Costa Blanca South 8 - 14 September 2022 Issue 1940

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“Tales of woe abound ed,” James said. “Some seeds failed to germinate, whilst others which start ed off with such promise failed to reach their full potential or just withered through regretful neglect before August 27.” The results were veri fied by the judge, who visited and doublechecked the entered mea surements.Theeventual winner was Peter Barlow with a sunflower that grew to 216Thecentimetres.keengardener was pleased with his efforts, as both his seeds germi nated and gave him great pleasure over the sum mer.Asked about the secret of his success, Peter said, “Just common­sense gar dening, lots of water and plant food once a week, with the added ingredient of prayer.” CONTEST: Peter Barlow with his winning sunflower.

Linda Hall THIS spring, Campoverde Church in the Community decided to support their work with a sunflower growing thanwithinging,spentmeasured.sunflowersandshouldthetheycareforseedsceivedthegardenalsoJameschildlenge,erdeNamedcompetition.theCampovSunflowerChalthiswasthebrainofchurchmemberMcAllisterwhoisakeengardenerandblogger.ForasmalldonationtoChurch,entrantsretwosunflowerwithinstructionsplantingandtakingofthem.Inaddition,weregivendetailsofdateswhentheyplanttheseedswhentheresultingshouldbeCampoverdevillagersthesummerfeedweedingandwatertheirplants,somefargreatersuccessothers.

SEE HOW THEY GROW! Pixabay/Couleurcredit:Photo Issue No. 1940 8 - 14 September 2022 FREE • GRATISCOSTA BLANCA SOUTH • EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM SUNFLOWER

COMPROMIS PER ELX, the PSOE’s governing partner in Elche City Council, has urged the Generalitat Valenciana to set a date to sign the compensation commitment agreement to pay Elche's ‘historical debt’.

EWN 8 - 14 September 20222 NEWS

Linda Hall

So that is exactly what the Euro Weekly News decided to do. To her initial surprise, our reporter ­ whose experi ence of town halls has not al ways been encouragingfound that after choosing the Informacion option, she was put on hold for only a fewAtminutes.thispoint she found herself talking to a human being who was pleasantly human and went to consid erable trouble to pinpoint and solve the problem. The helpful person on the other end has now reported the issue to the city hall de partment and the Euro Weekly News has since con tacted Neil.

On Thursday, September 1, the group said they wanted the Generalitat to commit to compensating the city of Elche for the €43 million debt owed to the municipality by the Valencian government.

MARKET AFTERMATH: Murcia City Hall has been asked to solve the ‘Wastedproblem. water’ claim


Getting somewhere

Historical debt plea

“These results endorse the tourism industry’s ef forts to maintain the quality of its offer and situate the Valencian Community as a favourite destination both nationally and internation ally, he said.

TORREVIEJA opposition party Vox accused the town hall of using domestic water to hose down local streets. Party coor dinator Jose Garcia Juncal maintained that 100,000 litres of water were wasted daily on street­cleaning.“AlloverSpain people’s right to domestic water is re stricted owing to drought,” he said. “But in Torrevieja they waste 100,000 litres of water eachVoxday.”pointed out that the Confederacion Hidrografica del Segura (CHS) had an nounced a pre­alert because Segura basin reservoirs were below 40 per cent capacity. “This level does not involve restrictions although it does re quire a rational use of water,” went on to ask Carmen Gomez Candel, coun cillor responsible for Street Cleaning, to apply the same “awareness” that was expect ed of the local population. There should be responsible use of an asset that costs so much to process for human consumption “but not for cleaning streets” according to Garcia Juncal.

THE Euro Weekly News re cently spoke to Neil Cotton, a reader who lives in Avile ses, a municipal sub­division of Murcia City. Each Sunday residents have to endure the aftermath of a weekly Flea Market which leaves the communal bins full to overflowing and has prompted the appearance of rats.“What doesn’t fit, just gets strewn around,” Neil told us. “Why they don’t provide more bins is beyond me.” He also explained that when reporting the problem to Avileses town, they were advised, “Tell Murcia.”

Back to normal

Spokesperson for Compromis per Elx, Esther Diez, said that after the summer holidays they want the agreement signed to ensure that it will be the Elche City Council, which will decide the fate of the money.

THE Valencian Community expects to have welcomed a total of 25 million tourists by the end of 2022. “This is close to the statis tics for 2019,” announced Francesc Colomer, who heads the region’s Tourism Bord.Hotels along the coasts of Alicante, Valencia and Castellon registered 90 per cent occupancy this sum mer, Colomer revealed, a percentage very similar to 2019’s.According to the figures that his department is working with, more than eight million international tourists will have visited the region by the end of 2022, indicating a 90 per cent re covery of 2019’s foreign tourists.Regarding domestic tourism, Colomer calculated that approximately 17 mil lion will have visited one of the Valencian Community’s tourist municipalities by the time the year ends. “Again, this is very similar to 2019 levels,” he said.

“Whether this money will go directly to the munici pal coffers or will be invested by the regional govern ment is a secondary issue,” Díez said.

TORREVIEJA’S mayor Eduardo Dolon presented a survey of all roads in the port, now be ing entirely remodelled. The recent findings will affect vehi cles visiting the port’s future leisure centre, the ‘Hippies’ zone, the fair, public transport and traffic accessing the mari na, the Club Nautico and the Lonja wholesale fish market.

Get Scrabbling


Sue said, they often lacked vital sup plies.Afew days ago, Sue passed on a message from the Tor revieja Cat Adoption Facebook group, who collaborate with the Shelter, explaining that they were running out of cat“I’vefood.shared it in many of the groups I’m in,” she told us.

The event will take place at a Gala at the Municipal Theatre of Torrevieja, organised by the Department of elderly people.

Let’s travel

Old habits


PILAR DE LA HORADADA Town Hall’s Municipal Oper ations Coordination Centre (CECOPAL) has been making plans for dealing with possi ble storms and bad weather this month. Meanwhile, mu nicipal employees and the street cleaning concessionary are at present cleaning storm drains, gutters and streams to prevent blockages during torrential rain.

The theme of the contest in this edition is ‘A feeling of the elder. A look, a posture, a smile’. Pensioners and those over 60 years of age, regis tered in Torrevieja, may participate, Torrevieja Town Hall confirmed on Monday, September 5.

INMACULADA MONTESINOS, the councillor for El derly People of Torrevieja, has confirmed entrants are welcomed for the fourth ‘Tribute to the Elderly’ Pho tography Contest.

Be prepared


“The Civic Centre stands empty every evening so there would be no conflict over usage with other groups currently using this building,” Peter said. He also reminded all those residents intending to vote in next year’s mu nicipal election to watch out for PIOC events around the coast. “These will explain the registra tion process,” Peter said.

SUE PEARCE first contacted the Euro Weekly News after fostering a kitten for Torrevieja’s Animal Shelter. At the time she described the plight of volunteers who, she stressed, do a marvellous job of looking after the cats and dogs Unfortunately,there.

DO you enjoy Scrabble, wordsearch es, crosswords, Wordle, or watching Lingo or Countdown? If you do, go along and meet like­minded friends who play at Mike’s Scrabble Club at The Shed in Campoverde every Fri day morning from 11am till 1pm.

Waiting for a

Entrants need to present a maximum of two pho tographs per contestant. The photos must be sent by email to The submission deadline is Tuesday, September 27.

The tribute simply read, “To the 60,000 Merchant Seamen who lost their lives during the Second World War. RIP.” Pastor Krista, the recent ly-installed Iglesia Evangéli ca Española minister, read a short tribute as Pipe Sergeant David Heaney of the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums played a lament.

“They are a sociable bunch who just play for fun,” Mike explained.

“A purpose­built cultur al centre with youth facili ties on the coast is a priori ty, but in the meantime there is no reason why the Civic Centre couldn’t be opened of an evening to provide a suitable venue,” he suggested.

HONOURINGcallSEAMEN:Joe Billet, Pastor Krista and David Heaney.

MERCHANTLindaspace!HallNAVY DAY was celebrated in Torrevie ja on Sunday, September 4. Former seaman and DDay Veteran Joe Billet laid a wreath at the La Siesta church’s Jardin de Memo ria in honour and remem brance of the sacrifices made by the often-forgot ten and invisible but very hard-working seafarers.

THE regional government is relaunching its Viatgem (Let’s Travel) initiative by is suing 20,000 vouchers for spending on hotel accom modation.Atotalof €8 million has been allocated to the latest edition of the Bono Viaje vouchers, which can be used from September 19 until December 23, bringing discounts of up to €600 on holiday breaks inside the Valencian Community. The scheme was initially introduced in 2020 to assist the region’s beleaguered tourist sector, badly affect ed by national and interna tional travel restrictions in the first year of the pan demic.Thescheme was so suc cessful that the Generalitat has continued to issue the vouchers during low season periods, explained regional president Ximo Puig as he announced this latest edi tion.“We want the Bono Viaje vouchers to areas.”dentsValencian“ItcommandColomerbyPuigsustainout­of­seasonconsolidatetourismandemployment,”saidwhowasaccompaniedTourismchiefFrancescandhissecond­in­HerickCampos.alsohelpstointroduceCommunityresitoalloftheregion’s

The commemoration was attended by members of La Siesta calsamedoubtedlyarefarers,modern-daybrateshonourscludedcongregation,EvangelicalwhichinformerMerchantNavycaptain,HowardCook.MerchantNavyDaythosewhokeptBritainafloatduringbothWorldWars.Italsocelethedependenceonmerchantseawhichalthoughtheyacivilianservice,unrankonthelevelastheArmedForces,becauseofitscritirole. EVEN during periods of austerity, Orihuela has spent staggering amounts on cultural events throughout the year for the“Inyoung.contrast there was and still is a total lack of any provision of youth services for Orihuela Cos ta’s young,” said Peter Houghton of the Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa“This(PIOC).isinstark contrast to the range of facilities for the youth of Orihuela City where the youngsters can visit the municipal Youth centre.” He pointed out that there is no Orihuela Costa youth centre or even a proposal for one.

Room for more THE Ciudadanos party asked the central government in Madrid to explain whether the Emergencies Centre in Orihuela Costa will have a Guardia Civil post. At present the 4,700­square metre building occupied by only the Local Police and a National Police office for foreign resi dents’ NIE numbers.


Changes ahead

Tribute to the Elderly publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain.

Poor facilities

Meanwhile, the Euro Weekly News was promised a phone call from the town hall’s Animal Protection council lor, Concha Sala at the end of July. As September began, we again rang our contact num ber, reminding them of our earlier conversation, and were assured that the councillor will soon be contacting us. Watch this

FIREWOOD sales doubled in August as Alicante Province households stocked up for the winter while supplies last, dealers said. Regular users were keen to avoid sit uations like last winter’s when supplies ran out, while others were turning to open fires and wood­burners to save on gas and electricity.

Merchant Seamen remembered

“No experience is necessary and Scrabble boards and tuition are pro vided,” he said. Mike’s Scrabble Club starts again after the summer break on Friday September 22 in Campov erde Church and Community Hall (also known as The Shed) in Avenida del Pino, Pinar de Campoverde. To find out more, contact Mike Shail by e­mail mikeshail45@ or telephone 722 445 006.

Inmaculada Montesinos confirmed that the award ceremony for the competition will be held on Saturday, October 1, which coincides with the International Day for the Elderly.

Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

Burning issue

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 3NEWS

THE governors of the El Hon do national park near Elche asked permission from the regional government’s Envi ronment department to burn dried reeds, many in zones that have not been cleared for years. This will improve water circulation and elimi nate the bacteria and para sites that threaten El Hondo’s wildlife.

The Euro Weekly News NEWS

ELCHE plans to revitalise and boost local businesses, with a campaign to encourage consumer spending. On Monday, September 5, online sales began for Elche Consumer Vouchers, Elche Town Hall confirmed. The town hall estimates the scheme will put more than €1 million into circulation in the local area. The vouchers, which offer a 50 per cent discount on pur chases in participating establishments, are worth €20, €50, €100 and €200, of which each person pays half the value. These discounts are nominal, so it will be necessary to pre sent ID and personal details, both when purchasing the voucher and when redeeming it. heroFairworks

Local business boost

Linda Hall MALCOLM KEEFE now lives in Torrevieja, where he has owned a holiday home since 2002 and is now a permanent resident.Fewneighbours suspect that Malcom was the 25­yearold special constable who was the first policeman on the scene when the IRA bombed the Horse and Groom in Guildford on October 5, 1974.

Finally, following the belat ed inquest into deaths of the five victims which finished in July, Malcolm received an offi cial citation from Surrey’s Chief Constable, commending the bravery of the young spe cial constable, then on foot patrol nearby. As the citation said, “without a care for his own safety and not knowing the cause of the explosion,” the young man, a father of three, immediately ran into the premises. The building was unsafe but Malcom con tinued to evacuate the in jured, even though the pub floor was caving in. More followed as another bomb exploded at the nearby Seven Stars where despite his own injuries caused by nails, broken glass and debris, he saved three people’s lives and assisted another 115. “The citation, which arrived 48 years later, was based on witness statements, as my own report did not go into de tails,” Malcolm told the Euro Weekly News. As well as the official cita tion, he has received a hand written letter from Surrey’s Chief Constable. Ironically, Malcolm was hardly in the best of health in October 1974 as he had spent four and a half months in hospital recov ering from TB, returning to the police as soon as he could. A senior pathology technician until he retired, Malcolm was a special with the Surrey po lice and the Met ­ not forget ting a spell in the Falklands fol lowing the Argentinian war. He was also with the City of London Police where he rose to Division “SpecialsOfficer.aren’t ‘hobby bobbies’ they are police offi cers,” Malcolm insisted. And, as the Guildford bombings prove, they are also heroes.WORKS have begun on the installation of the beach bars, marquees and attractions that will make up the new fair ground, located in the Nueva Espuña neigh bourhood in Alhama de Murcia. The new fair ground will have, “for the first time in 30 years, attractions that have never been seen before in Alhama, which can be seen in large fairs such as La Fi ca in the city of Mur cia,”the council said. However, the fair in October will only last just over a week, so the space has been de signed to be used for the rest of the year.

BOMB CARNAGE: The Horse and Groom pub on the night of October 5, 1974.

Alhama mayor, Mari ola Guevara, said that “until recently we had a plot of land here doing nothing. Once the fair is over, for the rest of the year we will have a large landscaped area, … which will allow all residents to have a space for recreation, walking, use and enjoy ment, where they can carry out other types of activities.”

EWN 8 - 14 September 20224 Unforgotten

PICTURES of the children’s play park across from the new Aldi supermarket in Gran Alacant have been making the rounds on social media.They show the dilapidat ed state of some of the equipment at the popular park.The Gran Alacant Noticias Facebook page received a set of pictures of the equip ment which show a screw coming loose on the swings, a step missing on the slide and a sand/gravel pit with no sand/gravel and a miss ingAlongsideseat. the pictures, a note read: “I’m sending you pictures of the Aldi park, it’s very dangerous, especially theItswing.”added: “It needs urgent maintenance. I saw a kid on the swings and the whole structure moved because it was missing some screws.” The admin(s) of the Face book page added that they had “sent the photos and the notice to the town hall.”

Unsafe equipmentTheparknearthenewAldineedssomeurgentmaintenance. NoticiasAlacantGran

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 5NEWS

THIS year’s nativity scene in Al icante is to be of a similar size to the Guinness World Record holder.Alicante is strengthening its commitment to a ‘big’ Christ mas, with the announcement of a competition for the con struction of the figures of the three wise men The dimensions of the three wise men, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar, will be similar to those of the Guin ness World Record Nativity Scene.Included in the nativity will also be six angels of between eight and 10 metres in size to be distributed around the area, Alicante Town Hall con firmed.Thecouncillor for Fiestas, Manuel Jimenez, explained: “It is a new attraction so that Christmas continues to have the national and international appeal that is intended. It is al so a support for the artists’ guild.”Jimenez also stressed that “it is a new support for artists, one of the professions most affected by the pandemic, and a new incentive for the reacti vation of local commerce. “We are hoping local com merce will benefit from the arrival of potential national and foreign customers,” he added.

Grand nativity scene

ALICANTE football is mourning the loss of former president of Hercules CF, Manuel Albarracín, who died of a heart attack on Thursday, September 1 at the age of 78. The Valencian Community Football Fed eration (FFCV) paid tribute to Albarracín, who was president of the Alicante club in the early 90s. FFCV President Salva Gomar expressed his deepest condolences following the news.Manuel Albarracín was the head of Hér cules CF from July 18, 1990, until March 10, 1992, succeeding Emilio Orgilés, and is con sidered to be one of the architects who laid the foundations for the promotion to the Second Division achieved at the end of the 1992/93 campaign. For Hercules CF fans, Albarracín will go down in the club’s history as the president who signed Eduardo Rodríguez, the club’s greatest scorer. “May he rest in peace,” Gomar said. CLUB PRESIDENT: May he rest in peace.

SOME residents in Gran Ala cant have complained about children throwing limes at their windows. One resident took to Facebook to share a picture of the offending fruit and issue a warning to the parents of the children. “On Friday, September 2, at around 8pm, children were throwing these limes at my windows,” the person wrote.“Itcaused a big noise, lucki ly no windows were broken but damage can be seen on theTheyshutters.”added: “The children just ran away. They were nine to 14 years old. “Please teach your children what is good and what is wrong. I have already heard of throwing small stones at the cars near the post office roundabout and also read about throwing tomatoes at doors on Altomas II. “The incident happened in Calle Canarias. I think they were boys, not girls,” they said. “Next time if I see this I shall call the police or Guardia Civil.”Last week, a resident of Gran Alacant complained about children kicking foot balls into their garden.

Lime lobbers

Manuel Albarracin dead FFCV/Official

EWN 8 - 14 September 20226 NEWS

Alicante bicycle day

A MAN who thought he had his glaucoma under control has praised Spec savers Opticas in La Zenia recently, after the op tometrist’s quick­thinking actions saved him from po tentially losing his sight in bothDouglaseyes. Addison, who had a family history of glaucoma and was first di agnosed with it 10 years ago, noticed he was losing his peripheral vision last year which is a common sign that glaucoma is per manently damaging sight. He booked an eye test at Specsavers Opticas and the optometrist found that his eye pressure was extreme ly high. They urgently re ferred Mr Addison to the hospital where they con firmed his diagnosis and performed a surgical pro cedure to stop the glauco ma from getting Unfortunately,worse.helost 75 per cent of the vision in his right eye. But Mr Addison remains very grateful to the team at Specsavers Opticas in La Zenia for the referral and the surgical team who stopped him from losing vision in both eyes.Mr Addison said: “I would say to anyone who hasn’t had their eyes test ed before, or hasn’t had their eyes tested for a while, please do it. Vision loss can happen to anyone, so don’t take your sight for granted.”Headded: “I’d also like to say a big thank you to the team at Specsavers Opticas in La Zenia. If their optometrist hadn’t sent me to A&E, I would be blind.”

ALICANTE’S Bicycle Day is a charity event and the money donated will go to non­governmental organi sations (ONGs). To add to the fun, gifts will be raffled among all participants at the end of the day, Alicante Town Hall has Bicycleconfirmed.Daywillbe cele brated with two circuits, one of 10 km aimed at adults and children over eight years old and anoth er for younger children. The use of helmets is com pulsory.Alicante City Council is once again organising an extensive programme of activities, workshops and initiatives to celebrate Eu ropean Mobility Week. Included in the pro gramme are two impor tant events: the Ciclovia along the coastline on Sunday, September 18, and the Dia de La Bici, on September 25. The people of Alicante will be able to enjoy the Ciclovia from 10.00am to 2.00pm. The roads will be closed to traffic from Plaza del Mar to Avenida de Vil lajoyosa, so that cyclists, skaters and families have a space to practise sport and celebrate the Great Mobility Fiesta.

THE mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, announced that the improvement works carried out on Calle Gregorio García in the San Cristóbal neighbourhood over the last few weeks are 95 per cent complete. Mateos said: “The work being carried out consists of the installation of rigid elec tro-welded mesh to replace the existing galvanised sheets, as well as the demo lition of the existing stairs andHeramp.”added: “A new con crete ramp has also been built and paving stones have been laid on top of it, as well as the reinforced concrete wall with blocks and the subsequent laying of a coping under the mesh fence.“While the works also in clude the installation of two handrails on both sides of the ramp to guarantee ac cessibility for pedestrians.”

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 7NEWS



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WORK has begun on felling seven of the 30 or so Aleppo pines in Novelda’s San Lazaro park, following technical confirmation that they are in danger of falling.

SAN PEDRO DEL PINATAR has announced that registration for this year’s Region of Mur cia Running Challenge is now open. The second Half Marathon and 9K Paraíso Salado will be held on Sunday, October 9, start ing and finishing at the Parque Mar de los Reyes de España (Lo Pagan esplanade).

MURCIA’S councillor for Sus tainable Mobility and Street Cleaning, Carmen Fructuoso, announced on Monday, September 5, that Cabezo de Torres will have a new 3,600 square metre eco-park at the beginning of next year.

Novelda begins felling

Lourdes Abad added: “Novelda’s extreme weather episode last year has forced us to fol low the indications of the report and prioritise the well­being and safety of the citizens.”

SHARED EXPERIENCES: Invaluable training practice for the Lorca City Council Emergency Service.

The registration period for the event, organ ised by Concejalía de Deportes San Pedro del Pinatar, in collaboration with the Federación de Atletismo de la Región de Murcia is now open until October 6 at 8pm, or until the limit of registered participants is reached. Registrations will also be allowed on the day of the race - provided there are bibs availableat a cost of €18. There will be trophies for the first three race finishers, as well as for the first three in each of the established categories. To enter the race, tickets are available via the Alcanza Tu Meta website: www.alcanza Will you be entering the Region of Murcia Running Challenge?

Latest running challenge

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS8

Murcia’s eco-park

The mayor of Murcia, José Antonio Serrano, said that it will have a covered and en closed area for hazardous waste, a container area, and storage areas for pruning waste, electrical and elec tronic equipment, bulky waste, scrap metal and rub ble, batteries, X-rays, fluores cent tubes, paints and sol vents.The new eco-park, which will complement those al ready existing in San Ginés, will be located in the new in dustrial estate of Cabezo de Torres, which is a larger area than the one located in San Ginés, which measures 3,500 squareMayormetres.Serrano said: “Thanks to these new facili ties, which are easily accessi ble from the motorway, both the northern and southern areas of the municipality will have an eco-park service.”

Lorca hosts UME

ON Thursday, September 1, Lorca hosted the Military Emergency Unit (UME) from Bétera in order for the crews to get used to the ‘certain ar eas of the municipality’. The councillor for Emergen cies, Isabel Casalduero, said: “The Lorca City Council Emer gency Service hosted an inter vention crew of the Emergen cy Intervention Battalion III of the UME based in Bétera at the Lorca North Emergency Base (Zarcilla de Ramos).” She added: “The crew came to Lorca with the aim of getting to know certain areas of our municipality, to facili tate possible operational de ployments if necessary, recog nising itineraries, logistical points and infrastructures of interest, as well as carrying out exercises with the differ ent emergency units of other administrations based in the north of the municipality of Lorca.”Thecouncillor said that dur ing their stay, the UME “shared experiences and ex ercises with members of the Lorca City Council Emergency Service, members of the Civil Protection Volunteers Group, Environmental Officers and the Helitransport Helicopter Retreat of the Directorate General for the Natural Envi ronment, as well as the heli copter of the Directorate General for Security and Emergencies.”


The councillor for the Environment, Lour des Abad, has confirmed that although the main objective of the remodelling project was to preserve the existence of the pine trees be fore reports carried out confirmed the trees could pose a danger. In the remodelling of other parks in the mu nicipality tree preservation was possible con firmed Novelda Town Hall on Monday September 5.


EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS10

THE initiative in Alicante involves 30 bar and restaurant establishments of fering special tapas and drinks for be tween €5 and €8.

Two navy ships New ‘Tentempie Route’


The event, run by the Association of Bar and Restaurant Professionals (APROSABA), will run from September 9 to October 2, according to Alicante Town Hall. Alicante’s deputy mayor, Mari Carmen Sanchez, confirmed the event: “is to promote local gastrono my among those who visit us so that they can get to know our culture bet ter.” Mari Carmen added: “We contin ue to support the hotel and catering sector at a time of uncertainty like the one we are living through and after having been one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic.”

Cristina'’ left Cartagena to control national waters alongside the minehunter ‘Duero’, which is set to join a NATO patrol. The offshore patrol vessel ‘Infanta Cristina’, which is based in Cartagena, began a new mission to monitor and defend the security of maritime areas under national sovereignty in the south of the peninsula. This is an action included in the per manent operations of the Armed Forces.InJuly, the patrol vessel ‘Infanta Elena’ also carried out a control patrol in the waters of the Mediterranean, the Alboran Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar, as well as in the territorial waters of the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in North Africa.

TWO Navy ships left Cartagena on Fri day, September 2 to begin missions in thePatrolMediterranean.boat‘Infanta

Curbing inflation

The ship is scheduled to call at the port of Algeciras from September 8 to 10, where it will hold an open day, as noted by the Spanish Navy. The ‘Infanta Cristina’ will collabo rate with various public bodies in the control of maritime traffic, fisheries surveillance and the search and res cue of shipwrecked persons.

Cartagena Navy ships have begun missions in the Mediterranean.

The secretary of APROSABA, Juan Francisco Gallego, said: “Last year the cocktail route was a great success and this year we wanted to focus on the Alicante product because we have first­class quality.” He added: “This quality is reflected in our hotel and catering industry, which continues to improve and has made a qualitative leap in recent times.”

THE mayor of Elche considers that the combined efforts of the Valen cian Generalitat and city councils will contribute decisively to curb price increases. Carlos González, Elche’s mayor attended ‘Forum Europa’ in which the president of the Valencian Generalitat, Ximo Puig, announced the creation of the ‘Valencian Alliance against Inflation’. With regards to the meeting on Monday September 5, Carlos con firmed the initiative is: “Very timely and necessary.” The mayor added: “I fully agree with Ximo Puig that reducing the impact of rising prices is, along with the search for solutions to address the energy crisis, the abso lute priority at the moment in which we find ourselves as a result of the Ukrainian War.” Carlos confirmed: “The challenge is to maintain economic growth and employment and to ensure that the rise in prices has the least impact on families with fewer resources and in our productive fabric, in our companies.”

ELDA has announced its new Agenda Action Plan with 22 ini tiatives that will make it a benchmark for other cities in terms of sustainability, mobility andRubenefficiency.Alfaro, the mayor of Elda, confirmed that “the most important thing is that the city has a story, an objective and a path,” Elda Town Hall con firmed on Monday, September 5. “For some time we have lacked a strategy, a horizon that we had to reach and now, progressively, we are designing that horizon through the Strategic Plan, accompanied by the Elda Renace Plan and now this Action Plan.” Ruben added, “this Action Plan provides us with tools and a better position to access more external funding which is not the city council’s own.” “Many transformations can not be undertaken without funding from other administra tions or European funds.”

The building is in Placa de l’Estacio, in Barcelona, where single‐storey dwellings from the end of the 19th century are preserved in all their glory.

Pending its final closure, initially scheduled for this year, the station will be replaced by a modern infrastructure that will be built a short distance from the current one. It will be located on the concrete plate that covers the tracks, with an area of 696m². This train station gets its name from the fact that it was lo cated next to the Rec Comtal, the historic hydraulic infras tructure designed to provide an energy source to run the mills, along with irrigation for the orchards. In the 19th cen tury, it also provided water for the incipient industry of Barcelona.

SANT ANDREU COMTAL station is the oldest railway build ing in active service in Spain, and is Europe’s oldest such facil ity. It came into operation on July 23, 1854, when the rail way line connecting Barcelona and Granollers was opened.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 11NEWS

Barceloneta beach

Woman saved after six hours

TRADITIONAL weather forecasters, cabañuelas or cavanuelas, are fore casting a wet Spain in 2023 using prediction methods that date back manyAccordingcenturies.toa Spanish news site, on Monday, September 5, these tradi tional weather forecast ers use the knowledge that has been passed down the generations to predict the weather. They have been taught how to read the sky to make predictions about rainfall patterns, and they say the rains are coming. But will they be right with the low rainfall of 2022 decimating crop yields.Intimes of drought, those whose livelihood is dependent on the rain look to all sources for some guidance on what is to come, resulting in demand for these weath ermen.Typically these fore casters work with short forecasts, usually a fort night. However, many of these forecasters are now looking further ahead as farmers and others look for positive signs. According to those spo ken to by the news source, the rains will come early in 2023 and will be such that reser voirs will once again fill and farms will produce abundant crops.

Spain is in for a wet year

A WOMAN has been saved after she was stranded at sea for six hours, three kilo metres off the coast of Barcelona, it was reported on Monday, September 5. Emergency services re ported they had saved a woman early on Monday morning when she had been missing for several hours after going for a swim at Barceloneta beach in the Catalan capital. The woman reportedly went in for a swim at around 8pm on Sunday, and at 10pm it was report ed that she had not been seen coming out of the wa ter, thus initiating the search.Shewas located after six hours in the water and was been taken to the Hospital delJournalistMar. Anna Punsi tweeted:“LASTMINUTE: The girl that emergency teams have been looking for since last night in front of Barceloneta has been found ALIVE.”


Oldest railway station to close

Monty Graham, a jellyfish expert who is also director of the Florida In stitute of Oceanography ‐ who was not involved in the research ‐ told a news source: “We’ve known about this species being able to do a little evolutionary trickery for maybe 15‐20 years.”Itishoped that unravelling the mys teries of the immortal jellyfish will help provide clues for human ageing.

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS12

THE Guardia Civil has re leased more than 270 ille gally captured birds in Va lencia.The traps they were in were operated remotely by means of a rope that caused them to close and capture the specimens that had entered inside. The agricultural fields were baited with plenty of grain to attract the birds, the Guardia Civil confirmed on Sunday, September 4. In the centre of the en closure was another goldfinch used as bait, with one of its legs tied to wood anchored to the ground.Twopeople have been investigated for using ille gal gear to capture the birds, the vast majority of which are protected. Due to the breeding season of fringillid birds and with the aim of pre venting the capture of protected birds, the Guardia Civil has carried out various surveillance activities in this area in recent months. In the area known as ‘Camino Bayo’, belonging to the municipality of Liria, in Valencia, several illegal traps were found ready for use as a result of the surveillance activi ties.


Captured birds released


SPANISH scientists have unlocked the secrets of the ‘immortal jellyfish’, the Turritopsis dohrnii. The journal Proceedings of the Na tional Academy of Sciences, has re ported that Spanish scientists have re vealed the genetic code of this sea creature which has the ability to re vert to its juvenile larval form over andMariaover.Pascual‐Torner, Victor Quesa da, and colleagues at the University of Oviedo, conducted a study to under stand why the Turritopsis dohrnii has this special ability. They compared its genetic sequence to Turritopsis rubra, a close cousin that doesn’t have those same rejuvenation abilities. In their report, the researchers said that the T dohrnii is the only species that is able to repeatedly rejuvenate itself after sexual reproduction, mak ing it biologically immortal.


AN investigation has been launched after a vehicle be ing transported in the hold of the Fred Olsen Express from La Gomera to Tenerife fell into the sea. During the crossing, the vehicle somehow fell into the Tenerife sea despite the shipping company’s staff being required to chock the wheels. The incident, which oc curred last week, hap pened between San Se bastián de La Gomera and Los Cristianos, according to local media reports. The vehicle is believed to have occupied one of the ship’s parking spaces clos est to the entrance and exit ramp due to the passenger being one of the company’s Gold Class members. Car and van owners must leave one gear engaged, the handbrake on and the steering wheel turned to the right, according to the company.Theshipping company staff is then in charge of chocking the wheels to avoid displacement, an ac tion that must be verified by the shift supervisor. An investigation has now been launched by the com pany.

LA MODEL has opened its doors again and is offering free visits for everyone, which were previously stopped following the restrictions imposed by Covid.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 13NEWS

Welcome to La Model Prison, which was built 117 years ago on the outskirts of Barcelona. The city has ex panded around it, and Barcelona Sants Station is right in front.Moving forward, anyone who wants to can freely tour one of the most imposing buildings in Barcelona in the 1900s, and visit the most prominent places in the prison, such as the courtyards, the galleries, the cells and the centralVisitspanopticon.areavailable on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (not holidays), Barcelona Town Hall confirmed on Mon day, September 5. Visitors to the prison only need to turn up during opening hours, without having to pre­book.

Vehicle’s ferry fall

Free visits will not be held on September 11 and 24, December 25, January 1, as they are public holidays.

La Model reopens Investigation launched.

Mercadona hours change


THE first century Roman bust of Antonia Mi nor, stolen in 2010, has been returned to Bornos, Cadiz, it was reported on Thursday, September 1. Antonia Minor was the mother of Germanicus, Livilla and the future emperor Claudius, and grandmother of Caligula, at the beginning of whose reign she died in AD 37. The first century bust was returned to the town by the Guardia Civil and the Ministry of Culture and Sport. The Bornos Town Council gratefully received the Roman ornament, which was stolen in 2010 from its place of exhi bition in the town of Cadiz. The event, which took place in the plenary hall of the Bornos Town Hall, was attended by the mayor of the Cadiz town, representatives of the Guardia Civil and the director general of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Sport. Professor of Archaeology, José Beltrán Fortes, recognised the piece, in an exhibition at the Glyptotheque in Munich and alerted the Guardia Civil and the Spanish authorities to take the necessary steps to recover it.

Bust returned to Cadiz

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS14

MERCADONA supermarkets will return to their pre­summer opening hours from September, as announced on Thursday, September 1. The regular opening hours throughout Spain are from 9am to 9.30pm, from Mon day to Saturday, as one of the supermarket chain’s policies is that it always closes its shops on Sundays and public holidays. However, during the summer months of June, July and August 2022, the supermarket chain extended its opening hours and open ing days of shops located in tourist areas. The summer timetable was established in cities and towns with the greatest tourist in flux in Spain, from June 27 to August 29.

In addition, their customer service hours have also changed, serving customers per sonally by telephone from Monday to Sun day, from 7am to 10.30pm. Their customer service telephone number is 800 500 220.

SUPERMARKET: Back to normal opening.

A TAXI driver in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria had a lucky escape after his vehicle plunged five metres onto the roof of a building that was under construction, and he survived without injury. As reported by the Local Police force of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the incredible accident occurred on the Ca nary Island on Friday, the local se curity service, the incident happened on Calle Panco Guerra in the island’s capital city.Immediately after being informed of the event, the Emergency and Security Co ordination Centre (Cecoes) 112 of the government of the Canary Islands deployed anSourcesambulance.reported that the taxi driver initially refused to be transferred to a medical centre to get a health check, and was attended at the scene by medics. After the medics departed the scene, the Local Police had to call them back when the driver suffered bouts of dizziness.

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS16

Worthless pesetas Tributes to firefighters

Plunge onto roof

SPANISH television channel Telecinco has launched a new reality TV show called ‘Pesadilla en El Paraíso’, ‘Nightmare in Paradise’, that hopes to fill the gap between Spanish re ality TV shows ‘Supervivientes’ and ‘La Isla de las Tenta ciones’.Theshow will see various contestants living together on a farm, deprived of the comforts of modern life, with contes tants being eliminated as the show runs its course.

The contestants reportedly travelled to Malaga on Sun day, August 28, and were divided into groups of four in dif ferent hotels. The next day, they were taken to San Pablo de Buceite, a town in Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz), where the two­month coexistence will take place.

When the fire brigade was alerted, the first flames were soon extinguished. But fire is treacherous, and shortly afterwards, a cable that was burning on the fourth floor caused the warehouses to become a bonfire which would take the lives of 10 brave firefighters.

The TV show will reportedly lead to Jimena de la Frontera becoming a household name across Spain, attracting more tourism and benefiting the local area.

‘Nightmare in

Paradise’TAXICRASH:Thedriverhadaluckyescape. Twitter@PoliciaLPACredit:

TOÑO PIÑEIRO , a resi dent of Valencia, made an astounding discovery whilst refurbishing an old abandoned property that he had bought in the vil lage of Millan, in Lugo, Galicia. During the course of his building work, the man was shocked to un cover around nine million pesetas, equivalent to about €54,000. The old Spanish curren cy notes were inside six Nesquick jars scattered around the building and its outbuildings Mr Piñeiro explained to a SpanishTherepublication.isanelement of good fortune but also bad fortune in this tale. When Piñeiro discovered the first two jars, it was be fore the Bank of Spain’s deadline to exchange old currency. The property had been empty for al most 40 years before he bought it, and the amount of around €30,000 he made by ex changing the old notes came in very handy for buildingHowever,costs. since July 2021, the Bank of Spain no longer accepts old pe setas. This meant that the last three jars full of notes were worthless unless you are a collector of sou venir old notes, professed a dejected Mr Piñeiro. ON the 35th anniversary of the tragedy of the Almacenes Arias fires in Madrid, a re membrance service has been held, and trib utes poured in for the firefighters who died in the 1987 fires. The tributes included the traditional floral display, Madrid Town Hall confirmed on Monday, September 5. On September 4 ,1987, a great column of black smoke could be seen from almost all parts of the city. The source was in the heart of the capital.

The tribute also included a remembrance of the two municipal firefighters who died re cently, in both cases while off duty. The first after being run over while cycling in the capi tal, and the second when his paraglider crashed in Bustarviejo.


Liz Truss wins Liz Truss beat Rishi Sunak to leadership.

THE BBC is to donate the proceeds of sales from the Princess Diana Panorama interview to charities that were linked with her.The announcement, made on Friday, September 2 follows the broadcaster’s apology over the manner in which the 1995 interview was obtained. Seven charities are said to benefit from the £1.42 million (€1.64 million) in sales, these include Centrepoint, English Na tional Ballet, and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity.Earlier this year the BBC apologised after a report by Lord Dyson concluded that the BBC had covered up the ‘deceitful behaviour’ of the interviewer Martin Bashir.

FOLLOWING the resignation of Boris Johnson, the leader ship race to be crowned the UK’s next prime minister boiled down to just two ­ Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak. On Monday, September 5, it was announced that Liz Truss had won the Conser vative leadership election and will become Prime Min ister of the UK. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss won the race by 81,326 votes, against Rishi Sunak’s 60,399 votes. The UK’s next PM said that after “one of the longest job interviews in history” it was “an honour to be elected as leader of the Conservative and UnionistSpeakingparty.”about Boris’ de parture from the country’s top job, Ms Truss said: “Boris, you got Brexit done, you crushed Jeremy Corbyn, you rolled out the vaccine and you stood up to Vladimir Putin. “We all will deliver for our country, and I will make sure that we use all the fan tastic talents of our Conser vative“WeParty.willdeliver, we will deliver, we will deliver ­ and we will deliver a great victo ry for the Conservative Par ty in 2024,” she said.

Princess Diana made international headlines with the rev elations uncovered in the interview, including the famous quote wherein she said: “There were three of us in this mar riage, so it was a bit crowded.” Bashir is said to have lied to Diana’s brother Earl Spencer in order to get Princess Diana to agree to the interview.

BBC donates funds

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS18

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS20

WREXHAM officially became Wales’ seventh city, after a competition which was part of the Queen’s Platinum Ju bileeThecelebrations.official‘Letter Patent’ confirmed city status from Thursday September 1 after the honour was granted earli er this Secretaryyear. of State for Wales, Sir Robert Buckland stated:“Congratulations to Wrex ham on achieving city status. The city and surrounding area already has so much to offerit’s home to the famous Wrexham Lager Brewery, the Unesco World Heritage Pont cysyllte Aqueduct and a fan tastic football club which is Wales’s oldest and one of the oldest in the WrexhamwhoandamazingourandandclubSite,anbratestated:LeaderCouncillorworld.”MarkPritchard,ofWrexhamCouncil,“WehavesomuchtoceleinWrexham.WehaveamazingWorldHeritageanincrediblefootballwithincredibleowners,arichanddiverseartsculturescene.“Butourgreatestassetiscommunities,andit’sthepassion,charactercreativityofthepeopleliveherethatmakewhatitis.”

Eighty­six per cent of those eligible, were handed payments by the end of July. A total of £2.5 billion has gone to households in coun cil tax bands A to D under the scheme, an in crease of more than £500 million on the previ ous month. Households have until the end of September to claim the £150 payment, which does not have to be paid back. Anyone who is yet to receive their rebate is urged to check their local council website for more information and make a claim. An extra £144 million has also be given to councils to provide discretionary support to any household in financial need due to rising energy bills, including transient groups and people on low incomes in council tax bands E to H.

The celebrity shared the news on In stagram in a post that read: “When in Rome.. I fell off a scooter today travel ling around. I lost control of it, got scared went into the curb and fell over the handlebars. I’m ok... “It could have been a lot different... but wow it’s been a scary horrible day for me, Matthew and my friends... but thank God someone was looking down on me.” HEAD of OSCE, Neil Bush, has criticised the Russian govern ment for the malign political and geopolitical tactics used in their illegal war against Ukraine. Neil Bush who is Head of the United Kingdom’s Delegation to the Organisation for Security and Co­operation in Europe (OSCE) has spoken out against the war in Ukraine, the UK government confirmed on Thursday, September 1. He confirmed that: “Over the last six months, Russia’s merci less warfare methods, including relentless targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure, have proved beyond our worst fears. “We are by now familiar with the Kremlin’s administrative playbook for trying to establish control in the regions it tem porarily controls: but it has proved ineffectual.” Neil added: “Attempted passportisation will never undermine Ukrainian na tional identity. And the interna tional community will not recog nise the results of staged referenda that have been predecided in Moscow.”

Fans support celebrity

Wales’ 7th city


TV star was very lucky to go home.

TWENTY-NINE-YEAR-OLD reality TV star, Charlotte Dawson, was involved in a moped accident while on holiday in Italy.Charlotte confirmed the accident on Thursday, September 1, but assured fans she had been very lucky and was able to go home following stitches. She has found her own way to fame, appearing in reality TV shows Ex On The Beach and Celebs Go Dating, and is currently engaged to Matt Sarsfield, with whom she has a baby son, Noah. Charlotte is the daughter of the fa mous British comedian, Les Dawson, who died in 1993 when she was just eight months old.

Household rebate eligibility

UK stands by Ukraine

AN estimated 90 per cent of eligible house holds have received the UK government’s £150 council tax rebate to help with the cost of living, as reported on Thursday, September 1. The latest figures have shown that 16.6 mil lion households have received the cost of liv ing council tax rebate in England.

FOLIC acid will be added to non­wholemeal flour across the UK to help pre vent life­threatening brain and spinal condi tions in foetuses, it was reported on Thursday, September 1. The UK government be lieves that adding folic acid to flour will prevent foetuses developing con ditions such as spina bifi da as well as generally im proving pregnancies affected by neural tube defects, causing them to fall by more than a fifth. Neural tube defects are a rare healthcauseerlycordbrain,thepregnanciesandveryconditiondevelopmentalwhichoccursearlyinpregnancyaffectsaround1,000eachyearinUK.Thisoccurswhenthespine,orspinaldonotdeveloppropinthewombandcanlife­threateningissues.Thepublichealthpoli cy, which has already been successful in Aus tralia, New Zealand and Canada, will see the UK government consider its proposal to add 250 mi crograms of folic acid per 100 grams of flour.


Social media


EWN8 - 14 September 2022 21NEWS

LEON BROWN from Cum bernauld, Scotland, passed away suddenly on August 25, after taking part in an on line ‘blackout’ challenge. Lauren Keating, Leon’s mum, announced the tragic news on Twitter on Wednesday, August 31. She wrote: “This morning my whole world came crashing down around me. The love of my life, my best friend, my son Leon passed away during the night.” The Blackout Challenge also referred to as the chok ing challenge or the pass­out challenge encourages users to hold their breath until they pass out due to a lack of Expertsoxygen. have warned young users not to try the trend, which previously led to many deaths worldwide. The Centres for Disease Con trol and Prevention (CDC) confirmed a list of signs that might indicate someone is trying the ‘blackout chal lenge’, including: bloodshot eyes, marks on the neck, se vere headaches, feeling dis oriented after spending time alone.

Folic acid to flour

QUEVEDO, the 21­year­old singer from the Canary Islands, heads the line­up of the ‘Colorín Colorado Fest’, the festival that will take place on September 17 in Torrevieja. This festival, organised by the Depart ment of Young People of the city council, Brilla Torrevieja and Horizonte Musical, aims to close the festival season in the province of AttendeesAlicante.willbe able to enjoy one of the only concerts Quevedo will offer this summer in Spain. The 21­year­old, author of songs such as ‘Si quieren frontear’ and ‘Cayó la noche’, which have become hits, has accumulated more than 31 million lis teners on Spotify. In addition, his most re cent hit ‘Quédate’ with rapper Bizarrap has managed to accumulate in a matter of months more than 378 million plays, fig ures that have positioned him as the Span ish singer with more plays in the Spotify Global list, ahead of the British Harry Styles, Rosalía or the Puerto Rican Bad Bunny.Tickets can be purchased for €20 at

bersMarypleasecharity.ForticketscallChamon 616

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 SOCIAL SCENE22

FAMILY FEST #UMH25 is a free event where the whole family can enjoy ac tivities, workshops and performances at UMHE. Family Fest #UMH25 will be held on October 1 at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche coin ciding with the 25th an niversary of the university, the Sustainable Develop ment Goals and Targets and the celebration of the European Researchers’ Night.The programme will start at 10am, where you will be able to have fun while learning about sci ence, SDGs, ecology, cul ture, etc. All of this will be accom panied by top level artists and monitors who will en tertain with dynamic and interactive workshops, games, gymkhana, magic, circus and performances. In addition, inside the Arenals Building, the cafe teria will be open through out the event so that you can have food and drink options without having to bring anything with you. The event is free, but registration is compulsory for capacity control. To register please visit: com.https://www.eventbrite.

Annual Butterfly charity ball Torrevieja Quevedo Concert Credit: DEBRA

ORIHUELA’S tourist routes for the month of September were presented by María García, councillor for Tourism, who stated that “this time we have opt ed for a poster that includes the most traditional and most popular routes, the route of Miguel Hernandez, Monumen tal, Palacios and as a novelty we repeat in Orihuela Costa with the blue trail route. This summer was a success and as we still have good weather we have de cided to repeat it to consolidate it as a tourist route on our coast. “Another new feature this month is that, due to the celebration of the feast of the patron saint of Orihuela on Thurs day September 8, the tourist office will have a small exhibition of eight panels which identify the different places in the city where the image of Our Lady of Monserrate is located, locations that will also be visited during the route dedicat ed to the patron saint which will take place on the same day of her feast day in the morning and the next day in the evening.”Formore information and bookings please visit

Elche family fest UMH25

September tourist routes

THE Annual Butterfly Chari ty Ball will be held on Friday September 30 at La Marina Camping Resort, La Marina. The event starts at 7.30pm with a cocktail re ception followed by a three­course meal with wine in the restaurant. The entertainment for the evening will be Paula Moli na.As this is a formal event ladies are requested to wear cocktail or evening dresses and gen tlemen dinner or lounge suit and tie.Tickets are €40pp with €5 from each ticket sale going di rectly to the 076 072.

The announcement on Thursday, September 1 sees additional shows being held at the Manchester Apollo, Ox ford New Theatre and Bournemouth BIC between Wednesday, October 19 and Saturday, November 5. The shows are in addition to those originally announced in July and which will take place at the London Palladi um, in Cardiff, Hull and the Nottingham Arena. Two shows are also taking place in Glasgow.Dylan, who has won nu merous awards including the Nobel Prize for literature, re quires anyone attending his events to hand over their phones with all his shows ‘non­phone events.’ Concert goers will be re quired to lock their phones in pouches made by Yondr, a maker of bags that lock up phones during concerts, for the duration of the perfor mance. For many people, this will be the last chance to see Bob Dylan in the UK, with the additional dates being added to the sell­out tour.

By Peter McLaren­Kennedy

A UK couple has found treasure buried under their kitchen floor, that is four centuries old. The find was made public on Thursday, September 1 with the Yorkshire couple said to have been testing out their new metal detector in the kitchen of their home when it beeped. The couple thought that it might be a ca ble box under the wooden floor, however, when they raised it to see what was there they were astonished to find the coins. The treasure is said to have belonged to a Hull merchant family, the Fernley­Maisters. After finding the treasure the couple contacted London auctioneers Spink & Son who visited their home to evalu ate the find. Spink & Son say the coins date back as far as 1610 and will be auctioned. The couple will receive a reward of £250,000 (€300,000) for the find, with some of the coins holding special value with each being worth more than £4,000 (€4,600).

NOW OPEN: Prince Charles cut the heather rope. Twitter@ClarenceHouse

BOB DYLAN has added three more dates to his first UK tour in more than five years after tickets for the first four shows quickly sold out.

PRINCE CHARLES officially declared the Highland Games open on Saturday, September 3. In his capacity as the Duke of Rothesay in Scotland, Charles stood in for the Queen in Braemar amid her ongoing health and mobility issues. Charles was accompa nied by Camilla, along with Princess Anne and her hus band Timothy Laurence. As a part of the ceremony, Charles cut the heather rope and also opened the Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee Archway. They then took their place in the Royal Pavilion where they remained throughout the day and presented awards. This is the first time in her 70­year reign that the monarch has missed the High land Games event. Her Majesty had reportedly been ‘carefully considering’ attend ing the ceremony, depending on how she felt. “The decision has been made for the Queen’s comfort,” a royal source commented. Due to the 96­year­old’s health worries, the Queen will receive Boris Johnson at Bal moral Castle next week. She had been scheduled to make a trip to bid farewell to the outgoing PM, but it was an nounced that Mr Johnson will instead travel to Scotland.

Charles opens Highland Games

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS24

Bob Dylan adds UK dates Treasure find


RYANAI R’S CEO, Michael O’Leary, has said that ultra­low fares are a thing of the past and that flight costs will continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

Thewarmly!”partysaid that “Ger many is facing the greatest social upheavals in decades.” It added: “The prices for electricity and gas are exploding, the federal government is just watch ing and leaves the people who urgently need support out in the cold.

Credit: ironbladeonline NATO jets deployed No more ultra-low fares Social upheaval Gas pipeline Image Ryanair Credit: pio3/

“At the same time, ener gy companies are making huge profits on the backs of consumers.”

“We will call for social protests against the federal government together with the DIE LINKE party and al liance partners throughout the republic. The SPD, the Greens and the FDP should dress

THE German ‘Die Linke’ Party, said they will take it to the streets amid explod ing prices for electricity and gas.“Protests are already forming against the impov erishment programme and the government’s inac tion,” the party said on Fri day, September 2. “We support these protests and organise them many times. We will not tolerate right­wingers and Nazis at these protests and reject the attempt to delegitimise protests against the impoverish ment programme as ex tremist or right­wing ex tremists.

IT has been revealed that NATO jets were scrambled on Sunday, September 4, in an effort to intercept a private Cessna jet that had become unrespon sive while flying from Jerez airport in southern Spain, ac cording to a UK press source.According to Germany’s Bild, the aircraft ­ which eventually crashed into the Baltic Sea ­ had four passen gers on board. Information on the FlightRadar24 website indicated that the jet had not set a predetermined destina tion.The Cessna was observed making changes in its direc tion near the city of Paris. Then, after heading toward Sweden, the aircraft was seen to make a sudden turn to its left. It then turned in the direction of Latvia and was reported to be rapidly losing altitude. A spokesperson for Swe den’s rescue service said: “We’ve learned that the plane has crashed in the ocean, north­west of the town of Ventspils in Latvia. It has disappeared from the radar.”Itfinally crashed into the Baltic Sea, with Coast Guard vessels and three helicopters reportedly deployed to the crash zone.

Speaking at Ryanair’s headquarters on Fri day, September 2, O’Leary said that tickets as low as €9.99 will no longer be available and that prices will rise by as much as €50 over the next four to five years. Referring to the effects of the pandemic, the strikes and the rising energy costs he said that “low cost is not dead” but that “We will continue to fly with cheap prices and the more passengers we have, the cheaper the prices will Speakingbe.”about the strike in Spain he said it was having minimal effect on operations and that he would not be negotiating with the unions. As ever controversial he accused the unions involved of wanting to take Spain back to communist days, saying that they do not represent anyone just a small number of staff.

PRIVATE JET: Crashed into the Baltic Sea.

BRUNO LE MAIRE , the French Minister of Finance, on Saturday, September 3, ques tioned the usefulness of the MidCat gas pipeline project. This reaction from the minis ter comes only days after he announced he was willing to examine the proposed pro ject.Spain and Germany are in strumental in wanting the pipeline from the Iberian Peninsula to be built through French territory and continue on into the rest of Europe. The French minister has recognised the need to seek new markets for fossil fuels outside of Russia in the short term, without ‘overheating’ the economies or putting too much pressure on families, mainly in terms of prices.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 25NEWS

RYANAIR: Strike having minimal effect.

THE Venice Film Festival was opened on August 31 with a video message from the Ukrainian pres ident Volodymyr Zelensky, who urged the audience “not to re main silent” and described the war as “a drama based on reallife events, […] a horror, which is not 120 minutes, but 189 days long.”This year marks the 79th edi tion of the world’s longest­run ning film festival, which takes place on Lido Island. The public was surprised to see former US Secretary of State and 2016 presi dential candidate Hillary Clinton walk down the red carpet on the opening night for the world pre miere of Noah Baumbach’s White Noise.Also on the red carpet was the French film icon Catherine Deneuve, who was given the Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement. Deneuve, aged 78, said: “It is much better to be in Europe than in America if you are an actress and are older… things have changed a lot [regarding ageism in cinema], but I still think things are better in Europe for that.”


POLAND has suggested that the damage caused by the Nazis’ Second World War invasion and occupation of their country is in the region of €1.3 trillion. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the national conservative ruling party PiS, confirmed the news according to a national news source on Thursday, September 1. Kaczynski was speaking shortly ahead of the release of the long­awaited report on the cost to the country of years of Nazi German occupation as it marks 83 years since the start of the Second WorldHowever,War. he confirmed that there is a “long and difficult” process to go through before Poland receives reparations.

AUTOMATED border control systems (ABC) or eGates are automated self­service barriers which use data stored in a chip in biometric passports. Several countries in Europe, and now even Canada, are in troducing electronic gates for ID verification. It may not be long until border officers are no longer needed, Travel off Path confirmed on Thursday, September 1. Airport operators are in stalling Automated Border Control (ABC) systems with biometrics to improve passen ger clearance without increas ing staff costs, making the pro cess easier for passengers, and enhancing security at airports.

Flying the nest

Electronic gates replace officials

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 26NEWS

The war was “one of the most terrible tragedies in our history,” President Andrzej Duda said during early morning observances at the Westerplatte peninsula near Gdansk, one of the first places to be attacked in the Nazi invasion.

Payment demand Demand sees border officials replaced. mariakray/

Venice Film Festival

Post­pandemic as the de mand for travel surged and air ports struggled to cope with lack of staff, e­Gates took a front step and proved a useful resource in speeding up identi ty checks and ensuring the smooth influx of arrivals. People who travel with an ePassport can pass through an ABC portal, where the passport is Theread.traveller’s biometry is compared with the informa tion contained in the passport, and if these correspond they may pass the border.

Tamsin Brown A REPORT published by Eurostat on Thursday September 1 has re vealed that in 2021, young people in the EU left their parental house hold at an average age of 26.5. However, this varies greatly among the EU Member States. The highest average ages were recorded in Portugal (33.6), Croatia (33.3) and Slovakia (30.9), and the lowest were recorded in Sweden (19.0), Finland (21.2) and Denmark (21.3).Inmost northern and western countries, young people tended to leave home in their early to mid20s, while in southern and eastern countries, the average age was in the late 20s or early 30s. In all countries, women tended to move out earlier than men, with men leaving home at the average age of 27.4 and females at 25.5. The widest gender gap was found in Romania, where men left at 30.3 and women at 25.6, and the narrowest was found in Swe den, with a gender gap of just four months.

Germany’s Board of Airline Representatives calls country’s masks rule unreasonable.

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 NEWS28

“For the money, I’ll have to part with one of my properties and sell an apartment in New York. But this violin is worth it to me!”

BARIG said that for several months now, mask­wearing has no longer been manda tory at German airports. “Therefore, it is completely inconsistent that passengers shall be obliged to wear an FFP2 mask as soon as they board an aircraft to or from Germany,” BARIG said.

David Garrett, who is recognisable for performing the German national anthem as part of the opening ceremonies at the Formula 1 2020 Eifel Grand Prix, has purchased a violin made by the famous Italian violin maker Guarneri del Gesù (1698­1744) for €3.5 million.

“I have fulfilled a lifelong dream [by buying it],” he told a German news source.

Tamsin Brown OVER 10 million animals are harmed every year in experimental research in laboratories around Eu rope. Now European citi zens are demanding an end to the harmful use of animals in testing for cos metics and other prod ucts.The European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) Save Cruel ty­Free Cosmetics, which was launched in August of last year by a coalition of animal rights organisa tions, closed on August 31 with 1,413,383 signatures against animal testing col lected in one year. This overwhelming sup port of EU citizens to end animal testing echoes the position taken last year by the European Parliament, which lead to a resolution calling on the European Commission to coordinate a concrete plan for transi tioning to non­animal testing.“Considering the health, environmental and politi cal challenges that Europe and the world are current ly facing, the huge public support sends a very clear signal to Europe’s law makers about the contin ued strong demands on this issue,” said Reineke Hameleers, the CEO of Eu rogroup for Animals.

The violinist, who turned 42 on Sunday, September 4, revealed that he had to sell sever al properties in order to pay for the instrument.

TEMPERATURES in cities are several degrees higher than in the countryside because urban areas have more buildings, cars and asphalt but tend to lack greenery and water areas. This is known as the urban heat island (UHI) effect and can cause heat­related deaths, increase energy consumption, worsen air quality and have a negative economic impact.

The UHI effect was never more evident than this summer. Some European capitals reached record temperatures, making the need to adapt increasingly urgent. The European Commis sion’s LIFE programme developed a set of systems for predicting the effects of UHIs in Thessaloniki and Heraklion in Greece and Rome,TheyItaly.setup an advanced forecasting model and heat health warning system to improve the public health response to heat waves. The results from this project will help policymakers de sign better urban climate adaptation plans to protect human health and the environment.


WORLD­RENOWNED German classical and crossover violinist David Garrett has realised a dream by buying an iconic violin for millions.

Ending animal testing

Garrett said that “winning the auction to buy the violin was like winning the lottery for me.”

THE decision by the German Federal Cabinet to extend and ‘to even tighten the cur rent obligation to wear masks on planes’ has met with ‘sheer incomprehen sion’ by the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (BARIG), the airline associa tion of more than 100 na tional and international air lines.


Mask rule

According to the pro posed regulation, passen gers on board planes that are either taking off or land ing in Germany will have to wear solely an FFP2 mask in future.“The German Federal Gov ernment’s plan is not reason able to us. There is no epi demiological basis for such a step,” BARIG Secretary Gen eral Michael Hoppe said on Thursday, September 1. We appeal to the German Federal Parliament (Bun destag) and Federal Council (Bundesrat) to revise the leg islativeHoppeproposal.”notedthat interna tional comparison shows Germany is completely on its own with this decision.

Higher temperatures

Extraordinary purchase


TOP PERFORMER: Omar doing what he loves to do.


EWN8 - 14 September 2022 29FEATURE

ONE of Britain’s top singers will be perform ing in the Costa del Sol at the end of Septem ber, as Omar travels over for two special shows.Speaking to Euro Weekly News about the two gigs, Omar Lye­Fook MBE said that “com ing to Spain is like returning home” as he has regularly performed in both Barcelona and Madrid.He’slooking forward to his appearances at Max Beach in Riviera on Friday September 23 and then at Joy’s Live in Puerto Banus on Sat urday September 24, with admission to both shows being free.

Omar has had a busy year as he is just fin ishing off his latest album, tentatively called Brighter the Day which features three collab orations with ‘The Modfather’ Paul Weller who Omar says is “the most humble super star I have ever met”. In fact, he toured Japan as a percussionist in The Style Council when he was just 18 and during his 30 plus years has worked with oth er top musicians such as Stevie Wonder (who demanded that they get together after hear ing his second album), Erykah Badu, Courtney Pine and many more. Although music is his first love, Omar start ed acting at a young age and appears in his own one man play Lovesong which he wrote and features his own music. Most recently however he had a short run in Eastenders playing Avery Baker who re united with his younger brother and then died of Throughcancer.this, he has found a new audience for his music and is looking forward to other acting opportunities, although he will next be seen in an episode of new ITV drama Riches. Omar comes from a talented musical family whose father was a session musician who played drums with Bob Marley and even the Rolling Stones, whilst younger brother won a Grammy as Scratch Professer and his sister Samia is a well­respected vocal ist in her own right. Music is also passing down the generations as he has recently returned from San Sebas tian where his two daughters took part in the Dance World Cup 2022, finishing third in their class.Inaddition to all this and despite being known predominantly as a soul singer, Omar says that he is excited by all types of music and incorporates reggae, roots, r’n’b and much more into his repertoire having just re leased a jazz album Live at Last recorded with friends QCBA, which was recorded at the Jazz Café in “HavingLondon.spent so long in lockdown, it’s a pleasure to be able to get back out and per form, so before coming to Spain, I have dates booked in London and Paris, but I am so look ing forward to my first gigs on the Costa Del Sol,” he Talkingconfirmed.aboutthe MBE he was awarded for services to British music in 2013, Omar said, “this was a real honour as I’m not a main stream artist and I was delighted that when giving me the award, Prince Charles asked me for a copy of my then new album The Man which I sent him and he kindly acknowl edged.”Omar Lye­Fook is a real gentleman with so much experience, talent and dedication to his music which means that his appearances this September should be in everyone’s diary. to appear in Marbella

THE Swedish Royal Family is reportedly not happy that it is to be given the same treatment as Queen Elizabeth with a six-part bio-pic titled Monarki about current monarch King Carl XVI Gustaf, who at 76, has settled down but was a playboy in his younger days.

A 30-YEAR-OLD man (who has been charged by the police) kicked a ball at a low flying aircraft which was taking part in a religious ceremony in Sintra and to the surprise of the pilot it hit the wing causing slight loss of control.


BELGIUM Chocolate shortage

FRANCE Cut the Crap

IT is now 70 years since Oslo hosted the Winter Olympic Games, but it appears that Norwegians want to see the competition back as in a nationwide survey, conducted by Respons on behalf of VG, 49 per cent were in favour of bidding for the 2030 event.

BELGIUM is considered by many as the producer of some of the best chocolate worldwide but there is a current shortage as a major manufacturer had to destroy tons of chocolate due to the discovery of salmonella which closed the factory for six weeks.

ITALY Tik Tok vote

50th Anniversary

IRELAND Keep out A TEACHER has been instructed by the High Court that he may not enter the school at which he works in Co. Westmeath because he has refused to call a transitioning student ‘they’ or by a new name until a final court ruling is made.


SWEDEN Playboy king

Folding chair

UKRAINE Wish us luck IN a press briefing before setting off for the final stage of the journey to Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia power plant, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Head of the UN team said "Wish us luck” as he acknowledged that there was still fighting and shelling in the area.

NORWAY Winter Olympics


THE NETHERLANDS Getting tough AN investigation by newspaper Trouw has discovered that some Dutch students who live abroad and owe money to student loan provider Duo are unable to renew their passports if the debt exceeds €5,000 and only if they agree a repayment plan will they be temporarily extended.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 30EUROPEAN PRESS


ACCORDING to a trio of French MEPs, the latest downside to Brexit is the fact that the British government is allowing the discharge of raw sewage into waters such as the English Channel which are shared with France and they want the EU to take action.

ALTHOUGH Queen Margrethe II ascended to the Danish throne on January 14, 1972 her official 50th anniversary celebrations were held back until September to ensure that they were unlikely to be affected significantly by widespread outbreaks of Covid-19 as she celebrates with the country.


IT’S common knowledge that German tourists love their poolside loungers, but this obsession may go back 1,400 years as an archaeological team in Bavaria has uncovered a folding chair that dates back to the 7th century and this is the latest in a number of similar finds.

THE 85-year-old former Prime Minister of Italy, billionaire Silvio Berlusconi who has a penchant for young people, has taken to TikTok in order to try to woo young Italian voters as he attempts to become PM for the fifth time in upcoming elections.

DESPITE fears that this could be another case of ‘Big Brother watching’, the Finnish Parliament is likely to approve the use of digital identification from a phone app which will be legally acceptable alongside the more traditional passport or plastic ID card

The more the media excessively encour ages different cultures (15 per cent), the greater will grow the lack of support from the majority (85 per cent) of the British public. What if PM winner Truss turns out to be akin to another Margaret Thatcher?


EWN8 - 14 September 2022 31FEATURE

The thought of Starmer and Rayner win ning against her really boggles the imagi nation! Nope, these vote grabbing tactics will utterly misfire and the results will once again be the usual left wing disaster. It will be interesting to observe just how far left they are ultimately prepared to go! Keep the faith Love

I’ll even go as far as to stick my neck out here and suggest that the saturated reporting relating to the tragic shooting of Olivia, the nine­year­old little girl, which went on for weeks and over flowed with information that the main suspect was a member of the Liverpool gangs, was purely because most of these particular criminal suspects were white. Had it been a murder committed by members of a different culture, the condensed amount of publicity would have no doubt equalled the atrocious murder of the white pensioner.

INTERESTING to read some of my mail of late. The piece published on our let ters page caught my attention. It was enquiring as to why there was so little media publicity, or public uproar con cerning the 87­year­old pensioner who was stabbed to death on his mobility scooter? The simple reason was that the arrested perpetrator was a young black male. This would go against the whole future ambitions of the left wing media bosses, who are hell bent on convincing the British public that they are all living happily in a glorious exis tence of mixed cultures.

The media bosses are on a hell bent mission to get rid of the conservative government in the next election ­ basi cally because they know they will be more powerful and secure. Their news events are at this time revelling in the chaotic mess the country finds itself in. Any attempts by the government to as sist or rectify some of the problems (most of which are national complica tions) are nullified or almost scoffed at. They are continually informing the public that the new leader will have to sort out countless problems now affect ing a beleaguered British community, and their excessive casting of minority actors in commercials and documen taries is not only misleading, but utterly prejudicial to the majority of artistic professionals. It is all a part of their plans to put a Labour government into number 10. If they can make the UK in habitants feel they are propitious par takers of a perfectly mixed culture, they believe they will obtain a victorious in flux of votes from a grateful British pub lic. In actual fact they are totally wrong. The historical citizens of the UK are not unintelligent. Vast numbers are not at all overjoyed with many of the con sequences that have transpired since they openly welcomed members of dif ferent nationalities into the population. Many have moved out of once beloved cities and into more peaceful and patri otic rural areas. However these citizens are still principal partisans of their beloved country of origin.

Best option

ANOTHER proof that tourists are back, travelling around Spain once again is the news that the Guggenheim Muse um in Bilbao is celebrating the best summer in its history af ter welcoming 449,477 visi tors between June and Au gust 2022, far exceeding pre­pandemic numbers.

ONLINE discount sustainable food supermarket Motatos has just launched in the UK af ter raising £38 million from ex isting shareholders. Founded in Sweden it takes the simple concept that it should negoti ate with large manufacturers to purchase their surplus or short­dated stock and then of fer it at discounted prices to consumers.Ifacompany has been guilty of overproduction re sulting in surplus, has product with faulty packaging, has a surplus due to seasonal trends or has product near best be fore dates, it is often prepared to supply to Motatos rather than simply throw it away which benefits everyone.

Gender flexible SPORTING goods manufactur er Puma has teamed up with Palomo Spain opened by de signer Alejandro Gómez Palo mo in 2015 to produce a gen der flexible collection (with each piece bearing the Palo mo label) which is ideal for both street credibility and sports participation.

Palma de Mallorca was a very popular destination.


Record number


GAMES manufacturer Activision Blizzard targeted by Microsoft but the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) fears a takeover could hurt competition and is in vestigating the deal. Microsoft which is one of the top three manufacturers of gaming consoles alongside Sony and Nin tendo is prepared to spend a stag gering £59 billion to bring the com pany under its wings. It seems an excessive sum but over the years, Activision Blizzard has developed some of the most popular games such as Candy Crush, Call of Duty and World of Warcraft and last year turned over more than £6 billion.

TOURISM in Spain contin ues to recover with foreign visitor figures up in July, even though numbers are still less than the same month in 2019. Data supplied to the Na tional Institute of Statistics (INE) by Frontur and Egatur showed that nearly 9.1 mil lion international visitors arrived in July (92 per cent of the 2019 total) but with a spend of €11.87 billion, they spent almost much as in “ extraordinary da ta that confirms our expec tation that in 2022 we would already experience a summer like the ones be fore, despite the challenge represented by the current inflation problems,” said the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto. In July, the average ex penditure per tourist in creased from €1,209 to €1,309 and the average stay also increased slightly.

The United Kingdom continues to supply the largest number of visitors with 1.9 million tourists (88 per cent of those who came in July 2019), fol lowed by France, with more than 1.4 million (98 per cent compared to 2019) and Germany, with about 1.1 million, repre senting 88 per cent of those who arrived before the pandemic.Countries that have in creased their presence are Belgium, The Netherlands and Portugal and Ameri cans are beginning to re turn, although not in such large figures as pre­pan demic.Most popular destina tions in July were the Balearics, Catalonia and Va lencia although in the yearto­date Catalonia took first place, the Balearics second and the Canaries third.

Call of Duty takeover to read more FINANCE scan this QR Code

Battersea Power Station ONE of London’s top land marks, until now just a dis used building, Battersea Pow er Station used to power Buckingham Palace and Hous es of Parliament before it was decommissioned in 1975, but it reopens as a shopping and tourist centre on October 14 after a total refit.

Free meals

Britain is not the only country in vestigating the deal and even shareholders in the company have acted against the plan alleging that it is being pushed through in order to escape paying compensation for an ongoing lawsuit.


Exchange rate FOLLOWING the huge rise in inflation in the UK and the fact that the Ggovernment was seen to be a rudderless ship, the exchange rate be tween the pound and dollar has taken a hit and at the time of writing £1 would buy either $1.16 or €1.16.

The CMA understands that Mi crosoft already has a leading gam ing console (Xbox), a leading cloud platform (Azure), and the leading PC operating system (Windows OS), all of which could be impor tant to its success in cloud gaming. It fears that it could refuse to al low its competitors to have access to the games thus making it more difficult for UK consumers to achieve best value for money when choosing a console. According to a report by the BBC, Microsoft President Brad Smith responded by saying “We’re ready to work with the CMA on next steps and address any of its concerns.” Thereisto be a second phase to the CMA enquiry and time will tell whether it will try to block the sale.

A FURTHER 62,135 workers were added to the Social Se curity employment rolls in seasonally adjusted figures for August according to a state ment by the Spanish govern ment made on September 2. This means that 20,173,277 are now registered as being employed in Spain.

Tourists returning • 8 - 14 September 202234 deal for Basque industrial company CAF to supply railway lines which it manufactures in New York to the Boston transport authority. STATWEEKOF €800 million


THE John Lewis Partnership is recruiting more than 10,000 temporary roles across the UK this Christmas to meet in creased demand over the busy festive period. As an added bonus, the group will be offer ing free meals in store to all of its staff including temporary workers at both John Lewis and Waitrose with effect from Octo ber 3 until January 6 to help with the cost of living. Andrew Murphy, Chief Operations Offi cer said: “We pride ourselves on creating a happy workplace because it’s our Partners who make the difference and it’s thanks to them that John Lewis and Waitrose are two of the UK’s best­loved brands.”


LONDON­based Neil Phillips, the co­founder and chief in vestment officer of a hedge fund was arrested in Spain on September 1. The arrest was based on a charge brought by the US government alleging conspiracy to commit com modities fraud in connection with a scheme to artificially ma nipulate the exchange rate of the US dollar and South African rand. The indictment alleges that he planned to fraudulently trigger a $20 million payment under what is known as a barri er options contract.

Investor charged

More jobs

GAMING CONSOLES: Hugely popular Call of Duty.

Compass 1.826,00 1.834,00 1.820,00 703,79K CRH 3.133,0 3.137,5 3.072,5 234,25K Croda Intl 6.592,6 6.658,0 6.586,0 45,92K DCC 4.806,0 4.824,0 4.732,0 38,32K Diageo 3.744,5 3.774,5 3.727,0 517,20K DS Smith 263,70 266,75 259,35 339,07K EasyJet 355,60 358,20 348,20 723,09K Experian 2.580,0 2.586,0 2.558,0 290,38K Ferguson 9.780,0 9.946,0 9.726,0 102,59K Flutter Entertainment 10.340,0 10.455,0 10.275,0 69,48K Fresnillo 672,30 676,20 653,00 172,44K Glencore 446,00 448,65 436,84 23,01M GSK plc 1.338,00 1.361,60 1.334,20 1,37M Halma 2.014,0 2.028,0 2.003,0 98,88K Hargreaves Lansdown 799,78 802,60 781,80 54,76K Hikma Pharma 1.288,50 1.305,00 1.282,00 156,98K HSBC 527,70 530,20 524,70 5,76M IAG 106,98 107,38 104,90 2,59M Imperial Brands 1.884,50 1.904,50 1.874,50 294,01K Informa 540,20 543,60 532,20 998,50K ººCCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG. NNETET VVOLOL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................0.9999 Japan yen (JPY) 140.30 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9822 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4366 Norway kroner (NOK) 10.0263 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See advertouronpreviouspage 0.86495 1.15597 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 5 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 5 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 965 994 830 EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL36



AG 1.953,5 1.968,0




Bunzl 2.780,0


3M 125,63 126,39 30,66M American Express 151,11 151,37 147,65 2,42M Amgen 245,50 245,74 240,74 2,49M Apple 157,96 158,42 154,67 73,54M Boeing 153,66 158,90 150,82 7,61M Caterpillar 182,44 183,21 180,10 2,69M Chevron 155,54 156,88 153,23 8,22M Cisco 45,29 45,34 44,40 16,21M Coca-Cola 62,00 62,04 61,29 14,81M Dow 49,96 50,49 49,14 6,38M Goldman Sachs 333,50 333,69 324,62 1,57M Home Depot 293,37 293,58 286,72 3,74M Honeywell 190,73 191,13 188,54 2,24M IBM 129,66 129,82 127,74 3,35M Intel 31,76 31,83 31,13 36,26M J&J 165,34 165,50 161,48 7,48M JPMorgan 114,51 114,63 111,91 9,92M McDonald’s 256,47 256,53 251,76 2,57M Merck&Co 87,15 87,46 85,36 7,52M Microsoft 260,40 260,89 255,41 22,91M Nike 106,49 106,55 103,80 5,51M Procter&Gamble 139,64 139,76 136,76 7,43M 153,53 155,33 150,87 9,90M Travelers 163,30 164,30 160,41 1,04M 524,00 524,26 515,09 2,08M 41,81 42,05 41,64 21,62M 200,13 200,43 196,66 5,59M 35,26 35,29 34,53 7,44M 134,48 135,14 132,40 7,18M 112,53 112,59 373,59K National Grid 1.066,72 1.077,00 1.063,00 541,98K NatWest Group 248,30 248,30 240,30 3,36M Next 5.816,0 5.844,0 5.780,0 43,97K Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,10 9,10 9,10 0 Ocado 670,79 696,20 670,00 429,93K Persimmon 1.409,5 1.447,0 1.406,0 522,25K Phoenix 600,00 601,20 590,80 984,61K Prudential 906,40 912,40 886,80 1,08M Reckitt Benckiser 6.448,0 6.544,0 6.386,0 314,36K Relx 2.229,00 2.246,00 2.221,00 523,15K Rentokil 513,20 517,80 512,40 469,26K Rightmove 597,60 600,20 592,80 523,16K Rio Tinto PLC 4.600,8 4.632,5 4.554,5 362,38K Rolls-Royce Holdings 73,88 74,94 71,94 6,74M Rosneft DRC 0,20 0,20 0,20 0 Sage 695,60 704,60 694,60 1,44M Samsung Electronics DRC 1.056,00 1.057,00 1.052,00 1,91K Schroders 2.628,0 2.634,0 2.604,0 8,63K Scottish Mortgage 782,24 789,40 779,00 1,01M Segro 914,40 915,40 892,80 541,14K Severn Trent 2.751,0 2.772,0 2.746,0 65,01K Shell 2.305,5 2.320,5 2.285,5 4,41M Smith & Nephew 1.050,50 1.066,00 1.037,50 1,88M Smiths Group 1.467,50 1.470,50 1.441,50 191,48K Spirax-Sarco Engineering 10.300,0 410,00 393,10 1,91M Berkeley 3.392,0 3.521,0 3.357,0 164,55K Group Ltd 2.182,50 2.192,00 2.146,00 487,79K 451,25 454,70 443,95 19,97M British American Tobacco 3.422,5 3.442,0 3.400,0 441,54K British Land Company 410,60 412,10 405,70 426,02K Group 144,80 147,20 144,15 3,54M 2.799,0 2.750,0 179,95K 258,35K 711,6 716,8 706,2 214,20K Centrica 78,20 76,04 3,46M Cola HBC 1.948,5 61,04K


10.345,0 10.150,0 17,71K SSE 1.672,50 1.679,00 1.653,00 603,70K St. James’s Place 1.069,50 1.073,50 1.050,00 179,42K Standard Chartered 590,20 594,60 584,40 1,40M Taylor Wimpey 102,55 105,10 101,90 5,87M Tesco 243,94 245,50 242,90 3,87M Tui 127,80 129,20 125,50 580,78K Unilever 3.892,0 3.899,5 3.869,5 1,03M United Utilities 1.045,00 1.053,00 1.043,50 202,30K Vodafone Group PLC 111,96 112,94 111,56 13,87M Whitbread 2.502,0 2.506,0 2.476,0 158,58K WPP 730,68 736,00 723,60 637,03K Most Advanced Lion Electric Co +75.44% 2.37M Hempacco +63.41% 50.80M GigaCloud Technology +61.43% 18.70M Virax Biolabs +58.69% 21.65M Forma +51.04% 43.79M ShiftPixy +46.90% 2.21M Shuttle Pharmaceuticals +36.17% 2.02M bioAffinity Technologies +35.95% 10.16M Kuke Music +32.94% 6.57M Nutanix +29.13% 21.23M IG Acquisition +28.57% 59.97K Most Declined American Virtual Cloud -52.17% 236.05M Newage Inc -46.87% 39.04M Okta -33.70% 45.68M Prospector Capital WNT -33.00% 32.03K Getty Images Holdings -28.79% 497.87K Siyata Mobile -27.72% 11.72K Semtech -27.15% 6.14M MongoDB -25.32% 8.15M GreenPro -24.80% 1.79M Hour Loop -24.71% 1.21M Health Assurance Acquisition -20.00% 69.79K CCOMPANYOMPANY PPRICERICE((PP)) CCHANGEHANGE((PP)) % C% CHGHG NNETET VVOLOL DOW JONES C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 5 3I Group 1.139,50 1.151,50 1.125,50 301,60K Abrdn 148,30 148,40 142,80 1,60M Admiral Group 2.029,0 2.051,0 2.013,0 141,34K Anglo American 2.693,0 2.706,0 2.639,0 509,57K Antofagasta 1.066,00 1.070,50 1.040,00 290,68K Ashtead Group 4.227,0 4.258,0 4.170,0 132,23K Associated British Foods 1.489,0 1.512,5 1.486,5 121,72K AstraZeneca 10.572,0 10.630,0 10.512,0 406,26K Auto Trader Group Plc 636,40 640,40 633,80 566,95K Avast 714,60 721,60 712,40 4,60M Aveva 2.809,0 2.816,0 2.792,0 381,05K Aviva 417,30 417,80 410,66 471,16K B&M European Value Retail SA370,00 371,40 366,40 277,95K BAE Systems 758,00 764,40 753,80 1,66M Bank VTB DRC 0,612 0,612 0,612 0 Barclays 164,48 165,08 161,72 11,18M Barratt Developments 396,00

Walt Disney


Walgreens Boots

Visa A


110,03 7,65M InterContinental 4.590,0 4.613,0 4.564,0 69,98K Intermediate Capital 1.281,50 1.295,00 1.260,50 143,22K Intertek 3.883,0 3.920,0 3.872,0 51,23K ITV 62,30 62,96 61,90 2,13M J Sainsbury 200,20 201,80 199,25 769,02K Johnson Matthey 1.969,0 1.973,0 1.944,5 62,01K Land Securities 623,20 625,40 617,00 218,42K Legal & General 248,20 249,60 245,60 2,39M Lloyds Banking 43,31 43,34 42,77 47,05M London Stock Exchange 7.888,0 8.002,0 7.876,0 101,60K Meggitt 798,00 798,60 797,60 341,73K Melrose Industries 131,35 132,45 130,45 1,17M Mondi 1.437,00 1.444,50 1.428,00


Burberry Group 1.706,5 1.731,0 1.698,0

THE Belgian company Bronze Property which owns cash and carry chain Makro (which has several outlets in Spain) and catering wholesaler Metro is applying for bankruptcy protection to try to safeguard its 2,000 plus staff across Europe.

Iceland freeze

SPAIN is becoming a very at tractive country as far as Asian tech companies are concerned with its commitment to invest in the future. It aims to become the central European Hub in the field of digitisation and development of semiconductors, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan thanks to the massive fi nancial support of the EU Therefore, on Wednesday August 31, President Pedro Sánchez, held a meeting in Madrid at La Moncloa with the CEO and Vice President of Sam sung Electronics, Jong­Hee Han.During the meeting they dis cussed the investment oppor tunities offered by Spain in these fields as the Recovery Plan allocates some €20 billion to digital transformation, with more than €3.5 billion aimed at reinforcing the technological training of the population, an other €3.5 billion destined for the modernisation of small and medium companies (SMEs) and €3 billion for the digitisation of public administrations.

Commenting on this, Sánchez said “Our country as pires to lead in areas such as cybersecurity, 6G, artificial in telligence or cloud computing, in addition to accelerating the deployment of 5G.” During the meeting, the Samsung CEO outlined the plans the company has for its development in Spain in rela tion to the ambitious strategy designed by the government to turn Spain into a key player in the medium term in the de velopment of semiconduc tors.


THE UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has found that NatWest Bank breached banking rules.Ithad been forcing business cus tomers to open a business current account, which incurs fees, in order to secure a loan ­ a practice known as ‘bundling’, the UK government con firmed on Wednesday, August 31. As such, hundreds of businesses have been charged monthly for a business account that they may not have wanted or needed. It also limit ed businesses’ choice as they were unable to hold an account with a sep arate provider, which may have bet ter met their requirements. The breach lasted for over three years, with NatWest failing to alert the CMA until January 2021. Having scrutinised the error more closely, the CMA became aware the bank had signed certain customers up for a business account when they had specifically requested to have a fee­freeAdamaccount.Land,CMA Senior Director of Remedies, said: “Forcing business es to open costly current accounts to secure essential loans is unaccept able and a direct breach of our rules, which have been in place for 20 years.The bank is in the process of re funding affected customers and will offer SME customers with a business account the option of switching to a fee­free loan servicing account. Although this is not the only bank to have been discovered to have done this, it is slightly embarrassing for the government which still owns 48.5 per cent of its equity, even af ter former Economic Secretary to the Treasury John Glen sold shares worth over £1 billion in March this year.


BUSINESSEXTRAEWN 8 - 14 September 2022 FINANCE38


Digital Breachingtransformationofbanking rules

AFTER receiving an energy bill of E20 million, Richard Walker, CEO of Iceland supermarket which has franchise operations in Spain has an nounced that he is cutting back on planned opening of new stores and has approached 10 Downing Street asking for more financial assis tance for businesses struggling to keep afloat.

THERE’s money in burgers as Madrid start up Goiko has proved with turnover in 2021 exceeding €103 million, an increase in turnover of some 30 per cent compared to the pre vious year and it plans to open a further 20 outlets this year taking it to 100 restaurants. £20 pint

LA MONCLOA: President Sánchez in conversation with Jong-Hee Han of Samsun Electronics.

JOHN GLEN MP: Sold shares worth over £1 billion earlier this year.

SPAIN’S Ministry of Agri culture, Fisheries and Food has increased agri cultural insurance sup port by €60 million to raise the state subsidy on the total cost of the pre mium by 10 percentage points to 40 per cent as this insurance is a key agricultural policy tool.

Makro fears


Burger bonanza

THE Co­op has agreed to sell its 129­strong petrol forecourt business which includes stores on these sites to Asda in a deal worth £600 million. The majority shareholders in Asda made their money from petrol stations in the UK so this acquisition is a natural fit.

ACCORDING to Tom Stain er of the Campaign for Re al Ale group (CAMRA) speaking to a UK newspa per, he believes that to keep up with increased overheads, pubs would need to charge £20 for a pint of beer but as that is not feasible, many will have to close down.

Gas VAT cut Payment option

ON Thursday September 1, Spanish President Pedro Sánchez announced plans to tem porarily cut VAT on gas from the current 21 per cent to 5 per cent in a bid to make life more affordable during the winter. This will take effect from the beginning of October and run through until the end of De cember, although members of the opposition Partido Popular have suggested that it should be extended further. What needs to be re membered however is, that unlike the UK, a lot of gas used is the bottled variety and costs will reduce there, but although some 40 per cent of electricity is created through use of gas there will be no saving on the already re duced rate of VAT on that form of energy. MANY customers find it irritating to have to stand in long queues in some stores in order to pay for their goods. An experiment by low price Dutch retailer Hema, if successful, could see a whole new option for shops and con sumers as it trials a unique new mobile app developed by ING and European payment provider CCV. They claim it will revolutionise shopping as the app can turn any mobile phone into a payment terminal meaning that every member of staff on the shop floor will be able to easily accept card payments and send a digital receipt.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 39FEATURE REBECCA SERWOTKA ­ “We sell hous es! It’s what we do, it’s ALL we do!” Your favourite local resale property ex pert, in Ciudad Quesada. Author of ‘Moving Forward ­ 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy’. Request your FREE copy! Prestige Award Spain ­ Win ner for ‘Real Estate Agency Of The Year 2021/22 & 2022/23’.Looking for a home in Spain, but contem plating whether to rent first before you buy? Consider these ‘not so fun’ facts, first:You’ll be throwing money away! If you’re only renting for a short period, ie between reservation and completion, you should only be out of pocket for a cou ple of months. Rent for as short a time as possible. The money you save on rent can increase your buying power, go towards your legal costs or even pay for new furniture! There’s no place like home! The longer you rent, you’ll find it harder to settle. You’ll be losing money left, right and centre as it’ll be a costly expe rience if you decide to move back to your own country.Youhave no security! The owner could de cide to sell at any time. Then you’ll have to move again. It can be very unset tling and upsetting. Think you’ll be sav ing money by renting? Think again! It can be a costly experience! AdvertisingRENTINGFeature BEFORE YOU BUY? IT’LL COST YOU! Serwotka.Rebecca Ready to buy? Download our free guide See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper!

Finally, when your body temperature drops, your body reacts to bring it up again. This speeds up your metabolism and increas es your body’s demand for energy. As a result, you start to burn the sugars and fats that are stored.

Benefits of cold showers

Cold showers have many benefits.

ARE the benefits of cold showers significant enough to convince you to give it a try? The an swer is probably yes: the positive effects of a cold shower are both physi cal and mental. Cold showers can help to improve circulation by increasing the heart rate and causing the blood vessels to con strict.This means that oxy gen­rich blood travels to organs and muscles more quickly. However, those who suffer from heart disease or similar disorders should exer cise caution. A splash of cold water can also lift your mood. Some studies have shown that it leased.dopamine,chemicals,mood­regulatingcausesbrainsuchastobere

LOVE and rejection ­ the biggest feel ings of the Everyoneuniverse.wants to be loved, and studies show that people are more afraid of rejection than of death. We live in a world where ‘lying’ and self­deception are the ‘new way of life’.We get our hopes up and become dependent on likes on social net works, matches on Tinder etc... This leads to the fact that people live in relationships having the zeropair as an option until they find some thing better just to not be alone. That’s why we allow ourselves to get back into relationships where we are options or we look for options so that we are not alone. Look in the mirror; you are no longer the rejected child. You are now an adult, with the opportunity to decide what is known as: The free referee.Youhave the power to reshape your life.You can’t expect love from someone else when you don’t know how to love yourself.Myadvice:Loveyourself first See your body as a temple, not as a playgroundBepriceless and don’t sell yourself to everyone. www.mindovers.comBetinaLove0034­699327363

Important to love yourself first.


Just as you would use ice to reduce inflamma tion and swelling, you can take a cold shower for the same effect. Bathing with cold water is a good way of reliev ing muscle aches and pains after exercise, such as jogging or cy cling.

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 HEALTH & BEAUTY40 HEALTH & BEAUTY to read more Health & Beauty scan this QR Code


EWN 8 - 14 September 202242 FEATURE

Rayner Bourton, who created the role of ‘Rocky’ in the original London production of ‘The Rocky Horror Show’ and has nu merous TV and movie credits to his name, has now produced all my psychological crime thrillers, each one expertly narrated with authentic accents. Listen yourself to the free audio samples on Amazon, Audi ble etc, including the latest, just released ‘Death in Additionally,Windermere’!Rayner does considerable ‘voice over’ work, ‘voicing' The Unseen El der in ‘Witcher 3’, one of the world’s bestselling computer games. (Catch that, plus Rayner’s own audiobook: ‘The Rocky Hor ror Show: As I Remember It’.)

I often get similar requests from readers (and arts/book clubs), but not all pan out. Would I, for instance, ‘ghost’ someone’s life story? (This from some retired accoun tants and librarians. Riveting reading, right?) Another wrote enthusiastically and exhaustively about his project ­ a memoir he’d imaginatively titled: ‘My Autobiogra phy’.Maybe I missed a bestseller (and block buster movie) there. Anyway, his ‘life sto ry’ turned out to be more OTT bonkers thanNowbizarre...ifyou’ll excuse me, I have a meet ing with the fairies at the bottom of my garden. Next week, an in­depth memoir about cats ­ their indifference, greediness, sexually deviance ­ presented by the renowned psychologists, Professors Lassie and Fido. Nora Johnson’s critically acclaimed psy chological crime thrillers (www.nora­john all available online including eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, audio books, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.

Nora’s latest thriller.RAYNER BOURTON: Narrates my books.

suspenseNoraistheauthorofpopularpsychologicalandcrimethrillersandafreelancejournalist. NORA BREAKINGJOHNSONVIEWSCELEBRATED ACTOR NARRATES ALL MY AUDIOBOOKS!

AUDIOBOOKS are booming in this timepoor, podcast­friendly world! According to the Audiobook Publishers Association, 74,000+ audiobooks were published last year in the USA alone with ‘Mysteries/ Thrillers/Suspense’ one of the most popu lar genres. After all, you can multitask while listening: 47 per ceent of those who buy audiobooks listen while commuting, about 25 per cent while working at home and 23 per cent while exercising. And publishers are doing full­scale pro ductions with celebrities to attract new readers (like Meryl Streep reading ‘Char lotte’s Web’, Dustin Hoffman ‘Being There’ and Michelle Obama all 19 hours of her own memoir, ‘Becoming’). Homer’s Iliad was essentially an audiobook before it was ever written down! All my novels are available in ebook/Ap ple Book/paperback and audiobook for mats. But this wasn’t always so. Imagine my surprise when a well­known and cele brated British actor visiting Spain contact ed me. He enjoyed reading my EWN col umn, and especially my novels and would I like him to record them as audiobooks?


That’s changing quite quickly and also best before dates on hundreds of vegetables and fruit are being re moved across the UK with the idea that the average as sistant or shopper is able to see whether something is fresh or not and can make an informed decision whether to purchase.

ALICANTE: A good place to be. TTStudio/shutterstockCredir:


There’s a financial saving for the supermarket as even if they reduce the price of an item that has been on the shelves for a while, there is still some return on their investment.


I FEEL I must write with disgust at the latest announcement regarding slaughter houses in Spain. It has just been passed that CCTV cameras are being installed in all slaughter houses to protect animals from cruelty whilst being slaughtered. I think they must be having a laugh! What about the cruelty to the bulls in the bull rings, just for enjoyment!!!! I rest my case. Elsie Manning Good work HI Leapy, just a very short note to say I love reading your col umn my friend, keep up the good work and don’t let the b......s grind you down All the best Tom PS enjoy your trip back to the lovely Emerald Isle

Letters should be emailed to or make your comments on our website: Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.


I’m disgusted


DEAR Leapy How refreshing to know that I am not the only old f**t that thinks our way. We like you have left the UK, but only 15 years ago, but it was probably the best thing we have done. Living in Spain, slightly north of Alicante is a good place to be. My grandchildren are hav ing to pay over £800 a month for a room in a shared house. Our children have bought a share in a flat and have to rent the rest of it on a scheme to make it easy to buy. What a con that is! Also, saw a very good friend of mine yesterday, who is quite ill, his family have sug gested that he goes back to the UK, but he said he would rather die here. What a sad state for the old boy. Keep the faith Ted in Pinoso

As detailed in a different part of this week’s edition, a company in Sweden is buying up overstocked or short life goods from a range of manufacturers and offering them for sale online at reduced prices. Hopefully the day of the ‘bin diver’ is coming to an end as supermarkets are also making sure that items that might once have been thrown away are now being offered to charities and food banks.

WITH food costs spiralling it seems that at long last su permarkets throughout Europe are trying to stop the waste that sees food being destroyed rather than eaten. To some extent they had themselves to blame with an obsessive need to only offer perfectly shaped veg etables which they claim was due to customer de mand.Atthe end of the day many vegetables are peeled and cut before being cooked or served, so why would anyone care about a wonky shape or an ugly tomato when it tastes identical to the perfect specimen?


Sometimes, old cliches are also extremely accurate and nowadays ‘Waste not, want not’ should become the watchword for the world.



BUY LOCAL: By shopping locally, community.supportbusinessesindependentcanhelpthelocal LOCAL


EWN 8 - 14 September 202246 FEATURE

THE EURO WEEKLY NEWS has urged its readers to support local businesses in the community by shop ping locally in recent times. Now things are heading back to normal, we chal lenge you to maintain that habit by supporting local high streets, markets, butchers, greengrocers and all of the wonderfully quirky independent busi nesses in your area. Local businesses make our villages, towns and cities what they are. They add

independentlyshoppingers.knownduceexcellentAndarecharacter.uniqueTheyconvenient.theyofferprofromsuppliThejoyoflocalmeansthatbusinesses can support the local communi ty. You may find something a euro or two cheaper on line but have you consid money is actually going? By shopping locally you’re putting food on a local fami ly’s table and there is noth ing better than giving back to the communities that have given us so much. Lo cal stores support charities and they sponsor local sports teams. In many cases, they are much more than just a business, they’re a legacy. They may have sup ported generations of the same family. Likewise, brand new local stores and bars may help the genera tions of the future fulfil their dreams and am bitions.Remember, your lo cal store is going up against multinationals and chains. They can’t win that battle on their own. So give them your support. Spending your money local ly will make a real difference to the local economy. Local businesses recirculate a greater share of every euro they receive at local level. They create locally owned supply chains and they in vest in their employees. So remember. When you go shoppinggo local!

Brace for the Exodus of the Heat-Seeking Rich Michael Walsh of Southern Comfit.

I DON’T understand, and never will, why the British media have to name terrible things and people with something which somehow glorifies them. For instance, there is an Isis terror group, known as the Beatles because of their British ac cents, who murdered hostages while fighting with Isis in Syria. The Beatles, to me, were the greatest thing to happen to music in my lifetime. Even today new musicians still say that they were influenced by them. So why does the me dia even put the two together in the same sen tence? Instead they shouldn’t name them or put any pictures of these pieces of scum or give their cause any publicity. Does anybody actually buy any of the products that pop up every bloody second on Instagram, Facebook and every site you go on? How many people reply to all the scam emails? Has any bloke’s w***y actually got bigger by replying to an email? My mate had a p***s extension - ruined the look of his house. There is a Jamie Foxx movie that has been shelved since 2016. It’s a comedy starring Jeremy Piven, Robert Downey Jr, Benicio del Toro, Ger ard Butler and Eva Longoria. A pretty good cast I think you’ll agree. So why won’t it ever be re leased? Well it’s because some of the actors play roles which means they are pretending to be someone they aren’t ….sorta like, how can I best describe it? I know - ACTING! Yes it does mean that Foxx is made up to look like a white racist cop and Downy Jr plays a Mexican, but really do they have to shelve a film because of fear of be ing cancelled? If people don’t like the idea of its storyline or cast then don’t go and see the movie. It’s as simple as that. Decided to go for a swim with Mrs S the other evening. Both of us just cossies and a towel and keys, no phones, just going for a quick dip which seemed like a great idea, except as I closed the front door Patti realised that we (she) had left a set of keys in the lock on the inside. If any of you have done that you will know that it means you can’t open the door. Thankfully a neighbour let us borrow a phone and an hour later we were back in thanks to us knowing someone who can break into houses. Oh and by the way without your own phone you are pretty much stuffed as nobody remembers numbers any more.

a Grumpy

Email: of Old Man MIKE SENKER

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 47FEATURE

Michael, who in 1998 formed Southern Comfit International, is familiar with the holistic nature of properties in Spain. “Heat­seeking Europeans will find com mon ground with their counterparts on the Costas who will be looking for ways to in crease their income security.” Harmony Rentals, a division of Southern Comfit, offers a key­holding and property management service for second home owners.“Acting on behalf of owners we evaluate the potential of their property. If they wish us to do so we can follow the usual proce dures to prepare their property for sale or rent.”

AdvertisingSouthernFeatureComfit International (Harmony Rentals) website: or Email Michael Walsh at keyboardcosmet Telephone +34 662 067 490.


IF as predicted northern Europeans realise it is cheaper to spend winters in Spain than suffer spiralling energy costs in their own countries, the Costas could see a massive in flux of well­heeled visitors wintering here. Is there a win­win outcome to what could be a massive boost for domestic economies? Michael Walsh a former senior executive for the prestigious Guild of Master Craftsmen and Federation of Master Builders thinks so. “There are enough empty properties to satisfy demand ­ if they are made ready and released. Hard­pressed owners of second homes, many of them absent, could reduce their economic woes by renting their prop erties at above usual market prices.”

Mike’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors. For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code

NobodyINMYOPINION remembers numbers

EWN 8 - 14 September 202248 LIFESTYLE

WITH hard water affecting millions of households, many people could be spending much more than they need to on annual en ergy bills and on unneces sary detergents and clean ing products. This is because hard wa ter can cause limescale to build up on items like your washing machine and dish washer, which is what makes them use more ener gy and boost your bills. That’s not to say that you should stop doing your laundry in exchange for a few spritz of deodorant, but there are ways of conserv ing water, making your home more sustainable and less expensive for you to liveByin!fitting a sustainable water conditioner to your home’s water supply, you could cut your energy bills by 25 per cent now, and even more when energy prices are set to rise again in theThisfuture.will treat hard water as it enters your home, sav ing you from having to buy cleaning products filled with harsh chemicals later down the line.

SHARING SPACE: Important to follow some basic ground rules. Credit: bbernard/shutterstock

Save on household bills

Important to treat limescale on appliances.

WITH the cost of living constantly going up, it’s no longer just students who are choosing house shares to cut Guaranteeingcosts.a good living situation between people that, in many cases, might be strangers and have dif ferent ways of living in the same apartment is important to ensure amiable cohabitation in yourOnehome.way to get in your flatmates’ good books is to make sure that you clean up after yourself. Whenever you’re cooking in the kitchen, make sure to wipe down all surfaces after use and wash up yourThedishes.same goes for the bathroom, don’t leave towels lying around and make sure you wash away all your hair out of the shower and the sink after using it. It’s also considerate to keep noise levels down, especially if you’re a bit of a night owl. If you’re going to blast music, in vest in a good pair of earphones so you can enjoy it at whatever vol ume you want, without bothering anybody else!

Cohabiting with others


Travelling with children

FAMILY holidays are a great way for you and your loved ones to experience new things and see new places together. How ever, the satisfactory pay off can require a bit more advance planning than when you’re just travelling solo. The first thing you’ll want to think about is where you are going and what ac tivities there will be for you and your kids. Your children will be relying on you as the responsible parent, so you need to think about the documentation they need. This is usually a passport and, de pending on where you travel to, they might also need a VISA. Vaccinations are always important to ensure your family’s health, so check which ones you need before travelling. If you are travelling with a baby and they’re still breast­feeding, it’s also a good idea to check regulations around breast feeding in public, some places will be more tolerant than others.

Marisa Moreno Castillo - Danish Consul in Andalucia and Extremadura Senior Lawyer at Just Law Solicitors -

ELECTRIC storms, hurricanes and forest fires are contribut ing to higher rates of power cuts, that last anywhere be tween a few hours to a few days. However, with advance planning and creativity, a power cut shouldn’t limit you to cold beans on bread or limp raw salad. If the power shortage only lasts a couple of hours, refrig erated food should be fine. However, if it lasts longer than four hours, try and use the food in the fridge so it doesn’t goGazpachooff. is a great solution for this. Make it thick and add some crushed bread and oth er vegetables to it to marinate together which will be deli cious.Panzanella salad (Italian bread and tomato salad) is another option that combines tomatoes and fruity olive oil and vinegar as well as any fresh herbs you have for a fill ing and healthy meal. Frozen vegetables in your freezer can be used to make an organic salad. Sweet corn, tinned black beans, lime, spicy salsa and cumin would make an appetising dish.

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 49FEATURE

Power cut meals

Credit: Day Of Victory Studio/shutterstock AS with any other country in the world there are many different types of busi nesses here in Spain. Due to a European law passed a few years ago, some people do not need to have a qualification to run some kinds of businesses, that law was called ‘Omnibus’. What perhaps may surprise you is that only lawyers, doctors, dentists, architects, vets, nurses, teachers, pharmacists, and civil engineers need to be qualified and regulated to ply their trade. That means that if you wish to start any other business you can do so in Spain without a mandatory qualification or regu lation by a governing body. Of course, you have to register as autonomo or form a limited company. For example, anyone in Spain can be an estate agent, they can be regulated by for example the API (Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria), this is the largest Spanish re al estate organisation. The API title is is sued by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Environment, after attend ing a training course and passing the quali fication tests. However, it’s completely op tional.You may have noticed the large amount of consultants, experts, advisors and other people that are running business here showing no credentials re their own skills in their trade and without being regulated by any official body. So, if you’re going to instruct someone in Spain to provide a service, do your own due diligence before you instruct them. If possible, instruct a qualified, regulated, in sured professional, someone that has the qualifications recognised in Spain to carry out their trade or profession.


FAMILY HOLIDAY: Plan well ahead.

Seasoned campers can also opt for a regular tent pitch or a plot to park their motorhome.

CAMPING can be a great way to spend some time outdoors, es pecially with the good Spanish weather, but it is important to know that there are a lot of laws and restrictions on camping in its beautiful countryside. Camping outside of autho rised campsites (wild camping) is forbidden in most of the Au tonomous Communities and there can be heavy fines for those who do not comply. For example, wild camping in Aragon can result in fines of be tween €600 and €6,000. In An dalucia, on the other hand, it is also prohibited but the law does not treat it as a serious offence and the campers will simply be asked to leave.

The laws in Spain

CAMPING can be one of the most fun adventures you can go on, especially if you’re ex ploring some of Spain’s stun ning scenery and you’ve got great company along with you. However, if you have diabetes, camping can require a little more planning than just throwing a roll mat and a tent in a backpack and seeing where the wind takes you. Here’s some tips for camping with diabetes, so that you don’t miss out on all the fun! To keep your insulin cold, invest in a mini portable fridge.Make sure that you turn it off at night so that you don’t use up all the energy on your firstJustnight!because you have dia betes doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to cook your meals on an authentic camp ing stove, but it’s a good idea to prepare your meals in ad vance and to pack foods you know you can safely eat to en sure that you get all the sugar and nutrients you need.


The only Autonomous Com munities that are relatively per missive are the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, and a few others, although each one has its own restrictions in terms of the number of people, the dura tion of the stay and the exact lo cation.Asthe rules vary greatly from region to region, it is always best to seek up­to­date and offi cial information from the local authorities before making any plans to go camping in Spain.


LOCATED in the south of Alicante, just 1 km away from Spain’s sandy blue flag beaches, this campsite boasts a quiet, family atmosphere with entertainment and activities for all the family. And if sales are more your thing than sails, it’s also only 5km from Alicante’s largest shoppingCampingcentre.LoMonte is also adapted for those with reduced mobility to en sure everyone can have the best sum merThisholiday.year,try out the campsite’s new water slides or take a dip in the pool while your kids mess around in the onsite playground. If that feels a little strenuous for you, there’s also a spa and wellness centre so you can proper ly chill out on your holiday. For the sleeping situation, take your pick from the Kampaoh glamping pitch, a camping experience fit for an emper or with none of the fuss of assembling your own tent. Or choose from one of the quaint bungalows on offer in a range of different styles.

INSULIN: Needs to be kept cool.

Credit: Anikin Denis/ shutterstock

THIS campsite, dating back to the 13th century and located in the centre of Serra de Tramon tana has spiritual ties as a pil grimageHospederiapoint. del Santuari de Lluc was the site where a shep herd and a monk found an im age of Our Lady of Llluc, the bib lical Madonna, who was to be crowned as Queen and Pa troness of Mallorca upon the orders of the Pope Leo XIII. The campsite offers accom modation based on an inherit ed culture of hospitality, provid ing an experience like no other. This campsite is perfect whether you are searching for seclusion or tranquillity, either alone or with your nearest and dearest.Thecampsite staff prioritise the experience of guests above all else to ensure you receive pleasant and familiar treatment throughout your stay. There are standard double rooms available, as well as a su perior double room and a stu dio room, all complete with WIFI, a shower and a television.

EWN 8 - 14 September 202250 CAMPING

Dealing with diabetes

Rob Shallis ­ Master certified life coach

As an example, maybe you have been telling yourself for years that you’re not clever enough to have a particular role in your work place. That’s your old language speaking to you. Your new language could be “I used to believe I wasn’t clever enough but I now know better and think differently.’’

So, start today, learn a new language and learn how to live your life in a new, positive and empowering way.

This language becomes so habitual that it becomes part of us and once that belief kicks in, it can be very difficult to break free from those shackles holding us back from who or what we want to be. So, how do we change our language and the way we speak to ourselves? Quite sim ply, it’s a matter of starting the process all over again. Back to language school and startTheafresh.reason we tell ourselves that we cannot achieve some thing or reach a goal is be cause at some point, some body, or a negative experi ence has given us a reason to believe that. It is then rein forced each time a challenge or goal relating to what we are looking to achieve arises. The key to remember is, if old habits can influence your life in a negative way, then new positive habits can do the very opposite.

Credit: Maxx-Studio@shutterstock


LIVING in a multi­cultural so ciety exposes us to hear many languages, the majority of which we do not understand unless of course, we have cer tain linguistic gifts. Although most of us speak our native language and possi bly one or two others, we all have another common lan guage which many of us over look and very seldom use; this is the language we use to speak to ourselves. Why is this useful? Well, what we tell ourselves is what we tend to believe whether it is true or not. Quite often we are habit ually telling ourselves that we cannot do something or may never achieve a particular thing that deep down we’d love to achieve.


LEARN A LANGUAGE: Live your life in a new, positive and empowering way. For more from our columnists please scan this QR Code

Which language do you speak?

EWN8 - 14 September 2022 51FEATURE

Robert Shallis’ opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Nevertheless, in women’s tennis there is only one answer. Excluding home victories, Court won 13 slams, Williams 17 and Steffi Graf 22. Court participated in 47 majors to win 24 ti tles (incredible). It took Serena Williams 80 attempts to win 23 and Graf just 54 to win 22. In 1970, Court won the calendar Grand Slam, emulating Maureen Con nolly. Graf achieved this in 1988 togeth er with Olympic Gold. She has also won each major at least four times. She re tired at the age of 30 with her 22 slams. At that age, Court had won 21 and Williams 14. Graf’s career coincided with other alltime greats; Navratilova, Seles and the Williams sisters. She had the measure of all of them. She was world number one for 377 weeks (Williams 319) and finished the calendar year as world number one on eight occasions (Williams five). And she reached 13 consecutive Major finals (Williams four).The statistics speak for themselves, but Steffi Graf is not an attention­seek er. She is not American, black (or les bian). She never had behind her the supportive publicity machine that favours some of today’s champions. In deed, what publicity she did attract re volved round her father’s tax evasion schemes. Consequently, all the focus has been on the 23 majors achieved by Williams.Asaplayer Graf had an awesome forehand, finesse at the net and speed around the court. Her game was not based on raw power and intimidation byItscreams.isfutile to try to equate men’s and women’s tennis, as proved by Bobby Riggs who, aged 55, beat Court (aged 31 and still ranked world number one). Both Court and Williams are among the most successful players ­ but not GOATS.


Is Serena Williams the second or third most successful tennis player? David Worboys’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors For more from our pleasecolumnistsscanthisQRCode

IN some sporting events the advantage of playing at home cannot be exagger ated. England, unlike all the other World Cup winners, have never reached a final on foreign soil. Playing in England in 1966, they won the com petition. In tennis, Margaret Court won the Australian title 11 times on her na tive territory and 13 ‘away from home’. As nobody has equalled her total of 24 Grand Slam titles, she is regarded as the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). If Serena Williams had won the US Open this year, it would have been an amazing achievement. But, as things stand, could she be regarded as the GOAT? Absolutely not! Second best? Possibly.Trying to determine the greatest player is an inconclusive, subjective pursuit. Court would have lost to Sere na Williams if they had met five years ago but, with wooden rackets in 1970, she would have won. And the extent to which a player dominated the rest of the field depends on the quality of the contemporary opposition. So, the real issue is who was the greatest achieverthe most successful player? And even this can be affected by absences caused by health and injury issues.


Geriatric animals



Buying a scratching post is a good idea.

Tamsin Brown CATS are curious crea tures that explore the world around them through their senses, but are not able to tell whether something is dangerous or not before touching it or tasting it. If you are a first­time cat owner, you can cat­proof your home with these tips.Give your new kitty time to explore and adjust to its new surroundings. Keep doors and windows closed at first, or take ex tra care when opening them. Do not leave bags of rubbish unattended, as your cat may claw its way into them. Hide any really fragile or valuable objects, as they could easily be ac cidentally (or intentional ly) knocked over by a mis chievous cat. Keep the doors of appli ances, such as the dish washer and washing ma chine, closed and get into the habit of checking for adventurous cats before using them. The same goes for the toilet lid! Keep electrical cords out of the way and con sider buying cable protec tors. Store plastic bags in a safe place, as they can put animals at risk of suf focation or choking. Avoid candles or incense ­ fur and flames do not go well together.

Cat-proof your home

September 2022 PETS52 EMERGENCY



IF a pet’s body temperature exceeds 39.5°C, it is consid ered abnormal or hyper thermic.Themost common cause of heatstroke is leaving a dog in a car or a closed room with inadequate ven tilation, no access to shade or water, excessive or vig orous exercise on a hot day. Brachycephalic breeds (flatfaced dogs such as French and English bulldogs, pugs and boxers) are at greater risk. Dogs cannot control their body temperature by sweating as humans do since they only have a relatively small num ber of sweat glands located in their footpads. Their primary way of regulating body temperature is by panting. The first sign to appear is panting. The heart rate increases and if heatstroke progresses, confusion or disorientation, bright red gums vomiting or diarrhoea. Finally collapse, seizures and coma can Heatstrokeoccur.isanimmediate medical emergency and you must go to your vet as soon as possible. Controlled reduction of body temperature is a priority.


SADLY, our pets tend to age more quickly than we do, but the right care will allow them to enjoy the later stages of their lives just as much or even more than their younger years. Thanks to advances in vet erinary treatments, our pets are living longer. Different animals are considered geri atric at different times: from the age of seven for large dogs, 10 for small dogs, eight for cats and six for rab bits.Broadly speaking, our pets age in a similar way to us. They may experience joint pain, their teeth suffer and their nails become more brittle. They may lose their hearing, so if they seem not to be listening to you it is probably because they have not heard you and not be cause their behaviour has changed.Whentaking care of your elderly animals, always seek advice from your vet. Providing them with food suited to their age, adapting walks to their abilities and creating a calm, safe envi ronment are simple ways of giving them a better quality of life in their final years.


IT can be frustrating when your pet seems to not lis ten to you, but it is usually just a question of a few simple techniques, consis tency and patience. Read on for some tips. Cover the basics: make sure your dog is eating well and getting enough exercise. A poor diet can lead to hyperactivity and other be havioural issues, and if your dog is not getting enough physical activity, there will be nowhere for all that excess energy to go.If your dog gets excited and jumps at visitors, al though it’s fairly normal, this can be undesirable for some people. A good method is to look away and not pay any attention. Try using a lead so that your dog learns to be calm when people come to the house.You may have already tried positive reinforce ment of good behaviour, but special attention and treats can be very effec tive. If your dog plays too roughly or behaves badly, respond with a firm but controlled “no”. Their behaviour will not change overnight. Howev er, seek advice from your vet if you are really stuck. Poor behaviour can be caused by a lack of exercise.

Dog’s good behaviour

The heat is dangerous and you have to be careful with heatstroke in your dog Advertising In Costa Blanca www.resonanciaveterinaria.esSur: Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante C/Los Arcos 23 Ciudad Quesada, Rojales. Tel: 609 779 109 DEL966 706 880 24 SANT - 965 668 582 - 14 NUMBERS





THE BAKER Foundation Spiri tual Centre Playa Flamenca. Calle Luis Gordillo, 1 Playa Fla menca Alicante 03189. You can join us on Facebook, The Baker Foundation spiritual centre. Or contact Linda Schug Tel. 606 990 665 for more details (95458)

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THE PATIENCE LODGE No 2177 of the R.A.O.B Please call Secretary Dave Tonge on 688 704 091 for further informa tion. (253807)

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) MURCIA/MAR MENOR Help and support is just a phone call away, Avda Rio Nalón, Tel: 693 275 779 (95462)

PILAR CHRISTIAN COMMUNI TY CHURCH. All welcome from any church background or none. For further 2009-SG/Awww.pilarchurch.orginformation,RegNo:(95463)

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IS ALCOHOL COSTING YOU MORE THAN MONEY? Drinking to excess not only affects your health it can spill over into every other aspect of your life – damaging everything that is important to you. Englishspeaking AA meetings are held throughout the Costa Blanca from Valencia City to Murcia. Anyone wishing to attend a meeting or discuss a possible drinking problem contact Costa Blanca North: 648 169 045 or Costa Blanca South: 625 912 078 or Costa Calida 679 385 105 All calls are treated in the strictest confidence. AA in Ger man: 645 456 075; Spanish: 679 212 535; Flemish: 635 047 053; and Scandinavian: 659 779 222. www.aa-costablan (93323)

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. For info, contact the branch Secretary at tary@rbl.communitygranalacant.secre

LA SIESTA EVANGELICAL CHURCH on Urbanisation La Siesta, Torrevieja is a friendly, English speaking church. For more information, including de tails of our services, see our website calchurch.orgwww.lasiestaevangeli(10005)

PHILIP SCOTT LODGE No 10671 of the RAOB. Please call the secretary, Colin Bird on 693 287 614 for further informa tion. (95459)

CAMPELLO CONTRA CANCER in conjunction with AECC Asso ciation Español Contra Cancer. Please support your local Can cer charity and if you wish to obtain literature or simply talk to someone. Please contact Mi na or Trisha. Tel 650 071 278 or 610 921 413 (95475)aecc_campello@hotmail.come-mail

HELP VEGA BAJA. We are a non-profit making organisation that helps and supports any one, without prejudice, in times of need or crisis within the Vega Baja area. Our offices are based in San Miguel at Calle Lope de Vega 46 (Tel 966 723 733), Torrevieja at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4 (Tel 965 704 282). We are online at and al so on Facebook. You can email the San Miguel Centre at We also have a 24-hour Emergency helpline which is available to both members and non-members on 966 723 733 (95456)

FREEMASONRY . Are you aware that Freemasonry is thriving on the Costa Blanca? There are various Lodges meetings up throughout the Valencia region. If you already are a Mason or simply wish to know more about Freemasonry in Spain please contact Tel 600 841 064 (95477)

ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION For information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 716 274 or Secre tary Margaret Forshaw on 966 921 996. (95455)

THE AIRCREW ASSOCIATION COSTA BLANCA BRANCH. For mer & serving aircrews of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are welcome to join this convivial & friendly organisation, now in its 21st year. www.acacostablan or call the Secretary on: 966 495 042 (95465)

J & J PAINTERS. Insideoutside - clean - fast - low cost. Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa and surrounding ar eas. Tel: 650 363 159 (294244)

THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, La Fustera. For more info: contact Frank Bentley on 966 495 188. (95461)

INTERNATIONAL CHRIST IAN ASSEMBLY, TORREVIEJA Calle Beniajan 16, Torrevieja 03185, Alicante

PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662) WE buy, sell & transport all makes of static caravans for more information contact 630 055 418 or Elsyd7@hotmail. com (294686) CARE home in Torrevieja, full care, full board from €800 per month. Call 747 438 225 (295552)

ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIA TION (Costa Blanca) The aim of the Association is to bring together not just ex Royal Marines, but ex Service per sonnel with an affinity to the Royal Marines. For further de tails contact Hon Sec P S Wilkins Tel: 966 194 158 (10004)

ROYAL Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Mem bers Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring peo ple and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Con tact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 8 00 018 2361. (238593)

ROYAL BRITISH LEGIONWhy not make this year the year you volunteer? See how you can help either as a case worker (with full training) or as a Telephone Buddy. We al so visit beneficiaries who are housebound or in hospital. If you feel you could support us here in Spain, and you have a Spanish phone number then why not email us for more (95457),,andyoufeelyouhelporsupportthenususingthedetailsoncard,wearehereforthethingsaswellasthebig,talkingtosomeonethefirststeptofeelingmorecontrol.Itcanbeapersonalorsomehelpwithyourorinformationonwhatwhotospeaktoonamedissue,wehelpwithsignifwecannothelpdijustcallandhaveawithPamwhowilltrytoyoutowhereyouneedbe.Ifyouwouldliketogoabranchmeetingthenfindnearestoneat,-coveringfromPuntaPrimaSanJavier.Moreinfocanbeonbranchwebsite

THE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, Benijofar will be closed for the immediate future due to Covid19. To join the centre on ZOOM on a Tuesday evening at 7pm download the ZOOM App. To enter use ID Number 8451471869, then Password 3uf5TE. Identification Fiscal G54713789 (95454) MR FIXIT. For all your electri cal, plumbing, general & appli ance & boiler repairs. No call out charge.

STROKE ASSOCIATION Spain (formally known as Torrevieja stroke support) Our aim is to help and sup- port stroke sur vivors and their carers, with re habilitation, speech therapy, OC therapy and a very active social group. For info please contact 653 588 475 English and 620 907 474 Spanish or email,website:torreviejaWeareallookingforvolunteershavetheskillsandknowltosupport.(95473)


LA ZENIA AREA Busty Eng lish Masseuse offering erotic massage and lots more. Incalls at discrete apartment. Outcalls within 20kms of La Zenia. Call 711 041 330 (301279)

TAILOR-MADE in durable canvas, pergola covers, sails, car port, umbrella, spa and CAR COVERS. Mazarron based, and at Procomobel, Guardamar periodically. Also (293100)


MR FIXIT. For all your electri cal, plumbing, general & appli ance & boiler repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434 POOL MAINTENANCE Repairs, Spares and Leak Testing. Call 965 725 565 / 676 945 360

LA ZENIA Incall or outcall Sensual Massage service of fered for men by either an English Male or a Male/ Female couple. Outcalls within 15km of La Zenia area. Call or What sapp 711 059 849 (301279)

PIANO , Keyboard, Organ, Qualified Teacher. Please call 606 984 535 (294805)

EASYHORSE CARE RESCUE CENTRE. We aim to rescue HORSES. If you would like to DONATE please call 965 967 033 or sales@easyhorsecare. net or call Sue 652 021 980 (95706) GATAMI ORGANISATION, to help kittens and cats, looking for good homes, also spaying wild cats in the community. Kit tens require adoption, fully vaccinated, de-wormed, deflead. volunteers to Tel Anna: 966 806 976 / 654 729 977 P.E.P.A. VOLUNTEERS & FOSTER HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED.

TORREVIEJA CENTRE Girls big ass, tits & transvestite big cocks. Credit cards accepted. 24hr appointments 691 128 099 (293695) ATTRACTIVE, Girlfriend, Es cort, Professional Masseuse. Tel: 693 357 526 (293267)

KAMAGRA Gold 100mg plus Kamagra Jellies. Collection or Delivery. Roy – 602 579 481 (295447) tp Male/Female viagra, cialis, ka magra jelly, mixed trial packs available, all areas mail order. 604 385 viagra4you19@gmail.com476.

INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE: Courses held in Eng lish and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301294)

By fostering an abandoned dog or spending a few hours each week on our telephone helpline, you could help save the lives of many animals. Please call: 650 304 746. For more information browse our website: SPAMA GANDIA SHELTER. Dog and cat rescue registered charity, La Safor area. 500 ani mals awaiting re-homing. Phone Gail 962 896 118. Visit our website for directions. and view our new blog at

Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation ban ning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor na tional governments are able to pass such a law due to rules governing freedom of publication and printing. READERS OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MAY FIND SOME OF THE ADVERTISE MENTS IN THIS SECTION FRENCHOFFENSIVE.ELÉGANTE naughty, slim, elegant, sexy Sophie. 3 languages spoken. Visit all ar eas, also private apartment in Villamartin. 693 357 526 (295405) SPANISH lady - classic. Playa Flamenca, private house, 40 years, attractive. All erotic ser vices, massage, sexy lingerie. From €40. Ana 657 603 495 (295442)


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MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code

On the road my Luxury trim 220i weighed in at €46,225/£39,479 but that in cluded the test car’s €8k/£7k of Upgradesoptions. ranged from a HarmanKardon surround sound system to a panoramic opening glass roof. Standard fare is far from minimal with heated sports seats, wireless charging, climate, smart phone integration, head­up display, auto lights and dim mingThemirrors.1.5­litre, turbocharged, three­cylinder petrol engine is mated to a seven­speed auto matic gearbox and benefits from mild­hybrid technology. It’s an incredibly smooth drive and unlike so many threecylinder units there’s none of the usual engine thrum unless you really push the revs. With 115kW/156 hp the bench mark 100 kmh/ 62 mph is reached in 8.1 seconds, so while not the fastest machine it’s more than capable of pick ing up its feet when required. It provides a genuinely practical family vehicle that carries the famous BMW roundel, and although it may not be the most affordable choice it feels and drives very premium. It may be an old adage but you get what you pay for in all things, and cars are no exception.


EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 MOTORING62

A premium drive.


IT’S a BMW but not as we know it! The premium Ger man car maker is known for its sporting saloons and tourers, sleek sports cars and muscular SUVs. Which makes the 2­Series Active Tourer seem a little out of place within the range. However, it’s aimed at buy ers who would perhaps not normally consider BMW. It is a cross between a compact MPV (there’s a term you don’t hear nowadays) and spaciousOfferedhatchback.inpetrol, diesel or plug­in and mild hybrid form, prices start from €36,631/£31,285 and encom passes three trim levels. The lead­in model comes with LED lights, automatic tailgate, nav igation, automatic air condi tioning, cruise control and parking assistant. Power petrol engines and a 2.0­litre diesel.Tobe honest the exterior of the 2­Series Active Tourer looks fairly ordinary, take a seat inside though and things take a surprising turn. It is very similar to the new iX interior and looks very smart and very premium. It’s spacious and practical thanks to sliding rear and a layout that just feels veryAlthoughairy. the inevitable march of cockpit digitisation has removed most buttons and switches BMW’s system is one of the more intuitive, and easy to use with clear graphics and what buttons and switches remain operate with a crisp positivity lacking

Model: BMW 220i Active Tourer Luxury Engine: 1.5-litre, 3-cylinder, turbocharged petrol with mild hybrid and developing 115 kW (156 hp) Gears: 7-speed automatic Price: €46,225 Performance:(£39,479)0-100 kmh (62 mph) 8.1 seconds/Maximum Speed 221 km/h (137 mph) Economy: 5.9 l/100km (47 mpg) WLTP Emissions: 133g/km WLTP Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

Facts at a Glance

BMW 2-Series Active Tourer - but not as we know it!

car factories cease production


Worst countries for car theft

A RECENT study carried out by the top website comparison company Con, published at the end of August, has re vealed that Italy has the highest car theft rate in Eu rope, averaging 276 thefts per 100,000 people each year. The figures produced represented annual aver ages from 2011­2019, using data from Eurostat. When compared to coun tries with a similar popula tion size, this is a staggering 80 per cent more than the United Kingdom, which has 153 thefts per 100,000 peo ple, 5 per cent more than France’s 261 thefts per 100,000. Spain came well down the list, in 15th posi tion, with 79 thefts per 100,000 people. With an average of 274 thefts per 100,000 people, Czechia was found to be the second worst country in Europe for car theft. De spite having a population 84 per cent smaller than Italy, Czechia has just 0.7 per cent fewer car thefts per 100,000 people each year.Sweden follows behind Czechia as the third worst country for car theft, with 266 thefts per 100,000 peo ple on average each year. When compared to their Scandinavian neighbours, Sweden experiences 91 per cent more thefts per 100,000 people each year than Finland’s 139 per 100,000, and a staggering 138 per cent more thefts than Norway, which aver ages 112 per year. Propping up the list, as the country where vehicle owners are least likely to experience vehicle theft amongst all Europeans was Denmark. The Scandina vian country revealed just five thefts per 100,000 peo ple on average each year98 per cent lower than Italy’s 276.


EWN8 - 14 September 2022MOTORING 63

THE Stellantis group announced on Monday August 29, the suspension of all activities at its three plants in Spain. This has been caused by the delay in the arrival of components, and more specifically in the microchips that regu late all the electronic systems of the vehicles beingThisproduced.situation, which is affecting almost all global manufacturers, is delaying the delivery of finished vehicles to customers. On average, the main brands have a delivery time of about five months in almost all their models. Of the three plants that Stellantis has in Spain, the Villaverde plant in Madrid is in a process of preparation for the start of produc tion of new models. As a result, its lines are undergoing fine­tuning work. The other two large centres, in Zaragoza and Vigo, have been directly affected by the lack of supplies. Microchip production has created a world wide crisis for more than a year and is severe ly affecting the automobile industry world wide.Despite the fact that some analysts af firmed that the situation would normalise during the first half of this year, the reality is that the shortage of these components con tinues and there are already opinions that af firm that it can last even throughout 2023, as reported by a Spanish media source.

STEALING CARS: I taly has the highest rate.

Portobel lo Campoverde A.


Formentera Plate Trophy winners.

On Monday August 29 new club Thader WFC played their first match in a friendly against Camposol WFC.Thader took time to set tle against their more expe rienced opponents and both defences were giving little room for shots on goal. Camposol made a few changes which affected their rhythm with Thader taking advantage to go into a 3­0 lead. The visitors re verted to their original line up, but Thader held out to record their first win. On Tuesday August 30 Fortuna Red Lions visited Formentera for their final pre­season friendly. In a very close game with little between the teams it was the home side who ran out 5­4Withwinners.thenew season CB WFL kicking off next week make sure you get your copy of the Euro Weekly News for all the latest news on walking football.

WITH the new Costa Blanca Walking Football League (CBWFL) season looming, tournaments have been or ganised for teams to experi ence ‘competitive’ games before the big kick off. A tournament taking place tomorrow, Friday September 9, kick off at 11am hosted by Hondon Valley Flyers will include Pinoso, Fortuna Red Lions and adding interest, a team from Dumbarton, Scotland. It is taking place at the Polideportivo, Hondon de la Nieves. Well worth going along and watching what should be an entertaining tournament.Abarand BBQ will be available for food and re freshments.TheCBWFL hosted its pre­season League Cup Tournament on Friday September 2. Portobello Campoverde A//Cam posol// Formentera formed Group A with Portobello Campoverde B// Fortuna Red Lions// Esquina Park Rangers forming Group B. Games were closely con tested with Camposol edg ing out EPR 2­1 in the first semi­final, with Rangers missing a penalty. In the other semi­final Portobello A proved too strong for the Red Lions with a 5­0 win. Preceding the final the two losing semi­finalists and the two Group bottom clubs played off for the ‘Plate’FormenteraTrophy. eliminated Portobello B 2­1 while Es quina defeated the Red Li ons 2­0 with Formentera going on to lift the Plate Trophy with a 2­0 win. The CBWFL League Cup Final saw Portobello Cam poverde start the new sea son where they finished last season, with a trophy. A comfortable 3­0 win over Camposol was enough to give ‘The Yel lows’ a Congratulationsdouble.

Formentera prepare to take a free kick in the League Cup Tournament.

EWN 8 - 14 September 2022 SPORT64 SPORT to read more SPORT scan this QR Code

Portobello Campoverde with their trophies,Formentera Chairman and Formentera Fiesta Queens.

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