7 - 13 April 2022
A direct approach HUERCAL‐OV E R A Town Hall intends to build a new approach road to the La Inmaculada hos‐ pital. At present there are daily holdups in the area and the proposed road will provide much‐need‐ ed traffic fluidity, not least for ambulances in emergency situations, said Mayor Domingo Fernandez. “An alternative road that can provide rapid access to the hospital is one of the local popula‐ tion’s longstanding re‐ quests,” he said. The town hall has made provision for the €3 million project in its budget, but has also re‐ quested financial assis‐ tance from the Diputa‐ cion provincial council. “This is an important project, not only for Huercal‐Overa, but for all residents in the Lev‐ ante, Almanzora and Northern areas. They all use the La Inmaculada hospital which provides a service for 34 munici‐ palities and 180,000 in‐ habitants,” Fernandez added.
Photo credit: Juan Marin Twitter
Issue No. 1918
Turn to page 2 » JUAN MARIN: Praise for Almeria Province’s tourism sector.
7 - 13 April 2022
ADRA’S Local Police sta‐ tion now has a separate room where gender vio‐ lence victims can receive personal attention. “Providing this room takes us a step further in our commitment to elimi‐ nating gender violence. It is also another advance in our support for the Viogen
Privacy for victims Photo credit: Adra town hall
scheme, with police keep‐ ing a close watch on the
ADRA ADVANCE: A separate room where gender violence victims can receive personal atten-
cases that are reported in our municipality,” said Mayor Manuel Cortes. Cortes explained that each shift includes one of the police officers who are specially‐trained to provide this type of protection. The Viogen service coor‐ dinates with the different town hall departments in‐ volved, with the Social Ser‐
vices psychologist, a lawyer from the Women’s Infor‐ mation Centre and the team from the Families de‐ partment on hand to assist gender violence victims. “We should all con‐ tribute to putting an end to this blight on society,” Cortes said, calling on the local population to report any indication of ill‐treat‐ ment. That is the only way our protection mechanisms can function, allowing us to live together in a society free of gender violence,” he added.
Rain disruptive INTENSE rain at the end of March has damaged the irri‐ gation system that is vital for Bajo Andarax agriculture. More than 20 millimetres of rain fell in some Andarax Valley zones, transforming the bed of the usually dry Riv‐ er Andarax into a fast‐moving torrent that damaged the net‐
work of irrigation pipes. The largest pipes taking wa‐ ter to planted areas on both sides of the river were the worst‐affected, leaving Santa Fe, Gador, Rioja, Benahadux, Pechina, Viator, Huercal de Almeria and Almeria City un‐ able to irrigate crops until the system can be repaired.
from Front page »
True architects of employment THE Vice‐President of the Junta de Andalucia, Juan Marin, has praised the power of tourism during his recent Almeria visit. Marin, who also heads the regional government’s Tourism Department, was speaking during the Pre‐ mios Turismo Almeriense awards at Almeria’s Teatro Cervantes on March 30. If it were up to him, he said, he would give a prize to all Almeria’s self‐em‐ ployed, its business‐own‐ ers and the employees who raised their shutters each day and then set to work. “You are the true archi‐ tects of employment. It’s possible that you might feel you are alone, but you are not and as we saw dur‐ ing the pandemic, there is no future without tourism and there is no future with‐
out you,” he said. Marin also stressed that the tourist sector, like the Junta’s institutions, had known how to adapt to the new situation, recover‐ ing more quickly than oth‐ er regions. “That is because we looked ahead and we have done it between us all. You did it thanks to your capaci‐ ty for innovation and so did the administrations,” he said. It was vital to work to‐ gether, he continued, be‐ cause the future of the re‐ gion’s businesses, prosperity and well‐being depended on this. “It’s time for less politics and more tourism. You are the ones who set the poli‐ cies in this autonomous community, and we are lis‐ tening to you,” Marin added.
NIBS EXTRA Revamp plans THE Ministry of Territorial Policies approved plans for improvements worth €307,197 to the central gov‐ ernment’s Almeria City Sub‐ delegation, a listed building whose construction began in 1940 and was finished in the mid‐1950s. As well as general repairs, the project will also convert now‐unused living quarters into additional office space.
New role THE mayor of Almeria City, Ramon Fernandez‐Pacheco, is now one of the 35 members making up the Partido Popu‐ lar’s new Executive Commit‐ tee following Alberto Nunez Feijoo’s election as the party’s new national president. Inde‐ pendently of his new role, Fer‐ nandez‐Pacheco said his prior‐ ity “was and is” continuing as the mayor of Almeria.
School fire THE regional government’s Education and Sports Depart‐ ment has begun emergency repairs costing €23,560 at Gar‐ rucha’s Mediterraneo high school. Vandalised by arson‐ ists on March 12, the hallway and several classrooms were affected, but although some of the 631 pupils could contin‐ ue attending school, others have had to work from home.
Fire watch THE Junta’s Agriculture, Live‐ stock, Fishing and Sustainable Development department put out to tender a €3.4 mil‐ lion contract to upgrade and extend Seron’s Forest De‐ fence Centre. Together with centres in Alhama de Almeria and Velez‐Blanco, the Seron installation will be on watch to prevent and extinguish for‐ est fires.
Helmet help A BUILDER, 58, working on an apartment in Roquetas was seriously injured on March 30 when he was hit on the head by a box of tiles falling from above. Now in a stable condi‐ tion in Torrecardenas’ inten‐ sive care, sources said his life was saved by his safety hel‐ met.
7 - 13 April 2022
Geode given an age THE age of Pulpi’s geode, which is so large that it re‐ sembles a crystal cave, has finally been established. A team of investigators from Almeria University found that the geode’s gypsum crystals, some of which are two metres long, began to form 165,000 years ago. This coincided with a period that was ‘rel‐ atively cold and dry’ when the sea level was 60 me‐ tres lower than it is at pre‐
Photo credit: Servigroup Hoteles
PULPI GEODE: One of the largest in the world.
Measures applauded ROQUETAS’ mayor Gabriel Amat welcomed the Jun‐ ta’s recent drought decree accompanied by €141.5 million for water infras‐ tructure and other mea‐ sures. The Junta allocation also included help for the agri‐ culture and fishing sector to ensure that Andalucia’s principal activities would remain competitive, Amat said. Nevertheless, the li‐ on’s share of €125 million had been assigned to in‐ vestment in hydraulic in‐ frastructures in the zones that have been most af‐ fected by the drought, he added. Amat drew attention to Juanma Moreno’s commit‐ ment to finding solutions that would alleviate a drought that has brought serious problems to differ‐ ent parts of Andalucia, coupled with a rise in pro‐ duction costs. “We are grateful for these emergency mea‐ sures that will help to re‐ solve a worrying situa‐ tion,” he said. “At one stage this could have been countered by the National Hydrological Plan although this was fi‐ nally revoked by the PSOE party. Lamentably, revers‐ ing the proposal for water transfers from the River Ebro has punished this province.” Amat explained that
Roquetas’ wastewater treatment will be en‐ larged, permitting an ad‐ vanced treatment process to produce more recycled water. Andalucia’s government had also demonstrated its willingness to solve Roque‐ tas’ water supply problems by rehabilitating 12 kilo‐ metres of infrastructure to provide desalinated water for its population of more than 100,000, he added.
sent, the researchers said. They also determined that the crystals were the result of rainwater that infiltrat‐ ed the rock where the geode was found by chance in the disused Mina Rica mine in 1999. Seawater did not con‐ tribute to forming the geode, the Almeria Univer‐ sity team concluded, even though it is located so close to the Mediter‐ ranean.
PAWS-PATAS and DogwatchUK POTENTIAL owners often ask if it is difficult to adopt a dog or cat in Spain and send it to the UK. “The answer is no. In fact, it is very easy if you meet the adoption crite‐ ria,” said Chrissie Cre‐ more, vice‐president of the Los Gallardos‐based PAWS‐PATAS shelter. “We have worked alongside DogwatchUK, a registered charity located in the West Midlands, for many, many years and in‐ spect all applications, con‐
Fundraising pilgrimage THE annual 44‐kilometre pilgrimage between Almeria City and Canjayar in April will be a lit‐ tle different this year. Participants will pay a €15 entry fee to raise funds for the 43 Ukrainian refugees now living in the village. Individual donations will also be added to the fund, said Canjayar’s mayor Juan Jose Romero. The Ukrainian refugees reached Canjayar af‐ ter Almeria Province residents David Gonzalez, a mountain guide, and former police officer Ramon Ortiz took donated supplies to Poland to help the thousands of Ukrainian refugees who had crossed the border. Instead of returning empty‐handed, David and Ramon brought back with them 43 people, including 13 orphans aged between six and 17, who are all now living in Canjayar. Twenty‐three of them, including the or‐ phans, are now living in the hotel adjoining the municipal swimming pool while Canjayar’s res‐ idents have taken the remainder into their own homes. The pilgrimage sets out at 6am on April 30 from Almeria’s Ballesol roundabout and will reach Canjayar at 8pm.
duct home checks and en‐ sure that the animals are protected.” Chrissie explained that DogwatchUK are a tremendous support to PAWS‐PATAS and when the transport van returns to Spain it is always load‐ ed with bedding, toys, books and anything else that can be used at the shelter or the Mojacar, Turre and Las Buganvillas outlets. “At times they have made urgent appeals for supplies, applied for grants on PAWS‐PATAS’ behalf and funded much‐ needed building work. They recently reconstruct‐ ed two new kennels and commissioned a new website for rehoming cats in the UK,” she added. For more information, visit the www.PAWS‐ PATAS.org web page.
Fishing boats return to sea THREE hundred boats from Almeria Province’s five fish‐ ing ports returned to sea on Tuesday March 29. Harbourside fish auctions resumed and fresh fish has once again reached fish shops and supermarket counters. The Asopesc and Cepesca associations that represent them, together with the local fishing guilds, accepted the measures that the central government in Madrid intro‐ duced to offset the increase in fuel prices. Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister Luis Planas de‐ scribed the measures an‐ nounced on March 29 as a “solid package” that an‐ swered the fishing sector’s demands. Although the fishing sector accepted the minister’s 20 cents per litre reduction for the next three months, this fell short of the 35 cents they had asked for. Meanwhile, Planas said the government offer would bring them sav‐ ings of €16 million, based on the fishing fleets’ fuel con‐ sumption in previous years. The government is also providing direct aid of more than €18 million for individu‐ al boat owners and compa‐ nies to offset their increased overheads, although the amounts will be determined by the type of vessel. “This help will be pro‐ cessed via direct payments that we expect to take around 30 days to reach ben‐ eficiaries. We shall try to en‐ sure that aid arrives as soon as possible,” Planas added.
and finally... MOJACAR’S Moors and Christians fiestas were suspended in 2020 and 2021 owing to the pandemic. Now that restrictions have been lifted, the Al‐Mosaquer Moors and Christians association intends to publish and dis‐ tribute a new edition, explaining the music, history and ori‐ gins of the fiesta, regarded as one of the most important in Almeria Province. The magazine, which will be published in May, also gives full details of the fiestas due to be held be‐ tween June 10 and 12. Al‐Mosaquer firmly hopes that they can at last be celebrated and fully enjoyed, although any re‐ maining Covid‐19 restrictions or health and safety measures will be strictly adhered to, the association stressed.
7 - 13 April 2022
SCAMMERS are contact‐ ing women who they manage to swindle by pretending to be their children asking them ur‐ gently for a sum of mon‐ ey to deal with an im‐ mediate problem, Spanish police warned on Monday April 4. To perfect the scam, the fraudsters claim that they cannot communi‐ cate directly with their usual phone due to problems with their ter‐ minal and that they are unable to receive calls. Faced with this situa‐ tion, the victims agree to make the immediate cash transfers as re‐ quested. Finally, when the transaction has been made and the victims ac‐ tually manage to talk to their children, they re‐ alise that they have been
Targeting mothers
PERFECT SCAM: Involving cash transfers.
victims of a scam and can no longer cancel the transfer. In recent weeks, sever‐ al scams have been de‐ tected in different parts of the country with which criminals have managed to defraud amounts ranging from
€2,000 to €26,000. In the event of receiv‐ ing a communication of this type, the National Police recommend re‐ maining calm and mak‐ ing sure before any pay‐ ment that the person you are contacting is re‐ ally a relative.
Employment growth THE number of national insur‐ ance contributors in seasonal‐ ly adjusted terms stood at 19,958,479 people in Febru‐ ary, an increase of 23,998 or 0.12 per cent more compared to the previous month. This is the highest level in Spain’s historical series, after 11 consecutive months of growth. The first quarter of 2022 closed with the creation of 119,000 jobs, despite the uncertainty generated by the war in Ukraine. Compared to the previous quarter, employ‐ ment has grown by more than 170,000 jobs, exceeding the growth recorded in the
pre‐pandemic years. March figures exceed the 472,615 people employed in February 2020, the month pri‐ or to the start of the Covid‐19 health crisis. Growth in em‐ ployment compared to the pre‐pandemic level is widespread across sectors, with most sectors at higher employment levels than in March 2020. There has been a particularly strong increase in innovative sectors such as In‐ formation and Communica‐ tions with 12.4 per cent and Scientific and Technical Activi‐ ties up by 6.8 per cent. “The first quarter of 2022
and finally... HEARTTHROB John Travolta wowed shoppers and punters at a bar in Norfolk when he mingled with locals days after present‐ ing at the Oscars. The 68‐year‐old Hollywood actor appeared at the Fakenham branch of the Morrisons where he was happy to pose for snaps with fans. Security guard Gary Middleton told the Eastern Daily Press: “I didn’t even go up to him. He just came up to me and shook my hand. “He looks a bit different to the way people remember him from the 1970s and 80s, or with his long, dark hair from Pulp Fiction. But you could tell who it was from the smile in his eyes. We had a really nice chat,” Gary added.
closes with significant em‐ ployment growth, with little impact from the uncertainty of war,” the government said on Monday April 4.
Royal move PRINCE W I L L I A M and Kate are consid‐ ering a move to Windsor as soon as this summer to be nearer the Queen. The royal couple are said to have first looked at various royal mansions at Windsor, including Prince Andrew’s Roy‐ al Lodge. And, a source said on Monday April 4 that the reasons for the Duke and Duchess of Cam‐ bridge to move to Windsor are mount‐ ing because Andrew “spends a lot of time with the Queen.” “There is not a man, woman or child who would not say he had every right to be at Philip’s thanks‐ giving. But the family have been adamant there’s no way back. There are real fears that despite being banished from The Firm in January, he is using his closeness to the Queen as a springboard back in‐ to public life,” the source added. Andrew has been forced to step back from public life over his association with late paedophile Jef‐ frey Epstein. Earlier this month it was reported that the Queen had de‐ cided to make Wind‐ sor Castle her per‐ manent home and main residence.
7 - 13 April 2022
New sanctions
THE European Union has con‐ demned “in the strongest pos‐ sible terms” atrocities in Bucha, Ukraine, and is prepar‐
ing further sanctions against Russia “as a matter of urgen‐ cy.” Josep Borrell, the EU’s for‐
Easter in Spain
SPAIN is among the world’s most sought‐after destinations for tourists this Easter, according to ForwardKeys, a leading global Spanish travel analytics company. Air arrivals from abroad to Spain are expected to be only 13 per cent below Easter 2019 values, while domestic air travel is on par with pre‐pandemic values, just 1 per cent be‐ low. “Throughout the pandemic, we have seen a lot of frustrat‐ ed demand, which has translated into renewed interest from travellers whenever restrictions allowed travel again; in this new phase of the pandemic, Spain is rapidly recovering to pre‐crisis levels. This Easter we expect traditional source mar‐ kets such as the UK and Germany to exceed pre‐pandemic levels of arrivals,” said Juan A Gomez Garcia, Head of Market Intelligence at ForwardKeys on Friday April 1. “The data ahead of the summer season could not be more encouraging, with 197 per cent more bookings for interna‐ tional arrivals between June and August than at the same time last year,” he added.
eign policy chief, said: “The Eu‐ ropean Union condemns in the strongest possible terms the re‐ ported atrocities committed by the Russian armed forces in a number of occupied Ukrainian towns, that have now been lib‐ erated. “Haunting images of large numbers of civilian deaths and casualties, as well as destruction of civilian infrastructures show the true face of the brutal war of aggression Russia is waging against Ukraine and its people. “The massacres in the town of Bucha and other Ukrainian towns will be inscribed in the list of atrocities committed on Eu‐ ropean soil. The Russian au‐ thorities are responsible for these atrocities, committed while they had effective control of the area. They are subject to the international law of occupa‐ tion,” he added on Monday April 4.
A flea can jump a distance that is 350 times longer than its own length.
7 - 13 April 2022
Hero expat Marine saves 21 Ukrainian refugees
FORMER Royal Marine Commando, Richard McEnery, has led a party of heroic volunteers on an emotional jour‐ ney to the Poland‐Ukraine border, safe‐ ly bringing back 21 Ukrainian refugees for relocation in Spain. The team of volunteers from the or‐ ganisation Hope4U Ukraine, which was founded by Richard, his wife Lauren and the two directors of BayRadio Andrew Stammers and Daniel Sanders, set off to Krakow, Poland, on March 25 and arrived back in Spain on March 29. Kal Sutherland, one of the volunteers, said: “We set off with a list of people we were going to collect, but we knew that list was fluid, that’s the nature of the situ‐ ation. The take home is that 21 people are now safe and that is incredible.” When asked about his motivation to create the organisation, McEnery said: “I had considered fighting due to my for‐ mer profession, but realised I could do more to assist by offering this kind of help. Our organisation is contacted by three to five families every day. The
RICHARD McENERY: Has led a party of heroic volunteers on an emotional journey.
uniqueness of our charity is the ongoing support we provide, especially when it comes to accommodation. Key dona‐ tions are accommodation, medical sup‐ plies and financial support.” Daniel Sanders said: “This is something happening close to home, people can see how their donations make a difference. “Five euros, driving someone to an ap‐ pointment, anything you can do to help really makes a difference,” added Suther‐ land. Hope4U is in the process of obtaining the necessary licensing that will allow
them to relocate refugees from any‐ where in the world. They are also setting up a clothing centre, a community centre and a youth centre in the Vall de Pop re‐ gion. For those interested in housing refugees, Hope4U can provide the neces‐ sary legal contracts for a three‐month pe‐ riod, as well as making sure the refugees are fully vetted. To find out more about donating or volunteering at Hope4U please visit the following website: www.bayradio. fm/donate.
7 - 13 April 2022
Britney’s version of life POP star Britney Spears will write a new memoir of her turbulent life, she has re‐ vealed. Writing on Instagram, she said: “I’m writing a book at the moment as it’s actually heal‐ ing and therapeutic. “It’s also hard bringing up past events in my life. I’ve nev‐ er been able to express open‐ ly.” She added on Monday April 4: “I can only imagine that I do sound childish, but I was ex‐
Britney Spears.
tremely young when those events took place and ad‐ dressing it now, I’m sure it seems irrelevant to most. I’m completely aware of that. But instead of using my heart I’m
PRESIDENT Pedro Sanchez, has met with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Spain, Serhii Pohoreltsev, to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the situation of Ukrainian refugees in Spain. Sanchez expressed his condolences for the loss of human lives to Ambassador Po‐ horeltsev on Tuesday April 5, as well as the horror and indignation of Spanish society at the terrible images reaching us from the Ukrainian town of Bucha. Spain is among the 40 countries that have requested an in‐ vestigation by the International Criminal Court. The President reiterated that the war
using the intellectual ap‐ proach.” Her fiance Sam Asghari, 28, commented on her post, say‐ ing he would be “buying the first copy.” Britney escaped a contro‐ versial conservatorship, which controlled many aspects of her life including her finances, last November. She was placed under the legal ar‐ rangement in 2008 amid con‐ cerns about substance abuse and her mental health.
Ambassador’s meeting
crimes being committed in Ukraine cannot go unpunished and confirmed that Spain will continue to provide political support, humanitarian and financial assistance and military equipment to Ukraine. Spain has established three reception centres for Ukrainian refugees, including Malaga, Barcelona and Alicante. Millions of Ukrainians, forced to flee their homes, have entered the EU with Poland bearing most of the humanitarian load.
7 - 13 April 2022
Tourism recovery hope
IN February, Spain regained 71 per cent of the international tourists who arrived pre‐pan‐ demic prior to February 2020, reaching nearly 3.2 million travellers, and the level of ex‐ penditure stood at 78 per cent, exceeding €3.7 billion. The UK is the main source market with nearly 580,000 tourists, representing 18.3 per
cent of the total, while tourists from France spent more on their trip than two years ago, according to data from Frontur surveys and Egatur released on Monday April 4. “In February, the trend of re‐ covery in international tourism has been consolidated, with growth of more than 670,000 travellers compared to the pre‐
vious month, which shows the perception of Spain as a safe destination. A trend that we ex‐ pect to intensify significantly in the run‐up to Easter. “Our forecast is in April we will be recover around 80 per cent of international tourists from before the pandemic,” said Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto.
Crucial parts
RUSSIA’S war effort is being hampered as the country runs low on crucial spares and parts for its missiles, he‐ licopters and tanks, because they are made in Ukraine factories no longer supplying the country. This includes engines for helicopters, ships and cruise missiles and a substantial portion of fighter jet engines, as well as ground‐to‐air mis‐ siles and many tank compo‐ nents. Estimates are that Russia has lost more than 2,000 tanks and armoured vehicles and that the lack of parts will have affected the production of their T‐72 tanks, which have been at the centre of the invasion. Parts for their missiles are understood to be made in Izyum, an eastern Ukrainian city that Russian forces have failed to capture.
SPARE PARTS: Are made in Ukraine factories.
and finally...
ON Sunday, April 4, Alex Beresford was crowned the winner of the hit show All Star Musicals. Commenting on his win Alex re‐ vealed: “It felt absolutely amazing. It was surreal. We were all standing there on stage and waiting for them to call a name and when I heard Al.. I was like ‘oh my God, it’s me’ and it was just the best feeling in the world. I’ve never won anything like that before.” Alex had competed against Jacqueline Jossa, Michaela Strachan, Coronation Street’s Lisa George, Colin Salmon and rugby star Danny Care.
10 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Shanghai lockdown woes ON Tuesday, April 5, Shanghai residents saw restrictions ex‐ tended due to the coron‐ avirus. The number of cases of the virus in the city has surged to more than 13,000 people. No one is sure when the lock‐ down will end. Transporta‐ tion restrictions were put in place on Tuesday, according to the local British press. The city had hoped to min‐ imise the economic impact of the virus but in recent days re‐ strictions have been increased. Authorities are having issues controlling the outbreak and more than 25 million people are now in lockdown. Restric‐ tions in Shanghai’s western districts have now been ex‐ tended with no date in sight. An official from the munici‐ pal health commission com‐ mented: “Currently, Shang‐ hai’s epidemic prevention and control is at the most difficult and most critical stage. “We must adhere to the general policy of dynamic clearance without hesitation, without wavering.” After testing positive, many
residents are being quaran‐ tined in ‘central quarantine fa‐ cilities’. Michael Hirson from Eurasia Group consultancy comment‐ ed: “What is most striking in Shanghai is the difficulty that the authorities are having in managing logistics, particularly conditions in cen‐
tralised quarantine facilities.” He went on to add: “Given that Shanghai has a highly ca‐ pable government, current problems pose a warning for local governments across Chi‐ na where capacity is not as high and major outbreaks could stretch resources further to the limits.”
ARMED FORCES: Will receive government funds.
Norway’s defence
NORWAY’S Minister of Defence has said that the country will seek to strengthen its capabilities in the north after reconsidering its situation in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The coun‐ try will allocate around €210 million to the armed forces in the north of the country, with the funds to be spent on radar, ar‐ tillery and infrastructure. The funds will, according to the govern‐ ment, help the country to defend itself in the event of an attack from its eastern neighbour. Minister of Defence Odd Roger Enoksen said: “We will up‐ grade Værnes and Porsanger and strengthen the Army with more artillery. With these changes, the defence capability and especially the combat capability of the Army will increase.” The first phase of the upgrade at Værnes, which involves mod‐ ernising and adapting the facilities, will be complete by 2024. The second phase at Porsangermoen is planned for completion in 2025.
First energy independence LITHUANIA has become the first country in the EU to break free from Russian gas imports. All domestic gas consumption will be fed by im‐ ported liquefied natural gas via the terminal in Klaipeda, the government announced on April 2. President Gitanas Nauseda tweeted: “From this month on ‐ no more Russian gas in Lithuania. If we can do it, the rest of Europe can do it too.” Klaipeda port was completed in 2014 to end Russian gas imports. The president at the time, Dalia Grybauskaite, called Lithuania’s dependency on Russian gas an “existential threat”. In making the announcement, the Baltic state said it is finally free from Moscow’s demands and threats. According to the Lithuanian Energy Ministry: “Under the circumstances, Russia’s demand to pay for the gas in roubles becomes meaningless, be‐ cause Lithuania is no longer ordering gas and does not expect any further payments.”
12 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Algerian threat Microchip outrage ALGERIAN state oil company Sonatrach promised on April 1 to maintain current gas prices for all of its clients with the ex‐ ception of Spain. The compa‐ ny has threatened to review the prices charged to its Span‐ ish client, Naturgy. The move appears to be sparked by the diplomatic crisis between the two countries after Madrid changed its position on the dispute over Western Sahara. Toufik Hakkar, the execu‐ tive director of Sonatrach said: “Since the beginning of the cri‐ sis in Ukraine, gas and oil prices have skyrocketed. Alge‐ ria has decided to maintain
Prices have skyrocketed.
relatively correct prices for all its customers. “However, it is not ruled out to carry out a recalculation of prices with our Spanish client.” The contract between Naturgy and Sonatrach is cur‐ rently undergoing an ordinary
review process. Algeria is also engaged in di‐ alogue with Italy which is high‐ ly dependent on gas from Rus‐ sia but could increase the amount of gas it uses via the Transmed gas pipeline from Algeria.
THE sale of the UK’s largest microchip factory, Newport Wafer Fab in Wales, to a Chinese company has caused outrage among Con‐ servative MPs. The factory’s sale to Nex‐ peria, a subsidiary of Wingtech, a Chinese tech‐ nology firm, was approved on Friday April 1. There is currently a world‐ wide shortage of microchips, also known as semiconduc‐ tors, due to the Covid‐19 pandemic. These electronic components are a vital part of smartphones and other everyday devices. The Chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tu‐ gendhat, said: “It’s not clear why we haven’t used our new powers under the Na‐ tional Security and Invest‐ ment Act to fully review the takeover of one of our lead‐ ing compound semiconduc‐ tor companies. “This is an area where Chi‐ na is sinking billions to com‐
SOLD: The Welsh factory sale has been approved.
pete. The government has no clear strategy to protect
what’s left of our semicon‐ ductor industry,” he added.
Covid entry requirements THE Spanish Ministry of Health has announced an extension until April 30 of Covid‐19 entry requirements for travellers wishing to enter the country. Only fully vaccinated people will be allowed to enter Spain before April 30, or those who can produce a certificate to prove recovery from Covid‐19. Also, all arrivals from an EU or European Economic Area risk coun‐ try are officially required by the Spanish Ministry of Health to fill out the Health Control Form. “If you come from a country at risk in relation to Covid‐19, you must present a certificate or document proving vaccina‐ tion, diagnostic test for active infection, or recovery from Covid‐19,” the Ministry said. To be classed as fully vaccinated to enter Spain, travellers must have had their second jab within 270 days of arrival. If not, and the second jab was received more than 270 days ago, then travellers must show that they had a booster dose of the vaccine.
NEW figures show many British state pen‐ sioners could be missing out on Pension Credit, a vital financial boost that can be worth over £3,300 a year. The Department for Work and Pensions said up to £1.7 billion is being left un‐ claimed. Minister for Pensions Guy Opper‐ man said: “We recognise the challenges some pensioners will be facing with the cost of living which is why promoting Pen‐
Pension Credit
sion Credit is a priority. “That’s why we’re calling on everyone with retired family, friends and loved ones to check in with them and see if they can
Donut blush THE Dunkin’ Donuts chain has launched a donut and coffee in‐ spired make‐up collec‐ tion in collaboration with Elf Cosmetics, a company that has made unconven‐ tional collaborations with food brands in the past. The line, which went on sale on Sunday April 3, will initially only be available to members of their loyalty programme. The general public will be able to buy the unusual range from Ultra Beauty stores and from ultra.com. Kory Marchisotto, Director of
7 - 13 April 2022
Marketing for Elf Beauty said: “This collaboration is all about your morning must‐ haves.” The collection dubbed the “wake up make‐up collection” includes a va‐ riety of donut and coffee inspired shapes, colours, textures and aromas. To top the deal off, the items come boxed in the same way donuts are. Elf joined forces with Chipotle last year to hold an online‐only limited‐ edition make‐up sale in‐ spired by the ingredients on its menu. The collec‐ tion sold out in 72 hours.
A RECENT study has re‐ vealed that owning a cat is good for your health and may even prevent their owners from hav‐ ing a heart attack or a stroke. The study, published in the Journal of Vascu‐ lar and Interventional Neurology, found that cat owners are at a de‐ creased risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke, with the authors saying: “Acquisition of cats as domestic pets may represent a novel strategy for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases in high‐risk in‐ dividuals.” The researchers re‐ viewed data from the US
get this extra financial support,” he added on Sunday April 3. Pension Credit can be claimed by phone and online, ensuring that older people can
EWN 13
apply safely and easily, wherever they are. Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said: “Pension Credit is something of a well‐kept secret, many people have simply not heard of it.” She added that the credit can “make a big difference if you’ve reached State Pension Age and haven’t got much money coming in. With prices rising rapidly at the moment it’s more important than ever to claim what’s rightfully yours.”
Cats for health
National Health and Nu‐ trition Examination Study, following up with participants who report‐ ed any kind of allergy to see if they ever owned or currently own a cat or
dog. After adjusting for risk factors like age, gen‐ der, blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart related diseases, the re‐ searchers found that
study participants with a history of cat ownership had a notably lower risk of dying from cardiovas‐ cular disease than those who had never owned cats.
7 - 13 April 2022
Moroccan electricity MOROCCO and Britain are involved in a project to lay a submarine cable that will provide electricity to the UK from a solar and wind farm located in the Guelmim‐ Oued Noun region of the North African country. The ambitious Xlinks pro‐ ject is already underway and a ship that will be used to lay the cables is in the process of being designed. Alan Math‐ ers, head of UK cable manu‐ facturer XLCC, said, “Our ship will be, at the time of delivery, the most sophisti‐ cated, efficient and environ‐ mentally friendly cable ship in the world. With this ca‐ pacity, we will be able to meet the growing global de‐ mand for the deployment of high current, direct current tension cables to fill a cur‐ rent and future gap in the market.” In collaboration with Salt Ship Design, the XLCC team is developing the basic de‐ sign of the ship while work‐ ing on the selection of a suit‐
able shipyard for its con‐ struction. “We are delighted to be part of this exciting project, which will bring more re‐ newable energy to the world. The design is at an ad‐
vanced stage, and we are continuing to develop the project to refine the details,” added Tor Henning Vest‐ bostad, Commercial Director of Salt Ship Design, on Friday April 1.
Step by step HEALTH Minister Carolina Darias said Spain is going “step by step” towards relaxing Covid‐19 measures. “It will be decided when the experts who advise us al‐ so propose it, we are going to go step by step, taking measures from prudence, from progressiveness and from gradualness,” she said at a meeting of European health ministers in Brussels on Tuesday March 29. She also defended the “strategic response” with which Spain has faced the pandemic, pointing to the high vaccination rate. However, she avoided offering any precise timeframe upon being asked when the government plans to lift the mandatory use of masks.
Every year, Americans create around 1/5 of the world’s rubbish.
EWN 15
16 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Beckhams burgled
A MASKED burglar broke into the Beckham’s home in west London, stealing thousands of pounds worth of items. The burglar managed to force their way into a spare bedroom at the mansion in Holland Park, which is worth £40 million, and stole the valuables while David, Victoria and Harper slept. The theft, on February 28, was only noticed when Cruz, 17, returned from a night out to find the bed‐ room upturned and saw broken glass from a win‐ dow. David, 46, apparently called 999 and he and Cruz began searching the home for the perpetrator while 47‐year‐old Victoria and 10‐year‐old Harper waited for the police to arrive. Although no one was hurt, the family were said to be “shaken up” by the incident. The thief stole thousands of pounds worth of design‐
er clothes, accessories and electrical goods that were in the spare bedroom. Two other properties in the upmarket enclave were
also targeted, however, one of the houses was empty and the thief did not manage to force entry into the other.
Masks in motion A PLENARY session of the Congress of Deputies approved on Thursday, March 31, a motion asking the government to end the use of masks indoors. PSOE, Ciudadanos and Vox voted in favour of the proposal, the Partido Popular, Partido Nacionalista Vasco and the Coali‐ cion Canaria voted against, while Podemos abstained. A re‐ sult of 184 votes in favour, 91 against, and 57 abstentions was achieved. Approving this motion urges coalition partners PSOE and Podemos to eliminate the mandatory use of masks indoors “in line with scientific evidence, with the epidemiological situ‐ ation and with comparative perspective.” Being a motion, the initiative is not binding. However, Ed‐ mundo Bal, spokesman for Ciudadanos, said at a press con‐ ference after the plenary session: “The government will not want to disobey what its own parliamentary group insinu‐ ates.”
A stamp that you lick gives you 6 calories.
18 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
ExoMars postponed THE European Space Agency (ESA) has sus‐ pended its scheduled September launch of the ExoMars rover as it is unable to work with its Russian counterpart, Roscosmos, following the invasion of Ukraine. A new launch window is under considera‐ tion while the ExoMars’ components remain in storage in Italy. David Parker, the ESA’s Director of Human and Robotic Exploration, said: “I hope that our member states decide that this is not the end of ExoMars, but the rebirth of the mis‐ sion. Perhaps it will serve as a trigger to de‐ velop greater European autonomy. “We count on brilliant teams and expertise across Europe and with international part‐
LAUNCH: New window being considered.
ners to reshape and rebuild the mission. The team is dedicated and focused on setting out the next steps to ensure we bring this incredi‐ ble rover to Mars to complete the job it was designed for,” he added on March 28.
Spanish gastronomy
THE Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has presented ‘SpainFoodNation’, a new programme to promote Spanish gastronomy around the world. “Gastronomy is a strategic priority for the government, not only for its enormous val‐ ue as a tourist attraction, but
also for its capacity to combat depopulation of the territory and the demographic chal‐ lenge, and its potential to pro‐ ject the Spain brand interna‐ tionally,” Maroto said. “Spain is a world leader in gastronomy because Spanish gastronomy is a product of the high quality of its raw ma‐ terials. It is also talent because
of the high level of training of all workers in the sector. And it is innovation, going beyond the conception of something pleasurable to be considered as an experience in connec‐ tion with culture and crafts‐ manship. ‘SpainFoodNation’ will help to reinforce this leadership,” she added on March 29.
20 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Radiation sickness DOZENS of Russian troops sta‐ tioned at Chernobyl have left the nuclear plant, some suffer‐ ing from “acute radiation sick‐ ness.” Yaroslav Yemelianenko, a council member of the State Agency of Ukraine for Exclu‐ sion Zone Management, claimed that troops were
rushed across the border to a medical facility in Belarus after exposing themselves to dan‐ gerous levels of radiation. He wrote on Facebook: “Another batch of Russian irradiated terrorists who seized the Cher‐ nobyl zone was brought to the Belarusian Radiation Medicine Center in Gomel to‐
day. “There are rules for deal‐ ing with this area. They are mandatory because radiation is physics, it works without re‐ gard to status or shoulder straps. With minimal intelli‐ gence in command or soldiers, these consequences could have been avoided,” he added on March 30.
Spanish welcome IN just one month, Spain has wel‐ comed more than 11,000 Ukrainian refugees, with the figure increas‐ ing each day. The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has created two new general directorates to resolve the avalanche of requests for temporary protection for refugees who are arriving in Spain. More than 11,000 people have been assisted in approximately four weeks. The mass flight of Ukrainians to neighbouring coun‐ tries began on February 24, after
Russia’s decision to attack and in‐ vade Ukraine. Within days, Spain began to formalise the status of refugees. The first beneficiaries were Ukrainians who were sur‐ prised by the war on a trip or tem‐ porary stay in Spain and were un‐ able to return to their country. In addition to welcoming Ukrainians who have fled due to the war, a welcome has been ex‐ tended to Ukrainians who were in Spain in an irregular situation and nationals of third countries with temporary residence in Ukraine.
Your Belgian estate agent at the coast!
22 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Sanchez meets Rutte PRESIDENT Pedro Sanchez has received the Prime Minis‐ ter of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, on his first trip to Spain since his re‐election in Jan‐ uary 2022. Before the meeting, Sanchez introduced Rutte, who was giving the 16th Com‐ memorative Lecture of the Carlos de Amberes Founda‐ tion, A European response to the new reality, at the Prado Museum. During the meeting in Mon‐ cloa, the leaders discussed bi‐ lateral relations, NATO, the war in Ukraine and issues on the European agenda such as strategic autonomy, climate, energy, the new Migration and Asylum Pact, fiscal rules and the rule of law. “We are increasing our bi‐ lateral contact and liaising on issues on the European agen‐ da, where we should continue to identify shared positions, as we did in the field of open strategic autonomy,” Sanchez said on Wednesday March 30. Sanchez and Rutte also dis‐ cussed the fight against cli‐
mate change and energy prices. “These months have shown that we do not have an electricity market prepared for stressful situations such as
the one we are experiencing, as it is right now damaging consumers, SMEs and the in‐ dustrial sector,” Sanchez added.
Picasso anniversary APRIL 8, 2023, will mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picas‐ so, and a Spanish‐French committee will coordinate a series of events and ex‐ hibitions to commemo‐ rate it. The celebration of Picas‐ so 1973‐2023 will be struc‐ tured around some 40 ex‐ hibitions and events to be held mainly in Europe and North America. It will also be an opportunity to de‐ velop a historiographical study of approaches to Pi‐ casso’s work. “This bi‐national com‐ mittee will vindicate the figure of Picasso as a uni‐ versal and pro‐European artist, who embodies the founding principles of Eu‐
Greatest anti-war symbol of our modern history.
rope, made up of demo‐ cratic states, defenders of human rights and free‐ dom of expression,” the Spanish government said in a statement. “His work, Guernica, has become the greatest international anti‐war symbol of our modern his‐ tory. To this day, Picasso’s legacy and his commit‐ ment to the cause of peace are a great refer‐ ence point for European citizens,” it added on March 29.
Nature reserves
Over consumption
THE Danish government has decided to create a further 10 new national nature reserves in addition to the five previously announced in 2021 which between them will cover 25,000 hectares across the country at a cost of at least €12.5 million.
AS of March 28, Denmark had used its supply of naturally-produced resources for 2022, according to think-tank Global Footprint Network, which divides the world’s total output by its population to work out which countries are overconsuming and it was the 15th country in 2022 to reach that landmark.
Tax meat
ANYONE would think that the authorities were too stoned to do anything about introducing the plan, created five years ago, to study legal production of marihuana in order to reduce the role of organised crime, especially as it has now been postponed until 2023.
DETERMINED to see the Dutch eat more healthily, a government investigation is being undertaken to discover whether it would be feasible to introduce a tax on meat and if so whether that would be likely to reduce the amount of meat consumed in the country.
BELGIUM Royal faux pas
Leaving litter
PRINCE LAURENT, brother of Belgium’s King Filip hasn’t been protected by his royal blood as he is due in court on April 22 for driving a car which had not passed the local equivalent of the MOT test and could face a fine or time in prison.
IN order to make residents realise how unpleasant it is to be faced with mountains of rubbish because people are too lazy to take it away, the council in Ghent has decided to leave litter uncollected in certain parts of Citadelpark.
GERMANY Human rights
ON March 30, German Human Rights Watch Director Wenzel Michalski heavily criticised both the International Olympic Committee and world football's governing body FIFA over countries such as China and Qatar being allowed to host two of the world’s most prestigious sporting events.
IN order to become less dependent on gas from Russia, Green supporters are suggesting that the German government should look to cows who create abundant amounts of manure, which is already being turned into biogas by some farmers and scale this production up commercially.
FRANCE Alleged torture
Sniffer ants
FRENCH prosecutors have opened an enquiry into alleged torture and acts of barbarism supposedly committed by General Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi of the United Arab Emirates who was appointed head of Interpol last November even though these allegations were known prior to his appointment.
IN a Sorbonne University laboratory in Paris, scientists conducted experiments using more than 100 ants, who were rewarded with sugared water (when successful) to detect cancerous cells in a series of experiments which proved to be 95 per cent accurate in their first phase.
NORWAY Stoltenberg resigns
Bug news
NORWEGIAN politicians may well breathe a sigh of relief as former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has resigned from his controversial new job as Governor of Norway’s Central Bank even before he started, so that he can remain as NATO secretary general for another year.
THANKS to the introduction of new, more efficient insect traps, a two-year investigation into the insect population of Norway which used DNA findings discovered that of the 16,000 species of insects caught, 400 had never been recorded in the country before.
7 - 13 April 2022
EWN 23
FINANCE Strong words ON Tuesday March 29, Spain banned firms which get state aid to deal with the economic impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from firing workers over rising energy prices. Labour Minister Yolanda Diaz said “When social protection mechanisms exist... we must not lay off.
Take care THE Gibraltar International Bank is warning of a Facebook page that appears to be advertising loans using images of the bank without authorisation. It says it has no affiliation with this page and advises people not to provide it with any information.
Inflation jumps PRELIMINARY figures released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) on Wednesday March 30 indicate that Spanish inflation continues to rise and is up by 9.8 per cent compared to March last year, caused in part by the knock‐on effect of the invasion of Ukraine.
AENA optimistic SPANISH airport management company AENA has been working on how best to recover income following the lockdown due to the pandemic and now cancellation of flights to Russia, but says in its latest strategic plan that it is optimistic for the future.
Oil price THE cost of crude oil is likely to continue to drop over the next week and the Biden administration confirmed that it will release a significant amount of oil from its strategic reserves in order to combat the rise in price caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
€8 billion
is the amount that Spanish oil and gas company Cepsa plans to invest in Spain and Portugal by 2030 as part of its energy transition strategy.
Treasury sells NatWest shares Better service
THE UK Treasury has disposed of NatWest shares worth more than £1.2 billion reducing its share‐ holding to 48.1 per cent. So, for the first time since the financial crisis, NatWest Group plc (formerly Royal Bank of Scot‐ land Group plc) is no longer under majority public as the bank agreed to buy back shares for £1,212,421,779. This is the government’s fifth sale of its NatWest shareholding bringing its level of ownership down to less than 50 per cent and is considered a landmark in the government’s plan to return to private ownership the institutions brought into public ownership as a result of the 2007‐2008 financial crisis.
Credit: HM Treasury flickr
www.euroweeklynews.com • 7 - 13 April 2022
John Glen using a NatWest cash machine.
The Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen MP autho‐ rised the sale of approximately 550 million shares in NatWest at 220.5p per share raising just over £1.2 billion. Commenting on the sale, John Glen said: “This sale means that the government is no longer the majority owner of NatWest Group and is therefore an impor‐
tant landmark in our plan to re‐ turn the bank to the private sec‐ tor. “We will continue to prioritise delivering value for money for the taxpayer as we take forward this plan.” At the height of the banking cri‐ sis in 2009, the Labour Govern‐ ment under Prime Minister Gor‐ don Brown owned 84 per cent of the bank’s shares and with the share price rising during 2022, the current value of the shares still owned is in excess of £12 billion. As it has returned to profit, NatWest has been paying divi‐ dends to shareholders and sub‐ ject to approval its April AGM payment for 2021 should be in the region of 10.5p per share.
Help when you need it most HAVING to think about what will happen after you die is not something many of us like to do, however Golden Leaves knows that living abroad can pre‐ sent various obstacles to your loved ones when it comes to your funeral, including dealing with a lan‐ guage barrier. A Golden Leaves funeral plan offers multiple bene‐ fits, including allowing your wishes to be set out ahead of time as well as the benefits of a Spanish‐ speaking team who will take care of all the arrange‐ ments for your family. When you have a Golden Leaves plan, all your fam‐ ily members need to do when you die is make a call to them and their team will put in place your wishes immediately, arranging exactly the service you want‐ ed. Golden Leaves have three funeral plans available, the Opal Plan, Pearl Plan, and Golden Plan.
Deficit smaller than expected FUNERAL PLANS: There are three plans available.
To make sure that your wishes are carried out as you want, and that your loved ones are not left with costly funeral expenses, contact Golden Leaves to‐ day.
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IKEA store closure IKEA UK announced on March 30 that it proposed to close its Tot‐ tenham store as part of the busi‐ ness’ transformation plan for the capital. The decision came as the re‐ tailer committed to investing more than £1 billion in London over the next three years to bet‐ ter meet the needs of its cus‐ tomers. The proposal to close the Tot‐
SPANISH IT project company Sighore is working with on‐ line booking company The Fork to offer better services to the hospitality industry. The key to this strategic agreement lies in the integra‐ tion of the Sighore‐ICS POS system in The Fork Manager site which will allow partner restaurants to improve their digital functionalities. As an added bonus, it will now be possible for restau‐ rants to be able to under‐ stand the tastes and prefer‐ ences of diners based on information collected when they book. Darío Méndez of The Fork said,”as a leading technology company and online booking platform, with more than 60,000 associated restau‐ rants, our mission is to al‐ ways be at the forefront of the latest trends.”
tenham store follows an exten‐ sive assessment of IKEA’s pres‐ ence in London in line with changing shopping behaviours. Last year, online represented almost half of the retailers’ total sales and the demand for differ‐ ent services as well as conve‐ nient deliveries accelerated. This, combined with the rede‐ velopment of the area where the store is located, prompted the
retailer to assess the long‐term viability of the site. IKEA will now enter a period of collective consultation with the 450 workers affected by this pro‐ posal and is committed to retain‐ ing as many as possible. The business will create over 600 vacancies in London before the proposed store closure, which as a priority will be of‐ fered to those workers.
THE overall 2021 deficit over GDP in Spain was far better than anyone forecast at 6.7 per cent which equates to €81.5 billion ex‐ cluding Financial Aid. This reduction in the deficit was greater than that communicated by the government to the Euro‐ pean Commission in the Budget Plan (8.4 per cent). It also compares well to the estimates of all the na‐ tional and international or‐ ganisations such as the IMF (8.6 per cent), the OECD (8.1 per cent), the Commis‐ sion itself (8.1 per cent) and even the Bank of Spain (7.5 per cent). This is a reduction of 27.9 per cent when compared to 2020, so in other words, de‐ spite the fact that the health emergency due to the pandemic continued last year, the deficit de‐ creased by 3.31 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
28 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) 3I Group 1.387,00 1.394,50 Abrdn 213,50 214,90 Admiral Group 2.550,5 2.585,5 Anglo American 4.064,5 4.106,0 Antofagasta 1.670,00 1.718,50 Ashtead Group 4.797,0 4.825,0 Associated British Foods 1.668,2 1.672,8 AstraZeneca 10.132,0 10.232,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 645,20 645,20 Avast 562,20 563,60 Aveva 2.484,0 2.487,0 Aviva 438,40 442,40 B&M European Value Retail SA550,92 551,40 BAE Systems 730,80 741,00 Bank VTB DRC 0,010 0,010 Barclays 147,12 150,04 Barratt Developments 550,20 550,60 Berkeley 3.913,0 3.921,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.978,00 3.008,00 BP 375,40 379,40 British American Tobacco 3.228,5 3.259,5 British Land Company 523,40 529,00 BT Group 183,00 185,00 Bunzl 3.026,0 3.028,0 Burberry Group 1.673,5 1.687,0 Carnival 1.361,5 1.381,0 Centrica 79,22 79,38 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.592,8 1.600,5 Compass 1.607,80 1.608,26 CRH 3.073,5 3.076,5 Croda Intl 7.832,5 7.986,0 DCC 5.926,0 5.990,0 Diageo 3.903,6 3.919,0 DS Smith 320,15 321,90 EasyJet 548,69 560,71 Experian 2.929,0 2.956,0 Ferguson 10.275,0 10.315,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.808,0 8.850,0 Fresnillo 757,20 761,20 GlaxoSmithKline 1.655,80 1.668,20 Glencore 506,50 511,70 Halma 2.522,2 2.523,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 1.015,35 1.016,00 Hikma Pharma 2.085,00 2.085,00 HSBC 523,80 527,20 IAG 139,70 143,12 Imperial Brands 1.626,00 1.634,50 Informa 604,40 607,00 InterContinental 5.130,0 5.180,0
% CHG. 1.379,50 212,40 2.546,1 4.045,5 1.667,00 4.769,0 1.647,5 10.128,0 634,20 560,40 2.447,0 437,50 537,20 718,60 0,010 145,56 517,60 3.720,0 2.973,50 374,55 3.217,0 519,40 181,65 2.990,0 1.649,0 1.349,5 77,90 1.563,9 1.579,80 3.030,0 7.796,0 5.898,0 3.851,0 318,10 540,51 2.913,0 10.145,0 8.688,0 745,00 1.655,00 505,50 2.489,0 989,80 2.044,00 522,90 138,48 1.620,00 597,60 5.054,0
NET VOL 236,03K 1,08M 24,77K 641,58K 145,07K 128,67K 32,65K 242,09K 361,98K 80,82K 44,07K 2,04M 345,06K 1,77M 0 14,38M 1,34M 120,19K 693,59K 5,90M 554,20K 179,41K 2,52M 186,31K 116,99K 137,05K 3,26M 58,45K 293,41K 157,93K 74,27K 13,78K 604,58K 764,62K 505,55K 155,50K 164,05K 60,13K 174,66K 821,31K 4,96M 63,61K 205,85K 120,55K 4,23M 5,65M 208,22K 333,48K 62,97K
Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP
1.812,50 5.264,0 82,96 252,00 1.906,0 773,60 272,07 46,79 8.144,0 762,60 126,20 1.510,50 1.165,54 215,90 6.174,0 1,89 1.194,30 2.261,0 621,20 1.130,00 5.975,7 2.408,50 521,80 660,00 6.157,5 99,93 0,60 727,40 1.425,00 0,5000 3.219,5 1.033,92 1.349,50 3.097,0 2.108,5 1.227,12 1.441,00 12.760,0 1.735,00 1.442,00 501,00 137,54 282,25 235,42 3.525,2 1.128,50 125,12 2.856,7 1.000,00
% CHG.
1.815,50 5.274,0 83,37 253,10 1.908,0 780,00 273,30 47,71 8.142,0 771,20 126,30 1.518,00 1.174,00 217,00 6.182,0 1,89 1.201,00 2.266,0 624,40 1.133,50 6.016,0 2.408,50 526,20 660,60 6.240,0 101,84 0,60 727,80 1.428,50 0,5000 3.252,0 1.045,50 1.364,00 3.114,0 2.126,0 1.236,00 1.458,50 12.765,0 1.755,50 1.446,50 510,60 138,10 282,90 244,70 3.553,0 1.134,50 127,56 2.892,0 1.014,00
1.793,00 5.210,0 82,04 250,60 1.877,5 769,60 270,50 46,78 8.046,0 761,00 123,05 1.485,50 1.162,50 213,70 6.078,0 1,89 1.176,50 2.138,0 619,80 1.118,00 5.952,0 2.371,00 519,60 642,00 6.144,0 98,06 0,60 716,20 1.420,50 0,5000 3.200,0 1.031,50 1.348,50 3.082,0 2.102,0 1.219,00 1.431,50 12.600,0 1.732,00 1.426,00 501,00 130,80 278,00 234,60 3.514,5 1.125,00 124,84 2.826,0 987,20
17,30K 31,15K 816,56K 458,91K 96,59K 171,07K 2,48M 57,33M 54,07K 120,71K 897,23K 205,40K 832,51K 6,88M 73,92K 0 229,28K 498,92K 497,45K 841,87K 140,44K 47,10K 497,97K 463,62K 999,85K 13,79M 0 228,37K 2,52K 0 63,15K 1,39M 308,40K 86,67K 3,04M 464,19K 343,42K 14,54K 285,79K 157,50K 1,77M 12,15M 1,68M 715,35K 706,70K 170,08K 15,91M 17,97K 899,11K
Units per €
US dollar (USD) ........................................1.1008 Japan yen (JPY)......................................135.704 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0209 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4384 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.6168
COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble Salesforce.com The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney
PRICE 149,69 187,17 243,12 174,31 190,76 219,77 164,22 55,66 62,87 64,18 330,22 301,89 196,03 130,15 48,11 178,19 135,31 249,25 83,52 309,42 133,52 155,09 212,25 185,25 512,59 52,12 226,36 43,86 151,01 137,00
CHANGE 149,86 189,42 243,95 174,88 192,62 225,52 165,95 56,19 62,95 64,93 334,16 303,37 196,11 130,27 49,90 178,43 137,41 249,43 83,58 310,13 135,28 155,46 214,03 185,45 514,78 52,19 226,63 44,77 151,27 138,10
CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 146,85 2,15M 186,28 2,64M 240,73 1,87M 171,94 75,62M 188,78 4,82M 218,16 2,61M 162,33 8,79M 54,88 16,64M 62,08 12,46M 63,44 3,31M 327,57 2,42M 298,90 5,46M 193,50 2,22M 128,06 4,00M 47,33 46,34M 175,60 6,50M 133,80 15,60M 246,18 2,02M 81,64 10,03M 305,54 25,02M 132,75 5,79M 152,06 5,70M 210,04 5,75M 182,59 1,06M 506,60 2,30M 50,81 30,34M 222,23 6,56M 43,18 14,84M 148,84 6,92M 135,53 10,08M M - MILLION DOLLARS
+61.78% +43.80% +40.40% +36.27% +33.95% +28.83% +27.22% +23.76% +23.60% +22.63% +21.44%
34.41M 2.97M 2.15M 49.28M 20.64M 21.45M 1.00M 52.10M 1.89M 14.35M 316.13K
-37.87% -36.04% -28.66% -26.95% -24.74% -20.98% -19.01% -18.66% -18.52% -18.28% -17.77%
4.44M 11.79M 3.26M 775.02K 3.67M 253.72K 179.00K 198.97K 555.54K 969.97K 178.53K
Most Advanced Takung Art Chicken Soup Manning&Napier Hudson Capital Greenidge Generation Holdings Weidai Aeroclean Technologies LLC Clovis Oric Pharma Evolve Transition Infrastructure LP Unt Leju Holdings
Most Declined Sellas Life Sciences Cyren Redwire Pulse Biosciences Digital Brands Group Shapeways Holdings Pineapple Holdings Vivos Allego US Spero Therapeutics Greenbrook TMS
Currency outlook: Conflict in Ukraine stokes volatility in currency markets
STERLING: Took a hit in the wake of the Bank of England’s interest rate decision.
ASK THE EXPERT Peter Loveday
Contact me at euroweekly@currenciesdirect.com
Euro EUR/GBP: Unmoved at £0.83 EUR/USD: Down from $1.13 to $1.10 The euro was infused with significant volatility through the past four weeks as the war between Ukraine and Russia rocked currency markets. EUR exchange rates are highly sensitive to the crisis in Ukraine amidst fears the Eu‐ rozone is particularly vulnerable to any eco‐ nomic fallout which could arise as a result of the war and sanctions imposed on Rus‐ sia. This lead to the single currency fluctuat‐ ing through March. Stumbling amidst re‐ ports the Russian offensive may be intensi‐ fy, and rallying on any reports of positive progress being made in peace talks. Elsewhere the European Central Bank’s (ECB) announcement it would wind down its asset purchasing programme by Q3 2022 helped to buoy EUR exchange rates, before ECB President Christine Lagarde quashed hopes the bank could raise inter‐ est rates before the end of the year. Looking ahead, it seems safe to assume the situation in Ukraine will continue to act as a major source of volatility for the euro. The longer the conflict drags on the more pain it is likely to cause the single currency. Pound GBP/EUR: Up from €1.19 to €1.20 GBP/USD: Down from $1.35 to $1.32 The increasingly risk‐sensitive pound also traded in a wide range over the past month as a result of uncertainty over the war in Ukraine. GBP investors are particularly concerned about the potential for the conflict to fan inflationary pressures in the UK, exacerbat‐ ing the current cost‐of‐living crisis.
Sterling took a notable hit in the wake of the Bank of England’s (BoE) March interest rate decision. While the BoE hiked rates to their pre‐pandemic levels as forecast, the bank’s forward guidance proved more dovish than hoped, prompting a sharp slump in GBP exchange rates. This left the pound exposed to losses in the wake of the UK’s latest consumer price index. As a sharp rise in inflation was seen as piling more pressure on UK consumers. Going forward, the pound could struggle to hold its ground as the reduced odds for more BoE rate hikes leaves the currency vulnerable to additional selling pressure. US Dollar USD/GBP: Up from £0.73 to £0.75 USD/EUR: Up from €0.88 to €0.90 The US dollar has trended broadly higher through March, with the safe‐haven cur‐ rency attracting considerable risk‐off flows as the Ukraine crisis rattled markets. The start of the war saw the US dollar strike multi‐month highs against both the euro and pound amidst concerns over how the sanctions placed on Russia could im‐ pact the global economy. While peace talk optimism has tem‐ pered some of the ‘greenback’s gains in re‐ cent weeks, the currency still remains well above the levels it was trading at prior to the war. The upside in USD exchange rates has been aided by the Federal Reserve, which delivered its first rate hike since 2018, whilst also signalling plans for up to six ad‐ ditional hikes through 2022. Looking ahead, the Fed’s aggressive monetary tightening plans and the ongoing war in Ukraine are likely to underpin de‐ mand for the US dollar in the weeks to come. Currencies Direct have helped over 325,000 cus‐ tomers save on their currency transfers since 1996. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch or give us a call to find out more about how you can save money on your currency transfers.
Visit us at our Spanish offices in Costa del Sol, Costa Almeria, North Costa Blanca and South Costa Blanca. Telephone UK +44 (0) 207 847 9400 SPAIN +34 950 478 914 Email euroweekly@currenciesdirect.com • www.currenciesdirect.com.
7 - 13 April 2022
EWN 29
30 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT IN these worrying times of doom and gloom I thought this week I’d just lighten it all up a bit by reiterating a true story I scribed here some years ago. Hurray! It concerned a young Irish lad, happily looking forward to his impending marriage. The night before the ceremony, his friends organised a stag night, which in true Irish fashion basically meant visiting as many Dublin pubs as physically possible. This they duly did, until finally, after making sure the future groom was ‘feeling no pain’, they all staggered back to his apartment where he promptly passed out stone cold on the settee. It was at this point the dastardly scheme, already devised by his drinking buddies, sprang into action. Two of these friends were actually male nurses at a local hospital. Naturally they were au fait with the art of administering plaster of Paris to broken bones. With all the ingredients, previously imported from the hospital, and with their ‘victim’ in a complete alcoholic stupor, they surreptitiously proceeded to plaster up one of his arms. With the operation completed, they quietly slipped away into the night. The next morning the best man was
A Joke telephoned by an absolutely panic‐stricken groom. Displaying feigned amazement as to why the poor man ‘couldn’t remember a thing’, his friend explained that he had slipped and fallen outside one of the pubs and broken his arm. They had all finished up in the hospital where the break had been fixed and plastered, after which they had simply taken him home and left him sleeping. It was around this point the best man was supposed to reveal the truth and subsequently remove the cast before continuing with the groom’s special day. Wrong! Seeking to prolong the ‘joke’ he once again neglected to reveal their devious plot. Some hours later, the congregation, bride and somewhat surprised ex stag party members, were treated to the extraordinary sight of a bemused groom arriving at the church with an awkwardly bent arm, cast in a sling where it stayed through the entire wedding ceremony and reception. By this time, the scheme had lasted for so long, the rest of the perpetrators decided that discretion was the better part
of valour and decided to leave it to the best man to reveal all when he deemed fit. He never did. The bride, with the groom ‐ still plastered up and totally unaware ‐ actually embarked on their Caribbean honeymoon. Not until their return was the whole sordid truth finally revealed. Naturally our hero was incensed, I’m surprised he didn’t commit murder, and broke off all interaction with his so‐called pals for some time. Not being of a vindictive nature however, he did finally make it up and appeared to put it all behind him. A couple of years later, lo and behold, it was the best man’s turn to enter into holy wedlock. Next week I’ll tell you about our hero’s revenge. And I can assure you ‐ ‘It’s a cracker!’ Keep the faith Love Leapy leapylee2002@gmail.com expatradioscotland.com Mon. Fri. 1pm till 4. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to www.euroweeklynews.com
Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp
Now Streaming - Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King THE fascinating Netflix docu‐ mentary Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King, delves into the baffling true story of how a cryptocurren‐ cy trader mysteriously disap‐ peared, sending millions of currency into the abyss and prompting conspiracy theo‐ ries about his supposed death. Luckily, you don’t need to know much about cryptocur‐ rency to follow Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King, which investigates the story of Gerald Cotten and the many people who ended up with empty bank accounts af‐ ter investing in his cryptocur‐ rency exchange QuadrigaCX. This documentary has a mediocre 42 per cent audi‐ ence rating on Rotten Toma‐ toes, but at just 90 minutes long, it’s worth a watch par‐ ticularly for those interested in cryptocurrency, scams and conspiracies. Simply put, Cotten’s QuadrigaCX took invest‐ ments, converted them into
Bitcoin and traded the cur‐ rency with the hope of re‐ turning a profit, taking a per‐ centage of each transaction. His business started pretty lu‐ cratively, riding off the boom of Bitcoin’s sky‐rocketing share values. At the time of Cotten’s death when he was travelling with his girlfriend in India at the age of 30, QuadrigaCX was Canada’s largest Crypto exchange and was holding over $200 million worth of clients’ money. However, nobody but Cot‐ ten could access the keys and passwords for the company’s accounts, meaning all of the money was locked away and everyone who had invested was left with an empty bank account. Investors band together via an internet forum to try and figure out what has really happened with Cotten ‐ did he fake his own death? Or is the story of him dying in India due to complications with his Crohn’s disease true?
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12:40am 1:40am
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1:00am 1:30am
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This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London ITV Racing: Grand National Festival The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Grantchester
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7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm
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2:45pm 3:20pm 5:00pm
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Deadly Prescription Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Greggs: How Do They Do It 5 News Update Cornwall: A Year by the Sea 5 News Update Deadline
3:00pm 8:30pm
The Masters Film 2020 Johnson The Masters Official Films The Masters The Masters - The Major Heard Round the World McGinley & Chamblee At The Masters The Masters - Live The Masters - Live
Killing Your Daughter Filthy House SOS 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Coastal Britain With Kate Humble 5 News Update Cruising with Susan Calman 5 News Update Deadline
4:30am 6:30am 7:00am 7:45am 9:45am 10:45am 3:00pm 8:30pm 1:30am 2:00am 3:00am 4:00am
Live Formula 1 Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Live Formula 1 The F1 Show Live Test Cricket The Masters - Live The Masters - Live Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Sky Sports News
Inside Windsor Castle: The Queen's New Home Cornwall: A Year by the Sea 5 News Weekend Queens of Mystery The Morecambe and Wise Story Billy Connolly: In His Own Words Most Shocking Celebrity Moments in Pop
4:45am 6:10am 7:00am 9:30am 10:00am 1:00pm 4:00pm
Live Formula 1 Sky Sports News Live Formula 1 Ted's Notebook The Masters - Live Live EFL Live Indian Premier League Live: SNF The Masters - Live My Icon: Chris Hughton
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8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 12:30pm
Neighbours A Lethal Lesson Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Police Interceptors 5 News Update Traffic Cops 5 News Update Inside the Force: 24/7
8:30am 9:00am
Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Dream Kitchens and Bathrooms with Mark Millar 5 News Update Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Compulsion
Burning Lies Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Should I Buy An Electric Car? 5 News Update Police Interceptors 5 News Update Compulsion
9:30am 11:45am 1:45pm
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2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm
Formula 1 Live Formula 1 Ted's Notebook Formula 1 Scottish Premiership Live Live Renault Super Sunday Live Renault Super Sunday The Masters - Live Live NBA Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans Live Test Cricket Live Indian Premier League Live Netball Superleague Sky Sports News Live EFL Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Good Morning Sports Fans Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans Live: Suncorp Netball Live: Suncorp Netball Live Test Cricket Live Indian Premier League Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Live: Suncorp Netball Live: Suncorp Netball My Icon: Maggie Alphonsi Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Live Indian Premier League Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Sky Sports News
The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.
7 - 13 April 2022
EWN 33
Advertising Feature
Dream Homes Almeria Estate Agents
DREAM HOMES ALMERIA, based in Arboleas, is an estate agents with a wealth of experience in selling property in the areas of Arboleas, Zurgena, La Alfoquia, Albox, Partaloa, Cantoria, Oria and the coastal areas of San Juan, Mojacar, Vera Plata and Palomares. Helping hundreds of clients over the years as a trusted estate agency in the area, Dream Homes Almeria has had an exceptionally busy year so far and is now looking for properties for waiting clients. Dream Homes is seeing a high demand for properties and currently has a waiting list of clients looking for a variety of property types from inland and coastal villas, reformed village houses to cortijos and townhouses. Dream Homes Almeria has recently launched their brand new and exciting property app - the first in their field to use professional 3D virtual tours in which clients can view floor plans and watch walk-around video footage of potential
tensive knowledge and a wealth of marketing experience, you can be sure you are in good hands with the sale of your property. To contact Andrea and the experienced team at Dream Homes Almeria, call 0034 850 991 470, or 0034 697 875 717. You are also welcome to call into the office on Avenida Almanzora (next to Bar Palmares, opposite the rambla in Arboleas) between their opening hours of 9am until 5pm, or by email on info@aloservices.es. The team also offer viewings outside of office hours and on weekends by appointment, meaning they are always on hand for your property needs.
DREAM HOMES ALMERIA: Have recently launched their new, exciting property app.
properties, making buying and selling property easier than ever. The team at Dream Homes Almeria is
led by Andrea, who has lived in Arboleas for over 14 years working in the property market. With Andrea and the team’s ex-
To find out more about Dream Homes Almeria, take a look at their website www.dreamhomesalmeria.com and their Facebook page ‘Dream Homes Almeria’. You can also find out more by scanning the QR code here:
34 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Advertising Feature Voss Homes
Property of the week
Villa Seguro in Zurgena
NEW & EXCLUSIVE TO VOSS HOMES ‐ A very impressive three bed, two bath cor‐ ner plot villa in the popular ‘L’ shape to give extra privacy in the bedrooms, living area and garden. Villa Seguro sits on a large, enviable, private corner plot of 964m2 with H&C air con, garage with toi‐ let and shower, 7m x 4m swimming pool and great views. Three minutes drive to a popular restaurant / bar. Seven minutes drive to La Alfoquia and Zurgena village. Ten minutes to Arboleas, 12 mins drive to Huercal‐Overa town. Thirty minutes drive to the coast at Mo‐ jacar, Vera and Garrucha. A double metal sliding gate leads onto an impressed concrete driveway with room for two cars.There is plenty of safe on road parking. A wall and gate sepa‐ rates the driveway from the main garden and pool area. In the corner of the garden is the 24m2 single garage with tiled floors, shower, toilet and sink which is excellent, so you don’t have to come into the house. To
Ref. VH1976
198,000 euros
CORNER PLOT: An impressive three bed, two bath villa with pool and covered terrace.
the side of the house is the pool side bar, built in bbq area and pergola for dining with mesh sides, which makes an ideal fly free dining area. The swimming pool sits nicely in front of the villa and steps lead up to the cov‐ ered terrace area which provides shade whilst you are relaxing or dining whilst looking over the pool, garden and coun‐
try views. From here the front doors lead in to the spacious light and airy living room with log burning fire. To the left of the liv‐ ing room a doorway taking you through to the fitted kitchen which has a door leading out to the bbq area. The kitchen has an archway that looks into the living room.
At the other end of the living room is a door leading to a hallway taking you to three large double bedrooms, all with large fitted wardrobes. The spacious mas‐ ter bedroom has ensuite shower room and H&C air con. There is also a large family bathroom.
For more information regarding VH1976 and to arrange a viewing please contact Voss Homes on 0034 950 616 827 or email us on enquiries@vosshomesspain.com.
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www.euroweeklynews.com • 7 - 13 April 2022
www.euroweeklynews.com • 7 - 13 April 2022
40 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
Living with arthritis ARTHRITIS is the inflam‐ mation of one or more joints. The most frequent cause of arthritis is the wear and tear of the car‐ tilage that protects the joint and prevents fric‐ tion between the bones. The weakening of the cartilage can cause the bones to come into con‐ tact with each other, re‐ sulting in symptoms such as pain and reduced mo‐ bility of the joint. The fluctuating tem‐ peratures that are typi‐ cal of spring can make the symptoms of arthri‐ tis worse. Fortunately, there are a few things that can help with the pain and stiffness. • Maintain a constant body temperature Sudden changes in body temperature can make symptoms worse as the body’s tissues can expand and put more pressure on the nerves.
EASY TRICKS: Define eyebrowns and apply eyeshadow as well as eyeliner.
KEEP WARM: Improving circulation and reducing pain.
Keeping warm improves circulation and helps to relax joints, reducing stiffness and pain. • Exercise regularly Going for a walk or a bike ride can help to keep joints warm and re‐ duce symptoms, but if you are going to make changes to your normal exercise routine or have any questions about the best type of exercise for you, consult your doctor. • Get enough vitamin D
Vitamin D helps keep bones strong and re‐ duces inflammation. You can take supplements, get some sun for a few minutes every day or eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish, dairy prod‐ ucts or eggs. • Stay hydrated Drinking enough water is essential for good health anyway, and for people with arthritis, be‐ ing dehydrated can in‐ crease joint pain due to lack of lubrication.
Conceal dark circles under eyes DARK circles under the eyes are extremely common and are not necessarily caused by a lack of sleep. The skin under the eyes is thinner than on the rest of the face and veins can sometimes be seen, which creates a purplish tinge and makes us look tired. Fortunately, these circles can be concealed with make‐up using a few easy tricks. 1. Prepare skin with eye contour cream Preparing the skin with a moisturising eye contour cream will prevent make‐up from crack‐ ing and keep it intact throughout the day. These creams also help to prevent signs of ageing and reduce dark circles and puffiness. 2. Apply concealer After preparing the skin, apply a concealer one shade lighter than your foundation to the undereye area, in the shape of a triangle down
to your cheek. Use a sponge or brush to apply the product and dab to blend thoroughly. 3. Apply foundation Apply a matte‐finish foundation gently to the entire area. Avoid using a luminous powder or foundation on the dark circles under your eyes, as this will draw more attention to them. 4. Use copper‐coloured eyeshadow Using eyeliner on your waterline can accentu‐ ate puffy eyes. Instead, apply a coppery shade of eyeshadow to your eyelids and just under your eyes and blend well. You will get a striking look while hiding bags. 5. Define eyebrows Complement your make‐up with full and well‐ defined eyebrows, which will draw attention to the upper part of the eyes and away from dark circles and bags.
Food allergies and intolerances
FOOD allergies are often confused with food intoler‐ ances, but there are some clear differences. A food allergy causes a set of adverse reactions that occur as a particularly strong response from the immune system when the organism perceives a nor‐ mally harmless food as a threat. The substances that cause allergies are not the food itself, but some of the proteins in it, called aller‐ gens, which lead the body to mistakenly produce anti‐ bodies. The main food aller‐ gens are milk, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, wheat and soybeans. Food intolerances are dif‐ ferent. The adverse reaction does not usually involve the immune system. The prob‐ lem is related to digestion and is due to the lack of cer‐ tain enzymes required for metabolising and using a particular substance in food. For example, lactose intolerance is caused by a lack of the enzyme lactase. Although allergies and in‐
PEANUTS: Are just one food allergen that can cause an adverse reaction.
tolerances may share some symptoms, allergies cause a much more immediate im‐ mune response, with symp‐ toms occurring within two hours. Digestive reactions may include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, and non‐digestive reactions may include hives, itching, respi‐ ratory problems, and, in the most severe cases, anaphy‐ lactic shock. In the case of food intol‐
erances, reactions are usu‐ ally delayed and involve on‐ ly the digestive system. Symptoms are less acute, recur frequently over time and are unlikely to cause death. Food allergies are often inherited, although there are other factors involved, such as age, the state of the intestinal mucosa and the amount of food ingested. Intolerances may be genetic or developed over time.
7 - 13 April 2022
EWN 41
42 EWN
7 - 13 April 2022
GO LOCAL THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to support local businesses in the com‐ munity by shopping local‐ ly in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we challenge you to maintain that habit by supporting local high streets, markets, butchers, greengrocers and all of the wonderfully quirky inde‐ pendent businesses in your area.
Local businesses make our villages, towns and cities what they are. They add unique character. They are convenient. And they offer excellent produce from known suppliers. The joy of shopping locally means that independent businesses can support the local community. You may find something a euro or two cheaper online but
BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, independent businesses can help support the local community.
have you considered where your money is actu‐ ally going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local family’s table and there is nothing better than giving back to the communities that have giv‐ en us so much. Local stores support charities and they sponsor local sports teams. In many cases, they are much more than just a business, they’re a legacy. They may have supported generations of the same family. Likewise, brand new local stores and bars may help the generations of the future fulfil their dreams and ambi‐ tions. Remember, your local store is going up against multina‐ tionals and chains. They can’t win that battle on their own. So give them your sup‐ port. Spending your money locally will make a real difference to the local
economy. Local businesses recirculate a greater share of every euro they receive at local level. They create locally owned supply chains and they invest in their employees. So remember. When you go shopping ‐ go local!
www.euroweeklynews.com • 7 - 13 April 2022
Holidays mean more for your pet
IT’S been rather quiet for us for a year or so, but many people are beginning to make plans again for travel. Are you? If you are planning a trip later this year register now to find pet‐sitters. Even if it’s just a short trip, you’ll know that you simply can’t travel with some pets. Young and senior pets in particular ben‐ efit from staying in their own home, so they can fol‐ low their routines undis‐ turbed. Let us help. Take a moment to plan ahead for pet and house‐sit‐ ters, whether your trips are already in the diary or a firm idea. Now is the time to get ready. We will help you as much as we can. Our philos‐ ophy is that we are all in this together. These are the
steps to take: 1. Register as a Home‐ owner on HouseSitMatch. com 2. Choose a Premium account (£89 per year) to ensure you can help online when needed 3. Create a profile with photos of your pet and the house 4. Post a house‐sit ad‐ vert stating your plans for your next holiday Covid per‐ mitting Do you need a pet‐sitter in 2022? Then get started right now. How does it work? HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our network for a small an‐ nual fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your advert saying when
Not all pets can come with us on holiday - find sitters with HouseSitMatch.
you are going on holiday. House‐sitters see your ad‐ vert, they respond and you
choose the sitter who’ll care for your pets. Trustpilot Testimonials ‐
4.8 / 5 Excellent rating (New Trustpilot rating scale)
Here’s what members have said about us ‐ HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter… HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter while we were away in Canada and we were delighted with the care and attention that HouseSit Match took in helping us find the right person. Ros Morris ‐ Dog owner How do you join? Please register online via our website www.Housesit match.com ‐ Choose a member‐ ship plan ‐ Please note prices go up soon so sign up now on subscription to secure these prices: • Standard (DIY option) = £69 pa • Premium (with support at each step) = £89 pa
Do you need a house-sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either a house-sitter or homeowner with a 50 per cent discount using coupon code SUPER50 – an exclusive offer for readers. To find a house or pet-sitter go to www.HouseSitMatch.com. SMALL and relatively cheap and easy to keep, hamsters have been a popular pet for many years. Unlike mice, hamsters are not particularly interested in having company apart from making more hamsters, so can be kept individually with‐ out any major problems. They are nocturnal and tend to sleep most of the day before
Pocket-pet care racing about at night. Essential equipment for hamster owners consists of a cage, exercise wheel, water bottle, food dish and bedding. While snazzy cages with mazes of plastic tubes look
cool and are loved by chil‐ dren, they are not the best bet as they are difficult to keep clean and can also cause problems if a chubby hammy gets stuck in a narrow tube. Exercise wheels should be made of solid plastic, rather than old‐fashioned wire ones which can easily cause injury. Grass hay, hamster pellets and fresh veg are all a ham‐ ster needs to stay well‐fed and healthy. Beware, howev‐ er, that they love to stash food away which can quickly lead to rotting vegetables, so take care to search out and remove these stashes fre‐ quently. Sticks or chew toys are vital as the rodents’ teeth grow constantly and need wearing down and, like all pets, a constant supply of fresh water is vital. There are many different types of bedding available, but be aware that litters which clump can cause di‐ gestive problems and soft‐ wood shavings can cause respiratory disease. As ham‐
sters do not tend to be smelly animals, shredded paper is the best option for bedding. Hamsters generally keep themselves well‐groomed so only those with long hair will need occasional grooming with a soft brush. Gentle han‐ dling from an early age will be enough to train a hamster as an affectionate pet, but avoid waking them up during the day to stop them from getting grumpy.
Hamsters are easy to keep.
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TURRE EVANGELICAL CHURCH We meet every Sunday at 10.30. For worship. We believe you’ll find us ‘relaxed’, welcoming’ and ‘informal’. Find us on Turre’s main street, towards the motorway at the far end on the left. To know more contact 617 614 156 (10021) ROYAL BRITISH LEGION - Why not make this year the year you volunteer? Call and see how you can help either as a caseworker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info tbuddy hhvisits@gmail.com. If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, www.britishle gion.org.uk/coun ties/spain-north ZURGENA Branch meeting on the first Thursday, Coffee Morning on the third Thursday and Buffet & Quiz Night on the last Tuesday of the month all at Bar Trinidad, Arboleas, for further details please email zurgenarblchair man@gmail.com - (253989)
7 - 13 April 2022 • www.euroweeklynews.com SPONSORED BY
VOSS HOMES are a professional, British family-run Estate Agents with an office in HuercalOvera town. They specialise in selling and renting properties in the Huercal-Overa, La Alfoquia, Zurgena & Taberno area. Andy, Anna, Jess, Adele, Hannah, Amy & Karen look forward to helping you buy, sell or rent your ideal property. Please call 678 002 006 for more information (283824)
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CHURCHES LOCAL ANGLICAN (C of E) church services at Mojacar Los Llanos Del Peral and Alhambra. Communion every Sunday in Mojacar at 11am. Communion at Los Llanos every Sunday except the last Sunday in the month when there will be Prayer and Praise all at 11am. The services that were being held in the South American church Albox have now returned to the chapel and Communion is held on the second Thursday of the month at 11am. Priest in charge rev canon Alan Bennet telephone number 680 243 436. For further information, please go to The Anglican Chaplaincy of Costa Almeria and Costa Calida web page. Or contact Tony Noble 950 069 103. (10002)
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Emma Raducanu is new Porsche Ambassador
EMMA RADUCANU wrote tennis history at the US Open last summer when a sensational winning run in New York resulted in her becoming the first‐ever qualifier to win a Grand Slam tournament. Now, the 19‐year‐old Briton will be one of the faces of Porsche in women’s tennis, representing the sports car manufacturer worldwide as a Brand Ambassador. She represents a new generation of successful young players on the way to the top of women’s ten‐ nis. Emma is currently world ranked number 13. After her success at the US Open, the young lady was made a Member of the Or‐ der of the British Empire by her country ‐ the youngest woman ever to receive the honour. In April, she will make her debut at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix in Stuttgart’s Porsche Arena.
“For me to be a Brand Am‐ bassador for Porsche means a lot,” said Radu‐ canu. “Porsche is one of the brands I’ve always loved from a young age. “One of my first tennis coaches drove a 911. Whenever I would turn up to practise in the morning, I would see his Porsche, I would go ‘wow’ and I’d dream about one day sit‐ ting in my own. Growing up, I would go to Brands Hatch and watch the Porsche Carrera Cup finals. “The adrenalin I would get from motorsports and seeing the Porsches was ac‐ tually the most fun part of my week,” she continued. “We’re delighted to wel‐ come Emma Raducanu to the Porsche family as a Brand Ambassador,” said Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board at Porsche AG. “She embod‐ ies not only a new genera‐ tion of strong and self‐con‐
fident players but, as a per‐ sonality, is also an inspira‐ tion and role model be‐ yond the realms of her sport for young women all over the world.”
7 - 13 April 2022
EWN 47