Axarquia 8 - 14 September 2022 Issue 1940

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Day of Touristthe

Tamsin Brown ON Saturday, September 10, Torrox will be cele brating its Day of the Tourist with a full pro gramme of activities, in cluding a guided tour of the old town and a fami ly­orientated ceramics workshop at the Inter pretation Centre of the Torrox lighthouse. The tourist train will be trav elling around the munic ipality from 6pm. There will also be a range of water activities with paddle surfboards, pedal boats and canoes, all of which require pri or registration, and next to the Balcón Mirador, from 12pm to 2pm, peo ple can enjoy going down the longest beach slide in Andalucia. The Day of the Tourist will end with a big gala at 10pm on the Balcón Mirador. The music for this gala will be provid ed by Chenoa, who will perform in front of the more than 10,000 peo ple that the town hall expects to attend. The grand finale will be a huge firework display. •

HallTownTorroxCredit: MissAndaluciaUniverse

FULL PROGRAMME: Presentation of the Day of the Tourist.



RAISING FUNDS: The guests were dressed to impress at the charity event. Cindy Jones and Esther Raez of Cudeca at the event.

I would like to thank Jill Thompson, Helen Sander son, Josie, Kevin, The Bal con Hotel, Todo Express and Alternative Properties for all of their help with the event, it has been a re al community effort.”

MISS COSTA DEL SOL , 20­year­old Alexandra Cucu, was crowned Miss Universe Andalucia 2022 in the fi nal gala that took place in the auditorium of El Ma juelo park in Almuñecar on August 31. Alexandra Cu cu studies theatre and works as a model, actress and dancer.Thefirst runner­up was Nerea Villalobos (Miss Huelva) and the second runner­up was María Victo ria Medina (Miss Jaen). Miss Tourism went to Marisa Molina (Miss Alhaurin el Grande). The title of Miss Congeniality went to Carmen Loubet (Miss Grana da). Miss Photogenic also went to Alexandra Cucu (Miss Costa del Sol) and Miss Smile went to Rosa García (Miss Costa Tropical). The gala brought together 16 young representa tives from different provinces and regions of Andalu cia and the new Miss Universe Andalucia will now travel to Tenerife to represent the autonomous com munity in the Miss Universe Spain competition, the winner of which will participate in Miss Universe. Alexandra Cucu, the new Miss Universe Andalucia.

Laura Kemp FRIDAY, September 2, saw Cudeca Hospice support ers in the Competa area dressed to impress for a Night Under The Stars at the stunning Balcon De Competa Hotel to raise funds for this amazing charity and celebrate its 30­year centCudecaandgoesmajoritycancer“IsellTodoternativewitherandlocalandrival,includedthisCindyofSupporteranniversary.andvolunteertheCudecaHospice,Jones,organisedbeautifulevent,whichsangriaonarabar,anauction,musicfromamazingbandTheDawgs.Thelocalcommunitybusinessesgottogethtopromotetheevent,theBalconHotel,AlPropertiesandExpresshelpingtoandpromotetickets.Cindysaidattheevent:haveworkedforothercharitiesandtheoftheirfundstoadministrationsalaries,however,onlygives4perofitsfundstoadmin.

GRATISIssue No. 1940 8 - 14 September 2022

Esther Raez, who works in communications and fundraising at Cudeca said: “I am absolutely thrilled with the amount of people here, it’s a huge turnout and I am so glad. We are so proud of Cindy, her speech was great and it was lovely to see her on the stage, she is a great volunteer and ambas sador who has raised about €40,000 since join ing us. The English com munity here have been wonderful.”Auctioneer, Alick Howard said: “I have known about Cudeca for around 16 years and have had friends who have used this wonderful chari ty for end of life care. They do really great work and I am honoured to be the auctioneer at this event under the stars!”



Tamsin Brown THE Frigiliana Three Cul tures Festival, held be tween August 25 and 28, was a resounding suc cess, according to the mayor, Alejandro Her rero. Levels of participa tion were excellent, with a “flow of about 7,000 vehicles per day in the town centre” and “full capacity” being reached in all car parks.

“The health professionals deserve all our gratitude, which is why we believe that the roundabout that will give access to the new health centre should be dedi cated to them in recognition of the effort they have made and continue to make since the beginning of the pandemic,” said the mayor, José Alberto Armijo.

Roundabout name

ON October 1, the Manuel Becerra Rugby Field in Rincon de la Vic toria will host an inter national rugby match between the local Mala ga Rugby Club and the English Sheffield Tigers Rugby Football Club, as reported by the council lor for Sports, Antonio JoséThisMartín.isthe third inter national match to be held this year at the rug by facilities in Rincon de la Victoria, following a match with an Austrian team in January and an other with a French team in May. “And we continue to receive requests from national and interna tional teams,” said the councillor.Themayor, Francisco Salado, highlighted “the important presence of international teams that come to our municipality for the optimal condi tions in terms of sports facilities and the good weather for competi tions. We are a pre ferred destination for sports tourism,” he added.This time, the Malaga team will face Sheffield Tigers Rugby Football Club, which currently plays in the fourth tier of the English rugby league system. The match will start at 1pm. Admission is free. The streets were full of life, festivities and crowds.

Three Cultures Festival

The major event com bines culture, gastrono my, music and theatre and literally brings thou sands of people to Frig iliana.The tapas route is un doubtedly one of the most popular activities. It was not created as a competition, but every year hundreds of people take to the streets to complete the route and get a t-shirt. This year, an average of 12,000 tapas were tasted each day as part of the tapas route. All day long, the streets of the beautiful Axarquia village of Frig iliana were full of life, fun, festivities and crowds.

THE town hall of Nerja will name the roundabout where Calle Puente Viejo, Calle Ingenio and the AA24 road meet, giving access to the new health centre, in honour of health workers (Glorieta de los Profe sionales Sanitarios).

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS2

The State Society for the Management of Innova tion and Tourism Tech nologies (SE GITTUR) has just certified Almuñecar and La Herradura as a Smart Tourism Destina tion (Destino Turístico In teligente, DTI), as report ed by the councillor for Tourism and Beaches, Daniel Barbero, on Wednesday August 31. The Smart Tourism Destination initiative aims to encourage the digital transformation of tourist destinations in Spain, thereby promoting sustainable tourism, en suring the satisfaction of tourists and improving the living conditions of the local population. “We work from a crosscutting approach based on five axes: governance, innovation, ment.”frontdestinationsingtant“meansmuñecar,nalpublicganisationnatedbility,sustainabilitytechnology,andaccessipromotingcoordiworkwithintheorandwithandprivateexteragents,”saidBarbero.ForthemayorofAlJuanJoséRuizJoya,thiscertificationtakinganimporsteptowardsbecompartofthegroupofattheforeoftourismdevelop

International rugby match

This was unanimously agreed at the plenary session Corporation held on Thursday September 1. Through the initiative, the town hall wishes to thank all health professionals, whether in hospitals, rural health cen tres, ambulances or retirement homes, for going above and beyond their responsibilities during the pandemic. The tribute is for all of them, for their ded ication, devotion and professionalism.



THE work that the Al muñecar Tourism Board has been doing for years continues to bear fruit.

The Frigiliana Three Cultures Festival is a mixture of fiesta and cul ture that was born in 2006 with the aim of promoting Frigiliana as a tourist destination.

Municipal sports schools

First female councillor

“Milagros Jiménez is remembered and honoured in our town for having been a very committed and hard­working wom an. She said she was born in the year of the republic. I am a monarchist, but I would have loved to have been able to talk to her because, as a woman, I would have agreed with her on many things,” said María de los Ángeles Ruiz, the first deputy mayor.

The activities for children and teenagers include karate, taek wondo, chess, basketball, tennis, skating, judo, rugby, football, table tennis, volleyball, triathlon, athletics, urban dance, hand ball, hockey, badminton, rhythmic gymnastics and Zumba. This year, all registrations must be done in person in the morning and paid for by credit card at the APAL Sports Office in the Rubén Ruzafa sports hall in Torre de Benagalbon for a cost of €12 per student. For more information, visit es/escuelas­deportivas­municipales.https://www.rincondelavictoria.

The inauguration of the street dedicated to Milagros Jiménez.

Credit: Torrox Town Hall

THE Department of Sports of the Rincon de la Victoria Town Hall opened the registration period for its municipal sports schools on September 1. Until September 15, all students who were enrolled last season will be able to renew their registra tion, and from September 16, new students will be able to reg ister until all places are filled. The activities for adults include spinning, tai chi, Zumba, kickboxing, skating, bodybuilding, Pi lates, yoga, handball, indoor football, hockey, judo, rugby, surf ing, table tennis, tennis, badminton and fitness for the elderly.

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS4

Tamsin Brown THE neighbourhood of La Rabitilla in Tor rox now has a street named after Mila gros Jiménez, the first woman to be a councillor of the Torrox Town Hall. She was elected after the first democratic municipal elections in 1979. The naming of the street was held on September 2 and was attended by the mayor, Óscar Medina, representatives of the town hall and Milagros’ children. Medina praised Jiménez, who passed away 22 years ago, for “being a council lor and helping residents all while raising six children.” He also highlighted how things have changed since then, as now, five of the eight councillors of the Torrox Town Hall are women.

ON October 20 and 21, the Nuestra Señora del Carmen­Antigua Azucarera Cultural Centre in Torre del Mar will host the first­ever World Telehealth Congress. The announcement was made by the deputy mayor of Caleta de Vélez, José David Segura, the honorary president of the Spanish Association of Health Communica tion, Miguel Muñoz Cruzado, and the president of the Scientific Committee of the congress, TeresaSeguraCastilla.stressed the importance of a congress that will “once again place Torre del Mar in the international spotlight,” this time in the field of healthMiguelcommunication.MuñozCruzado thanked the Mayor’s Office of Torre del Mar for its support. He said: “This congress is a way of giving back some of the hospitality and treatment that this town has given me over the almost 70 years I have lived here.” He also explained that the main ob jective of the congress is “to explore the advan tages and disadvantages of new information and communication technologies in health.”

THE Rincon de la Victoria Town Hall and the Junta de Andalucia have jointly laid the foundations for sus tainable growth and infras tructures for health and education in the municipal ity for the next few years.

On September 1, the mayor of Rincon, Francisco Salado, met with the new delegate of the Junta de Andalucia in Malaga, Patri cia Navarro, who began her trip through the province with a visit to the municipality of Rincon de la “WeVictoria.discussed improv ing the quality of life of our residents and our public services,” said Salado. “We also discussed the projects that are currently under way, such as the new health centre in the Huerta Julián area of Rincon.” The mayor thanked the delegate for “coming to Rincon to Victoria and tak ing an interest in the affairs of the municipality as soon as she took office.”

World Telehealth Congress Sustainable



EWN8 - 14 September 2022 5NEWS

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS6

Captured birds released

SPANISH scientists have unlocked the se crets of the ‘immortal jellyfish’, the Turritop sis dohrnii. The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has reported that Spanish scientists have revealed the ge netic code of this sea creature which has the ability to revert to its juvenile larval form over and over. Maria Pascual­Torner, Victor Quesada, and colleagues at the University of Oviedo, conducted a study to understand why the Turritopsis dohrnii has this special ability. They compared its genetic sequence to Turritopsis rubra, a close cousin that does n’t have those same rejuvenation abilities. In their report, the researchers said that the T dohrnii is the only species that is able to repeatedly rejuvenate itself after sexual reproduction, making it biologically immor tal. Monty Graham, a jellyfish expert who is also director of the Florida Institute of Oceanography ­ who was not involved in the research ­ told a news source: “We’ve known about this species being able to do a little evolutionary trickery for maybe 15­20 years.”Itishoped that unravelling the mysteries of the immortal jellyfish will help provide clues for human ageing.

THE Guardia Civil has released more than 270 illegally cap tured birds in Valencia. The traps they were in were operated remotely by means of a rope that caused them to close and capture the specimens that had entered inside. The agricultural fields were baited with plenty of grain to attract the birds, the Guardia Civil confirmed on Sunday, September 4. In the centre of the enclo sure was another goldfinch used as bait, with one of its legs tied to wood anchored to the ground. Two people have been investigated for using il legal gear to capture the birds, the vast majority of which are protected.Duetothe breeding season of fringillid birds and with the aim of preventing the capture of protected birds, the Guardia Civil has carried out various surveillance activities in this area in recent months. In the area known as ‘Camino Bayo’, belonging to the municipality of Liria, in Va lencia, several illegal traps were found ready for use as a result of the surveillance activ ities.

Secrets unlocked


TOÑO PIÑEIRO, a resident of Valencia, made an astound ing discovery whilst refurbishing an old abandoned property that he had bought in the village of Millan, in Lugo, Galicia. During the course of his building work, the man was shocked to uncover around nine million pesetas, equivalent to about €54,000. The old Spanish currency notes were in side six Nesquick jars scattered around the building and its outbuildings Mr Piñeiro explained to a Spanish publication. There is an element of good fortune but also bad fortune in this tale. When Piñeiro discovered the first two jars, it was before the Bank of Spain’s deadline to exchange old curren cy. The property had been empty for almost 40 years before he bought it, and the amount of around €30,000 he made by exchanging the old notes came in very handy for building costs. However, since July 2021, the Bank of Spain no longer accepts old pesetas. This meant that the last three jars full of notes were worthless unless you are a collector of souvenir old notes, professed a dejected Mr Piñeiro.

Worthless pesetas

Plunge onto roofTAXICRASH:Thedriverhadaluckyescape.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 7NEWS

A TAXI driver in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria had a lucky escape after his vehicle plunged five metres onto the roof of a building that was under construction, and he survived without injury. As reported by the Local Police force of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the incredible accident occurred on the Ca nary Island on Friday, the local se curity service, the incident happened on Calle Panco Guerra in the island’s capital city.Immediately after being in formed of the event, the Emergency and Security Co ordination Centre (Cecoes) 112 of the government of the Canary Islands deployed an ambulance.Sourcesreported that the taxi driver initially refused to be transferred to a medical centre to get a health check, and was attended at the scene by medics. After the medics departed the scene, the Local Police had to call them back when the driver suffered bouts of dizziness.

Omar in Marbella Lye-FookOmarCredit: EXCLUSIVE

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 FEATURE8

“Having spent so long in lockdown, it’s a pleasure to be able to get back out and per form, so before coming to Spain, I have dates booked in London and Paris but I am so looking forward to my first gigs on the Costa Del Sol,” he confirmed.

Omar Lye­Fook is a real gentleman with so much experience, talent and dedication to his music which means that his appearances this September should be in everyone’s di ary. Omar doing what he loves to do.

ONE of Britain’s top singers will be perform ing in the Costa del Sol at the end of Septem ber as Omar travels over for two special shows.Speaking to Euro Weekly News about the two gigs, Omar Lye­Fook MBE said that “coming to Spain is like returning home” as he has regularly performed in both Barcelona and Madrid. He’s looking forward to his appearances at Max Beach in Riviera on Friday Septem ber 23 and then at Joy’s Live in Puerto Banus on Saturday September 24 with admission to both shows being free. Although music is his first love, Omar started acting at a young age and appears in his own one man play Lovesong which he wrote and features his own music. Most recently however he had a short run in EastEnders playing Avery Baker who re united with his younger brother and then died of Throughcancer.this, he has found a new audi ence for his music and is looking forward to other acting opportunities although he will next be seen in an episode of new ITV dra maOmarRiches.comes from a talented musical family whose father was a session musician who played drums with Bob Marley and even the Rolling Stones. In addition to all this and despite being known predominantly as a soul singer, Omar says that he is excited by all types of music and incorporates reggae, roots, r’n’b and much more into his repertoire.

50th Anniversary


NORWAY Winter Olympics


DESPITE fears that this could be another case of ‘Big Brother watching’, the Finnish Parliament is likely to approve the use of digital identification from a phone app which will be legally acceptable alongside the more traditional passport or plastic ID card

ACCORDING to a trio of French MEPs, the latest downside to Brexit is the fact that the British government is allowing the discharge of raw sewage into waters such as the English Channel which are shared with France and they want the EU to take action.


BELGIUM Chocolate shortage

SWEDEN Playboy king

THE Swedish Royal Family is reportedly not happy that it is to be given the same treatment as Queen Elizabeth with a six-part bio-pic titled Monarki about current monarch King Carl XVI Gustaf, who at 76, has settled down but was a playboy in his younger days.

FRANCE Cut the Crap

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 10EUROPEAN PRESS

Folding chair


ITALY Tik Tok vote

IT is now 70 years since Oslo hosted the Winter Olympic Games, but it appears that Norwegians want to see the competition back as in a nationwide survey, conducted by Respons on behalf of VG, 49 per cent were in favour of bidding for the 2030 event.

IRELAND Keep out A TEACHER has been instructed by the High Court that he may not enter the school at which he works in Co. Westmeath because he has refused to call a transitioning student ‘they’ or by a new name until a final court ruling is made.

BELGIUM is considered by many as the producer of some of the best chocolate worldwide but there is a current shortage as a major manufacturer had to destroy tons of chocolate due to the discovery of salmonella which closed the factory for six weeks.

A 30-YEAR-OLD man (who has been charged by the police) kicked a ball at a low flying aircraft which was taking part in a religious ceremony in Sintra and to the surprise of the pilot it hit the wing causing slight loss of control.

IT’S common knowledge that German tourists love their poolside loungers, but this obsession may go back 1,400 years as an archaeological team in Bavaria has uncovered a folding chair that dates back to the 7th century and this is the latest in a number of similar finds.

ALTHOUGH Queen Margrethe II ascended to the Danish throne on January 14, 1972 her official 50th anniversary celebrations were held back until September to ensure that they were unlikely to be affected significantly by widespread outbreaks of Covid-19 as she celebrates with the country.


THE NETHERLANDS Getting tough AN investigation by newspaper Trouw has discovered that some Dutch students who live abroad and owe money to student loan provider Duo are unable to renew their passports if the debt exceeds €5,000 and only if they agree a repayment plan will they be temporarily extended.

THE 85-year-old former Prime Minister of Italy, billionaire Silvio Berlusconi who has a penchant for young people, has taken to TikTok in order to try to woo young Italian voters as he attempts to become PM for the fifth time in upcoming elections.

UKRAINE Wish us luck IN a press briefing before setting off for the final stage of the journey to Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia power plant, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Head of the UN team said "Wish us luck” as he acknowledged that there was still fighting and shelling in the area.


THE John Lewis Partnership is recruiting more than 10,000 temporary roles across the UK this Christmas to meet in creased demand over the busy festive period. As an added bonus, the group will be offer ing free meals in store to all of its staff including temporary workers at both John Lewis and Waitrose with effect from Octo ber 3 until January 6 to help with the cost of living. Andrew Murphy, Chief Operations Offi cer said: “We pride ourselves on creating a happy workplace because it’s our Partners who make the difference and it’s thanks to them that John Lewis and Waitrose are two of the UK’s best­loved brands.”

LONDON­based Neil Phillips, the co­founder and chief in vestment officer of a hedge fund was arrested in Spain on September 1. The arrest was based on a charge brought by the US government alleging conspiracy to commit com modities fraud in connection with a scheme to artificially ma nipulate the exchange rate of the US dollar and South African rand. The indictment alleges that he planned to fraudulently trigger a $20 million payment under what is known as a barri er options contract.


Best option


The CMA understands that Mi crosoft already has a leading gam ing console (Xbox), a leading cloud platform (Azure), and the leading PC operating system (Windows OS), all of which could be impor tant to its success in cloud gaming. It fears that it could refuse to al low its competitors to have access to the games thus making it more difficult for UK consumers to achieve best value for money when choosing a console. According to a report by the BBC, Microsoft President Brad Smith responded by saying “We’re ready to work with the CMA on next steps and address any of its concerns.” Thereisto be a second phase to the CMA enquiry and time will tell whether it will try to block the sale.

GAMING CONSOLES: Hugely popular Call of Duty.

ONLINE discount sustainable food supermarket Motatos has just launched in the UK af ter raising £38 million from ex isting shareholders. Founded in Sweden it takes the simple concept that it should negoti ate with large manufacturers to purchase their surplus or short­dated stock and then of fer it at discounted prices to consumers.Ifacompany has been guilty of overproduction re sulting in surplus, has product with faulty packaging, has a surplus due to seasonal trends or has product near best be fore dates, it is often prepared to supply to Motatos rather than simply throw it away which benefits everyone.

Record number

ANOTHER proof that tourists are back, travelling around Spain once again is the news that the Guggenheim Muse um in Bilbao is celebrating the best summer in its history af ter welcoming 449,477 visi tors between June and Au gust 2022, far exceeding pre­pandemic numbers.


Battersea Power Station ONE of London’s top land marks, until now just a dis used building, Battersea Pow er Station used to power Buckingham Palace and Hous es of Parliament before it was decommissioned in 1975, but it reopens as a shopping and tourist centre on October 14 after a total refit.

The United Kingdom continues to supply the largest number of visitors with 1.9 million tourists (88 per cent of those who came in July 2019), fol lowed by France, with more than 1.4 million (98 per cent compared to 2019) and Germany, with about 1.1 million, repre senting 88 per cent of those who arrived before the pandemic.Countries that have in creased their presence are Belgium, The Netherlands and Portugal and Ameri cans are beginning to re turn, although not in such large figures as pre­pan demic.Most popular destina tions in July were the Balearics, Catalonia and Va lencia although in the yearto­date Catalonia took first place, the Balearics second and the Canaries third.

Investor charged

GAMES manufacturer Activision Blizzard targeted by Microsoft but the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) fears a takeover could hurt competition and is in vestigating the deal. Microsoft which is one of the top three manufacturers of gaming consoles alongside Sony and Nin tendo is prepared to spend a stag gering £59 billion to bring the com pany under its wings. It seems an excessive sum but over the years, Activision Blizzard has developed some of the most popular games such as Candy Crush, Call of Duty and World of Warcraft and last year turned over more than £6 billion.

Call of Duty takeover to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

Tourists returning

More jobs

Free meals


Palma de Mallorca was a very popular destination.

Exchange rate FOLLOWING the huge rise in inflation in the UK and the fact that the Ggovernment was seen to be a rudderless ship, the exchange rate be tween the pound and dollar has taken a hit and at the time of writing £1 would buy either $1.16 or €1.16.

Britain is not the only country in vestigating the deal and even shareholders in the company have acted against the plan alleging that it is being pushed through in order to escape paying compensation for an ongoing lawsuit.

Gender flexible SPORTING goods manufactur er Puma has teamed up with Palomo Spain opened by de signer Alejandro Gómez Palo mo in 2015 to produce a gen der flexible collection (with each piece bearing the Palo mo label) which is ideal for both street credibility and sports participation.

TOURISM in Spain contin ues to recover with foreign visitor figures up in July, even though numbers are still less than the same month in 2019. Data supplied to the Na tional Institute of Statistics (INE) by Frontur and Egatur showed that nearly 9.1 mil lion international visitors arrived in July (92 per cent of the 2019 total) but with a spend of €11.87 billion, they spent almost much as in “ extraordinary da ta that confirms our expec tation that in 2022 we would already experience a summer like the ones be fore, despite the challenge represented by the current inflation problems,” said the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto. In July, the average ex penditure per tourist in creased from €1,209 to €1,309 and the average stay also increased slightly. • 8 - 14 September 202212 deal for Basque industrial company CAF to supply railway lines which it manufactures in New York to the Boston transport authority. STATWEEKOF €800 million

A FURTHER 62,135 workers were added to the Social Se curity employment rolls in seasonally adjusted figures for August according to a state ment by the Spanish govern ment made on September 2. This means that 20,173,277 are now registered as being employed in Spain.


3M 125,63 126,39 30,66M American Express 151,11 151,37 147,65 2,42M Amgen 245,50 245,74 240,74 2,49M Apple 157,96 158,42 154,67 73,54M Boeing 153,66 158,90 150,82 7,61M Caterpillar 182,44 183,21 180,10 2,69M Chevron 155,54 156,88 153,23 8,22M Cisco 45,29 45,34 44,40 16,21M Coca-Cola 62,00 62,04 61,29 14,81M Dow 49,96 50,49 49,14 6,38M Goldman Sachs 333,50 333,69 324,62 1,57M Home Depot 293,37 293,58 286,72 3,74M Honeywell 190,73 191,13 188,54 2,24M IBM 129,66 129,82 127,74 3,35M Intel 31,76 31,83 31,13 36,26M J&J 165,34 165,50 161,48 7,48M JPMorgan 114,51 114,63 111,91 9,92M McDonald’s 256,47 256,53 251,76 2,57M Merck&Co 87,15 87,46 85,36 7,52M Microsoft 260,40 260,89 255,41 22,91M Nike 106,49 106,55 103,80 5,51M Procter&Gamble 139,64 139,76 136,76 7,43M 153,53 155,33 150,87 9,90M Travelers 163,30 164,30 160,41 1,04M 524,00 524,26 515,09 2,08M 41,81 42,05 41,64 21,62M 200,13 200,43 196,66 5,59M 35,26 35,29 34,53 7,44M 134,48 135,14 132,40 7,18M 112,53 112,59 373,59K National Grid 1.066,72 1.077,00 1.063,00 541,98K NatWest Group 248,30 248,30 240,30 3,36M Next 5.816,0 5.844,0 5.780,0 43,97K Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0 Ocado 670,79 696,20 670,00 429,93K Persimmon 1.409,5 1.447,0 1.406,0 522,25K Phoenix 600,00 601,20 590,80 984,61K Prudential 906,40 912,40 886,80 1,08M Reckitt Benckiser 6.448,0 6.544,0 6.386,0 314,36K Relx 2.229,00 2.246,00 2.221,00 523,15K Rentokil 513,20 517,80 512,40 469,26K Rightmove 597,60 600,20 592,80 523,16K Rio Tinto PLC 4.600,8 4.632,5 4.554,5 362,38K Rolls-Royce Holdings 73,88 74,94 71,94 6,74M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0 Sage 695,60 704,60 694,60 1,44M Samsung Electronics DRC 1.056,00 1.057,00 1.052,00 1,91K Schroders 2.628,0 2.634,0 2.604,0 8,63K Scottish Mortgage 782,24 789,40 779,00 1,01M Segro 914,40 915,40 892,80 541,14K Severn Trent 2.751,0 2.772,0 2.746,0 65,01K Shell 2.305,5 2.320,5 2.285,5 4,41M Smith & Nephew 1.050,50 1.066,00 1.037,50 1,88M Smiths Group 1.467,50 1.470,50 1.441,50 191,48K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 10.300,0 410,00 393,10 1,91M Berkeley 3.392,0 3.521,0 3.357,0 164,55K Group Ltd 2.182,50 2.192,00 2.146,00 487,79K 451,25 454,70 443,95 19,97M British American Tobacco 3.422,5 3.442,0 3.400,0 441,54K British Land Company 410,60 412,10 405,70 426,02K Group 144,80 147,20 144,15 3,54M 2.799,0 2.750,0 179,95K Group 258,35K 711,6 716,8 706,2 214,20K Centrica 78,20 76,04 3,46M Cola HBC 1.968,0 1.948,5 61,04K 1.834,00



110,03 7,65M InterContinental 4.590,0 4.613,0 4.564,0 69,98K Intermediate Capital 1.281,50 1.295,00 1.260,50 143,22K Intertek 3.883,0 3.920,0 3.872,0 51,23K ITV 62,30 62,96 61,90 2,13M J Sainsbury 200,20 201,80 199,25 769,02K Johnson Matthey 1.969,0 1.973,0 1.944,5 62,01K Land Securities 623,20 625,40 617,00 218,42K Legal & General 248,20 249,60 245,60 2,39M Lloyds Banking 43,31 43,34 42,77 47,05M London Stock Exchange 7.888,0 8.002,0 7.876,0 101,60K Meggitt 798,00 798,60 797,60 341,73K Melrose Industries 131,35 132,45 130,45 1,17M Mondi 1.437,00 1.444,50 1.428,00

10.345,0 10.150,0 17,71K SSE 1.672,50 1.679,00 1.653,00 603,70K St. James’s Place 1.069,50 1.073,50 1.050,00 179,42K Standard Chartered 590,20 594,60 584,40 1,40M Taylor Wimpey 102,55 105,10 101,90 5,87M Tesco 243,94 245,50 242,90 3,87M Tui 127,80 129,20 125,50 580,78K Unilever 3.892,0 3.899,5 3.869,5 1,03M United Utilities 1.045,00 1.053,00 1.043,50 202,30K Vodafone Group PLC 111,96 112,94 111,56 13,87M Whitbread 2.502,0 2.506,0 2.476,0 158,58K WPP 730,68 736,00 723,60 637,03K Most Advanced Lion Electric Co +75.44% 2.37M Hempacco +63.41% 50.80M GigaCloud Technology +61.43% 18.70M Virax Biolabs +58.69% 21.65M Forma +51.04% 43.79M ShiftPixy +46.90% 2.21M Shuttle Pharmaceuticals +36.17% 2.02M bioAffinity Technologies +35.95% 10.16M Kuke Music +32.94% 6.57M Nutanix +29.13% 21.23M IG Acquisition +28.57% 59.97K Most Declined American Virtual Cloud -52.17% 236.05M Newage Inc -46.87% 39.04M Okta -33.70% 45.68M Prospector Capital WNT -33.00% 32.03K Getty Images Holdings -28.79% 497.87K Siyata Mobile -27.72% 11.72K Semtech -27.15% 6.14M MongoDB -25.32% 8.15M GreenPro -24.80% 1.79M Hour Loop -24.71% 1.21M Health Assurance Acquisition -20.00% 69.79K CCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG NNETET VVOLOL DOW JONES C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 5 3I Group 1.139,50 1.151,50 1.125,50 301,60K Abrdn 148,30 148,40 142,80 1,60M Admiral Group 2.029,0 2.051,0 2.013,0 141,34K Anglo American 2.693,0 2.706,0 2.639,0 509,57K Antofagasta 1.066,00 1.070,50 1.040,00 290,68K Ashtead Group 4.227,0 4.258,0 4.170,0 132,23K Associated British Foods 1.489,0 1.512,5 1.486,5 121,72K AstraZeneca 10.572,0 10.630,0 10.512,0 406,26K Auto Trader Group Plc 636,40 640,40 633,80 566,95K Avast 714,60 721,60 712,40 4,60M Aveva 2.809,0 2.816,0 2.792,0 381,05K Aviva 417,30 417,80 410,66 471,16K B&M European Value Retail SA370,00 371,40 366,40 277,95K BAE Systems 758,00 764,40 753,80 1,66M Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 0,612 0 Barclays 164,48 165,08 161,72 11,18M Barratt Developments 396,00






Bunzl 2.780,0

Compass 1.826,00


AG 1.953,5

1.706,5 1.731,0 1.698,0


Visa A

Walgreens Boots


1.820,00 703,79K CRH 3.133,0 3.137,5 3.072,5 234,25K Croda Intl 6.592,6 6.658,0 6.586,0 45,92K DCC 4.806,0 4.824,0 4.732,0 38,32K Diageo 3.744,5 3.774,5 3.727,0 517,20K DS Smith 263,70 266,75 259,35 339,07K EasyJet 355,60 358,20 348,20 723,09K Experian 2.580,0 2.586,0 2.558,0 290,38K Ferguson 9.780,0 9.946,0 9.726,0 102,59K Flutter Entertainment 10.340,0 10.455,0 10.275,0 69,48K Fresnillo 672,30 676,20 653,00 172,44K Glencore 446,00 448,65 436,84 23,01M GSK plc 1.338,00 1.361,60 1.334,20 1,37M Halma 2.014,0 2.028,0 2.003,0 98,88K Hargreaves Lansdown 799,78 802,60 781,80 54,76K Hikma Pharma 1.288,50 1.305,00 1.282,00 156,98K HSBC 527,70 530,20 524,70 5,76M IAG 106,98 107,38 104,90 2,59M Imperial Brands 1.884,50 1.904,50 1.874,50 294,01K Informa 540,20 543,60 532,20 998,50K ººCCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG. NNETET VVOLOL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................0.9999 Japan yen (JPY) 140.30 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9822 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4366 Norway kroner (NOK) 10.0263 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See advertouronpreviouspage 0.86495 1.15597 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 5 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 5 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 952 906 581 EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL14

Walt Disney

LA MONCLOA: President Sánchez in conversation with Jong-Hee Han of Samsun Electronics.

THE Co­op has agreed to sell its 129­strong petrol forecourt business which includes stores on these sites to Asda in a deal worth £600 million. The majority shareholders in Asda made their money from petrol stations in the UK so this acquisition is a natural fit.

Burger bonanza

ACCORDING to Tom Stain er of the Campaign for Re al Ale group (CAMRA) speaking to a UK newspa per, he believes that to keep up with increased overheads, pubs would need to charge £20 for a pint of beer but as that is not feasible, many will have to close down.

SPAIN’S Ministry of Agri culture, Fisheries and Food has increased agri cultural insurance sup port by €60 million to raise the state subsidy on the total cost of the pre mium by 10 percentage points to 40 per cent as this insurance is a key agricultural policy tool.

BUSINESSEXTRA EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 FINANCE16

JOHN GLEN MP: Sold shares worth over £1 billion earlier this year.

THE UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that NatWest Bank breached banking rules.Ithad been forcing business cus tomers to open a business current account, which incurs fees, in order to secure a loan ­ a practice known as ‘bundling’, the UK government con firmed on Wednesday, August 31. As such, hundreds of businesses have been charged monthly for a business account that they may not have wanted or needed. It also limit ed businesses’ choice as they were unable to hold an account with a sep arate provider, which may have bet ter met their requirements. The breach lasted for over three years, with NatWest failing to alert the CMA until January 2021. Having scrutinised the error more closely, the CMA became aware the bank had signed certain customers up for a business account when they had specifically requested to have a fee­freeAdamaccount.Land,CMA Senior Director of Remedies, said: “Forcing business es to open costly current accounts to secure essential loans is unaccept able and a direct breach of our rules, which have been in place for 20 years.The bank is in the process of re funding affected customers and will offer SME customers with a business account the option of switching to a fee­free loan servicing account. Although this is not the only bank to have been discovered to have done this, it is slightly embarrassing for the government which still owns 48.5 per cent of its equity, even af ter former Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen sold shares worth over £1 billion in March this year.

Iceland freeze

Commenting on this, Sánchez said “Our country as pires to lead in areas such as cybersecurity, 6G, artificial in telligence or cloud computing, in addition to accelerating the deployment of 5G.” During the meeting, the Samsung CEO outlined the plans the company has for its development in Spain in rela tion to the ambitious strategy designed by the government to turn Spain into a key player in the medium term in the de velopment of semiconduc tors.

AFTER receiving an energy bill of E20 million, Richard Walker, CEO of Iceland supermarket which has franchise operations in Spain has an nounced that he is cutting back on planned opening of new stores and has approached 10 Downing Street asking for more financial assis tance for businesses struggling to keep afloat.




SPAIN is becoming a very at tractive country as far as Asian tech companies are concerned with its commitment to invest in the future. It aims to become the central European Hub in the field of digitisation and development of semiconductors, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan thanks to the massive fi nancial support of the EU Therefore, on Wednesday August 31, President Pedro Sánchez, held a meeting in Madrid at La Moncloa with the CEO and Vice President of Sam sung Electronics, Jong­Hee Han.During the meeting they dis cussed the investment oppor tunities offered by Spain in these fields as the Recovery Plan allocates some €20 billion to digital transformation, with more than €3.5 billion aimed at reinforcing the technological training of the population, an other €3.5 billion destined for the modernisation of small and medium companies (SMEs) and €3 billion for the digitisation of public administrations.


Digital Breachingtransformationofbanking rules

Makro fears

THE Belgian company Bronze Property which owns cash and carry chain Makro (which has several outlets in Spain) and catering wholesaler Metro is applying for bankruptcy protection to try to safeguard its 2,000 plus staff across Europe.

ON Thursday September 1, Spanish President Pedro Sánchez announced plans to tem porarily cut VAT on gas from the current 21 per cent to 5 per cent in a bid to make life more affordable during the winter. This will take effect from the beginning of October and run through until the end of De cember, although members of the opposition Partido Popular have suggested that it should be extended further. What needs to be re membered however is, that unlike the UK, a lot of gas used is the bottled variety and costs will reduce there, but although some 40 per cent of electricity is created through use of gas there will be no saving on the already re duced rate of VAT on that form of energy. MANY customers find it irritating to have to stand in long queues in some stores in order to pay for their goods. An experiment by low price Dutch retailer Hema, if successful, could see a whole new option for shops and con sumers as it trials a unique new mobile app developed by ING and European payment provider CCV. They claim it will revolutionise shopping as the app can turn any mobile phone into a payment terminal meaning that every member of staff on the shop floor will be able to easily accept card payments and send a digital receipt.

Gas VAT cut Payment option

THERE’s money in burgers as Madrid start up Goiko has proved with turnover in 2021 exceeding €103 million, an increase in turnover of some 30 per cent compared to the pre vious year and it plans to open a further 20 outlets this year taking it to 100 restaurants. £20 pint

The more the media excessively encour ages different cultures (15 per cent), the greater will grow the lack of support from the majority (85 per cent) of the British public. What if PM winner Truss turns out to be akin to another Margaret Thatcher? The thought of Starmer and Rayner win ning against her really boggles the imagina tion! Nope, these vote grabbing tactics will utterly misfire and the results will once again be the usual left wing disaster. It will be interesting to observe just how far left they are ultimately prepared to go! Keep the faith Love

The media bosses are on a hell bent mission to get rid of the conservative government in the next election ­ basi cally because they know they will be more powerful and secure. Their news events are at this time revelling in the chaotic mess the country finds itself in. Any attempts by the government to as sist or rectify some of the problems (most of which are national complica tions) are nullified or almost scoffed at. They are continually informing the public that the new leader will have to sort out countless problems now affect ing a beleaguered British community, and their excessive casting of minority actors in commercials and documen taries is not only misleading, but utterly prejudicial to the majority of artistic professionals. It is all a part of their plans to put a Labour government into number 10. If they can make the UK in habitants feel they are propitious par takers of a perfectly mixed culture, they believe they will obtain a victorious in flux of votes from a grateful British pub lic. In actual fact they are totally wrong. The historical citizens of the UK are not unintelligent. Vast numbers are not at all overjoyed with many of the conse quences that have transpired since they openly welcomed members of different nationalities into the population. Many have moved out of once beloved cities and into more peaceful and patriotic ru ral areas. However these citizens are still principal partisans of their beloved country of origin.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 17FEATURE

INTERESTING to read some of my mail of late. The piece published on our let ters page caught my attention. It was enquiring as to why there was so little media publicity, or public uproar con cerning the 87­year­old pensioner who was stabbed to death on his mobility scooter? The simple reason was that the arrested perpetrator was a young black male. This would go against the whole future ambitions of the left wing media bosses, who are hell bent on convincing the British public that they are all living happily in a glorious exis tence of mixed cultures.


I’ll even go as far as to stick my neck out here and suggest that the saturated reporting relating to the tragic shooting of Olivia, the nine­year­old little girl, which went on for weeks and over flowed with information that the main suspect was a member of the Liverpool gangs, was purely because most of these particular criminal suspects were white. Had it been a murder committed by members of a different culture, the condensed amount of publicity would have no doubt equalled the atrocious murder of the white pensioner.

Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.

DEAR Leapy How refreshing to know that I am not the only old f**t that thinks our way. We like you have left the UK, but only 15 years ago, but it was probably the best thing we have done. Living in Spain, slightly north of Alicante is a good place to be. My grandchildren are hav ing to pay over £800 a month for a room in a shared house. Our children have bought a share in a flat and have to rent the rest of it on a scheme to make it easy to buy. What a con that is! Also, saw a very good friend of mine yesterday, who is quite ill, his family have sug gested that he goes back to the UK, but he said he would rather die here. What a sad state for the old boy. Keep the faith Ted in Pinoso

ALICANTE: A good place to be. TTStudio/shutterstockCredir:



There’s a financial saving for the supermarket as even if they reduce the price of an item that has been on the shelves for a while, there is still some return on their investment.

I’m disgusted


That’s changing quite quickly and also best before dates on hundreds of vegetables and fruit are being re moved across the UK with the idea that the average as sistant or shopper is able to see whether something is fresh or not and can make an informed decision whether to purchase.


Sometimes, old cliches are also extremely accurate and nowadays ‘Waste not, want not’ should become the watchword for the world.

WITH food costs spiralling it seems that at long last su permarkets throughout Europe are trying to stop the waste that sees food being destroyed rather than eaten. To some extent they had themselves to blame with an obsessive need to only offer perfectly shaped veg etables which they claim was due to customer de mand.Atthe end of the day many vegetables are peeled and cut before being cooked or served, so why would anyone care about a wonky shape or an ugly tomato when it tastes identical to the perfect specimen?


As detailed in a different part of this week’s edition, a company in Sweden is buying up overstocked or short life goods from a range of manufacturers and offering them for sale online at reduced prices. Hopefully the day of the ‘bin diver’ is coming to an end as supermarkets are also making sure that items that might once have been thrown away are now being offered to charities and food banks.

I FEEL I must write with disgust at the latest announcement regarding slaughter houses in Spain. It has just been passed that CCTV cameras are being installed in all slaughter houses to protect animals from cruelty whilst being slaughtered. I think they must be having a laugh! What about the cruelty to the bulls in the bull rings, just for enjoyment!!!! I rest my case. Elsie Manning Good work HI Leapy, just a very short note to say I love reading your col umn my friend, keep up the good work and don’t let the b......s grind you down All the best Tom PS enjoy your trip back to the lovely Emerald Isle



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THE ANGLICAN Chaplaincy of Nerja & Almunecar. Every Sun day there is a Holy Communion service at midday in San Miguel church in Nerja. Every Wednes day morning at 9.30 we have an online ‘Zoom’ HC serviceplease contact Fr Nigel with an e-mail address if you would like to join us. Priest in Charge, Father Nigel Thomas. Tel: Church House - 951 815736, Mobile: 608 695 756, e-mail:

INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LI CENCE: Courses held in English and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301294) TORRE del Mar. Rent 1 room with bathroom. 35€/day. 693 996 352 (FU 2571)

DISTRIBUTION DRIVERS wanted for Costa del Sol and Costa Tropical. One day per week. Must be legal to work in Spain, have own transport, know the areas and be reliable. Please send CV with covering letter to Martyn by email mab021262@gmail. com (292475)

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SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to improve your living environ ment. ian@solarshadetinting. com Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (287972)

PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693

NEW LIFE CHURCH, whether you live in Nerja or are visiting our area, we would be delighted to welcome you to New Life Church. Our meetings are characterised by uplifting songs, relevant sermons and a modern but rever ent service. During this time of un certainty, God’s word reminds us that the Gospel shines brightest in times of darkness. We are a Bible based Church community continu ing to help people find their way back to God. Sunday Service 11.00am Prayer Meetings Wednes days 11.00am Pasaje San Miguel, Nerja, 29780 Email: info@nlcner Website: Facebook: nlcnerja CHARITY Shop Pocapecunia we need things for the house/kitchen, decoration, vas es, plates, cups, saucers, kitchen tools, paintings, pottery pots and pans etc Prolongacion Avd. Rodgriguez Acosta, Nr the Parador Roundabout, opposite café Trébol, Nerja (294373)

WALKINGFOOTY.COM are happy to announce the Eu ro Weekly News as our new sponsors for season 22­23, for both the Over 50 and Over 60 leagues. The Euro Weekly News have long been supporters of our sport and league chairman Steve Lynton said “This is fantastic news for our sport, we see our new partnership with the Euro Weekly News as a superb fit, they have supported us since the beginning and with their continued sup port and the exposure that it will give us, this relation ship and our sport will grow even stronger.” The owners of the Euro Weekly News Michel and Steven Euesden comment ed, “People often ask both Steven and I why we per sonally and professionally endorse walking footballthe reason is quite simpleit ticks all of the boxes for the majority of our friends/family and readers alike. It’s a great community builder ­ it’s competitiveit’s great for everyone’s health ­ it suits the climate and the age group. What is there not to like ? An absolute winner for everyone concerned ­ I would just like to see a few more teams in the leagueso if you have some spare time on your hands and are looking to make some great friends in your adopted land then call Gray Salt to day ­ you might be the next Georgie Best of the Costa …

Credit: Twitter@TennisChannel

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 SPORT24

RAFAEL NADAL cruised into the fourth round of the US Open in the Arthur Ashe Stadium on Saturday, September 3, after a crushing 6­0 6­1 7­5 straight­sets victory over Richard Gasquet. The Spaniard has now played Gasquet 18 times without loss. The second seed took two hours and 17 minutes to dispose of his French opponent. In his previous two matches against Fognini and Rinky Hijika ta, he had lost the opening sets, but Nadal was totally un playable for the first two sets of this match. His ruthless atti tude saw him produce a 78 per cent rate of first­serve points, hitting 35 winners. He also converted three of six break points in a sublime display of tennis skills. The Spanish legend will now face Frances Tiafoe, the Ameri can No22 seed, in the next round. With the 2022 Australian and French Open titles safely in the bag, Nadal can forge ahead in his quest to become the greatest men’s singles champion of all time.

Nadal forges aheadNew season’s sponsors Michel and Steven Euesden are supporting walking football.


Rafael Nadal at the US Open.

PreXMichel”season continues this week, with two new com ers to the Euro Weekly News Over 50 league com peting for the first time. Bo ca Seniors Competa make the journey to Mijas Costa where they face El Cañadon. All teams are due back in pre season training, and with the Walking Dead, Malaga, AC Benahavis and Cañadon from the west Costa del Sol and Torrox Tornedoes, Aston Viñuela, Boca Seniors Competa and new boys Nerja Utd com peting this year, all from the East Costa del Sol, walk ing football is in a fantastic place. For all other news please visit walk on Facebook.

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