Euro Weekly News - Axarquia 5 - 11 May 2022 Issue 1922

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Urban spring festival THE Primavera Ur‐ ban Festival held over the long week‐ end of April 30 to May 2 in Velez‐ Malaga was a huge success, with nearly 8,000 people at‐ tending the concert on Saturday night, just one of the free events organised by the town hall. The crowd en‐ joyed an evening of reggaeton, trap, pop and flamenco with Camin, Danny Romero and Juanlu Montoya as the main acts. After two years of restrictions due to the pandemic, a sense of normality has finally returned to Velez‐Malaga, beginning with a jam‐packed musical weekend dedicated to the celebration of spring, with the help of various na‐ tionally renowned artists and DJs. Thousands of young and not‐so‐ young people sang and danced against the emblematic and unparalleled back‐ drop of the Cerro de San Cristobal. The entertain‐ ment continued with more music on Sunday, and there were themed stands, a Harry Pot‐ ter escape room, retro gaming con‐ soles and board game tournaments on Monday.

5 - 11 May 2022


20,000 REACHED


Free transport for over-65s RESIDENTS of Almuñecar and La Herradura who are over 65 years of age and pensioners can apply for the M65 card for free travel on urban transport in the municipality from Wednesday, May 4, at the town hall and the Civic Centre of La Herradura. The Almuñecar Town Hall and the urban public transport company Roalfa Transporte Urbanos SL (Grupo Fajardo) have signed a collaboration agree‐ ment for the implementation of the M65 card to promote and facilitate free access to public trans‐ port for pensioners who are over 65 years of age and/or have disabilities and who are registered in the municipality, said the councillor for Finance, Rafael Caballero. “The Almuñecar Town Council has included in its 2022 budget an amount to cover the costs of the vouchers,” he said. The M65 card will be valid in‐ definitely and will be issued once the individual has proven that they meet the requirements.

TORROX: Mayor Oscar Medina and Paula Moreno spoke about achieving their population goal.

T O R R OX now has more than 20,000 inhabitants. On Friday April 29, the mayor, Óscar Medina, and the councillor for Personnel and Finance, Paula Moreno, spoke of their satisfaction at hav‐ ing achieved their popu‐ lation goal. According to the town hall’s statistics, Torrox currently has 20,886 in‐ habitants, a figure that continues to grow. This will bring great benefits to the municipality, in‐ cluding more economic resources from the State and an increase in munic‐ ipal staff and therefore more job opportunities. This increase in popula‐ tion will also have an im‐ pact on the 2023 munici‐ pal elections, as Torrox

will have 21 councillors instead of the current 17. According to Paula Moreno, there were ex‐ actly 15,371 inhabitants registered in Torrox in 2015, when the Partido Popular took over the mayor’s office and set the goal of reaching 20,000 “in order for Tor‐ rox to regain the impor‐ tance that other govern‐ ment teams had not given it.” She also highlighted that being the second oldest town in Axarquia, Torrox had always been significant within the province of Malaga. “We are a dynamic government that is com‐ mitted to Torrox and the people of Torrox and all the promotional actions

that we have put in place have borne fruit,” she said. She listed the improve‐ ment of infrastructures, better beaches and the unprecedented cultural, leisure and sporting offer as factors that make peo‐ ple want to stay in Tor‐ rox, as well as other charms, such as the cli‐ mate, the gastronomy and the ability to “make each tourist feel like one of us.”

OVER 65s: To be given free access to public transport.


5 - 11 May 2022

THE Rincon de la Victoria Local Po‐ lice have begun a new edition of their road safety campaign, which involves participation from some 500 pupils aged eight and nine from 10 schools in the municipali‐ ty. The theoretical and practical classes are taking place from May 3 to May 25.

Road safety campaign The mayor of Rincon de la Victo‐ ria, Francisco Salado, highlighted “the importance of taking into ac‐ count the basic knowledge of road

safety rules, improving habits and attitudes to ensure safer travel on public roads for our children.” He added: “These courses are

held in our own facilities, a road safety park that was made thanks to the investment made by this government team in 2019.”

The classes consist of talks on traffic signs, pedestrians, how to ride a bicycle and how to behave as a pedestrian; quizzes on the subject and practice with the bicy‐ cle on the circuit. “The classes will be given in a fun and entertaining way by the officers themselves,” said Salado.

Algarrobo researchers develop bioplastic A GROUP of researchers from the Institute of Sub‐ tropical and Mediterranean Horticulture (IHSM) La Mayora in Algarrobo, in the Axarquia region of Malaga, has developed a bioplastic made from cellulose and a

fluorine‐rich compound that is safe, biodegradable and resistant to fats and oils. These qualities make it suitable for use in the pack‐ aging of foods such as bis‐ cuits or snacks. They made the announcement on Fri‐

Hike to Las Albuñuelas THE Department of Sports of Almuñecar took 25 hikers on a route from the Prados de Lopera to Las Albuñuelas on Sunday, April 24. The hikers walked along the long‐distance path known as GR‐7, which has abundant resin trees and na‐ tive vegetation. The medium‐difficulty route took about five hours and started at Mesón de Los Prados (GR‐7), went through El Cañuelo, Carril y Casa Forestal, El Se‐ quero, Barranco, Rambla del Moral and Los Ubedas and finished in the village of Las Albuñuelas. The next hike will be on May 8 in the Alpujarra town of Lanjarón. It will be a route that passes several farm‐ houses and places of great beauty such as the chestnut grove of Patatún, the arch bridge and the forest house of Tello. For more information and to register, call the Al‐ muñecar Department of Sports on 958 883 142.


day April 29. Researcher Susana Guzmán said that the bio‐ plastic was developed “by adding a certain amount of fluorine to cellulose,” a nat‐ ural polymer that degrades in seawater in a much shorter period of time than conventional plastics, which can take a few hun‐ dred years to degrade. Oth‐ er interesting properties of these bioplastics are their hydrophobicity (resistance to water and other liquids), their resistance to water vapour, oxygen and oily substances and their me‐ chanical versatility. Interestingly, the chemi‐ cal reaction between the cellulose and the fluorine‐ rich compound means that these compounds “cannot separate” during the useful life of the material, thus of‐ fering great resistance and safety to the consumer.

Rincon Copla Contest ON April 29, the Depart‐ ment of Culture, Fairs and Festivities of the Rincon de la Victoria Town Council an‐ nounced the eighth Rincon de la Victoria Copla Contest, which it organises together with the Peña Flamenca El Piyayo. The main aim of the com‐ petition is to highlight the value of the copla, a type of Spanish song that gained popularity in the early 20th century and combines mu‐ sic, lyrics and interpretation. The competition will be held in two phases between June 3 and July 9. The final will be held on July 9 at 10pm in the Plaza Al Ándalus, where the finalists will per‐ form four complete songs. The first‐place winner will receive €1,500 and a con‐ tract to perform in the grand finale the following year. The runners‐up will al‐ so receive prizes.


NIBS EXTRA New captain ON April 27, the mayor of Almuñecar, Trinidad Her‐ rera, officially welcomed the new head captain of the Guardia Civil Company on the Coast, Luis Sánchez Choza, to her office at the town hall. She wished him good luck in his new role and expressed her readiness to collaborate.

Cycle lane THE Nerja Town Hall, through the Municipal Infras‐ tructure Service, has planned the construction of a new cy‐ cle lane on Calle Neptuno. The new section will be 160 metres long and will be made by Transportes Antelo S.L. The works will be com‐ pleted in a month.

English course FIFTEEN students, through the Department of Develop‐ ment and Employment of the Almuñecar Town Coun‐ cil, have begun a manage‐ ment‐related English course in order to improve their ca‐ reer prospects in an area where knowing English is a significant advantage. The course is co‐financed by the European Funds.

Travelling library FOR the second year in a row, the free travelling li‐ brary of the Provincial Coun‐ cil of Malaga has arrived in Torrox. The library, which aims to promote reading among the over‐65s, visited the central bus station in Tor‐ rox between 11.30am and 1.30pm on May 4.

Photo school THE municipal plenary ses‐ sion of the Rincon de la Victo‐ ria Town Council has unani‐ mously approved initiating procedures for the imple‐ mentation of a Municipal School of Photography. The objective would be to create a space for photographic cre‐ ation, recover the photo‐ graphic heritage of the mu‐ nicipality and encourage citizen participation through photography courses, work‐ shops and conferences.

5 - 11 May 2022

New dog park now open ALMUÑECAR now has its third dog park, which was inaugurated on Thursday, April 28. The enclosure is located in La Sandovala Park, next to Avenida Amelia Sánchez de Alcázar and behind the Pirámide building. The new enclosure, which had an investment of more than €12,000, has equipment where the animals can exercise, benches for the owners and a fountain. The opening ceremony was attended by several dozen dogs and their owners, as well as the councillor for the Environment, Luis Aragón, who was accompanied by the majority of the councillors

DOG PARK: Has equipment where the animals can exercise.

of the government team. He called on pet owners to take care of the park by picking up their dogs’ poo, something that will be target-

ed in a new campaign. The flora of the new dog park includes three clusters of Washingtonia fan palms in the central area, several specimens

of date palms on the façade of the main entrance, oleanders in the south and west of the park and several specimens of ficus trees.

More police officers THE Governing Board of the town council of Nerja has given the go‐ahead for the opening of the application pro‐ cess for those wishing to participate in the selective tests for the incorporation of five new officers into the staff of the Local Police of Nerja. “We continue working to strength‐ en our Local Police, which will have a positive impact on the safety of our residents and visitors, as well as on the working conditions of the staff itself,” said the councillor for Security and Transport, Francisco Arce. The councillor for Human Resources, Ángela Díaz, said: “It will be a free access system, through a competitive selection



Workshops for elderly THE Departments for the El‐ derly and Health of the Nerja Town Hall and the local branch of the Spanish Red Cross have organised two free workshops for the elderly. The first workshop will be based on cognitive stimula‐ tion and aims to encourage physical and mental well‐be‐ ing, increase autonomy and promote a more active social life by working on memory, calculation skills and reason‐ ing. It will be given from 4.30pm to 6pm on May 10 in the Sala Mercado by staff from the Spanish Red Cross. Registration can be done at the Municipal Office for At‐ tention to the Elderly. The second workshop will be on media literacy and will be given by the Press Associa‐ tion of Malaga with the spon‐ sorship of the La Caixa Foun‐ dation. The aim is to reduce the digital divide by encourag‐ ing the elderly to use new technology. Participants may attend with a family member or carer. The workshop will be from 10.30am to 12pm on May 16 at the Youth Informa‐ tion Centre. Those interested can write to the centre from Monday May 9.

LOCAL POLICE: The application process is now open.

procedure.” The official information will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Malaga, the town hall’s virtual noticeboard and the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucia.

THE Social Welfare De‐ partment of the town hall of Rincon de la Vic‐ toria will mark the occasion of Anti‐Bullying Day (May 4) with a participatory film forum to raise awareness of the problem among young peo‐ ple. The event will take place at 8pm on Friday May 6 in the Sala Las Musas in La Cala del Moral. A short film will be screened, sharing the real sto‐ ries of children who have suffered bullying. The councillor for Social Welfare, Elena Aguilar, highlighted “the need for the involve‐ ment of institutions, teachers and families to put

“The day after the publication of the announcement in the Official State Gazette, there will be a period of 20 working days for submission of appli‐ cations,” said Díaz.

an end to an issue that ex‐ ists in schools.” She added that bullying “has serious physical, psychological and social consequences that can be fatal, long‐lasting and affect the de‐ velopment of the person.” Bosco Vida, director of the Municipal Theatre School and moderator of the film forum, said: “We have focused on the three corners of the triangle: the person who is bullied, the bully and the spectator.” Those wishing to attend the event will need to send an email to bienestarsocialreservas@



Email: or call 951 38 61 61 and ask for the EWN news team.

Offering two free workshops.

and finally... THE Provincial Council of Malaga has approved a grant of €150,880.44 for the town council of Velez‐Malaga for the con‐ struction of a new section of its coastal path. The path will measure 332 metres and will run from the end of the prome‐ nade of Lagos to the footbridge of the river Güí (border be‐ tween the municipalities of Velez‐Malaga and Torrox). The work is expected to take six weeks to complete. The president of the Provincial Council of Malaga, Francisco Sala‐ do, highlighted that the institution has almost €8 million in its budget this year to finance the implementation of new pro‐ jects on the coastal path as requested by the various town halls. This initiative will make it possible to walk along the en‐ tire coastal strip of the province and will add to the overall at‐ tractiveness of the Costa del Sol as a tourist destination.


5 - 11 May 2022

Spain’s jobs boom S P A I N’S Stability Programme, pub‐ lished on Friday April 29, forecasts the creation of 1.5 million new jobs and an unemployment rate of under 10 per cent by 2025. The improved forecast is based on the government’s belief that labour reforms approved at the end of 2021, will re‐ duce unemployment. The main objective is to bring the cur‐ rent unemployment down from the cur‐ rent rate of 13.6 per cent, with the pan‐ demic over and the government making major investments in new infrastructure and new technology. Adding to the positive forecast is the news that the economy is now on a more sound footing, even though the pandemic drove up borrowing, with a positive current account and savings fig‐ ures at their highest levels since 2008. There has also been a drop in tempo‐ rary unemployment.

NEW JOBS: Forecast has improved. The programme also focuses on the implementation of active employment policies that seek to reduce structural unemployment making an adjustment between supply and demand. Attention will also be given to increasing flexibility in employment and an increase in pro‐ ductivity.


Algeria threatens gas supply ALGERIA has threatened to cut Spain’s gas supply if any is diverted to Moroc‐ co after the Spanish government sought to reopen the Maghreb gas pipeline. In its response the Pedro Sánchez government said that any gas shipped to Morocco will not be Algerian gas, but gas that is procured from other suppliers. The Algerian government in issuing the threat said: “Any transport of Alge‐ rian natural gas delivered to Spain, whose destination is none other than that provided for in the contracts, will be considered a breach of contractual commitments, and consequently,

ON Friday, April 29, the European Union (EU) an‐ nounced in a tweet that it has now provided €3.5 billion in support of Ukrainian refugees. With now more than five million Ukrainians having fled the ravages of war in their country, the EU continues to take the lead in providing sup‐ port with food, accom‐ modation, healthcare, education and jobs.

could lead to a breach of the contract that binds Sonatrach with its cus‐ tomers. Spaniards.” A reply issued by Moncloa said: “Mo‐ rocco has asked for support to guaran‐ tee its energy security on the basis of commercial relations and Spain has re‐ sponded positively to its request, as it should do with any other partner or neighbour. With total transparency, Morocco will be able to acquire LNG on international markets, unload it in some peninsular regasification plant and use the Maghreb gas pipeline to reach its territory. In no case will the gas acquired by Morocco have Algerian origin.”

€3.5bn for refugees In a show of wonderful solidarity and humanity, European countries have opened their doors to fleeing Ukrainians. With many having lost everything, the help from people, charities and governments all across Europe has been

invaluable. Every day there are new stories reflecting the kindness of strangers as people open the doors to their homes, such as the Irishman who has opened his 15th century castle to provide accom‐ modation for a family to the stories of baby sup‐ plies being left at the border and railway sta‐ tions to allow Ukrainians to take what they need.

Banking fee rises CAIXABANK and Santander have done away with free banking from Saturday, April 30. Clients of the two banks, who do not meet their condi‐ tions for free banking, will have to pay up to €240 a year. According to personal finance website ‘HelpMy‐ Cash’: Banks will penalise those customers who do not have their salary paid into their account each month, as well as those on low in‐ comes. If you bank with any of these companies it is im‐ portant that you check what criteria you need to meet to make sure that you do not pay unnecessary fees. Both Caixa and Santander have changed their fee structures effectively doing away with free banking.


5 - 11 May 2022



Warning, Nolotil, is a dangerous drug TIRED, coughing, fever‐ ish were the complaints of my neighbour Mark, when I visited him about two weeks ago. Corona, we decided and with this Omi‐ cron variety going around he would be back on his job and in the pub in a couple of days. Next day he did not look any better and was coughing up a lot of nasty stuff. Some more Parac‐ etamol, extra vitamins and things would be better soon. Next day I called Mark in the morning to ask if he needed any shopping to be done: “I am just at the Farmacia and tested negative for corona” he said with a very shivery and croaky voice. Off we went to the emergency in La Nucia because his throat was on fire. Streptococcal bacteria had taken hold of him resulting in a ‘Strep throat’, and a quite se‐ vere case at that, was the diag‐

For short-term use only.

nosis of the doctor. Off to the hospital in Villajoyosa we were sent. I drove fast be‐ cause Mark had now also breathing problems due to his swollen throat and was spew‐ ing out more and more muck. In to the emergency at the hospital ward, by now needing a wheelchair, I delivered him with a very worried look into the hands of the medical staff. Mark’s wife Mandy had cut her holiday in the UK even shorter and was on her way back to Spain. All we could do was wait. Next day the news came. Due to a very painful meniscus problem Mark was prescribed

Nolotil (also called metamizol) which he had used for over a week. However, Nolotil has been found in some cases to cause sepsis lead‐ ing to different forms of infec‐ tion including vi‐ ral ones. In Mark’s case his white blood cell count was re‐ duced to zero (0) leaving his body defenceless against infec‐ tion. Luckily for him, however

nasty and very painful, he only suffered from a Strep throat. Many cases are known where the side effects of Nolotil lead to internal infections. In other cases the rapid drop in white blood cells (Agranulo‐ cytosis) can lead to death with‐ in a couple of days. Although the Spanish AEMPS (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products) warned for many years about the danger of this product, it is in Spain still

frequently prescribed and at Farmacias also available with‐ out prescription. AEMPS com‐ mands Nolotil as a prescrip‐ tion‐only medicine and recommends ‘only for short‐ term treatment’. If prolonged treatment is necessary, carry out regular (haematological) controls for Agranulocytosis symptoms. Now, Mandy, glad that her ‘hubby’ is back home after eight days at the hospital, sees

it as her duty to warn every‐ body about this danger. She al‐ so tries to figure out why North Europeans seem to be more susceptible to the disad‐ vantages of Nolotil. This even more since Mark was pre‐ scribed Nolotil for his painful knee for a minimum of 10 days, three times a day at 525 mg without any monitoring. Cristina Garcia de Campo has been campaigning against the widespread use of Nolotil.

Ireland border checks FEARING rising inflation, the UK has postponed border checks in Ireland for the fourth time, pushing the implementation to the back end of 2023. The checks required as part of the divorce agreement were im‐ plemented by the EU immediately after the agreement came into force, however the UK has failed to implement the checks despite signing the agreement. Firstly because they said they needed more time to get prepared, then to appease political allies in Northern Ireland and now as the country battles, like the rest of the world is, with rising inflation. The government said that spiralling energy costs and fragile global supply chains were the main reasons be‐ hind the decision.

BORDER CHECKS: Have been cancelled again.


5 - 11 May 2022

Passport warning A PASSPORT OFFICE work‐ er has warned that applica‐ tion delays will get even worse this summer. The Passport Office has told millions of Brits to wait up to 10 weeks for their passports due to a huge de‐ lay in applications. But a backlog of 500,000 documents has meant appli‐ cants have been left waiting more than 10 weeks for re‐ newals, with some com‐ plaining it took up to four months to get hold of their new passports, said news re‐ ports exclusively on Friday, April 29. The Passport Office is fac‐ ing a recruitment crisis and has failed to hire enough staff to deal with a post‐ Covid pandemic surge of five million applications. Earlier this month, the government issued a warn‐ ing, telling people to allow up to 10 weeks to get their passports, rather than the usual five to six weeks.

Russian war warning

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has warned that Vladimir Putin will use Russia’s annual victory day pa‐ rade on Monday May 9 to announce the mass mobilisation of his re‐ serves for a concerted push in Ukraine. Wallace said the Rus‐ sian president might declare a new war

against the world’s ‘Nazis’ at the show‐of‐ strength parade which commemorates the end of Russia’s involve‐ ment in the Second World War. He told media: “I would not be sur‐ prised... that he is probably going to de‐ clare on May Day that ‘we are now at war

with the world’s Nazis and we need to mass mobilise the Russian people’.” “Putin, having failed in nearly all objectives, may seek to consoli‐ date what he’s got... and just be a sort of cancerous growth with‐ in the country,” the De‐ fence Secretary contin‐ ued.

Charles’s tree project PRINCE CHARLES has called for the UK’s ‘dwindling’ historic natural habitat to be renewed as he revealed a new project to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Prince Charles unveiled a collection of 70 ancient woodlands and trees dedicat‐ ed to the monarch in a video message recorded under the old Sycamore at Dumfries House in Scotland, it was report‐ ed on Sunday, May 1. Charles said these “precious” assets must be preserved for future generations. Some of the 70 ancient woodlands and 70 trees dedicated to the Queen include

Sussex’s Five Hundred Acre Wood, the in‐ spiration for 100 Acre Wood in Winnie the Pooh. Charles said: “I believe it is absolutely vi‐ tal that we do our utmost to nurture our historic inheritance through careful man‐ agement and, in the case of the wood‐ lands, that we can expand them and link them to other natural features like our hedgerows. “And if we are to create the ‘ancient’ trees of the future, we must plant more trees in hedgerows, fields, churchyards and avenues.”


Croatia blocks Sweden

ZORAN MILANOVIC: Blocking Swedish membership.

CROATIA President Zoran Milanovic announced on Tuesday April 26: “We will block Sweden and Finland membership” to Nato, as their applications will pro‐ voke Russia. Croatia, who are yet to ratify their membership of NATO, believe that any en‐ tertaining of membership applications from Scandina‐ vian states will do little more than provoke Russian Presi‐ dent Vladimir Putin. Croatia has its own issues as it tries to get Bosnia‐Herzegovina to update their electoral law. Milanovic told reporters in Zagreb that: “As far as I’m

concerned, they can get into NATO, they can poke the ra‐ bid bear in the eye with a pen. “However, until the elec‐ toral law issue in Bosnia‐ Herzegovina is resolved, un‐ til the Americans, the English, the Germans, if they can and want to, compel Sarajevo and Bakir Izetbe‐ govic to update the electoral law in the next six months and grant Croats their ele‐ mentary rights, the Sabor must not ratify anyone’s ad‐ mission to NATO.”. NATO cannot admit new members without the ap‐ proval of current ones.


5 - 11 May 2022

British Army expands THOUSANDS of British Army troops will conduct a series of planned exercises across Europe this summer in one of the largest de‐

ployments since the Cold War. Around 8,000 British Army troops will take part in the exercises the Min‐

Tragic dog death A FAMILY has been left heartbroken after their golden re‐ triever fell victim to the deadly Alabama Rot disease, which has now claimed the lives of seven dogs in the UK this year. The Backhouse family want to raise awareness of Al‐ abama rot before anyone else suffers the loss of a family pet. Marley, their Golden Retriever, was eight years old when he died earlier this month, after picking up the killer disease on local walks around Ledbury. “We want to raise wider awareness of Alabama Rot,” Rob Backhouse told media. “We want to hopefully save another family the pain we have gone through.” Rebecca Backhouse told one publication: “It’s one of those things you never think will happen to your dog.” Rebecca first noticed something was wrong when Mar‐ ley wouldn’t stop licking his back left paw, but was sure it was not Alabama rot after checking images online. He was taken to a vet and treated at a clinic but, sadly, his condition deteriorated rapidly and he had to be put down a week later.

istry of Defence said in a statement on Friday, April 29. The training mission will see 72 Challenger 2 tanks, 12 AS90 tracked artillery guns and 120 Warrior ar‐ moured fighting vehicles de‐ ploy to countries from Fin‐ land to North Macedonia, demonstrating the Army’s modernisation into a lethal, agile and global force. Tens of thousands of troops from NATO and Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) allies and partners are involved in the exercises.

The high readiness forces from the Lead Armoured Task Force and Air Ma‐ noeuvre Task Force will take part. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The security of Europe has never been more important. “These exercises will see our troops join forces with allies and partners across NATO and the Joint Expedi‐ tionary Force in a show of solidarity and strength in one of the largest shared deployments since the Cold War.”

THE seventh global annual Our Ocean Conference concluded on Sun‐ day April 26 with 410 commitments and pledges worth more than $16 billion €(15.15 billion) to protect our seas. Co‐hosted by the Republic of Palau and the United States, the confer‐ ence was the first to be held in a small island developing state. Started by John Kerry in 2014, the



Brexit’s food price A REPORT by researchers from the London School of Economics released on Wednesday, April 27, said that Brexit has added 6 per cent to the cost of Britain’s food bills. The research drew comparisons between the cost of food imported from the EU, which still accounts for the majority of food imported, with food from elsewhere. They found that extra trade barriers created by Britain’s exit added 6 per cent to the cost of food, with prices rising higher than those levied on imports from elsewhere. Examples they quote are the increase in the price of fresh pork, tomatoes and jam which come mainly from the EU and the rise in prices of items like tuna fish and pineapples which come from further afield. Nikhil Datta, a researcher at LSE said: “This research demonstrates a clear and robust impact of Brexit‐in‐ duced trade frictions increasing food prices for UK con‐ sumers during a time when the economy is already fac‐ ing inflationary pressures from global sources.”

$16bn for oceans conference titled ‘Our Ocean, Our People, Our Prosperity,’ highlighted the importance of a healthy ocean to small island developing states. It also focused attention on all communities where the ocean is a primary source of sustenance. Delegates from more than 70

countries attended the conference, all of whom committed to concrete action to advance ocean issues. Speakers and presentations high‐ lighted the importance of ocean‐ based climate solutions, including shipping decarbonisation, marine na‐ ture‐based solutions, and offshore renewable energy, in keeping the 1.5‐degree target within reach and improving global climate resilience.


5 - 11 May 2022


Record levels A REPORT by the Stock‐ holm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) released on Monday April 25, said that global mili‐ tary spending has reached record levels in response to the crisis in the Ukraine. Despite the economic fallout of the pandemic, global military spending in 2021 rose by 0.7 per ent according to the re‐ port, with predictions that the increase will be vastly higher in 2022. Expenditure is expected to rise the most in Europe as countries move to bol‐ ster their defence against Russia, and in their sup‐ port of Ukraine as it tries to drive out the invading forces. Total expenditure is said to have reached US$2.1 trillion (€1.96 tril‐ lion), the highest figure on record. Topping that list is Rus‐ sia where spending grew by 2.9 per cent in advance

of the invasion of Ukraine, with defence ac‐ counting for 4.1 per cent of the country’s gross do‐ mestic product (GDP).

Global military spending.

Queen’s Jubilee THE UK government has officially extended opening hours to give people the opportunity “to continue their celebrations of this historic milestone over the bank holiday.” On Monday, April 26, the government revealed that Parliament had “passed an order to extend licensing hours in pubs, clubs and bars across England and Wales from 11pm to 1am to mark Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The extension will cover Thursday June 2 to Saturday June 4, providing the opportunity for people to continue their celebrations of this historic milestone over the bank holiday. “Platinum Jubilee is a historic national occasion, and the licensing hours extension will coincide with the ex‐ tended bank holiday.” Home Secretary, Priti Patel, said: “For 70 years Her Majesty The Queen has served the UK and the Com‐ monwealth with the utmost dignity, steadfastness and resolve. “The Platinum Jubilee is a truly historic national occa‐ sion, which will see families, friends and communities across the country come together to celebrate this un‐ precedented landmark in a remarkable reign.”


5 - 11 May 2022



William’s fundraising James Corden quits

A RECORD amount of £944,000 was raised on Monday, April 25, at a gala held by Lon‐ don’s Air Ambulance Charity in the UK capi‐ tal. The event was attended by Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, who is its patron. Prince William even took to social media after his visit, sharing multiple images on his official Twitter profile. “As a former Air Ambulance pi‐ lot, I have seen first‐hand the difference trauma teams can make to those in need,” the Duke wrote. Adding, “So it is a great privilege to be the Patron of this exceptional Charity.” The royal also spoke about a boy called Bruno he met during his visit to the London Air Ambulance Charity. “I had the great privilege

JEREMY KYLE, the former king of daytime television, is making a return to our screens with his own nightly show on TalkTV. For more than 20 years, Jeremy Kyle was one of the biggest names and most recognised celebrities on British television, until a tragic incident halted his ca‐ reer. “My suits don’t fit like they used to, but I don’t care

GALA EVENT: Attended by Prince William.

to meet a young man named Bruno, and his father Daniel. Aged 11, Bruno was knocked off his scooter and suffered a serious brain injury. London’s Air Ambulance Charity flew to him, arriving within minutes to bring the hospital to his side, and saving his life.”

Jeremy Kyle returns ‐ I couldn’t be more thrilled to be back in front of the camera,” the 56‐year‐old former king of daytime tele‐ vision told one publication. Jeremy made a cameo appearance on the new television network this week, and revealed, “I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed it until I stepped into the studio and felt the

lights. Presenting live TV is almost like a drug, it hooks you in and I just love the for‐ mat.” He had already returned successfully to the public do‐ main last year via the new network’s stablemate, talkRADIO. His show on TalkTV will cover current af‐ fairs and topical news each weeknight.

IN shock celebrity news from America, 43‐year‐old James Corden has announced that he will step down as the host of the Late Late Show. His hit show on CBS has won countless awards, and CBS bosses had reportedly tried their best to convince the Londoner to stay on. The actor, singer, presenter, and entertainer has allegedly walked away from a multi‐

It’s been a hard decision.

million‐pound deal that CBS had offered him, in favour of spending more time in Britain

RUSSIA has reportedly suffered a setback in Ukraine as a major tank design flaw has been exposed. The tanks are said to be suffering from a de‐ fect which leads to a ‘jack‐in‐the‐box’ effect that can literally blow the tank’s turret off. The issue reportedly comes from storing multiple shells inside the tank turrets. An indirect hit can lead to an explosive chain reaction due to where the ammunition is stored. According to experts that can cause

with his family. James also wants to be able to go and watch his beloved West Ham playing football he said. Speaking to one media out‐ let, Corden explained, “It’s been it’s a really hard decision to leave, because I’m so im‐ mensely proud of the show. I’m thrilled to be extending for a year. I always thought I’d do it for five years and then leave and then I stayed on.”

Russia’s tank flaw

a shockwave that can blast the tank’s turret ‘as high as a two‐storey building’. Commenting on the design flaw Sam Ben‐ dett from the Russian Studies Programme at the Centre for a New American Security re‐ vealed: “What we are witnessing with Rus‐ sian tanks is a design flaw. “Any successful hit … quickly ignites the am‐ mo causing a massive explosion, and the tur‐ ret is literally blown off.”



The average human will eat 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.

10 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Massive cleanup operation LAST month, the Consorcio Vega Baja Sostenible organised the largest clear‐up op‐ eration ever carried out in the area. The Consorcio manages the treatment of the rubbish collected from 27 Vega Baja towns, and the consortium's president Teresa Belmonte commented beforehand that the Vega Baja had beautiful natural surroundings. “But sometimes there is a lamentable build‐up of rubbish,” she said. Belmonte herself joined the 1,500 volun‐ teers who removed the drinks cans, bottles, discarded facemasks and all the other litter that pollutes the Vega Baja. Also present was Joan Piquer, director‐gen‐ eral of the Generalitat’s Quality and Environ‐ mental Education department. “Activities like these are necessary to edu‐ cate and make people aware of the need to manage waste treatment correctly so that we may enjoy surroundings free of scattered lit‐ ter,” he said. The Vega Baja rubbish‐collecting morning was part of the EU’s Let’s Clean Up initiative, which consists of organising volunteer teams who, with support from the national or re‐ gional authorities, remove rubbish and litter from public spaces.

News from our editions With six editions and read by more than half a million people, EWN is Spain’s largest free local English-language newspaper COSTA DEL SOL

Best Chef Award

Extensions given go-ahead THE Junta’s Health service gave the go‐ahead for improvements to Tor‐ recardenas hospital. A €458,800 contract to draw up plans to modernise and extend the A and E department and the Intensive Care unit has now been put out to ten‐ der. Torrecardenas’ Emergency depart‐ ment currently serves 306,000 people in Almeria, Andarax, Carboneras, Nijar, Rio Nacimiento, Sorbas and Tabernas. The €5.5 million project includes streamlining routes inside A and E so that patients, and those accompanying them, do not have to coincide with those from other zones. At the same time this will avert an image of “overcrowding and disorgani‐ sation” Health department sources ex‐ plained. Intensive Care is to have extra beds in a 630‐square metre extension ad‐ joining the existing unit, increasing the total to 36.

Wonder of the Seas

A better solution needed

WILD BOAR: Have learnt to avoid capture in Denia.




DENIA is looking for another way to control its rapidly‐expanding wild boar population. Maite Perez, Denia’s Environment council‐ lor, has admitted that the cages installed dur‐ ing the first three months of the year were not a success. “There were days when we caught five or six, but this wasn’t what we had expected,” Perez said. “We are going to rack our brains to come up with a solution before the summer.” Meanwhile, the boar are not only colonis‐ ing Denia’s agricultural areas and Montgo, but are increasingly seen near the town centre and have also been the cause of road acci‐ dents.


TOP CHEF: Dani Garcia with restaurant staff.

MARBELLA chef Dani Garcia, who has three Michelin stars to his credit in his restaurants, is now in the run‐ ning to become the world’s best solo chef in the kitchen. This was announced on Thursday, April 28 by the organisers of The Best Chef Awards. The organisation makes a top 100 list of chefs annual‐ ly, from which the winner is chosen. Polish neuroscientist Joanna S l u s a r c z y k , a n d t h e I t a l i a n g a s‐ tronome Cristian Gadau, created this contest in 2017. It aims to reward the actual chefs and not so much the

restaurants, in the way that most other awards do. First of all, the process consists of making a list of 200 pre‐candidates, 100 of them new, and selected by anonymous professionals in the restaurant sector. The other 100 are the same ones that participated in the previous year’s contest. After this, the next step is to whit‐ tle the 200 down, to obtain the final top 100. This is achieved through an online vote, where both nominees and anonymous professionals can participate.

AN inaugural visit to Palma was made by Wonder of the Seas as the world’s largest passenger ship docked in the early morning of Tues‐ day May 3. Cruise ships were major losers dur‐ ing the two years of the pandemic, with the relatively close contact of so many passengers and crew being a breeding ground for the transmission of the virus. For some considerable period, these vessels were almost like the legendary Flying Dutchman as they were not welcomed in ports and had to stay at sea with their crews until the pandemic started to wane. Now they are back with a vengeance and Royal Caribbean’s lat‐ est flagship has 18 decks, caters for nearly 7,000 passengers with 22 restaurants and 11 bars plus a num‐ ber of attractions to entertain chil‐ dren and those young at heart. It is expected that Palma will be a regular port of call for Wonder of the Seas, although the sudden arrival of thousands of passengers as well as some of the 2,300 crew may not sit well with those wishing to see fewer liners and tourists visiting Mallorca’s capital.


5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 11

Nuclear plant warning Taxpayer fraud squad

THE situation at the Russian‐controlled Za‐ porizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine is ‘not sus‐ tainable’ and could prove dangerous, the di‐ rector‐general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has warned. Access to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has been sought, in vain IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said on Thursday, April 28. The station, in south‐eastern Ukraine, re‐ quires repairs “and all of this is not happen‐ ing,” he said. Grossi continued: “So the situation as I have described it, and I would repeat it today, is not sustainable as it is. So this is a pending issue. This is a red light blinking.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

TWITTER have followed Google’s lead by banning ads that contradict the science on climate change according to a statement re‐ leased by the company on April 23. The statement said: “Ads shouldn’t de‐ tract from important conversations about the climate crisis,” with scientific consensus important in keeping the conversation real and factual. Although social media sites such as Twit‐ ter and Facebook have been targeted for posts by climate change deniers, the ban on ads does not appear to affect posts. The announcement was made to coincide

Europe’s largest nuclear plant.

does not want IAEA inspectors to go to the facility under the authority of a ‘third power’. Grossi said he is due to meet Russian offi‐ cials soon to discuss access to the nuclear plant ‐ Europe’s largest ‐ which was captured by Russian forces on March 4.

Twitter ban with Earth Day coming just hours before the European Union’s agreement to control con‐ tent on their sites that involves hate speech, disinformation and other harmful content. The company has said that it would make more information available on how it in‐ tends to monitor the situation and how it plans to provide ‘reliable, authoritative con‐ text to the climate conversations’ its users engage in.

THE UK government has an‐ nounced it is launching an expert ‘fraud squad’ to crack down on criminals who steal taxpayer money. The news was announced by the government on April 27, and Rishi Sunak revealed that the team will be up and running by the summer. The government ex‐ plained: “The new body will recruit leading data analytics experts and economic crime investigators to recover mon‐ ey stolen from Covid support schemes and spot suspicious companies and people seek‐ ing government contracts. “Counter fraud experts will also mount mandatory in‐ spections on Whitehall pro‐ grammes to uncover vulner‐ abilities.” Chancellor of the Exche‐ quer, Rishi Sunak said: “We will chase down fraudsters who rip off the taxpayer. This elite fraud squad, backed by £25 million, will ensure the latest counter fraud tech‐ niques are being used to track down these criminals.

“People are rightly furious that fraudsters took advan‐ tage of our vital Covid sup‐

port schemes, and we are acting to make sure they pay the price.”

Contraceptive pill RESEARCHERS at the Uni‐ versity of Minnesota be‐ lieve human trials of a new male contraceptive pill could be just months away. According to the scien‐ tists who invented the med‐ ically named YCT529 non‐ hormonal pill, in trials in mice, it achieved results on a level with female birth control medication. Their pill allegedly stopped 99 per cent of the potential mice pregnancies. Speaking with one publi‐ cation, Minneapolis chemist Dr Gunda Georg, explained that after stopping the tri‐

als, and administration of the pill, “The mice could fa‐ ther pups again four to six weeks after they stopped receiving the compound.” There were no reported vis‐ ible side effects either. Dr Georg revealed that as the results had been so en‐ couraging, then human tri‐ als could possibly start in “the second half of this year. Of course, you have to be careful with this analysis because they are mice and not humans, but neverthe‐ less, the effect was very, very promising,” she de‐ clared.



30% of people refuse to sit on a public toilet seat.

12 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022



Copenhagen scores

Greener greens

ACCORDING to the 2022 Wellness Travel Report compiled by Icelandair, Copenhagen came fourth based on scores across seven parameters with success in internet speed, safety, quality of life and healthcare and good results in air pollution and climate, but performed badly in the cost-of-living category.

AS golf becomes an ever more popular participant sport in Denmark, a special project financed by the European Union will see five clubs in Copenhagen attempt to become greener by phasing out diesel driven mowers and replacing them with electric robotic machines and even burning the rough.


New record

FOR the first time in three years, the Dutch were able to celebrate King’s Day on Wednesday April 27 in the usual manner. Members of the Royal Family who were on the streets in Masstricht attracted a crowd of some 40,000 and all passed peaceably.

AS Dutch trawlers bring up rubbish in their nets, rather than throw it back into the sea as they might have in the past, they now return it to the shore for disposal and in 2021 they had a record haul of 756 tonnes.

BELGIUM Bronze conundrum

Fewer permits

HAVING lost the relevant file and clearly embarrassed that the government sold a stolen Nigerian Bronze for €240 in 2007, the Belgian authorities are investigating the purchaser, as if he knew it was stolen, he could be prosecuted for handling stolen property.

IN order to cut down on bureaucracy and unnecessary paper work, it is now no longer a requirement to obtain a permit to introduce bicycle lanes, solar panels and street art murals in Brussels, provided all meet certain pre-set requirements.

GERMANY Oil agreement

Tehachapi quilters

DIFFICULT times need difficult solutions and it seems possible that the German reliance on Russian oil could be resolved thanks to a proposed agreement with Poland, which would see Germany ship oil to Gdansk from abroad and later deliver it to Germany through the Pomeranian pipeline.

A GROUP of quilters in California’s Tehachapi Mountain have come to an arrangement with quilters in Germany to send them unique blocks of fabric, which they in turn make into finished quilts which are then given to the children of Ukrainian refugees.

FRANCE Three cherries

World’s oldest

AFTER being elected as president for the second time, Emmanuel Macron’s first public outing was a visit to the French town of CergyPointoise. No sooner had he arrived than he was greeted with a barrage of cherry tomatoes, but his security protected him with an open umbrella.

SISTER ANDRE, a French nun who recently celebrated her 118th birthday, is now the world's oldest known person, following the death of a Japanese woman who was just one year older. Now blind and living in a home in Toulon, she still attends Mass daily.

NORWAY Ukrainians banned

Burning question

THE Ukrainian Ambassador to Norway applied for permission to walk with a group of Ukrainian children in Norway’s annual May 17 children’s parade, but his request was rejected as the parade committee said that it would be inappropriate as it is not a political event.

A STUDY of the views of Norwegians on the matter of the burning of religious symbols carried out by the Institute for Social Research has found that 30 per cent who responded were in favour of the action as a freedom of expression.

FINANCE 20 years in Spain • 5 - 11 May 2022



€1.4 billion

turnover (most of it outside of Spain) during 2021 has been announced by Spanish family company Cosentino Group which produces special surfaces for buildings.


GDP reduction

Credit: Ryanair Media Centre

ON April 29, Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero advised that the Spanish government had revised its forecast of GDP growth in 2002 downwards from 7 per cent to 4.3 per cent. Expected year end deficit to be 5 per cent.

NatWest profits DESPITE potential problems with customers’ ability to pay off loans, NatWest not only posted much larger than expected pre‐tax profits for the first quarter of 2022, 40 per cent up at £1.2 billion, it was even able to reduce bad debt provisions by £38 million.

Legal anomaly THE Spanish Corporation of Registrars has highlighted an anomaly in Spanish law so that unlike other members of the European Union, it is not possible to identify the partners of a limited company which complicates the fight against money laundering and seizing Russian owned assets.

Money released IN the 1970s, Britain made a great deal of money supplying arms to the Shah of Iran and after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, it kept hold of £400 million. On Wednesday April 27, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iran confirmed that the money had been repaid.

Ted Baker sale ALTHOUGH not originally for sale, British fashion brand Ted Baker has received a number of offers of interest to purchase the company which has more than 350 stores worldwide. After an initial approach from one investor, there were quick follow ups from Authentic Brands Group which has recently taken over sports clothing manufacturer Reebok and then a further expression of interest from American private equity firm Sycamore Partners. Initial valuation appears to be in the region of £250 million, although a statement from Ted Baker indicated that offers received so far undervalued the company which in turn saw shares push upwards.

Minister Maroto in centre with Michael O’Leary on the left.

RYANAIR has celebrated its 20th anniversary in Spain and explained its contribution to the Spanish economy and so‐ ciety on Thursday April 28. To do this, it has released a study by the consulting firm PwC which considers the im‐ pact of corporate activity in Ryanair as a generator of more than €14 billion per year to the Spanish economy. From modest beginnings with its first Spanish flight to Girona in 2002, Ryanair cur‐ rently invests more than €8 billion in 27 airports, of which 10 are bases and supports more than 300,000 indirect and 6,000 direct jobs, offering

more routes and connections than any other airline in Spain. Since the beginning of its operations in Spain in 2002, Ryanair has transported more than 400 million passengers to/from Spain, bringing signif‐ icant benefits to the Spanish economy and society as a whole. Ryanair is committed to con‐ tinuing to grow and develop in Spain and its autonomous communities for many more years to come through collab‐ oration with associated air‐ ports, the government and lo‐ cal tourist organisations, working to reduce access costs

that make Spain attractive to airlines. The company plans to grow to 225 million passengers in 2026 following a strategy that is in line with what its cus‐ tomers are looking for, a greater range of destinations throughout the year and at low prices. Minister of Industry, Com‐ merce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, praised the role of Ryanair in contributing to the connectivity “of Spanish desti‐ nations that were previously off the radar of tourists, such as Girona, Santiago, Malaga, Sevilla or Alicante, among oth‐ ers.”

ECB criticises limit on cash payments A STATEMENT by the Organisa‐ tion of Consumers and Users (OCU) said that the European C e n t r a l B a n k ( EC B ) d o e s n o t agree with Spain’s tax evasion law which limits the amount of cash (€1,000) that can be used for payments as: The limit of €1,000 is dispro‐ portionate. This limitation will have ad‐ verse effects on the legal ten‐ der status of euro banknotes. By significantly reducing the ability of payers to use euros, the freedom of citizens to choose the means of payment is also reduced. The penalty regime laid

down in the law is excessive: the fine of 25 per cent of the amount paid is, in the view of the European Central Bank, too high. In addition to this, cash pay‐ ment is of great importance, especially for certain social groups, which is why the Euro‐ pean Central Bank also makes several points in this respect; Cash is widely accepted. It is fast, and allows transac‐ tions to be settled instantly. It is an always‐available op‐ tion, as it does not require an operational technical infras‐ tructure and related invest‐ ments, issues that need to be

taken into account in situa‐ tions such as power outages or failures of electronic payment systems. It makes it easier for payers to control their own spending. It is the only means of pay‐ ment that does not entail the legal possibility of charging a fee for its use. Cash payment is not subject to daily or weekly payment limits set by banks. According to the ECB “Cash is essential for elderly users, mi‐ grants, the disabled, socially vulnerable citizens and anyone with limited access to digital services.”

Fill your Boots FOUNDED in 1849 as a single chemist shop in Nottingham, Boots grew into the largest pharma‐ cist in the UK with more than 2,000 stores and has changed hands on a num‐ ber of occasions. Currently owned by US‐ based Walgreen, it is known to be up for sale at an expected price of around £6 billion and once again, what is seen as a British institution is in the sights of another American investment company Apollo Global Management, but there appears to be a new play‐ er circling the company. Reports suggest that looking to possibly form an alliance with Apollo is Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani who could, if suc‐ cessful, see the chain ex‐ pand into Asia and the Middle East.

Cryptocurrencies being used more ON April 26, the Bank of Spain published a report explaining how Spaniards and other Europeans have been using cryptocurren‐ cies during the last year. The report concludes that Europeans prefer to use decentralised services a n d u n b a c k e d c r y p t o ‐ a s‐ sets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum possibly as there is less chance of tracing transactions. According to Spain’s Cen‐ tral Bank, more and more money is being spent in Eu‐ ro using crypto‐currency and during the period un‐ der review, with a total of €845 billion it is now con‐ siderably greater than in Canada and the USA. One surprising statistic revealed that contrary to general opinion, just 1 per cent of transactions ap‐ peared to involve illegal ac‐ tivities.

16 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022



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COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) 3I Group 1.314,00 1.332,00 Abrdn 187,05 189,70 Admiral Group 2.507,0 2.540,0 Anglo American 3.443,0 3.547,5 Antofagasta 1.532,50 1.558,50 Ashtead Group 4.177,0 4.360,0 Associated British Foods 1.606,0 1.621,5 AstraZeneca 10.594,0 10.660,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 629,20 631,80 Avast 569,20 571,20 Aveva 2.030,0 2.066,0 Aviva 430,80 435,20 B&M European Value Retail SA490,80 497,40 BAE Systems 732,77 736,20 Bank VTB DRC 1,000 1,000 Barclays 146,84 148,32 Barratt Developments 495,10 502,00 Berkeley 4.065,0 4.092,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.684,00 2.730,00 BP 383,50 387,95 British American Tobacco 3.329,0 3.350,0 British Land Company 510,60 515,40 BT Group 179,10 182,10 Bunzl 3.081,0 3.093,0 Burberry Group 1.571,5 1.583,5 Carnival 1.258,5 1.294,0 Centrica 80,04 80,66 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.632,0 1.656,0 Compass 1.695,00 1.704,00 CRH 3.170,5 3.252,5 Croda Intl 7.792,0 7.860,0 DCC 5.988,0 6.014,0 Diageo 3.983,5 4.009,5 DS Smith 326,30 330,00 EasyJet 561,20 571,80 Experian 2.813,0 2.842,0 Ferguson 10.000,0 10.255,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.028,0 8.182,0 Fresnillo 758,00 780,33 GlaxoSmithKline 1.807,80 1.811,80 Glencore 489,55 492,80 Halma 2.439,0 2.463,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 941,20 955,60 Hikma Pharma 2.024,00 2.043,00 HSBC 491,70 502,10 IAG 143,40 145,62 Imperial Brands 1.637,25 1.666,50 Informa 572,80 578,60 InterContinental 5.198,0 5.240,0

% CHG. 1.300,00 187,00 2.492,0 3.429,5 1.513,50 4.176,0 1.591,5 10.516,0 622,00 562,20 1.895,5 428,70 487,40 717,20 1,000 142,34 493,00 4.008,0 2.672,50 378,40 3.268,5 508,20 178,45 3.073,0 1.554,0 1.258,5 78,88 1.605,0 1.678,00 3.163,5 7.668,0 5.928,0 3.952,0 324,20 559,60 2.770,0 9.990,0 7.882,0 752,47 1.781,20 482,50 2.422,0 937,40 1.992,50 489,45 141,66 1.627,50 572,00 5.104,0

NET VOL 1,09M 2,55M 142,29K 2,43M 489,45K 561,49K 623,72K 987,51K 427,52K 132,32K 393,26K 2,16M 1,76M 5,71M 0 34,90M 986,01K 108,48K 1,97M 19,17M 1,92M 406,38K 5,28M 238,04K 350,17K 362,01K 3,10M 1,33M 591,82K 283,41K 102,54K 39,15K 1,39M 1,20M 1,06M 481,29K 285,29K 220,31K 163,08K 4,35M 19,08M 298,87K 268,10K 193,25K 14,69M 10,31M 887,58K 1,25M 170,24K



Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

1.522,00 5.038,0 73,80 227,10 1.870,5 754,60 249,40 46,10 7.844,0 773,20 115,25 1.460,00 1.228,00 223,30 5.952,0 1,89 915,00 2.100,0 603,40 999,60 6.202,0 2.418,00 548,00 611,80 5.637,0 82,38 0,60 729,00 1.266,50 0,0453 2.830,0 885,00 1.365,50 3.164,0 2.173,0 1.313,50 1.456,50 12.090,0 1.866,50 1.274,00 542,00 127,55 272,20 228,80 3.656,5 1.165,50 126,84 2.835,0 983,60


% CHG.


1.544,50 5.062,0 74,80 235,50 1.897,0 762,20 251,20 47,41 8.010,0 774,00 117,95 1.487,25 1.228,50 226,40 6.042,0 1,89 957,40 2.128,0 604,60 1.012,00 6.218,0 2.424,00 550,40 616,80 5.736,0 84,88 0,60 731,20 1.281,50 0,0453 2.922,0 902,60 1.371,00 3.169,0 2.188,5 1.321,50 1.466,50 12.190,0 1.868,50 1.309,00 561,40 129,25 275,20 232,80 3.656,5 1.167,50 127,00 2.891,0 990,40

1.513,50 4.982,0 73,20 222,60 1.850,0 752,60 248,10 45,80 7.812,0 772,20 113,25 1.455,00 1.194,00 222,30 5.902,0 1,89 910,00 2.078,0 600,20 996,20 6.102,0 2.379,00 533,60 602,60 5.615,0 82,18 0,60 713,80 1.264,50 0,0453 2.828,0 882,80 1.355,00 3.113,0 2.119,0 1.286,00 1.453,50 11.815,0 1.834,50 1.270,00 524,47 125,70 269,10 226,50 3.564,0 1.142,50 125,74 2.790,0 978,80

1,12M 119,95K 4,71M 7,86M 256,29K 390,64K 5,29M 104,91M 194,00K 543,76K 17,01M 837,71K 2,50M 6,99M 111,81K 0 1,20M 626,00K 385,74K 2,48M 419,83K 1,12M 2,03M 1,21M 1,99M 24,47M 0 746,36K 7,90K 0 603,57K 1,53M 638,30K 140,20K 6,05M 1,39M 489,29K 77,64K 760,00K 1,45M 1,65M 5,48M 7,31M 1,32M 1,86M 410,80K 38,96M 1,27M 3,51M



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0505 Japan yen (JPY)........................................137.57 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0222 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4421 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.8759 • Tel: +34 952 906 581 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 145,35 178,32 235,25 160,46 151,98 203,91 155,57 49,70 65,45 66,75 313,25 306,07 186,76 135,88 45,98 183,12 121,80 251,64 87,94 284,79 124,16 161,49 180,56 173,10 517,51 49,12 220,72 44,49 155,31 113,49

CHANGE 146,16 180,78 242,91 161,11 156,76 207,69 157,68 49,76 65,63 68,04 317,60 306,84 188,22 136,85 46,09 183,49 123,17 252,30 88,32 287,61 125,24 162,07 182,82 175,00 519,59 49,17 224,93 44,90 155,91 116,00

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 144,19 456,28K 177,61 359,59K 233,34 2,16M 158,93 25,87M 150,58 2,73M 202,29 1,53M 154,93 1,11M 49,20 3,65M 64,51 5,21M 66,50 970,41K 312,41 319,34K 303,08 600,11K 186,23 378,51K 134,87 590,10K 45,65 4,51M 181,93 1,49M 121,51 2,38M 248,08 715,93K 85,46 4,75M 281,46 7,03M 122,60 1,52M 159,28 1,63M 179,81 2,31M 172,18 130,74K 515,48 335,05K 48,57 4,97M 219,67 2,82M 44,18 754,32K 154,14 773,52K 113,07 3,79M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+184.29% +88.33% +45.68% +29.60% +22.30% +20.32% +20.97% +20.07% +18.52% +16.98% +15.68%

39.29M 88.91M 3.95M 6.77M 12.25K 19.71M 436.04K 2.36M 107.84K 248.75K 72.62K

-98.05% -46.93% -46.39% -27.18% -25.59% -23.67% -22.00% -20.45% -20.52% -20.14% -19.97%

1.72K 2.31M 24.31M 507.30K 1.14M 52.95K 1.27M 4.36M 1.10M 784.33K 208.76K

Most Advanced Trust Stamp Statera Biopharma Swvl Holdings Sqz Bio Silence Therapeutics Color Star Technology Co RCM Technologies Pitney Bowes Archer Aviation Warrants Noodles & Co Ocwen

Most Declined WVS Financial Sio Gene Therapies Teladoc Inc GeoVax Labs JE Cleantech Holdings Studio City Align Evoke Pharma 1-800 FLOWERS.COM Blonder Tongue Labs FARO

18 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

Currency outlook: War in Ukraine and central bank rate speculation drives currency volatility

ASK THE EXPERT Peter Loveday Contact me at

Euro EUR/GBP: Unchanged at £0.83 EUR/USD: Down from $1.10 to $1.09 The euro trended broadly lower over the past month, with ongoing concerns over the war in Ukraine infusing considerable volatility into the single currency, due to the Eurozone economy’s vulnerability to the conflict. At one point this allowed EUR exchange rates to spike on reports of ‘constructive’ progress being made in peace talks and hopes for a face-toface meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. However, these hopes were almost immediately scuppered, following reports of alleged atrocities committed by Russian troops in the town of Bucha, prompting the euro to shed most of its gains as Zelensky suggested this would make future negotiations difficult. The pressure on the single currency was then reinforced by the European Central Bank (ECB), which struck a disappointingly cautious tone in the wake of its latest policy meeting. Looking ahead, the situation in Ukraine will no doubt continue to act as a key catalyst for the euro in the coming weeks. This could leave the euro

EURO: The pressure on the single currency was reinforced by the European Central Bank.

exposed to further losses so long as peace talks remain at an impasse. Pound GBP/EUR: Unchanged at €1.20 GBP/USD: Down from $1.32 to $1.30 The pound was also infused with some volatility as a result of the war in Ukraine as an uneven market mood unsettled the increasingly risk-sensitive currency. GBP investors grew increasingly concerned by the war’s impact on the UK economy, amid fears a prolonged conflict could further stoke global inflationary pressures and exacerbate the UK’s cost-of-living crisis. A hotter-than-expected inflation print offered some support to Sterling in mid-April, however these gains proved short lived amidst uncertainty

over the Bank of England’s (BoE) next interest rate hike. There are growing doubts over whether the BoE will follow through with a fourth consecutive rate hike in May, amidst fears the UK could be at risk of a recession this year, Elsewhere the pound’s gains have been stifled by UK political developments after Boris Johnson was issued a fine by the police for breaking lockdown rules in the ‘partygate’ scandal. Going forward the primary focus for GBP investors will be on the BoE’s next policy decision, with the pound poised to slump if the bank ultimately opts to stay its hand in May. US Dollar USD/GBP: Up from $0.75 to $0.76 USD/EUR: Up from €0.90 to €0.91


The US dollar trended broadly higher through April, with demand for the safe-haven currency being underpinned by a prevailing risk-off mood. The cautious mood was driven by both uncertainty over the situation in Ukraine as well as concerns over strict Covid lockdowns implemented in parts of China and the potential knock-on impact on the global economy. Also bolstering the US dollar in recent weeks has been hawkish Federal Reserve interest rate expectations. A continued surge in inflation and some hawkish comments from numerous Fed policymakers helped to solidate expectations that the US central bank will pursue a series of aggressive interest rate hikes in the coming months. However, it hasn’t all been plain sailing for the US dollar, with the inversion of the US yield curve triggering concerns the US economy could fall into a recession at some point over the next couple of years. In the meantime however, the US dollar looks well positioned to extend its current bullish momentum, with an expected half-per cent Fed rate hike in May and ongoing concerns over the war in Ukraine likely to underpin demand for the ‘greenback’ in the near-term. Currencies Direct have helped over 325,000 customers save on their currency transfers since 1996. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch or give us a call to find out more about how you can save money on your currency transfers.

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BUSINESS EXTRA Algerian warning ON Wednesday April 27, the Algerian govern‐ ment warned Spain that if it supplied any Algeri‐ an gas to Morocco, it would terminate sup‐ plies gaining a response from Spain’s energy minister saying that it would not sell Algerian gas. Spain also imports gas from France, Qatar and Nigeria.

Inflation down PRELIMINARY figures released by Spain’s Na‐ tional Statistics Institute for April show that in‐ flation has dropped from last month’s 9.8 per cent to 8.4 per cent, thanks mainly to lower fuel and electricity prices. The Spanish gov‐ ernment is subsidising diesel and petrol costs until July.

NEW ONLINE BETTING COMPANY GIBRALTAR had no option oth‐ er than to follow the lead of the United Kingdom and ac‐ cept the obligation to leave the European Union following the Brexit vote. There are a number of rea‐ sons why this appeared a poor result for the Gibraltarians, not the least being that having worked hard to shrug off its perceived position as a tax haven, it had attracted a num‐ ber of overseas gaming compa‐ nies to invest there. A number decided to either leave completely or reduce their presence on the Rock and move to what they expected to be easier EU locations such as Malta. Now however, one company founded just six years ago in the UK and said to be worth billions, sports entertainment b u s i n e s s DA Z N h a s c h o s e n

DAZN has partnered with major sporting stars.

Gibraltar‐based Pragmatic Group to partner with and un‐ der an exclusive, multi‐year agreement, a new business headquartered in Gibraltar will launch and operate a new bet‐ ting service under the DAZN

BET brand. According to the broadcast‐ er, responding to what DAZN customers say they want and the trend towards recreational in‐play betting, over the next few years the partnership will develop a fun, convenient, and integrated experience for ca‐ sual bettors to enjoy alongside DAZN’s live sports streaming. S h a y S e g e v , C EO o f DA Z N Group, said, “The convergence of sports media and betting is the future. This historic part‐ nership brings together the leading sports media company and a technology partner who is committed to developing in‐ novative experiences for fans. “It underscores DAZN’s com‐ mitment to revitalise the sports viewing experience by offering a broader spectrum of digital entertainment for fans.”

Legal tender ON April 27, the president’s office in the Central African Republic (CAR) an‐ nounced that it has adopted bitcoin as legal tender alongside the CFA France. The CAR which is one of the poorest countries in Africa is now the second country in the world to officially recog‐ nise the bitcoin following the earlier decision by El Salvador in Central America. With a single bitcoin currently trad‐ ing at just over €37,400, it is question‐ able how helpful this decision will be for ordinary people in the country, al‐ though some members of the elite may find that moving large amounts of money across the internet is attractive.

Checks delayed FOR the fourth time since Brexit, the UK government has delayed introducing checks on EU goods entering the UK (which were finally due to begin in July) until 2023, over fears it will cause disrup‐ tion at ports and increase delays and in‐ flation.


5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 19

TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp

LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT THIS piece is dedicated mainly to those crying into their herbal teas over the UK government’s decision to ship the rubber boat immigrants to Rwanda. This week I received a link from a black lady living in the north of England. Her son has just resigned his position as chef at a local hotel; one of scores allocated to immigrants from Afghanistan. Apparently he had become so upset by the constant racist and rude remarks from the ‘guests’ that he finally decided he would simply have to relinquish his position. His Mum, visibly upset on the link, then went on to explain that almost without exception, most Afghans are arrogant racists and will not even sit down with any local councillor who is black! They also refuse to have their food served by anyone black or allow black cleaners to tidy their rooms. Those in this same hotel recently complained that their television sets were too small and all rooms subsequently had their TVs exchanged for 42 inch screens.

Hotels On arrival they are each issued with prepaid cards containing £1,000 and mobile phones. They are all signed on, given job seekers allowance and many are signed up for brand new houses. And as if this wasn’t enough, they are repaying the generosity of the British people by showing no respect whatsoever and virtually trashing these hotels with damage that could ultimately cost the taxpayer millions. I also received a letter from a gentleman in Eastbourne, East Sussex. He told me that Eastbourne hotels, which charge around £100 a day, are full of these immigrants. Almost beyond belief, once a week large numbers are ferried by 15 or 20 taxis for a free day at David Lloyd’s Health Club, plus a day at a nine‐hole golf club! You really couldn’t make it up. And all this is going on while Britain’s homeless including many ex‐ servicemen are sleeping in doorways! Still think they shouldn’t all be sent to Rwanda? Give us a break. Let us

just hope that the woke bleeding hearts brigade (and leftie money grabbing lawyers) are unable to delay this utterly commendable and absolutely necessary operation for too long. We may as well upset everyone this week. I recently received an e‐mail attachment which showed the transgender winner of a female swimming competition in the USA. This individual was broad shouldered, six feet three in height and heavily muscled. All power however to the female contestants who came second and third. They insisted on calling the girl who came in fourth to join them on the podium for photographs. Well done girls, but the way things are going I’m afraid you’re in one race you will be extremely lucky to win; unless of course the world sport governing organisations decide to use some common sense and label this whole exercise completely illegal. Keep the faith Love Leapy To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes THE fascination with Marilyn Monroe and the details sur‐ rounding her death is still pre‐ sent today, and this Netflix documentary delves a little deeper into the life of the icon‐ ic movie star and her personal conversations with her inner circle. This documentary has a disappointing 41 per cent critic rating and a 21 per cent audi‐ ence rating on Rotten Toma‐ toes, however, I think it is worth a watch for those inter‐ ested in the popular sex sym‐ bol. Monroe’s death in 1962 at the age of just 36 has been a controversial topic over the years, given her close relation‐ ships with President John F Kennedy and his brother Bob‐ by Kennedy. The documentary is the creation of investigative journalist Anthony Summers, following a three‐year investi‐ gation into her death in the 1980s. Summers returns to the investigation and narrates the documentary, which is based on interviews with thousands of people and 650 hours of

recorded audio, which serves as the backbone for the docu‐ mentary. Monroe was known to have kept secrets and, by the time of her death and the height of the Cold War, Mon‐ roe was celebrated as Ameri‐ ca’s most famous ‘dumb blonde’. Just three months af‐ ter the infamous performance at Madison Square Gardens for the President’s birthday, she was found dead. Monroe’s case was officially closed following a botched in‐ vestigation riddled with flawed evidence, inconsistent state‐ ments and a conflicting time‐ line. However, this documen‐ tary debunks the theory that she was murdered after inter‐ views with the ambulance company owner, Walt Schae‐ fer, who claims that she died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. This is a fascinating docu‐ mentary, particularly because of the previously unheard con‐ versations with Marilyn and her closest confidants.

Vienna International Convention on Consular Relations events CONSULAR MATTERS THE Malaga Consular Body has organised the commemo‐ rative events of the Vienna In‐ ternational Convention on Consular Relations signed in 1963. The Consular Body of Malaga is made up of almost 50 accredited consulates. The Vienna Convention states that consular relations have existed between people for centuries and has taken in‐ to account the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations relating to the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of peace and security and the promotion of

PICASSO MUSEUM: One of the events which was held in Malaga.

friendly relations among na‐ tions. The first consular repre‐ sentation in Malaga was a commercial agreement signed in 1641 with Denmark. It seemed evident that an in‐ ternational convention on con‐ sular relations, privileges and immunities would contribute to the development of friendly relations between nations, re‐ gardless of their differences in constitutional and social sys‐ tems of each country and awarding that the purpose of said privileges and immunities is not to benefit individuals, but to guarantee the consular offices the effective perfor‐ mance of their functions on behalf of their respective countries. Among the commemorative

acts of this 59th anniversary, the Consular Body of Malaga organised an academic confer‐ ence about the consular func‐ tion for the morning of April 28th 2022, at Law School of Malaga University where the panelist talked about the diplomatic and consular rela‐ tions and public international law. Likewise, the Consular Body of Malaga held a cocktail party in the Gardens of the Pi‐ casso Museum in Malaga. In the photo with my col‐ leagues, is the German and Ukranian general Consuls at the Picasso Museum. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Marisa Moreno Castillo • Consul of Denmark • Senior Lawyer at Just Law Solicitors • •


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Antiques Road Trip The Bidding Room Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show EastEnders MasterChef Gordon Ramsay's Future Food Stars


BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show Born Deaf, Raised Hearing - Our Lives A Question of Sport Here We Go Have I Got News for You The Other One

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Dodger Blue Planet II: Oceans of Wonder BBC News BBC London News; Weather Weather Countryfile British Academy Television Awards Antiques Roadshow Gentleman Jack

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Garden Rescue The Bidding Room Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show EastEnders The Repair Shop The Great British Sewing Bee

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10:45am 11:15am

Murder, Mystery and My Family Wild UK Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Rick Stein's Secret France Britain's Top Takeaway Fergal Keane: Living with PTSD


James Martin: Home Comforts Murder, Mystery and My Family Wild UK Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Rick Stein's Secret France Britain's Top Takeaway


Britain in Bloom Murder, Mystery and My Family Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Time to Eat with Nadiya Between the Covers Britain's Top Takeaway DNA Family Secrets


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8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:00am 1:20am

Johnny Kingdom - A Year on Exmoor Return to Pembrokeshire Farm The RKO Story: Tales from Hollywood Top Hat The Gay Divorcee Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers: Talking Pictures Johnny Kingdom - A Year on Exmoor

3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:30pm

Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Controlled By My Partner? The Hidden Abuse - Tonight DI Ray

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ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street It'll Be Alright on the Night

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A History of Ancient Britain Rick Stein's Long Weekends Beck Vikings Wogan: The Best Of Yes, Prime Minister Keeping Up Appearances The Terror The Terror The Terror

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4:40pm 5:40pm

Landward Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Match of the Day Live Equestrian Attenborough's Ark: Natural World Special Planet Earth: A Lion's Tale Planet Earth II: A World of Wonder Eden: Untamed Planet

2:14pm 2:15pm 4:15pm

10:30am 1:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm

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Return to Pembrokeshire Farm Winter Walks Earth From Space Brian Cox's Adventures in Space and Time The Sky at Night Missions Missions Missions Horizon: Volcanoes of the Solar System

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ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Games

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Return to Pembrokeshire Farm Walking with Kate Garraway Keeping Up Appearances Yes, Prime Minister Expedition Volcano Your Mum and Dad: A Devastating Truth Storyville Dame Kelly: The Power of Parkrun - Our Lives

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3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm


ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia The Games

Return to Pembrokeshire Farm Walking with Shappi Khorsandi The Story of Scottish Art England's Forgotten Queen: The Life and Death of Lady Jane Grey WWI's Secret Shame: Shell Shock Mission: Joy The Sky at Night

2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Games

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6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Secret Spenders: Beat the Price Rises Taskmaster


Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Richard Hammond's Crazy Contraptions Gogglebox


A Place in the Sun Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke Channel 4 News VE Day in Colour: Britain's Biggest Party A Lake District Farm Shop Devon and Cornwall The Personal History of David Copperfield

1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm

Sunday Brunch The Simpsons The Simpsons Heineken Champions Cup Rugby Union Devon and Cornwall The Andrew Neil Show Channel 4 News Escape to the Chateau Inside the Superbrands SAS: Who Dares Wins Gogglebox

2:45pm 3:45pm 3:50pm 4:45pm 5:45pm 5:50pm 7:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Food Unwrapped Dispatches The Spy Who Died Twice

3:15pm 5:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer Derry Girls

3:15pm 5:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Home Transformation Grand Designs


6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 9:58pm 10:00pm

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6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 9:58pm 10:00pm

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Spring Gardening with Carol Klein 5 News Update Nick Knowles' Big House Clearout 5 News Update Casualty 24/7


Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads TK Maxx: How Do They Do It? 5 News Update Cruising with Susan Calman 5 News Update Lighthouses

6:00am 8:00am

Friends Friends Our Yorkshire Farm Oklahoma! Entertainment News on 5 Oklahoma! Ball & Boe: Back Together Frankie Howerd: In His Own Words Queen: A Rock History

6:30am 8:30am

3 Men and a Baby Entertainment News on 5 3 Men and a Baby Romancing the Stone 5 News Update Romancing the Stone Should I Buy An Electric Car? Wetherspoons: How Do They Do It?! Happy Campers: Brits on Holiday

9:30am 10:00am 11:00am

The Obsession Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Police Interceptors 5 News Update M1: Keeping Britain Moving 5 News Update Inside the Force: 24/7


The Daughter Stalker Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Dogs With Extraordinary Friends 5 News Update The Yorkshire Vet Jay Blades: The Streets That Made Me

8:30am 9:00am

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Secrets of the Fast Food Giants 5 News Update Police Interceptors 5 News Update Madeleine McCann: The New Suspect

8:30am 9:00am

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10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 8:00pm 11:00pm

Good Morning Sports Fans Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Live PGA Tour Golf Live European Tour Golf Sky Sports News Live EFL Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Good Morning Sports Fans Early Kick-Off Live Super Rugby The Football Show Live PGA Tour Golf Live European Tour Golf Sky Sports News Live EFL Live Formula 1 Live Super Rugby Good Morning Sports Fans Live Super Rugby Live: Suncorp Netball My Icon: Thierry Henry Live EFL Live European Tour Golf Live: SNF Live Formula 1 Live Ted's Quali Notebook Goals on Sunday Goals on Sunday Super Sunday Matchday Live WSL Live Renault Super Sunday Live Renault Super Sunday Live Formula 1 Live Formula 1 Live Formula 1 Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Live Indian Premier League Live Netball Superleague Live EFL Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show The Football Show Sky Sports News Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Live Premier League Premier League Greatest Games Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Sky Sports News Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Live Premier League Sky Sports News

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


DAVID WORBOYS THINGS could be a lot better these days. In the last few years, we have experienced a number of setbacks, some of them seemingly irre‐ versible. The greatest issue glaring at us right now must be climate change. If this is irreversible, then in the longer term, all other prob‐ lems, however serious at present, will soon be irrelevant. Let’s just hope that we can take all necessary measures in time. The Russians could rise against Putin if they have the will or the courage, and Ukraine can be rebuilt. Covid will phase itself out in the face of increasing immunity and scientific solutions. Inflation will eventually re‐ cede as the economic cycle pro‐ ceeds. Declining standards in every‐ thing may be halted by a general realisation that quality products and pride in service still matter. Mean‐ while, huge damage has been in‐ flicted by all these factors. Other problems may not be re‐ versible. The transgender move‐ ment, artificial intelligence, intensive

5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 21

COULD IT BE WORSE? Climate change and artificial intelligence - life could be a lot worse than it is today.

farming and Kim Jong‐un’s dynasty could be here to stay. Could it get worse? Well, there could be five different sexes in vari‐ ous permutations; our minds may be controlled by humanoid robots; we could be cloning sheep and goats for factory farming; and Kim may strike and subjugate South Ko‐ rea. Yes, it certainly could be worse than it is. As I sit here, China has not invaded Taiwan, Singapore and

Japan. In Western Europe we are not at war and there has not been a global outbreak of bubonic plague for quite a while. Europe has no Zimbabwe‐style hyperinflation and acceptable goods and service can still be found. There are advances in communi‐ cation, science and technology. Tes‐ la cars are manufactured entirely by robots and advances continue to be made in medical research, if not in treatment.

Meddling around with nature will most likely be the cause of the ex‐ tinction of the human race and our planet. Already the joys of romantic and physical love are not what they were 90, or even 60, years ago in a less cynical world. Then we were ei‐ ther masculine or feminine and our mental and physical differences mu‐ tually attracted each other. Widely reported waning interest in sex and increasing sexual confusion could unsettle society as we know it ‐ and

even affect procreation. The other enduring dangers we face are potentially apocalyptic. We have been granted the ability to cre‐ ate artificially intelligent machines able to think more quickly and make broader decisions than we can. Fu‐ ture intelligence may not take the form of robots, but it may be able to control and subjugate us. It may de‐ cide whether or not the human race should continue to exist. The climate change issue may take longer. If our planet becomes sufficiently polluted, it will not be able to sustain us or any of its living creatures. If we continue to neglect the environment, we may not be controlled by robots. We simply won’t exist.

To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Are you pleased I’m back? MIKE SENKER IN MY OPINION Views of a Grumpy Old Man I’M back after a bout of unwellness and a Tenerife holiday with my family and my best mate of 67 years and his family - 13 of us in total. Our flight was at 6.45am which meant we had to be at the airport at 4.30am. The parking courtesy bus takes you to the airport and I wasn’t expecting any hold ups, but because people were diving into the car park to drop passengers off this then causes a massive back up and much hooting and shouting. Flight was good and hotel transfer went smoothly. I’d notified the hotel we would be arriving very early and our room was ready. We had a high floor room and I’d paid extra for sea view. There was a sea view but only if you were 8ft tall and could look over the very high concrete wall. Sitting in the terrace chairs the wall was the only view. What was needed was either glass or railings, but definitely not a sold wall - or put tennis umpire chairs up there.

Next we start to unpack and there’s seven hangers. Really? For two of us for a week? There was a few shelves but not a drawer in sight. How can that be possible? Nowhere to put socks or pants, not even in the bedside cabinet. This is a five-star hotel not a hostel. To their credit we got more hangers. When I went to reception to complain about the drawers, or lack of, situation the very helpful girl said she agreed and loads of people complained about it. So why doesn’t management do anything about it? Did you know they also have the Spanish shrug in Tenerife? Oh and the safe in the room was €3 a day, which is petty I think. Anyway the food was great and the staff were exceptional. It was a very big hotel and only had four, as I call them doctor’s lifts, because you need a lot of patience to wait for one. All in all, because of the company, we had a fabulous time, even though three of the party have since tested positive for Covid, another three are suffering from what used to be known as coughs and colds and were also bedridden for a few days. Are you pleased I’m back?

Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.


From our Facebook

UK TV: Gone completely woke.

Hi there How I agree with you about TV in the UK now. I wonder if Barclays Bank have any white customers as their last three adverts were only showing nonwhite actors. Last Sunday we went to Benidorm Palace to see the Manfreds. It was a brilliant show, but I do not expect to see them on UK TV anytime soon as they tick all the wrong boxes - they are elderly, white, male and don’t swear!! Regards Roger

Two points of view How refreshing that at last we are able to read contrasting comments in the Euro Weekly News, for far too long Loopy Lee has been able to air his racist white supremacy capitalist views with little rebuff, but now we appear to have a regular weekly column by Claire Gordon that outlines the vast difference of opi-

nion between extremism and moderation, it’s almost like having the Sun newspaper and the Daily Mirror on the same page. Well done to the editor, now we really can call it the People’s Paper. Ramon

UK has gone woke

Louise Cottrill

Totally agree with Leapy. Been saying this for months. The whole of the UK has gone woke. The adverts on TV are ridiculous. Can’t remember seeing an all white or all black couple depicting the subject of the advert. Why are they overstating a multi race relationship ALL the time? It’s not fact. They are forcing us to believe that is what we MUST do. Of course, there are a few of those relationships, but not the same percentage that these adverts show. Who are the cretins that make these rules up? John



HOW different things might have been if the Conservative Government under David Cameron had had the foresight to implement the election pledge to grant voting rights to all British expatriates living abroad. There could have been time to push through the bill meaning that those who had lived abroad for more than 15 years could have had a part in deciding the most important vote in living memory. One can understand that there is actually a strong argument against those living abroad from voting in general elections as they are not really affected by the results but for the Brexit Referendum, they were and still are intimately involved. The actual limit is arbitrary and has changed from as little as seven years to more than 15 but it was Conservative policy that the time limit should be scrapped

and it supported a private members’ bill to this effect. An estimated 2.3 million Britons live abroad and now following the vote in parliament on April 28, they will all have the right to vote in UK General elections and in 2019, almost 250,000 who had been out of the UK for less than 15 years did so. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a number of those living overseas supported Brexit and for those living outside of the European Union it probably meant little, It is however probably safe to assume that the majority of those living within the 27 member states actually didn’t support Brexit and although it is too late to do anything about it, those affected by the changes are probably a little resentful about their inability to influence such an important change to their lives.


COST OF LIVING: Does it cost you €100 per day in Spain?

Sounds like with this and everything else Spain doesn’t want tourism. Wake up or tourists will be going elsewhere to support those economies.

Jim Fraser €100 per person? Or per family? In actual cash? As people use cards more now or you take out from ATM whilst on holiday, so basically impossible to implement.

Leanne Evans So for a family of four for 14 nights that £5,600. Probably won’t have paid that for the holiday. Ridiculous.

Karen Preece Strange calculation because on that basis you can stay 10 days for what people who live there spend in a month.

Chris McGovern Who on earth decided that you need that amount, is that per person, obviously they don’t want holidaymakers to come. So stupid.

Neil Hutchison I can see holiday firms being inundated with cancellations. In fact I’m booked for October in Mallorca but looking at switching to Greece now.

Neil Hutchison Looks like Spain has too much tourism and wants people to go elsewhere.

At the EWN, we pride ourselves that reports are accurate and fair. If we do slip up, we promise to set the record straight in a clear, no-nonsense manner. To ask for an inaccuracy to be corrected. Email: • 5 - 11 May 2022









26 • 5 - 11 May 2022



28 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Toxic food for dogs DOGS will often beg for food or find sneaky ways to get their paws on extra treats, but not all foods are safe for dogs to eat. That’s why we have put to‐ gether a list of some of the foods that are poisonous to our fur‐ ry friends to avoid ill‐ ness and even fatali‐ ties. Onions, garlic and chives Whether dry, raw or cooked, foods in the onion family are par‐ ticularly toxic to dogs and can cause damage to red blood cells and gastrointestinal irrita‐ tion. Signs of illness are not always imme‐ diate and can happen up to a few days after ingestion. Chocolate Chocolate, however much dogs and hu‐ mans enjoy it, is an‐ other food that is poi‐ sonous to dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine (the highest content is in dark chocolate) which is toxic to dogs and can cause kidney fail‐ ure.

and diarrhoea in dogs. Macadamia nuts Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can affect your dog’s muscles and nervous system, resulting in panting, weakness and swollen limbs. Avocado Av o c a d o p l a n t s c o n ‐ tain Persin in the leaves, fruit and seed, which causes vomiting

CATS are quite good at keeping themselves clean, however, from time‐to‐time they will need to be bathed prop‐ erly ‐ but how do you do this without stressing out your feline friend and getting scratched in the process? Choose the right time Choose a time when your cat will be most calm, play for a while beforehand to tire them out a bit, making them more relaxed and easier to control. Trim claws and brush fur Cat claws should be trimmed regularly and before a bath is a great time, meaning you are

Grapes and raisins The active ingredi‐ ent in grapes and raisins which causes the toxin is not known, however, both of them cause severe liver damage and kid‐ ney failure. By the time your pet begins showing signs of being unwell, it could al‐ ready potentially be

BE CAREFUL: About what your dog eats.

too late to save them. If your dog eats even a small amount of these items always act immediately and take your them to the vet.

Scratch-free bathing KEEPING CLEAN: From time to time cats will need to be bathed.

less likely to get scratched. Brushing your cat’s fur will get rid of any loose hair and mat‐ ted fur ahead of

bathing. Use a rubber bath mat and fill the tub Use a rubber bath mat to prevent your kitty

from slipping and then fill the bath with luke‐ warm water. Gently low‐ er your cat into the bath and wet their fur using a jug or a cup ‐ avoid the ears, eyes and nose as these are sensitive. Lather up Use five‐parts water and one‐part shampoo that is suitable for your cat’s type of fur. Start from the head and gen‐ tly massage the sham‐ poo in, moving down the body. To wash the face, gently use a damp cloth.

Rinse away Be sure to rinse your cat thoroughly as any leftover dirt or residue will irritate their skin. Dry Use a towel to dry the fur and make sure you are in a warm place that allows their body to warm up and continue drying off. Treats Treats are very impor‐ tant for your cat to start associating getting bathed with receiving treats!

5 - 11 May 2022 •





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ple find their way back to God. S u n d ay Service 1 1 . 0 0 a m P raye r M e e t i n g s We d n e s d ay s 11.00am Pasaje San Miguel, Nerja, 2 9 7 8 0 E m a i l : i n fo @ n l c Website: www. n l c n e r j a . c o m Facebook: www.facebook. com/nlcnerja


CHARITY NEW LIFE CHURCH, whether you live in Nerja or are visiting our area, we would be delighted to welc o m e yo u t o N e w L i fe Church. Our meetings are characterised by uplifting songs, relevant sermons and a modern but reverent service. During this time of unc e r t a i n ty, G o d ’s w o r d r e minds us that the Gospel shines brightest in times of darkness. We are a Bible based Church community continuing to help peo-

THE ANGLICAN Chaplaincy of Nerja & Almunecar. Every Sunday there is a Holy Communion service at midday in San Miguel church in Nerja. Every Wednesday morning at 9.30 we have an online ‘Zoom’ HC service - please contact Fr Nigel with an email address if you would l i ke t o j o i n u s . P r i e s t i n Charge, Fa t h e r Nigel Thomas. Te l : Church House - 951 815736, Mobile: 608 695 756, email:

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Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing.


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30 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

ROAD TEST by Mark Slack THE advent of the electric car has produced an array of striking car designs from the stylistically avant‐garde to interiors that resemble a modern incarnation of a Conran shop. However, for some manufacturers it’s evolution rather than revo‐ lution and Volkswagen is arguably the main propo‐ nent of this ethos. It has served them well as can be seen by the second‐hand values of cars like the Golf. The purpose‐built ID range of EVs ‐ ID3, 4 and 5 ‐ is a complete range of models from hatchback, to SUV and Coupe. Prices for the line‐up start at €42,626/£35,835 and its design is such that the uninformed would be hard pressed to know it doesn’t have a combustion engine under the bonnet. Unless of course it glides past you in a car park or city street. It’s essentially an EV Golf in all but name and many people I spoke to agreed, in fact some even


VW ID4 - practicality for your EV shortlist thought it was a new Golf. My test model was the ID4 SUV that offers six trim levels with prices starting at €43,479/£36,550. There are four battery options with ranges stretching from 213 miles up to 320 miles, and pow‐ er options from 148PS up to 204PS. As with MPG figures the ranges quoted are ideal world, which you are unlike‐ ly to achieve. Having said that some EVs are now get‐ ting much closer to their potential maximum range and the ID4’s range seemed pretty good. Standard fare includes navigation, dual zone cli‐ mate, heated front seats, wireless mobile phone charging and LED lighting. The interior is functional, although looks better in this writer’s view in lighter colours, with nicely clear graphics. Gear changes, such as they are in an auto‐ matic, are controlled via a

ID4: Handles well and feels confident even on winding cross-country roads.

l e v e r mounted to the side of the steering wheel instrument panel, not unlike a column change for those old enough to re‐ member such things. On the road the ID4 is commendably refined with little in the way of road or wind noise and there’s a general feeling of airiness and space. Power is good, as with all EVs, and the ID4 can easily leave other traf‐ fic in its wake, meaning a keen eye needs to be kept on prevailing speed limits.

Facts at a Glance Model: VW ID4 Life Pro Performance Engine: Li-lon 77kwh 204PS Gears: Automatic Performance: 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 8.5 seconds/Maximum Speed 160 km/h (100 mph) Range: up to 320 miles Emissions: 0 g/km (WLTP) Price as tested: €51,744/£43,500 Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

It handles well and feels confident even on winding cross‐country roads. It’s one of those cars that feels

so comfortable longer dis‐ tances shouldn’t be an is‐ sue, not least due to its electrically induced silence.

If you’re looking to switch to a practical EV then the ID range really has to be on short list.

How to obtain and pay a discounted DGT traffic fine WHENEVER you receive the notifica‐ tion of a traffic fine, the first thing you should do is check who has issued you with the fine. It could be from an au‐ tonomous community, or the city coun‐ cil, and to pay it, claim against it, or make any allegation, you must always go to the body that has sanctioned you.

If the fine is from the DGT, they give you the possibility of paying it in a vol‐ untary period. This period includes the first 20 calendar days from when the complaint was notified to you. In most cases, this process offers a 50 per cent reduction in the amount of the fine. You can of course always dispute the fine, and make an appeal against it. The

only danger with this is that if your ap‐ peal is eventually dismissed, you have then lost the chance to get the dis‐ count, and must pay the fine in full. The DGT always reminds drivers that the payment of fines can never be divided, or postponed, and has to be paid in full, in one amount. Once the 20‐days volun‐ tary period has expired, the ordinary

period begins. This lasts up to 45 days from receiving the notification, and now, 100 per cent of the penalty must be paid. If this 45‐day period also ex‐ pires without the fine being paid, then it will automatically be passed to the State Tax Administration Agency. They will be in charge of collecting the mon‐ ey, with a 20 per cent surcharge added.


5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 31

Amy Pieters wakes up from coma Real Madrid clinch LaLiga

DUTCH cycling champion Amy Pieters, on Thursday, April 28, woke up from a co‐ ma she had been in since last December. She had suffered a fall from her bike while training with the national track team from the Nether‐ lands, in the Alicante munici‐ pality of Calpe on the Costa Blanca. A statement released by the Dutch Team SD Worx on Thursday explained that the 30‐year‐old athlete “can com‐

DUTCH CYCLIST: Suffered a fall during training.

Wimbledon to allow the unvaccinated

AT the All England Club’s spring briefing on Tues‐ day, April 26, it was announced by the organisers that unvaccinated tennis players will be allowed to participate in this year’s Wimbledon Champi‐ onships. This will come as good news to world No1 No‐ vak Djokovic, who earlier this year confirmed that he would be prepared to miss any tourna‐ ments that required players to be vaccinated. In January, the Serbian star was embroiled in con‐ troversy after the Australian authorities refused to allow him to enter the country without being jabbed. Ian Hewitt, chairman of the All England Club also pointed out that there was “no viable alter‐

native” to banning players from Russia and Be‐ larus from taking part at Wimbledon, after pres‐ sure from the British government. It had been announced last week that UK gov‐ ernment sanctions against those two countries as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, would see Wimbledon become the first individual tennis tournament to enforce a ban on players. This ap‐ plied to the tournaments preceding Wimbledon as well. Hewitt explained that they had been left with just two options, either to make players sign some form of declaration where they con‐ demned Russia’s actions, or simply ban the play‐ ers.

municate a little non‐verbally, and recognises people, un‐ derstands what is said, and can do more and more activi‐ ties.” At this stage, it is still too early for doctors to make a di‐ agnosis of the exact medical damage Pieters may have suffered from the brain injury. The champion rider lost con‐ sciousness after suffering a blow in the fall and was taken to a hospital in Alicante. From there, she was eventually air‐ lifted to Amsterdam, where surgeons performed life‐sav‐ ing surgery on her head. Pieters was transferred to an ICU following her opera‐ tion, where she had re‐ mained unconscious due to severe brain damage. The national champion has been undergoing a spe‐ cialised intensive neuroreha‐ bilitation programme at a Dutch institution. Her family has thanked the public and fans for their support and good wishes, and now asks for the privacy of those in‐ volved to be respected.

REAL MADRID thrashed Espanyol 4‐0 on Satur‐ day, April 30 at the Santiago Bernabeu to wrap up their 35th LaLiga title. With four matches still to play, Carlo Ancelotti’s team has an unassailable lead at the top of the table. Two goals from Rodrygo, and one apiece from Marco Asensio and Karim Benzema sealed a bril‐ liant win against their lacklustre opponents. At 62 years old, Carlo Ancelotti has achieved an unprecedented fifth title in five different Euro‐ pean leagues. The Italian coach has now won the title in 2004 with Milan in Italy, 2010 in England with Chelsea, in France in 2013 with PSG, in 2017 and 2018 in Germany with Bayern Munich, and now today, in Spain. Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho has managed to win in four different leagues in Portugal, Eng‐ land, Italy and Spain, while Giovani Trapattoni equalled this in Italy, Germany, Portugal and Aus‐ tria. Often criticised for the way he sets his teams up, the Italian’s track record as a master tactician cannot be questioned as he enters the football record books. The celebrations will be short and sweet as An‐ celotti and his men turned their attention to Champions League second‐leg tie with Manch‐ ester City on Wednesday May 4. They trailed 4‐3 from last week’s leg at the Etihad in England.

32 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

AC BENAHAVIS and Malaga WFC both took two teams to compete in the Copa De Eu‐ ropa in Albufeira, Portugal last week. As Andrew Sweeney, Be‐ nahavis chairman comment‐ ed “A great competition managed and run at a very high standard. The tourna‐ ment was enhanced by the standard of refereeing which

Walking Football clubs shine in Europe

ensured an even playing field for all teams participat‐ ing.” Keith Doughty head of ref‐ erees on the Costa del Sol had the honour of being in the centre for the final and commented, “I will be back next year for sure.”

AC Benahavis entered an over 50s and an over 60s team. Both teams were short on numbers, but AC Bena‐ havis entered the competi‐ tion with true Benahavisian determination and pride. This paid dividends with the over 50s reaching the

quarter finals, going out on penalties 3‐2 following a fiercely contested 1‐1 draw against Malaga, who went one step better going out in the semi‐finals to eventual winners Athletic club de Bil‐ bao. Chairman of Malaga Wayne Clark said “I am de‐

lighted by our progress.” Last Wednesday in the Hidromas‐ ter Championship, WFS Cala‐ honda who were still in with a chance of challenging for the league title played the Walking Dead missing several key players, it was always go‐ ing to be a challenge for Cala‐


honda against a team they had beaten previously 3‐1. The Walking Dead domi‐ nated,running out 8‐0 win‐ ners and staying top of the league. Calahonda manager Lesh Brzuzy commented “we were beaten by a very strong team.” This result leaves Malaga in a position that they must win their remaining two games to win the league.

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