Mallorca 7 - 13 July 2022 Issue 1931

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7 - 13 July 2022


FOREIGN tourists visiting the Balearic Islands this year are spending 20 per cent more than before the pandemic, as revealed by the Survey of Tourist Spending (Egatur) made public on Tuesday July 5 by Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE), as well as data collected by the Balearic Institute of Statis‐ tics (Ibestat). According to the data from January to May this year, the average expendi‐ ture per visitor rose to €1,124, whereas it was just €939 for the same period in 2019. This year is seeing record numbers of arrivals, expenditure and profitabil‐ ity. Not only this, but the amount of time that peo‐ ple are staying in the Balearic Islands is also in‐ creasing, from an average of 5.9 days in the first five months of 2019 to an aver‐ age of 6.9 days in 2022. Such favourable circum‐ stances have led the total expenditure from interna‐ tional tourists for the first five months of the year to amount to €3,641 million, 11.7 per cent more than in 2019, when the figure was €3,263 million. In May alone, the total expendi‐ ture was €1,816 million, 12.7 per cent more than the €1,611 million for the same month of 2019. According to Ibestat, tourists who had Mallor‐ ca as their main destina‐ tion spent €3,148.81 mil‐

Image: Balearic Islands Government


EXPENDITURE RISING: Foreign tourists to the Balearic Islands are spending 20 per cent more than before the pandemic.

lion between January and May, while those who vis‐ ited Menorca spent €256.15 million and those who travelled to Ibiza‐ Formentera spent €660.58 million. The variation in relation to the same months of last year was 418.85 per cent for Mallorca, 556.63 per cent for Menorca and 583.13 per cent for Ibiza‐ Formentera. Approximately 20.1 per cent of the tourists’ ex‐ penditure went to tourist packages, 39.28 per cent went to accommodation

and food expenses and the rest (40.62 per cent) went to transport, activi‐ ties and other expenses. The councillor of Eco‐ nomic Model, Tourism and Labour of the Balearic Islands Govern‐ ment, Iago Negueruela, expressed his satisfaction after learning the num‐ bers and said that they are an indication that “not only are the Islands managing to recover the tourism lost during the pandemic, but visitors are also staying for longer and spending more,

bringing greater prof‐ itability to the sector.” Negueruela also high‐ lighted the progress that the Balearic Islands have made towards “tourism that is of higher quality, more respectful of the en‐ vironment and more prof‐ itable than before the pandemic.” Finally, he spoke of the role that the new Tourism Sustainabili‐ ty and Circulation Law will play in the future, as it will allow the Balearic Islands to continue to oc‐ cupy the leading position it has always held.


COGNITIVE STIMULATION THE presidents of the Consell de Mallorca and the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS) presented a new manual, on Monday July 4, aimed at helping to prevent the deterioration of memory among the users of the Service of I n t e g r a l At t e n t i o n a t H o m e . H o w e v e r , t h e manual will also be useful for other individu‐ als and entities. The aim of the IMAS is to promote the au‐ tonomy of all the elderly people in Mallorca. The manual was prepared by professionals from the Life and Family Team (EVIF) of the IMAS. “This manual is a project that will enhance our care services for the elderly and provide them with a more complete and transversal approach,” said Catalina Cladera, the presi‐ dent of the Consell de Mallorca.


7 - 13 July 2022

ON July 5, the councillor for Econom‐ ic Promotion and Local Development of the Consell de Mallorca, Jaume Alzamora, called for people to con‐ sume local products as a means of controlling inflation. Speaking at a tile manufacturing centre in Vilafran‐ ca de Bonany, Alzamora encouraged the purchase of ‘zero‐kilometre’ food, products and services. He highlighted the fact the prices of some construction materials have

Buy locally to fight inflation shot up by 50 per cent in a year and have caused the real estate sector to come to a standstill. According to the Industrial Price Index (IPRI) of Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE), the factories for bricks, roof tiles and ter‐ racotta products for construction sell their materials at prices 43.5 per cent higher than last year.

Alzamora said: “In a situation like the current one, it is absolutely es‐ sential to promote the consumption of local products. They are of high quality, and mostly cheaper, as they are not affected by the price of trans‐ port, which is a particularly impor‐ tant factor for us, as we are an is‐ land.”

Strengthening cybersecurity THE councillor for European Funds, University and Culture of the Balearic Islands Government, Miquel Company, and the director of the


Spanish National Intelligence Centre (CNI), Esperanza Casteleiro, signed an agreement on July 5 whereby the Balearic Islands Government and the CNI will collaborate to strengthen the mechanisms and protocols in place for cybersecurity in the autonomous community, in line with the guidelines set out by the European Union. The CNI will facilitate the implementation of the bestsuited tools and technology at all times. For all these actions, the National Cryptologic Centre, which is part of

the CNI, will be at the disposal of the government with the aim of carrying out reviews or visits to the facilities as and when required. The agreement, in force for four years, does not provide any economic benefits to the majority of the parties and the initiatives are financed through European funding mechanisms. “Sharing all relevant information on incidents, response mechanisms and training is essential for improving cybersecurity at regional, national and European levels,” said Company.

Forest fire prevention Tamsin Brown THE councillor for the Envi‐ ronment and Territory of the Balearic Islands Gov‐ ernment, Miquel Mir, visit‐ ed the Clot des Guix, in Alaro on July 5, where for‐ est fire prevention work has been carried out in an area classed as a ‘critical point’ by the government’s General Plan for the Pre‐ vention of Forest Fires. This work is part of the project titled ‘Treatment of Plant Fuels at Strategic Management Points against the Risk of Forest Fires’, which is funded by €456,630 from the Sustain‐ able Tourism Tax. The tax applies to all overnight stays in tourist accommo‐ dation on the Balearic Is‐ lands and goes towards major investments to com‐ pensate for the territorial and environmental impact of tourism. The work has been car‐ ried out at different ‘critical points’, areas where fires are more likely due to the type of terrain. Mir high‐ lighted the fact that al‐ though the risk of forest fires is currently high, “it is never too late to work on prevention and on the pro‐ tection of the territory to minimise the risk in the event of a forest fire.”

NIBS EXTRA Market reopens THE Son Bugadelles second‐ hand market in Calvia will re‐ open on August 6. A series of improvements have been made, including a system of prior reservation of market stalls for more efficient man‐ agement. To improve the market’s image, selling on the ground will be prohibit‐ ed. For more information, visit https://son bugadelles.

Bus drivers TWELVE new drivers have joined the Municipal Trans‐ port Company of Palma and have started driving the city’s public buses following their training. The drivers have been recruited from the company’s own em‐ ployment agency, created before the pandemic, and now 136 of the 140 people listed with the agency have been employed.

Power station THE Consell de Mallorca will begin the process of acquir‐ ing the old Aucanada ther‐ mal power station in Alcud‐ ia. The plant is linked to important social policies such as the construction of housing for its workers and represents an important milestone in the industrial development of the island.

Million tourists IN May, the Balearic Islands received a total of 1.88 mil‐ lion tourists. Of these, the number of Spanish nationals was 258,227, while the num‐ ber of foreigners was 1.63 million. This represents a de‐ crease of 0.5 per cent com‐ pared to those that visited in May of 2019 (1.8 million).

Training project THE Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS) has fin‐ ished this year’s Raixa train‐ ing and employment project for people with functional di‐ versity. A total of 10 students who are over 30, registered as job seekers and have a minimum accredited disabili‐ ty of 33 per cent participated in the course.

7 - 13 July 2022

Celebrating LGBTI Pride

Tamsin Brown ONCE again, the Calvia Town Hall marked the occasion of LGBTI Pride Day, on June 28. The event, which was attended by the entire municipal government team, was organised by the Departments of Equality and Youth. Nati Francés, the head of the Department of Equality, said: “The Calvia Town Hall is committed to the rights of LGBTI people. We have made this clear with the Affective and Sexual Education Programme and all the work we do with the children and youth of Calvia. “We worry about all those who are afraid to show their sexual orientation. Through the workshops that we give at schools, we promote healthy and fulfilling affective and sexual relationships.

Image: Calvia Town Hall


TOWN HALL: Calvia is committed to the rights of the LGBTI community.

“We are concerned about the confusion and the lack of debate, so one of our challenges is to clarify concepts in order to give visibility to all those who are part of this group and to achieve

real inclusion. “We do not accept LGTBI-phobia from those who are unable to respect others and still allow themselves to judge people for their sexual orientation.”

Summer Photography Inspections of tourist Competition Launched establishments

SPECSAVERS OPTICAS has launched a Summer Pho‐ tography Competition to shine the spotlight on the beautiful places where the company has stores and to celebrate your talent. They are asking local residents to send in beautiful photographs of the Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol and Mallorca, to be in with a chance of winning a €100 Amazon voucher and a pair of designer sunglasses. Martin Blake from Specsavers Opticas in Santa Ponça said, “We are passionate about protecting our cus‐ tomers’ vision, ensuring they can all enjoy the beauty around them. So, this summer, we’re inviting everyone to share photographs of the most beautiful spots where we have stores.’ Entries will be judged by professional travel and lifestyle photographer Oliver Vegas. The competition is open until September 1 and photographs can be sub‐ mitted on social media by tagging @SpecsaversOpticas on Facebook and @specsaversspain on Instagram, sending photos via Messenger or via email to Terms and conditions apply, which can be found on Facebook @SpecsaversOpticas

THE Consell de Mallorca, through the Department of Transition, Tourism and Sports, carried out 895 in‐ spections of tourist establish‐ ments all over Mallorca be‐ tween January 1 and May 31. Of these inspections, 541 were done at tourist accom‐ modation establishments, 217 at tourism intermedi‐ aries and 120 at restaurants and entertainment establish‐ ments, among others. These inspections led to 175 infringement proceed‐ ings being opened. In terms of municipalities, the highest number of inspections were carried out in Palma (360), followed by Alcudia (50), Calvia (43), Pollença (41) and

Support for new companies

THE Vice‐Presidency of the Balearic Islands Government and the Department of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, through the Directorate‐General for Innovation and ParcBit (Balearic Technological Innovation Park), are supporting four new companies in their market launch through the start‐up acceleration programme APTENISA Launch. The companies participating in the pro‐ gramme are IKI Health, an app for monitoring pain; Plaved, a remote inspection platform; To‐ tIA, a computerised diagnostic aid system; and

Pipalook, an online store that sells sustainable clothing for children. The APTENISA start‐up acceleration pro‐ gramme is possible thanks to an investment of €59,679.6 from ENISA, the Directorate‐General for Innovation and the Bit Foundation. The four start‐ups will receive advice on their projects and have access to a wide network of mentors with entrepreneurial experience in all sectors. They will also have the opportunity to present their projects at the European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, Trans‐ fiere, which will take place in Malaga in 2023.

Llucmajor (39). During the inspections, 55 illegal tourist accommoda‐ tion establishments were de‐ tected. On June 29, the coun‐ cillor for Transition, Tourism and Sport, Andreu Serra, said: “We want to crack down on illegal activity at tourist accommodation and fight against ‘excess tourism’ [drunken and antisocial be‐ haviour from tourists].” Citizens can inform the Consell de Mallorca if they are aware of any illegal tourist offerings in Mallorca. The e‐mail address inspeccio turisme@conselldemallor has been set up for this purpose.



Protection of great shearwaters FROM Friday July 1, the Environmental Depart‐ ments of the Consell de Mallorca and the Balearic Islands Govern‐ ment are monitoring the colony of great shearwa‐ ter birds on the islet of Pantaleu in order to pre‐ vent disturbances during their breeding season. Signs have also been in‐ stalled to inform people that disembarking on the islet is prohibited. Pantaleu is an islet lo‐ cated off the west coast of Mallorca, in the mu‐ nicipality of Andrach, about 200 metres from Sant Elm. It forms part of the Sa Dragonera Natural Park, together with the island of Dragonera and the islet of Sa Mitjana. The great shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) is a species classed as vul‐ nerable and its popula‐ tion is declining on a na‐ tional level. One of the most significant threats is the introduction of other species such as dogs or rats into the breeding ar‐ eas. At the beginning of March, they arrive on the islet and lay a single egg. Both parents incubate the egg, and the fledglings begin to fly in the summer. Throughout the nesting period, their protection is vital.

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7 - 13 July 2022

figures drop Tamsin Brown ON July 4, the president of the Confederation of Busi‐ ness Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), Car‐ men Planas, assessed the figures from June for enrol‐ ment in the Social Security system, unemployment and job recruitment that had been presented earlier on the same day by the Spanish government. The decrease in unemployment in the Balearic Is‐ lands has remained the same (‐45.4 per cent), double the national average (‐20.3 per cent). This reduction means that 34,248 people are currently unemployed in the Balearic Islands, compared to 62,749 a year ago. Planas said: “Although the employment figures are positive, we have not yet recovered the pre‐pandemic level of economic activity.” Both the conflict in Ukraine and the extreme inflation are “elements that create uncertainty for businesses, especially with regards to this year’s autumn‐winter season.” The economy of the Balearic Islands “is still recover‐ ing from the huge hole left by Covid‐19 because we were the autonomous community that suffered the most in 2020,” she added.

FROM July 4 to 9, there will be a Menorca Lines stand offering information and discounts for passengers and vehicles to cus‐ tomers passing through the FAN Mallorca shopping centre. The Balearic shipping com‐ pany, which has provided pas‐ senger and vehicle transport services for more than 48 years, offers daily departures between the islands of Mallor‐ ca and Menorca and places a high value on customer ser‐ vice. The new maritime route op‐ erated by Menorca Lines has been in service since June 23, with the high‐speed vessels Fairweather and Chenega trav‐

Tamsin Brown MIQUEL ÀNGEL COLL has been appointed the new di‐ rector‐general of Coordina‐ tion, Relations with Parlia‐ ment, Rights and Diversity of the Balearic Islands Gov‐ ernment. Coll was a member of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands from 2007 to 2011, mayor of Santa Eugenia from 2007 to 2014, council‐ lor of the Consell de Mallor‐ ca from 2013 to 2019, direc‐ tor‐general of Institutional

Credit: Menorca Lines

Unemployment High-speed maritime services

DAILY DEPARTURES: Menorca Lines is offering discounts at the FAN Mallorca shopping centre.

elling between the ports of Al‐ cudia and Ciutadella. Each ves‐ sel has a capacity for 400 pas‐ sengers, 65 vehicles and ro‐ro cargo. One stays at Alcudia overnight and the other stays at Ciutadella, giving people the option of travelling early in the

morning. The journey be‐ tween the islands takes just 75 minutes. Nuria de la Torre, the ship‐ ping company’s marketing manager, said: “We want to offer our potential customers a travel proposal tailored to their needs.”

Miquel Àngel Coll Relations of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands Gov‐ ernment from 2019 to 2021 and head of the Cabinet of the Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Public Function and Equality, a position he had held until now. His functions will include the implementation, pro‐ motion, coordination and monitoring of the govern‐ ment’s strategic plans, pro‐ jects and programmes; in‐

terdepartmental coordina‐ tion between the bodies of various ministries; provid‐ ing direct support to the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Function and Equali‐ ty and strategic coordina‐ tion with the Office of the President. He is taking over from Is‐ abel Castro, who has re‐ cently been appointed the secretary of state for Migra‐ tion.


Gaining popularity THE Municipal Transport Company of Palma (EMT) transported almost 50 per cent more users between January and May 2022 than it did during the same period last year. Over the first five months of this year, a total of 13,557,042 passengers travelled with EMT Palma, a figure that represents a cumulative in‐ crease of 4,464,765 users. The annual report from Spain’s National Institute of Statistics shows that Palma is the city where the vol‐ ume of public bus users has increased the most (an in‐ crease of 60.1 per cent), fol‐ lowed by Sevilla (46 per cent), Malaga (44.2 per cent) and Valencia (40.7 per cent). On July 1, Palma’s coun‐ cillor for Sustainable Mobili‐ ty, Francesc Dalmau, high‐ lighted the fact that these figures from EMT Palma are the result of the eco‐ nomic recovery, the in‐ crease in fuel prices and the tourist season. The numbers of passen‐ gers on public buses are getting increasingly closer to those from before the pandemic.


7 - 13 July 2022

New additions for Maritime Museum ON July 4, the vice‐presi‐ dent and councillor of Culture, Heritage and Lin‐ guistic Policy of the Con‐ sell de Mallorca, Bel Bus‐ quets, and the director of the Maritime Museum, Albert Forés, received a selection of items from the Domènech Vázquez collection. Busquets highlighted the great patrimonial val‐ ue of the items and praised the generosity of the owners, María del Carmen Vázquez Ferrer and Manuel Vicente Domènech Bestard, who considered it of public in‐ terest to temporarily give the items to the museum so that they can be dis‐ played. The items include an old photograph of the

Image: Consell de Mallorca

Tamsin Brown

VALUED ITEMS: The Maritime Museum has received some generous temporary donations.

Port of Palma, from the early 20th century; a bill of lading from 1838 of the schooner San Antonio, from the Palma‐Marseille route; the book The Cries of Africa to the Inhabi‐ tants of Europe, by Thomas Clarkson, from 1825; a slave shackle,

with a key and padlock; and a mini‐globe and case, from 1811. As Busquets explained, the museum will have the pieces temporarily, ini‐ tially for four years, al‐ though this may be ex‐ tended or terminated early.




7 - 13 July 2022



Happy birthday to the iconic Osborne bulls.

THIS year celebrates 65 years of the iconic Os‐ borne bulls that stand on the hilltops of Spain. Originally the Os‐ borne bull was used to advertised for the drinks company. The original image was smaller and slightly dif‐ ferent in design. The bull was de‐ s i g n e d b y M a n o l o P r i‐ eto in 1956. In 2005 the Spanish government put a protection order on the bull which is now seen as a national symbol of Spain. In 1994 a law that prohibited all roadside advertising of alcoholic beverages came into effect and the bulls were set to be re‐ moved.But, by this time, the signs were nationally renowned and the public re‐ sponse resulted in the signs being retained on the condition that all references to the origi‐ nal advertisers were removed.The Court eventually allowed the signs to remain on the grounds that they have become a part of the landscape and had “aesthetic or cultural significance”, which turned the bulls into public domain images.

HOLIDAYMAKERS from the UK and elsewhere have been warned that Covid‐19 restrictions could be back in Spain this summer after the number of cases surge once again. The warning on Mon‐ day July 4 comes from Canary Islands Public Health Official, Amos Garcia Rojas who said that the reintroduction of new restrictions could not be ruled out. Speaking to a UK TV news channel, Rojas said: “The pandemic is not gone. It is necessary to continue maintaining certain restrictions and care, perhaps in the obligation to wear a mask indoors if the situ‐

Image Shutterstock

Spanish icon’s birthday Restrictions warning

Facemask-in-shop ation does not im‐ prove.” Most restrictions have been lifted across Spain, however some regions have maintained limited requirements such as wearing masks on flights and when in medical fa‐ cilities. The warning for holi‐ day‐makers comes as

the government in Spain asks people to take care and to continue follow‐ ing basic health advice. That includes good hand hygiene, maintaining distance when indoors and isolating when posi‐ tive, failure to do so could see Spain’s Covid‐ 19 restrictions back by summer.

Unemployment plummets JUNE’S large rise in tourism in Spain saw unemployment figures plummet by a whopping 42,000 people, as re‐ ported by Spain’s Ministry of Labour on Monday, July 4. Thanks to the positive growth in tourism seen in Spain in the month of June, unemployment fell by 42,409 people and 115,600 jobs were created, leading to a new record figure of 20.3 million contrib‐ utors. These newly released figures mean that Spain’s unemployment is

currently sitting at the lowest level since the start of the financial reces‐ sion in October 2008. Unemployment figures also fell in all the autonomous communities ex‐ cept Andalucia, where it increased by 6,345 persons to a total of 764,802. Unemployment figures among those aged 25 and over fell by 43,698 persons (1.60 per cent less). In year‐on‐year terms, the fall in unemployment among young peo‐ ple under 25 years of age is the most pronounced.


7 - 13 July 2022

GRANADA City Council has in‐ stalled another defibrillator in the Paseo de los Tristes, mak‐ ing progress in its aim to make Granada a ‘healthier, friendli‐ er and more protected’ city. The measure is part of the ‘Granada, cardio‐protected city’ project launched by the council to provide the city with a network of defibrilla‐ tors, especially at the points with the greatest influx of people and by the end of the year there will be 12 defibrilla‐ tors. The latest installation is in addition to the two already in place in the Fuente de las Batallas and the Plaza de Is‐

Image credit: Ayuntamiento de Granada

Cardio-protected city project

NEW DEFIBRILLATOR: Extra protection for residents and visitors.

abel la Católica, which came into operation last year, and to which nine more will be added before the end of the year. The mayor of Granada, Francisco Cuenca, announced the project on Wednesday June 29, stating: “Granada is not only rein‐

forcing the cardioprotection it offers its residents and visi‐ tors, but is also becoming a national benchmark for its commitment to offering max‐ imum safety to its citizens and visitors, offering comprehen‐ sive care with which we man‐ age to save lives.”

Battle for customers OIL companies are entering a fuel price war, competing for customers by offering more discounts to motorists at the pumps. In the midst of increasing fuel prices in Spain ‐ and of course all over Europe ‐ it would appear that a fuel price war is about to erupt between the major oil companies. Repsol and Cepsa ‐ and soon, presumably, also BP ‐ are engaging with the market as the summer get‐

away starts, with millions of drivers needing to put fuel in their vehicles at the best price. As reported on Friday, July 1, by national media, the Spanish government has extended the 20 cents discount on a litre of fuel until the end of the year. With the prices of petrol and diesel reaching historical highs, the fuel suppli‐ ers are looking for ways to attract motorists to their pumps.



7 - 13 July 2022

Driver saved by halo

F2 driver Roy Nissany was involved in a sickening crash on Sunday, July 3, and was lucky to walk away without fatal injuries. In the feature race at Silverstone one car flew into the air after smash‐ ing into a sausage kerb according to the media sources. It landed on top of Roy Nissany’s car with the halo safety system being all that prevented a likely fatal inci‐ dent. Abbie Eaton who is a British Racing Driver and Test Driver for The Grand Tour reacted to the crash by calling for more safety features to help pro‐ tect drivers. “When will people learn?” she wrote in a Tweet. “We need to use a safer way to con‐

Image credit – Abbie Eaton Twitter


Grand Prix terrifying crash as driver's life is saved by a halo trol track limits. “The halo has been one of the best safety systems to be introduced, let’s move forward with track limit policing too.” "Don't wait until someone is killed."


Veteran DJ dropped ANGER broke out among BBC Radio 2 lis‐ teners after veteran presenter Steve Wright announced live on air that his popular ‘Steve Wright In The After‐ noon’ show was being axed. Fa n s t o o k t o s o c i a l media to vent their dis‐ may at the decision. The 67‐year‐old leg‐ e n d a r y DJ ’ s s h o w h a s run on BBC 2 for the last 23 years, but he will now be replaced with former Radio 1 DJ, Scott Mills. Forty‐nine‐year‐ old Mills is also a veter‐ an presenter, having spent 24 years on Radio 1. He took to Twitter to announce his move, en‐ gaging the services of pop sensation Lewis Ca‐ paldi to make a video breaking the news. Breaking the news live to his listeners, Steve Wright said: “At the be‐ ginning of this year, my friend and boss Helen Thomas, head of Radio 2, said she wanted to do something different in the afternoons. “Now, I’ve been doing this programme for 24 years at Radio 2, and so how can I possibly com‐ plain?”

10 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022

Connecting with nature Tamsin Brown

THOSE who take good photos and en‐ joy spending time in nature might have what it takes to win one of the cash prizes in the European Environ‐ ment Agency’s (EEA) new ‘Well with Nature’ photo competition, which highlights our connection to nature, how much we care for it, and how it can keep us emotionally and physical‐ ly healthy. It aims to raise awareness about the benefits we can receive by working towards zero pollution. Simply send up to five of your best

nature photos in any of the four com‐ petition categories (air, water, land and sound) by October 1, 2022. The winner of each category will receive a cash prize of €1,000. Additional prizes are awarded for the best youth entry and the public’s favourite photo. Participants must be over 18 and citizens of one of the 32 EEA member countries or six cooperating coun‐ tries, including the 27 EU Member States. Read more at‐us/competitions/well withnature/well‐with‐nature.

Chocolate factory shuts A FACTORY run by Swiss company Barry Callebaut, in the Belgian town of Weize was shut down on Thursday, June 30. Millions of people could be facing a choco‐ late shortage after a salmonella outbreak stopped production at the world’s biggest choco‐ late factory Belgian media

confirmed. The factory supplies chocolate prod‐ ucts to huge brands in‐ cluding Nestle, Hershey, Mondelez and Unilever. Barry Callebaut pro‐ duces liquid chocolate in wholesale batches and contacted 73 of its cus‐ tomers it believed could be affected. The Belgian factory does not make

chocolates to be sold di‐ rectly to consumers. Korneel Warlop, a spokesman for Barry Callebaut, said: “All prod‐ ucts manufactured since the test have been blocked. “Chocolate production in Wieze remains sus‐ pended until further no‐ tice.”


Portugal scraps restrictions

THE Civil Aviation authority ANAC in Portugal, announced on Saturday, July 2, that trav‐ ellers can finally enter the country without the need to produce a Covid Digital Certifi‐ cate, or any form of Covid test result. This decision was made during a meeting of the Coun‐ cil of Ministers on Friday, July 1. “Air carriers are no longer obliged to require passengers, when boarding flights to or through mainland Portugal to present proof of carrying out a test to screen for infection by SARS‐CoV‐2 with a negative re‐ sult, of an EU Covid Digital Cer‐ tificate or recovery certificates issued by third countries, ac‐ cepted or recognised in Portu‐ gal,” read an ANAC statement. At the press conference of the Council of Ministers, Mari‐ ana Vieira da Silva, the Minis‐ ter of the Presidency had hint‐ ed at the announcement. However, she mentioned that Portugal’s ‘Situation of Alert’ would continue until the end of July. Masks will still have to be worn when entering phar‐ macies, old people’s homes, and health centres.

Credit: Pawel Kazmierczak/Shutterstock

GOOD NEWS: For travellers to Portugal’s Algarve.

Import tax waived THE EU has allowed member countries to waive all customs duties, taxes and VAT on life‐saving goods imported for use in helping Ukrainians. The announcement on Friday July 1 came after requests from member states to be allowed to drop import charges on those life‐saving goods imported to help Ukrainians. The decision will be welcomed by member states and more so because it applies retroactive‐ ly from February 24 until the end of the year. Member states will now be free to remove all import duties and taxes on items like food, blan‐ kets, tents, electric generators and other life‐sav‐ ing equipment that is going to Ukrainians affect‐ ed by the war. With some eight million having fled the country, aid is being stretched to the lim‐ it as are finances.


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7 - 13 July 2022

EWN 11


Interview with TOWIE stars Matthew Roscoe/ EWN

Credit: Shutterstock

EURO WEEKLY NEWS caught up with TOWIE stars Elliott Wright and James Argent at the recent launch of Wright’s new restaurant in Costa Blan‐ ca’s Villamartin. Speaking exclusively to Eu‐ ro Weekly News, Mr Wright explained that Eduardo’s La Plaza is his tribute to his dad, who passed away last year. “This is a personal thing [opening Eduardo’s] for me to do since my father passed away last year,” he said. Elliott explained that he learned everything he knew from his father’s tutelage af‐ ter working his way up through the family business before appearing on TV. He added: “If there was any‐ thing I could do for my dad then to prolong his legacy [this was it]. This is his lega‐ cy.” Elliott’s wife Sadie provided the support needed for her

Elliott Wright with his wife, Sadie at the opening. James Argent, aka Arge.

husband to realise his dream of continuing his father’s lega‐ cy and admitted that the “lead up [to the opening] had been an absolute rollercoaster. “[Elliott] worked every hour under the sun. It was ex‐ tremely emotional, but he pulled it out of the bag,” Sadie exclusively told Euro Weekly News. Speaking about the restau‐ rant, Sadie said: “What we’re

going for at Eduardo’s is a par‐ ty vibe, with family. We don’t just want young, we don’t just want old, we want a mixture. “We watch grandfathers with their children on the dance floor and that’s what we like ‐ a true family restau‐ rant.” The star of the opening night at Eduardo’s was un‐ doubtedly TOWIE’s James Ar‐ gent. Arge spoke exclusively to

EDUARDO’S: A true family restaurant.

Euro Weekly News and praised his friend Elliott be‐ fore offering some insight into what he has planned for the future. “[Elliott] has done his dad proud. He’s done everyone proud,” he said about the restaurant’s opening. Speaking about his plans for the future, the fun‐loving 34‐ year‐old said that he would be spending time on his passion project, The Arge Band.

“I plan on doing plenty more gigs over the summer now Ed‐ uardo’s is open and obviously more at Olivia’s La Cala,” he said. “But I’m really focusing on The Arge Band. That’s what I’m putting my passion into now. I’m putting my heart and soul into it and I really love it.” He added: “Basically, I’m fi‐ nally doing what I’ve always wanted to do.”

7 - 13 July 2022


Fancy a different sort of holiday? MALLORCA is a mecca for cy‐ clists and it’s easy to see why. Smooth roads with cycle paths on most, scenery to die for, respect from car drivers and ambient weather most of the year. March and Octo‐ ber are particularly popular months for cyclists and add to this mix the abundance of great guides, with both flat and hilly rides, and you’re all set for the perfect holiday. The other thing I love about cycling here is that be‐ ing a keen but not too effi‐ cient cyclist, I can still ride without feeling like a novice. There are many challenging rides and ones that visitors flock to try. Take Formentor for example, a ride of steep climbs and exhilarating down hills. The road takes you

Credit: Wikimedia commons

12 EWN

EXCITING CYCLING: The descent to Sa Calobra is an amazing experience.

through the beautiful wild and rugged landscape with stunning views. It ends at the lighthouse, the northernmost point of the island. I love this ride even though you must do it all in reverse to get back!

There are other popular rides all over the Island and being such a small Island, you can easily try many of them on the same trip: the 10 km descent to Sa Calobra is one of the most exciting cycling

Art, local wine, food, live music and readings, what more could you want? ON Friday, July 8, a new Collective Exhibition, or‐ ganised by the Pollença

City Council together with Proyecto 10, opens. An event that allows you to enjoy art work, created es‐ pecially for this exhibition; 10 artists from the local area have collaborated. During the event you can enjoy local wine and cuisine (Can Vidalet @bodegacanvidalet and Café Bar Blau @cafebar blau) while listening to live music created by local artists, Toni @tonitoymu sic, accompanied by Lolo on trumpet and Vicente, @vicentediablo on percus‐ sion. There will also be a literary intervention of work written by Senda March. Ten artists will display their work: Aina Perel lo@perelloaina was born in Pollença, Mallorca, in 1976 and her work in‐ cludes photos, and draw‐

ings that tell a story. Joan Bennàssar is one of the most prominent artists of Mallorca. He was born in Pollença in 1950. His early work was influenced by his art teacher and de‐ spite the struggles of the era, where hunger was common and there was no public water nor electrici‐ ty, his early talent shone through. Other guest artists are: Silvia Anaska @psicomag ick, Aina Cifre @ainacifre, Laura Cáceres @lauartey mas, Aina Velasco @gest_artmoviment, Cristhian @cristhianartes, Dayna @dayna.posada, Antonia Borras @antoni‐ aborrasart, and Kika Dupuy @kikadupuy. Friday July 8 ‐ 17, full programme of events of Facebook, Pollença Town Hall.

experiences on Mallorca. With a dozen hairpin bends, the famous Nudo de la Corbata, a 270‐degree tie knot curve, lots of narrow passes and stunning views over the wide valley and the sea. One bonus, if you don’t feel like climbing all the way back up, the ships of Barcos Azules will take you and your bike to Port de Sóller. To find your guide try he search term: guided rides in Mallorca.

Looking for a ne Ride and drive ARGO YACHTING has teamed up with Centro Porsche, Balear‐ es to bring you an unforgettable ride. An explosive combination of high energy thrills on water and exhilaration on the open road. Join them to test drive a Saxdor Yacht and a Chris‐Craft boat as well as a Porsche car. On the water your speedy sea adventure begins in Port Adri‐ ano, where you can experience a trip to Malgrats Island. The Las Malgrats Islands are made up of two islets and are located within the municipality of Calvià, oppo‐ site the Bay of Santa Ponça. A Protected Natural Reserve and unique site where visitors can enjoy nature in its wild state, with responsible fishing


Advertising Feature

Il Padrino & Big Beach WITH classic Italian dishes such as delicious pizzas with various toppings and a range of pasta dishes, Il Padrino is an authentic restaurant run by a husband and wife team from Naples, Italy. While running restaurants in Madrid, En‐ zo and his wife had their first child and de‐ cided to move to Mallorca for a quieter way of life. After starting work as a chef in Il Padrino Restaurant in 2011, the owners suddenly decided to leave the business and Enzo had to make the difficult decision of taking over the restaurant or looking for an‐ other job ‐ he decided to take the risk ‐ and it paid off. Since 2011, Enzo and his family have ex‐ panded Il Padrino across three more neigh‐ bouring restaurants in the popular Santa Ponsa square, with some of the staff at the restaurant even coming over with them from Madrid! Il Padrino holds exciting thematic nights in the winter, live music, magicians and en‐ tertainers. Their Frutti Di Mare pizza and pasta are particularly popular and they also serve healthy alternatives as well as gluten‐

The popular Il Padrino now.

free dishes ‐ so there’s something for every‐ one! For lovers of wine Il Padrino has an amaz‐ ing wine cellar, with prices ranging from €15 to €500 for extra special bottles, where they store Italian wines for you to enjoy with your meal. Two years ago, Enzo and the team opened Big Beach, an Asian‐fusion restau‐ rant, where you can find fresh classic dishes from sushi to sashami. Il Padrino is open from 1pm to 12am and Big Beach is open from 11.30am to 12am, both located on the popular Santa Ponsa Square in Mallorca, where Enzo and the team are ready to welcome you!

Address: Plaça Santa Ponça, 4, 07180 Santa Ponça, Illes Balears Telephone: 971 691 983 - Facebook: @acasadelpadrino - Instagram: a casa del padrino

ew car or boat? in and Port Adriano sporting activities such as scuba‐diving, kayaking or sailing. The stunning Mallorcan scenery, like Cap Formentor in the north and Sa Calobra in the south east, are enjoyed by cy‐ clists and used in so many TV ad‐ verts. You can enjoy the experi‐ ence in a Porsche sports car. A guaranteed experience that’s impossible to top. Enjoy the encounter from 1pm until 7pm today Thursday July 7 and Friday July 8 starting from the East Coast Restaurant, Port Adriano, Urbanizacion El Toro s/n 07180, Calvia. More information from: Lin Only available to those with confirmed registration.

7 - 13 July 2022

EWN 13

14 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022

AFICINE PALMA MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU FRI : 16.00 • 18.00 SAT - SUN: 12.00 • 16.00 • 18.00

WITH its circular ground plan making it unique in Spain and one of four cas‐ tles that exist in Europe with this feature, Castell de Bellver is located on a hill surrounded by pine trees, with spectacular views of Palma. It was built in the 14th century by King Jaume II of Mallorca, with architect


The Summer Cycle

Pere Salvà as head of the construction team. It has three semi‐circular but‐ tressed towers and a single tower attached to the body by a bridge. The courtyard is surrounded by two gal‐ leries: the lower one with low semicircular arches and the upper one supported by lancet arches. The Bellver Castle was the residence of the kings of

Mallorca, but throughout history it has also served as a prison and as a mint in 1821. The history and uniqueness make this worth a visit at any time. Throughout July the pa‐ rade ground of the Bellver castle is the setting for the summer series of concerts, featuring the Orquesta Mu‐ nicipal SimfoVents Palma. The Musical Director is

Francisco Valero‐Terribas and each concert features different musical arrange‐ ments. Concerts are every Friday from July 1 ‐ 29 at 8.30pm Carrer Camilo Jose Cela, s/n, Palma More info and full concert details: +34 971 73 50 65 Castelldebe… @a‐

Contemporary Art Gallery AN exciting Art Programme for the Summer, starting from July 8, in CCA Kunsthalle (Art Hall). This art hall is like leading museums, with a spe‐ cial exhibition area of 2,000 square metres. It’s one of Spain’s most interesting places for con‐ temporary art and it will host two solo shows by the outstanding artists Cathrine Raben Davidsen and Xenia Hausner. CCA in Andratx, southwest Mallorca, has a focus on art, and offers cultural events and ex‐ hibitions every month. A tribute to art and Mal‐ lorca, the unique CCA ‐ at the foot of the Tra‐ muntana mountains ‐ is in the midst of spectacular nature. Cathrine Raben Davidsen lives and works in

Copenhagen, Denmark, and attended the Roy‐ al Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Her solo exhibi‐ tion, ‘Cosmic Mind’ includes magnificent land‐ scape paintings, charcoal drawings of jellyfish on monochrome backgrounds, that leap out on a cobalt blue wall, while paintings of a white swan show up throughout the exhibition. One of Austria’s foremost contemporary painters, Xenia Hausner, is another solo artist currently on display at CCA. VISIT CCA from July 8 ‐ 24 Monday, Sunday, Bank Holiday: closed More information: Tel. +34 971 137 770

16 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022




Parking problem

Contaminated feed

PARKING in Copenhagen which is difficult at the best of times is going to get worse for drivers of diesel and petrol cars as the Council will be replacing 5,000 ‘conventional’ parking spaces with 4,100 electric charging spaces and parking for 900 car-share drivers.

IN 2021, a Danish company which produced fish product to feed animals exported a large amount to a Finnish company but it now transpires that the fodder was produced in the same factory where a number of dead mink were stored and may have been infected with Covid-19.



Young gamblers

Baby boomers

EVEN though online gambling was only made legal in Holland last year, the government has been surprised by the number of young people aged 18 to 24 who have become involved and has decided to ban former sports stars and celebrities from betting advertising.

THE 2022 census which was undertaken in April of this year shows that the Republic of Ireland's population is at an all-time high since Independence, standing at 5.1 million people and this is the first time that the population has broken the five million level since 1851.



Expensive city

Ceiling art

OFTEN considered expensive due to the number of workers employed by the European Union, Brussels is just 39th most expensive city in the world for foreign workers according to HR company Mercer, but this is a jump of 16 places since the last review.

IF you want to own a villa in Rome which is the only one known to have a ceiling painted by Renaissance artist Caravaggio, then get ready to dig deep into your bank account as it goes up for auction with a minimum bid of €226 million.



New sponsor

Equal incompetence

SEVILLA FC will benefit from a new sponsorship deal with German online broker Degiro effective from July 1 and apart from being the football club’s official online investment platform, its logo will appear on player’s jerseys for at least the next full season.

OUTSPOKEN Portuguese President Marcelo amused many when speaking to new Air Force recruits by saying that there will only be true equality between men and women in the Armed Forces “when a woman reaches the highest rank as incompetent as a man.”



Bouncing back

Lucky dog

AFTER being sacked from the role of Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts series, it seemed that Johnny Depp was returning to his first career of music, recording and performing with Jeff Beck, but now he is in France to play Louis XV in Jeanne du Barry.

FIREFIGHTERS in Mykolaiv were called to a bombed building and discovered a frightened Labrador dog in an apartment on the top floor. Using a crane and platform, they coaxed the dog out through a hole in a door and took it to safety.



Viking find

Free planes

AFTER metal detectorists unearthed a Viking sword in three pieces in a field near Stavanger, experts have declared that it is only one of 20 out of 3,000 found in Norway with special silver inlay and that it was probably made in France or England in the 9th century.

THE Swedish government has told the Czech Republic that if it agrees to purchase Swedish fighter aircraft from 2027, it will give the Czech Air Force the Gripen aircraft that it currently has on loan until that date at no cost.



€3.6 billion

is the amount that the FBI say so called Bulgarian Crypto Queen Ruja Ignatova stole from investors selling fake currency that she called OneCoin.

WASPI women continue fight Credit: WASPI Facebook

BUSINESS EXTRA • 7 - 13 July 2022


Money Heist ALTHOUGH Netflix has not seen the viewer growth it wanted, there’s money in remakes and Money Heist Korea based on the Spanish blockbuster is fast becoming the next Squid Games with huge audi‐ ences across Asia and additional revenue for those who made the original.

Some justice

Inflation rises HIGHER even than the most pes‐ simistic forecast, Spanish 12‐month inflation rose to 10.2 per cent in June, the first time it has broken 10 per cent since April 1985 and is up from 8.7 per cent in May according to preliminary data from the Na‐ tional Statistics Institute (INE).

Wooing others COINCIDING with the NATO meet‐ ing in Madrid, South Korean Presi‐ dent Yoon Suk‐yeol organised a meeting with the president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce as well as a number of CEOs of major companies to encourage increased investment in his country.

Cheaper electricity THE so‐called Iberian Mechanism has allowed savings for benefited electricity consumers of almost €250 million by the end of June since it came into force on June 15. This was announced on June 30 by Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demo‐ graphic Challenge. She said “If we add the Iberian mechanism to the measures the government has been adopting, such as the reduc‐ tion tax, the reduction of charges and the reduction of extraordinary benefits associated with the price of gas, the bill of households covered by the PVPC rate is almost 30 per cent cheaper.”

CAMPAIGN CONTINUES: Three MPS outside the Houses of Parliament supporting WASPI.

AN estimated 3.8 million WASPI women lost up to £50,000 each due to UK pension changes. This meant that those born in the 1950s suddenly discovered that rather than retiring at 60, had to wait until they were 66. It has been confirmed by a num‐ ber of different organisations includ‐ ing the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) failed to communicate State Pension age changes early enough to the women affected. Despite this and the ongoing cam‐ paign by the Women Against State

Pension Inequality (WASPI) group, the Conservative Government has simply ignored their demands for restitution. In a written reply to a request for information from Rupa Huq MP, on June 13 of this year, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Guy Opperman said “A Departmental Minister met with representatives of the Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) on June 29, 2016. There are currently no plans to the meet with representatives of the group.” In the meantime, MPs from every political party in England, Scotland

and Wales have expressed support for the campaign and even a small number of Conservative MPs have also agreed that the matter needs to be addressed. Clearly its money that matters rather than the goodwill of 3.8 mil‐ lion potential voters, as the cost of refunding the withheld pensions would be in the region of £3 billion. In the meantime, the campaign continues and as a mark of respect for the work being undertaken, Chair and Finance Director Angela Mad‐ den has been named a ‘Platinum Champion’ by the Royal Voluntary Service.

Reddit moves into Spain REDDIT has moved into Spain with the purchase of MeaningCloud, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) company specialising in ex‐ tracting meaning from un‐ structured content. The technology strength‐ ens Reddit’s ML proficiencies and understanding of un‐ structured data, ultimately providing the most relevant information for redditors. Reddit is an American so‐ cial news aggregation, con‐ tent rating, and discussion website created at the start of the internet boom where registered users (commonly referred to as ‘Redditors’) submit content to the site


Credit: Reddit Facebook

MORE than 500 sub‐postmasters wrongly suspected or accused of taking money by the Post Office are to get an interim payment of around £40,000 each after it was fi‐ nally established the error was caused by faulty software.

POPULAR WEBSITE: Reddit attracts people at all levels.

such as links, text posts, im‐ ages, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members. It was taken over by Conde Nast Publications in 2006 and since then has grown to be‐ come the ninth‐most‐visited website in the world and sixth

most‐visited website in the US, according to Semrush. Charging for advertising on its site, Reddit was last valued at more than $10 billion and as such is one of the most vis‐ ited sites for news and much more with an estimated 50 million views of more than

one billion posts each day. Having has so much suc‐ cess in English‐speaking mar‐ kets such as North America and the UK, Reddit is now looking to expand into Eu‐ rope which has its own huge potential market and access to this office in Spain will help it to grow communities with‐ in the EU. Commenting on the acquisition, Jack Hanlon, Vice President of Data said: “MeaningCloud helps strengthen Reddit’s platform by helping our community get the relevant information they are looking for even faster and we are thrilled to welcome the talented Mean‐ ingCloud team to Reddit.”

Gibraltar economy BREXIT and the pandemic have knocked the Gibraltar economy for six which meant that Chief Minister Fabian Picardo had to deliver a tough budget on June 28. With a carry‐over deficit of £55 million from 2020/2021 and Covid borrowing double what was forecast at £135 million, there is also net bor‐ rowing of £653 million. Needing to increase rev‐ enue yet protect the popula‐ tion from hardship was not easy and in essence those with the most money will be hit the hardest, whilst the minimum wage and pen‐ sions will be increased. A number of schemes im‐ plemented will only be in place for 24 months as it is believed that the economy can be put back in order al‐ though a general election must occur before that time.

Revolut Bank MANY find Revolut a very useful way of making pay‐ ments online or using one of their debit cards, but from Ju‐ ly 1 all customers are now covered by a merger which sees them transferred to Revolut Bank. In theory there should be few changes to the way in which they operate although there are additional benefits so that funds held in current and (if applicable) demand deposit accounts will be pro‐ tected by the Deposit Guar‐ antee Scheme, up to €100,000. Based in London, although founded by Nikolay Storon‐ sky from Russia and Vlad Yat‐ senko from Ukraine, the company has some 18 mil‐ lion customers and operates out of offices in Ireland and Lithuania to combat Brexit fall out.

to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

20 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022




COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) 3I Group 1.111,50 1.117,00 Abrdn 157,87 159,43 Admiral Group 2.245,0 2.250,8 Anglo American 2.912,5 2.932,0 Antofagasta 1.142,00 1.159,50 Ashtead Group 3.519,0 3.533,0 Associated British Foods 1.604,5 1.616,0 AstraZeneca 10.702,0 10.782,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 546,60 552,60 Avast 518,40 520,00 Aveva 2.249,0 2.272,0 Aviva 403,90 405,60 B&M European Value Retail SA367,20 371,50 BAE Systems 835,99 837,00 Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 Barclays 155,14 156,72 Barratt Developments 457,70 460,50 Berkeley 3.718,0 3.745,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.261,50 2.275,00 BP 389,05 389,05 British American Tobacco 3.540,0 3.540,0 British Land Company 447,50 452,90 BT Group 185,25 186,50 Bunzl 2.710,0 2.711,0 Burberry Group 1.661,5 1.667,5 Carnival 645,2 650,0 Centrica 81,28 81,68 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.854,0 1.874,0 Compass 1.697,50 1.708,00 CRH 2.848,5 2.870,5 Croda Intl 6.494,0 6.530,0 DCC 5.116,0 5.172,0 Diageo 3.523,5 3.537,5 DS Smith 277,90 281,20 EasyJet 384,30 389,40 Experian 2.410,0 2.416,0 Ferguson 9.044,0 9.128,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.272,0 8.320,0 Fresnillo 750,40 757,40 Glencore 439,55 445,30 GSK plc 1.769,60 1.771,40 Halma 1.996,5 2.013,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 780,60 786,40 Hikma Pharma 1.614,00 1.622,00 HSBC 538,30 540,60 IAG 111,70 112,40 Imperial Brands 1.840,00 1.840,00 Informa 527,40 530,20

% CHG. 1.091,50 152,75 2.231,8 2.840,0 1.130,00 3.376,0 1.568,0 10.606,0 545,80 509,80 2.226,0 397,40 363,50 827,60 0,612 151,74 447,40 3.674,0 2.224,00 377,45 3.464,7 441,70 183,03 2.665,0 1.626,0 614,0 79,60 1.818,0 1.667,00 2.802,5 6.404,0 5.070,0 3.495,5 271,60 362,40 2.389,0 9.000,0 8.130,0 744,80 433,50 1.747,80 1.988,5 770,00 1.574,50 531,90 106,56 1.808,00 517,40

NET VOL 162,61K 1,07M 6,01K 790,08K 336,36K 143,89K 100,21K 370,71K 315,16K 188,48K 35,50K 1,33M 726,59K 1,49M 0 10,87M 1,02M 35,93K 777,22K 10,14M 43,30K 415,53K 943,52K 163,25K 193,52K 434,84K 1,57M 181,33K 837,46K 200,23K 67,45K 33,20K 381,34K 1,32M 2,41M 218,90K 85,80K 61,77K 127,34K 7,41M 1,23M 103,50K 139,04K 172,87K 3,35M 7,43M 363,22K 544,97K



InterContinental Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP

4.325,0 1.317,50 4.233,0 65,30 208,20 1.904,5 665,00 242,90 43,16 7.545,0 789,00 154,15 1.478,00 1.062,44 220,80 5.972,0 1,89 815,80 1.870,5 587,40 1.028,00 6.202,0 2.213,00 475,70 567,00 4.879,5 86,53 0,60 628,60 1.082,00 2.650,0 728,48 966,60 2.721,0 2.179,4 1.133,00 1.408,00 10.000,0 1.655,55 1.098,50 618,40 117,00 256,05 138,65 3.778,5 1.016,00 127,60 2.485,0 823,40


% CHG.


4.357,0 1.329,50 4.267,0 65,90 209,60 1.926,5 675,40 243,50 43,52 7.614,0 790,80 155,75 1.480,00 1.062,50 222,70 6.020,0 1,89 835,42 1.882,5 590,60 1.032,00 6.210,0 2.216,00 477,20 569,60 4.911,5 87,04 0,60 634,60 1.087,00 2.668,0 733,20 981,80 2.726,0 2.179,4 1.138,50 1.411,00 10.040,0 1.659,50 1.112,00 621,40 117,80 257,00 139,80 3.780,0 1.017,00 127,76 2.507,0 829,40

4.280,0 1.284,00 4.187,0 63,98 203,20 1.887,5 662,80 237,50 41,85 7.500,0 788,40 147,60 1.438,00 1.043,50 217,40 5.804,0 1,89 769,92 1.836,0 584,40 1.001,50 6.134,0 2.193,00 472,00 562,20 4.813,5 81,76 0,60 627,60 1.067,50 2.612,0 707,00 965,80 2.660,0 2.119,6 1.118,74 1.386,00 9.774,0 1.602,00 1.083,00 611,00 114,75 254,10 130,90 3.718,5 995,20 126,32 2.446,0 815,40

80,39K 145,32K 41,56K 1,74M 1,04M 39,37K 36,82K 2,00M 57,85M 71,12K 368,57K 3,99M 158,69K 1,07M 2,27M 86,00K 0 81,12K 156,34K 190,17K 955,44K 123,34K 679,20K 665,71K 422,13K 631,63K 7,52M 0 250,15K 4,16K 84,88K 538,23K 481,70K 144,77K 153,05K 78,57K 198,25K 38,74K 540,37K 147,43K 688,87K 2,97M 1,87M 2,23M 883,92K 271,12K 9,43M 153,30K 484,92K



Units per €

US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0459 Japan yen (JPY)........................................141.68 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................1.0028 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4381 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................10.372 • Tel: +34 687 906 226 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER


COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney

PRICE 129,41 138,62 243,30 136,72 136,72 178,76 144,78 42,64 62,91 51,61 297,02 274,27 173,81 141,19 37,41 177,51 112,61 246,88 91,17 256,83 102,20 143,79 165,04 169,13 513,63 50,75 196,89 37,90 121,58 94,40

CHANGE 130,21 139,87 245,00 138,37 137,49 182,14 147,92 43,14 63,11 52,14 300,33 277,04 174,42 142,46 38,00 178,29 114,07 248,59 92,90 259,53 103,38 144,44 167,50 169,50 516,32 51,22 198,85 39,67 122,06 95,44

CHANGE% VOLUME(M) 127,30 3,30M 134,30 4,11M 240,73 3,01M 133,77 98,20M 131,60 8,42M 177,12 4,17M 143,41 10,63M 42,19 24,76M 62,16 15,41M 50,85 5,82M 292,23 2,63M 268,04 4,01M 170,18 2,84M 139,28 4,83M 36,72 34,76M 175,03 10,68M 110,93 14,97M 245,45 2,76M 90,91 18,45M 252,90 30,37M 100,78 8,73M 141,23 7,34M 161,11 9,46M 163,66 1,33M 509,72 3,53M 50,46 18,75M 192,85 7,00M 37,71 15,54M 119,89 6,29M 92,54 10,78M M - MILLION DOLLARS





+77.40% +74.00% +38.92% +36.29% +35.22% +33.93% +33.64% +29.57% +29.33% +26.90% +25.99%

110.87M 31.56M 3.33M 8.95M 7.35M 19.20K 2.98M 35.00M 137.85K 778.49K 18.11M

-52.95% -38.29% -37.50% -36.75% -33.33% -32.88% -32.11% -31.96% -28.45% -27.03% -26.74%

66.82M 1.40M 6.08M 177.85K 946.22K 7.59K 70.12K 5.64M 9.85M 3.28M 23.70M

Most Advanced Revelation Biosciences Ensysce Biosciences Fast Radius Yoshitsu ADR Rapid Micro Biosystems Metromile Aytu BioScience Ricebran Tech Ipsidy Volcon Tuniu Corp

Most Declined Akerna Renalytix AI Nas First Wave BioPharma Talaris Therapeutics Angion Biomedica Rockley Photonics Holdings Wnt Austerlitz Acquisition II Wnt COMSovereign Holding Aditx Cyclacel Brickell Biotech

22 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022

US dollar bolstered by global recession fears, pound rebounds on BoE rate hike hints

ASK THE EXPERT Peter Loveday Contact me at

Euro EUR/GBP: Up from £0.84 to £0.85 EUR/USD: Down from $1.06 to $1.05 The euro broadly firmed over the past four weeks, with the single currency being buoyed as EUR investors repriced their European Central Bank (ECB) rate hike expectations. The ECB is set to raise interest rates by 25bps points in July and it has repeatedly hinted that it could pursue a 50bps hike in September. However the euro also faced some hurdles in June, most notably in the wake of the ECB’s latest interest rate decision as it failed to ease fears that its impending rate hikes cold cause fragmentation in Eurozone. Also acting as a headwind for the euro were renewed concerns over Europe’s energy security amidst a sharp drop in Russian gas exports to the continent. Going forward, the ECB’s impending rate hike could help to underpin demand for the euro over the coming month. However the threat of Russia further restricting gas exports to Europe

EURO: Faced some hurdles in June, especially in relation to interest rate hikes.

could limit the single currency’s upside potential. Pound GBP/EUR: Down from €1.17 to €1.16 GBP/USD: Down from $1.25 to $1.22 The pound struggled over the past month, with the currency facing significant pressure amidst concerns over the UK’s economic trajectory. This came on the back of underwhelming UK macroeconomic data and growing cost of living concerns, with some analysts suggesting a UK recession is now inevitable. Also dragging on Sterling sentiment has been considerable UK political un-

certainty. A no-confidence vote against Boris Johnson in addition to renewed Brexit tensions between the UK and EU spooked GBP investors. Helping the pound rebound from multi-year lows was the Bank of England’s (BoE) latest interest rate decision. While the bank only raised rates by 25bps this month, G B P investors seized on the more hawkish tone struck by the bank in its forward guidance. A key focus for GBP investors over the coming month will be any data which may shed light on UK consumer spending habits. Any drop is likely to validate fears of an economic slowdown.


US Dollar USD/GBP: Up from $0.79 to $0.81 USD/EUR: Up from €0.93 to €0.95 The US dollar has trended broadly higher over the past month as an increasingly dour market mood has bolstered demand for the safe-haven currency. This flight to safety comes amid growing fears that we are hurtling towards a global recession, concerns over which triggered a major equity selloff in mid-June and propelled the US dollar to new multi-year highs. A surprisingly strong US inflation print also boosted the US dollar as it bolstered expectations for an aggressive interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve. While the Fed ultimately delivered a 75bps hike, the US dollar retreated following its decision as the bank’s forward guidance proved less hawkish than expected. Looking ahead, the US dollar looks poised to extend its bullish trajectory as growing growth concerns and the prospect of another aggressive rate hike from the Fed is likely to underpin the currency. Currencies Direct have helped over 325,000 customers save on their currency transfers since 1996. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch or give us a call to find out more about how you can save money on your currency transfers.

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BUSINESS EXTRA Better housing THE Spanish govern‐ ment is arranging to transfer almost €1.39 billion from the Recov‐ ery, Transformation and Resilience Plan to the autonomous communi‐ ties and autonomous cities for residential re‐ habilitation and to en‐ sure that there will be an increase in the amount of affordable social housing available.

No sale AT one time Walgreen Boots Alliance (WBA), the owners of Boots (the Chemist) and the Number 7 cosmetics brand, seemed happy to sell the Nottingham based company and was reportedly prepared to accept £5 billion, but with no concrete offers has withdrawn the com‐ pany from sale.

Promoting olive oil SPAIN enlisted Queen Letizia to promote olive o i l t o N AT O w i v e s a n d companions during their visit to Madrid. The majority of Heads of State and Government who attended the NATO Conference were accom‐ panied by their partners and as is traditional, the host government had to find things to keep them occupied whilst their partners were in session. Alert to the fact that under the Trump Admin‐ istration the importation of Spanish olive oil into the USA suffered with heavy tariffs and it is only recently that these have been removed, so the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food under‐ took to promote the healthy option to butter. During a breakfast visit to the Teatro Real on Thursday June 30, Queen Letizia in a red dress and her guests were given a

Credit: Casa del Rey Twitter

GUIDED TASTING: Promoting the benefits of olive oil.

guided tasting to three extra virgin olive oils which had won prizes at the latest edition of the Fo o d o f S p a i n a w a r d s with three types, sweet green fruity, bitter green fruity, and ripe fruity. In addition, hoping to encourage vital exports to member states, the Ministry gave the 1,000 attendees at the summit a selection of award‐win‐

ning Spanish foods in‐ cluding olives, tuna and rice to take home with them. As the cost of food be‐ comes ever more expen‐ sive, it becomes increas‐ ingly important that the Spanish economy is able to benefit from higher world prices for the large volume of different food‐ stuffs that the country produces.

Crypto control TRANSFERS of crypto‐assets, also known as cryptocur‐ rencies, will now be traced and identified to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other crimes, says the new legislation that was agreed upon by the EU Parliament and Council on Wednesday June 29. One el‐ ement of the agreement is that it extends the so‐called ‘travel rule’, already existing in traditional finance, to cover transfers in crypto‐assets. This rule requires that information on the source of the asset and its beneficiary travels with the transaction and is stored on both sides of the transfer. As well as possibly hindering illicit funding, it may also allow tax authorities to be able to ensure that all move‐ ments and profits are reported.

Joint declaration FOLLOWING a meeting between President Joe Biden and President Pedro Sánchez in Madrid following the NATO summit, the White House issued a joint declara‐ tion which includes the following statement on financial matters. “Spain and the United States are committed to strengthening the rules‐based multilateral trade system to ensure fair competition and legal certainty. “Both countries are committed to promoting the de‐ velopment of trade and investment, including en‐ trepreneurship, small‐ and medium‐sized businesses, and innovation as the basis for strong, sustainable, inclu‐ sive economic growth that creates quality employment in both countries and incorporates diverse and excluded groups, while ensuring adequate protection for digital economy workers.”


LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT THE recent decision to accept a Sharia law ruling into a British court is yet another, highly predictable nail in the crumbling coffin of both Christianity and Western culture. Couple these decisions with the latest news that the Blackburn Labour council have given permission for a £5 million new mosque to open in the area, which no doubt will be gleaming and ready by the time of the next general election, and once again the UK can do nothing against yet another highly irresponsible and frighteningly naïve decision, (particularly when illegal sharia courts are quietly springing up all over the UK.) You can’t pick and choose which laws of an alien culture you agree with and disregard those you don’t find so acceptable. The fact is that over the years the British courts have quietly recognised and tolerated the existence of a number of Sharia laws in the United Kingdom. Once again giving appeasement to large numbers of people who are growing by the day, have no intention of integrating into Western culture and will consistently

7 - 13 July 2022

Bless you all

buck against its values and traditions. Anti‐British residents who are gradually being allowed to move even further into the realms of legal acceptance. Of course, no prizes for guessing who will be paying for all the time‐wasting and highly expensive court cases that will almost certainly be rearing their controversial head in the not too distant future! (Particularly if Labour wins the next election!) Yep, you’ve guessed it. Well, all I can say is on the tax payer expenses be it. Let’s hope that at the next UK balloting a party emerges that has a degree of common sense and is not petrified of ‘upsetting’ or ‘offending’ someone or another. But don’t hold yer breath. I don’t know about you, but I am heartily sick of this entire ‘touchy’ ‘feely’ syndrome that seems to have crept into British sport. Even cricket, which used to be such a wonderful ‘stiff upper lip’ non‐demonstrative occasion, now sees batsmen scurrying up to each other like children and ‘fisting’ after a particularly good shot. Doubles at tennis is another

example of this ridiculous habit. In fact, along with beach volleyball and badminton players, these partners still fist each other when they actually lose a point! All this, along with those utterly ridiculous orgasmic grunts of the tennis brigade just about sums up the attitude of a whole lot of our modern self‐promoting competitors. Ah well, let’s all hope Nadal clears the board at Wimbledon. (After all, he only lives up my road!) But far more especially, I would like to take this opportunity to give a multitude of thanks this week for the ol’ boys literally hundreds of birthday wishes. Bless you all. Made me feel really special. Keep those letters coming. I may not answer them all, but believe me I do read every one. Keep the faith, Love Leapy Mon. Friday. 1pm till 4.

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Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

EWN 23




26 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022


YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

IT’S UTTER RUBBISH WHAT utter rubbish this loopy Lee talks when he says a Labour government would create chaos. Could the chaos that has been created by the Tory party get any worse? According to Lee the chaos in the UK is all down to the Labour Party despite not being in power for 14 years. The most lying and corrupt PM in history presides over a party up to its eyeballs in sleaze and corruption. Added to this the Met Police now are currently under investigation, why? What sort of collusion have they had with Johnson for none of these underhand deals being investigated even going back to when he was mayor of London? The conser‐ vatives have been kicked out of Spain, Portugal and Ger‐ many, and they look like get‐ ting kicked out of France. In reply to Jess T, why would you want Lee to take over from Johnson when Lee thinks he is the bees knees along with his other hero Trump. Ramon Osborne Los Alcázares.

Overcharged I AM digusted at the way I have been treated by Voda‐ fone, as a client for many years in April I was charged more than double, on my bill. I had to change my tarifa because they said, my old one has finished, so I did, only to find on my next bill they over double charged me. I have been trying to reclaim without any luck, just excuses. I advise anyone thinking of using Vodafone forget it. PS I do not wish my name published.

Not their fault


Boris Johnson.

from a visiting couple com‐ plaining about the 180 days per year they can stay in Spain. Will someone please write an article explaining clearly this rule is not made by Spain but is

a Schengen rule, they could not stay for more than 90 days out of 180 in France, Italy, Ger‐ many, Belgium or ANY Euro‐ pean country. I would refer anyone want‐ ing more info on the matter to check out Brexpats in Spain In‐ ternational on Facebook. So please don’t blame Spain. If you want to get the rule changed, apply to the rel‐ evant dept. in Brussels. They run the show and make the rules. Best regards, Lynn Hopkins.

OUR VIEW OUTDOOR POWER TOOLS THE whole world is resonating to the call to phase out diesel and petrol vehicles and replace with electric, even though no-one seems to have worked out how all of those Madrileños who have second homes in Marbella will be able to make the journey on one charge! There are all kinds of support available both financially and with the installation of public charging stations in order to try to persuade everyone to go electric despite the fact that batteries will start to lose power slowly and last little more than 10 years with replacement costs anything up to €20,000 depending on the vehicle. Here in Spain (and possibly other countries) there is a huge use of petrol driven leaf blowers, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers and the like which not only use the ‘demon’ fuel but are incredibly noisy and put out fumes. One may argue that one gardener can’t be that bad for the environment, but if you take into account the number of machines being used on a daily basis and the disturbance to a peaceful environment, then surely they could all be replaced by electric powered versions. Admittedly the electric leaf blowers aren’t as powerful as the petrol driven ones, but a lot of the time the use of a leaf blower is completely pointless as it randomly moves leaves around, but also disturbs a lot of dirt and dust. In the UK, pressure group Challenge 2025 is urging the government to stop the sale of outdoor power tools that cause harm to the environment, suggesting that some tools cause more damage than cars. Now is the time for Spain to use some of its EU Recovery money to do the same.

I SEE there is yet another letter




rade of camels and elephants and di‐ NORA JOHNSON vorced just over a year later. Kim Kar‐ dashian’s $10m wedding (including a BREAKING VIEWS $20,000 cake) lasted just 72 days. Nora is the author of popular psychological Celebrities never seem to mention suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. the day after the hon‐ AFTER a few years of un‐ eymoon and the resul‐ certainty, the spiderwebs tant huge debt build are being dusted off mar‐ up. They sell their huge quees, the Champagne or‐ weddings to magazines ders are rolling in for the to get acres of publici‐ weddings of those who be‐ ty, which probably came engaged before/ dur‐ pays it all off and lasts ing the pandemic and had until the divorce, when to postpone their dream they can do it all over wedding maybe a few again at the next wed‐ times. ding. Those poor souls It has long been an old trying to emulate them wives’ tale that the flashier will just be saddled the wedding, the shorter with massive debt as a the marriage. Now research reminder of their big confirms this. Expensive day... Nora’s latest thriller. weddings are twice as likely Nora Johnson’s criti‐ to end in divorce within cally acclaimed psycho‐ three years, according to the Marriage logical crime thrillers (www.nora‐john Foundation. all available online including When the comedian Russell Brand eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, au‐ married the singer Katy Perry in India, diobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. their extravagant nuptials included a pa‐ Profits to Cudeca cancer charity. Nora Johnson’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

7 - 13 July 2022

EWN 27

What a fool I’m becoming MIKE SENKER IN MY OPINION

Views of a Grumpy Old Man I AM definitely getting old. I’m beginning to do things that I used to forgive other people for doing because they were old, like tutting a lot, trying to remember why I’m in the bedroom and it’s not bedtime and I can’t remember what it was I wanted in there. Instantly forgetting people’s names and then calling them the wrong name forever. The one thing I don’t forget is stories of my life and sometimes something happens that triggers another one. I’ll tell you the one that happened today after I finish telling you about what a fool I’m becoming. I decided to go to Plaza Mayor shopping centre near Malaga Airport. I was having a very unsuccessful trip so I decided to go home. On my way out I took a wrong exit and ended up at the wrong end of the car park. No problem I decided to just walk down to the other end. I forgot to say that I was pushing my wheelchair. I then realised that I wasn’t

even in the public car park - I was in the staff private car park at the back of the shopping centre, but I didn’t worry too much because I knew where the other car park was. All of a sudden a motorbike pulled up and a uniformed security man stopped me and asked me if I knew this was a private car park and why was I was pushing an empty wheelchair? He had been told over his walkie talkie that there was a very suspicious person scurrying through the private car park, I explained my situation by showing him my card that I carry explaining my disability and off I went again imagining the conversation in their office going like, there’s a guy in the car park who has nicked some poor disabled person’s wheelchair, go sort it out!. Oh I forgot to tell you the other story. I’ll do it next time. I very rarely do this, but we have found a fabulous little restaurant on the Paseo Maritimo in Los Boliches called The Hole in The Wall. The food is great and very inexpensive. Their tapas are only €2 and the two owners are lovely too. Email:

Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

28 EWN

7 - 13 July 2022


How alike our pets are we? IT’S happened to more than one of us, that a friend has told us that we seem like our dog. Often we can observe similarities between pets and their owners, in their ex‐ pressions and their be‐ haviour. Various experiments car‐ ried out by psychologist Sadahiko Nakajima at the University of Kwansei Gakuin in Japan suggest that these observations may have more voracity than we first realised. In one study, Nakajima had a group of people pair images of dogs with their

owners. The only clue that they had were the physical facial features of the pets and the people in the pho‐ tos. Subjects were presented with 20 pairs of black and white, same size images of a human and a dog. Surpris‐ ingly, many of the subjects correctly paired the images. But, why should there be similarities between pets and owners? Some investigations sug‐ gest that humans subcon‐ sciously choose a pet with the same psychological traits and similar habits as them. Psychologist Carmen Castro

explains that if we are a calm person, we are more likely to choose a calm, non‐aggres‐ sive breed of dog. Other studies have related human beings to the type of animal they choose as a pet. Accordingly, dog owners tend to be more open, caring and spontaneous, whereas cat owners are usually more perceptive, emotional and independent. Other investigations sug‐

gest that pets end up acquir‐ ing a similar personality to their owners through imita‐ tion. Juan Moreno, an investi‐ gator at the museum of nat‐ ural sciences in Madrid says that animals like dogs attach themselves to whoever rais‐ es them and tend to imitate their leaders. Perhaps then it is not so strange that animals adopt the behaviour and expres‐ Image –Shutterstock

LOOK-ALIKES: Are you similar to your pet?

7 - 13 July 2022 •



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7 - 13 July 2022

Spain is amongst the favourites to win the Women’s Euro 2022 THE Women’s Euro 2022 started in England on Wednesday, July 6, and Spain are amongst the

favourites to win. They are currently ranked seventh in the FIFA world rankings and have recorded

Poch sacked

MAURICIO POCHETTINO was released as head coach of French side Paris Saint‐Ger‐ main (PSG) on Tuesday, July 5. After months of rumours about his future with the French league champions, PSG announced that they have parted ways with head coach Mauricio Pochettino. Poch joined PSG in January 2021 a few months after he was sacked by English side Tot‐ tenham Hotspur for ‘extreme‐ ly disappointing’ domestic re‐ sults, Spurs chairman Daniel Levy said at the time. Under his leadership, Paris Saint‐Germain won the 2020 Champions Trophy, the 2021 French Cup and the French league title last season.

“The club would like to thank Mauricio Pochettino and his staff for their work and wish them the best for the fu‐ ture,” the club said in a state‐ ment. The French champions are expected to announce Christophe Galtier as the Ar‐ gentine’s successor.

an undefeated streak of 23 games, with 19 wins and four ties, according to Eurocopa. Despite not having won a European Championship or World Cup, Spain are the cur‐ rent favourites at 7/2. They are currently ranked seventh in the FIFA world rankings and are seen as the most likely to lift the trophy at Wembley Stadium on July 31. Their best finish in this tour‐ nament was reaching the se‐ mi‐finals back in 1997. Tournament hosts England are next up at 4/1 and are ranked one placed lower by FIFA in eighth place.

EWN 31

7 - 13 July 2022

Credits Twitter/Aston Villa

Villa Park expansion Peter McLaren‐Kennedy A S T O N V I L L A Football Club has launched a pre‐ application planning con‐ sultation on the first phase of its long‐term vi‐ sion for Villa Park and the surrounding area. The plans and consulta‐ tion were announced on their website along with drawings and a link to the consultation docu‐ ment, where supporters and other stakeholders can provide their feed‐ back. The plans will pave the

FIRST PHASE: Of the club’s long term vision.

way to create a world‐ class sporting venue, en‐ abling the club to com‐ pete at the very highest level. The ambitious plans also set out the club’s commitment to the local community, creating a destination that can be enjoyed all‐year‐round. Running from June 28, 2022 for a four‐week pe‐ riod, the pre‐planning application consultation


comprises a survey and a series of community drop‐in sessions to cap‐ ture the views of local residents and business‐ es. The redevelopment of Villa Park forms part of a wider vision to transform the local area, with the ambition to deliver signif‐ icant social, economic and environmental bene‐ fits for the community.

SPAIN’S Carlos Sainz made personal history on Sunday, July 3, as he won the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. This was the Ferrari driver’s first ever chequered flag in F1, in a race marred by a spectacular, but frightening, crash involv‐ ing the Alfa Romeo of Zhou Guanyu on lap one. When the race finally restarted, Sainz was on pole, but he twice lost the front po‐ sition, first to current world champion, Max Verstappen, and then to Charles LeClerc in the other Ferrari. A Safety Car appearing in the later stages of the race handed the Spaniard his op‐ portunity. He regained the lead and stayed there until crossing the line for his debut win. Lewis Hamilton had started from sixth, but after some amazing driving and battles with Red Bull’s Sergio Perez over the last 10 laps the Brit settled for third on the podi‐ um behind the Mexican. Next up for the F1 calendar is the Austrian GP on Sunday, July 10.


Sainz F1 first Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz

Credit: Twitter@Carlossainz55

32 EWN

Wimbledon workers fired IT was reported on Saturday, July 3, that workers at the Wimbledon tennis tournament are being fired over what can be classed as trivial incidents. They have claimed that some employees have been ‘sacked on the spot’ over something as simple as not asking permission before going to the toilet, according to a UK publication. After reportedly registering the SW19 Grand Slam cham‐ pionship’s lowest attendance figures in the last 15 years, staff believe that workers are being culled for no reason, simply to balance the books. A copy of an email is said to have been circulated to housekeeping workers, which detailed that the number of visitors was down compared to previous years. It reported‐ ly added that ‘for this reason, the All England Club have asked that we look at reducing our day staff numbers. It may become necessary to ‘cut’ staff’.

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