Costa Blanca South 18 - 24 August 2022 Issue 1937

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THE Vega Baja will receive €1 million from the Gener alitat’s Municipal Coopera tion Fund to promote Tourism.Visiting Orihuela Costa on Thursday August 11, the regional Tourism Board’s director general, Herick Campos, announced that €110,000 of this will be al located to Orihuela. The city has received €300,000 via this fund since 2018, Campos pointed out. In addition, approximately €1.1 million had been spent on infrastructure im provements to Orihuela Costa’s beaches since 2018, as well as emergency help during the pandemic, he added.Afurther €1.2 million for the beaches had been made available by the Tourist Board and Diputa cion provincial council be tween them, under the Tourism Recovery and Gov ernance Plan, Campos said. During his meeting with Orihuela mayor Carolina Gracia and the respective councillors for Beaches and Tourism, Campos empha sised the Tourism Board’s “total commitment” to Ori huela.“This has already been demonstrated by our in vestments in recent years,” he said. Both the Tourism Board and Orihuela City Hall agreed in the course of the meeting to cooperate on promoting tourism while improving the local beach es as well as the coast’s Tourist Info offices. Also under discussion was the need to move to wards steady year­round tourism instead of the high seasonAboveinflux.all,Orihuela may or Carolina Gracia drew at tention to the regional gov ernment’s efforts in maintaining and improving the Orihuela Costa beach es.“They are fundamental to our tourism,” she said. Generalitat cash for improvements to Orihuela Costa’s beaches.


APPROXIMATELY 582,000 Va lencian Community firms, selfemployed and employees have received financial aid from the regional government during and since the pandemic. “The Generalitat took rapid action during the first Covid wave to help those most af fected by the pandemic,” Zuli ma Perez, the Generalitat’s di rector general for Social Dia logue Coordination, said. “This included employees on fur lough and the self­employed who had to close their busi nesses or drastically reduce theirViaactivities.”itsPlan Reactiva the Generalitat is currently focus ing on easing the effects of in flation and soaring energy prices, triggered by the Ukraine war.“More than 63,000 self­em ployed Valencian Community residents are in line for a €300 grant to offset their financial difficulties,” the director gener al said.This aid will total more than €19 million, Perez pointed out, targeting the registered selfemployed in the sectors that are suffering most from the en ergy“Dialoguecrisis. between the Gen eralitat, businesses, com merce, families and social agents has been fundamental in creating these grants that are directed at providing an im mediate and rapid response,” she said.

EWN 18 - 24 August 20222 NEWS

Grants for self-employed

IN a protected area next to the Clot de Galvany in Gran Alacant, Local Police of Santa Pola were able to stop fire works from being launched in an area where there was huge potential for fire. Officers were forced to intervene on Monday, August 15 after several complaints were made by local resi dents that someone was setting off some fireworks in the protected area. “Thanks to the resident collaboration, we were able to intervene and confiscate the remaining pyrotechnic devices,” officers said on Facebook. “A complaint was made to the Consellería for which the person responsible will have to answer, with a possi ble fine of €600.”

The Spanish police service in the Costa Blanca added: “We will continue to denounce the throwing of py rotechnic devices.”

Clot Fire Intervention ZULIMA PEREZ: Generali tat’s director general for So cial Dialogue Coordination.



LAST week, Euro Weekly News reader Jose Holt asked us how to donate to Torrevieja’s Municipal Animal Shelter. At the time, we were at a loss, failing to locate information online. Since then, one of the Shelter’s many dedicated volunteers ex plained that a registered charity called ADAT looks after the shel ter and the animals, information which we passed on to Jose from Pinar de Campoverde, together with a link to the website ( males­de­torrevieja­avat­de­voluntarios­de­los­ani and the Facebook page (

“Nobody wants them,” he said. This is definitely a problem that readers could assist with, by adopting one of the unwanted moggies. All are spayed and inoculated and, thanks to the volunteers, photos reveal that all are well cared­for, despite the inevitably sad demeanour of any cat without a forever home.

Fair closed ORIHUELA City Hall ordered the closure of an Orihuela Costa funfair located on land adjoining the health centre. The shut­down followed re ports in the Spanish media which had established that the fair had been operating since early July without an opening licence or sufficient attention to safety measures.

ALICANTE Province had 61,119 registered businesses during 2022’s second quar ter, 3.5 per cent more than the same period last year. This puts Alicante at the head of regional business creation, with a yearly 2.3 per cent increase, compared with Valencia’s 1.8 per cent and Castellon’s 0.9 per cent.


publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain.

Help for Guardamar businesses

AECC DONATION: Pilar golfers raised €6,500 for the national cancer charity.

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Big business

Linda Hall LO ROMERO GOLF has do nated €6,500 to Spain’s na tional cancer charity AECC. As it does each year, the golf club based in Pilar de la Horadada celebrated the an niversary of the town’s July 30 segregation from Orihuela in 1986 by doing what it does best.Inother words, the club or ganised the annual golf tour nament that has become a firm favourite with habitual players and summer visitors. Play started at 8.30am and finished with paella for all those present, together with a grand raffle that offered great prizes.Victoriano Gimenez, man ager of Lo Romero Golf re cently presented the €6,500 cheque to Pilar’s mayor Jose Maria Perez Sanchez, who in turn passed this on to Fermin Crespo Rodriguez, president of AECC Alicante. Perez thanked Lo Romero Golf for its initiative and soli darity while Crespo assured its manager that the cash would assist all those who needed the help of AECC Alicante. Taking advantage of Fermin Crespo’s presence, Pilar’s mayor also announced that the town intended to create a new local AECC assembly to assist cancer patients, their families and health profes sionals.

Top places ELCHE’S Miguel Hernandez University (UMH) made it this year to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), known as the Shanghai Rank ing. First place worldwide was occupied by Harvard Universi ty in the US, while Valencia University was placed in the top 200, with UMH entering the 801­900 section.

Charitytourism golf tournament

Floods of laughter

TORREVIEJA Town Hall has launched the fifth edition of its Shopping Vouchers cam paign.Residents registered on the municipal Padron who want to acquire the vouch ers in person have until Au gust 19 to make a prior ap pointment between 9am and 1pm at the town hall’s Oficina de Comercio located in the La Plasa municipal market in Calle Joaquin Cha paprieta.Thevouchers can then be picked up between August 22 and September 2 from 8am until 1pm and from 5pm and 8pm, attending at the time specified on the appointment slip. The vouchers will also be available online via the sumo.eshttps://torrevieja.bonocon website on September 2, after which they can be used in local es tablishments taking part in the campaign until October 1. “We timed this edition of the Shopping Voucher scheme to coincide with the return to school, encourag ing residents to spend not only in shops, cafes, bars and restaurants, but also kindergartens and playschools amongst other es tablishments,” Commerce councillor Rosario Martinez said.


The Euro Weekly News Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

THE Generalitat is promoting Valencian Community music festivals through its Mediter ranew Musix brand. The region was already fa mous for its summer festivals and now more than 100 have applied to come under the Mediterranew Musix umbrella. These are split into four cate gories, depending on size, be ginning with a Gran Fest for 20,000 with a budget of at least €1 million. An event with 10,000 or more people and a €350,000 budget comes into the Fest category followed by Fest Lite or Experience for small er “Afestivals.festival’s success depends on talent and the promoters’ ability to put together a good lineup on one hand,” said Francesc Colomer, who heads the region’s Tourist Board, re sponsible for the initiative. “But another fundamental element is the setting and the tourist experience,” he added when Mediterranew Musix was launched earlier this sum mer.“These events incubate tourism,” Colomer added.

Help the Shelter, adopt a cat GUARDAMAR recently an nounced an initiative to allevi ate the economic effects of the pandemic on local busi nesses, the self­employed and professionals.Givingdetails of the scheme to members of Guardamar’s business sector in the town hall’s council chamber, Eco nomic Promotion councillor Gisela Teva said that applica tions could be made once the notice appeared in Alicante Province’s Official Bulletin. A €92,730 fund has been fi nanced by a grant from the provincial council, the Diputa cion, with a maximum of €4,000 per applicant. The meeting was attended by members of more than 20 local firms, either in person or via video link. The councillor explained that businesses of all sizes from all sectors were eligible for the grants, as long as they were registered in Guardamar for tax Theypurposes.alsoneeded to demonstrate that their monthly turnover between July 1 in 2021 and June 30 this year was the same as, or low er than, their monthly aver age during the same period in 2019.Applicants would also need to provide details of over heads corresponding to the same period.

Carob fail VALENCIAN Community growers, including many in Al icante Province, are currently plagued by robberies of carob pods, prized for seeds that are much­used in cosmetics. Frus tratingly, the thefts benefit nobody as the still­green pods are unmarketable, while beating branches with poles to release the fruit has dam aged the trees. Too late THE Confederacion Hidro grafica del Segura (CHJ), re sponsible for southern Ali cante’s waterways, has commissioned a report to pinpoint potential flood blackspots along the River Segura. This has arrived “late and badly planned,” com plained critics who said this should have been carried out before the catastrophic floods of September 2019.

Photo credit: Pilar de la Horadada town hall

The Shelter did pass on a phone number when we called in late July and we spoke to someone, presumably from the town hall, who said he would arrange an appointment. As most municipal business grinds to a halt in August, apart from emergencies, this is more likely to materialise in Septem ber, but we did obtain some information from the town hall offi cial.He pointed out that Torrevieja allocates more per animal than many other town halls. He also added that the number of cats the Shelter has to care for always poses a problem.

THE Cadaval brothers got the audience laughing on Sunday, August 14 with their show de picting a multitude of wellknown Spanish personalities, including Isabel Díaz Ayuso, José Luis Martínez­Almeida and the King Emeritus. As part of San Pedro del Pinatar’s Sal de Música festi val, the Recinto Ferial de San Pedro del Pinatar hosted the new show by the Andalucian brothers and the more than 2,000 people in attendance at the event could not stop laughing.Theshow, which lasted about two hours and starred the Cadaval brothers as Omaita and Antonia, did not disappoint.Itcovered a full range of topical subjects, but also in cluded dances and parody songs ­ something the duo are famous for.

Not a good idea NEWS


AN Alicante University report has warned that using solar power for large­scale desalination plants would bring few economic warned.garejorevieja’s,nationoptionTajo­Segurafrastructureingwaterbrackishplants,wastewaterergyrevealedcantelowerwhich,solartheirMinistrysalinatedtoopposeagriculturalwater.linethewatersubstituteMinistryment’stricity.producewithtown’sequivalentnecessaryoutcosts.perdifferenceplantturenecessaryveyconcludedejoGarcia,Lecturersbenefits.MarcosJoaquinMelgarandBorjaMontanointheirsurthatinstallingtheinfrastrucfortheTorreviejawouldmakeaofonly10centinenergyTheyalsopointedthatitwouldbetofillanareatothetwosaltlakessolarpanelstosufficientelecThecentralgovernEnvironmentintendstopartofthethatarrivesviaTajo­Segurapipe­withdesalinatedSouthernAlicante’sgrowerstheplanowingthehighpriceofdewater.Thehascounteredobjectionswithitspowerstrategyitmaintains,willthecost.Incontrast,theAliUniversityreportthatsolarenisviablefortreatmentfordesalinatingsubterraneanandevenpowerwater­transferinlikethepipeline.ButitisnotaviableforhugedesaliplantslikeTorGarcia,MelandMontano Key’

THE ‘Youth is Key’ campaign is aimed at promoting the active participation of young people in society, Alicante Town Hall confirmed.Hundreds of young people took part in the Sports Day held on the beach of San Juan, Alicante on Friday, August 12. Alicante’s mayor, Luis Bar cala, pointed out that “it is un acceptable that young people have more cuts in rights and freedoms than our generation had.”The mayor claimed that “we have to recover talent, it is essential because the genera tion of employment depends on recovering these individual freedoms.”Themayor went on to say that he regretted that Alicante is below the national average in the unemployment rate among young people, which is why he advocates “generating opportunities and recovering enthusiasm for the future after the years of a pandemic where it seemed that there was none.”Thecouncillor for Equality, Youth, Immigration, and Vol unteering for Alicante Town Hall, Maria Conejero, stressed in her opening speech that “we believe that young people are the key and that we have to value your work and effort and make visible the active and effective participation of what you do because when you participate, you write your present and future.”

Ulterior motives

EWN 18 - 24 August 20224 ‘Youth is the

Leonid Andronov/

PILAR DE LA HORADADA’s mayor issued a municipal de cree closing local beaches at 10pm on the night of Sunday AugustAccording14. to the town hall, Pilar’s four kilometres of beaches needed to be closed until 6am on Monday Au gust 15 to enable comprehensive cleaning. What was not mentioned was the ulterior motive of preventing a massive outdoor ‘botellon’ drinking session on the eve of the August 15 national holiday.

The town hall has introduced the same measure in pre vious years to avoid a repetition of events when thou sands of young people thronged local beaches that night.

LORCA’S councillor for Parks and Gardens of Lorca City Council, Antonio Navarro, said the government had be gun the planting of traditional poinsettias in the municipal nursery.Navarro said on Saturday, August 13: “The workers of the Parks and Gardens service of Lorca City Council have just started the work of planting the ‘poinsettias’ which will adorn the streets and squares throughout our municipality this“FiveChristmas.thousand poinsettias which the Lorca Town Hall grows every year ­ with its own resources in order to save money when purchasing these plants ­ are being plant ed,” the councillor said. He added: “All the physical space available in the munici pal nursery has been used, which has the largest own production capacity in the whole of the Region of Mur cia, and of the total of 5,000 specimens, 4,000 will be of the traditional deep red colour and the rest white and pink, which will be inter spersed to give more colour to our parks and gardens.

The mayor’s decree instead explained that the large numbers of people visiting the municipality’s 10 beaches this year have been staying late into the night. Towels, beach mats and other items also prevented the sun from reaching and drying the sand, the statement said. “This is having a negative impact on our beaches, com pacting the sand and making it damp.” “Cleaning and maintenance need to be carried out at night to ensure access during the day and are incompati ble with night­time occupation of the beaches,” he added.

Bee sting increase

THE Oasis San Luis is a large complex, with a children’s play area, multiple bars, function room, and swimming pool located in Torrevie ja.On September 15 at 4.20pm, The Oasis will be holding a meeting in an attempt to push for the finishing of the park of the La Siesta ur banisation.Theattendees will include Eduardo Dolon, Carmen Gomez, Rosario Martinez and Guitte Lund Thomsen. Located approximately three kilometres northwest of Torrevieja’s city centre are the residential areas of La Siesta and El Chaparral. They consist of many developments which feature spacious villas, townhouses, and apartment blocks. Most of the rows of residences and holiday accommodations surround the town centre where the main road, rotunda, and various commercial shops and restaurants are locat ed.

SERIOUS allergic reactions to wasp and bee stings have increased by around 20 per cent in the last 10 years in the Region of Murcia ac cording to Murcia Salud. A 51­year­old man died in Murcia on the morning of Monday August 15 after be ing stung by a wasp sting, the deceased fainted in the middle of the street as he suffered a serious allergic re action and went into cardiac arrest. Emergency services were unable to save his life as reported in regional press sources.During summer is when these insects are more ac tive and more outdoor ac tivities are being carried out, Murcia Salud advises the following when bitten, to observe the sting, an allergic reaction of up to 10cms around the bite may occur. Pain or discomfort can be considered normal and not excessively worrying. How ever, if the reaction is larger than this or symptoms such as dizziness, nausea or vom iting occur, medical care should be sought immedi ately.Inthe event of an insect bite, the first measure is to wash the area thoroughly with water. In the case of specific stings such as bee stings, the sting is usually left behind, so it is necessary to remove it carefully with out breaking it. An ice pack can be applied to the area for a few minutes to relieve pain and inflammation.

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Finish our park La Siesta

Hooting cicadas

The first cases were detected in the southern part of the province, but the phenomenon has been spreading to the northern regions.

Joint Blue Flag

ALICANTE will expand its stand at Alicante Gastro nomica and makes it interac tive to improve user experi ence.The fair takes place from September 23 to September 26 at the Institucion Ferial Al icantina (IFA). The stand will bring to gether more than 40 Miche lin stars and 60 Repsol suns, Alicante Gastronomica has confirmed.Thecouncillor for Catering and Commerce, Lidia López, announced that this year “Alicante has prepared a new, completely renovated image, with a commitment to digitalisation by integrat ing a giant, full­colour LED screen into the design. “This novelty of the stand will enable attendees to im prove their experience by in tegrating activities and events such as live cooking shows that will take place at the stand, and facilitate greater promotion of partici pants, speakers, chefs, and tourism entrepreneurs.”

ON the morning of Friday, Au gust 12, San Javier and Carta gena hoisted their first joint blue flag on the Banco del Ta balThebeach.mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo and the mayor of Cartagena, Noelia Arroyo, raised the Blue Flag on the beach of Banco del TabalCalnegre, shared by both mu nicipalities in La Manga del quality certifica tion accredits the quality of the bathing water, compliance with environmental regula tions and the safety of users. Mr Luengo said he was ex tremely satisfied with this new recognition and said it was just the beginning of the San Javier and Cartagena coalition. “For us, it is another exam ple that when there is will and coordination, things can be achieved that make a destina tion better,” the San Javier mayor said. On the other hand, Ms Ar royo said: “This is one of the first results of the coalition and our government programme where we wanted to work for excellence in the quality of the services we provide in La Manga.”

THE first case of ‘Hooting cicadas’ has been found during an extreme heatwave in Ali cante. It has never happened before as ci cadas tend to sing, which experts are putting down to the heat. Cicada, relate to any of a group of sound­pro ducing insects that have two pairs of membra nous wings, prominent compound eyes, and three simple eyes. They are medium to large in size, ranging from two to 5cms (0.8 to 2 inches). The technicians of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, which is responsible for the Environment in Spain, are now deeply concerned about having confirmed dozens of cases of hovering cicadas in the province of Alicante. Experts attribute this loss of the ability to ‘sing’ to the unusually high temperatures this summer, local media confirmed on Friday, August 12.“According to our initial studies, when it is so hot, these insects work exhausting days to the point that they stop making their char acteristic sounds,” explained a member of Teresa Ribera’s (the Minister for the Ecological Transition of Spain) department.

THE European Youth Sailing Championships closed on Thursday, August 11 on a lake in Germany with two Torre vieja sailors in the top 10 of their respective classifications. Real Club Náutico Torrevieja (RCNT), composed of four sailors: Leonor Romero, Inés Alcañiz, Alberto Antón and Al berto Caballero, with Ana Monsalvo as coach, attended the regatta, which started on Saturday August 6. Alberto Antón achieved the seventh position in the men’s category of 63 participants, while Inés Alcañiz achieved the 10th position in the women’s category composed of 44 sailors.Unfortunately, the event didn’t go to plan. Only six races of the entire programme planned for the European Championship were able to take place due to lit tle to no wind blowing on the lake! RCNT will now begin preparations for the Spanish Cham pionship which take place from September 8 to 11 in the Catalan town of L’Estartit.

EWN 18 - 24 August 20226 NEWS

BLUE FLAG: Beginning of a successful coalition? AytoSanJavier

GastronomicaAlicante European Youth Sailing Championships

THE Firefighters of Murcia posted a video on their social media channels late on Wednesday, August 10 showing a huge house fire in the district of Los Dolores. Po lice officers saved the lives of four people from the burning building. The officers, who were in plain clothes in a camouflaged patrol car, saw the fire in a house and did not hesitate to take action.

According to a local news source, the officers, on seeing that debris was falling from the property and that nobody was opening the door, placed their car under the first-floor balcony, got onto the car and saw that a man, a woman and a girl were trapped inside. The officers immediately proceeded to get them out of the house through the bal cony.The tenants of the house told the offi cers that there was another person inside. However, the area through which they had managed to rescue them was no longer ac cessible due to the flames. The officers tried to gain access through the back of the house, where they found a pregnant woman trapped. With the help of a neighbour, who lent them a ladder, the police officers were able to climb up and save the woman in time.


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Police make fire rescue

LORCA C ity Council has completed replacement works to the vertical garden located in the Plaza de La Curia.The council reported on Thursday, August 11 that the vertical garden located in the Plaza de la Herman dad de La Curia had been ripped down. At the time, Lorca’s coun cillor for Local Development, Isabel Casalduero, said: “Early this afternoon the vertical garden located in the Plaza de la Hermandad de La Curia was taken down and immediately the munici pal technical staff went to the site to study the incident and start the immediate repositioning of the garden.” She added: “The Lorca City Council has immediate ly contacted the company that installed the panels, which had no reason to have come down. “The company has in formed us that, now, the way to proceed is to keep these plant cloths spread out and watered until to morrow, when specialised personnel will visit the area and study the incident in or der to reposition them.”

PLAZA DE LA CURIA: Vertical garden hanging once again.

Garden restored CouncilCityLorca

AN excavation team in the paleontological site of the Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo, Torre Pacheco, have found a pha lanx bone of a Neanderthal man, dated between 100,000 and 130,000 years ago. The discovery at the Sima de las Palomas site shows the presence of Ne anderthal Man during the last interglacial period. The finding of a Nean derthal phalangeal bone in the hand or foot is signifi cant. During summer, the dig has also focused on re trieving the rich layer of ani mal remains located at the site, including the remains of turtles, rabbits, horses andAnotherdeer. significant find of this excavation site is the skeletons of two adults and a young boy. The skeletons are that of the extinct species of European fossil man called Neanderthal Man or Homo Nean derthalensis, which was in this area of the southeast peninsular about 50,000 yearsOneago.ofthe female adults baptised ‘Paloma’ by the team, is the most complete Neanderthal skeleton in the whole speciesmalehasMediterraneanEuropeancoastandthemostcompletefepelvisofthishumanintheworld.

AFTER almost 30 years of conflict and com plaints between the residents of Gran Ala cant and the paragliding clubs, due to the jumps from the cape area and the prob lems they cause, Santa Pola Town Hall has announced that “it is determined to put an end to the situation.”

A 19-YEAR-OLD woman had to be rescued by a drone in Santa Pola after being swept away by the tide. The scary incident occurred on Wednesday, AugustVideo10. footage re leased the following day showed the drone drop ping two life jackets to the teenager that kept her afloat until the life guard team arrived. The drone was able to locate and reach the dis tressed woman in less than 40 “Althoughseconds.the drone’s performance could not have been faster, the first lifejacket did not self-in flate, so the pilot had to make a second delivery, as the drone always has a second spare lifejacket for emergencies of this type, or even to be able to perform multiple res cues,” the Generalitat said. As noted by the Generalitat, 20 coastal municipalities in the Va lencia Region already have a drone prevention and rescue service con tracted by the local gov ernment. The unmanned aircraft has become an effective tool for the rapid detection of people in danger at sea.


The Paragliders’ Association, according to the council, “has not wanted to accept any kind of agreement in the numerous meetings that have been held. Therefore, the Santa Pola Town Hall has already pro posed to both the political groups and the local residents, to give a different use to the natural area.”

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The town hall, it has been explained, has tried over the last three years to bring the Paragliding Association and the local resi dents closer together by drawing up vari ousTheagreements.latestrequest is that the association “regulate the jumps, require civil liability insurance for the association, have con trollers and install portable toilets in the area,” Gran Alacant councillor Oscar Valenzuela said. “The association confirmed at the last meeting that these points were unaccept able.”


AT around 3pm on Thurs day, August 11, a car caught fire on the N-332 at the height of Torrevieja ceme tery.The fire, which was due to a mechanical failure due to the vehicle’s air conditioning, caused a delay for hundreds of road Severalusers.units from the Lo cal Police, Guardia Civil Traf fic Control and firefighting crews from the Park Vega Sur de Torrevieja were dis patched to the scene to put out the fire and control the traffic.After nearly two hours, the fire was extinguished and the road reopened around 4.46pm. Luckily, the fire did not injure anyone. Earlier on the same day there had been another fire following a collision. Again, no injuries were reported as a result of the accident or subsequent fire.


FIRE: Huge delays but a lucky escape.

COMPLAINTS: But no agreement reached.

End to paragliding N-332 car blaze

Elche sold out of mobility vouchers within an hour. Halfpoint/Shutterstock.comImage:

THE committee for the Eco nomic Development of Vega Baja has launched a cam paign to promote the brand ‘Vega Baja del Segura, your land and mine’ by distribut ing 15,000 bags at councils and in Tourist Information centres.The‘Convega’ bags are be ing distributed at councils and Tourist Information cen tres and display three mes sages to strengthen the iden tity of the Vega. The messages on the bags feature colloquial language of the Vega Baja. The man ager of Convega, Rosa Maria Fernandez said, “We have used words that are particu lar to our area such as ca pusón, boria, lisones and ca marrojas.” This gives a nod to the entire region and pro motes how proud they are of their roots. The three messages print ed on the bags are, ‘A ca pusón is what you want to give yourself this summer’, ‘Are you more of a camarro jas or a lisones?’ And ‘with boria it would be hard for you to read this message’. The messages have been a hit, within just a few hours they sold out in some offices including in Torrevieja.

ELCHE Town Hall confirmed their new mobility vouchers sold out in one hour which they say confirms the commitment of the people of Elche to sustainable mobility.

Mobility vouchers sell out

Esther Diez who is Elche’s councillor for Sus tainable Development, Urban Mobility, Traffic and Environment confirmed that: “The vouchers that are not redeemed within 14 days will be made available to the public again on August 24.”Esther Díez added that “for the Municipal Government it is very good news that the ‘Elx baja los humos’ campaign has been so well re ceived, as it is one of the lines for the promotion of clean mobility and also to alleviate the eco nomic situation of families in the face of rising fu el prices.”Theaim is that the purchase of alternative ve hicles translates into an increase in sustainable mobility in the municipality, along with other ini tiatives such as the construction of new bike lanes and the expansion of the BiciElx service by more than 20 stations.

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Vega Baja Bags

The next batch will begin on Friday, August 19 and last until Sunday, August 21 in clusive.Then they will strike again from Saturday, August 27 until Monday, August 29.

Robbie’s surprise

Portugal’s Bonnie and Clyde’ Final day of strike

REVELLERS at a top Ibiza nightspot in the Balearic is lands had a massive surprise when British music superstar Robbie Williams made a sur prise appearance. This amaz ing moment occurred on Thursday, August 11, in the new 528 Ibiza amphitheatre venue as he took to the stage to join electronic outfit Lufthaus.Rumours had apparently been circulating for some weeks that somebody fa mous was going to make a surprise appearance on the island. The performance by singer­writer­producer tag team Lufthaus had been ad vertised for days, with a teas er that said a special guest artist would be joining them. The international pop star spent 90 minutes interacting with the crowd, along with Lufthaus, an innovative new act which includes worldrenowned master producers Flynn Francis and Tim Met calfe.Robbie sang a couple of songs and then took his place behind the DJ decks. He sub sequently entertained the gobsmacked partygoers, playing music and getting ev erybody in the party mood. “We launched 528 Ibiza with the ambition of it be coming Ibiza’s most impor tant new entertainment des tination so to have one of the world’s most successful mu sic artists choose our newly launched 528 Gardens for this outstanding Ibiza debut was a dream come true,” said Andy McKay, CEO, 528 Ibiza & Ibiza Rocks Group.

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Gas pipeline possibility

AS reported by the Sitcpla union in a statement on Sun day, August 14, on the final day of strike action in Spain by easyJet pilots, as of 1pm, just six flights had been can celled. Malaga airport was not affected at all by the ac tion, with no cancellations occurring.Thislatest round of indus trial action by easyJet start ed on Friday, August 12, and in the three days following, only 34 flights were sus pended.ASitcpla spokesperson highlighted that the support of the pilots’ strike at easyJet is, at this time, 100 per cent, with ‘maximum respect’ be ing shown for the minimum services previously decreed by the Twogovernment.morerounds of in dustrial action are scheduled by easyJet pilots in August.

ACCORDING to Teresa Ribera, the Spanish Minister for the Environment, a gas pipeline project to connect Spain to France through the Catalan Pyrenees could become reality. The Minister stated on Friday, August 12, that according to calculations made by the govern ment a pipeline could be operational in eight or nine months on the southern side of the border towards Spain. During an interview with a national media outlet, she said the government considered it “essential to go hand in hand” with the French government to accelerate the project. She spoke of the comments made by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in which he spoke of such a pipeline from Portugal to the rest of Europe. Ms Ribera said she believed that his message is key “to generating that political convic tion of European interest that has a project of these characteristics.”


AS reported in a statement from the Guardia Civil on Sunday, August 14, a nationwide alert asking citizens to help trace a wanted couple paid off and has now been cancelled. A couple dubbed ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ had gone on a robbery spree across Portugal and into Spain. The Guardia Civil launched its appeal on Wednesday, August 10, asking the public to keep an eye out for the two Portuguese fugitives, 40­year­old Nelida Cristina Alves, and 42­year­old Sid ney Alberto Pereira. After crossing the border from Portugal into Huelva on July 28, they were subsequently wanted in connection with at least four robberies committed in petrol stations in Sevilla, Toledo, and Badajoz. Using its official Twitter account, the Guardia Civil posted full information about the couple. They added two cur rent images taken from security cameras in one of the premises they had recently robbed. According to official police sources, the hunt came to an end on Saturday, August 13. National Po lice officers arrested the fugitives in a shopping centre in Zamora after they were recognised by an observant citizen.

Robbie Williams with Lufthaus at the new 528 Ibiza venue in the Balearic islands.

Bus ride from hell

FESTIVAL goers returning from Castellon’s Arenal Sound were allegedly forced to stay on a bus in 40 degree heat with no air conditioning, as reported on Wednesday, August 10. One of the festival goers recounted the experience of the hellish bus ride on her Twitter account stat ing: The situation we experi enced yesterday was out rageous, while returning from the @ArenalSound on one of their official bus es to “TheSheAlicante.”continued:busstarted and the air was still not working, reaching close to 40º. At this point many of us who were inside asked to get off… we could not stay for three more hours in that situation.“People got off the bus with many experiencing anxiety attacks, crying, dizzy and very hot. Some people even had a fever and/or vomited. “The ambulances arrived and helped us and later we were relocated in several buses of the same compa ny which had more than enough space, which could have been changed at the moment it was known that the air conditioning was not“ of many people has been put at risk, it is shameful that we are being taken for a ride and it is more than clear that they have done it be cause we are a group of young people who were returning from partying, but the truth is that no body can endure three hours in a bus at 37 de grees and without air con ditioning.”

THE British Embassy issued an explainer on UK voter rights for local elections in Spain following a recent Eu ropean Court of Justice rul ing, as reported on Wednes day, August Speaking10.on UK voter rights in Spain’s local elec tions, the British Embassy stated:“Lots of you have told us you are concerned about your continued right to vote in local elections here in Spain, following an ECJ ruling a couple of months ago and subsequent press reports, so we wanted to reiterate our earlier thecalrightdoestionalwhich“Theguidance.”ECJjudgement,concernedaUKnaresidentinFrance,notaffectUKnationals’tovoteandstandinloelectionsinSpain.“Theseareprovidedbybilateralagreementbe tween the UK and Spain, which allows UK nationals who have lived in Spain for more than three years to vote and stand in local elec tions.“UK nationals can vote and stand in local elections in Spain once they have been resident for three years. To do so, you must: • be registered on the mu nicipal register where you live (padrón municipal) • confirm your registra tion on the electoral roll (censo electoral), within the dates set by the electoral au thorities before each elec tion. “Your town hall may not allow you to register on the electoral roll at other times, so don’t worry if you are not able to register at thisYoupoint.”canfind more informa tion at guidance/living­in­

@cintiaaa_10 EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS12


BUS For festi val goers was totally unac ceptable. Twitter @graacee31 Tiktok


British Embassy explains UK voter rights for local elections in Spain

Reunited in France

A Atotheandtransferred,riedtechniquesaftervicestherushedanbasedbeach.walking12.10pmGalicianinglegedlyTuesday,byGaliciadoviño,oflightningboyNINE-YEAR-OLDwasstruckbyonthebeachVilarrubeinValACoruña,itwasreportedlocalmediaonAugust9.TheboywasalstruckbylightonthebeachinataroundwhenhewasalongtheAmedicalhelicopterinOurenseandambulanceweretothescene.Onceonthescene,EmergencySerconfirmedthat,resuscitationwerecarout,thechildwasstablewithapulse,toHospitalArquitecMarcidedeFerrolinCoruña.

New tremors in La Palma

THE National Geographic In stitute (IGN) has reported that between 11pm local time on Wednesday, August 10, and 4am on Thursday, August 11, a total of 63 earthquakes were recorded in the vicinity of the erup tion of the Cumbre Vieja vol cano , on the Canary island of La Palma , which they say corresponds to a low­magni tude seismic swarm. The IGN specified that the largest magnitude earth quake of 1.7 mbLg was recorded at 2.48am, at a depth of 12km. Swarms of this type are normal within the post eruptive process in which this area of the island of La Palma finds itself, added the IGN. It continues to monitor the seismic activ ity in the Duringarea.themonth of July, IGN specified that a total of 245 earthquakes were regis tered in the Canary Islands. A maximum magnitude of 3.6 mbLg was recorded at 7.26pm on July 16. It had its epicentre about 100km north of the island of Tener ife.There were three earth quakes felt by the popula tion during July, according to the information collected through the electronic macroseismic question naires sent.

Young boy struck lightningby

PRINCESS CRISTINA re united with her husband Iñaki Urdangarin in Bidart, France, where the two enjoyed a cou ple of days together en joying the beach along side three of their four children.Despite separating back in January, Princess Cristina and her former partner appeared to have put aside some of the tension from their high­profile split in or der to enjoy a holiday with their Urdangarinchildren.and the princess met in Bidart, with their children Pablo, Miguel and Irene who were already in the town spending the holi days with their father, the former Duke of Pal ma.Although missing Juan, their eldest son, the cou ple’s other children were excited when their mother joined them in France.Asreported in the me dia on Wednesday, Au gust 4, when Princess Cristina, 57, spotted the children practising water sports with their father, she was greeted by Miguel and Pablo who both ran up and kissed her.

ON HOLIDAY: Princess Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin put tensions aside. SPAIN has sent 25 40­foot con tainers to transport 600 tonnes of Ukrainian grain by train, in a pilot project, as reported on Wednesday, August 10. Spain’s latest Ukrainian grain transportation project has been organised by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) as an alterna tive or complement to the mar itime mode at a time marked by the invasion of Russia and limitations in Black Sea ports. Thus, Renfe Mercancías has sent the containers to the bor der between Poland and Ukraine to transport the Ukrainian corn to Spain. This is a pilot test with which the Ministry seeks to demon strate the technical and eco nomic viability of rail transport of cereal through the rail net work that crosses Europe from Lodz (Poland) to Barcelona Can TunisThe(Spain).firststeps of this pilot project coincide with the re opening of the Black Sea ports and the maritime cereal routes supervised by Turkey. Spain starts pilot train test

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 13NEWS

THE Balearic Islands’ For mentera lit up as a £20 million superyacht burst into flames. The brand new 43.7­metre vessel Aria SF was destroyed in a fire off the coast of Cala Saona.Maritime Rescue of For mentera confirmed the news on Friday, August 12 in a Twit ter post that read, “Salvamar Acrux and Guardamar Concep ción Arenal, from our Coordi nation Centre in Palma, have been mobilised in the area.” The Guardia Civil were con tacted when some smoke from the yacht appeared at around 5.00pm on Thursday, August 11. The smoke was visible from as far away as Ibiza, local press in Ibiza confirmed. A spokesman for the Span ish Coastguard Service con firmed that the seven crew and nine passengers were all safe and had been evacuated onto a police boat. Paolo Scuderi the 61­yearold Ambassador for Monaco’s Tourism bought the yacht in 2019 but it only left the ship yard last month The cause of the fire is as yet unknown. Balearic Islands’ Formentera lights up as £20m superyacht bursts into Superyachtflames. fire

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS14

SPAIN’S Ministry of Health has called on peo ple to donate blood, reminding them that do nations provide an essential supply of blood to hospitals for multiple treatments and surgery.TheMinistry of Health said that all those who are able to donate should do so at local centres.Lastyear, more than one and a half million people between 18 and 65 years of age do nated blood in Spain and 15 per cent of them did so for the first time. The donations en abled a total of 1,886,500 transfusions to be carried out and 493,000 sick people to be caredForfor.those donating blood in Andalucia there is an app, APP Dona Sangre providing information about where to donate and the history of donations. The app also sends alerts if a certain blood type is needed in a location. The Ministry of Health thanked all donors who have already given blood recently, or any of its components including plasma, platelets or red blood cells, stressing that this is helping to treat thousands of sick people in Spain.

Spain’s blood drive

SCULPTURE: Not everything is good frozen but THIS vegan food is.

Three-day school week

“Piers is the man who thinks and talks about vegan food more than anyone ­ he has continuously mocked plant­based food, fa mously spitting his vegan sausage roll into a bin on live TV,” the company said. The seven foot tall sculpture attracted large crowds in one of the highest footfall areas in London. Andy Shovel, Co­Founder of THIS™ said: “We wanted to include this special man in the launch celebrations of our frozen food range. He is the man who thinks and talks about ve gan food even more than we do. We know how excited he’ll be to try these.”

AFTER going on several anti­vegan tirades on TV and social media, plant­based meat mav ericks, THIS™, erected a giant ice sculpture of Piers Morgan in Trafalgar Square. The Piers Morgan sculpture in Trafalgar Square, London was created to include ‘this special man’ in the brand’s frozen range launch celebrations, the company said on Fri day, August 12.

Piers Morgan’s vegan sausage


The headmaster of Southend High School for Boys in Essex, Doctor Robin Bevan, said: “If a four­day week is not already being planned, it will certainly be being considered by some schools. “In the absence of long overdue above­infla tion investment in school funding, it’ll become a realistic prospect sooner rather than later.”

UK headteachers say they are struggling to deal with escalating energy costs and are con sidering all options to help their budgets. A chief executive of one of the leading academy trusts in the country said: “Shorter school days, fewer after­school clubs and en richment opportunities and draconian restric tions on energy usage will become a reality for all trusts and the situation is particularly chal lenging for smaller trusts and standalone schools.”

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS16

A spokesman for the Department for Educa tion said: “We recognise that schools ­ much like the wider economy ­ are facing increased costs, including on energy and staff pay.”

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS18


SHAKESPEARE’S Globe The atre is opening a production of I, Joan on Thursday August 25 depicting the historical icon Joan of Arc as non­binary. The pronouns used in the production will be ‘they’ and ‘them’, a UK media source confirmed on Thursday, Au gust 11. Joan of Arc was a peasant in medieval France. She believed that God had chosen her to lead France to victory in its long­running war with England. Charles of Valois allowed her to lead a French army to the city of Orleans, where they achieved a stun ning victory. Frank Furedi, an emeritus professor of sociolo gy at the University of Kent, said: “Playwrights are allowed to have a bit of poetic licence but I think what is interesting about the play is that it very much falls in with the idea of rewriting“ Joan of Arc would not have any idea what non­binary was. It is a rechar acterisation of something that did not even exist at the time. “It completely violates the meaning of history, it’s the projecting of a fantasy back wards.“For French patriots, Joan of Arc is someone very special. Her role was all the more hero ic because she was a woman.”

POTENTIAL future UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has demanded Iran be sanc tioned after the brutal stab bing of Salman Rushdie. Sunak said the attack was a “wake­up call for the West” and warned the UK “can’t take the eye off the ball,” British press confirmed on Sunday, August 14. The 75­year­old author, Salman Rushdie, was in jured after being punched and stabbed on stage be fore the Chautauqua (CHQ) speech he was due to give near Buffalo, New York, US on Friday, August 12. Witnesses claimed that he managed to walk off stage with assistance and the attacker was restrained. On Saturday, August 13, Andrew Wylie, Salman Rushdie’s spokesperson, said: “The news is not good. Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed, and his liver was stabbed and dam aged.”

Changing history wake-upRushdiecall

HISTORICAL ICON: Joan of Arc depicted as non-binary.

Train track horror

4 in hospital

ester, Newcastle and Sheffield have all been ac cepted as Shortlisted Host Cities for the Eurovision Song Contest set to take place in the United King dom in May 2023. “The BBC had expres sions of interest from 20 cities, across all four na tions of the United King dom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.”According to Eurovision Song Contest the seven cities were shortlisted based on "”their ability to meet a set of minimum re quirements that demon strate they have the capac ity, capability and experience to host an event of this scale and complexity.”Thefinaldecision on the winning host city will be determined by which city or region scores highest against an agreed evalua tion criteria, assessed by the BBC.

SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS’ is land of Skye bore witness to three related major shooting incidents on Wednesday, Au gust 10. A 39­year­old man was ar rested and is now in custody. One patient was airlifted to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, while two others were taken by heli copter to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, Scottish media re ported.

1st female deputy chief

EUROVISION Song Con test 2023 revealed its shortlist of seven host cities in the UK, as reported on Friday, August 12. The full list of the seven cities include Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Leeds,Birmingham,(EBU)peanSheffield.Manchester,NewcastleLiverpool,andEurovisionstated:“TheBBCandtheEuroBroadcastingUnionhaveannouncedthatGlasgow,Liverpool,Manch


EWN18 - 24 August 2022 19NEWS

A fourth person is being treated at Broadford Hospital onInSkye.apost on Twitter, North ern Police said: “We were made aware of a woman in jured at a property in the Tarskavaig area on Skye short ly before 9.00am on Wednes day, August 10. “Police are also attending two further incidents in Teangue on Skye and Dornie which are being linked. “A 39­year­old man has been arrested in connection with the incidents. At this stage, we believe the situation is contained and there is no risk to the wider community.

Sharon Nesmith appointed.

LIEUTENANT GENERAL Sharon Nesmith is now the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the British Army, be coming the first female British Army officer to hold the rank of Lieutenant General and oc cupy the appointment. In April 2022, the appoint ment was announced and ap proved by Her Majesty The Queen, and she took up the role on Friday August 12. Speaking on the appoint ment Defence Secretary Ben Wallace stated: “I am delighted that Sharon Nesmith has taken up her role as Deputy Chief of the General Staff. She brings extensive ex perience and new ideas to drive the Army’s transforma tion and deal with emerging threats across the world.”

Lieutenant General Nesmith stated:“Iam deeply honoured to be appointed as the Deputy Chief of the General Staff at such a pivotal time for the British Army. “I am excited to be playing my part in leading the Army’s mobilisation to meet today’s threats, and the delivery of our Future Soldier’s bold moderni sation agenda.”

Eurovision 23 shortlist

TWO track workers were almost struck by a freight train travelling at 61 mph (98 km/h) at around 00.06am on Monday July 11. The incident occurred just south of Penkridge station in Staffordshire, England. The track workers moved clear of the path of the train less than one second before it reached their position, the UK govern ment’s Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) confirmed on Thursday, August 11. Another train was passing the track work ers on an adjacent line as the freight train approached them. At the time of the incident, the track workers involved were investigating an on going fault with the overhead line equip ment which was preventing trains with elec tric traction from using this section of the line, causing significant levels of disruption to train services in the area.

One fan posted: “Noo you can’t retire. You’re too young for a start. I love watching you back with all the classic Corrie episodes.”OnAugust 2, 2010, Victoria’s departure after 14 years on the show was confirmed. Soap bosses said the actress “ago nised” over her decision, but decided the show’s 50th an niversary year was the right time to say goodbye.

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS20

Actress furious

“This latest tranche of military support will enable the Armed Forces of Ukraine to continue to defend against Russian ag gression and the indiscriminate use of long­range artillery,” Mr Wallace said. He added: “Our continued support sends a very clear message, Britain and the international community remain op posed to this illegal war and will stand shoulder­to­shoulder, providing defen sive military aid to Ukraine to help them defend against Putin’s invasion.”

FIFTY-FOUR-YEAR-OLD Vic toria Entwistle, who rose to fame after portraying Janice Battersby in the soap opera Coronation Street, has threat ened to quit acting over the lack of respect in the industry. Victoria announced the news on Twitter on Wednesday Au gust 10 in a post that read: “Just had a few Zoom auditions. Half of me thinks I’m lucky... the oth er half thinks... any feedback cocky ba**d**s!!" “It just cost me £80 in petrol. Most of the time they don’t even acknowledge you even turned up!! The respect has flown from this industry!”

THE UK will send further multiple­launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine as part of an enduring commitment to help the country defend itself against Russia’s ille gal invasion, Defence Secretary Ben Wal lace announced on Thursday, August 11. Britain will also give a significant num ber of precision­guided M31A1 missiles which can strike targets up to 80km away, enabling Ukraine to continue to defend itself against Russian heavy ar tillery.The decision comes following the suc cessful use of multiple­launch rocket sys tems by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, gifted by the UK earlier this year.



More arms

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 21FEATURE

IN an exclusive interview with the Euro Weekly News, Down to Earth CEO Jonathan Patarkatsi spoke on his company’s humble beginnings, driven with a mission and a purpose from the onset, and his subsequent trademark lawsuit with Netflix’s TV series Down to Earth, star ring Zac 2017, Down to Earth is a health fo cused, wellness lifestyle brand that includes an ice tea line, fruit and nut snacks, apparel merchan dise, as well as a free well ness podcast that’s avail able on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music and on their“Wewebsite.started very organi cally and with limited re sources, but we immedi ately filed for trademarks, the names we knew we would be using in com merce, the typical legal protocol in both the US and many other coun tries,” stated CEO Jonathan Patarkatsi. “This was done initially for our beverage, food and apparel line and then when we decided to launch our podcast in 2020, we applied for all of the necessary trade marks.”Once again Down to Earth successfully regis tered their trademarks in April 2020, when just at the end of July 2020, Net flix dropped a trailer for a new TV series also named ‘Down to Earth’ starring Zac Efron, focusing on simi lar topics to Patarkatsi’s company.“Thisled to a lot of con fusion, a lot of customers reached out to us not knowing whether or not we were affiliated with the show, or if they had in fringed on our trademark or vice versa,” stated Patarkatsi.Hiscompany attempted to clear up the confusion, sending Zac Efron, his team and everyone at Netflix a cease and desist letter, no tifying them of the trade mark theAccordinginfringement.toPatarkatsiletterwasrejected, and his compa ny received a “very belit tling response,” leaving them no choice but to file a lawsuit.“Acompany like Netflix has a huge legal team, so when you see companies with the resources to do things as they are sup posed to be done and they choose not to, in my opin ion, it is extremely disre spectful to the legal sys tem and the world at large,” stated the Down to Earth“WhenCEO.corporations and public figures who have the resources and the means to follow legal pro tocol choose not to, this signifies a “rules for thee and not for me attitude,” and ends up hurting hardworking entrepreneurs and small business owners who do things the right way and make the neces sary investments to follow legal protocol,” he contin ued.In addition Netflix’s TV series ‘Down to Earth’ did a collaboration with Na ture Valley, an American company renowned for its nut bars, which according to Jonathan Patarkatsi constitutes a second in fringement on his compa ny’sPatarkatsitrademark. said that these infringements have been incredibly damaging for his company, as they have led to a lot of confu sion among “Regardlessconsumers.ofhowlong it takes and how many challenges come up, we are going to see this through to the end, and we hope that by doing this, smaller companies that might also be bullied by corporations or public figures will be inspired to stick to what they believe in and defend their compa nies,” concluded Patarkat si.To learn more about Down to Earth and their mission to provide any and everyone access to healthy products and to listen to their wide selection of 68 completely free health and lifestyle podcasts visit:

Down to Earth CEO on Netflix TV series lawsuit




ROCK AGAINST CANCER is a music festival aimed at raising funds for the fight against cancer. This festival has been held in the city of Torrevieja for more than 10 years. Founded in 2009, Rock Against Cancer is an annual music event dedicat ed to raising funds and awareness for cancer, with a special focus on helping local people and individual patients. This year will mark the fifth edition of the festi val, held on September 9 and 10 at the Antonio Soria Park, Torrevieja. The festival is free for children up to the age of 12 who are accompanied by parents, and the fes tival will include food trucks and market stalls. Bands include the Bryan Adams Tribute, which honours the Canadian rock icon with dedication, professionalism �and the exceptional ability to keep the essence of the music while adding a per sonalALMOSTtouch.��AC/DC the best AC/DC tribute band in Europe who have played in the previous festi vals in 2019 and MOTÖRHITS2021.tribute band to MOTÖRHEAD who have nailed the band in every way, both aesthetically and musically and many more. So join the fight against cancer and don’t miss out on a great event! Tickets can be purchased at:­against­cancer­2022https://entradi Av. Delfina Viudes 03183 Torrevieja Alicante

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 SOCIAL SCENE22

“AINARA LEGARDON is an inexhaustible mine of common goods who un derstood long ago that mu sic is everything. When we dare to think about how to improve the universal state of things in both mu sic and culture, LeGardon cannot fail to be an exam ple to follow. “To witness his evolution is and will be a spectacle of nature.” (Adriano Galante. Rock de Lux) Born in 1976 in Bilbao, Ainara LeGardon has been making music for more than two decades. Her four solo albums have received excellent reviews and a warm reception from the public, some of them being considered as references in folk­rock in Spain. Ainara has performed on stages in half of Europe as well as in the United States, where she has giv en concerts in some of the most legendary clubs in New York, such as the now defunctLeGardonCBGB’s.will perform on Sunday, September 18, at 12pm, with free entry until full capacity is reached at Elche’s Centre Cultural Les Clarisses locat ed on Passeig Eres de San ta Llúcia, 8e, 03202 Elx, Ali cante.

Nature Summer NightsSummernights.


THIS summer don’t stay at home on summer nights, Nature Summer Nights is back! Music, physical ac tivities and workshops for everyone.TheDepartment of Tourism is once again or ganising this series of ac tivities in the precious nat ural enclave of Pilar de la Horadada, the Río Seco de Pinar de Campoverde Nat uralOnArea.Wednesday, August 17, there will be a free Vinyasa Yoga activity, commencing at 8.20pm at the Río Seco Natural Area, C/ Trébol, 7, Pinar de Cam poverde, organised by the Tourism Department of Pi lar de la Horadada. On Wednesday, August 24, a free drum circle will take place, with each par ticipant being given a dif ferent instrument with which they will learn to play some notes. The ac tivity will start at 10pm and finish at around mid night. The location of the activ ity will also be at the Río Seco Natural Area, C/ Trébol, 7, Pinar de Cam poverde.OnWednesday, August 31, there will be a free na ture workshop titled ‘A walk through the solar sys tem, that will begin at 7.30pm and end at around 11pm. Once again the lo cation will be at Río Seco Natural Area, C/ Trébol, 7, Pinar de Campoverde. To register for any of the activities send an email to with your name and sur name, age, telephone and email.Registration is com pletely free, however there are limited places, so make sure you do not miss out!


Ainara LeGardon Concert

A BELGIAN artist has created an air balloon shaped like a new born baby and it had its first flight over Antwerp on AugustConceived11. by Bart Van Peel, it also took nine months to create, the same gestation period as a human baby. Christened Baby You, the 34­metre­long hot air balloon is, according to the artist, is a reminder of the togetherness of people and the precious nature of life ­ joyful, full of wonder, and present in the here and now. The process of making a specially­shaped inflatable was a challenging one; to get the desired look and make it airborne you need the right mix of aesthetic, technical, and aeronautical elements and there were plenty of false starts and returns to the drawing board before it was completed.Themost difficult part was inflating the baby’s head, re quiring the development of new techniques to direct the spread of air throughout its in ternal structure. The concept is to see the sleeping baby ly ing on top of soft clouds as one of the most complicated and heaviest hot air balloons journeys through the sky on its own voyage of discovery. From Antwerp it is due to appear at the UK’s Eden Arts Festival in September, 2022.

Germany threatening health app

Baby You

WITH Germany’s corona warning app, vac cination status will be recognisable by colour. Different colours will give different rights to people in the near future. This system already exists in China.

Lauterback posted on Twitter that the idea is “absurd” and further: “No doctor does that, no one wants that.” Critics fear that it will become difficult or impossible for restaurateurs, cinemas and other affected establishments to quickly and easily check how often a visitor has been vaccinated and whether he or she must therefore wear a mask or not.

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS24

Germany’s Federal Minister for Health, Karl Lauterbach, has defended his controver sial corona plans for the autumn, according to local media on Wednesday, August 10. The main criticism is the plan to exempt only freshly vaccinated people from the mask requirement. This would also mean that people who are already triple or even quadruple vaccinated at the moment would be However,exempt.Lauterbach does not believe that people will be vaccinated every three months from autumn onwards in order to be exempted from the mask requirement.

One aviation fan said: “High temperature and very short runway, you have to do a deep landing to max imise the available runway for stop.”

BYSTANDERS felt as if they almost had their hair shaved by a huge passenger jet as it made an incredibly lowSkiathoslanding.Airport has a particularly short runway due to the geography of the island, meaning pilots have to approach lower than they would for other landing strips.The video posted to YouTube by GreatFlyer on Au gust 5, has certainly had people talking. It shows the Airbus A321 coming in to land on the Greek island over the blue waters of the Mediterranean below.

Aeroplane beachgoers’skimsheads

Another commented: “Before jumping to a conclu sion, let’s just say we don’t know why the plane ended up so scarily low on a fairly routine approach, but I doubt it was intentional showing off. He added: “However, the people standing there were definitely standing there intentionally, despite the warning signs and traffic lights.”

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 25NEWS

Russians banned

ESTONIA announced the of ficial ban on Russians with Es tonian­issued Schengen visas, on Thursday, August 11.Speaking on the ban, Esto nia’s Minister of Foreign Af fairs Urmas Reinsalu, at the government’s weekly press conference, stated: “This sanction means that the visas will remain valid, but the visa holders will be sanctioned when entering Estonia, they will not be al lowed to enter Estonia. “We agreed that the Min istry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior will prepare their possible pro posals for next week regard ing the question of how it would be possible to close the Estonian border to those citizens of the Russian Feder ation who have a Schengen visa that has not been issued in TheEstonia.”rulewill reportedly not affect permanent residents and will come into full effect on Thursday August 18. Russian citizens with visas issued by other EU countries will not be affected by the sanctions. In addition, per manent residents of Estonia will be unaffected.

UKRAINE Swiss aid AS a neutral country, Switzerland has often acted as an intermediary between warring countries and the Ukrainian government has asked it to represent the interests of Ukrainian citizens currently living in Russian Federation territory although under international legislation, Russia has to agree to this.

THE Boann Distillery in Co. Meath has taken recycling to the highest level after ‘rescuing’ 68 barrels each believed to be 100 years old from a Bodega in Cordoba and will use them to store a special whisky blend which will take on the flavour of the oloroso-soaked wood.

BELGIUM Walk of Death

IRELAND Ultimate recycling

FOR the first time in its 53-year history, the 100 kilometre ‘Dodentocht’ in the town of Bornem could genuinely become a walk of death due to the extreme heat, so the course has been reduced to 65 kilometres which has to be completed in less than 24 hours.

A GERMAN software company which accused the US Navy of piracy after it installed 558,466 copies of the company’s software on its computers without permission has claimed some $155.4 million based on a discounted price of purchase after the court found in its favour.

FRANCE LGBTQ rights SOME 40 years after France decriminalised homosexuality, new French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has announced the creation of a new position of ambassador for LGBTQ rights in an effort to fight discrimination in France as well as across the world.

NORWAY Water adventures

THE organisers of Copenhagen Fashion week which took place from August 9 to 12 decided to ban the showing of any garment featuring animal fur following demonstrations by animal rights groups last year. This follows similar decisions from Amsterdam, Helsinki and Oslo.

FINLAND Sieg Heil JEWISH groups around the world have taken to social media to complain about Justin Bieber who appeared to march across the stage with his left arm in the air, apparently giving the Sieg Heil salute in front of 20,000 fans in Helsinki on Tuesday August 9.

SWEDEN Replica ship LONDONERS had the first chance in 15 years to tour the replica of an 18th century Swedish vessel, the Götheborg for just four days in August. The original was built by the Swedish East India company and carried cargoes of porcelain, silk and tea before sinking in 1745.

THE NETHERLANDS Digital jigsaw IN order to fund the creation of a virtual reality museum, the Rembrandt Heritage Foundation aims to cut a digital image of Rembrandt’s Nightwatch into 8,000 pieces and sell them as non-fungible tokens (a type of tradable crypto currency) at around €250 per piece.


ITALY Mad tourists TOURISTS do the strangest things as so far this year one fell into Mount Vesuvius taking a selfie, another carved their name onto the Colosseum, various have bathed in the Trevi Fountain and the latest was caught driving a moped along the streets of ancient Pompei.

WHILST 85-year-old King Harald V was sailing in the World Championships in Geneva, his wife Queen Sonja, also 85, spent time on the Royal Yacht in the north of the country and even paddled along the Pasvik River which forms a natural border with Russia.

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 26EUROPEAN PRESS

DENMARK Fur free

PORTUGAL Poundland BRITS in Portugal who miss finding bargains back home in Poundland will be pleased to know that parent company Pepco has announced that it plans to open its first stores in Porto, Lisbon and the Algarve some time in 2023, once it has found suitable premises.

GERMANY Naval piracy

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 27FEATURE

INTERESTING to note, that despite the leftie media revelling in making the UK citizens feel shattered and de pressed and that energy rises and the cost of living are causing oppression and misery to just about everyone, you notice they are actually not mention ing a word on how their favourite Starmer led party would handle any of the( probably won’t be long before they come up with some magi cal bunkum!). All these ordeals are not the fault of the present government; they are the responsibility of general world oppression. The shortages of gas and electricity are the indisputable lia bility of the Russians and its war with Ukraine.Thelack of rain and climate condi tions across Europe is nature control ling the tilt of planet earth as it has done for millions of years. What we al so need to remember is that we have also come through over two years of a worldwide pandemic, during which the UK government handed out bil lions to keep the people and the coun try running. Amazing to witness the present actions of many British work ers when you observe strikes from some who were paid thousands and granted furloughs to cover their in come, without actually having to work at Giveall. us a break. The attitude of liber als and lefties is a disgrace. An enor mous percentage of their supporters do of course include millions of immi grants, whose vast numbers have ru ined the NHS, created an impossible shortage of accommodation and bled the British economy dry. How wonderfully prosperous the UK would be if Labour had been prevent ed from its whole history of vote seek ing policies, including 1998 with their ‘fairer, faster and firmer immigration expansion centres and the inundated flood of benefits, introduced by Tony Blair and his crooked vote rigging cronies. If you’ve ever wondered which side of the fence you actually sit on, listen to these observations recent ly sent to me by a friend. If a Conservative doesn’t like guns he doesn’t buy one. If a liberal doesn’t like guns he wants all guns outlawed. If a Conservative is a vegetarian he doesn’t eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian he wants all meat products banned for everyone. If a Conservative is a down and out he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him. If a Conser vative doesn’t like a talk show host he switches channels, liberals demand those they don’t like be shut down. If a Conservative is a non­believer he does n’t go to church, a liberal wants any mention of God and Jesus silenced. If a Conservative decides he needs health care he goes shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it, liberals demand the rest of us pay for theirs! And on and on. I’ve always had a fairly right wing outlook, and always will. Be careful of the woke lefties. They’re out to crush us all. Keep the faith.Love



The increases in the prices of meat and milk, cheese and eggs, com pared with the stability of the previ ous year of bread and cereals, high er this month than in 2021, and of pulses and vegetables, which fell in July last year, are particularly no ticeable. A RECENT report by the Euro pean Commission highlighted the importance of the fashion industry but it recognised that the amount of money being spent on clothes has dropped. According to the Institute of National Statistics (INE) annual expenditure by Spanish house holds on fashion stood at €1,156 in 2021 compared to €1,417 in 2019, even though there was a considerable boom in home shopping dur ing lockdown. With huge infla tion caused by rocketing raw material prices made worse by the invasion of Ukraine, 2022 may well see a growth in the purchase of second­hand clothes and ultra cheap prod uct from companies like Shein.

JOHNSON AND JOHNSON is to stop making talcum pow der from 2023 after with drawing its sale in the USA two years Generationsago. of babies (and many older people) were brought up using the powder to help keep skin dry and to reduce the chance of Despiterashes.thefact that the company claims that inde pendent tests show that tal cum powder is safe, sales have suffered dramatically due to a number of lawsuits (said to be worth billions of dollars) brought by Ameri can women who claim that the powder contains as bestos and caused them to develop ovarian cancer. A statement from the company said: “As part of a worldwide portfolio assessment, we have made the commercial decision to transition to an all cornstarch­based baby powder portfolio. As a re sult of this transition, talcbased JOHNSON’S® Baby Powder will be discontin ued globally in “Cornstarch­based2023.

DIFFERENT FACTORS: Most types of food have risen in price this July.

THE Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said that the forthcoming hike in Ofgem’s energy price cap will push in flation to new highs, leading to a significant economic downturn. Vulnerable busi nesses and households will be squeezed further so govern ment assistance for the most vulnerable is needed.


STATWEEKOF €2.5 billion

JOHN SON’S® Baby Powder is al ready sold in countries around the world. JOHN SON’S® is a flagship global brand of Johnson & John son Consumer Health and we remain fully committed to ensuring JOHNSON’S® products are loved by par ents and families for years to “Ourcome.position on the safe ty of our cosmetic talc re mains unchanged. We stand firmly behind the decades of independent sci entific analysis by medical experts around the world that confirms talc­based JOHNSON’S® Baby Powder is safe, does not contain as bestos, and does not cause cancer.”Johnson’s Baby Powder has been on the market for almost 130 years but those attacking its production claim that when talcum is mined, it is often found close to seams of asbestos, which is known to cause cancer.

BOTH contenders for the Tory Party Leadership have made it clear that they want to reform some of the EU financial regu lations imposed before Brexit. This would allow them to overrule regulator’s decisions if they thought it would help the economy. Released on August 12 was an open letter dated July 27 to the Treasury Select Committee from Andrew Bai ley, Governor of the Bank of England in which he cautioned against political interference in the independence of the City of London. It is possible he was preparing to defend the Bank of England which has been crit icised for being too indepen dent from government.


THE sale of access to different broadband frequencies to al low telecom companies to in crease G5 coverage has been a good earner for the Spanish government, but potential bidders have asked it to post pone the next auction until 2023 as there are no devices compatible with the frequen cy. Energy crisis EVEN with its access to natural gas and oil, Norway is facing its own potential energy crisis as the current dry weather has affected its hydroelectric pro duction which means that it may need to restrict the amount of electricity exported abroad.


A NEW niche business in the UK DrinkWell has raised £1 million for expansion to at tract those who enjoy a drink but don’t want to put on weight as it sources and sup plies reduced calorie wine, lower calorie beer, lower calo rie cider, and reduced calorie spirits.

Looking forward

G5 coverage

Interference FINANCE



MADRID­based natural gas supplier Madrilena Red de Gas (MRG) is reportedly being en couraged by its major share holders to reduce its €950 mil lion debt by sale of shares. In addition to clearing debt, the shareholders want to see the company also develop lowcarbon fuel opportunities and it is anticipated the sale of shares could raise as much as €2bn. With a possible investment from other Spanish gas suppli ers, the company is taking part in the government’s green pro gramme according to media. Green gas

CORNSTARCH: Nappy change will be different from 2023.

Shein power • 18 - 24 August 202230 is the amount that Spanish group IDB plans to spend in Rio de Janeiro to build what will be the largest tourist and residential complex in South America.

Minimum wage

THE Consumer Price Index rate for Spain in July is six tenths of a per centage point higher than that recorded the previous month and the highest since September 1984. This was confirmed on Friday Au gust 12 by the Institute for National Statistics (INE) and is in accordance with the initial INE forecast. The groups that stand out for their influence on the increase in the an nual rate are: Housing, which in creased its variation by four points, to 23 per cent, due to electricity prices rising when compared with the drop recorded in July 2021. The rise in gas prices also had an influence, although to a lesser ex tent, but was also higher than last year.Clothing and footwear, whose an nual variation of 5 per cent, was more than two and a half points higher than that recorded in June, due to the fact that their prices fell less this July than in July last year. Food and non­alcoholic beverages, whose rate was 13.5 per cent, six tenths of a percentage point higher than June and the highest since these records began in January 1994.

THE Spanish government is due to meet in September to consider the viability of raising the minimum wage once more in 2023 and Secretary of State for Employment Jaoqúin Pérez Rey would like to see it set at 60 per cent of the average salary.

FINANCE to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

3M 148,94 150,90 283,68K American Express 165,00 165,61 164,75 102,06K Amgen 253,92 254,16 251,86 164,59K Apple 172,32 172,87 172,20 4,87M Boeing 170,02 170,79 169,44 285,17K Caterpillar 195,84 197,01 194,95 126,73K Chevron 157,35 157,81 156,47 1,53M Cisco 46,62 46,66 46,44 1,13M Coca-Cola 64,66 64,66 64,34 1,36M Dow 55,75 55,91 55,36 284,28K Goldman Sachs 354,48 354,94 352,02 114,31K Home Depot 319,39 321,39 312,59 1,17M Honeywell 201,35 201,82 200,06 77,95K IBM 135,46 135,70 134,45 154,88K Intel 35,92 36,19 35,91 1,95M J&J 166,20 166,60 165,60 1,22M JPMorgan 122,53 123,18 121,87 845,07K McDonald’s 265,21 265,53 264,27 106,04K Merck&Co 90,58 90,62 89,87 396,95K Microsoft 292,17 292,73 291,62 1,57M Nike 116,73 117,28 115,82 362,63K Procter&Gamble 150,19 150,59 148,45 1,18M 187,95 189,72 187,69 375,82K The Travelers 173,38 173,79 172,90 23,42K UnitedHealth 545,29 546,25 542,88 88,56K Verizon 45,55 45,60 45,38 956,67K Visa A 213,46 215,66 212,15 879,02K Walgreens Boots 41,15 41,43 41,10 296,09K Walmart 139,32 139,86 138,26 7,41M Walt Disney 123,89 124,61 123,45 1,20M InterContinental 5.108,0 5.300,0 5.078,0 125,65K Intermediate Capital 1.547,00 1.568,50 1.543,50 56,06K Intertek 4.231,0 4.251,0 4.201,0 40,51K ITV 71,56 73,00 71,46 3,39M J Sainsbury 222,50 223,00 221,50 1,48M Johnson Matthey 2.278,0 2.279,0 2.235,0 65,41K Land Securities 731,40 736,00 730,60 3,33M Legal & General 285,60 286,60 283,90 2,06M Lloyds Banking 45,89 46,16 45,77 30,56M London Stock Exchange 8.400,0 8.466,0 8.360,0 122,93K Meggitt 793,63 794,20 790,80 16,43K Melrose Industries 153,40 156,70 152,70 2,42M Mondi 1.637,00 1.685,50 1.628,00 875,55K National Grid 1.169,38 1.169,50 1.157,00 1,01M NatWest Group 260,60 262,10 259,40 3,20M Next 6.524,0 6.528,0 6.386,0 46,00K Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0 Ocado 938,60 960,60 935,20 202,04K Persimmon 1.848,0 1.866,0 1.840,5 102,27K Phoenix 680,40 687,00 679,60 831,93K Prudential 992,20 1.004,50 985,80 1,44M Reckitt Benckiser 6.522,6 6.588,0 6.508,0 126,49K Relx 2.386,00 2.406,00 2.371,00 1,37M Rentokil 541,00 543,00 536,80 429,11K Rightmove 637,60 659,60 636,20 576,30K Rio Tinto PLC 4.940,5 4.944,5 4.795,5 1,08M Rolls-Royce Holdings 86,57 87,63 85,65 10,75M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0 Sage 734,60 746,40 733,80 233,00K Samsung Electronics DRC 1.157,50 1.163,50 1.152,00 3,76K Schroders 2.970,0 3.008,0 2.964,0 105,74K Scottish Mortgage 908,00 921,80 902,00 1,24M Segro 1.074,00 1.086,00 1.069,25 60,09K Severn Trent 2.988,0 3.009,0 2.975,0 66,43K Shell 2.194,5 2.197,0 2.167,5 3,69M Smith & Nephew 1.060,00 1.066,00 1.051,00 1,15M Smiths Group 1.570,50 1.576,00 1.563,50 170,43K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 11.305,0 11.555,0 11.220,0 38,46K SSE 1.824,00 1.827,50 1.807,00 516,16K St. James’s Place 1.250,00 1.269,50 1.249,50 96,11K Standard Chartered 607,00 610,00 597,80 2,05M Taylor Wimpey 123,10 125,95 122,85 5,58M Tesco 267,00 268,38 265,85 641,53K Tui 157,45 157,85 155,25 1,85M Unilever 3.909,0 3.953,0 3.903,5 970,89K United Utilities 1.131,67 1.136,00 1.126,00 510,32K Vodafone Group PLC 123,02 123,60 121,76 15,95M Whitbread 2.671,0 2.708,0 2.652,0 90,67K WPP 834,20 836,00 823,00 962,34K Most Advanced My Size +68.64% 14.96M AMTD IDEA +42.52% 33.16M Forza X1 +35.81% 9.56M WeTrade +33.70% 86.30K IZEA +25.54% 5.27M GlobalE Online +27.01% 1.11M Artelo Biosciences +29.36% 2.23M Blend Labs +25.00% 505.14K Skywater Technology +21.33% 293.70K Purecycle Technologies Holdings +21.70% 0.70K IONQ +22.48% 3.48M Most Declined BIT Mining -38.71% 2.76M Save Foods -36.34% 399.32K Hallmark -31.73% 364.27K PolishedCom -27.81% 1.23M Albireo Pharma -24.19% 545.76K iSun -26.17% 141.56K Sema4 Holdings -22.08% 958.01K Sunlight Fin Holdings -22.69% 130.03K T2 Biosystms Inc -21.39% 16.89M Sunrise New Energy -20.30% 133.36K Kubient -20.00% 28.05K CCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG NNETET VVOLOL DOW JONES C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 16 3I Group 1.258,00 1.268,00 1.254,50 215,77K Abrdn 173,50 176,30 173,10 2,44M Admiral Group 2.272,0 2.327,0 2.271,0 138,94K Anglo American 3.007,0 3.012,5 2.926,5 839,40K Antofagasta 1.166,00 1.167,00 1.136,00 235,12K Ashtead Group 4.617,0 4.646,0 4.564,0 116,73K Associated British Foods 1.649,0 1.662,5 1.643,5 215,34K AstraZeneca 10.932,0 11.044,0 10.902,0 266,34K Auto Trader Group Plc 654,60 667,60 652,80 839,52K Avast 684,80 686,80 678,60 304,82K Aveva 2.458,0 2.525,0 2.420,0 327,43K Aviva 462,70 470,30 461,20 2,22M B&M European Value Retail SA429,10 429,20 418,30 736,33K BAE Systems 800,00 800,40 783,61 466,75K Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 0,612 0 Barclays 170,80 172,20 170,30 9,89M Barratt Developments 483,70 488,70 482,50 958,78K Berkeley 4.084,0 4.129,0 4.053,0 71,20K BHP Group Ltd 2.357,50 2.359,50 2.305,50 1,45M BP 430,70 431,15 424,05 13,49M British American Tobacco 3.416,5 3.423,0 3.373,0 564,62K British Land Company 479,10 482,30 478,20 365,11K BT Group 160,30 160,90 158,00 2,93M Bunzl 3.141,0 3.154,0 3.107,0 279,45K Burberry Group 1.796,5 1.816,5 1.793,0 571,05K Carnival 785,8 800,0 782,6 199,05K Centrica 83,56 83,88 81,08 3,85M Coca Cola HBC AG 2.010,0 2.043,0 2.007,0 31,53K Compass 1.945,72 1.956,50 1.942,00 312,01K CRH 3.278,0 3.296,5 3.262,5 198,08K Croda Intl 7.262,0 7.452,0 7.252,0 74,67K DCC 5.336,0 5.348,0 5.288,0 104,96K Diageo 3.867,3 3.888,9 3.857,3 48,58K DS Smith 290,12 293,60 289,50 1,12M EasyJet 428,25 429,90 420,80 1,52M Experian 2.900,0 2.938,0 2.896,0 234,52K Ferguson 10.350,0 10.440,0 10.180,0 88,89K Flutter Entertainment 10.810,0 10.880,0 10.705,0 191,79K Fresnillo 740,91 747,39 732,60 28,98K Glencore 483,80 485,65 467,95 12,75M GSK plc 1.431,00 1.455,80 1.416,40 3,27M Halma 2.264,8 2.306,0 2.249,9 127,95K Hargreaves Lansdown 965,92 982,80 965,00 344,17K Hikma Pharma 1.539,50 1.564,50 1.531,50 93,20K HSBC 552,20 553,20 546,80 3,89M IAG 122,32 122,66 119,78 5,69M Imperial Brands 1.905,50 1.908,00 1.891,50 404,71K Informa 595,60 599,00 594,40 518,87K ººCCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG. NNETET VVOLOL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0162 Japan yen (JPY) 136.76 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9649 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4367 Norway kroner (NOK) 9.8367 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See advertouronpreviouspage 0.84252 1.18695 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 16 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 16 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 965 994 830 EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL32


pipelineEuropean RETURNING from holi day, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has admit ted that in his opinion, rather than import gas from Russia, Germany should have participat ed in building a pipeline from Spain to obtain gas from North Africa, but fears that it is now too late.

INDIAN travellers to Europe ob tain the fastest Schengen visas from Spain according to a report in the Indian press. Once considered to be riddled with bureaucracy, it appears that the Spanish authorities in India are much more reliable than their European Union counterparts as they are much quicker in offering appoint ments and also actually issue the visas in a much shorter peri od of time once approved. Technically, it is illegal to go ‘visa shopping’ but it is to the benefit of the Spanish economy to encourage Indians to travel via Spain even if Indian trav ellers only stop overnight in the country and then move on to other Schengen countries. After the pandemic situation eased and on March 27, 2022 In dia allowed international flights, a pent­up demand for both busi ness and tourist travel to Europe exploded and according to re ports, it can take up to 10 weeks to obtain a Schengen visa for some countries whilst Spain (and also Greece) often take just a week.Currently one of the longest waits is for entry to Germany but this is because it is one of the most in demand countries that Indians want to visit and there seems to be insufficient staff to carry out initial inter views.It isn’t just Schengen countries causing the problems as with so many students taking up places in the UK and USA, many Indians have had to amend their holiday plans to the benefit of countries like the Maldive Islands and United Arab Emirates which are much closer and easier to enter.



AS recently as 2019, two friends, Jad An toun and Khalid Ashmawy who lived in Dubai couldn’t believe how overly compli cated and expensive it was to obtain a mortgage.Bothhad experience in the digital world and founded Huspy with the intention of offering a complete service from finding a property to financing the purchase. Hav ing raised $37 million they have grown from the pair of them working from home to a company with 250 employees in of fices in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Madrid, as they have chosen Spain as their European target market. With so few transactions being conducted digitally, they believe they are able to offer a unique transparent option which cuts out the red tape.


EXCELLENT TREND: Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto.

Early retirement

SPANISH BENEFIT: Air India check in for travel to Europe.

FORMER civil servant and now chair of John Lewis, Dame Sharon White has said that the British gov ernment needs to encour age the unemployed over 50 to return to work. According to her, around one million people aged between 50 and 70 effectively retired during the pandemic and haven’t bothered to return, which means that they have helped to cause the short age in the number of expe rienced and trained staff available.Thisinturns means that employers are having to of fer higher wages in order to attract and retain staff which in turn encourages wage inflation which results in higher prices all round.


TOURISM was responsible for half of new jobs created in second quarter 2022 with a total of 391,343 more em ployed than the same time lastThisyear.information was re vealed by Spanish Tourist Board, Turespaña on Monday August 8 which also con firmed that the hospitality in dustry had not only recovered the number of employees when compared to 2019 but it was slightly higher. “The labour market contin ues to indicate the strength with which the tourism sector is recovering, which drives the economy and the national labour market.

“Thus, in a quarter marked by the uncertainties of the economic consequences of the war, the data reflects an excellent trend with signifi cant job creation,” said Minis ter of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto. The growth occurred both among contracted employees (19.1 per cent) and the selfemployed (7.9 per cent) across all tourist activities, with a breakdown of hospital ity up 18.5 per cent, as well as accommodation services 54.4 per cent, travel agencies 12.6 per cent and passenger trans port 7.4 per Consequently,cent. the number of unemployed in this particu lar sector has been dropping significantly over the past five quarters and now stands at a much lower figure than in 2019 with employment up in the majority of autonomous provinces with the exception of La Rioja, Ceuta and Melilla, Asturias and Extremadura. There are considerably more permanent contracts with an increase of 19.5 per cent year on year, although there are still a significant number of people employed on temporary contracts due to the fact that tourism is cur rently so seasonal, although the Ministry of Tourism is en deavouring to attract visitors during the ‘quiet’ months.

No grazie A BRAVE attempt by Domi no’s Pizzas to storm Italy, the home of the pizza, has failed and after opening its first outlet in 2015, fran chise owner ePizza SpA fi nally filed for bankruptcy in August of this year, closing all of its stores blaming the pandemic. Big losses UK­based Deliveroo ex panded very quickly and attracted large amounts of investment, but pulled out of the Spanish mar ket last year and is set to close its Dutch opera tions after declaring a pre­tax loss of £147.3 million for the first six months of this year.

SPANISH energy company Iberdrola has begun operations of the Francisco Pizarro solar photovoltaic (solar power) project in Extremadura. According to the company, the plant is the largest in Europe and one of its largest operations worldwide. Costing a reported €300 million to install, and em ploying some 1,500 people to construct (more than half from the local area), it will produce sufficient power to serve 334,000 homes and will prevent the emission of 150,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmo sphere each year. To guarantee its viability the company will supply 100 per cent re newable electricity from this plant to Danone, Bayer and PepsiCo to cover the energy needs of their centres in Spain.



2. NOT USING A LAWYER: It is always safer to purchase a prop erty with the assistance of a Lawyer. They’ll check for any debts and make sure the home you’re buying is legal.





3. MAKING HOME IM PROVEMENTS TOO SOON: Take some time to get to know the house before making any major home improvements. What you thought needed changing, may not be necessary once you move in. Don’t waste money making hasty renova tions. Feature FIRST-TIME GET WRONG Serwotka.Rebecca

For award-winning guidance on buying your home in the Costa Blanca, download a complimentary copy of our ‘Spanish Property Buying Guide For 2022’ by heading to See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper! WHEN a UK weight­loss company recruited a paid couch potato to eat high­fat foods and its weight­loss products, it advertised for a ‘product testing associate’. In the good old days a spade was a spade. Now job titles are a minefield of eu phemism and gobblede gook.Often a fancy title simply hides low wages, and a job’s importance is usually in versely proportional to the length of its title. A ‘Colour Distribution Technician’ IS... a painter and decorator! But shouldn’t we judge these people by what they DO at work, not by their convoluted, quasi­English titles? (‘Re gional Sub­Manager for Innovation­Based Strategies’, anyone?) Or legitimate job titles masking the incompetence of the superflu ous individuals concerned whether they’re non­executive directors or assistant deputy CEOs? If someone does a good job, who cares if they're styled ‘Czar for the Homeless’ or ‘Pontiff of the PLC’? As a crime writer, I try to keep my suspects’ occupa tions as realistic as possible. Who wants to read about a ‘Process Operative’? (Spy? Counterspy? MI5 Asset? No, this is actually a job at a chicken processing factory, packing products and moulding Chicken Kievs.) STOP PRESS! My Death in Windermere audiobook will be released shortly!

Nora Johnson’s critically acclaimed psychological crime thrillers ( all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 35FEATURE REBECCA SERWOTKA ­ “We sell houses! It’s what we do, it’s ALL we do!” Your favourite local resale property expert, in Ciudad Quesada. Author of ‘Moving Forward ­ 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.’ Request your FREE copy! Prestige Award Spain ­ Winner for ‘Re al Estate Agency Of The Year 2021/22 & 2022/23’. Purchasing a home on the Costa Blanca? Avoid these mistakes or it could end up costing youHerethousands.are three things wrong:homebuyersfirst­timeget

1. PAYMENTS IN CASH: Whatever fig ure you agree to pur chase the property for, needs to be shown in full on your Title Deeds for future tax reasons. Don’t hand over any cash as this may have a negative effect when the time comes for you to sell.

NoraJohnson’sopinionsareherownandarenotnecessarilyrepresentativeofthoseofthepublishers,advertisersorsponsors.Noraistheauthorofpopularpsychologicalsuspenseandcrimethrillersandafreelancejournalist. POLITICALLY CORRECTLY EVER Nora’s latest thriller.

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FEATURE36

Views of a Grumpy Old Man MIKE SENKER

HOW come even though all the right authorities in the USA have had access to Jeffrey Epstein’s and Ghislaine Maxwell’s address books plus, I’m guessing some witness statements, they are the only two nicked? And he supposedly topped himself. Bit strange isn’t it? Or is it me just think ing there might be a conspiracy going on? Conspiracy theories don’t seem so ridiculous these days. I reckon in a few years’ time you will be seeing adverts and getting ‘phone calls asking, ‘Were you vaccinated between 2020 and 2022? If so, you may be entitled to a serious amount of compensation’ and I’m not joking! I think it’s time to change what is taught in school. Get rid of all the tosh that 99 per cent of all students will never use and start teaching them how to feed a family of four when energy bills and food bills add up to more than you earn a month. Learning French won’t help when you can’t feed your kids or pay your rent or mortgage. Idiots in Parliament do not live in the real world. Children should be taught that politicians will lie just to get votes. Teach that instead of how the theory of politics should work. I’m not very clever. My daughter on the other hand is, so I found it almost impossible to help her with homework when she was growing up. I was however, for some reason, quite a good retailer and sales per son. So one day I was really pleased when she asked me to look at her business studies paper that she had got top marks for. I looked at it and said that it was a really good bit of work and her marks were fabulous but if you tried to put it into the real world it would be a disaster and not be a profitable business because there were so many ‘problems’ that had not been taken into consider ation. The point I was trying to teach her was that when doing a business plan it can’t just be done by the book. There are so many variables and none of these are taught or even discussed. I remember one occasion at school I was asked a maths question and although I got the answer right I didn’t show the way I worked it out so therefore it was marked wrong. I admittedly did it by trial and error but that’s how you have to do things sometimes in the real world. Email:

THE words “YOU’VE WON!” always create wonderful feelings for the team at Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada ‐ “Gratitude, Appreci ation and Humbled”. They had every right to experience those emotions again last week when they learned for the second year running, they’d won the Prestige Awards Spain ‐ Real Estate Agent of the Year 2022/2023! The judges’ comments, “Head and shoul ders above others in this industry!” You would have seen their centre spread adverts in this newspaper, to gether with Rebecca’s weekly property articles, however allow us to reintro duce them to you! After launching the first legal, British family‐run Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada over 33 years ago, Inmobil iaria’s team have experienced first‐hand, all aspects of the Spanish prop ertyOriginallymarket. covering areas from La Manga to Benidorm, they didn’t have an easy road to success. As the Ciudad Quesada area grew, so did Inmobiliaria’s roots. They chose to reign the business in and not be come carried away with expansion, but to dedicate 100 per cent of their time to provide a superior service to the local people of Ciudad Quesada and the immediate surrounding urban isations.Sohow are they so successful? After more than three decades behind them, they’ve perfected the entire buying and selling process with an au thentic, friendly and professional ap proach.“Sellers need to know they’re being looked after and aren’t just a number. Buyers need confidence knowing their money is safe. When agents are spread too thin, they lose track of the stock they have on offer, sellers be come forgotten and buyers feel ner vous and alone,” claims Rebecca Ser wotka ‐ Co‐Owner and Sales Director of Inmobiliaria Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada.Unique in this area, they have an in credible team of longstanding special ists that dedicate their expertise to the resale market only and do not sell new builds.Thinking of selling your home but undecided who to use? This testimoni al speaks for itself: “Please accept our sincere thanks for your incredible re sult in selling our property in just less than a month from first visiting to dis cuss and give a valuation. The enthusi asm of you all, including your photog rapher Tony and his 3D videographer, was very refreshing and professional. Catriona’s viewing skills and Stacy’s admin, including same day written re ports of viewer’s reactions can only be described as excellent. It was very much appreciated to have Rebecca’s personal visit today to confirm our sale. To illustrate the success of your achievement, competitors had failed to sell whilst on their books for three years. CONGRATULATIONS!” You can see why being consistent throughout the years has earned them what they deserve… another award!


Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors. For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code

IINMYOPINIONthinkit’s time for a change


FeatureBuying or selling? Contact the team on (+34) 966 718 392 - Email: award! How are they so successful?

Consistent throughout the years.

IN Spain more than five million people have dia betes. High temperatures can affect glucose levels and for someone with dia betes, maintaining hydra tion and a good diet is fundamental to enjoying a calm summer in the heat. This year, the first weeks of summer have seen temperatures above 40Thisdegrees.puts people with diabetes at risk. However, here is some advice for how to stay healthy in summer. People with diabetes can dehydrate much more quickly if glucose accumu lates in the blood, which increases urination fre quency and the sensation ofItthirst.isrecommended that you drink a minimum of two litres of water a day to prevent dehydration. Isotonic drinks are also recommended for postexercise hydration be cause they contain more sugars than water. For diabetics, diet is im portant, particularly dur ing the hot weather. They should avoid fasting for more than seven hours. Experts also recom mend measuring glucose levels at least five times a day, especially if your usu al routine changes over summer.

Physical complexities that torment us

THESE days, body­image is a priority for many people, with some people obsessing over it, and spending hours in the gym to achieve a certain look. According to, seven out of every 10 Spaniards are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. There is always something they are insecure about that they would Stereotypeschange.ofthe perfect body have made many people, especially young peo ple, develop a body image complex be cause what they see when they look in the mirror doesn’t match ideal beauty stan dards. The collected data suggested that peo ple’s biggest insecurities include acne, cel lulite, alopecia, and body fat. Combat body­image concerns by trying not to compare yourself to photos on social media. Often, they are highly photo shopped to look a certain way. What’s most important is living a healthy lifestyle. If you feel healthy within yourself, this will reflect in your physical appearance. Remember, everyone has ‘defects’ and yours are what make you, you. So, try cele brating them instead of hiding them away. Nobody’s perfect. It would be boring if they were.

GLUCOSE LEVELS: Check diabetes with a remote sensor.


Dealing with diabetes in summer

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 37HEALTH & BEAUTY

Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website:

The government knew that Algeria has effectively bro ken off most relations with its neighbour and had closed the border as well as last year not renewing the gas pipe line agreement which supplied Morocco and Spain.



Algeria of course is Spain’s largest supplier of natural gas and until the Morocco decision appeared to be quite happy to increase supply through existing direct pipelines to Spain, but for two months until the end of July it imposed trade restrictions on Spain due to its anger at the support for Morocco. So, we need gas for electricity, but we have to save electricity because things may not be as safe as we thought.

ALL of the world’s authorities are demanding that we turn away from fossil fuel and rely on green energy. The internal combustion engine will be replaced by batteries in the majority of cars and in the not-too-distant fu ture, we will all have to plug our cars in to charge them, using even more electricity than now.

IN South Africa (SA), you can not hunt in the national re serves ­where photo tourists go. However, photo tourists want lots of animals, modern facilities, and pastimes. Their activities require huge investments in infrastructure and consume vast quantities of energy, carbon and water that deprive rural people and de stroy the environment, turning the natural bush into a glorified zoo. Even ‘non­hunted’ animals need culling ­ but because of animal rights politics, it can’t be done.The Kruger Park has far too many elephants that it can safe ly carry, and is turning into a trashed elephant park at the cost of proper biodiversity. Quite separately, 40 million acres of remote, dry private farmland in SA is now used for hunting and raising 20 million wild animals in natural bush, because hunting, especially high value hunting brings in a slightly better farm income than cattle in a country where only 13 per cent is suitable for rain­fed crops. These are not places where photo tourists go, and farmers could not recoup the investment needed in serv ing them. Those 40 million acres of bush support trillions of animals, birds and plants that are not hunted ­ hence the con servationHowever,value.trophy hunting is very important ­ a trophy hunter pays about 100 times more than an eco­tourist, needs no infrastructure, and disrupts the general wildlife far less. Worse still, however, is that without trophy hunting, cattle would be more profitable ­ the vast hunting grounds would be cleared of ALL wildlife and turned over to cattle or worse still, cleared of all vegeta tion as well and turned over to GM crops. Hunting animals might be abhorrent, but not hunting them might turn out worse.


John Spot on HI Leapy your article ‘No thank you’ is spot on. In South Africa today there are more race based laws than ever under apartheid. But due to them being against white people it’s fine. The UK and Europe have no idea what they are welcoming into their countries. And by the time they realise what’s hap pening it will be too late. If they think that they will en joy the same freedoms etc un der black rule, good luck. Just see how they treat each other. PW

Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

There is a certain irony in the fact that Spain has now decided that it can’t risk companies and employers using too much electricity to make their staff and customers more comfortable in times of extreme heat or cold weath er.Electricity prices have shot up in Spain and although the country doesn’t depend on Russian gas (it’s only Spain’s fourth largest supplier) which has hurt European neigh bours due to the invasion of Ukraine, it is still in a vulnera bleHavingposition.sat on the fence for decades over support for Mo rocco’s influence in the Sahara, it finally announced earlier this year that it was in favour of Morocco effectively gov erning what used to be a Spanish possession.




Postal Group GroupPostalUnited

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FEATURE42


THE United Postal Group (UPG) offer worldwide shipping at a much lower cost compared to established mail or derBasedcompanies.inTorrevieja and being only the second post office in the area, part ner and shop owner Joachim Myhr has been doing business in the area for years and built up a great reputation. Due to the many expats in Torrevieja and the surrounding areas, UPG gives more access to much-needed postal and shipping services at a considerably lower cost than bigger companies. Open Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 5pm, the staff at UPG, located in the Centro Comercial Filton at Avenida Asuncion 5-7 in Torrevieja will be hap py to assist you in English, Spanish or Swedish. You can also find out more in formation on their website (offered in English, German and Spanish) or by calling them on +34 688 793 648. With UPG, customers can send parcels weighing up to 31kg to any where in the world as well as the op tion of UPG Direct service - where cus tomers can get their post sent to the shop. Customers can also rent mailbox es in the shop and store their parcels for a longer period of time, for exam ple, if they are going on holiday for a while or visiting family back home. The competent staff at UPG also pre pare all the necessary documents re quired for customs for sending to nonEU countries, always in consultation with the customer. Since Brexit, they have seen how complex the process has become and are always happy to help!In addition to accepting letters, parcels and registered mail, UPG also offer scanning and printing services, computer workstations with internet making it your one-stop-shop for all of your postal needs. Boasting over 30 years working for the MD Publishing Service GMBG, a leading magazine mail-order company used by publishers all over the world, UPG has extensive and unrivalled expe rience of the post and parcel industry. The result is a unique comparison por tal that offers companies, logistics providers and private customers the most favourable prices in each caserounded off by a service that leaves nothing to be desired. UPG always has special offers for cus tomers with a higher volume of ship ments and, when it comes to questions or queries about offers and prices, the staff will be happy to advise.

UNITED POSTAL GROUP: Connecting you through mail. Find out more on their

THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to support local businesses in the community by shopping locally in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we challenge you to maintain that habit by supporting local high streets, markets, butchers, greengrocers and all of the wonderfully quirky inde pendent businesses in your area. Local businesses make our villages, towns and cities what they are. They add unique character. They are convenient. And they offer excellent produce from known suppliers. The joy of shopping locally means that independent businesses can support the local communi ty. You may find something a euro or two cheaper on line but have you consid ered where your money is actually going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local fami ly’s table and there is noth ing better than giving back to es,manyteams.sportssortheytiesportstoresmuch.giventhatcommunitiesthehaveussoLocalsupchariandsponlocalIncastheyare much more than just a business, they’re a legacy. They may have supported generations of the same family. Likewise, brand new local stores and bars may help the genera tions of the future fulfil their dreams and Remember,ambitions.your local store is going up against multinationals and chains. They can’t win that battle on their own. So give them your support. Spending your money locally will make a real difference to the local economy. Local businesses recirculate a greater share of every euro they receive at local level. They create local ly owned supply chains and they invest in their employ ees. So remember. When you go shoppinggo local!

BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, independent businesses can help support the local community.




Address: Rentals Costa Blanca, C/La Paz 130, 03181 Torrevieja Telephone: 693 596 023 - Email: - Website: (soon to be live online)

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FEATURE44

WITH Rentals Costa Blanca, it’s your time to relax and leave the worrying to some one else! Rentals Costa Blan ca will take you back to basics with their rental manage ment and maintenance ser vice, boasting a friendly and experienced team and a wealth of knowledge of the industry.Covering the Costa Blanca, specifically Orihuela Costa and Vega Baja, Costa Blanca Rentals offer their clients a wide range of trusted services including property mainte nance such as key holding, cleaning, painting and con struction, as well as the man agement of your rental prop erty and insurance services. With over 15 years of expe rience in the property man agement business, you can be sure that everything will be taken care of down to the finest details with Costa Blan ca Rentals, leaving you free of stress and worry. Should you need someone to care for your property or holiday home while you are away, get it ready for the hol iday season or tend to con struction issues, Rentals Cos ta Blanca are the people to contact!Getin touch today to for a free no obligation quote and to find out how they can help you. Feature Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

Rentals Costa Blanca

RENTALS COSTA BLANCA: Safe, reliable and comfortable transport when you need it.


Early diagnosis of Hip Dysplasia in dogs Herbs and plants Why


779 109 OFFICIAL hip radiographs with

THERE are many plants and herbs that can be damaging to your pet’s health, but many of them also carry benefits for dogs, cats and other species.Hereare some of the most nutritious herbs which you can give your pet which can help with illnesses and general well­being.Rosemary, a key addi tion to many Mediter ranean dishes, is rich in calcium, vitamin B6 and iron. It is also a great source of gestiveerventingthatcarotene,minsParsleypetwillcrobeantiviraltioxidantsherb,radiation.protectsea.alsogestiverativeoregano,yourcrobesoflence.asdigestivetioxidantstaple,Oregano,antioxidant.anItalianisalsoagreatanandidealforproblemssuchdiarrhoeaandflatuItisalsocapablecombattingthemithatcanaffectpet.Mintleaf,likehascertaincupropertiesfordifunction.ItcanhelpalleviatenauThisherbcanalsoyourpetfromBasilisanaromaticsuperrichinanandhasmanyandantimipropertiesthathelptokeepyoursafeandhealthy.isrichinvitaandalsocontainsacomponentishelpfulinprecancerandothpathologiesinthedisystem.

IT’S not unusual to find a cat biting at the grass in your garden when it has the freedom to wander in the open air. It doesn’t matter how much you spend on cat food and gourmet tid bits for your kitty, cats love grass.Despite popular miscon ception, grass isn’t a poi sonous plant for your pet and even has some health benefits. Cats often use grass to fur,cleanFelinesself­medicate.lickthemselvesandiftheyhavelongcaningestexcesshair which can block their diges tive tract, causing constipa tion and discomfort. In these situations, grass serves as a natural laxative to aid their digestive sys tem. It also makes them vomit, which can expel bones and insects from theirGrasssystem.carries nutritional value. The folic acid promi nent in green plants is fun damental to produce haemoglobin. It’s rich in iron and pumps around the body to carry oxygen to the tissue. Chlorophyll and vita mins A and D are also in green leaves and can help stimulate your cat’s im mune system, making it less susceptible to illnesses and infections. Rojales. Tel: 609 the traditional ventrodor extended femurs not always effective for the early diagnosis of hips that later develop osteoarthritis (Hip Dysplasia). At the University of Pennsylvania, a radiography method was developed based on the evaluation of the laxity of the hips of dogs. This radiographic technique can be performed from a very early age, specifically from 16 weeks of age. Pub lished studies have shown that patients with normal offi cial Standard X­rays but with significant passive laxity de termined with the PennHip system have subsequently developed hip osteoarthritis. The PennHip method allows early diagnosis and elimi nation of dysplasia carriers from reproduction. PennHip is already the dog hip dysplasia screening method of choice for guide dog schools, the US Air Force, and the US Army. In these centres, it is essential to know the predisposi tion that the puppies have to develop this pathology. These X­rays must be performed by certified veterinari ans (PennHip certified member) and will be sent to the University of Pennsylvania where they will be evaluated by a committee. Any dog, whether owned by a private in dividual or a breeder, can be evaluated using this method. José Rial, veterinary PennHip certified member do cats eat

GRASS: For self-medication. shutterstockSergey/KhamidulinCredit: POLICE/FIRE/AMBULANCE: 112 24 HOUR PHARMACY FARMACIA ALICANTE - 965 910 220 FARMACIA PLAYA DEL CURA966 706 880 24 HOUR VETS HOSPITAL VETERINARIA SANT VICEN - 965 668 582 EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 PETS46 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Advertising Feature In Costa Blanca www.resonanciaveterinaria.esSur: Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante C/Los Arcos 23 Ciudad Quesada,

sal projection method and with






LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friend ly, English speaking church. For more information, includ ing details of our services, see our website (10005)taevangelicalchurch.orgwww.lasies PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further information. (95459) PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNI TY CHURCH. All welcome from any church background or none. For further 2009-SG/Awww.pilarchurch.orginformation,RegNo:(95463) ROYAL Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Mem bers Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring peo ple and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 80 0 018 2361. (238593) ROYAL BRITISH LEGIONWhy not make this year the year you volunteer? See how you can help either as a case worker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We al so visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more (95457),,andyoufeelyouhelporsupportthenususingthedetailsoncard,wearehereforthethingsaswellasthebig,talkingtosomeonethefirststeptofeelingmorecontrol.Itcanbeapersonalorsomehelpwithyourorinformationonwhatwhotospeaktoonamedissue,wehelpwithsignifwecannothelpdijustcallandhaveawithPamwhowilltrytoyoutowhereyouneedbe.Ifyouwouldliketogoabranchmeetingthenfindnearestoneat,coveringfromPuntaPrimatoJavier.Moreinfocanbeonbranchwebsite Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 716 274 or Secre tary Margaret Forshaw on 966 921 996. (95455) STROKE ASSOCIATION Spain (formally known as Torrevieja stroke support) Our aim is to help and sup- port stroke sur vivors and their carers, with re habilitation, speech therapy, OC therapy and a very active social group. For info please contact 653 588 475 English and 620 907 474 Spanish or email,website:torrevieWeareallookingforvolunteerswhotheskillsandknowledgesupport.(95473) THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. For mer & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.acacostablan or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465) THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188. (95461) THE BAKER Foundation Spiri tual Centre Playa Flamenca. Calle Luis Gordillo, 1 Playa Fla menca Alicante 03189. You can join us on Facebook, The Baker Foundation spiritual centre. Or contact Linda Schug Tel. 606 990 665 for more details (95458) THE PATIENCE LODGE No 2177 of the R.A.O.B Please call Secretary Dave Tonge on 688 704 091 for further information. (253807) THE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, Benijofar will be closed for the immediate future due to Covid19. To join the centre on ZOOM on a Tuesday evening at 7pm download the ZOOM App. To enter use ID Number 8451471869, then Password 3uf5TE. Identification Fiscal G54713789 (95454) MR FIXIT. For all your electri cal, plumbing, general & appli ance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 (289446) WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel –

678 716 693 (288662) PERSONAL TRAINER, WEIGHT LOSS, TONING, RESULTS GUARANTEED. CERTIFIED WITH 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. FORMER US KICKBOX CHAMPI ON. CALL 747 438 225 (301319) BATHROOM & KITCHEN Con versions Costa Blanca, contact 698 320 434. (291660) FED UP OF NOT BEING SENT YOUR RENEWAL? CUT YOUR INSURANCE COSTS AND STILL HAVE 100% COVER. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST WITH SOS INSUR ANCE. WE CAN EVEN IN SURE YOU FOR UP TO A €1,000 OF WATERLOSS. CALL 686 116 297 (WHAT SAPP TO) OR BENEFICIALsuranceinspain.comcomwww.sosinsuranceinspain.VISIToremailtracey@sosin INSURANCE SER VICES. Car, Home, Business, Travel, Life, Funeral, all insur ances available. Policies in Eng lish. BEST rates, covers & ser vice. Immediate quotes. Tel 961 129 215 / 622 275 561, (What sApp) (301135)spain.comwww.beneficialinsuranceinceinspain.cominfo@beneficialinsuranorvisitforonlinequote. STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insur ance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.abbeygateinsure. com GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet in surance. Since we started out in 1995, our philosophy has always been to offer an excel lent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726) MOTORHOME / Campervan wanted. Left or right hand dri ve. Cash waiting for right van. Tlf 650 722 905 PIANO , Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (294805) INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LI CENCE: Courses held in English and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301210)CARECARAVANSCARSBUYBUILDINGARCHITECTSSERVICES&SELLFORSALEHOME CHARITY HEALTHFORELECTRICIANSALE/WANTEDANDBEAUTY GOLD WANTED HOME MISCELLANEOUSINSURANCEIMPROVEMENTS NAUTICALMUSICMOTORHOMESMOTORINGTUITION 18 - 24 August 2022 • euroweeklynews.comCLASSIFIEDS 52 SPONSORED BY CHARITY INSURANCE If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your businessgrowat + 34 951 386 161

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. For info, contact the branch Secretary at cant.secretary@rbl.communitygranala ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIA TION (Costa Blanca) The aim of the Association is to bring to gether not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service person nel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. For further details Hon Sec 692 938 664. (10004) ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION For information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934,

J & J PAINTERS. Insideoutside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding ar eas. Tel: 650 363 159 (294244) PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) WE buy, sell & transport all makes of static caravans for more information contact 630 055 418 or Elsyd7@ (294686) CARE home in Torrevieja, full care, full board from €800 per month. Call 747 438 225 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to ex cess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life –damaging everything that is im portant to you. English-speak ing AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: 648 169 045 or Costa Blanca South: 625 912 078 or Costa Calida 679 385 105 All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in Ger man: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. (93323) CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Asso ciation Español Contra Cancer. Please support your local Can cer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please contact Mi na or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 (95475)aecc_campello@hotmail.come-mail CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462) CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH Tel: 950 617 549 FREEMASONRY . Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various Lodges meet ings up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Ma son or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact sec@ Tel 600 841 064 (95477) HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports anyone, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area. Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Tor revieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). We are online at www.helpvegaba and also on Facebook. You can email the San Miguel Centre at office@helpvegaba We also have a 24hour Emergency helpline which is available to both members and non-members on 966 723 733 (95456) INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, TORREVIEJA Calle Beniajan 16, Torrevieja 03185, Alicante Evangelical non-de nominational church. Sunday morning Services at 11.00am. All nationalities welcome - Con tact 966 752 543 / 966 799 273. For other church matters phone: 966 799 273 / /617 215 463 (95476)

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ROAD TEST byMarkSlackMazda

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 MOTORING54

MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code MAZDA has always been a clever, more discerning choice of car no matter which model you opt for from the sales brochure. The rise of SUVs has also seen changes in Mazda’s line up with a third of the model line­up now being SUVs.Inaddition to the usual petrol and diesel combus tion engines there is all­elec tric power along with plugin and mild hybrid options. The CX­5 is Mazda’s medi um sized SUV that while on ly a five­seater feels very spacious inside and handles much more crisply than you would expect of an SUV. Prices start at €34,572/ £29,245 and even the leadin model offers a good stan dard specification. Engine choices are 2.0­litre and 2.5litre petrol, 2.2­litre diesel in two power outputs and un usually all the engine choic es are naturally aspirated ie noAddedturbochargers.tothe engine choices are options for man ual or automatic gears and two or four­wheel­drive. My test model was a higher trim GT Sport mod el with 2.5­litre petrol power, automatic gears and all­wheel­drive. One thing that has always set Mazda apart is the excellent build quality and although the CX­5 it doesn’t carry a premium badge it has a very premium drive. On the road the CX­5 handles better than you might expect for an SUV and the steering makes for a surprisingly precise drive. The 2.5­litre engine in the test model performs well enough but doesn’t have the urge of a turbocharged unit so requires a slightly different style of driving. It’s a nice pairing with the sixspeed automatic gearbox though with responsive changes that make light work of busy journeys. Inside there are many welcome touches from a sensibly laid out fascia with buttons ­ so hurrah for a lack of over digitalisation that involves multiple menus for every minor task ­ to a plethora of soft touch materials. It gives a quietly comfortable and high quality feel to the in terior. Occupants are af forded a commendably lofty view from the multiadjustable front seats and excellent interior space makes for an airy feel de spite the sombre tones of the test car’s interior. At not far short of €47k/£40k my top line CX­5 is perilously close to premi um machinery like BMW and Audi SUV models, but it more than holds its own against these premium Ger manTherivals.decision hinges on whether you value a badge more than a greater per ceived presence, and ar guably a more honed driv ing experience. I think the smart money might well head east.

CLEVER CHOICE: Handles much more crisply than you would expect of an SUV.

CX-5 - a clever more discerning choice

EWN18 - 24 August 2022MOTORING 55

BMW Open Work by Frieze

Work by Nikita Gale in 2020 titled 'Private Dancer'.


AS reported on Thurs day, August 11, Frieze and BMW continue their long­term partnership with the major art initia tive BMW Open Work by Frieze. Los Angelesbased artist Nikita Gale will present the immer sive installation ‘63/22’ in the BMW Lounge at Frieze London in October 2022.Drawing inspiration from BMW engineering and curated by Attilia Fattori Franchini, this commission brings to gether art, technology, and design, in a pioneer ing multi­platform for mat.Investigating the histo ry and politics of sound and its surroundings, Nikita Gale’s practice questions themes of in visibility and audibility recasting the dynamic between performer and spectator. Within the work, notions of wit nessing, visibility, and representation are sub verted and destabilised. The technologies of sound and speed have been closely associated since the 1960s. In fact, the Gibson Firebird, one of the most popular elec tric guitars, was de signed by car designer Ray Dietrich and intro duced to the general public in 1963. Gale’s project ‘63/22’ explores the relationship between these technolo gies and unfolds how they have culturally in fluenced one another through design. As part of the BMW Open Work 2022 commission, the artist will create a sculp tural installation com prising a series of elec tric guitars imagined in collaboration with BMW i7 designers and activat ed by live performances in the space. In addition, the artist will invite the BMW i7 designers to sketch utopian, functional, and dysfunctional guitar bod ies, these sketches would provide the start ing point for the creation of sculptural guitars, a mixture between a func tional object and a sculp ture.

Preparations are well un derway for the CBWFL’s second season which is due to start in


30jalesteamEsquinafilledednextreasonsdroppedPinosoUnfortunatelySeptember.Hondon,andMorairahaveoutforvariousbuthopetoreturnyear.TwooftheplacesvacatbytheseteamswillbebyTheRedLionsandParkRangers.ThefromQuesada,Rohaveasquadofoverplayerswithanage range of 51 to 72 years of age, training twice a week and playing regularly in tournaments including Tor rox (Malaga) and the Al garve, Portugal where they won the ‘The Plate’. They also play friendly matches against other teams on the Costa.EPR are hosting their own tournament at the Torrevieja Sports City on Saturday October 29 with 14 teams provisionally en tered from Portugal, UK, the Basque Country and other parts of Spain. Last season proved to be challenging as was expect ed being the first League set up on Costa Blanca. Covid and Brexit added greatly to the problems faced by the organisers so fingers crossed it will be a smooth running competi tion once it gets underway in PriorSeptember.tothe League com mencing the CBWFL League Cup tournament (see photo above) spon sored by Clydegrove Golf & Tranfers will feature sev en teams split into two groups. One group of three and one of four. The event takes place on Fri day September 2 and the draw will be published in next week’s edition of the Euro Weekly News . Make sure you get your copy. Next week’s EWN will al so feature further details of the League and League Cup and in the coming weeks there will be a pre view of the seven teams competing in the CBWFL. Maybe you don’t want to play walking football but what about becoming a referee? The CBWFL in conjunction with the Walking Football Associa tion International are keen to organise a Referees Training Event on the Cos ta Blanca in the near fu ture to boost the number of qualified referees for League and Friendly matches.Ifyou are interested please contact the CBWFL at Weekly News who are staunch supporters of walking football.

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 SPORT56

SPORT to read more SPORT scan this QR Code

THE Red Lions of Fortuna failed to follow up their re cent victory against For mentera when they were edged out 5­3 in an excit ing keenly contested friendly at home to Pinoso.TheLions management were disappointed as they had roared into a 3­0 lead. Pinoso persevered and their patient passing game began to tell as they pulled the score back to 3­3. They took the lead 4­3 when the Lions made some costly er rors and finally sealed the victory near the end to make it 5­3. Undeterred the Lions saw it as another learning curve with a lot of posi tives towards their debut in next season’s Costa Blanca Walking Football League. (CBWFL). The Lions had another tough friendly on Tuesday August 16 when they trav elled to Hondon to play the Hondon Valley Flyers. Re sult and report in next week’s Euro Weekly News


WALKING FOOTBALL - Lions edged out in friendly

FRIENDLY MATCH: The Red Lions and Pinoso. AT PINOSO: Action from the friendly match.

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