Mallorca 30 June - 6 July 2022 Issue 1930

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Image: Consell de Mallorca

20TH SPORTS GALA Tamsin Brown THE Consell de Mallorca’s 20th Sports Gala took place on Monday, June 27, in Palma’s Teatro Principal, where 126 Mal‐ lorcan athletes and play‐ ers from 30 different sports received public recognition in front of nearly 700 guests. The Consell de Mallorca highlighted its commit‐ ment to the values of tol‐ erance, diversity, plurali‐ ty, inclusion, perseverance and respect in sport. This year’s awards have been given to sports clubs and enti‐ ties that have stood out for their efforts to pro‐ mote these values. Of course, the real stars of the event were the young Mallorcan ath‐ letes who obtained first and second positions in all the championships held during the 2021‐ 2022 season. Additional‐ ly, the basketball player Alba Torrens and the ca‐ noeist Sete Benavides re‐ ceived special tributes for their outstanding ca‐ reers in the world of sport, and the rugby ref‐ eree Lu Fornés received

The Sports Gala in Palma celebrated the achievements of 126 Mallorcan athletes.

the Jugamos Award. Three entities also re‐ ceived awards: the School Sports Award went to the Balearic un‐ der‐16 indoor football team, the league champi‐ ons; the Social Entity Award went to Bàsquet Run & Gun, for its inclu‐ sive work; and the Archiduque Lluís Salvador Secondary School re‐ ceived the Educational Centre Award for its ac‐ tive involvement in sports. The municipality of Calvia was also award‐ ed for its sporting initia‐ tives over the past year. The 20th Sports Gala was presented by the fa‐ mous magician Llorenç Cloquell and the journal‐

ist Rosa de Lima, and there were several out‐ standing performances to keep everyone enter‐ tained. Sports profession‐ als including the top ref‐ eree Guillermo Cuadra, the basketball player No‐ gaye Lo, the sailor Sergi Roig and the Olympic wrestler Graciela Sánchez all had important mes‐ sages to share. The councillor of Tran‐ sition, Tourism and Sport of the Consell de Mallor‐ ca, Andreu Serra, opened the event. He said: “To create a more egalitarian and fairer society, we need sports professionals who are more aware, as they have the power to use sport and physical ed‐

ucation to break down the inequalities and tradi‐ tional roles that are per‐ petuated.” The ceremony was closed by the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Catalina Cladera. She thanked all the athletes and those who had col‐ laborated with the pro‐ grammes of the Sports Department. She said: “Sport not on‐ ly serves to transmit val‐ ues, but also to encour‐ age personal autonomy and decision‐making. It is not just about winning and losing. It is about en‐ joying oneself, feeling ful‐ filled and, above all, sport is a path to person‐ al well‐being.”


SUPPORT FOR LGBTI PRIDE THE Balearic Islands Government released an institutional declaration in support of LGBTI Pride Day 2022, celebrated on Tuesday June 28, with which it shows its commitment to continuing to promote policies aimed at building a diverse and inclusive society in which all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or sexual characteristics, are respected and valued. This is the seventh anniversary of the approval of the Balearic Islands’ Law 8/2016, of May 30, which guarantees the rights of lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex people and seeks to eradicate LGBTI‐phobia. The Balearic Islands Government is proud of the long road travelled, but aware that there is still much to be done. Image: Balearic Islands Government

Issue No. 1930 30 June - 6 July 2022

PROUD: The Balearic Islands Government showed its support for LGBTI Pride Day.


30 June - 6 July 2022

Safety at Cala Figuera

Balearic Islands sets an example

T H E port of Cala Figuera is one of the most well‐known places in the munici‐ pality of Santanyi and is much‐loved by both residents and visitors. Precisely because of the interest in this area of the coastal town, the Santanyi Town Hall built a viewpoint on a publicly‐owned plot of land located at the in‐ tersection of Calle Juan Sebastian Elcano and Calle Hernan Cortes. Now the Santanyi government team has made an additional in‐ vestment in the view‐

ON June 27, the councillor for the Environment and Territory of the Balearic Is‐ lands Government, Miquel Mir, and the director‐gen‐ eral of Waste and Environ‐ mental Education, Sebastia Sanso, met with the Valen‐ cian Association of Munici‐ palities for Door‐to‐Door Collection to explain the Balearic Islands’ imple‐ mentation of regional leg‐ islation on waste manage‐ ment, especially with regards to the door‐to‐ door collection model. Mir said: “The Balearic Islands, once again, contin‐ ues to be an example for others to follow in terms of

point. A new wall has been built around the space to improve the safety of visitors. Also, improvements have been made to accessi‐ bility, the viewpoint area has been enlarged and there are new benches for sitting on. The mayor of San‐ tanyi, Maria Pons, said: “This is a necessary in‐ vestment that will help to continue improving the surroundings of Cala Figuera, one of the best‐known and most representative spots of our municipal‐ ity.”

waste management. This is further proof that the model we are implement‐ ing is no longer the future, but must be the present if we want to tackle the ef‐ fects of the climate emer‐ gency.”

Sanso added: “Encourag‐ ing waste reduction and proper selective waste col‐ lection are two of the pil‐ lars of our law, which we promote through the ‘pol‐ luter pays’ principle at all levels.” Image: Palma Town Hall

GET ACTIVE: Participants of Palma’s ‘Activa‘t’ programme celebrated the end of the course.

‘Activa‘t’ programme ends successfully Tamsin Brown ON June 22, more than 100 residents of various neigh‐ bourhoods in Palma who participated in the ‘Activa’t’ (‘get active’) programme met in the Parque de las Estaciones to celebrate the end of the course. The participants were giv‐ en an outdoor class and re‐ ceived a certificate of partici‐ pation from the councillor for Tourism, Health and Con‐ sumer Affairs of the Palma Town Hall, Elena Navarro. The ‘Activa‘t’ programme, which is a new initiative of the Palma Department of

Health and Consumer Af‐ fairs, was implemented in the neighbourhoods of Son Dameto, el Viver, Plaça de Toros, Pere Garau, Son Gotleu and Coll d’en Rabas‐ sa with the aim of promot‐ ing physical exercise among people over 60 years of age. The programme has re‐ sulted in proven physiologi‐ cal and functional benefits including lower blood pres‐ sure levels and improved quality of sleep, and there have been improvements in aspects such as quality of life, emotional well‐being and social inclusion.


Q for quality ON June 23, the mayor of Calvia, Al‐ fonso Rodriguez Badal, collected the 15 ‘Q flags’ award‐ ed for the quality of Calvia’s beaches by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE). The ceremony was held in Madrid and led by the Spanish minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Maria Reyes Maroto. Once again, Calvia is the munic‐ ipality with the most Q flags for its beaches, followed by Cartagena, which was awarded 12. Alfonso Ro‐ driguez Badal said that these distinc‐ tions are “an ac‐ knowledgement of the collective work that is done to guarantee quality in the services, maintenance, con‐ servation and ac‐ cessibility of our beaches,” as well as an incentive to keep improving. The 15 beaches of Calvia with Q flags are: Buguenvíl‐lia, Illetes Balneari, Cala Contesa, Por‐ tals Nous, s’Oratori, es Carregador (Pal‐ manova) Palmano‐ va, Son Maties, Ma‐ galuf, Cala Vinyes, Ses Penyes Roges (el Toro), Santa Ponça, la Romana (Peguera) and Palmira (Peguera).


NIBS EXTRA Palm trees SO far this month, more than 200 palm trees have been planted in Palma by the Department of Infras‐ tructures and Accessibility. This is part of the town hall’s goal of planting 10,000 trees during this term of of‐ fice to combat climate change and make Palma a greener and more sustain‐ able city.

Blue Flags FOR the third year running, Santanyi is the municipality of Mallorca that has ob‐ tained the most Blue Flags for its beaches in summer. Thanks to the good quality of the water, the lifeguards, the bathroom and shower ser‐ vices and the spectacular landscape, Santanyi now has five Blue Flags.

Hiking trail THE Consell de Mallorca has expropriated the 3.5km stretch between La Trapa and Ses Basses and incorpo‐ rated it into the beautiful Ru‐ ta de Pedra en Sec (Dry Stone Route). It is the first such measure to be taken as part of the new Law of Public Paths and Hiking Routes.

Covid Fund THE Covid Fund, which was created by the Balearic Is‐ lands Government during the pandemic to mitigate the health, social and economic effects of the crisis, has con‐ tributed to 33 projects worth a total of €100.6 million. This was announced in Palma to the Commission for the Pro‐ motion of Sustainable Tourism.

Automotive market THE automotive market of the Balearic Islands is expect‐ ed to grow by 40 per cent this year. Specifically, around 23,800 vehicles will be regis‐ tered in the Islands, and next year, sales will grow again by nearly 45 per cent, with 35,000 vehicles, clearly ex‐ ceeding pre‐pandemic fig‐ ures.

30 June - 6 July 2022

Funds for flood prevention

Tamsin Brown THE Balearic Islands will receive €3.9 million for the first phase of the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for the digitisation of the water cycle. This was agreed at the sectoral conference held between the councillors of the Environment of all Spain’s autonomous communities on Friday June 24. At the same meeting, it was agreed that the archipelago will receive €1.5 million for actions to prevent the risk of flooding in urban centres. Both items are part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the Next Generation EU funds. These actions may be carried out directly through the autonomous commu-

Image: Balearic Islands Government

The Balearic Islands will receive €3.9 million for the digitisation of the water cycle.

nities or bodies that depend on them, or through private companies awarded the projects through competitive calls for proposals. The purpose of the grants is to support projects that are integrated into long-

School success for vulnerable youths ON June 21, 10 young people in the protection system of the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS) have successfully completed the 2021‐ 2022 academic year of the Alter programme for social and educational integration aimed at sec‐ ondary school students with a high risk of school failure and significant attendance problems. It provides them with the possibility of combining school attendance with more practical learning. The project is jointly run by the Department of Social Affairs and Sports of the Balearic Islands Government, the various town halls and IMAS and is aimed at young people between 14 and 16 who have been unable to adapt to the school sys‐ tem. The main objective is to reduce the number of dropouts. In the 2021‐22 academic year, 300 stu‐ dents from the Balearic Islands participated. The students on the programme have four hours of work experience at companies three days a week. They can gain experience in the world of work in a field that interests them, such as mechanics, hairdressing, IT or gardening.

term plans or strategies and seek solutions that promote the restoration of rivers, an increase in biodiversity, the recovery of habitats and the generation of green infrastructure for the effective reduction of the risk of flooding.

Giving the gift of sight

THE Shevchenko family were welcomed into Specsavers Ópticas in Santa Ponça on June 7 to receive glasses for two of their children, Anasta‐ sia and Daria. This family has been in Pal‐ ma since the end of March. The school saw that Spec‐ savers Ópticas were offering free glasses to children in their local school and asked if they could help the girls. Store Director Martin Blake was delighted to be able to help the family as part of his store’s ongoing support for families in need. He commented, “It is hard to imagine what this family has been through, but won‐

Sant Marçal Painting Competition THE artist Roser Vallmajor i Lluch, whose artistic name is Huma Rise, has won the 35th edition of the Sant Marçal Painting Competition with her painting entitled ‘000498’. The mayor, Miquel Cabot, presented her with the prize, worth €6,000, in the Ca ses Monges de Portol exhibition hall in Marrachi on Saturday June 25. Roser Vallmajor i Lluch, who was born in Barcelona and has lived in Mal‐ lorca for the past two years, said she was “very happy” to win the competi‐

tion. “The prize has gone straight to my heart and has changed my life because it made it possible for me to stay in Mallorca. I had to leave, and it has giv‐ en me the confidence to continue along this path and to believe that it is possi‐ ble to continue with my artistic career,” she said. The exhibition will be open until July 27 and can be visited on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11.30am to 1.30pm and on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm to 8pm.

derful to see La Salle school supporting them with ac‐ commodation and schooling, offering them a safe place to be to continue their educa‐ tion while the war contin‐ ues.” Specsavers Ópticas is locat‐ ed in Santa Ponça at Avda. Rei Jaume I 117, Locales 14 and 15. Comprehensive eye tests are free and children from the age of six are advised to have eye tests every year. Please call the store on 871 964 331 to book your eye test or book online at



A taste of Mallorca

THIS week, Mallorca is present in the Nether‐ lands, in the city of Utrecht, where the Con‐ sell de Mallorca is pro‐ moting the island as a destination of sporting and gastronomic excel‐ lence. The campaign is being carried out in coor‐ dination with the Tures‐ paña office in the Nether‐ lands, and it began on Monday June 27 with a networking event. The island’s director of Tourism Promotion, Lu‐ cia Escribano, presented the campaign in the Dutch city, and was ac‐ companied by the presi‐ dent of the Association of Chefs Based in the Balearic Islands (AS‐ CAIB), Jose Cortes, who designed a menu of tra‐ ditional Mallorcan recipes to be enjoyed over the week at the long‐standing Utrecht restaurant Winkel van Sinkel. The same dishes were served at the net‐ working event and were very well received by all the participants. More than 60 agents and journalists sampled the menu, which aims to give the Dutch a taste of Mallorca through dishes such as trempó, the typi‐ cal salad made from tomato, pepper and onion seasoned with olive oil.

The Euro Weekly News publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain. Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to

always keep it that way.



30 June - 6 July 2022


A EURO WEEKLY NEWS’ campaign to improve the rights of disabled UK na‐ tionals has reached its first milestone after 500 people signed in just over a week. Announced on Thursday, June 16, the My Blue Badge = My Freedom campaign aims to push the UK and Spanish governments to work together to allow dis‐

abled UK tourists to be able to use their Blue Badges while on holiday in Spain. The campaign is also pushing for a compassion‐ ate solution to help UK resi‐ dents in Spain who may have left it too late to apply for their Spanish disabled badge and are now unable to park accessibly after many areas of Spain

stopped recognising UK badges last year. The EWN knows that many of those people did not apply earlier because they found the process daunting and we are push‐ ing the Spanish and UK gov‐ ernments to work together to allow a grace period where residents can still use their UK badge while applying for the Spanish one. We also know that many Brits who spend up to 90 days in Spain are also af‐ fected by the inability to use their UK badge any‐ more and we are seeking a political solution to this too. One reader, Cedric Metliss from Fuengirola, got in touch with the EWN to highlight his own issues getting a disabled badge in Spain, echoing the concerns of many other readers. He said: “As a follow up to your excellent support for Blue Badge holders from the UK using their badges here in Spain, we have experienced over many years the difficulty of obtaining a blue badge here in Spain, in spite of my


Campaign milestone reached DISABLED SPACES: UK Blue Badges are no longer usable.

wife being awarded a UK badge since before moving here in 2002. “Following an almost fa‐ tal road accident in 2001 in the UK, my wife was issued with a Blue Badge and after settling here in Fuengirola in 2002, she looked into ap‐ plying for a Spanish badge, but was advised that she should wait for permanent residence before doing so. “With the help of Fuensocial and after having her medical records expen‐ sively translated, her first application was submitted but was rejected by the Diputacion in Malaga as not being sufficiently inca‐ pacitated. “Sadly she then had to return to the UK to care for her dying parents, but was

able to renew her UK badge which expired in 2018. “Following her return, she reapplied in 2015 but was rejected again and again in 2018 and again in 2020 despite never having had a further medical exam and with letters of support from her local doctor, lawyer and health worker. We are currently applying again as she is now virtually wheelchair bound and, at 77, I am finding it harder to get her in and out of the car where there is little space to park. “Since Brexit the attitude of many Spanish adminis‐ trators has hardened to‐ wards all Brits, even those of us who chose to make Spain our home many years

ago and, like yourselves, have tried to be supportive to Spain and the EU. “It is sad and frustrating how hard they can make it to retire and live our last years in peace and com‐ fort.” Please help improve the lives of many disabled UK na‐ tionals and sign our petitition today by scanning the QR code or visiting euroweekly‐ badges/.


30 June - 6 July 2022

More demand

THE Euro Weekly News is expanding its distribu‐ tion sites in response to overwhelming demand from its readers. As well as still serving its regular distribution points, the EWN has placed extra newspaper stands in your favourite locations to pick up your paper every Thursday. The Euro Weekly News distributes more copies every week than any of their competitors, with around half a million print readers each week reporting the latest news from Spain, the UK, the EU and the world to its biggest readership yet. In the last two and a half decades, the Euro Weekly News has be‐ come Europe’s biggest English language free lo‐ cal newspaper publisher, putting their expat com‐ munity and customers first.

DISTRIBUTION POINTS: More newspaper stands.

Distributing six print editions including Costa Blanca North and South, Costa del Sol, Axarquia, Almeria and Mallorca,

the Euro Weekly News is the most successful, re‐ spected and long‐stand‐ ing weekly newspaper in Europe.




30 June - 6 July 2022

Spain EU boost Bring me sunshine Peter McLaren‐Kennedy S P A N I S H brewer Cruz‐ campo has said it will bring sun‐

Image httpsbuywalls.blogspot

B R U S S E L S has given the green light to the lat‐ est recovery fund for Spain, with the nation set to receive a whopping €12 bilion. The funding still has to be approved by EU member states within the next four weeks for it to be officially confirmed. Previously Spain received €9 billion and €10 billion at the end of 2021. The approval and arrival of the current funds would put Spain’s recovery fund figures at an incredible €31 billion, which totals almost half of the €69.525 billion in the EU’s recovery fund. Spain submitted a payment request to the EU Commission in which they “provided detailed and comprehensive evidence demonstrating c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e 4 0 m i l e s t o n e s a n d t a r‐ gets,” the Commission said. Spain has also con‐ firmed that “the measures related to the previ‐ ously satisfactorily met milestones and targets have not been reversed.”

shine into its beer after it was given the go‐ ahead to build a solar thermal plant adjacent to its existing factory, which will al‐ low it to brew its beer using solar energy. The Sevil‐ la City Council statement on Friday June 24 said that approval

Cruzcampo produce a range of beer.

had been granted to Heineken, who own Cruzcampo, to build the plant on the grounds of the La Caridad estate in the Torreblanca neighbour‐ hood. The 100 per cent re‐ newable solar thermal energy generation plant will be used sole‐ ly for consumption by the factory in the brewing of its beer. That will according to company sources lead to a reduction of more than 60 per cent in the company’s fossil fuel gas consumption, a re‐ duction of 7,000 tonnes of CO2 annual‐ ly. The project is part of Heineken’s strategy of being the first brew‐ ery in Spain to have ze‐ ro‐emission in its pro‐ duction process by 2025, some five years ahead of the rest of the group’s international business.


Robbery advice SPAIN’S National Police have warned that summer typically sees an increase in home robberies and has given advice on what mea‐ sures to take to protect your belongings. The advice released on Friday June 24 in time for the summer holidays comes with an influx of visi‐ tors as well as many leaving their homes unoccupied whilst they go on vacation. Empty homes are, accord‐ ing to police, something that thieves will take ad‐ vantage of, with many leaving their homes empty for extended periods. This typically applies to expats who are now restricted to 90‐day visits in every 180 days. To avoid break‐ins and robberies in your home the National Police has pub‐ lished a series of tips on its website, most of which are simple, common sense and effective. These include not publicising your travels on social media, not talking about your travels in public where they may be over‐ heard by strangers and most importantly keeping up the appearance of the home being inhabited. The advice from the Na‐ tional Police in avoiding robberies at home is simple and should be heeded, af‐ ter all, you don’t want to advertise that you are not at home.


30 June - 6 July 2022

Ryanair strike illegal A SCHEDULED strike by Ryanair cabin crew started on Friday, June 24, but went largely unnoticed in Spain. The reason behind this is that the Spanish govern‐ ment had acted in advance of the action, and declared it illegal for staff to go on strike, media reports said. Union bosses were of course upset by this move, but it meant that customers of the budget airline were still able to fly. Speaking on June 24, Ester Peyro, the spokes‐woman

for USO, Syndicated Workers Union accused the airline of acting illegally. “We believe stoppages are not going to have a great fol‐ low‐up and that the impact will be minimal,” predicted Eddie Wilson, the Ryanair CEO on Thursday, June 23. “Even if cabin crew are going to go on strike, they have to operate those flights by law,” he pointed out, in ref‐ erence to the protected flights. Late on Thursday, June 23, after being sent a list of the flights that the airline intend‐ ed to operate, Ryanair was informed in writing by both the USO and Sitcpla unions that they were allegedly in breach of the ‘minimum ser‐ vices’ decree from the Span‐ ish Ministry of Transport.


Credit: Twitter@sanchezcastejon

SANCHEZ: Was speaking in Brussels.

Measures extended PEDRO SANCHEZ, the president of the Spanish government, announced on Friday, June 24, that the de‐ cree containing measures to deal with the economic consequences of the inva‐ sion of Ukraine will be ex‐ tended until December 31. He revealed that an extraor‐ dinary Council of Ministers meeting on Saturday, June 25, was to approve this ac‐ tion. This is a big change from what was initially an‐ ticipated where it was ex‐ pected to be renewed every three months. Speaking in Brussels, at

the end of the European Council, Mr Sanchez as‐ sured that the measures that the decree will include ‐ which he did not want to di‐ vulge yet ‐ are “coherent” with what has been ap‐ proved up to now. The head of the Execu‐ tive, who was to give an ac‐ count of the decree himself at the end of the meeting of the Council of Ministers, pointed out that the mea‐ sures will include aid for families, industry, and com‐ panies, so that they can pro‐ tect themselves from rising prices.

MADRID says NO THOUSANDS joined in a peaceful protest in Madrid on Sunday, June 26, the Inter‐ national Network No to NATO an‐ nounced on Twitter. The protest was against a NATO sum‐ mit which was to take place in the Span‐ ish capital. Amid tight security, leaders of the member countries were to meet in Madrid between June 29‐30 as the or‐

ganisation faces the unprecedented chal‐ lenge of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. NATO is expected to consider the bid, opposed by alliance‐member Turkey, for Finland and Sweden to join. The protest was joined by the group Parla Obrera y Popular (POP) which is an assembly movement for the defence of the public, made up of people from Madrid to defend and fight for the town.

10 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022


Advertising Feature

The philosophy of Maxim Confort AT Maxim Confort, the philos‐ ophy is clear and simple ‐ to design and create more com‐ fortable and functional spaces that meet the needs and re‐ quirements of their clients. Feeling comfortable and content in our home is essen‐ tial, and this is something that Maxim Confort understands deeply. Without compromis‐ ing on design and style, Maxim Confort brings trendy furni‐ ture, cosy sofas and unique decoration to your home from reputable brands including Natuzzi, Moradillo, Stressless, Koo Internacional, Calligaris, Bonaldo, Cattelan, Theca, Flexlux, Cabinetry, Aleal and many more. The brand was created in 1999 by Caterin Villalonga Gomila following six years of

Image - Maxim Confort

COMFORTABLE SPACES: Don’t compromise on style and design for comfort when you can have both.

experience in a mattress fran‐ chise, with the intention and need to expand and offer a

more diverse range of prod‐ ucts and materials to Mallor‐ can customers. This wealth of

knowledge that Caterin gained through working at the fran‐ chise was undoubtedly the

foundation that provided the knowledge, passion and expe‐ rience for developing her own brand ‐ a Mallorcan brand… With 22 years of experience in comprehensive interior de‐ sign and decoration projects using a range of styles, materi‐ als and finishes, Maxim Con‐ fort can also assist with the renovation of offices and restaurants, with a logistical capacity to ship orders any‐ where in Spain and interna‐ tionally. No matter what you need or desire, Maxim Confort offer a human and professional ser‐ vice that has made them a benchmark in this field. The team will discuss your project and create a comfortable and practical space that works for you and your lifestyle.

Got a project you want to discuss with the reliable and trusted team at Maxim Confort, or looking for some unique artwork or furniture to liven up a space? Call 971 254 014 to speak with one of the team or to arrange a private consultation. Opening hours: 10am - 1.30pm and from 5pm - 8pm Email: Addresses: C/ Alimentació 2 - Son Valenti, Palma C/ Mar Mediterránea 35 - Son Bugadelles , Calvia Facebook:


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30 June - 6 July 2022


Outdoor adventures in Mallorca MALLORCA attracts holiday‐ makers from all walks of life: the cyclists come in their droves, especially in March and October. Hikers visit at all times of year and it’s easy to see why with a diverse land‐ scape of rocky, white sand coves and the incredible Serra de Tramuntana Mountain range. This dramatic and var‐ ied landscape lends itself to countless walks through rocky passes, lavish valleys and coastal pathways, always something to please walkers of all abilities with fabulous views. One of my favourite hikes is in Sóller, a town and munici‐ pality near the north west coast, 3km inland from Port de Sóller. Situated in a large, bowl‐ shaped valley that also in‐ cludes the village of Fornalutx and the hamlets of Biniaraix

Credits: Jill Bennett

12 EWN

SOLLER: Enjoy stunning views of mountain and sea and pass the Cap Gros Lighthouse.

and Binibassi. Two different three‐hour, circular hikes, on old bridle paths, so easy to walk, will take you on a loop that rewards you with stun‐ ning views of mountain and sea, vegetation to keep you cool and even donkeys to pet. On the descent into the port, you will pass the Cap Gros Lighthouse, white and 22 metres high, it is 120 metres above sea level, and you can

take in the exquisite views. Another hike with a gor‐ geous reward at the end is an out‐and‐back trail near Alcú‐ dia, in the north. Generally considered moderately chal‐ lenging, it takes about one hour 20 minutes to complete. This is a popular trail for bird watchers and hikers alike, but you can still enjoy some soli‐ tude during quieter times of day.

The trail is open year‐round and is beautiful to visit any time. The trail takes you to the Coll Baix Beach, on the Alcudia peninsula. It is a spectacular virgin beach practically hidden in the middle of the mountains and a cliff, where you can en‐ joy its crystal clear waters, lots of nature and very little inter‐ ruption of other bathers due to its challenging access. Flip flops not advisable!

‘La casa possible. Interiors domèstics a Palma 1700-1950’ VISIT one of Palma’s most symbolic buildings, Can Bala‐ guer, whose last owner was

Josep Balaguer (1869–1951), a musician, entrepreneur and patron of the arts who passed the house into the hands of the city council of Palma. As you walk through Palma’s old centre a visit to this amazing property is a must. It has so many beauti‐ ful courtyards, but this is the only building open to the public that has preserved its original furniture. Take a trip back in time and appreciate how the rich

and aristocratic people of the 17th century lived. This permanent exhibition, enti‐ tled La Casa Possible, re‐cre‐ ates rooms of this former no‐ ble house, reminiscent of their period. This includes the 17th century music room with its magnificent church organ, the opulent 18th cen‐ tury bedchamber with sumptuous damask fabrics and a canopied bed and the extraordinary Louis XV room, a style that was in

vogue in the late 19th centu‐ ry. Whist there check out Bal‐ aguer’s fine collection of Modernista paintings near the entrance, which highlight Mallorcan painter, Antoni Gelabert. Gelabert attended the Escola de Dibuix private drawing school in the Conso‐ lat de la Mar in Palma but was generally self‐taught. There is also a 20‐minute audiovisual presentation (subtitled in English) about the history of Can Balaguer, plus a downstairs cafe and small bookshop. Open on Tuesdays to Sat‐ urdays open from 10.00am to 7.00pm Sunday and holidays, from 11.00am to 2.00pm Carrer de la Unió, 3 ‐ Pal‐ ma de Mallorca Information: +34 971 596 262 | canbalaguer@palma. cat


30 June - 6 July 2022

Art lovers will adore Ahoy! P A L M A is the place for art lovers. W ith an abundance of galleries including the A hoy!, a light, bright and airy space where: “We show artwork we like ourselves,” says R enate P entzien who founded the gallery alongside Michael Pentzien. This husband and wife team have been passionate about art for as long as they can remember. The showrooms in Palma are constantly changing. T he spaces have new pieces on display every week, and the Ahoy! team offers a large variety of artworks from internationally renowned artists. Y ou can visit the 300m2 showroom in the heart of the old town in Palma, where they present a wide range of international artists. C urrent artists with work on display include, Domingo Zapata born on M allorca in 1974, but now based in New York. Everyday life inspires his paintings. Zapata’s work exhibits qualities of graffiti art and popular culture, demonstrated in images of female celebrities, iconic figures and works capturing the culture of bullfighting in his native Spain. Last year, Zapata created a 30,000 square feet large retrospective of his work across a 15storey vinyl canvas at Times Square. Esther Barendwas, another current artist, born into an artistic family in the N etherlands, travelled the world and finally moved

Photo credit:

THE AHOY!: New pieces are on display every week.

to the beautiful region of Valencia. The paintings in her abstract series are inspired by her rich and complex inner world, her current emotions, contemporary events and the beautiful nature around her. Barend’s work aims to stimulate the spectator to use his/her own imagination to see into her world. She uses intense colours, contrasts and everything is open,

with total freedom. Esther B arend examines life from her personal perspective as an artist. H er paintings can be found in private and corporate collections around the world. M ore info: website Open daily: Monday to Friday: from 11.00am to 2.00pm and from 5.00pm to 8.00pm. Carrer de la Concepció 6 | E-07012 Palma

EWN 13

14 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022

AFICINE PALMA MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU FRI - SUN: 12.00 • 16.00 • 18.00 • 20.00 MON: 16.00 • 18.00

CELEBRATING ‘A diverse Is‐ land of History’, the Archaeo‐ logical Museum of Son Fornés in Montuïri, central Mallorca is the only archaeological mu‐ seum in the Balearic Islands that is dedicated to a detailed study of one of its most sym‐ bolic Talayotic sites, studying the earliest traces of human occupation during the first millennium.


Island history

Excavations at the Son Fornés site only began in 1975. It was Josep Sanz, a teacher of the public school of Montuïri who alerted the ar‐ chaeologist Vicenç Lull Santia‐ go of the existence of possible historical importance in the municipality. During 40 years of research in Son Fornés there have been many finds and recovered objects inte‐

grated into the museum’s permanent exhibition. This enabled the recording of the human occupation of Son Fornés over time in relation to the history of the Balearic Is‐ lands. This is an authentic re‐ search, development and in‐ novation centre and is easy to find and offers a diverse range of leisure, teaching and train‐

ing activities. On the last Sun‐ day of each month (from March to October) the Muse‐ um is open from 10am to 2pm free of charge. For more info: didactica@ or call: 971 644 169 Museu Arqueològic de Son Fornés, Carrer Emili Pou, 07220 Montuïri, Illes Balears, Spain.

Festes de Sant Marçal 2022 MARRATXI, just outside Palma, hosts its annu‐ al fiesta, in honour of its patron Sant Marçal, with celebrations running to July 3. Culture is key for this fiesta. Art, music and dance are an integral part of Sant Marçal, and this year it has been given a special boost. Participating in the programme are such groups as Sopa de Cabra. Ending their tour of Mallorca, this Girona group are celebrating their 30th anniversary of the release of the leg‐ endary album Ben Endins. There will also be a performance by the Anegats, a Mallorcan rock band from Son Servera. On Friday July 1 the festival of local rock bands takes place with the guest group Sexy Zebras, a wild Rock band

from Madrid, known for their high energy un‐ tamed rock and roll. On Saturday 2nd it’s time for the Sant Marçal Petit party where children can have fun with water castles, swimming pools for the little ones and a foam party. Sporting events including, on Saturday 2, the ninth Sant Marçal Beach Volleyball competi‐ tion. The registration price is the donation of a household cleaning product or similar to aid the Casal Solidari of Pòrtol. More information at There are many other diverse activities to make a lively and dynamic fiesta. More information and the full programme can be obtained from:‐sant‐marcal‐2022.

16 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022


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FINANCE Indian Fintech


€2 million

Spain has pledged €2 million for the economic recovery of Zamora’s Sierra de Culebra, following wildfires that damaged over 30’000 hectares.

100 day countdown CREDIT: CREATIVE COMMONS

BUSINESS EXTRA • 30 June - 6 July 2022


INDIA’S first full stack fintech plat‐ form, WeRize announced fundrais‐ ing of $15.5 million from a host of investors, which include British In‐ ternational Investment and Sony Innovation Fund amongst others. WeRize hopes to expand and im‐ prove their platform and bring on new freelancers in more than 1,000 new towns, as reported by media sources.

Failing plan

Top ranking SPANISH lawyer Cristina Soler, CEO of Ramco Litigation Funding, is in the ‘top 100’ list of world leaders in litigation funding issued by US pub‐ lication LawDragon, as reported by a national media source. Soler is the only Spanish representative in the ranking that includes professionals from countries such as the UK, Aus‐ tralia and the United States.

Suspects’ finances SPAIN’S Congress of Deputies has endorsed a draft organic law, which will now be sent to the Sen‐ ate for further voting, that would allow for Spanish security forces to access the financial information of suspects of serious crimes without the need for a court order, as re‐ ported by COPE.

Taking advantage PUBLIC Finance Minister Tom Arthur raised concerns of second homes taking advantage of the £400 UK government’s Energy Bills Support Scheme, as reported by Scottish media. “In this cost of liv‐ ing crisis, it is clearly wrong that second home owners or those who own long term empty homes benefit from a second £400 energy rebate.”

OLD £20 NOTES: Will no longer be legal tender after September 2022.

THE Bank of England is set to with‐ draw legal tender status of paper £20 and £50 banknotes after September 30, 2022. Following this date paper £20 and £50 UK banknotes will no longer be legal tender. The Bank of England has encour‐ aged the general public to either use these banknotes or deposit them at their bank or a Post Office during these last 100 days. The new Turing £50 banknote completed the Bank of England’s family of polymer notes, with all de‐

nominations (£5, £10, £20 and £50) now printed on polymer. There are currently an estimated £6 billion worth of paper £20 featur‐ ing the economist Adam Smith, and over £8 billion worth of paper £50 banknotes featuring the engineers Boulton and Watt, in circulation. The Bank of England’s estimations mean that there are currently 300 million individual £20 banknotes, and 160 million paper £50 ban‐ knotes that have not been cashed in. Speaking on the old UK banknotes ahead of the date, the Bank of Eng‐

land’s Chief Cashier Sarah John stat‐ ed: “Changing our banknotes from paper to polymer over recent years has been an important develop‐ ment, because it makes them more difficult to counterfeit, and means they are more durable. “The majority of paper banknotes have now been taken out of circula‐ tion, but a significant number remain in the economy, so we’re asking you to check if you have any at home. For the next 100 days, these can still be used or deposited at your bank in the normal way.”

Interest rate increase NORWAY has joined the club of world central banks that are making un‐ usually large interest rate increases in an attempt to combat inflation, follow‐ ing warnings of possible inflation if the economy improves, as reported by the financial press. On Thursday June 23, Norway’s Central Bank, Norges Bank raised its in‐ terest rates by 0.5 per‐ centage points to 1.25 per cent. This is the first time Nor‐ way’s Central Bank has raised its interest rates by



ONE year on from the launch of Spain’s government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), a study carried out by tufi, reveals that the level of execution of the subsidies announced last year to companies and the self‐employed in Spain is between 37.2 and 45.9 per cent.

CENTRAL BANK: First increase by such a large amount.

such an amount, since July 2002. Commenting on Nor‐ way’s Central Bank’s

move, Ida Wolden Bache, governor of Norges Bank stated: “Prospects for a more

prolonged period of high inflation suggest a faster rise in the policy rate than projected earlier. A faster rate rise now will reduce the risk of inflation re‐ maining high and the need for a sharper tight‐ ening of monetary policy further out.” As western Europe’s leading petroleum pro‐ ducer, Norway is enjoying economic prosperity, with its unemployment rates currently at ‘a very low level’ and little spare ca‐ pacity according to its cen‐ tral bank.

BBVA sustainable claims ON Wednesday June 22, BBVA highlighted its com‐ mitment to sustainable in‐ vestments, claiming that their sustainable banking operations account for 30 per cent of the financing that the bank has backed in Spain, as reported by local news sources. During his participation in a seminar at the Menénez Pelayo International Univer‐ sity (UIMP) organised by the Association of Economic In‐ formation Journalists (APIE), BBVA’s chief executive in Spain, Peio Belausteguigoitia, stressed that sustainability has become a real opportuni‐ ty for economic growth across the nation. According to him “in Spain, 30 per cent of BBVA’s new long‐term financing to companies is sustainable.”

Falling metal prices COPPER reportedly dropped to a near 16‐month low on Thursday, June 23, with oth‐ er industrial metals coming under selling pressure due to warnings of a possible US recession, according to fi‐ nancial media. Ehsan Khoman, head of emerging markets research, at MUFG spoke on the drop in metal prices seen across the globe stating: “Metals have given up their year of gains, with alu‐ minium and copper touch‐ ing year lows this week, with zinc and nickel not too far behind, as Chinese de‐ mand and higher‐than‐ex‐ pected Russian supply is leading to more stocks de‐ posited on to European ex‐ changes.”

to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

20 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022




COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.129,00 Abrdn 167,00 Admiral Group 2.264,0 Anglo American 3.141,0 Antofagasta 1.222,00 Ashtead Group 3.584,0 Associated British Foods 1.644,0 AstraZeneca 10.774,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 549,40 Avast 526,00 Aveva 2.452,0 Aviva 413,00 B&M European Value Retail 385,00 BAE Systems 799,77 Bank VTB DRC 0,612 Barclays 159,16 Barratt Developments 477,40 Berkeley 3.835,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.352,50 BP 393,30 British American Tobacco 3.576,0 British Land Company 495,50 BT Group 189,00 Bunzl 2.657,0 Burberry Group 1.673,5 Carnival 800,0 Centrica 81,92 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.820,0 Compass 1.716,00 CRH 2.840,0 Croda Intl 6.370,0 DCC 5.020,0 Diageo 3.660,0 DS Smith 293,50 EasyJet 406,10 Experian 2.424,0 Ferguson 9.310,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.780,0 Fresnillo 803,20 Glencore 455,26 GSK plc 1.767,40 Halma 2.041,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 809,40 Hikma Pharma 1.665,00 HSBC 539,30 IAG 116,08 Imperial Brands 1.844,00 Informa 549,40

CHANGE(P) 1.135,00 172,45 2.265,0 3.207,5 1.236,00 3.664,0 1.664,5 10.850,0 556,00 538,40 2.496,0 415,20 389,70 804,00 0,612 161,28 479,50 3.852,0 2.363,00 394,10 3.579,0 498,20 190,60 2.700,0 1.732,0 803,8 83,54 1.829,0 1.716,00 2.869,2 6.416,0 5.086,0 3.684,8 296,00 415,90 2.425,0 9.342,0 8.904,0 807,20 465,05 1.769,80 2.048,0 829,00 1.665,00 541,10 117,40 1.870,00 550,20

% CHG. 1.118,00 166,35 2.227,0 3.110,0 1.195,50 3.526,0 1.639,5 10.652,0 543,80 521,40 2.440,0 409,70 381,20 785,20 0,612 157,34 472,40 3.745,0 2.313,00 382,55 3.509,5 489,90 182,35 2.641,0 1.670,0 744,0 80,64 1.808,3 1.688,00 2.814,5 6.289,5 5.028,0 3.640,7 290,90 395,00 2.393,0 9.188,0 8.730,0 791,80 448,10 1.749,00 2.003,0 806,80 1.627,00 532,00 114,86 1.822,00 543,00

NET VOL 1,22M 4,53M 589,42K 1,79M 616,95K 604,52K 402,91K 713,56K 1,07M 5,91M 147,00K 2,80M 446,99K 3,65M 0 29,65M 947,96K 257,30K 2,08M 22,01M 1,68M 863,27K 2,94M 471,71K 327,12K 313,73K 33,03M 18,70K 59,55K 43,33K 24,41K 70,83K 95,29K 2,32M 3,28M 784,18K 239,11K 237,39K 416,53K 22,56M 3,24M 304,37K 852,62K 286,82K 30,73M 8,75M 584,29K 847,66K



InterContinental Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

4.496,0 1.413,00 4.402,0 68,12 211,82 2.030,0 724,60 246,60 43,34 7.686,0 784,00 153,35 1.496,00 1.062,50 222,00 5.998,0 1,89 856,28 1.896,0 623,20 1.009,00 6.190,0 2.242,00 488,20 579,80 5.070,0 82,08 0,60 644,00 1.148,50 2.760,0 746,00 1.038,00 2.854,0 2.121,5 1.169,50 1.435,00 9.790,0 1.650,50 1.156,58 604,60 119,10 254,80 149,45 3.744,5 1.040,50 127,24 2.565,0 828,40


% CHG.


4.496,0 1.440,50 4.414,0 69,82 214,60 2.038,0 726,00 246,90 43,90 7.712,0 785,40 155,70 1.509,00 1.064,00 223,70 6.094,0 1,89 876,20 1.916,5 627,80 1.014,50 6.268,0 2.243,00 488,20 587,40 5.199,0 84,20 0,60 651,80 1.156,50 2.806,0 765,20 1.042,00 2.859,0 2.132,0 1.184,00 1.438,50 9.916,0 1.661,00 1.168,00 607,00 120,00 259,10 153,85 3.769,5 1.042,50 127,52 2.639,0 832,20

4.392,0 1.402,50 4.329,0 67,70 210,70 2.000,0 716,20 244,50 42,97 7.576,0 781,80 151,10 1.473,50 1.047,00 220,40 5.962,0 1,89 843,40 1.880,0 619,00 989,60 6.178,0 2.203,00 480,80 572,60 5.032,0 81,04 0,60 640,60 1.130,00 2.750,0 721,80 1.023,50 2.776,0 2.069,5 1.158,50 1.404,00 9.680,0 1.629,50 1.147,00 589,80 118,00 254,70 146,20 3.710,0 1.012,00 126,42 2.560,0 811,40

1,06M 953,28K 514,41K 4,11M 4,66M 126,25K 1,28M 10,25M 133,24M 366,84K 700,17K 8,84M 796,38K 2,21M 5,54M 130,54K 0 1,16M 476,80K 2,28M 4,78M 456,56K 1,97M 2,44M 1,09M 1,66M 28,64M 0 571,64K 11,08K 204,29K 3,44M 2,06M 425,77K 10,11M 1,13M 522,55K 45,79K 896,36K 249,27K 2,98M 6,66M 6,80M 4,31M 2,26M 1,69M 28,52M 553,41K 1,48M



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0608 Japan yen (JPY)........................................143.39 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0134 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4396 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................10.370 • Tel: +34 687 906 226 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 134,21 145,83 245,69 142,65 138,90 188,98 148,45 44,10 62,98 52,61 302,19 283,63 179,09 143,55 38,92 182,63 117,52 248,53 94,82 265,76 111,15 143,38 183,31 167,71 504,78 51,34 204,46 41,95 122,94 97,03

CHANGE 134,67 148,67 246,19 143,49 140,52 190,07 148,82 44,29 63,28 53,29 304,20 285,00 181,05 143,71 39,06 183,35 118,27 248,76 95,72 268,30 113,21 144,73 186,56 168,03 507,40 51,48 207,09 42,00 124,74 98,23

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 132,70 672,02K 144,75 1,26M 244,10 903,76K 141,29 27,69M 136,24 3,75M 185,82 1,35M 145,61 3,01M 43,68 7,03M 62,63 3,84M 52,21 2,75M 299,65 703,86K 282,17 838,94K 178,03 543,43K 141,95 1,38M 38,47 8,99M 181,53 2,00M 116,03 2,87M 246,75 642,02K 93,05 5,62M 264,83 7,08M 109,84 3,37M 143,19 1,53M 180,74 2,53M 166,38 181,63K 493,60 1,19M 50,91 5,43M 202,61 1,27M 41,56 2,16M 122,79 2,34M 95,81 3,43M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+114.04% +93.16% +60.03% +55.66% +39.45% +37.93% +33.80% +32.09% +29.82% +26.33% +21.97%

173.05M 89.58M 68.75M 21.11M 12.17M 494.00K 988.33K 2.38M 167.50K 22.93K 6.45M

-32.04% -24.40% -23.92% -18.91% -18.50% -17.66% -17.20% -15.19% -15.35% -15.33% -15.31%

11.47M 1.92M 35.00K 1.05M 285.34K 722.45K 1.20M 480.81K 3.51M 5.34K 19.24K

Most Advanced Evofem Biosciences Acutus Medical Neurosense Therapeutics Epizyme Inc Axsome Therapeutics Inc Clene InflaRx Tenax Therapeutics Idera Pharma Nuzee Hillstream Biopharma

Most Declined Powerbridge Borqs Tech Insu Acquisition Playstudios Digital World Acquisition Wnt Nuvation Bio Eargo Redbox Entertainment SIGA Tech Avanti Acquisition Metromile

30 June - 6 July 2022

Italian radiators A UK company has pur‐ chased an Italian radiator company in a €28.2 million deal. On Thursday, June 23, Stelrad Group PLC an‐ nounced it had agreed to buy DL Radiators srl from De Longhi Industrial SA, as re‐ ported by the media. The ra‐ diator manufacturer started trading on London’s AIM market in November 2021, at a price of £219 each.

Water ‘bil’ SPAIN’S Aqualia, a water management company, has obtained a €1.1 billion syndi‐ cated green corporate loan. Aqualia will use this loan to fi‐ nance eligible green projects and their activities, such as water and waste treatment, water distribution and stor‐ age, renewable energy and sustainable transport, among other projects. According to Aqualia’s finance manager, Isidoro Marbán: “this financ‐ ing provides Aqualia with great stability in its long‐term capital structure at a time when the financial markets are highly volatile.”

UAE bonds THE Federal Government of the United Arab Emirates announced plans to issue a Dual‐tranche USD Bench‐ mark Size Bonds with a 10‐ year tranche and a 30‐year Formosa tranche.The 10‐ year tranche will be listed on London Stock Exchange (LSE) and Nasdaq Dubai, and the 30‐year tranche will be listed on the aforemen‐ tioned plus Taipei Exchange.

Wirex upgrade WIREX, a leading digital pay‐ ments platform, revealed a variety of features for new and existing customers in the UK, as reported by Ya‐ hoo Finance. Wirex’s Mas‐ tercard debit card will now be available to order for UK customers, allowing them to spend a variety of currencies at over 81 million locations worldwide.

Heathrow travel increase LONDON’S Heathrow air‐ port has predicted that over 54 million people are set to travel through the UK’s biggest airport during 2022, massively increasing its pas‐ senger forecast for the year. Heathrow airport’s fore‐ cast of 54.4 million trav‐ ellers, would mean that 67 per cent of travellers seen in 2019, would use its ter‐ minals during this year. Following the travel re‐ strictions seen throughout the world in 2021, this fore‐ cast assumes a significant increase, with the airport only predicting 45.5 million passengers for 2022 in De‐ cember 2021. Heathrow airport’s confi‐ dence in what they call a ‘steady traffic increase’ for this year, comes after claims that over 20.1 mil‐ lion passengers have al‐ ready travelled through their airport during the first five months of the year 2022.

Credit: Creative commons


CONFIDENT: Heathrow airport forecasts positive growth.

“We have officially sur‐ passed the total amount of passengers seen during the whole of 2021,” Heathrow airport stated in an investor report on Thursday, June 23. “However, the degree of uncertainty is still signifi‐ cant,” the investor report added.

Heathrow airport is cur‐ rently expecting its earn‐ ings, before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisa‐ tion to rise a whopping 257 per cent from the year 2021 to £1.37 billion with the air‐ port’s revenue currently forecast to double to an in‐ credible £2.6 billion. The current higher ener‐

gy prices that are facing the UK are believed to help drive up its operating costs by almost half to £1.2 bil‐ lion according to forecasts. The chief executive of London’s Heathrow airport warned it would take up to 18 months for the aviation industry to return to pre‐ pandemic levels of travel.

Hydropower investment THE UK’s development finance institu‐ tion British International Investment (BII) has pledged $200 million over the coming years to help fund hydropower projects in Africa, as reported by Engi‐ neering News. The latest investment in African hy‐ dropower would be the biggest in BII history. The UK’s Minister for Africa Vicky Ford stated: “Investing to bolster Africa’s hy‐ dropower sector is a strong step to‐ ward helping to meet the energy de‐ mands of three‐million people in countries most at risk to the impacts of the climate emergency. Through these projects, UK finance will enable job creation and drive clean productive growth across the continent.” BII Infrastructure Equity Africa & Pakistan head and MD Chris Chijiutomi stated: “Hydropower is critical for providing clean baseload and peaking power, es‐ pecially in landlocked countries in Africa, as the continent’s countries


Credit: Creative commons

22 EWN

STRONG STEP: Investment for hydropower machines.

transition away from fossil fuels to‐ wards a net‐zero future. “BII, along with its partners, will play

a key role in providing inclusive and sustainable finance to support hy‐ dropower in sub‐Saharan Africa.”


France’s June activity FRENCH manufacturers reported the first output decline since October 2021 with companies concerned about weak export orders, political uncertainty and high in‐ flation, which has led to business activity in France suffering a signif‐ icant slowdown in June. According to a survey on business activity car‐ ried out by The Flash S&P Global composite purchasing managers’ index, France had seen a 4.2 financial decrease from 57 last month to 52.8. Joe Hayes, an economist at S&P Global stated: “The slowing econom‐ ic trend in France is also compounded by a fresh bout of political uncer‐ tainty due to the hung parliament result in the national elections.”

Confidence drops UK business confidence has fallen sharply, raising concerns for the UK’s eco‐ nomic growth as reported by finance media. A barometer of private sector activity known as the interim, or flash, S&P Global/CIPS UK composite purchasing managers’ in‐ dex, remained unchanged in June from the 15‐month low recorded in May at 53.1. Business activity expec‐ tations fell following con‐ cerns about declines in cus‐ tomer spending as well as an added impact of the in‐ flation of the global econo‐ my. This means that the posi‐ tive outlook for the UK’s private sector companies has been in decline since February.

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LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT AND so it now truly begins. The UK left wing arbitrary, disgraceful and unmitigated venture toward victory in the next general election. After the exposed truth of their last credibility ended with them all plummeting to the bottom of just about every pile of voters in the whole country, they have regathered and regrouped ready to do everything in their power to regain the electorate for their new endeavours; and they really don’t care how they do it! The only chance they actually have of winning is to gain the votes of as many minority residents and supporters as they can garner and are now working on as large a disproportionate selection of these occupants as they can possibly encourage. Their association with media advertising, particularly political programmes of the BBC, is enabling them to not only disregard or disapprove of all the encouraging and successful efforts the Conservative party entered into to steer the country through the last pandemic, which actually plummeted the government’s new administration and placed their immediate future on the back burners before they could properly enter into a host of new

30 June - 6 July 2022

It truly begins world enterprises. They have now stopped reporting the not terribly dangerous scandals of ‘party time’ at No 10 from all over their initially scathing media, which finally had to dry up when their own Starmer brigade was also being pursued by the police for similar activities. They have set out to convince the UK that areas are now run by large sections of minority immigrant citizens. They are publishing strikes and union participation in their highest possible reports and political programmes. Their ads are riddled with promotion of ethnic habitats, mixed marriages and introducing large numbers of commonwealth originated reporters delivering the news. The percentages of those featured and publicised are far less what actually reside in the UK. (Around 12 per cent over England, including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). They are also highly involved in massive publicity for the Gay and transsexual related pursuits of activity and marital attractions (around 213,000 marriages in the UK.) Their PC tentacles are spreading far and wide through multitudes of UK society and new immigrants. Nothing is actually wrong with most of these sections of Great British society. It is

the motives and intentions of the left lumping them all together which is formidable. None of these factions were wholly responsible for the wonderful and often highly successful United Kingdom. They were initially all welcomed and encouraged by a country that was formed by the adventurers of countless historical wars and conflict. Including millions of injuries deaths from our dedicated UK ancestors participating in the First and Second World Wars. If the left manage to encourage the majority of minorities to vote for them in the next election; and they actually win, anticipate nothing but chaos. The halls of parliament and Downing Street will be heaving with disputable factions and unions all wanting something from the country and only prepared to give upheaval and unrest in return. All I can say is thank the Lord I chose somewhere else to reside. Keep the Faith Luv Leapy

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Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

EWN 23


24 • 30 June - 6 July 2022 • 30 June - 6 July 2022





26 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022


EW YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

LITTLE WHITE TOWN JUST like to once again cor‐ rect Leapy Lee’s false propa‐ ganda about the little white town of Bideford, he states that the town council has decreed the name be changed on the grounds of racism, the fact is that just one councillor proposed this absurd notion but later re‐ tracted this and the council voted overwhelmingly that everything remain the same. Ramon Osborne Los Alcázares

It’s rubbish HI Leapy from sunny Spain. Why do you not take over from Boris ‐ you talk much more sense. Are we now going to have Whitehall Tunnel, White Jack sweets or must it be Jill. Rubbish rubbish. Keep up the good work, a word of normality. Love your column. Regards Jess T

At a loss Hello, we purchased our first property in Mallorca in 1985. I cannot even imagine how much money over the years my family, friends and us have spent in the Spanish economy. I am at a total loss as to why the Spanish are not do‐ ing all they can for home owners in their country to get this 180 days a year lift‐ ed. Thousands of properties standing idle because of this ruling, preventing millions of extra euros to the economy. Surely this has to be the easiest way on the planet to bring in the money for more schools, hospitals, not to mention much needed em‐ ployment! The Spanish people need


BIDEFORD: Everything will remain the same.

to realise not everyone in the UK voted to leave the EU. This is just being pig headed and not realising how much the country is

losing . Someone needs to do the sums because from where I sit, it just does not add up! Thank you. Susan and David Hannah

OUR VIEW YET MORE CHAOS EVERY day there seems to be news of yet another scene of chaos at an airport somewhere in Europe with flights cancelled or passengers having to queue for hours to go through check in and security. The latest problem after lack of staff concerns strikes by flight crew of various airlines and as more people want to take advantage of the ability to travel after two years of pandemic, the worse it seems to get. All of the big low-cost airlines shuttling holidaymakers into Spain from the UK seem to have fallen foul of this latest difficulty, although the majority of flights into and out of Gibraltar have taken place as scheduled. According to a review undertaken by the National World website, the three most reliable airlines travelling to and from one or other of 25 airports in the UK up to the end of April were Norwegian (which was bankrupt during the pandemic and has reappeared) followed by Vueling and Aer Lingus, both of which are owned by IAG which also owns British Airways. At the other end of the scale, the airlines who have cancelled the largest number of flights include British Airways, easyJet, TUI and WizzAir, although with planned strikes starting to affect Ryanair flights to Spain, things could get worse. The British government appears either unable or unwilling to relax regulations concerning visas for European flight staff and even Jet2 which has also had to suspend some routes commented adversely about the unwillingness of Transport Secretary Grant Shapps to resolve the situation. Although it may be scant consolation, the delays aren’t just affecting the UK and Spain, but many of the main European airports are also reporting significant delays.


30 June - 6 July 2022

EWN 27

Advertising Feature

Helping you navigate the circle of strife

THEY do say that life comes round in cycles, and the team at Neater Heater are inclined to repeat a phrase that Derrick Trotter might say:”It’s Deja‐vu all over again, Rodney.” Neater Heater started life in the last cost of living crisis after the world’s economies were crashed by the banks in 2008. Primar‐ ily looking for ways to heat their kids’ bed‐ rooms, Richard and Tony had both decided separately on electric heaters. However, when shopping around they had discov‐ ered that the ones on offer were either very expensive to buy, but not too expensive to run, or were very cheap to buy but cost a small fortune to run. One thing they all had in common was that they were not very ef‐ ficient. This story is told in detail on their website but the gist is that through luck they discovered a Norwe‐ gian convector heater that they could import at a reasonable cost and was cost effective to run. It enabled them to heat a room for less money. It is not a magic solution, it is a solu‐ tion borne of efficiency and effectiveness. It is like buying a more efficient car when petrol

NEATER HEATERS: Letting your money go further.

prices go through the roof. An anecdote from one of their first cus‐ tomers will explain how you can reduce your

bills with a Neater Heater. They had a customer ‐ let’s call him Geoff. Now Geoff had bought a couple of

small oil filled heaters from the ferreteria near him, but he wasn’t happy with them. He thought they were defective as his electrics frequently tripped when he was us‐ ing them. He then called Neater Heater and told them the size of the rooms he wanted heating. Both small bedrooms at 9sqm. He was provided with two 600 watt heaters. When fitting these heaters Tony and Richard looked at the small ferreteria‐bought heaters and saw that they were each 2,200 watts. In total 4.4 kilowatts. Geoff said that they just about took the edge off the cold. (He also only had a 5kW allowance, so when he put the kettle on the electrics tripped). Anyway, his bedrooms are warmer now, his electrics no longer trip, and he is saving 3.2 kilowatts every hour! In fact, possibly more as Neather Heaters have thermostats to fur‐ ther reduce consumption. As with everything else, our suppliers are having to put their prices up in the autumn, so now would be a good time to order your Neater Heaters so they are delivered to us at the end of the summer at this year’s prices.

NEATER HEATER DISTRIBUTORS: BALEARICS Heaters also available for purchase at our online shop with free home delivery. WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES or Tel. 634 312 171 (WhatsApp available)

28 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022


Keep your dog refreshed For humans, we perspire to keep cool, whereas do‐ mestic animals only have sweat glands between their paws. While this helps, this isn’t enough to keep them cool. This means that the hot climate is uncomfortable for many animals, including dogs and cats. Here is some advice to make sure your pets stay happy and healthy during the hot summer months. Even if your pet has a water bowl, it is likely that they often drink all of the water. To avoid your pet

going thirsty, provide two water bowls and make sure they are always full. You can also provide a drip system as well. Many pets also enjoy licking ice cubes and this can also help to satisfy their thirst and keep your furry friend refreshed. This is a good idea for taking pets on long journeys as the ice will gradually melt over time, providing your pet with cool water for longer. It is a good idea to fill a paddling pool with an inch or two of water that will provide your pet with

a place to play and refresh themselves. This works es‐ pecially well for little dogs who enjoy a cold‐water splash on a hot day. On long journeys, even if you have the windows open, often it’s a lot hotter in the car than outside it. The best advice for this is to leave your dog near the air conditioning. It’s also possible to keep your dog comfortable by opening

the window a little bit so that it can experience the breeze while you’re driv‐ ing. Finally, when the tem‐ peratures start to rise, take your pet to the hair‐ dressers to get its fur cut. Like humans, short hair will allow your pet to ex‐ perience more of a breeze around their body and keep them cool in sum‐ mer. Image – PxHere

KEEPING COOL: Your pet can refresh themselves.

30 June - 6 July 2022 •



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30 June - 6 July 2022

NEYMAR is set to be kicked out of Paris Saint‐ Germain football club according to the latest reports. Paris Saint‐Germain’s signing of Neymar Ju‐ nior in 2017, made him the most expensive player in football history, but according to re‐ ports by the Spanish press, the player is no longer wanted by the club. Neymar’s father was allegedly contacted by a representative of Paris Saint‐Germain, to in‐ form him of the club’s intentions to axe the player. The renewal of Kylian Mbappe for Paris Saint‐Germain has also allegedly caused prob‐ lems for Neymar, as Mbappe complained about his “indisciplined training and recovery routines.” Al‐Khelaifi, the president of PSG, has been notorious for pampering the player as seen in the Netflix documentary on the Brazilian foot‐ ball star ‘The Perfect Chaos’, but things appear to be changing, when last week the president stated: “We don’t want any more ostentation or bling‐bling, no more castanets.” PSG are reportedly looking for a club to buy Neymar and take on the exorbitant contract costs, but as indicated by officials, this seems impossible.

Credit: Instagram @neymarjr

Neymar to be kicked out of Paris Saint-Germain

NEYMAR: Dreams of returning to Barcelona.

Instead a loan deal will probably be the most likely outcome, with PSG informing Ney‐ mar’s father they would be willing to pay part of his salary, if not covered by the destination club. Neymar is reportedly humiliated by the de‐ cision, and dreams of returning to Barcelona so as to prove his worth to his current Qatari employers, but aged 30, and with the World Cup in Qatar only five months away, this seems unlikely.

EWN 31

32 EWN

30 June - 6 July 2022

minik Markovic thwarted the Danish team’s final lunge at the cham‐ pionship. In the women’s finals, a well‐oiled Ger‐ man team got the best of a powerful Spain team led by Maria Asuncion Batista Portero and Patri‐ c i a

Croatia’s Lucian Bura’s presence dominated the championships, and his team swept the competition.

Conejero Galan 0‐ 2. The athletic Germans, pow‐ ered by key goals from specialist

From the opening tip the better synchronised German women checked powerful Spain at every instant.


Credit: IHF photo

THE 2022 IHF Beach Hand‐ ball World Championships concluded in Crete, Greece over the weekend of June 24 to 25. Some 2,000 athletes rep‐ resenting teams from five continents competed at the Karteros Beach Sports Centre outside Heraklion. In the men’s finals, Croatia’s superstar right wingman Lucian Bura conducted a clinic on power handball to lead his team to a 2‐0 win over European champions Denmark. Outstanding play by Croatia’s goalkeeper Do‐

Credit: IHF photo

Croatia and Germany take Golds

Michelle Schäfer, simply outpunched the Spain women for the title. In other IHF action, the Youth Beach Handball World Championships concluded the previous week with Croatia’s men and Spain’s women winning gold for their coun‐ tries via hotly contest‐ ed shootouts in both championship match‐ es.


Ronaldo’s Chelsea link IT was reported on Saturday, June 25, that Todd Boehly, Chelsea FC’s new American owner held a meeting in Portugal with football agent Jorge Mendes. According to local media in London, the topic of conversation was Cristiano Ronaldo. The legendary 37‐year‐old Portuguese captain is currently signed to Manchester United, but en‐ dured an unusual trophyless season in his return to Old Trafford, although he still bagged 24 goals in 38 games. Whether the five‐time Ballon d’Or winner would want to make a move to London and Stam‐ ford Bridge, is unknown, and only time will tell. He has another 12 months to run on his present contract. Manchester City’s Brazilian striker Gabriel Jesus has also been on Chelsea’s radar apparently, but a move to Premier League rivals Arsenal appears to be moving ever closer. Robert Lewandowski is keen to leave Bundesli‐ ga champions Bayern Munich, and now that they have signed Sadio Mane from Liverpool, the exit door is open. Barcelona FC is rumoured to be the favourite destination for the prolific Polish goalscorer though.

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