Euro Weekly News - Costa Blanca North 5 - 11 May 2022 Issue 1922

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Runaway bull BULL‐RUNNING returned to Teulada‐Moraira’s lo‐ cal fiestas for the first time in three years. On April 29, the final day of the celebrations, o n e o f t h e b u l l s m a n‐ aged to escape as they were being returned to the lorry and ran the length of Teulada’s Avenida Santa Caterina. A spokesperson for the fiestas committee which had organised the spectacle explained that the bull ran past a crowded supermarket, fortunately without charging anyone, and continued as far as the roundabout at the Moraira turnoff. Members of the public eventually succeeded in h e a d i n g t h e b u l l t o‐ wards a plot of land where it was captured and returned to the lor‐ ry.

5 - 11 May 2022



Turn to page 2 SANTA FAZ: Ximo Puig at the head of the traditional pilgrimage.



Photo credit:

Issue No. 1922

JAVEA Town Hall will charge vehicles to park near the Portixol and Granadella beaches during the summer. This system will operate from June until September 30 be‐ tween 9am and 7pm, the period when access to both of the beaches has been strictly controlled in recent years. There are 130 parking spaces at Granadella and 60 in Portixol and once these are all taken, a barrier is lowered with no more cars allowed to drive down to the coves. There will be a daily charge of €9 regardless of the number of hours spent at the beach, municipal sources explained, although access continues to be free for motorbikes and bicycles. The town hall intends to provide a bus service as an alternative to the private vehicles that have saturated the Granadella and Portixol roads in the past, with a 25 per cent reduction for Javea residents.


5 - 11 May 2022


from Front page

Road to recovery

ALICANTE City celebrated its annual Santa Faz pilgrimage for the first time in three years on Thursday April 28. Generalitat president Ximo Puig was one of the 100,000 people who braved the rain to walk the eight kilometres that separate the San Nicolas cathedral and the Santa Faz monastery in San Juan town. Talking to the Spanish media, Puig said that the traditional pilgrimage was a “day to find ourselves again” and contributed to “emotional recovery” after two years of the pandemic. As he has in the past, the regional presi‐ dent thanked all of the Valencian Commu‐ nity’s residents for the responsibility they showed during the pandemic. “This has left us in a good place and a

better position than many other au‐ tonomous communities,” Puig said. Referring to the Valencian Community’s 39,900 new jobs during the first three months of 2022, the Generalitat president described this as very positive, above all for Alicante Province, which generated most of the new posts. “These figures encourage us to keep go‐ ing, despite the present difficulties,” Puig said. The ability of business‐owners and em‐ ployees to work together was key to the situation, he added. So, too, was the Va‐ lencian Community’s stability which was essential for tackling the environmental and digital transformation, assisted by funds from European, improved produc‐ tivity and quality employment.

A better solution needed DENIA is looking for another way to control its rapidly‐expanding wild boar population. Maite Perez, Denia’s Environment councillor, has admitted that the cages installed during the first three months of the year were not a success. “There were days when we caught five or six, but this wasn’t what we had expect‐

ed,” Perez said. “We are going to rack our brains to come up with a solution before the summer.” Meanwhile, the boar are not only colonising Denia’s agricultural areas and Montgo, but are increasingly seen near the town centre and have also been the cause of road accidents.

NIBS EXTRA Weather-wise FOLLOWING an agreement with Valencia’s Meteorologi‐ cal Association (AVAMET), Vil‐ lajoyosa now has its own weather station located in the grounds of the Llar del Pen‐ sionista social centre. The ser‐ vice, with information in real time that is updated every five minutes, can be accessed via or the web‐ site.

Fast food NINETY‐FIVE per cent of staff at the new McDonald’s branch in El Campello are lo‐ cal residents. The majority are students, revealed deputy mayor Julio Oca, who will be able to coordinate their work and studies while earning a wage that improves their own finances while assisting El Campello’s economy.

Pay up WORKING at night, employ‐ ees from Benidorm Town Hall have been marking out the new Green Zones in central and commercial areas with shops, bars and restaurants. Parking will be free for regis‐ tered residents, but non‐resi‐ dents and visitors will be charged, said Mobility coun‐ cillor Jose Ramon Gonzalez de Zarate.

Say goodbye OWING to restructuring, there will be no Franciscan fri‐ ars in Pego for the first time in four centuries. Fr Angel (68) will be leaving the Sagrado Corazon monastery for Villar‐ real in Castellon, Brother Is‐ mael (82) will relocate to Con‐ centaina and Brother Ruben, the youngest, is destined for Murcia.

Good example SOLAR panels installed at the Calvari social centre in La Nu‐ cia are now providing the electricity that the building consumes. Switching to solar power cuts the town hall’s en‐ ergy bill by €5,000 and re‐ duces carbon dioxide emis‐ sions while setting a sustainable example, said La Nucia’s mayor Bernabe Cano.

5 - 11 May 2022

An unmissable concert

THE Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir perform their popular Concert at the C ave on J une 17 and 18, at 8.30pm. “ I magine a warm summer’s evening as the sun goes down, sitting in the huge and wonderfully acoustic entrance to the Cueva de las Calaveras cave in Benidoleig,” said the choir’s publicity officer Vernon Pearce. The 30-strong choir’s programme will include Rhythm of Life, Bohemian Rhapsody and Bring Him Home, as well as classics like Va Pensiero and the stirring Welsh hymn, Men of Harlech. The box office is now open and

INCOMPARABLE SETTING: The Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir sing at the Cueva de las Calaveras in Benidoleig.

tickets priced €12.50 can be booked online on the www.costablancamalevoicechoir.c

om website. “But hurry, the performances are always sold out,” Vernon said.

A nice MICE project

Time to party

CALPE, like Alicante City and Elche, plans to attract con‐ ference tourism. The town hall recently gave the go‐ahead to a Calpe‐ based hotel chain which intends to build a conference centre with a function room capable of holding 1,500 people, combined with a 606‐room hotel. The target is to bring 125,000 conference participants to Calpe each year while creating 1,500 direct and indi‐ rect jobs, according to reports in the local Spanish media. Calpe’s good communications with the airports of both Alicante and Valencia puts the municipality in a prime position for the type of tourism, known as MICE, an acronym for Meetings, Incentives (trips to motivate or reward employees or associates), Conferences and Ex‐ hibitions. Calpe is ideal for this type of tourism during the low season when the municipality is peaceful but still ani‐ mated and usually enjoys good weather. Spain’s MICE sector was growing steadily by between 2 or 3 per cent each year, an advance that was tem‐ porarily halted by the pandemic, according to the Iberian Business Travel Association (IBTA). It currently generates an annual €20 billion in Spain, around 70 per cent of which comes from travel arrange‐ ments for business trips, although 30 per cent corre‐ sponds to conferences, corporate events and incentives.

BENIDORM is hosting a pre‐ party on May 14 for the final of the Eurovision Song Con‐ test. Mayor Toni Perez, accom‐ panied by Events and Festivi‐ ties councillor Jesus Carrob‐ les, explained that the town hall is organising the party with collaboration from Spain’s state broadcaster RTVE and Eurovision Spain. The celebration starts at 7pm with a DJ session featur‐ ing previous Eurovision hits followed by performances from Marta Sango, Javiera Mena and Unique, runners‐ up in last Janury’s Benidorm Fest competition to select Spain’s entry for Turin. Nor did the town hall rule out further surprises, al‐ though Perez preferred not to reveal what the organisers had in mind.

Early vaccination case dropped THE High Court in Alicante dismissed the case against La Nucia’s mayor for jumping the Covid vaccination queue in January 2021. Bernabe Cano was vaccinated during a visit to the municipally‐run care home for the el‐ derly on January 6 last year, at a time when the Covid vaccine was strictly rationed accord‐ ing to age. The tribunal accepted Cano’s appeal against a Villajoyosa court order to stand trial. Had this gone ahead, he faced a nine‐month prison term, suspension from his post for two

years and a ban on holding public office for 12 years, effectively preventing him from stand‐ ing in the 2023 municipal elections. Instead, the High Court concluded that Cano was con‐ cerned about the health of the care home’s el‐ derly residents. He received the vaccine as a doctor and not as a mayor, the tribunal ruled. “Other mayors and councillors with close links to residences were vaccinated early, pre‐ cisely because of their relationship with the centres while carrying out their public respon‐ sibilities,” the judges said.


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MOFTAG spring event Photo credit: Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir


Three giant screens will be installed for the partygoers to watch the Eurovision final and voting from 9pm, with Nieves Alvarez announcing Spain’s votes from the Plaza de la Hispanidad stage. “This will be fiesta devoted to Eurovision with a celebra‐ tion worthy of Eurovision, the RTVE production and Benidorm,” he declared. As well as ensuring that the Pre‐Party had the great‐ est possible impact, the town hall was also committed to ensuring a celebration with minimum effect on the Plaza de la Hispanidad area, Perez added. “We are already working with other municipal depart‐ ments, preparing an opera‐ tion in line with emergency and contingency plans,” he said.

MOFTAG has a spring in its step. Members of Moftag Club of Calpe (the name is an acronym of Might Oaks From Tiny Acorns Grow) are busy getting ready for their Spring Fayre. Pots are bubbling with marmalades and pickles and Moftag members are selecting cake recipes, handcrafting greetings cards and sourcing the finest bric‐a‐brac. The fair is once again hosted by Pub Delfin, in Calpe on Saturday May 14 from 10am until 1pm. There will be games for the whole family and the highlight of the day ‐ the Grand Raffle ‐ will be drawn at 12.30pm. “Please come along and support the longest‐run‐ ning club in Calpe in their fundraising efforts,” the organisers said. “Do encourage your friends to join us too, as we love seeing new faces.” All proceeds go to local charities, the Red Cross, the Maite Boronat special needs school and Caritas are regularly sup‐ ported by the group. Mof‐ tag is a very active social club and in addition to working for charity they organise weekly events for their members, many of whom are living alone. To learn more about Moftag, contact their pres‐ ident, Jenny Godfrey, at 639 139 518. New mem‐ bers are always welcome.

and finally... ALFAZ Town Hall is now providing Telecare remote home assis‐ tance for the elderly or those who are less able. Once users have been assessed, the regional government’s Equality and Inclusive Policies department will supply the ser‐ vice, Cortes added. The scheme provides a safeguard for the el‐ derly or those with mobility problems while enabling them to remain independent and live in their own homes for as long as possible. Those using the service receive a device that allows them to contact the Teleasistencia centrre 24 hours a day, year‐ round and receive an immediate response. Applications for this free Red Cross service should be made at Alfaz’s Centro+Social, in the Atencion al Mayor (Attention for the Elderly) section. This is available to those who are registered on the municipal Padron and require assistance owing to their age, a chronic health condition or a mobility problem but wish to remain independent.


5 - 11 May 2022

Job numbers rising

Chulvi re-elected as party secretary general JOSE CHULVI, Javea’s mayor, was re‐elected as secretary general of the PSPV socialist party, a post he has held since 2008. Chulvi automatically be‐ comes the party’s mayor can‐ didate in the 2023 local elec‐ tions, as he has been during the past three municipal polls, the last two of which he won with overall majorities. Chulvi pointed out despite these overall majorities, the town hall had included other parties in the local govern‐ ment. “We have reached agree‐ ments with everyone, from the Left to the Right, because ours is a project that does not look for enemies or confronta‐ tion,” the mayor said. “You won’t find us arguing, only working for Javea. And with our firm belief in values and our project we shall be able to reach the consensus that our town needs.”


HOG ROAST: Members tucked in while they listened and danced to live music.

Fabulous May Day WHAT a wonderful day 95 mem‐ bers of U3A Denia had on Sunday May 1! They shared a hog‐roast at La Brasca Restaurant in El Poblets. They listened and danced to live music from Forever Young while they tucked into the delicious sal‐ ads, breads and sauces which ac‐ companied the hog roast, supplied

by Costa Blanca Hogs and Catering. The temperature was 23 degrees so everyone sat outside in summer clothes at last! On Sunday April 24, 37 members went to see the Manfreds at Benidorm Palace and in June they are holding a Jubilee Afternoon Tea. It is all happening at U3A Denia.

THE people at the heart of Javea U3A ‐ the group leaders ‐ were treated to a special lunch as a thank‐you by committee members. The lunch was organised and hosted by Groups Coordinator Mike Frost. President Claude Grealy gave them a warm welcome at the Attico restaurant in Javea Port. He compared the U3A to a wheel, with the committee the hub and the group leaders the spokes, without which the organisation would fall apart.

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THE Valencian Community re‐ versed the national trend by creating 39,900 new jobs dur‐ ing 2022’s first quarter. The number of jobless fell by 37,900 to 317,800 out of work, and unemployment now stands at 12.8 per cent com‐ pared with Spain’s 14 per cent, figures from the National Statis‐ tics Institute (INE) revealed. During this period, more jobs were created in Alicante than in any other province in Spain, with 34,900 new jobs and a to‐ tal of 792,100 people in work. This was the third‐best figure for the first quarter since records began, not far behind 796,500 in 2007 and 795,300 in 2019. The improvement was felt all round, although services came off best with 18,500 new

jobs, bringing a total of 599,500 people working in the sector. The UK’s decision to lift all Covid restrictions, which prompted the return of British tourists to the Costa Blanca, played a large part although this same pattern was not re‐ peated in Malaga, Baleares or Las Palmas, where jobs were lost during the first quarter. Although the Ukraine war has had an indirect effect on Al‐ icante Province’s construction industry, the sector was the source of 9,500 new jobs dur‐ ing the first three months of this year, providing work for 63,500 Alicante Province resi‐ dents. Most of Alicante Province’s new jobs ‐ 30,500 or 87 per cent ‐ went to women, with 4,400 going to men.

U3A treated to lunch Claude, who was only recently elected pres‐ ident for his first term, amused his 50 guests by donning a home‐made ‘chain of office’ as well as an L‐plate and a target on his back! Then on a more serious note, Groups Coor‐ dinator Mike Frost ‐ himself a founder‐mem‐ ber of Javea U3A 17 years ago ‐ made special presentations to five group leaders. He thanked longest‐serving leader Nigel

Bentley (Birdwatching Group), stalwarts An‐ gela Chantry and Tony Dearie (Travellers’ Tales and Spanish Culture & Cuisine) and soon‐to‐retire Dining Out leaders Mallory and Christine Glover, for their dedicated service over the years. Attico staff then served up a delicious meal, a fitting reward for the contribution of a hard‐ working bunch of volunteers!


5 - 11 May 2022



Warning, Nolotil, is a dangerous drug T I R E D, coughing, feverish were the complaints of my neighbour Mark, when I visited him about two weeks ago. Corona, we decided and with this Omi‐ cron variety go‐ ing around he would be back on his job and in the pub in a couple of days. Next day he did not look any better and was coughing up a lot of nasty stuff. Some more Paracetamol, ex‐ tra vitamins and things would be better soon. Next day I called Mark in the morning to ask if he needed any shop‐ ping to be done: “I am just at the Farmacia and tested negative for corona” he said with a very shivery and croaky voice. Off we went to the emergency in La Nucia because his throat was on fire. Streptococcal bacte‐ ria had taken hold of him resulting in a ‘Strep throat’, and a quite severe case at that, was the diagnosis of the doctor. Off to the hospital in Villa‐ joyosa we were sent. I drove fast because

For short-term use only.

Mark had now al‐ so breathing prob‐ lems due to his swollen throat and was spewing out more and more muck. In to the emergency at the hospital ward, by now needing a wheelchair, I delivered him with a very wor‐ ried look into the hands of the medical staff. Mark’s wife Mandy had cut her hol‐ iday in the UK even shorter and was on her way back to Spain. All we could do was wait. Next day the news came. Due to a very painful meniscus prob‐ lem Mark was pre‐ scribed Nolotil (also called metamizol) which he had used for over a week. However, Nolotil has been found in some cases to cause sepsis leading to differ‐ ent forms of infection including viral ones. In Mark’s case his

white blood cell count was reduced to zero (0) leaving his body de‐ fenceless against infec‐ tion. Luckily for him, however nasty and v e r y painful, he only suffered from a Strep throat. Many cas‐ es are known where the side effects of Nolotil lead to internal infections. In other cases the rapid drop in white blood cells (Agranulo‐ cytosis) can lead to death within a couple of days. Although the Spanish AEMPS (Span‐ ish Agency for Medicines and Health Products) warned for many years about the danger of this product, it is in Spain still fre‐ quently prescribed and at Farmacias also avail‐ able without prescrip‐ tion. AEMPS commands Nolotil as a prescrip‐ tion‐only medicine and recommends ‘only for short‐term treatment’. If prolonged treat‐ ment is necessary, car‐ ry out regular (haema‐ tological) controls for Agranulocytosis symp‐ toms. Now, Mandy, glad that her ‘hubby’ is back

home after eight days at the hospital, sees it as her duty to warn ev‐ erybody about this danger. She also tries to figure out why North Europeans seem to be

more susceptible to the disadvantages of Nolotil. This even more since Mark was pre‐ scribed Nolotil for his painful knee for a mini‐ mum of 10 days, three

times a day at 525 mg without any monitor‐ ing. Cristina Garcia de Campo has been cam‐ paigning against the widespread use of Nolotil.


5 - 11 May 2022


Russian war warning Spain’s jobs boom

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has warned that Vladimir Putin will use Russia’s annual victory day parade on Monday May 9 to announce the mass mobilisation of his reserves for a concerted

push in Ukraine. Wallace said the Rus‐ sian president might de‐ clare a new war against the world’s ‘Nazis’ at the show‐of‐strength parade which commemorates the end of Russia’s involve‐

ment in the Second World War. He told media: “I would not be surprised... that he is probably going to declare on May Day that ‘we are now at war with the world’s Nazis and we need to mass mobilise the Russian people’.” “Putin, having failed in nearly all objectives, may seek to consolidate what he’s got... and just be a sort of cancerous growth within the country,” the Defence Secretary contin‐ ued.

SPAIN’S Stability Programme, published on Fri‐ day April 29, forecasts the creation of 1.5 mil‐ lion new jobs and an unemployment rate of under 10 per cent by 2025. The improved forecast is based on the gov‐ ernment’s belief that labour reforms approved at the end of 2021, will reduce unemployment. The main objective is to bring the current un‐ employment down from the current rate of 13.6 per cent, with the pandemic over and the gov‐ ernment making major investments in new in‐ frastructure and new technology. Adding to the positive forecast is the news that the economy is now on a more sound foot‐ ing, even though the pandemic drove up bor‐ rowing, with a positive current account and sav‐ ings figures at their highest levels since 2008. There has also been a drop in temporary

ON Friday, April 29, the European Union (EU) announced in a tweet that it has now provided €3.5 billion in support of Ukrainian refugees. With now more than five million Ukrainians having fled the ravages of war in their country, the EU continues to take the lead in providing support with food, accommodation, health‐ care, education and jobs. In a show of wonderful solidarity

NEW JOBS: Forecast has improved. unemployment. The programme also focuses on the imple‐ mentation of active employment policies that seek to reduce structural unemployment mak‐ ing an adjustment between supply and demand. Attention will also be given to increasing flexibili‐ ty in employment and an increase in productivi‐ ty.

€3.5bn for refugees

and humanity, European countries have opened their doors to fleeing Ukrainians. With many having lost ev‐ erything, the help from people, chari‐ ties and governments all across Eu‐ rope has been invaluable. Every day there are new stories re‐ flecting the kindness of strangers as

people open the doors to their homes, such as the Irishman who has opened his 15th century castle to pro‐ vide accommodation for a family to the stories of baby supplies being left at the border and railway stations to allow Ukrainians to take what they need.


TRANSPORT Secretary Grant Shapps has announced that he will “look for ways to try to assist” the travel industry following chaos at UK airports. He has though said that he will not “compromise in any way, shape or form with aviation security and safety.” On Wednesday, April 27, Shapps told the Commons’ Transport Select Commit‐ tee “I have looked at the rules and found an area where we can assist with the bu‐ reaucracy, particularly with regard to new people coming into the industry, and their need to be security checked.

5 - 11 May 2022


Flights chaos

“We can begin the training, without ex‐ posing them to the parts of the training which are security‐related, without having the security check complete, as long as it’s complete before they start the security‐ related stuff. “I have a Statutory Instrument ‐ I think it comes to the House today ‐ to do exact‐

Proof of funds

BRITISH tourists, and many other nationals from outside the Schengen bloc, need to prove they have at least €100 per day for their stay in Spain. Border guards can ask for travellers to produce such proof. “Foreigners must prove, if required to do so by the offi‐ cials in charge of controlling the entry of people into Span‐ ish territory, that they have economic resources [for enter‐ ing the country],” the Spanish Ministry of Interior notes. Means of proof include cash, certified checks, trav‐ eller’s checks, payment letters, or credit cards, which must be accompanied by the bank ac‐ count statement or an up‐to‐ date bank book. In practice such checks are rare, but they do happen. The reason the rate is set at more than €100 per day (€120 in France) is because that rep‐ resents 10 per cent of the min‐


imum wage (gross minimum interprofessional gross salary). From January 1, 2022, the Spanish authorities have es‐ tablished the minimum inter‐

professional salary at €33.33 per day or €1,000 per month, depending on whether the salary is fixed on a daily or monthly basis.

NHS parking hike DESCRIBED by some as scandalous, hospital staff working for the NHS in England are to be charged up to £90 (€106 ) more a year as parking charges are hiked. Despite all the hard work put in by doctors, nurses and other NHS staff and the failure to show appreciation fi‐ nancially, they are now being asked to cough up extra to pay for their parking. During the pandemic parking charges were removed but they have now been reinstated but at a higher price, however those in Scotland and Wales don’t pay for theirs. Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer, said: “We think it’s an appalling decision. The timing of it is even more in‐ sulting, especially during the cost of living crisis. “The government has no understanding of what the NHS is facing. We’re two years through a pandemic which is not over. Staff are absolutely exhausted and this is just another thing to discourage them from staying in the NHS. We’re seeing an exodus.”

ly that.” As reported by one publication, Shapps added: “This is an example of how we’ll try to work with the sector, but in the end they will have to resolve these problems by getting people in the right places.”

UK AIRPORTS: Working with the sector.


5 - 11 May 2022


Ireland border checks

FEARING rising inflation, the UK has postponed border checks in Ireland for the fourth time, pushing the implemen‐ tation to the back end of 2023. The checks required as part of the divorce agreement were implemented by the EU imme‐ diately after the agreement came into force, however the UK has failed to implement the checks despite signing the

agreement. Firstly because they said they needed more time to get prepared, then to appease political allies in North‐ ern Ireland and now as the country battles, like the rest of the world is, with rising infla‐ tion. The government said that spiralling energy costs and frag‐ ile global supply chains were the main reasons behind the decision.

BORDER CHECKS: Have been cancelled again.

Netflix axes Meghan

MEGHAN MARKLE’S new animated se‐ ries has been axed by streaming giant Netflix. After its recent well‐documented loss of 200,000 subscribers, the company has de‐ cided to drop the series, titled ‘Pearl’. David Furnish had worked on this pro‐ ject with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, as executive producer. The main feature of the series was a 12‐year‐old girl ‘inspired by influential women from history’. ‘Like many girls her age, our heroine Pearl is on a journey of self‐discovery as she tries to overcome life’s daily chal‐

lenges’, a statement from Meghan Markle read when the series was an‐ nounced last year. Netflix boss William Ackman said in a statement, ‘While Netflix’s business is fun‐ damentally simple to understand, in light of recent events, we have lost confidence in our ability to predict the company’s fu‐ ture prospects with a sufficient degree of certainty’. Following the docu‐series ‘Heart of In‐ victus’, ‘Pearl’ was to be the second series to be produced from the Sussexes’ Netflix deal signed in September 2020.

Banking fee rises CAIXABANK and Santander have done away with free banking from Saturday, April 30. Clients of the two banks, who do not meet their conditions for free banking, will have to pay up to €240 a year. According to personal finance website ‘HelpMyCash’: Banks will pe‐ nalise those customers who do not have their salary paid into their account each month, as well as those on low in‐ comes. If you bank with any of these companies it is important that you check what criteria you need to meet to make sure that you do not pay unneces‐ sary fees. Both Caixa and Santander have changed their fee structures effec‐ tively doing away with free banking.

10 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Algeria threatens Spain DiCaprio’s Brazil spat

ALGERIA has threatened to cut Spain’s gas supply if any is diverted to Morocco after the Spanish govern‐ ment sought to reopen the Maghreb gas pipeline. In its response the Pedro Sánchez government said that any gas shipped to Morocco will not be Algeri‐ an gas, but gas that is pro‐ cured from other suppli‐ ers. The Algerian govern‐ ment in issuing the threat said: “Any transport of Al‐ gerian natural gas deliv‐ ered to Spain, whose des‐ tination is none other than that provided for in the contracts, will be consid‐ ered a breach of contrac‐ tual commitments, and consequently, could lead to a breach of the contract that binds Sonatrach with its customers. Spaniards.” A reply issued by Mon‐ cloa said: “Morocco has asked for support to guar‐ antee its energy security on the basis of commercial

NATURAL GAS: Cannot be diverted to Morocco.

relations and Spain has re‐ sponded positively to its request, as it should do with any other partner or neighbour. With total transparency, Morocco will be able to acquire LNG on international markets, unload it in some peninsu‐ lar regasification plant and use the Maghreb gas pipeline to reach its terri‐ tory. In no case will the gas acquired by Morocco have Algerian origin.”

Charles’s tree projecct PRINCE CHARLES has called for the UK’s ‘dwindling’ historic natural habitat to be re‐ newed as he revealed a new project to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Prince Charles unveiled a collection of 70 ancient woodlands and trees dedicated to the monarch in a video message recorded under the old Sycamore at Dumfries House in Scot‐ land, it was reported on Sunday, May 1. Charles said these “precious” assets must be preserved for future generations. Some of the 70 ancient woodlands and 70

trees dedicated to the Queen include Sussex’s Five Hundred Acre Wood, the inspiration for 100 Acre Wood in Winnie the Pooh. Charles said: “I believe it is absolutely vital that we do our utmost to nurture our historic inheritance through careful management and, in the case of the woodlands, that we can expand them and link them to other nat‐ ural features like our hedgerows. “And if we are to create the ‘ancient’ trees of the future, we must plant more trees in hedgerows, fields, churchyards and avenues.”

THE climate change denier and President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro has got into a spat with Leonardo DiCaprio after the actor called on young Brazilians to vote in up‐ coming elections. DiCaprio, well‐known for his environmental work and donations, has pleaded with young Brazilians to make their voices heard in the hope that deforestation in the Amazon will be curbed. Deforestation in January 2022 was five times larger than for the same period in 2021, the highest January total since records began in 2015. Some estimates put the rate of deforestation at the size of a football field ev‐ ery minute, not only putting wildlife at risk, but also in‐ digenous communities. Long referred to as the lungs of the world, scientists are concerned that destruction of the rain forest could have disastrous consequences for the rest of the world. Bolsanaro however believes in economy first, science second. The spat started with DiCaprio tweeting on Thursday April 28th: “Brazil is home to the Amazon and other ecosystems critical to climate change. What happens there matters to us all and youth voting is key in driving change for a healthy planet.”

Passport Croatia blocks Sweden warning A PASSPORT OFFICE work‐ er has warned that applica‐ tion delays will get even worse this summer. The Passport Office has told millions of Brits to wait up to 10 weeks for their passports due to a huge de‐ lay in applications. But a backlog of 500,000 documents has meant appli‐ cants have been left waiting more than 10 weeks for re‐ newals, with some com‐ plaining it took up to four months to get hold of their new passports, said news re‐ ports exclusively on Friday, April 29. The Passport Office is fac‐ ing a recruitment crisis and has failed to hire enough staff to deal with a post‐ Covid pandemic surge of five million applications. Earlier this month, the government issued a warn‐ ing, telling people to allow up to 10 weeks to get their passports, rather than the usual five to six weeks.

ZORAN MILANOVIC: Blocking Swedish membership.

CROATIA President Zoran Milanovic announced on Tuesday April 26: “We will block Sweden and Finland membership” to Nato, as their applications will pro‐ voke Russia. Croatia, who are yet to ratify their membership of NATO, believe that any en‐ tertaining of membership applications from Scandina‐ vian states will do little more than provoke Russian Presi‐ dent Vladimir Putin. Croatia has its own issues as it tries to get Bosnia‐Herzegovina to update their electoral law. Milanovic told reporters in Zagreb that: “As far as I’m

concerned, they can get into NATO, they can poke the ra‐ bid bear in the eye with a pen. “However, until the elec‐ toral law issue in Bosnia‐ Herzegovina is resolved, un‐ til the Americans, the English, the Germans, if they can and want to, compel Sarajevo and Bakir Izetbe‐ govic to update the electoral law in the next six months and grant Croats their ele‐ mentary rights, the Sabor must not ratify anyone’s ad‐ mission to NATO.”. NATO cannot admit new members without the ap‐ proval of current ones.


BRITISH sunseekers and staycationers are being warned to take care when booking a break this sum‐ mer, with scams linked to holidays increasing by a third over the last year. Based on analysis of rele‐ vant scams reported to Lloyds Bank, fraud relating to flight bookings was up by 13 per cent in the 12 months to March 2022. The average amount lost to a flight scam was £2,955. Scam reports linked to hotels were up by 18 per cent, with the average amount lost £1,231. Pack‐ aged holiday‐style scams also saw a 17 per cent in‐ crease over the same peri‐ od, with victims losing £2,342 on average. The biggest increase came from scams linked to fake caravan bookings, with cases surging by a massive 108 per cent year‐ on‐year. The average amount lost in each case was much lower though, at £374. Many of these scams start with false adverts on search engines or social

5 - 11 May 2022

Holiday fraud

SCAMS: Holidaymakers are being warned to take care.

media. Victims often click on a link taking them to a web‐

site and believe they are dealing with a legitimate company.

Heinz’s Jubilee TO mark the queen’s platinum jubilee Heinz have rebrand‐ ed two of the nation’s favourites HM Sauce and Salad Queen. The limited edition bottles were due to arrive on super‐ market shelves from Monday May 2. Heinz have said that Brits enjoy quintessentially English food and like nothing more than a good reason to celebrate such an event with good old British classics. Heinz Senior Brand Manager Anke von Hanstein said: “This is an extraordinary moment for the Queen and the great British public, and we want to celebrate this with two of our most well‐loved and historic sauces. “Releasing limited‐edition bottles in time for the Jubilee felt like the perfect fit. We hope our customers enjoy these celebratory designs and that they add a squeeze of fun to the Jubilee celebrations, however one is celebrating.”

EWN 11

Dog breeds irrelevant DAT A from more than 18,000 canines shows that pedigree has a lim‐ ited role in behaviour. A dog’s breed was re‐ sponsible for less than one‐10th of differences in behaviour among thousands of dogs, re‐ searchers said in a study published on Thursday, April 28, in the journal Science. “When you adopt a dog based on its breed, you’re getting a dog that looks a certain way,” said co‐ author Elinor Karls‐ son, a computational biologist at the Uni‐ versity of Mas‐ sachusetts in Worces‐ ter, Massachusetts. “But as far as be‐ haviour goes, it’s kind of luck of the draw.” The reason is partly because breeds are a modern invention. We have been shap‐ ing how dogs appear and behave since dogs evolved from

wolves more than 10,000 years ago. Labrador retrievers aren’t guaranteed to be docile and friendly, ac‐ cording to geneticists who analysed varia‐ tions in the canine genome.

Behaviour not guaranteed.

12 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

Ryanair chaos

ON Friday April 29 Ryanair charged passengers £55 for making use of the airport check‐in counters after their website crashed leaving cus‐ tomers with no other option. Ryanair, well‐known for its

charges and rigid adherence to its policies, continued to charge passengers for using the airport check‐in service even though their website was down leaving passengers with no alternative.

Hundreds of complaints were made to web monitor‐ ing service Down Detector that Ryanair’s website had crashed from 6am to 9.30am on the Friday morning, with many screenshots being posted. Passengers who took to social media complained that the site was down with the message “something’s gone wrong with your re‐ quest” being received. Oth‐


The final bow

AIRLINE: Their website crashed causing difficulties.

ers reported that despite this and having proof the site was down staff at Stansted Air‐ port had continued to charge customers the fee. A Twitter user, named

Rhys, said: “Just got charged more than €200 to check‐in at [Rhodes International Air‐ port] ‐ Seemingly all because [Ryanair’s] website had an er‐ ror.”

UK licence blow

UK driving licences are no longer le‐ gal to use in Spain after the grace period to change them for a Spanish licence ended on Sunday, May 1. On the Brits in Spain consulate and embassy page, on Friday April 29, British Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott commented: “The UK and Spanish governments are still negotiating. UK and Spanish minis‐ ters spoke today and agreed to rapidly accelerate talks next week in the hope of reaching an agree‐

ment soon ‐ as we already have in almost every other EU Member State. “But we’re not there just yet. And we will not have reached an agree‐ ment in time for the end of the cur‐ rent grace period (April 30).” He added: “Negotiations will con‐ tinue early next week and we will provide you with further news when we have it. “We are doing all we can to se‐ cure a long‐term solution swiftly.”

RUMOUR has it that Kylie Minogue and Jason Dono‐ van are to make an emo‐ tional return in the grand fi‐ nale of Neighbours. A report in one Australian publication on Saturday, April 30, claimed that Neigh‐ bours legends Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan are go‐ ing to make an appearance when the Ramsay Street soap takes its final bow in August. Earlier this year, television bosses announced that they were scrapping the long‐running soap, which has graced our screens for close to 40 years. The publi‐ cation claimed that sources told them that ‘Scott and Charlene Robinson’ had filmed scenes at Pin Oak Court in Vermont South, just outside Melbourne. Back in March, show chiefs hinted they were go‐ ing to try and tempt Kylie and Jason to make a return and give the soap a ‘fairytale ending’. The final episode is due to be broadcast on Monday, August 1 this year.


5 - 11 May 2022

Record levels A REPORT by the Stock‐ holm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) released on Monday April 25, said that global mili‐ tary spending has reached record levels in response to the crisis in the Ukraine. Despite the economic fallout of the pandemic, global military spending in 2021 rose by 0.7 per ent according to the re‐ port, with predictions that the increase will be vastly higher in 2022. Expenditure is expected to rise the most in Europe as countries move to bol‐ ster their defence against Russia, and in their sup‐ port of Ukraine as it tries to drive out the invading forces. Total expenditure is said to have reached US$2.1 trillion (€1.96 tril‐ lion), the highest figure on record. Topping that list is Rus‐ sia where spending grew by 2.9 per cent in advance

of the invasion of Ukraine, with defence ac‐ counting for 4.1 per cent of the country’s gross do‐ mestic product (GDP).

Global military spending.

Queen’s Jubilee THE UK government has officially extended opening hours to give people the opportunity “to continue their celebrations of this historic milestone over the bank holiday.” On Monday, April 26, the government revealed that Parliament had “passed an order to extend licensing hours in pubs, clubs and bars across England and Wales from 11pm to 1am to mark Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The extension will cover Thursday June 2 to Saturday June 4, providing the opportunity for people to continue their celebrations of this historic milestone over the bank holiday. “Platinum Jubilee is a historic national occasion, and the licensing hours extension will coincide with the ex‐ tended bank holiday.” Home Secretary, Priti Patel, said: “For 70 years Her Majesty The Queen has served the UK and the Com‐ monwealth with the utmost dignity, steadfastness and resolve. “The Platinum Jubilee is a truly historic national occa‐ sion, which will see families, friends and communities across the country come together to celebrate this un‐ precedented landmark in a remarkable reign.”

EWN 13

14 EWN

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The risk of not having an independent lawyer in the purchase or sale of a property in Spain. WE occasionally receive en‐ quiries from clients who have suffered wrong advice and even abuse from some of the professionals who have been

involved in the process of buy‐ ing or selling their properties in Spain, including the agents, con‐ sultants, and banks, etc. For this reason and to ensure the legali‐

ty of the transaction, we under‐ stand that it is essential to hire the services of an independent lawyer, so if there is any prob‐ lem you would be able to claim for liability. Always remember to ask your lawyer to confirm their registra‐ tion number on the territorial Law Society they belong to. You can check if a lawyer is properly registered by looking on the following website: cios‐abogacia/censo‐de‐letra dos/ You should also know that to register with the Spanish Law So‐ ciety, lawyers must have profes‐ sional liability insurance. Many clients inform us that on some occasions they have been recommended a lawyer by the real estate agent or the seller or promoter. We believe that in these cases there can be a clear conflict of interest. It is essential that the lawyer chosen only

looks after the client’s interest and rights. Here at White Baos Lawyers we advise against con‐ tracting a lawyer who has a pro‐ fessional relationship or repre‐ sents any of the other parties of the transac‐tion. In addition, an independent lawyer can avoid unnecessary economic damages. Without go‐ ing into great detail today, we can relate that recently we warned an expatriate client buy‐ er of an abuse that a bank want‐ ed to commit against him, as he had been informed by this bank that as a necessary part of the

mortgage loan applied for, the client had to sign a life insurance, which was unique and carried a pre‐paid premium of €30,000, more than 10 times the normal cost of a premium in the open market. Clearly, this was a real abuse. Apparently the bank was introduced to the client by the agent as the best possible bank in Spain to get a mortgage loan. An independent lawyer will tell you that you should com‐ pare between different banks’ offers, before agreeing a mort‐ gage loan, or opening an ac‐ count, and even if the lawyer

can recommend some banks they will always advise you to compare between as many as pos‐sible, to be able to contract what is the most suitable for you, the same applies to insur‐ ance companies, currency ex‐ change companies, etc. An independent expert lawyer can provide you with in‐ formation about the process of buying or selling in Spain, draw‐ ing up the contract that best suits your circumstances and protect your rights, and will en‐ sure that the property you want to buy is in the correct land reg‐ istry, urban, planning, cadastral, etc, status. And they will warn you about the possible risks of the purchase or sale, etc. Contact us (www.white‐ and we will help you. The information provided in this article is not intended as le‐ gal advice, but simply conveys information related to legal is‐ sues.

Carlos Baos (Lawyer) - White&Baos Tel: +34 966 426 185 • White & Baos 2022 - All Rights Reserved.

16 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

A 61- Y E A R - O L D South African man is attempt‐ ing to become the first person to row solo across the Atlantic from the US to France Peter Harley is about to embark on a solo crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat. He plans to sail from Vir‐


First solo crossing ginia Beach in the US, 4,000 miles to La Trinite‐ sur‐Mer, on the Brittany coast of France. This will be his second attempt at a crossing that has never been achieved by a solo row‐ er. If he completes the trip then it will be a new record. It is a hazardous journey that he esti‐ mates will take him at least three months to complete in his 24‐foot boat. Mr Harley, who moved to America in 2019, told media, “I’m not nervous, I’ve been in boats at sea in South Africa for many

PETER HARLEY: Has taken a year to prepare for the trip.

years, so I kind of know what’s coming, and I’m not afraid of it.” Having failed on a pre‐ vious occasion, the sailor is not giving in, and has been in training

for just over a year, to prepare his body and mind for what lies ahead. Eight months ago Mr Harley said he changed his complete eating habits.

Expat vote success B R I T I S H expats will be able to vote in General Elections after a new ruling received Royal Assent on Thursday, April 28. Expats previously lost the right to vote 15 years after they last voted in the UK. The new measures announced in the Queen’s Speech will make it easier for British citizens who have moved abroad to participate in UK democracy. The changes, which will form part of the Elections Bill, will also in‐ clude measures to enable overseas electors to stay registered to vote for longer, with an absent voting arrangement in place. Ministers are to implement the

changes during the current parlia‐ ment. Minister of State for the Cabinet Office Lord True, said: “In an in‐ creasingly global and connected world, most British citizens living overseas retain deep ties to the United Kingdom. “Many still have family here, have a history of hard work in the UK behind them, and some have even fought for our country. “These measures support our vi‐ sion for a truly Global Britain, opening up our democracy to British citizens living overseas who deserve to have their voices heard in our Parliament, no matter where they choose to live.”

18 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


British Army expands THOUSANDS of British Army troops will conduct a series of planned exercises across Europe this summer in one of the largest de‐

ployments since the Cold War. Around 8,000 British Army troops will take part in the exercises the Min‐

Tragic dog death A FAMILY has been left heartbroken after their golden re‐ triever fell victim to the deadly Alabama Rot disease, which has now claimed the lives of seven dogs in the UK this year. The Backhouse family want to raise awareness of Al‐ abama rot before anyone else suffers the loss of a family pet. Marley, their Golden Retriever, was eight years old when he died earlier this month, after picking up the killer disease on local walks around Ledbury. “We want to raise wider awareness of Alabama Rot,” Rob Backhouse told media. “We want to hopefully save another family the pain we have gone through.” Rebecca Backhouse told one publication: “It’s one of those things you never think will happen to your dog.” Rebecca first noticed something was wrong when Mar‐ ley wouldn’t stop licking his back left paw, but was sure it was not Alabama rot after checking images online. He was taken to a vet and treated at a clinic but, sadly, his condition deteriorated rapidly and he had to be put down a week later.

istry of Defence said in a statement on Friday, April 29. The training mission will see 72 Challenger 2 tanks, 12 AS90 tracked artillery guns and 120 Warrior ar‐ moured fighting vehicles de‐ ploy to countries from Fin‐ land to North Macedonia, demonstrating the Army’s modernisation into a lethal, agile and global force. Tens of thousands of troops from NATO and Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) allies and partners are involved in the exercises.

The high readiness forces from the Lead Armoured Task Force and Air Ma‐ noeuvre Task Force will take part. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The security of Europe has never been more important. “These exercises will see our troops join forces with allies and partners across NATO and the Joint Expedi‐ tionary Force in a show of solidarity and strength in one of the largest shared deployments since the Cold War.”

EXERCISES: Will see troops join forces with allies.


5 - 11 May 2022

Brexit’s food price push A REPORT by researchers from the London School of Economics released on Wednesday, April 27, said that Brexit has added 6 per cent to the

cost of Britain’s food bills. The research drew comparisons between the cost of food import‐ ed from the EU, which

$16bn for oceans

THE seventh global annual Our Ocean Confer‐ ence concluded on Sunday April 26 with 410 commitments and pledges worth more than $16 billion €(15.15 billion) to protect our seas. Co‐hosted by the Republic of Palau and the United States, the conference was the first to be held in a small island developing state. Started by John Kerry in 2014, the conference titled ‘Our Ocean, Our People, Our Prosperity,’ highlighted the importance of a healthy ocean to small island developing states. It also focused attention on all communities where the ocean is a primary source of sustenance. D e l e g a t e s f r o m m o r e t h a n 7 0 c o u n t r i e s a t‐ tended the conference, all of whom committed to concrete action to advance ocean issues. Speakers and presentations highlighted the importance of ocean‐based climate solutions, in‐ cluding shipping decarbonisation, marine na‐ ture‐based solutions, and offshore renewable energy, in keeping the 1.5‐degree target within reach and improving global climate resilience.

still accounts for the ma‐ jority of food imported, with food from else‐ where. They found that extra trade barriers created by Britain’s exit added 6 per cent to the cost of food, with prices rising higher than those levied on imports from else‐ where. Examples they quote are the increase in the price of fresh pork, toma‐ toes and jam which come mainly from the EU and the rise in prices of items like tuna fish and pineap‐ ples which come from further afield. Nikhil Datta, a re‐ searcher at LSE said: “This research demon‐ strates a clear and robust impact of Brexit‐induced trade frictions increasing food prices for UK con‐ sumers during a time when the economy is al‐ ready facing inflationary pressures from global sources.”

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Animal welfare law

ON Thursday, April 28, pro‐ tection measures for ani‐ mals were boosted as legis‐ lation banning ‘the use of cruel glue traps and intro‐ ducing fines for people who fail to provide the proper levels of care to their pets, zoo animals and livestock’ became law in the UK. The new bills introduced by MP Jane Stevenson ‘ban the use of inhumane glue traps which are a widely available method of rodent control but can cause im‐ mense suffering.’ Animal welfare minister

Protecting our animals.

Lord Zac Goldsmith said: “We are a nation of animal lovers and the passing of today’s legislation is a sig‐ nificant moment for the health and welfare of the country’s animals. “The UK, since leaving the EU, has been able to

further strengthen its posi‐ tion as a global leader on animal rights. “The penalty notice mea‐ sures being introduced to‐ day will act as a powerful deterrent, building on mea‐ sures we have already tak‐ en such as increasing prison sentences for cruelty of‐ fences. “We will also be protect‐ ing wildlife and domestic pets from falling victim to inhumane glue traps, and we have delivered on our manifesto commitment to put animal sentience provi‐ sions into law.”

US pandemic over ANTHONY FAUCI, the Chief Medical Adviser to US President Joe Biden has said that the country is over the pandemic phase of Covid‐19, with cases and hos‐ pitalisations notably down. Speaking to media, Fauci said: “We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase.” The expert added in an interview on Wednesday, April 27: “The world is still in a pandemic. There’s no doubt about that. Don’t anybody get any misinter‐ pretation of that. We are still experiencing a pandem‐ ic.” Referring to his view that the country is moving to‐ wards normality he said that the US is in a “decelera‐ tion phase” having moved out of the full blown pan‐ demic. “There’s the full‐blown pandemic dynamic, the way we were months ago, where we were having 900,000 cases a day, tens of thousands of hospitalisations, 3,000 deaths a day. “The deaths went from 3,000 down to 300.”


US President Joe Biden, speaking from the White House on Thursday, April 28, revealed that he is working on a legislative package that will allow the American government to sell off all the assets that have been seized from Rus‐ sian oligarchs. This would include all the luxury properties and yachts, and the proceeds could then be utilised to help pay for humanitarian and military aid in Ukraine. “We’re going to seize their yachts, their luxury homes, and oth‐

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America’s oligarch crackdown er ill‐begotten gains of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s kleptocracy. These are bad guys,” he declared. He explained that this new legislation would “create new procedures of forfeiture and seizure of these properties, and it’s going to as‐ sure that when the oligarchs’ assets are sold

GMB porn outrage

GOOD MORNING Britain’s Ben Shephard made a cor‐ rection after a guest’s com‐ ments on ‘porn’ in Parlia‐ ment sparked uproar on Thursday, April 28. Viewers were fuming af‐ ter believing that journal‐ ist Quentin Letts was de‐ fending a Tory MP accused of viewing porn in the House of Commons. Letts commented: “If you’ve ever been in the Houses of Parliament, it’s an extremely boring place, “I think it would be wrong of viewers to think parliamentarians are con‐ stantly thinking about great matters at state when they’re in the House of Commons. It’s not ex‐ actly like a church in there.” He added: “The politi‐ cians tend to represent the people of the country and there are a lot of grot‐ ty people in this country who get a kick out of pornography, and it’s al‐ ways struck me as a pretty

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peculiar thing to do.” Viewers soon took to social media to complain, leading host Ben to set the record straight, comment‐ ing: “I feel like everybody slightly got the wrong end

of the stick. A lot of peo‐ ple seemed to be up in arms that you were de‐ fending watching porn in the House of Commons. That’s not what you were doing.”

off, funds can be used directly to remedy the harm Russia caused and help build Ukraine.” Current funding for Ukraine is known to be running out, so the sale of these assets would be welcomed as part of the President’s recent call for Congress to provide an extra $33 billion (€31.4 billion).

BIDEN: New legislation underway.

22 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

Drug shortage uproar R ES EA R C H by the Pharmaceutical Ser‐ vices Negotiating Com‐ mittee (PSNC) shows that acute medicine shortages in England is resulting in abuse

from frustrated pa‐ tients, as more than two thirds of the phar‐ macies report being without stock every day. According to their

report, the association said that many drugs are in short supply in‐ cluding Hormone Ther‐ apy Replacement due to Brexit and the pan‐ demic which has af‐ fected supplies of key raw materials needed in the manu‐ facture of many drugs. As a result phar‐ macists are being threatened, spat and sworn at for some‐ thing that it is out‐ side of their control. More than half of pharmacists and counter staff say the ongoing supply is‐ sues is causing prob‐ lems for customers managing their health. Two thirds of those pharmacies report daily short‐ ages and another quarter reporting several shortages a week.


Fatter means fitter A LARGE scale survey has found that people who are over the age of 80 and have a BMI that is higher than what is recommended, may live longer. The research undertaken in China found that weight guidelines should be changed for this age group, as those that apply to younger people may not be appropriate. Based on a person’s height and weight, body mass index (BMI) scores are meant to give an in‐ dication of the person’s healthy weight. Most guidelines suggest that someone with a score above 25 is considered overweight and 30

obese. But those guidelines said Xiaoming Shi at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Pre‐ vention in Beijing are largely based on measure‐ ments taken from younger age groups. That means they may not be appropriate for an older and less active person. On average they found that the optimal BMI for the over‐80s was around 29, largely driven by a lower risk of death from non‐cardiovascular causes such as cancer or respiratory disease. This group also had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, but the relationship was weaker.

Kellogg’s court battle US food giant Kellogg’s is taking the British gov‐ ernment on as it takes it to court over new rules that would affect the marketing of its products due to their sugar content. The new rules, which the government said are needed to fight unhealthy lifestyles and obesity, will see foods that are high in fats and sugars restricted from being given prime shelf space in stores. But Kellogg’s say that the formula the gov‐ ernment is using to measure the nutritional val‐ ue of cereals is wrong and is not being imple‐ mented legally, with the law likely to affect

Frosties may be affected.

products like Frosties, Coco Pops and Crunchy Nut. Chris Silcock, Kellogg’s UK Managing Director said: “It measures cereals dry when they are al‐ most always eaten with milk. “All of this matters because unless you take account of the nutritional elements added when cereal is eaten with milk, the full nutri‐ tional value of the meal is not measured.”


5 - 11 May 2022

James Corden quits IN shock celebrity news from America, 43‐year‐old James Corden has announced that he will step down as the host of the Late Late Show. His hit show on CBS has won countless awards, and CBS bosses had reportedly tried their best to convince the Londoner to stay on. The actor, singer, presenter, and entertainer has allegedly walked away from a multi‐

It’s been a hard decision.

million‐pound deal that CBS had offered him, in favour of spending more time in Britain

RUSSIA has reportedly suffered a setback in Ukraine as a major tank design flaw has been exposed. The tanks are said to be suffering from a de‐ fect which leads to a ‘jack‐in‐the‐box’ effect that can literally blow the tank’s turret off. The issue reportedly comes from storing multiple shells inside the tank turrets. An indirect hit can lead to an explosive chain reaction due to where the ammunition is stored. According to experts that can cause

with his family. James also wants to be able to go and watch his beloved West Ham playing football he said. Speaking to one media out‐ let, Corden explained, “It’s been it’s a really hard decision to leave, because I’m so im‐ mensely proud of the show. I’m thrilled to be extending for a year. I always thought I’d do it for five years and then leave and then I stayed on.”

Russia’s tank flaw

a shockwave that can blast the tank’s turret ‘as high as a two‐storey building’. Commenting on the design flaw Sam Ben‐ dett from the Russian Studies Programme at the Centre for a New American Security re‐ vealed: “What we are witnessing with Rus‐ sian tanks is a design flaw. “Any successful hit … quickly ignites the am‐ mo causing a massive explosion, and the tur‐ ret is literally blown off.”



The average human will eat 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.

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William’s fundraising

A RECORD amount of £944,000 was raised on Monday, April 25, at a gala held by Lon‐ don’s Air Ambulance Charity in the UK capi‐ tal. The event was attended by Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, who is its patron. Prince William even took to social media after his visit, sharing multiple images on his official Twitter profile. “As a former Air Ambulance pi‐ lot, I have seen first‐hand the difference trauma teams can make to those in need,” the Duke wrote. Adding, “So it is a great privilege to be the Patron of this exceptional Charity.” The royal also spoke about a boy called Bruno he met during his visit to the London Air Ambulance Charity. “I had the great privilege

JEREMY KYLE, the former king of daytime television, is making a return to our screens with his own nightly show on TalkTV. For more than 20 years, Jeremy Kyle was one of the biggest names and most recognised celebrities on British television, until a tragic incident halted his ca‐ reer. “My suits don’t fit like they used to, but I don’t care

GALA EVENT: Attended by Prince William.

to meet a young man named Bruno, and his father Daniel. Aged 11, Bruno was knocked off his scooter and suffered a serious brain injury. London’s Air Ambulance Charity flew to him, arriving within minutes to bring the hospital to his side, and saving his life.”

Jeremy Kyle returns ‐ I couldn’t be more thrilled to be back in front of the camera,” the 56‐year‐old former king of daytime tele‐ vision told one publication. Jeremy made a cameo appearance on the new television network this week, and revealed, “I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed it until I stepped into the studio and felt the

lights. Presenting live TV is almost like a drug, it hooks you in and I just love the for‐ mat.” He had already returned successfully to the public do‐ main last year via the new network’s stablemate, talkRADIO. His show on TalkTV will cover current af‐ fairs and topical news each weeknight.


5 - 11 May 2022

Olivia Wilde sued

AMERICAN actress, and Har‐ ry Style’s girlfriend, Olivia Wilde, 38, was handed legal documents while on stage at an event on April 26. Wilde was handed a manila envelope with the legal docu‐ ments while she was speaking

about her new thriller movie Don’t Worry Darling at the CinemaCon event in Las Ve‐ gas. She asked: “This is for me?” as she held the envelope marked personal and confi‐ dential.

UK housing boom

DESPITE negative consumer confidence and high inflation, the asking prices for homes in the UK continues its steady march upwards as it rose once again in April. A survey by the property search portal Rightmove re‐ leased on Monday, April 25, said that the asking price of homes had continued to go up, but that it was expected to slow down as the cost of living crisis started to bite. According to their survey asking prices rose by 1.6 per cent in April slightly down on the 1.7 per cent recorded in March, with more than half the houses selling at or above the asking price. Despite fears that interest rates will continue to climb the market continues to experience a boom, even though the temporary tax breaks on property purchases has ended and the costs of ownership have risen.

Originally, it was thought that there was a script inside the envelope, but it contained custody papers. Wilde and Jason Sudeikis, who share two children, have been separated since late 2020. They were engaged, but never married. Jason Sudeikis reportedly “had no prior knowledge” that his former fiancée, Olivia Wilde, would be served with child custody documents dur‐ ing her appearance at Cin‐ emaCon. “We have never in the his‐ tory of the convention had an incident where a delegate has approached the stage who was not authorised to be there. In light of this incident, we are re‐evaluating our se‐ curity procedures to ensure the safety of all our atten‐ dees,” Mitch Neuhauser Managing Director of Cinema‐ Con said in a statement.



The most leaves ever found on a clover is 56.

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26 EWN

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Andrew stripped ON Wednesday, April 27, York councillors voted unanimously that Andrew should be stripped of his Freedom of the City of York title. The title was awarded to Prince Andrew in 1987 but he has now been branded as an “utter disgrace” by local councillors. Darryl Smalley is the City of York Council’s executive member for culture, leisure and communities. Smalley put forward a mo‐ tion to say that Andrew should be stripped of his ti‐ tle and also proposed that he should not hold the Duke of York title any longer. Smalley commented: “The Honorary Freedom of York is the highest honour we, as a city, can bestow on those who represent the very best of York. The honour is held by many no‐ table and accomplished people who carry it with pride and responsibly. “Having been stripped of

his military roles and royal patronages by the Queen, we believe that it is right to remove all links that Prince Andrew still has with our great city.”

Branded a “disgrace.”

€10m violin

THE ‘Da Vinci of violins’ set to be auctioned in Paris on June 3 is expected to fetch up to €10 million (£8.42m). As explained by Sophie Perrine, from the Aguttes auction house near Paris, “There are many violins, but this one is like selling a Rembrandt, a Goya, or even a Leonardo da Vinci painting.” It is one of only 150 such violins crafted in 1736 by Giuseppe Guarneri, the revered Italian luthier from

Cremona in Italy. Its owner is the famous French virtu‐ oso Regis Pasquier, which means that the instrument has graced concert halls worldwide. Violins made by Guarneri have proved to be far more prolific than those crafted by his com‐ patriot and contemporary, Antonio Stradivari. These maple‐backed instruments have shown higher longevi‐ ty and quality compared to that of their nearest rival.



Dell computers was started by a 19-year-old.

28 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Nuclear plant warning Taxpayer fraud squad THE situation at the Russian‐controlled Za‐ porizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine is ‘not sus‐ tainable’ and could prove dangerous, the di‐ rector‐general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has warned. Access to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has been sought, in vain IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said on Thursday, April 28. The station, in south‐eastern Ukraine, re‐ quires repairs “and all of this is not happen‐ ing,” he said. Grossi continued: “So the situation as I have described it, and I would repeat it today, is not sustainable as it is. So this is a pending issue. This is a red light blinking.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

TWITTER have followed Google’s lead by banning ads that contradict the science on climate change according to a statement re‐ leased by the company on April 23. The statement said: “Ads shouldn’t de‐ tract from important conversations about the climate crisis,” with scientific consensus important in keeping the conversation real and factual. Although social media sites such as Twit‐ ter and Facebook have been targeted for posts by climate change deniers, the ban on ads does not appear to affect posts. The announcement was made to coincide

Europe’s largest nuclear plant.

does not want IAEA inspectors to go to the facility under the authority of a ‘third power’. Grossi said he is due to meet Russian offi‐ cials soon to discuss access to the nuclear plant ‐ Europe’s largest ‐ which was captured by Russian forces on March 4.

Twitter ban with Earth Day coming just hours before the European Union’s agreement to control con‐ tent on their sites that involves hate speech, disinformation and other harmful content. The company has said that it would make more information available on how it in‐ tends to monitor the situation and how it plans to provide ‘reliable, authoritative con‐ text to the climate conversations’ its users engage in.

THE UK government has an‐ nounced it is launching an expert ‘fraud squad’ to crack down on criminals who steal taxpayer money. The news was announced by the government on April 27, and Rishi Sunak revealed that the team will be up and running by the summer. The government ex‐ plained: “The new body will recruit leading data analytics experts and economic crime investigators to recover mon‐ ey stolen from Covid support schemes and spot suspicious companies and people seek‐ ing government contracts. “Counter fraud experts will also mount mandatory in‐ spections on Whitehall pro‐ grammes to uncover vulner‐ abilities.” Chancellor of the Exche‐ quer, Rishi Sunak said: “We will chase down fraudsters who rip off the taxpayer. This elite fraud squad, backed by £25 million, will ensure the latest counter fraud tech‐ niques are being used to track down these criminals.

“People are rightly furious that fraudsters took advan‐ tage of our vital Covid sup‐

port schemes, and we are acting to make sure they pay the price.”

Contraceptive pill RESEARCHERS at the Uni‐ versity of Minnesota be‐ lieve human trials of a new male contraceptive pill could be just months away. According to the scien‐ tists who invented the med‐ ically named YCT529 non‐ hormonal pill, in trials in mice, it achieved results on a level with female birth control medication. Their pill allegedly stopped 99 per cent of the potential mice pregnancies. Speaking with one publi‐ cation, Minneapolis chemist Dr Gunda Georg, explained that after stopping the tri‐

als, and administration of the pill, “The mice could fa‐ ther pups again four to six weeks after they stopped receiving the compound.” There were no reported vis‐ ible side effects either. Dr Georg revealed that as the results had been so en‐ couraging, then human tri‐ als could possibly start in “the second half of this year. Of course, you have to be careful with this analysis because they are mice and not humans, but neverthe‐ less, the effect was very, very promising,” she de‐ clared.



30% of people refuse to sit on a public toilet seat.

30 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Harry’s Camilla ultimatum PRINCE HARRY reportedly has ‘no intention’ of attending Prince Charles’s coronation if the Duchess of Cornwall is Queen Consort. Harry is said to be steadfast in his decision de‐ spite the Queen giving Camilla her seal of ap‐ proval to use the title if the Prince of Wales is to become King. A report in one publication alleged: “One red line has recently emerged, however. “Harry has no intention of attending his fa‐ ther’s coronation if Camilla is to be anointed and crowned just a few feet from where his moth‐ er’s coffin lay in Westminster Abbey. “[The Queen] may have given her blessing to Camilla becoming Queen Consort, but Harry re‐ fuses to bend.” The Queen has clearly and publicly given her

THE defence ministry in Russia has threatened UK diplomats in Ukraine. Diplomats were warned that as they return to Kyiv they could be targeted af‐ ter Russia threatened to strike back at ‘decision‐ making centres’ in Ukraine, regardless of whether diplomats from other countries including the UK are present.

NO INTENTION: Of attending coronation.

backing to Charles’s wife to be Queen Consort in a move to shape the future of the monarchy. In a written message to the nation, the monarch said: “It is my sincere wish that, when that time comes, Camilla will be known as Queen Consort as she continues her own loyal service.”

Russia’s UK threat

After the UK’s Armed Forces Minister, James Heappey, outlined the UK’s support for attacks on Rus‐ sian supply lines, a Russian spokesperson commented: “As we have warned, the Russian armed forces are in round‐the‐clock readi‐ ness to launch retaliatory strikes with high‐precision

long‐range weapons at de‐ cision‐making centres in Kyiv. “The presence of advis‐ ers from Western coun‐ tries in the Ukrainian deci‐ sion‐making centres won’t necessarily pose a problem for Russia in making a deci‐ sion to launch retaliatory action.”



Copenhagen scores

Greener greens

ACCORDING to the 2022 Wellness Travel Report compiled by Icelandair, Copenhagen came fourth based on scores across seven parameters with success in internet speed, safety, quality of life and healthcare and good results in air pollution and climate, but performed badly in the cost-of-living category.

AS golf becomes an ever more popular participant sport in Denmark, a special project financed by the European Union will see five clubs in Copenhagen attempt to become greener by phasing out diesel driven mowers and replacing them with electric robotic machines and even burning the rough.


New record

FOR the first time in three years, the Dutch were able to celebrate King’s Day on Wednesday April 27 in the usual manner. Members of the Royal Family who were on the streets in Masstricht attracted a crowd of some 40,000 and all passed peaceably.

AS Dutch trawlers bring up rubbish in their nets, rather than throw it back into the sea as they might have in the past, they now return it to the shore for disposal and in 2021 they had a record haul of 756 tonnes.

BELGIUM Bronze conundrum

Fewer permits

HAVING lost the relevant file and clearly embarrassed that the government sold a stolen Nigerian Bronze for €240 in 2007, the Belgian authorities are investigating the purchaser, as if he knew it was stolen, he could be prosecuted for handling stolen property.

IN order to cut down on bureaucracy and unnecessary paper work, it is now no longer a requirement to obtain a permit to introduce bicycle lanes, solar panels and street art murals in Brussels, provided all meet certain pre-set requirements.

GERMANY Oil agreement

Tehachapi quilters

DIFFICULT times need difficult solutions and it seems possible that the German reliance on Russian oil could be resolved thanks to a proposed agreement with Poland, which would see Germany ship oil to Gdansk from abroad and later deliver it to Germany through the Pomeranian pipeline.

A GROUP of quilters in California’s Tehachapi Mountain have come to an arrangement with quilters in Germany to send them unique blocks of fabric, which they in turn make into finished quilts which are then given to the children of Ukrainian refugees.

FRANCE Three cherries

World’s oldest

AFTER being elected as president for the second time, Emmanuel Macron’s first public outing was a visit to the French town of CergyPointoise. No sooner had he arrived than he was greeted with a barrage of cherry tomatoes, but his security protected him with an open umbrella.

SISTER ANDRE, a French nun who recently celebrated her 118th birthday, is now the world's oldest known person, following the death of a Japanese woman who was just one year older. Now blind and living in a home in Toulon, she still attends Mass daily.

NORWAY Ukrainians banned

Burning question

THE Ukrainian Ambassador to Norway applied for permission to walk with a group of Ukrainian children in Norway’s annual May 17 children’s parade, but his request was rejected as the parade committee said that it would be inappropriate as it is not a political event.

A STUDY of the views of Norwegians on the matter of the burning of religious symbols carried out by the Institute for Social Research has found that 30 per cent who responded were in favour of the action as a freedom of expression.

5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 31

FINANCE 20 years in Spain • 5 - 11 May 2022



€1.4 billion

turnover (most of it outside of Spain) during 2021 has been announced by Spanish family company Cosentino Group which produces special surfaces for buildings.


GDP reduction

Credit: Ryanair Media Centre

ON April 29, Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero advised that the Spanish government had revised its forecast of GDP growth in 2002 downwards from 7 per cent to 4.3 per cent. Expected year end deficit to be 5 per cent.

NatWest profits DESPITE potential problems with customers’ ability to pay off loans, NatWest not only posted much larger than expected pre‐tax profits for the first quarter of 2022, 40 per cent up at £1.2 billion, it was even able to reduce bad debt provisions by £38 million.

Legal anomaly THE Spanish Corporation of Registrars has highlighted an anomaly in Spanish law so that unlike other members of the European Union, it is not possible to identify the partners of a limited company which complicates the fight against money laundering and seizing Russian owned assets.

Money released IN the 1970s, Britain made a great deal of money supplying arms to the Shah of Iran and after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, it kept hold of £400 million. On Wednesday April 27, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iran confirmed that the money had been repaid.

Ted Baker sale ALTHOUGH not originally for sale, British fashion brand Ted Baker has received a number of offers of interest to purchase the company which has more than 350 stores worldwide. After an initial approach from one investor, there were quick follow ups from Authentic Brands Group which has recently taken over sports clothing manufacturer Reebok and then a further expression of interest from American private equity firm Sycamore Partners. Initial valuation appears to be in the region of £250 million, although a statement from Ted Baker indicated that offers received so far undervalued the company which in turn saw shares push upwards.

Minister Maroto in centre with Michael O’Leary on the left.

RYANAIR has celebrated its 20th anniversary in Spain and explained its contribution to the Spanish economy and so‐ ciety on Thursday April 28. To do this, it has released a study by the consulting firm PwC which considers the im‐ pact of corporate activity in Ryanair as a generator of more than €14 billion per year to the Spanish economy. From modest beginnings with its first Spanish flight to Girona in 2002, Ryanair cur‐ rently invests more than €8 billion in 27 airports, of which 10 are bases and supports more than 300,000 indirect and 6,000 direct jobs, offering

more routes and connections than any other airline in Spain. Since the beginning of its operations in Spain in 2002, Ryanair has transported more than 400 million passengers to/from Spain, bringing signif‐ icant benefits to the Spanish economy and society as a whole. Ryanair is committed to con‐ tinuing to grow and develop in Spain and its autonomous communities for many more years to come through collab‐ oration with associated air‐ ports, the government and lo‐ cal tourist organisations, working to reduce access costs

that make Spain attractive to airlines. The company plans to grow to 225 million passengers in 2026 following a strategy that is in line with what its cus‐ tomers are looking for, a greater range of destinations throughout the year and at low prices. Minister of Industry, Com‐ merce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, praised the role of Ryanair in contributing to the connectivity “of Spanish desti‐ nations that were previously off the radar of tourists, such as Girona, Santiago, Malaga, Sevilla or Alicante, among oth‐ ers.”

ECB criticises limit on cash payments A STATEMENT by the Organisa‐ tion of Consumers and Users (OCU) said that the European C e n t r a l B a n k ( EC B ) d o e s n o t agree with Spain’s tax evasion law which limits the amount of cash (€1,000) that can be used for payments as: The limit of €1,000 is dispro‐ portionate. This limitation will have ad‐ verse effects on the legal ten‐ der status of euro banknotes. By significantly reducing the ability of payers to use euros, the freedom of citizens to choose the means of payment is also reduced. The penalty regime laid

down in the law is excessive: the fine of 25 per cent of the amount paid is, in the view of the European Central Bank, too high. In addition to this, cash pay‐ ment is of great importance, especially for certain social groups, which is why the Euro‐ pean Central Bank also makes several points in this respect; Cash is widely accepted. It is fast, and allows transac‐ tions to be settled instantly. It is an always‐available op‐ tion, as it does not require an operational technical infras‐ tructure and related invest‐ ments, issues that need to be

taken into account in situa‐ tions such as power outages or failures of electronic payment systems. It makes it easier for payers to control their own spending. It is the only means of pay‐ ment that does not entail the legal possibility of charging a fee for its use. Cash payment is not subject to daily or weekly payment limits set by banks. According to the ECB “Cash is essential for elderly users, mi‐ grants, the disabled, socially vulnerable citizens and anyone with limited access to digital services.”

Fill your Boots FOUNDED in 1849 as a single chemist shop in Nottingham, Boots grew into the largest pharma‐ cist in the UK with more than 2,000 stores and has changed hands on a num‐ ber of occasions. Currently owned by US‐ based Walgreen, it is known to be up for sale at an expected price of around £6 billion and once again, what is seen as a British institution is in the sights of another American investment company Apollo Global Management, but there appears to be a new play‐ er circling the company. Reports suggest that looking to possibly form an alliance with Apollo is Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani who could, if suc‐ cessful, see the chain ex‐ pand into Asia and the Middle East.

Cryptocurrencies being used more ON April 26, the Bank of Spain published a report explaining how Spaniards and other Europeans have been using cryptocurren‐ cies during the last year. The report concludes that Europeans prefer to use decentralised services a n d u n b a c k e d c r y p t o ‐ a s‐ sets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum possibly as there is less chance of tracing transactions. According to Spain’s Cen‐ tral Bank, more and more money is being spent in Eu‐ ro using crypto‐currency and during the period un‐ der review, with a total of €845 billion it is now con‐ siderably greater than in Canada and the USA. One surprising statistic revealed that contrary to general opinion, just 1 per cent of transactions ap‐ peared to involve illegal ac‐ tivities.

34 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022



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COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) 3I Group 1.314,00 1.332,00 Abrdn 187,05 189,70 Admiral Group 2.507,0 2.540,0 Anglo American 3.443,0 3.547,5 Antofagasta 1.532,50 1.558,50 Ashtead Group 4.177,0 4.360,0 Associated British Foods 1.606,0 1.621,5 AstraZeneca 10.594,0 10.660,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 629,20 631,80 Avast 569,20 571,20 Aveva 2.030,0 2.066,0 Aviva 430,80 435,20 B&M European Value Retail SA490,80 497,40 BAE Systems 732,77 736,20 Bank VTB DRC 1,000 1,000 Barclays 146,84 148,32 Barratt Developments 495,10 502,00 Berkeley 4.065,0 4.092,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.684,00 2.730,00 BP 383,50 387,95 British American Tobacco 3.329,0 3.350,0 British Land Company 510,60 515,40 BT Group 179,10 182,10 Bunzl 3.081,0 3.093,0 Burberry Group 1.571,5 1.583,5 Carnival 1.258,5 1.294,0 Centrica 80,04 80,66 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.632,0 1.656,0 Compass 1.695,00 1.704,00 CRH 3.170,5 3.252,5 Croda Intl 7.792,0 7.860,0 DCC 5.988,0 6.014,0 Diageo 3.983,5 4.009,5 DS Smith 326,30 330,00 EasyJet 561,20 571,80 Experian 2.813,0 2.842,0 Ferguson 10.000,0 10.255,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.028,0 8.182,0 Fresnillo 758,00 780,33 GlaxoSmithKline 1.807,80 1.811,80 Glencore 489,55 492,80 Halma 2.439,0 2.463,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 941,20 955,60 Hikma Pharma 2.024,00 2.043,00 HSBC 491,70 502,10 IAG 143,40 145,62 Imperial Brands 1.637,25 1.666,50 Informa 572,80 578,60 InterContinental 5.198,0 5.240,0

% CHG. 1.300,00 187,00 2.492,0 3.429,5 1.513,50 4.176,0 1.591,5 10.516,0 622,00 562,20 1.895,5 428,70 487,40 717,20 1,000 142,34 493,00 4.008,0 2.672,50 378,40 3.268,5 508,20 178,45 3.073,0 1.554,0 1.258,5 78,88 1.605,0 1.678,00 3.163,5 7.668,0 5.928,0 3.952,0 324,20 559,60 2.770,0 9.990,0 7.882,0 752,47 1.781,20 482,50 2.422,0 937,40 1.992,50 489,45 141,66 1.627,50 572,00 5.104,0

NET VOL 1,09M 2,55M 142,29K 2,43M 489,45K 561,49K 623,72K 987,51K 427,52K 132,32K 393,26K 2,16M 1,76M 5,71M 0 34,90M 986,01K 108,48K 1,97M 19,17M 1,92M 406,38K 5,28M 238,04K 350,17K 362,01K 3,10M 1,33M 591,82K 283,41K 102,54K 39,15K 1,39M 1,20M 1,06M 481,29K 285,29K 220,31K 163,08K 4,35M 19,08M 298,87K 268,10K 193,25K 14,69M 10,31M 887,58K 1,25M 170,24K



Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

1.522,00 5.038,0 73,80 227,10 1.870,5 754,60 249,40 46,10 7.844,0 773,20 115,25 1.460,00 1.228,00 223,30 5.952,0 1,89 915,00 2.100,0 603,40 999,60 6.202,0 2.418,00 548,00 611,80 5.637,0 82,38 0,60 729,00 1.266,50 0,0453 2.830,0 885,00 1.365,50 3.164,0 2.173,0 1.313,50 1.456,50 12.090,0 1.866,50 1.274,00 542,00 127,55 272,20 228,80 3.656,5 1.165,50 126,84 2.835,0 983,60


% CHG.


1.544,50 5.062,0 74,80 235,50 1.897,0 762,20 251,20 47,41 8.010,0 774,00 117,95 1.487,25 1.228,50 226,40 6.042,0 1,89 957,40 2.128,0 604,60 1.012,00 6.218,0 2.424,00 550,40 616,80 5.736,0 84,88 0,60 731,20 1.281,50 0,0453 2.922,0 902,60 1.371,00 3.169,0 2.188,5 1.321,50 1.466,50 12.190,0 1.868,50 1.309,00 561,40 129,25 275,20 232,80 3.656,5 1.167,50 127,00 2.891,0 990,40

1.513,50 4.982,0 73,20 222,60 1.850,0 752,60 248,10 45,80 7.812,0 772,20 113,25 1.455,00 1.194,00 222,30 5.902,0 1,89 910,00 2.078,0 600,20 996,20 6.102,0 2.379,00 533,60 602,60 5.615,0 82,18 0,60 713,80 1.264,50 0,0453 2.828,0 882,80 1.355,00 3.113,0 2.119,0 1.286,00 1.453,50 11.815,0 1.834,50 1.270,00 524,47 125,70 269,10 226,50 3.564,0 1.142,50 125,74 2.790,0 978,80

1,12M 119,95K 4,71M 7,86M 256,29K 390,64K 5,29M 104,91M 194,00K 543,76K 17,01M 837,71K 2,50M 6,99M 111,81K 0 1,20M 626,00K 385,74K 2,48M 419,83K 1,12M 2,03M 1,21M 1,99M 24,47M 0 746,36K 7,90K 0 603,57K 1,53M 638,30K 140,20K 6,05M 1,39M 489,29K 77,64K 760,00K 1,45M 1,65M 5,48M 7,31M 1,32M 1,86M 410,80K 38,96M 1,27M 3,51M



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0505 Japan yen (JPY)........................................137.57 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0222 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4421 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................9.8759 • Tel: +34 966 265 072 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 145,35 178,32 235,25 160,46 151,98 203,91 155,57 49,70 65,45 66,75 313,25 306,07 186,76 135,88 45,98 183,12 121,80 251,64 87,94 284,79 124,16 161,49 180,56 173,10 517,51 49,12 220,72 44,49 155,31 113,49

CHANGE 146,16 180,78 242,91 161,11 156,76 207,69 157,68 49,76 65,63 68,04 317,60 306,84 188,22 136,85 46,09 183,49 123,17 252,30 88,32 287,61 125,24 162,07 182,82 175,00 519,59 49,17 224,93 44,90 155,91 116,00

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 144,19 456,28K 177,61 359,59K 233,34 2,16M 158,93 25,87M 150,58 2,73M 202,29 1,53M 154,93 1,11M 49,20 3,65M 64,51 5,21M 66,50 970,41K 312,41 319,34K 303,08 600,11K 186,23 378,51K 134,87 590,10K 45,65 4,51M 181,93 1,49M 121,51 2,38M 248,08 715,93K 85,46 4,75M 281,46 7,03M 122,60 1,52M 159,28 1,63M 179,81 2,31M 172,18 130,74K 515,48 335,05K 48,57 4,97M 219,67 2,82M 44,18 754,32K 154,14 773,52K 113,07 3,79M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+184.29% +88.33% +45.68% +29.60% +22.30% +20.32% +20.97% +20.07% +18.52% +16.98% +15.68%

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-98.05% -46.93% -46.39% -27.18% -25.59% -23.67% -22.00% -20.45% -20.52% -20.14% -19.97%

1.72K 2.31M 24.31M 507.30K 1.14M 52.95K 1.27M 4.36M 1.10M 784.33K 208.76K

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36 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

Currency outlook: War in Ukraine and central bank rate speculation drives currency volatility

ASK THE EXPERT Peter Loveday Contact me at

Euro EUR/GBP: Unchanged at £0.83 EUR/USD: Down from $1.10 to $1.09 The euro trended broadly lower over the past month, with ongoing concerns over the war in Ukraine infusing considerable volatility into the single currency, due to the Eurozone economy’s vulnerability to the conflict. At one point this allowed EUR exchange rates to spike on reports of ‘constructive’ progress being made in peace talks and hopes for a face-toface meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. However, these hopes were almost immediately scuppered, following reports of alleged atrocities committed by Russian troops in the town of Bucha, prompting the euro to shed most of its gains as Zelensky suggested this would make future negotiations difficult. The pressure on the single currency was then reinforced by the European Central Bank (ECB), which struck a disappointingly cautious tone in the wake of its latest policy meeting. Looking ahead, the situation in Ukraine will no doubt continue to act as a key catalyst for the euro in the coming weeks. This could leave the euro

EURO: The pressure on the single currency was reinforced by the European Central Bank.

exposed to further losses so long as peace talks remain at an impasse. Pound GBP/EUR: Unchanged at €1.20 GBP/USD: Down from $1.32 to $1.30 The pound was also infused with some volatility as a result of the war in Ukraine as an uneven market mood unsettled the increasingly risk-sensitive currency. GBP investors grew increasingly concerned by the war’s impact on the UK economy, amid fears a prolonged conflict could further stoke global inflationary pressures and exacerbate the UK’s cost-of-living crisis. A hotter-than-expected inflation print offered some support to Sterling in mid-April, however these gains proved short lived amidst uncertainty

over the Bank of England’s (BoE) next interest rate hike. There are growing doubts over whether the BoE will follow through with a fourth consecutive rate hike in May, amidst fears the UK could be at risk of a recession this year, Elsewhere the pound’s gains have been stifled by UK political developments after Boris Johnson was issued a fine by the police for breaking lockdown rules in the ‘partygate’ scandal. Going forward the primary focus for GBP investors will be on the BoE’s next policy decision, with the pound poised to slump if the bank ultimately opts to stay its hand in May. US Dollar USD/GBP: Up from $0.75 to $0.76 USD/EUR: Up from €0.90 to €0.91


The US dollar trended broadly higher through April, with demand for the safe-haven currency being underpinned by a prevailing risk-off mood. The cautious mood was driven by both uncertainty over the situation in Ukraine as well as concerns over strict Covid lockdowns implemented in parts of China and the potential knock-on impact on the global economy. Also bolstering the US dollar in recent weeks has been hawkish Federal Reserve interest rate expectations. A continued surge in inflation and some hawkish comments from numerous Fed policymakers helped to solidate expectations that the US central bank will pursue a series of aggressive interest rate hikes in the coming months. However, it hasn’t all been plain sailing for the US dollar, with the inversion of the US yield curve triggering concerns the US economy could fall into a recession at some point over the next couple of years. In the meantime however, the US dollar looks well positioned to extend its current bullish momentum, with an expected half-per cent Fed rate hike in May and ongoing concerns over the war in Ukraine likely to underpin demand for the ‘greenback’ in the near-term. Currencies Direct have helped over 325,000 customers save on their currency transfers since 1996. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch or give us a call to find out more about how you can save money on your currency transfers.

Visit us at our Spanish offices in Costa del Sol, Costa Almeria, North Costa Blanca and South Costa Blanca. Telephone UK +44 (0) 207 847 9400 SPAIN +34 950 478 914 • Email •

BUSINESS EXTRA Algerian warning ON Wednesday April 27, the Algerian govern‐ ment warned Spain that if it supplied any Algeri‐ an gas to Morocco, it would terminate sup‐ plies gaining a response from Spain’s energy minister saying that it would not sell Algerian gas. Spain also imports gas from France, Qatar and Nigeria.

Inflation down PRELIMINARY figures released by Spain’s Na‐ tional Statistics Institute for April show that in‐ flation has dropped from last month’s 9.8 per cent to 8.4 per cent, thanks mainly to lower fuel and electricity prices. The Spanish gov‐ ernment is subsidising diesel and petrol costs until July.

NEW ONLINE BETTING COMPANY GIBRALTAR had no option oth‐ er than to follow the lead of the United Kingdom and ac‐ cept the obligation to leave the European Union following the Brexit vote. There are a number of rea‐ sons why this appeared a poor result for the Gibraltarians, not the least being that having worked hard to shrug off its perceived position as a tax haven, it had attracted a num‐ ber of overseas gaming compa‐ nies to invest there. A number decided to either leave completely or reduce their presence on the Rock and move to what they expected to be easier EU locations such as Malta. Now however, one company founded just six years ago in the UK and said to be worth billions, sports entertainment b u s i n e s s DA Z N h a s c h o s e n

DAZN has partnered with major sporting stars.

Gibraltar‐based Pragmatic Group to partner with and un‐ der an exclusive, multi‐year agreement, a new business headquartered in Gibraltar will launch and operate a new bet‐ ting service under the DAZN

BET brand. According to the broadcast‐ er, responding to what DAZN customers say they want and the trend towards recreational in‐play betting, over the next few years the partnership will develop a fun, convenient, and integrated experience for ca‐ sual bettors to enjoy alongside DAZN’s live sports streaming. S h a y S e g e v , C EO o f DA Z N Group, said, “The convergence of sports media and betting is the future. This historic part‐ nership brings together the leading sports media company and a technology partner who is committed to developing in‐ novative experiences for fans. “It underscores DAZN’s com‐ mitment to revitalise the sports viewing experience by offering a broader spectrum of digital entertainment for fans.”

Legal tender ON April 27, the president’s office in the Central African Republic (CAR) an‐ nounced that it has adopted bitcoin as legal tender alongside the CFA France. The CAR which is one of the poorest countries in Africa is now the second country in the world to officially recog‐ nise the bitcoin following the earlier decision by El Salvador in Central America. With a single bitcoin currently trad‐ ing at just over €37,400, it is question‐ able how helpful this decision will be for ordinary people in the country, al‐ though some members of the elite may find that moving large amounts of money across the internet is attractive.

Checks delayed FOR the fourth time since Brexit, the UK government has delayed introducing checks on EU goods entering the UK (which were finally due to begin in July) until 2023, over fears it will cause disrup‐ tion at ports and increase delays and in‐ flation.


5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 37

TV & Film Review by Laura Kemp

LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT THIS piece is dedicated mainly to those crying into their herbal teas over the UK government’s decision to ship the rubber boat immigrants to Rwanda. This week I received a link from a black lady living in the north of England. Her son has just resigned his position as chef at a local hotel; one of scores allocated to immigrants from Afghanistan. Apparently he had become so upset by the constant racist and rude remarks from the ‘guests’ that he finally decided he would simply have to relinquish his position. His Mum, visibly upset on the link, then went on to explain that almost without exception, most Afghans are arrogant racists and will not even sit down with any local councillor who is black! They also refuse to have their food served by anyone black or allow black cleaners to tidy their rooms. Those in this same hotel recently complained that their television sets were too small and all rooms subsequently had their TVs exchanged for 42 inch screens.

Hotels On arrival they are each issued with prepaid cards containing £1,000 and mobile phones. They are all signed on, given job seekers allowance and many are signed up for brand new houses. And as if this wasn’t enough, they are repaying the generosity of the British people by showing no respect whatsoever and virtually trashing these hotels with damage that could ultimately cost the taxpayer millions. I also received a letter from a gentleman in Eastbourne, East Sussex. He told me that Eastbourne hotels, which charge around £100 a day, are full of these immigrants. Almost beyond belief, once a week large numbers are ferried by 15 or 20 taxis for a free day at David Lloyd’s Health Club, plus a day at a nine‐hole golf club! You really couldn’t make it up. And all this is going on while Britain’s homeless including many ex‐ servicemen are sleeping in doorways! Still think they shouldn’t all be sent to Rwanda? Give us a break. Let us

just hope that the woke bleeding hearts brigade (and leftie money grabbing lawyers) are unable to delay this utterly commendable and absolutely necessary operation for too long. We may as well upset everyone this week. I recently received an e‐mail attachment which showed the transgender winner of a female swimming competition in the USA. This individual was broad shouldered, six feet three in height and heavily muscled. All power however to the female contestants who came second and third. They insisted on calling the girl who came in fourth to join them on the podium for photographs. Well done girls, but the way things are going I’m afraid you’re in one race you will be extremely lucky to win; unless of course the world sport governing organisations decide to use some common sense and label this whole exercise completely illegal. Keep the faith Love Leapy To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes THE fascination with Marilyn Monroe and the details sur‐ rounding her death is still pre‐ sent today, and this Netflix documentary delves a little deeper into the life of the icon‐ ic movie star and her personal conversations with her inner circle. This documentary has a disappointing 41 per cent critic rating and a 21 per cent audi‐ ence rating on Rotten Toma‐ toes, however, I think it is worth a watch for those inter‐ ested in the popular sex sym‐ bol. Monroe’s death in 1962 at the age of just 36 has been a controversial topic over the years, given her close relation‐ ships with President John F Kennedy and his brother Bob‐ by Kennedy. The documentary is the creation of investigative journalist Anthony Summers, following a three‐year investi‐ gation into her death in the 1980s. Summers returns to the investigation and narrates the documentary, which is based on interviews with thousands of people and 650 hours of

recorded audio, which serves as the backbone for the docu‐ mentary. Monroe was known to have kept secrets and, by the time of her death and the height of the Cold War, Mon‐ roe was celebrated as Ameri‐ ca’s most famous ‘dumb blonde’. Just three months af‐ ter the infamous performance at Madison Square Gardens for the President’s birthday, she was found dead. Monroe’s case was officially closed following a botched in‐ vestigation riddled with flawed evidence, inconsistent state‐ ments and a conflicting time‐ line. However, this documen‐ tary debunks the theory that she was murdered after inter‐ views with the ambulance company owner, Walt Schae‐ fer, who claims that she died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. This is a fascinating docu‐ mentary, particularly because of the previously unheard con‐ versations with Marilyn and her closest confidants.


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FRIDAY 06/05

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MONDAY 09/05

SUNDAY 08/05


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11:00pm 4:45pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Antiques Road Trip The Bidding Room Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show EastEnders MasterChef Gordon Ramsay's Future Food Stars


BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show Born Deaf, Raised Hearing - Our Lives A Question of Sport Here We Go Have I Got News for You The Other One

3:20pm 4:20pm 5:15pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Final Score Garden Rescue BBC News BBC London News; Weather Weather The Hit List Celebrity Catchpoint Celebrity Mastermind Pointless Celebrities Casualty Mrs. Brown's Boys


Dodger Blue Planet II: Oceans of Wonder BBC News BBC London News; Weather Weather Countryfile British Academy Television Awards Antiques Roadshow Gentleman Jack

10:15am 10:45am 11:15am

Garden Rescue The Bidding Room Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather EastEnders Panorama The Airport: Back in the Skies The Split


Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show EastEnders DIY SOS: The Big Build Freeze the Fear with Wim Hof BBC News at Ten


Garden Rescue The Bidding Room Pointless BBC News at Six; Weather BBC London News; Weather The One Show EastEnders The Repair Shop The Great British Sewing Bee

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5:15pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Murder, Mystery and My Family Wild UK Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Great Continental Railway Journeys Paul Merson: A Walk Through My Life


Money for Nothing Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B MOTDx Beechgrove Gardeners' World The Terror: Infamy The Terror: Infamy

8:00pm 8:45pm

The Great British Sewing Bee Live Women's Challenge Cup Into the Woods: Stage to Screen Meryl Streep: Talking Pictures Live Challenge Cup Rugby League BBC Young Dancer 2022 TOTP: Story of 1997 TOTP: Biggest Hits 1997


Beechgrove Landward Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Match of the Day Live Equestrian Attenborough's Ark: Natural World Special Planet Earth: A Lion's Tale Planet Earth II: A World of Wonder Eden: Untamed Planet

10:45am 11:15am

Murder, Mystery and My Family Wild UK Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Rick Stein's Secret France Britain's Top Takeaway Fergal Keane: Living with PTSD


James Martin: Home Comforts Murder, Mystery and My Family Wild UK Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Rick Stein's Secret France Britain's Top Takeaway


Britain in Bloom Murder, Mystery and My Family Interior Design Masters Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games My Unique B&B Time to Eat with Nadiya Between the Covers Britain's Top Takeaway DNA Family Secrets


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8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

11:00pm 12:00am 1:20am

Johnny Kingdom - A Year on Exmoor Return to Pembrokeshire Farm The RKO Story: Tales from Hollywood Top Hat The Gay Divorcee Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers: Talking Pictures Johnny Kingdom - A Year on Exmoor

3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:30pm

Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Controlled By My Partner? The Hidden Abuse - Tonight DI Ray

3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm

Ella Fitzgerald Sings Folk America at the Barbican TOTP: 1992 TOTP: 1992 Nina Simone & Me with Laura Mvula Billie: In Search of Billie Holiday Louis Armstrong in Concert Jazz Piano Gold

2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street It'll Be Alright on the Night

3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm

A History of Ancient Britain Rick Stein's Long Weekends Beck Vikings Wogan: The Best Of Yes, Prime Minister Keeping Up Appearances The Terror The Terror The Terror

2:44pm 2:45pm 4:25pm 4:55pm 5:55pm

ITV London Weather The Flintstones You've Been Framed! Tipping Point: Lucky Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special ITV News and Weather ITV News London In for a Penny Romeo & Duet Britain's Got Talent The 1% Club

4:40pm 5:40pm

Landward Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Match of the Day Live Equestrian Attenborough's Ark: Natural World Special Planet Earth: A Lion's Tale Planet Earth II: A World of Wonder Eden: Untamed Planet

2:14pm 2:15pm 4:15pm

10:30am 1:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm

7:30pm 7:45pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm

ITV London Weather Midsomer Murders The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas In for a Penny The Chase: Celebrity Special ITV News and Weather ITV News London Tipping Point: Lucky Stars Grace ITV News and Weather

Return to Pembrokeshire Farm Winter Walks Earth From Space Brian Cox's Adventures in Space and Time The Sky at Night Missions Missions Missions Horizon: Volcanoes of the Solar System

2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Games

3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm

Return to Pembrokeshire Farm Walking with Kate Garraway Keeping Up Appearances Yes, Prime Minister Expedition Volcano Your Mum and Dad: A Devastating Truth Storyville Dame Kelly: The Power of Parkrun - Our Lives

2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm


ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Martin Clunes: Islands of Australia The Games

Return to Pembrokeshire Farm Walking with Shappi Khorsandi The Story of Scottish Art England's Forgotten Queen: The Life and Death of Lady Jane Grey WWI's Secret Shame: Shell Shock Mission: Joy The Sky at Night

2:30pm 2:55pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:59pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Dickinson's Real Deal Tenable ITV London Weather Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Games

3:10pm 4:00pm 5:00pm


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6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Secret Spenders: Beat the Price Rises Taskmaster


Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Richard Hammond's Crazy Contraptions Gogglebox


A Place in the Sun Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke Channel 4 News VE Day in Colour: Britain's Biggest Party A Lake District Farm Shop Devon and Cornwall The Personal History of David Copperfield

1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm

Sunday Brunch The Simpsons The Simpsons Heineken Champions Cup Rugby Union Devon and Cornwall The Andrew Neil Show Channel 4 News Escape to the Chateau Inside the Superbrands SAS: Who Dares Wins Gogglebox

2:45pm 3:45pm 3:50pm 4:45pm 5:45pm 5:50pm 7:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Food Unwrapped Dispatches The Spy Who Died Twice

3:15pm 5:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer Derry Girls

3:15pm 5:00pm

Countdown A Place in the Sun The Great House Giveaway Sun, Sea and Selling Houses The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Great Home Transformation Grand Designs


6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 9:58pm 10:00pm

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6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:55pm 9:00pm 9:58pm 10:00pm

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Spring Gardening with Carol Klein 5 News Update Nick Knowles' Big House Clearout 5 News Update Casualty 24/7


Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads TK Maxx: How Do They Do It? 5 News Update Cruising with Susan Calman 5 News Update Lighthouses

6:00am 8:00am

Friends Friends Our Yorkshire Farm Oklahoma! Entertainment News on 5 Oklahoma! Ball & Boe: Back Together Frankie Howerd: In His Own Words Queen: A Rock History

6:30am 8:30am

3 Men and a Baby Entertainment News on 5 3 Men and a Baby Romancing the Stone 5 News Update Romancing the Stone Should I Buy An Electric Car? Wetherspoons: How Do They Do It?! Happy Campers: Brits on Holiday

9:30am 10:00am 11:00am

The Obsession Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Police Interceptors 5 News Update M1: Keeping Britain Moving 5 News Update Inside the Force: 24/7


The Daughter Stalker Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Dogs With Extraordinary Friends 5 News Update The Yorkshire Vet Jay Blades: The Streets That Made Me

8:30am 9:00am

Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 5 News at 5 Neighbours Eggheads Secrets of the Fast Food Giants 5 News Update Police Interceptors 5 News Update Madeleine McCann: The New Suspect

8:30am 9:00am

8:30am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 11:15pm

8:30am 9:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 11:15pm

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11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 8:00pm 11:45pm

10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 8:00pm 11:00pm

Good Morning Sports Fans Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Live PGA Tour Golf Live European Tour Golf Sky Sports News Live EFL Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Good Morning Sports Fans Early Kick-Off Live Super Rugby The Football Show Live PGA Tour Golf Live European Tour Golf Sky Sports News Live EFL Live Formula 1 Live Super Rugby Good Morning Sports Fans Live Super Rugby Live: Suncorp Netball My Icon: Thierry Henry Live EFL Live European Tour Golf Live: SNF Live Formula 1 Live Ted's Quali Notebook Goals on Sunday Goals on Sunday Super Sunday Matchday Live WSL Live Renault Super Sunday Live Renault Super Sunday Live Formula 1 Live Formula 1 Live Formula 1 Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Live Indian Premier League Live Netball Superleague Live EFL Sky Sports News Sky Sports News Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show The Football Show Sky Sports News Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Live Premier League Premier League Greatest Games Early Kick-Off Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans The Football Show Sky Sports News Raceday Live Live Indian Premier League Live Premier League Sky Sports News

The schedules for the television programme pages are provided by an external company: we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of Euro Weekly News.


5 - 11 May 2022

EWN 39

Vienna International Convention on Consular Relations events CONSULAR MATTERS THE Malaga Consular Body has organised the com‐ memorative events of the Vienna International Con‐ vention on Consular Rela‐ tions signed in 1963. The Consular Body of Malaga is made up of almost 50 ac‐ credited consulates. The Vienna Convention states that consular rela‐

tions have existed between people for centuries and has taken into account the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations relating to the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of peace and security and the promotion of friendly rela‐ tions among nations. The first consular representa‐ tion in Malaga was a com‐ mercial agreement signed in 1641 with Denmark.

PICASSO MUSEUM: One of the events which was held in Malaga.

It seemed evident that an international conven‐ tion on consular relations, privileges and immunities would contribute to the de‐ velopment of friendly rela‐ tions between nations, re‐ gardless of their differences in constitution‐ al and social systems of each country and awarding that the purpose of said privileges and immunities is not to benefit individuals, but to guarantee the con‐ sular offices the effective performance of their func‐ tions on behalf of their re‐ spective countries. Among the commemora‐ tive acts of this 59th an‐ niversary, the Consular Body of Malaga organised an academic conference about the consular func‐ tion for the morning of April 28th 2022, at Law School of Malaga Universi‐ ty where the panelist talked about the diplomatic and consular relations and public international law. Likewise, the Consular Body of Malaga held a cocktail party in the Gar‐

Marisa Moreno Castillo • Consul of Denmark • Senior Lawyer at Just Law Solicitors • •

dens of the Picasso Muse‐ um in Malaga.

In the photo with my col‐ leagues, is the German and

Ukranian general Consuls at the Picasso Museum.

EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.


From our Facebook

UK TV: Gone completely woke.

Hi there How I agree with you about TV in the UK now. I wonder if Barclays Bank have any white customers as their last three adverts were only showing nonwhite actors. Last Sunday we went to Benidorm Palace to see the Manfreds. It was a brilliant show, but I do not expect to see them on UK TV anytime soon as they tick all the wrong boxes - they are elderly, white, male and don’t swear!! Regards Roger

Two points of view How refreshing that at last we are able to read contrasting comments in the Euro Weekly News, for far too long Loopy Lee has been able to air his racist white supremacy capitalist views with little rebuff, but now we appear to have a regular weekly column by Claire Gordon that outlines the vast difference of opi-

nion between extremism and moderation, it’s almost like having the Sun newspaper and the Daily Mirror on the same page. Well done to the editor, now we really can call it the People’s Paper. Ramon

UK has gone woke

Louise Cottrill

Totally agree with Leapy. Been saying this for months. The whole of the UK has gone woke. The adverts on TV are ridiculous. Can’t remember seeing an all white or all black couple depicting the subject of the advert. Why are they overstating a multi race relationship ALL the time? It’s not fact. They are forcing us to believe that is what we MUST do. Of course, there are a few of those relationships, but not the same percentage that these adverts show. Who are the cretins that make these rules up? John



HOW different things might have been if the Conservative Government under David Cameron had had the foresight to implement the election pledge to grant voting rights to all British expatriates living abroad. There could have been time to push through the bill meaning that those who had lived abroad for more than 15 years could have had a part in deciding the most important vote in living memory. One can understand that there is actually a strong argument against those living abroad from voting in general elections as they are not really affected by the results but for the Brexit Referendum, they were and still are intimately involved. The actual limit is arbitrary and has changed from as little as seven years to more than 15 but it was Conservative policy that the time limit should be scrapped

and it supported a private members’ bill to this effect. An estimated 2.3 million Britons live abroad and now following the vote in parliament on April 28, they will all have the right to vote in UK General elections and in 2019, almost 250,000 who had been out of the UK for less than 15 years did so. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a number of those living overseas supported Brexit and for those living outside of the European Union it probably meant little, It is however probably safe to assume that the majority of those living within the 27 member states actually didn’t support Brexit and although it is too late to do anything about it, those affected by the changes are probably a little resentful about their inability to influence such an important change to their lives.


COST OF LIVING: Does it cost you €100 per day in Spain?

Sounds like with this and everything else Spain doesn’t want tourism. Wake up or tourists will be going elsewhere to support those economies.

Jim Fraser €100 per person? Or per family? In actual cash? As people use cards more now or you take out from ATM whilst on holiday, so basically impossible to implement.

Leanne Evans So for a family of four for 14 nights that £5,600. Probably won’t have paid that for the holiday. Ridiculous.

Karen Preece Strange calculation because on that basis you can stay 10 days for what people who live there spend in a month.

Chris McGovern Who on earth decided that you need that amount, is that per person, obviously they don’t want holidaymakers to come. So stupid.

Neil Hutchison I can see holiday firms being inundated with cancellations. In fact I’m booked for October in Mallorca but looking at switching to Greece now.

Neil Hutchison Looks like Spain has too much tourism and wants people to go elsewhere.

At the EWN, we pride ourselves that reports are accurate and fair. If we do slip up, we promise to set the record straight in a clear, no-nonsense manner. To ask for an inaccuracy to be corrected. Email: • 5 - 11 May 2022









44 • 5 - 11 May 2022



46 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

ELON MUSK, the world’s richest man, gets a lot of flak about his wealth and passions (buying Twitter, the latest). People ask: ‘Elon, how about doing something worthwhile?’ Well, what about virtually creating the electric car industry, building a Hyperloop, SpaceX? Not forgetting Starlink, with‐ out which Ukraine communications wouldn’t exist. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk are all products of the US ethos of every‐ thing is possible no matter what class you belong to or what school you went to. Also the big three weren’t focused on making money initially. They wanted to develop products benefiting mankind and started at the bottom against the odds working day and night for virtually nothing, often in the garage. In 2008, facing bankruptcy, Elon put in all the money he possessed because he had a vision of what could be achieved with Tesla and SpaceX ‐



ELON MUSK: He had a vision.

the sign of a true entrepreneur. In the UK, Richard Branson is probably the closest to the big three above. Problem is, the UK doesn’t really en‐ courage thinkers anymore. True, we’ve produced Sir Clive Sinclair, Turing and Berners‐Lee. But we’ve become too cautious and, instead of cheering on those with inventive minds, we often just knock them. Many recoil at the very mention of extreme wealth, but forget that some of the world’s richest people worked hard to acquire it. Bill Gates was per‐ sonally involved with writing the codes which evolved into the software that runs on so many of the world’s com‐ puters. And has given over $50 billion to the Gates Foundation which seeks cures for infectious diseases. Gates and the founders of Amazon, Tesla, Facebook etc are all en‐ trepreneurs who have created, mainly through their own drive and determi‐ nation, substantial and reputable busi‐ nesses serving millions of customers

and employing hundreds of thousands of staff. One hundred and fifty years ago, the list would have been dominat‐ ed by people who inherited their wealth across centuries, originally ac‐ quired by men who waged wars and unleashed barbaric kinds of violence. Speaking of which, can you buy Rus‐ sia and sack Putin, Elon? Nora Johnson’s psychological crime thrillers ‘Death in Windermere’, ‘The Sentinel’, ‘No Safe Place’, ‘Betrayal’, ‘The Girl in the Woods’, ‘The Girl in the Red Dress’, ‘No Way Back’, ‘Landscape of Lies’, ‘Retribution’, ‘Soul Stealer’, ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( ra‐ available online as eBook (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, pa‐ perback and audiobook. All profits to Costa del Sol Cudeca cancer charity. To read more articles from our columnists and to have your say in the comments go to

Nora Johnson’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

48 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022


Retinol for anti-ageing Suffering from toothache

By Clinica Britannia

WE cannot pick or choose what time of the day that throbbing toothache starts or when we suffer a dental accident. With both these issues there comes a point where painkillers stop working, causing the pain to become incessant and debilitating. Female pa‐ tients often say that child‐ birth was much less painful. This is when it is essential to seek the help of a 24‐hour Emergency Dentist. So, what could be the cause of the toothache? There are many dental issues that can cause a throbbing toothache, but the most common are: 1. Dental Cavities. 2. Dental Abscess.

TOOTH PAIN: There can be many reasons.

3. Root Canal Infec‐ tion. 4. Irreversible Pulpitis. 5. Trauma (essential to be repaired within 24 hours) 6. Acute Sinusitis. Most dental emergen‐ cies are however prevent‐ ed with good hygiene. Simple things, such as brushing and flossing the

teeth after every meal, will help keep the mouth healthy. If engaged in contact sports, wear a mouth guard to shield the teeth. Book an appointment with your dentist at least twice a year. Regular check‐up and cleans can help spot any potential is‐ sues that can affect tooth health.

Don’t wait until a dental emergency to contact your dentist. Prevention is better than having to cure a problem created by neglect. Remember dental treatment can be surprisingly cheaper and faster than you think.

YO U may have heard of the importance of retinol in skincare. But do you know what it really is and what it does for our skin? Retinol is vitamin A in its active form. When it pen‐ etrates the skin, it has a whole host of anti‐ageing benefits. Cosmetics containing this active ingredient are used to reduce expression lines and hyperpigmenta‐ tion caused by excessive sun exposure. Retinol helps to reduce marks such as those caused by acne, and also increases the pro‐ duction of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, all of which are substances found in our skin that are depleted over time. It is good for oil regulation and the elimination of dead cells. Retinol‐containing prod‐ ucts usually contain low concentrations to minimise irritation, but this does not make it any less effective. Treatments with pure vita‐

RETINOL: Use on the whole face or just specific areas.

min A can lead to faster re‐ sults, but always require expert supervision. As retinol can cause some redness and irrita‐ tion at first, you may want to apply it at night. It is safe to use during the day‐ time, but it does make your skin more sensitive to the sun and it is extra im‐ portant to use good sun

protection. It takes time for the skin to get used to retinol creams. Start by us‐ ing it once a week or once every few days to see how your skin reacts. You can use it on the whole face or only on specific areas, such as scars or blemishes. If you have any doubts, seek advice from a derma‐ tologist.

50 EWN

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Prevent 7 surprising things that bunions harm your gut bacteria

A BUNION is an unsightly nui‐ sance that tells us we need to make an appointment with a podiatrist. A bunion is a defor‐ mity of the big toe that causes it to point towards the other toes as the result of constant pressure, and it can become inflamed and painful. Bunions are mostly caused by poor biomechanics, the use of inappropriate footwear (high heels or shoes that are too narrow) or diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Be‐ fore the lump or swelling forms around the big toe, there may be persistent dis‐ comfort, and simple, every‐ day actions such as putting on footwear or walking may cause pain. When you visit the podia‐ trist, the specialist will confirm the diagnosis by means of a manual examination of the

foot, X‐rays and an analysis of the way you walk. Once all this has been done, the spe‐ cialist will decide on the most appropriate course of action for the bunions. You can forget about the bandages or supports com‐ monly sold in pharmacies, as they neither eliminate nor correct the problem. Podia‐ trists recommended using special insoles, which can cushion the pain and correct the posture of the foot when you walk, as well as wearing suitable shoes that fit correct‐ ly and have a sturdy sole. Unfortunately, it is practi‐ cally impossible to make a bunion disappear once it has appeared. Only in very severe cases, where the pain is so un‐ bearable that it is impossible to wear shoes or walk normal‐ ly, is surgery recommended.

KEEPING your digestive system hap‐ py is not just about diet. Continue reading to find out seven surprising things that may be harming your gut bacteria without you realising it. Smoking and alcohol Smoking and alcohol influence the variety of microorganisms in our large intestine. These changes can lead to an increase in pathogens, producing in‐ flammation and pain. Lack of exercise Good fitness has been associated with more Akkermansia muciniphila, which has anti‐inflammatory effects and could be used to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes. Antibiotics Antibiotics prevent bacteria from multiplying and have saved millions of lives. However, they affect both good and bad bacteria. They can cause harmful changes in the diversity of gut flora. Stress When under stress, the body releas‐ es cortisol. This hormone affects the

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: There are several things that can cause harm.

smooth muscles of the digestive tract, producing alterations in the large intes‐ tine that affect the intestinal flora and cause inflammation and pain. Poor diet A lack of diversity in gut bacteria slows recovery after exposure to infec‐ tion. A diet rich in whole foods pro‐ vides your gut with a variety of nutri‐ ents that help promote the growth of different types of bacteria. Lack of sleep Your body has its own internal clock,

called the circadian rhythm. It seems that the gut also has a circadian rhythm. Disrupting this through lack of sleep can have harmful effects on gut bacteria and may be linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Travel Making long trips can temporarily af‐ fect our gut bacteria. These disruptions cause certain microorganisms to in‐ crease and others to decrease. Recov‐ ery from this can take up to 48 hours after travelling.

By Clinica Britannia

Most allergies are curable

MY husband always suffers at this time of the year with problems sleeping, he con‐ stantly has a blocked nose, causing him to sniff continuously. It has become so bad I have had to move rooms to get some rest. Could the cause be allergies? Yes, certainly this could be the cause. An allergy starts when the immune system mistakes a normally harmless substance for a dangerous invader(allergen). This causes the immune system to produce antibodies that remain on the alert for that specific al‐ lergen. When exposed to the allergen again, these antibodies release an immune system chemical, causing a reaction. Most allergies are incurable, with their severity ranging from person to person, some suffering minor irritation whilst others can be so highly allergic, that it can be life threatening. Allergy to pollens (hay fever) can cause: • Sneezing and itching of the nose, roof of mouth and eyes. • Blocked and stuffy nose. • Watery, red, or swollen eyes.

SNEEZING: Can be caused by allergies.

Available now is a new non‐invasive test that concretes the allergy. With the results correct medication can be prescribed, re‐ lieving the symptoms. A food allergy can cause you to suffer: • Weight gain, bloating and general feel‐ ing of unwellness. • Swelling of the lips, tongue, face, or throat. • Hives (skin rash). • Anaphylaxis shock (emergency treat‐ ment needed immediately). A simple stool test can easily diagnose the allergy and with the advice of a Nutritionist you will be feeling better within no time at all.

Appointments Landline: 965 837 553 / 965 837 851 • 24H/365D Emergency Number: (+34) 607 255 755 • Opening Times: Mon - Fri: 9:00am / 5:00pm

Clinica Britannia Calpe Av. Ejercitos Españoles 16 BIS, 1st Floor, Calpe


CHOIR FESTIVAL: This event is committed to raising funds for various different charities.

Important music THERE will be two choir concerts, on May 13 and 14, held in Alfaz del Pi as part of this year’s International Choir Festival. This is one of the most important musical events in the region and is known for its commitment to various dif‐ ferent charities. This year, the concerts will be held in aid of AFEM Marina Baixa, an associa‐ tion dedicated to helping people affected by mental illness and their families. The first concert will take place on Friday, May 13, with performances from the Coral Polifónica L’Alfàs Canta, the Agrupación Coral de Benidorm and the Coro Canto Mundial. The second con‐ cert will take place on Saturday, May 14, with a performance from the Coral de la Universitat d’Alacant. Both concerts will be held at the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi. The proceeds from both concerts will be do‐

nated to AFEM Marina Baixa, an association set up in 1997 to defend the rights of people with mental health problems and their families. They currently offer psychological, social and thera‐ peutic support services, coordinate and refer cases to social and health services, and carry out work involving activities such as psychosocial re‐ habilitation and awareness‐raising on mental ill‐ nesses. Tickets cost €7 and can be purchased at the box office of the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi from Monday to Friday between 9am and 2pm, with discounts of €2 for young people and pen‐ sioners. Those who are unable to attend but still wish to donate can do so at the box office of the Casa de Cultura. Even the smallest contribution is greatly appreciated. More information can be found at

5 - 11 May 2022

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5 - 11 May 2022

‘Spring Garden’ concerts THE Roís de Corella Civic Centre in the País Valencià park in Gandia will be hosting the second edition of ‘Spring Garden’, a series of concerts held each Friday throughout May as part of the cultural and leisure ini‐ tiative CulturPop. The concerts will be held on May 6 (Hilari Alonso), 13 (Palabras de Mujer: Aitana Fer‐ rer and Inma Marti), 20 (Virginia Maestro) and 27 (La Ruba) at 8.30pm in a beautiful setting. There is a wide range of musical styles, with Hilari Alonso’s music with its Valencian roots, the latest work from the Gandia band La Ruba, a compilation of po‐ ems, ‘Paraules de Dona’ (‘Women’s Words’), by Valencian writers and the unique voice of the winner of Operación Triunfo 2008, Virginia Maestro. The concerts are being held as part of the Gandia Town Hall’s objectives to diversify cultural spaces and to be able to offer

VALENCIA PARK: Will host the event.

events in different neighbourhoods. The concerts will be free of charge, although space is limited (450‐500 people). There is no need to register in advance and people will be welcomed until full ca‐ pacity is reached.

Xalonia festival XALONIA is a yearly festival for the promotion of local commerce and culture that turns Jalon into the cultural epicentre of the Marina Alta. This year will be the festival’s 10th anniversary, and there will be concerts, culture, com‐ merce, sports, gastronomy and children’s entertain‐ ment. The highlight of the festival will begin at 11pm on Satur‐ day, May 14, when Jalon will vibrate to the rhythm of the best rock music by Auxili, Diluvi, Mo’Roots and Nonai Sound. Tickets can be bought on‐ line at

Promoting local culture.

The first 500 tickets sold will have a reduced price of €8. More information can be found at Xalonia.


Europe Day THE town hall of Teulada has organised a programme of a wide range of activities in collaboration with various local associations to cele‐ brate Europe Day, held every year on May 5 by the Council of Europe and May 9 by the European Union. The day is a celebration of peace and uni‐ ty in Europe. According to the councillor for International Relations, Sara Richardson, “Europe Day is a special day to affirm our European spirit and strengthen political and so‐ cial ties between countries, now more than ever. In Teu‐ lada Moraira, we have a large international popula‐ tion and this is a good occa‐ sion for us all to come to‐ gether, to celebrate and enjoy our diversity.” On Saturday, May 7, from 12pm to 7pm, there will be live music from the band Pa‐ cific Blue, a drinks bar pro‐ vided by the Festeros de la Font Santa 2022, a giant paella, stands selling interna‐ tional food and games for children.


Altea Tapas Route F R O M May 6 to 15, Altea will host its Tapas Route, a gastronomic event involving 18 local establish‐ ments that will be offering a range of different options to showcase the many agricultural products of the area. Locally produced top‐ quality products such as beans, or‐ anges, tomatoes, onions and aubergines will form the basis of the tapas on offer to locals or tourists who visit the event. The 18 establishments taking part in this year’s Tapas Route are: La Taverneta del Gos, Bon Vent, Bar Pizzería il Bandito, El Carnicero Lo‐ co, El Austríaco, La Cañata, Casa Vi‐ tal, E‐Tika, Momentos By Nola, Plan B, Palau, Bistro Shabby Chic, La Clau, Café Paradise, Asambra, Melitón Jardín, Eucaliptus and Bar Cafetería Ángela. As well as trying the delicious tapas, visitors who have been to and received stamps from at least four establishments and have also voted will have the opportunity to take part in a prize draw that has a range of exciting prizes up for grabs. They will need to fill in their details on the official Tapas Route leaflet and place it in the ballot box at one of the restaurants or at the municipal

TAPAS ROUTE: Offering a range of products.

Department of Commerce, on the ground floor of the town hall. Vot ‐ ing can also be done through the Gastroeventos app. The prize draw will be public and will take place on Ràdio Altea. The Gastroeventos app will also provide other information, including the locations of the participating es‐ tablishments and images of the tapas.

5 - 11 May 2022

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Twice-told tales AT t h e n e x t e v e n t o r ‐ ganised by the Javea Book Circle, to be held on Tuesday, May 10, at the Social Centre in Javea, the chairperson Huw Griffith and the committee member Jean Hilder will discuss Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath and the re‐ cent novel by Australian a u t h o r Ka r e n B r o o k s , The Good Wife of Bath, which goes to show how a story can be retold very differently from its original. Chaucer’s tale needs no introduction. Brooks’ work is billed as a “fun‐ ny, picaresque, clever retelling” of the tale, of‐ fering “a cutting assess‐ ment of what happens when male power is left to run unchecked.” Brooks gives “a maligned character her own voice, and allows her to tell her own (mostly) true story.” The New York Journal of Books calls it a “satis‐

BOOK CIRCLE: Where people share their love of reading.

fying, page‐turning nov‐ el” whose protagonist “rewrites history into herstory.” Members are welcome to provide oth‐ er examples of twice‐ told tales. The Javea Book Circle was founded in the late 1980s by an intrepid group of book lovers from different countries and backgrounds who had settled in the Mari‐ na Alta area and who wished to share their

love of reading with fel‐ low bibliophiles. They debate books, authors, poets, themes and peri‐ ods in literature. Those looking for activities in Javea are welcome to go along for an evening, join their conversation and see what makes them different. For more information, visit xabia, email xabiabookcircle2021@g or call Erica on 634 348 090.


CATS are quite good at keeping themselves clean, however, from time‐to‐time they will need to be bathed properly ‐ but how do you do this without stressing out your feline friend and getting scratched in the pro‐ cess? Choose the right time Choose a time when your cat will be most

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Scratch-free bathing calm, play for a while beforehand to tire them out a bit, making them more relaxed and easier to control. Trim claws and brush

KEEPING CLEAN: From time to time cats will need to be bathed.

Advertising Feature

Five tips on caring for older dogs ALTHOUGH offering all our love and enhanced care, our dog is very important and it helps them live better. The truth is that the longevity of our pet is largely related to its breed, weight and size. In fact, dogs with greater weight and size, as a general rule, tend to live less years than small dogs. Also breed, diet, ge‐ netics and environment have an impact on a dog’s life ex‐ pectancy. Although veterinary medicine has extended the lives of dogs, with the right combination of attention and preventive care, it is important to incorporate some strategies . 1. Watch your dog’s diet. Mature dogs often have food issues, including problems chewing, lack of appetite, obesity and diges‐ tive difficulties. 2. Exercise your dog’s body. Like people, ageing dogs experi‐ ence pain and have difficulty performing physical activities they used to enjoy, but exercise continues to be imperative to their health and mind. 3. Dental hygiene is particularly crucial. Regular brushing and professional cleaning can prevent dental disease. 4. Visit the vet more often. Take your dog in for a vet checkup at least twice a year. Monitor changes in behaviour, appetite, weight loss or gain, dental issues, and any lumps or lesions and bring them to your vet’s attention. 5. Make your house comfortable for an old dog. Keep food and water in areas they can easily reach, heated beds can allevi‐ ate painful joints in case colder days, avoid sliding floor and use ramps to get into the car. In Costablanca Norte: Anicura Marina Baixa Hospital Veterinario

fur Cat claws should be trimmed regularly and before a bath is a great time, meaning you are less likely to get scratched. Brushing your cat’s fur will get rid of any loose hair and matted fur ahead of bathing. Use a rubber bath mat and fill the tub Use a rubber bath mat to prevent your kit‐ ty from slipping and then fill the bath with lukewarm water. Gently lower your cat into the bath and wet their fur using a jug or a cup ‐ avoid the ears, eyes and nose as these are sensi‐ tive. Lather up Use five‐parts water and one‐part shampoo that is suitable for your cat’s type of fur. Start from the head and gen‐ tly massage the sham‐ poo in, moving down the body. To wash the face, gently use a damp cloth. Rinse away Be sure to rinse your cat thoroughly as any leftover dirt or residue will irritate their skin. Dry

Use a towel to dry the fur and make sure you are in a warm place that allows their body

to warm up and contin‐ ue drying off. Treats Treats are very impor‐

tant for your cat to start associating getting bathed with receiving treats!

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5 - 11 May 2022 POOL SERVICES



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5 - 11 May 2022 TV & SATELLITE

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WASHING MACHINE BROKEN? Call Bluesky Repairs for ALL your domestic appliance repairs. 626 430 671 (Whatsapp) (287254)


BUILDING SERVICES BUILDER, ARCHITECT, NEW HOUSES, EXTENSIONS, PLANNING PERMISSIONS, 747 438 225 (295169) CONSTRUCTION Small to big Projects. Feel great at home. Call 657 933 356 (295557)

BUY & SELL PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) I BUY RECORDS 50’s to the 90’s. Best prices for good records. Tel: 622 750 117 / 962 851 809 (295668)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161


CHARITY EL CAMPELLO CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY - Life and Family Sunday Service in English at 10.00 a.m. and a Spanish Service at 11.45am. C / San Bartolomé 35 bajo, No.6 w w w. e l c a m p e l l o c h r i s t i a n For more information call Juan Zuniga – 686 203 183 (Spanish) or Sue Bishop - 610 63 94 26 (English) THE SALVATION ARMY English Speaking Church of Denia Worship Service. Sunday 10:30 am Followed by a time of Fellowship Everyone is welcome. Come as you are! For more information: Dieter Zimmerer +34 698 609 658 or


Barbara Zimmerer +34 652 319 810 Email dieterzimmer, www.cen (10008) and on Facebook VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, particularly Spanish speakers for interpreter service, and car owners. Tel President 607 387 040, Welfare 607 386 964, Interpreters 607 385 842, Equipment 663 495 396. We are an English speaking charity that assists residents and tourists of all nationalities in times of crisis, we also organise social events for members. We meet every Thursday at 10.30 in Jose Llorca Social Centre C. Goya s/n. Benidorm. It is opposite the Foietes Car Park where there is a Wednesday market. Everyone welcome. It is 400m from Benidorm tram station and on bus routes 1 and 8. We loan out mobility and medical equipment including oxygen concentrators on a short-term basis. (288658)

CHURCHES English church in Benidorm – check out our website http://www.en (292088)


COMPUTERS COMPUTER REPAIRS – Laptops/PCs Qualified Technician –648 065 224 No Call Out Charge No Fix No Fee (290467)

ELECTRICIAN MB ELECTRICS. Approved electrician. Any electrical repair. Iberdrola paperwork. Affordable prices. Miquel 655 282 175 (291516)

FOR SALE/WANTED WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)

FUNERALS CREMATION plan. 2575 euros. One-time payment. Full paperwork. Call 747 438 225. (295351)


GARDEN MAINTENANCE Palm pruning & treatments. Palm & tree removal. Garden & plot clearance. CHANDLER GARDENS. Facebook & Instagram. +34 634 716 703 (292071) GARDEN Service Design, clean & Maintenance. Enjoy your garden. Call 657 933 356 (295557)



HEALTH & BEAUTY CHIROPODIST/PODIATRIST, Philip Mann, clinics in Benissa, Moraira, Javea, Calpe and Albir. 686 912 307 (245054)

WIGS WWW.WIGS-R—US.ES Indoor Market Rincon de Loix, Benidorm. Monday-Saturday 10-3. We also have Scrunchies, Extensions, Ponytails. Catalogue orders. Private appointments after 3pm. 681 049 502 (294518)

If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161 INSURANCE

5 - 11 May 2022 •


INSURANCE FED UP OF NOT BEING SENT YOUR RENEWAL? CUT YOUR INSURANCE COSTS AND STILL HAVE 100% COVER. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST WITH SOS INSURANCE. WE CAN EVEN INSURE YOU FOR UPTO A €1,000 OF WATERLOSS. CALL 686 116 297 (WHATSAPP TOO) OR VISIT www.sosin or email tracey@sosinsu (295679) B E N E F I C I A L INSURANCE SERVICES. Car, Home, Business, Travel, Life, Funeral, all insurances available. Policies in English. BEST rates, covers & service. Immediate q u o t e s . Te l 9 6 1 1 2 9 2 1 5 /

622 275 561, (WhatsApp) info@beneficialinsurancein or visit for online quote. (295006) MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could s ave a s m u c h a s 3 0 % a n d you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726) STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.abbey

LAND FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE near Lliber. 4000sqm of terraced south facing land.Electricity on site water nearby. This is not a building plot. €20,000 ono. Tel: 619 074 700 (295524)

LAWYER/SOLICITORS SOLICITOR. CRIMINAL LAW, drug cases, Private investigations, debt collection. 30 years’ experience. Mob 747 438 225 office 865 970 274 (295578)


o ffe r a n e xc e l l e n t s e r v i c e with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)

PAINTERS/DECORATORS DECORATORS W.D. GILMOUR. Painter & Decorator. Established 35 years in Moraira. ESTIMATES FREE. Call William on 609 691 776 or 966 490 602 (294549)

A+ Occasions showroom Peter Zwaan Motorbikes, Suzuki Bandit, 1200cc, 2004, 17.000 kms, Euro 4.200,= www.CostaBlancaMotorbikes. com (292070)


RETIRED couple looking for long term rental in La Marina Baixa – prefer two beds. Needed urgently – call Janice on 0044 7736 251 800 (279523)


WE have buyers for Villas in Denia. Contact André on 629 185 343 Stirling Ackroyd (295312)


NEED YOUR PETS TAKEN CARE OF? Not kennels, just a friendly home. Large fenced area. 699 790 080 Altea (291399) AUTO BASTIAN mobile mechanic. Tel 608 860 725. (293479) WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorb i ke , h o m e a n d c o m p a ny f l e e t i n s u ra n c e . S i n c e w e started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to




EWN 61

XXX RELAXATION Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE.

XXX CLUB SWINGERS Benidorm Visit (292059)


BENIDORM and surrounding areas. Two-man removal. 678 067 163 (288644) MAN & VAN for hire, cheap & reliable. Jalon Valley & surrounding area. Call/Whatsapp 636 100 873 (295642)

ROLLER SHUTTERS ROLLER SHUTTER REPAIRS, awnings, motors, mosquito blinds. Calpe + 50 kms. Telephone: 659 464 992 www. (293808)

SATELLITE SYSTEMS Q U A L I F I E D British Satellite Engineer. Same day service. All work guaranteed. Call TV Steve 617 911 118 (287255)

SITUATIONS VACANT PORTER required, low part time , flexible non regular hours. Clean driving licence essential. Needs to be strong , team player and not afraid of hard work - previo u s p a c k i n g a n d r e m ova l s experience preferred but not essential . All enquiries email info@masterclassremovals. com only with a brief resume of situation and experience (295052)

STRUCTURAL SURVEYS MARK PADDON BSc Hons. MCIOB, CAAT - LOCKDOWN REMOTE WHATSAPP VIDEO ADVICE a va i l a b l e for reduced fee Telephone: 653 733 066 / 962 807 247 www.costablancasurveyors. com (291065)


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SOC PINTURA. House painter and decorator. All Costa Blanca North co vered. Call 641 642 669 (292073)

MOBILE Welding. Gates, railings, grills made and repaired. Electric gates made, motors replaced. Call Barry +44 7470059469 / +44 7787585714 (295214)

GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)

5 - 11 May 2022

BENIDORM beautiful girls affectionate involved complacent. Available 24 hours. Private Apartment & hotels – Tel. 603 324 564 (295860)

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62 EWN

5 - 11 May 2022

ROAD TEST by Mark Slack THE advent of the electric car has produced an array of striking car designs from the stylistically avant‐garde to interiors that resemble a modern incarnation of a Conran shop. However, for some manufacturers it’s


VW ID4 - practicality for your EV shortlist evolution rather than revo‐ lution and Volkswagen is arguably the main propo‐ nent of this ethos. It has served them well as can be seen by the second‐hand values of cars like the Golf. The purpose‐built ID range

of EVs ‐ ID3, 4 and 5 ‐ is a complete range of models from hatchback, to SUV and Coupe. Prices for the line‐up start at €42,626/£35,835 and its design is such that the uninformed would be hard pressed to know it doesn’t have a combustion engine under the bonnet. Unless of course it glides past you in a car park or city street. It’s essentially an EV Golf in all but name and many people I spoke to agreed, in fact some even thought it was a new Golf. My test model was the ID4 SUV that offers six trim levels with prices starting at €43,479/£36,550. There are four battery options with ranges stretching from 213 miles up to 320 miles, and power options from 148PS up to 204PS. As with MPG figures the ranges quoted are ide‐ al world, which you are

unlikely to achieve. Having said that some EVs are now getting much closer to their potential maximum range and the ID4’s range seemed pretty good. Standard fare includes navigation, dual zone cli‐ mate, heated front seats, wireless mobile phone charging and LED lighting. The interior is functional, although looks better in this writer’s view in lighter colours, with nicely clear graphics. Gear changes, such as they are in an au‐

tomatic, are controlled via a lever mounted to the side of the steering wheel in‐ strument panel, not unlike a column change for those old enough to remember such things. On the road the ID4 is commendably refined with little in the way of road or wind noise and there’s a general feeling of airiness and space. Power is good, as with all EVs, and the ID4 can easily leave other traf‐ fic

in its wake, meaning a keen eye needs to be kept on prevailing speed limits. It handles well and feels confident even on winding cross‐country roads. It’s one of those cars that feels so comfortable longer dis‐ tances shouldn’t be an is‐ sue, not least due to its electrically induced silence. If you’re looking to switch to a practical EV then the ID range really has to be on short list.

ID4: Handles well and feels confident even on winding cross-country roads.


5 - 11 May 2022

Amy Pieters wakes up from her coma DUTCH cycling champion Amy Pieters, on Thursday, April 28, woke up from a co‐ ma she had been in since last December. She had suffered a fall from her bike while training with the national track team from the Nether‐ lands, in the Alicante munici‐ pality of Calpe on the Costa Blanca. A statement released by the Dutch Team SD Worx on Thursday explained that the 30‐year‐old athlete “can com‐ municate a little non‐verbally, and recognises people, un‐ derstands what is said, and can do more and more activi‐

DUTCH CYCLIST: Suffered a fall during training.

Wimbledon to allow the unvaccinated AT the All England Club’s spring briefing on Tuesday, April 26, it was announced by the organ‐ isers that unvaccinated tennis players will be allowed to par‐ ticipate in this year’s Wimble‐ don Championships. This will come as good news to world No1 Novak Djokovic, who earlier this year con‐ firmed that he would be pre‐ pared to miss any tourna‐ ments that required players to be vaccinated. In January, the Serbian star was embroiled in controversy after the Aus‐ tralian authorities refused to allow him to enter the country without being jabbed. Ian Hewitt, chairman of the All England Club also pointed out that there was “no viable alternative” to banning players from Russia and Belarus from taking part at Wimbledon, af‐ ter pressure from the British government. It was announced last week that UK government sanctions against those two countries as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, would see Wimble‐ don become the first individual tennis tournament to enforce a ban on players. This applied to the tournaments preceding Wimbledon as well. Hewitt explained that they had been left with just two op‐ tions, either to make players sign some form of declaration

where they condemned Rus‐ sia’s actions, or simply ban the players.

ties.” At this stage, it is still too early for doctors to make a di‐ agnosis of the exact medical damage Pieters may have suffered from the brain injury. The champion rider lost con‐ sciousness after suffering a blow in the fall and was taken to a hospital in Alicante. From there, she was eventually air‐ lifted to Amsterdam, where surgeons performed life‐sav‐ ing surgery on her head. Pieters was transferred to an ICU following her opera‐ tion, where she had re‐ mained unconscious due to severe brain damage. The national champion has been undergoing a spe‐ cialised intensive neuroreha‐ bilitation programme at a Dutch institution. Her family has thanked the public and fans for their support and good wishes, and now asks for the privacy of those in‐ volved to be respected.

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