Costa del Sol 25 - 31 August 2022 Issue 1938

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ON Tuesday August 23, the Spanish Council of Ministers declared that the Sierra de Mijas affect ed by the recent forest fire would be considered a disaster zone. The huge fire broke out on Friday July 15 and quickly spread to the neighbouring municipali ties of Alhaurin El Grande and Alhaurin de la Torre. The flames burned al most 2,000 hectares and more than 3,000 people were evicted from their homes and it was only af ter 20 days and a huge ef fort by combined emer gency services that the fire was considered extin guished on August 3. The government has approved the payment of set sums of money in re spect of different losses that may have been expe rienced which range from death to loss of property, although the amounts in volved are not likely to be sufficient to cover the re al costs for those without insurance.Inthemeantime, Mijas Council is working with the Junta de Andalucia to implement a plan to reha bilitate the damaged area and try to prevent future outbreaks. FIRE AFTERMATH DISASTER ZONE: Just one of many heroes who fought the fires.

Issue No. 1938 25 - 31 August 2022 FREE • GRATISCOSTA DEL SOL • EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM



AS reported by Fuengirola Council on Thursday, August 18, on its official Twitter account, the popular town leads the aver age hotel occupancy forecast for the province of Malaga in August, with almost 90 per cent. This is according to data provided by the Association of Hotel Businessmen of the Costa del Sol (AEHCOS). During the first two weeks of the month, this figure stood at 92 per cent, confirmed the Municipal TourismBasedOffice.onthe projections made by the provincial hotel management, the locality is the one that registers the best figure with an 89.22 per cent average occupancy during the current month of August. It is followed by other localities on the Costa del Sol with similar percentages.

Benalmadena campaign

RESPECTING RULES: Campaign was launched on August 22.

A BENALMADENA cam paign has been launched to ensure the safety of personal mobility vehicles such as electric scooters.

The intention is to en sure that those using these vehicles comply with the existing laws regarding their use or that their scooters have not been modified to increase speed and should they be in con travention, then they will be warned or possibly fined.

WITH the 12th stage of the Vuelta Ciclista a Spain being hosted by Es tepona on September 1, the Council and the Virgen del Carmen Cycling Union have organised the third Charity Cycling Gymkhana which takes place on Saturday August 27. It’s aimed at cyclists aged from four to 14 and the event will be open for enrolment at 6.30pm with events starting at 7pm. Taking place on Avenida España at the start of Avenida Juan Carlos I, the gymkhana will consist of games and cycling proficiency within a limited area, such as slalom, seesaw, balance and rib bons.The participants will be timed and some of the fastest will share various prizes, but there will also be a slow race, in which the winner will be the one who stays the longest in a balanced position. It costs €2 to take part and all money will be donated to the Gatos y Amigos Association, a nonprofit organisation that carries out work to care for and protect fe lines.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 NEWS2


The councillor for Securi ty, Javier Marín and the Chief of Benalmadena Lo cal Police, Francisco Zamo ra launched the week­long campaign on Monday Au gust 22 whereby officers will stop and inspect these vehicles.“We want to raise awareness among users of personal mobility vehicles and reinforce the fact that respect for the rules that guarantee safe mobility is essential so we can move towards a town model in which all users can live to gether, always seeking the protection of the most vul nerable,” said Marín. Adding to this, the Police Chief said “We are espe cially concerned that around 30 per cent of drivers that we approach when they drive the elec tric scooter on public roads indicate that they are un aware that they cannot travel on the pavement.”


“The high season has not yet ended, but the numbers that we are seeing indicate that it has been an excellent summer, with figures that remind us of 2019. This encour ages us to continue working to offer visi tors the best of our destination together with our hoteliers, merchants, and other representatives of the tourism industry,” Mayor Ana Mula said.

Mijas parking THE deadline for request ing rental spaces for the Virgen de la Peña car park in Mijas at €50 per month is September 1 and those who wish to be considered must register their interest on the Mi jas Council electronic reg istry or apply in person.

Noches al Relente

Autumn Bazaar

GIBRALTAR students ob tained 95 per cent passes at ALevels on August 18 despite expectations that marking would be tougher than during the pandemic. For the past two years, summer examina tions have not been able to take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic and instead, stu dents were awarded grades using the evidence compiled by their teachers. As part of the return to sum mer examinations, boards in the United Kingdom have set their grade boundaries based on a profile which reflects the midpoint between the grades issued in 2021 and the prepandemic grading. Despite the relative normality of Gibraltar schools’ functioning in the last academic year, this academic cycle will have been an ex tremely challenging one for students and teachers, as these latest students have completed their GCE examina tions this year without ever having sat or experienced for mal summer examination ses sions. Nineteen students at tained three grade As or above, giving them opportuni ty to apply for the status of Gibraltar Scholar and this is an unprecedented number of stu dents attaining this status.

Top tribute

SPAIN’S top tribute to Dire Straits will be playing in Marbel la on Friday September 9 at the Congress Palace. It was 30 years ago that the group set off on its historic last set of live performances with the On the Night tour running for more than a year and performing 220 concerts around the world. Now, Brothers in Band recreates that historic last tour with the same line-up of lead guitar, rhythm guitar, electric bass, pianist, keyboard player, drummer, percussion ist, saxophonist and the very special and characteristic pedal steel guitar. There will be nine musicians on stage recreating the sound of the top numbers chosen to be played on the original tour including Walk of Life, Romeo and Juliet, Sul tans of Swing, Your Tunnel of Love, Money for Nothing and many more. This concert was originally scheduled to take place on June 4 but had to be postponed and tickets pur chased for that concert will be valid. Further tickets can be purchased now online or in store from El Corte Inglés.

BENALMADENA PUEBLO remembers its Moorish history with the Zoco Arabe (Arab Souk) which returns after the pandemic from August 25 to 28. It was in the 8th century that the Moors took control of what had been a Roman settlement on the coast and named it Ben­Al­Madina (children of the mines or children of the miners) due to the nearby iron ore and ochre (hydro ferric oxide) mines. A castle was built on the site that is now the Santa Domingo church in the Pueblo, but that was destroyed by the Christians as they captured the area and expelled the Moors. Nevertheless, the Moors left a great legacy in this area and Benalmadena Council has regularly helped to organ ise the annual Souk as a nod to the town’s history and a way of generat ing income for companies in the Pueblo.Now, working in conjunction with the Association of Merchants and En trepreneurs of Benalmadena (ACEB), Centro Comercial Abierto and Andalu cia Medieval, the Souk will cover the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, Calle Real, Plaza de España and Jardines de Muro with stalls open and events taking place from noon to midnight.

opportunityJob THANKS to the Spanish government’s decision to ensure free rail travel during the summer, there is an immediate need for additional staff at the main María Zambrano station in Malaga in cus tomer service roles and temporary contracts are being offered for work until the end of October.

ON Saturday August 27, more than 20 profession als from across Malaga Province will compete for the title of Best Espetero on the Costa del Sol. They will do so during the eighth Espetos Con test, organised by Torre molinos Entrepreneurs Circle (CET), which this year is being held on La Carihuela beach, next to the Plaza del Remo, with the support of both the local and Malaga Provin cial Councils. Considered to be one of the gastro nomic specialities of the province, the espetero consists of the stringing fish, traditionally sar dines, on thin and long rods, which are roasted with firewood on the sand of the beach.

The eighth Costa del Sol Espetos Contest will begin at 6pm and from 7.30pm visitors can enjoy the sardines as well as other dishes before the winner who will win €1,000 and a trophy is an nounced at 9.30pm. In addition, there will be music during the evening from local group Los Papitos with a special performance by Malaga band Dry Martina and some of the proceeds of the evening will be do nated to the Red Cross.

EVEN though smoking is not encouraged in Spain, it has been announced that there will be a public auction for licences for 11 new estancos (tobac conists) to be opened on the Costa del Sol, with nine being based in Casares, Estepona, Manil va and Marbella.

THE Diabetic Support Group of La Cala De Mijas Lions will be holding its Autumn Bazaar on the terraces of Bar Tuta and Snack Attack in La Cala on Saturday September 24 from 11am with plen ty of stalls, food and dia betic awareness informa tion.

Scene from an earlier Zoco Arabe.


Roman villa THE Malaga Provincial Council is allocating €327,000 of a €367,000 budget to allow the coun cil to undertake recovery works in the archaeologi cal site of a Roman villa around the Castillo de la Duquesa in Manilva which was declared a Site of Cultural Interest in 2005.


THERE is a rather unusual display of street art in the Puerto Banus marina cre ated by Jordi Gil Fernan dez who runs JoGis Art in San Pedro Alcantara. A former athlete, JoGis Art is a self-taught talent, with a unique style in spired by pop art and street art, which is exem plified by bright colours as well as the different tech niques and textures used to create his art. JoGis Art designs and creates all kinds of works of art on canvas, sculp tures, luxury cars, furni ture collections, clothing or the design of complete spaces for restaurants in corporating the most iconic characters and the most popular cartoons, to create a fantastic and utopian universe with unique collector pieces.

Arabian Souk publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain.

Credit: Benalmadena Council Pop Art Banus A-Level success

EWN25 - 31 August 2022 3NEWS

The Euro Weekly News Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

COOL NIGHTS in Fuengirola on Friday Au gust 26 as the Noches al Relente returns to beach bars and chiringuitos for the second time this summer. Working with the owners of the various establishments, the Fuengirola Council has agreed that it will not be neces sary for them to apply for a special music per formance licence and that they will be able to provide live music to their customers until 2am. First established in 2018, these special nights were extremely popular with both visi tors and residents, but had to be curtailed due to the pandemic. Now however the pro motion is back and the July evening attracted a great deal of praise from those attending plus plenty of business for local beach estab lishments, as well as providing extra work for the musicians involved.


The councillor high lighted: “The value of emergency professionals from different parts of the country exchanging knowledge to enrich the work they do every day with the main objective of ensuring the safety of citizens.”

AS reported on its offi cial Twitter account, on Sunday August 21, Torremolinos Council has installed a perma nent watchtower on Playa del Bajondillo with its own re sources.Thetemporary one that was in its place has been removed, as part of its plan to or ganise the municipali ty’sThisbeaches.isthe first step towards regenerating and restoring all the towers that have been installed, thanks to the Association of Munici palities. Once the sum mer season is over, in October, the towers will be removed from the beaches to pre vent them from being damaged by storms or even being destroyed. That is what hap pened last year when they were not re moved, and the coun cil will plan according ly.

ON Thursday, August 18, posting on the official Twitter account of Be nalmadena Town Hall, Javier Marin, the coun cillor for Citizen Security and Emergencies, report ed the recognition that David Bañasco, the Be nalmadena Fire Chief re cently received in Madrid from the capi tal’s Brotherhood of Firefighters.“Itfillsme with pride that the work of the Be nalmadena Firefighters is recognised beyond our municipality. This arises thanks to the collabora tion between the Fire Brigade of Benalmadena and Madrid, which also allows the exchange of knowledge and experi ences between two bod ies from very different places such as our town and the capital of Spain,” explained Javier Marin.

Brotherhood of firemen PROUD: Benalmadena and Madrid firefighters together.


CLASSICAL music returns to Marbella from Septem ber 1 to 10 thanks to the seventh Marbella Interna tional Music Festival. There will be a cycle of classical concerts, music masterclasses and a new edition of the traditional contest for young talents, which this year will take place from Thursday September 1 to 3 at the Museum of Contempo rary Spanish Engraving. The festival will kick off in the José Pernía audito rium in Parque de la Con stitución on Thursday September 1 at 8.30pm, with an opera and zarzuela recital by sopra no Montserrat Martí Ca ballé.On the Saturday there will be a concert featuring the winners of the inter national competition, whilst Sunday will be the turn of the masterclass participants.OnMonday September 5, the festival moves to the Buchinger Clinic with a performance by the German musician Sven Bauer, and on Tuesday it visits the Manuel Carra Professional Conservato ry in Malaga for a perfor mance by the Korean pi anist Minsung Lee. On Wednesday there will be a gala event with international artists at the Ralli Museum. The Parque de la Con stitución will host the fi nal stretch of the festival, with two concerts on Thursday and Friday. The closing ceremony will be on Saturday September 10, featuring the pianist Michael Davidov and sax ophonist Albert Juliá. Tickets can be pur chased online at ; by phone 902 646 289 or at the auditorium box office, although the perfor mances by Sven Bauer, Minsung Lee, the winners of the contest and the participants of the mas terclass, as well as the gala, will be by invitation or with free admission until capacity is reached.


EWN 25 - 31 August 20224 NEWS



As reported by Minis ter Carmen Crespo on Monday, August 22, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Ru ral Development: “Al though it is not the re sponsibility of this Ministry, we are doing everything in our power to offer help to fisher men who are being terri bly affected by this inva sive species that, in addition to making fish ing difficult, is causing damage to fishing nets,” explained Crespo. The vessels especially affected by this circum stance are those dedicat ed to trammel netting, and longlining.

EWN25 - 31 August 2022 5NEWS

The Tubes Quay Lewd character mocks yet salutes Glam Rock.

GLAM ROCK returns to Benal madena on Saturday September 24 from 9pm, courtesy of brand­new local band GLAM, courtesy of the much­respected Spiders from Marbs and Big M Promo tions.Ifyou remember grooving to this type of music from the 70s and 80s perhaps best showcased by the Rocky Hor ror Show, then dust off your glitter and your platforms and get to the Moonlight Bar in Sunset Beach Club Hotel. The programme will in clude songs from unforget table era of bands like T Rex, David Bowie, Roxy Music, Al ice Cooper, The Sweet, Elton John, Mott the Hoople and so the UK, the typi cal glam rock song, was loud, stomping, simple, and flam boyant, with big guitar riffs and repeated chants that would encourage crowds to sing along. Make up and glit ter were of course ‘de rigour’ and it is hoped that those at tending the event on the evening of September 24 will enter into the spirit of the age and come dressed as their favouriteTicketsstar.are on sale at €5 in advance from Ibex Insurance, Fuengirola, Martin’s Hair Sa lon, Edif. Jupiter, Arroyo de la Miel and at Sunset Beach Leisure desk and entry on the night will cost €10 at the door.

MORE than 450 re quests for help have been received by the An dalucian government from professionals in the fishing and shellfish sec tor. They all related to the presence of the algae ‘Rugulopterix okamurae’ on the Andalucian coast.

Fishermen aid

Glam rock returns

LUX MUNDI Fuengirola are one year away from celebrating their 50th anniversary. Through the years the centre has not stopped offering different services to the community. They have helped and touched the hearts of many who were in need and have received support from volunteers and friends, and also from the different churches with which they have always worked in the search for unity. Initially the centre was opened to provide Christian churches with a place to celebrate their religious services, later the help was ex tended to foreign residents and visitors who came to the Costa del Sol. The centre began to organise more social and cultural activities, which helped contribute to its self­support. Over the years, the centre at Fuengirola was filled with life, spiritual, religious, social and cultural life, facilitating integration, intercultur ality and making known the charm of living in Spain.Their house in Fuengirola still welcomes ev eryone who visits them and who always feel the special atmosphere that is breathed there. It is the spirit of the centre shaped by so many years of prayer and dedication of so many people who have passed through their facili ties. Without them it would have been impos sible to maintain themselves for so many years.But time passes, and the facilities have be gun to deteriorate and the building in Fuen girola started to cause problems a few years ago. The possibility of a remodelling was raised and to give way to those plans, the cen tre moved temporarily to other facilities. But the pandemic and the difficulties with the Brexit process arrived and nothing that was planned could be done. Eventually, they had to return to the old building and accept that some facilities are no longer suitable for their original use. In the process, contact with many people was lost and even today there are people who believe that they have closed, despite their ef forts to report on their activities and the fact that many media outlets continue supporting them.Today, the centre continues to try to survive the current situation, with very little activity and little support. But it is becoming increas ingly stronger in uniting people through an in tense programme of ecumenical meetings of prayer and formation. Their second­hand clothing and household goods store remains open, from Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 1pm. They continue to provide the necessary space for the regular meetings of the AA, Al Anon and NA groups, to whom we thank for their loyalty and unconditional support during these difficult Face­to­faceyears.visits are provided to help with telephone procedures with the different ad ministrations and service companies, hospi tals,Thereetc. are reduced face­to­face hours for the public, Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 1pm, although the telephone number 952 474 840 or email are alwaysWorkshopsavailable.are being prepared, to teach people how to use mobile or computer appli cations, such as ‘Salud responde’ and obtain ing the digital signature. For this, they are look ing for people who can help design the workshops and be able to offer them in En glish, Spanish or other languages. For the near future, the plan is still to re model the Fuengirola facilities, and, if possible, continue to be a meeting point, a source of in formation and help, and offer the space to de velop together with volunteers, service, help and dedication to others, as they have always done. To help or find out more visit: or their Facebook page.

Lux Mundi need your support

The charity shop is open Tuesday to Friday. The chapel within the premises.

CURRENT CENTRE: Requires to be remodelled to continue to operate fully.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 NEWS6

Barely affected

AS reported by the USO union on Thursday, Au gust 18, up until 1pm that day, a total of 27 delays had occurred at the two Andalucian airports of Malaga and Sevilla. This is the result of the latest strike action convened by the union representing Ryanair cabin crew workers (TCP) in Spain. USO and Sitcpla, after consulting the airline workers they represent, recently called for industrial ac tion to take place on a weekly basis, Monday to Thursday inclusive, from Monday, August 8, to January 7, 2023. The unions pointed out that Ryanair: “has not shown the slightest attempt to sit down and negotiate with them, but has pub licly stated its refusal to engage in any dialogue with the representatives chosen by its crew.”

In response to the strike action, Ryanair, in a statement supplied to EWN, said: “These two tiny unions who represent only a handful of our Spanish cabin crew have held a number of poorly supported ‘strikes’ in June and July, which have had little or no impact on Ryanair’s flights to or from Spain.”

Credit: Ryszard Filipowicz/shutterstock

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 NEWS8



ACCORDING to data re leased in a statement by the Junta de Andalucia on Mon day, August 22, the Malaga Metro system transported a total of 112,488 passengers during the week of Malaga Fair, specifically, from Au gust 12 to 20. This figure is practically identical to that registered in 2019, the last fair prior to the pandemic, and is a volume equivalent to 97.3 per cent of that total. In comparison, the figures for 2022 are bet ter than 2019 if you take into account that there were two more days of festivities in thatFriday,year.August 12, saw the highest volume of passen gers. That was the first day of the fair, with the Night of the Fireworks. Throughout the week of the fair, surveil lance was reinforced in trains and stations, in antici pation of an increase in the influx of passengers. This was established in order to facilitate the normal devel opment of the service at times of maximum demand.

started after hearing from readers who had found that they had been left un able to easily access shops, doc tor’s appointments and other vi tal services after many found their badges had stopped being accepted last year.

While it has always been a re quirement for those with Span ish residency to apply for a Span ish disabled badge, the Euro Weekly News knows that many may have left this late following Brexit, often because many found the application process daunting and had hoped for the informal agreement between the UK and Spain to stay in place. We believe that there is a com passionate solution to this, and that the two governments should work together to allow a grace period where British resi dents in Spain can use their badges while applying for a SpanishTheseone.people are not the only ones affected however, with dis abled British nationals on holiday in Spain now no longer easily able to park freely and accessi bly.Those who live in Spain up to 90 days at a time, or those who have just moved to the country, are also in the same boat, with many unable to use their UK Blue Badges while here. Spain is one of the few EU countries not to have reached a decision on UK Blue Badges and we want to find a solution that means that no one, whether resi dent or tourist, feels cut off or isolated from basic services be cause of their disability.

Reasons to sign

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 NEWS10 ON Thursday, June 16 the Euro Weekly News announced the launch of its My Blue Badge = My Freedom campaign to try to help improve the lives of disabled UK nationals living in and visiting Spain.Our petition calling on the Spanish and UK governments to work together to reach an agree ment over the use of UK blue dis abled badges in Spain has since collected hundreds of signatures and we are calling on all our readers to continue to help out byThissigning.campaign

If you haven’t signed, we are asking you to please get involved to help make a difference to the lives of elderly and disabled UK nationals by signing at or on the QR code.

CAMPAIGN: The Euro Weekly News is encouraging everyone to get involved.­badges/



Interview with Napo and Toro creator Isabella with Toro the bull.

EURO NEWS is very pleased to announce that cartoonist Isabella Micheva will be con tributing weekly cartoons to all our editions. We found out a little more about the newest mem ber of our team. Tell us a bit about your self Isabella­ what sub jects do you enjoy? Everyone would proba bly expect me to say that I enjoy Art. Well, you are allThroughright. art I find and lose myself at the same time. I enjoy every sec ond when I am creating. When did you start cre ating comics? My father works with a famous artist, drawing for some of the greatest brands in the games and comics industry. I tried to contribute on some occasions, but it is difficult to start as a top professional. Later, I got an iPad, and I asked my father to send samples of my work to some news papers ‘just to try’. The rest is history, as they say. Is this something you hope to have a career in? I believe that one day I will be a good architect and artist. Already, some of my works are on the walls of classrooms, of fices and homes. What sort of subjects do you most love to con centrate on? I am experimenting with different media, styles and materials. Your readers will probably get a better understanding if they visit my Instagram account @Isabella_ micheva. Any thoughts on the fu ture? I feel that in the future I will gravitate more and more towards digital art. My immediate goal is to continue working with my father to bring the ad ventures of the clumsy matador Napo and Toro the bull every week to your readers. I hope they will enjoy it! See Isabella’s first car toon on page 14.



EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 FEATURE12

Porsche on top of Porsche

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 NEWS14

A 45-YEAR-OLD female driver at the wheel of a high­powered Porsche somehow managed to smash into another Porsche parked outside a home in Madrid on, Sat urday, August 20. The im pact of the collision left the parked vehicle lodged on top of the woman’s car. According to a spokesman for Emergen cies 112 Community of Madrid, the driver hit the parked car with such force that both vehicles went through the garden wall of a house on Calle Henares de Caceres de Al cala in the capital. After receiving the alert, the 112 emergency operators immediately deployed three fire appli ances from the Communi ty of Madrid to the loca tion.They oversaw the re moval of the two vehicles from the wall, with a tow truck subsequently pulling them free. The driver who caused the incident was trans ferred to Alcala de Henares Hospital. She was reportedly treated for an anxiety attack.

COLLISION: Porsche ended up on top of another one. Credit. Twitter@112cmadrid

THIS year sees the annual walking event return to its normal format. It is the 11th year for this event and promises to be a wonderful four days. It takes place from October 4 to 8. Everyone is welcome ­ just turn up at the Plaza del Mar. Locals, tourists, fellow walk ers, friends and family. Peo ple from all over come to gether for these four days, with waking during the day and partying from 6pm daily. Each day will have a theme. Tuesday October 4the Opening Party ­ is a whiteDuringparty.the day Plaza del Mar remains the traditional walking village, with live mu sic and entertainment. It is free and open to all. Every day there will be live performances, DJs, and shows. It is a great opportu nity to meet new people. Book early to avoid disap pointment Teach them to be kind.

Are you ready for Marbella 4 days walking?

AS we approach the end of August, the temperatures are starting to drop and traffic is beginning to ease. The queues in the super market are noticeably shorter, and I guess for some of us it means one very important thing… the kids are going back to school.There are some people who dread them returning to school, however, for the majority it’s a welcome re turn. And while I adore my children and we have had a wonderful summer, I’ve had enough and I’m really looking forward to them re turning to school. I’m looking forward to having the routine restored , early mornings and bed times. The satisfaction of cleaning the place and it still being the same two hours later, I cannot tell you how much I am looking for ward to that. And I suppose I am looking forward to some me time, which dur ing the holidays, there is not a lot of time for myself. I am also excited for them, my kids and what the new school year will bring. New challenges, new subjects, new friends. So before they return to school, I have a suggestionjust take five minutes and remind your child not ev eryone is the same. Some are tall, short, chubby, thin, black, white. There is noth ing wrong with wearing the same shoes every day. Explain there is nothing wrong with someone using last year’s backpack. That backpack carries the same dreams as a new one. Please teach them to not exclude anyone for being different or not having the latest fashion accessory. Teach them to be kind. Ex plain teasing hurts … and that they are all going to school to learn not to com pete. You and I are worth the same and I believe edu cation begins at home. Teach them, it’s not ok make fun or pick on some one ­ it’s bullying. So let’s start the new school year working together.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 SOCIAL SCENE16

Back to School


NEW YEAR: Brings new challenges, subjects and friends. MONKEY BUSINESS IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK


THE one and only Craig David, presents ­ TS5 at the Puente Romano Tennis Club on Thursday September 15 @ 8pm. This is going to be a night to remember!!! Tickets are from €50.00 Tickets ­

SO delighted to have my mom here for a few days. It was the best hug ­ that I real ly needed, as we haven’t seen each other in quite a fewLookingmonths.forward to putting the world to rights… and a few late Momsnights.arethe best!!! Lynn and her mum enjoying time together. Got something going on locally, then contact me lynn@euroweeklynews.comator678033241.

Out & About with Lynn McCabe


The man himself, Christy. Serving the best Guinness.

4 ­ you can use our beautiful gardens for your own event, wedding or party.

RECENTLY opened just a little distance from the beachfront, Christy’s is a breath of fresh air and one you have to add to your list. I caught up with Christy to see how the season has been and it’s fair to say they are very happy, a little hot… but busi ness has been fantastic.

The Science option is made up of a series of scenes that recreate inventions and world changing discoveries from Isaac Newton to Benjamin Franklin and beyond The exhibition is open to the public from Tuesday to Fri day afternoon, from 6pm to 10pm and with the addition of 10am to 2pm on weekends.

What’s on at Salon Varietes?

ON Saturday August 27, Miss Raw invites you to join them in celebrating their first anniversary with a Cabaret Perfor mance.MissRaw is more than a sophisticated cuisine, it’s an expe rience, and Saturday’s going to be one to remember. Enjoy a three­course meal with sensational production Contact Plaza de Toros, Marbella Arena, Neuva Andalucia. Telephone: 604 402 796

celebrating 1st year Christy’s Gastro Pub Fuengirola


Due to the excessive temper atures, the opening hours have been adjusted so they now open at 6.00pm daily, except Tuesday.Christy, Richard and their, team genuinely care and it makes all the difference. The standard of food is excellent. I would advise reserving if you plan on eating. I asked Christy to give me a few facts ­

1 ­ we’ve a huge private ter race that can only be accessed by walking through our front bar. This means we only allow nice people in, meaning you can eat, drink, smoke and be merry without anyone trying to sell you a fake handbag, steal your purse or beg you for coins.

for all shows or Tel:

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 SOCIAL SCENE18 Free fun exhibition

Friday September 2 ­ Cher and Freddie Mercury Saturday September 3 ­ Echoes of the 60s with Ron Howell and Mark T Connor Sunday September 4 ­ Echoes of the Beatles ­ Ron and Mark with their live band on stage, with special guest ap pearances from Michelle Daniels as Dusty Springfield and Lulu.Bookings 952 474 542

Miss Raw cuisine

2 ­ we’re told we do the best Guinness and Irish Coffees in Fuengirola.3­ourTripAdvisor, Facebook and Google reviews are almost perfect. Check them out.

HOLIDAY education and a free fun exhibition at Fuengirola Museum runs until Wednesday August 31. The Plastihistory of Humanity and Science is a unique way for children (and perhaps a few adults) to learn about the history of humanity and science told through plasticine fig ures.There are two separate displays created by the EDUCA Foundation consisting of dioramas that cover History, from the Palaeolithic to now, passing through Egypt, the Phoeni cians, Ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the conquest of space. Visitors will be able to see the construction of the pyra mids, the Trojan horse, Michelangelo’s David, the French Revolution and much more.

5 ­ we’ve got Sophie ­ the best bar manager in town. 6 ­ we’ve two dedicated chefs who can cook virtually any meal to your own specifica tions given 24/48 hours notice. 7 ­ we show all the top Pre mier League football matches on both our indoor television screens and our huge out door screen. 8 ­ we speak English, Spanish and French. 9 ­ our Brazillian granite bar is the most beautiful on the Costa del10Sol.­ we open every day 18.00 ­ 02.00 except Tuesdays. Bonus fact ­ our food is AB SOLUTELY DELICIOUS! We look forward to welcom ing you MondayTeamsoon.Christy’stoSunday open 6pm to 2am Closed Tuesdays for info or reservation call 655 896 698 Calle Olleria 20,

Craig David, whose song ‘Seven Days’ was a No. 1 hit in the UK and US, and has sold over 15 million records worldwide, will be both DJing and performing songs from his repertoire that spans 20 UK Top 40 singles and seven UK Top 40 albums. He will be supported by a series of exciting acts, namely international artists Trevis, Black Desert Malik and Cello Femme, the electrifying cellist who has played at the most dynamic musical events in Ibiza and across mainland Spain, as well as at the legendary Burning Man festival, held annually in Nevada’s Black Rock Nvoga,Desert.Bacardi,

Craig David at Puente Romano Tennis Club ‘one night only’

WKND Festival and Creative Printing Marbella are the sponsors of this entertaining nighttime mini-festival, which is bound to have everyone dancing the night away.

INTERNATIONAL best-selling artist, Craig David, makes a ‘one night only’ appearance on the Central Court at the Puente Romano Tennis Club on September 15 starting at 8pm. It is his only performance in Andalucia, making it a night of entertainment that is not to be missed.

For a September night to remember at the Puente Romano Tennis Club, book your tickets now by calling 952 820 900 or emailing Tickets from 50 euros.

We look forward to you joining us for this spectacular evening of live music and DJing. performs for

EWN25 - 31 August 2022 19ADVERTISING FEATURE

ON Saturday September 17 at 9.30pm the wonderful Water boys will be live in concert at Theatro de la Alhambra. Granada. Ticket €75.00 ­ €98.00

Queen Tribute Band FestivalLegendsof The Waterboys will be in town

Flamenco Chill

MALAGA’S most influential exponent of Fla menco Chill celebrates 20 years since her first release with a string of shows across Spain. María del Mar Rodríguez Carnero known as La Mari was both singer and leader of Chambao which alongside Ojos de Brujo cre ated a new sound which coupled flamenco with world music, some rock and even rap. The band released their first album in 2002 and a further six award winning albums be fore they split. Since then La Mari has record ed a live album in Madrid. She was honoured to be asked by Ricky Martin to record a duet with him and has also worked with such popular singers as Mari nah, Bebe, Macaco, Rosario Flores and many more.Having survived cancer, she has written a book about her experience and also released a single in support of the fight against the dis ease.Apart from headlining concerts across the country with stops in Barcelona and Madrid, La Mari has been playing both high profile (Malaga Bullring) and more intimate gigs around Malaga Province with her next ap pearance being this coming Sunday evening, August 28 at the Sonora Beach Club in Es tepona.


ON Sunday September 11 we can look forward to the trib ute show ­ to Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen and the Po lice. Auditorium de Benal madena ­ Avenido Rocio Jura do.Doors open 7pm ­ Show startsTickets8pm.€25.00 per person (€20.00 pre booked ) for reser vations tel: 633 647 260 La Mari in concert.

ON Saturday August 27 ­ The Queen Forever Tribute band will perform in Taf Auditorio Felipe VI in Estepona. Follow ing their recent success at the Hard Rock in Ibiza, and Spain’s Got Talent we are looking forward to seeing these guys. Tickets €20.00. Show starts 8pm For more information

EXPERIENCE the real Marbella on a fun, infor mal and informative three hour gastronomic tour ­ starting in the beautiful Old Town of Marbella.Yourexpert guide, with insider knowledge, will introduce you to some small, well known tapas bars away from the tourist trail. They will se lect tapas that you proba bly wouldn’t choose for yourself, match the wines to the tapas, while also giving you plenty of infor mation about the fasci nating and interesting history of Marbella. Tue ­ Sat 12pm and 7pm daily three hours in total. Walking tours to four authentic tapas bars. Eight traditional tapas, six matching Spanish wines. Expert Guide throughout. €79.00 per person in clusive.Marbella Wine & Tapas ToursPlaza de Los Naragos, Marbella.Formore information call : 0034 634 322 628 EWN 25 - 31 August 202220 SOCIAL SCENE Enjoy white wine and cheeses. Pair wines with tapas. Go along to the tribute show. BEATS1/SHUTTERSTOCKCREDIT:CREDIT:KSENIYABELOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK Marbella Tapas & Wine Tours

Did you know

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 SOCIAL SCENE22

NOPE FRI­SUN : 3.00pm


You can always see the updated

Here are the viewing times for some of


A FIG is not just an ordinary fruit, in fact it’s not even a fruit. Strictly speaking, figs are inverted flowers. Figs don’t bloom in the same way as other fruit trees, like almonds or cherries. Figs are very interesting and have a curi ousFirstlyhistory.they’re technically not a fruit, they are an ‘INFRUITY’ (set of fruits). Secondly, they need a slaughtered wasp to breed, an insect that dies inside the fig.

Mr Maph serenades fiancé Aldona at Grace.

PhotographyCharlesBobCredit: 7.40pm 5.00pm 9.45pm 3.00pm 5.20pm MON7.45pm­ THUR : 5.00pm 7.30pm MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU FRI, SAT: 3.00pm 4.45pm SUN:6.30pm12.00 3.00pm 4.45pm 6.30pm MON: 5.00pm 6.40pm PAWS OF FURY: THE LEGEND OF HANK FRI – SUN: 3.00pm 4.50pm SUN : ALSO 12.00pm MON – THUR : 5.00pm THOR:LOVE AND THUNDER FRI­SUN: MON­THUR:9.40pm9.45pm ELVIS FRI­ SUN : 6.45pm MON – THUR : 6.50pm DC LEAGUE OF SUPERPETS FRI – SUN: 3.15pm 5.20pm SUN : ALSO 12.30pm MON ­THUR: 5.15pm RED DOG: The cinema has lots of English film times. Credit: Facebook/Red Dog listing at the following link: BANUS the English language films up to September 1

FRESH from supporting top Divas Sister Sledge at the Marbella Arena, soul supremo Mr Maph headlined his own show at the elegant Grace Restaurant in Riviera del Mar on Thursday August 18.This was a dress to im press event although perhaps a little too warm to wear bow ties, but guests en joyed a fabulous evening of top music presented by Mike Harding (whose alter ego is Mr Maph) and his band. There were a number of options for those attending with a simple entry fee to see the performance, the chance to pay a little more and enjoy endless wine or prosecco or for those who enjoy quality food to order from the A La Carte menu. Whatever the choice there was no question of being dis appointed as one of Costa del Sol’s best soul artists ran through his catalogue of songs to the delight of those who at tended.Working with G Sax on saxophone and bass player Neph tali he managed to create an intimate relationship with the audience and introduced three of his own compositions, The Cry which is a ballad, On My Mind which veers into jazz and Dip which is a funky dance track along with firm soul crowd pleasers.Speaking to Euro Weekly News, Mike said that “it was a fantastic show and was one of the best that I have put on for some time, as the audience were so welcoming and friendly which inspired me. I can’t wait for the next show which I def initely plan to organise soon.”

Mr Maph thrills

To summarise, figs are a kind of invert ed flower that bloom inside this dark red hued-bud which we know as a fig. Each flower produces a single nut and single seed called an aquarium. The fig is made up of several branches, which give it this characteristic crunchy texture. Therefore, when we eat one fig we are eating hundreds of fruit. But one of the most amazing things about figs is the special pollination pro cess that fig flowers need to reproduce, theTheywind.can’t depend on the weather, the wind, or the bees to bring pollen as with other fruits, so they need a species known as fig wasps. These insects trans port their genetic material and allow it to reproduce. For their part, wasps couldn’t live without figs, as they deposit their lar vae inside the fruit. This process is called symbiosis or mutualism. Beautiful to use in desserts or sauces or just alone with some cheese. figs are not fruit?

Ray Frost talks about his career



MARBELLA resident Ray Frost has just re leased a new single Lucky To Be Me from his latest album Waitin’ for the Sun which has become a hit in Australia. Ray started playing guitar at the age of 13 and as he grew up in Essex played in a selection of blues and rock bands in the 80s and 90s, but worked as a builder rather than a professional musician. In 2002 he moved to Spain where he played guitar in local bars as well as teach ing both guitar and ukulele whilst supple menting his income by continuing to work as a Asbuilder.Rayexplained “I wanted to spend more time with my music, but it was my girlfriend who encouraged me to have confidence in my ability to perform, so thanks in part to her that’s what I did.” Whilst remaining on the Costa del Sol, Ray joined a number of high­profile British revival bands, starting with the Ru bettes with whom he toured in 2013 and 2014.Following on from them, was a fouryear slot with Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich travelling the world as they performed all of the original band’s greatest hits and as a footnote many will remember the club Beaky’s Gig which was situated between Estepona and San Pedro Alcantara. Next up was a deputising role with Her man’s Hermits (who continue to gig with out Peter Noone who now lives in the USA) which turned into an ongoing ar rangement, but then came the pandemic. Ray explained “I had already decided that it was time to explore my own music and released my first album Coming Home in 2019, but with the lockdown I had plenty of time to write and record, re leasing In my Life with a number of guest musicians including Savage Garden’s Daniel Jones from Australia.”

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 FEATURE24

There were more than enough songs from 2020 for Ray to produce his third al bum at the end of 2021 and this latest version of Lucky To Be Me was re­record ed with the Australian market in mind and as soon as it was released it became one of the most downloaded tracks there and in New SpeakingZealand.about the new single, Ray ob served, “I guess you could say, Lucky To Be Me is somewhat autobiographical, be cause it pretty much sums up the story of myThere’slife.” another album in the pipeline and because of the current uncertainty of reliable flights to and from the UK, Ray has had to say farewell to his place with Herman’s Hermits, but has joined up with a number of British musicians based in the Costa del Sol to form Smokin’, a tribute to one of his all­time favourite bands, Smok ie. Enjoy the music of Ray Frost.

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EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 FEATURE26

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EXPAT2EXPAT Also, did you know that Línea Directa has it’s own Expat2Expat programme? When ever an existing customer recommends a friend, then we reward the policy holder and the friend with €30 in cash. You can rec ommend up to 10 people and earn up to €300 in cash per year. Simply ask your friend to call 952 147 834 and quote your full name. Then once their application for car, bike or home insurance has been approved, Línea Directa will pay the reward straight in to the bank account following payment of the next or first premium. See terms and conditions at Call their English-speaking customer service staff on 952 147 834 or get a competitive quote now at lineadi



HAVE you ever wondered where all those missing socks end up? Are they inside the washing machine drum, or did they somehow fall off the washing line into some black hole for odd socks? Nobody knows the answer. It’s just one of those mysteries from everyday life.Because


FINLAND Sexy Beast

STATE owned ESB Group is ensuring that there will be sufficient charging points across popular parts of Dublin to allow the installation of 112 eBikes for use by the public in a programme being developed between Bleeper and Moby with research undertaken by Trinity College Dublin.

GERMANY Nazi salute A YOUNG security guard on duty at the memorial to the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre has been arrested for allegedly making a banned Hitler salute in front of a group of 16 athletes from the Israeli European Championships team who were paying a visit to the site.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 EUROPEAN PRESS28

SWEDEN H&M returns

PORTUGAL Look behind you

GERMAN newspaper Bild says that Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin is the "world's coolest politician" after she appeared on Instagram at Helsinki's Flow music festival and added "There you see a female government leader taking her country into NATO in a sexy glitter dress.”

DENMARK Rushdie fever

BELGIUM Flower carpet

FOLLOWING the collapse of a relatively new wooded bridge spanning the Lågen River at Tretten, authorities decided that despite the disruption to traffic, they would have to close a further 14 bridges of similar construction nearby in order to test their safety.

ITALY Silly surfers

THE NETHERLANDS What’s up Doc A FAMILY in the town of Amersfoort couldn’t believe their eyes when pet rabbits let out in the garden uprooted a number of human bones. Police were called to the scene but the remains of three bodies all date back more than a century.

IT doesn’t matter where you live, the British always enjoy a good pantomime and this year the Algarveans Experimental Theatre will be presenting their version of Jack and the Beanstalk at the Carlos do Carmo Auditorium, Lagoa, on November 24, 25, 26 and 27.

USING powered boards two men were filmed surfing along the Grand Canal in Venice on August 17, causing chaos and confusion to other canal users. The mayor of the city Luigi Brugnaro has offered dinner to whoever can identify the two ‘idiots’ involved.

UKRAINE Asset seizure EVEN though the Ukrainian government has been encouraging foreign countries to confiscate Russian assets around the world it appears that no known Russian assets have been seized in Ukraine as most are registered with Ukrainian companies.

THREE female activists walked on the famous Flower Carpet in the square outside Brussels City Hall on August 16 trampling flowers and unrolling a banner which read “capitalists ruin our world, revolt now” whilst ironically calling for protection for the environment as they damaged the flowers.

IRELAND eBike installation

‘IT’S an ill wind’, as following the recent stabbing of Salman Rushdie, thousands of Danes have rushed out to buy his somewhat disjointed book The Satanic Verses and it immediately became the best-selling book for Denmark’s largest online book retailer

NORWAY Bridge safety

FRANCE Á votre santé GOOD news for producers and lovers of top French wine as production in 2022 is expected to exceed the 2021 harvest which was badly hit by frost on the vines across the country. According to the farming ministry although there is some drought, most areas are fine.

FASHION giant H&M which disappeared from Chinese sales site Alibaba last year due to its refusal to use cotton from the Xinjiang over the alleged use of Uighur forced labour is back again, offering its product to more than 14 million subscribers.

Popular wine

JOSEPH OUGHOURLIAN, the President of PRISA, the world’s leading business group for the creation and distribution of education, news and entertainment con tent in the Spanish and Por tuguese­speaking markets has spent €3.3 million on pur chasing company shares in or der to maintain control fol lowing a rights issue.

FOR the first time in 40 years the UK inflation rate has hit double figures at 10.1 per cent according to the Office for Na tional Statistics in the worst cost of living crisis since Febru arySoaring1982. energy prices which include gas, electricity and fuel have contributed to the prob lem and manufacturing and delivery costs are being passed on to consumers, many of whom are struggling with the cost of transport to work. The major contributor to this dramatic jump in inflation is the cost of food and drink prompting Bromsgrove’s MP Sajid David telling the BBC that we need to “prioritise growth to tackle inflation.”

UK inflation

ANOTHER big boost for em ployment in Spain’s tourism industry which employs more than 13 per cent of the country’s work force.

THE Manchester Building So ciety which was in the fore front of offering Lifetime Mortgages to expats in Spain until told to stop by the Pru dential Regulations Authority, an arm of the Bank of Eng land is in merger talks with the Newcastle Building Soci ety.

Takeover blocked

July closed with 2,702,645 workers regis tered with the Social Securi ty office in roles linked to tourist activities, which rep resents a year­on­year growth of 5.6 per cent with the creation of 143,524 new jobs, according to data released on Friday August 19 by ThisTurespaña.meansthat July is the fourth consecutive month in which the num ber registered is greater than in the same month in 2019 willdata“The(2,617,860).goodemploymentshowsthattourismbeoneofthesectors that will contribute the most to job creation and economic recovery this year. In addition, the quality of employment is improv ing, thanks to the labour re form approved by the gov ernment” commented Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto.Talking about the rea sons, she explained that Spanish tourism is benefit ting from the desire to trav el from both residents and international travellers who are impressed with the fact that the Covid problem seems to have been tackled and the diversity of options that Spain offers. It is not just sun and sea that is popular, but rural as well as urban tourism are seeing large numbers of vis itors who currently appear unaffected by rising infla tion which is a worldwide problem.Thehospitality industry has seen the largest number of new contracts, with al most 199,000 split 122,500 in food and beverage ser vices and the balance in ac commodation services. Minister Maroto is pleased with the figures.

NGO expelled THE Catalan Fund for Devel opment Cooperation revealed on August 17 that the ruling Ortega regime had ‘de facto’ expelled it from Nicaragua, where it had its regional of fice and 20 active projects af ter it moved its head office to Costa Rica in June due to new Nicaraguan laws.

Fewer permanent jobs

FEARING that China might be able to use information gained from the takeover of Bristol­based electronic de sign company Pulsic to aid de fence or other technology projects, the British govern ment has blocked an acquisi tion attempt by Hong Kong based Super Orange HK.

“Our own data supports the idea that permanent recruitment is slow ing as the impact of the skills short ages over the last few years plays out. However, what our statistics are also indicating is that more business es are turning to contract profession als as they struggle to fill resourcing needs.“The data ­ provided by the global leader in software for the staffing in dustry, Bullhorn ­ revealed that the number of contract roles in the UK grew by 13 per cent in July 2022 when compared to pre­pandemic fig ures (July 2019). In comparison, the number of permanent jobs dropped by 23 per cent in the same period.

New Concorde FINANCE

“This reliance on the non­em


Merger talks

Tourism booming

ALERT to the expected growth of electric cars and the need for home charging, two friends set up a small business in a warehouse in Barcelona hav ing designed their first charger. Now just seven years later they have expanded Wallbox to employ more than 700 peo ple and are represented in 80 countries as the demand for home charging points just keeps on growing. In the second quarter of 2022 they achieved record sales of €39.5 million and sales in the USA are growing. Home charging


STABILITY NEEDED: Contractors often replace permanent staff.

FINANCE to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code MANY older travellers look back with fond memories of the world’s first commercial supersonic aircraft Concorde. Now, US manufacturer Boom Supersonic plans to test fly its carbon friendly Overture aircraft (which is Concorde’s natural successor) in 2024 and expects the air craft to be operational by 2026 with first passengers be ing carried in American2029.Airlines must have been impressed with the plans which would see a flight from London to Miami in less than five hours as it has com mitted to purchase 20 of the aircraft with an option to ob tain a further 40.

ployed segment of the workforce simply isn’t sustainable at a time when the UK’s attractiveness as a destination to work for international contractors is dwindling post­Brexit.

Keeping control

“So, with the impact of Off Payroll still being felt in the temporary re cruitment market, the longer­term availability of these resources and ability to tap into skills in a cost­effec tive manner is at risk. We urgently need some stability from the govern ment and a clearer direction on the regulation of the employment mar ket to ensure that the UK can man age through the difficult times ahead.”

JADE GROSS, a Chinese­Amer ican born in Hong Kong who studied Human Rights law in London, purchased a small plot of land in Rioja three years ago and is now making wine with three different types which are selling well.

RESPONDING to the latest Labour statistics from the Office for National Statistics, which showed that the number of vacancies in the UK is be ginning to slow, Tania Bowers, Global Public Policy Director at the Associa tion of Professional Staffing Compa nies (APSCo) said: “The post­pandemic hiring spike we experienced was bound to come to a halt at some time, but with re cession fears looming and ongoing government uncertainty amidst a leadership contest, this drop is a con cern for the country’s economy. • 25 - 31 August 202230 is the amount that Spanish airport management company Aena has offered to obtain a 30-year management contract for Brazil’s second busiest airport situated in Sao Paolo. STATWEEKOF €471 million


3M 146,68 147,44 5,65M American Express 164,65 164,99 163,34 1,40M Amgen 249,70 251,04 247,95 1,89M Apple 174,15 174,90 173,12 61,58M Boeing 168,69 169,18 165,77 4,19M Caterpillar 197,35 197,63 195,24 1,75M Chevron 159,02 159,66 157,09 6,44M Cisco 49,37 50,00 49,11 39,90M Coca-Cola 65,22 65,35 64,71 6,49M Dow 56,02 56,22 55,42 3,52M Goldman Sachs 354,52 355,10 350,86 1,03M Home Depot 325,21 327,94 322,22 2,86M Honeywell 203,72 204,00 202,38 1,51M IBM 139,07 139,12 137,75 3,16M Intel 36,20 36,33 35,57 24,38M J&J 166,77 168,30 165,93 8,30M JPMorgan 121,64 122,47 120,55 9,48M McDonald’s 266,58 267,36 265,42 1,59M Merck&Co 91,40 91,83 90,53 6,11M Microsoft 290,17 291,91 289,08 17,15M Nike 116,01 116,68 115,30 4,74M Procter&Gamble 149,77 149,99 148,52 3,83M 187,93 188,57 186,61 2,77M The Travelers 174,11 174,77 172,80 889,04K UnitedHealth 545,22 548,13 541,82 1,48M Verizon 44,19 44,53 43,91 25,79M Visa A 215,25 216,00 212,43 4,51M Walgreens Boots 38,24 40,56 37,86 16,43M Walmart 139,07 140,42 138,50 6,39M Walt Disney 122,67 123,13 121,71 7,29M InterContinental 5.050,0 5.084,0 4.996,0 106,40K Intermediate Capital 1.492,75 1.498,00 1.473,00 4,56K Intertek 4.284,0 4.315,0 4.233,0 71,21K ITV 67,38 67,56 67,00 1,97M J Sainsbury 220,70 221,50 219,30 740,47K Johnson Matthey 2.177,0 2.197,0 2.165,0 42,32K Land Securities 712,00 719,20 709,60 395,45K Legal & General 270,50 272,00 269,20 1,15M Lloyds Banking 45,14 45,62 45,09 48,05M London Stock Exchange 8.574,0 8.590,0 8.476,0 193,99K Meggitt 792,40 794,00 791,40 262,33K Melrose Industries 146,60 147,45 145,25 2,83M Mondi 1.572,00 1.580,00 1.556,00 261,16K National Grid 1.162,50 1.173,00 1.162,50 2,20M NatWest Group 261,30 263,40 261,00 3,41M Next 6.250,0 6.310,0 6.184,0 94,81K Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0 Ocado 899,40 915,40 889,60 365,47K Persimmon 1.700,0 1.739,5 1.699,0 437,11K Phoenix 662,70 666,20 658,00 187,91K Prudential 959,80 969,40 955,00 1,55M Reckitt Benckiser 6.588,0 6.600,0 6.496,0 261,37K Relx 2.448,00 2.462,00 2.412,00 1,12M Rentokil 539,20 542,00 534,80 697,31K Rightmove 635,40 637,00 627,80 740,85K Rio Tinto PLC 4.902,5 4.950,0 4.899,0 606,50K Rolls-Royce Holdings 82,05 83,42 81,10 12,33M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0 Sage 740,20 744,00 735,60 424,19K Samsung Electronics DRC 1.134,50 1.141,00 1.134,50 3,09K Schroders 2.884,0 2.908,0 2.864,0 60,92K Scottish Mortgage 882,36 885,80 874,20 396,71K Segro 1.029,50 1.050,00 1.026,50 665,04K Severn Trent 2.958,0 2.984,0 2.957,0 195,03K Shell 2.232,0 2.255,5 2.205,5 4,67M Smith & Nephew 1.039,50 1.049,00 1.032,50 525,42K Smiths Group 1.599,00 1.609,68 1.594,50 16,63K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 11.272,9 11.325,0 11.100,0 34,42K SSE 1.830,00 1.840,50 1.827,93 44,61K St. James’s Place 1.224,50 1.231,00 1.215,50 170,20K Standard Chartered 585,80 597,20 585,80 1,66M Taylor Wimpey 119,22 120,55 118,45 2,02M Tesco 269,90 272,00 268,60 3,52M Tui 138,85 142,95 137,55 1,45M Unilever 3.972,0 3.983,5 3.927,5 1,11M United Utilities 1.136,00 1.148,00 1.136,00 292,31K Vodafone Group PLC 121,50 122,48 121,28 12,62M Whitbread 2.607,0 2.611,0 2.573,0 190,54K WPP 807,60 813,60 802,60 758,75K Most Advanced Bright Minds Biosciences +121.43% 119.22M Plus Therapeutics +53.90% 92.53M Neptune Wellness Solutions +49.63% 69.19M Lizhi +43.09% 6.48M Endo Int +42.90% 152.61M Mind Medicine +36.18% 224.25M Indonesia Energy +34.02% 32.50M Genius +33.39% 606.83K Wolfspeed +31.86% 14.96M Bridgetown Holdings +29.18% 12.30K LightPath +28.57% 875.91K Most Declined Blue Water Vaccines -43.91% 22.74M Unity Biotech -37.11% 30.42M Cazoo Group Wnt. -34.78% 12.03K IG Acquisition -33.00% 4.71K TDH Holdings -30.05% 2.36M WeTrade -28.49% 3.37M Accelerate Diagnostics -27.19% 2.37M Ecmoho -26.14% 8.39M Americas Car-Mart -22.68% 641.78K Veru -21.47% 11.99M Greenbox Pos -21.11% 7.77M CCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG NNETET VVOLOL DOW JONES C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 22 3I Group 1.244,00 1.257,00 1.237,50 455,20K Abrdn 159,80 160,50 158,75 1,79M Admiral Group 2.323,0 2.337,0 2.293,0 187,05K Anglo American 2.850,0 2.908,0 2.849,5 27,84K Antofagasta 1.142,50 1.168,50 1.142,50 293,29K Ashtead Group 4.569,0 4.609,0 4.520,0 354,55K Associated British Foods 1.610,0 1.622,0 1.610,0 23,57K AstraZeneca 11.164,0 11.212,0 10.978,0 568,88K Auto Trader Group Plc 670,80 673,80 662,40 801,04K Avast 692,40 693,40 688,20 2,52M Aveva 2.297,0 2.317,0 2.272,0 51,27K Aviva 436,90 439,80 434,20 1,68M B&M European Value Retail 412,51 413,50 408,40 446,96K BAE Systems 794,80 801,40 793,20 1,45M Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 0,612 0 Barclays 167,36 169,22 167,34 20,66M Barratt Developments 464,90 470,90 461,50 672,78K Berkeley 3.916,0 3.950,0 3.893,0 71,88K BHP Group Ltd 2.381,50 2.411,00 2.367,50 583,49K BP 446,35 448,15 441,65 15,64M British American Tobacco 3.422,0 3.449,0 3.411,0 1,04M British Land Company 466,90 470,40 465,00 349,90K BT Group 156,93 158,85 156,55 2,76M Bunzl 3.149,0 3.163,0 3.082,0 239,78K Burberry Group 1.813,0 1.825,0 1.807,0 314,15K Carnival 761,6 772,6 757,2 218,49K Centrica 81,02 82,30 80,96 2,32M Coca Cola HBC AG 2.090,0 2.096,7 2.066,2 12,28K Compass 1.947,00 1.955,00 1.920,50 816,83K CRH 3.278,0 3.306,5 3.262,5 412,16K Croda Intl 7.296,0 7.344,0 7.196,0 64,26K DCC 5.180,0 5.224,0 5.148,0 39,34K Diageo 3.923,0 3.940,0 3.888,5 912,29K DS Smith 282,26 286,00 282,00 824,29K EasyJet 390,10 405,50 389,60 1,63M Experian 2.908,0 2.924,0 2.867,0 390,29K Ferguson 10.535,0 10.610,0 10.450,0 65,50K Flutter Entertainment 10.715,0 10.802,5 10.645,0 91,72K Fresnillo 729,60 735,60 722,20 173,43K Glencore 488,75 497,90 488,65 11,66M GSK plc 1.416,80 1.424,00 1.400,00 2,42M Halma 2.308,1 2.323,8 2.288,9 8,84K Hargreaves Lansdown 960,00 963,20 947,20 254,16K Hikma Pharma 1.442,50 1.448,00 1.424,00 122,54K HSBC 535,60 540,70 535,50 7,03M IAG 115,26 118,16 114,70 6,14M Imperial Brands 1.888,00 1.914,50 1.880,00 552,30K Informa 579,20 582,80 576,00 604,48K ººCCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG. NNETET VVOLOL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0058 Japan yen (JPY) 137.58 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9622 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4372 Norway kroner (NOK) 9.8495 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See advertouronpreviouspage 0.84917 1.17789 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 22 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 22 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 952 906 581 EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL32

Public debt THE Bank of Spain an nounced on August 17 that at the end of June 2022, Spain’s public debt was the equivalent of 116.8 per cent of gross domestic product, just under 1 per cent better than the end of March.

Research covered firms located in over 230 cities in China and the researchers found that the degrees of inefficient in vestments, over­investments, or underinvestments by firms located in the worst polluted cities are higher than those locat ed in the less polluted cities.

WASPI women latest

What is clear however is that despite the call from the 3.8 mil lion women affected and support from cross party MPs, the PHSO is not able to insist on back dating pension payments and both can didates for the Tory leadership, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have indi cated that they do not support any form of back dating. This may however backfire on the Conservative Party if those af fected are offered a better deal by opposition parties at the next general election due no later than January 24, 2025. This is a detailed scale of com pensation within the remit of the PHSO which ranges from zero if the upheld complaint is consid ered to be an irritation with no long­term affect to £10,000 more if quality of life has been so badly impacted and life expectancy has been severely reduced.


Higher charges AVANT MONEY, the mort gage provider owned by Spanish banking group Bankinter, which supports home owners in Ireland in creased its mortgage inter est rates by 0.3 per cent fol lowing the recent base rate increase recently imposed by the European Central Bank to tackle inflation.

WASPI women in the UK await more information from the PHSO (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman) over possible com pensation for lack of information over increasing the female pen sion age to 65. Its first findings were published in July 2021 and it confirmed that “if the DWP had made a reason able decision in August 2005 and then acted promptly, it would have written to affected women to tell them about changes to their State Pension age by, at the latest, December 2006” when in fact it wasn’t done until 28 months later. On Monday August 15, 2022, the PHSO announced that having exchanged informa tion with various bodies, it was now in the process of considering what, if any, compensation it would expect to be made to those who have lost out both fi nancially and emotionally.

STAFF MOVEMENT: Qualified young workers most likely to change jobs.

Port strike SOME 1,900 members of the union UNITE have taken part in an eight­day strike at Felixstowe, the UK’s largest container port which could see major importers lose as much as £700 million.


Euribor hike IN anticipation of further in terest rate increases by the European Central Bank in September, the Euribor, the index to which most vari able­rate mortgages in Spain are linked has increased to 1.344 per cent, the highest daily level since April 2012.

The conclusion was that that air pollu tion adversely impacts managers’ mood, judgement, and decision­making on cor porate investments and thereby reduces the investment efficiency of firms.

ECB THE European Central Bank (ECB) whilst still trying to en courage the introduction of a euro based official cryp tocurrency continues to ad vise member states they need to harmonise rules concerning crypto assets in order to cut down on unreg ulated traders and fraud.

AFTER Elon Musk jokingly tweeted that he was thinking of purchasing Manch ester United Football Club, Bloomberg have revealed that there is a new po tential customer in the form of one of the UK’s richest men, Sir Jim Ratcliffe. Never out of the top five most valu able football clubs in the world, MUFC have had a problem with form since the departure of Sir Alex Ferguson and fans are trying to oust American own ers, the Glazer family. The suggestion is that the founder of Ineos, (which makes money through taking over underperforming assets) who is an MUFC fan, could start with a minority stake prior to a full takeover.

The Great Resignation

STATE PENSION: WASPI women regularly write to their MPs asking for change.



THE Great Resignation has crossed the Atlantic to Spain from the USA but it’s not that big a deal at the mo ment.Intimes of austerity people tend not to change jobs as they fear that they may end up without work, but in times such as these where employ ers are crying out for staff and even offering ‘signing on’ bonuses staff movement is much more common.

Amazon rethink ACCORDING to information obtained by The Times, Amazon UK has decided due to poor sales in existing outlets and the threat of a recession, it will not open additional Amazon Fresh contactless stores unless it has already signed lease agreements for property.

In Spain in the first six months of 2022, a record number of more than 30,000 resignations took place ac cording to Spain’s Social Security De partment but that’s a drop in the ocean compared to the USA where an estimated 50 million changed jobs in The2021.sheer size of the American population makes a direct compari son difficult but despite saying that there was no problem with resigna tions, Spain’s Minister of Labour, Yolanda Díaz invited members of the business world and unions to a meet ing in May to discuss the situation al though according to Business Insider, no follow up has taken place. The way in which the Social Ser vices and employers staff benefits are administered are quite different to those in the USA and with many gov ernment workers effectively guaran teed a job for life with benefits in most areas increasing with the num ber of years worked there are many, especially those with significant se niority, who are unlikely to want to changeCertainly,jobs. those who are younger and work in new technology are most likely to follow the euro but with increasing inflation, more ex pensive mortgages and fears of a re cession on the horizon, it seems likely that Spain won’t see its own Great Resignation in the foreseeable future.

FIRMS that are based in a city with high levels of air pollution have much lower ef ficiency when it comes to corporate in vestments, according to new research from Durham University Business School.

Expatra Mon. Fri. 1pm till

And you really want to support the same people who voted this bunch in to power, a party which now includes the influx of millions of refugees and immigrants, who have since joined up and are basically mindful that a win by the left will eventually transform the culture of the whole country? Heaven help the UK. It has already lost hundreds of lu crative businesses through EU schem ing and financial exploitation, and voted out Boris, the one man who would have seen through their treachery and given Brexit a success ful consequence to all its brilliant UK ambitions. Prepare yourselves for a glut of UK strikes. They make great election ammunition and for the next couple of years the leftie enthusiasts, the media and the Labour party will absolutely love ‘em! Many thanks for your letters. Keep ‘em coming. Be they good, bad or ut terly ridiculous, I do read every one. Wishing my lovely Irish family bon voyage and a safe journey after a wonderful visit. See you all at Christ mas. Dublin here I come. Love y’all lots. Keep the faith Love 4.

I REALLY do appreciate some of the mail sent by readers of my weekly waffle. Mind you sometimes they re ally contain more flimflam than the ol’ boy’s column itself. One I received this week consid ered me a ‘total Pratt’ for supporting a Conservative government. Even this assumption was not specifically true, I don’t blindly support a party who of ten find it difficult to face up to obvi ous problems, including the forgoing of realistic efforts to prevent the dis integration of British culture; the fact is, whatever my choices, I would just never sanction the woke induced left ies, simple as that. This reader also insinuated that the UK had condoned the last 12 years of liars; he appeared to forget that the ‘New’ Labour government who pre ceded the Conservatives, was used as a gravy train by a young, utterly right wing schemer and his conspiratorial wife, who even insisted on changing the name of the utterly demolished opposing party to further his own ends. An extremely ambitious opera tor, Mr Blair then proceeded to run the country into the ground, (not him self or the wife of course!) In close league with another American crook, he also sent the UK into a disastrous war for a recompense of cheap oil. Finally realising he had screwed the UK all he could and his game was up, with perfect timing he ran out, leav ing the last two years of leadership to his power hungry partner Gordon Brown; a self­indulgent idiot who, dripping with self­gratification, then dispelled his own ridiculous party of losers into total oblivion, basically by finally even selling off most of the country’s gold for a pittance, which actually resulted in his chancellor un believably leaving a note in the office of his successor, stating that there was in fact ‘no money left.’


EWN25 - 31 August 2022 35FEATURE

One thing to consider when sav ing is just how much you’ll need. This is usually 20 per cent of the property’s price as well as the cost of closing the deal, usually around 5 per cent of the property’s price.

Rented property and lease termination

EQUITY release means that home owners can access the equity (taxfree cash) from the value of their home, either in a lump sum or in several smaller amounts. The amount varies depending on the age of the applicant (homeowner) and the value of the home. The money can be useful if you want to pay for some home im provements, pay off your loans, help your adult children buy their own home, or take off on the epic travelYouadventure.canearnmoney from your home by taking out a lifetime mort gage, which allows you to take a loan secured against your home whilst still owning it. Alternatively, if you sell all or part of your property for less than market value, you can stay in your home, but as a tenant. Equity release is a good option if you want to stay in your home without worrying about downsizing or moving to a cheaper area due to financial concerns. If you decide to move homes after equity release, this is also an option. IT is a difficult deci sion to make when buying a new home or moving, whether to purchase a place in a bustling, vi brant Spanish city, or retreat to the re laxing rural coun tryside that Spain boasts in abun dance. Here are some things to con sider which could help sway you ei therFirstly,way. transport can be minimal in the countryside. This means that un less you can drive and own a car, get ting round could be a hassle.Thatbeing said, if everything you need is within walking distance and you enjoy the quiet roads and peaceful surround ings, the lack of traffic could be a bonus.Ifyou move to the city, chances are you’ll be sacri ficing space for proximity to all the action. Many city dwellers won’t mind this; who needs lots of space when you can be out exploring all that the city has to offer?Nevertheless, it goes without saying that in the country side you’ll get a lot more for your mon ey in terms of prop erty size.

Mortgage plans

shutterstockClarke/DeanCredit: City countryside?orWhat is equity release in RenovatingSpain?your apartment

THE owner of a rented property has all the right in the world to sell it. Which is to say, they are not obligated to continue the ownership.However, if the owner of the property rents it out, the ques tion arises on whether the sale of the rented house implies the termination of the lease contract. Or in other words, whether the landlord can demand the future termination of the con tract because they want to sell the property, or if the new own er can demand that the tenants leave, or not.

Equity release is a good option.

Credit: wavebreakmedia/shutterstock

SAVING for a mortgage is one of the most important things in life for many people. Our first house is something very important on a sen timental level, as well as being an in vestment that most people have to put a lot of effort into. There are few fortunate enough to buy a house with no mortgage, which is why it’s important that we know how to save beforehand.

PROPERTY to read more Property scan this QR Code

IT’S more common in Spain to have a flat rather than a house if you want a property at a reasonable price. In fact, Spain out of all European countries has the highest percentage of the population living in apartments, at 66.5 per cent.Living in a flat can be a great opportunity to build close relationships with your neighbours. Howev er, if you want to renovate your flat, it might be slightly more difficult. The first obstacle you might have if you want to upgrade your flat is under standing whether you have a freehold or lease hold agreement. If it’s leasehold, you don’t technically own the property, just the flat within the building, so you would have to get all ren ovations cleared. If you do get clearance for renovations, make sure that you don’t incon venience other people in the building by blocking walkways with furniture or equipment. Also make sure that you’re not work ing when people are sleeping or late at night just because that’s the on ly time you have to spend onInrenovations.termsofthe renova tions that you can actually make, although hard floor ing may be exactly what you think your flat needs to make a statement, often it is banned in apartment complexes.Softflooring tends to dampen the noise for those living below you so you might be able to install hard flooring only if you’re on the ground floor.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 PROPERTY36

An ISA savings account is a great way to save for a mortgage, allow ing you to acquire enough for the deposit, and then proving yourself reliable for requesting a mortgage loan.There are also renumeration ac counts which offer an interest when you deposit money into them. These are a good option in terms of flexibility and accessibility to your money when you need it.

More for your money in the countryside.

THE new buyer profile is young peo ple and foreign investors who head technology companies. New munici palities in Malaga are amongst the 50 most expensive places to buy or rent a property in Spain. The investment in luxury living has skyrocketed through the pan demic on the Costa del Sol, high lighting residential destinations such as Marbella as the place to in vestThein.president of the Andalucian Federations of Residential Tourism and Developers, Ricardo Arranz, has indicated that during 2021 and 2022 the high­end living sector was registering ‘the best data in history in terms of sales on high quality vil las’.The influence of the pandemic and the effects generated by the lockdowns, total or partial, ruled during the Covid­19 health crisis have made a dent in the high­end living sector in this area that, togeth er with the establishment of ‘re mote working’, the high rate of property sales is predicted to contin ue throughout the year.

Contracts written up since March 2019 say that as long as the contract is in its first five years (or seven if the former own er was a legal entity), the tenant has the right to stay in the property.Inthese cases, the new owner can take over the rights and responsibilities of the property’s previous landlord. Which is to say, the buyer becomes the new property owner, but must re spect the terms and conditions agreed in the original lease.

The investment in luxury living

YOU may be living your best tanned life this summer, but surely with the heat, the sea salt and the sand, you’re notic ing the effects of the hot weather on your skin. But that doesn’t mean you should have to spend hours on your skincare routine when you can be out enjoying the sun!The four main things you should do to help combat the negative side effects of sum mer weather on your skin are: remove make‐up, wash, tone and hydrate. If you follow these steps once in the morn ing and again at night, your skin will thank you. If you’re not sure of your skin type, book in for a profes sional hygiene facial. They will be able to tell you whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin and which products will complement your face the best.It’s also important to use sun cream if you’re out in the sun for any period of time, as the sun can penetrate your skin between 20 and 150 microme tres.

HAVING long, pretty nails can elongate your fingers and make your hands look more sophisticated and el egant. To achieve this look without using damaging falsies, here are some ways to grow your finger nailsManyquickly.people struggle with biting their nails as a sign of nerves or stress, or just as a bad habit that’s difficult to break. This habit requires will power to overcome and you can buy bad tasting nail var nishes which could put you off your handsy snack.It’s important to re member that the contin ued use of regular nail var nishes can weaken your nails. It’s recommended that you regularly leave 48‐hour periods between nail colours to give your nails a chance to recover. If you do your own manicures, avoid cutting the cuticle, as this is the part of the nail which helps it to grow. By making sure that you eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals and drink enough water, you can nourish your nails and prevent them from be coming weak and break able.

EWN 25 - 31 August 202238 HEALTH & BEAUTY HEALTH & BEAUTY to read more Health & Beauty scan this QR Code Gorgeous summer skin How to grow longerPRETTYfingernailsNAILS:Looksophisticatedandelegant. Credit: Dev_Maryna/shutterstock

To get those all‐impor tant hours of shut eye, try going to bed earlier. If you’ve not slept very well or for enough time the night before, chances are you will have less energy and have more difficulty con centrating the following morning.It’salso a good idea to prepare your morning routine the day before, so when you wake up you can just get up and go without having to think too much about it.

THERE is nothing worse than eating a delicious meal, and then paying for it later with symptoms such as flatu lence, constipation, and diarrhoea, which can all be signs of poor diges tive health. To give your digestive system the TLC it deserves, here are some foods that can aid a good di gestiveBanishsystem.KETOand other low carb di ets from your mind! Medical profes sionals recommend whole grains, found in things like brown bread and rice, as they can provide the fibre your gut bacteria need to ferment in order for your colon to function properly.Summer is the perfect time for salad which is good news for you as leafy greens like spinach and kale are also great for promoting healthy gut bacteria. These vegetables are a great source of fibre and provide vi tal nutrients like folate, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A. And of course, the humble avoca do, a superfood where healthy di gestion is concerned. Avocados are low in fructose, which mean they are less likely to cause gas, and contain essential fibre and nutrients to keep your digestion on track!

Your morning routine Foods a digestive system

BE Get ready the day before.


fizkes/shutterstockCredit: shutterstockRomero/AsierCredit:

DIGESTION: The perfect time for salad.

EWN25 - 31 August 2022 39HEALTH & BEAUTY


SOME days you want to stay in bed all day, and others you want to get up and get to work. Ei ther way, don’t beat yourself up for the occa sional lie in. Instead, here are some things you can do to make the most of your everygetmorningPersonalisemornings.yourroutine.Ifyouupatthesametimeday,overtime your body gets accus tomed to waking up at this time. The more you sleep, the greedier your body becomes. Try set ting an earlier alarm and getting a good night’s sleep. Soon enough you’ll be waking up early without an alarm!


No hidden extras - Fully Inclusive - Delivery

THE joy of crime fiction is providing an answer to a riddle, seeing the good guys win, loose ends tied up and an orderly dénouement (as is the case, fans assure me, in my latest thriller, Death in Windermere). Precise ly why we also love cross words, jigsaw puzzles and quiz shows! Basically, we’re consoled by bring ing order to chaos. Though chaos can sometimes rear its head in unexpected ways. Sometimes it’s better to step away from some thing rather than try to fix it only to make it worse.New technology is of ten what the Germans call schlimmbesserung:Veran improvement that makes things worse (ie if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.)




The veteran British explorer Colonel John Blashford­Snell found this while writing his latest memoir, when he discovered he was 35,000 words over his publisher’s limit. The culprit was his voicerecognition software, which he forgot to switch off. “It picks up any cursing I make,” he admitted, which must account for a few thou sand of the excess as well as much domestic chit­chat.Hopefully he found them all while editing, otherwise readers might wonder why halfway up the Limpopo he’s sud denly asking: “What’s for dinner...?” Nora Johnson’s criti cally acclaimed psycho logical crime thrillers (www.nora­ all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.


Victoria Car Hire UK Self Drive

Nora’s latest thriller.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 FEATURE40

VICTORIA CAR HIRE UK Self Drive is based in Horley town centre, just a five minute drive from Gatwick airport and a short walk to the mainline railway station. We have a range of cars starting with small everyday cars all the way up to fami ly­sized vehicles including both manual and automatic transmission. We also have a variety of petrol and diesel fuelled engines. All of the cars we use are well main tained and presented in a clean condition as well as having full 24­hour AA break downThecover.mostpopular brands used include: Ford, Vauxhall, Nissan, Citroen and Re nault.We meet our customers just outside the arrival terminal at Gatwick Airport at the authorised collection points at both the North and South terminals. We will then drive to the car rental office in Horley town centre, where the paperwork and pay ment are processed before a demonstra tion of the car controls and directions to the motorway if required. The collection procedure is very straightforward and efficient, taking a small amount of time and allowing the customer to swiftly proceed with their onward jour ney.At the end of the hire, the customer re turns the car to the rental office and will be driven to the departure terminal at GatwickOfficeAirport.hoursare 9am ­ 4pm Monday to Friday. Weekends by arrangement An out of hours service is available for late arrivals and early morning departures. Subject to conditions. Prices are from £135.00 per week, which is fully inclusive with no hidden extras, the fuel in the vehicle is taken on a like for like basis ­ if the tank is half full, it must be re turned as so. Debit and Credit card payment accept ed. range of cars offered. & Collection - Gatwick Airport only Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm - Telephone: 0044 1293 432155

Advertising Feature A

In addition, the European Central Bank purchased large numbers of Spanish government bonds in order to provide additional funds to cope with the pandemic and its aftermath.Incontrast, in a bid to help people live with the pandemic, the British government itself encouraged the Bank of Eng land to print more money and has created a not unreasonable expectation from the British public to expect this to con tinue in order to tackle the latest crisis.


A missing letter


IT seems that whilst the rising cost of living is affecting coun tries around the world that Britain is in a worse position than many. No matter what your politics may be or your stance in Brexit, the situation in Spain whilst bad, is nowhere near as dire as it is in the UK. Whilst the politicians who encouraged a Brexit vote and those who followed that advice were not able to forecast the future, it seems that the European Union has been the finan cial saviour of both Italy and Spain with the billions pumped into the economy from the recovery fund.

Just thought I’d like to add to what loopy Lee has said of not being too impressed with politicians. The selec tion of another stooge to re place the former stooge has led to Tory Party infighting. This seems to get little men tion in the EWN so I’d like to remind anyone who may have seen this heading that appeared in one National UK newspaper, rather amusingly I think one word has been misspelt, ‘Rishi Sunak (PPE, Oxford ) v Liz Truss (PPE, Ox ford) The Degree That Runs Britain’, there appears to be a missing i ? Ramon Osborne, Los Alcázares.

Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website:


There is currently no leadership in the country and the To ry party is becoming increasingly divided over the leader ship election and it seems likely that if, as expected, Liz Truss wins, then senior politicians such as Rishi Sunak won’t find a place in her future cabinet. At long last, the Labour Party has come up with a plan, but a bit like Baldrick’s in Black Adder, it’s a bit pointless as there won’t be another election until 2025, so whatever it champions has every chance of simply being ignored whilst the country suffers from strike after strike and rampant infla tion.


Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

I COULDN’T agree with you more (Leapy, Issue 1933). I’ve been saying this for years about Rhodesia they were called the ‘breadbasket of Africa’. But alas as you have alighted too it’s now a cor rupt, barren, and dangerous place, more so if you’re white. My wife and I intend to live in Spain next year. My reason is that I was in the British army for 12 years and the po lice for 30 years. Forty­two years in total of service to my country and for what. It’s now being stripped of its culture, history and identi ty. It’s being invaded by for eigners who impose their cul ture and traditions on us. I can’t stay in the UK and watch the destruction of my country with traitors and im migrants turning it into a third world country. I’m best out of it to retire in a country that loves its tradi tions and will fight for their culture. That’s what I like about the Spanish. They push back. Laurence Elliott Rear view fines WITH regard to an article in Is sue 1935, as a former UK police officer, I was aware that in the UK the information in the arti cle would have been wrong or at the least, misleading. Spanish law, which is the same as the UK law on this, says a car must have an exter nal rear­view mirror on the left (wing) and either an internal rear­view mirror or an external rear­view mirror on the right (wing).Ifthere is no internal mirror, or if the reflection of the road to the rear, in the interior mir ror is obscured or blocked by luggage or similar items, pro viding one has the two exterior mirrors, no offence is commit ted. That is confirmed





The setting is ideal for the show, not just because the place is lovely, but also the easy parking with the bonus of a car wash service; to either just wash the car down (as I did last week) or for full valet ing; most Umbrella’sconvenient.inparticular has a lovely terrace that’s well shaded in the mornings and inside sumptuous décor and very comfy seating and well air­conditioned. The coffee is great, the staff excellent as well as charming and I can confirm that the cocktails are well worth trying. TVs every where for sports and for the more lively, great party nights too; plus, their designated barber area. My guests this week have curiously all come through in troductions. Luke Hill told me about Shlomo and Aurora Benzian and asked if I could have them on the show. I was a bit taken aback at first as this couple run a ‘lifestyle’ club, or swingers club to give you more of an idea of what the style of life they offer is. To find out more about Wicked Chateau, you’ll just have to watch the show… or pay them a visit. Thanks to Harriet Nilsson I then got to meet Gavin Scott, who has changed his lifestyle lately but as far as I know it’s limited to intense training to swim the English Channel on September 22. This is very ambitious and commendable as his objective is to draw awareness to the plight of all the plastic waste that is pol luting our oceans. He’s totally unassuming and deserves our support and if you can donate just €1 to the cause, he’d be most grateful: www.stayout with all funds going to the Ocean Cleanup. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a Brazilian on the show, but thanks to Bruno Sousa we have an opportunity to meet and know more about Marisol Gomez Magahlhaes who is a shining representa tion of the joy of Rio. She has her own YouTube channel covering Brazilian events and cultural aspects and can or ganise dancers, chefs and mu sic to bring Brazil to any party along the ThanksCosta!tomy dear friend Estelle Physio I also went to Starlite to see one of the best flamenco dance groups in Spain, that of Sara Barras. I only recorded a bit because I wanted to appreciate the live performance and not watch it through my ‘phone. Even so, I hope you enjoy the tid­bit. To finish off this week’s show I popped round to Miss Raw to catch up with Kara Jaye Caradas at ‘Miss Raw’ to know more about their Cabaret dinner show on Au gust 27 ­ book now if you don’t want to miss out! Marbella Now #MN361 airs tonight for the first show ing at 11pm on RTV Marbella, also via streaming and from la­ website, my website and social media Instagram : nicolekingmarbellanow Face book: MarbellaNowRTV • •

Martin Rosinski was inspired to make a pro totype, by his own serial killer kitty named Jinx. Martin was sick of being woken in the night by his furry friend who would arrive home proudly displaying a mouse, bird or some other find. This inspired him to create his OnlyCat cat flap.Martin said: “Jinx goes outside on her ad ventures which include spotting and bringing animals, both mice and birds, into the house, unfortunately.“Afterhaving had the cat flap installed for a year, we have 42 video clips of her attempting to bring various bits of prey in, some dead, some alive and some somewhere in between.

A SMART cat flap uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to temporarily lock if it detects that your furry friend is holding a mouse, bird or some other prey. The cat flap is fitted with a camera that uses AI to detect the presence of prey. It then sends a notification to the owner’s phone with a video of the visit.

“Two months ago I think something clicked and she realised ‘I can’t bring these home, it’s just not going to work’.”

THIS week’s Marbella Now was recorded at Umbrella’s Bar & Barbers, located in the Marbella Arena (AKA the Bullring in Nueva Andalucía).


Genius new cat flap invention PETS PAGE to read more PETS scan this QR Code EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 FEATURE/PETS44


For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code Miss Raw prepares for Cabaret night on August 27. the Arena




AIR CONDITIONING by Cool and Cosy. The family company that cares. Installation and re pairs. Quality machines. Ecosense movement sensors supplied and fitted from 100 Euros. For other energy-sav ing products (294591) QUALITY Air Conditioning In stallations. Economical to use, & silent in operation. 26 Years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 spain.comspain.cominfo@envirocarewww.envirocare (301178) ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbanisations catered for, electric and man ual operation; also recovery service available, largest se lection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof T1(101730) SUNSHINE AWNINGS/ BLINDS Awnings, Persiana, Shut ter & Rejas Specialist. New & Re pairs. 25yrs on the coast. 680 323 969 (301209) ACE OF SHADES – Vertical, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds, various colours available, also blackout blinds. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceof (101730) BLINDS, awnings, mosquito screens, curtains, vast choice. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (301311) SOLAR BLINDS SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to improve your living envi ronment. ian@solarshadetint Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (292919) JIM’S HOME 692Givepainting,repairs,Bathrooms/kitchenIMPROVEMENTS.reforms,plumbing,carpentry,tiling,maintenance.usacallnojobtoosmall.207799/645559423 (301059) bellaSwedish,tion.struction,Electrician,www.handymanservices.esplumbing,conpainting.InnovaROTdeductionforSotograndetoMar648712530 (294359) GENERAL BUILDER , Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (References available (295929) SWINGLES CASAS SL. For all your building needs. Visit for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (292511) PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115 (301145) METALWORK NEW REJAS, GATES, Carports & Fencing, repairs & alterations. Work Guaranteed. Reliable. 19yrs on Coast. Steve the Welder. Call/Whatsapp 655 040 648 (296154) PLASTERING FRANK Dr Damp, bricklaying & plastering. All work guaranteed. 689 515 558 (295377) HOUSE CLEARANCE SPECIAL ISTS , FULL OR PART CLEAR ANCE. ALL FURNITURE WANTED, WE PAY MORE. TEL 634 324 914 OR EMAIL hotmail.comhouseclearanceman@(295827) PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) ALHAURIN FURNITURE EM PORIUM Buyers & Sellers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. Also buy cars, camper vans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (295804) WANTED FOR CASH, TOOLS, BRIC-A-BRAC, KITCHENALIA, ETC - CALL 622 647 602 ANYTIME (301181) CAMPER VANS , CARAVANS, MOBILE HOMES, BOATS AND ALL PLANT, DIGGERS, DUMPERS, MO TORBIKES, CARS AND COMMER CIALS WANTED. BEST PRICE PAID, CASH TODAY, ANY REGIS TRATION WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 (290739) ALH RENT A CAR – SHORT & LONG-TERM RENTALS FROM €15 A DAY. INSURANCE IN CLUDED IN OUR vasalhrentacar@gmail.com638www.alhrentacar.comPRICES.-TLF:846909orreser (295923) CARS, Vans, Bikes wanted. Any Reg, Anything Considered Call or Whatsapp 687 049 592 (301400) CAMPER VANS , CARAVANS, MOBILE HOMES, BOATS AND ALL PLANT, DIGGERS, DUMPERS, MO TORBIKES, CARS AND COMMER CIALS WANTED. BEST PRICE PAID, CASH TODAY, ANY REGIS TRATION WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 (290739) COLLECTIVE CALLING are ur gently requesting donations of clothing, shoes, handbags & home-ware. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-in come families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Solidaria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Al cantara, alternatively, call us to arrange collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137) AIR CONDITIONING BLINDSAWNINGS BUILDING SERVICES BUY & CARAVANSSELL CAR CHARITYCARSHIREWANTED 25 - 31 August 2022 • CLASSIFIEDS49SPONSORED BY BUY & SELL

CHIMNEY SWEEP. Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497 (293053) APEX CHIMNEY SERVICES , professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Quali fied. Clean and efficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (295514) BENALMADENA Elim Family Fel lowship. or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011) CALAHONDA: Encounter Church (Elim), Family church with kids ac tivities, Iglesia San Miguel, Sun days 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodg son, 695 115 496 (10012) THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Cos ta (The road behind the Mijas Aquapark)on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 www.theark (293850) CALAHONDA LANGUAGE CENTRE Established 1987. New Spanish courses, all lev els, start 12th September. Max imum 5 students per group for guaranteed results. Private classes available. Enrol now. Also Translations Tel:calahondalanguage@gmail.comundertaken636413187(301291)

ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27

years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email acservs@outlook. com (290739) CONEJO CLEANING & Proper ty Management. Est. over 25 years. Rentals management, one off cleans. New Property set up service. Wendy 635 630 370 / 952 964 www.conejocleaning.com407 (295933) STARLIGHT Cleaning Services All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Areas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Deep Clean for Bars & Restaurants. We also do a pro fessional Chimney Sweeping ser vice. 682 636 451 www.starlight (295837) BUILDERS CLEAN Deep Clean. No job to big or to small. Call 622 117 467 (301297) RAINBOW Pinturas . English Painters & decorators. All aspects. Interior/exterior, private residen tial, commercial & communities. Spraying: door, kitchens & furni ture. Light construction. Call/WhatsApp: Daniel: 628 066 308 (295140) ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctual. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 603 132 783 Facebook: @ATDDecorMalaga (1296161) SIGNS all type of 3D letters and light boxes, full CNC cutting ser vices, large and small format print ing like posters , roller banners , business card and flyers, we cre ate your corporate identity, logos, real estate boards, decoration items for homes and offices. We cover the Coast and delivery. 951 310 395 / 665 804 321 info@eye (295065) DOMESTIC Appliance repairs - washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, water heaters, gas / electric, professionally re paired. Christian 608 337 497 (293053) BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detec tion, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (291429) CLEARFLOW– Unblocking, CCTV inspection, repair and installation. Tel: 630 200 600 / 952 885 661. www.desatorosclearflow Face book: DesatorosClearflow (301154) LIT ELECTRICIANS for all your Electrical & maintenance needs, no job too small for a FREE Quote. Call Craig on 604 106 414 or Ben 679 505 761 (301214) MARBLE FLOOR (2.50€/m2) WHY PAY MORE. WE CLEAN, CRYSTALLISE, SEAL THEN POL ISH YOUR MARBLE TO HIGH GLOSS, NON-SLIP. PROFES SIONAL GUARANTEED, FAST SERVICE. 25 YEARS EXPERI ENCE. ALSO REPAIRS DAM AGES TO MARBLE, CLEAN AND SEAL TERRACOTTA TERRACES, COVERS ALL COSTA DEL SOL. TEL: 671 244 683 (295522) MARBLE FLOORS polished high shine non-slip. Fast Service Reliable, family run business. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. No job too small. Cleansol 10am – 10pm 7 days all areas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437) MARBLE POLISHING, CRYS TALLISING, LASTING, HIGH SHINE. WANTEDABLE.ENCE.DEADRESTORATIONREGRINDING,OFSALTY,FLOORS.27YRSEXPERIRELIABLE.REFSAVAILCYRIL.645840199 Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (295804) PROFESSIONAL garden ser vices from Fuengirola to Es tepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and land scaping, free quotes, competi tive prices. Contact Andrew 600 259 981 fessionals.comAndrew@garden-pro (291784) IRRIGATION IRIS-IRRIGATION and land scapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation installation, Cables, Fibre Optic, Electric & Lighting Cables. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Garden construc tions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (301097) ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation repaired. Free, no obligation quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (1296056) ELECTRIC GATES /Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replacement re motes. New installs and repairs. For all your electric gate and garage door requirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. www.2way (293321) EXPERIENCED CAPABLE YOUNG MAN available for labor ing work, heaving lifting & support with removals. Can supply trade contacts. Native English speaking and also fluent in Spanish. Please call or WhatsApp me at +44 7707 557342 (301286) GLASS CURTAIN repairs, spe cialist in replacement of dis coloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354) GUTTERING: Protect your property from rain damage. Quality guaranteed. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas cov ered 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocarespain. com www.envirocarespain. com (301178) BEAUTY TREATMENTS BOTOX & fillers from €95. Skinny Jab & Fat reducing in jections. Cover Coast & 347www.beautifulmarbella.esInland.609086(295540) CHIROPRACTOR FFUENGIROLA, Myofascial Re lease. J Schaegen, Specialised in treating neck, back & ex tremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224 (295647) BE PROACTIVE: Electric/Gas fires, Wood Burning Stoves. Quality guaranteed. Enviro Care. All areas covered. 952 663 141/670 409 www.envirocarespain.cominfo@envirocarespain.com759. (301178) VINYL WRAP VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY RE PLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENO VATE? Modern adhesive vinyl cov erings in hundreds of styles and designs can renovate a tired kitchen, bathroom, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood de signed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for de sign brochure and samples. HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122 ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPO RIUM furniture wanted, same day collection, also house clear ance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (295804) MOTOR INSURANCE. For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your existing no claims bonus. Call Linea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insur ance with a human voice in Eng lish from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insur ance Call 971 277 455 For your security www.abbeygateinsu (291234) LOCKSMITH emergency / ap pointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable ser vice. Call Paul 657 466 803 ENGLISH 24/7 LOCKSMITHS AND SECURITY COMPANY, FREE HOME SECURITY SUR VEY. 636 770 865 / 952 660 233 VERYSPAIN.COMWWW.SECURITYOFCONTACTDARENSOLVENT Gentleman, 65, tall, slim, fit, homes in Spain & UK, seeks 45-55 Intelligent, slim, lady, for LTR. Interest in sport, motor sport, music, travel. WhatsApp 602290209. A coffee comes first. GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) ACE OF SHADES – Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours includ ing wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 (101730) MOSQUITO Screens for win dows, doors and a highquality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354) MOSQUITO screens, sliding, pulldown, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 www.mosquitonick.ws861 (295855) FOR SALE –ROBERTSON CARS... would like to thank all of my past, present & future clients for their continued support over the last 35 years here in Spain. Stay safe and out drive everyone. ROBERTSON CARS AUTOMAT IC LEXUS RX 300 ARRIVING NEXT WEEK, 2006, one owner from new, lovely light silver, low kilometres, 5 door, petrol, just ser viced and passed new ITV this week. Low on mileage and low on price. See photos on my web page – or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 / 952 832 173. Email: therobert ROBERTSON CARS AUTOMAT IC /CABRIO MERCEDES SLK2006, Stunning Silver only used as holiday car with 55,000kms (ap prox 35,000 miles) 2 seater convert ible have fun in the sun, new ITV, electric roof folds into boot. Classy turns heads... €11,500. See photos on my web page – or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 / 952 832 173. therobertsonclan@gmail.comEmail: ROBERTSON CARS AUTOMAT IC / CONVERTIBLE MER CEDES SL320, 2000, this classic has both hard & soft tops, Silver with dark Navy leather interior & blue soft hood, only 87,000kms (approx 55,000miles) FSH, electric seats, hood everything, just fitted new windows to soft hood which cost €500. she looks super, only used as holiday car & always kept garaged away from sun damage, a shining example of this classic Mercedes, may be old but still got it, you will not find one in this con dition... €13 ,500 See photos on my web page – or text me whatsapp 608 658 785 / 952 832 173. Email: therobertsonclan@ CARS FOR SALE CHIMNEY SERVICES CHURCH SERVICES CLEANINGCLASSESMAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANDRAINAGEDOMESTICDESIGNDECORATORS&SIGNSAPPREP FLOOR POLISHING FOR GATEGARDENINGFURNITURESALE/WANTEDREPAIRS GENERALGATES SERVICES GLASS HOMEHEATINGHEALTHGUTTERINGCURTAINS&BEAUTYIMPROVEMENTS HOT TUBS AND SPAS HOUSE MISCELLANEOUSMEETINGLOCKSMITHSINSURANCECLEARANCESPOINT MOSQUITO SCREENS MOTORING LAWYERSINSURANCE EWN 25 - 31 August 202250 CLASSIFIEDS If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161 If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

experience is unimportant, just a sense of ad venture and confidence. Project involves partial nudity but will be relaxed and comfortable. Call or text 0034 622518800 for more in fo. Good hourly modelling rates paid (301279) PLUMBING. Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (291429) PROPERTY WANTED SELLING UP?? Why not give us a call an let us give you an honest and realistic valuation of your property. List with us and let us take the stress out of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients wait ing. Please call 685 524 921. (290739) THINKING of selling your property or interested in a current valuation? We have clients actively looking for properties from Torremolinos to Calahonda. List with us and let us sell your property. Call Joe 626 864 683 (295934) WWW.INTERMARBELLA.COM Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All ar eas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@intermar (295509) 609Legalhomes,allBargainWWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM.inlandpropertiesforbudgets,fincas,villageapartmentsandvillas.buildingplots.952491/685514835 (295954) WWW.INTERMARBELLA.COM Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all budgets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email info@inter (295509) RUSTIC Land for Sale with legal access to river Velerin between Marbella-Estepona approx 10% the size of GIBRALTAR (150 Acres) includes, house, ruins, garages, hunting. €11.5M (or will rent) (or sell in plots) Tel 0044 7960 933566 (301289) STARLIGHT PROPERTY. All Ar eas. Residential & Holiday Lets. 689 819 592 www.starlight (295837) LONG TERM RENTALS AVAIL ABLE and also wanted. Super prices. Apartments, town houses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & inland. Tlf 679 111 522 (296454) WWW.INTERMARBELLA.COM Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@ (295509) FUENGIROLA CENTRE APART MENT for 1 person 1 bedroom beautifully furnished long-term for senior citizen or a very responsible retired pensionist - min 1 year contract - 550€ per month - Tel. 667 655 648 or 608 337 300 MARBELLA Palacio Congresos Finest 1 bedroom 5 star new apart 10th floor Jardines del Mar, luxuri ously furnished, terrific sea-views & amenities, long term leasing to superior tenants only, €1,500 neg. Tel Charles 692 166 434 (301396) 15 CUBIC metre van returning to the UK 9th September 2022. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (295249) MAN AND VAN MAN & VAN, 20€ ph. Removals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (291430) 2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Storage. 651 081 610 (301134) Tel David 696 810 618 (292247) NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL/ PROFESSIONAL LOCAL RE MOVALS AT AFFORDABLE RATES. 1/2 DAY FROM €90. FULL DAY FROM €175. WE AL SO PROVIDE A FORTNIGHTLY DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE TO UK AND EUROPE (INCL SCOT LAND). WORLDWIDE SHIP PING TO USA, AUSTRALIA, ETC AND FULL STORAGE FA CILITIES. TEL (0034) 952 578 507 OR (0034) 637 892 278 / EMAIL garymoveit@yahoo. (295077) JDS EURO TRANSPORT & RE MOVALS – Regular trips throughout Europe. Call or Whatsapp Julian 0044 7884 908 929. See Facebook Page for recommendations (293747) Tel David 696 810 618 (292247) STORAGE Tel David 696 810 618 (292247) ACE OF SHADES - PERSIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, various colours avail able including wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more secure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceofshades. design (101730) ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to motorised, new in stallations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (291815) FURNITURE FRENCH POLISHING RE PAIRS, restoration etc. restore your valuable furniture to its for mer glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 499 944 (285318) FUENGIROLA & MARBELLA We are looking for receptionist to attend calls and clients. Need to be fluent writing English and Spanish. Other languages is a plus. Phone / Whatsapp +34 611 30 41 02 (301200) SOLAR Hot Water heating: FREE HOT WATER. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envi www.enviro (301178) PETPETSPESTPASSPORTPAINTERS/DECORATORSNAUTICALMUSICRENEWALSCONTROLCHARITY PHOTOGRAPHY PROPERTYPOOLSPLUMBING PROPERTY FOR SALE PROP REMOVALS/STORAGEPROPERTYMAINTENANCETOLET ROLLER SOLARSITUATIONSSERVICESSHUTTERSVACANTEWN25 - 31 August 2022CLASSIFIEDS 51 If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

PROFESSIONAL photographer on the Costa del Sol. Events, Portrait, Product & Real Estate photography. Update your branding with quality pho tographs for your website and social media. Let me tell your story through my lense. Get in touch; +34627491014 monyjbarr@gmail.comhar (301390) PHOTOGRAPHER seeks female model for surrealism photographic project age and

ROBERTSON CARS COMING SOON TOYOTA 7 SEATER PEO PLE CARRIER CAROLLA VERSO 2007 just passed new ITV till 2023, diesel economy, manual, only 114,000kms (approx 70,000miles) seven seater take all of the family out together. Photos soon on my web page or text me if you want to be first to view. Samantha whatsapp. 608 658 785 e.mail: JAGUAR XK 4.2 Coupe, 07 Auto + Paddles, RHD, Spanish registra tion, Silver – Black leather, Titani um Trim, 20-inch Split Rym Alloys, Cruise Control with radar, Satnav, Hands-free, Key Log Entry, Ser vices free, 160K-km. This car is in beautiful condition and drives like new. Private Sale. Price 14,995€. Tel – 602533508 (301387) WE ARE currently the market leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motorbike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our philoso phy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most competitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726) CAR SERVICES MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & diagnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (295506) ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (296043) WANTED ALL CARS / Commercials want ed, runners or non-runners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (295569) WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all models… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (294958) CAMPER VANS , CARAVANS, MOBILE HOMES, BOATS AND ALL PLANT, DIGGERS, DUMPERS, MO TORBIKES, CARS AND COMMER CIALS WANTED. BEST PRICE PAID, CASH TODAY, ANY REGIS TRATION WITH OR WITHOUT PAPERS. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 (290739) CAR , VANS BOUGHT WITH/WITHOUT PAPERS. CASH WAITING 678 808 837 (290739) CARS , VANS UK OR SPANISH BOUGHT FOR CASH. FREE COL LECTION IN SPAIN/UK. PLEASE CALL 678 808 837 OR 952 669 701 (290739) CARS , VANS, ANY REGISTRA TION, INSTANT CASH, FI NANCE/EMBARGO UK OR SPAN ISH 685 524 921 (290739) WANTED CARS AND VANS, FREE COLLECTION, SAME DAY 685 524 921 (290739) IMPORT / TRANSFER CARS transferred, history checks, Imports and Embargo problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678 808 837 Or email carsin (290739) ENHANCE YOUR SPECIAL DAY WITH THE BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS OF LIVE SPANISH GUITAR PLAYED BY DAVID CHRISTIANCLARK. ECLECTIC REPERTOIRE. RECOMMENDED BY TOP WED DING-PLANNERS AND AGENTS. SEE HIM ON GOOGLE & FACE BOOK. PARTY BAND AVAILABLE ALSO. CALL 00 350 540 367 29 (1296051) INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LI CENCE: Courses held in English and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301294) PAINTERS / Decorators - Mar bella, Estepona, Coin Area. Please call Albert 663 681 012 (1296158) SOLUCIONES RAPIDAS – We will Paint your apartment in maxi mum 2 days. 640 350 479 (301298) UK & IRISH Passport renewals including photo’s. Complete Ser vice. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. (295683) COCKROACHES, ANTS, insects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restaurants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially registered certificates. Guarantee. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control com pany on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940 (293982) KENNELS CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. (301157) ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a registered chari ty. We have on average 275 dogs in our care and we receive no help from the Town Hall or the Andalu cian government. We desperately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help offered, in cluding donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can al ways turn up or make an appoint ment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320) ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Ken nels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Parque de los Pedregales, Estepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more information call 952 113 467, available from 10.00am until 2.00pm. (93319) ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when leaving some thing for abandoned animals. Con tact animexfoundation@gmail. com or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287)

SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreci ate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are happy to come and col lect. So, if you are having a clearout, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about re-homing, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)

ARCH - The Andalucian Rescue Centre for Horses, registered char ity 8448, the Centre is now open again to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish authori ties, we rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and donkeys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volun teers, the Centre is located be tween Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind Venta Miralmonte. For more information and directions see our website www.horseres, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Ca ballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322) SEPE the horse and donkey chari ty is open to the public at week ends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volun teers are much needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are na tionally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lau ro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alque ria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950




SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for Large Glazed Areas To Reflect Heat / Glare And Stop Furniture Fading And Still Keep The View. Save Heat in The Winter To Im prove Your Living (292919)958ian@solarshadetinting.comEnvironment.TelIan496571/644546176 CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free estimates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 (293734)rosannacarmella8@gmail.comor POOL MAINTENANCE, & Re pairs, including heaters & re grouts. Friendly & reliable ser vice. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678 791 495 / 952 756 168 www.sparklenrip (291440) WESTARPOOLS. Pool construc tion, renovation, repairs and heat ing. 619 246 372 / www.westar (301120) SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Systems. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality Guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envi www.enviro (301178) OFFICIAL TRANSLATIONS All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 tions@gmail.comsanpedrotransla(295071) ADVANCED Cleaning Services. Professional carpet and uphol stery cleaning, 28 years experi ence, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 (290739) CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast service. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all ar eas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437) UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290739) Electric & Gas Water Heaters. Quality Installations. 26 years installation history in Spain. EnviroCare. All Areas Cov ered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@envirocarespain. com www.envirocarespain. com (301178) DREAM Windows & Building Services UPVC windows & doors. High quality at great prices 15yrs on the coast. All work guaranteed. Also offer Aluminium windows, Mosquito screens, Persianas, Glass replacements, shower screens & much more. Call us on 619 604 562 WINDOW TINTING MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Legal. Solar Reflective tint for glass cur tains, balconies, yachts. Stop fad ing, heat & glare. 958 496 571 –644 546 176 ian@solarshadetint (292919) TRADITIONAL Window Clean er. Give your windows and doors that professional finish at affordable prices. Call Chris 711 007 665/ 952 638 548 Please(295821)note that in Spain there is NO legislation ban ning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules go verning freedom of publica tion and READERSprinting.OFA SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISE MENTS IN THIS SECTION MARBELLAOFFENSIVE.CENTRE - the ideal place for your enjoyment in the city centre, eight young ladies for unforgettable moments. Open 24h and prices from €50. For reserva tions and information call 620 366 817. (295192) MATURE elegant lady. Volup tuous bust. All services. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (286295)tp2 YOU will live a moment of passion and unparalleled sweetness. Don’t hesitate and come check it out. I can be your secretary, your nurse or your kinky lover. Natural French. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) SADOMASO. Fully equipped dun geon. Professional services and equipment. Pain is the source of pleasure! Whips, gags, handcuffs, bandages, ropes. Ask for your ap pointment. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) ENGLISH ELEGANT, attractive & classy lady in her late 40s, gives a very sensual girlfriend experience. First timers & golfers especially welcome. Discretion assured. Call 680 177 569 (301143) tp7 HIGH standard villa. Luxury ser vices. Cosy, discreet atmosphere and very good treatment. 8 beau tiful girls delivered to the max. Free drink. Porn movies, erotic toys, jacuzzi, natural French, kiss es, Greek, lesbian, couples. Out calls. 24h. VISA - 951 274 723 & 650 237 145 from € 50 (294721) RIVIERA , Katya, a beautiful Ukrainian girl with an exquisite body that will awaken all your de sires. I am an expert, liberal and passionate lover. You will adore my kisses on the mouth and my massages will leave you ready to enjoy and you will want to repeat as soon as possible. It will be un forgettable. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 102 (294721) MIKAELA, hot-blooded Brazilian, body of scandal. I am a beautiful blonde escort with green eyes and you will adore me at first sight. I have soft white skin, beautiful nat ural breasts and I will take care of making those fantasies that you keep only for yourself come true. You will adore me, I assure you. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) MORGAN, 26 years old, English lady, luxury escort that will drive you crazy with pleasure. You will be attracted to my beauty and my insatiable sexual appetite. Get car ried away by your instincts and try the most ardent English. Brunette with big natural breasts, blue eyes and white skin that wants to please you. My specialty is natural French, but I will also excite you with a lingerie show and you should know that I am fascinated by Greek and that I am ready to ride a wild duplex. Riviera del Sol, 24 hours, Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) RIVIERA, Eva, Venezuelan girl, 21 years old, sensual and very spicy. A girl with style that will make you enjoy like nobody else. I have many erotic toys with which we can enjoy to the fullest. I am a sweetheart, I love to give you love, kiss your whole body and pass my wet tongue wherever you like it. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721) NEARBY Elviria, Sara, sweet and passionate Colombian, gorgeous and slim, morbid and horny. I love to please my lovers and I assure you that I will not disappoint you. I love games and erotic massages. Look at my profile at www.butter and you will fall in love. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

RIVIERA DEL SOL, Latin blonde, goddess of sex, nymphomaniac, hot and multi-orgasmic. I am a re al volcano, as well as a very beau tiful, kind and dedicated woman. Complete services. Incalls and outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145


RIVIERA . Pretty Colombian Brunette long hair, elegant and discreet but also very vicious. I en joy living of sex with no limits. Call me. I am desperate to give you pleasure and lust for an unforget table moment. Available 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

COMPLIANT GENUINE COU PLE (willing wife and knowing husband) offer an incredibly sexu al and unique experience to ladies, couples, and gentlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be a voyeur, or sim ply enjoy very special pleasures with us. Private apartment in Nue va Andalucia or out calls 685 189 518

ESTEPONA. Laura Exotic, Hot Horny, Friendly, Erotic Massage, Complete Service and more. 600 213 967 (FU 2712) NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and submissive girl of fers you a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, including sensual massages (quali fied independent masseuse) with natural French and happy ending. Private apartment. 656 350 401 BRITISH slim busty brunette, 39 years, green eyes, loves kissing. In calls. Golfers & first timers wel come. Near Estepona. Accepts bit coin. Jade 665 896 519. (301407)

FUENGIROLA Lisa 48, mature blonde latin, loving, private home. 613 230

tranny sub,

Greek, no fees

FUENGIROLA Slim affectionate Brasilian partygirl 28 www.secret garden.sext Adriana for fotos. OWO incalls/outcalls 90€/hour 656486837 (301280) NEW COUPLE! Outcalls every where in Costa del Sol! Gentle men, ladies, couples are welcome! 604 256 336 (FU 2689)

Japaneses girls. Complete ser vices. Pleasure always guar anteed. Discretion Assured. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (Whatsapp) (301109) FUENGIROLA Michelle Venezue lan blonde big breasts, slim, out calls 24 hours. 603 281 921 call for appointment. Private apart ment. (301267) VANESSA 37 years, blonde, all services for Gentlemen. Pri vate apartment, discreet. Be nalmadena 624 811 098 (301293) ESTEPONA area, naughty, sexy, Asian, body massage

WWW.LAILALYNCH1.COM Relax with me by, or in, my heat ed private pool. Inland retreat and fantasy hide-away with a full ser vice. 662 913 428 (FU 2677) FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy , 967 (FU 2706) 681 (301404) No 812 (MI 525) 126 231 (MI 526) Vibrators. Domination. Visits. Whatsapp 689 387 448 (MI 523) GORGEOUS ASIAN offers relax ing full body massage. Outcalls only. WhatsApp 711 080 701 for details (301389) FUENGIROLA. Carolina, blonde, elegant, relaxing massage, full erotic massage. Whatsapp. Mes sage: 634 797 230 (FU 2680) MASSAGE and fun!! Genuine trained exotic male tantric masseur. 602 098 606 (FU 2709)

spectacular body, big breast –

CALAHONDA. Kelly, Slim Brazil ian, girl breast, long black hair and great ass. Vicious, loving and ac commodating lover. I am the only one who will know how to fulfil your fantasies, dare to ask me what you always dreamed of and did not dare. From €50. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

ORIENTAL mature, beautiful friendly, naughty, exotic, erotic massage.

rush. Villa Elviria 604 428

ASIAN young, slims, affection ate unique sensual hot horny, complete multiorgasmic mas sage. Elviria. 604 143 788 (MI 527) ASIAN busty long hair mature, sweet sexy accommodating lover adult game independent. Marbella. 602 415 351 (MI 528) BENALMADENA Young lady 35, attractive, sexy, educated. For gentlemen. €30. 634 209 427 (301383) FUENGIROLA – Male to male full body massage. Very dis creet, private villa. 634 004 512 (295515) FREE LOVE Slim smooth man gives oral, kisses, takes anal no fees either way 637 004 584 (301408) PROFESSIONAL MALE mus cled masseur. Full-body relax ing, deep tissue and therapeu tic massage. In/outcalls. WhatsApp me 607 595 906 (301288) ASIAN LADY 25 years old. Mas sage sensual, relaxing & therapeu tic, with happy ending to release all your problems. Fuengirola. Call 634 103 607 (301171) PURE ECSTACY in Nueva An dalucia with young pretty indepen dent masseuse. Erotic body, tantric and other completely relax ing massages in private apartment 656 350 401 VICKY full body massage great satisfaction and good results, only happy ending. I wait for you to call me and make an appointment. Torre molinos 621 395 221 (301260) MIJAS COSTA Naturist CentreTantric, Sensual and Erotic Mas sage -TEL 608 016 983 (294156) THAI Benalmadena Costa. Bodybody erotic massages.

erot ic and body to body prostatic. 664806403 (296480) ASIAN wellness massage Nice area west Marbella. Satisfaction guaranteed. 633 554 233 or 623 594 698 (301277) ASIAN authentic therapist re lieves pain stress, satisfaction guaranteed. Villa luxury atmos phere. Elviria. 633 705 558 (MI 504) GISELE - welcomes you to enjoy a very sensual full body to body Massage. Private place, discretion assured. Nueva Andalucia 613 436 345 (301309) MARBELLA Experienced Masseuse. Therapeutic, Sensitive & Relaxing massage for your body. Visit Hotels/Homes Portable mas sage bed. Monik 686 740 661 (301382) BENALMADENA Costa by the windmill roundabout, Sabrina from N Y City. Offers a full body mas sage with ending. 24/7. 658 189 191 (FU2710) MARY. Erotic massage only for gentlemen. Happy ending. 40 Eu ros. Private. Visits. Fuengirola. 697 441 387 (FU2711) MALE/Female Viagra, cialis, ka magra jelly all areas. Mixed trial packs available. Delivery or mail order available 604 385 476. XXX MALE XXX MASSAGE XXX VARIOUS XXX FEMALE XXX FEMALE EWN25 - 31 August 2022CLASSIFIEDS 53 If you can read it, so can your clients. Con tact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161 RELAXATIONXXX

PHILIPINA, Thai, sexy slim indulge your fantasy erotic massage, pleasure lust unfor getable. Private discreet Elviria 679

FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japanese girls. Complete ser vices. Pleasure always guar anteed. Discretion Assured. Outcalls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (WhatsApp) (293973) SAN PEDRO DE ALCANTARA –CAMILLA 33yrs – Pretty Slim Latin Brunette – Private apartment –603 804 443 (296488)

EXOTIC massage therapist I am elegant very sensual relaxing

FUENGIROLA JOHANNA - San ta Ana Street. Brazilian 45yrs, Tall Brunette, Big Breast, Perfect Body - Tel 617 818 615 (296300) FUENGIROLA CAROLINA –gorgeous lady, 35 yrs, Tel 634 703 111 SHEMALE natural French, kisses, 637 004 584. (301408)

complete service and more. 600 213

Glance Model: Mercedes Benz C-Class C300 d AMG Line Saloon Premium Plus Price: €61,843/£52,125 Engine: 1.9 turbocharged diesel developing 265hp Gears: 9-Speed Automatic Performance: 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 5.7 seconds/Maximum Speed 249 km/h (155 mph) Economy: 4.2l/100km (55.4 mpg) Combined driving Emissions: 139 g/km Model

Mercedes Benz C-Class AMG Line - an altogether more subtle approach C-CLASS: A somewhat more individual choice with less aggressive styling.

ROAD TEST byMarkSlack a tested was in other


Facts at

MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code

UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary

MERCEDES BENZ has long been at the fore front of premium motoring and its lat est range is no excep tion. My concentra tion here is the C­Class in saloon form. The range includes sa loon, estate, coupe and cabriolet models with mild hybrid petrol and diesel along with plug­in hybrid options. Prices start from €47,290/£39,860 for the Sport model which comes with standard features such as LED lights with adaptive high beam assist, keyless start, navigation with smartphone integra tion, cruise control, auto matic wipers, climate con trol and heated front seats.My test model was at the higher end of the range, the AMG Line Pre mium Plus with diesel power under the bonnet. While it may carry the AMG name the AMG Line versions have all the styling cues, but the me chanical side of things re mains unmolested in terms of power. The 1.9litre diesel in the test car produces 265 hp and being diesel maximum torque is low down from just 18002200rpm. Inside the CClass you would be hard pressed to tell it’s a diesel providing the not inconsid erable accelerative capaci ty. Also the mid 50s fuel economy is impressive for a car of this class. Inside it makes a pleas ant change to find a car, especially a German mod el, that isn’t graced with a surfeit of sombre tones, most often black or grey. Lightening up my test car’s interior, and adding a dash of additional class, were tobacco coloured centre seat panels and matching door cards. With the rest of the interior in darker colours matched to the ex ternal grey paintwork it made for a nice contrast. On the road the C­Class is a refined and smooth drive with plenty of power in reserve should you re quire it. A sleek style, de spite being a saloon, makes for a striking look and doesn’t really compro mise headroom access to the rear as is the case with many rakish saloons. The suspension draws a nice line between being com pliant enough to soak up the bumps but with enough control to deal with twisty tarmac. Add driving modes of Comfort, ECO, Sport, Sport+ and In dividual and you can see why it makes for an exem plary sports saloon. Mercedes has had a rep utation of being slightly more sedate than some ri val German competitors but has more than levelled the field with the C­Class AMG Line models. It’s also a somewhat more individ ual choice with less aggres sive styling, an altogether more subtle approach.

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 MOTORING54

An exciting weekend ahead (see above). Boca and Vinuela teams on the left with Benahavis players on the right.

Tornadoes are now actively seeking new players for their inaugural league season. Training for the Axarquia club starts at San Roque Stadium, Tor rox Pueblo 8.45­10.00 ev ery Sunday. Manager Steve Lynton said, “Every one will be made wel come.”Forall the local and in ternational walking foot ball news, visit walking on Facebook.

“Two excellent games”

MALAGA WFC are taking a party of 18 to Casablanca this weekend, August 2628, to play the Moroccan National squad in a first for walking roccomatchMalagaco,teamEuropeanvisitMoroccoheadMohammedfootball.Moustaine,ofwalkingfootballinsaid,“Malaga’sisthefirsttimethatawalkingfootballhasplayedinMorocortheArabworld.willattendanafterdinnerwhichMohaveorganisedin theirAstonhonour.Viñuela have continued their excellent pre season preparation with two games against Axarquia rivals, and league new boys, Boca se niors, Competa. The first game ended 5­1 to Viñuela and in the second came 1­0 to Boca. Player manager of Viñuela Steve George com mented “two excellent games.” Malaga were humbled after losing 6­2 and 4­2 respectively in this pre­season double header. Malaga club president, Gray Salt said “Benahavis thoroughly deserved the wins, and on this showing should be in the running when the league starts.” Chairman of Benahavis Tony Aiello commented ominously, “We weren’t at ourTorroxbest.”

EWN 25 - 31 August 2022 SPORT56

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