNICEF’s humanitarian response by do‐ nating to our appeal by following this link ‐ Chil‐ dren in Ukraine need peace ‐ now,” he added on Wednesday March 9.

22 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Advertising Feature


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24 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Payment warning BRITISH online shoppers may have their credit and debit cards declined under new rules that came in to force on Monday, March 14. Online shoppers could see their cards declined if they cannot prove their identity. Retailers will need to make additional checks before purchases can be made or money can be taken out. This will not apply to all pay‐ ments though. Anyone who makes pur‐ chases online or who banks online will be hit by extra se‐ curity checks. The checks aim to make transactions safer for the customer. Banks will usually send a code to the customer’s mo‐ bile phone when an online payment is made. The codes will be needed for payments to be approved at the check‐ out. Some people will be able to use their mobile banking app to approve payments too. But if the checks cannot be carried out successfully,

CREDIT/ DEBIT CARDS: New rules are now in force.

card payments could be de‐ clined. The new rules come into force under the Financial

Conduct Authority fraud‐ prevention rules. This latest rule is called Strong Cus‐ tomer Authentication.

Apple upgrades APPLE has announced a range of new products and phones, including a 5k screen and a 60 per cent speed per‐ formance improvement to its top of the range Mac. There is also an upgrade for its budget iPhone SE. The price of the iPhone SE has risen by €24 to just over €500, but it now comes with a better battery and the same A15 bionic chip that is present in all of the iPhone 13 range. It is also 5G enabled. Apple is hoping that the new products will reverse a downward trend that saw their share price fall by more than 10 per cent since the beginning of the year. The company has also confirmed that it has stopped selling its products in Russia following the country’s inva‐ sion of Ukraine.

26 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022




Rock toilet

IN 1993, the then Danish government negotiated an opt out from European military missions and is the only one of the 27 member states to have this option. Now in view of recent developments it will hold a referendum on June 1 to decide whether to return.

PRINCE MIDNIGHT, an American heavy metal musician and artist, has donated a toilet he sculpted to look like Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich to the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum in Copenhagen where it will be displayed in their ‘odditorium’.


Amsterdam museum

THE speaker in the Dutch Parliament is being encouraged to exercise her rights to ban MPs from taking part in debates if they are found guilty of abusing or threatening other MPs in the house especially after threats were made to two Muslim MPs earlier in the year.

THE opening of the temporary home of the Amsterdam Museum at the Hermitage has gone ahead after initially being cancelled due to its links with its sister museum, the Hermitage in St Petersburg. The Dutch Hermitage has since severed all ties with the Russian institution.

BELGIUM Royal Visit

Bizarre roundabout

KING PHILIPPE and Queen Mathilde visited a reception centre for Ukrainian refugees in the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels on March 9 to learn more about how they left the country and to welcome them to Belgium, offering what comfort they could.

WHEN local authorities in the town of Mechelen wanted to knock down 14 houses to allow buses to turn around when they terminated their journey, one owner, 80-yearold Dirk Van den Broek refused to move, so his house now sits alone on a new roundabout.

GERMANY Michelin stars

VW camper van

THE latest edition of the German Michelin gourmet restaurant guidebook published on March 9 added 17 new Michelin Star restaurants in Germany bringing the total to an all-time high of 327. It also added one more three-star establishment to the existing eight.

HAMBURG on March 9 saw the much-awaited unveiling of the electric version of the iconic 1960s Volkswagen camper van, popular for decades with so-called hippies and surfers. The ID Buzz is made from recycled synthetic material and can transport five people and luggage.

FRANCE Limit refugees

Flag waving

RIGHT wing presidential contender Eric Zemmour has praised Britain over its decision to impose stringent restrictions on Ukrainians seeking visas and he wants France to do the same. Zemmour thinks France should only accept Ukrainian refugees with direct family links to the country, while Muslim refugees should not be allowed entry at all.

A REPORT by The Connexion says that one unexpected benefit from the invasion of Ukraine is that French flag manufacturers have been swamped with orders for Ukrainian flags and are having to take on more staff and order additional materials to keep up with demand.

NORWAY Gas pipeline

Free insurance

PLANNED to cut dependency on Russian gas before the invasion of Ukraine, a pipeline from Norway to Poland via Denmark is currently under construction. According to Polish Prime Minster Mateusz Morawiecki, it should start pumping gas by November 2022 and be in full flow in 2023.

NORWEGIAN insurance company Gjensidige announced on March 9 that if any household takes in Ukrainian refugees and does not charge them rent, their household contents and liability insurance will be extended at no cost to include the refugee’s effects and liabilities.

FINANCE BUSINESS EXTRA Unicaja concern ACCORDING to a statement by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Nadia Calvino, both the European Cen‐ tral Bank and the Bank of Spain are “very concerned about the drift in governance” of Unicaja Banco, currently Spain’s fifth largest bank.

Gran Via 18 WITH the opening on March 12 of megastore WOW, put together by former El Corte Ingles CEO Dimas Gimeno, came the news that the building in which it is housed, Gran Via 18 in Madrid, is on the market for around €90 million.

Jedi Blue IN a show of possible cooperation, the EU and UK Competition and Markets Authority have both be‐ gun investigating what is known as the ‘Jedi Blue’ arrangement be‐ tween Google and Meta, formerly Facebook, over potential breaking of competition rules for online dis‐ play advertising.

Airport City DETERMINED to build the Airport City next to Madrid’s Barajas air‐ port, operator AENA has whittled down its short list of 10 prospec‐ tive investors to just five and is cur‐ rently considering the ideal part‐ ner to become the majority shareholder in the venture.

Robot wars GROCERY delivery company Oca‐ do is pleased by a decision handed down by the International Trade Commission (ITC) to rule against AutoStore. The Norwegian com‐ pany which operates around the world claimed that Britain’s Ocado had infringed a number of robotic patents held by AutoStore, but all 33 claims were either rejected by the ITC for the second time or abandoned. Embarrassingly for AutoStore, the trade commission ruled that every patent about which it complained was either in‐ valid or was not infringed by Oca‐ do’s technology. There will how‐ ever be a court hearing in the UK which may see Ocado issuing counter claims. • 17 - 23 March 2022



€122 million

is the amount that the online survey company Typeform, founded 10 years ago in Barcelona, has raised from corporate investors.

Heathrow passengers down HEATHROW Airport says that pas‐ senger numbers are down by 50 per cent when compared to pre‐pan‐ demic levels. Although there are signs that more people are thinking of using the UK’s busiest hub airport in the future, only 2.8 million passengers were recorded in February which was also 15 per cent below forecast. It noted that outbound leisure de‐ mand is recovering strongly as coun‐ tries are starting to remove travel re‐ strictions however, demand from inbound leisure and business travel remains suppressed by the testing and quarantine requirements that

Levelling Up IN February the British Government published its Levelling Up the UK White Paper recognising that the huge spread of towns and cities is a major problem. It could do worse than look at Spain, where according to the Organ‐ isation for Economic Co‐operation and Development, some 65 per cent of the population live in flats whilst in the UK the figure is just 15 per cent. The fact that so many people in the UK live in houses means that the population is spread more widely which in turn makes commuting to work longer, more expensive and of‐ ten more difficult. Cities like Barcelona, although large, are much more densely popu‐ lated and have a number of car free areas which means that getting pub‐ lic transport from one place to anoth‐ er is quicker, easier and often cheap‐ er. London is really the exception that tests the rule as it now sprawls in all directions, but does at least have a transport system which covers the majority of its suburbs. A STRONG economic bounce back in the UK during January may be short lived, warned a industry expert as the Office for National Statistics re‐ vealed that the economy grew by 0.8 per cent compared with a 0.2 per cent contraction in December. Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chamber of Commerce, said on Friday, March 11, the day the figures were released: “While there was a strong rebound in output in January as the impact of Omicron started to ease, the figures have been pushed into the rear‐view mir‐

are still in place in nearly two‐thirds of the markets it serves. While the management of the air‐ port hopes that these requirements will be removed, they now face headwinds from higher fuel prices, longer flight times to destinations impacted by airspace closures, con‐ cerns from US travellers over war in Europe and the likelihood of new ‘Variants of Concern’, which togeth‐ er create huge uncertainty over the passenger forecasts this year. Based on the strength of out‐ bound leisure bookings being report‐ ed by airlines, peak days in the sum‐ mer holidays could be very busy, at

up to 85 per cent of pre‐pandemic levels, but this is likely to feel even busier at check in because of the ad‐ ditional pre‐departure checks. If correct, this is higher than cur‐ rent airline, handler and airport ca‐ pacity, so they say that they are putting passengers first by gearing up across the airport for peak de‐ mand, working with airlines to re‐ duce check in times and recruiting 12,000 new staff In addition, Terminal 4 will be re‐ opened before July but for incoming passengers there is a fear over Bor‐ der Force’s ability to scale up to meet demand.

Why purchase a Golden Leaves funeral plan? PLANNING our funeral isn’t some‐ thing we think about very often, but with a Golden Leaves funeral plan ev‐ erything is taken care of in advance. Purchasing a funeral plan with Gold‐ en Leaves enables you to make your funeral arrangements and pay for them in advance, taking the stress away from your loved ones at an al‐ ready difficult time. In purchasing a Golden Leaves pre‐paid funeral plan, you can enjoy peace of mind and a range of benefits, removing the emotional burden from your family and loved ones ‐ particularly if you reside in a foreign country. A funeral plan with Golden Leaves

THE Minister of Industry, Com‐ merce and Tourism, Reyes Maro‐ to, formally closed HIP Horeca 2022, the Spanish hospitality in‐ dustry’s largest professional trade fair in Madrid on March 9. The hospitality industry was deeply impacted by the Covid‐19 pandemic and lockdown, but after seeing a number of establish‐ ments go to the wall in 2020 and 2021, things are beginning to look up. With 500 exhibitors and some 35,000 visitors this, the sixth HIP show to be held, attracted a record number of visitors and next stop for the organisers will be in Ibiza later in March. It is hoped the coming summer should see the return of foreign visitors, boosting businesses even more.

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Economic problems ror by renewed domestic and global shocks, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Consumer facing services firms enjoyed a particularly strong start to the year, following the partial re‐ lease of pent‐up customer demand as concerns over Omicron started to fade. “UK’s economy could stall in the near term as rising inflation, soaring

Madrid trade fair

energy bills and higher taxes increas‐ ingly drag on activity, despite a prob‐ able boost to output in February from the end of Plan B Covid restric‐ tions,” Thiru said. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has increased the risk of a recession in the UK by exacerbating the already acute inflationary squeeze on con‐ sumers and businesses and derailing the supply of critical commodities to

ONE of the traditional homes for investment at times of crisis sees money moving into gold. Although it did rise following the invasion of Ukraine and reached an all‐time high of €1,849, it has dipped and then recovered slightly sitting at around the €1,829 per ounce mark as of Mon‐ day, March 14. Many, including US politicians fear that the Russian Government has been stockpiling gold for at least a decade and already pro‐ duces 80 per cent of all European gold. Moves are afoot to try to ban the sale of Russian gold as Putin could cut the market price by up to a third if he decided to unload large volumes to pay for the inva‐ sion of Ukraine. many sectors of the economy. “Raising interest rates and taxes at this time would weaken the UK’s growth prospects further, by under‐ mining confidence and diminishing households’ and firms’ finances. “We urge the Chancellor to use the upcoming Spring Statement to tackle the cost‐of‐doing‐business cri‐ sis by delaying the National Insur‐ ance rise and committing to no fur‐ ther policy measures that will increase costs for business for the re‐ mainder of this Parliament,” he added.

30 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022




COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.280,50 Abrdn 199,60 Admiral Group 2.672,0 Anglo American 3.740,0 Antofagasta 1.574,50 Ashtead Group 5.030,0 Associated British Foods 1.759,5 AstraZeneca 9.344,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 638,00 Avast 640,80 Aveva 2.526,0 Aviva 417,60 B&M European Value Retail 544,60 BAE Systems 741,40 Bank VTB DRC 0,010 Barclays 167,34 Barratt Developments 559,20 Berkeley 3.922,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.581,00 BP 357,70 British American Tobacco 3.016,8 British Land Company 506,60 BT Group 176,00 Bunzl 2.777,0 Burberry Group 1.579,0 Carnival 1.249,1 Centrica 76,54 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.617,0 Compass 1.673,50 CRH 3.255,0 Croda Intl 6.858,0 DCC 5.756,0 Diageo 3.390,0 DS Smith 318,94 EasyJet 508,60 Experian 2.834,0 Ferguson 11.425,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.956,0 Fresnillo 708,20 GlaxoSmithKline 1.541,20 Glencore 494,30 Halma 2.374,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 1.049,70 Hikma Pharma 2.013,00 HSBC 487,15 IAG 137,81 Imperial Brands 1.535,00 Informa 550,80 InterContinental 5.018,0

CHANGE(P) 1.282,00 200,30 2.709,0 3.872,5 1.583,00 5.042,0 1.773,0 9.365,0 647,00 643,20 2.546,0 419,40 554,20 749,60 0,010 167,82 565,20 3.926,0 2.620,50 364,65 3.073,5 512,00 176,25 2.784,0 1.579,0 1.271,0 77,04 1.632,0 1.693,00 3.280,0 6.916,0 5.804,0 3.395,8 320,00 512,80 2.847,0 11.465,0 9.118,0 722,00 1.548,80 505,50 2.384,0 1.054,10 2.018,00 490,25 139,90 1.539,50 554,20 5.114,0

% CHG. 1.250,00 194,80 2.594,0 3.734,0 1.543,60 4.931,0 1.711,0 9.249,0 637,80 640,00 2.500,0 412,50 541,60 737,20 0,010 163,22 551,00 3.831,0 2.565,00 355,10 2.973,5 501,80 172,40 2.741,0 1.547,5 1.233,6 75,96 1.558,5 1.661,50 3.181,0 6.744,0 5.730,0 3.366,7 308,13 496,50 2.795,0 11.085,0 8.884,0 703,40 1.534,60 489,05 2.355,0 1.040,52 1.988,00 482,25 134,96 1.517,00 547,20 4.997,0

NET VOL 113,29K 593,03K 211,49K 625,20K 29,84K 85,77K 95,26K 279,83K 19,91K 78,24K 20,09K 1,08M 301,15K 360,83K 0 6,12M 487,40K 30,50K 942,22K 4,75M 780,97K 124,35K 2,17M 64,00K 133,32K 143,47K 1,00M 179,05K 259,03K 176,85K 22,16K 31,20K 25,36K 163,15K 785,90K 131,80K 74,76K 46,41K 353,55K 499,97K 8,60M 47,40K 9,49K 38,66K 245,41K 8,59M 218,61K 471,41K 56,92K



Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

1.601,50 4.910,0 85,50 254,80 1.917,5 754,40 264,40 46,91 7.526,0 760,00 128,60 1.461,00 1.115,60 214,00 6.266,0 1,89 1.170,00 2.267,2 634,80 1.076,00 5.653,0 2.114,00 480,40 618,00 5.367,0 96,65 0,60 669,20 1.410,50 0,0453 3.063,0 877,79 1.297,50 2.810,0 1.941,0 1.213,00 1.453,00 12.055,0 1.663,50 1.358,50 491,60 138,05 272,50 237,70 3.394,1 1.045,50 120,82 2.704,0 1.008,50


% CHG.


1.617,00 4.916,0 87,94 256,90 1.930,0 764,00 267,30 47,23 7.544,0 761,80 129,05 1.462,50 1.119,20 214,60 6.294,0 1,89 1.199,21 2.300,0 649,20 1.090,50 5.681,0 2.116,00 482,30 624,91 5.522,0 97,24 0,60 670,40 1.411,00 0,0453 3.072,0 901,60 1.301,50 2.847,0 1.959,0 1.214,00 1.457,00 12.130,0 1.670,00 1.370,50 496,50 139,25 273,25 240,50 3.404,3 1.053,50 121,00 2.755,0 1.022,00

1.571,00 4.840,0 85,24 253,62 1.904,0 749,60 261,70 46,16 7.418,0 756,20 124,65 1.427,50 1.101,20 210,60 6.150,0 1,89 1.164,20 2.216,8 626,00 1.066,00 5.591,0 2.089,00 471,80 616,60 5.330,0 93,94 0,60 660,80 1.401,50 0,0453 3.003,0 870,00 1.290,00 2.795,8 1.926,2 1.194,50 1.432,50 11.920,0 1.648,50 1.338,50 487,60 135,75 269,85 235,10 3.364,9 1.029,00 119,20 2.679,0 1.001,50

40,42K 15,28K 2,23M 125,20K 37,75K 178,50K 1,78M 16,02M 45,54K 35,94K 1,95M 144,72K 469,86K 1,67M 25,65K 0 28,05K 103,98K 791,56K 689,92K 166,93K 729,36K 443,61K 18,13K 552,24K 6,50M 0 117,77K 1,70K 0 92,21K 638,74K 130,42K 3,93K 2,02M 328,63K 37,11K 19,01K 205,54K 49,71K 698,76K 2,24M 1,78M 1,90M 35,58K 207,27K 6,91M 31,08K 509,12K



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0960 Japan yen (JPY)........................................129.11 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0251 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4408 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.8154 • Tel: +34 952 906 581 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 140,96 167,90 228,85 154,73 176,23 214,83 170,90 54,69 57,92 60,91 327,00 316,79 182,24 123,96 45,83 169,35 128,89 226,87 78,26 280,07 122,63 143,22 197,90 173,73 482,87 53,04 196,71 47,44 142,07 131,75

CHANGE 144,48 172,31 230,03 159,28 184,86 217,77 172,98 56,21 58,85 62,49 336,61 321,79 186,93 126,77 47,28 171,46 134,08 229,11 79,63 289,51 127,87 146,16 204,77 175,95 493,80 53,58 200,84 48,97 144,05 136,16

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 140,83 3,95M 167,63 2,69M 226,77 2,64M 154,50 95,07M 175,95 9,22M 212,30 3,96M 165,88 28,31M 54,60 19,83M 57,86 19,85M 60,87 6,11M 326,71 2,58M 316,23 2,96M 182,03 2,63M 123,91 4,11M 45,76 26,27M 169,02 5,12M 128,42 19,41M 224,20 6,06M 78,20 8,54M 279,43 27,01M 122,51 5,79M 143,03 7,03M 197,63 5,09M 173,44 1,39M 482,51 2,61M 53,01 19,42M 196,46 5,43M 47,38 5,73M 141,88 6,35M 131,57 6,94M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+89.40% +49.29% +45.04% +42.59% +40.82% +37.63% +37.38% +36.70% +33.07% +32.95% +26.17%

89.91M 7.21M 182.03M 25.60M 36.96M 205.50K 7.04M 16.79M 15.97M 0.54K 230.25M

-45.75% -44.08% -38.24% -36.32% -35.46% -32.68% -32.04% -30.39% -30.00% -29.28% -27.66%

5.80M 240.43M 109.76K 91.15M 28.63K 85.92M 3.93M 836.02K 1.20K 2.96M 22.05M

Most Advanced Marygold Companies Terawulf Guardforce AI Clearside Biomedical Excellon Resources Inc. 4D Pharma ADR Solid Biosciences Altamira Therapeutics Kala Pharma Incannex Healthcare ADR Mullen Automotive

Most Declined Orphazyme Didi Global Zhongchao RLX Technology Zanite Acquisition Exela Tech Tuya LiveVox Holdings LiveVox Holdings Unit Indonesia Energy Imperial Petroleum


Glovo back in Ukraine DELIVERY group Glovo has partially resumed opera‐ tions in Ukraine, in order to provide essential services in 20 cities across the country, including Kyiv. The company announced on March 9 that its objec‐ tive is to provide humanitar‐ ian support and offer essen‐ tial logistics to those in need, connecting customers and couriers with partner restaurants, pharmacies, grocery stores and NGOs. Glovo does not seek and will not have any financial gains from these services in Ukraine and waives com‐ mission and delivery fees to partners, NGOs and phar‐ macies. Additionally, while all us‐ er delivery fees remain, they will be donated through a Ukraine‐based NGO, Come Back Alive, which looks to support the Ukrainian society. Given the current circum‐ stances, the active couriers’ compensation has been adapted to ensure they can support themselves and their families and all couri‐ ers are covered by local and global insurance. Since operations resumed in Ukraine, nearly 10,000 or‐ ders were delivered in a sin‐ gle week, with nearly 1,000 active stores and more than 700 couriers operating so far. Originally founded in Spain, Glovo has seen huge expansion and the majority

Credit: Glovo

PROVIDING SUPPORT: Back delivering in the Ukraine.

of shares were purchased by Germany’s Delivery Hero early in 2022. Meanwhile, in Spain, a war of words has broken out between Uber Eats and Glovo after the Uber deliv‐ ery arm wrote to the Span‐ ish Government saying that it cannot recruit sufficient couriers. It alleges that whilst it is complying completely with the requirement to ensure workers are contracted, Glovo still allows some to be registered as self em‐ ployed and they can then choose to work only in the most lucrative hours of the day. According to a report by IBTimes, a spokesperson for Glovo rejected this claim and said that it complied with the law.

Backing circular economy THE European Investment Bank (EIB) is to provide a €20 million loan to Hinojosa, a recycled paper and packaging solutions company in Xativa Valencia. The company is dedicated to supporting what is known as the circular economy so that everything it produces can be recycled thus reducing waste to a bare minimum. The long‐term loan will allow Hinojosa to mod‐ ernise or upgrade equipment in its eight Spanish fac‐ tories and part will be spent on digitisation and in‐ stallation of solar power to reduce its CO2 footprint. Although introducing new technology, the com‐ pany also expects to increase its work force in the future.

BUSINESS EXTRA Mango profits SPANISH clothing store Mango which has been in the financial dol‐ drums for some time, has reported that 2021 delivered its highest profits in almost a decade, with a net profit of €67 million, more than three times the €21 million reported be‐ fore the pandemic hit.

Bonus back THE John Lewis Group which owns Waitrose has undertaken to pay staff a bonus after cutting it completely during the pandemic, although di‐ rectors have offered to give theirs to charity. In addition, it will ensure all employees earn the mini‐ mum real living wage.

European hotspot THE president of the Jun‐ ta de Andalucia, Juanma Moreno told the Por‐ tuguese News Agency LUSA that he believes the Algarve, Alentejo and An‐ dalucia regions can be‐ come the next economic hotspot within Europe in less than three decades thanks to planned future cooperation.

17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 31

32 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT PERHAPS if the UK hadn’t packed hotels and facilities across the country with thousands of young, mobile toting young males from the Middle East, they would be able to cope more easily with genuine fellow Europeans seeking refuge from the Ukraine? These physically fit boat people are still costing the country millions of British pounds a day. Most have not one ounce of gratitude in their whole self‐entitled bodies. Quite the reverse, many have complained that their food and accommodation is not up to standard. Ha! What standard? I thought they had all come from the rubble of war‐torn starving countries? This whole politically instigated exercise is an unmitigated disaster. If it wasn’t so dangerous it would be almost laughable. A short time ago, I pointed out that these young men, with their Nike trainers and remarkable absence of female compatriots ‐ who had purportedly trekked for miles with no visible access to food or financial support ‐ all looked remarkably fit and presumably could afford large sums of money to pay the people smugglers for their boats and ‘travel arrangements’. It was my opinion

Selfish that someone had to be footing the bill. I suggested that Putin could be one contender interested in seeking to install a sleeper army into the UK. Imagine my surprise and indeed consternation when, a few days ago, it was revealed that Putin was negotiating with countries in the Middle East to supply young fighting conscripts to join up with his troops in the Ukraine. It was also disclosed that large numbers had already signed up. Coincidence? Somehow, I think not. It will be interesting to see if, in the weeks ahead, the numbers of young ‘refugees’ in Calais is significantly reduced. This would be a sure sign that this potential army is being temporarily diverted to other areas, where their services are more urgently required. Just saying. Somewhat conveniently lost in the initial pandemic panic of 2020, the Relationships and Sex Education for children (RSE) quietly became mandatory in British State Schools. On the face of it this idea sounds an intelligent and beneficial scheme, set to deal with many of the issues that beset

youngsters born into the 21st century. That is of course until you look more carefully into this heavily woked and often child abusive piece of British Government educative legislation. To be honest there is far too much of it to include here. This is a short list of subjects that have been introduced into the classrooms of the innocents. It includes lessons on being ‘born in the wrong body’ which teaches children as young as six to ‘reject themselves; lessons about how friendship and sexual attraction are the same; teaching ‘gender equality’ to tots as young as four and lessons about masturbation recommended for six‐year‐olds! Anyone feeling angry yet? Don’t tell me these people aren’t dangerous. In my opinion they should all be locked up. Keep the Faith. Love Leapy To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp

Netflix - Pieces of Her NEW Netflix series Pieces of Her, starring the incredible Toni Collette (About A Boy) as Laura Oliver, has not received great reviews on Rotten Toma‐ toes ‐ with a critic rating of 50 per cent and an audience rat‐ ing of 39 per cent ‐ and I have to agree that there were too few pieces of her to make up the final puzzle. I was hooked on the eight‐ part series Pieces of Her during the first episode, which sees Laura and her daughter Andy Oliver, played by Bella Heath‐ cote (The Neon Demon), in‐ volved in a mass shooting at a restaurant. Laura brutally slices the neck of the shooter to pro‐ tect Andy, resulting in world‐ wide attention ‐ something that could cost Laura and Andy their lives. But my interest began to fade with each episode. Andy goes down the rabbit hole to find out where her mother learnt her impressive assassination skills and the real truth behind Laura’s incredibly wealthy family and her past ‐ queue flashbacks and disjoint‐ ed scenes that are synonymous

with the genre of a mystery thriller. However, Pieces of Her holds back too much, ending up in the series being some‐ what frustrating, with too much information being held back to feel like you have any idea of what is actually happening and why. With so many twists and turns, that probably make more sense in the hit book by Karin Slaughter that the series is based on, by the time you start figuring out what is going on, which doesn’t happen until around episode five, it is difficult to stay interested in the narra‐ tive and the characters. The brilliant acting carries this series, Toni Collette can do no wrong in my opinion, and this isn’t a narrative that you can easily dip in and out of or watch casually because of the intrica‐ cies of the story. If you like mys‐ tery dramas and have spare time then it’s worth a watch, however, you may come away disappointed and feeling a bit flat. You can stream Pieces of Her on Netflix now.

34 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


Ukraine crisis is a wake-up call for the West rather than flattery. Like his attempt to lead white Siberian cranes towards their winter habitat when he flew a microlight dressed in white to fool the birds. And finished up look‐ ing more like a character from Bowie’s Space Odyssey phase. As for the brave Ukrainians, their best prospect is that they’ll eventually drive the Russians out of their ravaged country and we in the West can then help rebuild. Ukraine’s agony has bought us time. Hopefully, the West will use that time to ready our defences, so that Russia (or China) will no longer be able to dismiss our capability to look after our in‐ terests. Meanwhile ‘Slava Ukraini!’

NORA JOHNSON BREAKING VIEWS Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

AS a columnist you ask yourself, in the wake of Putin’s merciless invasion, whether you had better write about Ukraine, because it is all anyone wants to read about, or whether you had better not, because it is the one thing nobody wants to read about. I have avoided writing about Ukraine, not because I don’t care, but the opposite. I have close friends there whose future is frighten‐ ingly uncertain since the primary fear is what a cornered Vladimir Putin might do. There is a sense that nothing makes sense, nothing can be predicted, because he follows no logic that standard politicians would apply. But then this former KGB agent is no stan‐ dard politician. Just look at how carefully he’s polished his public image as a ‘caring’ man of adventure, frequently appearing bare‐chest‐ ed for cameras. He’s been shown wrestling heroically with a python after it ‘escaped’ from a Moscow zoo. Tranquilising a tiger, Nora Johnson’s opinions

UKRAINE: Hopefully they will drive the Russians out of their ravaged country.

Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘The Sentinel’, ‘No Safe Place’, ‘Be‐ trayal’, ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ (www.nora‐ available online as eBook (€0.99; £0.99), Ap‐ ple Books, paperback and audiobook.All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity.

putting a tracking collar on a polar bear and the Kerch Strait in the Black Sea and, amazing‐ using a crossbow to extract tissue from a ly, immediately ‘discovered’ fragments of two whale. ancient Greek urns ‐ later admitted as a total To read more articles from our columnists He’s posed topless riding a horse in Siberia set up. and to have your say in the comments go and flown on a fighter jet, a bomber and an Indeed, Putin’s more recent stunts seem to to amphibious firefighting aircraft. He dived into have misfired and ended up the subject of fun are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Listen to me being grumpy! MIKE SENKER IN MY OPINION Views of a Grumpy Old Man I WROTE about this previously but now it’s getting ridiculous how products, like bars of chocolate, ice creams, packets of crisps, actually everything, really are getting smaller and smaller for the same money. Now it’s getting even worse because now they have got so small, they can’t make them any smaller, they are actually having to put the prices up because of choose your reason - Covid-19, Brexit, Russia or China. All these companies are making huge profits, and I mean many, many millions in net profit, yet they still keep rooking Joe Public and the real reason is because they have to keep shareholders happy. I am really concerned about what is going on generally. It’s like maybe the people that were considered crackpots a year or so ago, because of all their conspiracy theories, are now making a little bit of sense. The price of fuel is crazy. I mean last year we couldn’t drive five kilometres because of Covid. This year we can’t even afford to drive five kilomtres because of Russia. Roman Abramovich has lost his stake in

Chelsea because of his connections with Putin which was fine for the 20 years before. The UK government has been fully aware of all the hooky money that was being funnelled into the UK but just didn’t care. All of a sudden, it’s got to be confiscated. It should never have been allowed in the first place but the scumbag politicians turned a blind eye because of the backhanders flying about. So, who is going to suffer? The Chelsea fans, of course, because I can assure you Abramovich won’t be that bothered. Some of the hysteria about banning Russian products and people are crazy too. Two Strictly Come Dancing professionals are allegedly to be banned. A Royal Opera House summer season of the Bolshoi Ballet had been in the final stages of planning, but now is not going to happen. Hopefully the madness will be over soon. There seems to be a competition on social media, that when someone famous dies, who is first to get their RIP message on Insta or Twitter. Piers Morgan, I think, is top of the leader board at the moment. He really is a total knob head. I wouldn’t mind a few emails of your thoughts and I’m on Talk Radio Europe on Friday March 18 at 11.30 CET being grumpy. Listen and call in and we can chat.p Email:

Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


12:15pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm 3:15pm



MONDAY 21/03

SUNDAY 20/03


FRIDAY 18/03

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10:15am 11:00am 11:45am 12:15pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm


2:45pm 10:15am 11:00am 11:45am 12:15pm 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 2:45pm

Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators Escape to the Country

1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm

Crimewatch Roadshow Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Shakespeare and Hathaway


Saturday Kitchen Live Marcus Wareing's Tales from a Kitchen Garden Football Focus BBC News Weather Bargain Hunt Live Six Nations Rugby Union BBC News BBC London News


Match of the Day Sunday Morning Sunday Politics London Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships Comic Relief BBC News Weather for the Week Ahead Songs of Praise Dodger


Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators

1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm

Morning Live Crimewatch Roadshow Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors

10:00am 1:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm

Morning Live Crimewatch Roadshow Caught Red Handed Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather BBC London News; Weather Doctors

9:00am 10:00am 12:15pm 2:00pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:30pm

4:00pm 4:30pm 5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm

2:15pm 3:45pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm

1:00pm 3:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 9:45pm 10:45pm 11:45pm

1:00pm 2:00pm 3:55pm 4:30pm 8:05pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm

5:15pm 6:15pm

Politics Live Ready, Steady, Cook Eggheads Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is The Heights Murder, Mystery and My Family The Real Marigold Hotel Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games


Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships School for Scoundrels The Heights Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is The Wonder of Animals Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships MOTDx Inside Culture with Shahidha Bari

9:00pm 10:00pm

Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships Great British Menu This Beautiful Fantastic Lightning Richard Osman's House of Games Live Athletics: World Indoor Championships TOTP: The Story of 1992 TOTP 1992 Biggest Hits Annie Lennox

8:00pm 9:00pm

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9:00pm 11:00pm

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BBC News Politics Live The Super League Show Eggheads Street Auction The Heights The Customer is Always Right Gorilla Family and Me Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games

8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm

Gardeners' World BBC News Politics Live Ready, Steady, Cook Eggheads Street Auction The Heights The Customer is Always Right The Sweet Makers: A Tudor Treat Flog It!

8:30pm 9:00pm

8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:55pm 1:25am

2:25am 2:55am


12:00am 12:45am


10:00pm 11:00pm 1:20am 2:05am 2:35am 3:05am

Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam Canal Boat Diaries Michael Wood's Story of England Shakespeare in Love Iris Searching for Sam: Adrian Dunbar on Samuel Beckett Canal Boat Diaries Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam

10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 1:40pm 1:50pm

TOTP: 1992 St Patrick's Day at the BBC Ireland's Greatest Small Music Festival: Other Voices TOTP2: St Patrick's Day Special Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan TOTP: 1992

7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 1:40pm 1:50pm

The Normans Arctic with Bruce Parry Hidden Burning Wogan: The Best Of Yes, Prime Minister Keeping Up Appearances Arctic with Bruce Parry


5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm

5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

7:35am 8:00am 10:30am 12:40pm 1:45pm 2:09pm 2:10pm 5:00pm

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12:00am 1:35am 2:05am

11:00pm 12:00am 1:00am 2:00am

10:00pm 11:00pm 12:30am 1:30am 2:00am

Lorraine This Morning ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London ITV Racing: Cheltenham Festival Live Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale


Good Morning Britain Lorraine This Morning ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London ITV Racing: Cheltenham Festival Live Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News

10:00am 11:30am

The Rubbish World of Dave Spud Thunderbirds are Go ITV News Saturday Morning with James Martin Simply Raymond Blanc ITV News and Weather ITV London Weather ITV Racing: Live from Uttoxeter Six Nations Live

9:55am 10:25am 12:25pm 1:00pm 3:45pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

10:30am 1:30pm 2:35pm 4:15pm

10:00am 11:30am 12:25pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

12:25pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm

7:00pm 7:30pm

John Williams Film Prom Skint: I'd like to Speak to the Manager Skint: No Grasses, No Nonces Skint: Hannah Skint: Regeneration The Sound of TV with Neil Brand The Sound of TV with Neil Brand The Beauty of Diagrams

7:35am 8:00am 10:30am


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7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

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Canal Boat Diaries Keeping Up Appearances Yes, Prime Minister Mysteries of the Bayeux Tapestry Battlefield Britain Cat Tales: In from the Wild Twin Sisters: A World Apart Skint: I'd like to Speak to the Manager

10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Lorraine This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Lingo ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News


Canal Boat Diaries Secret Life of Farm Animals Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal The Distant Barking of Dogs: Storyville Super Powered Owls: Natural World Canal Boat Diaries Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam

10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

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12:35pm 1:30pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Coast vs Country Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed


Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Coast vs Country Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons


The Simpsons Four in a Bed Four in a Bed Live Rugby League A Place in the Sun A Place in the Sun Grand Designs Location, Location, Location Channel 4 News Matt Baker: Our Farm in the Dales

10:05am 10:15am

Sunday Brunch The Simpsons Stuart Little Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Channel 4 News One and Six Zeros George Clarke's Amazing Spaces Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix Highlights

11:30am 2:05pm

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons Hollyoaks

9:50am 9:55am

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Fame in the Family The Simpsons Hollyoaks

10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm

Frasier Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Channel 4 News Includes headlines and weather. Undercover Boss USA Steph's Packed Lunch Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed

10:10am 10:15am 1:15pm

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2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:15pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours You Can't Take My Daughter


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours My Deadly Ex Filthy House SOS


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8:00am 8:30am

Odo Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours Secrets, Lies and Shattered Dreams


Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours A Deadly Mother Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads


Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine George Clarke's Build a New Life in the Country 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours Her Stolen Past Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours

1:30pm 3:30pm

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EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

SCAM OR SALES? I WAS interested in your item on page 3 of the current edition of your informative newspaper. It may be just coincidence, but this sounds very much like the approach that I have encountered a number of times over recent years, here on Gata Residencial. Young men turn up and ring my doorbell and notwithstanding that I have a number of signs indicating that I already have an alarm system, they try to sell me a new one. When I say, no thanks, they offer to demonstrate the problems that my system suffers from. These guys represent Securitas Direct, and there are always a number of them blitzing our Urbanisation with their sales pitch. They seem to be quite successful, as a number of houses in my neighbourhood, whose houses already had an alarm system, are now showing their signs. Regards. Ken

Praise for Leapy Dear Sir Just read your March 10/16 weekly sermon and had to write and say WELL DONE, my sentiments exactly !! I applaud you for saying what many think but do not/are not able to express in the mainstream media. Your column is a brief glimpse of

SALES PITCH: Offering to demonstrate problems with current system.

sanity in a topsy turvey world. Would that you could advise/order the politicians etc who govern the ordinary persons’ lives to such an extent. Leapy Lee THANK YOU Sid

Long time plan Hi, What is happening in Ukraine is something that Putin had been planning for a long time. KGB has spies in all our countries, speaking the language as natives, without accent. Pity some guards at the border treated Africans and overseas students without pity. Beating Africans and as-

UNWELCOME STRIKE AFTER the travails of the last two years and then the Russian invasion of Ukraine, what do we need next? A transport strike! Drivers’ unions complain that they are badly affected by the rising price of fuel which is why they need to take strike action. But the main losers will be the general public who have had to put up with so much since the start of the pandemic. Every business and every household suffer from the rise in energy prices, be it gas, electricity or fuel, but when most of the country was in lockdown and those in the hospitality industry had no work, drivers were still able follow their trade. Certainly, some of their demands which include not having to unload deliveries, monitored rest stops and retirement at 60 are not unreasonable and the right to strike is important in any democracy, but timing is essential.


From our Facebook

king the students for money to board the buses, some buses with empty seats. They walked for four nights and when they arrived in Poland, they were treated as human beings. Welcomed, fed, wounds treated and a bed. Embassies were informed. This was not reported by BBC, but French and Belgian TV. Putin had Trump in his pocket. On a visit to Russia, Putin knew Trump’s weakness, WOMEN. I leave you to imagine the rest. Our Leaders are being protective of us. Do we want to die of nerve poisoning? Regards SA


In this case, it seems that the unions are using the general public as a tool to influence the government and already there have been some signs of panic with certain goods unavailable and queues at some petrol stations. At the moment, what we need is some relief from the misery and encouragement for overseas visitors to return to Spain, but if an indefinite strike does cause genuine shortages in Spain, then tourists will simply opt to go to other holiday destinations. Hopefully, this situation will be resolved quickly although the Spanish government can do little about the price of fuel, unless it decides to take a cut in tax. Some slightly encouraging news is that the United Arab Emirates intends to increase production which would cut the wholesale price of crude oil.

UKRAINE PRESIDENT: Does he deserve to get a knighthood?

Theresa Attwood Oh give it a break. From videos and news articles I’ve seen, from what the Ukraine army did to people from 2004, that all gets hushed up, ever thought that’s why Putin has gone in. Bloody joke.

Jay Denton Oh give it a break, has any of these over inflated MPs seen his record before this war? Ukraine has long been regarded as the most corrupt country in Europe.

Helen Jordan How many leaders would stand by their people and fight. Anyone else would be giving orders safely away from all of it. Well done to this amazing man.

Victoria Lynn Absolute hero, visiting wounded soldiers in hospitals while the evil imbecile who caused this war is hidden away!

Robert Miller Snr What for, he made a wrong call, this war was very avoidable, more debate should have taken place and the concern Russia had for its borders and military and rocket bases being built on the borders guarantee request by Russia were not given by Nato who are basically run by the USA Democratic Party, which escalated this atrocity.

Sheila Hounslow I think he would rather support and freedom at the moment. Those tongs come later .

At the EWN, we pride ourselves that reports are accurate and fair. If we do slip up, we promise to set the record straight in a clear, no-nonsense manner. To ask for an inaccuracy to be corrected. Email: • 17 - 23 March 2022




ia Victor

e Hayle

Q Emma


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44 EWN

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MARBELLA MOMENTS BY NICOLE KING I POPPED into the Marbella Exhibition Cen‐ tre to visit Marbella’s first Exhibition for professionals of the hotel, restaurant and catering industry and I was certainly glad I did. Let me start with the reason for being there: to explore Hosteltech, put together by some of Marbella’s most renowned companies, such as Import Montes and Ela‐ dio fruiters, both very successful but also very local family businesses. Together with professionals from all sectors there was a strong emphasis on technology and the lat‐ est technological solutions in terms of opti‐ mising work in the hotel and restaurant sec‐ tors. This was truly a very successful first event with food and drink being offered every‐ where and exhibitors already booked for next year’s second edition. Before I went up to Hosteltech though I was introduced by the team of the Foreign‐ er’s Department, (also located at the Exhibi‐ tion Centre and always ready to welcome us to their space by the way), to Olena Sam‐ para of the Association Maydan Málaga. This group of Ukrainian residents came to‐

For more local information follow Marbella Now TV on RTV Marbella.

gether back in 2014 and offers informative support and provides humanitarian aid. Olena was also my guest on Marbella Now #MN341 and explains how she views this on‐ going but escalating situation, what actions are being taken and how we can help. To coordinate efforts the Marbella City Council has set up an informative centre for the Ukrainian citizens in the Civic Centre of Las Albarizas, to channel solidarity and facili‐ tate procedures for the resident community and those people who are arriving as a con‐ CLAIRE GORDON FINDING BALANCE IN AN UNEVEN WORLD THERE will almost always be times when you can find yourself agreeing with someone who usu‐ ally holds wildly differing viewpoints from your

sequence of the Russian invasion. If you’d like to donate funds, food, clothes, medica‐ tion, supplies, transport or your time please contact Maydan to coordinate. Back to the Exhibition Centre for a less tragic but also consequential event: the fourth edition of the Marbella Job Fair. Mar‐ bella’s mayor Ángeles Muñoz announced that there would be 4,000 positions on of‐ fer: 2,200 from companies and 1,800 for the Spanish Army and that “it is the most impor‐ tant event of its kind in the country in terms


of number of attendees.” The fair had 135 stands from companies and institutions from the food, hospitality, technology, commercial, real estate, ser‐ vices and construction sectors and the coun‐ cillor Cristóbal Garre highlighted their plans to assist the unemployed people of the mu‐ nicipality, “whom we understand that we have to support from our institution to im‐ prove their employability through initiatives like this one.” The Marbella City Council is making an in‐ vestment of over €5 million, as I understand it, with the objective being to facilitate the selection of personnel and preferably job placement for those registered in the munic‐ ipality. There will also be an exclusive train‐ ing space offering the tools to improve em‐ ployability and digital skills, with topics such as preparing a CV, facing a job interview or developing a personal brand. Well that’s it for this week’s ‘local news update’, please do also follow Marbella Now for more and remember, the Foreign‐ er’s Department is available for anything you may need with a capable and welcom‐ ing team.

To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to


Cross-sections own. A person could be from the other end of the political spectrum with ways of thinking that don’t align with yours

but there still may be some things that, at the core, you make the same judgement on. This is just the way of the world. To rail against holding any matching beliefs at all with people you may not particularly like just be‐ cause of who they are is limiting to all involved. Shutting out all of the opinions of another per‐ son based solely on who they are closes the door on any learning opportu‐ nities for both parties. Unless the view being put forth is harmful or the person has had multi‐ ple chances to join a dis‐ cussion and has not learned anything or grown, then I will try my utmost to stay open to what they have to say. Looking at things from

different angles can en‐ hance your own opinion, help you understand oth‐ er people’s reasoning, or even find places of com‐ mon ground to begin to work out from. Shouting down others has become a thing that is rewarded in modern society. The loudest speaker claims the most authority in a world in which arrogance is king and complex thinkers are not held in high regard when this type of culture is allowed to prevail. Ad‐ mitting ignorance in some areas and asking questions to better un‐ derstand a situation is looked down upon as a sign of weakness when it really should be lauded as an attempt to be a better person.


Invented tribal lines prevent people from learning more about each other and becoming a more well‐rounded ver‐ sion of themselves in the process. Ego holds peo‐ ple back from listening to opposing viewpoints and assessing if there are oth‐ er valid points they could take on board at all. Many people don’t want to join in discus‐ sions in case they are cor‐ rected or held to account for what they are saying. Others overreact to con‐ structive criticism and then undercorrect as a result, meaning they don’t grow and learn as much as they could with‐ in the opportunity given. When discussion and debate feel like an attack on your ego, you only

take in small amounts of information and dismiss the rest, when it could be something that helps you think clearer about a sub‐ ject. Holding space for lis‐ tening to others, sharing schools of thought and not becoming defensive over any difference of opinion is a skill we all need to carry on develop‐ ing throughout our lives. It is something that isn’t encouraged by modern society, so it is up to us to find ways to conduct ourselves in this manner as we interact with each other. The best way to learn more and be confi‐ dent in your convictions is to understand a situa‐ tion from many direc‐ tions, which will never happen when swathes of information are cut off completely. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Claire Gordon’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


Mould and allergies MOULD and dampness on the walls of a home can trigger allergies and other health problems, and it is important to keep them un‐ der control. In older houses or in hous‐ es with poor insulation, dampness and mould can appear on the walls. Many people think that this is mainly an aesthetic prob‐ lem, but it can have serious consequences for your health. The main problem with mould is that it releases spores, which can enter the body when they are touched or inhaled and cause various types of irrita‐ tions and infections. Mould on the walls mostly affects the respiratory tract, but other organs, such as the eyes or the digestive system, can also be affected. This is especially danger‐ ous for people who already suffer from certain condi‐ tions, such as those who are immunosuppressed or who suffer from asthma or fungal

RESPIRATORY TRACT: Can be affected by mould on walls.

allergies. These people may experience nasal conges‐ tion, wheezing and redness and itching of the eyes or skin. Mould is also thought to promote the develop‐ ment of asthma in children when they are exposed at an early age. Once mould appears, there is no way to complete‐ ly eliminate all of the fungus or spores, but its growth can be controlled. This is mainly

achieved by controlling the humidity, but first, the af‐ fected area must be thor‐ oughly cleaned and any leaks that may be causing the wall to become damp must be repaired. The relative humidity in the room needs to be be‐ tween 30 per cent and 60 per cent, which can be achieved through ventila‐ tion, dehumidifiers and, if necessary, better insulation.

Mature skin: Make-up OUR skin naturally changes over the years. Of course, make‐up can be enjoyed at any age, but some techniques that work well on younger skin may be less effective on more mature skin. Moisturiser and sun protection This step is essential for all ages. For mature skin, choose a moisturiser that is quickly absorbed and contains properties that help to plump and smooth the skin. Also, whether winter or sum‐ mer, keeping your face protected from the sun’s rays will make all the dif‐ ference. Foundation and con‐ cealer Opt for a light liquid foundation. Using a dense, high‐coverage foundation may make your skin look stiff and wrinkles and pores may look even more obvious. The same goes for con‐

LIPSTICK: Avoid matte as this can damage the lips’ skin.

cealer, so apply it subtly and sparingly. Powder Using too much will make your face look stiff and overly matte. Choose a translucent powder that gives just the right amount of hold and spread a small amount very evenly. Blending Blending is essential. Use a good brush or a sponge that will not ab‐ sorb too much product. Always use small strokes, preferably in upward or circular movements.

Eyes Well‐defined eyebrows can lift and frame the face. Give them body and shape with an eyebrow gel, pencil or powder. Lift‐ ing the eyelashes by curl‐ ing them and using a good mascara will give them life, volume and length. Lips You can play around as much as you like here, but try to avoid very mat‐ te or drying lipsticks, as this is unflattering and can damage the skin on your lips.

17 - 23 March 2022

EWN 45

Career choices WE are focusing on careers this month and want to help you navigate your next steps towards a career. Just how can you decide on a career path? Remember that we are always amending and progressing our ca‐ reer throughout our life, so whatever you decide now is not a permanent life decision. To do Here’s your to do this week on helping you navigate your career path. Firstly, the best way is a true self‐assess‐ ment. This means exploring, researching and a real soul search of who you are, your skills, your strengths and weaknesses, your inter‐ ests. What do you gravitate towards? Consider your personality. How much in‐ teraction do you need in a job? Prefer to work as a large team or working by yourself and for yourself? Are you entrepreneurial? Finally, think about your values. Define what your values mean to you and how that will impact your chosen career. The desire to make a difference is often cited as a career related value, but that may look different to each person! Identify and research jobs about what they involve and watch related online videos, read online resources related to your career path. The next step is to reflect and weigh up the pros and cons on the few career choices you are reviewing. What skills

@MINDFULTEENWORLD ON INSTAGRAM and training will you need? The best way is field experience. It’s never too early to visit or write to companies of in‐ terest and ask them to show you around. Have your school arrange it or arrange it in your own time. You can try running a small business. This can be starting small, selling unwanted clothes or running a t‐shirt design biz, the list is endless! You can arrange visits to colleges and universities with your chosen career courses for a tour and insight into the courses. We will be sharing many online links on our Instagram for careers month so be sure to check them out. We will also be hold‐ ing Instalives with influential people who can give great advice. The important thing is to not stress, worry less. It will all fall into place! Mindful exercise: Think of five high‐pres‐ sure jobs such as a surgeon or firefighter where split decisions must be made mindful‐ ly where their decisions impact others. Write them down and share them with us on Insta‐ gram. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Alison’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

46 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022


A TRADITIONAL Sunday roast is a guaranteed winner on any menu. A firm favourite with old and young alike, when it’s beautifully cooked by a top chef then it’s a delight. And when that chef is confident enough to put your gravy on for you, knowing that roast beef lives or dies by this ingredient, you know you’re in good hands. The two‐course Sunday Roast at Grace Restaurant in Calle Libra, Riviera, at a snip under €25, tastes won‐ derful and is beautifully presented. The beef was ac‐ companied ‐ on a separate plate ‐ by another make‐ or‐break ingredient, a Yorkshire pudding that was crispy on top and delightfully doughy underneath. Inside Grace there are distinct dining areas includ‐ ing a lounge offering the subdued lighting of more formal elegance and a light and airy glass‐surround restaurant giving a view of either the coast or the Riv‐ iera Sport Club’s tennis and padel complex. There’s also an exterior terrace that includes a handsome glass dining dome, one of the latest ideas

Credit: Jimmy Carr Facebook

A touch of Grace and flavour Jimmy Carr on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown.

The glass dining dome.

to extend the outdoor dining season. Your Sunday dining experience includes live music; our dining floor singer easily hit the high notes, giving a twist on some old favourites without being intrusive. Opened in June of last year, Grace is part of a chain that includes restaurants in Malaga, Benalmadena Pueblo (La Pala D’Oro), Las Yucas in Torrequebrada and, says director of restaurant operations, Massimo

Elegant interior dining.

Sapio, will soon include a gourmet food store. The à la carte Oriental menu includes a beauti‐ ful sushi offering present‐ ed on a wooden table‐boat. One diner’s experience was topped off with a fabulous indoor firework, which probably isn’t on the menu! Check out their website

Jimmy Carr visits Gibraltar FOLLOWING on from the appearance of co‐ median Russell Kane due in Gibraltar on April 9, and with the Sarah Millican show in May al‐ ready sold out, the next top comedian to per‐ form will be the contro‐ versial Jimmy Carr. Known for his braying laugh and regular TV appearances, he is off to the USA and then most of Europe with just four shows in Gibraltar on October 8 and 9 and tickets are selling fast. Carr said his new show, Terribly Funny, “contains jokes about all kinds of terrible things. Terrible things that might have affect‐ ed you or people you know and love. But they’re just jokes ‐ they are not the terrible things.” There’s no point to the show, except to make the audience laugh, Carr added. Having political cor‐ rectness at a comedy show is like having health and safety at a rodeo. Punters have been warned, so enjoy the laughs. The venue is St Michael’s Cave, tickets cost £35 per person plus booking fee and can be purchased on‐ line at https://www. mmy‐carr‐terribly‐fun‐ ny‐20‐450 which in‐ cludes the return shut‐ tle bus up the Rock as cars are not allowed. It should be noted that no person under 16 years of age will be admitted and the show is not for the easily shocked.


The Sound of Music SALÓN VARIETÉS THEATRE IT’S time for the spring musical at the Salón Varietés Theatre in Fuengirola! The Sound of Music has been beloved worldwide since the musical film with Julia Andrews and Christopher Plummer of 1965! It’s stage adaptation is a firm favourite amongst musical theatre lovers! Directed for the Salón Varietés by Peter Mitchell, and with a brilliant cast of Gemma Lloyd as Maria, Oliver Greene as Captain Von Trapp, Catrina Helsby, Joanne McCafferty and Peter Oliver, not to mention the adorable and talented cast that play the Von Trapp Children! In total 24 talented actors, singers and dancers! Having enjoyed a long career as a per‐ former and having directed many shows in the UK, Peter has directed over 100 musicals, pantomimes and reviews at the Salón, since moving to Spain! Including sing along songs such as Do‐Re‐

MUSICAL: Including sing along songs.

Mi, Climb Every Mountain, How Do You Solve a Problem, My Favourite Things and so many more, The Sound of Music is a highlight of the Salón’s season 2021‐2022. With a full 10‐night run from March 25 ‐ April 3, this is one to book early for! Call 952 474 542 or book online at!

Teatro Salon Varietes, C/ Emancípación, s/n, Fuengirola 29640 - Malaga. Telephone (+34) 952 474 542 - Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 11.00 - 14.30 We also open one hour before any show!

17 - 23 March 2022

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48 • 17 - 23 March 2022


Fido staying home for the holidays? Who will watch him? IF you are planning a trip later this year you still need to plan early for pet and house‐sitters. Per‐ haps you are already making plans for a stayca‐

tion get away. Even if you are planning just a short trip, you’ll know that you simply can’t travel with some pets. Young pets in particular may benefit

from staying behind so they can follow their rou‐ tines at home. So, plan ahead. Take a moment to plan ahead for pet and house‐ sitters, if you have trips planned later this year. Now is the time to get ready. We will help you as much as we can. Our phi‐

losophy is that we are all in this together. These are the steps to take: 1. Register as a home‐ owner on HouseSitMatch. com 2. Choose a Premium account (£89 per year) to Fido can’t wait until his pet-sitter gets there.

Do you need a house-sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either a house-sitter or homeowner with a 50 per cent discount using coupon code SUPER50 - an exclusive offer for readers. To find a house or pet-sitter go to

ensure you can help on‐ line when needed 3. Create a profile with photos of your pet and the house 4. Post a house‐sit ad‐ vert stating your plans for next year’s holiday Covid permitting Do you need a pet‐sitter in 2022? Then get started right now. How does it work? HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our network for a small annual fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your advert saying when you are going on holiday. House‐sitters see your advert, they re‐ spond and you choose the sitter who’ll care for your pets. Trustpilot Testimonials ‐ 4.8 / 5 Excellent rating (New Trustpilot rating scale) Here’s what members have said about us ‐ HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter… HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter while we were away in Canada and we were de‐ lighted with the care and attention that HouseSit Match took in helping us find the right person. Ros Morris ‐ Dog owner How do you join? Please register online via our website www.Housesitmatch. com ‐ Choose a member‐ ship plan ‐ Please note prices go up soon so sign up now on subscription to secure these prices: • Standard (DIY option) = £69 pa • Premium (with sup‐ port at each step) = £89 pa

50 EWN

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17 - 23 March 2022 •




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BUILDERS AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and repairs. Quality machines. Ecosense movement sensors supplied and fitted from 100 Euros. For other energy-saving products visit www.cooland 952 935 513. We are Junta de Andalucia authorised installers as the new law states (real decreto 115/2017). On the Costa del Sol since 1993 (285966) QUALITY Air Conditioning Installations. Economical to use, & silent in operation. 26 Years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 (295314)


BUILDING SERVICES JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Bathrooms / kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, painting, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (294590)

PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 (294773)

ACE OF SHADES – Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also black-out blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730) BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (290491)


METALWORK NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 17yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/WhatsApp 655 040 648 (295145)

PLASTERING FRANK Dr Damp, bricklaying & plastering. All work guaranteed. 689 515 558 (295377)

HAVING A NEW BABY? Antenatal and postnatal advice and support available from experienced UK registered Nurse and Health Visitor. Home visits and phone consultations. Contact Janette www.maat, info@maat +34 602 472 460 (294228)

CHARITY COLLECTIVE CALLING are urgently requesting donations of clothing, shoes, handbags & home-ware. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-income families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Alcantara, alternatively, call us to arrange collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137)

CHIMNEY SERVICES CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497 (293053) APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (293804)

CHURCH SERVICES BENALMADENA Elim Family Fellowship. Elimfamilyfellow or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011)

SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (292511)

R.K.S PROPERTY SERVICES Kitchen & Bathroom specialists. Full reforms. Plastering, Tiling & Plumbing services. Established 2005. 634 315 264 / 634 345 118 (295073)



www.handymanservices.e s Electrician, plumbing, construction, painting. Innovation. ROT deduction for Swedish, Sotogrande to Marbella 648 712 530 (294359)

SUNSHINE AWNINGS / BLINDS Awnings, Persiana, Shutter & Rejas Specialist. New & Repairs. 25yrs on the coast. 680 323 969 (295315)


PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)


GENERAL BUILDER, Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available (294356)

FOR ALL your beauty products order. Avon delivered to your door. / store/jan (294533)


ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM Buyers & Sellers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. 697 511 071 (294573)

ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and manual operation; also recovery service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / T1(101730)




CALAHONDA: Encounter Church (Elim), Family church with kids activities, Iglesia San Miguel, Sundays 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodgson, 695 115 496 (10012)



THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (The road behind the Mijas Aquapark)on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 www.theark (293850)

CLASSES SPANISH. I’m a great Spanish teacher. Imagine you can speak Spanish in no time with me. 649 341 877 (286327)

CLEANING&MAINTENANCE ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email (290739)

CONEJO CLEANING & Property Management. Est. over 25 years. Rentals management, one off cleans. New Property set up service. Wendy 635 630 370 / 952 964 407 (294579) Starlight Cleaning Services. All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Deep Clean for Bars & Restaurants. We also do a professional Chimney Sweeping service. 682 636 451 (293737) CLEANING woman available, my own vehicle, cover the Costa del Sol 12€/hour Carmen 603 84 42 54 (295320)

DECORATORS RAINBOW Pinturas. English Painters & decorators. All aspects. Interior/exterior, private residential, commercial & communities. Spraying: door, kitchens & furniture. Light construction. Call/WhatsApp: Daniel: 628 066 308 (293975) ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctual. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 603 132 783 Facebook: @ATDDecorMalaga (294436)

DESIGNS & SIGNS SIGNS all type of 3D letters and light boxes, full CNC cutting services , large and small format printing like posters , roller banners , business card and flyers, we create your corporate identity, logos, real estate boards, decoration items for homes and offices. We cover the Coast and delivery. 951 310 395 / 665 804 321 (295065)

DOMESTIC APP REP DOMESTIC Appliance repairs - washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Christian 608 337 497 (293053)

ELECTRICIAN LIT ELECTRICIANS for all your Electrical & maintenance needs, no job too small for a FREE Quote. Call Craig on 604 106 414 or Ben 679 505 761 (294959) ALL TYPES, of Electrical work undertaken. Malaga to Marbella & Inland. Call Frank 650 561 629 (294230)


FOR SALE/WANTED W A N T E D Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) WE buy stamps Collections pre 1950. Asian and oriental items of all kind. Please whatsapp 618 090 073 (ask for peter) (295398)


DRAINAGE BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (289699) CLEARFLOW– Unblocking, CCTV inspection, repair and installation. Tel: 630 200 600 / 952 885 661. satorosclearflow Facebook: DesatorosClearflow (294767)

FURNITURE FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. 697 511 071 (294573)

54 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

GARDENING PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and landscaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@gar (291784)

IRRIGATION IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation installation, Cables, Fibre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (292929)

GATE REPAIRS ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (294530)

GATES ELECTRIC GATES/Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement remotes. New installs and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. tgdc@hotmail (292651)

GLASS CURTAINS GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354)

GOLF FOR SALE FULL set of irons never used, plus ping putter. Offers for the lot. 625 908 687 (293391)

GUTTERING GUTTERING: Protect your property from rain damage. Quality guaranteed. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered 952 663 141 / 670 409 759 info@envi www. (295314)

HEALTH & BEAUTY BEAUTY TREATMENTS BOTOX & fillers from €95. Skinny Jab & Fat reducing injections. Cover Coast & Inland. 609 347 086 (295540)

CHIROPRACTOR FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Release. J Schaegen, Specialised in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224 www.body (292480)

HEATING FIRES: Electric, Gas, Wood Burning Stoves. Quality guaranteed. EnviroCare. All areas covered. 952 663 141 / 670 409 759. info@envirocares www.envirocare (295314)

HOME IMPROVEMENTS VINYL WRAP VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY REPLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENOVATE? Modern adhesive vinyl coverings in hundreds of styles and designs can renovate a tired kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood designed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples. (292272)

HOT TUBS AND SPAS HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 (294340)


HOUSE CLEARANCES ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. 697 511 071 (294573)

INSURANCE EU INSURANCE DIRECT. Best prices, best service, best cover for all your Insurance needs. TEL 951 080 118 or 952 830 843 (282687) MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 902 123 309, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 902 123 309 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726) STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.abbey (291234) LSM INSURANCE. No fat singing blokes or trumpeting telephones, just professional service at the best prices for all your insurance needs including car, household, commercial, life, health and travel. Tel 952 578008 or for a quotation (295139) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

INVESTMENT OPP. 12% PA Fixed Rate Return. UK Commercial Property. Low entry level. Tel: 965 020 402 (294802)

MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 www.mos (293466)


LOCKSMITHS FOR SALE LOCKSMITH emergency / appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable service. Call Paul 657 466 803 (288129) ENGLISH 24/7 LOCKSMITHS AND SECURITY COMPANY, FREE HOME SECURITY SURVEY. 636 770 865 / 952 660 233 WWW.SECURITYOF SPAIN.COM CONTACT DAREN (294126)

MISCELLANEOUS GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)

MOBILITY THE WORLD OF MOBILITY superstore. Your independent living & mobility specialist. All mobility needs under one roof. Sales, Repairs & Rentals. FREE delivery with all online sales. (295079) SENIORWORLD (est.2008) – MOBILITY scooters, wheelchairs, stairlifts, nursing beds, rise ‘n’ recline chairs & a large range of daily living aids for sale or hire, for a better life. Visit our showroom in Los Boliches - or call on 952 663 131 or 670 964 181 for advice & best prices (294342)

MOSQUITO SCREENS ACE OF SHADES – Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours including wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730) MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354)


SELLING YOUR SPANISH CAR? PHONE Bill Brady for the best cash price. Stay safe and phone Bill on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 billbradycars. com MASSIVE SAVINGS AT BILL BRADY CARS has been established on the Costa del Sol since 1986, in which time he has helped thousands of expatriates to buy or sell their quality used Spanish cars and also keeping all the documentation simple so you understand all that is going on (which is important). You can contact Bill direct on 952 838 842 / 608 950 221 or billbrady NEW Cars and SUVs coming soon please check our web page KIA SOL, Diesel, One private owner, Low km, 9995€. 952 838 842 and 608 950 221, bill MUST be the cheapest car on the coast CONVERTIBLE Automatic / Diesel Mercedes SLK 250 CDI. 2012 R:H:D: With service history 96’000 Klm. ( 60’000 Mls ) New ITV. ( MOT ) Health forces this sale this car is immaculate for year yes the price is correct WAS 14’995€ Now slashed to only 12’995€ 952 838 842 608 / 950 221 bill IMMACULATE JAGUAR X Type 3.0 Sport Automatic. This is a RHD car with Spanish plates and ITV. Genuine 74k miles and full service history. Metallic blue with cream and walnut interior. Two owners from new. Company directors second car. €4,500. Tel: 951 400 234 (295538)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

CLASSIFIEDS WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 902 123 309. (200726)

CAR SERVICES MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (293920) ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (293789)

WANTED ALL CARS / Commercials wanted, runners or non-runners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (294574) WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (293494) CAMPER VANS, CARAVANS, MOBILE HOMES, BOATS AND ALL PLANT, DIGGERS, DUMPERS, MOTORBIKES, CARS AND COMMERCIALS WANTED. BEST PRICE PAID, CASH TODAY, ANY REGISTRATION WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 (290739) CAR, VANS BOUGHT WITH/WITHOUT PAPERS. CASH WAITING 678 808 837 (290739) CARS, VANS UK OR SPANISH BOUGHT FOR CASH. FREE COLLECTION IN SPAIN/UK. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 OR 952 669 701 (290739) CARS, VANS, ANY REGISTRATION, INSTANT CASH, FINANCE/EMBARGO UK OR SPANISH 685 524 921 (290739) WANTED CARS AND VANS, FREE COLLECTION, SAME DAY 685 524 921 (290739)

CLASSIFIEDS IMPORT / TRANSFER CARS transferred, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678 808 837 Or email uk (290739)


NAUTICAL INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE, VHF/DSC-Radio or Radar Courses held in English individual or small groups starts soon. 626 245 098 (295374)

PASSPORT RENEWALS UK & IRISH Passport renewals including photo’s. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. www.cath (291992)

PEST CONTROL COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Guarantee. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940 (293982)

PETS KENNELS CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. www.catanddog (293576)

PET CHARITY ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered charity. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the Town Hall or the Andalucian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appointment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320) ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Kennels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 14.00pm. (93319) ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving something for abandoned animals. Contact animexfoun or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287) ARCH - The Andalucian Rescue Centre for Horses, registered charity 8448, the Centre is now open again to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish authorities, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is located between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322) SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 (93321) SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old,

they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clearout, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about re-homing, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website www.sos-ani or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)

17 - 23 March 2022 PROPERTY

STARLIGHT PROPERTY. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 689 819 592 (294947)

PROPERTY TO LET LONG TERM RENTALS AVAILABLE and also wanted. Super prices. Apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (294737) WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@inter (295509)


PROPERTY WANTED SELLING UP?? Why not give us a call an let us give you an honest and realistic valuation of your property. List with us and let us take the stress out of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients waiting. Please call 685 524 921. (290739) WE have many clients actively looking for villas, townhouses & apartments from Torremolinos to Calahonda. Call Joe 626 864 683 (294765)

PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / drain (289699)


MALAGA EXPAT CONSULTING - Spanish Paperwork: NIE, Residency, TIE, NonLucrative & Golden Visas, Car Transfers, Property Tourist License, Translations, Property Search & Relocation Consultancy. Outstanding service at competitive rates. Call or WhatsApp Irina Saltmarsh 687 733 743 www.malaga (295136) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

MIJAS countryside townhouse. 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Spectacular sea views. Storage, pool and Parking. 800€. To see photos. Tlf. 627 642 642 (292529)

REMOVALS/STORAGE 15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 1st April 2022. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (295018)

MAN & VAN, 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (289055) 2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 (294942)



WWW.INTERMARBELLA .COM Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email (295509)


JDS EURO TRANSPORT & REMOVALS - Regular trips throughout Europe. Contact Julian 00 44 7884 908 929/00 34 637 066 114 See Facebook Page for recommendations (293747) Tel David 696 810 618 (291053)

STORAGE STORAGE lowest price guaranteed. Packaging materials Self-Storage Marbella 952 811 311 (292300) Tel David 696 810 618 (291053)

ROLLER SHUTTERS ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours available including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730) ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (290491)



WWW.INTERMARBELLA. COM Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email (295509)

WWW.INMOANDALUZ. COM. Bargain inland properties for all budgets, fincas, village homes, apartments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835 (292246)



EWN 55 Tel David 696 810 618 (291053)


FRENCH POLISHING REPAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable furniture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 499 944 (285318)

SITUATIONS VACANT DISTRIBUTION DRIVERS wanted for Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical. One day per week. Must be legal to work in Spain, have own transport, know the areas and be reliable. Please send CV with covering letter to Martyn by email mab021262@gmail. com (292475) CLEANING woman required, possibly Ukrainian. 5hrs per week. Marbella. 695 629 289 (295536) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

56 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

SOLAR SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envirocares www.envirocare (295314)

SOLAR ENERGY SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for Large Glazed Areas To Reflect Heat / Glare And Stop Furniture Fading And Still Keep The View. Save Heat in The Winter To Improve Your Living Environment. ian@solarshadetint Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176

SOFT FURNISHINGS CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosannacarmel (293734)

SWIMMING POOLS POOL MAINTENANCE, & Repairs, including heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678791495 / 952756168 www.sparklenrip (288721) WESTARPOOLS. Pool construction, renovation, repairs and heating. 619 246 372 / (295064) SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Systems. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality Guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envirocares www.envirocare (295314)


TRANSLATORS OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 sanpedrotranslations@gm (293783)

TV & SATELLITE REPAIRS – TVs, Plasmas, LCDs, Digi-Boxes, Video, HiFi & microwaves. Free estimates, can collect. 35 years’ experience. John 952 491 723 or 600 706 201 (295141) BRITISH BBC / ITV TV channels, Smart TV, Satellite, Firesticks, WiFi Networks, Marine Electronics. Andrew & Jayne 711 021 678 or +447968 488 998 www.costaelectronicso (295537)

UPHOLSTERY ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 ac (290739) CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all areas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437) UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290739)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC & Gas Water Heaters. Quality Installations. 26 years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocarespain. com www.envirocares (295314)

WINDOWS DREAM Windows & Building Services UPVC windows & doors. High quality at great prices 15yrs on the coast. All work guaranteed. Also offer Aluminium windows, Mosquito screens, Persianas, Glass replacements, shower screens & much more. Call us on 619 604 562 dreamwindow1@ (294545)

WINDOW CLEANER TRADITIONAL Window Cleaner. Give your windows and doors that professional finish at affordable prices. Call Chris 711 007 665/ 952 638 548 (294581)

WINDOW TINTING MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 – 644 546 176 ian@solarshadetint (290765)

XXX RELAXATION Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE. If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161



HIGH standard villa. Luxury services. Cosy, discreet atmosphere and very good treatment. 8 beautiful girls delivered to the max. Free drink. Porn movies, erotic toys, jacuzzi, natural French, kisses, Greek, lesbian, couples. Outcalls. 24h. VISA - 951 274 723 & 650 237 102 www.butter from € 50 (294721) RIVIERA, Katya, a beautiful Ukrainian girl with an exquisite body that will awaken all your desires. I am an expert, liberal and passionate lover. You will adore my kisses on the mouth and my massages will leave you ready to enjoy and you will want to repeat as soon as possible. It will be unforgettable. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 102 (294721)

MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for your enjoyment in the city centre, eight young ladies for unforgettable moments. Open 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (291714) MATURE elegant lady. Voluptuous bust. All services. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (286295)tp2 LAURA 28, slim, blonde, friendly. Fluent English. Incalls & outcalls. 633 744 422 (292444) YOU will live a moment of passion and unparalleled sweetness. Don’t hesitate and come check it out. I can be your secretary, your nurse or your kinky lover. Natural French. Tel. 648 814 653 (294721) SADOMASO. Fully equipped dungeon. Professional services and equipment. Pain is the source of pleasure! Whips, gags, h a n d c u ffs , bandages, r o p e s . A s k fo r yo u r a p p o i n t m e n t . Te l . 6 5 0 2 3 7 102 (294721) FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japaneses girls. Complete services. Pleasure always guaranteed. Discretion Assured. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (WhatsApp) (295143) MARBELLA mother and daughter playful horny fun kissing domination fetish massage on a bed 672 159 565 (293609) ENGLISH ELEGANT, attractive & classy lady in her late 40s, gives a very sensual girlfriend experience. First timers & golfers especially welcome. Discretion assured. Call 680 177 569 (294948) tp7

M I K A E L A , hot-blooded Brazilian, body of scandal. I am a beautiful blonde escort with green eyes and you will adore me at first sight. I have soft white skin, beautiful natural breasts and I will take care of making those fantasies that you keep only for yourself come true. You will adore me, I assure you. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) MORGAN, 26 years old, English lady, luxury escort that will drive you crazy with pleasure. You will be attracted to my beauty and my insatiable sexual appetite. Get carried away by your instincts and try the most ardent English. Brunette with big natural breasts, blue eyes and white skin that wants to please you. My specialty is natural French, but I will also excite you with a lingerie show and you should know that I am fascinated by Greek and that I am ready to ride a wild duplex. Riviera del Sol, 24 hours, Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)


CLASSIFIEDS RIVIERA, Eva, Venezuelan girl, 21 years old, sensual and very spicy. A girl with style that will make you enjoy like nobody e l s e . I h a ve m a ny e r o t i c toys with which we can enjoy to the fullest. I am a sweetheart, I love to give you love, kiss your whole body and pass my wet tongue wherever you like i t . Te l . 6 5 0 2 3 7 1 4 5 (294721) N E A R B Y E l v i r i a , S a ra , sweet and passionate Colombian, gorgeous and slim, morbid and horny. I l ove t o p l e a s e my l ove r s and I assure you that I will not disappoint you. I love games and erotic massages. Look at my profile a t w w w. b u tt e r f l y g i r l s . e s a n d y o u w i l l fa l l i n l o v e . 2 4 h r s . Te l . 6 4 8 8 1 4 6 5 3 (294721) RIVIERA DEL SOL, Latin blonde, goddess of sex, nymphomaniac, hot and multi-orgasmic. I am a real volcano, as well as a very beautiful, kind and dedicated woman. Complete services. Incalls and o u t c a l l s . 2 4 h r s . Te l . 6 5 0 237 145 (294721) CALAHONDA. Kelly, Slim Brazilian, girl breast, long black hair and great ass. Vicious, loving and accommodating lover. I am the only one who will know how to fulfil your fantasies, dare to ask me what you always dreamed of and did not dare. From € 5 0 . Te l . 6 4 8 8 1 4 6 5 3 (294721) RIVIERA . Pretty Colombian Brunette long hair, elegant and discreet but also very vicious. I enjoy living of sex with no limits. Call me. I am desperate to give you pleasure and lust for an unforgettable moment. Available 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

CLASSIFIEDS Inland retreat and fantasy hideaway with a full service. 662 913 428 (FU 2553) NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and submissive girl offers you a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, including sensual massages (qualified independent masseuse) with natural French and happy ending. Private apartment. 656 350 401 FUENGIROLA Po Maritimo: Spanish 35 years blonde, voluptuous. Black Kiss. Natural French. Couch massage. Erotic shower. Absolute hygiene. 677 353 323 (FU 2106) ELVIRIA Asian young pretty, slim, hot, horny unforgettable relax, private. 604 143 788 (MI 491) FUENGIROLA Brunette mulata 40 years, 150 breast. All services. 634 006 059 (FU 2107) NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and submissive girl offers you a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, including sensual massages (qualified independent masseuse) with natural French and happy ending. Private apartment. 656 350 401 ORIENTAL busty mature, multiorgasmic, passionate pleasure, discreet. 603 208 080 (MI 492) CANDY!! Your sweet young girl come and enjoy with me!! 632 199 815 (FU 2151) SPECIAL anal. Marbella explosive blonde, 120 breasts. Couples. French without. Squirting. Photos available. Visa/Amex. Visits 24hrs. We can send photos & videos on request. 680 554 614 (FU 2352)

XXX FEMALE MARBELLA Gabrielle Dominatrix I enjoy torturing, humiliation, Golden rain. Black kiss. Anal. Latex. Leather. Tongue kisses. I send photos. 24hrs. Visa/Amex. 680 554 614 (FU 2352) PUERTO BANUS. Giovanna 38 years, beautiful Brazilian. Guaranteed pleasure. Discreet. 645 760 963 (FU 2183) ASIAN mature sweet hot, sexual orgasm, supervicious, clean. Marbella. 604 354 485 (MI 493) ASIAN, busty, long hair, love sexual desire, naughty. Marbella. 602 415 351 (Mi 477) CASSIE. Mature English lady. Discreet and clean. Fuengirola. 667 914 732 (FU 2560) FUENGIROLA. JOHANNA Santa Ana Street. Brazilian 45yrs, Tall Brunette, Big Breat, Perfect Body - Tel 617.818.615 (294994) YOUNG and mature girls with big tits, kisses and domination. Outcalls 675 175 950 (292649) FUENGIROLA Pretty, young 25, busty, naughty, hot, affectionate, French kissing to the end 611 346 741 (293185) MARBELLA Pretty Russian, young 24, naughty, kisser, hot, affectionate, French kissing to the end 604 286 601(293185) COMPLIANT GENUINE COUPLE (willing wife and knowing husband) offer an incredibly sexual and unique experience to ladies, couples, and gentlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be a voyeur, or simply enjoy very special pleasures with us. Private apartment in Nueva Andalucia or out calls 685 189 518

S A N P E D R O / Estepona: Estrella 19 years, pretty, beautiful body, loving. No experience... but love to play with you. Outcalls. 24hrs. Call me 602 465 372 (FU 2420) NEW FUENGIROLA: Ely 19yrs, Natural French, Greek. No limits. 603 366 841 (FU 2564) B E N A L M A D E N A Yo u n g lady 35, attractive, sexy, educated. For gentlemen. €30. 634 209 427 (295354) ESCORT 120€. Explosive blonde. All included. Receive & visits. Fuengirola. 645 131 273 (FU 2416) NEW SARA 19yrs beautiful brunette, pert ass. No limits. Fuengirola 603 366 841 (FU 2564) ELVIRIA Malayan Philipina, four hands, naughty, sensual relaxing massage, satisfaction guaranteed. Private villa. 604 224 127 (MI 494) FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japaneses girls. Complete services. Pleasure always guaranteed. Discretion Assured. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (WhatsApp) (293973)

17 - 23 March 2022 PTO BANUS: Alejandra & Camila supervicious Latinas. Bondage, dildos, arnes, French without, anal, couples, threesomes. We send photos & videos. Out calls. 24hrs. 617 791 644 (FU 2538) PTO BANUS: Liberal girlfriends WLTM people. We make your fantasies come true! Chantal 24 Venezuelan, 120 breast. Special for couples. Daniela explosive 19 Colombian mulata, stunning curves, French without. Lina 18 Brazilian, sweet baby face, slim, supervicious. 617 791 644. Outcalls. 24hrs. (FU 2538)

XXL DOMINANT MASTER for good time and horny fantasies 643 101 739 (295148) FUENGIROLA– Male to m a l e fu l l b o d y m a s s a g e . Very discreet, private villa. 634 004 512 (294353) ASIAN male friendly, full body massage, clean discreet villa. Elviria 602 509 623 (MI 489) T O N Y Young guy, 23cm, vicious, good sex. Torremolinos 697 765 432 (295575)


EWN 57

VICKY full body massage great satisfaction and good results, only happy ending. I wait for you to call me and make an appointment. Torremolinos 621 395 221 (295150) MIJAS COSTA Naturist Center - Tantric, Sensual and Sensitive Massage TEL 608 016 983 (294156) BENALMADENA: Sabrina from NY City offers 30mins of massage Pensioners 50% discount. 658 336 295 (FU 2559) P A R A Í S O R I V I E R A : R ELAXING FULL B O D Y, FACELIFTING, STRAIGHTENING BACK MASSAGE. 951 497 624 / 605 304 448 (FU 2496)

VANESSA 37 years, blonde, all services for Gentlemen. Private apartment, discreet. Benalmadena 624 811 098 (295369)

M A R B E L L A Experienced Masseuse. Therapeutic, Sensitive & Relaxing massage for your body. Visit H o t e l s / H o m e s Po r t a b l e massage bed. Monik 686 740 661 (295512)

BRITISH slim busty brunette, 39 years, green eyes, loves kissing. In calls. Golfers & first timers welcome. Near Estepona. Accepts bitcoin. Jade 665 896 519. (295368)

NUEVA Andalucia Gisele welcomes you to enjoy a very sensual full body to body Massage. Private place. 604 290 610 (295370)

N . A N D A L U C I A escort Susy, sweet, pretty, discreet lady, 35, full services, in/out calls. 675 888 810 (295373)

THAI Benalmádena Costa. Full body-body erotic massages. Vibrators. Domination. Visits. Whatsapp 612 210 289 (MI 490)

NEW FUENGIROLA: Ana b e a u t i f u l Pa r a g u a y a n , wasp waist, pert ass. No limits. 603 366 841 (FU 2564)

MIKEY 19yrs old asian tradition, proffessional sensual massage relaxing. Marbella. 611 213 711 (MI 497)

ASIAN 20 years old young lady. Massage sensual & relaxing Fuengirola. Call 634 103 607 (293073)

RUSSIAN Oriental, sexy, friendly, hot horny, luxury S a n Pe d r o n e a r B a n ú s . 618 448 131 (Mi 470)

YUKO oriental young, slim, naughty erotic, multiorgasmic friendly, discreet. Marbella. 618 448 131 (MI 496)

AN EXPLOSION of sensitive massage by qualified masseuse. Marbella / Puerto Banus. 634 088 859 (FU 2141)

MASSAGES Outcalls O n l y – Hotels or Private homes. Spanish girl. Very Friendly & Beautiful. Perfect Body. Diana 603 844 254 (295320)

M A R B E L L A B londe 50 years masseuse. Big beautiful breasts, non-professional looking for a lover (divorced). I live alone, Discretion. 641 466 196 (FU 2565)

MASSAGE body2body : You’ll experience a feeling o f j oy a n d p l e a s u r e . 6 3 4 066 860 (FU 2152)

MASSAGE and fun!! Genu i n e t ra i n e d e xo t i c m a l e tantric masseur. 602 098 606 (FU 2562)

ENGLISH ELEGANT, att ra c t i v e & c l a s s y l a d y i n her late 40s, gives a very sensual girlfriend experience. First timers & golfers especially welcome. Discretion assured. Call 680 177 569 (292335) ESTEPONA Simply Seductive, British Busty Blonde, G F E . R o l e P l a y. 6 8 6 7 9 2 992 (295534) NEW COUPLE! Costa del Sol Outcalls only! Companions available to gentlemen, ladies and couples! 604 256 336 (FU 2549) MICKY 19yrs Asian traditional sensual massage passionate discreet, clean atmosphere. Marbella . 633 705 558 (MI 488) PTO BANUS: Special couple, Alex Italian superendowed and Malena Latina. Horny, liberal couple. All areas. Outcalls. 680 554 614 Amex Visa (FU 2538)

BOLICHES: Celina: Kind, loving, involved lady, only discreet respectable educated gentlemen! Demanding impeccable hygiene! Give yourself unique moments, erotic pleasure in quiet, cosy atmosphere. Relaxing sensitive massages/full sex, natural oral till end .... Excellent unhurried treatment! Appointments! 11am/7pm 622 210 797 (FU 2554)

XXX MALE BI ACTIVE powerful 20 centimetres. Very productive, well endowed, party animal. Your perfect lover for men and couples 603 202 758 (295148)

PHILIPINA Thai, professional massage, relieve pain, stress Elviria, Marbella. 633 703 558 (MI 495) FUENGIROLA. Carolina, blonde, elegant, relaxing massage, full erotic massage. Whatsapp. Message: 634 797 230 (FU 2546) PURE ECSTACY in Nueva Andalucia with young pretty independent masseuse. E r o t i c b o d y, t a n t r i c a n d other completely relaxing massages in private apartment 656 350 401 THAI Benalmá d ena Costa. Full body-body erotic massages. Vibrators. Domination. Visits. WhatsApp 612 210 289 (MI478) If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

XXX SHEMALE T H A I / Filipino offers relaxing massage. Authentic professional Asian masseur. Marbella Centre 632 629 075 (Mi 382) MARBELLA Shemale Karina 29, beautiful, blonde, feminine Brazilian. Endowed. WhatsApp 667 846 464 (FU 2563)

XXX VARIOUS M A L E / F e m a l e viagra, cialis, kamagra jelly all areas. Mixed trial packs available. Delivery or mail order available 604 385 476. viagra4you19@ WWW.EXPATSWING. COM the number one website to meet like-minded singles/couples for fun and friendship (295131)

58 EWN

17 - 23 March 2022

ROAD TEST by Mark Slack THE inexorable EV march continues as new greener motoring becomes more commonplace. There’s still a somewhat fragmented charging network but the other ‘problem’ sometimes levelled at EVs is they lack character, they don’t set your driving senses alight. However, not all EVs are equal and I have been driv‐ ing one that offers all the fun and character of a hot hatch. The MINI Electric 3 is not cheap at €41,789/£34,500), prices start from €34,521/£28,500 for the MI‐ NI Electric 1, reduced to €32,705/£27,000 with the

MINI Electric adds a serious fun factor to EV motoring

Would make a very welcome addition to your garage.

UK gov‐ ernment grant. So you really have to want a car that will largely be a city car, possibly still sec‐ ondary to a combustion powered vehicle. The rea‐ son? Range, or rather lack of it. MINI quote a 145‐mile range, but this is ideal world

not real world. Even driving carefully, to maximise the MINI’s clever energy regen‐ eration, in the real world I would think about 110 miles is going to be your limit. Now if this seems like a bad start then lets redress the balance, there are so many positives to the MINI Electric. Unlike the some‐

times anodyne driving expe‐ rience of many modern cars the MINI is huge fun to drive. The immediate throttle re‐ sponse produces instant power that charges the MINI to 62 mph in 7.3 seconds. But that really doesn’t do jus‐ tice to the sense of speed, the instant power leaves many more powerful cars


struggling to catch‐up. It charges quickly from a fast public charger, or a home charger (and you really do need a home charger), admittedly it has a small bat‐ tery but nonetheless charg‐ ing is surprisingly quick. An‐ other surprise was how using the plethora of standard goodies, including heated seats, didn’t seem to unduly dent the battery’s charge lev‐ el any more than would nor‐ mally be the case. Nicely bolted together and with a quality feel, the MINI has a reassuringly solid ambi‐ ence. A firmish ride still man‐ ages to soak up the bumps and comfort the posterior. Space is at somewhat of a premium in the luggage de‐ partment thanks to those batteries, but inside two peo‐ ple are amply catered for and an additional two adults cer‐ tainly wouldn’t complain on shorter journeys. I suspect even the most ar‐ dent car fan, if their motoring requirements were suited to an EV, would find the MINI Electric a very welcome addi‐ tion to their garage. I certain‐ ly did… even though, sadly, I had to give it back!


17 - 23 March 2022

WALKING FOOTBALLERS EXCEL ON AND OFF THE PITCH IN fantastic news for walking football in Spain, Ian Salt, brother of Malaga WFC play‐ er manager Gray, has been chosen to represent England in two upcoming interna‐ tional games against Finland and Sweden. Younger brother Gray said, “It’s wonderful news for our family, our club and for walk‐ ing football in general in Spain. Ian worked extremely hard to get through the rigor‐ ous selection process, and now hopefully he will prove his goal scoring prowess on the international stage.” Ian commented, “Looking forward to my full England debut and proud to be repre‐ senting Malaga WFC at Spar‐ bankshalen sports complex in Varna Sweden on Saturday March 19.” In other news, Nerja Utd and Aston Viñuela played a friendly on Sunday March 13. Utd ran out 6‐3 winners, but the

NERJA UTD: Played a friendly against Aston Viñuela.

Ian Salt is off to Sweden.

TORROX TORNADOES: Are looking for new members. game was notable for the reason that it was played. The event raised €207 for the Red Cross Ukraine appeal in Ner‐ ja, and also a collection of a

van full of aid, medicine, food, blankets and clothing. After the recent successful Iberian Walking Football tour‐ nament, Torrox Tornadoes

are looking to expand their membership. They have a 50‐ 59 team and a 60+ team, with a Hill Walking Group and Padel Group which are grow‐ ing in popularity. Sunday Morning Sessions 8.45 at San Roque Stadium Torrox, they also play friendlies and tournaments.

EWN 59

Messi may be seeking Barcelona return LIONEL MESSI appears to have reached a desper‐ ate position in Paris, after his move to the French champions from Barcelona last summer. His sea‐ son is going from bad to worse, culminating in the Champions League defeat at the hands of his old rivals, Real Madrid last week. According to sensational reports, it was suggest‐ ed on Monday, March 14, by respected Spanish journalist Gerard Romero, that Jorge Messi, the 34‐year‐old Argentine superstar’s father, has been calling officials at the Camp Nou asking them to take his son back. After signing for Paris St Germain amid huge fanfares, Messi has struggled to make any impact whatsoever, bagging just two goals in 19 Ligue 1 matches. In last weekend’s game with Bordeaux, every time he touched the ball, the crowd booed him. Even a 3‐0 win was not enough to prevent the fans from also giving Neymar the exact same treatment. On a reputed £1 million a week, the fans seem to expect a lot more from the player. Graffiti was even daubed on a wall at the club’s training ground urging Messi to quit the club. After building a team full of international stars, PSG have continually failed to shine in the later stages of the Champions League. This season they have been eliminated in the round‐of‐16, some‐ thing that the fans are finding hard to accept clearly.

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