Costa de Almeria 9 - 15 June 2022 Issue 1927

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Issue No. 1927

9 - 15 June 2022


Linda Hall A SEVILLA cosmetics firm gh Gema Herrerias has do‐ nated €10,000 to assist the 43 Ukrainians now living in Canjayar. Maria Dolores Esteban, who was born in Canjayar and is the mother of the firm’s founder Gema Herre‐ rias, presented the cheque at the town hall on June 2. The Ukrainians, who in‐ clude 13 orphans aged be‐ tween 6 and 17, arrived in Canjayar ‐ population ap‐ proximately 1,200 ‐ last March after fleeing to Poland from their devastat‐ ed and invaded country. They reached Canjayar thanks to David Gonzalez, an Asturian now living in Laujar del Andarax who is a mountain guide, and Ra‐ mon Ortiz, a retired police‐ man. Travelling to Poland with transport provided by Almeria travel company Frahermar, David and Ra‐ mon took donated supplies with them, before collect‐ ing the 43 refugees and bringing them to safety. Canjayar’s mayor Juan Jose Romero pledged to find help for the newly‐arrived residents and that help has continued to arrive.

Photos credit: Asociacion de Mujeres Nuevos Horizontes, Canjayar


CANJAYAR DONATION: Juan Jose Romero, Maria Dolores Esteban and Nuevo Horizontes president Antonia Urrutia.

The town hall and Canja‐ yar’s Nuevos Horizontes (New Horizon) women’s as‐ sociation have worked to‐ gether to raise funds to help the Ukrainian resi‐ dents, collaborating with the Indalvida Foundation which will now channel the gh Gema Herrerias dona‐ tion, raised through the firm’s cosmetic sales in pharmacies. “We wanted to help from the moment we learnt that Canjayar was taking in refugees from

Ukraine,” Gema Herrerias announced in a statement issued when the donation was made public. “This is my family’s hometown and it’s dou‐ bly satisfying that my mother should be pre‐

senting the donation,” she said. “I want to give my pro‐ found thanks to all the Can‐ jayar community, residents and authorities who are in‐ volved in this humanitarian undertaking.”



9 - 15 June 2022

CANTORIA Town Hall reported members of the Vox party for al‐ legedly tearing down a street sign denouncing gender violence. Campaigners for the party from neighbouring Murcia arrived in Cantoria on June 1. This coincided with the day that the town holds its open‐air market, where they set up a stall to distribute propaganda handouts.

Vandalism in Cantoria

Once finished, and as they pre‐ pared to leave the town, they no‐ ticed one of Cantoria’s traffic signs painted in the purple, the colour of the country’s feminist movement. Several passers‐by said later that after they stopped their car, sever‐ al of its occupants tore down a

street sign declaring ‘Cantoria against gender violence’ and drove off with it. Witnesses immediately called the Local Police to report the inci‐ dent, which they had also videoed. As well as its political implica‐ tions, Cantoria’s mayor Puri

Sanchez declared the episode was doubly offensive, bearing in mind the recent killing in Tijola. “This happened only hours after the funeral of a local woman who worked here in Cantoria and was presumably murdered by her hus‐ band,” Sanchez said.

Seven years as a municipality Linda Hall BALANEGRA celebrated the seventh anniversary of day it became Almeria’s 103rd municipality on Thursday June 2. This was the first time the town had been able to celebrate Municipality Day since 2019 owing to the pandemic, pointed out Javier Aureliano Garcia, the Balanegra‐born presi‐ dent of the Diputacion provincial council. Carmen Crespo, who heads the Junta’s Agricul‐ ture, Livestock and Fish‐ eries department was also present at the event presided by Balanegra’s

Photo credit: Diputacion de Almeria

BALANEGRA: Almeria’s 103rd municipality.

mayor Nuria Rodriguez. “In these seven years, Balanegra’s population has increased by 10 per cent, and the public ad‐ ministrations have been obliged to provide services and infrastructure,” the Diputacion president said. Garcia admitted that much remained to be done to ensure that the services which a Balanegra

resident received were the same as those provided in the province’s other mu‐ nicipalities. “Collaboration between the institutions has been essential in ensuring that Balanegrenses have the same opportunities as other Almeria residents,” he said. He was proud to be a Balanegrense, Garcia added. “All the values that have made our province great are concentrated in our town and the residents, employees and compa‐ nies to whom we are pay‐ ing tribute today,” he said.


Safety plan CARBONERAS’ Public Safety Com‐ mittee met recently to discuss public safety plans for the town fi‐ estas and the coming summer months. The meeting presided by Car‐ boneras’ mayor Jose Luis Amerigo Fernandez and the central govern‐ ment’s Assistant Sub‐delegate Jose Ramon Fernandez was at‐ tended by representatives from the Guardia Civil, the National po‐ lice, Local Police and Proteccion Civil as well as Andalucia’s 112 Emergencies Service. Amerigo thanked all those in‐ volved for the “climate of perma‐ nent collaboration and planning” that the town hall received from Carboneras’ security forces and Proteccion Civil as the town pre‐ pared for the celebrations honour‐ ing the town’s patron, San Antonio de Padua between June 10 and June 13. “The fiestas will follow a format where normality can at last return for the San Antonio Fiestas and throughout the summer when we shall also be able to enjoy the Fies‐ tas del Pescador (Fishermen’s Fies‐ tas) in August,” Amerigo said.

NIBS EXTRA Starting young SECOND year pupils at the Ab‐ dera Infants and Primary School aged seven and eight won the fourth edition of the Poniente Recycling League. This year the 22 schools who participated in the recycling initiative collected a total of 18 tons of containers and other non‐heavy rubbish and litter.

Back to sea THE Guardia Civil vessel Rio Jiloca recently returned to the sea two loggerhead turtles nursed back to health by the ministry‐authorised non‐gov‐ ernment organisation Equinac. One had been trapped in fishing nets and the other, with a damaged shell and suffering from pneu‐ monia, was rescued by a fish‐ ing boat‐

Rock solid MACAEL‐BORN Francisco Martinez‐Cosentino, presi‐ dent of the multinational Grupo Cosentino marble company, received an hon‐ orary doctorate from Almeria University on June 3. The award was recognition for his ongoing contribution to eco‐ nomic and social develop‐ ment as well as assisting inno‐ vation in business for Almeria Province and the university.

More medics ALBOX mayor Francisco Tor‐ recillas has asked the Junta for a second medical team for the local health centre, as Albox covered a large area with several pedania sub‐divisions far from the town centre. With only one team of medics, patients could be risk during an emergency, Torrecillas said.

Trees remain THE Almeria Climate Commit‐ tee group organised a cele‐ bratory gathering in Almeria City’s Plaza Vieja on June 4, following a court ruling that the square’s 21 ficus trees should remain. Earlier, city hall had announced unpopu‐ lar plans to remove them to make the square less en‐ closed and more open.

9 - 15 June 2022

Flowers for the Patroness Linda Hall THE Union Deportivo Almeria football club went up to Spain’s First Division following its May 29 match against Leganes. The team visited the Virgen del Mar sanctuary, taking flowers to Almeria’s Patroness on June 3 in a ritual that was even more special than usual, as Almeria has returned to the First Division after seven years. The club was acquired in 2019 by Turki Al-Sheikh, a Saudi adviser at the Royal Court, who bought out the former owner Alfonso Garcia, a businessman from Aguilas (Murcia). Dispelling fans’ doubts about whether the new owner would

Fishing vital to Andalucia VISITING Almeria port’s harbourside fish ac‐ tion, Carmen Crespo praised the sector’s ef‐ forts in achieving economic, social and envi‐ ronmental sustainability. Crespo, who heads the Junta’s Agricul‐ ture, Livestock and Fisheries department, said on June 1 that their efforts ensured the regional fishing fleet’s future. She also called for scientific studies enabling the Eu‐ ropean Union to recognise the sector’s ad‐ vances in sustainability, particularly with re‐ gard to trawling. “We must demonstrate from a scientific viewpoint that Andalucia is fishing the Mediterranean sustainably,” Crespo said, stressing that the sector needed to be sus‐ tainable economically, socially and environ‐ mentally. The consejera, who was accom‐ panied by representatives from three principal professional fishing associations, emphasised that fishing was vital for gener‐ ating employment and diversifying the economy in coastal municipalities. “We visited the Lonja during the fish auc‐ tion to give visibility to a thriving, dynamic sector that supports thousands of families throughout Andalucia,” Crespo said. She also pointed out that fish was a prin‐ cipal ingredient in Andalucia’s gastronomy owing to its “quality, freshness and health‐ giving qualities. Crespo went on to say that the fishing industry was facing “important challenges” owing to the high price of gasoil and the rising costs involved in fishing. The sector needed assistance from all ad‐ ministrations, she maintained. “We have to adapt help to the character‐ istics and realities of the fishing industry,” Crespo said.

Photo credit: Union Deportivo Almeria


FLORAL OFFERING: Trainer ‘Rubi’ and Mohamed El Assy.

want to keep up the traditional visits to the Patroness, the club’s managing director Mohamed El Assy ac-

companied the UD Almeria players and staff to the sanctuary on Friday June 3.

Solving Vera’s water needs VERA’S latest plenary council session voted in favour of constructing the town’s own seawater desalination plant. As previously reported in the Euro Weekly News Vera now receives water from the Carboneras desalination plant. Nevertheless, this cannot satisfy the demands of already‐approved new de‐ velopment projects or agricultural grow‐ ers’ needs for irrigation water, municipal sources explained. To solve these problems, Vera Town Hall previously unveiled its 2021‐2017 Strategic Sustainable Water Resources Plan with specific measures that includ‐ ed short‐term solutions. These involved constructing a new 3,426‐cubic metre deposit in the El Hacha zone, establishing a direct con‐ nection between the Carboneras desali‐ nation plant and the Playa de Vera de‐

posit, as well as renewing waterpipes. All three measures have been carried out, but Vera Town Hall believes that a municipal desalination plant would definitively answer existing and future demands for domestic and irrigation water. The plant would also have a posi‐ tive impact on Vera’s existing sources of water, pointed out deputy mayor, Al‐ fonso Garcia. Vera Town Hall is now calculating the probable size of the new plant, which would require an investment of more than €22 million. Codeur, which provides domestic wa‐ ter and in which Vera Town Hall has a holding, has already expressed its inter‐ est in providing the infrastructure. This could take the form of a private initiative or a public‐private partnership, revealed Garcia, who is also Codeur’s managing director.

A uniform decision PULPI Local Police officers’ outworn uniforms can now be recycled. Thanks to an agreement with Insignia Uniformes, the firm which manufactures the officers’ uniforms, the material can now be reused, eliminating the problems normally in‐ volved in disposing of these garments. Owing to their characteristics and functions, uniforms are not discarded or donated like other used clothing, to prevent them reaching the street where they could be put to inappropriate use. Instead, the Re‐Uniforma programme col‐ lects and classifies the castoffs for professional re‐ cycling to separate their polyester content for re‐ use, explained David Velasco from Insignia Uniformes.



Attacked A UKRAINIAN refugee claimed that he was at‐ tacked by Russian‐speaking individuals in Roquetas on Thursday June 2. Reporting the incident to the Guardia Civil he ex‐ plained that he was walk‐ ing at night in the Urbaniza‐ cion area when he walked past a group of people speaking Russian. After an exchange of words, one of the men in the group took out “a sharp object” which he used to slash the Ukraini‐ ans’ forehead, shoulder and wrist. As he tried to de‐ fend himself, the group be‐ gan hitting him until a final punch left him uncon‐ scious, the victim said. There were no witnesses to the attack and on com‐ ing round he went to the Poniente hospital where he received treatment for wounds that were still visi‐ ble days later. He then went to Roquetas’ Guardia Civil to lodge a formal com‐ plaint. This was one of sev‐ eral recent incidents be‐ tween Ukranian and Russian residents in Roque‐ tas. These have included a vandalised Ukrainian‐plat‐ ed Range Rover whose bonnet was painted with a huge Z, the symbol repre‐ senting victory seen on the Russian military vehicles and tanks during the Ukraine invasion. The van‐ dals also painted over the number‐plate, the owner told the Guardia Civil.

and finally... HUERCAL‐OVERA Town Hall has begun the second phase of its plans to provide the municipality with energy‐efficient LED streetlights. These will be installed in more than 100 local streets, an‐ nounced Huercal‐Overa’s mayor Domingo Fernandez. “We are continuing along a route that will make our munici‐ pality energy‐efficient, which as well as a positive impact on the environment will also bring financial savings,” he said. Once this second phase has been completed, all streetlights in the town centre will have LED technology, Fernandez added. Huercal‐Over’s pedanias ‐ municipal subdivisions ‐ are next in line for energy‐efficient streetlighting in a €1.8 million project, part‐funded by the Diputacion provincial council.



9 - 15 June 2022

Mojacar helps Ukraine Linda Hall CAROL NEWTON and Shea Fox are fundraising for the Ukrainian Refugee Relief charity with a talent compe‐ tition and grand raffle. The contest heats will be held in multiple venues in Mojacar and the surround‐ ing area, with the winner from each heat securing a place in the Grand Final at Shea’s Restaurant Mojacar. The runner‐up from each heat will enter a local semi‐fi‐ nal. The competition is open to amateurs and the full regis‐ tration fee of €5 per act (not per person) is donated di‐ rectly to the charity. If an act does not succeed at their first attempt, they

CAROL: Has donated her raffle prize. can re‐enter any other heat in a bid to qualify at no fur‐ ther cost. The €500 prize money will be raised by sell‐ ing football scratch cards at

each participating venue. A bumper charity raffle will be drawn at the Grand Final. Tickets are just €5 each and will be on sale shortly.

Having recently been diag‐ nosed with breast cancer and undergoing long‐term treatment, Carol cannot take a holiday this year and has donated the major raffle prize of a seven‐night break for two in a studio apartment at the San Antonio four‐star hotel in Malta. Bed, breakfast and an evening meal, plus drinks are included. Carol and Shea are cur‐ rently looking for venues for the semi‐final heats, outlets to help sell raffle tickets or to hear from anyone wishing to donate a raffle prize. For any further informa‐ tion, do not hesitate to con‐ tact Carol (634 381 386) or Ron Fazey (44 7910 128569


Renewable energy Joshua Manning THE Official College of In‐ dustrial Technical Engineers of Almeria (COGITIAL) has received the latest statisti‐ cal data collected by the sector, which reveal that more than 80 per cent of the projects carried out in the industrial sector in 2021, were carried out by graduates in Industrial Engi‐ neering and Industrial Technical Engineers, as re‐ ported by local press. In absolute terms, the number of projects ap‐ proved throughout the country by the Associations of Graduates and Engineers of Industrial Technicians, in‐ tegrated in the General Council of Industrial Techni‐ cal Engineering of Spain

(COGITI), amounted to 221,388, a figure that re‐ flects the large number of works carried out by these professionals in the indus‐ trial branch of Engineering. Behind such essential services as electricity, wa‐ ter, gas, public lighting, heating, air conditioning, the environment, supply chain logistics, transport or distribution of goods, and security, among others, is the work of an Industrial Engineering graduate or In‐ dustrial Technical Engineer. These professionals ap‐ ply their technical knowl‐ edge to conceive, design and implement new pro‐ cesses, products and sys‐ tems that make everyday life easier.

‘Tailor-made’ Study Abroad Joshua Manning THE relationship that the University of Almeria (UAL) and Paris Sup’Biotech have already established and which is working effectively, is con‐ tinuing to take firm steps forward, as reported by local media. The UNIgreen project, dedicated to the creation of a European university focused on sustainable agronomy, green biotech‐

nology and environmental and life, is led by the UAL and currently has eight higher education institu‐ tions involved, located in Iceland, Bulgaria, Portu‐ gal, France, Italy, Poland, Belgium and Spain. Hugo González, director of Internationalisation Promotion, has detailed that “any educational in‐ stitution project that ap‐ proaches us, we can make one to measure,” specify‐ ing that “the case of

Sup’Biotech is special be‐ cause it is part of the fu‐ ture UNIgreen consor‐ tium,” as well as because of the already established links. The clearest example is that “with them we al‐ ready have the bases es‐ tablished for a future dou‐ ble Master’s degree, so that our students and theirs will end up with a French engineering degree and a Spanish Master’s degree.”

Unemployment rises UNEMPLOYMENT fell in 49 Spanish provinces, led by Madrid, but this is not the case in Almeria, which, together with Huelva and Castellón, is one of the three provinces where it rose during May. According to the data published on Thursday, June 2, by the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, the province of Almeria closed May with 59,562 un‐ employed registered with the State Pub‐ lic Employment Service (SEPE), 1.54 per cent more than in April, although ‐19.09

per cent compared to a year ago, ie 14,051 unemployed less than in May 2021, as reported by local press. By sector, it is the services sector that recorded the greatest increase in the number of unemployed, specifically 1,025, followed by agriculture, with 353 more, and industry, +5. In terms of employment contracts, 25,666 employment agreements were signed in May, 4.32 per cent less than in April and 0.67 per cent more than in May last year.


9 - 15 June 2022

Road closure plan

Joshua Manning THE town council of Roquetas de Mar has ap‐ proved a proposal re‐ questing a contingency plan from the Subdelega‐ tion of the Government to cushion the impact of the closure of the El Cañarete road linking the capital with the town of Aguadulce and the emergency works on the road. The approval of the

Roquetas de Mar road proposal follows the re‐ ply the administration sent to the council on May, 5, after the letter sent by the town hall re‐ questing information on the reasons for the clo‐ sure of the road. The mayor of Roquetas de Mar, Gabriel Amat, stressed Roquetas de Mar is a municipality of “great tourist affluence” with more than 1.3 mil‐

lion overnight hotel stays per year and, at the same time, its popu‐ lation increases “no‐ tably” during summer. “We are aware of the daily traffic congestion on the A‐7 at specific times, a situation that is aggravated in the event of an accident due to the density of traffic on the road between Aguadulce and Almeria,” explained the mayor.

PP programme for elections THE full candidacy of PP (People’s Party) of Almeria presented, on Wednesday, June, 1, its Electoral Programme for the 19‐J Elections in the emblematic Cerro de San Cristóbal. PP’s Almeria pro‐ gramme is a pro‐ gramme for an “Almeria that the government of

Juanma Moreno has put on the map of Andalu‐ cia in a prominent place” with an increase in investment per in‐ habitant of 40 per cent and which is making very strong progress with 58.5 per cent of Andalucian fruit and vegetable exports in the first quarter and with a

new record in value of fruit and vegetable ex‐ ports from Almeria reaching €1,414 million in the first quarter of 2022, as reported by lo‐ cal media. This is in addition to leading the rise in An‐ dalucia’s GDP in the last year with a 5.3 per cent increase.




9 - 15 June 2022

Rugby World Cup

ALMERIA’S URA Clan achieved another mile‐ stone with its participa‐ tion in the Inclusive Rug‐ by World Cup, which was held in Cork (Ire‐ land), from June 6 to 10. A total of 24 teams from 14 countries partic‐ ipated in the World Cup, and URA Clan was repre‐ sented in both male and female categories. Fifty people with different abilities travelled to Ire‐ land, with the hope of enjoying the experience and achieving great sporting feats, as report‐ ed by local press. The councillor for Sports, Juanjo Segura, accompanied by the councillor for Safety, María del Mar García Lorca, and the deputy for Sports, José Antonio García, attended a train‐ ing session to encourage the players and chat with the President, Miguel Palanca.

"We are looking for‐ ward to competing. We were already invited to the previous World Cup in Vitoria and now we are an official team. The

players are very excit‐ ed", said the president. The president of the URA club gave them the team’s shirt as a thank you.

Water investments Joshua Manning THE Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, held a meeting in Cuevas del Almanzora (Alme‐ ria) with irrigation communities in the area of eastern Almeria where he informed them that the modernisa‐ tion of irrigation infrastructure works, as a whole, will have an impact on more than 63,770 hectares and will benefit more than 26,400 irrigators, as reported by lo‐ cal press. This was stated by the MAPA in a note after the meeting with irrigators participating in the various irri‐ gation modernisation projects included in the Recov‐ ery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR). Almeria is the province with the highest number of actions and investments in this programme, with a to‐ tal of 10 projects totalling a public injection of €87.76 million, 11 per cent of the national total. These projects are co‐financed with Next Generation public funds from the European Union (EU), up to a maximum of 80 per cent, and by the irrigation commu‐ nities themselves.




9 - 15 June 2022


Wedding bells Anna Ellis COUPLES can now rent out Barcelona’s iconic Camp Nou Stadium for their special day after it was recently reported the club was in financial trou‐ ble and must generate an in‐ come of €500 million before June 30. The cheapest option for smaller weddings at the ground with around 25 to 50 guests comes in at €1,600. The higher end of the bud‐ get is a package called ‘The Grandstand Hall’, which al‐ lows seating for between 300 and 1,000 people and offers spectacular views of the pitch. This will set couples

ICONIC STADIUM: Can be booked for your special day.

back €13,500. In addition to the wed‐ dings, Barcelona Football Club also offers fans the chance to play on their pitch. Until Saturday June 11, fans can pay €300 each to play at the Camp Nou for an

hour. Friends and family are also able to watch for a fee of €30. The experience guarantees at least 40 minutes of playing time, use of the changing rooms and showers as well as walking out the tunnel.

Crossing the Strait Chris King THE transit of Moroccan people from Eu‐ rope to North Africa, known, as Operation Crossing the Strait 2022, began on Sunday, June 5. Since 1986, the OPE has been organising round trip transit for citizens of Moroccan origin who travel from European countries to North Africa in the summer. It repre‐ sents one of the largest movements of people between continents in such a short space of time. Social and medical assistance services, reinforced by the presence of social work‐ ers on board the long‐distance ships en‐

abled during the 2021 edition of the oper‐ ation, will continue to operate at the level of the Marhaba points deployed by the foundation in Morocco and abroad. A workforce of nearly 1,000 people will be mobilised, including Foundation teams, social workers, doctors, paramedical man‐ agers, and volunteers to listen to Moroc‐ cans living abroad, assist them and pro‐ vide them with the necessary support and assistance, the same media outlet in‐ formed. Authorities in Rabat also announced a series of telephone numbers for Moroc‐ cans who return to their country to spend their holidays.

10 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


British Embassy celebrates

ON Thursday, June 2, the British Embassy in Madrid hosted a patriotic day of ju‐ bilee fun at the Ambassador’s residence. Hosted by Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Hugh El‐ liott, and his wife Maria Anto‐ nia Elliott, the day saw British charity representatives, press, and community heroes from across Spain come out to cele‐ brate this historic occasion among Union Jacks, bunting‐ and of course‐ a Jubilee cake. The ambassador welcomed guests to his residence, before

talking about the im‐ portance of the jubilee and Her Majesty’s reign. He explained: “It is a testa‐ ment to the respect we have for the Queen that you are all here today. “The Queen has been on the throne through some of the most extraordinary mo‐ ments of the last century, in‐ cluding the fall of the Berlin wall, and before that even the building of the Berlin wall! “She has also seen 14 US presidents in office, as well as British 14 prime ministers. “She had been on the throne 13 years when I was born and I would have to work another 40 years just to match her.” He added: “We all have our own impressions of the Queen, but for me, among her many jobs, she is my boss. “It is not difficult for me to say that she is the world’s greatest diplomat. “She has travelled more

JUBILEE FUN: The British Ambassador hosted guests from across Spain.

widely than any other monarch and attended over 21,000 official events. She has helped support millions of en‐ during relationships between countries. “No one has done more to strengthen bonds of friend‐ ship, understand and respect between nations than the Queen.” The ambassador then re‐ vealed that as part of the ju‐ bilee celebration and The Queen’s Green Canopy scheme, British embassies around the world have been planting trees to mark Her Majesty’s remarkable reign. He explained he and his wife had planted a red oak at the residence as part of the cele‐ brations. The young tree was unveiled in front of guests by Maria Antonia. Closing his speech, the am‐

bassador thanked the chari‐ ties and community groups across Spain who work to help expats and the local communi‐ ty. He also congratulated con‐ suls Sarah‐Jane Morris, Lloyd Milen, and Charmaine Arbouin for their part in helping the British community in Spain. He also thanked healthcare professionals across Spain for their work during the pandem‐ ic. Before raising a toast to the Queen, the national anthems of both Spain and the UK were played, with entertainer Stevie Spit singing the British version. Michel Euesden, publisher of the Euro Weekly News, said: “It was so refreshing to hear a representative of the UK so warmly congratulate the health system of Spain, a truly marvelous, underrated asset of our adopted homeland. “We need to ensure our vul‐ nerable and elderly obtain ev‐ ery assistance weaving their way through this now we are entrenched in the post Covid Brexit era. “Our voice must be united in saying, ‘go and see the doc‐ tor. Don’t wait until it is too late. Go TODAY’.” Lynda Woodin, of the British Benevolent Fund, Marbella, al‐ so praised the event. She said: “It’s a wonderful day! It’s so lovely to meet so many other workers from across Spain.” Thank you from the Euro Weekly News to the ambas‐ sador for hosting the event, as well as his team for their work bringing everyone together for the day, and the brilliant Stevie Spit for donating his time to entertain guests on the day.

12 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022



Licence and blue badge update SPEAKING to the Euro Weekly News at a ju‐ bilee event at his residence in Madrid on Thurs‐ day, June 2, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott, explained that negotiations are ongoing over UK driving licences but that he is hopeful a resolution will be found soon. He explained: “We’re still negotiating. I and my team are working on it every day.” The ambassador told the EWN that as soon as an agreement is reached over the use of UK driving licences in Spain, British nationals will once again be able to drive on their UK li‐ cences. He added that they will then be given six months to exchange their British licence for a Spanish one rather than having to take a Span‐ ish driving test. He added that he hoped an agreement would be reached, “in weeks, rather than months.” Speaking also about the use of UK blue dis‐ abled badges in Spain, which have not been al‐ lowed to be used since last year, the British em‐ bassy explained exclusively to the Euro Weekly News that this also formed part of ongoing ne‐

HUGH ELLIOTT: The ambassador spoke about UK licences.

gotiations and that they hoped to have a reso‐ lution on this too. The ambassador did confirm, however, that there was no likelihood in the short term that the 90‐day rule for non‐residents would be ex‐ tended.


9 - 15 June 2022

New visa for graduates

Peter McLaren‐Kennedy THE UK government’s new scheme to attract graduates from the world’s top 50 universities went live on Monday May 30. The government hopes the scheme will attract the best and the brightest graduates from around the world to come live and work in the UK. Unlike previous schemes, the new visa is only open to those who gradu‐ ated within the last five years from one of the top universities in the world. These high potential individuals will not need a job offer in order to ap‐ ply, but will need to be able to sustain

themselves until they are able to find employment. The visa, which will be open to ev‐ eryone irrespective of their nationality or where they were born, will be for an initial two‐year period for those with a bachelor’s or master’s degree and three years for those with a PhD. Applicants will need to pay £715 (€840) plus the immigration health surcharge, a fee which allows migrants to the UK to use the NHS. Graduates will be able to bring their families who will need to have mainte‐ nance funds of at least £1,270 (€1,490).

Housing market fears Anna Ellis THERE has been fears of a slowdown in house prices in the UK as mort‐ gage lending fell by more than a third in April. Total lending for house purchases slumped to £4.1 billion, from £6.4 billion in March, as the impact of

higher interest rates kicked in according to the British press. Bank of England data showed mortgage ap‐ provals fell to around 66,000 over the month, compared with 70,700 in March. The number of loans granted was well be‐ neath economists’ ex‐

pectations, and below the average for the half‐ decade before the pan‐ demic. The sharp cost of living squeeze, and the rise in UK interest rates, could now be dampening the market, with potential house buyers more ner‐ vous about taking on debt.

EWN 13

14 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Contract cancelled Chris King THE Home Office an‐ nounced on Monday, May 30, that ministers have cancelled with ‘im‐ mediate effect’ a contract that the Border Force agency had with P&O Ferries. This action comes as a result of the ferry company’s sacking in March, of almost 800 workers, without notice. There had been widespread condemna‐ tion of P&O’s sacking of 786 members of staff. The company subse‐ quently replaced these workers with cheaper al‐ ternatives from an agen‐ cy. This led to a barrage of complaints from politi‐ cians and trade union bosses who claimed the safety of the ferries was being put at risk. Shortly after, the Mar‐ itime and Coastguards Agency (MCA) detained various P&O ships, saying they were deemed unfit

to sail. These included boats that covered the crossings from Larne to Cairnryan, and between Dover and Calais. When inspectors in the Northern Irish port of Larne checked the Euro‐ pean Causeway, they

found a total of 31 fail‐ ings. This included prob‐ lems with lifeboat drills and fire safety proce‐ dures, caused mainly by a lack of the new crew’s fa‐ miliarisation with the vessel, and a lack of training.

Lilibet’s day Peter McLaren‐Kennedy MEMBERS of the Royal Family wished Lilibet hap‐ py birthday, taking to Twit‐ ter to congratulate the youngster as she turned one year old on Saturday June 4. Despite the continued strained relations within the family, warm wishes were sent by grandpar‐ ents, aunts and uncles and other members of the fam‐ ily. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, were reunited publicly with their family for the first time in two years as they attended the Jubilee thanksgiving service on Fri‐ day June 3. Controversy was sparked with the child’s

Lilibet now one-year-old.

choice of name, which was HM Queen Elizabeth II’s nickname as a toddler after she had difficulty pro‐ nouncing her one name. Her grandfather, King George V, called her ‘Lili‐ bet’ imitating her own at‐ tempts to say Elizabeth, a nickname that stuck and has remained with her ev‐ er since. The family flew in from their new home in the US ahead of the celebrations, with the expectation that Lilibet would be introduced to her great‐grandmother.

Community service Anna Ellis SHAMED by the public back in April this year, West Ham footballer, Kurt Zouma, was filmed kicking his cat. Zouma avoided jail after being sentenced to 180 hours of community ser‐ vice for pleading guilty to abusing his Bengal cat back in February, accord‐ ing to the British press. The Frenchman, 27, was filmed kicking, slap‐ ping and throwing the cat in disturbing footage filmed by his brother, Da‐ genham and Redbridge

footballer Yoan. The video took place in his home in London and was posted on Snapchat by Yoan just moments af‐ ter it happened. Kurt admitted two counts of causing unneces‐ sary suffering to a protect‐ ed animal by kicking it in the abdomen and slapping it on the head at Thames Magistrates’ Court. The judge also ordered Kurt to pay the RSPCA’s prosecution costs, which total over £8,000 and both will pay a £95 victim sur‐ charge.


9 - 15 June 2022

TUI cancels flights in June Chris King ACCORDING to local British press, German travel opera‐ tor TUI announced on Tues‐ day, May 31, that hundreds of flights are being cancelled in June. These cuts will affect dates up to June 30, with the company planning to shelve around 43 weekly Manch‐ ester airport flights. “Due to the amount of on‐ going disruption in our opera‐ tion at Manchester Airport, we have made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel six flights a day (43 flights a week), from May 31 until June 30. All other airports in the UK are planned to oper‐ ate as normal,” read a state‐ ment from TUI. This can only serve to cre‐ ate further anxiety among British holidaymakers who have already suffered incredi‐ ble chaos at airports around the country recently. More than 100 flights have also been cancelled recently by British Airways, although this was a scheduled part of the company’s reduction until

October. easyJet also an‐ nounced plans recently to scrap more than 200 flights out of Gatwick.

The airline was hit with an IT failure which saw hundreds of flights having to be can‐ celled last minute.

Long Covid19 figures Anna Ellis AN estimated two million people in the UK, which repre‐ sents around 3 per cent of the population, have reported experiencing long Covid‐19, official statistics showed on Wednesday June 1. Around 1.4 million said they first had Covid‐19, or sus‐ pected they had the virus, at least 12 weeks previously, ac‐ cording to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It also found that 826,000 of sufferers first had coron‐ avirus at least a year earlier, while 376,000 said they first had it at least two years previously. How long it takes to recover from coronavirus (Covid‐19) is different for everybody. While most people recover quickly, some people have symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called long Covid‐19. Long Covid‐19 can affect anyone, not only those who were seriously unwell or admitted to hospital when they caught Covid‐19.

Highest price increases Anna Ellis IN May shop prices rose at the fastest rate in more than a decade. New figures reveal the pressure put on retailers who have to pass on the cost of soaring import fees and ris‐ ing energy bills. According to the British press, consumers face further pain in the summer from high street and online price hikes. Fresh food prices were the most affected by rising costs, with farmers reporting the es‐ calating price of fertiliser since

HIGH STREET: Retailers are having to pass on costs.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine combined with the fact they are struggling to cope with the rising cost of labour since Brexit.

The cost of fresh food shot up by an alarming 4.5 per cent while ambient food, such as store‐cupboard staples, rose by 4 per cent for the month. The British Retail Consor‐ tium (BRC) boss, Helen Dickin‐ son, confirmed that “Retail prices edged up further as commodity, energy and trans‐ port costs continued to climb. It is likely to get worse before it gets better for consumers with prices continuing to rise and a further jump in energy costs coming in October.”

Police immigration advice By Anna Ellis INDIVIDUALS detained in police custody under immigration powers have a new service to ac‐ cess legal advice, which started on June 1, ac‐ cording to the government website. The Immi‐ gration Police Station Advice (IPSA) service is replacing the Immigration Telephone Advice (ITA) service. The change is likely to mean more work for face to face immigration providers. The new service has been brought in to con‐ tinue helping individuals detained in police cus‐ tody under immigration powers. This is replac‐

ing the ITA contract which came to an end on May 31. Detainees will be entitled to call‐backs under the IPSA service to help them under‐ stand what may happen next, likely detention timescales and how to access their nearest face to face immigration solicitor. Clients will then have the option of contacting a solicitor for le‐ gal advice. They may decide to do that while still in detention or following release from po‐ lice custody. If the client has special needs, such as transla‐ tion services, the operator will arrange for this in advance of the call‐back.

EWN 15

16 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Scotland ties

THE UK Government Minis‐ ter for Scotland, Iain Stewart, recently returned from the Nordic countries following a sucessful mission to grow trade links and learn about Faroese infrastructure. Scottish exports to both countries are worth more than £695 million (€817 mil‐ lion) a year alone, according to the UK government web‐ site.

In total, the UK and Den‐ mark have a £12 billion (€14 billion) trading relationship (imports and exports) and the figure is £881 million for the UK and Faroes. Minister Stewart under‐ took a packed programme in Copenhagen and Tórshavn, including meeting key indus‐ try representatives and lead‐ ing political figures. The Minister also discussed

sanctions against Russia and the issue of Russian vessels in Faroese‐UK shared fishing waters. Minister Stewart said: “Scotland plays a vital role within the United Kingdom and it was an honour to pro‐ mote our interests in Den‐ mark and the Faroe Islands to encourage greater trade links to directly benefit Scottish communities."

Elton looking frail

By Anna Ellis ELTON JOHN was due to star alongside HM Queen Elizabeth II for her Platinum Jubilee concert on Saturday June 4 in a pre‐recorded performance. Dressed in a Gucci tracksuit and wear‐ ing a face mask, the British press claimed he appeared frail‐looking when he was pictured being pushed in a wheelchair at Leipzig Airport on Friday May 27. Elton John was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight on March 25, 1947, in the town of Pinner in Middlesex, England. He de‐

scribes himself as an only child who was overweight and wore glasses. Sir Elton taught himself to play the pi‐ ano at the age of four and then went on to study at the London Academy of Mu‐ sic. Two weeks before graduating he quit the Music Academy to pursue a musical career. His five decades of career have been historic and quite literally record‐break‐ ing. With over 300 million records sold, he is one of the best‐selling music artists in the world.

18 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Freedom after 41 years Eurovision winners

Peter McLaren‐Kennedy JOHN HINCKLEY JR, the would‐be assassin who tried to shoot Ronald Reagan back in 1981, has been granted his full freedom by a federal judge some 41 years later. According to a recent re‐

REAGAN: Was shot back in 1981.

Damages awarded Peter McLaren‐Kennedy THE jury’s verdict in the defamation case launched by Johnny Depp and the counter‐claim by his former wife Amber Heard, has resulted in both being awarded dam‐ ages. The jury ruled in favour of Johnny Depp saying that Am‐ ber Heard did defame him in her Washington Post article, which they declared was false, defamatory and said with malice. The unanimous decision resulted in the jury awarding him $15m (€14 million) in damages, $10m (€9.3 million) in compensatory damages and $5m (€4.7 million) in punitive. A statement issued by Johnny Depp said: “Six years ago, my life, the life of my children, the lives of those closest to me, were forever changed. And six years later, the jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled.” The jury also found in favour of Amber Heard’s counter‐ claim over Depp’s lawyer’s comments in a British newspa‐ per, awarding her $2 million (€1.87 million). A statement released by Heard said: “The disappoint‐ ment I feel today is beyond words. I’m even more disap‐ pointed with what this verdict means for other women.”

port, Hinckley was granted full freedom on June 1, with the judge saying that he had com‐ plied with all his restrictions and posed no further risk to society. Hinckley tried to assas‐ sinate Ronald Reagan on March 31, 1981 in a botched attempt that left the president with a punctured lung from which he later recovered. In the process he wounded the White House press secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy and Washington police officer Thomas Delahanty. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity at a 1982 jury trial, and was put in the care of a psychiatric institu‐ tion. During the hearing in Washington, US District Judge Paul Friedman lifted travel and internet usage restrictions against Hinckley, who has been living on his own in Williamsburg, Virginia. The order will take effect on June 15, after the judge has said he would grant Hinckley unconditional release in September.

Peter McLaren‐Kennedy

THE winners of the 2022 Eurovision con‐ test, Ukraine’s Kalush Orchestra, have auc‐ tioned their trophy to raise funds in the sup‐ port of the country’s army as it fights to re‐ pel Russia’s invading forces. Auctioned on May 29, the proceeds from the sale of the crystal microphone which was sold for $900,000 (€835,000), will go to‐ wards buying drones. The post on their Facebook said: “You guys are amazing! We appreciate each and every one of you who donated to this auc‐ tion and a special thanks to the team Whitebit who pur‐ chased the trophy for $900,000 and are now the rightful owners of our trophy.” According to the

post, the funds will be provided to the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foun‐ dation, an organisation that helps the Ukraini‐ an Army. They will, ap‐ parently, use the funds to buy three PD‐2 un‐

manned drones. Kalush Orchestra won the 66th Eurovi‐ sion Song Contest in the event that took place May 10 to 14 in Turin, Italy with their entry Stefania.

Wrong decision

TEXAS suffered one of the deadliest school shootings in US history on Tuesday, May 24. The commander in charge of the shooting scene at the Robb Ele‐ mentary School took the decision that they were dealing with ‘a barricad‐ ed subject’ despite a flurry of 911 calls from children trapped in the school. That decision, which the police have now ad‐ mitted was the wrong one, is what led to lack of action on their part and ultimately the death of the 19 young

schoolchildren and two teachers. The timeline provided by police showed that in a four‐minute halo of bullets, Salvador Ramos murdered the schoolchildren and their teachers. Providing more infor‐ mation, the police said that Ramos had hinted online at what was to come. On his Instagram page he had a conversa‐ tion which implied a shooting was imminent. The police said they found 1,657 rounds and 60 magazines at the school after the atrocity.

20 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Partial ban on oil imports Anna Ellis EUROPEAN Council chief Charles Michel has said “the European Union has agreed on a partial ban on Russian oil imports.” In a Tweet on Monday, May 30 he said “Agreement to ban export of Russian oil to the EU. This immediately covers more than two‐thirds of oil imports from Russia, cutting a huge source of fi‐ nancing for its war machine.” Michel’s Tweet followed an extraordinary European Council summit, attended by EU leaders in Brussels to dis‐

Russian oil to be banned.

cuss a sixth package of sanc‐ tions against Russia, accord‐ ing to the media. The leaders of the Euro‐ pean Council have confirmed that the EU agreed to ban 90

per cent of Russian oil im‐ ports by the end of the year. Ursula von der Leyen, pres‐ ident of the European Com‐ mission said in a press con‐ ference, “Russian oil delivered by tankers would be banned, while an exemp‐ tion will be made for the southern segment of the Druzhba pipeline. “The northern segment of the pipeline serves Poland and Germany ‐ who have agreed to the embargo. The southern part goes to Hun‐ gary, Slovakia and Czech Re‐ public.”

Tamagotchi-like virtual children Anna Ellis THE development of computer‐generated ba‐ bies could be ‘one of mankind’s most important technological breakthroughs’. The overpopulation crisis could be solved within 50 years, thanks to the evolution of ‘virtu‐ al children’, according to British media. Catriona Campbell, one of the UK’s leading au‐ thorities in artificial intelligence and a former British civil servant and diplomat said, “Comput‐ er‐generated babies that cost just £20‐a‐month

are likely to become commonplace by the early‐ 2070s,” she said. “We’re already well on our way to creating the Tamagotchi Generation which, for all intents and purposes, will be ‘real’ to their ‘parents’.” Catriona added: “Virtual children may seem like a giant leap from where we are now, but within 50 years technology will have advanced to such an extent that babies, which exist in the metaverse are indistinct from those in the real world.”

Gas field gets go-ahead Peter McLaren‐Kennedy SHELL’S North Sea Jackdaw gas field has been given the go‐ahead after it received final regula‐ tory approval. The approval was announced on June 1 by Business and Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng. An environmental study was submitted back in January 2020 for the development of the gas and condensate field according to NS Energy. The ultra‐high pressure, high temperature (UH‐ PHT) reservoir will be connected to the existing Shearwater platform. The Jackdaw platform won’t be permanent‐ ly manned but will be attended to by staff on the Shearwater. Located nearly 275km east of Aberdeen in

the central North Sea, the well will be situated in waters more than 75m deep. The well was first identified in 2005 and is more than 5,000 metres below the seabed. The Jackdaw gas field with its capacity of 215 million cubic feet a day will go a long way to‐ ward reducing the country’s reliance on im‐ ported gas. Once fully operational the gas field is expected to reduce imports of gas from Rus‐ sia by around 25 per cent. Thank you for taking the time to read this ar‐ ticle, do remember to come back and check The Euro Weekly News website for all your up‐ to‐date local and international news stories and remember, you can also follow us on Face‐ book and Instagram.

Kevin Spacey in court Anna Ellis KEVIN SPACEY faces four sex‐ ual assault charges against three men. The actor has vowed to “prove his inno‐ cence” in a British court. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said it had also authorised a charge against the 62‐year‐old for engaging in sexual activity without

consent. The alleged incidents took place in London between March 2005 and August 2008 and in Gloucestershire in April 2013 and, because he is not in the country, Kevin Spacey has not been formal‐ ly charged, according to British media. A spokesman for the

House of Cards actor said: “I appreciate the Crown Prose‐ cution Service’s statement in which it carefully reminds the media and the public I am en‐ titled to a fair trial, and until proven otherwise.” The allegations follow a re‐ view of evidence gathered by the Metropolitan Police in their investigation.

22 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Chat with your pets

THANKS to the invention of ‘Dr Dolittle machines’, scien‐ tists claim we could soon be having two‐way conversa‐ tions with our pets. Scientists and experts from around the world have been involved in the creation of various bits of tech that can use artificial intelligence to discern what animals are say‐ ing, according to British me‐ dia. A team from Tel Aviv Uni‐ versity, Israel, used ultrasonic

Listen to what your pet says.

frequency detectors to ‘trans‐ late’ the communicative nois‐ es of bats in one study. Dr Yossi Yoval explained how bats emit mixed‐fre‐ quency signals that echo off

their surroundings. Bat’s brains can then pick up on these echoes and use them to create a picture in their minds like “zooming in and out with your eyes”. Dr Yossi went on to say that this is similar to but, not explicitly, their animal “lan‐ guage”. But, he said that with the help of artificial intelligence, humans could soon begin eavesdropping on their pet’s conversations too.

Monkeypox pandemic unlikely By Anna Ellis ON Monday May 30, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said they did not believe the monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa would lead to a pandemic. A WHO official said “it remains unclear whether infected people who are not displaying symptoms can transmit the disease,” according to US sources. In May, there has been more than 300 suspected and confirmed cases of mon‐ keypox with most cases in Europe. No deaths have been reported so far.

If you get infected with monkeypox, it usually takes between five and 21 days for the first symptoms to appear. Monkeypox can be caught from infect‐ ed rodents (such as rats, mice and squir‐ rels) in parts of west and central Africa. Monkeypox can also spread from per‐ son to person through: touching cloth‐ ing, bedding or towels used by someone with the monkeypox rash, touching monkeypox skin blisters or scabs (includ‐ ing during sex) and the coughs or sneezes of a person with the monkeypox rash.

24 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022

Escape Room THE Provincial Council of Almeria is going to celebrate Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day with a ‘Family Escape Room’ workshop that will travel to 13 municipalities in the province of Almeria. The Escape Room is aimed at families in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabi‐ tants and aims to offer a leisure space to share and un‐ derstand the value of doing things together and to stimu‐ late individuals to be creative and look for better methods that generate solutions and results of greater satisfaction, at the same time as encourag‐ ing them to innovate and try new ideas. The provincial deputy for the Family, Carmen Belén

López, explained the objec‐ tives that have been set by the Provincial Council with this initiative: ‐ To create an educational leisure space for family coexis‐ tence. ‐ To improve communica‐ tion and ties between family and intergenerational rela‐ tionships by means of partici‐ pation and cooperation activi‐ ties. The project started on June, 3 and will be carried out in a total of 13 municipalities: Al‐ banchez, Alboloduy, Ben‐ tarique, Castro de Filabres, Cuevas del Almanzora, Fiñana, Gérgal, Huércal de Almería, La Mojonera, Laujar, Olula de Castro, Sorbas, Taberno.

NEXT Thursday, June 17, is set to celebrate a new edition of the World Tapas Day, and Almeria, land of tapas, will join the party from June 16 to July 3. For a month you can venture to 60 establishments in the capital and the province of Almeria, tasting the fantastic and tasty tapas prepared by the associated estab‐ lishments, and with each drink you will get


Festial Urban Lei. THE capital of Almeria is getting ready to bring back the second edition of Fes‐ tial Urban Lei. The urban culture festival that will give a voice, from July 7 to 10, to the most ‘street’ artists. Skaters, graffiti artists, tattoo artists, DJs and many more creative artists will bring a pro‐ gramme of activities that will turn Almeria into the capital of urban talent. An event in which the nexus of all the activities will be inclusion and where everyone is welcome, as this year in addition to hav‐ ing artists and volunteers with functional diversity, all spaces will be accessible.

World Tapas Day Almeria your ticket for a prize draw. Different provincial catering associations in Spain (in the case of Almeria, ASHAL) will launch several tapas routes distributed throughout the Spanish geography and that will highlight the work and know‐how of the Spanish catering establishments.




Gender balance

Åland status

FOR the first time in Danish history women outnumbered men in what is often considered one of the most sexist of jobs, the police force, as 12 out of 22 of the May graduation class at Brøndby Police Academy were women.

WORRIED about the growing threat from Russia, a majority of Finns (some 58 per cent of those polled) would be happy to see a military presence on the Åland Islands, which is an autonomous, demilitarised province according to a poll undertaken by Uutissuomalainen.



Going Dutch

Spud wars

WAR veteran, 102-year-old Andre Hissink lost his Dutch citizenship in 1952 when he took a job in New Zealand and has been fighting to get it back ever since. Finally on May 25 in Canada, the Dutch Ambassador made his wish come true after King Willem intervened.

ANOTHER casualty of Brexit could be the floury potatoes used in Ireland for mash, chips and oven baked potatoes as an estimated 50 per cent of seed potatoes have traditionally, (a bit like selling coals to Newcastle) been imported from Scotland, which is now a third country with restrictions.



Nationality granted

Puffing away

ACCORDING to a report by the Belgian national office for statistics Statbel, in the first two months of 2022, 8,711 people gained Belgian nationality with the largest number being from Morocco (843), Syria (630), Romania (547), Afghanistan (375), and Iraq (367).

CONTRARY to European trends, it appears that there are 800,000 more smokers in Italy than in 2019 and according to a Higher Institute of Health report released on May 31, World No-Tobacco Day, almost a quarter of the population (24.2 per cent) enjoy a smoke.



Fake tests

Royal residence

A 20-YEAR-OLD man from Germany created a fake Covid-19 testing centre during the height of the pandemic and made nearly €6 million from health insurance companies who reimbursed him for so called tests according to a court which found him guilty of fraud.

A REPORT in the Daily Telegraph suggests that Princess Eugenie will be sharing time between the UK and Portugal with her new husband Jack Brooksbank, who is believed to be involved in working for a company which owns the Costa Terra Golf and Ocean Club in Setubal.



Mona Lisa pied

Scammer alert

A MAN in a wheelchair disguised as an old woman threw a piece of cake at the Mona Lisa on May 29, but as it is covered by protective glass it was unharmed. As he was removed from the building, he shouted “think of planet Earth”.

AS most of the world embraces the people of Ukraine and both governments and charities offer support to refugees and those still in the country, a number of unscrupulous scammers have crawled out from under their rocks and are asking for donations, which they will simply pocket.



Taking off

Kurd support

HAVING emerged from bankruptcy and changing its operating name, Norwegian Air Shuttle which is Europe’s fourth largest lowcost airline, has announced that it will purchase 50 Boeing 737 MAX 8 planes now that various safety and financial problems have been resolved.

AS Sweden continues to face a Turkish boycott of proposed membership of NATO, an announcement by Swedish Ambassador to Iraq Jonas Loven that the country seeks more investment opportunities in the Kurdistan Region may irritate Turkey further as it insists that the Kurds are terrorists.

9 - 15 June 2022

EWN 25

26 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Advertising Feature

Stylish Scandinavian designed heaters OVER many years Neater Heaters have be‐ come the first choice of many expats living in Spain. Behind our stylish Scandinavian designs are a modern state‐of‐the‐art convector heater that can match any on the market for economy and efficiency, and beats all the se‐ rious competition hands down on price. The real secret of these heaters is the com‐ puter‐age technology in the form of extruded aluminium in the construction of the heating element. This material and the design creates a huge surface area for heat transfer, which means more air can be heated for less cost. Neater Heaters use convection principles and are designed so that the electricity you put into the heater is converted to heat as cheaply as possible. When you turn on the heater the element warms up rapidly and heats the air around it, this air rises and draws more cold air into the heater. Because the el‐ ement is extremely efficient and is designed to have a huge surface area a large quantity of air is heated very quickly. If your room has

Find out which model is best suited to your lifestyle.

the correct sized heater it will take about 20 minutes to warm up from cold, after which the heater eases off and works at about two‐ thirds capacity, (depending on various exter‐ nal influences).

Our heaters are not only efficient, effective, and economical, but as you would expect from a Scandinavian prod‐ uct, they are extremely stylish and practical. There is a model that will suit anyone,

whether it is the standard Adax Heater, or two of their best‐selling models, the BEHA, and the NEO which now come with integrat‐ ed Wi‐Fi, so that you can control your heaters easily via a Wi‐Fi APP but still being able to control them manually if preferred, or the trendy original style Neo with digital controls and a choice of colours and if you are limited for wall space then available for purchase are factory designed feet to enable the heater to be freestanding. However, a few years ago we went one stage further and added the Turkish made Vi‐ go heater. This heater shares the design tech‐ nology and ethos of the current Neater Heaters, but it has two differences: The Vigo comes with a carrying handle, wall bracket, and feet included in the price; The larger Vigo models take up less wall space and go up to 2.5kw. They also have a digital display that in‐ dicates the reduced wattage that the heater regulates once the room has reached the de‐ sired temperature, thus saving more money through reduced running costs.

NEATER HEATER DISTRIBUTORS: ALMERIA ANTAS: Lifestyle Enclosures. Tel. 950 459 060 Heaters also available for purchase at our online shop with free home delivery. WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES or Tel. 634 312 171 (WhatsApp available)


LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT SOMETIMES I truly do thank my lucky stars I no longer reside in the UK. I am now fully aware that should I ever decide to relocate I would probably be arrested and be behind bars before I even left the airport! This week I had lunch with some very dear friends who were born and bred in London and have resided there for most of their lives. They told me they have almost ceased to socialise, particularly with younger people, because they invariably say something out of place that causes ‘offence’. However innocuous the subject, they said it is almost impossible to know just what you can freely voice and what you can’t. One example was their wholly innocent comment on one of the contestants of Britain’s Got Talent. ‘Oh I do hope that little blind girl wins, she was so talented,’ one friend remarked kindly. Wrong! One of the party, hackles visibly rising remarked crossly, ‘why do you find it necessary to mention her infirmity in your reference to her?’ ‘Oh…. Er, sorry, I meant to say the little girl with the long hair, wearing the red outfit with the white shoes that sang…’ Give us a break.

9 - 15 June 2022

So out of tune Despite the fact that she was in fact very good, one of her highly attributable accomplishments was that she had overcome her disability and managed to get into the semi‐finals of BGT. Surely that may well be an inspiration to a whole host of visualy impaired people who would normally lack the confidence to enter a contest of this kind? What about the Invictus Games? The people that take part in this wonderful event are actually selected because of their disabilities. They have reached these heights of competition, despite the fact they have lost a limb or suffer from some other impairment and are surely proud to have won through, regardless of their seemingly insurmountable problems. How long are we going to have to put up with these woke idiots, who appear to be slowly but surely eroding the right of free speech, and certainly common sense across the free world? I was also interested in a recent YouGov poll, who published some figures regarding people’s conception of the percentages of minorities that reside in the UK. The findings were extraordinary. For example 1,800 people

were asked how many people in the UK were transgender. They though it was probably around 5 per cent of the population. It is actually around 0.3 per cent! When asked how many adults were white, the answer was around 65 per cent. It is in fact some 87 per cent. Those questioned also thought that black Britons are at around 20 per cent. They actually only make up some 3 per cent of the populace. Gay and Lesbian are at 1.3 per cent and 1.8 per cent respectively. The Common Sense Campaign deduced quite rightly that ‘this distorted impression is created by much of the broadcasting and online media, who are so out of tune with the facts they are utterly befuddling the people as to the true character of Britain’. And so say all of us! Keep the faith. Love Leapy.

For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

EWN 27

FINANCE Barcelona buy out


€1.35 billion

is the estimated worth according to FOX Business of the permanent living members of the Rolling Stones who started their latest world tour in Madrid on June 1.

Unemployment falling Credit: La Moncloa flickr

BUSINESS EXTRA • 9 - 15 June 2022


REPORTEDLY poverty stricken, Spanish football club FC Barcelona is said by Bloomberg to put to shareholders on June 16 a proposal to sell 25 per cent of its television rights to Bank of America for €600 million. In addition, it appears likely to raise more funds through borrowing.

Mexican standoff

Jubilee holiday VARIOUS UK business leaders have written to the British government urging it to make one Jubilee Bank Holiday a permanent fixture as they believe that it will boost tourism and generate additional income for retailers and the hospitality industry.

Thanks Netflix A NEW film by Adam Sandler, Hustle was mainly filmed in Mallorca, with the subsequent financial benefit going to the island’s economy, thanks to a decision made by Netflix, as the story was originally set in China but the TV platform doesn’t operate there, hence the change.

Fashion pop-up AFTER denying a hoax tweet which said that online Chinese fashion giant Shein which now sells more garments than Inditex and H&M was pulling out of Europe, it opened a pop‐up store in Madrid to give customers a chance to try before they buy.

Minister Escriva delivered the news.

SPANISH unemployment fell below three million for first time since 2008 announced Jose Luis Escriva, Minis‐ ter for Social Security on June 2. The reduction in May was 99,512 meaning that the number of unem‐ ployed stands at 2,922,911 with 33,000 new jobs created and is the lowest figure since November 2008 at the start of the global financial cri‐ sis. Despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the energy crisis, compared to May 2021, the total number of unemployed has de‐ creased by 858,259 people (‐22.7 per cent). The total number of contracts reg‐

istered during the month of May was 1,640,595 which represents a rise of 95,287 (6.17 per cent) over the same month last year. More importantly, the number of new permanent contracts entered into in May was 730,427, the high‐ est figure since records started being kept. This is particularly significant as May is the month which normally sees temporary contracts being is‐ sued, especially in the hospitality in‐ dustry, to cope with the influx of tourists during the summer season. There were a number of tempo‐ rary contracts entered into during May, but the number is also the low‐

est since records have been kept. Female unemployment de‐ creased in May by 47,403 women (‐2.65 per cent) and stood at 1,740,982 unemployed registered in the public employment services. Male unemployment decreased by 52,109 men (‐4.22 per cent) and stood at 1,182,009. Unemployment of young people under 25 years of age also fell in the month of May by 21,973 people (‐9.90 per cent) compared to the previous month. Thanks to this sharp drop, the number of unemployed under 25 years of age fell to 199,920, the low‐ est figure ever recorded.

UK airport crisis ON June 1 UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Aviation Minister Robert Courts held a meeting with senior leaders from the aviation in‐ dustry, including airports, airlines and ground handling companies. The meeting was urgently called to discuss exceptional disruption seen across UK airports, after thou‐ sands of flights were cancelled due to staff shortages at airports and airlines. During the meeting Shapps said “I also understand the resourc‐ ing strains on the aviation sector but it does not excuse poor plan‐ ning and overbooking flights that they cannot service.


Credit: Lynn McCabe

WITH a continuing shortage of skilled construction workers and an estimated 100,000 jobs available in the hospitality industry, Spain is said to be in negotiation with the USA to accept a number of illegal migrants from Mexico who are currently being detained in America.

Huge queues at Gatwick Airport at half term.

“The companies who have seen the most disruption need to learn from those who ran services smoothly.” He added “We have been crystal clear, run services properly and ac‐ cording to schedule or provide

swift, appropriate compensation. “We do not want to see a repeat of this over the summer ‐ the first post‐Covid‐19 summer season ‐ and will be meeting again in the coming weeks to understand the progress that is being made.” Whilst the somewhat belated de‐ cision to hold this meeting will be welcomed if the industry manages to resolve the problems of delay and cancellations, this will be scant comfort for those passengers who have had their holidays disrupted and have been left out of pocket or in some cases stuck at airports for days.

Caixa Bank

H AV I N G r e s c u e d B a n k i a from closure following an investment of €22.4 bil‐ lion, the current Spanish government was instru‐ mental in the sale of the majority of its shares to Caixa in 2021 for €4.3 bil‐ lion. The government re‐ tained a stake of just over 16 per cent in what was to become Spain’s largest bank by value and gave an undertaking to sell the balance of shares by the end of 2023. According to financial newspaper Expansion on June 3, the Minister of Fi‐ nance, Nadia Calviño has made it clear that she wishes to continue to hold the entire investment in Caixa Bank and intends to extend the deadline for sale for a further two years.

Tax fraud IN the 2018 budget, then Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond called for a crack‐down on electronic sales suppression (ESS). ESS is a process by which businesses can manipulate electronic sales records, ei‐ ther during or after the point of sale, which hides or reduces the value of indi‐ vidual transactions in order to lower the recorded turnover of the business and corresponding tax lia‐ bilities. Since June 1, 2022, legis‐ lation has been in place which now allows HMRC to target and raid premises be‐ lieved to be either using or selling ESS systems with a maximum fine of £50,000 if the suspect is found guilty.

to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

32 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022




COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.252,25 Abrdn 196,45 Admiral Group 2.252,0 Anglo American 3.945,0 Antofagasta 1.518,97 Ashtead Group 4.150,0 Associated British Foods 1.705,5 AstraZeneca 10.262,3 Auto Trader Group Plc 590,20 Avast 484,60 Aveva 2.211,0 Aviva 430,00 B&M European Value Retail 387,10 BAE Systems 789,00 Bank VTB DRC 0,612 Barclays 171,00 Barratt Developments 511,20 Berkeley 4.311,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.660,00 BP 440,70 British American Tobacco 3.530,0 British Land Company 527,00 BT Group 185,17 Bunzl 2.771,4 Burberry Group 1.725,5 Carnival 1.008,0 Centrica 82,42 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.759,0 Compass 1.794,50 CRH 3.299,5 Croda Intl 6.896,0 DCC 5.662,0 Diageo 3.705,5 DS Smith 308,80 EasyJet 505,00 Experian 2.615,0 Ferguson 9.602,0 Flutter Entertainment 9.306,0 Fresnillo 789,20 Glencore 538,20 GSK plc 1.710,60 Halma 2.227,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 849,30 Hikma Pharma 1.682,00 HSBC 533,00 IAG 126,96 Imperial Brands 1.798,00 Informa 555,80 InterContinental 4.940,0

CHANGE(P) 1.264,50 198,55 2.253,0 3.995,5 1.550,00 4.393,0 1.736,0 10.495,9 592,40 488,10 2.215,0 433,90 391,50 799,00 0,612 172,66 515,60 4.354,0 2.697,00 444,50 3.550,3 528,40 187,90 2.854,0 1.742,0 1.019,0 85,14 1.765,0 1.813,50 3.331,5 7.104,0 5.752,0 3.713,5 312,50 514,60 2.637,0 9.698,0 9.498,0 792,00 540,30 1.728,00 2.257,0 855,40 1.684,00 536,10 129,94 1.809,00 556,00 4.967,5

% CHG. 1.249,50 194,40 2.205,0 3.900,5 1.516,00 4.127,0 1.699,5 10.182,8 581,00 481,50 2.111,0 425,30 371,40 785,40 0,612 168,08 508,80 4.302,0 2.636,00 436,20 3.513,0 521,42 183,40 2.759,0 1.715,0 1.004,0 80,92 1.724,0 1.772,00 3.293,5 6.860,0 5.636,0 3.663,0 307,80 500,40 2.606,0 9.542,0 9.208,0 768,80 529,70 1.701,60 2.215,0 839,60 1.659,00 529,30 126,70 1.792,50 541,40 4.918,0

NET VOL 373,21K 1,95M 126,80K 928,95K 276,56K 321,13K 205,17K 40,31K 554,08K 189,28K 114,46K 2,56M 2,25M 3,31M 0 14,57M 929,22K 42,59K 1,04M 13,85M 58,47K 40,30K 6,87M 388,51K 172,24K 315,97K 6,59M 302,71K 684,45K 188,49K 101,85K 37,36K 1,13M 821,72K 2,01M 264,98K 174,90K 116,21K 163,18K 12,30M 2,00M 149,62K 189,88K 226,55K 5,53M 12,50M 378,74K 1,58M 64,82K



Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Sberbank Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

1.585,50 4.610,0 71,12 229,00 2.091,0 769,80 260,10 45,38 7.280,0 774,80 138,00 1.559,20 1.129,18 231,00 6.468,0 1,89 935,00 2.246,0 642,20 1.061,50 6.230,0 2.231,00 507,40 595,00 5.919,0 91,83 0,60 664,40 1.335,00 0,0453 2.910,0 805,00 1.099,50 2.883,0 2.406,0 1.272,00 1.570,00 10.615,0 1.817,94 1.253,00 626,60 131,94 260,00 188,25 3.728,5 1.052,75 125,48 2.662,0 942,00


% CHG.


1.603,50 4.633,0 71,80 234,20 2.140,0 777,60 263,20 45,73 7.290,0 776,00 139,67 1.571,50 1.179,50 231,69 6.630,0 1,89 941,00 2.275,0 647,60 1.072,50 6.296,0 2.264,00 508,60 599,20 5.959,0 92,80 0,60 668,80 1.337,00 0,0453 2.930,0 815,00 1.102,50 2.913,0 2.423,5 1.279,00 1.580,50 10.735,0 1.874,50 1.282,00 632,80 133,50 263,60 192,55 3.737,0 1.055,50 126,16 2.695,0 945,40

1.580,50 4.584,0 70,84 228,70 2.074,0 761,00 258,00 45,09 7.206,0 772,80 137,15 1.535,50 1.128,00 228,70 6.440,0 1,89 917,40 2.219,0 639,00 1.024,00 6.176,0 2.221,00 490,00 590,20 5.876,0 89,16 0,60 657,80 1.324,50 0,0453 2.906,0 796,15 1.084,00 2.863,0 2.374,0 1.257,50 1.567,50 10.590,0 1.791,50 1.249,50 625,20 131,05 259,70 187,55 3.705,0 1.040,00 124,22 2.659,0 928,00

276,36K 47,68K 2,91M 2,75M 206,61K 333,77K 4,79M 33,25M 8,23K 227,14K 749,06K 357,43K 3,24M 1,86M 81,03K 0 448,18K 484,36K 307,84K 1,59M 418,69K 755,41K 1,11M 619,25K 978,63K 16,92M 0 533,12K 5,74K 0 9,06K 924,95K 581,39K 126,14K 6,70M 517,57K 313,39K 40,47K 1,74M 201,99K 2,64M 2,43M 5,74M 1,72M 816,07K 1,04M 32,90M 199,63K 679,76K



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0728 Japan yen (JPY)........................................140.16 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0319 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4391 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................10.082 • Tel: +34 950 478 914 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 145,97 166,83 248,45 145,38 139,25 222,90 177,60 45,25 62,97 67,03 318,68 305,08 194,82 141,18 43,39 176,42 130,16 248,36 89,91 270,02 120,95 145,89 184,91 174,19 485,61 50,81 212,65 43,14 125,32 108,67

CHANGE 147,47 168,04 250,69 147,97 140,70 224,10 178,25 45,74 63,63 68,16 322,50 308,46 196,17 142,58 44,25 178,67 131,77 250,27 90,68 273,45 122,54 147,21 189,64 176,89 491,67 51,25 214,21 43,79 127,42 109,85

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 145,32 1,86M 165,98 1,39M 247,72 2,08M 144,46 87,18M 137,59 10,03M 218,25 2,20M 176,00 8,30M 45,12 17,93M 62,81 12,45M 66,68 4,93M 317,50 1,19M 301,90 2,96M 193,61 2,23M 139,74 4,33M 43,34 33,12M 176,15 4,11M 129,99 8,46M 248,17 1,84M 89,68 6,28M 268,41 24,41M 120,00 5,20M 145,12 4,54M 183,80 9,18M 173,69 1,14M 484,90 1,74M 50,69 10,78M 211,27 4,34M 42,92 4,00M 125,09 6,04M 107,92 6,62M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+118.35% +48.65% +35.17% +33.96% +27.54% +26.41% +24.23% +22.88% +22.18% +21.21% +21.05%

30.43M 102.64M 1.93M 818.42K 23.34M 21.15M 70.77K 1.64M 476.28K 536.29K 1.13M

-44.43% -37.86% -36.07% -30.01% -27.12% -22.00% -20.44% -20.03% -19.49% -19.18% -17.97%

5.01M 1.65M 5.06M 498.61K 18.32K 1.18M 231.13K 23.21M 1.63M 98.95K 68.38K

Most Advanced Turning Point Energy Focu Galecto Proteostasis Therapeutics Houston American Energy Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Forian Integrated Media Tech Eros STX Global Harpoon Therapeutics Predictive Oncology

Most Declined Bit Origin Saverone 2014 ADR TC BioPharm Holdings Rallybio Natural Order Acquisition Zosano Pharma Neuroone Medical Novavax Joann Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Inc Mercurity Fintech ADR

9 - 15 June 2022

GDP THE Bank of Spain has indi‐ cated its belief that a po‐ tential halt of energy im‐ ports from Russia will have a short‐term negative im‐ pact by seeing a decline in gross domestic product (GDP) for the European Union as a whole of up to 4.2 per cent.

Overseas aid BRITAIN continues to offer overseas aid to developing countries and around £1 bil‐ lion a year is channelled through the World Bank’s International Development Association which according to a new report from the In‐ dependent Commission for Aid Impact ‘provides good value for money’.

Tax paid DESPITE continued ru‐ mours that South Ameri‐ can singer Shakira could be prosecuted and sent to prison for tax evasion, the TV channel of Spanish fi‐ nancial newspaper Expan‐ sion claims that she has ac‐ tually settled with the Treasury paying €14.5 mil‐ lion which they maintained she owed.

UK housing market HOUSE prices in the UK have posted a 10th succes‐ sive monthly increase in May to keep annual price growth in double‐figures according to the latest Na‐ tionwide house price in‐ dex. May saw a slight slow‐ ing in the rate of annual house price growth to 11.2 per cent, from 12.1 in April but prices effectively rose by 0.9 per cent month‐on‐ month, after taking ac‐ count of seasonal effects. As lenders become more picky as to whom they grant mortgages to, as the cost of living rises dramati‐ cally, the heady days of ris‐ ing prices may however soon come to a halt.

Frasers Group expands UK FRASERS GROUP has snatched Missguided Limited from Adminis‐ tration after paying £20 million to acquire cer‐ tain intellectual proper‐ ty of the company and its subsidiaries. This means that Frasers, set up by for‐ mer Newcastle United Football Club Mike Ash‐ ley will be able to run the online retailer as a standalone operation within the group and appeal directly to young buyers looking for reasonably priced ‘fast fashion’. Frasers were quick off the mark as the compa‐ ny only went into Ad‐ ministration on Mon‐ day May 30 after the company was issued with a winding‐up peti‐ tion by clothing suppli‐ ers who are owed mil‐ lions of pounds and the deal was announced on Wednesday June 1. Having purchased in‐ tellectual property

Credit: Kake flickr


STANDALONE: Missguided will be separate from House of Fraser stores.

rights rather than tak‐ ing over the companies completely means that Frasers Group are not left with ‘dead stock’ nor are they responsi‐ ble for the outstanding debts and administra‐ tors Teneo will have eight weeks to manage the operation before handing it over to Frasers. Some 80 staff had re‐ portedly already been

made redundant and it seems likely that the balance will move to work for Frasers who also own House of Fras‐ er and JD Sports. After announcing the deal, Michael Murray, Chief Executive of Frasers Group said: “We are delighted to secure a long‐term fu‐ ture for Missguided, which will benefit from the strength and scale

of FG’s platform and our operational excel‐ lence. “Missguided’s digital‐ first approach to the latest trends in wom‐ en’s fashion will bring additional expertise to the wider Frasers Group.” As consumers become more aware of the en‐ vironmental effects of cheap clothing Miss‐ guided had struggled.

Iberia airline is taking off IBERIA, part of the IAG Group, is the airline that has seen the great‐ est increase in brand value world‐ wide in 2022, with a growth of 37.6 per cent. That is an increase of €211 mil‐ lion compared to 2021, according to the latest Brand Finance report, which analysed the 50 most valu‐ able and strongest airline sector brands in the world. The study highlighted that the Spanish airline Iberia has achieved this growth by adapting quickly to the disruption of Covid‐19. In addition, it is also creating a new strategic partnership with both Cepsa and Repsol with the aim of decarbonising air travel and offering sustainable fuel for air travel. In the global ranking, Iberia is in 31st place, having climbed three positions this year, while Vueling (also owned by IAG), the other Spanish brand in the ranking, is in


Credit: Iberia Media Centre

34 EWN

June 1, first long-haul flight using Spanish produced biofuel.

last place, increasing its value by 0.6 per cent after its fall in 2021. There are only three brands in the ranking that have already re‐ covered the value they had before the pandemic. Iberia is one of the exceptions, increasing its value by 3 per cent, along with Singapore

Airlines and Indigo, which are up 11 per cent and 8 per cent, respec‐ tively. Vueling, meanwhile, although already reporting upward results, has some way to go, as it still has a brand value 31.5 per cent lower than what it had in 2020.


Fishing quotas A PAIR of reports from two Non‐Governmental Organi‐ sations, Blue Marine Founda‐ tion and OceanMind have re‐ vealed evidence of unauthorised fishing on the part of EU vessels in the wa‐ ters of several developing In‐ dian Ocean coastal states. The reports particularly highlight fishing activity for tuna on the part of Spanish and French‐owned vessels in the waters of Somalia and In‐ dia with no evidence of ac‐ cess agreements authorising the fishing. They also conclude that there have been small amounts of reported catch in the Chagos Archipelago ma‐ rine protected area and in Mozambique’s exclusive eco‐ nomic zone where no vessels flagged to any EU country could have been authorised to fish and it is alleged that beacons identifying vessels have been switched off.

Nigeria woos Spain SPAIN welcomed the Presi‐ dent of Nigeria to Madrid in the first official visit of a Nigerian Head of State in 17 years on Tuesday May 31. After meeting King Felipe VI, President Muhammadu Buhari went on to discuss a number of matters of mutu‐ al interest with President Pedro Sánchez as Nigeria is a supplier of liquid gas to Spain and is being courted by the European Union. After giving a speech at the headquarters of the World Tourism Organisa‐ tion he invited Spanish in‐ vestors to take advantage of Nigeria’s tax‐ free envi‐ ronment to market their services to its 200 million in‐ habitants at a Spanish Chamber of Commerce the following day.

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9 - 15 June 2022

Property of the week

Advertising Feature Voss Homes

Beautifully renovated Country House NEW & EXCLUSIVE LISTING FOR VOSS HOMES ‐ A large, beautifully renovated and decorated (with one room to finish), two storey, country house with stunning 360º country views: Currently with four / five bed‐ rooms, 2.5 bathrooms (but more of both can be added). Plus a 10m x 5m swimming pool, garage and workshop on 14,863m2 of land. In a picturesque, private, rural but not re‐ mote location just outside the village of La Hoya near Santa Maria, Huercal‐Overa. The beaches of San Juan de Los Terreros or Mo‐ jacar are 45 minutes drive away. Excellent if you are looking for peace, qui‐ et and privacy but like to know that neigh‐ bours and amenities are close by. Cortijo Santiago is a fantastic family home. It would also make a great B&B or self contained apartment business or a retreat. Plus there is a separate building of approx 40m2 which is currently used as storage / workshop which is large enough to be made into another separate one or two bed apart‐ ment. Depending on your requirements a nine or more bedroom property could be made.

CORTIJO SANTIAGO: A fantastic family home that can be expanded.

Immediately around the house is appprox 1,300m2 of flat garden including the pool area which is mostly gravelled for low main‐ tenance with a variety of plants. The rest of the land is mostly flat / terraced and is ideal of you want to keep horses etc, plant trees and is great for dog walking. The entrance drive leads up to the side of the house with a gravelled parking area easily big enough for 12 or more cars. To the side of the house is a large single garage and an open garage which is currently used

an an outside gym. The current main entrance is via double doors leading in to the large, impressive, be‐ spoke, quality made kitchen with central is‐ land, integral appliances and plenty of stor‐ age and preparation space. Next is the spacious living / dining room which forms the centre of the home. To the left is an entrance hall also with wooden, double doors leading out to the front of the house. On either side of the hall are large double bedrooms.

EWN 36

Ref. VH2013

299,000 euros

Back in the living/dining room is a door‐ way into a second living room/snug. A pas‐ sageway leads to a shower room, double bedroom and spacious toilet/laundry room. Also in the living /dining room is a stairway leading up to three areas. The first is the huge, open plan main bedroom with shower area and sun terrace. The second area is a huge dressing and living room area which also has a door leading on to a separate sun ter‐ race. The third area is the part that still needs finishing off. This area also has an external ac‐ cess door from behind the house so could be ideal as a separate guest apartment. To the other side of the house is a seating area and workshop and the swimming pool with attractive imprinted concrete surround‐ ing and covered seating area. Voss Homes is a British family‐run busi‐ ness with offices in the thriving, market town of Huercal‐Overa and the village of La Alfoquia village (Zurgena). We are the main selling agent for the Huercal‐Overa, Zurgena, La Alfoquia and Taberno area. We look forward to helping you find your ideal property in Spain.

For more information or to arrange a viewing of VH2013 please contact Voss Homes DIRECTLY on 0034 950 616 827 or email us at

Non-lucrative Visa CONSULAR MATTERS UNDOUBTEDLY one of the most demanded options among foreigners from all over the world who are not citizens of the European Union, is the non‐lucrative residence. Many citizens who want to settle in Spain to be able to enjoy everything the country has to offer choose this residence permit to regularise their situation. However, although the initial application requirements are often clear, how to stay long‐term in the country with this visa is not so. Thus, in this article we will see the requirements to renew the non‐prof‐ it residence in Spain in 2022. After the first year with the temporary non‐profit resi‐ dence, we can renew the card and extend our non‐profit visa for two more years. Next, we will see the requirements to do it. As you already know, the validity of the ini‐ tial non‐profit residence card, the one we ob‐ tain when we enter Spain for the first time, is one year. Once this year ends, we can renew for two extra years; and once these two years are over, a final renewal of two more years. It

must be done 60 days before the date of the end of that year or 90 days after its expiration date. Although a large part of the requirements consists of demonstrating that the criteria that allowed obtaining the initial card are maintained, there are some differences: a) Economic means: an amount greater than €27,000 per year and person, by 2022 (this amount is different each year as estab‐ lished by the government). b) Be a legal resident. c) Maintain private health insurance. d) If you have children, you must present a certificate of habitability of your house that proves that the house meets the minimum conditions to be a home for them. e) Certificate that minor children are en‐ rolled in school. f) Not have debts with the Treasury and Social Security. g) Certificate of criminal and police records.

For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code

Marisa Moreno Castillo Consul for Denmark and Senior Lawyer at Just Law Solicitors. •

38 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Help! We’re reliving the 1970s NORA JOHNSON BREAKING VIEWS Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist.

Add to all that inflation, a falling Pound, a government past its sell‐by‐ date and pitch invasions at football sta‐ diums. This is straight out of that de‐ pressing decade ‐ and I’m getting out my tie‐dyed tops and bell‐bottom jeans... Compared with today, the 90s was a golden age. A ‘free’ decade be‐ tween the end of the Cold War and September 11. But Anneka again? Just shows the intellectual poverty of the broadcast media. They haven’t a single original idea to make new programmes or dramas that anyone wants to watch...

DO you feel like you’re living in the 1990s? Tory sleaze, economic turmoil, war in Europe ‐ even An‐ neka Rice (remember her?) is back with a new run of Challenge Anneka. Or rather, the 1970s? That it’s getting more like the 70s every day. Inter‐ views with union leaders with six figure salaries be‐ ginning to flex their mus‐ cles. Threats of strikes in a vital part of the national infrastructure. Demands for a much larger percent‐ Nora Johnson’s critical‐ Nora’s latest thriller. age rise than any other ly acclaimed psychologi‐ worker could contem‐ cal crime thrillers plate. The attitude that it’s all the gov‐ (www.nora‐ all available ernment’s fault. The intransigence that online including eBooks (€0.99;£0.99), ending out‐of‐date practices and the in‐ Apple Books, paperbacks, audiobooks troduction of technology are totally off at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer the agenda. charity.

Nora Johnson’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

40 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Top tips for sunscreen Tamsin Brown IF you want to make the most of the long days and warm weather of the summer by spending a lot of time outdoors, you need to be extra careful. Excessive exposure to the sun’s rays can cause skin damage and lead to pre‐ mature ageing. Follow these steps to take care of your skin in the sun: 1. Choose the right sun protection factor for your skin type. Lighter skins need a much higher SPF, as do children and preg‐ nant women. When in doubt, go for a higher SPF. 2. Apply the sun‐ screen 15 to 20 minutes before exposure so that your skin has time to ab‐ sorb it properly. 3. It is advisable to use one sunscreen for your body and another one for your face. Facial

sunscreens are made with gentler ingredients. However, there is no problem if you only have one. 4. Apply the cream to all parts of your face, in‐ cluding the ears and eye‐ lids. The nose usually re‐ quires extra protection as it tends to burn more than the rest of the face. 5. On the body, pay special attention to sensitive areas such as the chest and shoulders, which are constantly exposed to the sun. The back of the neck and the feet are also

often neglected. 6. Your skin might not burn evenly. Many peo‐ ple find that the arms, chest and stomach burn faster than the legs, so you may want to buy sunscreens with different SPFs for different areas to get a more even tan. 7. Enjoy the summer!

Correctly applied sunscreen prevents painful sunburn and premature ageing.


Save on summer beauty SUMMER is practically here, which means plenty of time spent showing off skin on the beach. Every‐ one wants to look their best during the hottest months of the year, but there is no reason for this to mean splashing out on expensive beauty products. Save those pennies for your holidays! Fake tan Fake tan is much safer than sunbathing or sunbeds, but one tiny bot‐ tle can cost a lot of money. You can make your own fake tan at home cheaply and easily using black tea. Simply boil around 15 black tea bags in half a litre of water and apply it to your body for a quick, easy and safe tan. Exfoliation When it gets hotter, you might start to notice that unpleasant feeling of sweat mixed with make‐up. This can block pores and cause acne, so always wash your face properly in the morn‐

You can save a lot of money on summer beauty products if you make them at home.

ing and evening. Exfoliation is also essential. To make your own exfoliating scrub, mix some coconut oil and sugar (salt works too but is more abrasive). You can add some drops of essen‐ tial oil. Conditioner You probably know that feeling of tangled hair after a day spent at the beach.

The sun, sand and salt can all wreak havoc on your hair. You might want to use conditioner every day, but this is not cheap and may be harsh. Try an apple cider vinegar rinse in‐ stead. Mix four table‐ spoons of vinegar with a cup of water, leave on for a few minutes, detangle and rinse for a natural shine.

9 - 15 June 2022

EWN 41

42 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


GO LOCAL THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to support local businesses in the community by shop‐ ping locally in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we chal‐ lenge you to maintain that habit by supporting local high streets, markets, butchers, greengrocers and all of the wonderfully quirky independent busi‐ nesses in your area. Local businesses make

our villages, towns and cities what they are. They add unique character. They are convenient. And they offer excellent produce from known suppliers. The joy of shopping locally means that independent businesses can support the local community. You may find something a euro or two cheaper online but have you considered where your money is actu‐ ally going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local fami‐ ly’s table and there is noth‐ ing better than giving back to the communities that have given us so much. Lo‐ cal stores support charities and they sponsor local sports teams. In many cas‐ es, they are much more than just a business, they’re a legacy. They may have supported generations of

BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, independent businesses can help support the local community.

the same family. Likewise, brand new local stores and bars may help the genera‐ tions of the future fulfil their dreams and ambitions. Remember, your local store is going up against multinationals and chains. They can’t win that battle on their own. So give them your support. Spending your money lo‐

cally will make a real differ‐ ence to the local economy. Local businesses recirculate a greater share of every eu‐ ro they receive at local lev‐ el. They create locally owned supply chains and they invest in their employ‐ ees. So remember. When you go shopping ‐ go local!

44 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Advertising Feature

Your own phone assistant for the price of your coffee

RUNNING a business can be lots of things; exhilarating, exciting and ultimately profitable. But one of the things that pretty much all business owners will agree can be one of the hardest bits of running their own company is the admin side of things. From finding the time to answer every business call when you’re al‐ ready in the middle of a busy work day to catering to the different lan‐ guages your business enquiries come in from, the actual admin of your business can sometimes take as much time and effort as the work you do. So what if there was a solution to make sure all your business calls were answered, and all nationali‐ ties you work with catered to, sim‐ ply for the price of a round of cof‐ fees each month? And better still, a solution that could actually lower your business phone bills? Enter UrPhone, a brand‐new concept taking all the hassle out of phone admin for businesses and autonomos using one simple app.

BUSINESSES & AUTONOMOS: Can now have their own virtual assistant.

The concept UrPhone is an app which can provide all the benefits of a tradi‐ tional in‐office phone system; just much more cheaply and easily. Its quick and easy system has so‐ lutions for both businesses and au‐ tonomos. Autonomos While out and about on a job,

taking phone calls can be tricky. This can make keeping on top of all the new work that comes your way harder. UrPhone has a solution for this. Simply using its app, autonomos can create their own business phone line from their normal mo‐ bile phone, without the need for a new sim card.

This allows you to create a new phone number with a whole vari‐ ety of national dialling codes, from UK to German and Swedish. Not only does this make your business more appealing to multiple nation‐ alities, it also allows you to have a separate ring tone on your phone for calls expressly to your business line, meaning you always know when you are receiving a business call. The app also allows you to divert calls from one UrPhone account to another, meaning that if you can‐ not answer your phone while working, the caller will be diverted to any colleagues you may have, who can answer the call. UrPhone’s app even includes an option to create a menu in multiple languages, meaning that if your clients are from different nationali‐ ties they can be directed to some‐ one who will speak their language. All this is from the same price as a round of coffees a month. UrPhone even offers free outgo‐

Get your quote now: +34 865 615 033 •

ing business calls as well, actually saving you money. Businesses Set up and installed by profes‐ sionals, UrPhone’s system can pro‐ vide everything a traditional in‐of‐ fice phone network can. They offer interactive call trans‐ fers ‐ allowing you to see who in your network is free to take a call before you pass it through ‐ as well as professional hold messages, out of hours messages, and even mes‐ sages in multiple languages allow‐ ing callers to be directed to some‐ one who speaks their own language. Its system also allows voicemail messages to be automatically sent to your email in a downloadable format, making them easier to lis‐ ten to wherever you are, as well as to share them with colleagues. Beyond that, for companies with colleagues across multiple loca‐ tions, UrPhone is integrated with Microsoft Teams, allowing you to instantly start a team meeting whenever needed with the highest audio quality.

46 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022

DAVID WORBOYS THINKING ALOUD WE all know people who try to impress us by points‐scoring and name‐drop‐ ping. I suspect I may fall into that cate‐ gory myself. But I tend to be unim‐ pressed by self‐aggrandisement ‐ the flaunting, posing and monologues ex‐ tolling the speaker’s knowledge, pos‐ sessions and perceived success. Simple observation can indicate whether peo‐ ple are sufficiently at ease with them‐ selves to find it unnecessary to try to impress. Looking back, those who have im‐ pressed me most are people who have made me laugh, as I do believe laughter is the best medicine. As I get older, I re‐ alise I laugh less frequently ‐ and I miss this. The funniest people are often nutters, and such a case was a dear but utterly eccentric business colleague of mine called Monty whom devotees of my reminiscences will recall from my col‐ umn headed ‘Some Kind of Nut’ (Issue 1801). In the 80s, I was sitting in a simple bar with Monty in Dublin, where we knew nobody, when a small guy at the next



The ability to make laugh is a great asset - but it can have its dangers.

table got up and headed for the single loo. Time went by and the woman with him kept looking at her watch, while three uncomfortable‐looking men had formed an impatient queue outside the Gents. Finally, after well over 10 min‐ utes, he emerged and, as he returned to the table, Monty shouted out “We thought you’d fallen in.” There was a roar of laughter and several people started clapping. Whenever we entered the customs declaration area at airports Monty found it amusing to adopt an exaggerat‐

ed innocent saunter, wheeling his trolley with his head held high, staring into the air, while whistling. Invariably he was stopped and I had to wait while his bags were searched. On other occasions he would grip his trolley and charge through at high speed ‐ with the same result. In Monty’s company, I was always pre‐ pared to be embarrassed ‐ even endan‐ gered ‐ for the sake of a good laugh. This man, who spoke several languages, also had a knack of imitating the accents of people (including strangers) while con‐

versing with them. Cockneys, Pakistanis, Germans and Japanese. It was hilarious ‐ and he claimed he was only once ever hit (by a Cockney, of course!) I understand that many people will not find this behaviour funny but no‐ body, including Spike Milligan and John Cleese has ever given me more laughs than Monty. Although, by most people’s reckoning, he was both talented and successful, he was very discrete about it. Until he picked you up in his car or invit‐ ed you to his home, you would not have guessed that he drove a Porsche and lived in a detached house in Cookham Dean. His apparent unawareness of his fortune impressed me more than his possessions and achievements. But my lasting impressions are of the unpredicted situations I experienced in his company, resulting from his com‐ pletely uninhibited and humorous ap‐ proach to life.

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David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.


9 - 15 June 2022

EWN 47

EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

FAKE PASSPORTS I wanted to comment on your article about the peo‐ ple who were given fake vaccine passports. They didn’t feel special or above the law as was stat‐ ed in the article, they did‐ n’t buy the BS the main‐ stream media and big pharma and dirty politi‐ cians were dishing out. They cared about their health and the danger these vaccines can cause. I fully support them. These clot shots do not work and have caused thousands of deaths and injuries worldwide. Now that’s a story mainstream media should be sinking their teeth into. It doesn’t take rocket science to make you think that if a person connected to the vaccines didn’t want one… that speaks volumes. Nina Heller

Totally unfair Regarding your article featuring Martin Lewis and the Tory waste of space. From what I can gather the fact we live in Spain and have no property in the UK means we are unlikely to re‐ ceive any help from the gov‐ ernment as opposed to pen‐ sioners living in the UK. This is totally unfair as we all know the crisis at the moment is a global one and despite inflation rates we have been honoured with a 3 per cent rise the same as pensioners in the UK. What are we second class citizens? At the end of the day we have worked and paid into the system the same as everyone else we should be treated equally. Regards Ron

VACCINE PASSPORTS: People care about their health.

OUR VIEW GOD SAVE THE QUEEN SO much has happened in the 70 years since Princess Elizabeth discovered whilst in Kenya in February 1952 that her father King George VI had died and that she was now to lead a new Elizabethan age. As the headline read then, ‘she went to bed a Princess and woke a Queen’ and it is clear that she has devoted herself to that role ever since. It’s remarkable that with all the political upheaval, civil wars, revolutions and financial disasters that Her Majesty has managed to remain so popular even though her family, much in keeping with previous Royal Families, have managed to lie, cheat and divorce around her. She is now a frail old woman who was obviously not well enough to cope with the four days of celebration, although she did her best to appear before the crowds who flocked to Buckingham Palace to celebrate with her. Assuming she lives another year, it could happen again as 2023 will be the 70th Anniversary of the Coronation which took place on June 2, 1953 although whether she will be inviting Paddington Bear to tea again must be a moot point. Like it or not, Royal events such as this are popular throughout the world, good for business and diverting public opinion from political scandals for a while and generally give the majority of people in the UK a warm feeling. British citizens resident in Spain found plenty of opportunity to celebrate with get togethers, although none were as ‘posh’ as that held at the British Embassy for deserving members of the British community from across Spain. In the words of English poet Henry Carey, “God Save the Queen”.


48 • 9 - 15 June 2022 • 9 - 15 June 2022





50 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Summer dog snacks AS the weather heats up, we have some super simple and healthy treats for your furry friend that can be made at home! Dog‐friendly fruit cocktail This fido‐friendly fruit cocktail is an easy picnic treat for your pup. Ingredients 1/3 cup pineapple 1/3 cup melon 1/3 cup berries ‐ our favourite trio: strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Method Prep the pineapple, remove the skin and dice into small pieces. Prep the watermelon, remove the rind and seeds, and dice into small pieces. Mix them altogether and you’re done! Banana and peanut butter pup pops A classic combination! Ingredients 3 tbsps peanut butter (xylitol free) If peanuts are an allergy con‐ cern, replace with xylitol free cashew butter. 2 well‐ripened bananas

These home-made treats will cool your dog down in the summer heat!

2 tbsps coconut oil Method Combine all ingredients and mash the mixture until smooth.

Pour into your mould tray and pop in the freezer and leave for at least three to four hours Serve!

Protect your cat AS the rays of the sun be‐ come stronger and climate change is causing increasing heatwaves, it is important to keep your cat protected from sunburn ‐ something that could cause damage for life. Sarah Elliott, Central Vet‐ erinary Officer for Cats Pro‐ tection, said: “White and pale‐coloured cats don’t have a pigment called melanin in their skin, which is what protects humans from sunlight. This can leave them vulnerable to sun dam‐ age ‐ usually around the ears. Over time, the damage caused by the sun’s ultravio‐

UK charity Cats Protection has recently seen an increase in cats suffering from the effects of sun over exposure.

let rays can increase the risk of developing skin damage and cancer.”

“Cats with unpigmented noses or ears are also much more susceptible to sun damage and require addi‐ tional sun protection.” So, how do you keep your cat protected from the dam‐ aging rays of the sun? Cats Protection’s top sun safety tips are: Keep pet cats indoors when the sun is at its hottest, typically between 12am and 5pm in Spain. Speak to a vet about suit‐ able sunscreen for pet cats. Provide plenty of opportu‐ nities for shade outdoors, such as cat hides, large card‐ board boxes or plant plots placed close together, partic‐ ularly on terraces and bal‐ conies. Always provide an out‐ door water source as there is a risk of your cat becoming dehydrated in the heat. To stop cats feeling over‐ heated, place a plastic bottle with frozen water inside a towel and place it in an area that the cat frequently visits.

9 - 15 June 2022 •




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quia, Zurgena & Taberno area. Andy, Anna, Jess, Adele, Hannah, Amy & Karen look forward to helping you buy, sell or rent your ideal property. Please call 678 002 006 for more information (283824)

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MOTORING FOR SALE WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)

CHURCHES LOCAL ANGLICAN (C of E) church services at Mojacar Los Llanos Del Peral and Alhambra. Communion every Sunday in Mojacar at 11am. Communion at Los Llanos every Sunday except the last Sunday in the month when there will be Prayer and Praise all at 11am. The services that were being held in the South American church Albox have now returned to the chapel and Communion is held on the second Thursday of the month at 11am. Priest in charge rev canon Alan Bennet telephone number 680 243 436. For further information, please go to The Anglican Chaplaincy of Costa Almeria and Costa Calida web page. Or contact Tony Noble 950 069 103. (10002)


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VOSS HOMES are a professional, British family-run Estate Agents with an office in Huercal-Overa town. They specialise in selling and renting pro perties in the Huercal-Overa, La Alfo-


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52 EWN

9 - 15 June 2022


Which autonomies have the most speed cameras in Spain? ACCORDING to a study by the Radar Observatory in Spain, where all the data on the different types of public speed cameras and sources of municipal juris‐ diction information are collected, the number of speed cameras increased in Spain by 4 per cent from January 2021 to January 2022. This represents a to‐ tal of 2,640 speed cam‐ eras, but is a situation that can vary significantly be‐ fore the arrival of summer, and the tax desire of some administrations. In fact, an increase of 10 per cent is anticipated during the year. Catalonia, Andalucia, and Castilla y Leon are the three autonomous com‐ munities with the highest number of speed cameras according to the Radar Ob‐ servatory in Spain. These communities have 660, 337, and 319 speed cam‐ eras respectively.

SPEED CAMERAS: Numbers have increased.

This number represents more than half of the total number of radars in the country. Madrid with 203, and the Basque Country with 202 complete the ‘top 5’ of the regions with the highest number of devices. They are followed by Galicia (168), Comunidad Valenciana (156), Castilla La Mancha (118), and Aragon (108) as the Au‐ tonomous Communities with more than 100 radars. Following these are the Communities of Asturias (70), the Balearic Islands (58), the Canary Islands (56), Extremadura (55),

and Navarra (55). As well as the radar de‐ vices to control speed, there are now laws that seek to ‘contain’ speeds on Spanish roads and high‐ ways. The new Traffic Law, which came into force on March 21, was brought in with the DGT objective to reduce road accidents and preserve road safety. Among other things, it includes sanctions of six li‐ cence points for using a mobile phone at the wheel, and four points for not using a seat belt, or ex‐ ceeding the established speed limit when overtak‐ ing.


ROAD TEST by Mark Slack A C A R doesn’t have to be a sporting coupe, luxury saloon or upmar‐ ket off‐roader to endear it to its owner. Proof of this is Suzuki’s S‐Cross SUV. The Japanese car maker has a knack of competing with the big players of the automo‐ tive world by innovative packaging and clever engineering. In its latest form the S‐Cross has gained a welcome new look, al‐ beit some may say it looks like others in the market it has lost the arguably idiosyncratic styling of its predeces‐ sor. Offering all‐wheel‐ drive, and Suzuki off‐ roaders are extremely capable, six‐speed manual or automatic gears (a proper torque converter automatic) and mild hybrid tech‐ nology it’s an excellent

9 - 15 June 2022

EWN 53

Suzuki S-Cross - excellent and endearing SUV package. Even in lead‐in form, there are just two trim levels, there’s an abundance of stan‐ dard equipment that puts more es‐ tablished competi‐ tors in the shade. Priced from €29,126/£24,999 the on road experi‐ ence is equally good with the eager 1.4‐litre ‘boosterjet’ tur‐ bocharged petrol en‐ gine’s modest perfor‐ mance figures don’t do the drive justice. It’s more than capable of nipping past slower traffic and the suspen‐ sion provides a good line between ironing out the bumps but pre‐ venting too much body roll. It’s one of the few affordable SUVs that is actually good fun to drive.


M y test car was an au‐ tomatic ver‐ sion made all the better by being a proper torque converter unit as opposed to the more usual double clutch or e‐CVT. The mild‐hybrid provides slightly im‐ proved performance lower down the engine rev’ range in addition to assisting with economy, and lower emissions. In top‐line Ultra trim it comes with navigation,

This immensely likeable Suzuki deserves success.

a superb and large slid‐ ing and opening glass panoramic roof, leather trimmed upholstery, heated seats, adaptive cruise control, keyless entry and start and more. The interior has plen‐ ty of space and with, in these days of tech over‐

load, sensible levels of digitalisation and prop‐ er buttons it’s a nice place to be seated for any jour‐ ney. Despite some criticism I found the interior to be of a nice quality and not at all cheap in build or looks. A simple rotary control brings all‐ wheel‐drive abilities and the gearchanges in the automatic transmis‐ sion are smooth, if a lit‐ tle pre‐emptive on the kickdown. This is usual‐ ly from rest when accel‐ erating as the engine is eager to progress, but a quick flick of the paddle shifts soon rectifies matters. The S‐Cross is an ex‐ cellent and endearing car for day‐to‐day work

and family travels at by today’s standards af‐ fordable pricing. This immensely likeable Suzuki deserves success.

to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code


League of Nations match sells out in 24 hours THE Royal Spanish Football Federa‐ tion was elated to announce on Fri‐ day, May 27 that tickets had sold out in just 24 hours for Spain’s League of Nations match against the Czech Re‐ public on Sunday June 12. This clash will be the national team’s first re‐ turn to Malaga’s La Rosaleda stadium since a friendly against Costa Rica in 2017. Tickets for Spain’s first official match in Malaga for 40 years went on sale at 5pm on Wednesday, May 25. A constant flow of football fans caused the website to collapse for more than an hour at one point. Prices ranged from €20 to €75, with management costs on top, as report‐ ed by Spanish media. An initiative launched by the Royal Spanish Football Federation saw a promotion that applied a discount of 15 per cent discount on all tickets purchased before 1.59pm on Sunday, May 29. Little did they realise, there would be no tickets left by that time.


Zone 1 Grandstand had the highest price, and this reportedly sold out in just one hour. From there, the stadi‐ um was filling each and every one of the remaining areas until the seats were exhausted. During the first sev‐ en hours, 23,386 tickets were sold, and by Wednesday evening, there were hardly any left. On the morning of Thursday, May 26, the website crashed again for several hours, due to the demand. Football fans in Malaga clearly did not want to miss this match, Spain’s fourth in the group. On June 2 the opener was played against Portugal in Sevilla, the result was 1‐1. There are four matches in total during June. Two away matches fol‐ lowed on June 5 with Czech Republic (2‐2), and today June 9 against Switzerland. After the home match in Malaga, La Roja welcomes Switzer‐ land on September 24, before the fi‐ nal group game on September 27, away in Portugal.

9 - 15 June 2022

EWN 55

14th French Open SPANISH tennis legend Rafael Nadal has etched his name even deeper in the history books on Sun‐ day, June 5, after hammer‐ ing Casper Ruud to win the French Open men’s title for the 14th time in his career. At the age of 36, the Spaniard becomes the old‐ est winner at Roland Gar‐ ros. The victory earned Nadal an astonishing 22nd Grand Slam crown, moving him two wins ahead of the other tennis legends, Ser‐ bia’s Novak Djokovic, and Switzerland’s Roger Feder‐ er. This victory ties him with Steffi Graf for second‐most major singles titles in the Open Era, trailing Serena Williams’ record of 23 Grand Slams. At the age of 36, one can only wonder if Nadala can keep motivat‐

Rafa Nadal with the French Open trophy. ing himself to continue in search of equalling, or even overtaking that record. He came into the French tournament suffering from a chronic foot problem which led to rumours of his retirement from the world of tennis. If he can dismantle a player of Ruud’s quality with just one good foot then we can only imagine what could be achieved

when he has both feet in good condition. Competing on the fa‐ mous Court Philippe‐Cha‐ trier, it took Nadal just two hours and 18 minutes to completely destroy Nor‐ way’s No8 seed Casper Ru‐ ud 6‐3, 6‐3, 6‐0 in a tennis masterclass. An incredible statistic shows that Nadal has played 115 matches on the clay courts of Paris, and won 112 of them.

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