Issue No. 1934
28 Jul - 3 Aug 2022
LEVANTE firefighters and officers from the Guardia Civil in Almeria rescued a 58yearold woman on Thursday July 21 after she fell off a cliff while walking her dog in San Juan de los Terreros, Pulpí. The victim could not move because of her in juries and her exact where abouts were unknown. The search was difficult, given the rough terrain, and the noise of the waves breaking
FASHION SHOW: Models from the sell-out event.
Breeze FM for providing the music throughout the afternoon and Richard Tolman for tak ing fabulous photos. The stars of the event were, of course, models Ella, Margaret, Erika, Tina, Jean and Ingrid, and the show was com pered expertly by Ray
Photo credit: ASA
Linda Hall AGE SUPPORT ALMAN ZORA (ASA) held their second Fashion Show and Afternoon Tea at the association’s Albox shop. “Bigger and better than ever, the event was enjoyed by all,” said Age Support’s Liz Carey. “Clothes and cakes, what’s not to like!” The event sold out early and raised more than €500 for the chari t y , w h i c h a i m s t o i m prove the quality of life for older people in the area, providing both emotional and practical support. Vanya, ASA’s presi dent, thanked Terry Ann and Ricky Cross from
Photo credit: ASA
CLOTHES AND CAKES! ASA SUCCESS: The Walk for Life Ladies were prizewinners.
Tiltman. Vanya also said how grateful she was to the many volunteers who prepared and ran the event which included a raffle and competitions. With just enough time to recover and catch their breath, the volun teers are looking for
ward to their FunFest on Saturday August 6. Beginning at 4pm and continuing until late, there will be stalls, en tertainment, barbecue and bar at the Arboleas Community Centre oppo site the Health centre. Tickets are available in the ASA shop in Albox.
DOG HELPS WITH RESCUE on the shore made it al most impossible to hear any sounds coming from the victim. Upon reaching the area of Las Honduras, the offi cers heard a dog barking. They approached and found the animal, and from there they heard the vic tim’s cries for help. The rescue was possible
thanks to the perseverance of the officers and the vic tim’s dog, Jet, who stayed
by her side and barked in tensely when he spotted the officers.
28 July - 3 August 2022
‘Healthy Summer’ THE Almeria Health District launched its campaign ti tled ‘Healthy Summer’ on Tuesday July 19. The initia tive aims to teach citizens how to respond when com mon healthrelated accidents and incidents occur on the beaches during the summer months. Medical professionals will be informing people about important topics such as basic cardiopul monary resuscitation; heatstroke and sun protection; treating ankle sprains; functional bandaging; control ling bleeding; how to treat stings from jellyfish and other aquatic animals; and what to do in the case of drowning. The workshops have already begun in Carboneras, San Jose (Nijar) and Almeria and will be carried out on specific dates at certain times. The dates set for Los Cocones Beach in Carboneras are August 1, 8, 17, 22 and 29 from 8pm. On San Jose Beach in Nijar, the workshops start at 9am and will be carried out on Au gust 12, 19, 26 and 31. In Almeria, they will take place on August 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 9.30am.
THIRTYYEAROLD Jaime Riba from Vera will soon be a regu lar in longrunning Spanish soap, La que se avecina. Its English translation What’s in store misses both the pun and the point of a se ries that frequently verges on farce and centres on the vari ous and varied residents of an apartment building in Madrid.
On the road
Linda Hall A DIPUTACION provincial council campaign is making its presence felt in Spain’s largest cities. A bus emblazoned with the words ‘Hay una Almeria en ti, la tuya’ is visiting Madrid, Barcelona, Murcia, Bilbao, Sevilla and Malaga amongst other places. It is sending out a message that there is ‘An Almeria for everyone’ and that ‘Whatever you are looking for, you’ll always find it in Almeria’. The Costa de Almeria’s slo gan, accompanied by spectac ular images of the province’s
Come a long way Riba takes the part of Giorgi, a young gay living in constant fear of an environmental cata clysm who shares a miniscule flat with waitress Andy and Karma, ‘an omnisexual Insta grammer’. He studied at the Real Escuela Superior de Arte
Dramatica (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) in 2014 and has appeared in several television series as well as numerous films and theatre productions. Filming the 13th series of La que se avecina has now begun and is due to air in 2023.
bestknown beauty spots and enclaves also appears on bill boards as well as metro sta tions and buses throughout Spain. The current operation was fundamental in ensuring that Costa de Almeria re mained a leader as a preferred holiday destination for national
tourists, said Fernando Gimenez, who heads the Diputacion’s Tourism depart ment. “With this campaign we are reaching a very varied pub lic and we are sending out the very important message that each visitor will find a madeto measure plan which will ex
Photo credit: Diputacion de Almeria
MADRID STOPOVER: Diputacion bus in Paseo de la Castellana.
ceed expectations.” Gimenez added that initia tives like these have always produced good results. “Their impact on the public is very ef fective,” he said.
My lovely beach THE Mi Playa Bonica (My Lovely Beach) en vironmental programme has returned to the Quitapellejos, Villaricos and Pozo del Es parto beaches. The Cuevas del Almanzora campaign re minds members of the public of the impor tance of conserving and improving the quality of the local beaches. “Marine rubbish is one of the world’s greatest environmental problems and solu tions need to arrive via comprehensive conservation policies at local level,” a Cuevas Town Hall statement said. This year’s first ‘Mi Playa Bonica’ session was held on Sunday July 24 at the Quitapellejos beach in Palomares, moving
to Cala Siret (Villaricos) on July 30 and Pozo del Esparto on July 31. Activities centre on each occasion with a massive cleanup of rubbish and litter from the beaches, walkways, perimeters of beach bars and zones with vegetation. In return, participants are rewarded with a wide range of recycled items that they will receive in return for an item of beach litter. Each session includes a display of pho tographs, a work of art made from recycled materials and talks by experts explaining how plastics enter the food chain and inter fere with the correct functioning of the ecosystems.
NIBS EXTRA Photo call VERA’S Municipal Archive has very few old pho tographs and would like more, explained Manuel Ca parros, the archive’s director, who asked residents to send in their snaps. They would all be returned after scanning, said Caparros, who guaran teed that none would be edited or published without their owner’s consent.
Hot stuff AS the hot weather contin ues, sales of electric fans soared in Almeria Province, retailers said, with one shop alone selling 420 since the summer began. All agreed that the increase has also been prompted by the rising price of electricity, inducing many people to turn off their airconditioning.
Power shot ILLEGAL electricity hookups for indoor marijhuana plan tations detected in Almeria Province last year have cost power company Endesa more than €5 million. This was the equivalent of the en ergy consumption of 1,400 households or towns the same size as Lucainena de las Torres or Gergal, Endesa sources said.
Good egg ALMERIA Province’s popula tion gets through a daily 256,000 eggs and spends a total of €15.1 million a year, according to betting compa ny Kelbet’s calculations based on National Statistics Institute (INE) figures. At pre sent there are 80,000 laying hens in 134 Almeria Province’s poultry farms, INE’s Agricultural Census re vealed.
Joy-rider THE Guardia Civil have ar rested a 20yearold who stole a car in the early hours of Wednesday July 20 in Ve ra after spotting that the keys were still inside the ve hicle. Driving until the car ran out of petrol, he eventually abandoned it on the A92 road in Guadix (Granada).
28 July - 3 August 2022
A tough challenge Linda Hall THE Turre Evangelical Church is facing the challenge of find ing food for an additional 30 families. “This is due to Turre Town Hall bringing their Food Bank to an end,” explained Los Gal lardos resident, Vera Walsh, who organises the church’s food bank. “Every week for the past 10 years, the churchrun food bank has provided essentials for up to 60 local families who receive bread, eggs, baby food, toothbrushes, toilet rolls and more,” she said.
Photo credit: Turre Evangelical Church
VERA WALSH: Organises the Turre Evangelical Church’s Food Bank
“The number of needy families has steadily grown over the past 10 years but
thanks to the support of local people and organisations we’ve never had to turn peo
ple away,” Vera added. “But this 50 per cent increase in de mand is going to be a huge challenge,” she admitted “At this time of inflation we all have to tighten our belts a little. But there are families in desperate need and we are appealing for help to care for them.” Donations can be re ceived at the Turre Evangelical Church building when open, Something Special in Turre and Ibex Insurance in Parque Commercial in Mojacar. For further information or to offer help call Vera on 665 546 880.
Show what you’ve got
Clear run to El Algarrobico
CATY PEÑA RUIZ and Marcial Balbas Martinez, on holiday from Madrid, won Heat Four of the Mojacar FaXtor con test. “Caty also goes through as a soloist too,” announced Carol Newton, one of the organisers. Diane Lilian Davies from Cariatiz was runnerup in the heat held at Mimi’s Bar on Saturday July 23. “Seven contestants made for a fantastic evening and a packed terrace, raising a fabulous €209,” Carol said. The running total raised so far for the Shea Fox Ukrainian Refugee Relief Fund stands at €2,848, taking into account Carol’s sponsored headshave in May, plus donations from Valery Music Bar and Esperanza Bar in Urcal. Carol pointed out that there are still several heats to go, working up to The Wild Card on Monday September 5 at the Emerald Isle, the Semifinal at Valery Music Bar on Friday Septem ber 9 and the Grand Finale at Shea’s Restaurant on Friday September 16. “The only way is up!” she said. The next heat will be held at Alice’s Bar in Turre on Satur day, July 29 from 7.30pm until 11.30pm. “We need some children to enter, they don’t need alco hol for courage!” Carol declared. “Dancers, musicians and speciality acts, get your entries in and show us what you’ve got!” She also pointed out that Frankie’s Bar in Vera Playa, replaces Bar La Reva for the August 13 heat, and not O Sole Mio as stated earlier.
THE beach road linking Mojacar and El Algarrobico in Carboneras has now been resurfaced. Carboneras Town Hall originally asked the provin cial council, which is responsible for the road’s upkeep, to reasphalt the entire road. The Diputacion agreed to repair the section between the Rambla as far as the junction with the AL5107 road going towards Gar rucha, but announced that work would not entirely finished until 2023. Instead Carboneras Town Hall spent almost €30,000 on completing the remaining section, announced Finance councillor Ramon Soto. “It was very important to finish this second phase in time for sum mer,” Soto said. “We had been fighting for several years to have this road in good condition, and finally succeeded with a joint Diputacion town hall operation.”
Actors wanted for series A CASTING call published by the company Temps Show Business on July 20 is looking for men and women aged 16 and over to be part of a new series that will be filmed in Almeria. Although the location of the filming has not been revealed (whether in the city of Almeria or another municipality), the project is titled La esposa (The Wife). The casting call states that those interested in partici pating should not have piercings, tattoos or coloured or bleached hair, which suggests that the series may be set in a specific time period or culture in which such physical characteristics are not common. They are also looking for boys and girls aged between seven and 12 years old. The filming will take place between September 29 and October 16. The work will be paid. Those interested should send their full name, a portrait photo and a full body photo via WhatsApp on 667 631 377.
Windfarm ifs and buts SPAIN’S Environment Ministry (Miteco) noted that the proposed windfarm off Nijar and Carbon eras would be very close to pro tected areas. This same zone was near to the route taken by migrating whales making for the Strait of Gibraltar and was also the habitat of turtles and sharks, Miteco pointed out. The same zone was regularly visit ed by the Balearic shearwater, one of Europe’s most threatened seabirds, as well as gannets and skua. There were also dense un derwater meadows of seagrass in the immediate area, Miteco pointed out. The Mar de Agata (Agate Sea) promoters needed to take all these factors into account when preparing the Environmental Im pact Assessment document that would later be submitted to the Ministry, Miteco sources said. Miteco’s Institute of Oceanog raphy (IEO) also announced that it was “likely” that anchors keeping
the wind turbines in place would affect sediment on the seabed, owing to bottomturbulence caused by currents. “This will affect the entire ecosystem while also modifying wind patterns and turbulence on the surface,” the IEO maintained.
Noche de las Velas MOJACAR’S magical Night of Candles (Noche de las Velas), was a success. On Thursday, July 21, all of the electric lights of Mojacar were turned off as the streets were illuminated by thou sands of candles, allow ing residents and visi tors to contemplate the moon and stars that were visible on a pleas ant summer’s evening. The evening was so wonderful thanks to the combined efforts of many individuals and organisations. The Mojacar Town Hall is particularly grateful to the volun teers who began set ting up the 8,000 can dles at 6am, who also lit them and made sure they did not go out; the volunteers from Civil Protection; the Local Police; the 20 drivers of the specially arranged transport system; the staff selling tickets; the transport coordinators; the local businesses, shops, hotels and restaurants; the musi cians; the team of event organisers of the town hall; the Tourist Office staff; the media that covered the event; and finally, the thou sands of attendees.
The Euro Weekly News publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain. Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to
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28 July - 3 August 2022
Cantoria’s adoptive son JORGE GONZALEZ, known in Cantoria as Jorge the Mexican, re cently received the freedom of the town. He has been named Adoptive Son in re turn for his inborn principles and the in valuable support he gave to the communi
ty during the pandem ic, declared Cantoria’s mayor, Puri Sanchez Aranega. “Jorge the Mexican, as we all know him, and as he likes to be called, has lived here for almost 20 years and deserves the best award that a town can
bestow on someone not born there,” Sanchez Aranega said. Jorge habitually re transmits Cantoria Council’s plenary meetings on the social media and the an nouncement was made to his surprise during a recently called extraordinary session. When the pan demic struck Jorge was the first person who volunteered to cover an area of al most 80 square kilo metres delivering medication and food supplies to housebound resi dents in farflung districts. Bilingual Jorge has been invaluable in assisting Cantoria’s foreign population and, as a leading promoter of cultural interchange, is largely responsible for the integration and participation of all members of the community, regard less of nationality, the mayor said.
Big changes in two years Linda Hall THE current team at Huercal Overa Town Hall awarded more than 200 public works contracts after taking over two years ago. Work carried out during this time has transformed the municipality, Finance and Public Contracts councillor Adrian Ramos declared. This includes the €3 million access road to the La Inmacu lada hospital where work is about to commence, as well as sealing and landscaping the old La Parata rubbish tip. The Virgen del Rio and Profe sor Tierno Galvan primary schools have new dining rooms and the town’s street lights now use sustainable LED technology, Ramos said. “These projects alone add up to more than €6 million,” he added. “Never before has so much been spent on infrastructure during one legislative term.” Ramos pointed out that most of the 200 projects have now been carried out, while the remainder were due to begin shortly. “We shall continue work ing on the HuercalOvera of the future with important de velopment projects that will
Photo credit: Huercal-Overa town hall
HUERCAL-OVERA: Town hall’s Finance and Contracts team.
also have an impact on the town’s economic activities,” said local mayor, Domingo Fernandez. He also went on to congratulate the Contracts
department for the great work they have carried out over the last two years and the dedication of Huercal Overa’s municipal personnel.
Cleaner ferry fuel IN November 2020, liquified natural gas (LNG), was loaded into the tanks of a vessel (in a process known as bunkering) at the Port of Almeria for the first time. It was the ferry Bahama Mama, of the shipping company Baleària. Since then, several other ships belonging to the shipping company have also refuelled in Almeria, which has adapted its facilities for the loading of LNG. The Port Authority of Almeria (APA) is committed to supplying LNG, as it has proved to be cleaner and more efficient than other types of fuel. It reduces the emis sions that ships release into the atmosphere, both while at sea and while docked. During the week starting Monday July 18, a bunker ing operation was carried out on the vessel Nápoles, which covers the services between Almeria and the ports of Melilla and Nador. The bunkering is done using a tanker and is always done in compliance with strict safety measures.
28 July - 3 August 2022
PAT KENNY is at present living in a tent in the garden of his rented villa in La Hortuella in Albox. The house is blackened and uninhabit able after gas bottles stored in the shade ignited while Pat was having his lunch on June 14. “I heard a loud hissing sound coming from somewhere outside but thought nothing of it,” Pat told the Euro Weekly News. “That became a roar, so I went to the window, looked out, saw nothing and sat down again. “But suddenly it became an extremely loud roar so I went to the door and the wall to the left of the porch was on fire,” Pat said. A cannister inside a portable gas heater inside the front door eventually caught fire, too. The fire brigade were soon able to con trol and extinguish the blaze, which also destroyed the house’s electrical installa tion. That was more than a month ago while Pat who is retired continues to live in a tent accompanied by his two dogs and surrounded by what he could salvage from the devastated villa. “What I don’t understand is why Rep sol, the gas suppliers, haven’t yet carried
Photo credit: Pat Kenny
Gas devastation
AFTERMATH: Pat Kenny’s porch after the gas explosions.
out an inspection,” he told us. “After all, they must bear the responsibility.” Meanwhile Pat feels that he is being treated as a criminal, with no help or as sistance at all from the landlord who, as far as he can make out, has no insurance. He has no social media pages, but a friend who does has started a GoFundMe campaign in a bid to raise funds that will help Pat get back on his feet and inside a house again.
Almeria tourism campaign T H E tourism campaign that is currently being car ried out by the Provincial Council of Almeria in volves spectacular images of some of the most beau tiful places in Almeria be ing displayed in public spaces in major cities throughout the country. Images of sunsets in the only desert in Europe or Almeria’s virgin beaches can be found around cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Mala ga, Murcia, Cadiz, Jaen, Huelva and Granada. Speaking on Friday July 22, the deputy of Tourism of the Provincial Council, Fernando Giménez, de scribed the initiative as “fundamental” so that the coast of Almeria “contin ues to be one of the lead ing holiday destinations for national tourists, who are an essential target au dience for our tourism sector. “The images of the cam paign convey calmness,
nature, warmth, hospitali ty and a family atmo sphere,” he said. The cam paign will also reach a much wider audience
through provincial, re gional and national media such as newspapers, mag azines, radio, television and the internet.
Sporting activities SPORT took the centre stage over the weekend of July 23 and 24 in the province of Almeria, with around 15 different activities organised by the Provincial Council of Almeria. The main events were the beach tennis tournament in Garrucha, the swimming competition in Mojacar and the beach rugby tournament in Carboneras. Hun dreds of participants were brought together in Almeria by their love of sports. Other activities included a games festival in Sierro, canyoning in Bentarique, kayaking along the coast of Almeria, hiking in Albox and much more. Before the weekend’s events began, the deputy for Sports, José Antonio García, highlight ed the importance of carrying out such activities with the residents of all 103 municipalities, say ing: “Every summer, the beach is the main at traction for the inland municipalities. We organ ise sporting activities, especially water sports, to make the summer more accessible for everyone and more fun.”
28 July - 3 August 2022
New regular route Tamsin Brown THE Italian shipping compa ny GNV launched its new regular service between the ports of Almeria and Nador, Morocco, on July 22. The shipping company in tends to offer 10 weekly connections until the end of Operation Crossing the Strait. The GNV Bridge ves sel, built in 2021, has 153 cabins and four suites, with a capacity for 1,000 passen
gers. The ferry will depart from Almeria in the evenings and from Nador in the mornings. GNV, founded in 1992, has a fleet of 25 ships, with which it operates on some 30 routes in seven Mediterranean countries: Italy, France, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco, Malta and Spain. With the service launched by the Italian
shipping company, three shipping companies now cover the AlmeriaNador route: Trasmediterránea, which currently offers 28 return connections a week with the ferries Volcán de Tamasite and Volcán de Tamadaba; the shipping company Baleària, which offers 24 with the ships Wasa Express and Nápoles; and GNV, with 10 connec tions a week.
Cultural castle visit ON Thursday July 21, the participants in the Asperger’s Association of Almeria summer camp enjoyed a trip to the town of Pulpí, where they had the opportunity to visit the Castle of San Juan de los Terreros and the Pulpí Geode. They were accompanied on their visit by the vicepresident of the Provincial Council and deputy for Social Wel fare, Ángeles Martínez. Martínez said: “This type of activity is very necessary because it gives the young people in the association a cultural day out together
that enriches the work they carry out during their summer camp. They had a great time and had the opportunity to visit some of the great treasures that Pulpí has to offer.” Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder that involves a neurobiologically determined alteration in the processing of information. Affected individuals have a normal and sometimes aboveaverage level of intelligence. Individuals with Asperger’s syndrome have difficulty understanding the social world.
28 July - 3 August 2022
Festival success THE popular Dreambeach Fes tival held from July 13 to 17 in the town of Villaricos, in the municipality of Cuevas del Al manzora (Almeria), ran smoothly and without serious incidents thanks to the securi ty arrangements made by the Guardia Civil. The security arrangements for the festival were oriented towards the safety of the more than 100,000 people at tending the event and includ ed surveillance of vehicles and people at the festival en trances and camping area, control of airspace, surveil lance of the coastal area and coordination with other or ganisations. The information channels set up through the Alertcops mobile application and on social media platforms enabled the public to get safe ty advice quickly and easily so that they could enjoy them selves to the fullest. The Guardia Civil would like to thank the attendees and or ganisers of the festival for their collaboration, patience and consideration for the Guardia Civil personnel who worked to keep everyone safe.
Forest blaze Credit: INFOCA
10 EWN
UNDER CONTROL: The forest fire in Mojacar.
Tamsin Brown A FOREST fire broke out in the area of the mountain be hind Marina de la Torre, next to Mojacar, at around 10.45am on Tuesday July 19. According to INFOCA, the Forest Fire Fighting Service quickly brought the fire under control thanks to the swift deployment of helicopters, air craft, firefighters and other resources. One and a half hectares of land were burnt. When the firefighters arrived on the scene from Turre and HuercalOvera, they observed that the fire, due to its location and the wind, had three fronts. They decided that the best approach was to surround it so that it did not spread from any of its sides. Thanks to this rapid inter vention, the situation was brought under control at around 3.15pm. According to INFOCA, the fire was started by a vehicle belonging to someone who worked with the beehives in the area, but the reasons for the original fire are un known. The Guardia Civil is investigating the incident.
12 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
Asian algae suspected RESIDENTS woke up to hundreds of dead fish that had washed ashore on the beaches of Los Caños de Meca, in the municipality of Barbate (Cádiz). The fish, which were found on July 20, washed ashore to the left of the Trafalgar lighthouse on a beach known as Cala del Varadero or Marisucia beach. Locals who found the fish said there seemed to be no apparent rea son for their death, which must have occurred overnight. Some of the residents have specu
lated that it is down to the large amounts of algae which have ap peared in the area, algae that origi nates from Asia and which is an inva sive species. Residents that were spoken to by local press said that it is likely the fish suffocated from a lack of oxygen in the water. Apparently the fish don’t eat the algae and so they may have been pushed into the area by the tides or the winds, leaving them without oxygen and consuming food that may have poisoned them.
Uber parking preference SPAIN’S capital city of Madrid, has charged Uber 50 per cent less parking fees than its own residents for spaces in the San Epifanio public car park, as reported by Spanish press. The car park has two underground floors that will now reportedly house the largest fleet of Uber cars in the south of Madrid, owned by the company Moove Cars, which has rented 308 parking spaces out of the 501 available. The Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, (EMT), the company charged with the planning of public urban transport in the city of Madrid, direct ly managed the arrival of the Uber cars. For the spaces it will pay the equivalent of €40.58 per parking space. Madrid residents on the other hand, are expected to pay €100 to €80 a month for a parking space, depending on the term of their contract.
28 July - 3 August 2022
Andalucian conquers K2 LINA QUESADA, a moun tain climber from Sevilla Province has become the first Andalucian to conquer the notorious K2 in the Hi malayas. According to the Andalucian Federation of Mountaineering (FAM), the mountaineer herself con firmed that she reached the summit at 11.30am on Fri day, July 22. Quesada began her climb on June 8, accompanied by Pakistani, Ali Noorani. In a statement to FAM, the climber from the Sierra Sur de Moron Club in Sevilla de scribed her experience as “very hard”. She confessed to being “exhausted”. By completing the ascent of this mythical 8,661metre peak in the Karakorum mountain range in the Hi malayas, Quesada has made her own little piece of histo ry. K2 is the secondhighest peak in the world after Mt Everest, and lies just behind Kangchenjunga as the dead liest. “July 22, 2022, is another
date for the history of An dalucian mountaineering. Lina Quesada takes the An dalucian flag to the summit of K2, the second highest on the planet. Congratulations Lina, congratulations, you
have just achieved a pend ing challenge for the FAM, that you are the first person from our Federation to reach this highly prized sum mit,” said Julio Perea, the president of the FAM.
Sadness at sea EMERGENCY service 112 Canaries reported on Fri day, July 22, that a 12 yearold boy died after be ing pulled out of the sea at Las Alcaravaneras beach, in Las Palmas de Gran Ca naria. The incident was con firmed by the government of the Canary Islands. Ac cording to the report, it was an 18yearold boy who rescued the young ster from the water and took him to the beach, ap parently already in car diorespiratory arrest. Medics from the Canary Emergency Service (SUC)
spent almost one hour at tempting to revive the boy, but he was confirmed dead at the scene. The incident occurred at around 7pm when the young boy was enjoying time at the beach with a group of friends. Accord ing to witnesses, he en tered the water but did not know how to swim. After a few minutes, his companions were worried because they did not see him in the water. It was another of the young boys who noticed the presence of his body and raised the alarm.
EWN 13
28 July - 3 August 2022
Reforestation wildfire A DUTCH company involved in reforestation started a wildfire in Spain which has caused damage to 14,000 hectares of land in Ateca (Aragon) and seen thousands evacuated. The fire started on Monday July 18 at the re forestation project undertaken by Land Life, while one of their contractors was using a retrospider excavator to prepare the soil to plant trees later this winter. The operators alerted the emergency ser vices and teams started working nonstop to
control the fire and quickly established the fire perimeter. In a statement a spokesperson for the com pany said “We sympathise deeply with the feelings of the local community who had to be evacuated from their homes and see their landscape severely damaged. “Since the beginning of the emergency, we have offered our help and collaboration to the authorities. We will continue to follow up on anything we can do in this situation”
Iberian lynx numbers are highest ever ACCORDING to the latest an nual report from the lynx working group, which is run in coordination with the Min istry of the Environment (MITECO), the population of Iberian lynx (lynx pardinus) has reached its highest level ever. In 2020, a total of 1,111 of the species had been regis tered, but the latest figure stands at 1,365, an increase of 23 per cent. This includes all the adults and cubs born in 2021. This is an amazing achievement considering 20 years ago in Spain they num
Credit: Wikipedia - Frank Vassen CC BY 2.0
IBERIAN LYNX: Photo taken in the Sierra de Andujar National Park in Andalucia in 2017.
bered less than 100. Even though their numbers are rising, the Iberian lynx is still considered an endan gered species and is included
in the Spanish Red List of Threatened Species. It would appear that these latest num bers suggest that the critical moment has at least passed.
EWN 15
16 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
easyJet new initiatives EASYJET, on Monday July 18 announced the introduction of a raft of new initiatives to help customers flying abroad this summer. These include a new dedicated customer hotline for young families travelling abroad. As schools across Britain broke up on Friday, July 22, for the summer holidays, the airline was expecting 6.2 million passengers to take to the skies across Europe. A new helpline has been launched for families with children under 12 years old, enabling them to get through directly to dedicated customer service team members. Head office team members are in place, working alongside ground crew at key airports across the UK. The new ‘Helping Hands’ will provide extra support to customers at several UK airports between Wednesdays and Sundays until
September 4. Johan Lundgren, CEO of easyJet, commented: “Delivering a reliable operation this summer and providing a positive experience and the help our customers need when
we take them away on their holidays is easyJet’s highest priority.” For further information, you can contact the easyJet Press Office on 01582 525252, or log onto
Cricket Board resigns THE Directors of the Board of Cricket, Scotland, sent their letter of resignation to the Interim Chief Executive Officer on Sunday, July 24. The news broke on Twitter from Cricket Scot land in a tweet that read: “NEWS UPDATE: The Board of Cricket Scotland has resigned. We will work in partnership with @sportscotland with immediate effect to ensure appropriate gover nance, leadership and support is in place for sport in the days ahead.” Part of the resignation letter stated: “When the review into racism in Scottish cricket was an nounced last year we were fully supportive... “The Board have been totally committed to im plementing the findings of this review in full to make the sport of cricket in Scotland a truly wel coming and inclusive place for all. We are all tru ly sorry and have apologised publicly to every one who has experienced racism, or any other form of discrimination, in cricket in Scotland….”
28 July - 3 August 2022
EWN 17
Do you still have bank accounts, or savings and investments, in the UK? While British expatriates will open a local bank account in Spain, and look for new tax-efficient investment opportunities, many also retain their UK bank accounts and often also keep UK investments such as National Savings & Investments and ISAs. But times have changed. When the UK left the European single market at the end of 2020, its financial advisory services industry lost EU passporting rights. UKbased financial advisers are no longer automatically authorised to give advice to EU or EEA residents, unless they have the necessary regulatory permissions in each jurisdiction their clients live in. One major consequence has been that many UK based banks have had to close UK accounts owned by EU-resident clients. As we approached Brexit, many expatriates received letters from their UK banks asking them to close their accounts. And the situation is still evolving - we recently
By Jon Pemberton, Partner, Blevins Franks
saw letters from Barclays Personal Banking in the UK and National Savings & Investments (NS&I) asking clients with EU residential addresses to close their accounts. UK bank accounts In their letter to a client living in Spain, the Personal Banking division of Barclays explains: “Please take action: we need you to close your account.
We’re applying limitations to the banking services we provide to customers with an address in the European Economic Area (EEA). We’re sorry to say this means we need you to close your account… To keep using your savings and/or current account with us, everyone on the account needs to be living in the UK and all the addresses we have for you need to be in the UK too... There are some limited exceptions that allow you to keep using your accounts with an EEA address.” The letter dated 10 May 2022 gives the client until 24 November 2022 to confirm whether an exception applies, provide a UK address or close their accounts, following which the accounts will be closed on or after 2 December 2022. Nationals Savings & Investments (NS&I) As its website explains, Nationals Savings & Investments is a UK
savings provider, backed by HM Treasury, but it does have some customers who live abroad. However, they still need a UK bank or building society account in their name. Since many British expatriates have had no choice but to close their UK bank accounts following Brexit, NS&I is now writing to inform them that this will affect their ability to continue holding their accounts. The letter advises EU resident clients: “You need to have a UK bank or building society account to be able to continue to operate an account with NS&I.” It asks the clients to check if they can continue to hold their UK bank or building society account. If it is already closed or the provider plans to close it, they need to provide NS&I with details of another UK account in their name. If they cannot do this, then:
Your Belgian estate agent at the coast!
“You will need to close your NS&I account – this is because it’s a requirement of the terms and conditions of your NS&I account that you are able to hold and maintain a UK bank account.” If you are affected by this, talk to a locally based, cross-border adviser to establish what the options are for your savings as a resident of Spain. This is a good opportunity to review your savings and investments to establish if they remain suitable for your life today and future plans – they should be based on your circumstances, objectives, needs, time horizon and risk tolerance. Also consider which arrangements are most tax-efficient in Spain and how they can be passed onto your heirs as easily and cost effectively as possible. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at
18 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
Teacher training THE professional development of teachers and trainers can be an es sential driving force for highquality and inclusive education and training in Europe, a new series of compre hensive, countrybycountry reports from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) say. The reports cover 29 European countries and illustrate the impor tance of the professional develop ment of teachers and trainers, who are at the frontline of vocational ed ucation and training (VET) delivery. The European Year of Youth 2022 focuses on young people’s voices for codesigning a peaceful, greener,
digital and more inclusive conti nent. Thus, it is essential that teach ers have the opportunity to train to develop futureoriented skills, which they can then pass on to stu dents. The reports address information gaps and provide systematic nation al approaches to the continuing pro fessional development of VET teach ers and trainers, both at school and in workbased settings. They also discuss the persisting challenges VET teachers and trainers face to perform their complex roles, and how policy priorities are shaped in each country to address such chal lenges.
28 July - 3 August 2022
Tamsin Brown THE Animal Protection So ciety of Albox (APSA) is a nonprofit registered chari ty founded in 2004 by a group of expatriates who were concerned about the plight of animals in the Al manzora Valley area. Their main focus is find ing loving and permanent homes for the dogs in their care. Not only do they res cue animals, but they are also dedicated to reducing the number of puppies born accidentally. All of their dogs are neutered as soon as possible and males and females are kept apart when not. APSA is always looking for volunteers to help out in a number of different ways. For example, group dog walking takes place ev ery Tuesday and Thursday between 9.30am and 11.00am. This is something the dogs always look forward to and a great way to meet new friends both human
Credit: APSA
Volunteer with APSA
DOG WALKING: Volunteers can help to walk the dogs.
and canine! The session helps build the dogs’ social skills, getting them ready for their forever home. Dogs are matched to volun teers’ size and stature to ensure everyone is safe. Others may be interested in volunteering at the APSA charity shop in Albox (open 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday). They always need help sorting through new items, restocking and deal ing with customers on the shop floor. Also, APSA is always looking for temporary fos ter homes for dogs that are on their way to the UK, helping them to adjust to
being in a family home. All costs are covered by APSA and the average time a dog is in a foster home is be tween two and six weeks, although this may be longer for older dogs. Finally, those feeling cre ative may want to consider organising their own fundraising event in aid of APSA. A coffee morning, cake sale, raffle or a spon sored walk are just some of the ways to raise money for the dogs and have fun at the same time. For more information, email or visit
THE 11th Cita en Antas will begin in August with a varied cultural offer throughout the month in Levante Almeriense. The lineup includes evenings dedicated to poetry, novels, magic, music, the Mediterranean diet, olive oil, wine and local history. The now traditional cultural festival will begin with poetry by Diego Alonso Canovas and Lucrecia Parra on August2 and 5, respectively. The pro gramme continues on August 9 with Migue the Magician, a day dedicated to illusion.
Cita en Antas On August 11, it will be the turn of music with Antonio L Guillen who will bring to life the verses of Agustin Gomez Arcos with his voice and gui tar. On August 23, Dr Fernan do Lopez Segura will remind us of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet in a talk complemented by a tasting of different varieties of extra vir gin olive oil from Los Vergeles de Moraila, which a company belonging to the local family
group Explotaciones Agricolas Jimenez produces in the Tabernas Desert. There will be eight days or ganised by the cultural associa tion Argaria to enjoy different facets of culture in the central month of the summer, with the collaboration of Antas Council, Helados y Congelados Valero Alonso, Transportes Is abel Alonso and Cafeteria Leo in whose facilities most of the events will take place.
Beach clean-up VERA Council has launched its environmental education campaign and the promotion of the natural ecosystems of the coastline, titled ‘Mi Playa Bonica’, with events continu ing on August 17 and August 24. The councillor for Beaches, Pedro Salas, supervised the beginning of an environmen tal awareness activities that began on July 20 on the
beach of Cala Marques with in the project that Vera Council has developed to keep its beaches clean through actions of decon tamination of microwaste, environmental education and enhancement of the nat ural ecosystems of the coast of Vera. The main activity consists of the collection of waste by beach users to be exchanged
for gift items from an eco market, as well as the exhibi tion of a work of art recycling together with a museum of marine waste and a photo graphic exhibition highlight ing the major environmental problems of marine waste. The environmental aware ness activities will continue on August 17 at El Playazo and August 24 at Puerto Rey beach.
Paint, drink and enjoy Image - The Pallette Studio
20 EWN
Spend the evening sipping on a drink, meeting new friends and getting arty!
TODAY, Thursday, July 28, The Pallette Studio will be holding a painting evening from 6pm until 9pm at Tito’s Beach Bar on Mojacar beach. Tickets cost €25 and can be booked via https://www.the mergiraffe2 or by calling 634 319 256. During this fun and creative event a professional artist will guide you to paint your own masterpiece, with a paint brush in one hand and a drink in the other!
Mojacar markets LOCAL street markets can be such a fun and vibrant place. With stalls that go on for ever, and a mixture of new and exotic foods and drinks not to mention the sounds and smells. Mojacar market has all this, and more. The market is on Wednesday, from 9am, and can be found at Pl. Rey Alabez, 10, 04638 Mojácar. Don’t forget your shopping bag and your cash and load up with some of the local crafts, handmade items and delicacies you’ll find on the many stalls. When you’re all shopped out, check out the mojacar site and find a place to enjoy a beer and some music before heading home.
At this event you will be creating the fun ‘Summer Gi raffe’ painting. You don’t need any paint ing or drawing experience and all materials will be provided for you simply relax, sip a glass of wine or a cold beer and get creative with the colours. This is a great event to en joy time with family and friends and to meet new people in the area while sharing a creative and fun ex perience.
22 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
Oprah Winfrey
Kanye W est
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TIM STOREY: His dedication to helping others began at a young age.
Motivational speaker Tim Storey AMERICAN author, life strate gist and international motiva tional speaker Tim Storey has spent three decades turning people’s setbacks into come backs, and remains as passion ate and energetic as when he first began his quest to make a positive lifechanging impact on people’s lives.
In an exclusive interview with the Euro Weekly News, Tim Storey shared some of his latest and upcoming projects, while enroute to LAX airport to catch a flight to Estonia, where his next project awaits. “I’ve been to 77 countries now, so travel is kind of in my DNA,” laughed Storey. “This will be my second time in Estonia. I am going to be working with a platform called Mindvalley, speaking to a group of about 1,500 people over a 10day period, to create a masterclass that will be shared across the world.” Tim Storey is also launching a new show with Reach TV, the largest airport network in the United States, with over 40 mil lion weekly viewers. “During lockdown, Reach TV started finding a lot of people were struggling with mental health due to the limitations and restrictions Covid19 was bringing, so one of the owners reached out to me to create a series of fiveminute inspira tional videos that would be played in 90 airports around the world,” he stated. “The feedback we received was great, so they asked if I would be interested in launch ing the first ever talk show to be shown at airports.” The talk show, set to premier on August 1, is called ‘Tim Storey Presents’ and will fea ture a wide variety of guests, in cluding celebrities, as well as people with life changing sto ries. His first episode will fea ture Rachel Uchitel, and to gether they will discuss her
controversial claim to fame, and the difficulties of facing a society in which ‘Cancel Cul ture’ is on the rise. As Tim states: “Just because we have made bad decisions, it does not mean we have to stay in bad places.” Tim Storey’s dedication to helping others began at a young age: “When I was in high school somebody handed me a book on the life of Mother Teresa and when I read what she did and how she influenced the lives of orphans, it really touched my heart, so much so, it changed my plans to study communications, to the point where I ended up getting a doctorate in world religions,” he explained. Legendary Amer ican record producer Quincy Jones spoke of Tim as “today’s pop prophet” stating: “Tim Storey is the voice of inspiration to this generation.” Robert Downey Jr called him “THE comeback coach,” and Smokey Robinson described him as “wonderful at walking people through the best and worst of times.” But celebrity life coaching is just one side of Storey’s work, as he is now also dedicating his time as a bridge to support refugees escaping Ukraine to Bulgaria. In his most recent book ‘The Miracle Mentality’, Tim Storey provides a ‘road map to transcend negative thinking and renew your mind, leading to a transformed life with bigger adventures, more opportunities, and deeper meaning’.
Top restaurant
Fishy story
AFTER prize-winning Noma becoming ineligible to take part in this year’s World Best Restaurant awards, another Copenhagen based eatery, Geranium situated in the Copenhagen FC stadium has taken the top spot even though the tasting menu which doesn’t include meat costs around €400 per person.
NOT everyone in Finland was happy with the arrival of the now deceased female walrus. After it left Hamina it travelled about 30 kilometres to Suulisniemi and became entangled in the net of fisherman Antero Halonen eventually capsizing his small boat and doing some €10,000 of damage.
No room
Rwanda effect
RENTAL accommodation for students in Amsterdam is becoming increasingly more difficult and with more than 5,000 applications for just 2,416 available rooms, the University of Amsterdam has told students to stay away unless they can find somewhere to stay privately by mid-August.
THE Irish leader, the Taoiseach Micheál Martin, has said that he believes that the reason for there being a jump in the number of asylum seekers applying to enter and remain in Ireland is because of the UK government’s Rwanda policy.
Bones apart
Nun too happy
NEW human bones, some of which appear to have been amputated, have been uncovered in Waterloo by a British-led archaeological dig in an area believed to have been used as the main allied field hospital set up for those wounded in the battle.
AT a photoshoot in Naples which had two actors from an Italian TV programme kissing in the streets, an elderly nun dressed all in white interrupted their kiss shouting in Italian “What are you doing? This is the Devil. Jesus, Joseph, Saints Ann and Mary” before walking off.
Speed limit
Classical gas
BOY racers beware and other Europeans give a sigh of relief as it appears likely that in order to try to save fuel, Germany may finally introduce a temporary speed limit on autobahns and if coalition party Greens have their way this will become permanent.
WITH landfill becoming increasingly unacceptable, a Portuguese energy company in Mirandela has started producing biomethane from rubbish dumped in an existing site and for the first time the recycled gas has entered into the gas network, supplying some 80 households.
Beautiful skin
Papal visit
AS the heat in France intensifies, those in the know who still want to go clubbing but without overheating have taken part in a naturist event known as Beautiful Skin at a Paris nightclub where nudity isn’t frowned upon but is a requirement.
IN an interview with Italian new group ANSA, the Vatican’s de facto Foreign Minister Msgr. Paul Gallagher confirmed his belief that at sometime following his return from Canada, Pope Francis would be sure to visit Kyiv although when and how is yet to be decided.
Metallica museum
BELIEVED to be on a private visit, the Emir of Qatar flew into Kristiansand’s Kjevik airport in his private jet on Saturday July 16 before boarding his 123-foot superyacht Al Lusail which is one of world’s largest and is valued at around €500 million.
IN 1986, Cliff Burton, bass player with American band Metallica was killed when the tour bus he was travelling in crashed near the town of Ljungby. Now housed in a small room in a hotel, a museum dedicated to the musician and the band is attracting visiting fans.
28 July - 3 August 2022
EWN 27
LEAPY LEE SAYS IT OTHERS THINK IT I NEVER had much respect for the majority of politicians. Back in the 60s I witnessed a number of these ‘Old boys’ club members with their trousers down, both metaphorically and in reality. Well I remember one prominent London MP rushing up to me at a friend’s Chelsea party. Clad in a string vest and very questionable Yfronts, he implored me to ‘take over upstairs’. Apparently, the nubile and extremely attractive London theatre agent he was ‘engaging with’, had become too much for him. I didn't take on his request I may add! That same evening another serving minister informed me he thought ‘smoking marihuana was such fun!’ No I’m afraid politicians in general have never impressed me much. (Bearing in mind a couple of recent examples, not much appears to have changed!) There is one overriding problem that especially seems to impregnate the elder male occupants of the Westminster corridors of power. The majority attended public school. These predominately male dominated institutions meant that its students never really learned to mix with the female of the species. Their only experiences with the opposite sex were
28 July - 3 August 2022
No respect annual college dances and overbearing Nannies. The outcome of this involvement resulted in the total absence of respect for those of a gender they considered not only mere objects of sexual titillation, but also intellectually inferior and subsequently gained no important standing in the male dominated corridors of their future political ambitions. Many of these elder statesmen and even a number of new ‘bench’ members, still fall into this category and subsequently consider the Westminster gathering of members nothing more than an extension of their public school debating societies. As attitudes change, and more and more women are elected into the house, large expanses of these ex public schoolboys are slowly becoming the dinosaurs of the political arena. Frankly, apart from serious offences and somewhat innocuous schoolboys sexist innuendoes, many of these parliamentary ancients are turning into a complete waste of space and energy. Time to get back to more serious issues; like running the country for example! I notice the Labour Party in particular are now cramming ladies on to their front
bench, yet another weapon in their armoury of schemes and skullduggery to keep the opposition on the back foot till the next General Election. Hold on a sec, the Conservatives are also encouraging the ladies, and could still in fact have a victorious Truss in their game plan! Can’t wait to see her and Rainer locked in mortal feminine conflict across the parliamentary garden wall, now that really would be a forerunner to hanging the dirty washing out in public. Hope the male members know how to cook! Interesting to see the Board of Cricket Scotland resigning after reports of being institutionally racist. Haven’t noticed any public controversy concerning the British World Athletic Board who were responsible with the BBC for presenting over 85 per cent of nonwhite UK athletes in the recent World Series, including the programme’s anchor squad! Keep the faith Love Leapy
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Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.
EWN 29
FINANCE US Secretary of Labour Marty Walsh and Spain’s Minister of Labour Yolanda Díaz Pérez met in Washington on Wednesday July 20, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that reasserts both countries’ commitment to addressing a wide range of concerns affecting workers and underserved populations.
Falling sales RETAIL sales in the UK fell in June amid the costofliving crisis, according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics despite a hopedfor bounce thanks to the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Sales dropped by 0.1 following a confirmed 0.8 per cent fall in May
Crypto crazy BIT2ME, a Spanish cryptocurrency exchange, announced that the deal it aimed to complete with 2gether, another Spanish exchange, fell through due to internal discrepancies after customers of the latter organisation complained that they were being charged €20 for what used to be a free service.
Digital health AMAZON is to move into healthcare as it has announced that it will acquire the technologypowered national primary care organisation One Medical for €3.9 billion since it believes that with its knowledge of customers and the ability to combine inperson and digital services it can make a difference.
Milking it LATEST news to confirm the strength of UK inflation has seen the price of milk rise so dramatically that two pints cost as much as four pints did at the beginning of the year according to Assosia data, although Lidl was the cheapest supermarket.
is a one-off payment that Spanish insurer Mapfre is making to all of its employees at the end of July to help tackle the rising cost of living.
GHOST KITCHENS PROVE POPULAR THREE Spaniards involved in the food delivery sector founded Cuyna in 2020 which now owns a number of ghost (or dark) kitchens throughout Spain. Their concept was clear and was to make it possible to cre ate a way for new and estab lished brands to access more markets quickly and economical ly without compromising the quality of their product. By opening these kitchens across the country, they were in a position to offer existing and new business the opportunity to expand by moving into ready built kitchens (a bit like serviced office spaces) where everything was available including Apps for delivery. They now have 55 specially designed kitchens across Spain which even include space for de livery personnel and are looking to not only increase the number of outlets here but also to ex pand to Italy and Portugal. They have obtained two types
“SPANISH families are not going to suffer gas cuts or power cuts in their homes; and no matter what happens, we are going to defend the position of the Spanish industry” were the strong words of Spain’s Teresa Ribera. Speaking about the European Union call for all member states to reduce gas usage voluntarily due to the situation with Russia on Wednesday July 20, the Min ister for Ecological Transition was very clear about the Span ish response to this suggestion. “The proposal of the Euro pean Commission is not neces sarily the most effective, nor the most efficient, nor the fairest. “We are supportive and we will continue to be so; in fact, in the last month, 20 per cent of the gas we imported was ex
Credit: Cuyna Instagram
US visit
STAT OF WEEK • 28 July - 3 August 2022
NEW CONCEPT: One of the Cuyna ghost kitchen interiors.
of funding, firstly to allow them to invest in staffing and digital technology which is absolutely essential to ensure that those using their services remain at the cutting edge of their mar kets. In addition, thanks to a fund ing campaign on crowdcube, in dividuals can invest in the com pany from as little as €12. Secondly, they need access to
properties, often in industrial parks, in order to continue with their expansion. The concept really works for smaller restaurants and chefs who are making a name for themselves but can’t offer a de livery service from their own premises and want to expand to new areas without the cost of setting up a standalone restau rant or kitchen.
No power cuts Credit: Ministry for Economic Transition
Minister Ribera made Spain’s position clear.
ported directly or indirectly to other EU member states.” Although the concept is cur rently voluntary and would run until March 2023, it has been suggested that the EU could
make this mandatory for all members and she made it clear that Spain does not rely on Rus sian gas and therefore she ex pected to debate this matter on July 26 at the next meeting of the European Energy Council. She said “Spain is a proEuro pean country, with a proEuro pean and supportive society; therefore, I deeply regret say ing that Spain does not support this proposal,” before adding that “it is proposed without pri or discussion, without a general debate in the European Council, even when the economic conse quences and in terms of impact redistributive is particularly im portant.”
Online fraud SPECIALIST fraud protec tion company Fraugster has issued its first ever Payment Intelligence re port which suggests that the cost to merchants of online fraud international ly in 2021 totalled a mas sive €80 billion. One of the biggest losers was the airline industry as air fares are generally much higher than the cost of products and most book ings are made online. Fo r a f r a u d s t e r t o p u r chase a cloned credit card it can be as cheap as €23 and an EU passport would cost around €5,000 on the dark web, which when combined with the credit card would soon pay for itself. Finally, the majority of t h o s e c a u g h t a n d s a n c tioned for online fraud come from Russia, Iran and Syria.
Pension fears NEW research in the UK re veals that 93 per cent of em ployees surveyed said they are worried about their finances post retirement, with 80 per cent citing the rising cost of liv ing as a key concern. As many as 56 per cent felt that their pensions and savings won’t be enough to last their retirement years. In research carried out by Renovo, specialists in support ing employers and employees through redundancy and re tirement planning, 43 per cent of those surveyed facing retire ment predict they will work beyond the state pension age, (due to rise to 67 by 2026), as they are increasingly con cerned about financial, health and lifestyle issues in their lat er years.
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32 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
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COMPANY PRICE(P) 3I Group 1.234,00 Abrdn 159,25 Admiral Group 1.713,9 Anglo American 2.690,0 Antofagasta 1.068,00 Ashtead Group 4.186,0 Associated British Foods 1.695,0 AstraZeneca 10.830,0 Auto Trader Group Plc 607,80 Avast 508,00 Aveva 2.361,0 Aviva 393,70 B&M Eur Value Retail SA 419,90 BAE Systems 768,80 Bank VTB DRC 0,612 Barclays 159,10 Barratt Developments 500,00 Berkeley 4.169,0 BHP Billiton Ltd 2.190,50 BP 378,15 British American Tobacco 3.431,5 British Land Company 486,40 BT Group 182,05 Bunzl 3.032,0 Burberry Group 1.740,0 Carnival 671,8 Centrica 87,78 Coca Cola HBC AG 1.928,5 Compass 1.843,50 CRH 3.005,9 Croda Intl 6.982,0 DCC 5.226,0 Diageo 3.705,0 DS Smith 268,22 EasyJet 373,60 Experian 2.818,0 Ferguson 9.950,0 Flutter Entertainment 8.140,0 Fresnillo 669,40 Glencore 421,20 GSK plc 1.761,80 Halma 2.270,0 Hargreaves Lansdown 848,20 Hikma Pharma 1.722,00 HSBC 521,40 IAG 114,14 Imperial Brands 1.850,50 Informa 584,20
CHANGE(P) 1.237,00 161,40 1.743,9 2.690,0 1.071,50 4.190,0 1.696,5 10.870,0 611,00 512,00 2.385,0 393,70 421,10 778,40 0,612 159,16 500,20 4.204,0 2.194,00 380,55 3.438,0 487,40 182,35 3.056,0 1.741,0 690,0 88,32 1.950,5 1.852,00 3.010,5 7.056,0 5.262,0 3.728,0 268,80 380,90 2.836,0 9.986,0 8.190,0 675,40 421,40 1.765,20 2.283,5 866,20 1.725,00 522,30 115,32 1.858,50 589,40
% CHG. 1.223,00 157,60 1.712,0 2.641,0 1.058,00 4.138,0 1.678,0 10.722,0 605,60 504,40 2.346,0 388,70 414,90 766,60 0,612 156,26 493,40 4.117,0 2.143,00 374,30 3.413,5 482,30 177,80 3.028,0 1.723,7 669,0 86,82 1.926,5 1.832,00 2.964,5 6.960,0 5.220,0 3.695,5 263,90 369,30 2.813,0 9.908,0 8.066,0 666,20 414,60 1.737,40 2.268,9 846,20 1.699,00 514,40 113,72 1.847,50 580,80
NET VOL 217,20K 542,18K 9,94K 334,27K 141,23K 83,93K 38,54K 116,33K 94,11K 42,51K 14,88K 371,57K 269,84K 676,61K 0 5,23M 218,28K 16,92K 414,56K 4,15M 219,63K 104,16K 1,87M 37,30K 2,82K 190,88K 1,79M 35,68K 243,30K 69,73K 13,27K 7,63K 181,83K 457,61K 873,64K 74,79K 32,20K 32,17K 114,41K 704,05K 728,82K 10,25K 236,26K 30,41K 4,29M 1,80M 145,65K 143,45K
InterContinental Intermediate Capital Intertek ITV J Sainsbury Johnson Matthey Land Securities Legal & General Lloyds Banking London Stock Exchange Meggitt Melrose Industries Mondi National Grid NatWest Group Next Norilskiy Nikel ADR Ocado Persimmon Phoenix Prudential Reckitt Benckiser Relx Rentokil Rightmove Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings Rosneft DRC Sage Samsung Electronics DRC Schroders Scottish Mortgage Segro Severn Trent Shell Smith & Nephew Smiths Group Spirax-Sarco Engineering SSE St. James’s Place Standard Chartered Taylor Wimpey Tesco Tui Unilever United Utilities Vodafone Group PLC Whitbread WPP
4.740,0 1.418,00 4.468,0 70,94 220,30 2.086,9 727,20 255,90 43,55 7.858,0 789,60 163,57 1.412,00 1.111,50 227,60 6.651,9 1,89 779,20 1.847,0 606,40 993,80 6.284,0 2.352,00 513,60 625,40 4.819,8 91,83 0,75 701,20 1.166,50 2.764,0 818,22 1.069,50 2.920,0 2.019,5 1.179,50 1.500,00 11.275,0 1.736,00 1.176,00 585,40 126,08 260,30 132,00 3.898,5 1.075,50 129,20 2.661,0 873,40
% CHG.
4.758,0 1.420,50 4.529,0 71,04 220,80 2.112,0 731,80 256,25 43,57 7.874,0 793,20 164,10 1.414,50 1.116,00 228,10 6.676,0 1,89 797,80 1.862,5 606,40 998,60 6.310,0 2.372,00 515,60 628,80 4.822,0 92,52 0,75 704,20 1.168,00 2.764,0 835,00 1.079,50 2.941,0 2.030,5 1.188,50 1.500,50 11.360,0 1.744,00 1.179,00 585,40 126,15 260,70 134,63 3.941,0 1.084,00 129,34 2.681,0 873,40
4.712,0 1.393,50 4.468,0 69,80 218,40 2.077,4 719,20 252,90 42,84 7.822,0 789,00 161,95 1.378,50 1.103,00 224,50 6.598,0 1,89 769,80 1.829,0 602,20 981,20 6.236,0 2.350,00 512,40 623,20 4.741,0 90,96 0,75 698,60 1.163,50 2.734,0 811,80 1.063,50 2.903,0 2.002,5 1.178,00 1.488,00 11.250,0 1.715,50 1.163,00 573,00 124,15 258,50 130,75 3.895,0 1.072,00 127,78 2.651,0 862,20
17,34K 43,81K 11,95K 1,03M 238,30K 1,57K 114,97K 265,93K 15,50M 36,51K 78,12K 1,38M 278,00K 418,53K 1,20M 5,99K 0 253,75K 85,24K 137,86K 406,46K 63,72K 225,89K 146,01K 83,83K 340,64K 3,95M 0 178,58K 1,06K 33,21K 530,58K 7,56K 38,42K 805,60K 197,93K 154,47K 8,97K 170,89K 57,06K 518,50K 464,41K 1,21M 165,11K 296,21K 145,82K 8,16M 19,77K 248,86K
Units per €
US dollar (USD) ......................................1.02052 Japan yen (JPY) .........................................139.1 Switzerland franc (CHF) ...........................0.9839 Denmark kroner (DKK) .............................7.4441 Norway kroner (NOK) ...............................10.135 • Tel: +34 950 478 914 THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN’T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER
COMPANY 3M American Express Amgen Apple Boeing Caterpillar Chevron Cisco Coca-Cola Dow Goldman Sachs Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel J&J JPMorgan McDonald’s Merck&Co Microsoft Nike Procter&Gamble The Travelers UnitedHealth Verizon Visa A Walgreens Boots Walmart Walt Disney
PRICE 134,12 153,01 245,95 154,09 158,16 178,62 144,19 44,46 61,59 50,85 323,93 306,59 181,47 128,25 39,20 172,12 114,76 253,99 90,11 260,36 109,12 143,02 182,47 156,42 521,41 44,45 213,70 38,66 132,21 102,72
CHANGE +0,17 +2,83 +0,17 -1,26 -3,25 -2,37 -1,21 -0,12 +0,23 -0,55 -2,61 +1,59 +1,44 +1,10 -1,41 +0,81 -0,56 +0,52 -0,03 -4,48 -2,50 +2,25 -2,88 -0,41 -1,05 -3,21 -2,49 +0,20 -0,34 -1,46
CHANGE% VOLUME(M) +0,13% 1,72M +1,88% 9,28M +0,07% 1,84M -0,81% 66,31M -2,01% 7,56M -1,31% 1,95M -0,83% 5,85M -0,27% 14,83M +0,37% 11,57M -1,07% 5,07M -0,80% 1,82M +0,52% 2,39M +0,80% 2,32M +0,87% 6,45M -3,47% 41,12M +0,47% 4,24M -0,49% 7,56M +0,21% 2,21M -0,03% 6,34M -1,69% 21,81M -2,24% 6,02M +1,60% 5,28M -1,55% 3,76M -0,26% 879,57K -0,20% 1,83M -6,74% 57,85M -1,15% 5,05M +0,52% 4,43M -0,26% 4,52M -1,40% 7,76M M - MILLION DOLLARS
+234.65% +118.88% +103.70% +67.57% +48.39% +39.51% +30.38% +29.45% +28.48% +27.91% +24.95%
2.42M 66.40M 11.13M 17.43M 72.84M 139.24M 122.47K 41.74M 0.65K 50.97K 21.54M
-85.99% -54.27% -54.26% -43.19% -40.55% -39.76% -39.08% -35.59% -31.63% -29.33% -26.21%
163.36M 23.77K 30.11M 370.67K 17.15K 10.62M 330.99M 1.14M 676.32K 50.70K 474.89K
Most Advanced AMTD Digital Pagaya AMTD IDEA Kidpik Yoshitsu ADR Toughbuilt Industries Mercurity Fintech ADR Guardforce AI Gold Royalty Wnt Altisource Asset Management Hanger
Most Declined VistaGen Therapeutics Revelation Biosciences Unt RA Medical Systems Virax Biolabs Meihua International Medical Kiora Pharmaceuticals Snap AKA Brands Holding Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Greenwave Tech Solutions Lulu's Fashion Lounge Holdings
34 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
Advertising Feature
HAVING to think about what will happen after you die is not something many of us like to do, however Golden Leaves knows that living abroad can present various obstacles to your loved ones when it comes to your funeral. There are various reasons why having a funeral plan in Spain protects you and your loves ones and is an important part of your financial planning process. Firstly, not only are funerals conducted very differently in Spain, there is also a language barrier to consider in many cases, making a funeral service often difficult to organise. However, this is where Golden Leaves can help. A Golden Leaves funeral plan offers multiple benefits, including allowing your wishes to be set out ahead of time as well as the benefits of a Spanish-speaking team who will take care of all the arrangements for your family.
Credit: NKM999/
Why you need a funeral plan in Spain
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: A Golden Leaves funeral plan is part of your financial planning.
This service includes organising your death certificate, speaking to funeral directors, and working with the local authorities to make sure all the paperwork is taken care of. Secondly, Spain’s paperwork and short time frame when you die can make the process of organising a funeral here complicated. However, when you have a Golden Leaves plan, all your family
members need to do when you die is make a call to them and their team will put in place your wishes immediately, arranging exactly the service you wanted. And finally, while funerals can be expensive and place a financial burden on your loved ones when you die, with a Golden Leaves funeral plan because your funeral is paid in advance, your family will
not have any costs. Golden Leaves have three funeral plans available, each of which will allow your loved ones more time to prepare for your service than the traditional 48 hours allowed for in Spain. This in turn will allow you more time to get any family and friends you would wish to attend your service over to Spain from abroad. The Opal Plan is designed for those who just want a simple cremation service. It provides a simple funeral service that covers the essential items, including the removal and disposal of the deceased. This plan is suitable for single people, couples, or small family units. This funeral can be completed within 72 hours. The Pearl Plan is designed for those who would like a traditional funeral service for cremation or burial. The plan provides a comprehen-
sive funeral service. Offering all the services available within the Opal plan, with the added benefit of a floral tribute and premium coffin, the Pearl Plan can give you a funeral similar in content to what you would expect in the UK. This plan also allows five days for family participation, especially if based in a different country, making it a more suitable option for couples and families. The Golden Plan is designed for those who wish to be repatriated to a country other than their current country of residence. It also offers worldwide repatriation back home to the desired country, and a contribution to a simply funeral service in the country of your choice. To make sure that your wishes are carried out as you want, and that your loved ones are not left with costly funeral expenses, contact Golden Leaves today.
Contact Golden Leaves today at, or call 800 098 309.
Looking up FRASERS GROUP set up by former Newcastle United FC owner Mike Ashley and in corporating numerous retail outlets announced unaudit ed profits before tax for the latest year at £344.8 million, compared to a pandemic in duced loss of £39.9 million.
Rate hike ALTHOUGH it had previous ly indicated that it intended to increase interest rates for the first time in 11 years, the European Central Bank deci sion on July 21 to return to zero from 0.5 per cent caught many by surprise as it struggles with inflation.
Good news THE 46 stores run under the banner of TOYS’R’US in Spain and Portugal have been saved from closure as a deal has been done with Italian company PRG Retail Group.
Minister Escrivá explained his plans.
REVIEW of taxation levels on Spain’s self employed may see reductions in the amount of taxes paid for some with effect from 2023. It was an open secret that the self employed (autonomo) in Spain, espe cially the least well paid, were having to contribute more to Social Security than almost any other EU country yet were receiving some of the lowest benefits if sick or retired. On Thursday July 21, the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Immigra tion José Luis Escrivá told the Cortes
(Parliamentary) Commission for Moni toring and Evaluation of the Agree ments of the Toledo Pact that after 10 months of negotiation a deal with unions representing autonomo work ers has been agreed in principle. Accepting that there are some final details to be agreed, he explained that this was part of the agreed Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan to make it fairer and also simpler as it will be possible to access the system and change their status online. This is a longterm programme
which will commence with effect from 2023 which will effectively see a steady reduction in charges for those at the bottom end of the income scale and an increase for those at the higher end. This still means however that any one earning the minimum wage will still have to pay nearly €300 per month for the foreseeable future and the only real drop will be for those who earn around €600 per month, although they will still have to pay almost 50 per cent of their earnings to the State.
Kids eat free THE latest supermarket to offer a special deal for chil dren during the summer is Morrisons with their Kids eat Free campaign. Unlike the Asda deal highlighted in issue 1933, this offer requires an adult spend of £4.99 and only one child is eligible to take a free meal from the kids menu, although they will also be able to enjoy a piece of fruit and a soft drink with their lunch. A number of UK food outlets also have special free deals but the majority require some form of adult spend, so in pure value for money terms the Asda of fer may just attract parents with a limited budget.
28 July - 3 August 2022
HEALTH & BEAUTY Wonderplay/Shutterstock
36 EWN
LIP BALM: Keep your lips soft and supple all year round.
Done with dry lips JUST because the weather is drier for parts of the year (especially when temperatures get su per high in certain parts of Spain), that’s no rea son why your lips should have to suffer. One of the most important things you can do to prevent dry lips is to stay hydrated by drink ing at least 1.5 litres of water a day. This is im portant for your lips and your skin, as well as your overall general health! It might seem a lot at first but trust us… you’ll thank us when you’ve got soft, supple lips all year round. Non
irritating lip balm or lipstick can also be a saviour when your lips feel dry, cracked and downright kind of gross. Try and avoid products which include ingre dients like eucalyptus, menthol, lanolin or mint as they can irritate your pucker! Instead apply natural ingredients like hemp seed oil, petrola tum (in Vaseline) and shea butter to your lips as a protective layer. It also doesn’t hurt to apply even when your lips are lovely and soft as a preventative measure!
THERE are a host of beauty products out there which do wonders for our skin, but with so much research into which vitamins are in what, the ingre dients list can feel a little daunt ing! Instead, have a shuffle through your pantry to see what food items can enhance your skin as well as your meals! Cucumber has incredible cooling and hydrating proper ties which your skin will thank you for. Soak slices of cucum ber in ice water before placing them over your eyes while you
Cast of Thousands/Shutterstock
Pantry beauty products
COFFEE GROUNDS: Have stimulating properties.
chill out, literally. This helps re duce eye puffiness and dark bags.
Coffee grounds can also be used as a natural body scrub. Mix with melted coconut oil and apply whilst in the shower. Coffee’s stimulating properties help increase circulation and blood flow as well as exfoliat ing our skin. Coconut oil itself is also an in credible versatile product for skin care. Pop a bit on some cotton wool and use to wipe off makeup residue if you’re low on micellar water, or use it as a hair mask for shiny, silky locks.
Split with split ends ONCE the ends of your hair start to fray, they can’t be stuck back together. But that doesn’t have to mean further damage and breakage of your luscious locks. Split ends can be a sign of hair damage, usu ally a result of excessive heat treatments and chemicals in hair dye. However, if you find split ends even though you religiously towel dry your hair and you haven’t been near per oxide in decades, that’s because they are also a sign of general wearandtear.
To avoid split ends, gently brush your hair. Hair is fragile, so if you hear a scraping sound when you run your brush through it, ease up a bit! If you have knotty or curly hair, a good tip is to brush from the ends upwards to gradual ly tease out tangles. If you must use heat products on your hair, try and keep them to a low temperature to minimise damage. A good quality heat pro tection spray will also help to shield your strands.
28 July - 3 August 2022
EWN 37
38 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
Advertising Feature GRUPO PLATINUM
Exclusive development in the heart of San Juan de Los Terreros LAUNCH of exclusive development of just 10 detached villas in the heart of San Juan de Los Terreros! Your future is here now. Exclusive, Luxury detached family home, on a plot of 400m2 with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, pri vate pool with jacuzzi, parking and more! €310,000. Reserve your home now with a payment of just €7,000. Do you dream of a private home by the sea, close to the town centre and the beach? Yet not in the noise of the traffic or the bars?? It is here now for you to own. Additional optional extras; to have an un derbuild with an English patio offering lots of natural light, giving parking, extra rooms and storage. With a fireplace, car charging con nection and complete solar system, the Grupo Platinum team are here to guide you, call us on 950 466 112. This exclusive promotion is characterised by space, the use of highquality materials and extralarge plots for a holiday or all yearround living. Fall in love at first sight! An independent villa of the stars, see them in the sky and feel them in your heart, see you there.
EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Do you dream of a private home by the sea, close to the town centre and the beach?
Call now to obtain more information, and organise your reservation for €7,000, 950 466 112.
Campsite Los Escullos Image – Camping Los Escullos: Facebook
SPAIN’S gorgeous cape Cabo de Gata in Andalucia is not just home to captivating caves and beautiful blue waters. It can also be your home… for a week or so, provided you bring a tent with you! Campsite Los Escullos is lo cated within Cabo de Gata Natural Park. It lies between Rodalquilar and San Jose in Almeria. The campsite has 216 plots so there’s plenty of room. If you’re craving some outdoor exploring and to reconnect with nature but prefer a slightly more luxurious holi day stay, the resort also has park bungalows, Bengalis and mobilehomes. There is also a restaurant, café and pizzeria so you don’t have to worry about cooking (or doing the washing up!) and can enjoy the campsite’s gym, sauna and Jacuzzi in stead! Children can splash around in the campsite’s swimming pool and there are sports courts and table tennis for hours of family fun.
Amazing hikes around Malaga WITH stunning shoreline views and breathtaking canyons, the Andalucian mountains around Malaga are a popular place to go hiking in Spain. Whether you’re a novice or a professional, some or all of these hikes should definitely be on your bucket list! The route La Concha stretches from Sierra Blanca and winds up through olive groves and luscious forestry and opens up on to marvellous view of Marbella. The most difficult section is a steep section where you must hold onto some chains bolted onto a rock wall. But if you can make
it past that part, the captivating coastline views more than make up for it. The El Saltillo may remind experienced hikers of some sections of El Caminito del Rey, also in Malaga. Again not for the faint hearted, parts of the path scale a vertical cliff wall. The real delight of the route is the incredible view of La Maroma, the highest peak of the Sierra de Tejeda. For a slightly easier climb, the hike up Pico Lucero from Puerto Blanquillo is more than worth it to stumble upon the ruined old refuge which sits atop the mountain.
Spain’s prettiest campsites
POOL: Relax in the shade while the children play.
SPAIN is known for its beautiful mountain ranges and coastal re sorts which are almost as gorgeous as its year round sunny weather. What better way to en joy the sun and the views and immerse yourself in nature in one of Spain’s prettiest campsites? If luscious greenery is what you’re after, Camp ing Forcanada sits on the River La Garona. Boasting wooden bungalows, each
with a private porch and views of exuberant mountain ridges, this is perfect for those nursing a craving for nature. For something a little more coastal, La Siesta Salou resort and Camp ing is just five minutes away by foot from Salou beach. Perfect for fami lies with young children, the resort has plenty of pool slides and a kids’ club. If you were worried the campsite wouldn’t
live up to it’s name… don’t! There are also plenty of places to relax such as the hot tubs or hammocks. Castell Montgri is ideal if you want the best of both worlds. Located on the Costa Brava, this campsite has its own fun fair and is great for fami lies. Bikes are available for hire to explore the beautiful surroundings and the pools are open until midnight.
28 July - 3 August 2022
EWN 39
YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE - YOUR OPINION Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.
Dear Sirs AN awful lot has been said and written recently regarding flights to the UK. My wife and I have just trav elled from Alicante to East Midlands Airport via Jet2 on June 29. The whole journey could not have been better. Being old and finding it diffi cult to walk we did request ‘as sisted travel’. Wow! What ser vice. It was like a military operation. Our Son explained to the Jet2 bookingin desk our situation. The lady said “No problem” two assistant travel staff immediately arrived sat us in the airport wheelchairs, and whisked us straight to se curity then to a waiting sec tion and to our boarding gates. I do not know how they did it, but the plane managed to land at East Midlands Airport on scheduled time! Arriving at East Midlands we were transferred to a new bus unit at plane height seated, and the whole unit lowered it self to road level and was driv en to passport control. In our wheelchairs we were rushed through to passport control, case collected and taken out side by the ‘Assistant Ambas sadors’ to link up with our rela tives. Just felt that I must congratulate all concerned in making a difficult journey into such a pleasant experience. Bob Jarvis
Water fountain Greetings. Could anyone tell me if, or when, the public drinking fountain in the centre of Torremolinos is going to re open? It was moved during the redevelopment of the new Plaza del Sol to the junction with Calle San Miguel and apart from a short period be fore lockdown it has remained
out of use. This was an ameni ty used by local people to fill their containers and tourists to top up their drinking bottles. The fountain is currently sur rounded by chairs and tables from the Clock House bar which suggests that the au thorities, for undisclosed rea sons, have put the interests of the bar ahead of those of the rate payers of the town. Derek Halstead
Crystal ball Dear Sirs, Is Leapy prescient? He looked into his crystal ball again this week, and unlike
many commentators he again found crystal rather than the b**ls often seen. He was slightly off the ball, but who (except Leapy) could have imagined, it would be the eth nic minority of the Conserva tive party doing the work of the left. I often feel that politics is all the poorer, since the dominance of career politi cians, life experience is lacking. What a shame Leapy isn’t a couple of decades younger, we might have been able to persuade him to cast aside his beachwear, bucket and spade and return to the UK to help out in government. Barry Morgan BA BSc FCIOB MBPsS
THE current problem for drivers leaving the UK by ferry to France has sparked a backlash of complaints from people furious at both the long delays and blame the French authorities for not having enough staff to cope. Sadly, it seems that our former friends are not going out of their way to make life easier for Britons travelling abroad, but then again why should they? The UK used to belong to a club whereby it spent a lot and earned a lot but thanks to an ill-advised decision by David Cameron to call the Referendum, a small majority voted to leave the club, although large numbers of UK passport holders living abroad were not allowed to be involved in the decision making. The British government is still arguing over the deal it struck with the European Union, has closed the door to many EU citizens who would have been happy to work in the UK but can’t get permission and has not yet managed to deliver the promised rewards from Brexit. Many of us have been accustomed to crossing borders without problems and whilst it may be irritating and frustrating to be delayed by having to comply with EU entry rules, is it surprising that the French government isn’t prepared to employ more border staff? Some say stuff the French, if they don’t want our money then we can go somewhere else, but France is our nearest neighbour and has land borders with eight different members of the EU, with Italy and Spain being important destinations for British drivers, so a boycott probably wouldn’t help.
42 EWN
28 July - 3 August 2022
28 July - 3 August 2022
Which bird is right for you? Parakeets (aka budgies) are an especially good choice if you’re new to bird owner ship. They are small and low maintenance and with the right training can even learn entertaining tricks.
Cohabitation may be possible THE fraternal relationships between different species of pet animals depends on the socialisation that they had growing up. It is the owner’s job to raise their pets so that they can so cialise with other animals. For dogs for example, this is possible during daily walks. Dogs are naturally social animals. For them it’s often fairly easy to introduce the presence of another family member into the house, whether this is a new child or a new pet. Vet Juan Carlos Molina recommends introducing new mem bers when your pet dog is a puppy as adaptation is much easier. During their first few months of life, your puppy will still be learn ing to recognise different species and to make sense of their en vironment. The security of your animals should be prioritised during these first meetings and it’s important to pay attention to your dog’s behaviour. You should recognise early on if the cohabitation is not going to work.
For a slightly more unique pet bird, a cockatiel will stun with its yellow and red mini mohawk. They are also ex ceptionally intelligent, often learning to mimic household noises like doorbells or tele phones. When handfed as babies and raised with love and attention, they make great pets. If you want something with a bit more gusto, a hy acinth macaw could be right for you. They are a startling rocket blue colour and are known as ‘gentle giants’, as the biggest parrot species. Hyacinth macaws are
friendly and love a cuddle. If you have the time and space to care for one, they are a wonderful ad dition to the family.
HYACINTH MACAWS: Love to have a cuddle.
Image – Hyacinth macaw: Vaclav Matous/shutterstock
IF you want a pet but you’re not overly enamoured with the furry friends usually people’s first choice you might consider a pet bird as a colourful and affectionate ad dition to your family.
EWN 43
28 July - 3 August 2022
Volkswagen dismisses CEO IN a statement released on Friday, July 22, the Volk swagen automobile group’s supervisory board reported that its CEO Her bert Diess had been dis missed, by mutual agree ment. He will be replaced by Oliver Blume as of September 1, 2022. Blume is already the president of sports car manufacturer Porsche, and will continue to oper ate that position in con junction with his new role as head of the Wolfsburg based group. Hans Dieter Potsch, chairman of the VW group’s supervisory board, said: “During his tenure as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volk swagen Passenger Cars Brand and as Chairman of the Group Board of Man agement, Herbert Diess
44 EWN
VOLKSWAGEN: A new CEO will take on the role as head of the Wolfsburg-based group.
played a key role in ad vancing the transforma tion of the company.” He added: “The Group and its brands are viable for the future; its innova tive capabilities and earn ing power are strength ened. Mr Diess impressively demonstrat
ed the speed at which, and consistency with which, he was able to carry out far reaching transformation processes. Not only did he steer the company through extremely turbu lent waters, but he also implemented a fundamen tally new strategy.”
28 July - 3 August 2022
EWN 45
Cupra Formentor - impressive, individual and a premium performance ROAD TEST by Mark Slack WITH so much integration of platforms car makers are increasingly looking at differentiating their prod ucts from the competition, and within large groups like Volkswagen Audi it is arguably even more im portant. SEAT has pro gressed the idea though with the Cupra range. Originally Cupra were the sports orientated models within the SEAT lineup but the name is now a brand in its own right, having dropped the SEAT name, with a com plete Cupra range. There’s also signs of the brand’s EV direction with the new allelectric Cupra Born. While some Cupras are very obviously SEAT mod els, the Spanish carmaker is increasingly producing individual models unique
to the Cupra brand. The Formentor is one such model and despite the fact that even the largest en gine in the range is only 2.0litres it sounds fantas tic on startup. Although this is ‘manu factured’ sound it does add to the appeal and make it feel something special. With a top power output of 310PS the per formance lives up to the soundtrack. Prices start from €35,006/£29,880 and much of the kit in the top oftheline versions finds its way into the leadin models too. There’s a 12” touchscreen, full LED light ing, autodimming rear view mirror, cornering lights, wireless phone charging, adaptive cruise control and keyless entry and start. The engine lineup starts with a 1.5 TSi, 150PS, through to the 2.0litre
310PS mentioned earlier. There are manual and au tomatic transmission choices, allwheeldrive and petrol/ electric hy brids. As ever, especially with VAG products, there is rather too much digitalisa tion, and a consequent lack of buttons, but famil iarity would over time make life easier. That apart it’s a very nice place to be with, in my top line model, extremely com fortable seats, an impres sive build quality and the general feel of this being an upmarket car. At €51,021/£43,550 it may seem expensive, but look at some of the rivals and it begins to look com petitive. Despite the lack of a premiumbadge it has the advantage of being something different to the usual premium crowd. On the road it handles extremely well for such a
large machine, with sports suspension and four wheeldrive that’s per haps not surprising, and the ride is comfortably firm compared to similar
less compliant sports models within the VAG stable. This is an impressive machine and for my mon ey still the pick of the
Cupra range, being a very individual model rather than a bespoke, or tai lored pick straight from the pages of the SEAT cat alogue.
to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code
BUILDERS ALMERIA BUILDERS: Fully Legal, Fully Insured, All Work Guaranteed. 659 685 133 www.almeri (253556)
BUY & SELL PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Why not make this year the year you volunteer? Call and see how you can help either as a caseworker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We also visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more info If you or your partner served or are serving, and you feel you need help or support then contact us using the details on the card, we are here for the small things as well as the big, sometimes talking to someone is the first step to feeling more in control. It can be a personal need or some help with your home or information on what or who to speak to on a medical issue, we help with signposting if we cannot help directly, just call and have a chat with Pam who will try to guide you to where you need to be. If you would like to go to a branch meeting then find your nearest one at, www.british ZURGENA Branch meeting on the first Thursday, Coffee Morning on the third Thursday and Buffet & Quiz Night on the last Tuesday of the month all at Bar Trinidad, Arboleas, for further details please email zurgenarblchairman@gmail. com - (253989)
ELECTRICAL ABBOTT ELECTRICS. From a Light Fitting to a Full Rewire. Tel: 950 137 208 / 638 010 691 (294388)
ESTATE AGENT VOSS HOMES are a professional, British family-run Estate Agents with an office in Huercal-Overa town. They specialise in selling and renting properties in the Huercal-Overa, La Alfoquia, Zurgena & Taberno area. Andy, Anna, Jess, Adele, Hannah, Amy & Karen look forward to helping you buy, sell or rent your ideal property. Please call 678 002 006 for more information (283824)
FOR SALE WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)
28 July - 3 August 2022 • SPONSORED BY
WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)
NAUTICAL INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE: Courses held in English and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301210)
TURRE EVANGELICAL CHURCH We meet every Sunday at 10.30. For worship. We believe you’ll find us ‘relaxed’, welcoming’ and ‘informal’. Find us on Turre’s main street, towards the motorway at the far end on the left. To know more contact 617 914 156
GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)
SOLAR WIND POWER SOLUTIONS. Over 20 years installation experience. Established 17 years in Spain. Call Phil for competitive prices on 636 261 240 or email in (295779)
XXX RELAXATION Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS SECTION OFFENSIVE.
XXX VARIOUS Male/Female viagra, cialis, kamagra jelly, mixed trial packs available, all areas mail order. 604 385 476.
STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.abbeygateinsu
THE FIVE BONE HOTEL, TURRE. Little dogs €7, medium dogs €7.75, big dogs €8.50, cats from €6.25 a day. 630 234 556 / the5bonehotelturre@ / (296266)
LOCAL ANGLICAN (C of E) church services at Mojacar Los Llanos Del Peral and Alhambra. Communion every Sunday in Mojacar at 11am. Communion at Los Llanos every Sunday except the last Sunday in the month when there will be Prayer and Praise all at 11am. The services that were being held in the South American church Albox have now returned to the chapel and Communion is held on the second Thursday of the month at 11am. Priest in charge rev canon Alan Bennet telephone number 680 243 436. For further information, please go to The Anglican Chaplaincy of Costa Almeria and Costa Calida web page. Or contact Tony Noble 950 069 103. (10002)
MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726)
PLUMBERS KNOWLES PLUMBING No 1 for all plumbing jobs big or small. Central heating, solar hot water and water deposits. Tel: 606 807 797 or 684 143 560
28 July - 3 August 2022
EWN 47
REIGNING F1 world cham pion Max Verstappen won the French Grand Prix at the Paul Ricard circuit in Le Castellet on Sunday, July 24. In the process, the Red Bull driver roared into a com manding 63point lead at the top of the driver’s table. LeClerc had originally led by 46 points after the first three races of the season. Whether he would have won the race if Charles LeClerc hadn’t spun his Fer rari off the track while out in front is anybody’s guess. The Ferrari driver had start ed from pole position and weathered the Dutchman’s attempts to pass him. It all went wrong on Lap 18 as the Frenchman lost control at the Beausset double righthander and spun into the tyre wall at around 100mph. In fairness to the Ferrari driver, he later admitted his own fault in causing the
Credit: Twitter@F1
Verstappen Grand Prix win Atletico to sell Griezmann
Driver's podium at the French Grand Prix.
crash. “Just not good enough. I am performing at a very high level since the beginning of the season, but if I keep making these mistakes it is pointless to be performing at this high lev el, I will try to get better but this is not good,” he com mented. With LeClerc out of the picture, Max Verstappen took the lead and was nev er in danger of relinquishing it.
FRENCH international striker Antoine Griezmann was put up for sale by LaLi ga club Atletico Madrid on Saturday, July 23, according to reputed sports journalist Duncan Castles. The Spanish club are believed to be interested in signing Portuguese su perstar Cristiano Ronaldo and remov ing Griezmann’s hefty wage bill from their books could pave the way for a potential move back to Spain. Ronaldo is on a reputed £360,000 weekly at Manchester United, al though it has been suggested that he is prepared to take a cut in wages to
play in the Champions League again this coming season. According to the UK press, PSG have already declined Atletico’s offer of taking the French man to the capital. One thing that is certain is that should he make the move to Atletico, it will not endear him to the Real Madrid fans. They still recognise Ronaldo as one of the greatest players to ever wear their famous white shirt and one has to wonder if Cristiano would want to shatter that legacy. He has until the end of August to make a decision.
Football legend dies ages 85 UWE SEELER, one of West Germany’s greatestever football players has passed away at the age of 85. His death was con firmed on Thursday, July 21, by the Ger man national team on its official Twitter profile in English. Seeler was in the West German team that lost to England in the 1966 World Cup final. When the two sides met again in the Mexico 1970 World Cup quarterfi
nals, he placed a backheader beyond England keeper Peter Bonetti to level the scores at 22. West Germany went on to win 32. At the national level, Uwe Seeler played his whole career for Hamburger SV, where he notched up 137 goals in 239 Bundesliga games. Before his retirement from football in 1972, the prolific forward became the first
player to score in four World Cup tourna ments. He was also the first football play er to be honoured with the Great Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. An astounding total of 404 goals in Ger man Oberliga and Bundesliga matches is a record that still stands today. In German league games overall, he stands second on 406, behind alltime great, Gerd Muller.
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