Mallorca 1 - 7 September 2022 Issue 1939

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Credit: Balearic Islands Government

Tamsin Brown THE Balearic Islands Govern ment paid tribute to the vic tims of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime in an event held at the Consulate of the Sea in Palma to commem orate the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disap pearances, held on August 30 each year since 2011. The event was attended by Francina Armengol, president of the Balearic Islands; Juan Pedro Yllanes, vice­president and minister of Energy Transi tion, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory; Joan Manuel López, president of Amnesty International Balearic Islands; and many other representatives from the government and nonprofit organisations. A minute’s silence was held in memory of the victims and a banner was hung on the façade of the building. The president said: “This is an act of justice to honour the vic tims and their families, but al so an act of gratitude to all the people and entities that make it possible for the Balearic Is lands to move forward with the truth, justice and repara tion.”The vice­president added: “Forced disappearances are one of the worst violations of human rights. In Spain and in the Balearic Islands, unfortu nately, we are well aware of this.

Franco’s dictatorship sys tematically made thousands of men and women disap pear as a means of repres sion. The Balearic Islands Gov ernment, in collaboration with the remembrance or ganisations, will continue to defend the democratic values and human rights of the vic tims and their families. We have recovered 200 bodies and identified 40 victims and our commitment is firm and will continue in the next legis lature,” said Yllanes. Commemorating Victims of Enforced Disappearances.


The number of missing trolleys reported suggested that someone was stealing themThesystematically.airportpolicediscreet ly monitored the points where the trolleys were stored. With the cooperation of the airport workers, they discovered that a man was taking them from around the terminal and loading them into his Finally,vehicle.thepolice arrested the suspect. The court has been asked to impose an or der banning him from enter ing the airport in the future.

POLICE officers from Palma Airport arrested a 46‐year‐old Spanish man on Friday August 26 for allegedly steal ing more than 200 luggage trolleys over several months. The investigators discov ered that he was selling the vehicles as scrap metal to dif ferent recycling companies around Mallorca and is thought to have made a profit of around €1,000, al though the damage caused is muchSourceshigher.from the National Police reported that the in vestigation began following a complaint filed on July 15 by AENA’s Airport Services Man agement Department.

Stolen luggage trolleys


From Andreu Fullana’s film Historias encontradas.

Credit: Wusel007, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

EWN 1 - 7 September 20222 NEWS

TWO police officers from Germany and one from the Netherlands left Mal lorca on August 26 after time spent supporting the National Police in Pal ma. José Luis Santafé, the new senior police chief of the Balearic Is lands, was at the farewell ceremony.“Ilovedit,” said one of the German officers, who also worked in Pal ma last year. “Last year there was Covid and the clubs were closed and the bars closed at 12.30am, and there were not as many peo ple.“The beach was packed and the clubs were just as crowded,” he added, referring to the numerous tourists in Playa de Palma. “At night you can’t walk 10 metres without a German com ing up to you and asking what the process is for reporting a stolen ID card.” The policeman from the Netherlands al so highlighted how many Dutch tourists were hap py to meet him and speak to him in their own language.

MallorcadeConsellCredit: New trend HANNS LENZ, the presi dent of the ABINI real es tate agents association, has pointed out a trend that started at the begin ning of the Ukranian war. Many wealthy Easter Eu ropeans are now buying up properties in Mallorca and the property.enteringsuchbuyerslookingApartBalaerics.fromUkrainiansfora‘safehouse’,fromcountriesasPolandarealsothesearchfor

MALLORCA has been pre sent at film festivals in Holly wood, Italy and the Spanish cities of Tarazona, Valencia and Gijon with the screening of three short films. Sandra Lipski’s Mi isla, Andreu Ful lana’s Historias encontradas and Jaume Carrió’s Un parell de cançons després were three of the winning pro jects in the film competition organised by the Mallorca Tourism Foundation and the Mallorca Film Commission to promote the island. Mi isla premiered on Au gust 14 at the famous Chi nese Theatre in Hollywood at the HollyShorts Film Festi val. It was then taken to the Italian NÒT Film Fest, held from August 23 to 28 in Santarcangelo di Romana. On August 19, Historias encontradas was screened at the Tarazona Film Festi val, a pre‐selection competi tion for the Goya Awards. Finally, Un parell de cançons desprès premiered in Valencia at the RiuRau Film Festival on August 26 and a few days later at the ‘Muestra de Cine Documen tal Musical’ in Gijon.

Police leave

DURING the first half of 2022, a total of 33 companies and 44 entrepreneurs (27 men and 17 women) have set up in the Pal maActiva business centre, which is located in the city centre and has 17 spaces for businesses, seven offices and a coworking space. On August 23, Jordi Vilà, the Palma councillor for Economic Promotion and Employment, said that although most of the centre is occupied, there are still places available in the PalmaActiva coworking space. He encouraged entrepreneurs to apply, as the space offers “very competi tive prices and numerous advantages such as location, networking possibilities and so on.” The 33 companies at the centre be long to a range of different sectors, includ ing communication, design, technology, architecture, audiovisual services and engi neering. PalmaActiva is the Local Develop ment Agency of the Palma Town Hall and aims to promote an economy that gener ates stable, quality employment and to promote job and business training.

The Euro Weekly News

Frankfurt visit MALLORCA carried out a promotional tourism cam paign at the Museum Em bankment Festival (Muse umsuferfest) in Frankfurt from August 26 to 28. The event attracts more than two million visitors and is one of the most important cultural events in Germany. Mallorca was present to showcase its cuisine, culture and tourist at tractions.

Dental treatment ALL children in the Balearic Islands between the ages of zero and six will now receive dental treatments such as fillings and tooth cleanings for free. Until now, the pub lic health system of the is lands only attended to chil dren of this age if they suffered from acute dental emergencies

publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain.

PalmaActiva business centre

Children head home


New species found THE 23 Ukrainian children who arrived in Mallorca on July 27, to spend part of the summer away from the war with local host families, went back to their country of origin on Sun day August 28, following holi days packed with leisure activi ties, time on the beach and special moments. The initiative was organised by the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS), headed by Mari Ángeles Fernández Valiente, and was made possi ble thanks to the collabora tion of the 15 host families from the island and the Mal lorcan Solidarity and Coopera tion

A GROUP of scientific experts and volunteers has found 19 new species of nocturnal butterflies in the Sa Drag onera Natural Park, following an investigation per formed at the beginning of August. This brings the num ber of species of butterflies known to inhabit Sa Dragonera to 178. Nocturnal butterflies are much more abundant than diurnal butterflies. Approximately 1,000 different species of them are currently known to exist in the Balearic Islands, compared to only around 30 diur nal species. They are an important group, with key func tions in ecosystems: they are pollinating insects and an essential food resource for groups such as bats and birds. Inmaculada Férriz, the island’s director of the Envi ronment, highlighted the importance of continuing to monitor, saying: “These studies show nocturnal butter flies are still a fairly unknown group, both in Sa Drag onera and in the rest of the Balearic Islands, as is the case with other insects and invertebrates in general.”

Tamsin Brown ON August 30, the first vice‐president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor for Culture, Heritage and Linguistic Policy, Bel Busquets, and the island’s director of Her itage, Kika Coll, visited the archaeological sites of Es Baulenes (Porreres) and Es RaconsRecovery(Llubi).and conservation work is be ing done at both sites thanks to financial aid from the Consell de Mallorca.

The Directorate‐General for Consumer Af fairs recommends going through school ma terials from the previous year and reusing as many as possible; donating what cannot be reused; planning a budget, comparing prices and only buying what is needed. When shopping, consumers are advised to keep the receipt, ask about exchange and refund policy and keep the advertising mate rials to see what is actually provided.

FOUR of Palma’s beaches (Can Pere Antoni, Ciutat Jar di, Cala Major and Cala No va) were closed on Saturday, August 27, due to heavy rains and contamination from sewage water. The beaches were declared safe for bathing the next day, Sunday, and they were re opened with green flags fly ing. Mortar shell THE search for the body of a 75‐year‐old man who died after getting off a catamaran gave firefighters a big sur prise on August 25 when they arrived at Cap Enderro cat: an unexploded mortar shell. The Guardia Civil bomb squad placed it in a hole in the ground and deto nated it.

Less fish

“We have seen that the chil dren were happy and, to a cer tain extent, we have managed to disconnect them from the situation they are experiencing in their own country.”

The aim is to open the Es Baulenes site to the public in September, as access to it is currently restricted. At the Es Racons site, restoration work is being done on the two main talaiots (Bronze‐Age mono liths from the Talaiotic Culture) of the monumental complex. The island’s Direc torate of Heritage is currently preparing an experimental project involving the cre ation of a route around Mallorca’s ar chaeological sites. The island institution will be responsible for designing, main taining and signposting the route. The aim is to make these areas of great histor ical value more accessible to people.

TheFund.councillor for Social Rights and president of IMAS, Sofia Alonso, said: “We would like to thank all the families who have taken these children in for their solidarity.

THE deputy mayor for Culture and Social Wel fare of the Palma Town Hall, Antoni Noguera, the artistic advisor of the Pop‐Rock Contest, Juan Antonio Forés Pin txo, and the members of the jury have re vealed the names of the acts who have made it through to the semi‐fi nals. They presented their decision on August 30 after five weeks of listening to all the dif ferent entries. A total of 16 groups will perform in the two semi‐finals, to be held from 6.30pm to 11.10pm at Ses Voltes on September 9 and 10. Admission is free al though capacity is limit ed. The 16 semi‐finalists are Animals Marins, Bad Shades, Bilo, Black Sea Deluge, Cadmus, El Cairo, Foraster, Iuri puskas, Jane Yo, Maja va, Marc Mas Car bonell, Modelo Slaves, Plan‐Et, Smooch, Yoko Factor and Xaay. The grand final will take place on Saturday September 24, with participation from a maximum of six acts which have been select ed by the jury.

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 3NEWS

A TOTAL of 943 tonnes of fish were unloaded in the ports of the Balearic Islands between January and July of this year, 26.7 per cent less than in the first seven months of last year. In July alone, 169 tonnes were unloaded, 24.2 per cent less than in July of 2021.

ES BAULENES: Hoping to be open to the public in September.

Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

Shop responsibly


THE Directorate‐General for Consumer Af fairs of the Balearic Islands Government rec ommends reusing and/or carefully planning the purchases of school materials such as textbooks, clothes, shoes and other items as sociated with the start of the new school year, as these can be very costly for families. It encourages people to follow the five Rs: reflect, recycle, reduce, reuse and repair. Peo ple are advised to consume rationally and re sponsibly, opting for environmentally friend ly products wherever possible.

Recovery conservation work

Credit: Consell de Mallorca


FOLLOWING a violent brawl that left a taxi driver in Magaluf with horrific injuries, two Brits abroad were arrest ed.The shocking incident happened in the early hours of Tuesday, Au gust 23, when the taxi driver was brutally beat en by the British tourists on Avenida Magaluf. Footage circulating so cial media shows the moment a 57‐year‐old was pushed to the ground and beaten by the two young men. Reports from Mallorca confirm that a 21‐year‐old and a 22‐year‐old were arrested following the incident, which was caught on camera by witnesses, who were heard shouting for peo ple to call the police. The driver is said to have got out of the vehi cle and after some words were exchanged between the group, the brawl broke out. According to the Calvia Town Hall, the man spent several hours at the Son Espases Hospital before being discharged. Since the incident, the taxi driver has been named as Gabriel Callero.

Tamsin Brown PALMA’S municipal transport company, EMT Palma, will in vest a total of €2,072,111 this autumn in 227 multicolour in formation screens equipped with anti‐vandalism technolo gy, which will be installed mostly at bus stops, as well as a new type of content man agement software that will al low a single system to pro gramme warnings and information for all screens, whether on buses, at bus stops or at the EMT Palma of fices.This is part of EMT Palma’s digital transformation pro cess, which involves a series of different investments that seek to make the company more comfortable, more effi cient and more accessible for users. Specifically, these two acquisitions aim to offer pas sengers clearer and more up‐to‐date information on stops, timetables and routes and to provide last‐minute alerts. These investments have re ceived funding from the EU Next Generation funds through the Ministry of Trans port, Mobility and Urban Agenda as part of the Spanish government’s silienceTransformationRecovery,andRePlan.

EWN 1 - 7 September 20224 NEWS


New technology for EMT Cruise industry criticised


THE Emergency Medical Care Service of the Balearic Islands, SAMU 061, now has a new fleet of air ambulances with which to transfer patients between the Balearic Islands and mainland Spain. The new models have cutting‐edge technology and ad vanced air safety systems, and the crew consists of a comman der, a second pilot, a doctor and a nurse. The four new aircraft (two planes and two helicopters) will provide service between the islands and the mainland 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The flight time will be up to two and a half hours. The president of the Balearic Islands Government, Franci na Armengol, visited the facilities of Son Sant Joan Airport on Au gust 26 to see one of the ambulance planes.

One of EMT’s current screens.

“PALMA is the European city with the second highest amount of pollution caused by cruise ships,” said the Plat form against Mega‐Cruises on Friday August 26. The Mallor can capital is surpassed only by Barcelona. The data comes from a study performed by the German Nature and Bio diversity Conservation Union (NABU), which ranked cruise companies for their sustain ability and environmental ob jectives. Only one of the com panies evaluated, the Norwegian company Hur tigruten, obtained a score of 50 per cent, while the rest ‘failed’.Thisyear, the port of Palma has received 52 per cent few er cruise passengers than in 2019, but only 13 per cent fewer ships, which means ‘far fewer passengers but propor tionally more pollution and impact on public health’. According to the Platform Against Mega‐Cruises, NABU’s analysis shows ‘once again’ that the cruise industry is ‘incompatible’with climate objectives and they have urged the Balearic Islands Government to start taking ‘appropriate measures’.

Air ambulances

Hello Kitty cyberattack

The installation of energyefficient lighting in Energy-efficientPalma.

Citizens can report any illegal tourist offerings they come across in Mallorca to in

THE University of the Balearic Is lands (UIB) suffered a cyberattack on its official Twitter account on Au gust 27. The university itself con firmed the incident at around 4.30pm through a message posted on social networks. The UIB stated that they were trying to resolve the cyberattack, but did not offer any further information or details on who had been responsible for it.

Congress of Young Lawyers

BETWEEN 2012, when the energy consumption of Pal ma’s lighting was reviewed and adjusted, and 2021, the annual energy consumption of the city’s public lighting was reduced by 37 per cent. This reduction in energy consumption was accompa nied by a reduction in CO2 emissions, which have con tinued to gradually de crease year by year, with a reduction of almost 38 per cent between 2015 and 2022.These positive results have been achieved thanks to all the different initia tives that have been imple mented by the Lighting Ser vice of the Department of Infrastructure and Accessi bility of the Palma Town Hall since 2015, which have involved an investment of some €31 million in just the last three years. One of the projects that have been carried out over the last few years involved replacing the old street lights to be replaced with new energy‐efficient LED technology in a number of different areas around the city, including the historic centre.

THE Consell de Mallorca, through the Department of Transition, Tourism and Sports, carried out 1,462 inspections at tourist establishments all over the island be tween January 1 and July 31. The Consell has been the competent body for tourism management since the start of the year, when it received its powers from the Balearic Islands Government. Of these inspections, 1,006 were done at tourist ac commodation establishments, 255 at tourism intermediaries and 168 at restau rants and entertainment establishments, among others. These inspections led to 376 infringement proceedings being opened. The most inspections were carried out in Palma (561), followed by Calvia (123), Llucmajor (113), Alcudia (63), Pollença (62), Santanyi (54), Santa Margalida (44) and Soller (44). The Consell de Mallorca wants to “crack down on illegal activity at tourist accommodation and fight against ‘excess tourism’ [drunken and antisocial behaviour from tourists].”

THE Association of Young Lawyers of the Balearic Islands (AJAIB) will be holding its first Congress of Young Balearic Lawyers on Septem ber 30 and October 1 in Palma de Mallorca. The congress will have a special touch as the AJAIB is cele brating its 50th anniversary this year.The main theme of the Congress is ‘Essential Skills for Lawyers’. In a changing, dynamic and competitive society, it is essential to use trans ferable skills in the practice of law. Just some of these skills include oral and written communication, active listening, leadership, teamwork, de cision‐making, working under pres sure, planning, negotiation and emotional intelligence. All young lawyers are welcome to attend and enjoy a full pro gramme featuring multiple presen tations by lawyers, judges, magis trates, professors, jurists and other professionals. The Congress is also an excellent opportunity to net work and make new contacts from the peninsula and the Balearic Is lands. For more information, email or visit joven.comwww.congresoabogacia


Tourism inspections

The UIB’s Twitter account was filled with images of the children’s character Hello Kitty, as well as a lo go with the word ‘Recur’. The cyber attack did not affect the academic institution’s website or any of its other networks, such as Instagram. The university asked people to on ly pay attention to its official chan nels of communication and apolo gised for the inconvenience. After about an hour, at 5.25pm, the uni versity posted another message stating that the security of the ac count had been restored, and no further details were given about the incident.

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 5NEWS

A FAMILY from Ribadumia, Gali cia, have been reunited with their dog Lua, after she went missing for five years. The fami ly’s beloved pet, a Yorkshire ter rier, was found in Boiro, Galicia. When Maria Jose, Lua’s own er, picked up the phone, she could not believe what she was hearing. When they told her that they had located her dog, the first thing she thought, in disbe lief, was that they were referring to the dog the family had ac quired three years after Lua dis appeared.“Ithought she was telling me that the other dog I have had turned up. So I said to her: “Where is she? Where is she, I’m going to pick her up? And she said to me: “No, no, she’s in Boiro”.”Maria Jose insisted: “But when I went to work in the morning she was at home?”, but the girl who had located him made her see that, in fact, they were refer ring to the missing dog. for lost dog

SPANISH energy company Iberdrola said it is “committed to the development of solar power” and revealed it is to add “1,400 new solar megawatts (MW) in Spain in the coming months [...] leading the fight against climate change.” Spain’s Iberdrola, which is based in Bilbao, is currently exe cuting 12 solar projects, with a combined installed capacity of 550 MW, half of them located in Extremadura, where Iberdrola is building the Almaraz I and II plants (80 MW), which will be connected to the grid this year, and the Tagus complex in Alcántara, comprising four plants with a total ca pacity of 200 MW.

AESAN, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition warned on Wednesday, August 24, of the possible presence of sulphites not included in the product labelling, of Original Mustard from the PRI MAThisbrand.information was supplied to the agency via the Coordinated System for the Rapid Exchange of Information (SCIRI). Its origin was an alert notification sent by the Health Authorities of the Commu nity of Madrid. The product in question is made by PRIMA and comes in 330gr plas tic containers. They carry the ‘best before’ stamp of Sept 23, 2022, and the alert applies to LOT No: 2252. Each item bears the barcode 8410118041574.Itisrecommended that people allergic to sulphites, who may have the product described above in their homes, refrain from con sumingAESANit. made it very clear that there is no danger whatsoever to anybody who does not suffer from sulphite allergies.

Good news

PRODUCT LABELLING: Misleading information on mustard containers.

Solar energy promise

Warning of sulphitesHuge hailstones

FOLLOWING torrential rain and thunderstorms, parts of the Valencian Community, on Saturday, August 27, ex perienced more extreme weather conditions. It is still August, yet the municipali ties Moixent and Fontanars del Alforins were hit with a hailstorm. The ground was temporarily covered in white, with some stones as large as golf balls. A video uploaded onto the AVAMET Twitter ac count by Sara Mico shows the size of the hailstones which fell in the municipali ty of Fontanars dels Alforins in Vall d’Albaida. A yellow warning had been issued by AEMET, the State Meteorological Agen cy on Saturday, warning of storms in the provinces of Valencia and Castellon. As reported by 112CV, and the respective provin cial fire department, a light ning strike during the storms ignited a vegetation fire in the municipality of Llombai.Specifically, the fire broke out in the El Tello area. Five fire crews were dispatched from the Valencia Provincial Firefighters Consortium.


EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 NEWS6

Age in Spain. Email: - Tel: +34 932 209 741

Peace-building mission

Rental boom for landlords COLOMBIA: Pedro Sanchez met with the president.

). Here, Age in Spain volunteer Kelli Field describes the adventure in taking a Spanish driving test. You close your eyes. Imagine living in the Cos ta del Sol in Spain. You’re driving a red con vertible along the blue waters of the Med. Hold on! Living and driving in Spain means you need a Spanish driving licence. And a driving licence means you need Span ish. Cue indigestion. You say to yourself and all your friends, “Pfft. I’ve been driving for years! I could do it with my eyes closed.” But, alas, not recom mended in Spain ‐ or anywhere else. And you’ll learn this after taking online practice tests for taking your Spanish Driving Theory Test. Will there be dou ble negatives, contra dicting answers, a mind‐numbing number of utterances of ‘Wait, What?’, and swearing ‐ a lot of swearing! But before you sched ule your theory test, you’ll need to pass a psy chological test, where they ask you, ‘Are you sad?’ When you say ‘No,’ they say ‘Ok,’ you passed. The video game portion of the physical fitness evaluation for hand‐eye coordination seems useless. But, after you’ve driven here, through small villages with dogs, triple‐double parking on a one‐lane road, a Pelaton on the roadside, you realise this is actually a training ses sion to keep you alive. The in‐car skills train ing begins after you pass your theory test at any autoescuela of your choice. If you speak only Ingles, it would be pru dent to find one that can train you in your native tongue. You’ll learn words like las glorietas which are less than glori ous. And simple izquier da (left) and derecho (right). Soon after, your instructor will schedule your test, the scoring of which will be opaque and obtuse. But, with your years behind the wheel? No’reCongratulations,problema.legaltodriveinNextadventure:stoppedbythe

THE president of the govern ment of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, and the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, held a meeting, as part of the Latin American tour which Sanchez began in Colombia, during which he also visited Ecuador and Honduras, as re ported on Thursday, August 25. Spain’s commitment to peace‐building in Colombia is a continuation of an intense and positive work agenda with Latin America, which the Spanish president inaugurat ed as soon as he became head of government in 2018. President Sanchez stressed his “profound conviction” that Spain and Latin America share fundamental values of enormous potential to face the current global challenges together. These include a commitment to democracy and to an international order based on rules. In this regard, the president highlighted the defence “on both sides of the Atlantic, of the territorial in tegrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.” Pedro Sanchez also stressed the importance of “working hand in hand” with Latin America and the Caribbean to seek solutions to other potentially devastating global challenges, such as cli mate change and pandemics.

Taking a Spanish driving test

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 7NEWS

PuigMoncloa/BorjaPoolCredit: Bellacasalade

LANDLORDS in Spain are currently profiting from a large rental boom, especially in those cities in Spain where both tourism and large edu cational centres coexist throughout the year. This is the case in Madrid and Sevilla, where, in addition to renowned universities, there are also tourist centres that attract thousands of people during the summer. Two scenarios that allow landlords to generate sufficient income. The rental of tourist flats and flats for young university students is becoming more and more common in Spain, especially in cities which at tract foreigners. According to the LIVE4LIFE plat form, which specialises in the rental of homes and rooms for young workers and university stu dents, “landlords adapt to students’ medium‐term contracts and take advantage of the sum mer opportunity.” “Landlords secure that extra income throughout the year. Even more so in these times of inflation and possible economic recession where rents, despite the variation in price, will always remain positive in overcrowd ed cities where this phenomenon occurs,” ex plained Alberto Añaños, CEO of the company.

RECENTLY a free, com prehensive, English‐lan guage Guide to Driving in Spain became available, ( in‐spain‐a‐‐https://www.agein

SPAIN’S Ministry of Health’s Public Health Strategy 2022 (ESP 2022) constitutes the first com mon roadmap for the whole of Spanish territory and establishes the priority actions to be carried out in order to create a reference framework for the coordi nation of all the agents in volved, as reported on Monday, August Furthermore,29.the ESP 2022 will reportedly be the instrument that efficiently articulates and links the dif ferent public health initia tives developed at interna tional level with national policies (general, regional and local), taking into ac count the political and or ganisational configuration of ItSpain.isbased on five widely accepted axes of public health:Health determinants, with a strong focus on ad

THE Guardia Civil located three girls lost during the night after becoming disori entated in the Donana Natural Area, Huelva,OfficersAndalucia.werealerted to the plight of three disorientated girls located some where in the interior of the Donana Nat ural Area, between Matalascanas and Mazagon, the Guardia Civil confirmed on Sunday, August 28. The Guardia Civil managed to contact one of the girls by phone, so that she could describe the area and send the lo cation with her mobile phone. After sending the geolocation, the pa trol led the search to the designated point which was already in darkness with hardly any visibility. The officers were unable to see the girls and de duced that the coordinates of the loca tion had changed due to the weak signal in the Afterarea.inspecting the ground, the offi cers found fresh footprints and followed them. After approximately half an hour of walking, at midnight, the officers heard the girls’ responses to their calls. The girls were rescued during the night.

EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 NEWS8

THE call for a free tobacco environment as well as the first European tobac co‐free generation was made by Spanish NGO Nofumadores (No Smok ers), registered by the Eu ropean Commission un der the title: ‘Call to achieve a to bacco‐free environment and the first European tobacco‐free generation byAccording2030’. to the organi sation, “tobacco pandem ic is the first avoidable cause of death. Butts on beaches cause environ mental damage to the ocean and its wildlife, in forests cause fires and contaminate soil and wa ter.“To save the new gen erations from falling into tobacco addiction, in ad dition to acting forcefully against the environmen tal dangers caused by cigarette butts and fight ing against smoking, it is necessary to: “End the sale of tobacco and nicotine products to citizens born since 2010. Create a European Net of tobacco‐free and butts‐free beaches and river banks. Extend outdoor smoke and vapour free spaces, especially those frequented by minors.”

Tobacco-free generation

A PERPETRATOR of identity theft, of Spanish nationality and who has a police record, has al legedly committed the theft of his twin broth er’s ID in order to avoid paying traffic fines. He was arrested in Granada, the national press re ported on August 27. The man had previously lost six points on his brother’s driving licence, after driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. According to the Spanish National Police, in August 2021, the complainant thought he had lost his National Identity Document (DNI) after forgetting his wallet in his brother’s vehicle, so he renewed it without further ado, until last Ju ly when he found it at his father’s home. He dis covered that in the early hours of January 15, 2021, he had been reported for driving under the influence of alcohol, and it was this incident that had led to the withdrawal of six points on his licence.

Public health strategy

A 22-YEAR-OLD female is reported to be in hospital in the Spanish city of Valladolid after being gored by a bull on Saturday, August 27. The incident oc curred during the an nual bull run festival in the Castile and Leon municipality of Alde mayor de San Martin, held in honour of a lo cal patron saint. The streets of the town were packed full of excited residents and tourists alike, all celebrating the ‘run ning of the bulls’.

Specifically, the event took place at around 10.30pm on Calle Con stitucion. One of the angry bulls knocked the young woman over and subsequently gored her in the right thigh. It is believed that the injured party stepped out into the route the bulls were taking, caus ing one of them to de cide to attack her. Sev eral men who were in the crowd reportedly attempted to distract the bull from attacking the woman, but the beast ignored them and gored her as she tried to escape.

Twin steals brother’s ID

Guardia Civil rescues girls

dressing equity in health. Health in all policies. One Health approach. Sustain able Development Goals 2030 and Governance for health.The ESP 2022 lays the foundations for strength ening Spain’s public health system and providing it with a roadmap that aims to guarantee the full exer cise of the population’s right to health.

SMOKE FREE: No more cigarettes. Credit: toxophotography/

A WOMAN was reportedly caught red‐handed in the Ourense municipality of Amoeiro in possession of ignition tablets and a lighter with the alleged intention to start a forest fire. This was revealed by the Forest Fire Investiga tion Unit (UIFO) of the Ministry of Rural Affairs on Satur day, August the Xunta of Galicia, UIFO officers had al ready established a surveillance operation for several days in the Trasalba parish of that municipality. This had been initiated after detecting the existence of arson activity. With the collaboration of the Miño‐Arnoia Forestry Dis trict staff, traces of incendiary devices and ignition tablets were found in all seven fires registered in the area since Au gustThe13.Xunta of Galicia has warned that when it is proven that a fire was caused deliberately, the guilty party will pay for everything, with prison sentences, and using their own assets. Culprits will not go unpunished they insisted.


Caught red-handed



Robbers gang dismantled Drones suspend flights

“The intention now, as it has been in recent years, is to reach the best possible agreement with all the unions that, at the same time, is beneficial for the workers and guarantees Iberia’s future so that it is able to compete, to offer a good service to its customers, to strengthen the Madrid hub and, in short, to continue contributing to the recovery of the Spanish economy and tourism,” Iberia said on Fri day, August 26.

AS reported by Spanish airport operator Aena through its social net works, Monday, August 29, saw a troublesome few hours in the after noon at the Adolfo Suarez Madrid­Barajas airport. The presence of drones entering airspace in the vicinity of the facility caused five incoming flights to be diverted to other regional airports. Flights arriving into the capital from around 6:30pm were subsequent ly temporarily redirected to the Valencia, Alicante, and Valladolid facilities. “Diversions and delays are taking place. The Guardia Civil, Enaire, and Aena, are working to gether to restore opera tions. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but safety comes first,” Aena stressed.Itis believed the Guardia Civil attempted to shoot the offending drones out of the sky. An investigation has report edly been launched into theAtincident.around7.30pm, both Aena and the air traffic controllers reported that the Guardia Civil had giv en the go­ahead to re sume operations.

Santi Rodriguez/

A GANG of robbers, posing as Guardia Civil officers has been dis mantled in Tenerife. The four de tainees allegedly had a long criminal record and always acted with great vi olence.OnMonday, August 29, the Guardia Civil confirmed they had recovered more than €240,000 from various thefts.Robbery involving violence, illegal detention and breaking and entering are the main crimes that the four de tainees and four others investigated for these acts are charged with. The investigation began at the be ginning of the year following a violent robbery, committed in a prestigious company located in the south of the island of Tenerife, where the victims were gagged and beaten. In a robbery carried out in the town of Abades (Arico), the perpetrators, after identifying themselves as Guardia Civil officers, stopped a work er in charge of transporting cash. The victim was tied up and the robbers fled with the money.

SPANISH airline Iberia will ne gotiate the new Collec tive Bargaining Agree ments with all unions at a meeting scheduled for September 15. The company said: “At Iberia, we see this negotia tion as an opportunity to agree on the framework of labour relations for the com ingIberiayears.”said that they have “always tried to respond to the needs of our team in ad verse situations for everyone during the pandemic period.


EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 NEWS10


Nordic walking a la Fresca

EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 SOCIAL SCENE12

ON Thursday September 8 at 8.30pm violinist Jordi Savall will be in concert at Palma’s 700­year­old Bel lver Castle performing ‘Les Gouts Reunis. Del Re nacimiento al Barroc’. Tickets can be purchased through the Castell de Bel lverJordiwebsite.Savall is one of the most dynamic musical per sonalities of his genera tion. His role as a concert performer, pedagogue, in vestigator, and creator of new projects makes him a phenomenon in the reval orisation of historical mu sic.Along with Montserrat Figueras, Savall founded musical groups Hesperion XXI, La Capilla Real de Cataluña and Le Concierto des Nations. Through these projects he has culti vated a universe of emo tions and beauty for mil lions of music lovers around the Throughoutworld.his career, Savall has recorded and edited more than 230 discs of medieval, renaissance, baroque and classical mu sic, with a special atten tion to Hispanic and Mediterranean musical heritage.Hehas also won many music awards such as the Midem Awards, Interna tional Classical Music Awards and a Grammy. AFTER three years, this Sunday September 4, El row brings its Growenlan dia event to Mallorca for Origen Fest, an all­night party from 4pm till late for people aged 18 and over. This electronic dance music promises a night of techno and house music attended by millions of people globally. Their club nights are a fully immer sive experience in which people dress up in all sorts of outrageous, ludicrous, and sometimes scary cos tumes for a night of in credible DJ mixes, dancing and of course, there’s con fetti.In Mallorca, the event will be held at concert venue Trui Son Fusteret on Cami Vell de Bunyola and DJs include Cuartero, Bas tian Bux, Toni Varga, Flo rentia, Manu Sanchez and Javitoh.Tickets can be bought through the Elrow website for €55. GET your running shoes on girls, for the Challenge Women Mallorca Run, in Peguera, is fast approaching. The route is 4.3kms long, and stretches between the Tora and Palmira beaches, and also travels along the Peguera Boulevard. This will take place on Fri day October 14, starting at 6.30pm, as part of the Chal lenge Mallorca weekend. Everyone is welcome to join in, no matter whether you are a marathon expert, a hobby runner or a begin ner.The start and finish are at the same point in Calle Ra tolí.Online registration (from €7) at lorca.comwww.challenge­mal

Credit: Jacek Chabraszewski/shutterstock Elrow all-night party. MallorcaElrowCredit:

Start training ladies

NORDIC WALKING: Along Palma coast

Elrow Growenlandia Mallorca

Jordi Savall at Bellver Castle

PALMA Town Council’s international munici pality of sport has begun a new edition of Nordic Walking a la Fresca throughout sum mer 2022 running from May 27 to Septem berThe30.sessions are carried out on Fridays along the coast of Palma and are directed at everyone of all ages and physicality levels. Nordic walking is an easy activity to learn and has numerous health benefits. Begin ners may wish to take it slow, using their walking batons to help them get along, and gradually increase the pace as physical healthOneimproves.ofthemain aims of the activity is to encourage people to incorporate walking in to their day­to­day activity to improve their quality of life. All participants will receive free fresh fruit at the end of the journey thanks to the col laboration of MercaPalma. The upcoming sessions are on September 2 and 9 from the Club Nautico in Palma at 7pm.After this there are also sessions on September 16 and 23 at 7pm, starting from the car park at Palma Aquarium.

The latest addition was in 2007, the Sokrates Room and the ‘Zoo’ area were added to the exhibition spaces, completing the Sculpture Park with enor mous granite animals. Since autumn 2009, the educational programme has been one of the founda tion’s backbones, bringing the museum’s art and na ture closer to diverse audi ences.Despite its young history, the heritage of the founda tion has been recognised on numerous occasions: the Nins collection was declared a Listed Property of the His torical Heritage of the Balearic Islands , and the Mudejar coffered ceiling, an Asset of Cultural Interest .

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 13SOCIAL SCENE

Last event of the summer­7pm­3amatAntiguoAquapark,CarreteraCalaFigueraS/N,07181,Calvià.Tickets:


DRY STONE: Made by skilled craftsmen. Photo Credit:

THE dry stone is a technique that consists in the placement of one stone on another, without any cement or mortar and in Mal lorca it is a skill. There are many skilled craftsmen working with this technique building structures like the marges (ter raced walls) to allow the cultivation of the slopes, or walls on boundaries to proper ties and farmers’ fields. The technique was also used to adapt an extensive road network. Watching these craftsmen at work is fascinating. In Majllorca there are three major her itage sites linked to this technique: the path of the Biniaraix ravine, the snow wells and their associated elements of the massif of Massanella, and the terraces of Rotes de Caimari. All are designated ‘asset of cultural interest’ (Spanish acronym: BIC) to preserve these three large­scale heritage centres with examples of drystone techniques.

Wednesday to Saturday: 10am to Sunday:6pm10am to 3pm Monday and Tuesday: CLOSEDFormore information:

Museum opened in 2001.

TOGETHER with the Mal lorca Live Festival pro moter, Sónar will bring lots of top DJs to the An tiguo Aquapark de Calvià, home of the famous Mal lorcan festival. For this new summer series, a completely new space has been created with a capacity of 5,000 people and a gastronomic offer based on local products in collaboration with the Esment foundation.

Art, sculpture, stunning views

RinseregularlyresidentJamzappearancesthisalsotheand­comingLive’sSónarformat.andMallorcacommitmenttoup­talentsonEuropeanscenewillbedemonstratedatlastevent,withtheofJyotyandSupernova,twoUK­selectorswhobroadcastonFMandBBCRadio, respectively.Attendees will also be able to enjoy carefully selected local delicacies, made with 100 per cent local produce, and aimed at supporting local pro ducers. All proceeds from the sale of food will go directly to the charity.

Dry stone fountains, cocoons, and ponds helped people survive on land with very limited water resources. In the high er parts of the island, snow houses were built, the cases de neu. Snow was stored in these houses and used for both medical and gastronomic purposes. Whilst hiking in these areas and taking in the history of the dry stone wall craftsmen you can find refuges, cabins and sheds, constructed for people, animals and tools, now used as guest houses for hikers. More info on routes and refuges: Refuge booking page:

SA BASSA BLANCA MUSE UM (MSBB) was established in 1993 by a collaboration of artists and collectors Yan nick Vu and Ben Jakober and the philanthropist Georges Coulon Karlweis. An old un derground cistern of the Sa Bassa Blanca estate in Alcud ia, was refurbished to ac commodate a particular col lection of child portraits from the 16th to the 19th century.The Museum finally opened its doors to the pub lic in January 2001, and since then, it has offered guided tours of its interior and exhi bitions. Outdoor spaces were added to the ‘Nins’ room in the cistern: the Rose Garden and the Sculpture Park that make the founda tion so unique, and combine the enjoyment of art with nature and the outdoors. The building is in a stunning location on the north of the island, with incredible sea and mountain views. In 2006 a part of the main building, designed by Has san Fathy was opened to vis itors: the Karlweis Wing which houses a collection of contemporary art and the 15th century Mudejar cof fered ceiling on the top floor.

‘Un SónarVillage a S’horabaixa’ hosts the last date of this first sum mer of sunsets and elec tronic music in Mallorca. The last event in the 2022 series is on Satur day, September 3, from 7.00pm to 3.00am. The event will bring the summer to a close with the disco and retrofuturistic house of Ger man Danilo Plessow / MCDE, formerly known as the Motor City Drum Ensemble. There will also be an unprecedented four­handed melodic techno hybrid session signed by Frank Wiede mann, one of the biggest representatives of the In nervisions label, and Por tuguese producer and DJ Trikk in a live back­toback DJ

The Consell de Mallorca has created a website with detailed information of dry stone walk routes, with maps and infor mation for of all levels of walker, including families. It also offers useful information about the existing refuge network within theArtifactsroute. used in charcoal production work, and typical lime kilns that were used to produce a material essential for construction work as well as cleanliness and hygiene can be found in these areas.

Calling all hikers!

EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 SOCIAL SCENE14

Calling Michael Jackson fans!

Grape Harvest Festival 2022 are important. The biggest show about Michael Jackson.


WikimediaPereopticcredit:Photo TicketEntercredit:hoto

BY the end of the 19th cen tury more than 40,000 hectares of Mallorcan land was used for growing grapes, while today it is on ly about 2,500 thanks to an insect invasion. Despite this, grapes are as impor tant in Mallorcan agricul ture as almonds and olives and, Mallorcans still love their wine. It’s incredible that on this tiny island of 3,603 km² there are over 70 bodegas, or wineries, which commercialise and bottle their own wines. The end of the grape har vest is an exciting moment for all winemakers, as this marks the beginning of the creation of new wines. In the middle of September, ‘Festa des Vermar’ gathers Mallorcan people in the small village of Binissalem. This place is famous be cause of its wine industry and the festival, a twoweek­long September festi val, involves everything from fruit fights, grapestomping contests and a wine­themed parade. Wine tasting includes both new wines, just made from the latest harvest and old wines from past years. Grape treading competi tions take place in a church square, where groups of people have three to four minutes to tread as much juice as possible from two bags of grapes. They can only tread barefoot and holding each other’s shoul ders.The most famous part of the festival is the grape fight ­ huge piles of grapes that were rejected as un suitable for winemaking are dumped in the street and a massive food fight ensues until all the grapes are crushed and de stroyed! There’s lots of lo cal music and dancing. The festivities close with a community harvest supper or Fideus de Vermar, a tra ditional dish that consists of slow cooked lamb, spices, and fideua noodles.

12pm ­ 11.30pm Septem ber 24 ­ 26, Binissalem

ON September 10, the Trui Teatre will host the interna tional show that has enter tained the world, the biggest show about Michael Jackson. An international selection of dancers, singers and musi cians, with an impressive staging to revive the king of pop in ‘This is Michael’.

Thirty years after Michael Jackson’s last concert in Barcelona, which took place on September 18, 1992 at the Estadi Olímpic ­ as part of the Dangerous World Tour, his music and art is revived with a fascinating show that brings together all his great moments.LennyJay stars in this pro ject after having spent sever al seasons in the successful European musical about the King of Pop, where he re ceived praise from the Jack son family itself. His incredi ble resemblance, physical and vocal, make ‘This ls Michael’ a unique experi ence, to enjoy the music and remember the unforgettable talent that was Michael Jack son. An impressive cast and staging for a show of more than two hours with the most memorable songs of Michael Jackson to honour the most successful artist of all‘ Michael’, ends its full international tour in Spain and gives us the oppor tunity to experience the mu sical.Trui Teatre, Camí de Son Rapinya, 29, 07013 Palma 10/09/2022 at 9.30pm Info and tickets: 967491eventos/this­is­michael­


“What no one had bargained for was the decision of Vladimir Putin to launch a vicious and irrational attack, on February 24, against an innocent European country.

EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 NEWS16

Nik Morton, the author of over 30 books in a number of genres including crime, thriller, romantic thriller, hor ror, sci‐fi, paranormal, espi onage, westerns and fantasy, first came up with the charac ter of Cazador in Torrevieja Writers’ Circle in 2005. Leon Cazador has starred in multiple short stories and now following 17 years since he was first created, the PI will star in his first novel, which as Morton states, is a reminder to writers to never giveNikup!and his wife Jennifer lived in Torrevieja, located on the Costa Blanca, for 15 years, with Jennifer working as mu sical director for the Cantabile ladies’ choir. The couple now reside in Northumberland with their daughter, son‐in‐law, grand son and granddaughter living nearby.Morton served in the Royal Navy for 24 years, and for over 40 years he has edited periodicals, contributed hun dreds of articles, book and film reviews and chaired sev eral writers’ circles and run writing and screenplay work shops. To read more about Nik Morton and his upcoming projects, readers can visit the following websites: nik‐‐

“THE next few months will be tough, but I’m convinced Britain’s bounceback will be gold en,” according to Boris Johnson.“Themonths ahead are going to be tough, perhaps very tough,” the UK Prime Minister confirmed.OnSunday, August 28, Boris Johnson took part in an interview in which he said: “For many of us, the cost of heating our homes is already fright ening.“And yet I have never been more certain that … Britain will emerge stronger and more pros perous on the other side.“Let us remember who caused this global surge in the cost of ener gy, and what is at stake. Boris confirmed that: “By the end of last year we were fixing it. The world was finding the lorry drivers. The con tainer ships were mov ing. We were sourcing the silicon chips.

Interview with author of Rogue Prey, Nik Morton Nik covers several genres. alisonmortonauthor.comCredit:

“We’ve literally wasted billions on jabbing everything that moves, no matter how little the risk was for them from Covid.”

‘Eye-watering’ bills

Not a good use of cash

EACH hunter has the same equipment ‐ a sniper rifle, five bullets and a machete. An even killing field. A cor rupt organisation in Spain is selling the ultimate thrill. They cater to rich amateur game‐hunters who hunger for the privilege of stalking and killing human prey. Their targets are non‐persons.Ineffect,the vile process gets rid of illegal immigrants. Enter Leon Cazador ‐ a half‐English, half‐Spanish private investigator who occasionally assists the authorities. Eager to take down this im moral organisation, he’s tasked with going full cloak‐and‐dagger. But when his cover is blown and he’s forced to join nine other cap tives, will he become the hunters’ ultimate prey?

PASCAL SORIOT, the chief executive of As traZeneca, suggested that giving booster jabs to healthy individuals was not an ideal use of resources.TheCovid booster jab will be offered to ev eryone in the UK aged 50 and over from next month, as well as those with underlying health conditions, to increase protection ahead of future waves, local media confirmed on Sunday, August 28. Mr Soriot said: “People who are otherwise healthy ‐ especially if they are young, have been vaccinated, have had a boost already ‐boosting them again, I’m just not sure it’s real ly a good use of resources.”

Research suggests immunity among most healthy people against severe disease should last “more than a year for sure,” he said and could persist for three or four years. Social media fans have been quick to re spond to the news.

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 17EUROPEAN PRESS

PORTUGAL Early closing THE Confederation of Commerce and Services of Portugal (CCP) is to hold discussions with the Portuguese government about the possibility of early closing of shops on Thursday and Sunday evenings (traditionally not busy times) in order to conserve energy this autumn.

NORWAY Sanction exemption

IT’S been a bad few days for Finnish PM Sanna Marin as new pictures have appeared showing two topless female celebrities kissing in what has been identified as a toilet in the Prime Minister’s official residence and she has had to apologise for the inappropriate image.

GERMANY High times IT seems to be almost inevitable that the German government will eventually legalise recreational Cannabis and allow sales through licensed shops, but due to the need to involve every ministry and international agencies, the estimated €5 billion leisure industry will be a long time coming.

FINLAND PM apologises

IRELAND Hospital food THERE is a campaign in the Republic to reduce the cost of food in children’s hospitals for parents or guardians who are spending hours on end with their children so have to purchase highly priced and often not particularly healthy food when money is tight.

THERE has been some disquiet amongst Norway’s opposition parties that the government obtained an EU exemption on sanctions which means that Russian fishing boats may continue to visit and obtain repairs in Norwegian ports whilst also having access to Arctic fishing stocks.

SWEDEN Hypercar LUXURY car manufacturer Koenigsegg is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its first model by producing what it claims will be the world’s most powerful and fastest manual production car and although the price is unknown, it won’t be cheap with just 50 examples being made.

THE NETHERLANDS Electric shock

ITALY Dictator wine

SITUATED as it is between France, Germany, Holland and Luxembourg, more than half of the Belgian population is less than 50 kilometres away from a border and according to a survey 40 per cent are crossing borders to purchase goods, especially alcohol.

AS recently as 1971, a memorial to the Danish soldiers who died fighting for the Nazi’s was erected in the town of Silkeborg, but now the council wants to remove it as members consider it inappropriate to commemorate the 2,000 fighters who died for Germany.

SINCE 1995 Italian winery Vini Lunardelli has produced a series known as the historic collection with labels which carry images of various dictators including Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Stalin, but following criticism they will cease production next year as a new generation takes over the business.

DENMARK Unwanted memorial

BELGIUM Border bargains

DESPITE the spiralling cost of energy and the huge profits being made by electric companies, Dutch supplier Eneco has advised customers who supply energy back to the grid from their solar panels that from September 5 it will reduce the price that it pays them.


THE French government has been embarrassed by the lack of communication between civil servants and justice minister Eric DupondMoretti, who condemned a video showing gokarting between guards and inmates at a French prison when the race and release of the video had been approved by officials.

UKRAINE Independence Day TO celebrate Ukraine’s Independence Day on August 24, major buildings around Finland were coloured blue and yellow and both the Finnish President and Prime Minister sent messages of support to Ukraine’s leader Volodymyr Zelensky confirming their support for the fight against invasion.

FRANCE Go-kart controversy

Churros feud THE owner of a cafe in Scot land’s Stirling is in trouble with the courts for ‘failing to abate’ the smell of cooking of Spanish‐style churros and fol lowing complaints from neighbours could find him self facing a heavy fine or be ing closed down.

FINANCE to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code • 1 - 7 September 202218 is the amount that the Spanish government is granting to the Autonomous Communities to allow for the creation of green subsidised housing and upgrade of existing stock. STATWEEKOF €1.9 billion

FRUIT & VEG: 250 items will lose best by date.

Andy Cockshaw, Head of Technical at Asda IPL said: “Reducing food waste in our business and in cus tomers’ homes is a priority and we are always looking at different ways to achieve this. “We know for cus tomers this has become more important than ever in the current climate as many families are strug gling with the cost‐of‐living crisis and are looking to make savings wherever they can.”

Asda is also providing additional guidance online and on packaging to help customers to understand how to best store and pre pare fresh food as well as handy hints and tips on how to reduce food waste.

A RECENT survey by UK based boiler supplier Heatable sug gests that there could be a sig nificant shortage of gas boilers come the winter due to the problems of the supply chain and subsequent lack of com ponents.Whilst the weather is hot, consumers don’t think about replacing or even servicing their boilers, but with the way in which the climate currently fluctuates so dramatically, de mand will increase come win ter and supply may simply not be available. Boiler shortage

DESPITE announcing in June of this year that Ford Europe was committed to create a new as sembly plant for electric vehi cles in Valencia, according to the press on August 24 the company is now reviewing its European strategy. This means it is putting investment in Spain on hold and it appears although it is still committed to open the factory at some point it has withdrawn its request for financial support from Spain’s EU pandemic relief fund. This decision is quite significant in as much as the Spanish gov ernment had committed to re lease €106 million to support theirplans to produce electric vehicles from a Spanish base. dates

Company computers inevitably have passwords and one of the wor rying aspects of passwords is that dis affected employees can use them or pass them on to third parties in order to damage their former employer.

IN the past seven years, 52 per cent of all department stores in the UK have closed according to a report by ac tion group, the 20th Century Society.Theyare dedicated to try to preserve some of the most iconic buildings around Britain’s High Streets and have worked with groups such as Historic England in order to en sure that buildings such as Marks and Spencer in Lon don’s Marble Arch retain their original features and charm. The growth of online shop ping, the pandemic and sub sequent closure of stores has seen some two million square metres of vacant space be come available.

State pension

ALMOST everything you do on the internet requires a password to log on and it is said that the longer the password the safer it is.

THERE are currently nine mil lion Spaniards receiving state pension of which 4.4 million are women and the balance are men with the vast major ity receiving retirement pen sion, although there are sig nificant numbers collecting widows or disability pensions with almost €11 billion being paid each month.

There are two major problems however, firstly the more apps and programmes that require passwords, the more difficult it is to remember them unless you write them down and then if you leave that on a com puter you become less secure! Secondly as hackers become more efficient and technology advances, so they can create programmes that can crack your password a bit like Alan Turing and the enigma ma chine, although a heck of a lot quick er.Many banks and other financial in stitutions send text messages when you try to log into your account with an extra pin number to allow you to gain entry but these messages can be hacked as well.


New start HAVING given up his position as president of Spain’s fash ion giant Inditex, which is now headed up by the founder’s daughter, Marta Ortega, Pablo Isla has set up a new company Fonte Films to promote national and in ternational cinema and artists.

The major technology companies such as Google and Microsoft are en deavouring to create alternatives and it is possible for companies to obtain USB sticks which allow entry to their computers and can be can celled in Passwordsseconds.will be phased out in due course, but for the time being ensure that yours are as safe as pos sible.

Bank loans EVEN though the cost of liv ing is up and money is tight, Spanish banks have reported that the percentage of non‐payment of interest on loans in June was at its lowest since December 2008, falling to 3.88 per cent of the total granted in credit.

Ford review FINANCE

ASDA is to remove best be fore dates on fresh fruit and vegetables from to day, Thursday September 1 in order to help cus tomers reduce food waste and save money. The change comes as re search from the climate ac tion group WRAP reveals that the average family throws away £60 worth of food and drink each month.Byremoving best before dates and encouraging customers to decide them selves if the food is edible, Asda aims to reduce food waste in the home and in the process save cus tomers money. The dates will be re placed by a new code which will be used by store colleagues to ensure the highest quality and fresh ness is maintained sup ported by specialist green grocers in over 250 stores who have received train ing in all aspects of Asda’s fresh produce operation, including where products should be stored to main tain freshness and quality.

accentsChanging SOMETIMES it can be very frustrating for people con tacting call centres to find that they cannot understand the accent of the people they are speaking to, but an American company has cre ated a system that can change the accents as the conversation is taking place.

Best before

ShutterstockStudioThapanaCredit: BE SAFE: Always guard your passwords. CentreMediaASDACredit:

Empty space

Latest mobile phones allow facial or fingerprint recognition but that al so is vulnerable to external AI inva sion and not everyone wants to only use a phone or tablet for access to accounts especially those who are older or suffer from poor eyesight.

Future of passwords

3M 129,14 144,01 37,53M American Express 157,31 163,59 157,19 2,30M Amgen 240,65 246,36 240,45 2,96M Apple 163,62 171,05 163,56 76,84M Boeing 164,53 171,37 164,27 4,90M Caterpillar 191,92 200,37 191,73 2,42M Chevron 163,41 166,13 162,46 7,73M Cisco 45,89 47,27 45,88 20,25M Coca-Cola 63,11 64,80 62,98 10,07M Dow 54,46 56,37 54,26 5,77M Goldman Sachs 336,40 348,74 336,00 1,66M Home Depot 298,10 311,51 298,02 3,30M Honeywell 193,06 200,44 192,94 2,83M IBM 130,38 134,18 130,34 4,18M Intel 33,36 35,03 33,35 43,68M J&J 164,27 167,50 164,20 5,66M JPMorgan 114,67 119,99 114,60 11,07M McDonald’s 256,95 263,20 256,39 2,35M Merck&Co 89,26 90,74 89,09 5,69M Microsoft 268,09 280,34 267,98 25,47M Nike 108,28 113,73 108,23 6,17M Procter&Gamble 142,29 146,53 142,02 6,01M 165,23 176,30 164,63 11,04M The Travelers 166,84 169,87 166,82 1,16M UnitedHealth 529,25 543,19 528,22 1,90M Verizon 43,25 43,70 43,24 16,69M Visa A 202,89 210,26 202,70 5,05M Walgreens Boots 36,00 36,99 36,00 6,91M Walmart 131,60 136,83 131,51 7,10M Walt Disney 114,07 118,37 113,89 7,68M InterContinental 4.750,0 4.970,0 4.750,0 739,34K Intermediate Capital 1.371,00 1.441,00 1.371,00 401,11K Intertek 4.021,0 4.129,0 4.016,0 153,00K ITV 63,82 65,40 63,82 6,43M J Sainsbury 202,70 209,90 202,70 6,69M Johnson Matthey 2.051,0 2.115,0 2.043,0 276,58K Land Securities 650,80 666,00 650,20 1,15M Legal & General 255,50 261,80 255,50 6,47M Lloyds Banking 43,67 44,81 43,67 138,82M London Stock Exchange 8.268,0 8.444,0 8.252,0 524,06K Meggitt 798,00 798,20 792,20 3,14M Melrose Industries 139,35 142,55 139,00 6,47M Mondi 1.460,00 1.483,00 1.452,50 1,72M National Grid 1.137,50 1.147,00 1.133,00 3,59M NatWest Group 250,90 255,10 250,10 9,35M Next 5.732,0 5.936,0 5.732,0 332,89K Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0 Ocado 731,20 776,80 730,40 1,68M Persimmon 1.497,5 1.527,0 1.490,5 1,09M Phoenix 600,20 611,00 600,00 4,15M Prudential 915,00 936,00 909,60 2,96M Reckitt Benckiser 6.580,0 6.628,0 6.516,0 603,35K Relx 2.303,00 2.390,00 2.295,00 2,45M Rentokil 533,00 549,40 532,20 2,61M Rightmove 601,20 617,80 597,00 1,44M Rio Tinto PLC 4.980,0 5.075,0 4.974,0 1,97M Rolls-Royce Holdings 78,48 81,28 78,48 21,34M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0 Sage 725,60 735,00 725,60 1,28M Samsung Electronics DRC 1.104,00 1.129,00 1.101,50 13,05K Schroders 2.722,0 2.806,0 2.722,0 392,75K Scottish Mortgage 832,60 839,60 816,20 5,85M Segro 966,60 987,60 966,60 1,07M Severn Trent 2.850,0 2.892,0 2.850,0 354,94K Shell 2.334,0 2.346,0 2.314,0 7,63M Smith & Nephew 1.008,00 1.026,00 1.008,00 2,22M Smiths Group 1.515,00 1.544,50 1.514,50 905,52K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 10.620,0 10.955,0 10.620,0 64,22K SSE 1.802,50 1.844,00 1.800,00 1,61M St. James’s Place 1.125,50 1.160,00 1.125,50 653,34K Standard Chartered 589,60 603,00 589,60 5,00M Taylor Wimpey 109,50 112,25 109,50 17,68M Tesco 252,70 258,10 252,50 11,41M Tui 127,45 134,55 126,90 4,63M Unilever 3.935,0 3.996,0 3.925,0 1,23M United Utilities 1.086,00 1.100,00 1.084,00 864,59K Vodafone Group PLC 115,08 117,10 115,00 48,19M Whitbread 2.507,0 2.603,0 2.507,0 970,38K WPP 743,60 764,40 743,60 3,80M Most Advanced Jianzhi Century Technology ADR +275.00% 5.20M Micro Focus ADR +92.01% 6.91M Minerva Neurosciences +58.19% 66.26M REE Automotive +53.33% 222.33K OLB Group +39.67% 38.38M China Green Agriculture +35.50% 265.88K Siyata Mobile +26.13% 0.11K Farfetch A +26.10% 65.54M LS Starrett +22.53% 157.76K Onion Global +17.95% 375.33K Everbridge +17.39% 2.89M Most Declined Onfolio Holdings -51.81% 5.45M Mobilicom ADR -39.67% 6.41M Jeffs Brands Unt -35.42% 4.11M Domo -27.83% 4.33M Athersys -25.63% 1.28M Austerlitz Acquisition II Wnt -25.54% 22.03K Starbox Holdings -24.96% 5.65M GigaCloud Technology -23.41% 2.45M Natural Order Acquisition -23.38% 28.89K Tyra Biosciences -22.92% 99.05K Sonendo -22.24% 356.96K CCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG NNETET VVOLOL DOW JONES C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 29 3I Group 1.193,00 1.236,50 1.193,00 1,74M Abrdn 147,05 151,55 146,55 4,50M Admiral Group 2.192,0 2.232,0 2.191,0 346,56K Anglo American 2.922,5 2.996,0 2.920,5 3,51M Antofagasta 1.174,00 1.200,50 1.173,50 1,03M Ashtead Group 4.298,0 4.394,0 4.272,0 463,31K Associated British Foods 1.515,5 1.556,0 1.514,5 530,94K AstraZeneca 11.364,0 11.500,0 11.350,0 665,45K Auto Trader Group Plc 650,60 664,20 650,00 1,44M Avast 699,80 700,80 693,60 772,11K Aveva 2.790,0 2.818,0 2.744,0 776,81K Aviva 420,50 430,60 419,40 2,99M B&M European Value Retail SA369,80 377,50 368,00 2,57M BAE Systems 813,00 820,60 811,40 4,78M Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 0,612 0 Barclays 162,10 166,64 162,04 30,09M Barratt Developments 429,90 439,60 428,50 1,67M Berkeley 3.710,0 3.774,0 3.698,0 1,22M BHP Group Ltd 2.507,00 2.553,00 2.503,50 1,66M BP 457,80 464,05 457,30 30,03M British American Tobacco 3.462,5 3.487,5 3.455,0 2,72M British Land Company 431,70 437,40 429,30 1,58M BT Group 151,45 153,55 151,25 9,62M Bunzl 3.115,0 3.154,0 3.106,0 691,54K Burberry Group 1.735,0 1.796,0 1.735,0 775,83K Carnival 750,2 795,6 749,0 627,26K Centrica 81,96 83,44 81,44 12,16M Coca Cola HBC AG 1.980,0 1.996,0 1.945,0 712,97K Compass 1.876,00 1.915,50 1.872,50 4,04M CRH 3.215,5 3.295,5 3.200,5 913,41K Croda Intl 6.842,0 7.056,0 6.826,0 167,54K DCC 5.066,0 5.160,0 5.046,0 79,67K Diageo 3.825,5 3.872,0 3.808,5 1,84M DS Smith 260,70 269,60 258,20 3,50M EasyJet 354,00 369,00 352,70 2,88M Experian 2.683,0 2.791,0 2.677,0 1,20M Ferguson 10.085,0 10.310,0 10.085,0 408,61K Flutter Entertainment 10.685,0 10.990,0 10.680,0 458,82K Fresnillo 728,20 748,00 727,60 380,69K Glencore 498,90 512,00 498,40 30,77M GSK plc 1.394,80 1.431,80 1.389,60 8,69M Halma 2.121,0 2.174,0 2.116,0 249,62K Hargreaves Lansdown 848,40 877,00 848,00 756,78K Hikma Pharma 1.336,00 1.381,00 1.335,00 340,34K HSBC 523,00 531,60 522,30 17,45M IAG 105,62 110,08 105,62 10,19M Imperial Brands 1.877,00 1.889,50 1.870,00 1,86M Informa 548,80 562,40 548,60 15,61M ººCCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG. NNETET VVOLOL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................1.0058 Japan yen (JPY) 138.04 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9634 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4379 Norway kroner (NOK) 9.7541 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See advertouronpreviouspage 0.85269 1.17242 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 29 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES A UGUST 29 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 687 906 226 EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL20

More money PAST and present members of Pink Floyd will benefit as they are the latest band to offer their musical back cata logue for sale following the likes of Bob Dylan.

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Britain wants to attract talented professionals.

Up from €1.17 to €1.18 GBP/USD: Down from $1.20 to $1.17 The pound got off to a poor start in August, following the Bank of England’s (BoE) latest interest rate decision.

Citrus wars

EURO: Likely face an uphill battle so long as Europe remains at risk of a gas shortage.


While the BoE raised interest rates by 50bps - its largest increase in 27 years - it spooked GBP investors with its accompany ing forecasts as it warned the UK is highly like ly to slip into a recession this year. Sterling then traded sideways for the next couple of weeks, as recession fears, a political leadership vacuum and growing discontent among workers offset bets for another 50bps rate hike from the BoE in September. The GBP selloff then resumed in the sec ond half of the month amid fears over the economic impact of widespread industrial ac tion and warnings UK inflation could climb above 18 per cent. The direction of the pound over the next month may be primarily shaped by the next UK Prime Minister. If the economic policies implemented by Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss aren’t seen as adequate enough to tackle the cost of living crisis, the pound is liable to fall.

UK woos top talent

EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL22


EUR/GBP:Euro Down from £0.85 to £0.84 EUR/USD: Down from $1.02 to $0.99 The euro has struggled to hold its ground in recent weeks as EUR sentiment has been battered by concerns over Europe’s mount ing energy crisis. Energy prices in Europe skyrocketed in Au gust, with gas prices striking a new record high amid fears that Russia will further reduce gas flows to the continent. The EUR/USD exchange rate dropped back below parity as investors fear the energy price crunch means it is inevitable that the Eurozone will slide into a recession by the end of the Howeveryear. it wasn’t all doom and gloom for the euro. EUR exchange rates found fleeting gains in mid-August on the back of some posi tive GDP figures and a pullback in the US dol lar.Looking ahead, the euro is likely to face an uphill battle so long as Europe remains at risk of a gas shortage this winter. Although anoth er 50bps rate hike from the European Central Bank (ECB) at its next policy meeting could help to cap losses in the single currency.

US USD/GBP:Dollar Up from $0.83 to $0.85 USD/EUR: Up from €0.97 to €1.00 The US dollar continued to attract support over the past month as growing global reces sion fears continued to underpin demand for the safe-haven currency. However, the US dollar’s ascent did not come without hurdles. The greenback faced a major setback with the publication of the lat est US consumer price index, with July’s fig ures reporting a larger-than-expected slowing of Thisinflation.slump in inflation prompted USD in vestors to temporarily scale back their bets for the Federal Reserve’s September interest rate decision, before some hawkish Fed rhetoric revived expectations and the green back’sGoingfortunes.forward, the US dollar is likely to re main well supported as global recession fears continue to dictate market sentiment, while the prospect of another 75bps rate hike from the Fed is also likely to underpin USD ex change rates. Currencies Direct have helped over 325,000 customers save on their currency transfers since 1996. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch or give us a call to find out more about how you can save money on your cur rency transfers.

ASK THE EXPERT Peter Loveday Contact me euroweekly@currenciesdirect.comat

ALTHOUGH the British workforce is ethnically di verse, many bank holidays are based on Christian her itage but some companies are now allowing staff to choose to work over bank holidays and then use the days saved to celebrate their own religious observances.

Olive oil boom


At crossroads IN its Monetary Policy Re view released on August 25, the European Central Bank recognised that it is at a crossroads as by increasing interest rates to try to re duce inflation it could cause a different crisis with debt becoming a burden.

Currency outlook: Euro drops below parity with the US dollar, Pound rocked by BoE recession warning


AFTER suffering from a loss of sales because of import duties imposed by the Trump Administration, it ap pears that demand for Spanish olive oil is going to con tinue to grow thanks to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.Those two countries are major exporters of sunflow er oil which means that consumers have had to look elsewhere and olive oil is a natural alternative, but the very hot summer is affecting production. It looks as if it’s even too hot for the olive trees to bear high levels of fruit, which means that the price of olive oil will keep rising if there is insufficient to meet demand.

THE British government has made it easier for top talent to get visas as it has recog nised that there is a massive skill shortage in certain in dustries.TheUK’s top high‐growth businesses will have greater flexibility and power to en tice the world’s top talent through the new Scale‐up visa, the government an nounced on August 22. UK businesses experienc ing impressive success will be eligible to sponsor tal ented individuals, from sci entists and engineers to ar chitects and programmers, to support their growth and contribute to boosting the UK’sUnlikeeconomy.other sponsored visas, the Scale‐up visa al lows businesses to employ high‐skilled individuals who will receive two years’ leave to remain in the UK without requiring further sponsor ship or permission beyond the first six Ministermonths.forSafe and Le gal Migration Kevin Foster said, “Rapidly growing busi nesses, like small enterpris es, tech and financial ser vices, need the right level of support to go to the next level.“Through our Scale‐up visa, we’re enabling busi nesses to focus on their growth and innovation by giving them more freedom to bring in the diverse skills and experience they need, making them more attrac tive on an international stage.“By supporting our high‐growth tech, financial ser vices and small businesses, we are ensuring the UK re mains a global hub for emerging technologies and innovation while enhancing productivity across the economy ‐ creating jobs, growth and prosperity acrossTellinglyBritain.”what he didn’t say was how these special people would be encour aged to leave existing jobs to take up a two‐year ap pointment when Britain and most of the world is facing a possible recession, so jobs in their home countries may be few and far between if they have to leave the UK when their visa expires.

SINCE it came to power, the current Spanish gov ernment has been woo ing countries across Africa in a bid to in crease its influence on that continent and to find new export and in vestment markets. It’s not all completely friendly as the world’s largest exporter of citrus fruit, Spain has been blocking imports into the EU from its nearest rival South Africa saying that it fears the import ed fruit may contain false codling moths, which are native to sub‐Saharan Africa. Fruit worth an esti mated 650 million rand (€38.5 million approxi mately) has been held at point of entry forcing the South African gov ernment to complain to the World Trade Organi sation about what it considers unfair treat ment.

Bank holidays


NoraJohnson’sopinionsareherownandarenotnecessarilyrepresentativeofthoseofthepublishers,advertisersorsponsors.Noraistheauthorofpopularpsychologicalsuspenseandcrimethrillersandafreelancejournalist. NORA WORSTBREAKINGJOHNSONVIEWS(OR BEST) STAYCATION YOU’VE EVER HAD? Nora’s

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 23FEATURE

Nora Johnson’s critical ly acclaimed psychological crime thrillers (www.nora‐ all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audiobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity. latest thriller.

THERE are press reports that ‘staycation fatigue’ has resulted in a slump in bookings at domestic hotspots and even the prospect of airport delays and flight cancellations is not stopping people heading abroad. But it’s not ‘staycation fatigue’ at all! It’s things getting back to where they were pre‐pandemic. How can you possibly compare last year’s sum mer holidays when there were travel restrictions? The last two years’ holi day statistics shouldn’t be used. Every thing needs to be compared with 2019’s. This shows, too, the lack of any sense of proportion among anxious local coun cils, National Park Authorities and the Welsh Government. This swing back was inevitable and entirely predictable.

I NEVER chose to be a noncon formist. Sitting here at 83 years of age and looking back over decisions made when you once again found yourself physically anewed, it is painfully obvious that choosing to remain within society as an ‘anti‐so cial’, was, at the very least going to be difficult and certainly not make you the winner of many popularity contests. Of course, at the outset you don’t know who, or even what you are. As a new manifestation you simply go with the flow. There is no set beginning to nonconformity, it is something that just happens. There does however become a point when the choice has to be made. You ei ther drop out or stay in. Well, I (finally) chose to stay in. Al though, through my spiritual lean ings, which were later to become permanent, I was offered a host of escapes, ie, Hippie communes, be coming a Tibetan monk, taking the junkie route, membership of numer ous cults, including the highly dan gerous Scientology and all of its pa thetic offshoots, specifically designed to control the weak, I re alised that to have any chance of in fluencing events in a society I al ready basically didn’t agree with, I simply had to stay a part of it. Politics would have been an obvi ous choice I suppose, but unfortu nately, in my day, to enter into the political arena you had to either be a total conformist, a complete hyp ocrite, or an old boy with connec tions (no change there then!) In my early teens I had already been fortu nate enough to meet my future wife and was actually looking forward to a loving relationship and hopefully a new family. I had always loved the smell of greasepaint and the cre ation of songs ‐ so to remain a true member of society, I chose Showbiz. Ha! The most hypocritical occupa tion of them all. Typical examples of this profession that I have never been able to abide are the egotisti cal multi‐millionaires who, followed by cameras and hangers on, spend their non creative breaks wandering between mud huts, trying to make us all feel bad and responsible for the ills of the world, before scurrying back to their existence of cosseted grandeur and luxury. For heaven’s sake give us all a break and stick to your lives of fantasy, where you all belong.Ofcourse, 50 years ago my realisa tion that if you really wanted to de liver and receive widespread opin ions on your points of view, writing was by far the most expedient; so, I have pursued it relentlessly, through a long life that has so far actually been almost yo‐yo like in its exis tence. One thing nonconformity does achieve however is a relentless thickening of the skin. So, keep those letters coming, the more dominative they are, the more chance you have of being published; and me bothering to listen. Keep the Faith Love leapylee2002@gmail.comLeapyexpatradioscotland.comMon.Fri.1pmtill4.

Devon and Cornwall were complain ing about too many tourists. The Lake District National Park was planning to close public roads to all but residents. And the Welsh Government want to charge a tourist tax as well as price out holiday lets with taxes. Surely even the daftest person could see that it was a temporary blip, due to theThepandemic?bestpolicy for anyone visiting UK tourist destinations this summer was to wait and book last minute and benefit from big reduc tions in costs. You did n’t? Oops!

Keep quiet DEAR Admittedly,Sir/Madam,homes need to be renovated, but the cost is borne by neigh bours too, if builders in clude high‐volume noise pollution from their ghet to blasters. Are builders the only trade that foists its taste in entertainment on long‐suffering neigh bours of those who reno vate and repair their homes?Surely, we can agree that like every other ser vice provider, tradesmen quietly get on with the work whilst causing a min imum of disturbance to the locals. Cordially, Sandy Collins (penname of MichaelWalsh) No coverage I ENJOY your opinions each week. You may have seen this already. Why is there no public uproar about the murder of the 87‐year‐old London pensioner, and no political party going on about it.??? Also, hardly any TV / news coverage.!!!

There is always a problem in choosing priorities, es pecially when some politicians’ priorities are to be come legends after they are gone.

Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website:

Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

Pensioners are already shivering in Europe, not be cause of the cold as yet, but because of the thought of having to find the money to pay for winter heating and families are having to rely on food banks in order to feed themselves and their children.

DEAR L eapy Very sorry to see that after all this time amnesia is fi nally taking its toll on you!

The moon is just the start as this entire programme which was initially approved by President Obama aims to land humans on Mars for the first time by 2033.

Since Boris demanded that no Conservative MP dare speak its name the word Brexit is scarcely heard in UK media nowa days! But you, being a hardened journalist, would not hesitate to include it in your unbiased reporting of such events ‐ normally! But amnesia is a hard taskmas ter.Whilst I am not familiar with its long‐term effects, the NHS can still perform miracles, so it is to be hoped that you are able to receive the treatment re quired. Good luck, and a speedy recovery!

AS the world suffers from an ever-increasing surge in the cost of living and Russia continues with its inva sion of Ukraine, the US government is spending $4.1 billion every time NASA launches its next generation of rockets, as it looks to return to the moon after 50 years.The American economy is in decline yet the money can be found to fund this project which is already bil lions over budget and years behind schedule and whilst minorities in that country often suffer the worst, the programme intends to land the first woman and first person of colour on the moon - showing that space exploration is open to everyone.

I look forward to your comments maybe see them in the EWN Regards,Ian


Let’s hope it’s a short bout, and your memory will be restored sufficiently to re call one momentous inci dent that you failed to add to your list of ‘causes’ for the current political predicament faced by UK dwellers. Particularly as you stressed that ‘all these ordeals are not the fault of the present government’!


There is no doubt that the scientific achievement is considerable and there are financial benefits to the companies involved in producing the software and hardware for the missions but in reality, in the current financial situation (and bearing in mind that the Euro pean Space Agency is also financially involved), is this the right time to be following a dream that does noth ing to help those in need on the earth today?





Common errors when training a parrot

WHEN it comes to house training our pets, dogs and cats, it can be a walk in the park, and you can have them eating out of your hand (literally) in no time at all. However, with less common pets like birds, we tend to know less about educating them and can make er rors when trying to train them.One mistake that many people make when trying to train their pet bird is keeping it in the cage all the time. You should let your bird out of its cage for at least a little while during the day to fly round a secure space in yourHowever,home. when it’s time for your bird to go back in the cage, many people make the mistake of trying to get it back in with their bare hands or turning the light off which makes your bird feel like you’re luring it into a trap, and consequently builds up a sense of dis trust between you both.

CLEANING your horse regularly is a fundamen tal aspect of being a good owner. As well as making their coat shine, cleaning your horse will also en hance their physical de velopment and cognitive abilities and maintain their overall good health. When it’s time for your horse’s wash, these tips will help you to make the experience easy and comfortable for you both.How often you should clean your horse depends on their habits. If they spend most of the time in the stable, they will need cleaning daily. Whereas if your horse roams freely in a pad dock, cleaning it two to three times a week is enough.When cleaning your horse, you should start by removing mud and sweat from your horse’s main body. To do this, first use a brush and then with a damp sponge clean around the horse’s nostrils, lips and use an other sponge for the rear end.To refresh your horse during the cleaning pro cess, hose them down with a pressure hose. This will also relax your horse, so they stay calm and collected whilst you make them pretty.

HOSING DOWN: Relaxing your horse.

photographyAnnaElizabethCredit: POLICE/FIRE/AMBULANCE: 112 24 HOUR PHARMACY FARMACIA GASPAR REAL VICENS -PALMA 971 272 501 24 HOUR VETS EURO TIERKLINIC – LLUCMAYOR 971 441 213 EMERGENCY NUMBERS EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 PETS28 Cleaning your pet horse BIRD TRAINING: Let it fly around your home. VH-studio/shutterstockCredit:

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QUICK ACCELERATION: Gives a real sense of drama and provides an entertaining drive.

Mustang Mach-E


Facts at a Ford Mustang Mach-E GT 98 kwh extended range all-electric developing 1-speed automatic Price: €86,412 (£72,830) Performance: 0-100 kmh (62 mph) 3.7 seconds/Maximum Speed 199 kmh (124 mph) 236 – 310 miles WLTP Emissions: 0 g/km WLTP Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code

WHEN you think of a Ford Mustang it evokes memories of the iconic Ford featured in the film Bullitt. A very American muscle car that even today packs a powerful punch with a 5.0‐litre V8 petrol engine. However, there’s a new kind of Mustang prowl ing the roads in the shape of the all‐electric Mach‐E, a very modern and green in carnation of the traditional Mustang. With prices start ing from €59,357/£50,030 it has become almost as much a cult Ford as its petrol‐pow eredThreestablemate.Mach‐Emodels are available in standard or ex tended range; rear‐wheel‐drive, all‐wheel‐drive dual motor and a performance GT version. In GT form, which was my test model, there’s 487PS on tap and the 0 ‐ 62 mph benchmark passes in just 3.7 seconds. There are three drive modes available in cluding a full fat untamed mode. From behind the wheel this astonishingly quick acceleration gives a real sense of drama and, al lied to adaptive suspension, provides an extremely en tertaining drive. It’s also more than capa ble in town which is where any EV is at its best and most practical. As ever the big question with an EV is range. The Mach‐E GT will cover between 236 to 310 miles depending on condi tions. Urban driving invari ably means more braking so regenerative energy helps battery charging and hence range. On faster roads such as a dual carriageway or motorway the range doesn’t hold up quite so well. The UK’s charging in frastructure is lacklustre at best, so longer journeys do need to be planned.


Ford GT - a real sense of drama

Priced from €86,412/ £72,830 the Mach‐E GT comes very well equipped with performance seats, wireless phone charging, adaptive cruise, auto lights and wipers, high beam as sist and Bang & Olufsen sound system. A large cen tral screen offers most con trol functions and being Ford it is quite intuitive, and if you have to go digital then Ford generally make life easier.With the number of EVs growing it’s these specialist and more exciting models that will act as halo cars for EV adoption, and the Mach‐E certainly falls into this cat egory. It’s comfortable and a superb drive whether in normal or untamed mode. My only problem, despite almost universal positives, is that the build quality doesn’t quite live up to that very high price tag. It just doesn’t have that certain something that makes a car feel premium. Look at the entry level Mach‐E and it makes a much more appeal ing financial proposition.

ROAD TEST byMarkSlack

Glance Model:

EWN 1 - 7 September 2022 MOTORING30

His ninth win in 14 races this season leaves the Red Bull man with what al ready looks like an unas sailable lead in the cham pionship. Ferrari’s Charles LeClerc, who was his main rival at the start of the season, finds himself lan guishing 98 points behind Verstappen after finishing sixth.Carlos Sainz started the day in pole position but had to settle for the re maining spot on the podi um.

EWN1 - 7 September 2022 31SPORT

Six and gone


Unstoppable Verstappen

JUST two days after winning the elite men’s mountain bike title at the Scottish MTB XC Championships, 37‐year‐old Rab Wardell passed away on Tuesday, August 23, in his sleep. Following his unexpected victory in the event ‐ during which he suffered three punctures ‐ Glaswegian rider Wardell appeared on BBC Scotland on Monday, August 22. “Our deepest sympathy to his friends, family and loved ones. He will be truly missed by our community and his deter mination, talent and friendship will live on in all our hearts and memories,” said a poignant statement from the Scottish Cross Country Association. British Cycling posted a statement saying: “Everybody at British Cycling is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Rab Wardell. Rab was a brilliant rider, friend and ambassador for our sport, and will be sorely missed by so many. Our thoughts are with his family and many friends at this incredibly difficult time.”

AN English Championship side sacked their manager after just six games of the 2022/23 season. The first casualty of the new English Championship season was announced on Thurs day, August 25 as Stoke City revealed that they had sacked their“Stokemanager.Citycan confirm that manager Michael O’Neill has left the Club,” the club announced. Joint Chairman John Coates said: “Michael joined us in November 2019 when the Club was in a difficult situation and the job he did in stabilising our position in the Champi onship should not be underestimated. Michael has worked tirelessly and with extreme professionalism, in particular in reshaping our squad and developing young players, but we feel the time is right to move in a different direction. I would like to thank him for his efforts and wish him every success for the future.” The club said that assistant manager Dean Holden will be taking interim charge of the first‐team.

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A MAGNIFICENT drive by the current F1 world champion Max Verstap pen on Sunday, August 28 at the legendary Spa‐Fran corchamps circuit saw him win the Belgian Grand Prix. The Dutchman was unstoppable as he roared from 14th on the starting grid to take the chequered flag.The Red Bull driver was simply unbeatable, as proved by Sergio Perez coming home in second place, with both drivers totally dominating the race. By the end of the first lap, Verstappen had already picked off several others to move into eighth position.

WINNER: Max Verstappen and his Red Bull racing car after the Belgian MountainGP. bike champion passes away

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