Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca South 21 - 27 April 2022 Issue 1920

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21 - 27 April 2022

Joint effort ELCHE Council has begun the compulsory purchase process to obtain land re‐ quired for the future Con‐ ference Centre. Mayor Carlos Gonzalez and Carlos Mazon, Presi‐ dent of the Provincial Council, said during their recent meeting that both were firmly committed to the project. “Today we have taken a decisive step towards providing Elche with its Conference Centre, the outcome of collaboration between both administra‐ tions,” Gonzalez said. The Council has agreed to obtain 5,000 square metres of land in Avenida de la Universidad for the centre as soon as possi‐ ble, while Mazon pledged to meet the €4.46 million cost of the compulsory purchases.



Turn to page 2 MASK FREE: We can now recover normality and show our faces and smiles.



21 - 27 April 2022

Photo credit: Orihuela Council

Tending the Palmeral TRADITIONAL CROP: Inspecting wheat growing in El Palmeral.

ORIHUELA’S Environment De‐ partment continues to add new palms to the Palmeral forest. In line with the Palmer‐ al Master Plan, the depart‐ ment intends to plant another 50 trees in addition to the 300 planted since 2020 to rejuve‐

nate Europe’s second‐biggest palm forest after Elche’s. The aim is to regain a densi‐ ty of 300 trees per hectare, compared with the current 220. “The new trees will be planted in zones where they can be easily watered to guar‐ antee their survival in the summer. More will be plant‐ ed in the autumn when they need less maintenance re‐ garding irrigation,” said Coun‐ cillor Damaso Aparicio. There are also plans to re‐ place fig and olive trees while incorporating traditional crops including two plots for cotton, Aparicio revealed. Six plots are to be given over to alfalfa on land in dan‐ ger of being taken over by weeds: “Alfalfa improves the soil and will limit their spread,” Aparicio said. With wheat now growing on a further 4,500 square me‐ tres of Palmeral land, an in‐ creasing number of traditional crops have returned to what the councillor described as “a unique open space.”


from Front page »

No more masks THE Spanish government has officially ended the mandatory requirement of masks indoors as from Wednesday, April 20, with some exceptions. On Tuesday April 19, the Council of Ministers officially approved the new regulation that will eliminate the require‐ ment except in health centres and on all public transport, while in the workplace it will be up to individual companies to decide. “We are going to recover normal‐ ity and show our faces and smiles,” said spokesperson Isabel Rodriguez The rule puts an end to two years of mandatory masks in closed public spaces.

Health Minister Carolina Darias said: “Masks will no longer be mandatory in all areas of educational centres.” Students will no longer have to wear them in the schools, although it is recom‐ mended that teachers with vulnerable health conditions wear them, as well as any other people with the same condi‐ tions when they cannot maintain 1.5 me‐ tres of interpersonal distance. “They will not be mandatory in a work environment,” the minister clarified. The government has not ruled out any future changes with some councillors even talking about the possibility of re‐ suming mask regulations in winter.

Tram plan panned ELCHE’S mayor, Carlos Gonzalez, dismissed plans to bring the Alicante Tram to the city as “unrealistic and improvised.” Earlier, the president of the Diputacion provincial council, Carlos Mazon, had re‐ vealed that he intended to commission an Alicante University study into the viability of bringing the Tram to Elche.

Speaking to the local media, Gonzalez said that Mazon had announced the project without any prior analysis of the situation. “He is talking about a multi‐million pro‐ ject, when other infrastructure initiatives like modernising the local train system‐ which has been analysed and agreed ‐ would answer the same need.”

NIBS EXTRA Pedal power ELCHE Council has approved plans for two projects to ex‐ tend the bicycle lane by anoth‐ er 4.2 kilometres. A 2.7‐kilo‐ metre section will connect the El Corte Ingles roundabout with the Hospital General while a 1.5‐kilometre section will link Avenida de Alicante and roundabout at the Ciudad Deportiva sports complex.

Fewer grants NINE thousand Alicante Uni‐ versity and Elche’s Miguel Her‐ nandez students have been turned down for state grants in 2022, approximately 30 per cent of all applications, al‐ though there were fewer re‐ quests. Dissatisfied student unions have called for “more information and greater trans‐ parency” regarding the proce‐ dures for obtaining a grant.

Safe sport SANTA POLA is spending €7,340 on five defibrillators for the Pereira, Monsa, Josa Anto‐ nio Aleman (Gran Alacant), Pa‐ co Hernandez and Silvia Mar‐ tinez sports centres, in addition to those already at the football ground and stadi‐ um. “This demonstrates our commitment to continue in‐ vesting in sport,” Councillor Julio Baeza said.

Easter Monas ALICANTE Province bakeries had to work overtime in the runup to Easter, producing the traditional Mona and Tona sugar‐topped buns, usually with an encrusted boiled egg, eaten at Easter Sunday and Easter Monday picnics. Bakers attributed buoyant sales to the lifted restrictions on the group numbers imposed dur‐ ing the pandemic.

Hate crime UKRAINE’S honorary con‐ sulate in the Valencian Com‐ munity issued a communique condemning an attack by three Russian nationals on a Ukrainian living in Torrevieja. It was a hate crime, punish‐ able with expulsion when committed by a foreigner who receives a prison that ex‐ ceeds 12 months, the con‐ sulate said.

21 - 27 April 2022

Royal Navy Association TORREVIEJA’S Royal Navy Association has voted in favour of making three donations to local charities. At the Annual General Meeting held in April, members agreed to donate €300 to the Naval Children’s Charity, together with €300 for the MABS group in San Javier and the Torrevieja branch of the AFA Alzheimer’s Association. Earlier, on March 24, the Royal Navy Association’s chairman, Tony Jenkins, presented AFA committee

Photo credit: Royal Navy Association


AFA DONATION: Royal Navy Association’s Tony Jenkins, with committee member Javier Penalva

member Javier Penalva, with a cheque for €300, receiving in return a commemorative

Posidonia showdown SANTA POLA Council op‐ poses the Generalitat’s policy of leaving washed‐ up seaweed on beaches from October 15 to March 15. The regional environ‐ ment department main‐ tains that leaving the Posidonia seaweed along the shoreline protects beaches from erosion during the winter months. Mayor Loreto Serrano and Councillor Angel Piedecausa nevertheless want an exception made for Santa Pola. Owing to the munici‐ pality’s proximity to the Tabarca Island marine re‐ serve, Santa Pola receives huge quantities of sea‐ weed, which other beach‐ es do not, they said. Serrano and Piedecausa also pointed out Santa Pola’s beaches are practi‐

CARLOS, a hiker whose dog died after falling into a 64‐ metre well in Albatera, com‐ plained that it remains uncov‐ ered. Out walking with friends and their four dogs in January, he realised that his own, named Toti, had disap‐ peared. They eventually discovered that he had fallen to the bot‐ tom of an uncovered well.

cally enclosed and wave action cannot return the Posidonia to the sea as happens elsewhere. Removing the seaweed each month would not endanger the beaches as the council’s system re‐ covers and replaces prac‐ tically all of the sand re‐ moved along with the seaweed, they said. The council town hall has now asked the Insti‐ tuto de Ecologia del Litoral (Institute of Coastal Ecology) to pre‐ pare a technical report, with particular emphasis on Santa Pola’s urban beaches, where lifesavers are on duty 10 months of the year. “Beachgoers’ continued presence during the win‐ ter months is another rea‐ son for removing the sea‐ weed on a regular basis,” Serrano added.

Danger Carlos has told Spanish me‐ dia that there are at least three open wells in the Ram‐ bla Salada area and called on the council to solve the prob‐ lem. As well as notifying the council, he and his friends tried unsuccessfully to lodge

plaque from the association. The Torrevieja branch of the Royal Navy Association

meets at 5pm on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the year at the Che Loco Restaurant in the El Chaparral urbanisation’s Calle Fray Angelico. For further information about the Royal Navy Association, contact the chairman, Tony Jenkins, by email at C hairman. R N AT B @ or call +34 693 866 709 or +44 7057 6117222 (Whatsapp). “Or come along to one of our meetings,” Tony Jenkins said.

Crime novels RETIRED police officer, Kevin McBride, contacted the Euro Weekly News after reading our recent report on a drugs haul aboard a Valencia cruise ship. “I’m a retired police officer living in Orihuela Costa and during the pandemic I wrote three crime thriller novels, de‐ spite never having considered writing as a pastime,” Kevin said. The first book in his No‐ One Said it Would Be Easy se‐ ries, Tropical Passion Killer, in‐ volves a horrendous murder in South America linked to transporting large amounts of cocaine in suitcases on a cruise ship. The victim is a young man from Newcastle‐ upon‐Tyne and Detective Sergeant Steve Bond is sent to assist the investigation. Kevin’s second book, The Devil’s Crossroads, is set in Spain and centres on illegal drugs, firearms and people

an official complaint with the Guardia Civil. “They said that as the wells were on public, not private land, there was nothing they could do,” Carlos said. Asked for her comments, Albatera’s mayor Ana Serna replied that all the wells were originally closed off. If they had been uncovered, this was the work of vandals, she said.


Email: or call 951 38 61 61 and ask for the EWN news team.

trafficking to Andalucia. Steve Bond, again the main charac‐ ter, now works for the Na‐ tional Crime Agency, collabo‐ rating with the Guardia Civil and National Police to tackle the never‐ending battle. In the third book, El Pan‐ tera, Steve Bond is once more battling organised crime groups, this time in Galicia. Back in touch with recent his‐ tory and the cartels, Steve’s biggest battle is with himself and the decisions he must make. Kevin, who has lived in Ori‐ huela Costa for seven years, was a CID officer in Newcas‐ tle‐upon‐Tyne and later be‐ longed to the National Crime Squad, fighting organised crime in England, Wales and Europe, including Spain. He writes under the name of Gabriel Lee, his two grand‐ sons’ middle names, and his books are available on Ama‐ zon.



Tourism recovery THE Valencian Commu‐ nity is leading Spain’s tourism recovery, a Gen‐ eralitat report main‐ tained. Regional govern‐ ment sources said on April 17 that internation‐ al arrivals during the first months of 2022 had in‐ creased by 750 per cent compared with the same period in 2021. “These figures allow us to feel optimistic about coming months,” said Ana Berenguer, the Generalitat’s Director General for Analyses and Public Policies. She said that figures based on foreign tourists’ overnight hotel stays demonstrated the strength of a sector that had known how to with‐ stand the worst mo‐ ments of Covid‐19. It was continuing to do so “during the present in‐ ternational uncertainty,” she added in reference to the Ukraine war. The statistics con‐ firmed tourism’s strong recovery, steadily ad‐ vancing over the last 11 months after the 2020 collapse inflicted by the international health cri‐ sis, Berenguer said. Alicante Province, where overnight hotel stays grew by 650 per cent this year and for‐ eign tourism had grown by 1,200 per cent, was largely responsible for the “intense recovery,” the Generalitat’s study found.

and finally... RENOVATING the quays and the Lonja fish auction hall at Torrevieja port has begun and should be completed by July. It will coincide with the fiestas for the fishermen’s pa‐ troness, the Virgen del Carmen. The new Lonja and fish‐ ing guild zone covering an area of 13,000 square metres will be located in the old ice factory which will include a space for nets and equipment as well as parking for 40 vehicles. The party also visited the customs zone, where rehabil‐ itation is due to start later this month, as well as the port and Maritime Authority buildings, both of which are due for demolition.


21 - 27 April 2022

Stormers ready BRITAIN will supply Ukraine with a deploy‐ ment of Stormer High‐ Velocity Missiles (HVM) armoured missile launch‐ ers along with 120 per‐ sonnel carriers. The 13‐ton vehicles can be flown to the war on C‐17 transport planes this month. Ukrainian officials wit‐ nessed the weaponry in action during a display by the Ministry of De‐ fence two weeks ago on Salisbury Plain. Operated by a three‐man crew of driver, gunner, and com‐ mander, the Stormer can deliver its deadly pay‐ load of 17 Starstreak missiles on the enemy, and then travel at speeds

of up to 50mph to es‐ cape quickly. “The Stormer‐ Starstreak combination will be a huge boost to Ukraine’s fighting capa‐ bility,” said the former commander of British troops in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, on April 18. “It is an extremely ef‐ fective, highly‐mobile combat vehicle that will do severe damage to any attempts at low‐level at‐ tack by Putin’s air forces. This news will anger Moscow, which is al‐ ready threatening retali‐ ation against the West, especially Britain, for supplying weapons,” he added.

Covid concern NEXT winter could see mil‐ lions more Covid‐19 infec‐ tions, according to Dutch Health Minister Ernst Kuipers. “It is not over,” he said on Saturday April 16. His new public health strategy will fo‐ cus on personal responsibili‐ ty, although the details are still being worked out. He said any new restrictions will be based on health con‐ cerns, as well the economic, social and cultural impact: “It is a very intricate and very difficult balance. We know this is incredibly disruptive.” Projections undertaken in the Netherlands suggest that as many as 10 million infections could occur during the seven‐month flu season, from mid‐September until

Terminal 3 MANCHESTER Airport’s Ter‐ minal Three is set to reopen to cope with passenger de‐ mand after months of chaos, queues and delays. Passengers travelling through Manchester Air‐ port have been plagued with delays and queues for several months. One pas‐ senger even turned up 13 hours early in a bid to beat the queues. Terminal Three was par‐ tially reopened on March 27, but this was only for a limited number of passen‐ gers. The terminal is set to fully reopen on Friday, April 22. Despite the impending


reopening, Manchester Air‐ port continues to advise passengers to make sure they check in three hours before their flight as well as checking the coronavirus travel advice for their desti‐ nation country before they head to the airport. “All passengers flying out with Aurigny, British Air‐ ways, Eastern Airways, Iberia Express, Loganair, Ryanair and Vueling will check in at the Terminal Three entrance. All arrivals into the airport with those airlines will also go through the Terminal Three build‐ ing,” the airport an‐ nounced.

mid‐April. Kuipers added that he is confident the Dutch authorities can track the spread of Covid and any possible new variants: “We did not have this type of testing for previous dis‐ eases.”

Free tuition for Ukranians ACCORDING to the Scottish government on Thursday, April 14: “Dis‐ placed Ukrainian stu‐ dents settling in Scot‐ land will be given access to free tuition and living cost support, subject to parliamentary approval. “Under new propos‐ als from the Scottish government, Ukrainians wishing to embark on a further or higher educa‐ tion course from aca‐ demic year 2022‐23 will be eligible for free tu‐ ition and living cost sup‐ port, providing they have submitted an ap‐ plication to the Homes for Ukraine, Ukraine Family or the Ukraine Extension schemes. “Existing Ukrainian students who have pre‐ viously started courses in Scotland and who are experiencing hardship will be eligible to apply for immediate financial assistance through a newly created £1 million International Students’ Emergency Fund.” Minister for Higher Education and Further Education Jamie Hep‐ burn commented: “We are determined to do everything we can to give displaced people from Ukraine the warmest welcome pos‐ sible and we want to en‐ sure students arriving here have the support they need to start or continue their higher and further education.


Doctor’s delight FANS of Dr Who are said to be delighted as the re‐ placement for Jodie Whittaker is ‘odds‐on’ to be David Tennant. Jodie Whittaker took on the famous role in the BBC sci‐fi series in 2017 when she became the 13th Doctor Who. In 2021, Whittaker an‐ nounced that she would be leaving the show in 2022. Official confirmation of who will take over the role has not yet been re‐ leased, but fans are de‐ lighted at the prospect of welcoming back David

Tennant. Bookmakers Coral’s John Hill said on April 19: “It’s been 12 years now since David Tennant left the iconic role of Doctor Who. Many punters be‐ lieve he is set for a sensa‐ tional return, replacing Jodie Whittaker. There has been one‐way traffic in our betting for the Scottish actor who is now odds‐on to be the next permanent Time Lord.” EastEnders star Danny Dyer is also in the run‐ ning for taking over. His odds are 10‐1.

BRITISH rail tickets will go on sale from April 19 with discounted tickets available on journeys from April 25 to May 27, with some routes enjoying up to 50 per cent off. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: “For the first time ever, op‐ erators across the rail industry are com‐ ing together to help passengers facing ris‐ ing costs of living by offering up to 50 per cent off more than a million tickets on

21 - 27 April 2022

GOOGLE said that it has not removed the blurring of Russian military instal‐ lations on its maps and that the im‐ ages were always unblurred. Genevieve Park, a Google spokesperson, said on Monday April 18: “We haven’t made any blurring changes to our satellite imagery in Russia. While the circulating images are likely legitimate, they were avail‐ able on Google Maps long before the conflict in Ukraine.” Google does blur its maps of po‐ tentially sensitive areas, including military locations. However, it does not blur all images. Viewers can see detailed satellite imagery of Nellis Air Force Base and even Area 51 in the US. It is believed that Google does pro‐ vide more detailed satellite imagery to a number of Western military

Rail sale journeys across Britain. There’s no better time to visit friends, family or just explore our great country, so book your tickets today.” Jacqueline Starr, CEO of the Rail Delivery Group, added on April 19: “We want everyone to be able to benefit from travelling by train because it’s more than just a journey, it’s a way to connect ev‐



No blurring SATELLITE IMAGERY: Was available on Google Maps long before the conflict.

forces, most notably the US. But it says it has not modified any images

eryone to the people, places and things they love. As part of the Great British Rail Sale customers will enjoy over one mil‐ lion discounted tickets, so they can ex‐ plore some of the fantastic locations that are accessible by rail.” Tickets can be pur‐ chased online from participating retailers with the up to half‐price rate applying to a range of off‐peak tickets spreading the length and breadth of the country.

for public consumption since the start of the war in Ukraine.

and finally... LACIE PATTINSON, eight, saved a lamb’s life after finding her ‘close to death’ when she was rejected by her mother. She nurtured the distraught animal with love and cuddles and today she is best friends with the sheep. The schoolgirl’s mum Hayley Pattinson, 37, said they even threw Lucky the sheep a party to celebrate her first birthday.


21 - 27 April 2022

A RECORD‐BREAKING space laser light, known as a megamaser, the most dis‐ tant one ever observed, has been detected by a team of international astronomers at the South African Radio As‐ tronomy Observatory in Ka‐ roo. The megamaser was de‐ tected five billion light years away from earth and is

Space laser thought to have travelled a whopping 58,000 billion‐bil‐ lion kilometres to reach our planet. Marcin Glowacki, a Re‐ search Associate at Curtin University in Australia, who

observed the light said “When galaxies collide, the gas they contain becomes extremely dense and can trigger concentrated beams of light to shoot out.” Named Nkalakatha, the isiZulu word for ‘big boss’, the megamaser was de‐ tected on the first night of a survey that spanned more than 3,000 hours of observation time. Glowacki added on April 15: “It’s impressive that, with just a single night of observations, we’ve al‐ ready found a record‐ breaking megamaser. It shows just how good the telescope is.”


Sinking ship PICTURES of sinking Russian warship Moskva have emerged as new accounts strongly dispute the official Russian version of the loss of Vladimir Putin’s Black Sea Fleet flagship. The photos published on Monday April 18 are thought to have been taken by a pass‐ ing Turkish ship. The Moskva, a Soviet‐era guided missile cruiser, sank near the Black Sea port of Sev‐ astopol on Thursday April 14 after Ukraine said it hit the ship with two cruise missiles. Russia has confirmed the ship sank, but said this was due to an accidental fire which

THE European Union’s Anti‐Fraud Office has accused French far‐right politician Ma‐ rine le Pen of embezzlement. The report, released on April 14, ac‐ cused the National Rally presidential candi‐ date of having embezzled nearly €140,000 of public money from the Parliament of Strasbourg, when she was an MEP. Under question are public funds from the Stras‐

MOSKVA: The ship was allegedly hit by cruise missiles. detonated ammunition on board. A young sailor’s account of surviving the carnage on the Moskva was revealed by No‐ vaya Gazeta, Russia’s leading investigative media outlet. The sailor’s mother told No‐ vaya Gazeta: “He called me, and he cried over what he had

French fraud bourg parliament when she sat there as a deputy between 2004 and 2017, which the report said that she personally should reimburse. According to the report, which is labelled sensitive, Le Pen is said to owe the commission €136,993.99. Le Pen who is standing on an anti‐EU platform has

seen. It was horrendous. Clear‐ ly not everyone survived.” She added: “Most of the wounded have limbs torn off, because of the explosions from both the missiles and the detonated ammunition.” Fears have also been raised that the ship went down with nuclear warheads.

questioned the timing of the report. “I will return their money to the French. I will put the value of work back in the spotlight and for that, we will focus on making work pay,” she said. Both Le Pen and her party have been the subject of embezzlement investigations in the past, with this report bringing the total that she is accused of embezzling to €475,000.


21 - 27 April 2022


Favourite to win UKRAINE is 2‐1 to win the Eurovision Song Con‐ test which will be held on May 14 in Turin, Italy. Hip‐hop folk band Kalush Orchestra are expect‐ ed to sweep the board with a blend of modern elements and ethnic instruments. Forty coun‐ tries will take part in the 66th Eurovision Song Contest. Kalush Orchestra performed their song, Stefania, at a warm up event in Israel. The group said that the song has become an an‐ them for Ukrainians. “We are really happy that we have the op‐ portunity to boost the morale of people here,” lead singer Oleh Psiuk said on April 14. The group has special dispensation to perform as most men of fighting age are not allowed to leave Ukraine. THANDIWE NEWTON has reportedly split from her filmmaker husband of 24 years, Ol Parker. The couple share three children. And the actress may be heading to rehab after she dramatically exited ‘Magic Mike 3’ which she had been filming in London alongside Channing Tatum. Thandiwe denied earlier reports she had been fired from the Magic Mike film

Hip-hop folk band Kalush Orchestra.

The UK’s entry, TikTok sensation Sam Ryder, is closing the gap at 13‐1 with his song Space Man, the fourth most tipped act behind Ukraine, hosts Italy and Sweden. Russia had originally planned to participate but was excluded due to its invasion of Ukraine.

Thandiwe Newton split over an argument about Will Smith and the Oscars slap with her co‐star. New‐ ton said she had quit due to personal reasons. Now it has been claimed the star has separated from her hus‐ band. A source on set told one publication: “Thandiwe had been acting strange on set. It

became clear she couldn’t play the role. “There is a lot going on in her personal life, she and her husband have separat‐ ed. “She seemed so stressed, she even brought her two pet rabbits to her hotel for emotional support,” the source added.

10 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022

Helen Mirren’s stepson passes away THE acting world is in mourning for Rio Hack‐ ford, son of Taylor Hack‐ ford. Helen Mirren’s stepson died on Thurs‐ day April 14 in Califor‐ nia’s Huntington Beach after a long illness. Screenwriter D V DeVincentis paid trib‐ ute to his friend and said: “Rio was more at‐ tuned to experience than anyone I’ve ever known, he would stop what was happening to point it out, compel you to pay attention, he would order you a must‐have experience from a beloved menu and hold your eye as you paid attention to what was happening in your mouth…. He would put an experi‐ ence for you on the stereo, then start it over and play it again for you because we

Died after a long illness.

were talking over it the first time and ‘Pal, you really have to listen to it’.” Fellow actors also paid tribute and Robin Tunney said: “I was so sad to hear about Rio passing, he was too nice to be that handsome. Too cool to be that relat‐ able. My Gosh that man was special. RIP Rio.” Cary Elwes stated: “So sorry for your loss. May his memory always be a blessing.”


Russian warning RUSSIA has warned the US to stop arming Ukraine saying that it was adding fuel to the conflict. A formal diplomatic note, re‐ vealed on April 14, warned that the NATO shipments of the “most sensitive” weapons sys‐ tems to Ukraine could bring “unpredictable consequences.” The warning comes as Presi‐ dent Joe Biden announced a massive expansion in the scope and volume of weapons to be supplied to Ukraine. The €740 million package includes the type of equipment Ukraine has been asking for, including long range artillery that matches Russian firepower. It also in‐ cludes equipment that will help the country to defend its coast‐ line as well as ammunition, ar‐ moured vehicles and anti‐tank weapons. Experts have sug‐ gested that the diplomatic note will see a change in approach from Russia who have labelled weapons convoys coming into the country as legitimate mili‐ tary targets, but has not made any effort to attack them so far.


21 - 27 April 2022

Presenter receives death threats THE Oscar slap completely overshadowed other events on the night including a joke by actress Amy Schumer that resulted in her receiving death threats. Schumer said she received the threats after making a joke about Kirsten Dunst saying she thought the Oscar nominee was a so‐called seat filler and asked her to stand up. Dunst was sitting at the table with her hus‐ band, Jesse Plemons. Seat fillers are the people who sits in a star guest’s chair while they are accept‐ ing an award or going to the bar. Schumer pretending not to recognise Kirsten Dunst at

Actress Amy Schumer.

the awards ceremony was seen by some as an insult. Some of the threats she has received say: “Who do you think you are that you can in‐ sult Kirsten Dunst like that?” The threats have been so bad and numerous that she was called by the police who

asked: “Did you make fun of Kirsten Dunst at the Oscars?” Speaking on the Howard Stern Show she said: “The secret service got in touch with me,” adding that “the joke was coordinated ‐ like the other jokes at the event, we even spoke before.”

Megan and Harry warning IT is feared that Harry and Meghan could ‘hijack and overshadow’ the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee if the cou‐ ple return to the UK this summer. “Charles wants the Plat‐ inum Jubilee to focus only on the Queen,” a source told one publication on Sunday, April 17. “Many are disappointed that Andrew overshadowed Prince Philip’s thanksgiving service and don’t want the Meghan and Harry circus to hijack the Jubilee. “This is the Queen’s show and should be about her and her 70 years of service rather than Meghan’s fashion, the

kids and Harry. “They don’t want it to be‐ come the Harry and Meghan show. Charles and all the family are agreed on that,” the source said. Harry and Meghan have

not confirmed whether they will attend the Queen’s four‐ day bash, which includes family at Trooping the Colour and a line‐up of roy‐ als on the Buckingham Palace balcony.

and finally... A TEEN who disappeared when he was 16 years old was dis‐ covered by the Summit County Sheriff's office in Utah, who said they had responded to reports of a homeless person wander‐ ing around the Kimball Junction area, pushing a shopping cart. How Oswalt, the autistic teen who has been reunited with his family after three years, got to be 1,200 kilometres and more than 11 hours’ drive away from where he disappeared re‐ mains a mystery.

EWN 11

12 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022

Divorce applications up 50% WITH the new no‐fault laws barely two weeks old since they were introduced, di‐ vorce applications in the UK have soared by 50 per cent according to figures re‐ leased on Wednesday April 13. Introduced on Wednes‐ day April 6, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 eradicated the no‐ tion that one party in the couple had to be at fault or have committed some form of wrongdoing. It also does away with the need for couples to prove they have lived apart for two or more years if they were not able to prove

NEW LAWS: Makes divorcing your partner easier.

that anyone was at fault. Importantly the change means that the divorce can‐ not be contested by the other party, a requirement that forced many to live in unhappy marriages be‐ cause both parties had not agreed to getting divorced.

HM Courts & Tribunals data for the first week of the new law shows that 3,000 requests were filed, an average of 600 a day. Prior to the introduction of the new law applications averaged around 2,000 a week.


Beach rules A LOT has changed since the start of the pandemic and that includes the rules and laws that govern beach us‐ age in Spain. Little known, but a rule that has been around for many years, is that beach‐ wear is for use on the beach. That means quite simply that you should cover up when you leave the beach, so no bikinis and bare chests. You could be issued with a fine of up to €300 for break‐ ing this simple rule. Many people think it’s quite ok to camp out on the beach overnight or to park

NEW LAWS: Cover up when you leave the beach.

your RV / Campervan in a beach car park for the night. Abuse of these rules has seen a hardening of atti‐ tudes and a tightening of the laws which could now see you fined by as much as €1,500. Spain is quite tolerant when it comes to nudity

however the law is simple, if it causes offence it is a crime. That means topless ladies sunbathing on beaches is ac‐ ceptable, appearing fully nude in areas other than nudist beaches is not. Falling foul of this rule could see you issued with a fine of €750.

and finally... BRITISH comedian Rob Beckett took to Twitter to warn fellow British Airways’ customers after he had travelled to Walt Disney World on a dream holiday with his two children. Beckett wrote: “This is a public service announce‐ ment. Avoid @British_Airways until they have sorted out their IT and staff problems. Absolute shambles. They are all over the place. Especially if you’re travelling with kids. Fingers crossed we have a flight home. They aren’t sure.” He followed the post with a few laughing face emojis. Despite the travel chaos, the comedian said he and his family had the “best holiday ever.”


21 - 27 April 2022

Morocco finds gas

LARGE natural gas deposits have been discov‐ ered off the coast of Larache in Morocco. According to reports, 11 companies had drilled 67 wells, out of which, 40 contained gas supplies. Starting operations with these new deposits will not require a significant investment appar‐ ently, due to the proximity of the gas pipeline that crosses northern Morocco, along with a large network of industrial warehouses. The largest deposit was said to be the one found by Repsol.

A report on these gas discoveries has been delivered to the Infrastructure, Energy, Mines and Environment Commission, in the House of Representatives. It was handed in by Amina Benkhadra, general director of the National Of‐ fice of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM). According to Benkhadra, Repsol has recently discovered large amounts of gas in the sea, off the coast of Larache. This discovery was con‐ firmed by the drilling of wells carried out by the British company Chariot Oil and Gas, between the end of 2021, and the beginning of 2022.

12-year-old fundraiser WHEN a young boy from Cum‐ bria, UK, set up his Instagram account, he had no idea how it would impact his fundraising efforts for Ukraine. Gabriel Clarke, 12, fell in love with woodworking when he was just three or four when his mother gifted him his grandfa‐ ther’s hammer. Now, he has raised over £243,000 for Ukraine and has over 250,000 followers on Instagram sup‐ porting him. A viral Twitter post about Gabriel´s woodwork saw fans

Gabriel’s Bowl for Ukraine.

commission around 20,000 handcrafted wooden bowls. Gabriel’s mother took to Just Giving to explain that these would take the boy 32

years to create and that in‐ stead he had decided to create one bowl, Gabriel’s Bowl for Ukraine, which would go to a selected doner to the Save the Children Ukrainian appeal. The winner of the bowl has now been chosen, however, you can still donate on Gabriel’s Just Giving page until Sunday, April 24. Go to Gabriel’s Instagram page here: (@clarkie_wood‐ work) or Just Giving page: undraising/bowlforukraine

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14 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Record Shanghai cases A RECORD number of symptomatic Covid‐19 cas‐ es was reported in the Chi‐ nese city of Shanghai on Saturday, April 16 despite the whole city’s popula‐ tion of around 25 million being locked down. Other regions of the country are starting to im‐ plement further restric‐ tions. Announcing a 14‐day

Residents in lockdown.

lockdown, the closure of the central Chinese manu‐

Darknet arrest AUTHORITIES in Russia have arrested the alleged co‐ founder of the world’s largest marketplace on the darknet on Friday April 15, a week after the platform was shut down by German and US authorities. The marketplace known as Hydra was shut down after German authorities seized the servers on which it was run, along with more than €20 million in Bitcoins. Charges filed by the Justice Department in the US named Dmitry Pavlov, 30, as the administrator of Hydra’s servers. The accused had said he was unaware of the charges and said he was innocent of the charges brought against him. Pavlov told media that: “We are a hosting company and have all the necessary communications licences. We don’t administer any sites, but only provide servers for rent as in‐ termediaries.”

facturing area of the Zhengzhou Airport Eco‐ nomic Zone will affect com‐ panies like Apple Inc. Its main supplier Foxconn is located there. This lock‐ down will be "”adjusted ac‐ cording to the epidemic sit‐ uation,” said the authorities. Following dozens of Covid‐19 infections this month, residents of Xian, in the northwest of China, have been urged to avoid making unnecessary trips. Companies have also been encouraged to let their em‐ ployees work from home, or even live and sleep on the premises. Responding to concerns among residents about po‐ tential food shortages, a Xi‐ an government official con‐ firmed on Sunday April 17 that a lockdown would not be imposed in the city. More than 500 infections were reported last week‐ end in Shanghai’s neigh‐ bouring city of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province.

16 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Innocent war victims PRINCE CHARLES in his East‐ er message on Sunday, April 17 highlighted the suffering of “innocent victims of conflict”. Although the Prince does not refer explicitly to Ukraine his Easter message was a call to address the plight of refugees. In his annual Easter address, the Prince of Wales said: “Today, millions of peo‐ ple find themselves displaced, wearied by their journey from troubled places, wounded by the past, fearful of the future ‐ and in need of a welcome, of

PRINCE CHARLES: Addressed the plight of refugees.

rest, and of kindness. “Over the past years, I have

Online safety THE UK government’s groundbreaking Online Safety Bill is set to be debated for the second time in Parliament. According to the government on Sunday, April 17, the bill “requires social media platforms, search engines and other apps and websites allowing people to post content to improve the way they protect their users.” The debate over “the most important legislation in the inter‐ net age” was set to be held on Tuesday April 19. Digital Secretary Nadine Dorries said: “The time has come to properly protect people online and this week MPs will debate the most impor‐ tant legislation in the internet age.”

found myself heartbroken at the sufferings of the innocent victims of conflict, or persecu‐ tion, some of whom I have met and who have told me stories of unutterable tragedy as they have been forced to flee their country and seek shelter far from home. “But amidst all this sadness and inhumanity, it has been profoundly moving to see how so many people are ready to open their homes to those in need, and how they have offered their time and their resources to help those facing such soul‐destroying sorrow and hardship.”

18 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Emergency sea landing PASSENGERS were left shocked after they were warned their Aer Lingus flight was going to make an emergency sea landing. The warning on the Zurich to Dublin flight seemed to be a glitch though, as only minutes later the passengers were told to ignore the previous announcement. The flight made it to Dublin airport on schedule without any further inci‐ dents. Traveller Fearghal O’Lideacha revealed: “I was sitting down near the back with my son, who had headphones on.” As far as he could remember the warning message said: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is an emergency. Please prepare for a ditched land‐ ing.” Mr O’Lideacha knew that a ditched landing meant that the plane was going to attempt a sea landing. An Aer Lingus spokesperson stated that on flight EI343 from Zurich

to Dublin an “incorrect” warning message had played. The spokesperson commented: “A follow up announcement was made

advising passengers of the error. At no point during the flight was there any risk to the safety of the aircraft or those on board.”

Big Brother return REALITY show Big Brother is set to return next year ‐ but on ITV. Producers are in talks about a return run of the iconic show featuring members of the public as in the original series. It is likely to be screened on ITV2 in autumn 2023 af‐ ter Love Island has aired. Big Brother ‐ which last appeared on Channel 5 ‐ was originally hosted by Davina McCall, 54, on Channel 4. The much‐loved hit show ran for 18 years until 2018 and launched the careers of household names such as Jade Goody, Alison Hammond and Josie Gibson. A TV source told one publication: “They think putting it on ITV2 will open it up to a new audience and legion of younger fans. “They are really keen on getting the deal done on Big Brother, and hope to have something firm to announce soon.”



A chef’s hat has 100 pleats.


21 - 27 April 2022

Renfe to install defibrillators SPANISH train operator Renfe intends to invest €3 million on the installation of defibrillators in its fleet. A total of 668 such devices will be fitted on its AVE, long and medium distance, and tourist trains, of which 570 are already at the start of the start‐up process. This initiative’s main ob‐ jective is to ‘save lives’, guaranteeing maximum safety in the event of a possible cardiorespiratory emergency suffered by any passengers using Renfe’s rail transport. The defibrillators will be located in the most acces‐ sible areas of the trains, such as in the cafeterias, vending areas, or spaces for people with reduced mobility. Signage will be placed both outside the cars and inside, at differ‐ ent points, to help find them if necessary. This project involves providing the personnel located in these cardio‐

protected spaces with ad‐ equate training in order to guarantee rapid action in the event of sudden

cardiac arrest. To date, a professional group of 2,226 people has been trained.

City will be rebuilt RINAT AKHMETOV, be‐ lieved to be the wealthi‐ est businessman in Ukraine, has vowed to re‐ build the war‐torn city of Mariupol once hostilities with Russia are ended. He owns two huge steel‐ works in the besieged city that has been bombarded almost out of existence by Russian forces over the last seven weeks. After eight years of con‐ stant fighting in the east‐ ern region of the country, Akhmetov has witnessed his business empire being destroyed at the same time. Even so, he remains

defiant enough to have full belief in Ukraine’s armed forces holding the city. Akhmetov is the boss of Metinvest, the largest steelmaking company in Ukraine. In the current cli‐ mate, he has had to an‐ nounce that it is impossi‐ ble for his company to deliver on its existing con‐ tracts. Speaking in Friday April 15, Akhmetov said that more than one‐third of Ukraine’s metallurgy pro‐ duction capacity has been disrupted because of the conflict.



There are 4 times more empty homes in the US than homeless people.

EWN 19

20 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Embracing Ukraine

FUENTES DE ANDALUCIA, in Sevilla, adopted the name ‘Ukraine’ for Holy Week in a show of moral support for the invaded country. The small town boasts a sign at a roundabout at the village’s entrance, where Ukraine replaced Fuentes de Andalucia and the country’s blue and yellow flag was painted alongside. Streets have been renamed City of Kyiv, Ode‐ sa and Mariupol in the village of more than 7,100 inhabitants, east of Sevilla. The villagers have also raised €3,500 within two days toward a planned centre for refugees, which could house up to 25 Ukrainians fleeing from their war‐torn country. “There are no borders in the world we live in,” one local man said. Mayor Francisco Martinez said the name

SEVILLA TOWN: Adopted different name.

change is an action of solidarity with the situa‐ tion experienced by the Ukrainians due to the Russian invasion. The initiative also is in solidarity with other places in the world that suffer war conflicts, oth‐ er street names reference Ethiopia, Syria, Yemen, Palestine and Afghanistan.

Scam call offers rebate A NEW scam is in operation in the UK with the Local Government Association (LGA) warning that cold‐ callers are pretending to be from councils with an offer of a £150 energy bill rebate. The scammers are taking advantage of the one‐off rebate offer that is avail‐ able for most A to D band

properties, asking for bank details so they can credit the money into accounts. The LGA said however that councils will never ask for bank details over the phone with those who pay by direct debit and who are entitled to the rebate, re‐ ceiving the money directly into their account.

Those who do not pay by direct debit will have re‐ ceived a letter from their council explaining how to go about claiming. The warning again asks people to remain vigilant and not to respond to texts, emails or calls that ask for personal details of any kind.

22 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Advertising Feature


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21 - 27 April 2022

Masks in Scotland CHANGES to face covering laws came into force on Monday, April 18, in Scot‐ land. According to the Scottish government: “The legal re‐ quirement to wear face coverings in most indoor public spaces and on pub‐ lic transport will become guidance” from April 18. The government though has recommended that: “face coverings continue to be worn where appro‐ priate ‐ including in indoor crowded spaces and on public transport ‐ as mem‐ bers of the public are ad‐ vised to carry on taking sensible precautions to re‐ duce the spread of Covid‐ 19. “Data shows the situa‐ tion has generally im‐ proved, but Covid has not gone away with over 5,000 cases a day still being recorded in Scotland.” First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “In recent weeks we have seen

steady progress as we move back to a greater sense of normality and a more sustainable way of managing this virus. “However our NHS is still

under pressure and the most vulnerable members of our society can still ben‐ efit from additional mea‐ sures to protect them from the virus.”

Bulldog and pug ban THE Blue Cross is calling on MPs to back a strict new crack‐ down on ‘dangerous’ breeding of bulldogs and pugs in the UK. The charity has launched a campaign that hopes to see an ‘end to the trend of the horrendously bad breeding of brachy‐ cephalic pets.’ The Blue Cross hopes that the breeding of French Bulldogs, Pugs and Persian cats will be banned. The Blue Cross’ Becky Thwaites told one publication: “We have already started contacting MPs. Ultimately Blue Cross is determined to see the end of the poor breeding of flat‐faced dogs and are considering all options both legislative and non‐ legislative to achieve this.” The organisation has said that flat‐faced breeds account for 20 per cent of dogs in the UK. As the breeds gain in popularity breeding issues are exacerbated. Currently, in the UK, Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Ar‐ gentino and Fila Brasileiro are banned.



A man once wore 60 shirts to the airport to avoid extra fees.

EWN 23

24 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Storm Celia aftermath CALLOSA’S Fuentes de Algar were able to open in time for Easter despite Storm Celia’s destruction at the end of March. The force of the rain‐swollen Algar that feeds the series of rockpools and cascades swept away three bridges and seriously damaged an‐ other while sweeping away trees, railings and other infrastructure. Despite an initial announcement that it would be impossible to repair the damage in time for Easter week, it was possible to impro‐ vise temporary but safe crossings for visitors to the natural enclave. “It was very hard work to make sure that the Fuentes could reopen so soon after the storm,” said Mayor Andres Molina. The damage will cost €70,000 to repair. Meanwhile, swimming was banned because of Algar’s dangerously strong currents and the signposted one‐way system has been reacti‐ vated. Originally introduced to ensure social dis‐ tancing during the pandemic, the one‐way sys‐ tem was reinstated to avoid mishaps on the re‐ paired infrastructure ,while visitors were also advised to wear comfortable, non‐slip footwear.

News from our editions With six editions and read by more than half a million people, EWN is Spain’s largest free local English-language newspaper COSTA DEL SOL

Junta supports Marenostrum


Better beaches in Torre del Mar ON Wednesday April 13, the first deputy mayor of Velez‐Malaga and councillor for Beaches, Jesús Pérez Atencia, officially pre‐ sented the recently completed works on Levante Beach in Torre del Mar, which in‐ volved the extension of the infirmary of the central lifeguard post and the installation of a new bathroom. According to the mayor, the improve‐ ments to the lifeguard post have resulted in “a more comfortable, spacious and accessi‐ ble infirmary area in order to provide a ser‐ vice to the whole of our coastline.” In addi‐ tion, the new outdoor toilet has three cubicles for use by men, women and people with reduced mobility. He added: “After the last storm, we have been working on a series of improvements to all our beaches with the sole objective of having everything in optimal conditions for Easter. In addition to incorporating this bathing area, we are going to continue working in all of the towns along the coast, adding new equipment to continue provid‐ ing a quality service to users of our beach‐ es.”



Heroic action in Alcudia

Clear road ahead MOJACAR is closer to getting its much‐needed coastal bypass. The Junta’s department of Public Works, In‐ frastructure and Territorial Planning and Mo‐ jacar Town Hall have signed a collaboration agreement to build a two‐kilometre section of road between the A‐1203 road and Paraje de Las Marinas. The €5.9 million project will complete the by‐ pass begun 30 years ago to decongest the heavy traffic that collapses Mojacar’s Paseo del Mediterraneo each summer. Marifran Carazo, who heads the Public Works, Infrastructure and Territorial Planning department, described the agreement as the re‐ sult of “intensely hard work” to unblock a stalled problem “and give it a second chance.” Now that the Junta has authorised the pro‐ ject, the next step involves closing an agreement regarding funding before the contract is put out to tender. “We have achieved a new scenario, with a route that will be safe and environmentally‐re‐ spectful,” Carazo said, revealing if all goes accord‐ ing to plan the contract will be awarded this year. Once awarded, the new section of road should be finished within two years, she added. Mojacar’s coastal bypass, which Carazo said had been “plagued by delays and setbacks” was initially begun in 1994 but construction was halt‐ ed 12 months later at the contractors’ request. Work resumed in 2002 and the first phase be‐ tween the A‐370 and ALP‐818 was completed in 2005, although the remaining 5.7 kilometres’ unfavourable Environmental Impact Statement prevented construction from progressing.


ANDALUCIA BRAND: Confirming the arrangement.

THE Junta de Andalucia is supporting the Marenostrum Fuengirola project, which in 2022 celebrates its seventh year. Fuengirola councillor Rodrigo Romero said on Monday April 18 when announcing this tie up with the delegate for Tourism in Malaga, Nuria Rodríguez “the Junta de An‐ dalucia intends to generate interna‐ tional projection through musical events and in this sense its commit‐ ment to Marenostrum Fuengirola is ideal. “I think that our objectives com‐ bine perfectly, since many of the fes‐ tivals that we are going to have here

have a great international projec‐ tion.” For her part, the Tourism delegate responded that “Marenostrum Fuen‐ girola is in a special enclave, at the foot of the sea, next to the Sohail castle, surrounded by history and nature. “I think, today, we must recognise that it has been a complete success, that it has been consolidated and that it has placed on the internation‐ al map from cultural tourism and to us, who are committed to the pro‐ jection of the Andalucia Brand, this festival will help us promote that brand from Fuengirola.”

A TALE of heroic action came to light on Thursday, April 14, regarding the collapse that occurred in a Mallorca hotel on Satur‐ day April 9. It has been revealed that when the incident happened, the manager of the hotel in Puerto de Alcudia rushed into the rubble to assist one of his mem‐ bers of staff. Showing total disregard for his own safety, the director held the hands of a 59‐year‐old cook who had been crushed by a falling wall, while firefighters fought to release her. Ac‐ cording to 061 sources, the woman’s thigh was compressed, and she also suffered in‐ juries to other parts of her body. Both staff members were reportedly transferred to the Muro hospital in a serious condition. The incident happened in the three‐star BlueSea Piscis Hotel, at around 3pm. It was first believed that a gas explosion had caused the collapse of a ceiling into the kitchen area, but it has now been confirmed that it was actually due to gym equipment on the floor above. Police sources indicated that the collapse “could have been a real dis‐ aster.” These same police sources explained that there were around 330 clients staying in the hotel at the time. They have since been relo‐ cated to other establishments, with the ho‐ tel facility having been sealed. It will not open its doors until a report from the munic‐ ipal technician certifies that there is no risk of new collapses.



Holy veto

Car thefts

THE Danish Lutheran Church had the right to veto the building of any construction that would obscure the view from a church within three kilometres which meant that wind turbines were being banned, but due to anxiety to escape Russian energy domination this will be scrapped.

ACCORNING to a recent report by, Denmark has the lowest theft rate of cars in the whole of Europe averaging just one per day, although other research says that more than 100 bicycles are stolen daily throughout the country.

THE NETHERLANDS Pack your trunk

Seeing glasses

CONTROVERSY has erupted over the fact that the owners of the last circus elephant in Holland, Buba, have received permission to sell the 45-year-old to the Kimba Elefant Park in Hungary, which is part zoo and part circus and is owned by a circus family.

BLIND singer Stevie Wonder has been given a special pair of glasses created by a group of researchers at Delft University to trial. The Envision glasses have an inbuilt camera which records the environment and reports in speech what it sees to the wearer.

BELGIUM Dead on arrival

Bare faced cheek

PASSENGERS and crew were shocked when a Brussels Airlines flight travelling from Sierra Leone to the Belgian capital had to be diverted to Madrid on April 13 after a medical emergency was declared on board, but the passenger who was unwell died soon after the plane landed.

A NAKED man who reportedly told police that he fancied taking off his clothes and going for a walk around the streets of Geraardsbergen was arrested on April 12 and was fined for offending public decency before being released.

GERMANY Minister resigns

Back tracking

DUE to the fact that she took a four-week holiday shortly after devastating floods occurred last year in the state where she was a senior official, Anne Spiegel who later was elected to Parliament and became Minister of Families and Women has now resigned.

UKRAINIAN President Volodymir Zelensky appears to be distancing himself from reports that he didn’t want German President Steinmeier to visit Kyiv and says that he wasn’t aware that the President has asked to join other leaders in a proposed official visit.

FRANCE Saving money

New verb

IT has been reported by www.navyrecognition. com that Normandie (D651), an Aquitaine-class frigate of the French Navy which was launched in 2018 sailed out of its home port in early April without its Electronic Warfare suite's jammers due to budgetary reasons, despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

THOSE using social media in Ukraine have apparently coined a new verb macronete (macroner in French and English) created following inactivity by Emmanuel Macron and it means to refer to someone who ‘appears to be worried about a situation, but does nothing.’

NORWAY Defence problems

Electric shock

AFTER Norway’s Defence Minister Enoksen resigned on April 9 (the date that the Nazis invaded Norway in 1940) due to sexual misconduct, his relatively unknown replacement Bjørn Arild Gram has been linked with a ‘me too’ sexist text which he denies sending.

IN a bid to increase the use of public transport in major Norwegian cities, the Public Roads Administration proposes that the government should significantly reduce the amount of benefit given to drivers of electric vehicles who receive subsidies before and after purchase.

21 - 27 April 2022

EWN 25

FINANCE Public spending HISTORICALLY the European Union has been harsh with the four PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) and their inability to limit their public deficits and debts, but due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent inflation, control will be suspended for 2022.


£1.5 million

in bribes is the amount that a former UK Coca Cola employee has admitted taking in order to secure business for two British companies.

Updating hospitality accounting methods Credit: haddock

BUSINESS EXTRA • 21 - 27 April 2022


Boiled eggs THE Easter Bunny is to be kicked into touch next year as the UK government is going to ban special discounts or two for one offers and placement of chocolate treats such as Easter Eggs near to tills in order to try to reduce obesity especially in children.

Equal pay THE Spanish Ministry of Labour and Equality has now released a new job assessment tool, which is available to all companies which will allow them to identify whether there are any obvious pay differences between male and female employees doing the same or similar jobs.

Hand me downs ONE of the problems with children is that they keep growing, which means that parents are always having to buy new clothes. Recognising this, Marks and Spencer are trialling membership of peer‐to‐ peer marketplace where parents can buy, sell, donate, and recycle outgrown kidswear through dotte.

Seafood galore EUROPE’S premier seafood event is due to take place in Barcelona between April 26 and 28, with more than 2,000 companies from 76 countries taking part. Despite Brexit and the fall out over fishing rights in British waters, a number of British companies will be exhibiting at Seafood Expo Global which in 2019, (the last time it took place being in Brussels), 29,000 people from 155 countries visited. Attracting exhibitors from as far away as the Falkland Islands which has a significant and valuable squid and toothfish export industry, the world’s biggest seafood trade fair will contribute up to €100 million to the economy of Barcelona.

Controlling restaurant costs.

MOVING Spanish hospitality industry into the digital age as it starts to re‐ cover from the pandemic, new tech‐ nology is being introduced in order to make ordering of stock more efficient and to calculate the cost of each item on the menu. One innovative company, Choco has created new software which digi‐ tises ordering, supply chain and com‐ munications for suppliers and restau‐ rants. Although it’s a €7.5 billion market in Spain the majority of owners con‐ duct most transactions with pen and paper or spreadsheets. According to Larry Aschebrook, A UK company has been shut down for mis‐selling white goods service plans and was known to target elderly and vul‐ nerable people. According to the UK govern‐ ment on Wednesday, April 13, Premier Protect Holdings Ltd, which traded as Premier Protect 365, has been wound up by the Courts. The company had sold service plans for white goods and TVs. Along with targeting vulnerable people the company is also said to have pressurised ‘customers into ‘renewing’ non‐existing ser‐ vice plans.’ The official report explained: “After providing card details and

Managing Partner of G Squared, the Choco software already shows “im‐ pressive levels of user engagement and true value creation for cus‐ tomers; we are excited to see Choco fulfil its potential to modernise the food supply chain, at a time when we believe it is needed more than ever,” he adds. The company, which has grown by 333 per cent in Spain in the last year was valued at €1.12 billion just three and a half years after its creation. Another innovative new company, haddock, specialises in intelligent cost control for restaurants and has revo‐ lutionised Escandallos, a tool that cal‐

culates the costs of dishes automati‐ cally. With their Escandallos function‐ ality, the user will only have to take a photo of their invoices and delivery notes and upload it to haddock. The platform will automatically ex‐ tract the information from the prod‐ ucts and the restaurateur will only have to choose the ingredients of their recipes to make the price tag for each dish. The ingredients will be automatical‐ ly updated with the last purchase price, and once the sale price has been added, the restaurateur will be able to control the profit in real time for each dish on the menu.

Accused of mis-selling setting up an annual payment, customers subsequently found it was impossible to contact the company to arrange a refund. In some cases, the company actu‐ ally took money from individu‐ als without their consent. “Neither the company, nor its director, Abdelhak Akayour, co‐ operated with the Insolvency Service investigation. The for‐ mer director, Imran Munshi, said he set up the company ‘to compare white goods and poli‐ cies on them’, but that it had been sold to Akayour before it ever traded.

“Munshi’s name however still appeared on both the account opening documentation with the serviced office provider, and the company’s own white goods supplier. “The Financial Conduct Agency issued a warning regarding Pre‐ mier Protect in December 2020, saying it was not an authorised company and therefore any pay‐ ments made to Premier Protect were not covered by the Finan‐ cial Services Compensation Scheme and customers would not have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service.”

Net zero BIRMINGHAM Airport is set to create net zero carbon by 2033 and has already made progress in becoming environmentally responsi‐ ble having introduced elec‐ tric vehicles, solar power and energy efficient mea‐ sures. Chief executive Nick Bar‐ ton revealed on April 12, “Our Net Zero Carbon Plan sets out how we will be‐ come net zero by 2033 through investments in en‐ ergy saving initiatives and stakeholder partnerships over the next decade. “Our investment to be‐ come net zero will escalate immediately with a multi‐ million‐pound outlay up to 2025, focusing on renew‐ ables and energy efficien‐ cies. “The second phase of in‐ vestment will be developed to complete our net zero transition by 2033, with a focus on emerging tech‐ nologies to create a low‐ carbon environment.”

Seized goods MANY years ago, British Cus‐ toms used to regularly send items seized at Heathrow Airport to an auction room in Hounslow rather than just destroy them. Similarly, here in Spain, when items are seized by ei‐ ther the courts or law en‐ forcement agencies and are confiscated, provided they are not illegal, they also are auctioned off. The Ministry of Justice has just put up for auction 1,259 lots made up of various ob‐ jects such as carpets, paint‐ ings, watches and books, val‐ ued at more than €300,000 and any profits will serve to compensate the victims of various crimes. All of these items will be auctioned online through the specialist Escrapalia auc‐ tion portal.

28 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022



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COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.332,50 Abrdn 197,65 Admiral Group 2.493,0 Anglo American 4.168,5 Antofagasta 1.676,50 Ashtead Group 4.578,0 Associated British Foods 1.631,5 AstraZeneca 10.536,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 644,80 Avast 548,00 Aveva 2.416,0 Aviva 434,30 B&M European Value Retail 537,60 BAE Systems 765,40 Bank VTB DRC 0,010 Barclays 145,86 Barratt Developments 508,60 Berkeley 3.968,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.991,00 BP 399,45 British American Tobacco 3.262,0 British Land Company 521,00 BT Group 187,10 Bunzl 3.065,0 Burberry Group 1.615,5 Carnival 1.372,0 Centrica 78,62 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.583,0 Compass 1.677,00 CRH 3.020,0 Croda Intl 7.594,0 DCC 5.856,0 Diageo 3.963,5 DS Smith 315,80 EasyJet 574,20 Experian 2.739,0 Ferguson 10.020,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.626,0 Fresnillo 804,00 GlaxoSmithKline 1.773,00 Glencore 526,80 Halma 2.521,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 968,00 Hikma Pharma 2.070,00 HSBC 522,40 IAG 145,48 Imperial Brands 1.660,50 Informa 618,20 InterContinental 5.192,0

CHANGE(P) 1.339,50 198,95 2.499,0 4.184,5 1.696,00 4.578,0 1.646,0 10.574,0 650,20 551,80 2.466,0 435,60 545,00 766,80 0,010 146,26 509,00 3.982,0 2.994,00 400,40 3.273,5 521,60 189,20 3.081,0 1.623,5 1.392,5 79,38 1.589,0 1.677,50 3.031,5 7.620,0 5.918,0 3.978,5 321,30 578,60 2.767,0 10.065,0 8.640,0 823,60 1.781,40 534,90 2.531,0 980,00 2.087,00 522,40 146,44 1.682,50 618,80 5.204,0

% CHG. 1.305,00 195,55 2.469,0 4.109,5 1.668,00 4.525,0 1.601,0 10.392,0 641,00 546,20 2.409,0 428,40 534,60 752,60 0,010 142,66 494,70 3.867,0 2.947,50 393,95 3.222,5 515,40 184,75 3.021,0 1.588,5 1.329,0 77,76 1.558,5 1.634,50 2.977,0 7.506,0 5.850,0 3.906,5 314,50 555,20 2.712,0 9.792,0 8.420,0 804,00 1.763,40 525,60 2.468,0 961,00 2.061,00 514,20 141,10 1.646,50 604,20 4.989,0

NET VOL 1,45M 5,22M 397,30K 2,22M 636,18K 2,23M 1,02M 1,77M 2,70M 874,56K 208,70K 8,19M 2,38M 8,02M 0 43,07M 8,00M 205,06K 1,85M 57,31M 3,75M 1,45M 14,60M 707,08K 1,30M 711,78K 22,17M 785,04K 4,29M 875,13K 279,96K 275,74K 2,92M 4,21M 4,32M 1,45M 878,65K 239,00K 1,09M 11,78M 53,55M 649,20K 726,96K 364,90K 27,22M 23,54M 3,23M 2,37M 786,45K



Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

1.691,50 5.082,0 77,02 241,80 1.901,5 770,80 274,40 44,98 8.150,0 768,00 122,90 1.435,50 1.183,50 219,00 6.190,0 1,89 1.138,50 2.170,0 614,20 1.069,00 6.056,0 2.439,00 528,80 637,20 6.212,0 93,43 0,60 723,40 1.360,50 0,5000 3.148,0 956,00 1.358,50 3.070,0 2.192,0 1.194,50 1.434,00 12.610,0 1.792,50 1.372,00 508,40 131,90 266,30 241,20 3.429,0 1.133,50 132,14 2.915,0 978,00


% CHG.


1.699,00 5.090,0 77,02 242,40 1.906,5 770,80 274,40 45,16 8.162,0 770,80 123,10 1.447,50 1.194,50 219,60 6.196,0 1,89 1.156,00 2.170,0 615,00 1.074,50 6.086,0 2.443,00 529,80 643,60 6.233,0 93,50 0,60 727,00 1.376,00 0,5000 3.160,0 964,80 1.359,50 3.081,0 2.199,0 1.199,00 1.446,00 12.700,0 1.794,50 1.383,50 511,20 132,10 266,30 242,50 3.441,5 1.140,00 132,30 2.935,0 983,00

1.667,00 5.042,0 75,22 237,90 1.868,0 750,20 269,40 43,97 8.060,0 768,00 119,60 1.411,50 1.179,50 216,40 6.102,0 1,89 1.126,00 2.118,0 608,00 1.052,50 5.926,0 2.403,00 524,60 634,60 6.122,0 89,65 0,60 717,80 1.360,50 0,5000 3.120,0 946,00 1.332,00 3.051,0 2.164,0 1.186,50 1.412,00 12.350,0 1.760,50 1.366,00 499,10 128,20 260,60 233,90 3.407,5 1.125,50 130,70 2.802,0 961,40

357,45K 220,74K 12,54M 4,97M 530,66K 1,72M 19,85M 255,92M 796,08K 750,34K 7,34M 1,20M 6,15M 10,00M 593,65K 0 1,37M 764,21K 1,72M 3,14M 1,22M 2,52M 2,19M 1,45M 2,65M 50,29M 0 2,08M 5,84K 0 259,20K 3,01M 3,21M 520,21K 11,16M 1,67M 891,93K 143,65K 4,00M 842,31K 5,67M 23,39M 18,60M 4,10M 3,78M 1,09M 158,74M 2,55M 3,83M



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0791 Japan yen (JPY)......................................136.604 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0191 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4376 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.5232 • Tel: +34 965 994 830 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 147,38 181,16 254,02 165,29 181,94 227,81 171,59 51,17 65,02 65,49 321,64 304,52 195,19 126,56 45,67 179,90 126,12 250,51 86,91 279,83 133,46 158,57 189,41 184,24 534,82 53,83 212,79 44,81 157,08 130,47

CHANGE 149,59 182,47 257,57 171,27 185,54 229,21 172,94 52,38 65,57 66,00 333,03 312,25 196,70 130,58 46,75 181,40 128,30 253,73 87,51 288,30 134,38 160,30 196,45 185,01 553,29 54,19 215,95 45,42 158,29 133,59

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 147,21 2,33M 178,68 2,67M 253,65 2,86M 165,04 75,33M 181,64 5,14M 218,61 5,34M 170,56 9,42M 51,12 18,02M 64,82 16,39M 64,39 7,00M 319,03 5,46M 304,33 4,57M 194,91 4,28M 126,38 6,38M 45,62 36,18M 179,73 6,19M 125,02 18,84M 250,43 2,11M 85,41 22,10M 279,32 28,22M 128,89 12,81M 158,45 7,81M 189,22 5,13M 183,45 992,12K 534,07 4,21M 53,78 16,92M 212,53 8,19M 44,62 5,29M 156,43 7,45M 130,35 7,28M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+69.44% +65.93% +42.59% +39.86% +38.46% +36.08% +35.54% +27.45% +25.84% +25.25% +21.23%

58.63M 9.87M 491.81K 764.22K 19.24M 1.10M 602.30K 1.13M 7.63M 88.76M 250.43K

-36.38% -35.25% -23.19% -23.06% -21.83% -21.13% -20.20% -19.90% -19.43% -19.29% -18.13%

17.42M 10.06K 1.57M 0.40K 4.88M 177.02K 9.00M 2.39M 78.57K 420.62K 75.79K

Most Advanced Medavail Holdings Indonesia Energy Avanti Acquisition Cumulus Media A Houston American Energy Metromile Apptech Marine Petroleum Scworx Clarus Therapeutics Holdings Amesite

Most Declined Histogen Inc Cemtrex Pref Singularity Future Tech Insu Acquisition Protagonist Therapeutics Cazoo Group Wnt. Guardforce AI Lixte Bio Pyxis Oncology Forge Global Holdings Ayala Pharma

21 - 27 April 2022

Free water A NEW Spanish law which came into effect on April 11 means that all bars and restaurants are required by law to offer free tap wa‐ ter as an alternative to bot‐ tled water in a bid to re‐ duce the use of plastic, so diners could save money.

Gold standard ORVANA is a multi‐mine company owning the El Valle and Carlés gold‐cop‐ per‐silver mines in northern Spain as well as some in South America. Despite hold ups due to the lorry drivers strike, the company extracted 10,595 ounces of gold by end March 2022.

Tesco profits ALTHOUGH Tesco has an‐ nounced pre‐tax profits for 2021 at just over £2 billion, a steady rise, it has warned shareholders that 2022 could be difficult as it may need to reduce profit in or‐ der to keep prices down and stay competitive.

Ferries return FERRY operators and the myriad of informal ticket offices across southern Spain should see a prof‐ itable summer now that ferry services are operating between Spain and Moroc‐ co once again following a two‐year hiatus since Spain now supports Morocco’s claims on western Sahara.

Ukrainian currency THE EU wants to allow refugees to exchange some Ukrainian banknotes in order to make life a lit‐ tle easier for them. The non‐binding resolu‐ tion confirmed on April 19 wants to see member states set up national schemes that would allow for the conversion of hryv‐ nia notes under similar conditions across the EU. The schemes would al‐ low displaced persons from Ukraine, including children, to exchange up to 10,000 hryvnias (ap‐ proximately €310), per person. This would be free of charges, and at the official exchange rate as pub‐ lished by the National Bank of Ukraine. The dura‐ tion of these schemes would be a minimum of three months. Due to the disruption caused by the Russian mili‐ tary aggression, the Na‐ tional Central Bank of Ukraine had to suspend

AN initial report by the National Statistics Insti‐ tute (INE) puts Spain’s March inflation rate at 9.8 per cent, two points higher than February. This is the highest rate since May 1985 and appears to be fol‐ lowing the course of many countries throughout the western world, the majority af‐ fected by energy prices in particular. Not surprisingly, one of the main culprits is the jump in the cost of fuel following the Rus‐ sian invasion of Ukraine, but another factor is the steady in‐ crease in the cost of housing. Although the cost of consumer goods and eating out did increase, this was by less than the overall rate of infla‐ tion.

CURRENCY EXCHANGE: Examples of Ukrainian currency.

the exchange of hryvnia banknotes into foreign currencies in order to pro‐ tect the country’s limited foreign exchange reserves. This has affected the convertibility of the hryv‐ nia banknotes in EU coun‐ tries, where many banks were unwilling to ex‐ change the hryvnia due to exchange rate risks.

Some of the country’s neighbours such as Poland and Romania have taken it upon themselves to allow some limited right of ex‐ change as refugees cross into their territories, but as they travel further into the EU, they are effectively left with useless money, hence the European Com‐ mission review.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than four million people, escaping the war have arrived in the EU and although member states as well as charities and individuals are offering a great deal of support, this move will allow many in‐ comers to feel that they are not totally dependent on the goodwill of others.

Possible increase in alcohol duty

Golden hello NOT long ago, British Air‐ ways were trying to get rid of staff in order to reduce costs but now finds itself in a reverse situation, needing more cabin crew. As it sees more people wanting to travel it has regularly can‐ celled flights due to staff shortages. Training and ob‐ taining airport security checks are time consuming so it has announced that it will give new staff who are already qualified (ie they work for other airlines) a £1,000 ‘golden hello’ paid over six months provided they start work by July.


Inflation rockets

Credit: National Bank of Ukraine


Credit: Creative Commons

30 EWN

Spirit prices could be increased by 2023.

BRUSSELS wants to force Spain to raise taxes on wine, beer and al‐ coholic beverages and it is expect‐ ed that a formal proposal on the matter will be put forward after a public consultation. Public consultation on raising taxes on alcoholic beverages is set to remain open until July 4, whilst any rule changes could come into force by the second quarter of 2023, as reported by the Spanish

press on Wednesday April 13. According to the European Com‐ mission, the rule that determines the minimum rates applied to al‐ coholic beverages by member states has not changed since 1992 and it is expected that tax increas‐ es could raise around €1 billion per year in Spain if similar rates to the rest of Europe were applied. As reported by the Spanish press: “Spain is the fifth country

in the EU (adding the United King‐ dom to the member states) that gets the least money from the tax applied to distilled spirits with an alcohol content of 40 per cent or more. It is also one of the lowest earners on beer.” Taxes on alcohol are intended to ‘discourage excessive consump‐ tion.’ In Spain though, drinking wine is considered part of the Mediterranean diet.

Hello campers SOME 18 months ago, US private equity firm Blackstone spent around £3 billion on purchasing Bourne Leisure, owners of Haven, Warner Leisure Hotels and Butlin’s. Now it is looking to offload Butlins which currently only oper‐ ates three holiday camps in Bognor Regis, Minehead and Skeg‐ ness, although it does own three hotels as well. According to Sky News, there appears to be a great deal of in‐ terest from other American investment companies such as Fortress Investment Group, which owns Punch Taverns and TDR Capital, one of the principal shareholders in Asda. The likely price is be‐ lieved to be in the re‐ gion of £600 million.


LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT TO my mind, Boris Johnson’s plan to ship illegal boat immigrants to Rwanda is nothing short of brilliant. Naturally, with monotonous predictability the wokes and ‘do gooders’ are screaming their discontent, along with the lefties, who would rather see the country go to hell in a hand cart than lose a Labour vote in the next election. Don’t get me wrong, I actually don’t consider this scheme has a great deal of shelf life at all. As soon as the millions paid out to the Rwanda authorities are seen to be financing their private jets more than immigrant’s welfare, I envisage the whole scheme fizzling out. No the point here is deterrent. When the first participants of the scheme begin posting back pics of Rwanda housing instead of UK hotel rooms, those still heading for Calais will immediately begin to rethink their trip and actually remain in other EU countries en route. The majority of these people do not want sanctuary; they have proven that over and over again. They want the soft handouts and free benefits that have been provided by the beleaguered British taxpayer for

21 - 27 April 2022

Rwanda plans far too long. So well done Boris, a bit of common sense at last. Another thing that appears to have been overlooked is that if the UK was still shackled by the EU it wouldn’t have been able to take these measures; yet another Brexit plus that will undoubtedly be played down by the left wing British media. So, Ta Ra! The final chapter in the plastered bridegroom saga of a couple of weeks ago. You may recall our groom was the victim of a dastardly stag night plot devised by his best man who had left him with his arm unnecessarily in Plaster of Paris for the whole duration of his wedding and honeymoon. Now read on. A couple of years later on, lo and behold the best man had himself succumbed to love’s young dream and subsequently fixed the date of his own wedding. Naturally with the memory of the ‘joke’ he played at the time of his friend’s betrothal still lingering, he anticipated a form of revenge would certainly arrive at some time or another. But it never materialised. Despite his nerves being wrecked, the stag night and the wedding all went successfully by without any apparent

hitch. With a quiet sigh of relief and the cheers of well‐wishers in his ears, he and his bride finally flew off to their honeymoon in Barbados. After checking into their luxury hotel they soon retired and subsequently enjoyed their first romantic night in the sumptuous bed of the bridal suite. The next morning, after even more canoodling, the groom called room service and lazily ordered breakfast for two. To his disbelieving and incredulous ears from under the bed issued the unmistakable voice of his maligned bridegroom friend of yore. ‘You better make that for three’ it cried triumphantly. Yep, you guessed it. His friend had been with them all night. A ménage a trois they could definitely have done without! Ain’t revenge grand? Keep the Faith Love Leapy To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

EWN 31

TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp

Now streaming: The Girl from Plainville THE GIRL FROM PLAINVILLE is based upon an Esquire ar‐ ticle by Jesse Barron explor‐ ing the bizarre story of Con‐ rad Roy III, an 18‐year‐old Massachusetts teenager who took his own life after being encouraged by his 17‐ year‐old girlfriend Michelle Carter. This series has an impres‐ sive 93 per cent critic rating and a 62 per cent audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is worth a watch if you are into the true crime genre and ethics‐based crime cas‐ es. I remember reading the Esquire article and being horrified and confused at the thought of a teenager convincing another to take their own life, even going as far as telling them to ‘drink bleach’ and pushing them to ‘do it today’. The series goes into great detail about the relationship between Conrad and Michelle, portrayed in an in‐ credible performance by Elle Fanning (Super 8), and the

bizarre and haunting text messages leading up to Con‐ rad’s death. Although this series is based on true events, hav‐ ing watched a few docu‐ mentaries on the case, some of the storyline and conver‐ sations have been overly dramatised (the audience is also informed of this at the beginning of each episode). I feel the case was bizarre enough without the drama‐ tisation and focusing on the facts would have been enough to portray the story. This mini‐series brings up a lot of question about ethics and whether a person can be prosecuted for con‐ vincing another to commit suicide. Carter was convict‐ ed of involuntary manslaughter in 2017 and was released early from prison, after serving only 11 months of her 15‐month sentence. It is unclear where Michelle is now. The Girl from Plainville is available to stream on Hulu now.

34 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


350 Dormant volcanoes CAMPO DE CALATRAVA is a part of inland Spain with incalculable geologi‐ cal wealth. It is a historic region, located right in the heart of the south‐ western part of the au‐ tonomous community of Castile‐La Mancha, which, incredibly, is home to 350 dormant volcanoes. This stunning geologi‐ cal space is one of the most important volcanic regions in the entire Iberian Peninsula. It ex‐ tends over 5,000 km² in the province of Ciudad Real. The secret of these lands can be found in‐ side, with the hundreds of volcanoes that left their mark on the territo‐ ry millions of years ago. Although the last vol‐ canic eruptions occurred thousands of years ago, the Smithsonian Institute has recognised the region as an ‘Area of Still Active Volcanic Activity’. That is because they occurred

CERRO GORDO: Just one of the many volcanoes in the area.

less than 10,000 years ago. The Ciudad Real Tourism Board recom‐ mends a route that runs through the main points of the region. It is a three‐day break that en‐ sures visitors do not miss any detail of the spectac‐ ular nature of Campo de Calatrava. The geological value of Campo de Calatrava lies in the fact that most of the volcanic formations retain their original shape, which is a first‐ rate research space for

experts. Most of the vol‐ canoes have been desig‐ nated to be a Natural Monument, so are pro‐ tected. Other elements typical of this type of geography, can be found in the re‐ gion, such as the maars. These are volcanic craters, which, thanks to the rain, are filled with water to form lagoons. The magic of the maars is that their waters usually take on a brilliant blue colour due to the miner‐ als present in the vol‐ canic soil.


NORA JOHNSON BREAKING VIEWS Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

I KNOW there’s a disconnect between writing about an amusing story as I’m doing this week and reading about people being starved and bombed in Ukraine. Not so long ago I wrote that as a columnist you ask yourself, in the wake of Putin’s barbaric invasion, whether you had better write about Ukraine, because it’s all anyone wants to read about, or whether you’d better not, because it’s the one thing nobody wants to read about. Well, I’ll try to walk a fine line ‐ a sort of balancing act ‐ between the two. I won’t write about Ukraine every week, because that would bore everyone silly. But at the same time if there’s a sub‐ ject that might help lighten the mood and lift the spirits I’ll take it on. Like the story about the drunk who joined a search party looking for him‐ self. Yes, you read that right. A drunk who had been reported missing in Turkey spent hours with a search party

21 - 27 April 2022

EWN 35

‘Missing’ drunk joins search party to find ... himself some people do claim they find them‐ selves on their gap years, don’t they?). Hopefully he wasn’t too disappointed when he did find himself (admittedly saving himself a fortune in therapy). But we shouldn’t laugh too much ‐ his story could maybe be taken as a metaphor for life itself, right?

AMUSING STORY: A man was literally searching for himself.

looking for himself. He not only sought but ultimately ‘found’ himself in a for‐ est with volunteers. The penny dropped when he realised that they were shouting his name. He then asked: “Who are we looking for? I’m here!” He has since joined a small group of ‘missing’ people who have in‐ advertently joined rescue missions for themselves.

Which reminds me of the pompous high‐ranking official stopped by police for driving erratically and, when asked for a breath test, snorted: “Do you know who I am?” To which the cop shouted over to his colleague: “Hey sarge, there’s a bloke here who doesn’t know who he is.” So, an amusing story. A man who was literally searching for himself (well,

Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘Death in Windermere’, ‘The Sentinel’, ‘No Safe Place’, ‘Betrayal’, ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( ra‐ available online as eBook (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, pa‐ perback and audiobook. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Nora Johnson’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


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MONDAY 25/04

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9:30pm 10:00pm

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7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Luxury Fashion for Less Taskmaster


Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Grayson's Art Club Gogglebox


A Place in the Sun Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke Grand Designs Channel 4 News Formula 1 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix Qualifying Highlights A Lake District Farm Shop Iron Man

11:40am 12:10pm 1:40pm 2:10pm 3:10pm 4:10pm 5:10pm 7:10pm 7:15pm

Sunday Brunch Live Rugby League Find it, Fix it, Flog it The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer Escape to the Chateau Channel 4 News Formula 1 Emilia Romagna Grand Prix Highlights SAS: Who Dares Wins

4:50pm 5:50pm 5:55pm 6:55pm 7:00pm

A New Life in the Sun Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Inside the Metaverse: Are You Safe? Dispatches Travel Man: 48 Hours in Antwerp Rescue: Extreme Medics

3:15pm 5:00pm

A New Life in the Sun Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer Derry Girls Hullraisers Bling Ring: Hollywood Heist


Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Home Transformation Grand Designs: The Street

3:15pm 5:00pm

6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

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6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 9:58pm 10:00pm

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Spring Gardening with Carol Klein 5 News Update Springtime on the Farm Ben Fogle: Inside the Lost City of America

11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Gregg Wallace's Island Getaway 5 News Update Coastal Britain with Kate Humble 5 News Update


Friends Friends Friends Our Yorkshire Farm Our Yorkshire Farm A Year in Kew Gardens Tsunami 5 News Weekend Michael Ball's Wonderful Wales Inside Hampton Court Kings of Country


Father of the Bride 5 News Update Father of the Bride 5 News Weekend Barging with the Billionaires Primark: How Do They Do It? Happy Campers: Brits on Holiday Holidaying with Jane McDonald: Florida


Stolen in Her Sleep Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Police Interceptors 5 News Update Traffic Cops 5 News Update Inside the Force: 24/7

8:30am 9:00am

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Dogs with Extraordinary Jobs 5 News Update The Yorkshire Vet 5 News Update Rob & Dave's Big Texas Rodeo

8:30am 9:00am

Framed By My Sister Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Secrets of the Fast Food Giants 5 News Update Police Interceptors 5 News Update Council House Swap


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3:30pm 3:40pm 3:45pm 4:25pm 6:45pm 7:15pm 8:15pm

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The Football Show Sky Sports News Live European Tour Golf Live Indian Premier League Sky Sports News Live Premier League Live PGA Tour Golf Sky Sports News Live: TNT Pre-Game Show Live Formula 3 Championship Then & Now With Verstappen F1 Rivalries Live Formula 2 Championship Live Formula 1 Live Ted's Quali Notebook The F1 Show Live EFL Good Morning Sports Fans Live Super Rugby Soccer Saturday PreMatch Soccer A.M. Live EFL Live Formula 1 George's First Day Live: SNF Live PGA Tour Golf Sky Sports News Super Sunday Matchday Super Sunday Matchday Scottish Premiership Live Live Renault Super Sunday Live Renault Super Sunday Live WSL Live PGA Tour Golf Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Live Netball Superleague Live MNF Live: Path To The Draft Live: Total Access Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Sky Sports News Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Sky Sports News Live EFL Sky Sports News Live: Path To The Draft Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Sky Sports News Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Sky Sports News Live EFL Sky Sports News

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


CLAIRE GORDON FINDING BALANCE IN AN UNEVEN WORLD JUST when you thought there wouldn’t be some‐ thing big enough to pull out of the bag to distract from the fact that the En‐ glish prime minister is a law‐breaker and an in‐ credibly heartless per‐ son, the chancellor and his wife have been USA green card holders to avoid tax bills, and multi‐ ple members of parlia‐ ment have been investi‐ gated by the police, along comes Priti Patel and the grand unveiling of the Rwandan offshore processing centre. An ab‐ surd policy that has no basis in human decency or common sense, it can only exist as a diversion technique to distract or‐ dinary people and ap‐ pease racists. The UK government has already agreed to pay their Rwandan coun‐ terparts £120 million be‐ fore a single refugee has even been transported there, as the country cur‐ rently struggles through a cost of living crisis that

21 - 27 April 2022

Costly policy is biting all but the most well‐off households. There is no doubt that this figure will spiral out of control if this trans‐ portation policy becomes reality. We only have to look at the Australian version of this scheme to see that it is an awful idea on every level. Australia currently transports refugees to an asylum prison on the is‐ land of Nauru and the costs to do this are astro‐ nomical. Nauru refugee prison currently costs the Australian government a huge £430 million a year, which amounts to £4.3 million per person held there. A ridiculous price to pay for something that amounts to not much more than institutional racism. When Priti Patel was looking into a refugee prison in Albania last year, projected costs were already looking to be £100,000 per person per year and we all know

that government projects always balloon over bud‐ get. As well as the off‐ shore processing centre, there is to be a Greek‐ style ‘reception centre’ built in North Yorkshire as well, where people will have to ‘obey strin‐ gent rules or face losing their right to claim asy‐ lum’. It has been proven over and over again that these detention centres achieve nothing but harm, violence and cruel‐ ty and the UK govern‐ ment is aware that there are alternatives, but still chooses to inflict this state violence on vulner‐ able people. The prison at Nauru is also rife with abuse by guards of the people being held there There is little doubt in my mind that these poli‐ cies are being pushed to deflect scrutiny from all the other wrong‐doing of this despicable govern‐ ment. I also believe that the money the plans will cost will line the pockets

To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to Claire Gordon’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

of Tory backing compa‐ nies. But as Boris John‐ son wrote himself in the Telegraph in 2011: “When a regime has

been in power too long, when it has fatally ex‐ hausted the patience of the people, and when oblivion finally beckons ‐

EWN 37

I am afraid that across the world you can rely on the leaders of that regime to act solely in the interests of self‐ preservation, and not in the interests of the elec‐ torate.” Let’s hope the electorate finally stands up for themselves and those less fortunate than them.

Advertising Feature

IS YOUR NEW HOME A GOOD INVESTMENT? REBECCA SERWOTKA ‐ “We sell hous‐ investment. es! It’s what we do, it’s ALL we do!” Here are three signs to help you dis‐ Your favourite local resale property ex‐ cover if you’ll break even or have the po‐ pert, in Ciudad Quesada. Author of tential to make a tidy profit: ‘Moving Forward ‐ 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without 1. Did you pay above the go‐ Going Crazy.’ Request your FREE ing rate of comparable homes in copy! Prestige Award Winner your area? By paying above market for ‘Real Estate Agency Of The value, it may take a while to catch Year 2021/22.’ up on price before you’ll break Even though you may have even. only just purchased your 2. Is your neighbour‐ new home in Spain, it hood popular? If there aren’t doesn’t hurt to think many properties available, de‐ about its resale value. mand will inevitably push Did you buy it with prices up. the intention of mak‐ 3. Does the floor‐ ing a quick profit, or plan appeal to a wide au‐ do you intend to be dience? To attract a wider there for the long pool of buyers, it’s always haul? Either way, it’s advisable to have at least Rebecca always good to know one bedroom and bath‐ Serwotka. you’ve made a great room on the ground floor.

Ready to cash in on your property? Call me today for a FREE home valuation on (+34) 966 718 392. See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper!

EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

HIGHER MARKET PRICES? From our Facebook DOES anyone ever question the difference in pricing here in Spain and the UK with the German supermarkets? I buy an English newspaper twice a week and can’t help but notice the huge difference in prices offered on their adverts. Aldi this week were offering cauliflowers at 39p each (not a kilo), 2kg of potatoes at 23p, cucumbers at 39p each, these are just an example of many products that are on offer every week at ridiculously cheap prices compared to Spain, are we being ripped off here?

SPANISH PRICING: Are we being ripped off here?


Fan of Leapy’s I read with a smile your piece in the paper every month - great stuff. I wanted to moan, and you seemed like a good sounding board. These blooming car seats for kids. How did we survive without them quite easily actually. A cushion under them and one either side and a seat belt. I can’t remember anyone dying. That awful rain we have just had. I hated passing people with kids and you can’t give them a lift because you don’t have one of these blooming seats. People on holiday here with kids had to walk in the downpour to get breakfast if they had kids, hiring a car would have meant buying car seats as well.Where do they all go as the kids grow out of them. They are not bio-degradable so there must be a

mountain of them somewhere. How is that saving the planet? And parents have to buy bigger cars to fit the things in, how is that saving the planet as well. They are the most irritating rule that has ever been brought into the world. A serious note about them. If a car turned over, you would have trouble getting a tot out and what if the car went under water or caught fire. I think health and safety haven’t thought this through. Keep the Faith. Sylvia

Reply to our reader Peter Peter and his wife should have applied for residencia after they had been here 90 days. It’s a bit late af-

VISIT RWANDA WHEN the Arsenal Football Club signed a deal with the Rwanda Development Board in 2018 said to be worth £10 million a year and due to run until 2025, it is unlikely that they would have expected such a visit to become an enforced requirement for many. The fact that an estimated 800,000 people were massacred in 100 days of genocide in that country in 1994 is uppermost in the minds of many who are worried about the British government deal with Rwanda to shunt off illegal arrivals to Britain. The country ranks at number 139 in the world for annual GDP and although supposedly (at least according to the Rwanda government) the economy is booming, it is worse off than recognised poor countries such as Malawi and Zimbabwe. Many people who object to illegal arrivals will welcome the decision by the Conservative government which includes eight members of ethnic minorities in


ter 15 years. They will also owe many years of back taxes to hacienda as I presume they have never filed a tax return either. If they can prove they were living in Spain prior to the end of the transition period then they would be covered under the withdrawal agreement. So can apply for residencia under the old EU requirements of a very small amount of savings/income. But no doubt hacienda will take note and want what they are due. If they stayed as illegal immigrants they would be flagged at the airport as overstayers when they tried to get back into Spain and face large fines - normally a minimum of €1,000 each and possible bannings. Best getting advice from a good gestor in order to get legal. Lucie, Andalucia.


its Cabinet and a further 15 on the back benches. It must also be remembered that many of the ‘white’ Conservatives are themselves from immigrant families and the Prime Minister was born in the USA. Britain has been a melting pot since time immemorial and whilst some logical control of immigration is clearly necessary, the decision to try to send people from mainly ethnic minority backgrounds to a poor African country smacks of either desperation or discrimination. Quite rightly, European countries are welcoming fleeing Ukrainians and offering sanctuary, but those leaving war torn Syria and Yemen let alone the Talban purges in Afghanistan are likely to end up, if the British government can get way with it, in an African country which less than 30 years ago almost eradicated a single ethnic group.

ASYLUM SEEKERS: Should they be sent to Rwanda?

Dario Dumez It must be done to send a message, even if only a few hundred are sent. There are just too many migrants coming in. And... if all the fit, healthy young men leave those countries, how will they ever prosper and advance? Let some in, teach them to be builders, plumbers, doctors etc, but send them back. And tell them ‘10 years in your home country working and you will be allowed to apply for British citizenship’.

Kenneth Faktor Carslund Denmark have wanted to do this the last four years and have been looking into legal issues. So they are very happy that Boris does this now. They will quickly see how every human rights organisation treats this and how many lawsuits await Boris... that’s been the only thing holding Danish government back... it has a huge value for the countries sending the asylum seekers there. We have several places in Denmark where people failed to get asylum lives. Due to human rights laws Denmark is forbidden to return them to countries in conflict. Many of those terrorise the local communities. If placed in Africa that problem will disappear. I think this is one of the main issues why Denmark have pursued this route past four years now.

Joe McGowan Absolute tosh. A racist and despicable idea from a racist and despicable party.

Christopher Price A short term headline grabbing and unrealistic measure. How about concentrating on withdrawal from the EHCR and returning them to war-0torn France?

Kathy Relph It should stop trafficking.

At the EWN, we pride ourselves that reports are accurate and fair. If we do slip up, we promise to set the record straight in a clear, no-nonsense manner. To ask for an inaccuracy to be corrected. Email: • 21 - 28 April 2022




ia Victor

e Hayle

Q Emma


40 • 21 - 28 April 2022






42 • 21 - 28 April 2022




SUZANNE MANNERS DEAR readers prepare, I am here to talk about the ‘you know what’. Well a little bit anyway. Two years ago, I left work after the lockdown was announced and decided to stop off at my local supermarket to buy some chicken for dinner. I vividly remember the shock at the sight of all the empty shelves, even the vegan food had gone, no meat, no frozen produce, no tins of beans and most startlingly no toilet paper. There was however several jars of Marmite. Call me naive but I was totally un‐ prepared for the sight of empty shelves out‐ side of my own kitchen. An old lady circled slowly in the middle of the aisle bewildered by the emptiness. “Is there a war on?” she asked. “Have aliens finally invaded? Are we to be shipped off to Gulags on Mars?” Stepping expertly away from her I pon‐ dered this question. Indeed a pandemic is a war of sorts and bodies are being invaded by alien viruses, nasty little creatures with no idea of the Geneva convention. Virus, war, alien invasion. What is it about human be‐ ings that makes us panic in the face of adver‐ sity and start stockpiling toilet paper? What are we afraid of? Using bidets perhaps. Is this

21 - 27 April 2022

EWN 43

Pandemic, pandemonium and poo paper

STOCK PILING: Use only what you need.

a mistrust of our leader’s ability to keep our bottoms clean? Or are we naturally self serv‐ ing and selfish, thinking only of our own comfort and survival. The following day in the same supermarket I witnessed a fight over toilet paper.

A lone woman in tears,clutching a scrap of plastic from one of the piled packs of toilet paper in the trolley ahead of her which was being fiercely defended by a platoon of Chechyn rebels. Only joking, it was two burly teenagers and a mum and dad in matching

leopard print leggings. Thankfully not every‐ one will sink to those depths. Indeed the heroic, and mightily fed up, supermarket employees liberated all but one pack of toilet rolls from the groaning trolley and gave the family a sound expletive ridden ticking off (I love Spanish supermarket workers) while distributing packs to those who had none. It seems the first casualty of this war is not truth, but the loss of human dignity. This weekend, unfortunately, due to the hauliers strike the spectre of empty shelves has returned to haunt us. Yet again toilet rolls are as sparse as a billionaire’s con‐ science. Someone, somewhere has a heck of a lot of toilet paper tucked away in their garage gathering dust. If we all just calm down and stop panicking we would realise that there is enough to go round, that we are lucky that we will not starve, our electricity, though ridiculously expensive, is on and our heating working. We have food, warmth and shelter. This is not a war. It is a strike. There is enough toilet paper to keep all of Spain clean and fresh but only if we consume what we need and no more. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Suzanne Manners’ opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

44 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


Travel Feature

Discover San Sebastian LA CONCHA: With its elegant sweeping bay and the stunning Mount Igueldo.

AS soon as you arrive in the resort town of San Sebastian, in Spain’s mountainous Basque Country, you will be in awe of the beautiful shell‐shaped La Concha beach, its elegant sweeping bay and the stunning Mount Igueldo. A great place for foodies, in the natural setting of San Sebastian you will be invited to taste the local cuisine, the pintxo ‐ a Basque version of tapas that typically in‐ cludes tasty morsels balanced on crusty bread. Immerse yourself in the Basque cul‐ ture in the old town (Parte Vieja) of San Se‐ bastian, where you will find traditional bars with pintxo laid out on show for you to choose from ‐ each bar is a treasure in its own right. Wedged between the port and the mouth of the Urumea River, San Sebas‐ tian’s old town also features the Basilica of Santa Maria del Coro and the Iglesia San Vicente, where you can marvel at the in‐

credible architecture and take in the atmo‐ sphere. San Sebastian’s four beaches are part of its main attraction during the summer months, each with their own personality. Its most well‐known is La Concha, the sec‐ ond top city beach in the world according to Travel and Leisure magazine. Volleyball and football are popular on Ondarreta Beach, while Zurriola Beach is popular for surfing and sunbathing. The fourth beach is Isla Santa Clara, a charming and tiny shore that is at the mercy of the tide and features its own natural pools to swim in. Despite its relatively small size (186,000 inhabitants), international events are also held in San Sebastian. The most famous of these is the San Sebastian International Film Festival, where the town welcomes some of the biggest international celebri‐ ties, actors, film makers and directors.


Increase your endurance EVERYONE knows that regular physical exercise is important. The benefits are almost immediate, and exercise is considered to be the main protective factor against age-related diseases. Endurance plays an important role for older people and is key to allowing them to remain independent for as long as possible. Endurance can be trained with activities such as walking, jogging, swimming and dancing, as well as with other everyday activities, such as raking leaves or cleaning the windows. These activities increase your heart rate and breathing rate for an extended period of time. Doing them regularly will allow you to move further, faster and more efficiently. To improve your endurance, set goals and make them gradually more difficult. Start slowly, es-

pecially if you are used to a sedentary lifestyle. Start with five or 10 minutes at a time and build up to 30 minutes. Doing 30 minutes of regular moderate-intensity activity is ideal for gaining endurance. Remember that you know your limits. Endurance activities should not make you breathe so heavily that you are not able to speak. They should not cause dizziness or pain. Try counting your steps with an application or device to measure your progress. For example, if you walk under 5,000 steps a day, try to gradually add 3,000 to 4,000 more steps. If you are walking around 8,000 steps a day, try to reach 10,000. When you are ready, you can also increase the difficulty by walking the same number of steps in a shorter amount of time or walking on steeper slopes.

WALKING: Increases your heart rate.

21 - 27 April 2022

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46 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


THEY SHALL REMAIN ANONYMOUS DAVID WORBOYS I WAS never blessed with the greatest intel‐ ligence but, fortunately, I never let this bother me. In some people’s judgement I was considered ‘bright’ while by others I was perceived as thick. But it’s all relative. I have marvelled at the broad and detailed range of knowledge displayed by the (mostly Cambridge) students, still in their 20s, on ‘University Challenge’. A certain intelligence must be required to absorb, retain and rapidly retrieve and express such informa‐ tion. But intelligence is also about under‐ standing, assessment and judgement. I have come across many people with these at‐ tributes. I have also encountered people like the Texan I met who believed that Christ and Columbus were English‐speaking Americans. I should like to add here that I have no rea‐ son to believe any of these anonymous char‐ acters was mentally impaired, as distinct from being as thick as porcine droppings. I tried to explain to the Texan that his US dollars would have to be changed into D‐

A wheelbarrow can save time and effort if used intelligently.

Marks for his forthcoming trip to Germany, as the greenback was not in use there. But first, he had to be convinced that there was actually a Frankfurt in West Germany as well as in Kentucky. When I suggested this, he looked at me as if I’d just misquoted Euripi‐ des. As for the lesson in currency exchange, it was like trying to teach a bullfrog to sing ‘Ave Maria’. In 1975 the cost of posting a first‐class let‐ ter in the UK was to be raised from 7p to 8p.

Two days before the increase, one of our neighbours went to the post office to buy a sheet of 120 stamps of 7p ‘before the price went up’. In the Price Waterhouse office in Zurich, we needed written confirmation of balances from 36 clients. The procedure was to en‐ close in the letter to each client a certificate requesting confirmation and a return enve‐ lope addressed to us at Price Waterhouse. Unfortunately, the mailing clerk put the cer‐

tificates and the envelopes addressed to the clients into the return envelopes for posting. The next day three dozen identical en‐ velopes dropped on to the office doormat. The foreman on a garden development site (not in Texas) asked a worker to bring him a small wheelbarrow. Ten minutes later the worker arrived wheeling a large wheel‐ barrow with a small one inside it. “I asked for one wheelbarrow, not two!” “Did you ex‐ pect me to carry the darned thing?” I wonder, if I were under extreme pres‐ sure or were distracted by some major issue, could I have thought and acted this way? Or any of us? As we get ‘more mature’, we tend to forget things more frequently; we find it more difficult to concentrate and to commu‐ nicate spontaneously. Strangers probably think we are not very ‘bright’ and they are probably right. Those we know probably de‐ spair of us. And it’s no good saying “I was in‐ telligent when I was your age.”

To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


Advertising Feature

Gifts for all occasions F I N I S H I N G T O U C H E S opened its doors in November 2021 in Cabo Roig and has never looked back. The home decor and gift store is very unique and has an amazing selec‐ tion of upmarket, high quality, in‐ teresting and unusual items suitable for that perfect present or a gift for your home. There are exclusive gift items, ac‐ cent furniture, retro wall art, clocks, diamante items, decorative photo frames, candles and incense sticks, unusual figurines, cushions, canvas‐ es, mirrors, greetings cards, jew‐ ellery, jewellery boxes, keyrings, lots of tree of life gifts and decor, fragrance oils, diffusers and much much more! You are spoilt for choice and there are items for all occasions. New stock arrives each month from sup‐ pliers all over Europe and the UK

FINISHING TOUCHES: A unique home decor and exclusive gift store.

and you can also purchase online from over 3,000 items. The Spring sale is currently on until April 30 where you will find up to 30 per cent discount on selected items. Open Tuesday to Friday 10am‐4pm and Saturday 10am‐2pm.

Calle Del Mar, Playamarina 1, Nº15 Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa 03189 Tel: 604 406 032

21 - 27 April 2022

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48 EWN

21 - 27 April 2022


GO LOCAL THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to support local businesses in the community by shopping locally in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we challenge you to maintain that habit by supporting local high streets, markets, butchers, greengrocers and all of the wonderfully quirky inde‐ pendent businesses in your area. Local businesses make our villages, towns and cities

what they are. They add unique character. They are convenient. And they offer excellent produce from known suppliers. The joy of shopping locally means that independent businesses can support the local communi‐ ty. You may find something a euro or two cheaper on‐ line but have you consid‐ ered where your money is actually going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local fami‐ ly’s table and there is noth‐

ing better than giving back to the communi‐ ties that have given us so much. Local stores support charities and they BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, sponsor lo‐ independent businesses can help support cal sports the local community. teams. In many cases, they are much your support. Spending your more than just a business, money locally will make a they’re a legacy. They may real difference to the local have supported generations economy. Local businesses of the same family. Likewise, recirculate a greater share brand new local stores and of every euro they receive at bars may help the genera‐ local level. They create local‐ tions of the future fulfil their ly owned supply chains and dreams and ambitions. they invest in their employ‐ Remember, your local ees. store is going up against multinationals and chains. So remember. They can’t win that battle on When you go shopping ‐ their own. So give them go local!


Christopher Columbus’ tomb has been found A TEAM of researchers has identified the exact location of the first tomb of Christo‐ pher Columbus, which was found on Calle Constitucion in Valladolid. Professor Marcial Castro, a graduate in Modern History from the University of Val‐ ladolid, was commissioned to carry out a comparative study with remains that had appeared in a glass case in Sevilla Cathe‐ dral, which has been used during the ge‐ netic identification of Columbus. Castro said: “They asked me to locate the chapel where Columbus was buried as close as possible from these threads of gold, silver, snails, lead or brick and, to my surprise, we got it!” According to Castro, Columbus was in Valladolid to claim his rights and that the stories that he died in poverty were not true: “Columbus went to court asking that his claims for arrival in America be ad‐ dressed, but he died unexpectedly. “He was staying in a decent house as he was a very important person, possibly sur‐ rounded by as many as eight servants. It is thought that he was buried illegally, with‐ out the knowledge of the chapel owners, as

COLUMBUS: A very important person.

it had been abandoned for many years.” The chapel, a prime example of 16th century architecture, disappeared for 168 years. Columbus joins some illustrious company in the chapel, with the most widely read and translated writer of the 16th century, Fray Antonio de Guevara, buried just a few metres away. Castro and his team are working with the tourism authorities to obtain funds to excavate the site so that it can be made available to tourists.

21 - 27 April 2022

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50 EWN


21 - 27 April 2022






A Record number of humpback whales in Japan HUMPBACK WHALES: Can measure between 11 and 14 metres and can weigh up to 30 tonnes.


THE Amami Whale and Dolphin Associa‐ tion has announced that it has seen a record number of humpback whales mi‐ grating to waters around the Amami‐Oshi‐ ma Island in Kagoshima Prefecture, south‐ west Japan, with 1,750 of the huge sea creatures recorded between December 2021 and March 2022. The good news is that the number of whales is up 60 per cent on last season’s count of 1,097, with the first humpback recorded in the waters off Kasari on De‐ cember 7, 2021. Traffic is said to have peaked between late February and early March, with pods heading south until February and a larger number heading north from March. Chair of the Amami Whale and Dolphin Association, Katsuki Oki said: “There were

mothers and calves that stayed for as long as 10 days, and we believe that the waters off Amami are suitable for humpbacks to raise their young.” Along with the record number of whales were a record number of tourists, with 4,961 people joining the local whale watch‐ ing tours. Of those 2,872 joined the swims that take you closer to these incredible ani‐ mals, and even underwater to see them in their own environment. One of the larger creatures in the sea, humpbacks can measure between 11 and 14 metres and can weigh up to 30 tonnes! During the summer they migrate to the waters off the Kamchatka Peninsula in east‐ ern Russia, in the winter they head south to the warmer waters around Amami and Ok‐ inawa Prefecture where they also breed.


Dog show ON Saturday, May 21, Finca La Castellana in San Miguel de Salinas will be holding a dog show to celebrate 13 years as a registered charity (from 11am to 3pm). They are look‐ ing for stallholders to join them on the day. All they are asking for is either €5 per pitch or a donation of a raffle prize. Established in May 2000, Finca La Castel‐ lana is dedicated to helping all kinds of ani‐ mals, regardless of size or condition, by re‐ homing them and rebuilding the trust that many of them have lost in humans. Finca la Castellana became a registered, non‐profit charity in March 2009, which has made it possible to take on volunteers to help with the daily care of the animals and to start fundraising to cover the costs of their food, day‐to‐day care and veterinary needs. Over 3,000 animals have passed through their gates and the majority have been given new homes.

CHARITY: Helps all kinds of animals.

21 - 27 April 2022

Crescendo Choir members

EWN 51

Orihuela paintings

EXHIBITION: Includes drawings of Santa Lucia monastery. TRULY INTERNATIONAL: With members from different countries.

SINCE 2004 when Crescendo Choir was formed, it has gone from strength to strength and performances get better every year. It is now regarded by many as one of the best expat choirs in the area. Crescendo gives several con‐ certs each year and has raised thousands of euros for charity. The choir, made up of Soprano, Mezzo, Alto, Tenor and Bass, sing a wide variety of songs ranging from musicals to spiritu‐ al music, from pop to classical and everything in between. Crescendo aims to be a fun

choir and provide a good social atmosphere for its members. It is truly international with mem‐ bers of many different nationali‐ ties, including Dutch, German, Finnish and Danish, as well as a Spanish Musical Director and Pi‐ anist. Crescendo will be accepting new members in 2022 of all voices. They rehearse once a week at Miguel de Rincón Restaurant in Los Montesinos on Mondays from 5.45pm to 8pm. Those interested in joining should email robin@crescendo‐

THE painting exhibition enti‐ tled ‘Orihuela desde siem‐ pre’ by the Orihuela artist Mario Gómez can be visited until June 12 between 10am and 2pm and 4pm and 7pm from Tuesday to Saturday and from 10am to 2pm on Sundays and public holidays at the Pedrera Foundation Museum in the Palacio Sorzano de Tejada in the city of Orihuela. The self‐taught painter Mario Gómez was born in Orihuela in 1961. His main interest in painting is water‐ colour techniques. His work, which focuses on the beauty

of his hometown, boasts an almost photographic perfec‐ tion. The exhibition also in‐ cludes drawings and sketch‐ es of the former monastery of Santa Lucía, which was destroyed in 1936.


52 • 21 - 27 April 2022


Find pet lovers to care for your pets IT’S been rather quiet for us for a year or so, but many people are beginning to make plans again for travel. Are you? If you are planning a trip later this year register now to f i n d p e t ‐ s i t t e r s . Ev e n i f i t ’ s just a short trip, you’ll know that you simply can’t travel with some pets. Young and senior pets in particular ben‐ efit from staying in their own home, so they can follow their routines undisturbed. Let us help. Take a moment to plan ahead for pet and house‐sit‐ ters, whether your trips are already in the diary or a firm idea. Now is the time to get ready. We will help you as much as we can. Our philoso‐ phy is that we are all in this together. These are the steps

to take: 1. Register as a homeown‐ er on 2. C h o o s e a P r e m i u m a c ‐ count (£89 per year) to en‐ sure you can help online when needed 3. C r e a t e a p r o f i l e w i t h photos of your pet and the house 4. Post a house‐sit advert stating your plans for next year’s holiday Covid permit‐ ting Do you need a pet‐sitter in 2022? Then get started right now. How does it work? HouseSitMatch can help you find suitable sitters. Join our network for a small annu‐ al fee. You get ID checked for safety and then build your advert saying when you are going on holiday. House‐sit‐

Leave your pets in the safe hands of a HouseSitMatch sitter.

ters see your advert, they re‐ spond and you choose the sit‐ ter who’ll care for your pets.

Trustpilot Testimonials ‐ 4.8 / 5 Excellent rating (New Trustpilot rating scale)

Here’s what members have said about us ‐ HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter… HouseSitMatch found us a perfect house‐sitter while we were away in Canada and we were delighted with the care and attention that HouseSit Match took in helping us find the right person. Ros Morris ‐ Dog owner How do you join? Please register online via our website www.Housesit ‐ Choose a membership plan ‐ Please note prices go up soon so sign up now on subscription to secure these prices: o Standard (DIY option) = £69 pa o Premium (with support at each step) = £89 pa

Do you need a house-sitter? Get in touch. House-sitting can be a win-win for both parties, free house and pet-sitting, and the experienced and checked sitters get free accommodation! Register as either house-sitter or homeowner with a 50 per cent discount using coupon code SUPER50 - an exclusive offer for readers. To find a house or pet-sitter go to

How to check your pet for lumps and bumps

Advertising Feature

IT is possible for pets to get tu‐ mours, particularly as they age, so it’s important for pet par‐ ents to know how to identify lumps and bumps and what to do should you find one. Monthly checks Each month, feel around your pet’s entire body for any new lumps. Run your fingers

Ear infections in dogs

through their fur and check their whole body. Don’t forget their mouth! Although this may be a diffi‐ cult task for some, animals can get growths in their oral cavity. If you can’t manage to look in‐ side, watch out for signs such as your pet not wanting to eat or bad breath.

What if I find a lump? If you find a new lump or bump then it is extremely im‐ portant to schedule an ap‐ pointment with the vet. There, the veterinarian can take cells from the lump and check whether your pet needs surgery or not and any further action that may be needed.

EAR infections are common conditions in dogs, especially those with floppy ears such as Cocker Spaniels. Scratching, and head shaking and whining are symptoms of the problem. Depending on the area affected, there are three types of ear infections, known formally as otitis externa, media, and interna. The most affected area is the external portion of the ear. The tympanic membrane separates the external auditory canal from the middle and inner ear. If affected, the infection can spread to the middle ear and from here af‐ fect the inner ear and cause injuries that cause loss of bal‐ ance. It is important to recognise the signs of otitis. Affected dogs may show signs such as: Head shaking, scratching at the affected ear, dark discharge and odour from the ear, redness and swelling of the ear canal, itchi‐ ness and crusting or scabs in the ears. Moisture, which can create a prime growing environment for bacteria and yeast. Allergies, autoimmune diseases, endocrine disorders, for‐ eign bodies, excessive cleaning, excessive cleaning and use of unsuitable products and ear injuries. If your dog is show‐ ing any of the common signs of ear infections, it’s important to visit your veterinarian in Alicante as soon as possible. Ex‐ amination with an otoscope, which allows evaluation of the ear canal and eardrum. Microscopic examination of samples taken by swabbing the ear and culture of samples from the ear are some things which are necessary. If it affects the middle/inner ear, X‐ rays will be necessary, including CT or MRI. In Costa Blanca Sur: Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante C/Los Arcos 23 Ciudad Quesada, Rojales. Tel: 609 779 109

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BUILDING SERVICES J & J PAINTERS. Inside outside - clean - fast low cost. Torrevieja Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Tel: 650 363 159 (294244) BUILDER, ARCHITECT, NEW HOUSES, EXTENSIONS, PLANNING PERMISSIONS, 747 438 225 (295169)

BUY & SELL PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) FOR SALE 2 tickets for the Sting concert in Murcia in August 2022. €150. For further info e-mail (295829)


CHARITY ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. Englishspeaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: 648 169 045 or Costa Blanca South: 625 912 078 or Costa Calida 679 385 105 All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323) CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail (95475) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462) CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH Tel: 950 617 549 FREEMASONRY. Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various Lodges meetings up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact sec@glpvalencia. com Tel 600 841 064 (95477)

CARE HOME CARE home in Torrevieja, family run, reasonable rates. Carers available for your home. 747 438 225 (295552)

HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports anyone, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area.


If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161


Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). We are online at and also on Facebook. You can email the San Miguel Centre at We also have a 24-hour Emergency helpline which is available to both members and nonmembers on 966 723 733 (95456) INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, TORREVIEJA Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja 03185, Alicante Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday morning Services at 11:00am. All nationalities welcome - Contact 966 752 543 / 966 799 273. For other church matters phone: 966 799 273 / /617 215 463 www.icatorre (95476) LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friendly, English speaking church. For more information, including details of our services, see our website www.lasiestaevangeli (10005) PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459) PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463) ROYAL Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 80 0 018 2361. (238593) ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Why not make this year the year you volunteer? See how you can help either as a caseworker (with full train-

21 - 27 April 2022 • SPONSORED BY

ing) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, http://branches.britishle huela-costa - covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. More info can be found on branch website www.ori (95457)

friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.aca or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465)

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. For info, contact the branch Secretary at granala cant.secretary@rbl.commu nity

MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (289282)

ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION (Costa Blanca) The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service personnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. For further details Hon Sec 692 938 664. (10004) ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION For information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 716 274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 921 996. (95455) STROKE ASSOCIATION Spain (formally known as Torrevieja stroke support) Our aim is to help and support stroke survivors and their carers. With rehabilitation, speech therapy, OC therapy and a very active social group. For info please contact 654 801 260 or email strokesupportgroup, website: to We are always looking for volunteers who have the skills and knowledge to support. (95473) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. Former & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial &


THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188. (95461) THE BAKER Foundation Spiritual Centre Playa Flamenca. Calle Luis Gordillo, 1 Playa Flamenca Alicante 03189. You can join us on Facebook, The Baker Foundation spiritual centre. Or contact Linda Schug Tel. 606 990 665 for more details (95458) THE PATIENCE LODGE No 2177 of the R.A.O.B Please call Secretary Dave Tonge on 688 704 091 for further information. (253807) THE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, Benijofar will be closed for the immediate future due to Covid-19. To join the centre on ZOOM on a Tuesday evening at 7pm download the ZOOM App. To enter use ID Number 8451471869, then Password 3uf5TE. Identification Fiscal G54713789 (95454)


FOR SALE/WANTED WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)

FUNERALS CREMATION plan. 2575 euros. One-time payment. Full paperwork. Call 747 438 225. (295351)


HOME IMPROVEMENTS BATHROOM & KITCHEN Conversions Costa Blanca, contact 698 320 434. (290268)

INSURANCE FED UP OF NOT BEING SENT YOUR RENEWAL? CUT YOUR INSURANCE COSTS AND STILL HAVE 100% COVER. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST WITH SOS INSURANCE. WE CAN EVEN INSURE YOU FOR UPTO A €1,000 OF WATERLOSS. CALL 686 116 297 (WHATSAPP TO) OR VISIT www.sosinsuran or email tracey@sosinsurancein (294938) BENEFICIAL INSURANCE SERVICES. Car, Home, Business, Travel, Life, Funeral, all insurances available. Policies in English. BEST rates, covers & service. Immediate quotes. Tel 961 129 215 / 622 275 561, (WhatsApp) info@beneficialinsurancein or visit for online quote. (295006) STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security

CLASSIFIEDS LAWYER/SOLICITORS SOLICITOR. CRIMINAL LAW, drug cases, Private investigations, debt collection. 30 years’ experience. Mob 747 438 225 office 865 970 169 spancrimlaw@outlook. com (295578)

LOCKSMITHS ALARMS TORREVIEJA, Install & Repair all types of Alarms & CCTV. Call/Whatsapp 600 933 667 (294577)

MISCELLANEOUS GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)


PERGOLAS TAILOR-MADE in durable canvas, pergola covers, sails, car port, umbrella, spa and CAR COVERS. Mazarron based, at Procomobel market, Guardamar 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Also Google Online and mail ordering 667 879 399 krugercanopies@ya (291448)

MOTORHOMES MOTORHOME / Campervan wanted. Left or right hand drive. Cash waiting for right van. Tlf 650 722 905

MUSIC TUITION PIANO, Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (294805)

NAUTICAL INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE, VHF / DSC-Radio or Radar Courses held in English individual or small groups starts soon. 626 245 098 (295607)

RENT Long Term. Playa Flamenca. Ground floor with garden. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath. Comunity pool. Parking. (294118)


PET CHARITY EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE. We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easyhorse www.easyhorse or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706)

SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting re-homing. Phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at www.spama PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM (95707)


Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE.

SOPHIE naughty, slim, elegant, sexy French lady. 3 languages spoken. Visit all areas, also private apartment in Villamartin. 693 357 526 (291686) EXPERIENCE the best with a 1hr unique massage with


Veronica. Shaving or permanent hair removal available. For appointments call 679 292 678 (294870) SPANISH lady - classic. Playa Flamenca, private house, 40 years, attractive. All erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie. From €40. Ana 657 603 495 (294854) TORREVIEJA CENTRE Girls big ass, tits & transvestite big cocks. Credit cards accepted. 24hr appointments 691 128 099 (293695) ATTRACTIVE, Girlfriend, Escort, Professional Masseuse. Tel: 693 357 526 (293267) MISUKY, 45 ASIAN Q U A L I F I E D MASSEUSSE.UNFORG E TA B L E E X P E R I E N C E . . Campoamor (opposite CEPSA) 663 088 170 (295800)

EWN 61


XXX MALE RELAXING MASSAGE FOR MEN - Mario qualified masseur in Alicante Special Massage for Men - 7 days 10AM to 10PM APPOINTMENTS visit: or WHATSAPP 649 761 607 (295342)

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PLUMBERS MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (289282)

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so can your clients.

POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360 www.pooltech (287790)

Contact us and have




GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, de-flead. volunteers to Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 (95709) P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: (95708)

WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our p h i l o s o p hy h a s a l way s been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


21 - 27 April 2022

your business grow at + 34 951 386 161


62 EWN

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ROAD TEST by Mark Slack MENTION electric cars to even the least car aware per‐ son and it’s highly likely they’ll mention Tesla. It’s been the EV brand of choice and remained relatively un‐ challenged, with the Model 3 being well received. However, there’s a similarly cool, trendy and eminently capable rival in the form of the Polestar 2. While not car‐ rying the sleek and smooth exterior of the Tesla the Polestar, part of the Volvo sta‐ ble, has a determined and muscular stance. Inside there’s a definite Scandina‐ vian vibe with a range of stylish treatments from light wood and fabrics to Nappa leather and black ash veneers. It’s a very nice place to be seated. A large central screen, which still doesn’t cut it over buttons in my view, is relative‐ ly intuitive with exceptionally clear graphics. Although the interior is definitely minimalist there’s no loss of premium feel. As with the exterior of the car it’s the archetypal less


Polestar 2 - smooth and effortless CAPABLE RIVAL: We will certainly be seeing more of this car on our roads.

is more effect that has been executed so well by Polestar. Standard features across all Polestar 2 models includes automatic lights and wipers, heated powered seats, 19‐ inch alloy wheels, LED head‐ lights and adaptive LED rear lights, navigation, climate, Ap‐ ple Car Play and Google built‐ in ‐ although having to say ‘Hey Google’ to execute com‐ mands is ridiculous ‐ and one of the best standard in‐car au‐

dio s y s ‐ tems. Four extra cost option packs are offered depending on model. On the power front you can have a standard single motor, a long range version and then a long range dual motor mod‐ el. The range varies from 298 to 335 miles depending on which model you choose. In

Facts at a Glance Model: Polestar 2 Black – Long Range Single Motor Engine: Li-lon 78 kwh battery – 231PS Gears: Automatic Performance: 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 7 seconds/Maximum Speed 160 km/h (100 mph) Range: up to 336 miles Emissions: 0 g/km (WLTP) Price as tested: €56,039/£46,900 Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

real world terms think of de‐ creasing these figures by about 10 per cent and you probably would be about at your real world range. In my experience the Polestar comes pretty close to meet‐ ing its mileage expectations. As with combustion pow‐ ered cars range depends on how you drive. These range figures aren’t quite up to Tesla standard but they’re still very useable and, considering the weight and style of the Polestar, pretty impressive. On the road the Polestar has a certain something which makes it special. Power delivery is smooth and effort‐ less with admirable insulation from road and wind noise. Unlike so many cars the safety tech, such as lane keep, is pretty good being more pro‐ gressive and less immediate or ‘snatching’ when it kicks in. With prices starting from €48,870/£40,900 it’s an EV that we’ll certainly be seeing more of on our roads.


Audi preparing to move into Formula 1 THE German car manufacturer Audi ‐ a subsidiary of the giant Volkswagen ‐ is preparing to make the leap into Formula 1 racing from 2026, as a partner and supplier of engines to the McLaren team. It is also rumoured in media reports that Porsche, another German manufacturer linked to the same automobile group, will approach Red Bull Racing, another of the leading teams in the sport. Audi already has a significant presence in the sports world. It is a minority shareholder in the German football club Bayern Munich. The brand shares a 25 per cent stake equally with Allianz, and Adidas, while the remaining 75 per cent belongs to the club, and its partners. If Audi seems to be willing to make the leap to Formula 1, then this would also indirectly imply the presence of Volkswagen in the most followed mo‐ torsport series in the world. Negotiations are already quite concrete. Manag‐ er Magazin claims that Audi would pay McLaren a capital of €650 million, for which it would get a ma‐ jority at McLaren, and one‐third of the Formula One team. McLaren currently has another giant in the car manufacturing sector in Germany, Mercedes, as a partner, with which it has a contract until 2025. In the event of not being able to reach an agreement with McLaren, there is speculation that Audi could enter into deals with Williams, another historic Formula 1 team, as reported.

THE General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) continues to evolve and stay perfectly in parallel with the develop‐ ment of technology. As a re‐ sult, in 2018 the entity intro‐ duced its state‐of‐the‐art velolasers. These tiny devices weigh about two kilos and are barely 50cm in diameter, making them easily camou‐ flageable and almost imper‐ ceptible to road users. Speed control systems are constantly being reviewed and improved to combat infrac‐ tions in the best possible way, in a bid to limit the number of traffic accidents. Velolasers are cinemometers that work both day and night, and can be placed on a tripod or attached to a sign by means of a magne‐ tised device. They can also be incorporat‐ ed into Guardia Civil motorcy‐ cles. In addition to its comfort‐ able and appropriate size, an‐ other of the great advantages of these radars that have been issuing fines for four years is the advanced technology they use. Velolasers do not need anyone to control them, as they are wireless and operate autonomously. They work

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Understanding how the DGT velolasers operate with both Wi‐Fi and 4G tech‐ nology, with autonomy that lasts up to five hours. These devices have a range of between 15 and 50 metres, and up to two lanes from their location. One of these lasers is capable of recording speeds ranging from 30 to 250km/h, which testifies to their great

precision. Something especial‐ ly useful when applying the re‐ spective penalties is the fact they can distinguish between light and heavy vehicles. The technology of these cin‐ emometers allows the closest officers to be notified immedi‐ ately when an infraction takes place, so that they can instant‐

ly issue the fine. With the intro‐ duction in March 2021 of the new Traffic Law in Spain, the DGT has launched a campaign called ‘New times, new rules’. It has been published through social networks, to advise road users of the restrictions and sanctions that have been intro‐ duced.

SPORT THE Costa Blanca Walking Football League gave way to the Easter processions and other activities with no matches taking place, but preparations being made for the resumption of the League. The focus falls on Esquina Park Rangers who will make the eight‐hour journey to the Algarve on Friday April 22, to participate in one of the biggest walking football tour‐ naments in Europe, if not the biggest. Organised by East Algarve Walking Football Tours the event will take place on Mon‐ day April 25 and Tuesday 26 in Albufeira on the Algarve. EPR will face top walking football teams with six from England, including top team Norwich City, Athletic Club Fundazioa (Bilbao), Benahavis and Malaga from the Costa del Sol and four clubs from the Al‐ garve area. The teams are split into two groups of seven with the top four going through to the Cup on Day Two and the bottom three going into the plate com‐ petition so every team has something to play for on Day


21 - 27 April 2022

to read more visit


ESQUINA PARK RANGERS: Will travel to the Algarve for their big tournament. Two. Rangers have been drawn in a tough group, two Algarve teams, Norwich City and Kings‐ maid from England, Malaga, and Athletic (Bilbao) who re‐ cently won a tournament at Torrox (Malaga). EPR’s 12‐man squad will be tested to the full but are up for the challenge and are quietly confident they can return to Costa Blanca with the Presti‐

gious East Algarve Cup. We wish them good luck. See next week’s issue of the Euro Weekly News to see how they fared. Future fixtures include CB‐ WFL bottom club Formentera WFC hosting Hondon Valley Flyers on Wednesday April 27. Flyers will be looking to take full points to close the gap on League leaders Portobello while the local club need the

points to move up from bot‐ tom spot. Camposol WFC (Murcia) will be hosting a tournament on Sunday May 3. More details to follow. For all details on walking football in the Costa Blanca South area and Murcia, make sure you get your copy of the Euro Weekly News, supporters of walking football, or visit or Facebook.

Flammable underwear THE new race director for Formula one is facing mounting criti‐ cism as discussions with drivers get heated over his ban on flammable underwear. Niels Wittich was dragged into a two‐hour debate with drivers on the eve of the Australian Grand Prix over his enforce‐ ment of the ban. Drivers were both bemused and unhappy at the prospect of spot checks to ensure that they are wearing the correct under‐ wear, while former drivers were surprised to hear that it took more than two hours to thrash out what should be a relatively minor issue. F1 driver‐turned‐pundit Karun Chandhok said: “From what I understand, the drivers on Friday in Australia spent more time discussing the underwear thing than actually anything about the track. “I think you have to question whether it was really of incre‐ mental benefit. Conversely, how much of a disadvantage is it just to allow their normal pants underneath? If a fire has got to that point, there’s a lot of other things to consider,” Chandhok added on Friday April 8.

DRIVERS DEBATE: How much of a disadvantage?

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