Mallorca 18 - 24 August 2022 Issue 1937

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Tamsin Brown CALVIA has become the first munic ipality in Mallorca to set up a Re turn and Reward System (RRS) whereby residents who deposit cans and plastic drinks bottles for recycling will receive points which they can then donate to the Span ish Association Against Cancer; the organisation Sonrisa Médica, which is dedicated to bringing laughter to sick children in hospitals; or to planting trees to help fight against desertification.Thepointsare obtained by recy cling using one of the 480 yellow containers that have been fitted with the technology or via the door­to­door system, said the Calvia Town Hall on August 16. To participate in this system, residents must download the free Reciclos application and scan the barcode on each can or bottle they wish to recycle. They then take their bag of containers to the yellow recycling bin in the street, deposit them and scan the QR code on the bin. When using the door­to­door sys tem, users simply scan each bar code, place the bag with the pack aging at the entrance of their home or in the designated areas during the packaging collection hours, take a photo of the bag with the app and activate geolocation to identify the recycling point on a map. The system has been designed by the non­profit environmental or ganisation Ecoembes. The manager of Ecoembes in the Balearic Islands, Xavier Balagué, said that this inno vative system aims to help to meet the recycling targets set by the Eu ropean Union, which “require a great effort on the part of society as a whole.” He also said that this solution helps to promote the circu larity of packaging and “citizens can contribute to improving the envi ronment through the rewards they get from recycling.” RECYCLING



RETURN AND REWARD: The system works using an app.

Promoting sports tourism

THE number of origi nal works submitted this year to the Mal lorca Literary Cre ation Awards, which the Consell de Mal lorca has been run ning since 2005, is significantly higher than last year. In to tal, 273 works have been submitted into the five categories of narrative, poetry, es says, theatre and chil dren’s literature. The deadline for submis sions was August 1. In 2022, there were 11 essays submitted, 65 stories, 120 po ems, 56 plays and 21 works of literature).theplaysay,€19,000forning(€25,000themoneyeraturepromoteCreationtheculture.ofexpertsupthesimilarorsubmissionseithertheliterature.children’sMostofcategorieshavereceivedmorethisyearhavereceivedanumber.ThejuryforeachofawardsismadeoffiveacclaimedfromthefieldCatalan­speakingTheaimofMallorcaLiteraryAwardsistocreativelitinCatalan.Thetotalprizeis€79,000,sameaslastyearforthewinstory,€15,000thepoem,forthees€10,000fortheand€10,000forworkofchildren’s

SPONSORSHIP: Real Mallorca promoting sports tourism.

Tamsin Brown THE Consell de Mallorca and the football club Real Mallor ca have signed a sponsorship agreement for the upcoming 2022-2023 season in order to continue promoting sports tourism on the island, partic ularly with regard to high-lev el competitions. The agree ment includes various promotional activities relat ed to the Mallorcan team, aimed at both the national and international markets. The sponsorship agree ment is promoted by the Mallorca Tourism Founda tion and amounts to €1.5 million (VAT excluded), which includes €500,000 from the Balearic Islands Government and €250,000 from the town hall of Palma.


https://www.rcdmallorca.esCredit: The IBJOVE survey will gather information about the needs of young people.

Hearing from young people

EWN 18 - 24 August 20222 NEWS

THE Department of Social Affairs and Sports of the Balearic Islands Govern ment, through the Balearic Institute of Youth (IBJOVE), is interviewing 3,000 young people between June and October. The survey, which is being carried out in collab oration with the Balearic Is lands Institute of Statistics (IBESTAT) and the different island councils, aims to gather information on the everyday lives, needs and demands of young people between the ages of 15 and 34 in order to develop bet ter youth policies. The survey consists of 192 questions regarding dif ferent subjects such as edu cation and training; emanci pation, employment; housing; leisure and the in ternet; culture and lan guage; social cohesion; poli tics; health, sexuality and lifestyles; and future expec tations.Thisis a very ambitious and wide-ranging survey. Until now, partial studies had been carried out, but it is the first time that such a complete survey involved participation from such a large number of young peo ple and covered so many topics.

The proposal, approved on Wednesday August 10, is part of the Consell’s strategy to promote Mallorca as a year-round tourism destina tion that has more to offer than just sun and beaches. Real Mallorca is the only team on the island that plays in the highest category of professional football in Spain. With more than 15,000 members, it is a cen tury-old club and its matches are broadcast in 170 coun tries, with more than 130 million viewers each season.


Tamsin DURINGBrownthefirst half of 2022, 244 dogs and 214 cats have left the Son Reus Animal Welfare Cen tre in Palma for adoption and 218 dogs and 20 cats have been recovered by their owners. This means that the centre is currently at less than 70 per cent of its capacity and the policy of not putting any animals down, which has been in place for the last six years, has been onthisbehavingownershipmotementpreventucationalawareness­raisingCentreowners.werecatsthosefortheirand164periodhigherthatsuccessfully.implementedThenumberofdogshaveleftthecentreisthanforthesameof2021,whenonlydogswereadopted163werereturnedtohomes.Thefigurescatsareverysimilartoof2021,when224wereadoptedand18reunitedwiththeirTheAnimalWelfareiscontinuingtorunandedcampaignstotheabandonofanimalsandproresponsiblepetathome.Familiesinterestedinananimalshouldclearabouteverythingentailsbeforetakingtheresponsibility.

Citizen science


RELEASED: The rescued Eleanora’s falcon. MallorcadeConsellCredit:

THE Consell de Mallorca is working on signposting a 4.8­km family­orientated route that will link the vil lage of Port de Soller with Torre Picada. The route be gins on Carrer de la Marina, in front of the shopping cen tre, and will encourage peo ple to explore the local area on foot. Free preschools

A TOTAL of 24,036 primary and secondary school stu dents took part in the activi ties offered by the Road Safety Division of the Local Police of Palma over the 2021­2022 school year. The aim of the programme is to teach children about road safety from a very early age.

publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain.

THE Balearic Islands Govern ment has approved the de cree­law on urgent mea sures to guarantee free education for children aged two to three who are en rolled in the public nursery school network. This will come into effect from September 2022 and re flects the government’s ac knowledgement of the im portance of preschool education. Police station OFFICERS of the Local Police of Llucmajor have com plained of the high tempera tures recorded lately in some police facilities that lack air conditioning, such as the changing rooms and the jail cells, which have reached over 35 degrees. They claim that Llucmajor has the worst police facilities in Mallorca.

Anyone who wants to can publish their marine pho tographs on this platform throughout the year.

Road safety


FamilyRoyalCredit: FamilyRoyalCredit:


Sa Dragonera is home to one of the Balearic Is lands’ most important populations of Eleanora’s fal con. In the archipelago, however, it has a temporary presence, as it arrives in spring from Madagascar to breed and leaves again in the autumn.

Top universities

THE Spanish Royal Family have put an end to their holidays in Palma de Mal lorca after more than 10 days on the is land. As in previous years, King Felipe VI (54), Queen Letizia (49), Princess Leonor (16) and Infanta Sofía (15) alternated their official engagements with leisure activities. They will now enjoy their pri vate holidays and will not partake in any official events until August 21, ac cording to the official agenda. During the Royal Family’s time on the island, the King went sailing and pre sented the winners of the MAPFRE Co pa del Rey sailing competition with their awards; Queen Letizia presided over the closing ceremony of the Atlàntida Mallorca Film Fest and the women of the family spent time with Queen Sofía while King Felipe visited Colombia. As usual, the destination of the per sonal holidays of the members of the Royal Family is unknown. Although there is no specific date confirmed for their return to work, Princess Leonor is set to continue her studies at the UWC Atlantic College boarding school in Wales on Friday August 26.

Falcon rescued

THE Sa Dragonera Natural Park has hosted a citizen science ac tivity co­organised by the Con sell de Mallorca, Observers of the Sea and the Blue Drag onera Network, with the sup port of several other organisa tions dedicated to environmental conservation. The aim of the activity was to introduce the concept of cit izen science to all those inter ested in contributing to scien tific knowledge and discovering the Sa Dragonera Natural Park from a different perspective.The18participants had a theoretical introduction before going snorkelling in a cove in SaParticipants,Dragonera. who are mem bers of the general public, will now try to find species that are of interest for scientific pro jects and take and upload pho tos of them to an online plat form

Environmental education

ACCORDING to the Aca demic Ranking of World Uni versities, better known as the Shanghai Ranking, the academic rating of the Uni versity of the Balearic Is lands (UIB) has fallen this year, with the UIB in 30th place in Spain and in the 701­800 range worldwide. Spain has five universities among the top 200.

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 3NEWS

THE Consortium for the Recovery of Fauna of the Balearic Islands (COFIB) has released a type of falcon known as Eleanora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae) into the Sa Dragonera Natural Park, from where it had been rescued.Thebird was spotted in the sea by a Sa Dragonera guard, and it was unable to fly away. The COFIB was notified and checked its state of health before releas ing it back into its habitat, which it did as soon as pos sible so as not to interfere with the breeding season. On August 9, the vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Sustainability and the Envi ronment, Aurora Ribot, thanked the COFIB and said: “As a protected species endemic to the Mediter ranean coast, the population of falcons of the Natural Park of Sa Dragonera is very important.”

Citizen science is an opportu nity for non­scientists of all ages and backgrounds to do research, thereby collaborat ing with professional re searchers and contributing to the investigation of a specific area.

PRESENTED AWARDS: King Felipe VI at the MAPFRE Copa del Rey.

The Euro Weekly News

DATA from the Consell de Mallorca’s De partment of Sustainability and the Envi ronment shows that a total of 113 envi ronmental education activities and outings were enjoyed by 2,550 children during the 2021­2022 school year. This year’s highlight was a night spent in the mountains at the Son Amer shel ter in Escorca, where children participat ed in a crafts workshop and discovered the trades that were once carried out in the Serra de Tramuntana. The trip in cluded transport, activities, accommoda tion and meals. Just a few of the many other activities included trips to the Sa Dragonera Natu ral Park; a visit to the gardens of the pub lic estate of Raixa and a sailing trip on the boatSpeakingBalear.on August 10, the vice­presi dent of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor for Sustainability and the Envi ronment, Aurora Ribot, said: “We are working to raise awareness among fu ture generations of the need to preserve the environment and our territory. Envi ronmental education is essential for pro moting a change in society and teaching children to admire, value, respect and appreciate our environment.”

Royal family begins private holidays

Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

Tamsin Brown ON August 25, the new modi fication of the by­laws regulat ing the circulation of horsedrawn carriages in Palma will come into force, according to which horses may not work when the State Meteorologi cal Agency (AEMET) issues yellow, amber or red alerts for extreme temperatures.

THE Coastal Observation Sys tem recorded an average of 27.66 degrees in the Balearic Sea on Monday, August 8, an above average temperature, and has warned of long term effects on the ecosystem due to climate change. In recent years, the con cept of heatwave has also been extended to the ma rine environment, with ma rine heatwaves being those that occur when the ocean temperature is higher than usual for at least five consec utiveCurrentlydays. the tempera ture of the Balearic Sea continues to rise and re mains at least two degrees above the average for the past 40 years. On Monday August 8, the Costanera Observation Sys tem of the Balearic Islands (SOCIB) recorded an average temperature of the surface of the Balearic Sea as 27.66 degrees, which is at least two degrees above the aver age for that day since 1982. The SOCIB said these high values have an impact on the marine andregions.heatencedMediterraneancats,MediterraniAccordingecosystem.totheInstitutd’EstudisAvanin2015and2019theSeaexperiaseriesofmarinewavesthataffectedallThiscausedmassdeathsaffectedapproximately 50 species including corals, sponges and macroalgae.

The conditions of the hors es used to take tourists around Palma in carriages have long been a source of outrage for animal rights ac tivists, but it has not been un til this year that such mea sures have been taken. The modification was given its final approval in the July plenary session and published in the BOIB (Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands) on Au gust 2. It will come into effect once 15 working days have passed since that date. In addition to the require ments regarding tempera ture, Article 37 of the regula tion stipulates that “the driver must suspend the service when the vehicle or the horse does not meet the conditions of safety, hygiene, comfort or physical condition as provided for in Article 24, until the ap propriate corrective measures are taken.”

Advanced cancer treatments

A 24-YEAR-OLD German tourist was arrested by the National Police for swin dling free food at a hotel in Playa de Palma. The tourist was arrested on Sunday August 14, af ter, alongside a friend, he went to a hotel for break fast and then left without paying.Notonly did the pair en joy a free breakfast, but then they also returned to the same hotel for dinner. After some enquiries, the staff realised the men were not hotel guests and asked them to pay for their meals.One of the pair ran away, with the other offer ing to pay by leaving his phone as collateral as he had no cards or money on him.He promised to return the following day to pay the outstanding debt. However, when he re turned to the establish ment he acted in an ag gressive manner, intimidating the staff and refusing to pay. The police were called and the man was subse quently arrested.

Hotel impersonationguest

GovernmentIslandsBalearicCredit: SON ESPASES: Patricia Gómez, the councillor for Health and Consumer Affairs.

Better conditions for horses

THE Haematology and Haemotherapy Service of Son Espases University Hos pital in Palma plans to treat between 20 and 25 blood cancer patients each year with CAR T­cell advanced therapies. In June, the Span ish Ministry of Health incor porated this hospital, along with 13 other hospitals in Spain, into the network of centres accredited to offer this type of treatment. The authorisation was given thanks to the hospi tal’s long experience in stem cell transplantation. The use of these thera pies puts Son Espases at the forefront of cutting­edge medicine in Spain, and pa tients from other au tonomous communities can be referred for treat ment at Son Espases. The Haematology Service at the hospital is provided by a multidisciplinary and highly qualified team of profes sionals.CART­cell therapy con sists of extracting the pa tient’s immune cells, geneti cally modifying them in the laboratory and then infus ing them so that they attack cancerous cells. This is an important step because it allows the pa tient’s own immune system to eradicate the tumour, without the side effects of chemotherapy on other or gans and tissues.

Sea temperatures rise

EWN 18 - 24 August 20224 NEWS

Solar panels installed

ON Tuesday, August 16, work began on the instal lation of solar panels at the car park of Manacor Hospital. The solar panels will generate 770 kW of renewable power that will produce 1,029 MWh of electricity per year, annu ally reducing CO2 emis sions by 790,601 kg. Five dual charging points for electric vehicles will also beTheinstalled.installation com plies with the Climate Change and Energy Transi tion Act of the Balearic Is lands, according to which car parks of more than 1,000 m2 must have solar panels by 2025. The works are sched uled to take 15 weeks to complete, which means that the project is expect ed to be operational by the end of this year. Manacor Hospital will be the second hospital in the Balearic Islands to have its car park com pletely covered by solar panels, after the Mateu Orfila Hospital in Mahon, Menorca.

UP to 12,732 students have received training in cardiopulmonary resuscita tion (CPR) as part of a project led by the Balearic Islands Emergency Medi cal Care Service (SAMU 061). From February 14 to May 11, 17 courses were given to teachers. A total of 193 teachers at 103 schools received training, according to a statement giv en by the Ministry of Health of the Balearic Islands Government on Mon day August 15. The teachers then went on to train their students in CPR while under the constant supervision of medical pro fessionals. CPR involves identifying whether a person is suffering car diorespiratory arrest and replacing the respiratory and circulatory functions of the patient’s body without the need for any specific equipment until the patient can be attended to by spe cialised emergency services. Numerous studies have concluded that from the age of 13, a person is physically able to perform resuscita tion manoeuvres and also has the cog nitive maturity required to understand the importance of acting in a situation of cardiac arrest.

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 5NEWS

CPR training in schools

PRINCESS CRISTINA reunited with her husband Iñaki Urdangarin in Bidart, France, where the two en joyed a couple of days together en joying the beach alongside three of their four Despitechildren.separating back in Jan uary, Princess Cristina and her for mer partner appeared to have put aside some of the tension from their high­profile split in order to enjoy a holiday with their children. Urdangarin and the princess met in Bidart, with their children Pablo, Miguel and Irene who were already in the town spending the holidays with their father, the former Duke ofAlthoughPalma. missing Juan, their el dest son, the couple’s other chil dren were excited when their mother joined them in France. As reported in the media on Wednesday, August 4, when Princess Cristina, 57, spotted the children practising water sports with their father, she was greeted by Miguel and Pablo who both ran up and kissed her.

THE National Geographic In stitute (IGN) has reported that between 11pm local time on Wednesday, August 10, and 4am on Thursday, August 11, a total of 63 earthquakes were recorded in the vicinity of the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano , on the Canary island of La Palma , which they say corresponds to a low­magnitude seismic swarm.TheIGN specified that the largest magnitude earth quake of 1.7 mbLg was recorded at 2.48am, at a depth of 12km. Swarms of this type are normal within the post eruptive process in which this area of the island of La Palma finds itself, added the IGN. It continues to moni tor the seismic activity in the area.During the month of July, IGN specified that a total of 245 earthquakes were regis tered in the Canary Islands. A maximum magnitude of 3.6 mbLg was recorded at 7.26pm on July 16. It had its epicentre about 100km north of the island of Tenerife. There were three earth quakes felt by the population during July, according to the information collected through the electronic macroseismic questionnaires sent.

ON HOLIDAY: Princess Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin put tensions aside.

Reunited in France

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS6

A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy was struck by lightning on the beach of Vilar rube in Valdoviño, A Coruña, Galicia it was re ported by local media on Tuesday, August 9. The boy was allegedly struck by lightning on the beach in Galicia at around 12.10pm when he was walking along the beach. A medical helicopter based in Ourense and an ambulance were rushed to the Oncescene.onthe scene, the Emergency Services con firmed that, after resus citation techniques were carried out, the child was transferred, stable and with a pulse, to the Hospital Arquitecto Mar cide de Ferrol in A Coruña. Young boy struck lightningby zixia/

New tremors in La Palma

Robbie’s surprise

Gas pipeline possibility Ibiza528FacebookCredit:

ACCORDING to Teresa Ribera, the Spanish Minister for the Environ ment, a gas pipeline project to con nect Spain to France through the Catalan Pyrenees could become reali ty.The Minister stated on Friday, Au gust 12, that according to calculations made by the government a pipeline could be operational in eight or nine months on the southern side of the border towards Spain. During an interview with a national media outlet, she said the govern ment considered it “essential to go hand in hand” with the French gov ernment to accelerate the project. She spoke of the comments made by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in which he spoke of such a pipeline from Portugal to the rest of Europe. Ms Ribera said she believed that his message is key “to generating that political conviction of European inter est that has a project of these charac teristics.”

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 NEWS8

Robbie Williams with Lufthaus at the new 528 Ibiza venue in the Balearic islands.

AS reported by the Sitcpla union in a statement on Sunday, August 14, on the final day of strike action in Spain by easyJet pilots, as of 1pm, just six flights had been cancelled. Malaga air port was not affected at all by the action, with no can cellations occurring. This latest round of in dustrial action by easyJet started on Friday, August 12, and in the three days following, only 34 flights were suspended. A Sitcpla viouslytherespect’pereasyJetporthighlightedspokespersonthatthesupofthepilots’strikeatis,atthistime,100cent,with‘maximumbeingshownforminimumservicespredecreedbythe government.Twomore rounds of in dustrial action are sched uled by easyJet pilots in Au gust. The next batch will begin on Friday, August 19 and last until Sunday, Au gust 21 Theninclusive.theywill strike again from Saturday, Au gust 27 until Monday, Au gust 29.

Final day of strike REVELLERS at a top Ibiza nightspot in the Balearic islands had a massive sur prise when British music superstar Robbie Williams made a surprise appearance. This amazing moment occurred on Thursday, August 11, in the new 528 Ibiza am phitheatre venue as he took to the stage to join electronic outfit Lufthaus.Rumours had apparent ly been circulating for some weeks that some body famous was going to make a surprise ap pearance on the island. The performance innovativealongactingspentternationalbespecialwithbeentagsinger­writer­producerbyteamLufthaushadadvertisedfordays,ateaserthatsaidaguestartistwouldjoiningthem.Theinpopstar90minutesinterwiththecrowd,withLufthaus,annewactwhich includes world­renowned master producers Flynn Francis and Tim Metcalfe. Robbie sang a couple of songs and then took his place behind the DJ decks. He mood.erybodyingmackedentertainedsubsequentlythegobspartygoers,playmusicandgettingevintheparty“Welaunched528Ibiza with the ambition of it becoming Ibiza’s most important new entertain ment destination so to have one of the world’s most successful music artists choose our newly launched 528 Gardens for this outstanding Ibiza de but was a dream come true,” said Andy McKay, CEO, 528 Ibiza & Ibiza Rocks Group.

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 GO LOCAL10 BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, independent businesses can help support the local community. GO LOCAL WHEN YOU GO SHOPPING GO LOCAL!


Underwater worlds for you to discoverDIVINGCOURSES:Improveyourskills.


EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 SOCIAL SCENE12

THERE are lots of diving centres in Mal lorca, where operators offer ‘diving sa faris’ in the coastal waters. The diving centres provide all the equipment neces sary ranging from oxygen cylinders to diving suits and offer courses in various categories that are based on the level of knowledge of the participant. Special courses for experienced divers can im prove their skills. The underwater world off Mallorca’s coast is colourful and can easily compete with tropical oceans in terms of biodi versity. The rocky shores on the west and north coasts, as well as the long bays in the southeast, are home to a va riety of marine life. The largest fish include groupers, which go to the edges of the rock in search of food. In some places, starfish glide over the ocean floor at a snail’s pace, while swarms of barracudas swim just below the surface of the water. The numerous underwater grottos are home to numerous sea creatures seeking pro tection from predators. All of this is for you to discover while diving in Mallorca. Diving too much? Snorkellers can get up close and personal with groupers, sea anemones and cuttlefish in Mallorca’s perfect waters too. The numerous rocky bays and headlands are the optimal con ditions for marvelling at the underwater bio­diversity that Mallorca is famous for.

THE Classic Car Club Mallor ca was formed in 1997 by enthusiasts and holds nu merous driving events throughout the year. These events centre around stress free and fun driving rallies, which are or ganised by members. The ideal opportunity to drive your classic car along the beautiful roads of Mallorca and explore different parts of the island. It is also an opportunity to bring together like­mind ed car enthusiasts from all walks of life and nationali ties. If you are not already a member then why not join them?August is too hot for many of these classic cars, but you can still join the weekly car meet ups at Port Adriano on a Thursday night from 6pm to 8pm with various car clubs tak ing part. Like to arrange an evening or early morning drive before September? Let the Classic Car Club know.September starts the au tumn motoring events with a drive and coffee meeting at the beginning of Septem ber and a rally on Septem ber 25 to kick start monthly rally meet ups for the au tumn and Septemberwinter.25will be the Earth, Wind & Fire rally or ganised by Charles Nutter and Helen O’Pitt. In the UK there is the Goodwood Revival Septem ber 16 to 18 and here in Mallorca October 6 to 8 is the 550 rally over three days from Port Adriano, fol lowed by the Classic Car Week October 12 to Octo berMore16. info: Classic Car,

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Activities like no other at Palma Jump Image-PalmaJump

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 13SOCIAL SCENE

The friendly and helpful team at Pal ma Jump will host schools, clubs and birthday parties, as well as provide you with exhilarating lessons in profession al jumping. Work on your coordination, balance and flexibility in the air while learning the best jumping techniques and performing combinations that you would never have imagined you couldDon’tdo!want to jump? The venue boasts two large spaces for spectators and participants where you can relax and enjoy a great selection of food and drinks, take a break or simply chill out while you wait for the session to end. only experience like this in Mallorca and the perfect place for all ages to let off some steam and enjoy sports and fun like never before.

PALMA JUMP, the first ever indoor trampoline park in Spain, is the place to be this summer if you are looking for an exciting, fun and family­friendly ex perience!Thissummer, experience sports and fitness like never before at Palma Jump ­ a huge trampoline park with an im pressive 57 trampolines that’s open seven days a week. Throughout the summer months, you can enjoy morn ing sessions for parents with children under five years old for just €5. Their exciting summer course, de signed for children from five to 12 years old, merges sports and fun through team games and the development of agility and balance in an environment where participants will get to know each other and make friends ­ the perfect ac tivity for those who are getting fed up with the long summer holidays. Tired of the beach and the heat? Ex perience their wall­to­wall trampoline, pro­zone and extreme zone. Test your nerves at the infamous and adrenalineinducing Ninja Warrior Park, where you will jump, climb, swing and free­fall your way to the finish line ­ do you think you have what it takes?


Jump by WhatsApp on 677 819 443 for more information about their birthday packages, groups of schools/clubs and jumping classes. Address: Calle Textil 3, Son Valenti, 07011 (Close to Real Mallorca Football Stadium and easily accessible just off the Via Cintura) Open every day from 9am Sunday to Thursday until 8pm, Friday and Saturday to 9.15pm - Website: - Email:

LET OFF STEAM: The only trampoline park in Spain!

Nitx de Art Felanitx


ANDREW POTTER: Many new works.

Santo Domingo, C/ de Pere J Canaves Salas, Pollença +34 971 534 011 More information: / Festival MALLORCA is a land of world­fa mous artists like Joan Miró and Miquel Barceló. Good Mallorcan weather supports the creation of ‘Nits de l’art’ (Night of art). During these nights towns exhibit art pieces, galleries keep their doors open and both public and private locations bring the work of Mal lorcan artists and foreign guests for all to view. The Nit de l’Art of Palma is the best known and the oldest among those that take place on the island and is celebrated in the middle of September. The Andrew Potter Gallery are taking part in the Nitx de Art Felanitx this year! In July 2016, Andrew and his partner Denise opened a new gallery in Felanitx, moving, in De cember 2018, to the centre of the town along the main pedestrian thoroughfare, where they now show some of the finest artwork on the island. All the paintings which Andrew is displaying are his first reactions to this beautiful is land of Mallorca and many new works will appear as the weeks go by.Nitx de Art Felanitx, spend an evening out and view some excit ing, new local talent at Andrew Potter Gallery. The whole town is open late and many shops and pri vate homes open their doors to showcase new and exciting local talent from August 19 to 21. It’s a great way to spend an evening out! The Andrew Potter Gallery, Car rer Major 19, 07200 Felanitx August 19, 8pm ­ midnight August 20, 7pm ­ 10pm August 21, 8pm ­ 10pm More info:


EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 SOCIAL SCENE14

TO pay homage to local, renowned and contemporary composers the Pollença Mu sic Festival was founded in 1962 at the initiative of the distinguished English violinist, Philip Newman. The 61st Fes tival de Pollença continues the historical legacy of this event, which has become un missable for both the locals’sconception more than 800 of the finest artists have performed. First­class artists play during summer nights at the cloister of Santo Domingo. The Dominicans built this stunning convent be tween the 16th and 17th cen tury, the cloister hosts many events all year around. A his toric venue that exudes aweinspiring beauty and provides excellent acoustics, the per fect setting for enjoying music under a starry night sky. The festival has perfor mances by Accademia del Pi accere on August 21, Artemiss Quartett on August 24, Lon don Philharmonic Orchestra on August 27. Mezzosoprano María José Montiel and pi anist, Miquel Esterich, per form an alternative Homage to Miquel Capllonch on Au gust 31. All these events are held at 10pm, with the excep tion of Artisan of the Planets at Convento8.30pm.



Once again Down to Earth successfully registered their trademarks in April 2020, when just at the end of July 2020, Netflix dropped a trailer for a new TV series also named ‘Down to Earth’ star ring Zac Efron, focusing on sim ilar topics to Patarkatsi’s com pany.“This led to a lot of confu sion, a lot of cus tomers reached out to us not knowing whether or not we were affiliated with the show, or if they had infringed on our trademark or vice versa,” stat attempted to clear up the confusion, send ing Zac Efron, his team and ev eryone at Netflix a cease and desist letter, notifying them of the trademark infringement. According to Patarkatsi the letter was rejected, and his company received a “very be littling response,” leaving them no choice but to file a lawsuit.“Acompany like Netflix has a huge legal team, so when you see companies with the resources to do things as they are supposed to be done and they choose not to, in my opinion, it is extremely disre spectful to the legal system and the world at large,” stated the Down to Earth CEO. “When corporations and public figures who have the re sources and the means to fol low legal protocol choose not to, this signifies a “rules for thee and not for me attitude,” and ends up hurting hardworking entrepreneurs and small business owners who do things the right way and make the necessary investments to follow legal protocol,” he con tinued.Inaddition Netflix’s TV se ries ‘Down to Earth’ did a col laboration with Nature Valley, an American company renowned for its nut bars, which according to Jonathan Patarkatsi constitutes a second infringement on his compa ny’sPatarkatsitrademark.said that these in fringements have been incred ibly damaging for his compa ny, as they have led to a lot of confusion among consumers. “Regardless of how long it takes and how many chal lenges come up, we are going to see this through to the end, and we hope that by doing this, smaller companies that might also be bullied by corpo rations or public figures will be inspired to stick to what they believe in and defend their companies,” concluded Patarkatsi.Tolearn more about Down to Earth and their mission to provide any and everyone ac cess to healthy products and to listen to their wide selection of 68 completely free health and lifestyle podcasts visit: m/mission.

IN an exclusive interview with the Euro Weekly News, Down to Earth CEO Jonathan Patarkatsi spoke on his com pany’s humble beginnings, driven with a mission and a purpose from the onset, and his subsequent trademark lawsuit with Netflix’s TV series Down to Earth, starring Zac Efron.Founded in 2017, Down to Earth is a health focused, well ness lifestyle brand that in cludes an ice tea line, fruit and nut snacks, apparel merchan dise, as well as a free wellness podcast that’s available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music and on their website. “We started very organically and with limited resources, but we immediately filed for trademarks, the names we knew we would be using in commerce, the typical legal protocol in both the US and many other countries,” stated CEO Jonathan Patarkatsi. “This was done initially for our beverage, food and appar el line and then when we de cided to launch our podcast in 2020, we applied for all of the necessary trademarks.”

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FEATURE16



Down to Earth CEO on Netflix TV series lawsuit

A GERMAN software company which accused the US Navy of piracy after it installed 558,466 copies of the company’s software on its computers without permission has claimed some $155.4 million based on a discounted price of purchase after the court found in its favour.

UKRAINE Swiss aid AS a neutral country, Switzerland has often acted as an intermediary between warring countries and the Ukrainian government has asked it to represent the interests of Ukrainian citizens currently living in Russian Federation territory although under international legislation, Russia has to agree to this.

GERMANY Naval piracy

THE Boann Distillery in Co. Meath has taken recycling to the highest level after ‘rescuing’ 68 barrels each believed to be 100 years old from a Bodega in Cordoba and will use them to store a special whisky blend which will take on the flavour of the oloroso-soaked wood.

THE organisers of Copenhagen Fashion week which took place from August 9 to 12 decided to ban the showing of any garment featuring animal fur following demonstrations by animal rights groups last year. This follows similar decisions from Amsterdam, Helsinki and Oslo.


EWN18 - 24 August 2022 17EUROPEAN PRESS

FOR the first time in its 53-year history, the 100 kilometre ‘Dodentocht’ in the town of Bornem could genuinely become a walk of death due to the extreme heat, so the course has been reduced to 65 kilometres which has to be completed in less than 24 hours.

THE NETHERLANDS Digital jigsaw IN order to fund the creation of a virtual reality museum, the Rembrandt Heritage Foundation aims to cut a digital image of Rembrandt’s Nightwatch into 8,000 pieces and sell them as non-fungible tokens (a type of tradable crypto currency) at around €250 per piece.

WHILST 85-year-old King Harald V was sailing in the World Championships in Geneva, his wife Queen Sonja, also 85, spent time on the Royal Yacht in the north of the country and even paddled along the Pasvik River which forms a natural border with Russia.

ITALY Mad tourists TOURISTS do the strangest things as so far this year one fell into Mount Vesuvius taking a selfie, another carved their name onto the Colosseum, various have bathed in the Trevi Fountain and the latest was caught driving a moped along the streets of ancient Pompei.

FRANCE LGBTQ rights SOME 40 years after France decriminalised homosexuality, new French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has announced the creation of a new position of ambassador for LGBTQ rights in an effort to fight discrimination in France as well as across the world.

NORWAY Water adventures

FINLAND Sieg Heil JEWISH groups around the world have taken to social media to complain about Justin Bieber who appeared to march across the stage with his left arm in the air, apparently giving the Sieg Heil salute in front of 20,000 fans in Helsinki on Tuesday August 9.

BELGIUM Walk of Death

IRELAND Ultimate recycling

PORTUGAL Poundland BRITS in Portugal who miss finding bargains back home in Poundland will be pleased to know that parent company Pepco has announced that it plans to open its first stores in Porto, Lisbon and the Algarve some time in 2023, once it has found suitable premises.

DENMARK Fur free

SWEDEN Replica ship LONDONERS had the first chance in 15 years to tour the replica of an 18th century Swedish vessel, the Götheborg for just four days in August. The original was built by the Swedish East India company and carried cargoes of porcelain, silk and tea before sinking in 1745.

BOTH contenders for the Tory Party Leadership have made it clear that they want to reform some of the EU financial regu lations imposed before Brexit. This would allow them to overrule regulator’s decisions if they thought it would help the economy. Released on August 12 was an open letter dated July 27 to the Treasury Select Committee from Andrew Bai ley, Governor of the Bank of England in which he cautioned against political interference in the independence of the City of London. It is possible he was preparing to defend the Bank of England which has been crit icised for being too indepen dent from government.

MADRID­based natural gas supplier Madrilena Red de Gas (MRG) is reportedly being en couraged by its major share holders to reduce its €950 mil lion debt by sale of shares. In addition to clearing debt, the shareholders want to see the company also develop lowcarbon fuel opportunities and it is anticipated the sale of shares could raise as much as €2bn. With a possible investment from other Spanish gas suppli ers, the company is taking part in the government’s green pro gramme according to media. Green gas

THE Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said that the forthcoming hike in Ofgem’s energy price cap will push in flation to new highs, leading to a significant economic downturn. Vulnerable busi nesses and households will be squeezed further so govern ment assistance for the most vulnerable is needed.

G5 coverage

Interference FINANCE

Looking forward


A NEW niche business in the UK DrinkWell has raised £1 million for expansion to at tract those who enjoy a drink but don’t want to put on weight as it sources and sup plies reduced calorie wine, lower calorie beer, lower calo rie cider, and reduced calorie spirits.

The increases in the prices of meat and milk, cheese and eggs, com pared with the stability of the previ ous year of bread and cereals, high er this month than in 2021, and of pulses and vegetables, which fell in July last year, are particularly no ticeable. A RECENT report by the Euro pean Commission highlighted the importance of the fashion industry but it recognised that the amount of money being spent on clothes has dropped. According to the Institute of National Statistics (INE) annual expenditure by Spanish house holds on fashion stood at €1,156 in 2021 compared to €1,417 in 2019, even though there was a considerable boom in home shopping dur ing lockdown. With huge infla tion caused by rocketing raw material prices made worse by the invasion of Ukraine, 2022 may well see a growth in the purchase of second­hand clothes and ultra cheap prod uct from companies like Shein.

JOHNSON AND JOHNSON is to stop making talcum pow der from 2023 after with drawing its sale in the USA two years Generationsago. of babies (and many older people) were brought up using the powder to help keep skin dry and to reduce the chance of Despiterashes.thefact that the company claims that inde pendent tests show that tal cum powder is safe, sales have suffered dramatically due to a number of lawsuits (said to be worth billions of dollars) brought by Ameri can women who claim that the powder contains as bestos and caused them to develop ovarian cancer. A statement from the company said: “As part of a worldwide portfolio assessment, we have made the commercial decision to transition to an all cornstarch­based baby powder portfolio. As a re sult of this transition, talcbased JOHNSON’S® Baby Powder will be discontin ued globally in “Cornstarch­based2023.


THE Spanish government is due to meet in September to consider the viability of raising the minimum wage once more in 2023 and Secretary of State for Employment Jaoqúin Pérez Rey would like to see it set at 60 per cent of the average salary. • 18 - 24 August 202218 is the amount that Spanish group IDB plans to spend in Rio de Janeiro to build what will be the largest tourist and residential complex in South America.

FINANCE to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

CORNSTARCH: Nappy change will be different from 2023.


Minimum wage



DIFFERENT FACTORS: Most types of food have risen in price this July.


THE Consumer Price Index rate for Spain in July is six tenths of a per centage point higher than that recorded the previous month and the highest since September 1984. This was confirmed on Friday Au gust 12 by the Institute for National Statistics (INE) and is in accordance with the initial INE forecast. The groups that stand out for their influence on the increase in the an nual rate are: Housing, which in creased its variation by four points, to 23 per cent, due to electricity prices rising when compared with the drop recorded in July 2021. The rise in gas prices also had an influence, although to a lesser ex tent, but was also higher than last year.Clothing and footwear, whose an nual variation of 5 per cent, was more than two and a half points higher than that recorded in June, due to the fact that their prices fell less this July than in July last year. Food and non­alcoholic beverages, whose rate was 13.5 per cent, six tenths of a percentage point higher than June and the highest since these records began in January 1994.

JOHN SON’S® Baby Powder is al ready sold in countries around the world. JOHN SON’S® is a flagship global brand of Johnson & John son Consumer Health and we remain fully committed to ensuring JOHNSON’S® products are loved by par ents and families for years to “Ourcome.position on the safe ty of our cosmetic talc re mains unchanged. We stand firmly behind the decades of independent sci entific analysis by medical experts around the world that confirms talc­based JOHNSON’S® Baby Powder is safe, does not contain as bestos, and does not cause cancer.”Johnson’s Baby Powder has been on the market for almost 130 years but those attacking its production claim that when talcum is mined, it is often found close to seams of asbestos, which is known to cause cancer.

Shein power

THE sale of access to different broadband frequencies to al low telecom companies to in crease G5 coverage has been a good earner for the Spanish government, but potential bidders have asked it to post pone the next auction until 2023 as there are no devices compatible with the frequen cy. Energy crisis EVEN with its access to natural gas and oil, Norway is facing its own potential energy crisis as the current dry weather has affected its hydroelectric pro duction which means that it may need to restrict the amount of electricity exported abroad.

STATWEEKOF €2.5 billion

3M 148,94 150,90 283,68K American Express 165,00 165,61 164,75 102,06K Amgen 253,92 254,16 251,86 164,59K Apple 172,32 172,87 172,20 4,87M Boeing 170,02 170,79 169,44 285,17K Caterpillar 195,84 197,01 194,95 126,73K Chevron 157,35 157,81 156,47 1,53M Cisco 46,62 46,66 46,44 1,13M Coca-Cola 64,66 64,66 64,34 1,36M Dow 55,75 55,91 55,36 284,28K Goldman Sachs 354,48 354,94 352,02 114,31K Home Depot 319,39 321,39 312,59 1,17M Honeywell 201,35 201,82 200,06 77,95K IBM 135,46 135,70 134,45 154,88K Intel 35,92 36,19 35,91 1,95M J&J 166,20 166,60 165,60 1,22M JPMorgan 122,53 123,18 121,87 845,07K McDonald’s 265,21 265,53 264,27 106,04K Merck&Co 90,58 90,62 89,87 396,95K Microsoft 292,17 292,73 291,62 1,57M Nike 116,73 117,28 115,82 362,63K Procter&Gamble 150,19 150,59 148,45 1,18M 187,95 189,72 187,69 375,82K The Travelers 173,38 173,79 172,90 23,42K UnitedHealth 545,29 546,25 542,88 88,56K Verizon 45,55 45,60 45,38 956,67K Visa A 213,46 215,66 212,15 879,02K Walgreens Boots 41,15 41,43 41,10 296,09K Walmart 139,32 139,86 138,26 7,41M Walt Disney 123,89 124,61 123,45 1,20M InterContinental 5.108,0 5.300,0 5.078,0 125,65K Intermediate Capital 1.547,00 1.568,50 1.543,50 56,06K Intertek 4.231,0 4.251,0 4.201,0 40,51K ITV 71,56 73,00 71,46 3,39M J Sainsbury 222,50 223,00 221,50 1,48M Johnson Matthey 2.278,0 2.279,0 2.235,0 65,41K Land Securities 731,40 736,00 730,60 3,33M Legal & General 285,60 286,60 283,90 2,06M Lloyds Banking 45,89 46,16 45,77 30,56M London Stock Exchange 8.400,0 8.466,0 8.360,0 122,93K Meggitt 793,63 794,20 790,80 16,43K Melrose Industries 153,40 156,70 152,70 2,42M Mondi 1.637,00 1.685,50 1.628,00 875,55K National Grid 1.169,38 1.169,50 1.157,00 1,01M NatWest Group 260,60 262,10 259,40 3,20M Next 6.524,0 6.528,0 6.386,0 46,00K Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0 Ocado 938,60 960,60 935,20 202,04K Persimmon 1.848,0 1.866,0 1.840,5 102,27K Phoenix 680,40 687,00 679,60 831,93K Prudential 992,20 1.004,50 985,80 1,44M Reckitt Benckiser 6.522,6 6.588,0 6.508,0 126,49K Relx 2.386,00 2.406,00 2.371,00 1,37M Rentokil 541,00 543,00 536,80 429,11K Rightmove 637,60 659,60 636,20 576,30K Rio Tinto PLC 4.940,5 4.944,5 4.795,5 1,08M Rolls-Royce Holdings 86,57 87,63 85,65 10,75M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0 Sage 734,60 746,40 733,80 233,00K Samsung Electronics DRC 1.157,50 1.163,50 1.152,00 3,76K Schroders 2.970,0 3.008,0 2.964,0 105,74K Scottish Mortgage 908,00 921,80 902,00 1,24M Segro 1.074,00 1.086,00 1.069,25 60,09K Severn Trent 2.988,0 3.009,0 2.975,0 66,43K Shell 2.194,5 2.197,0 2.167,5 3,69M Smith & Nephew 1.060,00 1.066,00 1.051,00 1,15M Smiths Group 1.570,50 1.576,00 1.563,50 170,43K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 11.305,0 11.555,0 11.220,0 38,46K SSE 1.824,00 1.827,50 1.807,00 516,16K St. James’s Place 1.250,00 1.269,50 1.249,50 96,11K Standard Chartered 607,00 610,00 597,80 2,05M Taylor Wimpey 123,10 125,95 122,85 5,58M Tesco 267,00 268,38 265,85 641,53K Tui 157,45 157,85 155,25 1,85M Unilever 3.909,0 3.953,0 3.903,5 970,89K United Utilities 1.131,67 1.136,00 1.126,00 510,32K Vodafone Group PLC 123,02 123,60 121,76 15,95M Whitbread 2.671,0 2.708,0 2.652,0 90,67K WPP 834,20 836,00 823,00 962,34K Most Advanced My Size +68.64% 14.96M AMTD IDEA +42.52% 33.16M Forza X1 +35.81% 9.56M WeTrade +33.70% 86.30K IZEA +25.54% 5.27M GlobalE Online +27.01% 1.11M Artelo Biosciences +29.36% 2.23M Blend Labs +25.00% 505.14K Skywater Technology +21.33% 293.70K Purecycle Technologies Holdings +21.70% 0.70K IONQ +22.48% 3.48M Most Declined BIT Mining -38.71% 2.76M Save Foods -36.34% 399.32K Hallmark -31.73% 364.27K PolishedCom -27.81% 1.23M Albireo Pharma -24.19% 545.76K iSun -26.17% 141.56K Sema4 Holdings -22.08% 958.01K Sunlight Fin Holdings -22.69% 130.03K T2 Biosystms Inc -21.39% 16.89M Sunrise New Energy -20.30% 133.36K Kubient -20.00% 28.05K CCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG NNETET VVOLOL DOW JONES C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 16 3I Group 1.258,00 1.268,00 1.254,50 215,77K Abrdn 173,50 176,30 173,10 2,44M Admiral Group 2.272,0 2.327,0 2.271,0 138,94K Anglo American 3.007,0 3.012,5 2.926,5 839,40K Antofagasta 1.166,00 1.167,00 1.136,00 235,12K Ashtead Group 4.617,0 4.646,0 4.564,0 116,73K Associated British Foods 1.649,0 1.662,5 1.643,5 215,34K AstraZeneca 10.932,0 11.044,0 10.902,0 266,34K Auto Trader Group Plc 654,60 667,60 652,80 839,52K Avast 684,80 686,80 678,60 304,82K Aveva 2.458,0 2.525,0 2.420,0 327,43K Aviva 462,70 470,30 461,20 2,22M B&M European Value Retail SA429,10 429,20 418,30 736,33K BAE Systems 800,00 800,40 783,61 466,75K Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 0,612 0 Barclays 170,80 172,20 170,30 9,89M Barratt Developments 483,70 488,70 482,50 958,78K Berkeley 4.084,0 4.129,0 4.053,0 71,20K BHP Group Ltd 2.357,50 2.359,50 2.305,50 1,45M BP 430,70 431,15 424,05 13,49M British American Tobacco 3.416,5 3.423,0 3.373,0 564,62K British Land Company 479,10 482,30 478,20 365,11K BT Group 160,30 160,90 158,00 2,93M Bunzl 3.141,0 3.154,0 3.107,0 279,45K Burberry Group 1.796,5 1.816,5 1.793,0 571,05K Carnival 785,8 800,0 782,6 199,05K Centrica 83,56 83,88 81,08 3,85M Coca Cola HBC AG 2.010,0 2.043,0 2.007,0 31,53K Compass 1.945,72 1.956,50 1.942,00 312,01K CRH 3.278,0 3.296,5 3.262,5 198,08K Croda Intl 7.262,0 7.452,0 7.252,0 74,67K DCC 5.336,0 5.348,0 5.288,0 104,96K Diageo 3.867,3 3.888,9 3.857,3 48,58K DS Smith 290,12 293,60 289,50 1,12M EasyJet 428,25 429,90 420,80 1,52M Experian 2.900,0 2.938,0 2.896,0 234,52K Ferguson 10.350,0 10.440,0 10.180,0 88,89K Flutter Entertainment 10.810,0 10.880,0 10.705,0 191,79K Fresnillo 740,91 747,39 732,60 28,98K Glencore 483,80 485,65 467,95 12,75M GSK plc 1.431,00 1.455,80 1.416,40 3,27M Halma 2.264,8 2.306,0 2.249,9 127,95K Hargreaves Lansdown 965,92 982,80 965,00 344,17K Hikma Pharma 1.539,50 1.564,50 1.531,50 93,20K HSBC 552,20 553,20 546,80 3,89M IAG 122,32 122,66 119,78 5,69M Imperial Brands 1.905,50 1.908,00 1.891,50 404,71K Informa 595,60 599,00 594,40 518,87K ººCCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG. NNETET VVOLOL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0162 Japan yen (JPY) 136.76 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9649 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4367 Norway kroner (NOK) 9.8367 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See advertouronpreviouspage 0.84252 1.18695 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 16 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 16 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 687 906 226 EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL20


No grazie A BRAVE attempt by Domi no’s Pizzas to storm Italy, the home of the pizza, has failed and after opening its first outlet in 2015, fran chise owner ePizza SpA fi nally filed for bankruptcy in August of this year, closing all of its stores blaming the pandemic. Big losses UK­based Deliveroo ex panded very quickly and attracted large amounts of investment, but pulled out of the Spanish mar ket last year and is set to close its Dutch opera tions after declaring a pre­tax loss of £147.3 million for the first six months of this year.

TOURISM was responsible for half of new jobs created in second quarter 2022 with a total of 391,343 more em ployed than the same time lastThisyear.information was re vealed by Spanish Tourist Board, Turespaña on Monday August 8 which also con firmed that the hospitality in dustry had not only recovered the number of employees when compared to 2019 but it was slightly higher. “The labour market contin ues to indicate the strength with which the tourism sector is recovering, which drives the economy and the national labour market.


FORMER civil servant and now chair of John Lewis, Dame Sharon White has said that the British gov ernment needs to encour age the unemployed over 50 to return to work. According to her, around one million people aged between 50 and 70 effectively retired during the pandemic and haven’t bothered to return, which means that they have helped to cause the short age in the number of expe rienced and trained staff available.Thisinturns means that employers are having to of fer higher wages in order to attract and retain staff which in turn encourages wage inflation which results in higher prices all round.


Early retirement


“Thus, in a quarter marked by the uncertainties of the economic consequences of the war, the data reflects an excellent trend with signifi cant job creation,” said Minis ter of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto. The growth occurred both among contracted employees (19.1 per cent) and the selfemployed (7.9 per cent) across all tourist activities, with a breakdown of hospital ity up 18.5 per cent, as well as accommodation services 54.4 per cent, travel agencies 12.6 per cent and passenger trans port 7.4 per Consequently,cent. the number of unemployed in this particu lar sector has been dropping significantly over the past five quarters and now stands at a much lower figure than in 2019 with employment up in the majority of autonomous provinces with the exception of La Rioja, Ceuta and Melilla, Asturias and Extremadura. There are considerably more permanent contracts with an increase of 19.5 per cent year on year, although there are still a significant number of people employed on temporary contracts due to the fact that tourism is cur rently so seasonal, although the Ministry of Tourism is en deavouring to attract visitors during the ‘quiet’ months.

EXCELLENT TREND: Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto.

pipelineEuropean RETURNING from holi day, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has admit ted that in his opinion, rather than import gas from Russia, Germany should have participat ed in building a pipeline from Spain to obtain gas from North Africa, but fears that it is now too late.

SPANISH energy company Iberdrola has begun operations of the Francisco Pizarro solar photovoltaic (solar power) project in Extremadura. According to the company, the plant is the largest in Europe and one of its largest operations worldwide. Costing a reported €300 million to install, and em ploying some 1,500 people to construct (more than half from the local area), it will produce sufficient power to serve 334,000 homes and will prevent the emission of 150,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmo sphere each year. To guarantee its viability the company will supply 100 per cent re newable electricity from this plant to Danone, Bayer and PepsiCo to cover the energy needs of their centres in Spain.


AS recently as 2019, two friends, Jad An toun and Khalid Ashmawy who lived in Dubai couldn’t believe how overly compli cated and expensive it was to obtain a mortgage.Bothhad experience in the digital world and founded Huspy with the intention of offering a complete service from finding a property to financing the purchase. Hav ing raised $37 million they have grown from the pair of them working from home to a company with 250 employees in of fices in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Madrid, as they have chosen Spain as their European target market. With so few transactions being conducted digitally, they believe they are able to offer a unique transparent option which cuts out the red tape.

SPANISH BENEFIT: Air India check in for travel to Europe.


INDIAN travellers to Europe ob tain the fastest Schengen visas from Spain according to a report in the Indian press. Once considered to be riddled with bureaucracy, it appears that the Spanish authorities in India are much more reliable than their European Union counterparts as they are much quicker in offering appoint ments and also actually issue the visas in a much shorter peri od of time once approved. Technically, it is illegal to go ‘visa shopping’ but it is to the benefit of the Spanish economy to encourage Indians to travel via Spain even if Indian trav ellers only stop overnight in the country and then move on to other Schengen countries. After the pandemic situation eased and on March 27, 2022 In dia allowed international flights, a pent­up demand for both busi ness and tourist travel to Europe exploded and according to re ports, it can take up to 10 weeks to obtain a Schengen visa for some countries whilst Spain (and also Greece) often take just a week.Currently one of the longest waits is for entry to Germany but this is because it is one of the most in demand countries that Indians want to visit and there seems to be insufficient staff to carry out initial inter views.It isn’t just Schengen countries causing the problems as with so many students taking up places in the UK and USA, many Indians have had to amend their holiday plans to the benefit of countries like the Maldive Islands and United Arab Emirates which are much closer and easier to enter.

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 23FEATURE


INTERESTING to note, that despite the leftie media revelling in making the UK citizens feel shattered and de pressed and that energy rises and the cost of living are causing oppression and misery to just about everyone, you notice they are actually not mention ing a word on how their favourite Starmer led party would handle any of the( probably won’t be long before they come up with some magi cal bunkum!). All these ordeals are not the fault of the present government; they are the responsibility of general world oppression. The shortages of gas and electricity are the indisputable lia bility of the Russians and its war with Ukraine.Thelack of rain and climate condi tions across Europe is nature control ling the tilt of planet earth as it has done for millions of years. What we al so need to remember is that we have also come through over two years of a worldwide pandemic, during which the UK government handed out bil lions to keep the people and the coun try running. Amazing to witness the present actions of many British work ers when you observe strikes from some who were paid thousands and granted furloughs to cover their in come, without actually having to work at Giveall. us a break. The attitude of liber als and lefties is a disgrace. An enor mous percentage of their supporters do of course include millions of immi grants, whose vast numbers have ru ined the NHS, created an impossible shortage of accommodation and bled the British economy dry. How wonderfully prosperous the UK would be if Labour had been prevent ed from its whole history of vote seek ing policies, including 1998 with their ‘fairer, faster and firmer immigration expansion centres and the inundated flood of benefits, introduced by Tony Blair and his crooked vote rigging cronies. If you’ve ever wondered which side of the fence you actually sit on, listen to these observations recent ly sent to me by a friend. If a Conservative doesn’t like guns he doesn’t buy one. If a liberal doesn’t like guns he wants all guns outlawed. If a Conservative is a vegetarian he doesn’t eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian he wants all meat products banned for everyone. If a Conservative is a down and out he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him. If a Conser vative doesn’t like a talk show host he switches channels, liberals demand those they don’t like be shut down. If a Conservative is a non­believer he does n’t go to church, a liberal wants any mention of God and Jesus silenced. If a Conservative decides he needs health care he goes shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it, liberals demand the rest of us pay for theirs! And on and on. I’ve always had a fairly right wing outlook, and always will. Be careful of the woke lefties. They’re out to crush us all. Keep the faith.Love

THEY do say that life comes round in cycles, and the team at Neater Heater are inclined to repeat a phrase that Der rick Trotter might say:”It’s Deja­vu all over again, Rod ney.”Neater Heater started life in the last cost of living crisis af ter the world’s economies were crashed by the banks in 2008. Primarily looking for ways to heat their kids’ bed rooms, Richard and Tony had both decided separately on electricHowever,heaters.when shopping around they had discovered that the ones on offer were either very expensive to buy, but not too expensive to run, or were very cheap to buy but cost a small fortune to run. One thing they all had in com mon was that they were not very efficient. This story is told in detail on their website heater.eswww.neater gist is that through luck they discov ered a costableportthatconvectorNorwegianheatertheycouldimatareasoncostandwaseffectivetorun.

Helping you navigate the circle of strife NEATER HEATER: BALEARICS Heaters available for purchase at our online shop with free home delivery WWW.NEATERHEATER.ES or

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It en abled them to heat a room for less money. It is not a magic solution, it is a solution borne of efficien cy and effectiveness. It is like buying a more efficient car when petrol prices go through theAnroof.anecdote from one of their first customers will ex plain how you can reduce your bills with a Neater Heater. They had a customerlet’s call him Geoff. Now Ge off had bought a couple of rooms he wanted heating. Both small bedrooms at 9sqm.Hewas provided with two 600 watt heaters. When fitting these heaters Tony and Richard looked at the small ferreteria­bought heaters and saw that they were each 2,200 watts. In total 4.4 kilo watts. Geoff said that they just about took the edge off the cold. (He also only had a 5kW allowance, so when he put the kettle on the electrics tripped). Anyway, his bedrooms are warmer now, his electrics no longer trip, and he is saving 3.2 kilowatts every hour! In fact, possibly more as Neather Heaters have ther mostats to further reduce consumption.Aswitheverything else, our suppliers are having to put their prices up in the autumn, so now would be a good time to order your Neater Heaters so they are delivered to us at the end of the summer at this year’s prices. Helping your money go further. Tel. 634 312 171 (WhatsApp

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 FEATURE24


John Spot on HI Leapy your article ‘No thank you’ is spot on. In South Africa today there are more race based laws than ever under apartheid. But due to them being against white people it’s fine. The UK and Europe have no idea what they are welcoming into their countries. And by the time they realise what’s hap pening it will be too late. If they think that they will en joy the same freedoms etc un der black rule, good luck. Just see how they treat each other. PW

ALL of the world’s authorities are demanding that we turn away from fossil fuel and rely on green energy. The internal combustion engine will be replaced by batteries in the majority of cars and in the not-too-distant fu ture, we will all have to plug our cars in to charge them, using even more electricity than now.

Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

IN South Africa (SA), you can not hunt in the national re serves ­where photo tourists go. However, photo tourists want lots of animals, modern facilities, and pastimes. Their activities require huge investments in infrastructure and consume vast quantities of energy, carbon and water that deprive rural people and de stroy the environment, turning the natural bush into a glorified zoo. Even ‘non­hunted’ animals need culling ­ but because of animal rights politics, it can’t be done.The Kruger Park has far too many elephants that it can safe ly carry, and is turning into a trashed elephant park at the cost of proper biodiversity. Quite separately, 40 million acres of remote, dry private farmland in SA is now used for hunting and raising 20 million wild animals in natural bush, because hunting, especially high value hunting brings in a slightly better farm income than cattle in a country where only 13 per cent is suitable for rain­fed crops. These are not places where photo tourists go, and farmers could not recoup the investment needed in serv ing them. Those 40 million acres of bush support trillions of animals, birds and plants that are not hunted ­ hence the con servationHowever,value.trophy hunting is very important ­ a trophy hunter pays about 100 times more than an eco­tourist, needs no infrastructure, and disrupts the general wildlife far less. Worse still, however, is that without trophy hunting, cattle would be more profitable ­ the vast hunting grounds would be cleared of ALL wildlife and turned over to cattle or worse still, cleared of all vegeta tion as well and turned over to GM crops. Hunting animals might be abhorrent, but not hunting them might turn out worse.

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There is a certain irony in the fact that Spain has now decided that it can’t risk companies and employers using too much electricity to make their staff and customers more comfortable in times of extreme heat or cold weath er.Electricity prices have shot up in Spain and although the country doesn’t depend on Russian gas (it’s only Spain’s fourth largest supplier) which has hurt European neigh bours due to the invasion of Ukraine, it is still in a vulnera bleHavingposition.sat on the fence for decades over support for Mo rocco’s influence in the Sahara, it finally announced earlier this year that it was in favour of Morocco effectively gov erning what used to be a Spanish possession.

The government knew that Algeria has effectively bro ken off most relations with its neighbour and had closed the border as well as last year not renewing the gas pipe line agreement which supplied Morocco and Spain.



Algeria of course is Spain’s largest supplier of natural gas and until the Morocco decision appeared to be quite happy to increase supply through existing direct pipelines to Spain, but for two months until the end of July it imposed trade restrictions on Spain due to its anger at the support for Morocco. So, we need gas for electricity, but we have to save electricity because things may not be as safe as we thought.




GRASS: For self-medication.

IT’S not unusual to find a cat biting at the grass in your garden when it has the freedom to wander in the open air. It doesn’t matter how much you spend on cat food and gourmet tidbits for your kitty, cats love grass. Despite popular mis conception, grass isn’t a poisonous plant for your pet and even has some health benefits. Cats of ten use grass to self­med icate.Felines lick themselves clean and if they have long fur, can ingest ex cess hair which can block their digestive tract, causing constipation and discomfort. In these situ ations, grass serves as a natural laxative to aid their digestive system. It also makes them vomit, which can expel bones and insects from their system.Grass carries nutrition al value. The folic acid prominent in green plants is fundamental to produce haemoglobin. It’s rich in iron and pumps around the body to carry oxygen to the tis sue.Chlorophyll and vita mins A and D are also in green leaves and can help stimulate your cat’s im mune system, making it less susceptible to illness es and infections.

shutterstockSergey/KhamidulinCredit: Why do cats eat grass?

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MAZDA has always been a clever, more discerning choice of car no matter which model you opt for from the sales brochure. The rise of SUVs has also seen changes in Mazda’s line up with a third of the model line­up now being SUVs.Inaddition to the usual petrol and diesel combus tion engines there is all­elec tric power along with plugin and mild hybrid options. The CX­5 is Mazda’s medi um sized SUV that while on ly a five­seater feels very spacious inside and handles much more crisply than you would expect of an SUV. Prices start at €34,572/ £29,245 and even the leadin model offers a good stan dard specification. Engine choices are 2.0­litre and 2.5litre petrol, 2.2­litre diesel in two power outputs and un usually all the engine choic es are naturally aspirated ie noAddedturbochargers.tothe engine choices are options for man ual or automatic gears and two or four­wheel­drive. My test model was a higher trim GT Sport mod el with 2.5­litre petrol power, automatic gears and all­wheel­drive. One thing that has always set Mazda apart is the excellent build quality and although the CX­5 it doesn’t carry a premium badge it has a very premium drive. On the road the CX­5 handles better than you might expect for an SUV and the steering makes for a surprisingly precise drive. The 2.5­litre engine in the test model performs well enough but doesn’t have the urge of a turbocharged unit so requires a slightly different style of driving. It’s a nice pairing with the sixspeed automatic gearbox though with responsive changes that make light work of busy journeys. Inside there are many welcome touches from a sensibly laid out fascia with buttons ­ so hurrah for a lack of over digitalisation that involves multiple menus for every minor task ­ to a plethora of soft touch materials. It gives a quietly comfortable and high quality feel to the in terior. Occupants are af forded a commendably lofty view from the multiadjustable front seats and excellent interior space makes for an airy feel de spite the sombre tones of the test car’s interior. At not far short of €47k/£40k my top line CX­5 is perilously close to premi um machinery like BMW and Audi SUV models, but it more than holds its own against these premium Ger manTherivals.decision hinges on whether you value a badge more than a greater per ceived presence, and ar guably a more honed driv ing experience. I think the smart money might well head east.

CLEVER CHOICE: Handles much more crisply than you would expect of an SUV.

ROAD TEST byMarkSlackMazda

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 MOTORING30 MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code

CX-5 - a clever more discerning choice

ARTIFICIAL TURF: Club has to play on natural grass.

EWN18 - 24 August 2022 31SPORT

SC WINGS had applied for the 2023 Nadeshiko League Division 2 membership, but as a re sult of the examination of documents and interviews, the main reason was that it was difficult to secure a natural turf ground. I am sorry to inform you that I could not advance to the competition.”Itadded:“It was a very disappointing result, but as a club, we will take the re sult seriously, and look for ward and work hard on our daily activities. In addi tion, with the cooperation of Katsushika Ward, we will continue to work on the realisation of a natural grass stadium. AS reported by the Audi Media Centre on Monday, August 15, the FAW Audi Racing Team won the first race of the new season in the China GT Championship at the Ningbo International race track in Zhejiang. Audi Sport Asia driver Cheng Congfu and his teammate Chris Chia prevailed against five other brands in the first one­hour race. Cheng had started from pole position and built up an 11­second advantage by the mandatory pit stop. Amateur driver Chia took over the Audi R8 LMS at the driver change and crossed the finish line with a lead of 5.6Inseconds.thesecond race, Chia drove from the start, hand ing over the car to Cheng while in second position at the stop. The pro driver at tacked the leader but could not find a way past and eventually finished the race in second position. This puts the driver duo in the lead in the champi onship standings after the first of six events.

Wiggo Dalmo in the Audi R8 LMS in Norway.


Unbeaten again in Nor way On the fifth weekend of the Norwegian Racing NM championship, Wiggo Dal mo dominated his class as he had done before. The Audi customer won his clas sification in all three sprint races on the Rudskogen cir cuit about 90km south of Oslo. Successful debut in Esto nia The Audi RS 3 LMS gen II immediately clinched three podium places in its first outing in the Baltic States with Team LV Racing. Ivars Vallers/Valters Zviedris started the weekend with a third­place finish in the sixhour endurance race of the BEC6H series at the Parnu circuit, in Estonia.

Artificial pitch argumentVictorious weekend of races


A WOMEN’S football club in Japan has been denied league status because they currently play on an artifi cialOnpitch.Monday, August 15, Nankatsu SC WINGS, the women’s football side of Nankatsu SC, said that their application to join the 2023 Nadeshiko League Division 2 had been refused due to fact the club is currently playing its football on an artificial pitch and not one made of natural grass. The club, which is owned by Japanese mango car toonist Yoichi Takahashi, announced the news via a statement“Nankatsu.

LALIGA side Elche Football Club granted the release of Josema from his contract which allowed him to join LaLiga SmartBank side Leganés.Thedeal for Josema was announced by Leganés on Friday, August 12, hours after Elche agreed to terminate the 26­year­old’s contract with the Costa Blanca club. Elche wrote about the re lease: “Elche CF and Josema Sánchez part ways and the player from Murcia ends his time at the club. The Club is grateful for Josema’s work, dedication and commitment to Elche throughout his ca reer with the club… and wishes him luck in his career on both a personal and pro fessionalJosemalevel.”joined Elche at the beginning of 2020 and helped the side achieve pro motion back to Spain’s top division, LaLiga Santander. Josema issued his own emotional statement via so cial media following his exit from Elche: “Two and a half years at this club, and in this city of Elche, have been the happiest of my life,” he said.

Wrestling is hope

EWN 18 - 24 August 2022 SPORT32 SPORT to read more SPORT scan this QR Code


‘IN a world surrounded by hate, greed and vio lence...’ Peacemaker actor John Cena revealed one thing that gives people hope. In an unusually deep post for the often comical social media musings of John Cena, the Hollywood star revealed on Thursday, Au gust 11 one thing that can give people hope in a hatefulTakingworld.toInstagram on Thursday, August 11, the former WWE superstar wrote: “Wrestling is not a love story, it’s a fairy tale for masochists. A comedy for people who criticise punchlines. A fantasy most can’t understand, a spectacle no one can deny. Lines are blurred. Heroes are villains.” He added: “But it can also be a land where dead men walk. Where honour makes you elite. Where demons run for office. And rock bottom is a reason to rejoice. WOOOOO! It’s an escape. And in a world surrounded in hate, greed and violence, a world where closure may never come. We all know a place that has hot and cold hope on tap. For better or for worse,” the 45­year­old concluded. Peacemaker finds hope in the art of wrestling. DFree/

Josema departs

JOSEMA: New adventure for young journeyman.

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