Issue No. 1932 14 - 20 July 2022
FLOOD SOLUTIONS THE Campsol Residents As‐ sociation (CRA) applauded Mazarron town hall’s deci‐ sion to constitute a round table on Wednesday July 6. The meeting was aimed at discussing solutions for the deficiencies and infrastruc‐ ture problems affecting the Camposol urbanisation, with special emphasis on the grave risk of flooding in Sector D. The initial meeting was at‐ tended by representatives from all political parties at the town hall, representa‐ tives of the regional govern‐ ment, the Confederacion Hidrograica del Segura ‐ re‐ sponsible for the area’s wa‐ terways ‐ and Camposol res‐ idents, represented by the CRA. “The round table, and our inclusion in it, is a positive step forward and I would like to thank our mayor, Gaspar Miras Lorente, for in‐
Photo credit: Camposol Residents Association
Linda Hall
POSITIVE STEP: Camposol residents look forward to solving current deficiencies
cluding the CRA,” CRA presi‐ dent Phillip Gelling an‐ nounced after the inaugural meeting. “I would also like to thank Alicia Jimenez from the Par‐ tido Popular and the Ciu‐ dadanos councillors for their support in ensuring that we were included,” Mr Gelling said. “I am sure that with goodwill and cooperation from all sides, substantial
progress can be achieved.” Speaking afterwards, he pointed out that deficiencies in Camposol affect approxi‐ mately 5,000 residents, es‐ pecially those affected by the Sector D floods. “During this first meeting I raised my concerns for the health and safety of resi‐ dents, given the serious risk of flooding. Therefore, I am pleased that the round table
is giving priority to the search for a solution.”
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14 - 20 July 2022
Forty-three new jobs PILAR DE LA HORADADA town hall is providing work for 43 people be‐ tween now and October. This has been made possible thanks to a €188,273 subsidy from Spain’s Public Employ‐ ment Service (SEPE), ex‐ plained Susi Sanchez and Adrian Lopez, respective councillors for Employ‐ ment and Public Services. All those who have been taken on were pre‐ viously unemployed and the selection process was carried out by Valencian Community’s Employ‐ ment and Training ser‐ vice, LABORA. The new employees will be clearing and clean‐ ing vegetation from rural roads and public areas. “Thanks to your work, our town will be better cared for at a time when this is most needed, with tourism at its height,” Sanchez said.
Bigger and better Photo credit: Torrevieja town hall
from Front page
Meeting progress “Our position is constructive,” added the CRA’s legal adviser Gerardo Vazquez Nuñez, who also attended the meeting. “We hope that between us we can deliver solutions for Camposol as soon as possible, given that nobody wants to re‐ peat the experience of the terrible 2014 flooding,” he said. “This first meeting was an introductory one and I left it feeling positive and optimistic. The next meeting will be in September, when I hope that significant advances will be made.”
All washed up NEW LOCATION: Torrevieja mayor Eduardo Dolon visits the site of the new municipal car pound.
Linda Hall BY the end of this year, Torrevieja will have a new municipal vehicle pound. It will be located more centrally on publicly‐ owned land between the fire station, the Ecopark and the municipal animal shelter, Torrevieja mayor Eduardo Dolon an‐
nounced. The new service, which will occupy a plot of 7,000 square metres, is expected to provide work for 16 people – five of whom will be attending to the public ‐ and will have a capacity for 219 vehicles. The concessionary com‐ pany, which was awarded the five‐year €3.5 million
contract to tow away bad‐ ly‐parked or abandoned vehicles last January, will shortly begin preparing the plot. Meanwhile, the conces‐ sionary will also be send‐ ing 638 abandoned vehi‐ cles, including some which have been in the existing pound since 1998, to the scrapyard.
FOUR jet skis have been dumped in Catral, 20 kilome‐ tres from any beach. They turned up at the old Cimbel shooting range, pri‐ vately‐ownded land in a marshy area that has be‐ come an improvised rubbish tip over the years. Environmentalist group, Friends of the South Alicante Wetlands (AHSA), have regu‐ larly complained about the accumulation of rubbish. So too has Moises Cruz, an op‐ position councillor at Catral town hall and also secretary of the Defence of the Huerta platform.
The abandoned shooting range where the shells of the four jet skis have appeared is part of the wetlands protec‐ tion area, Cruz explained to the provincial Spanish me‐ dia. It is now up to the authori‐ ties to trace the owners of the jet‐skis, which are regis‐ tered by the Alicante mar‐ itime district. If located the owners will have to clean up the area, although without the tangible proof of photos or a video taken when they dumped the jet skis, there is little that the Policia Local or Guardia Civil can do.
NIBS EXTRA City legacy LOCAL silversmith and jew‐ eller Adolfo Valero Perez has restored Orihuela’s four ceremonial maces which have been used in city pro‐ cessions since the 17th cen‐ tury. The newly‐restored maces reappeared for the first time on July 10 during the floral offering to the city’s patrons, St Justa and St Rufina.
No change THE 50,000 vehicles that cross Torrevieja each day on the N‐332 must continue to use a road with a single lane in each direction and a ban on overtaking. The central government’s Transport Ministry admitted that after four years it has no immedi‐ ate plans for the much‐need‐ ed project.
Summer school MORE than 400 children aged between three and 12 years of age are attending Pilar de la Horadada’s Summer School. Designed to assist working mothers, this opens at 7.30am each day and continues with a range of activities until 2pm or 3pm if the children stay to lunch.
Heart wise COX town hall acquired four more defibrillators, bringing the total up to eight. These are located at the San Fernan‐ do football ground, the Las Balsas sports complex, the summer swimming pool, the municipal sports stadium, Casa de Cultura, the Josefina Manresa Auditorium, town hall and the Policia Local pa‐ trol car.
Clean energy ALBATERA’S electricity co‐ operative hopes to install a solar power plant on a 6.36‐ hectare plot land, classed until now as agricultural. The €1.3 million project to provide the municipality with clean, cheap energy was challenged by environ‐ mentalists who want un‐ derground cables to elimi‐ nate potential dangers to birds.
Linda Hall THE Rojales Pantomime Group, including cast, crew, friends and family, recently enjoyed a night out in the gardens of Lo Crispin (Algorfa). It was one of the many social events organised throughout the year which have kept the group together during the troublesome few years when performances have had to be cancelled. “The good news is that lots of new and very talented members have been recruited,” the group’s Valerie O’Reilly said. “Rehearsals have already started for this year’s pantomime, Treasure Island, which the group are determined to perform this year for
14 - 20 July 2022
Panto party Photo credit: Rojales Pantomime Group
NIGHT OUT: Members of the Rojales Pantomime Group in Lo Crispin
all you lovely people.” Performances are planned for December 1, 2 and 3 at the Cardinal Belluga Theatre
in San Fulgencio. The rum will flow, there will be plenty of “Yo-ho-hoing” together with songs, slapstick,
piracy and audience participation - Oh yes you will! – and the fun and games associated with a truly British pantomime. “So make a date to join us when we go treasure hunting in the Caribbean with Long John Silver and his motley pirate crew, plus a few surprise pirates and, of course, Polly the Parrot,” Valerie said. Rojales Pantomime Group are proud to have raised funds for many local charities in the past and this year will be no exception, as monies will be donated from the Treasure Island production. “Not only will you have a great night out, but you will also be helping very needy charities,” Valerie said.
Ready to help Vote for the coast
AFTER the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia asked for support for four principal charities this year, the Hiram Abif lodge wasted no time in responding. Together with the Provin‐ cial Grand Lodge of Valencia, masons from the Alicante City‐based lodge made a €2,000 donation to the San Gabriel soup kitchen. The master was received by Antonio Moya, president of the association that runs the San Gabriel social dining room, and Antonio Nieto, a member of the manage‐ ment team. The Hiram Abif lodge are already planning to continue helping this soup kitchen in the future. This institution carries out
enormous work for the ben‐ efit of many people who are in real need in Alicante province, but there is still a huge amount to do. “Unfortunately,” a spokesman said, “we believe this will increase significantly in the coming months.” Hiram Abif lodge also ex‐ pressed deepest gratitude for the important contribu‐ tion made by the Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia. Any person who is inter‐ ested in becoming a Freema‐ son, should contact William G Turney, Press officer for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia, at the email address.
ORIHUELA politician Peter Houghton recently comment‐ ed that much of what he said some years back still holds good. “The city council is not only fighting each other but the Partido Popular (PP) and Ciu‐ dadanos parties have internal battles to deal with,” said Pe‐ ter spokesman for the new Partido Independencia Ori‐ huela Costa (PIOC) party. “Crucial PSOE, Cambiemos and Ciudadanos votes recent‐ ly ousted then‐mayor Emilio Bascunana and the PP, in‐ stalling a new mayor and coalition,” he pointed out. “How this affects the future of Orihuela Costa remains to be seen,” Peter said. “Orihuela Costa should and must forge its own future, but
A challenge for anglers AFTER a week’s break from match fishing, Carp‐ R‐Us resumed their Summer‐Autumn series on Canal del Progres in Guardamar. “The stretch near Mercadona has changed a lot in recent years,” said club secretary Steve Fell. “It used to contain many fish‐holding features which were home to some large, difficult‐to‐ catch carp,” he explained. “Then it was cleared and dredged, returning it to the original concrete channel.” Now vegetation is returning to the far bank and the water itself has large beds of streamer weed, which are ideal for the fish but a challenge for the angler.
“Although there were plenty of fish to be seen, they were largely elusive,” Steve said. The match was won by Terry Screen who turned up with his beloved centre‐pin reel, deter‐ mined to trot maggots. Undeterred by the large beds of weeds, he did just that to weigh in 3.4 ki‐ los. Steve Fell was second with 1.7 kilos, followed by Jeremy Fardoe in third place and Tony Flett in fourth. Further information about the club can be found on its website http://www.carp‐r‐us.wee‐ or the Carp‐R‐Us Fishing Costa Blanca Facebook page.
we need councillors from the coast to make sure that the area receives a fairer portion of the Budget, not just the scraps. Peter explained PIOC is backing both independence and integration, uniting the coast to speak as one voice. It simply needs to ensure that everybody who is eligible to vote does so in May 2023, he said. “No more sitting on the fence,” he declared. “If you don’t vote, then don’t com‐ plain. More votes mean more councillors, it’s that simple. “Every vote counts, every vote matters so vote to make a difference.” Peter urged. “Vote for the independence of Orihuela Costa.”
Elche thanks Rotarians ELCHE mayor Carlos Gonzalez thanked local Rotary clubs for their commitment and sup‐ port for the city. Accompanied by Economic Promotion and Social Rights coun‐ cillors Carles Molina and Mariano Valera, the mayor was speak‐ ing at the traditional changeover of Rotary presidents. Thanking past and present presidents for assisting Elche in mak‐ ing progress, Gonzalez also congratulated this year’s winners of the Paul Harris prize. This is Rotary’s high‐ est award and given to a Rotarian or member of the community who has made an outstand‐ ing contribution to the community. The mayor also ex‐ pressed his satisfac‐ tion at having the chance to talk to, and exchange points of view with, members of Elche’s various Rotary clubs. “Their principal in‐ terest is working for Elche and helping it to progress, without los‐ ing sight of the focus on solidarity and the values at the heart of all their activities,” Gonzalez said.
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Good luck and bad luck Linda Hall
A DRUNK driver crashed through David Williams’ gar‐ den wall in Torrevieja’s Calas Blancas urbanisation at 11.15pm on May 26. He also ran down a lamp‐ post and hit David’s car parked at the side of their house. “Half a metre more and he would have hit our bedroom wall,” David told the Euro Weekly News. Thankfully, he and his wife had brought their dog in an hour earlier. So far, so lucky. A temporary fence was in place the next morning and David’s insurance company provided an Avis rental car for 35 days. Then things went wrong.
Alicante Beach Cleaning Credit: AytoAlicante
14 - 20 July 2022
Photo credit: David Williams
NEAR MISS: David Williams’ garden wall was demolished, and his car badly damaged
By the time the rental car was returned, David’s own car – a 2006 Opel Zafira sev‐ en‐seater – was still at the garage specified by the insur‐ ance company. It remains there because the insurers maintain that is too expensive repair and of‐ fered around €2,000 in com‐ pensation. “But that’s not enough to replace it,” David objected. The Opel, which had passed its ITV roadworthiness test shortly before the acci‐ dent, is much‐needed, he ex‐ plained.
“Our family are coming out soon, and I always pick them up from the airport and they use the car while they’re here,” he said. “Now we’ll have to buy it instead,” he said. The temporary wall was re‐ placed by a €7,180 perma‐ nent structure while the hire car cost his insurers €1,470, David pointed out. “If only they’d been willing to spend less on that and more on my own car, we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now,” he said.
Virgen del Carmen TORREVIEJA celebrated one of its most significant events on Friday, July 9; the Fiestas of the Virgen del Carmen, pa‐ tron saint of the men of the sea. Torrevieja is deeply rooted in the tradition which culmi‐ nated with the maritime procession with the image of the Virgin. After mass on July 9, the traditional floral offering was held at the monument to the Man of the Sea, with the par‐ ticipation of the José Hódar Choir and the Torrevejense Musical Union, of which the latter threw a wreath of flow‐ ers into the sea in memory of the deceased sailors. In order to protect the procession from the Temple of the Sacred Heart, a large number of Local Police, Guardia Civil and Civil Protection officers were deployed to help those in attendance navigate the streets during the busy summer filled with tourists.
Alicante Clean Up Crews
ALICANTE City Council will extend its beach cleaning operations until mid‐Octo‐ ber, with proposed rein‐ forcements for cleaning coastal areas and tourist ar‐ eas due to the increased number of people flocking to Alicante already this summer. UTE Alicante, the compa‐ ny tasked with the clean‐ up, reinforced operations with 30 extra workers and 20 vehicles as of the first of July. The councillor for Street Cleaning and Waste Man‐ agement, Manuel Villar, said the cleaning crews "will operate on a daily ba‐ sis and will allow the bathing season to be ex‐ tended until mid‐October to ensure that Alicante resi‐ dents and tourists can en‐ joy the beaches and coves." Manuel Villar also said: “We are making a special effort to have all our beach‐ es in the best possible con‐ dition. "Our aim is that the peo‐ ple of Alicante and all those who visit us can enjoy our beaches and coves, which every year deserve the blue flag.”
14 - 20 July 2022
ELCHE Business Park is adding another innovative firm to its list with the head‐ quarters of Bumerania Robotics about to open. In just two short years Bumerania Robotics have leapt to become the Euro‐ pean leader in service robotics, Elche Town Hall
NEW BUSINESS: For Elche Business Park
16 arrests
A DRUG‐DEALING network in Alicante has been busted and 16 people arrested. In the six searches more than two kilos of cocaine, MDMA crystal, ecstasy, pink 2‐CB drugs, anabolic substances and more than 9,500 euros in cash were seized confirmed La Ra‐ zon on Sunday, July 10. In two separate anti‐drug operations the Agents of the National Police brought down two criminal groups allegedly dedicated to the sale of all kinds of narcotic substances. In Colonia Santa Isabel, in the town of San Vicente del Raspeig, an important point of sale of narcotic substances to the retail trade has been dismantled. This has culminated in the arrest of 13 people, and four house searches where a large and varied quantity of narcotic substances and €4,000 in cash were seized.
Image credit – Elche Town Hall website
Robots landing
confirmed on Wednesday, July 6. The mayor of Elche, Carlos Gonzalez, accompanied by the company's directors, Isidro Fernandez and Fernan‐ do Martín, confirmed that Elche is the economic and business enclave where its headquarters are to be founded. Visitors will be able to ad‐ mire the skills of robots: Geras, KetiBot, BumiBot, Ho‐ laBot and Ares with live demonstrations The mechanical devices are designed specifically to increase people's quality of life. Fernandez explained that some of its star products are the Geras which are care robots that look after the health of the elderly as well as entertain them. When asked about Bumerania Robotics the mayor said: “Robotics is not the future. Isidro Fernandez has shown us that it is al‐ ready here, that it is the pre‐ sent."
14 - 20 July 2022
Bin burner justice A RESIDENT of Torre Pacheco has been sen‐ tenced to prison and fined €6,903 for setting fire to bins around the city. In a statement from Torre Pacheco Council, they revealed that the events occurred in the streets of Antonio Ayala Garre and Rio Tamesis of the town in May 2019. The man used matches and a lighter to commit this crime, which left six containers completely destroyed. The man has to pay the costs arising from the judicial process and is said to have only avoided spending six months in prison as he had no previous record and has agreed to pay for the damage caused, ac‐ cording to the court rul‐ ing. The court said the suspension of the sen‐ tence will be revoked in the event that he re‐of‐ fends in the next two years.
Beachside safety THE new lifeguard service on the beaches of Santa Pola is designed to increase the safe‐ ty conditions on the town's beaches. All beaches with lifeguard service have defibrillators and qualified personnel to use them. On Levante Beach, next to the disabled bathing area, there is a medicalised ambu‐ lance equipped with moni‐ tors, treatment equipment,
equipment for taking vital signs, collars, vacuum mat‐ tress, splints, and oxygen, amongst other items. In addition, the service has a rapid intervention vehicle, also stocked with emergency equipment. Angel Piede‐ causa, the Councillor for Beaches, said: "We hope that the lifeguard services have to be used as little as possible. "But we have teams ready on
all beaches to assist swim‐ mers who may get into trou‐ ble both in the sea and on the sand, and a vehicle for imme‐ diate intervention." Angel added," In addition, the rapid response ambulance can be at any point of Santa Pola's beaches in less than 5 min‐ utes". The services are located on Levante Beach and Gran Playa. For queries or booking call (+34) 722 679 850.
Annual lorry rally THE traditional lorry drivers rally in honour of San Cristobal, patron saint of professional drivers, took place on Saturday, July 9 at IFEPA Torre Pacheco. The day began with all participating lorries gathered outside the IFEPA site at 9 am, which then proceeded with the appointment of Inmaculada Rosique Delgado as Godmoth‐ er 2022. The day continued with the traditional mass in honour of San Cristóbal, where a trib‐ ute was paid to Francisco Galián Carrasco, Adolfo Castejón Marín, Teodoro Cánovas Guillén, Salvador Meroño Saura, Antonio José
García Calvo and José Conesa Jiménez, hauliers who have passed away over the last two years. Once the ceremony was over, the partici‐ pants departed in procession for a parade through the streets of the municipality. The morning ended with a party and inflatables for the children. The activities resumed at 6 pm with the awarding of trophies. The Coun‐ cillor for Festivities, Yolanda Castaño, congrat‐ ulated the Brotherhood of San Cristobal for the fantastic organisation of the event, where hundreds of residents enjoyed this Torre Pacheco tradition.
Sea turtle rise Anna Ellis Willyam Bradberry/
Loggerhead Turtle aborts attempt of egg-laying in Costa Blanca's La Mata
A YOUNG child saw a large Loggerhead sea turtle just me‐ tres from the La Mata seashore and made a report to the authorities, it wasconfirmed on Monday, July 11. This set the wheels in motion for the University of Va‐ lencia and Torrevieja Department of the Environment to arrive at the scene according to InfoTotal. Due to the interest of members of the public, the logger‐ head turtle left, aborting its egglaying attempt. A spokesperson from the Torrevieja Department of the Environment confirmed that: “It is possible the turtle was the one that had tried to spawn three times in the Region of Murcia, two of them on optimal beaches in the Cal‐ blanque Regional Park and another one in La Manga." The neighbouring coastal Municipalities of Guardamar del Segura, Elche, Santa Pola, Orihuela, and Pilar de la Ho‐ radada have placed posters in situ, alluding to the possible presence of spawning sea turtles this summer. If a turtle is discovered it is imperative to notify the au‐ thorities by calling 112.
LED Delight MURCIA City Council has saved around €98,000 thanks to its con‐ version of LED lights. According to the council emis‐ sions have been reduced during the second quarter. Deputy May‐ or and Councillor, Mario Gómez, said the council saved €51,828 during the second quarter of the year, specifically in the months of April, May and June, “thanks to the reconversion of led lights throughout the municipality of Murcia and its districts.” These savings, added to those of the first quarter, a total of €46,069, make a total saving of €97,897 so far in 2022. In addition, it has meant a total reduction of CO2 emissions of 183.25Tn during the second quar‐ ter. The council said that they car‐ ried out 1,091 conversions in the first three months, which on top of the 1,297 works carried out in the second quarter represents a total of 2,388 LED lights fitted so far this year.
14 - 20 July 2022
The Smoke‐Free Beaches initiative was presented on Costa Blanca's El Altet beach on Thursday, July 7. This campaign is part of an initiative launched by the Department of Health to reduce tobacco consump‐ tion, according to Radio Elche. The campaign has two objectives; the first is to raise awareness of the harmful effect of tobacco on the health of those who smoke, as well as those who are affected by this smoke. The second objective of the cam‐ paign is to put an end to the envi‐ ronmental impact of discarding cigarette butts on the natural envi‐ ronment of the beaches, as last year a ton of cigarette butts were collect‐ ed on the beaches of Elche.
Food Trucks, live music, and entertainment can all be enjoyed once again at the Reina Sofia Park in Guardamar del Segura from July 15 to July 17. The first place to house this unique festival began in the old bus station in Alicante. From that mo‐ ment on, a street food tour began through dif‐ ferent locations through‐ out the province, improv‐
Cleaner air ELCHE BEACHES: Are now smokefree
Image credit - Galonov/
The Councillor for Tourism, Carles Molina, said he considered the con‐ version of the beaches of Elche as Smoke‐free Beaches as an opportu‐
nity to continue to preserve the health of the people as well as the health and quality of the beaches and the natural environment.
Guardarmar food trucks ing its activities and live shows over the years. In addition to tasting a variety of quality cuisine at affordable prices, visi‐ tors are able to attend free concerts, all out‐
doors in an amazing at‐ mosphere. The vintage food trucks serve a variety of food that includes gastronomic delights from around the world such as tex mex,
hot dogs, hamburgers or crepes. This event provides fun for all ages, (with a spe‐ cial childrens concert too!) and makes a top family night out. One of the best Beatles tribute bands, The Liverpool Band, will be performing on Saturday night, straight after a DJ session playing the best in 70's & 80's hits from 9pm.
Blue Flags Granted The Mayor of Santa Po‐ la, Loreto Serrano, and the Councillor for Beaches, Ángel Piede‐ causa, raised the blue flags granted to the town on Wednesday, July 6. Blue flags have been raised on Levante, Va‐ radero, Calas del Este, Calas de Santiago Bern‐ abéu, La Ermita and Tamarit beaches. The blue flag marks the quality of the wa‐ ters, the sand and the services available on the beach. This year, the com‐ munity has 179 certi‐ fied beaches, which represents 67 per cent of them. The 13 beach‐ es of Santa Pola, 7 ur‐ ban and 6 natural, all have ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification in quality and environ‐ mental management systems.
14 - 20 July 2022
Robotics headquarters
ELCHE Business Park is adding another innovative firm to its list with the headquarters of Bumerania Robotics about to open. In just two short years Bumerania Robotics have leapt to become the European leader in service robotics, Elche Town Hall confirmed on Wednesday, July 6. The mayor of Elche, Carlos Gonzalez, accompanied by the company’s directors, Isidro Fernandez and Fernando Martín, confirmed that Elche is the economic and business enclave where its headquarters are to be founded. The mechanical devices are designed specifically to in-
Image credit – Elche Town Hall website
BUMERANIA ROBOTICS: Ready to open their headquarters.
crease people’s quality of life. Fernandez explained that some of its star products are the Geras which are care robots that look after the health of the elderly as well as entertain them. Carlos Gonzalez congratulat-
ed Bumerania Robotics for its excellent business initiative and admired their great journey to get to where they are. The mayor also said that a multitude of avant-garde products and services are born in Elche Business Park.
French connection
THE Frey group, a French real estate investment firm which owns several centres in Catalonia, has bought the Parque Mediterráneo in Cartagena. The group have purchased the main shopping and leisure complex in Cartagena for €83 million from Cartagena businessmen Gerardo de la Torre and José Luis Sánchez-Luengo and have announced they will improve its facilities. The company are known for specialising in equipping its shopping centres with landscaped and tree-lined outdoor walkways to provide cus-
tomers with a pleasant shopping environment. Parque Mediterráneo, which opened in 2006 with an associated investment of more than €400 million, is in the third section of the Cabezo Beaza industrial estate. “We are very pleased to have a new Spanish asset in our portfolio; a retail park with solid fundamentals,” said Frey’s president Antoine Frey. He added: “This acquisition consolidates our presence in the Iberian Peninsula with four owned assets and one project under development.”
Health centre hours
THE Santa Pola Ministry of Health has announced that they are extending
the opening hours of the health centre in Santa Pola and that staff improve-
ments will be made at the Gran Alacant medical facility. According to the council, the health centre in Santa Pola will now be open from 8am to 9pm during the winter months. The Casa de la Mar clinic will also be open - during the second half of June until September 30 from 8am to 9pm, while the Platja Llisa clinic will also be open for the same hours between July and August. In September, the Casa de la Mar will remain open in the mornings. In what will be welcome news to residents of Gran Alacant, the clinic will be permanently staffed with seven professionals, according to the council.
14 - 20 July 2022
Far from home
A DOG that fell out of a boat that was travelling towards the Balearic is‐ land of Ibiza had been given up for dead by its owners after they lost sight of Jolie in the rough waters. If miracles really do exist then this is one, because a day later, the pooch was found washed up around 200km away, alive, on a beach in the Region of Murcia. Bathers on the Cope beach in the Murcian municipality of Aguilas discovered Jolie, a bit the worse for wear after his traumatic experi‐ ence. They immediately con‐ tacted the Local Police who transferred the bedraggled animal back to their station, as re‐ ported by local press on Friday, July 1. Jolie was then deposit‐ ed at a local animal shel‐ ter while the police at‐
Credit: Aguilas Local Police
10 EWN
tempted to find his own‐ ers. Thanks to the chip he was carrying, the dog was soon identified, along with his owners. The exact point where Image of Jolie.
found her owners. How Jolie fell into the stormy sea is unknown, but from Ibiza to Aguilas is about 200km, making her journey back to her owners remarkable.
Rainwater Improvements GRAN ALACANT is set for improvement works on the rainwater network after resident’s com‐ plaints have been heard. The action consists of replacing the current 315 mm rainwater collector on Belgica Street with two measuring 500 mm. Santa Pola City Council hope that this will solve the problem that occurs at the lowest point of the street. “The action will be complemented by the re‐ placement of the two 200 mm collectors on Avenida de Naranja with a 2x2.50 m concrete frame, linking up with the new channel on the CJ5,” the council said. During the heavy rainfalls and storms in March and April this year, many houses were flooded and road users suffered due to the poor drainage in the popular tourist destination in the Costa Blanca.
14 - 20 July 2022
Unvaccinated rise
UNVACCINATED or poorly vaccinated people now make up 20 per cent of Covid hospitalisations in the Valencian Community, according to a report re‐ leased on Friday, July 8. The report, which showed that hospitalisa‐ tions have increased
steadily, also found that in the Valencian Community, infection numbers have doubled in three weeks, nearing 1.200. Enrique Rodilla, the president of the Valencian Community of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SMICV), con‐
firmed that the bulk of pa‐ tients admitted are not a lot different to those of the sixth wave last Jan‐ uary. "The majority are still elderly, frail, or vulnerable people, with comorbidities (other diseases)." He assured that there is
Licence update
THE UK's ambassador to Spain has said there is no progress on UK driving li‐ cences in Spain, but that negotiations are still continuing. Tweeting an update on Friday, July 8, Hugh Elliot said that progress is slow and the two parties were still trying to work through the technicalities on any agreement. He went on to add that he was very aware of the difficulties that the issue is causing for some, saying that resolving the problem remains a top priority for the Embassy.
With negotiations continuing he is hoping to have a substantive update next week however, the onset of the summer holidays could delay any progress. No further details were provided as to what the technicalities are that are be‐ ing worked through with the last sub‐ stantive update suggesting that access to the Driving Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) remained a sticking point. Spain has also indicated that sufficient warn‐ ing was given to those who needed to change their licences.
still a not insignificant per‐ centage of people who have to be admitted that "are not vaccinated, at least 20 per cent between those who voluntarily are not, and those who are, but incorrectly", the spe‐ cialist pointed out. The good news, howev‐ er, is that, in the opinion of the internists, the evolu‐ tion of those hospitalised is now "less severe". "It has been a radical change between having the vaccine and not having it", explained Rodilla.
EWN 11
14 - 20 July 2022
Highest salary Image credit: Vladyslav Starozhylov/
12 EWN
SPANISH SALARY:Madrid has highest wages
SPAIN’S region with the highest salary has been announced in the 8th An‐ nual Adecco Salary Moni‐ tor. Now, according to the latest Salary Monitor, Madrid has the highest average salary of all Span‐ ish regions, as per 2021, sitting at a whopping €2,077 per month.The av‐ erage wage across the country reached an all‐ time high in 2021, with an increase of 6.6 per cent over the previous year. In addition to the Com‐
munity of Madrid, four other regions exceeded this national average: the Basque Country (€2,051 per month), Navarra (€1,883 per month), Cat‐ alonia (€1,866 euros) and Asturias (€1,754 per month).On the other hand, the Canary Islands is once again the region with the lowest average wage, at €1,416 per month.In Extremadura they are also lower than the average, at €1,418, which further widens the wage gap.
Covid rise THE accumulated incidence rate has risen again in An‐ dalucia, according to a Covid report from the Min‐ istry of Health. Data published on Friday, July 8, in association with the Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography (IECA) found that that a to‐ tal of 7,260 new cases of coronavirus were regis‐ tered since Tuesday, July 5. Of this total, 3,668 were in people aged over 60, as this is the only age group that data is being moni‐ tored and issued on cur‐ rently. This is 1,678 less than the previous Tues‐ day's total. The actual fig‐ ure would of course be higher when other age groups are taken into ac‐ count. Andalucian Health Minis‐ ter Jesus Aguirre urged people to start wearing facemasks indoors again, as a precaution, especially in poorly ventilated areas. He said: "Protecting our‐ selves, we protect every‐ body".
14 - 20 July 2022
EXPLAINER: What is the Virgen del Carmen THE "Virgen del Carmen", is the patron saint of the sea and the Spanish Armed Forces, who celebrates her official day in Spain on Saturday, July 16. The Virgen del Carmen (Virgin of Car‐ men) is very popular festivity in Spain that is celebrated in many inland areas, but it is especially significant for people of the sea areas, who honour the Virgen del Carmen as the "Star of the Seas." As the story goes, a group of religious people from the Holy Land settled on Mount Carmel and built the first church dedicated to Saint Mary of Mount Carmel. These religious people were the origin of the Carmelite Order and their devo‐ tion to the Virgin Mary led to the birth of the cult of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Legend has it that it is celebrated on July 16, because Simon Stock, a superior of the order, asked the Virgin of Mount Carmel for a sign of her protection. Since then the Patron Saint was wor‐ shipped by sea‐faring people, who prayed for good weather, plentiful fish‐
Image credit: Q77photo/
14 EWN
VIRGEN STATUE:Celebrations in Nerja
ing and protection from danger. The statue of the Virgin is normally carried into the sea by devout bearers who sing the seafaring salve, before placing the statue on a boat, where she continues her procession through the sea, followed by hundreds of boats dec‐ orated for the occasion. The Virgen del Carmen is then carried through the town or city centre after ar‐ riving at the port.
16 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Leadership contest FOLLOWING Boris John‐ son´s resignation as leader of the Conservative Party on Thursday, July 7, a total of 11 Tory MPs entered the race to become prime minister. Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak would appear to be the frontrunner with the highest number of backers according to one media outlet. Trade Minister Penny Mordaunt is also proving to be a popular choice ahead of the former fron‐ trunner Liz Truss, Secre‐ tary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and De‐ velopment Affairs and Minister for Women and Equalities. Other entries include Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng, current Chan‐ cellor, Nadhim Zahawi, Tom Tugendhat, MP for Tonbridge and Malling and Chairman of the For‐ eign Affairs Select Com‐ mittee, and former Health
Secretary Sajid Javid. With pressure now on the Conservatives to pro‐ vide a new leader who can restore faith in British pol‐
itics, many are pushing for a quick election to find a new prime minister be‐ fore the September 5 deadline given.
Flights price hike Chris King TRANSPORT bosses warned British holidaymakers on Sunday, July 10, that an increase in the cost of airline tick‐ ets is inevitable. This is a direct consequence of the recent bulk cancella‐ tions by airlines they pointed out. After airlines cut their flights, it means that there are fewer seats available, resulting in the prices going up as competition increases for the ones that are available. British Airways announced the cancellation of thou‐ sands more flights earlier this week. The operator had previously cancelled huge parts of its schedule early in the year, but that still failed to ease the disruption. The operator issued a statement apologising for the ac‐ tion, claiming that it had become necessary to make these further operational cuts at Heathrow and Gatwick airports. BA avoided strike action by check‐in staff earlier this week when an agreement on better wages was reached with the union.
14 - 20 July 2022
Harry's book delay IT APPEARS the release date of Prince Harry's life story has been delayed af‐ ter his publisher failed to add it to their upcoming books list. Prince Harry has been working on the intimate and heartfelt memoir with the help of a Pulitzer Prize‐winning ghostwriter. A Royal insider told UK media on Sunday, July 10: "If this book’s coming out this year as originally planned it should be in the publisher’s marketing and promotional list un‐ less they’re planning a surprise or there’s been a delay." "Its omission has raised lots of eyebrows in royal circles," he added. A spokeswoman for Transworld, part of Pen‐ guin Random House, said: “We don’t put every book on the list so there is nothing to be extrapolat‐ ed from that.” The news comes just
18 EWN
days after Prince Harry was in court. The Duke of Sussex is suing the Home Office for denying him Metropolitan Police body‐ guards during trips to the UK.
BOOK DELAY: Prince Harry's book is still not on publisher’s list
'Class act' tributes
MICHAEL BARRATT, probably best remembered for his stint presenting the 'Nationwide' programme, was con‐ firmed to have passed away on Sunday, July 10. The vet‐ eran TV presenter was 94 years of age. The death of the Leeds‐born broadcaster was an‐ nounced by his son Olly: "We’re very sad to report that our lovely Dad/Husband/Mike/Michael Barratt died this morning. He was 94. He spent his final days being cared for at the wonderful Thames Hospice in Berkshire, sur‐ rounded by his family. A life lived to the full'. Nationwide was a popular current affairs show, blessed by a plethora of future big‐name TV personalities. These included Esther Rantzen, Bob Langley, Martin Young, and Sue Cook. Michael Barrett was there from the start. Among those paying their final respects to Michael was TV personality, Lorraine Kelly, who posted a tribute to him that read: 'Sad to hear of the death of your dad. Class act'.
LONDON-BORN theatre director Peter Brook famed for his theatre productions has died at the age of 97 leaving behind in the words of his publisher: “An incredible artistic legacy.” Announced overnight on Monday July 4 by his children Simon and Irina, both of whom are directors, Simon said of his fa‐ ther: “I am the luckiest guy in the world to
14 - 20 July 2022
Director’s artistic legacy have had such an amazing and loving fa‐ ther.” His publisher Nick Hern Books added: “We’re honoured to have been Peter’s publisher for the past 20 years, sharing his wisdom and insights with the world.”
Image – Nicola Sturgeon Shutterstock
Referendum refusal Peter McLaren‐Kennedy
UNDER fire Boris Johnson has written to Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon re‐ fusing another Scottish inde‐ pendence referendum. Johnson in his letter dated July 6, said that now was not the time for Scotland or the UK to be concerning itself with another referendum, but rather that the govern‐ ment and the devolved as‐ sembly should be getting on with the job of responding
NICOLA STURGEON: Was sent a letter from Boris Johnson.
to the needs of the nation. Citing challenges at home and abroad, he added that the Scottish people had spo‐
Deputy Ambassador THE IRGC Intelligence Organisation said that it has identified and arrested a number of foreign diplomats including the UK’s deputy ambassador for “taking samples from the Iranian soil in a restricted area.” A report by Iran’s state TV said Giles Whitaker, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Tehran, was visiting the desert areas with his family ‘apparently as tourists’ during IRGC Aerospace’s drills nearby. He was filmed by a drone removing unidentified samples and was arrested. He is said to have apolo‐ gised, but was expelled anyway. An Iranian publication reported that Whitaker was an army officer before a long career with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
ken in 2014. In particular, he said there was a need to deal with the cost‐of‐living crisis and the recovery of the NHS fol‐ lowing the pandemic, which had stretched re‐ sources to the limit. He went on to add that he was grateful for the sup‐ port of the Scottish gov‐ ernment in assisting the UK to play a leading role in helping Ukraine follow‐ ing the invasion of the country by Russia. He finished by saying there was a need to work together in partnership to serve the country better.
Brook made his directorial debut in the early 1940s before staging Shakespeare’s ‘King John’ in Birmingham, England. That was followed by the staging of a number of avant‐garde works by Jean‐Paul Sartre and Jean Cocteau before returning
EWN 19
to direct a number of critically acclaimed Shakespeare productions starring some of the era’s greats. Amongst those he worked with are Lau‐ rence Olivier and Vivien Leigh. Actor Anto‐ nio Banderas said of the Emmy and Tony Award‐winning director: “Brook leaves be‐ hind an unforgettable way to narrate the world around us.”
20 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Deadly superbug
MEAT eaters in the UK could be at risk of a deadly superbug after traces of it were found in supermarket products. An investigation has discovered that some British pork has been infected with enterococci bacteria. In serious cases, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream, infecting it and impacting both the heart and brain. Tests found that more than 10 per cent of products had the strain which showed resistance to an antibiotic used to treat serious illnesses in humans. Products tested include some that were marked ‘Red Tractor assured’ as well as some organic lines. Red Tractor, the UK’s biggest farm and food assurance scheme, is a not-forprofit company . They develop standards based on science, evidence, best practice and legislation that cover animal welfare, food safety, traceability and
environmental protection. Around 50,000 British farmers are accredited to Red Tractor standards, which form the basis of buying and
sourcing specifications for major supermarkets, household brands and restaurant chains, ultimately making life simpler for everyone.
No joke
A LANCASHIRE City Council‐run venue in Morecambe, England, has been blasted as being part of the woke cul‐ ture for axing Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown after a petition with only 59 signatures was presented. The comedian’s manager took to Facebook to an‐ nounce the news in a post that read: “A very important message from Roy’s Tour Manager!!!” “Morning all, I feel like I’m playing the same record over and over again! so I will make this brief. “We had a call from The Platform in Morecambe this morning informing us that Morecambe Council in their wisdom have listened to 59 people who signed a so‐ called petition against Chubby performing in August at The Platform!!” Lancashire City Council confirmed the news in a tweet that read: “Following concerns raised by the community, we’ve taken the decision to cancel the appearance of Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown at the Platform in Morecambe this August.”
22 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Aumm’s Authentic Italian Food AUMM in Costa Blanca’s La Nucia is a slice of traditional Italy with a wonderful mod‐ ern twist. This Italian restaurant, deeply rooted in Napoli and serving authentic Neapolitan food in the Spanish sunshine, welcomed the Mayor of La Nucia to its official launch party on Friday, July 8. Completely refurbished in three months, the decor brings the space to life with exposed beams throughout, vibrant and sophisticated colours and stunning flooring that leads out onto a patio that boasts enough room for entertainment and guests. Speaking exclusively to the Euro Weekly News, Aumm’s owner Maurizio De Loren‐ zo said that food‐loving Brits would be blown away by the “authentic Italian food”. “We offer authentic Italian food but more than just that, we offer authentic Neapolitan food ‐ everything from our piz‐ za toppings right down to the Molini Pizzu‐ ti flour ‐ it all comes from Napoli,” he said. Even the oven is from Napoli, used by executive chef Jonas De Lorenzo and his staff to create Neapolitan cuisine that looks stunning and tastes even better. He added: “We are a family‐friendly restaurant that offers quality, authentic
Credit: Matthew Roscoe/EWN
Matthew Roscoe
YUMMY: Restaurant in La Nucia
food.” The classic Neapolitan food lends itself perfectly to the meaning behind the Aumm name, which in Neapolitan means “Yummy”. Maurizio is no amateur in the restau‐ rant business, currently owning three restaurants in Italy and one in Boca Raton, Florida and he has no plans of stopping. “Our goal for the future is to open up one restaurant every three months in Spain. Our next one will hopefully be in Al‐ tea or Calpe,” Maurizio said. From the home‐made bread to the Neapolitan oven cooked pizza’s to the
finest selection of meats, fish and cheeses, Aumm is a fun, family‐friendly restaurant that offers fresh authentic Italian food in Alicante’s La Nucia. Aumm is open every day from 1 pm to 4 pm and again from 6.30 pm to 11 pm and every Friday night they have live mu‐ sic. You can find them on Facebook at Aumm restaurant&pizzeria and on Google at Aumm Restaurant La Nucia. You can contact them on WhatsApp via +34622815428 or my phone on +34966813058. The email is
Formentera walking
WALKING FOOTBALL was devised to enable people 50 and above to enjoy more fitness as they get older. Due to the nature of the sport having no contact or running, participants can carry on enjoying the game they love whilst keeping fit. Located in Alicante’s Formentera del Segura, Formentera Walk‐ ing Football Club are members of the Costa Blanca Walking Foot‐ ball League. As such, they play competitive league games against other members. The season is now at an end, and Formentera’s walking football club is now recruiting for next season The club trains on Wednesday mornings for an hour. They are aiming to play their league matches on Fridays. They also arrange friendly matches and tournaments against other teams that do not take part in the league. The club encourages anyone who would like to improve their fitness to please come along and see what they do. Contact: +34 616 211 023 •
Orihuela Moors
ORIHUELA Moors and Christians celebrations remember the town’s historic liberation from Moorish domination in the Middle Ages, from July 11 to July 17. The fiesta commemorates the arrival of Christian troops in the 13th century, and their triumph over the Saracens. At the festivities there are plenty of “Moors and Christians” pa‐ rades, filling the town with colour, spectacle, joy and music. Ori‐ huela will provide a free bus service from Playa Flamenca, with a stop in Entrenaranjos, to see the Christian entrance parade on Fri‐ day 15 and the Moorish entrance parade on Saturday July 16. A tourist train will also circulate through Orihuela during the months of July and August 2022.
24 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Brain tumours increase THE number of killer brain tumours in the UK has jumped by more than 50 per cent over the last decade accord‐ ing to a report by the Brain Tumour Charity (BTC). The report released the week of July 6 said that an ageing popula‐ tion was putting more and more people at risk of developing brain tu‐ mours. Similarly, they said improved technolo‐ gy was making the de‐ tection of cases easier, significantly increasing the number of diag‐ noses. Despite improve‐ ments in detection, few cases are caught in time with most being diag‐ nosed on admission to hospital, by which time it is often too late. Cur‐ rently, four out of every 10 are diagnosed in acci‐ dent and emergency de‐ partments. Dr David Jenkinson, Chief Scientific Officer at BTC said: “These worry‐ ing figures show just how urgently we need to act on this devastat‐ ing and life‐changing dis‐ ease.”
Mosquito infection
A 21-YEAR-OLD trainee easyJet pilot was killed by a mosquito bite after she developed a fatal infection, according to an inquest into her death. T he inquest said on July 6 that Oriana Pepper had been bitten above her right eyebrow whilst on a training programme in Belgium. Taken to the hospital a year ago, the Bury St Edmunds’ resident was given antibiotics and told to go home. T wo days later her boyfriend James Hall rushed her to hospital after she collapsed, only to die in hospital a few days later. The Senior Coroner in S uffolk N igel P arsley
Image Shutterstock – EasyJet Oriana Pepper
TRAINEE PILOT: Was bitten by a mosquito.
testified that Oriana had died “as a result of a serious infection caused by an insect bite to the forehead.” The mosquito bite had turned into a septic embolus which then spread to her brain. P arsley
told her parents Tristan and L ouisa that: “ I ’ve never seen a case like this before. Mosquito bites are common as are mosquito-borne diseases in the tropics, but a rare infection killed the trainee pilot.”
Farm labour shortages ACCORDING to media sources on July 5, farmers are facing millions of pounds of losses after the seasonal worker visa granted by the Home Of‐ fice failed to deliver sufficient num‐ bers of workers. Visa processing delays and a col‐ lapse in the number of Ukrainian workers coming to the UK after the Russian invasion have resulted in a shortage of workers. Added to that Russians who had been granted visas, have since had them cancelled. According to those agencies recruit‐ ing workers from Russia, no reason
was given for the cancellation despite there being no ban on Russian work‐ ers taking up seasonal jobs. Figures provided by the Home Office show that the 60 per cent of the work‐ ers given seasonal visas were from Ukraine, while 8 per cent were from Russia. The war in Ukraine has meant the numbers of applicants from the coun‐ try has all but dried up, and with coun‐ tries in Europe having an open door policy for those fleeing the conflict most have chosen to relocate else‐ where on the continent.
26 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Government want English as an official language.
Robert Kneschke/
Germans say ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ IN A bid to tempt foreign talent to the country, members of the German government want to make English an official language in the public sector. The pro‐business Free Democrats say bureaucrats should be forced to become
Anglophone according to the British press on Thurs‐ day, July 7. The bid comes in the hope that it will make red tape easier to deal with for expatriates and thereby at‐ tract the best talent from all over the globe. Bettina Stark‐Watzinger, German Education Minister, said a lack of German lan‐ guage skills was a very big hurdle in encouraging skilled workers to move there. “The signal must be that we are an immigration country,” she said. A paper was drawn up by the Free Democrats party stating: “Language is the key to successful integra‐ tion. The promotion of Ger‐ man for skilled workers and their families must there‐ fore be further expanded. “At the same time, En‐ glish should be established alongside German as an ad‐ ditional administrative lan‐ guage in authorities in order to make administrative pro‐ cedures easier.”
Pope allows women WOMEN are to be given a say in the appoint‐ ment of Bishops in the Catholic Church. In an exclusive interview with a media source published on Wednesday, July 6 the pontiff said that he would name women to the previously all‐male Vatican committee that assists the Pope in appointing Bishops across the world. The revelation comes after the adoption of a new constitution by the Holy See last month that breaks the tradition of only al‐ lowing males to head up Vatican depart‐ ments, with any baptised catholic male or
female allowed to be appointed to any one of these roles from now on. The Pope said: “I am open to giving (women) an opportunity. “Two women will be appointed for the first time in the committee to elect bishops in the Congregation for Bishops.” He continued by saying that last year Sis‐ ter Raffaella Petrini was promoted to the number two position in the governorship of the Vatican City. She is the highest‐ranking woman in the Vatican and the first to be ap‐ pointed to the role.
Wildlife traffickers warned WILDLIFE conservation organisation International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) said on July 5 that an innovative law adopt‐ ed by the EU after a year of intense negotiation, “defines responsibilities and accountability for providers of intermediary services, and in particular online platforms.” That it says will make it easier to track and bring to book online wildlife
traffickers and those who enable their trade online. In simple terms that means social media and online marketplaces will now be required to en‐ sure that ‘what is illegal offline is illegal online’, in‐ cluding wildlife traffick‐ ing. Staci McLennan, IFAW’s EU Office Director said: “This legislation is a good step in the right direction, as it introduces new
transparency require‐ ments for companies that will make the detection of illegal wildlife products and law enforcement eas‐ ier. “IFAW is pleased to see that the DSA incorporates our call to include the ille‐ gal trade of animals in the definition of illegal con‐ tent and in the list of sys‐ temic risks associated with the dissemination of illegal content.”
14 - 20 July 2022
WHEN internationally known actor Scott Kyle´s now‐wife first suggested he try drama school as a 21‐year‐old supermarket worker, he didn't know his career would take in working with director Ken Loach, and a role in one of the world's most suc‐ cessful TV shows, Out‐ lander. From humble begin‐ nings in a single parent family in Glasgow, Scott Kyle, 38, told the Euro Weekly News it was watching the work ethic of his mother ‐ who had four jobs ‐ that gave him the drive to succeed in one of the world’s most competitive industries. It also helped him give back through charity work. Speaking to the EWN about his career, Scott Kyle explained that his time playing Ross the smith in the internation‐ ally acclaimed Outlander helped him to publicise some of the works close
Credit: Scott Kyle
Outlander star Scott Kyle
SCOTT KYLE: The Outlander star spoke exclusively to the Euro Weekly News
to his heart. Scott Kyle went on: “Outlander changed ev‐ erything, it opened lots of opportunities. I'm now trying to pass that on to give opportunities to oth‐ ers.” As part of his work in the community, Kyle runs an annual Highlander Fling event which raises
funds to support NLP and his children´s theater work. This year, the Fling has events planned in several countries, including Glas‐ gow in September. To get involved with the Highlander Fling, or for more about Scott Kyle´s career, visit shows‐tours.
EWN 27
28 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
European Hydrogen Week 2022 EUROPEAN HYDROGEN WEEK is the biggest annual event dedicated to hydrogen under the leadership of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members (the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe, and Hydrogen Europe Re‐ search). The third edition will take place from October 24 to 28, 2022. One of the highlights of the week will be a policy confer‐
ence focused on Research and Innovation activities in the EU under the leadership of the Clean Hydrogen Partner‐ ship. Hydrogen Europe’s Flagship Event and Expo will also take place in Brussels, where attendees will be able to learn all about emerging hydrogen‐based solutions, trends, and approaches in the global energy sector. The Clean Hydrogen Awards will be held in celebration of
the best EU hydrogen projects, and there will be Pro‐ gramme Review Days on which the wider scientific commu‐ nity will provide independent opinions and advice on part‐ nership activities. All EU Member States are encouraged and welcome to be part of this year’s week by holding their own Hydrogen Side Events.
Electricity from sand
A FINNISH company has creat‐ ed storage for electricity using sand and believes that given time and investment their patented system could heat a city. Polar Night Energy and Vata‐ jankoski, an energy utility based in Western Finland, have together constructed a sand‐ based thermal energy storage which is the world’s first com‐ mercial solution to store elec‐ tricity in the sand as heat to be used in a district heating net‐ work. The storage is placed on Vatajankoski’s power plant area, and it provides heat for Vatajankoski’s district heating network in Kankaanpää. “The construction of the
PATENTED SYSTEM: The special sand storage unit. Credit: Polar Night Energy
storage went well, especially considering that the solution is completely new. “We managed to get every‐ thing in order despite some challenges and a short delay. Now the sand is already hot, said Polar Night Energy’s Co‐ Founder and CTO Markku Ylö‐ nen.“We have already learnt
Tamsin Brown ON JULY 7, Members of the European Par‐ liament (MEPs) adopted a deal with EU governments on providing EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors with financial support to alleviate the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine, by 620 votes in favour, 10 against and nine abstentions. Member states will have permission to use the resources left over from the 2014‐ 2020 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The compensation will cover
that our system has even more potential than we initially calcu‐ lated. It’s been a positive sur‐ prise.”The actual heat storage is contained in a four metre wide and seven metre high steel container that has an au‐ tomated heat storage system and a hundred tons of sand in‐ side.
Support for fisheries operators’ and producers’ lost income as well as additional costs incurred because of the war such as the increased prices of energy, raw materials and fish feed. The aid will be provided retroactively from February 24, 2022, when the Russian ag‐ gression began.
14 - 20 July 2022
BA axes 10,300 flights BRITISH AIRWAYS have an‐ nounced that due to post‐ pandemic staff shortages they are axing over 10,000 flights until the end of Octo‐ ber. British Airways released a statement on Wednesday July 6 which read: “The whole aviation industry con‐ tinues to face significant challenges and we’re com‐ pletely focused on building resilience into our operation to give customers the cer‐ tainty they deserve.”
“The government recently decided to give the whole in‐ dustry slot alleviation to min‐ imise potential disruption this summer. “While taking further ac‐ tion is not where we wanted to be, it’s the right thing to do for our customers and our colleagues. “This new flexibility means that we can further reduce our schedule and consoli‐ date some of our quieter ser‐ vices so that we can protect as many of our holiday
flights as possible. “While most of our flights are unaffected and the ma‐ jority of customers will get away as planned, we don’t underestimate the impact this will have and we’re do‐ ing everything we can to get their travel plans back on track. “We’re in touch to apolo‐ gise and offer rebooking op‐ tions for new flights with us or another airline as soon as possible or issue a full re‐ fund.”
Traffic lights in crisis
AUGSBURG, a southern town in Germany, has such concern regarding the energy crisis that they are considering switching off their traffic lights to conserve energy. The mayor of Augsburg, Eva Weber, has said “the situation is serious,” according to one publication on Wednesday, July 6. Over several days in Augsburg, they had been calculating feverishly and the result was shocking. According to the current status, the annual costs for electricity, natural gas, district heating and other energy services would rise
from about €15.9 million to about €28.3 mil‐ lion for the current year. In response to this, the mayor said: “This corresponds to an increase of almost 80 per cent! “A crisis team for energy supply has been set up under the leadership of the economic advi‐ sor.” Now, apparently, savings are to be made where savings can be made. Eva Webber confirmed that: “This will also secure jobs.”
EWN 29
30 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Lead shot
Cracking down
UNCONNECTED with the recent attack in a Copenhagen shopping centre, the country has become the first in the world to ban the use of lead ammunition effective April 1, 2024 due to the danger to wildlife of discarded pellets as well as to those eating shot game.
THE Finnish tax authorities have revealed that although they don’t believe that there are any huge individual tax evaders left, they have their eyes on restaurants and takeaways as they suspect that a number have overlooked paying a total of €20 million between 2017 and 2021.
Irish Boss
FROM 2024 it will no longer be acceptable for private individuals to own some 30 animals (unless they owned them before that date) including meerkats and servals, but Dutch pet owners can still keep camels, water buffalo and Chinese water deer.
A COUNCILLOR from County Kildare has written to Bruce Springsteen inviting him to visit the town of Rathangan to plant a tree after he performs in Dublin next year. Generations of his family come from Ireland and his great-great-grandmother left for New Jersey in 1853.
Tree huggers
Gender balance
MOST children enjoy climbing trees but few realise that this has now become an international competitive sport and on July 3, 64 arborists took part in the European championships in a park in Brussels in order to represent Europe in the World Finals.
NOT all traditionalists will agree with the latest decision by Pope Francis as he has said for the first time ever, he will appoint two lay women to serve on the Vatican body that is called to vet and appoint bishops.
War Crime
ALTHOUGH he has accused German prosecutors of mistaken identity, a court has sentenced a 101-year-old man (the oldest ever to be found guilty) to five years imprisonment in respect of his involvement in the murder of 3,518 Russian prisoners of war between 1942 and 1945.
A TWEET from Liverpool Airport reads: “Itching to get out of Manchester, but want to avoid the queues? We happily invite @Cristiano to the North West’s Faster, Easier, Friendlier Airport, where he can connect on to Munich or Lisbon with Lufthansa, or fly Ryanair direct to Rome or Paris.”
Better relationships
Peace Prize
NEW Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese travelled to Paris for his first meeting with President Emmanuel Macron and welcomed a ‘new start’ in relations with France following the acrimonious row between the countries after a massive submarine contract was switched to America.
MINISTER Mykhailo Fedorov announced in a tweet on July 5 “Big tech support Ukraine. @Microsoft delegation has been awarded today with ‘Peace Prize’ from the President of Ukraine @ZelenskyyUa. We are grateful to have you on the light side of digital. Microsoft stands for truth and for peace.”
No strike
WITH the whole of Europe suffering from highly priced oil and gas, the last thing that the Norwegian government could afford to allow was a strike by workers which could have reduced production by up to 20 per cent, so it simply stepped in and imposed arbitration.
STARS from Game of Thrones Tom Wlaschiha and Jazzy de Lisser will be appearing in English-language feature film Hilma, which chronicles the life of revolutionary Swedish artist and feminist pioneer Hilma af Klint and will be screened on Viaplay, Scandinavia’s leading streaming service.
LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT PERSONALLY I’m not too worried about the resignation of Boris. I have always thought his whole family, including the wife were slightly askew. Now the UK is looking ahead, firmly committed to Brexit and facing two years of building public confidence before the next general election, I would like to see a new leader (not Sunak!) with strength and obligation to lead the Conservatives into another resounding victory. The idea of Starmer and the likes of Rayner and their leftie supporters actually holding the UK reins is a nightmare scenario which would once again inevitably bring the whole country to its knees. I also worry about the youngsters, already being targeted by the biased leftie media, who are producing a whole glut of racially influenced TV commercials and talk programmes, causing viewers to believe that the UK has a higher number of mixed race marriages and non‐white nationals, when in fact the true numbers only account for 9 per cent of its married population and overall include just 18 per cent of its citizens. (82 per cent actually make up the white majority
14 - 20 July 2022
Who next
who are now seem to be disregarded by the media organisers and casting agencies) The young have also never experienced the sight of the fat cat bully boys of the unions, fresh from their Marbella villas, emerging from 10 Downing Street and announcing that half the nation would be on strike if the 'workers' weren't given what their unions demanded. Also completely oblivious of periods when Labour ran the country and 'everybody out' issued from the employees of one vital institution after another until the whole country staggered from one crisis to the next and employers were blamed for everything from the price of soap to the shortage of cat litter. They have no knowledge of a country, run by a party who bribes its constituents by creating whole cultures of benefit scroungers, and to pay for these free handouts, taxes those with any initiative to create jobs and wealth to such a degree that many successful employers have no choice but to leave the country in droves. Labour is, and always has been, a party that has no idea how to actually create resources and always uses the wealth, painstakingly earned by
previous governments to create the illusion that they are a successful organisation by pouring investments into popular schemes that will ingratiate them and garner votes from their constituents. When there is no longer any previous legacy to use, they borrow, beg and steal until there is nothing left and they are finally voted out, leaving the incoming party to once again pick up the pieces. So, to all the young voters, who believe that the 'all men are equal, tax the rich and welcome all immigrants’ tirade that issues from the left is the answer, I suggest you all think again. I'm not saying it's going to be plain sailing. But at least with a new competent Conservative leader and proficient government, you’ll have a chance. Keep the faith Love Leapy. expatradioscotland. Mon Fri. 1pm till 4.
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Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
EWN 31
FINANCE Fewer taxis
STAT OF WEEK €200 million
Calls for tax increases
DESPITE the apparent number of vehicles with blue number plates on Spanish roads, the Ministry of Transport has reported that in the first six months of 2022, there were 4,846 taxi and 824 private hire licences less than at the end of 2021.
Good risk
Solar recycling EVEN green energy comes with a need to recycle and with ageing wind farms across Spain something has to be done with the components once the turbines wear out. A new venture, GIRA Wind will set up Spain’s first recycling company in Almazan in Castilla y Leon.
Heathrow finances FORGET the British airline cancellations, if foreign investors in Heathrow Airport who have been conspicuous in their lack of financial support during the pandemic don’t agree to help reduce the airport’s £15 billion debt, then it could find itself unable to continue to operate.
Payment demanded AN IMPORTANT outlet for PR companies is access to business‐to‐business publications but according to Press Gazette, more and more of these organisations are asking for payment in order for them to publish information sent to them which could breach Advertising Standards Authority rules.
PUBLIC DEBT: Tax conundrum for new Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi
UK Office for Budget Responsi‐ bility calls for tax increases as well as reduction in public spending. The Office for Budget Respon‐ sibility (OBR) is a non‐depart‐ mental public body funded by the UK Treasury to provide inde‐ pendent economic forecasts and independent analysis of the public finances. In little more than two years, the UK economy and public fi‐ nances have felt the conse‐ quences of a global health crisis caused by Covid‐19, a global se‐ curity crisis sparked by Russia’s
SUPERMARKET Asda has an‐ nounced it will help feed children this summer starting with Scotland and Northern Ireland. Kids can eat for just £1 at any time of day in Asda Cafés, seven days a week, with no minimum adult spend required. This is to help tackle holiday hunger at a time when the cost‐of‐ living is higher than ever so chil‐ dren aged 16 and under can access a hot or cold meal for just £1 and this will be extended to England and Wales from July 25. An Asda spokesperson said: “We know that families can find the summer holidays tough and our customers are telling us that this year more than ever, they’re con‐ cerned about holiday hunger. “With that in mind, we are so
invasion of Ukraine, and a global energy crisis brought about by both. In a little over a decade, we have also felt the economic and fiscal consequences of a global financial crisis and the uncer‐ tainty created by the UK’s deci‐ sion to leave the EU and the en‐ suing negotiations on how to go about it. In a recently published report, the OBR states “Discre‐ tionary fiscal support for house‐ holds, firms, and public services during the pandemic was un‐ precedented in scale, reaching 10.4 per cent of GDP at its peak
in the UK, and may have raised expectations regarding the role of government in future crises. “The UK Government has so far spent as much this year (1¼ per cent of GDP) to help house‐ holds to cope with the sharp rise in the cost of living as it did sup‐ porting the economy through the financial crisis. It concluded therefore that if public debt is to be not just kept under control but reduced to a target 75 per cent of GDP that there are no options other than to increase taxes and ensure that public spending falls.
Kids eat for £1 Credit: Asda
CREDIT Agency Fitch is impressed with the way that the Andorran economy has coped with the pandemic and subsequent fuel crisis and has given it the best rating ever at A‐ as Government forecasts for growth in tourism will boost the economy.
turnover, up 25 per cent on the previous year, is a success for one of the world’s oldest wine makers Raventós Codorníu which left Barcelona for La Rioja in 2017.
Credit: Andrew Parsons / No 10 Downing Street flickr
BUSINESS EXTRA • 14 - 20 July 2022
CHEAP MEALS:Kids Eat for £1 at Asda
pleased to be able to offer chil‐ dren’s meals for just £1, with no minimum adult spend, to ensure that those who would normally re‐ ly on a school meal aren’t left
without.” The Kids Eat for £1 initiative is available all day, every day until the September 4 in Scotland, as long as the café is open and de‐ pendent on the store, a hot meal or cold meal, or both, will be on of‐ fer. Baby food is also available as part of the initiative, with little ones able to enjoy a free pouch of Ella’s Kitchen baby food (70g pouch) in their local Asda Café. Users of social media are en‐ couraging other supermarkets to follow suit and some are suggest‐ ing that this would be a great in‐ centive for pensioners as well.
Beanz meanz warz ALL IS not well between big businesses in the UK as was observed firstly when Ama‐ zon announced that they would no longer accept pay‐ ment with VISA credit cards due to the amount of com‐ mission being charged. That decision was soon re‐ versed as VISA clearly decided that a smaller percentage of significant turnover was bet‐ ter than a larger percentage of nothing. Latest ‘hiccup’ occurred be‐ tween Heinz and Tesco as the producer of such iconic brands as Tomato Ketchup and Baked Beans suspended deliveries to the supermarket as it had refused to accept price increases apparently due to supply chain problems.
Tax Model 720 AS PREVIOUSLY reported, last January the European Court of Justice ruled that the Spanish Tax Law known as Model 720 was inappro‐ priate and included dispro‐ portionate fines. Now on July 9, the Span‐ ish Supreme Court upheld a ruling in a test case before a court in Extremadura which means that the Treasury will have to return fines (with interest) levied on two peo‐ ple who were late in declar‐ ing their overseas assets. With precedence of this type, it is fair to anticipate that not only will Model 720 have to be seriously over‐ hauled but there will be a significant number of ap‐ peals against fines previous‐ ly levied.
to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code
36 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.135,50 Abrdn 157,90 Admiral Group 2.310,0 Anglo American 2.688,5 Antofagasta 1.067,50 Ashtead Group 3.752,0 Associated British Foods 1.576,2 AstraZeneca 10.984,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 583,40 Avast 499,50 Aveva 2.360,0 Aviva 398,00 B&M Europ V Retail SA 379,30 BAE Systems 807,80 Bank VTB DRC 0,612 Barclays 150,78 Barratt Developments 451,20 Berkeley 3.795,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.165,00 BP 382,10 British American Tobacco 3.347,3 British Land Company 459,30 BT Group 192,15 Bunzl 2.835,0 Burberry Group 1.612,0 Carnival 663,4 Centrica 78,94 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.845,5 Compass 1.754,50 CRH 2.868,0 Croda Intl 6.790,0 DCC 5.226,0 Diageo 3.541,0 DS Smith 279,60 EasyJet 364,00 Experian 2.582,5 Ferguson 9.216,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.052,0 Fresnillo 668,00 Glencore 419,95 GSK plc 1.730,80 Halma 2.112,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 806,80 Hikma Pharma 1.684,00 HSBC 521,40 IAG 106,74 Imperial Brands 1.788,00 Informa 533,60
CHANGE(P) 1.141,50 160,40 2.320,0 2.710,5 1.074,00 3.772,0 1.586,5 11.056,0 587,40 505,00 2.377,0 398,50 382,20 814,20 0,612 151,04 455,60 3.806,0 2.170,00 383,60 3.375,5 460,90 193,25 2.860,0 1.617,5 671,4 80,12 1.858,5 1.755,00 2.879,5 6.834,0 5.228,0 3.553,0 281,10 368,00 2.601,6 9.224,0 8.054,0 673,40 422,20 1.744,40 2.126,0 813,40 1.697,50 524,30 108,32 1.804,00 537,60
% CHG. 1.133,00 157,75 2.300,0 2.628,0 1.043,00 3.718,0 1.573,5 10.944,0 580,00 496,40 2.321,0 394,30 376,20 807,00 0,612 149,52 449,00 3.750,0 2.130,00 377,70 3.345,5 456,00 191,15 2.832,0 1.594,0 658,6 78,38 1.838,5 1.739,50 2.843,5 6.780,0 5.178,0 3.511,5 277,30 359,20 2.579,0 9.160,0 7.960,0 661,20 411,49 1.728,20 2.100,0 804,20 1.682,50 519,20 106,36 1.787,50 531,80
NET VOL 43,94K 474,46K 24,01K 65,46K 147,18K 55,53K 25,49K 91,48K 107,45K 29,78K 15,01K 335,83K 107,54K 332,53K 0 3,24M 127,37K 9,26K 303,46K 2,58M 142,69K 117,98K 687,82K 29,94K 78,85K 152,06K 1,09M 133,98K 134,79K 73,86K 12,02K 12,46K 132,32K 798,45K 583,18K 8,36K 22,37K 21,68K 114,37K 479,87K 491,58K 26,34K 71,22K 24,56K 2,46M 1,75M 102,89K 300,75K
InterContinental Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP
4.458,0 1.341,50 4.207,0 65,94 214,70 1.892,0 676,20 241,60 42,15 7.564,0 788,60 152,95 1.448,50 1.066,50 217,70 6.252,0 1,89 847,60 1.768,0 589,70 996,00 6.270,0 2.239,00 493,90 594,00 4.747,5 86,05 0,60 656,20 1.123,00 2.680,0 780,20 987,40 2.706,0 2.009,0 1.123,50 1.403,50 10.580,0 1.687,50 1.129,00 576,20 111,55 258,21 132,80 3.827,0 1.003,50 127,66 2.515,0 779,60
% CHG.
4.465,0 1.349,50 4.240,0 66,56 216,70 1.897,5 676,80 242,60 42,30 7.602,0 788,60 153,60 1.458,00 1.081,50 218,30 6.302,0 1,89 862,20 1.776,0 592,90 999,40 6.296,0 2.258,00 496,30 597,60 4.765,0 86,76 0,60 662,60 1.124,50 2.690,0 781,20 994,40 2.748,0 2.019,8 1.129,00 1.406,00 10.655,0 1.706,50 1.133,00 578,60 111,85 261,40 135,90 3.855,5 1.014,00 128,46 2.552,0 789,40
4.413,0 1.317,50 4.192,0 65,60 214,40 1.872,5 669,20 239,90 41,95 7.544,0 786,80 151,80 1.441,00 1.066,50 215,30 6.152,0 1,89 845,40 1.742,0 589,40 985,40 6.224,0 2.224,00 491,00 591,20 4.671,5 84,11 0,60 655,80 1.118,50 2.668,0 774,60 985,60 2.706,0 1.992,4 1.118,50 1.397,50 10.555,0 1.680,00 1.119,50 569,60 110,30 258,10 130,05 3.818,0 1.003,50 127,38 2.504,0 778,20
18,74K 42,91K 11,19K 810,61K 334,96K 17,16K 66,34K 636,40K 13,19M 17,82K 99,01K 471,56K 89,63K 340,75K 1,34M 22,18K 0 66,12K 119,64K 61,12K 255,11K 47,43K 189,11K 107,85K 133,32K 243,50K 4,36M 0 76,48K 2,29K 17,82K 335,13K 86,14K 15,96K 54,11K 71,40K 61,66K 4,07K 143,10K 62,81K 1,26M 879,85K 869,19K 493,25K 173,34K 135,33K 2,52M 26,88K 139,85K
Units per €
US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0119 Japan yen (JPY) .........................................138.4 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................0.9907 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4412 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................10.312 • Tel: +34 965 994 830 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER
COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney
PRICE 128,72 141,76 248,48 147,04 139,07 179,10 142,77 43,39 63,14 51,38 296,47 286,47 173,34 140,47 37,99 178,28 114,36 253,24 92,78 267,66 107,93 145,02 175,50 169,00 518,63 50,49 203,57 37,55 125,40 95,86
CHANGE -1,33 +0,73 +1,06 +0,69 -0,90 -1,18 -0,75 +0,17 +0,23 -0,90 -2,13 -0,22 -0,45 -0,36 -0,15 -0,22 -0,36 +0,30 -0,23 -0,74 -0,20 -0,98 -1,14 -0,63 +4,25 -0,22 +0,77 -0,66 +0,08 -1,57
CHANGE% VOLUME(M) -1,02% 2,18M +0,52% 3,57M +0,43% 2,20M +0,47% 64,23M -0,64% 5,64M -0,65% 2,46M -0,52% 7,88M +0,39% 11,76M +0,37% 10,80M -1,72% 4,22M -0,71% 1,42M -0,08% 1,89M -0,26% 1,61M -0,26% 2,81M -0,39% 22,42M -0,12% 3,64M -0,31% 8,77M +0,12% 1,44M -0,25% 6,77M -0,28% 19,25M -0,19% 5,89M -0,67% 4,18M -0,65% 2,68M -0,37% 689,85K +0,83% 3,09M -0,43% 13,94M +0,38% 3,62M -1,73% 7,02M +0,06% 4,60M -1,61% 7,32M M - MILLION DOLLARS
+80.26% +50.00% +48.49% +48.16% +45.67% +44.37% +42.14% +33.62% +32.22% +29.17% +28.85%
82.77M 186.48M 112.66M 280.09K 74.12K 16.49M 2.70M 668.58K 1.21M 3.53M 138.85K
-52.12% -28.57% -26.82% -19.71% -16.57% -15.95% -15.88% -14.91% -14.41% -14.33% -13.71%
23.97M 131.24K 34.93K 28.77M 4.18K 452.83K 1.50M 784.17K 246.96K 715.91K 6.74M
Most Advanced Seritage Growth Properties Aditx Waitr Seritage Growth Properties Promis Neurosciences Oramed MyMD Pharmaceuticals Kura Sushi PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals Organovo Holdings Immuneering
Most Declined Enjoy Technology Avanti Acquisition Health Assurance Acquisition Upstart Bitnile Holdings Prf D ContraFect Corp Cardlytics WD-40 Cloopen Group Holding SRAX AcelRx
14 - 20 July 2022
Unsustainable IN May of this year a senior HSBC executive in charge of responsible lending was suspended for telling in‐ vestors not to worry about climate change. He has now resigned saying ironi‐ cally that his position had become “unsustainable” hence his decision to leave.
Madrid Protocol THE Republic of Chile has become the 11th country to join the Madrid Protocol which is an international trademark treaty and reg‐ istration system which al‐ lows filers to register trademarks in multiple ter‐ ritories using a cost‐effec‐ tive filing with the World Intellectual Property Or‐ ganisation.
Living Wage A SMALL group of influen‐ tial shareholders tabled a resolution which was op‐ posed by the Board of Sainsbury’s that all of its workers should be paid the real Living Wage rather than the legal minimum. Almost 84 per cent of votes against ensured that this proposal failed.
Amazon probe THE UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is aware that the European Commission is reviewing the situation of Amazon and potential unfair prac‐ tice but whatever conclu‐ sion it comes to, it will not affect the UK since it has left the Union. For this reason, the CMA has launched its own in‐ vestigation which will con‐ sider whether Amazon has a dominant position in the UK and whether it is abus‐ ing that position and dis‐ torting competition by giv‐ ing an unfair advantage to its own retail business or sellers that use its services, compared to other third‐ party sellers on the Ama‐ zon UK Marketplace.
AGRICULTURAL CRISIS LABOUR shortages in the UK have resulted in crops valued at more than £36 million (€41.9 million) in one sector being destroyed with the number of appli‐ cants for seasonal work having dropped dramatical‐ ly. According to the National Farmers Union (NFU) farm‐ ers are facing millions of pounds of losses after the seasonal worker visa grant‐ ed by the Home Office failed to deliver sufficient numbers of workers. Figures provided by the Home Office show that 60 per cent of the workers previously given seasonal visas were from Ukraine, while 8 per cent were from Russia. The war in Ukraine has meant the numbers of ap‐ plicants from the country has all but dried up, and with countries in Europe having an open‐door policy for those fleeing the con‐ flict, most have chosen to relocate elsewhere on the continent.
Credit: Twitter@NFU
FARM WORKERS: Labour shortages are seeing food destroyed in the ground.
Sandfield Farms Manag‐ ing Director Derek Wilkin‐ son, told the British media that labour shortages had already cost around £250,000 of his asparagus and spring onion crop. The company which em‐ ploys 750 seasonal workers said that the lack of de‐ mand for the jobs and visa issuing delays had resulted
in them being unable to hire sufficient workers. Despite the shortages of labour, the government wants to phase the visa out altogether by 2024, instead opting to encourage au‐ tomation and local employ‐ ment. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has warned that the government’s
plans are unrealistic. Tom Bradshaw, Deputy Presi‐ dent of the NFU, said: “We have a very low level of un‐ employment, we have 4 per cent unemployed and millions of vacancies, so it is unrealistic for it to be de‐ livered from the domestic workforce when there are plenty of permanent roles.”
Youth Cultural Bonus A YOUTH CULTURAL BONUS worth €210 million is being planned by the Spanish government through EML Pay‐ ments Limited and the Spanish Post Office Correos. Approximately 500,000 virtual pre‐ paid cards will be issued and loaded with a government input of €210 mil‐ lion in support of the culture sector, which was badly hit during the pan‐ demic. Direct aid of €400 on an instant vir‐ tual card, which can be upgraded to a physical card, will be given to each eli‐ gible young person in Spain who turns 18 in 2022. The funds can be spent on various cultural products and activities, includ‐ ing the performing arts, live music, films, libraries, museums, festivals, sheet music, records, books, audio‐ books and magazines. The stimulus programme, part of Spain’s General State Budgets, will see €210 million pumped into the country’s economy over the next 12 months.
Credit: EML and Correos
38 EWN
VIRTUAL CARD: €400 will be available for each 18-year-old.
The government will promote the new aid programme to revitalise and stimulate the cultural sector in Spain, guaranteeing the sustainability of the cultural and creative industries after the negative impact of the pandemic. It also promotes universal and diver‐ sified accessibility to culture, promot‐ ing loyalty amongst young people to generate the habit of consuming cul‐ tural products.
“We’re very happy to be able to col‐ laborate with the Ministry to promote culture amongst young people. This project, which is part of the Correos Prepago business line, positions Corre‐ os as a benchmark for the delivery of social aid and financial inclusion within the company’s strategic framework of diversification,” said Manuel Zapatero Sierra, Director of Products & Services at Correos.
Sky’s the limit REFERRING to the fact that Spanish company Satlantis helped the Armenian state company Geocosmos launch its first satellite, the Spanish Foreign Minister welcomed his Armenian opposite number to Madrid. The meeting took place on Wednesday July 6 to celebrate the 30th anniver‐ sary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic rela‐ tions between the coun‐ tries. José Manuel Albares Bueno announced that Spain intended to open a diplomatic residence in the capital Yerevan. “Our trade and econom‐ ic ties have great potential and they literally reach to the sky, as the first Armeni‐ an satellite was sent into space in May of this year,” said the Spanish Foreign Minister.
Public transport SPANISH Minister Raquel Sánchez met with the au‐ tonomous communities on July 5 to discuss imple‐ mentation of aid to allow for the reduction of pub‐ lic transport costs. The Minister of Trans‐ port, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez attended the National Transport Conference to confirm that those that reduced cost to the public by 30 per cent could ex‐ pect to receive financial support from a €110 mil‐ lion pot allocated from the Recovery, Transfor‐ mation and Resilience Plan. The intention is to try to persuade commuters to use cleaner and safer public transport whilst in‐ creasing the efficiency of what is available by in‐ creasing digitalisation.
to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code
languid shadows of the study to the gleaming frame of the window giving on to the glimmering greenery of the garden BREAKING VIEWS and the elegant bench where Madame Nora is the author of popular psychological de je ne sais pas conversed with my suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. friend, Monsieur de la JUST for fun, having just pub‐ plume de ma tante, lished the paperback of my while leaves gently fell latest novel ‘Death in Win‐ around them and birds dermere’, I speculated twittered in the trees.’ whether artificial intelligence This is what it wrote: CAN write in another au‐ ‘How it all comes back, thor’s style, say, like Jane that world‐class, oven‐ Austen? ready, laser‐focused fire‐ I used a content generation power in a turbocharged app for people who have, for prose...’ instance, blogs but can’t Oops! That’s never write. You instruct it what to Jane Austen! Did I inad‐ write about, in what style vertently type ‘Boris’ and it writes, using a lan‐ (not Nora) Johnson? guage generator which has Nora Johnson’s criti‐ read 10 per cent of the inter‐ cally acclaimed psycho‐ net and runs on a supercom‐ logical crime thrillers Nora’s latest thriller. puter. (www.nora‐johnson. I typed: ‘How it all comes back, writing net) all available online including eBooks those letters, the metallic smell of the ink, (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, the scratchy pen, the silky softness of the paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cude‐ paper as my gaze was drawn from the ca cancer charity.
Nora Johnson’s opinions are her own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
Advertising Feature
REBECCA SERWOTKA ‐ “We sell houses! Choosing the orientation of a home can It’s what we do, it’s ALL we do!” Your also depend on what time of year you plan favourite local resale property expert, of to use it. Will you be residing in it full time Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad or using it as a holiday home? Quesada & published author of North facing = Cooler in the sum‐ ‘Moving Forward ‐ 25 Essential mer months. Rules For Buying & Selling Real South facing = Warmer in the Estate Without Going Crazy’. winter months. Request your FREE copy today! East facing = Warmer in the Featured on Best Buy Spain. mornings. Prestige Award Winner for West facing = Warmer in the ‘Real Estate Agency Of afternoons and evenings. The Year 2021/22’. Facing north is preferred Searching for a home by the locals, as homes are in the Costa Blanca? cooler during the sum‐ Typical questions you mer heat. South facing is ask yourself are “What preferred by those seek‐ style of home should ing winter sun. East is we be looking for?” for those early risers “Where should our that love taking in the property be located?” sunrise. And west is best But how about asking, for those who enjoy Rebecca “Which way does it warm evenings and susets. Serwotka. face?” Ready to buy your home in the Costa Blanca? Head to www.BuyMyHomeIn to download your FREE Spanish Property Buying Guide for 2022. See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper!
14 - 20 July 2022
EWN 39
40 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Have a healthy summer
Prevent chronic disease and have a healthy summer.
Laura Kemp FOLLOW these tips to help prevent chronic disease and have a healthy summer! Use shade, wear brimmed hats, clothing that covers, and sunscreen with at least SPF 15 for sun protection. Use insect re‐ pellent and wear long‐sleeved shirts and long pants to prevent mosquito bites and ticks. Tip ‐ apply sunscreen before insect re‐ pellent! Get up and go! Get at least 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity every week and reap the benefits of better sleep and reduced anxiety. Eat healthy foods like delicious fruits and veg‐ gies, and make sure to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks and, if you are drinking alcohol, alternate it between water. Add slices of fruit to water for a re‐ freshing, low‐calorie drink!
Stop skin from ageing BEFORE you even think about etching out the perfect brow arch or enhancing that dewy glow with this season’s best highlighter, it’s important to take it back to basics and make sure your skin is well looked after to keep you looking youthful for longer. Glycolic acid is proven to reduce signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, this ingredient is in many cleansers, creams and exfoliating toners. Hyaluronic acid hydrates your skin by drawing water molecules into it and slowing the rate of evap‐ oration through transepidermal water loss, which is what partially causes wrinkles. Because of this quali‐ ty, it is also useful for healing wounds. Collagen is the protein responsible for your skin’s elasticity, as well as for healthy joints throughout the rest of your body. As you age, your collagen breaks down and it’s more difficult for your body to produce more. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and protects your skin against free radical damage such as healing to fade age spots if used for a minimum of 12 weeks. Its qualities mean it is also useful for lessening sun dam‐ age, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As well as these tips and tricks, also remember to drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 litres every day. Your skin is one of the first places where dehydration begins to show!
14 - 20 July 2022
ALTHOUGH food prices are on the rise due to the cost of living crisis, with many shoppers ‘capping their food bills at £30’ when grocery shopping, it’s becoming more diffi‐ cult to maintain healthy eating with managing food bills. Here are some tips on how to eat healthy on a budget. Pulses and lentils are a great source of protein and a much cheaper alter‐ native than meat and fish. They can also be stored for longer, so you can stock up when you need to. The liquid in a tin of chickpeas, known as aquafaba, can be used as an alternative to eggs when baking cakes or binding anything like falafel or meatballs etc together ‐ a cheaper al‐ ternative and no waste! UK grown fruits like ap‐ ples and pears tend to be cheaper than more exotic options like kiwi fruits
Image - Franck Boston/shutterstock
Budget healthy eating
Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive!
and melons. They can still be a delicious snack, try slicing apples up and eat‐ ing with peanut butter, or baking into a crumble. Often markets will sell slightly damaged or opened goods for less al‐ though the actual product itself is absolutely fine. This can be a great way to
save money! Often people shy away from foods like liver and kidney because they’re not your typical chicken breast or bacon rasher, but liver is cheaper, high‐ ly nutritious, high in iron, vitamin A and folate and no more difficult to cook than chicken!
EWN 41
42 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Advertising Feature
Victoria Car Hire UK Self Drive WE are based in Horley town centre, just five minutes’ drive from Gatwick airport and a short walk to Horley mainline rail‐ way station. On offer is a range of cars starting with small everyday cars and up to family‐sized vehicles to include manual and automatic transmission. We also have a variety of both petrol and diesel fuelled engines. All cars are well maintained and pre‐ sented in a clean condition. We have full 24‐hour AA breakdown cov‐ er. The most popular brands used include: Ford, Vauxhall, Nissan, Citroen and Renault. We meet our customers just outside the arrival terminal at Gatwick Airport at the authorised collection points at both the North and South terminals. We will then drive to the car rental office in Horley town centre, where the paperwork and payment are processed followed by a demonstration of the car controls and directions to the mo‐ torway if required. The collection procedure is very efficient, taking a small amount of time and allowing
A range of cars offered.
the customer to swiftly proceed with their onward journey. At the end of the hire the customer re‐ turns the car to the rental office and will be driven to the departure terminal at Gatwick Airport. Office hours are 9am ‐ 4pm Monday to Friday, weekends by arrangement An out of hours service is available for late arrivals and early morning departures. Subject to conditions. Prices are from £135.00 per week, which is fully inclusive with no hidden extras, the fuel in the vehicles are taken on a like for like basis ‐ if the tank is half full, it must be returned as so.
Debit and Credit card payment accepted. No hidden extras - Fully Inclusive - Delivery & Collection - Gatwick Airport only Reservations: Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm Telephone: 0044 1293 432155
44 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
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UrPhone, the app YOUR business needs reach you with ease.
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As a business owner it is criti‐ cal for your business to pro‐ vide exceptional customer service and facilitate smooth internal communication oper‐ ations, to stay ahead of your competitors. Eliminate multiple pain points in your business day, with a powerful communi‐ cations tool that does it all. A single reliable platform that; boosts productivity, im‐ proves efficiency, en‐ hances internal team collaboration, aids in providing the finest customer ser‐ vice, plus so much more. UrPhone provides the necessary tools to manage your day to day business com‐ munications, with full access anytime and anyplace, ensuring you never miss a busi‐ ness call again! An intelligent tool that acts as your very own virtu‐ al agent, providing your busi‐ ness with the means to; smartly filter, forward, and distribute incoming calls, whether this be by; customer language, status, etc… you can not only reduce the hold time of your customers, but simultaneously improve pro‐ ductivity within your busi‐ ness. In addition to communica‐ tion, data management is es‐ sential for the running of your business. Our intuitive and us‐ er‐friendly interface allows you to monitor and analyse all communications your busi‐ ness generates daily, archive and listen to live calls for training and statutory purpos‐ es, and review the productivi‐ ty of your employees.
URPHONE: Can offer business help to companies and autonomos
Easy setup and frictionless adoption with our user friend‐ ly platform, with no hardware or IT support required. Learn how you can unleash the full potential of your business to‐ day and stay ahead your com‐ petitors with UrPhone smart solutions. Autonomo: As a self‐employed worker,
for your business to succeed it is critical to provide excep‐ tional customer service and facilitate smooth internal communication operations, in order to stay ahead of your competitors. Although, it can be difficult to manage daily operations on your own, and on the go. UrPhone eliminates multi‐ ple pain points in your busi‐
ness day, with a powerful communications tool that does it all, ensuring you never miss a business call again! Manage your business com‐ munications anytime and any‐ place with a virtual number, forwarding incoming calls to a dedicated extension via a smartdevices, PC or headset, including international exten‐ sions allowing customers to
UrPhone Overview: UrPhone, powerful commu‐ nications tool that does it all. In today’s world, for a busi‐ ness to succeed it is critical to stay ahead of your competi‐ tors, by providing excep‐ tional customer service and facilitate smooth in‐ ternal communication operations. UrPhone eliminates multiple pain points in your business day, with a powerful communi‐ cations tool that does it all. We de‐ liver scalable and powerful solutions for businesses, rev‐ olutionising the communications in‐ dustry, providing the latest technolo‐ gy that works in con‐ tinuity with your busi‐ ness ‐ saving you money and keeping you ahead of the game. UrPhone provides the necessary tools to manage your day to day business com‐ munications, with full access anytime and anyplace, ensur‐ ing you never miss a business call again! Learn how to unleash the full potential of your business today and stay ahead of com‐ petitors with UrPhone smart solutions.
Get your quote now +34 865 615 033 •
14 - 20 July 2022
EWN 45
YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.
5 STARS AWARDED 5 STARS awarded to Chris King! News gets to EWN and published, faster than UK’s own broad‐ sheets and tabloids! Busy times for Chris this week, as by morning, the swan songs of another load of realists in the Tory party will be abandoning ship. Even the #10 resident cat did a disappearing act today, from the lights of the media cameras. Fingers crossed, all of this abandonment will be completed BEFORE the re‐ cess, so the rest of us can concentrate on more im‐ portant matters, such as holidays abroad and won‐ dering if we ever WILL es‐ cape, dodging the hun‐ dreds of flight cancellations to be an‐ nounced? Watch this space. Andy
Blue Badges I LIVE in Costa Blanca South and have followed your paper for many years. I was impressed by the call for a petition re blue badges and signed this, as I myself am disabled and am currently going through the painful Span‐ ish process of getting a badge. Tina Brown
Twin thinking JUST wanted to let you know that I think we are twins. I agree with abso‐ lutely everything you say in your column. Just wish we could get our message out
Drop of Light/
there to stop what is hap‐ pening to the great United Kingdom but I think it is al‐ ready too late. Keep doing what you’re doing. We met a few years ago and had a few drinks to‐ gether at the Casablanca Bar, Magaluf. You were married to your wife from Northern Ireland. I am also from N.I. Keep up the good work.
LARRY: Waits to escape the media
OUR VIEW BANANA REPUBLIC MANY years ago, there used to be a comment about Latin and South American governments calling them Mickey Mouse or Banana Republics because everyone and his brother was a minister of some sort. How things have changed in more ways than one as it became clear with the recent overthrow of Boris Johnson that the number of Conservative MPs who have been given positions which allow them to be paid more than their simple salary was close to 100. When Johnson won the 2019 election, his party held 365 seats but that has now shrunk to 358 due to lost by elections, defections and suspension of three sitting MPs due to allegations of sexual misconduct. By law, the Government is able to appoint 109 paid ministers which will include cabinet ministers, secretaries of state, whips and peers and at the time just before the Prime Minister announced his resignation there were 108 in post of which 91 were MPs, with a further three who are unpaid. Effectively therefore just under 25 per cent of all Conservative MPs were paid as ministers which seems to be a very high proportion for a mature and long-established institution such as the House of Commons. At the time of writing, there are 11 MPs who have declared an interest in becoming leader of the Conservative Party, some of whom are well-known figures whilst others are more politically obscure. The UK seems to be heading for a recession with huge price rises, enormous debts and political instability as well as ongoing fall out with Europe over Northern Ireland so it is clear that whoever takes on the post is likely to be in for a rough ride.
48 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Technology problems MIKE SENKER IN MY OPINION
Views of a Grumpy Old Man A FEW beach bars where we live have been totally reformed and now look like 'proper restaurants' instead of the great looking places they were before. To be honest, for me, they have lost their character. But worse than that they now all have this little hand held computer thingies to take your order. Now I’m sure this is very good if it works but in the two or three places I’ve tried so far they don’t and the reason is it’s a computer basically and those things only can do what they are programmed for. In one place which we always used before the reform they were always very accommodating. You asked for something and if they had the ingredients you got it – simple. Now out comes the waiter with his little hand held device and starts taking our order. I asked what came with my main meal and he said straw potatoes. I said could I have different potatoes and he said, no that’s what it comes with and he doesn’t know how to change it on the computer. So I said go and get a bit of paper and write it
down but he didn’t and I got straw tatties. My friend said he just wanted fried hake and chips. Waiter said fine and pressed lots of buttons and my friend got grilled hake and patatas a lo pobre. It looked lovely but was not what he ordered. And his wife’s didn’t arrive at all because - well actually I don’t know, it just didn’t arrive. This type of thing has happened to me many times especially in America where I remember asking for a grilled tomato with my breakfast. The girl said they didn’t have them. Of course they had tomatoes and a grill but it wasn’t on the computer. I did have a scream up and finally got it. Bring back the pencil and paper and proper service. If you are going to double park and be some time here’s a little tip for you. DONT!! OK, just DON’T. It’s ok for a couple of minutes but this week I’ve seen people there for ages and the poor so and so trying to get his car out is just sitting with his hand on the hooter. The right thing to do is if you have to do it just leave a phone number by windscreen. Then I don’t have to listen to the noise of an irritated driver sitting with his hand on his hooter whilst I’m trying to enjoy my lunch. Email:
Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
14 - 20 July 2022
EWN 49
Credit Alex Tihonovs/
Child-proof your terrace Useful tips as the
Decorate the railings.
WITH schools breaking up for summer, it means your little ones will be running around the house more. While it’s great to see them play, it’s also important to make sure your terrace is child‐proof to prevent any accidents during the school holidays! One way of making sure your children can play safely is to move
any flowerpots or stands out of the way. This will prevent excited little ones from running into them and knocking them ‐ and themselves ‐ over. It’s also a good idea to make sure the railings of your terrace are high enough so that little ones can’t lean too far over by accident. Why not decorate the railings with plants and foliage
which will prevent any cheeky little climbers from any potential acci‐ dents. It’ll also make your terrace look colour‐ ful and pretty for sum‐ mer. This also goes for out‐ door furniture. Make sure its placed away from railings so as not to be used as a useful step up into dangerous terri‐ tory!
cost of living rises
AS the cost of living crisis con‐ tinues to rise, many people are struggling to make ends meet and are worrying about budgeting, finances and sav‐ ing. Here are some useful tips to make your money go as far as possible. Banish any scepticism which prevents you from checking your monthly out‐ goings. By reviewing your spending, you can make small changes here and there which quickly add up and help you save. Many people continue with the same insurance company because it’s easier, but by shopping around a bit when it comes time to renew your contract you could end up with a cheaper deal some‐ where else. If you have any existing debts on credit cards for ex‐ ample, there are options to refinance these repayments which could potentially make
them cheaper. Your mortgage tends to be a large part of your outgoings. Making sure you’re on the
cheapest deal or consider re‐ mortgaging rather than hav‐ ing to move home could cre‐ ate a big monthly saving.
14 - 20 July 2022
ALTHOUGH I have travelled around Spain from San Sebas‐ tian to Cadiz and from Santiago to Gerona, the only region I have lived in is Andalucia. But I can imagine that many of my impressions here apply to the whole of Spain. Spain’s chief exports are tourism and vehicles, but its favourite activity seems to be destruction ‐ I mean construc‐ tion. In the 60s there were warnings about the dangers of ruining the coastlines by over ‘development’. Benidorm and our own Torremolinos were among the first to concede to hordes of high‐spending, sun‐ seeking heavy drinkers from northern Europe. Wherever there is an open natural space, it has be filled. Agricultural land, parks, or‐ chards and meadows, all have to be sacrificed in the interests of property developers and ill‐ judged projects. Many of these
50 EWN
A bicycle path is being built from Nerja to Maro but cyclists will still use the main road.
projects are illegal, built either without licence or with licences illegally granted by corrupt fi‐ nancial relationships between politicians and developers. Roads have to be dug up over and over again owing to bad planning and lack of communi‐ cation between utility authori‐ ties and the Ayuntamiento (town hall) or Junta. And so, Malaga Province is lit‐ tered with hundreds of thou‐ sands of uncompleted or unoc‐ cupied flats, houses and urbananisations while more and
more are erected. Apart from the waste of money and the de‐ struction of natural surround‐ ings, these unfinished enterpris‐ es are an eyesore. The latest white elephant is a new bicycle lane between Nerja and Maro. At an initial budget of at least €325,000, the first 500 metres has been completed, but cyclists have no intention of us‐ ing it. They will still use the main road while the intended cycle path is already being used by pedestrians (who already have a pavement). The second section
of 400 metres will run alongside the frontage of El Capistrano Vil‐ lage, since 1977 one of the most beautiful urbanisations in Axar‐ quia. Attractive rolling lawns have already been plundered to make way for what will simply be a wider or additional pave‐ ment for pedestrians. There is already a perfectly adequate pavement alongside the former picturesque frontage of El Capis‐ trano by the main N340 road. This is being desecrated while cyclists will continue to use the main road.
Incredibly, the completed first section will not link up with the second part under construction because of the presence of a key roundabout. It is inconceivable that they would have to be joined up by a bridge or a tun‐ nel, but l would not rule out any‐ thing. Apart from the continuing ru‐ ination of so many features of Axarquia and the Costa del Sol, this appears to be a complete waste of money. To what ex‐ tent it is motivated by bad plan‐ ning, poor judgement or plain corruption is not for me to know until an official investiga‐ tion is held. Nerja emerged from a simple, natural but backward little town in the 60s to reach its peak in the 80s to 90s. Since then, over‐ development is spoiling it all.
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David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to support local businesses in the community by shopping locally in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we challenge you to maintain that habit by supporting local high streets, markets, butchers, greengrocers and all of the wonderfully quirky inde‐ pendent businesses in your area. Local businesses make our villages, towns and cities
what they are. They add unique character. They are convenient. And they offer excellent produce from known suppliers. The joy of shopping locally means that independent businesses can support the local communi‐ ty. You may find something a euro or two cheaper on‐ line but have you consid‐ ered where your money is actually going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local fami‐ ly’s table and there is noth‐
ing better than giving back to the communities that have given us so much. Local stores sup‐ port chari‐ ties and they spon‐ BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, sor local independent businesses can help support sports the local community. teams. In many cas‐ es, they are much more your support. Spending your than just a business, they’re money locally will make a a legacy. They may have real difference to the local supported generations of economy. Local businesses the same family. Likewise, recirculate a greater share brand new local stores and of every euro they receive at bars may help the genera‐ local level. They create local‐ tions of the future fulfil their ly owned supply chains and dreams and ambitions. they invest in their employ‐ Remember, your local ees. store is going up against multinationals and chains. So remember. They can’t win that battle on When you go shopping ‐ their own. So give them go local!
14 - 20 July 2022
EWN 51
Peter McLaren‐Kennedy WITH summer around the corner, the town has con‐ firmed where you can park freely and without running into issues with the law, neighbours or anyone else. To make sure you under‐ stand where you can park it’s important to understand the difference between parking and camping. A parked vehicle is where it is only in contact with the ground through its wheels, it occupies no more space than when in motion, there is no fluid emission and the roof has not been extended. Maximum parking time on urban roads is 48 hours and 24 hours on the beachfront in any seven‐ day period. Camping is where addi‐ tional elements of the ve‐ hicle are used that exceed the normal size of the ve‐
Image cc benchill
Parking up your Try wild-camping campervan in Denia
CAMPERVANS: The difference between parking and camping.
hicle when travelling. That includes the use of stabilis‐ ers or legs, extended ceil‐ ings, and open windows or stairs. Camping is not permit‐ ted in public areas or car parks, but only in those spots reserved or licensed for use as camping sites. A quick search on the inter‐ net or social media will provide details of the available campervan sites in and around Denia in the northern Costa Blanca.
WHAT better way to explore some of Spain’s south‐east coast than to hit up a few wild camping spots this summer to take in the beautiful, natural surrounds and unforget‐ table sunsets? Start in L’Advocat, where there is a quiet picnic spot for you to pitch your tent. Near this urban beach in the town of Javea you’ll find Peñon D’Ifach, an iconic rocky outcrop which features a tunnel through a limestone mountain and a slightly adrenaline pumping scramble to reach the summit. There is a free car park at the edge of this National Park. Coordinates Lat. 38.63924 Long. 0.072720. Next up, head to Villajoyosa, Cala et Char‐
col, a wild cliff camping spot with the most stunning sunset scenery and within earshot of waves crashing onto the pebble beach. Co ordinates Lat. 38.490689 Long.‐ 0.280629. Playa La Ermita in Santa Pola is next up on the route and is quite popular amongst campers pitching up their vans to marvel at the turquoise coastline. Coordinates Lat. 38.214802 long. ‐ 0.507899 Travel a little further south and you’ll reach the Four Coves Coastal Path near Aquilas. Here you can follow the hiking route around the protected nature reserve which takes about an hour.
The best campsites in Andalucia ANDALUCIA can be characterised by the hours of sun it receives pretty much all year round… especially in summer. Although in general Andalu‐ cia enjoys a Mediterranean climate, due to it’s geographical diversity, in places like Sierra Nevada the climate is more mountainous, whereas in Granada or Almeria you can expect more tropical weather. This wonderful variety makes An‐ dalucia a popular holiday destination
to visit again and again. And what better way to enjoy the climate than to ditch the hotels and camp beneath the stars? If you’d love to wake up to views of breathtaking mountains, then you’ll love Camping Cordoba, located near‐ by the Natural Park of the Sierras de Cardeña and Montoro. If you’d love to step out into im‐ pressive pines first thing in the morn‐ ing, then visit Camping Pinar de San
Jose, located in La Breña Natural Park. It is also only 1km from Trafalgar beaches, so you can have the best of both worlds. And if you’d love to drift off to the sound of waves softly lapping against the shore, Camping Laguna Playa in the south‐east of the Malaga Province is just 50 metres from the seashore and the town centre of Torre del Mar is just 400 metres in the other direc‐ tion.
52 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Animals not allowed as pets TO PROTECT the coun‐ try’s highly valued flora and fauna, the Spanish authorities have banned owning some animals which would normally be considered standard household additions. The change came in 2019 when the Spanish Council of Ministers up‐ dated the Spanish Cata‐ logue of Invasive Alien Species. This is due to a fear that the animals could be abandoned and consequently represent a danger to Spain’s ecosys‐ tem. Amongst the banned animals are parrots, who threaten the survival of other birds in Spain like pigeons and sparrows. In Madrid, the 13,000 Ar‐ gentine parrots are kept under control by contro‐ versial annual bird
Image –Shutterstock
HEDGEHOGS: Prohibited as pets as they pose a threat to native species. culling. Hedgehogs are also prohibited as pets in Spain as they pose a threat to native species. This is so that they can remain independent and not become reliant on humans for their survival. Although Hollywood
has made racoons seem like cute, fluffy compan‐ ions, they are also a pro‐ hibited pet in Spain as it is believed they would have a negative impact on Spain’s ecosystem as they are prolific breed‐ ers. And finally, Spain has
also prohibited Viet‐ namese pigs as pets in case they escape and breed freely with wild boars, which produces perroli and greatly dilute the native bloodlines, the high numbers of which have a detrimental im‐ pact on the local fauna.
Cool down your cat with these refreshing tips and snacks WITH temperatures on the rise, we’re not the only ones who need to cool down every once in a while. Our furry felines can also over‐ heat, and even suffer from sunburn if they remain in the sun for too long! Here’s some ways to keep your cat cool this summer. Watermelons are a big hit amongst cats. Make sure to deseed the fruit before you give it to your cat and make sure not to give them too much as mel‐ ons contain sugar which can make your cat ill in excess. Ice cubes are also great as a plaything
for your feline friend and a way for them to cool down. The best part, it’s also free! Endless refreshing fun for your cat. Likewise, cats can play and eat frozen peas if you put a few on the floor and let them have their fun. As with humans, it’s also important for your cat to retreat to shade during the hottest hours of the day. Garden furniture placed strategically for your cat to rest behind is a good idea. You could also have a bowl of water readily avail‐ able for them to stay hydrated.
Advertising Feature
Urinary problems in dogs and cats HERE are some signs that may lead you to think that your dog or cat has a urinary tract problem: Change in urine colour and increased turbidity Presence of blood in urine Strong smell of urine Straining or pain when uri‐ nating He urinates at home or in the case of the cat outside the litter box Needs to be let out more often (Increased amount or frequency of urination) Licking the vulva or penis Fever Lethargy Higher water consumption. Vomiting Changes in appetite Weight loss What Causes Urinary Tract Problems in Dogs? There are many causes of lower urinary tract problems, such as: Inflammation or infection of the bladder or kidneys
Presence of stones, crys‐ tals, or cellular debris in the bladder or urethra Trauma, congenital anomalies or cancer in the kidneys, ureter, bladder or urethra. Prostate disease Spinal cord abnormalities Diagnosing urinary tract problems requires your vet‐ erinarian to do a physical ex‐ am that includes checking the kidneys and bladder. They will also likely perform a urinalysis. A urine culture, blood tests, ultrasound, or X‐rays may also be necessary, depending on findings. Sometimes it is even necessary to perform a CT scan for more complex pathologies.
In Costa Blanca Sur: Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante C/Los Arcos 23 Ciudad Quesada, Rojales. Tel: 609 779 109
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14 - 20 July 2022
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14 - 20 July 2022 REMOVALS & STORAGE
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14 - 20 July 2022
CARE HOME CARE home in Torrevieja, full care, full board from €800 per month. Call 747 438 225 (295552)
BUILDING SERVICES J & J PAINTERS. Inside outside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Tel: 650 363 159 (294244)
NUY & SELL PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. English-speaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: 648 169 045 or Costa Blanca South: 625 912 078 or Costa Calida 679 385 105 All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in German: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323) CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Association Español Contra Cancer. Please support your local Cancer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please contact Mina or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 e-mail (95475) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462) CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH Tel: 950 617 549 FREEMASONRY. Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various Lodges meetings up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact Tel 600 841 064 (95477)
CARAVANS WE buy, sell & transport all makes of static caravans for more information contact 630 055 418 or Elsyd7@hotmail. com (294686)
You can email the San Miguel Centre at We also have a 24hour Emergency helpline which is available to both members and non-members on 966 723 733 (95456) INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, TORREVIEJA Calle Beniajan 16, Torrevieja 03185, Alicante Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday morning Services at 11.00am. All nationalities welcome - Contact 966 752 543 / 966 799 273. For other church matters phone: 966 799 273 / /617 215 463 (95476) LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friendly, English speaking church. For more information, including details of our services, see our website (10005) PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459) PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information, Reg No: 2009-SG/A (95463) ROYAL Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 80 0 018 2361. (238593) ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Why not make this year the year you volunteer? See how you can help either as a caseworker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also vis-
14 - 20 July 2022 • SPONSORED BY
it beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, .uk/branches/orihuela-costa covering from Punta Prima to San Javier. More info can be found on branch website (95457) ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. For info, contact the branch Secretary at granalacant.secretary ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION (Costa Blanca) The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service personnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. For further details Hon Sec 692 938 664. (10004) ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION For information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 716 274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 921 996. (95455) STROKE ASSOCIATION Spain (formally known as Torrevieja stroke support) Our aim is to help and sup- port stroke survivors and their carers, with re-
habilitation, speech therapy, OC therapy and a very active social group. For info please contact 653 588 475 English and 620 907 474 Spanish or email, website: We are always looking for volunteers who have the skills and knowledge to support. (95473) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. Former & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188. (95461) THE BAKER Foundation Spiritual Centre Playa Flamenca. Calle Luis Gordillo, 1 Playa Flamenca Alicante 03189. You can join us on Facebook, The Baker Foundation spiritual centre. Or contact Linda Schug Tel. 606 990 665 for more details (95458) THE PATIENCE LODGE No 2177 of the R.A.O.B Please call Secretary Dave Tonge on 688 704 091 for further information. (253807) THE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, Benijofar will be closed for the immediate future due to Covid19. To join the centre on ZOOM on a Tuesday evening at 7pm download the ZOOM App. To enter use ID Number 8451471869, then Password 3uf5TE. Identification Fiscal G54713789 (95454)
HOME IMPROVEMENTS BATHROOM & KITCHEN Conversions Costa Blanca, contact 698 320 434. (291660)
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MISCELLANEOUS GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)
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FOR SALE/WANTED WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)
HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports anyone, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area. Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). We are online at and also on Facebook.
If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161 TESTIMONIALS
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MOTORHOMES MOTORHOME / Campervan wanted. Left or right hand drive. Cash waiting for right van. Tlf 650 722 905
MUSIC TUITION PIANO, Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (294805)
NAUTICAL INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE: Courses held in English and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301210)
PERGOLAS TAILOR-MADE in durable canvas, pergola covers, sails, car port, umbrella, spa and CAR COVERS. Mazarron based, and at Procomobel, Guardamar periodically. Also Google Online and mail ordering 667 879 399 (292245) PET CHARITY
14 - 20 July 2022 POOL MAINTENANCE
EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE. We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easyhorsecare. net or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706)
POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360 (285604)
GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kittens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, de-flead. volunteers to Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 (95709)
RENT Long Term. Playa Flamenca. Ground floor with garden. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath. Comunity pool. Parking. (294118)
P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED. By fostering an abandoned dog or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: (95708) SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 animals awaiting re-homing. Phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM (95707)
PLUMBERS MR FIXIT. For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (289446)
XXX FEMALE SOPHIE naughty, slim, elegant, sexy French lady. 3 languages spoken. Visit all areas, also private apartment in Villamartin. 693 357 526 (295405)
Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE.
TORREVIEJA 58yr blonde lady. Gives massage with happy end. English spoken. Miriam 604 382 799 (301218)
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EWN 61
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62 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
Isuzu D-Max - different, a surprisingly sensible choice ROAD TEST by Mark Slack IF you have noticed a fair number of rather smart pick‐up trucks on the road, that don’t look like they’ve spent much time in the local building sup‐ plies yard, you would probably be right. Manu‐ facturers have realised that a pick‐up with good levels of standard equip‐ ment and a variety of op‐ tional hard tops and ac‐ cessories can appeal to a whole new range of po‐ tential buyers. Add in the possibility of all‐wheel‐ drive and the chance to carry five people, as well as a decent load bay and towing ability, and the appeal is obvious. Isuzu have long been a ‘go to’ manufacturer for those wanting a comfort‐ able and hard‐working
pick‐up. Good standard equipment with excellent accessory packs and options means the Isuzu D‐ M a x range can cover ev‐ ery sce‐ n a r i o f r o m building site to trendy wine bar. The range is essential‐ ly split into two halves, the business line‐up and the V‐Cross and Artic models and there are sin‐ gle, extended and double cab options. Prices start at €25,690/£21,999 and peak at €56,058/£47,999. Power comes from a four‐cylinder 1.9‐litre tur‐ bo diesel that propels the Isuzu well for such a large vehicle. Inevitably though the benchmark 62 mph
Facts at a Glance
PICK-UP TRUCK: Build quality and equipment is excellent.
doesn’t arrive particularly quickly at 12.7 seconds in manual and 13 seconds with automatic transmis‐ sion. To be fair it doesn’t actually feel that pedes‐ trian and in automatic form provides smooth changes, although a tad hesitant when kick‐down is required. With an empty load bay the D‐Max does bounce
around on rougher surfaces but things are bet‐ ter with a weight in the rear. For such a large ve‐ hicle the D‐Max is an easy drive and can be piloted through bends with much more aplomb than might be expected of a pick‐up truck. Bouncy unladen weight ride apart the oth‐ er issue with the D‐Max is noise. Pick‐ups are never the most refined but the D‐Max does get rather vocal under acceleration,
Model: Isuzu D-Max DL40 Double cab Engine: 1.9-litre 4-cylinder turbo-diesel developing 164PS Gears: 6-Speed automatic, all-wheeldrive Price: €45,247/£38,749 Performance: 0-100 kmh (62 mph) 13 seconds/Maximum Speed 180 kmh (112 mph) Economy: 9.2l/100km / 30.7 mpg Combined driving (WLTP) Emissions: 241 g/km (WLTP) Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets. not helped one suspects by the modest engine size. The build quality and equipment in the D‐Max is excellent, and betters some cars, with an interi‐ or that lacks the ‘bolt‐on iPad’ style touchscreen in favour of a neat built‐in screen. Soft‐touch materi‐ als are also evident and
although some of the touchscreen functions look a little dated they all work very smoothly. If you’re into your pick‐up trucks the Isuzu looks the part too. If you’re looking for something a bit differ‐ ent on the rugged trans‐ port front then the D‐Max can be a surprisingly sen‐ sible choice.
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14 - 20 July 2022
EWN 63
BMW Motorrad Credit:
Successful bus
GIZPUZKOA: Spanish Irizar have gone electric
THE Irizar Group, based in Gipuzkoa, Spain, announced on Friday, July 8, that it had finished the commissioning of the ambitious electromobility project where a com‐ plete turnkey solution has been supplied. Since the fast charging infrastructure pantographs in Bahnhoffstrasse Street were installed a year ago, the ze‐ ro‐emission Irizar ie tram buses have been commercially operating all around the streets of Schaffhausen on a daily basis. They have already successfully performed more than 750,000 km and more than 60,000 ultra‐fast charging procedures in the Swiss city of Schaffhausen. As Iñigo Etxeberria, Export Commercial Director of Irizar e‐mobility explained during the project closure event, "We would like to thank VBSH and the city of Schaffhausen for the trust they have placed in us". It is a lighthouse project not only in Switzerland but in Europe. This is the first charging electric bus system with fully zero‐emission on its entire value chain.
AS REPORTED by BMW Press Club, the 20th edition of the BMW Motorrad Days on July 2 and 3 held in the German capital of Berlin, was a resounding success. The world’s largest BMW Motorrad meet‐up was im‐ mediately preceded by the Pure&Crafted Festival on Fri‐ day, July 1. During the whole week‐ end, around 17,000 visitors from all over the world were attracted, creating a unique atmosphere. Fans both with and with‐ out motorbikes came not only from Germany and neighbouring countries, but from over 40 nations in to‐ tal. The Pure&Crafted Festival kicked off a great motorbike weekend. Initiated by BMW Motorrad, the festival took place for the second time in the Sommergarten at Messe Berlin, delivering the usual mix of hand‐crafted music,
motorbike culture, and new‐ heritage lifestyle. BMW Motorrad Days have long been considered a traditional event, and occu‐
py a permanent place in ev‐ ery biker’s calendar. The event took place for the very first time in Seefeld, Austria in 2001, after which
it was held 18 times in suc‐ cession in Garmisch‐ Partenkirchen. It was can‐ celled in 2020 and 2021 due to the global pandemic.
64 EWN
14 - 20 July 2022
PARTICULARLY with the heatwave conditions we are experiencing at the moment and July and August being the hottest months of the year, in general several clubs have decided to cease ses‐ sions until September. An‐ other difficulty for clubs is council facilities are used for children’s activities during these months therefore play‐ ing time is not available. However the following clubs are able to continue :‐ Hondon Valley Flyers at the
Polideportivo,Hondon de las Nieves. 9.15am to 11.30am (11am if very hot) .They have British,Spanish,Dutch,German and South African players so all welcome as long as you are over 50. Formentera will also be playing throughout the sum‐ mer. (Check their Facebook site for details and also other clubs on the Costa Blanca and Murcia). If other clubs are happy to welcome visitors please let me know your de‐ tails at apalmar2011@hot‐ Formentera will as stated continue sessions as well as regular training sessions which the club hope will help them improve on their CB‐ WFL bottom place finish this season. They will visit The Red Lions of Fortuna tomorrow (Friday
15th July) for a friendly match. And as the curtain finally falls on the CBWF League sea‐ son a reminder of how Porto‐ bello WFC became champi‐ ons with an incredible,unbeaten, almost invincible run. (Home) Porto 3 Hondon 0 // Porto 5 Moraira 0 // Porto 5 Formentera 1 (Pen) (Away) Formentera 0 Porto 6 // Hondon 0 Porto 3 // Moraira 0 Porto 4 // Played 6, Won 6 , Lost 0, Drawn 0, Goals For 26 , Goals Against 1, Points 18 Who can stop them next season? Clubs on the Costa Blanca and Murcia who would like to participate when the new season starts in September should contact The League Administrator at info.cb‐ "
Credit: Twitter@Charles_Leclerc
Victorious Ferrari team after the Austrain GP victory 2022.
CHARLES LECLERC pulled a massive drive out of the bag to win the Austrian Grand Prix on Sunday, July 10. The Ferrari driver overtook cur‐ rent world champion Max Verstappen's Red Bull a total of three times on his way to the chequered flag at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg. Sunday's victory pulls LeClerc into second position in the drivers' table, 38 be‐
hind the Dutchman, but leapfrogging Red Bull's Sergio Perez in the process. "Yes. Yes. I was scared. I was so scared", an excited LeClerc was heard saying over the team radio after he crossed the line. "I definitely needed that one. The last five races have been incredibly difficult for me, but also for the team, and to finally show we have the pace in the car
and can do it was incredibly important", he added after exiting the Ferrari. Verstappen had started on pole, and led for 10 laps until LeClerc pulled off a superb overtaking manoeuvre going down the inside into Turn Three. The Ferraris were clearly outpacing the Red Bulls, with the team changing its strategy and going for just two pit stops.
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