Costa del Sol 29 September - 5 October 2022 Issue 1943

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MARBELLA: Will be the backdrop of the new Musketeer film. KEVIN MCNALLY: Will be filming in Marbella.
Turn to page 2 Credit: Shutterstock/SergeyDzuba

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Marbella movie magic

IN a major boost for the Cos ta del Sol’s booming global brand, the Euro Weekly News can exclusively reveal that a spinoff of classic The Three Musketeers starring

Pirates of the Caribbean vet eran Kevin McNally will soon begin production in Marbel la.

Amid much buzz, a short of the film has already been

nominated for an award at the Marbella International Film Festival. McNally ­ play ing an older but still rapiersharp Porthos ­ director Philip Shaw and producer Steven Barnes will all be in attendance at this year’s glit tering event at the Hard Rock Hotel from October 5 to 9.

This short will soon be made into a feature length film in Marbella, starring Mc Nally as well as other major Hollywood names, according to its makers.

The movie will be set 15 years after the final book in the Musketeers trilogy, The Man in the Iron Mask, ends. The now ageing trio of Mus keteers are set to pass on their swashbuckling sword skills to the next generation, with plenty of twists and turns along the way.

Kevin sat down with the EWN to talk fame, filming and love of acting.

Speaking about his new project, he explained: “What

attracted me was that I in stantly thought it was like a 17th century version of an old Clint Eastwood film.

“It’s wonderful at my age to be given the opportunity to show some fighting and fencing skills.”

Kevin explained his Porthos is not much of a de parture from the iterations of the 70s Musketeer films. He said: “He’s a very brave character and has no prob lems fighting still.”

On shooting the film in Marbella, McNally told the EWN: “We look forward to being welcomed into the bo som of Marbella.”

The film’s producer Steven explained more behind the reason to choose the Costa del Sol as the Musketeer’s backdrop.

He said: “All the old Mus keteer films with Oliver Reid etc in were filmed in Spain. We wanted to pay homage to those original ones.”

He explained that while in

town for the film festival, he will be talking to local con tacts to organise a Spanish crew ready for filming.

The film’s director Philip

Shaw confirmed he will also soon be hunting for locations in Spain soon.

Speaking about the film, he said: “I’m a bit of an ob sessive on detail so I look for ward to making everything look as authentic as possible.

“I really want to convey the excitement and energy of the original films.

“Musketeer will have ev erything that makes an epic, great fight scenes with a modern twist, a bit of fun and comedy, some history, and an element of dark ness.”

For a sneak peak of the Musketeer short film, visit the Marbella International Film Festival at wwwmarbel

SHORT FILM: Musketeer will appear at the Marbella Film festival. Image: Musketeer MUSKETEER: Has already won six awards.
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS2

Expat support network

Welcome returnPlanning ahead

ALERT to the fact that flooding has become a more regular occurrence than in the past, Estepona Council obtained new heavy machinery and em ployed four new staff to clear stream beds and also remove potential fire haz ards in the form of over grown shrubbery around rural roads.

Annual pilgrimage

AFTER two years, due to the pandemic, Torremoli nos was able to celebrate its traditional Pilgrimage of San Miguel on Sunday September 25 with the es timated participation of around 200,000 people prior to the opening for the fair which started yes terday, September 28 and runs until Sunday.

Estepona art

THERE will be an exhibi tion of art and ceramics created by Dutch artist Jacques Jacobs running from Friday September 30 until October 12 at the Sala 1 of the Casa de las Tejerinas, Plaza de las Flo res in Estepona with ev eryone welcome to view his work.

Cheaper tolls

THOSE who have been avoiding using the AP7 from Benalmadena through to Guadiaro due to the high summer tolls can now return as prices drop back from October 1 until Easter with the maxi mum price for the entire stretch being €8.10 as op posed to €13.15.

Young drivers

LEARNER drivers aged be tween 18 to 35 who are resident in Marbella and register online with the Marbella Youth Depart ment before October 21 could, if in the first 350, be eligible to receive a grant of €100 to go towards the cost of driving lessons.

Betty Henderson

ON September 27, an al liance of organisations in Mi jas announced their new programme to help older expats, Apemex.

Living abroad can be diffi cult, particularly as an older person. Residency docu ments, medical forms, a for eign healthcare system, emergencies or the legal sys tem are just some of the ways that living abroad can be difficult for elderly ex pats. But a new scheme in Mijas will now provide assis tance with these daily diffi culties.

The scheme has been cre ated by a collaboration be tween local groups including the British Legion, Age Care,

the Red Cross, the British Benevolent Fund, La Cala Li ons Group, Mijas’ Local Po lice with the local council

and department for immi gration and social services.

Local mayor, Arancha López explained the idea be hind the scheme, “We have joined forces with organisa tions that often work with expats so can reach older people with our services. If for whatever reason they feel lost or needing support, we want to help.”

Another local mayor, Hipólito Zapico said that the scheme “hoped to map old er expats and to make their day‐to‐day life easier since many don’t have family or a support system nearby.”

Record summer season

NEW data released on September 25 re vealed Torremolinos had highest hotel occupancy in Andalucia during August, with figures exceeding those from 2019.

It was previously reported that Torre molinos had the highest hotel room oc cupancy in Malaga Province during Au gust, but new figures from the INE reveal that the coastal town had the highest oc cupancy rate in Andalucia during the pe riod. A total of 675,489 tourists made an

overnight stay in Torremolinos in Au gust. Tourists in Torremolinos represent ed more than a third of tourism to the Costa del Sol region.

In line with previous years, Spanish tourists represented the majority of those making overnight stays in the town, with 73,883 visitors during Au gust. British tourists were the second largest nationality with 16,465 tourists, followed by French tourists at 7,242,

Alzheimer’s Day

SEPTEMBER 23 was World Alzheimer’s Day and to show his council’s support for those helping fami lies tackle the prob lem, Mayor Víctor Navas and the coun cillor for Social Wel fare, Alicia Laddaga took to the street.

They met represen tatives of AFA Benal madena, at an infor mation stand located on Calle Blas Infante where they were handing out informa tion and advice to passers‐by.

“On World Alzheimer’s Day, the aim is to give visibility to a terrible disease that needs the maxi mum involvement of

administrations, so cial agents and citi zens to try to prevent it and to improve the lives of both patients and family mem bers,” said Navas.

Alicia Laddaga said “According to WHO data, we already have 55 million pa tients with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. Unfortu nately, it is expected that by 2030 this fig ure will grow to 78 million citizens worldwide.”

She then added “In Benalmadena we are lucky to have AFAB, who care for the sick and their families with great care and know‐how.”

MIJAS’ legendary Byblos Hotel, now named La Zambra, reopened on Thursday, September 22, after being closed for 12 years.

The inauguration was attended by the local mayor Josele González, together with councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín and other mem bers of the government team.

Dutch tourists at 6,345 and Belgians at 2,571.

INE data also demonstrated that em ployment in the local hospitality sector had surged to accommodate tourist de mand, with 3,328 people employed in hotels alone.

The 2022 summer season represent ed a record year for tourism in Torre molinos with figures more than recover ing to pre‐pandemic levels.

Boxing clever

MARBELLA Council threw its sup port behind a local boxing night which was held on Saturday September 24.

The boxing night was held at Yuma Marbella nightclub and was an opportunity for local young boxers to showcase the results of their training.

Local councillor for Sports, Manuel Cardeña, expressed sup port for the evening, saying “box ing is increasingly popular here in Marbella, especially among young people, who we are keen to sup port.

“Our objective is to continue hosting national and international boxing competitions like we have in the past, and put Marbella on the map within the discipline.”

Event organiser, José del Valle explained that the event was held to raise the profile of the boxing club and attract new people to the sport. Members of the boxing

club currently train in an industrial estate in Marbella but want to ex pand their club.

Saturday night’s event saw eight young boxers take to the ring for four fights during the com petition.

“We have worked closely with the property to make this opening a reality. What was an icon and international bench mark of the hospitality industry and a hallmark of quality tourism on the Costa del Sol reopens its doors generating more than 200 jobs thanks to the agreement signed between the hotel and the local government so that at least 50 per cent of the workforce is from Mijas,” said the mayor.

For his part, Martín ob served that “the hotel is located in the heart of two golf courses with an environment full of leisure, gastronomy, sun and beach, nature and sport.”

La Zambra is run by the multinational hotel chain Hyatt and owned by the investment fund Intriva.

The Euro Weekly News Even better, our news online and in print is FREE and we promise to always keep it that way.

publishes more content both online at and in its papers than any other English news publication in Spain.

APEMEX: The initiative was created through a collaboration of organisations with an age focus. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Mijas
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 3NEWS

Spectacular event

RECENTLY the La Cala Lions Club held one of their most spectacular events as newly elected President Wynson Beswick warmly welcomed 130 guests to Grace Restau rant in Riviera del Sol for the President’s dinner.

After drinks and several very interesting canapés on the sun­drenched terraces the diners enjoyed good food and wine, great music from Zac Black and Bruno as well as a raffle and auction with some very generous prizes.

Star of the auction was a holiday for two at Juicy Oa sis in Portugal, donated by the auctioneer Jason Vale and amongst the many oth

er items donated was one for Manchester United lovers being a VIP visit for four people ­ an intensive package including a tour of the ground, shirts, football and lunch in the best box at the stadium, all this whilst

RECENT statistics from the INE revealed that Estepona hotels were most prof itable in the whole country during Au gust. The national data agency found that hotel rooms in Estepona made an average profit of nearly €250 per night, compared to the Spanish average of just €101 profit per night. Estepona hotel rooms came first for profitability, fol lowed by Malaga, then San Sebastián.

The report, released on September 26

later watching the game of their choice.

The Lions want to thank everyone who helped make the event such a success and were delighted that nearly €8,000 was raised for the charity.

A YOUNG designer from Jaen beat off seven com petitors to win a fashion design competition in Es tepona on Sunday September 25.

Estepona Council pre sented Alberto Batres with the first prize at the competition held over the weekend at the BotánicoOrquidario park.

Most lucrative hotels

also showed that average room prices rose more than 30 per cent between Au gust 2021 and August 2022 in the town.

Estepona Council received the report with delight, explaining the change re veals the town is successfully adapting its tourist attractions for the demand.

A spokesperson for the council said initiatives like ‘The city of a million flow ers’ and ‘Estepona, garden of the south’ were responsible for creating a reputa tion of quality tourist experience. The council also highlighted projects creating new infrastructure in the town.

Fashion leader

The panel of judges, made up of fashion pro fessionals and designers, chose his collection ‘Mar icón de España’ which blends traditional Andalu cian folklore with a femi nine style of men’s cloth ing.

The title of his collec tion pokes fun at those who label gay men with the slang word maricón

and tries to take the sting away from the insult.

The second and third prizes were won by Iván Martín from Granada and Miguel Ángel Ocón from Malaga respectively.

This regular design competition showcases new trends in Andalucia while maintaining links with traditional heritage and culture.

Short films

SOME 20 film crews have been on the streets of Casares shooting short films for inclusion in the New Andalucian Film Fes tival which runs from Oc tober 3 to 8.

All of the short films will be screened on Tues day, October 4 in what is one of the most popular sessions of the festival and cash prizes of €1,000, €700 and €400 respec tively are on offer whilst

those competing come from Granada, Cadiz, Jerez, Almeria, Malaga and Casares itself.

As usual, there are many residents of Casares who help, support and collaborate with these shoots and Casares Coun cil, the main sponsor of the festival, is helping supply facilities for the shoots as well as making available camping areas and rest rooms.

President Wynson Beswick with Lion colleagues. Credit: La Cala Lions FIRST PRIZE: Two of Batres’ designs on the catwalk. Credit: Estepona Council FILM CREWS: Filming in the streets of Casares. Credit: Casares Council
EWN 29 September - 5 October 20224 NEWS

Party conference

GIBRALTAR is making the most of accessing senior UK politicians as the UK Party Conference season is underway and no bor der deal has yet been agreed.

Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia asserted the right to self‐determi nation of the people of Gibraltar in Liverpool on Monday September 26 during the Labour Party conference as he hosted

the traditional Gibraltar government evening re ception.

Dr Garcia explained Gibraltar is now engaged in negotiations on its fu ture relationship with the European Union and pro vided an overview of the latest situation and stressed the importance of border fluidity to all the people of the area.

Shadow Minister for Foreign and Common

wealth Affairs and Inter national Development, Stephen Doughty, replied on behalf of the guests.

He confirmed the “un shakeable” commitment of the Labour Party to Gibraltar’s sovereignty, prosperity and self‐deter mination, and pledged to support the Rock’s eco nomic security in its pur suit of a lasting agree ment with the European Union.

New school buildings

FOLLOWING numerous complaints from parents of children attending the school in Benahavis, the Education Department of the Junta de Andalucia and Benahavis Council have confirmed that they intend to sign an agree ment for the construction of a new school and an insti tute.

The CEIP Daidín de Bena havis is the only public

school in the municipality and was opened in 1993 ex pecting to house around 150 students, but with the con tinued increase in popula tion which saw many fami lies with young children (many from the UK) arrive, the only way to cope was with the addition of prefabri cated classrooms.

The two parties intend to jointly fund the building of a

new CEIP school as well as an institute for older children in an area situated outside of the village itself at an antici pated cost of €10 million.

The ambitious project will see the construction of mod ern, accessible and environ mentally friendly buildings that will not only provide coverage for schooling needs in the municipality itself, but also in the entire area.

Have your say

BENALMADENA Council released their objectives for a community climate change action plan on Tuesday September 27.

Public consultations will now take place to build a Municipal Plan against Climate Change, using council resources.

Councillor for the Envi ronment, Joaquín Vil lazón stated “Climate change is now a reality which the council must be directly involved in fighting.” He explained that consultations would take place in schools, public and social spaces so that local ideas about fighting climate change form an integral part of the community’s strate gy against climate change.

Consultations will take place through face‐to‐face meetings as well as an online questionnaire with questions set by Andalucia’s autonomous

government. Questions allow residents to pre sent their own ideas on how to fight climate change and develop a community‐centric re sponse to implement re gional climate law.

The four objectives of the plan are:

1. Cut the 2005 green house emission rate by 39 per cent by 2030 in Andalucia.

2. Obtain at least 42 per cent of energy from renewable sources.

3. Reduce overall ener gy consumption by 39.5 per cent by 2030.

4. Reduce the impacts of climate change.

Shaken not stirred

AN earthquake of mag nitude 4.1 with epicen tre in Malaga Province was recorded on Mon day September, 26.

The earthquake was reported by Spain’s Na tional Geographic Insti tute (IGN) and the or ganisation claimed that it was felt in several mu nicipalities in the province without caus ing any personal or ma terial damage.

According to informa tion published on the IGN website, the earth quake was recorded at with its epicen tre in Malaga at a depth of 69 kilometres and was felt with intensity III in Fuengirola, Mijas and Malaga City.

Benalmadena Council open public consultation on climate change plan. Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Benalmádena
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 5NEWS

Calendar guys

AN event to raise funds to create a calen dar to celebrate the extraordinary work of the Costa del Sol’s firefighters attracted an amazing 100 people on Wednesday, September 28.

Organised by Simply Thriving’s Val Williams, the afternoon tea at Cerrado de Aguila, Mijas, saw designer Brian Piccolo, entertainer Nathan Dean and singer Alexandra Avery generously give their time to raise funds and awareness for this vital cause.

Two local councillors, Bill Anderson and Mario Bravo, also attended.

Val Williams told the Euro Weekly News: “The firefighters do a wonderful job and we wanted to thank them.

“We didn’t know how to because we can’t donate directly to them as they’re employed by the government.

“We decided on a calendar and we have sponsors for each month, including the Eu ro Weekly News.”

She added: “We’re fundraising today to pay for the costs of making the calendar.

We’ll then sell them off to raise funds to go towards the reforestation project following this year’s fires in Mijas.

“We’ve had a fantastic response, I’m ab solutely amazed.”

Bill Anderson explained: “Val was deter mined to do something for the firefighters. We couldn’t give money, but Val was adamant we had to do something to say thank you.”

The Costa del Sol firefighters calendar will be for sale locally in three weeks.

Last chance for screening

IT’S the last chance for British nationals living on the Costa del Sol who want free cancer screen ing to book this year’s Positively Pink screening event into their diaries.

On Wednesday, Octo ber 5, El Oceano hotel will be hosting a health event where anyone over 18 who hasn’t been screened for breast can cer, cervical cancer, or

prostate cancer in the last year can sign up for free private health tests.

Organised by El Oceano owner Lorraine Palmer, the event will take place from 11am to 1pm. Two nurses from clinics in Calahonda and Fuengirola will be on hand to make appoint ments for cancer screen ing and attendees will then be given a voucher

Mijas fire

ON Tuesday, September 27, a huge fire broke out near the Santana Golf Resort in Mijas.

The fire was confirmed by Andalucia’s Plan Infoca, who dispatched three helicopters, four fire engines and 68 forest firefighters to the scene.

It broke out just before 2pm and was brought under control at around 6.30pm.

At the same time another fire began close to the golf resort in Mijas, which did not take as long for firefighters to extinguish.

The last fire to hit the area was a huge forest fire in the mountains of Mijas which broke out on Friday, July 15.

That fire was eventually stabilised on Sun day, July 17 after it spread into the neighbour ing municipalities of Alhaurin el Grande and Al haurin de la Torre.

Prior to that, multiple fires have raged in the Marbella area.

to cover the costs.

Guests are simply asked to pay €20, which Lorraine says is simply to incentivise them to go and collect their results at the end of the process.

Lorraine explained: “This could be the most important test you have ever had in your life. Now is your chance; please, please come along.”

€900 raised

ON Thursday, September 22 the recently opened beautiful restaurant PLAY in Mi jas opened its doors to around 100 Costa Women who enjoyed a fashion show, flamenco dancing, dinner, wine and en tertainment to raise funds for Cudeca.

Sara Haley, owner of the boutique Mapuchi Moda due to open in La Cala de Mijas on the Boulevard in November showcased the AW22 collection in a colourful fashion show.

The group were then entertained by a lovely young talented flamenco dancer from Japan, Asami Ikeda and then Welsh soprano Laura Elen completed the evening with a rendering of wonder ful songs.

In total, 90 prize bags raising money for Cudeca were sold at the event at €10, raising an excellent €900 for Cude ca.

VAL WILLIAMS: Organised the event. Credit: EWN
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS6

Fighting exploitation

MIJAS Council marked the In ternational Day against Hu man Trafficking by launching a campaign to fight trafficking on a local scale on September 23. Local councillor for Equali ty and Diversity, Natalia Martínez launched the cam paign under the slogan ‘I am not a body, I am a life’, to raise awareness about traf ficking and exploitation in the local community.

Martínez who spoke about the need to continue fighting this violation of human rights, highlighting the links with other forms of abuse said “99 per cent of victims of human trafficking are wom

en and girls who are also reg ularly victims of sexual ex ploitation, forced into prosti tution.”

Local authorities are launching an educational programme aimed at high school and college age stu

REPRESENTATIVES of Turismo Costa del Sol have returned to Spain after taking a stand at International French Travel Market Top Resa‐Map Pro in Paris.

They were accompanied by executives from 30 businesses located in Malaga Province who wanted to promote their hospitality offering to what is becoming a growing market.

Margarita del Cid, CEO of the Tourism De partment highlighted the importance of the French market, as the province is the third

dents, to raise awareness about the links between traf ficking and use of prostitution services. The council also drew attention to services available to victims of abuse including the free 018 num ber and women’s centres.

French tourists

most popular international destination visited by French holidaymakers.

Upon her return, she said “According to data from Costa del Sol Tourism, the French market is highly relevant for our destination, since in this year 2022 almost 170,000 French tourists have visited our province.”

This is the first time that Costa del Sol Tourism has taken its own stand at the show.

NEW CAMPAIGN: Mijas to fight human trafficking. Credit: Mijas Council
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 7NEWS

World Expo 2027

THE Junta de Andalucia has endorsed the ap plication from Malaga City to be chosen as the host city for the 2027 World Expo.

Senior members of the Junta accompanied Malaga mayor Francisco de la Torre and presi dent of the Provincial Council, José Francisco Salado to Madrid on Monday September 26 to meet with King Felipe VI, President Pedro Sánchez and the Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares.

A delegation from the International Exhibi tions Office (BIE) is currently evaluating the ap plication received from Malaga alongside four other cities and will shortly make the decision as to who will host the event.

The Junta Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina España com mented that “Malaga is the best place to hold Expo 2027” and highlighted some of its strengths, such as the fact that it receives 13

million visitors each year, so “it is a city pre pared to welcome a wide volume of people for this event, since it has enough hotel rooms, services and infrastructure to absorb the influx of people for the event.”

With its international airport, strong rail and road network, numerous museums, concert halls and a dedication to sustainable growth as well as commitment to new technology, all parties believe that Malaga is the ideal candi date.

Interactive indigenous museum

THE Felipe Orlando Museum in Benalmade na is bouncing back after closing during the pandemic with an ever‐expanding pro gramme of cultural activities for local resi dents and visitors. Local councillor for cul ture, E Pablo Centella announced a new programme for the museum on Tuesday September 27.

The museum is the second largest in Spain dedicated to pre‐Columbian art, covering art practices by indigenous peoples in the Caribbean, North, Central and South Ameri ca before the arrival of Christopher Colum bus and Europeans.

The museum’s latest announcement is a

family‐friendly event on Saturday October 1.

The event entitled ‘I spy… a museum’ has been developed with organisation Huertos Filosóficos and aims to be a first introduction to museums for little ones. Events will in clude music, games and a puppet show with the museum’s mascot, Techichi.

Event coordinator, Victoria Sabino, ex plained “This initiative is part of our packed autumn programme at the museum. We have something for everyone including a singing event on Latin American rhythms and a special pottery workshop in prepara tion for the Day of the Dead festival at the start of November.”

Helping Aspandem

IT has been a good week for the San Pedro based Aspandem Chari ty shop as on Wednes day September 21, local celebrity Maurice Boland and his business associate Zoltan Lading handed over a donation of €600 to charity vol unteer Margaret Dunck ely.

Then a few days later, Annie Hicks, principal organiser and fundrais er at Brothers Tennis Club, met with Mrs Dunckely to donate €150 after having held a paella lunch at the club as well as on another occasion holding a raf fle in aid of Aspandem.

The charity’s new look shop can be found at Marques de Estella, 20 in San Pedro and the

organisation exists to assist people with dis abilities on the Costa del Sol.

Meeting with King Felipe VI in Madrid. Credit: Junta de Andalucia.
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 9NEWS

Best research

A SPANISH doctor named the best researcher in the world when it comes to blood cancer myeloma has been honoured by the International Myeloma Society (IMS).

Doctor María Victoria Mateos, who is head of the innovative therapy unit at the Salamanca Uni versity Assistance Com

plex and chair of the Spanish Society of Hema tology and Hemotherapy, was given the award on Friday, September 23 at the IMS annual general meeting in Los Angeles.

Speaking about the award, she said that she had been working on myeloma since complet ing her doctoral thesis on the subject in 2000. Myeloma is the second most common cancer af ter lymphoma affecting millions annually.

Myeloma affects one in 100,000 inhabitants every year and is detected in about 2,000 cases annual ly in Spain. Early diag noses is making it possible to treat patients sooner with ‘premalignant situa tions on the rise’.

In receiving the award Mateos said more money was needed and praised Spain’s healthcare sys tem.

Online appointments

ONLINE medical consultations are becoming increasingly popular which is changing the face of healthcare for the elderly. The pandemic forced many of our daily activities online, in cluding medical appointments.

Many patients turned to the internet to get advice from their doctor. But the internet has become the unexpected pioneer of healthcare in the elderly population.

Medical organisation, Top Doctors, conduct ed research for the International Day for the El derly on October 1, one in five online or tele phone consultations are with patients over 64. Top Doctors found that online appointments were particularly requested by patients in re gions with a large elderly population which lacked specialist medical care.

Patients can receive medical care from the

comfort of their own homes. Limiting vulnera ble patients’ contact with other patients re duces the risk of additional infections dramati cally. Patients can also access specialists who may not ordinarily work in their area and sec ond opinions on original diagnoses.

Advances like this could boost elderly care in Spain, which currently sits at 38 out of 44 coun tries for elderly care analysed in the study.

Catalonia’s smoking ban

AS announced on Friday, September 23, by Josep Maria Argimon, Catalonia’s Minister of Health, the government is to implement ‘smoke‐free’ spaces. New regulations will be in troduced to convert terraces, entrances and ex its of schools, and bus stops, into places where smoking is prohibited. He explained that there must be a ‘transition period’ and that the mea sure responds to reduction in smokers.

Argimon also revealed that from January 2023 the Generalitat will offer free nicotine

substitutes to people who want to quit smok ing and who have incomes of less than €18,000. This will be offered because these people have practically ‘double or more’ chances of quitting the consumption of tobac co, which he has described as small.

Smoking has “a social ingredient” he contin ued, since people with a lower income level are the ones who smoke the most. He estimated that there are between 600,000 and 700,000 smokers with an income of less than €18,000.

ONLINE CONSULTATIONS: Protect elderly people from disease. Photo credit: Rido /
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS10

FIFTEEN Spanish women’s footballers have quit the na tional team complaining that the national team coach Jorge Vilda and his staff are harming their health and emotional state with their training meth ods.

Team members say they are unhappy with the man agement of injuries, the at mosphere in the locker room,

Football stand off

Vilda’s team selection and his training sessions according to a news source.

The Federation and the Spanish Football Association are standing by the coach say ing: “We will not allow the

players to question the conti nuity of the national coach and his coaching staff, since making those decisions does not fall within their powers.”

The Spanish Football Asso ciation has warned the play

ers that refusing to honour a call‐up for a national team was classified as a “very seri ous infraction and can carry sanctions of two and five years of disqualification.”

The situation is promising to result in a standoff be tween players and the sport’s management.

THE latest Covid data pub lished in Spain by the Ministry of Health shows an increase in the inci dence rate among the over 60s, but a drop in hospitalisations and ICU occupancy. The Ministry of Health published its twice‐weekly Covid num bers in Spain on Friday, September 23, compiled using data provided by the autonomous commu nities.

Friday’s report shows

Covid stats

that a total of 10,306 new cases of coronavirus have been added, which brings the total number of peo ple infected with Covid‐19 to 13,403,502 since the start of the pandemic.

In the last 14 days, the accumulated incidence rate in people aged over 60 currently stands at 136.26 cases per 100,000


Another 72 deaths have been registered from Covid‐19 in the last week. Since the start of the pan demic in Spain, that brings the death toll from coronavirus to 114,009 people.

The lethality in people over 60 years of age stands at 3.7 per cent.

Controversial Bishop resigns

JUAN ANTONIO REIG PLÀ’S resignation was accepted by Pope Francis, on Wednesday September 21 on the grounds of his age, effectively providing the contro versial Bishop to leave freely and without judgement.

He was based in Alcalá de Henares out side of Madrid from where he spread his much‐criticised views ranging from abor tion to euthanasia and despite these views, the Bishop was allowed to reach the retirement age of 75.

Reig Plà in apologising for his mistakes thanked the diocese and the congrega

tions saying: “For all the families, the young people and the suffering people of the diocese, whom I have loved with a love of predilection, the priests and semi narians, and the members of the conse crated life, I ask you to pray for me so that, until the last breath, I can be a witness of God’s love.”

Those not connected with the church and perhaps even those within its ranks will be asking how the controversial Bish op who resigns apologising for years of er rors could have been allowed to remain in office.

Members have quit the women’s football team. Football Federation
Image Spanish
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS12

Pop sensation Trevis

HOT off an electrifying performance at Puente Romano supporting Craig David, LA‐based up and comer Trevis Brendmoe sat down with the Euro Weekly News to discuss music, fame, and his love for Europe.

Originally from Norway, Trevis is now one of the biggest emerging names on the US pop scene, also getting regular airtime on BBC’s Radio 1. Speaking about his journey from Eu rope to LA, Trevis told the Euro Weekly News: “It wasn’t always music for me. From age five I religiously trained to be a professional foot ball player in hopes of one day playing for the Norwegian national team.

“By the time I was 15 I started training with the Manchester United soccer school and academy programme, but my career came to an abrupt halt and I was pretty lost in life after several problematic trips to the ER due to patellar injuries and dislocation. Right there and then everything I ever loved, I had to give up.

“My mom relocated me to Los Angeles af ter a dark year of depression. When I was in LA I immediately formed a deep connection and purpose with music. I went from being in such a dark place to developing a deep rela tionship with my artistry.”

The star turned his experience into success quickly, releasing multiple singles and quickly gaining press attention thanks to his heart throb looks and talented vocals.

Speaking about his music, he explained: “I like to say I dabble in genres. My sound is pop music with a heavy influence of R&B.”

He added: “I love Chris Brown. Cocaine 80s and Kanye West are some of my influ ences from songwriting to producing. R&B is also a major part of who I am as an artist and I also need to give a shout to Jeremih, Par tynextdoor and Bill Withers.”

Now in Europe, Trevis told the EWN what it was like to perform on the same stage as Craig David.

He said: “It was an absolutely surreal feeling standing on stage in front of 2,500 people in Spain. The energy in the crowd was amazing and I couldn’t have asked for a better recep tion.

“I was in Marbella shooting a music video this summer as well as performing at Puente Romano and at the famous hotspot Olivia Valere nightclub. I got the call to warm up for Craig David’s TS5 show shortly after and it was a dream come true.”

Explaining what’s next, the star explained:


“I just released my debut EP ‘Floor Plan’ and it received so much love in the UK.

“My music has been played on BBC Radio 1Xtra all summer and I just got put on BBC Ra dio 1’s Future Artists. I’m going to London to

work with UK produc ers and keep promot ing the EP. With ev erything going on, hopefully I’ll be able to tour and play my mu sic at venues across the UK.”

The songwriter said he has plenty more music planned for the future too.

He explained: “I was producing and writing so much music during the Covid lockdown and we have multiple EPs worth of music we’re getting ready to share with the world!

“As we keep pushing my new project and my industry friend circle grows, I’m talking to a lot of established artists and DJs in Europe, Nigeria, and the US on features, remixes, and collaborations. There are so many exciting things to come!”

TREVIS: The star has been in Europe this summer.
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 FEATURE14

FUENGIROLA Council’s or ganisation for retired peo ple, Tercera Edad, has an nounced an exciting hiking opportunity.

Tercera Edad is planning a trip for older people to Caminito del Rey, an aerial path through a gorge in El Chorro, in Malaga Province.

The planned walking route is low intensity and manageable for older peo ple, though it is not suit able for people with re duced mobility, respiratory

or cardiac problems and is also not suitable for people with vertigo due to the na ture of the landscape.

The total length of the walk is 7.7 kilometres and should take around three hours to complete. The walk is a site of historic and cultural interest due to ge ological features.

The trip is planned for Thursday October 27 and will cost just €8 to partici

pate, with transport to and from Fuengirola, and breakfast included.

There is an option for lunch for an additional €15.

Organisers advise partici pants to bring a backpack to carry their belongings, sun protection, and food if not buying lunch at the site.

Registration is now open for the event at the Tercera Edad building in Fuengirola.

GOLFERS will take to the green for charity on Saturday Octo ber 1 as the Red Cross in Torremolinos is organising a golf tournament at the Miguel Ángel Jiménez Golf Academy.

All proceeds from registration and fundraising activities will go towards helping refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine and the homeless.

Announcing the competition, councillor for Sports, Ramón Alcaide, expressed excitement for the event saying “that this is the perfect way to end a packed sports programme during the Feria de San Miguel festival in Torremolinos.”

Alcaide also thanked the golf club for opening its green to competitors, describing it as the perfect location.

The president of Torremolinos Red Cross organisation, María Tardón thanked tournament sponsors and golfers, saying that all money raised will be used for the Red Cross’ crucial projects supporting vulnerable individuals in Torre molinos.

The competition is open to all amateur golfers registered with the Spanish federation and it costs €35 to enter at

Autumn activities Charity golf tournament

CELEBRATE the coming of a new season in Mijas by attend ing a community event for a great cause or discovering more about local history.

With winter approaching and a cost of living crisis in much of Europe, local charities need your support more than ever. And what better way to donate than by finding a new look! A local charity shop will be holding a special stall in the square in front of the La Cala Town Hall branch on October 26 and 29 and November 26 and 30. The stall will be open from 11am until 2pm on the selected dates.

Other events scheduled in the town include flamenco shows every Wednesday that are free of charge, to allow residents and visitors alike to get in touch with Mijas’ cul tural heritage and a special ‘Memories’ event on Novem ber 7 at 10am, which aims to teach participants about the town’s history. More information can be obtained from the Foreigners Department, Mijas Town Hall: Phone: +34952 589 010/

Charity Flea Market

ON Sunday, October 2, the Horizonte Proyecto Hombre association will hold its traditional Charity Flea Market in Marbella’s Alameda Park from 10am to 7.30pm.

As on other occasions, this flea market will have large amounts of clothing and footwear, stalls for men, women and children; decorative articles; household items; linen; books, toys and much more. With many new items being donated for sale, this is a real opportunity for those at tending the market to grab some real bargains.

Its aim is to raise funds for the maintenance of its addic tion and emotional difficulties prevention and treatment programmes. They offer their thanks to the collaboration of companies and individuals, who donate new items or items in perfect condition, volunteer staff of the associa tion and all those who come to buy at the six Charity Mar kets that are organised each year.

THE Marbella CrossFit Champi onship which will be the first licensed CrossFit event in the south of Spain is set to take place between October 5 and 7 October.

Competitors in the Marbella Championship can choose between four different entry categories; RX is the highest skill level category, In termediate for ‘avid CrossFitters’, Master’s for ath letes over the age of 40 and Scaled for newcomers to the sport.

Competitors will complete in a se ries of challenges with a partner or individually, which will include weight exercises, repeti tions of gym exer cises, running short distances and swimming.

CrossFit is a pop ular branded fit ness programme boasting five mil lion athletes in 14,000 locations around the world.

Back in March, CrossFit organisers explained the choice behind the location, describing Marbella as ‘de servedly the Costa del Sol’s prime des tination’ as the town has the best beaches, weather, mountains and an accessible arena for the championship.

The event is be ing held at the Palacio de Congre sos and athletes have already quali fied for the compe tition, whilst entry to watch the events will be free.

The last trip to Caminito del Rey with Tercera Edad.
CrossFit firstCaminito del Rey
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Puente Romano Halloween Gala celebrates the Music of Meat Loaf

THIS year, Puente Romano Beach Resort welcomes guests to a Halloween Gala dinner and musical extravaganza, which will be held on Saturday, October 29 in the Salón Andalucía.

Celebrating the exhilarating music of Meat Loaf, and featuring performers from the ‘Bat Out of Hell’ rock musical currently on in London’s West End, this promises to be an exceptional evening of entertainment, and an opportunity to enjoy the best of what is usually only available to West End theatregoers.

Accompanied by a delicious, gourmet Gala dinner with wines amidst the festival’s traditionally spooky decorations, this event supports The Children’s Trust, a charity that Puente Romano has supported for five years. The Children’s Trust gives children and young people with brain injury and neurodisability the opportunity to live the best life possible by providing specialist rehabilitation, education and community services across the UK.

We would like to extend a special thank you to all our Gala sponsors: Puente Romano Real Estate, Coca-Cola, illy, Eladio, Imprenta Graficsol, Ordóñez Distribuciones and Kiros Paris.

EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 17ADVERTISING FEATURE
Saturday 29th October from 8pm Tickets €150 pp Reserve tickets at or +34 682 112 233

THE Berlin Zirkus starring TV Clown Rody Aragón is re turning to Marbella from Oc tober 7 to 16 at Las Albarizas with daily performances and some matinees at week ends.

Berlin Zirkus

The circus regularly plays across Andalucia and each year offers a brand­new show featuring a cast of artists from all over the world.

It is are committed to maintaining the essence of the traditional circus, keep ing the flame alive with risk, emotion, fantasy, magic and laughter, ideal ingredients for a good circus experience.

Mijas on film

MOVIES from the 60s are set to be revived in a spe cial tour of Mijas. A local cultural heritage group, Mi jas Secrets, is organising a film tour of the area fol lowed by a film screening on Wednesday October 5.

Tour organisers explained the choice for the tour, saying “The beauty of Mijas has not gone unnoticed by the filmmaking industry which has chosen the vil lage to be the setting for big productions on many occasions.” The tour will take guests around Mijas, detailing the town’s extensive silver screen history at original filming locations, including films starring Raquel Welsh and Brigitte Bardot.

The tour will proceed from 5pm at Mijas Visitor Centre, taking guests back to the 60s and 70s on the tour before a special film screening. Guests can kick back and relax with a glass of wine and enjoy a Gold en era movie with their newfound knowledge of its filming locations.

Tickets cost €15 and can be purchased by emailing:

Tickets cost from €15 to €30 for children and €20 to €35 for adults, with the box office opening one hour be fore each show.

Family fun

THE ARCH Autumn Festival in aid of the Andalusian Rescue Centre for Horses and Don keys will be held on Saturday October 1 from 10am to 4pm at their premises in Hacienda Moreno between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin.

There will be an Artisan Market, Fun Family Games, a barbecue, vegan options and a mega raffle. In addition, there will be a flamenco show performed by Maria Gámez and live music from two acts, Duo Undercover as well as Steve Seviour. Proceeds will help the many current resi dents of the Centre with feed and vets’ bills.

For more information go to

MARBELLA’S Parque de la Represa welcomes back Marbepop which promises more than 10 hours of music on Saturday October 1 from 4pm.

It’s not just about saying goodbye to the summer but also promoting creativity, sus tainability (with the use of eco cups) and rais ing money for charity.

With a break for the pandemic, this annual event has been running for 36 years mainly featuring local bands, but this year, Cupido who are an indie pop band formed in Barcelona will be heading the bill.

Also appearing at this free event are Wasabi Cru, Cosmic Wacho, Last Kid on Earth, Trylobites, Anden 14, Timboas Records and Atienza, between them offering a mixture of styles and sounds.

Once again there will be Factoría Jovenspace where young artists will exhibit

their work and provide information on topics of general interest and the Marbepop Festi val contributes to minimising the carbon footprint on the planet by the recycling of waste.

There will be 1,500 reusable ecological cups that will be sold at a price of €1 with the proceeds going to help a local charity.

Boogie Wonderland

ALTHOUGH not quite New York’s Studio 54, you can enjoy an evening of Swinging 60s and Disco 70s at the Village Inn, Riviera del Sol on Tuesday October 11 from 7pm. Organised by La Cala de Mijas Lions, star attraction will be Mama Cath and the Soul Sisters who will be doing what they do best

Art of Burlesque Free Festival

by getting guests off their seats and danc ing in the streets.

Apart from the music, there will be a two­course dinner as well as a special raffle with tickets costing just €15 per person from the Lions Charity Shop or the Village Inn.

BURLESQUE comes to Es tepona as a new theatrical performance based on the movie of 2009 which fea tured singers Cher and Christina Aguilera arrives at the Felipe VI Auditorium on Saturday October 1.

Ali (Rose Lorenzo) is a small­town girl who moves to the big city and starts working as a waitress in a variety club, but very soon her goal will be to show the manager of the place, Tess (Juana Escribano), that she has the talent to be one of the girls on stage.

More than 25 profession als (including actors, singers, dancers, acrobats and musicians) put on a fre netic and impressive pro duction full of exciting choreography and great songs as well as displaying a tremendous wardrobe which make this two­hour long performance (with a 10­minute intermission) a musical to enjoy.

Tickets cost €32 plus booking fee from the online

ticket office, but the show is not considered suitable for anyone under 16 years of age.

Murder Mystery evenings

THE International Theatre Studio will be presenting Diana King’s original play Murder for Breakfast on Monday Octo ber 24 and Tuesday 25 at Keto Royale Kafe in San Pedro Al cantara. Starting at 7pm, the first part of the play is per formed and a murder is committed. Then the cast goes into the audience to be interrogated by them.

The audience members write down who they think the murderer is. Once all the answers are collected, an epilogue is performed to show who is the guilty person.

Diana has cleverly written different epilogues for each night. The correct answers will be put into a hat and the first one drawn out will receive a bottle of wine.

Tickets are €6 for members and €8 for non­members which includes tapas, but drinks must be paid for separately.

Bookings at

ANNUAL EVENT: Cupido headline Marbepop. Credit: Cupido Twitter NEW PERFORMANCE: Some of the cast of Burlesque. Credit: Burlesque Facebook
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 SOCIAL SCENE18

Candlelight concert

ROCK like you have never heard before as the Totem Ensemble String Quartet takes on some of the most popular rock numbers of all time on October 21.

This is a candlelight con cert at the María Cristina Concert Hall in Malaga City with two performances at 6pm and 8pm, with each show lasting around an hour.

Tickets which cost from €15 to €35 are selling quickly via https://fever and you can relax to the classic sounds of such legendary hits as Highway to Hell (AC/DC), Money (Pink Floyd), Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin), Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple), Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix) and many more.

This will be a unique ex perience in a spectacular setting with great acous tics, that the María Cristi na Concert Hall offers.

Rosario Festival

EVEN though the Marenostrum Festival is finished for this year, Fuengirola will still be alive to the sound of mu sic as the council has an nounced seven events to coincide with the Rosario Festival.

Running from October 6 to 12, each will be held at the Palacio de la Paz from 10pm and entry will cost €10 for the stalls and €15 for the boxes except for the Flamenco Festival featuring José Mercé on Wednesday October 12 where the cost will be €5 and €10 respectively and others which will be free.

The line up has been put together to ensure that all age ranges and tastes are catered for and depending upon the type of music, some concerts will be seated whilst oth ers will be standing only in the stalls.

The festival will start

with the traditional launch by local artist Fran Terrén on Thursday Octo ber 6 followed by the re formed band from the Basque Country La Oreja de Van Gogh the follow ing night then on Satur day October 8 it will be the turn of Manuel Lom bo.

Sunday the featured act will be the Funambu lista group formed in 2009 by Murcian singer Diego Cantero and then on Monday when prices at the fair will be halved

it’s time for the children to enjoy a show by Can tajuegos starting at 6pm with free admission fol lowing advance registra tion.

On Tuesday October 11, it will be time for glam pop/rock band Nan cys Rubias, featuring Mario Vaquerizo and Samantha Hudson then the festival will finish the following night with the 42nd Flamenco Festival.

Tickets are available at www.entradas.fuengiro

Floral art

THE Estepona Floral Art Club was founded in 1999 and meets monthly on the third Tuesday of each month to watch overseas NAFAS demonstrators create fabulous designs from local flora.

Estepona is a branch of the London and Overseas section of NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) and this is their first full year back following the pandemic with meetings taking place from September 2022 ­ June 2023.

Full membership is just €65, entitling members to attend all seven of the year’s demonstrations and receive a discount on any trips and events although visitors may attend single events at a cost of €15.

The next meeting will be held at El Paraíso Golf, km 167, Es tepona. On Tuesday October 18 from 3pm ­ 5pm as Vicki Hease a NAFAS teacher is flying from the UK specially to entertain members with her demonstration called ‘fantastic floral’.

The restaurant will be open before and after the demonstra tion and for more information, please email esteponafloralart

Rock Magik

THERE’S a kind of Magik from a rock band formed during lock down by Gibraltarian Giles Ramirez and Spanish producer and guitarist Manolo Arias. They started a project called Covers in Isolation where they played songs from the 60s and 70s adapted to their style. They will be appearing at the Sunborn Hotel in Gibraltar on October 14 supported by The Uninvited and Ace of Slade as well as a DJ and with just 270 tickets costing £25 per person plus booking fee via it could be a night to remember.

Fuengirola punk

THE Wasps, an original 1976 punk band, are com ing to Fuengirola on Satur day October 22 and you can relive your youth at Bonnets in the port.

They were there at the start of the UK Punk rock movement, along with the likes of The Clash, Sex Pis tols, The Damned, Buz zcocks, UK Subs, Sham 69, Stiff Little Fingers, Subway Sect and many more.

During the ‘76­’77 period They performed extensive ly at venues across London and the UK and were favourites with John Peel.

They split up in 1979 but now original singer Jesse Lynn­Dean has reinvented the band and is currently based in the south of Spain and after re­releasing their 2003 album Punkryonics they have just finished recording their brand­new album, ‘Punk Prayer’ which is available now on vinyl and CD.

Polish up your safety pins, comb up your mo

PUNK MUSIC: The Wasps return.

hawk and make sure you get to the bar early for this

free event with the band coming on stage at 11pm.

Autumn Fair

THE Anglican Chaplaincy of St Andrew, Costa Del Sol East is hold ing its Autumn Fair on Saturday October 8 from 11am to 2pm at San Miguel Church, Urb Sitio de Calahonda 203 Malaga 29649.

There will be musical entertainment from two popular local organisations, A Touch of Class and TAPAS Choir (The Andalucia Performing Arts Society) and a fancy dress competition with a cash prize for the best costume sponsored by the Lions Club Calahonda. Stalls and attractions include games, crafts, plants, baked goods, bottle stall, family fun, competitions, quality sec onds’ rail, bacon rolls, hot dogs, teas/coffee and bar.

The following day, there will be a Harvest Festival at the Cemetery Chapel, Camino de la Reina, Alhaurin el Grande at 6pm with a further performance by the TAPAS Choir with re freshments following the service. Those attending are invited to bring non­perishable food to donate to Caritas.

Credit: GLAM POP: The exotic Nancys Rubias. Credit: Nancys Rubias Facebook
EWN 29 September - 5 October 202220 SOCIAL SCENE

NI increase u-turn

THE 1.25 percentage point rise in National Insurance will be reversed from Novem ber 6, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng an nounced on Thursday September 22.

Delivering on the Prime Minister’s pledge to slash taxes to help drive growth, scrapping the rise will reduce tax for 920,000 businesses by nearly £10,000 (€11,500) on average next year as they will no longer pay a higher level of em ployer National Insurance.

The government will also cancel the planned Health and Social Care Levy, a separate tax which was coming into force

in April 2023 to replace this year’s Nation al Insurance rise.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, said: “Taxing our way to pros perity has never worked. To raise living standards for all, we need to be unapolo getic about growing our economy.

“Cutting tax is crucial to this and whether businesses reinvest freed‐up cash into new machinery, lower prices on shop floors or increased staff wages, the reversal of the Levy will help them grow, whilst also allowing the British public to keep more of what they earn.”

New Brexit Freedoms Bill

THE UK government has announced that all re tained EU laws will end on December 31 2023, en abling it to create tailor‐made regulations.

All EU legislation will be amended, repealed, or re placed under the new Brexit Freedoms Bill intro duced to Parliament on Thursday, September 22, the UK government has

confirmed. Many EU laws kept on after Brexit were agreed upon as part of a complex compromise be tween 28 different EU member states and were simply duplicated into the UK’s statute books, often not considering the UK’s own priorities or objec tives.

The Brexit Freedoms Bill will enable the UK govern

ment to remove years of burdensome EU regula tion in favour of a more agile, home‐grown regula tory approach which ben efits people and business es across the UK. By removing these restraints and replacing them with what works for the UK, businesses and economy can innovate and grow to new levels.

EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS22

Final resting place open

THE Queen’s final resting place in Windsor Castle will be open for visitors to view from today Thursday, September 29. The announcement on Wednes day, September 21 means that those who did not get the chance to visit Westminster

Hall and pay their respects, will now get the chance to do so.

St George’s Chapel will be open to visitors to Windsor Castle where they will be able to see the ledger stone, where the late Queen Elizabeth has

RSPB budget attack

A TWEET posted by the Royal Society for the Protec tion of Birds (RSPB) on Saturday, September 24 held no punches as it accused the Tory government of at tacking the island’s nature.

The UK’s mini­budget is a full attack on the coun try’s nature and natural spaces according to the (RSPB) and accuses the government of abandoning habitat regulations introduced by the EU with the sole intention of protecting wildlife.

Abandoning these rules and going for growth any where and at all costs, the organisation says will fur ther endanger an already declining and under threat wildlife. In particular, they have levelled criticism at the government’s plans to use protected and sensitive areas for further development including enterprise zones (EPZ’s) that allow businesses to trade free of taxes.

The RSPB is not the only organisation to criticise the budget for its unashamed support of the wealthy and big business.

been laid alongside Prince Philip and her father and mother.

The ledger stone bears the names of those that are buried there along with their dates of birth and death. The new stone is inscribed with ‘George VI 1895­1952’ and ‘Elizabeth 1900­2002’ fol lowed by a metal Garter Star and then ‘Elizabeth II 19262022’ and ‘Philip 1921­2021’.

Those who wish to visit the chapel will be able to do so any time of the week except Sundays.

The Queen’s final resting place is expected to be a pop ular attraction and a place of annual pilgrimage, with many locally and from abroad not having had the chance to pay their respects.

Queen Elizabeth II. Image: Alessia Pierdomenico/
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS24

Customer data leaked

PORTUGAL’S national airline, TAP Air Portugal, suffered a cy berattack at the hands of the criminal group Ragnar Locker in August. In a statement re leased on September 21, TAP confirmed that customers’ personal information had

been leaked.

“Regretfully, we want to in form you that the following cat egories of personal data from some of TAP’s customers have been disclosed: name, national ity, gender, date of birth, ad dress, email, telephone contact, customer registration date and frequent flyer number.

The information for each af fected customer may vary,” they said. They also stated that there was “no indication that payment data was exfiltrated from TAP’s network.”

TAP went on to warn cus tomers that “disclosure of per sonal data through open sources may increase the risk of its illegitimate use” and recom mended changing passwords frequently, not giving any per sonal information in response to unsolicited messages and avoiding clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious emails.

“We sincerely apologise to our affected customers for their personal data being released and for any inconvenience it may cause,” they concluded.

Social media deception

A HARVARD UNIVERSITY investigation commissioned by Greenpeace Netherlands tracked the social media ac tivities of the largest car brands, airlines and largest fossil fuel companies in Eu rope between June 1 and July 31.

Harvard analysed the companies’ posts and found numerous examples of ‘greenwashing’, meaning that they deceptively used marketing to give the im pression that they were en vironmentally friendly.

Geoffrey Supran, the lead author of the research, said: “Social media is the new frontier of climate decep tion and delay. Our results show that, as Europe was experiencing its hottest summer on record, some of the companies most re sponsible for global heating stayed silent on social me dia about the climate crisis, opting instead to use lan guage and imagery to strategically position them selves as green, innovative,

charitable brands.”

A Greenpeace EU climate campaigner, added: “Euro pean oil, auto, and airline industries are subtly yet systematically appropriat ing the beauty of nature in their social media content to ‘green’ their public im age.”

Concerns for tourism

PORTUGUESE hoteliers celebrated excellent summer re sults, but warn of dark months ahead.

There was much to celebrate this summer in the Algarve.

Hotel bookings in July and August surpassed those of 2019, but hoteliers in the Algarve warn that the summer’s achievements may be cancelled out by the hard times that are expected just around the corner.

Helder Martins, the president of the Algarve hoteliers as sociation (AHETA), is calling for the government to imple ment urgent measures to help hotels and tourism compa nies prepare for the threatened storm.

Helder said: “We had excellent results this summer. Occu pancy numbers were very good as we surpassed those of 2019, however, rising energy costs may erase any gains that hotels and other tourist establishments may have been hoping for.

“While their revenue may have increased, there has been a brutal increase in costs. In other words, this increase in rev enue may not translate into an increase in profits,” he added.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Greenwashing the climate crisis. Image AIRLINE: Criminal group hacked system. Image
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 NEWS26



Singled out

BAD news for singletons as Copenhagen only came in at number 26 as the best city in Europe for singles on a list compiled by Big Seven Travel, although it appears that it is much higher in the list for use of dating apps.


Twitter swiped

SINCE 2020 there have been claims on social media that Bodegraven is a centre of Satanic Rites and the local council has prosecuted those spreading the malicious rumours, but it has now gone a step further and is suing Twitter for not removing the stories.


Foal play

SENSING something special in a young foal named Das Machine EQ Z, an American buyer paid a record €360,000 for a Belgian bred horse which was more than double the previous record in an auction that raked in more than €2 million for breeders


Ageing badly

WHILST it is no longer politically or factually correct to say that elderly Germans could claim Alzheimer’s caused them to forget they were Nazis, the fact, according to the German government's statistics office, is that hospitalisation or death have doubled in the last 20 years.


Pass mustard

AS the world goes through economic turmoil, one of the main topics of debate in France has been the shortage of Dijon Mustard, but French farmers are planting seeds in the Burgundy region and thanks to ideal weather the crop should help fill the gap.


Blown away

THE whole point of installing wind turbines is to create electricity as the winds turn the sails, but for the past two years, bits of the wind turbines placed above Ånstadblåheia in Sortland have been falling off as they can’t cope with the strong winds.


System error

THERE was no need for hackers to work out how to penetrate the security of S Bank’s online service as a number of teenagers discovered a system error which allowed them to syphon money for nearly four months before being caught.


Ploughing on

ON September 20 and 21, more than 200,000 people including the Taoiseach Micheál Martin and other senior politicians passed through the turnstiles at the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska in Co Laois which equates to 4 per cent of the entire population of Ireland.


Supporting Vox

IN the run up to Italy’s next General Election, leader of the front running centre right wing party FDL, Giorgio Meloni told Spanish reporters that she hoped her success would act as a springboard to help Spain’s Vox to power in the near future.


Matrix star

NOT quite a scene from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, but actor Keanu Reeves was spotted in the Algarve for a few days after attending a motorcycling event in Spain’s Jerez. According to a Twitter post from his hotel, he enjoyed Bloody Marys and ham.


UK support

IN 2015 the Belgian Army sold 28 howitzers to arms dealers at €15,000 each, but when they wanted to buy them back to send to Ukraine the government shied away from the price of €150,000, but Britain has purchased them and sent them to Kyiv.



IT’S not just Homer Simpson who can cause nuclear problems as a member of staff misunderstood instructions when one of the plants at Ringhals nuclear power station was closed for maintenance and their mistake means that it will probably be out of service until January.

EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 EUROPEAN PRESS28


Selfridges plans

NOW that the Central Group Europe has taken over operating Selfridges, it has two pressing plans, firstly to update the flagship store in London’s Oxford Street, including the refurbishing of the former hotel and also look to increase the number of stores in British cities from the current four.

Wooing investors

SPANISH President Pedro Sánchez who spent several days in New York taking part in the latest United Nations General Assembly managed to find time to meet with the heads of several large US investment funds to discuss the Spanish economy and promote investment opportunities.

No more cards

ACCORDING to a report by the Financial Times, the CEO of massive US bank J P Morgan Jamie Dimon has instructed senior executives to create an alternative payment option in order to keep ahead of online operations such as Bizum and to phase out credit cards.

Going down

THE impending bankruptcy of Spanish industrial group Abengoa which has literally run out of money and couldn’t find new backing means that the National Securities Market Commission (CMNV) will be delisting the company’s shares from the Madrid and Barcelona Stock Exchanges by the end of September.

Home work

PERHAPS logical, as many people like working from home and even though some employers believe that they are less productive, law firm Stephenson Harwood has indicated to many of its staff that they can work remotely full time, but must take a drop in salary of 20 per cent.


UK bank rate increased

Helping power Europe FINANCE

THE Bank of England in creased bank rate to 2.25 per cent on Thursday September 22, as it sees Britain floundering into recession, just one day before new Prime Minis ter Liz Truss and Chancel lor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng unveil their plans to save the economy.

There is little doubt that the currently inde pendent Bank of England and the new government will quickly be at daggers drawn as they simply don’t agree on a policy for the country’s way for ward.

At the same time as raising the interest rate by 0.5 per cent, the Mon etary Policy Committee (MPC) also voted unani mously to reduce the stock of purchased UK government bonds, fi nanced by the issuance of central bank reserves,

by £80 billion over the next 12 months, to a to tal of £758 billion.

Effectively whilst the government needs more money to finance its plans, not only will the Bank be making less money available, it will also make borrowing from the commercial market more expensive

for the government.

Inflation fell slightly in August to 9.9 per cent but the Bank of England has a target set at 2 per cent which it seems to believe can only be reached by limiting the money available to both consumers and business es.

Mortgage rates will

continue to increase and it is debateable whether companies will be com fortable in spending more money in invest ments when they are fac ing huge increases in prices, even with promise of caps on ener gy costs which are at best, short term mea sures.

No fiscal restraints

SPAIN will not implement European Union fiscal restraints for another year and this decision was approved by the Congress of Deputies on Thursday September 22.

One of the major problems that the government of Partido Popular leader Mariano Rajoy faced was the repeated inability of the Spanish economy to comply with the EU de mand for the reduction of debt and to balance imports and exports.

The current coalition has for the last three years been able to argue that the effects of the pandemic and now the backlash from the Russian invasion of Ukraine were unforesee able.

Whilst confirming that it will en deavour to maintain fiscal responsi bility, the Spanish government will not be restrained by strict ‘guide lines’ from the European Union, but will be able to plot its own course in planning the 2023 budget.

This means that it may once again

suspend the stability and debt objec tives, as well as the spending rule, in the case of ‘extraordinary emergen cy situations that considerably harm the financial situation or the eco nomic or social sustainability of the State’.

According to a statement from the government, “The objective of this initiative is to be able to continue de ploying the necessary measures to mitigate the impact of rising prices

on families and the productive fabric, as the Executive has already been adopting in the last year.”

Minister of Finance and Public Function, María Jesús Montero, made it clear in a speech to Congress that the suspension of fiscal rules does not mean abandoning fiscal re sponsibility as Spain’s deficit was re duced from 10.3 per cent in 2020 to 6.9 per cent in 2021, for 2022 it is forecast to drop to 5 per cent.

IN a bid to assist partners dur ing the winter, Teresa Ribera, Spain’s Minister for Ecological Transition, announced on September 22, that from November 1, the Euskadour Compression Plant, will in crease the supply of natural gas to Europe by 18 per cent.

This will mean that Spain will also supply France with 6 per cent of its annual needs, subject to Spain continuing to receive gas from neighbour and largest supplier Algeria.

As part of the strategy to re duce dependence on Russian gas, the government has ac celerated the operation of the El Musel regasification plant in Gijon. Ribera also announced that three more projects have been approved that will max imise the connection with Italy.

Heatwave surprise

ACCORDING to a report pub lished by the ZEW Mannheim and Frankfurt School of Fi nance and Management, ex treme heat causes labour productivity to fall.

This study shows for the first time that substantial parts of the trade‐related economic damage from heat‐waves occur in countries that are not directly exposed to the temperature shocks.

Supply shortfalls caused by this have an impact on global trade: Less is exported and importers have to accept the losses of affected exporters or switch to other exporters, which causes additional costs.

The researchers showed that in months when a coun try’s average temperature is at least 30°C, exports fall by an average of 3.4 per cent.

The Bank Governor and Chancellor of the Exchequer meet. Keeping a firm grip on Spain’s money (Minister Montero in centre). Credit: HM Treasury Twitter Credit: María Jesús Montero is the amount that Spanish energy company Iberdrola intends to invest in the USA by way of acquisition and growth over the period 2022 to 2025. • 29 Sept - 5 Oct 202230
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€15 billion

3I Group 1.080,50 1.114,50 1.074,50 357,19K

Abrdn 137,45 142,5 136,8 1,12M

Admiral Group 2.066,00 2.133,00 2.059,00 121,80K

Anglo American 2.708,00 2.860,00 2.686,00 603,57K

Antofagasta 1.053,74 1.106,88 1.048,35 91,07K

Ashtead Group 3.746,50 3.940,50 3.743,50 25,73K

Associated British Foods 1.297,80 1.350,00 1.296,20 24,69K

AstraZeneca 9.814,60 10.053,20 9.787,90 31,55K

Auto Trader Group Plc 580,6 600,4 579,92 29,44K

Aveva 3.149,70 3.150,00 3.130,80 87,67K

Aviva 424,95 435,65 424,55 720,88K

B&M European Value Retail SA324,68 332,8 323,4 529,89K

BAE Systems 791 812,4 788,93 352,10K

Barclays 161,89 167,42 161,81 2,80M

Barratt Developments 405,4 425,3 404,6 594,01K

Berkeley 3.470,00 3.643,00 3.469,00 16,45K

BHP Group Ltd 2.210,00 2.263,50 2.201,50 130,28K

BP 442,04 456 438,54 10,26M

British American Tobacco 3.418,00 3.492,50 3.407,00 68,17K

British Land Company 358,4 379,2 358,1 156,96K

BT Group 130,85 135,79 130,67 1,03M

Bunzl 2.635,00 2.703,00 2.621,00 1,25M

Burberry Group 1.650,00 1.721,00 1.642,20 67,74K

Carnival 715 749,4 712,3 48,37K

Centrica 78,08 81,04 77,74 1,35M

Coca Cola HBC AG 1.883,70 1.936,60 1.873,00 27,00K

Compass 1.787,50 1.820,00 1.778,20 59,94K

CRH 2.900,00 2.968,00 2.893,00 204,70K

Croda Intl 6.270,00 6.486,00 6.244,00 16,85K

DCC 4.574,00 4.701,00 4.551,00 136,48K

Diageo 3.725,00 3.773,50 3.707,70 48,73K

DS Smith 255,37 264,1 254,72 337,21K

EasyJet 311,65 327,58 310,75 649,00K

Experian 2.555,80 2.600,00 2.545,80 24,36K

Ferguson 9.383,00 9.692,10 9.362,00 5,84K

Flutter Entertainment 9.700,00 9.793,20 9.636,10 366,31K

Fresnillo 687,2 736,6 686,4 426,67K

Glencore 470,22 491,75 466 8,56M

GSK plc 1.289,56 1.327,80 1.283,23 225,55K

Halma 2.015,00 2.059,00 2.006,60 17,65K

Hargreaves Lansdown 814 835,6 809,8 39,70K

Hikma Pharma 1.183,31 1.223,66 1.182,98 25,82K

HSBC 508,5 521,5 507,23 761,60K IAG 100,54 104,6 100,3 3,40M

Imperial Brands 1.878,08 1.911,50 1.867,00 1,66M

521,6 533

Intermediate Capital 1.026,50 1.090,50 1.024,50 829,86K

Intertek 3.683,00 3.763,00 3.671,00 77,34K

ITV 61 63,3 61,09 1,29M

J Sainsbury 193 198,05 192,29 295,57K

Johnson Matthey 1.852,60 1.900,50 1.852,10 5,33K

Land Securities 537,1 569,8 536,2 148,54K

Legal & General 246,8 256,85 246,2 1,86M

Lloyds Banking 46,49 48,3 46,46 20,28M

London Stock Exchange 7.344,60 7.478,00 7.300,00 102,17K

Melrose Industries 99 103,4 99,38 1,34M

Mondi 1.361,98 1.408,00 1.359,32 12,61K

National Grid 995 1.034,00 989,09 343,78K

NatWest Group 247,5 256,86 247,3 12,87M

Next 5.540,00 5.824,00 5.528,00 22,74K

Norilskiy Nikel ADR 9,1 9,1 9,1 0

Ocado 549 566,5 548,16 90,63K

Persimmon 1.350,00 1.431,80 1.336,00 355,74K

Phoenix 583 603,6 582,51 343,68K

Prudential 926,6 963,9 923,2 176,74K

Reckitt Benckiser 5.977,00 6.144,50 5.958,00 20,76K

Relx 2.162,04 2.185,00 2.151,22 60,69K

Rentokil 491,3 504,1 489,3 47,27K

Rightmove 584,2 600,6 584 379,39K

Rio Tinto PLC 4.645,00 4.833,00 4.636,80 136,90K

Rolls-Royce Holdings 72,18 75,28 72 4,22M

Rosneft DRC 0,2 0,2 0,2 0

Sage 692,8 710,2 690,6 334,92K

Samsung Electronics DRC 951,2 963 950,6 3,64K

Schroders 413,8 429,8 412,7 621,49K

Scottish Mortgage 782 794,4 779,31 452,92K

Segro 757,5 811,6 755,1 129,43K

Severn Trent 2.530,00 2.594,90 2.520,00 16,15K

Shell 2.260,00 2.321,00 2.240,00 405,85K

Smith & Nephew 994,31 1.011,00 992,31 108,45K

Smiths Group 1.496,50 1.553,80 1.482,17 22,10K

Spirax-Sarco Engineering 9.448,00 9.974,00 9.448,00 1,97K

SSE 1.680,50 1.738,00 1.672,82 164,80K

St. James’s Place 1.057,00 1.067,00 1.046,25 31,03K

Standard Chartered 578,6 598,6 578,4 156,23K

Taylor Wimpey 102,88 109,82 102,74 1,70M

Tesco 224,1 228,3 223,3 767,21K

Tui 132,1 135,35 131,35 2,29M

Unilever 4.003,90 4.059,50 3.966,50 58,61K

United Utilities 976,6 1.001,00 972 66,98K

Vodafone Group PLC 107,69 109,9 107,56 1,51M

Whitbread 2.454,00 2.504,00 2.442,80 25,53K


3M 114,14 115,05 3,66M

American Express 143,03 148,89 142,46 3,20M

Amgen 227,75 229,37 223,3 2,05M

Apple 152,74 154,47 150,91 85,87M

Boeing 138,71 143,7 138,29 6,26M

Caterpillar 170,55 174,62 170,29 2,50M

Chevron 154,89 158,28 154,74 6,34M

Cisco 41,15 41,55 41,14 16,54M

Coca-Cola 59,26 59,73 59,2 11,38M

Dow 44,77 45,55 44,75 4,62M

Goldman Sachs 312,92 323,39 311,2 2,20M

Home Depot 269,14 271,22 267,85 3,50M

Honeywell 173,25 174,75 172,02 2,18M

IBM 125,31 126,51 124,41 4,04M

Intel 28,07 28,5 28,04 35,52M

J&J 166,18 167,16 162,83 7,33M

JPMorgan 111,21 113,6 111,07 11,52M

McDonald’s 247,94 250,43 247,65 2,29M

Merck&Co 87,51 88,15 84,55 11,44M

Microsoft 240,98 243,86 237,57 30,79M

Nike 98,55 100,21 97,83 9,60M

Procter&Gamble 136,21 137,07 135,24 5,04M

Salesforce Inc 150,15 152,86 149,15 12,39M

The Travelers 157 158,14 155,54 1,13M

UnitedHealth 517,46 520,97 506,11 2,28M

Verizon 39,93 40,4 39,26 19,77M

Visa A 185,79 187,21 184,66 6,59M

Walgreens Boots 33,32 33,53 32,92 4,87M

Walmart 133,39 134,72 132,84 5,49M

Walt Disney 102,16 104,66 102,02 10,55M





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Motorsport Gaming Us LLC -25.85% 103.85K

Pine Island Acquisition -25.15% 34.31K

Wavedancer -23.46% 188.44K

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WPP 758,6 778,8 757,2
Most Advanced Spero Therapeutics +167.74% 213.97M Avenue Therapeutics +105.90% 42.27M Epiphany Technology Acquisition +56.08% 8.56K Panbela Therapeutics +46.39% 4.10M American Virtual Cloud +44.69% 291.74M ShiftPixy +38.95% 3.46M Cassava Sciences +35.65% 23.54M Cano Health +32.17% 23.41M iSpecimen +26.49% 589.91K Heliogen +23.56% 5.28M Sonnet Biotherapeutics Holdings +23.48% 5.51M Most Declined Top Ships -44.06% 12.70M Ecmoho -42.72% 52.86M Avanti Acquisition
57.59K Clever Leaves Holdings
104.19K Pintec Tech
283.28K Sobr Safe
6.72M Schmitt
520,6 198,58K InterContinental 4.246,00 4.332,00 4.224,00 162,89K º º C C OMPANY OMPANY P P RICE RICE((P P)) C C HANGE HANGE((P P)) % C% C HG HG . N N ET ET V V OL OL COMPANY CHANGE NET / % VOLUME US dollar (USD) ........................................0.9756 Japan yen (JPY) 139.37 Switzerland franc (CHF) 0.9566 Denmark kroner (DKK) 7.4358 Norway kroner (NOK) 10.272 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY WITH US See our advert on previous page 0.88333 1.13242 LONDON - FTSE 100 C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 26 Units per € COMPANY PRICE CHANGE OLUME(M) NASDAQ C LOSING P RICES S EPTEMBER 26 M - MILLION DOLLARS THE ABOVE TABLE USES THE CURRENT INTERBANK EXCHANGE RATES, WHICH AREN T REPRESENTATIVE OF THE RATE WE OFFER • Tel: +34 952 906 581 EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 FINANCE, BUSINESS & LEGAL32


N26 improvements

AFTER receiving com plaints from Spanish cus tomers of German online bank N26 that they were finding it impossible to make payments via Bizum, which is owned by a con sortium of Spanish banks, a solution has been reached.

N26 has announced that users who possess a Span ish IBAN number will be enabled to use instant pay ment system Bizum which connects mobile phones to bank accounts free of charge and not only should this benefit its 900,000 plus customers, but should en courage new clients to sign up for the service.

Inflation down

THE final August inflation details for Spain have been confirmed by the National Statistics Institute as slight ly higher than originally forecast at 10.5 per cent on a year‐to‐year basis but still show a definite decline from July’s 10.8 per cent figure with an expectation that it will continue to drop.

Moonpiggy bank

POPULAR greetings card and gift supplier Moonpig which operates out of Guernsey and London has advised that despite fears of recession its overall trading performance has been in line with its expec tations to date and is con fident that greetings cards will continue to be in de mand from customers.

Another scam

A PONZI scheme is basical ly a kind of fraud whereby investors are promised high returns but the inter est comes from using funds from new investors. Now a Spanish court is in vestigating a Dutch medici nal cannabis investment platform after it all went up in smoke!

Mobile phone charges

THE UK government has capped mobile roaming charges to benefit a small number of Brits abroad by signing an agreement to limit charges for using data and making calls and texts in Norway and Ice land.

The news was released to mark the first meeting of the UK‐EEA Eu ropean Free Trade Association (EF TA) Joint Committee which saw the signing of the agreement.

The cap is a world‐first in a Free Trade Agreement, keeping costs low for holidaymakers and busi ness travellers to Norway and Ice land.

International Trade Minister Conor Burns MP said: “This news builds on the landmark trade agree ment between the UK and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and is the first of its kind worldwide showing how the innovative trade deals we negotiate are bringing real benefits to British travellers.

Doesn’t come cheap

DEF LEPPARD bass guitarist Rick Savage has launched luxury clothing line Overnight Angels Crew which he has created with son Scott.

It seems that rock musi cians, no matter how suc cessful are always looking to become involved in new projects and despite set ting off on a US and UK Stadium Tour with other vintage metal bands Möt ley Crüe, Poison and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Savage is launching his clothing range.

Speaking about the launch which took place on Thursday September 22, Savage said: “The collec tion has been developed from a place of nostalgia, inspired by the title track of Ian Hunter’s 1977 album Overnight Angels.

“I had just been released from Sheffield United Foot ball Club and was at a cross roads in my life. It was that summer of ’77 that Def Lep pard formed and so I really wanted to pay homage to such a pivotal moment in my life. And to be able work

on this alongside my son, Scott, means so much more.”

The pair recruited Fash ion Designer, Nick Holland (who had previously launched successful fash ion brand, Pretty Green, with Oasis’ Liam Gallagher) to advise and assist and blend Savage’s vision to fuse the inspirations from music and fashion to cre

ate clothing that is disrup tive, evocative and con temporary in spirit.

It’s a style ideal for both young and old, male and female but if you check the brand website at https://overnight‐angels‐ / you will see that it is aimed at lovers of metal with prices that might just be more shock than rock!

“I look forward to working with businesses across the UK to take ad vantage of deals that banish barri ers, boost jobs and save money.


“Our trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein signed last year aims to boost critical sec tors like digital, financial, and pro fessional business services, slash tariffs on top‐quality British ex ports and support jobs in every cor ner of the UK.

“The new FTA allows UK mobile operators to offer their customers surcharge‐free mobile roaming in Norway and Iceland by creating a mechanism to cap the rates opera tors charge each other.”

With horror stories of British mo bile phone owners being charged significant amounts for using their phones throughout the European Union, many hope that something will be done to help those visiting or living in larger EU states such as Spain.

Glovo fine

THE popular Spanish home delivery service Glovo which was taken over by German company Delivery Hero last year has been fined a whopping €79 mil lion in respect of breach of Spanish labour laws con cerning some 10,000 riders in Barcelona and Valen cia.

According to the Spanish government, Glovo clas sified these workers as being self‐employed (autónomos) when in fact recent laws made it clear that they should have been given contracts and treated as employees with all of the benefits that would have entailed.

The company has indicated that it will dispute the decision based on the fact that part of the fine cov ers a period prior to the introduction of what is known as the ‘Riders Law’.

Tax the rich

ALREADY preparing for the 2023 budget, Span ish Minister of Finance Maria Jesus Montero ex plained in an interview on the laSexta television channel on Thursday September 22 that she is looking to introduce a temporary wealth tax in 2023 and 2024.

Whilst details are not yet totally formulated and need to be thrashed out with coalition part ners Podemos and then get through the Spanish parliament, she has her eyes set on millionaires and the top 1 per cent of the richest in Spain.

The government considers this to be similar in principle to the planned additional windfall tax es on energy companies.

SMALL STEP: Trying to keep costs low for holidaymakers and travellers. NOT CHEAP: Scott and Rick modelling some of the clothes.
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 FINANCE34
pathdoc Shutterstock
Credit: Overnight Angels Crew Facebook

WHAT on earth is the BBC up to? On Friday I watched the Chancellor an nounce his ‘mini budget’ to the house.

It wasn’t exactly a mini, it was in fact a far‐reaching considerable growth plan to change and improve problematic situations that, due to a whole host of international difficulties and antiquated tax problems, have arisen over the past few years.

With their usual left wing bias the BBC, petrified that the right wing gov ernment they obviously hate, may have come up with possible answers, they contrived to attack the chancel lor’s new objectives with utter frenzy.

Ninety per cent of the business lead ers or politicians they interviewed or included in discussions were against the new directives.

What was even more distressing, and typically BBC, was the fact that all of the concerned ‘ordinary’ citizens they picked to be interviewed on camera, consisted of despairing peo ple living in run down accommoda tion or claiming benefits, and almost unbelievably all white! At the same

Distressing viewing

time they were showing vast num bers of black actors in their adverts, depicting most of them living in luxu rious homes and all participants of contentedly functioning prosperous families.

Just what is going on? This was al most the same anti‐capitalist fanciful rhetoric presented by the Nazi party in the 30s. What these woke leftie traitorous operatives are actually do ing is attempting to make the white majority of UK citizens feel vastly infe rior or substandard. No doubt they are hoping that coupled with all their other two‐ timing efforts, they will be able to convince the majority of UK citizens to vote for the left in the next election.

They are anticipating that when it comes to choosing the next govern ment, the black citizens will vote Labour because it supports them and offers a wonderful and successful fu ture and the white will vote left be cause things are becoming so tough and difficult to cope with they have to elect a different government. It’s ac tually quite clever ‐ they think. What is in fact happening is that 35 million white British citizens are not happy at

all, basically because those who make up the 15 per cent of citizens they have actually welcomed into the country since the 60s, all appear to be receiving more consideration than they are.

Those who are the British majority, with ancestors going back 1,000 years, are purposely being made to feel depressed and despondent about the future. Well I have news for the woke infested lefties, it simply won’t work! The British public is becoming sicker of it by the day.

After your scheming newscasters have piled on even more detrimental adversative right wing ideology over the next couple of years, you will find your left wing politicians will probably come up with the same number of votes as Corbyn and Diane Abbott did in the last election debacle, and my God ‐ you truly do deserve it.

Keep the faith

Love Leapy

THE electronic age has made things possible to everyone in fields that were once the preserve of professionals, such as photographers, graphic design ers and printers.

The internet has amplified this pro cess further, enabling us to bank re motely, book flights and hotels ... and buy insurance directly online, however that is not necessarily the best idea when it comes to buying insurance as an expat living in another country. This is one area where sensible people en list the help of a knowledgeable pro fessional rather than simply go for what may appear ‐ often wrongly ‐ the best deal on the web.

At EU Insurance Direct, owner Wendy Codd and her team have the experience and knowledge to ensure you get the right policy that offers the cover you need on the most acceptable terms and at the best price.

They really come into their own when you need a little more than mass‐produced, one‐size‐fits‐all solu tions.

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Assistance is always available should you need to make a claim, either through their Elviria office or through the insurers’ 24‐hour helpline, via En glish‐speaking staff

cific insurance requirements do much better to consult a trained profession al about their cover to find an option tailored to their personal and practi

cal needs.

These solutions need not be expen sive and Wendy and her team will take the time to explain which are the best

At a time when you most need help and advice, EU Insurance Direct who have been on the coast for 17 years will be there to assist you. Call centres and comparison sites can’t compete with this sort of service!

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Check carefully

IF you choose to work with a British estate agent, pro moter or lawyer, on the Costa del Sol it is recom mended to check a few de tails.

Confirm that they are qualified, reliable and have experience operating in Spain.

For lawyers, check they are registered with the Law Society in the UK and confirm they specialise in international transactions.

If your lawyer is based in Spain, ask for their regis tration number and check that they are registered and practising with the lo cal bar association (Colegio de Abogados).

You should also check that your lawyer has pro fessional indemnity insur ance and do not sign any papers or hand over any money until you have tak en independent legal ad vice.

Long-term rentals

MANY people looking to buy a second home in Spain choose to rent be fore they buy.

Private tenancy agree ments are governed by national rental laws, which set out and pro tect the rights and obli gations of both the land lord (arrendador) and the tenant (arren datario).

Before signing a ten ancy agreement tenants should undertake a thor ough inspection of the property before signing a contract.

It’s good practice to verify the identity of the person or agency renting out the accommodation to ensure they are the owner. This can be done at the National Property Registry by means of a ‘nota simple’. If some one is acting on behalf of the owner such as an agent, you should en sure they have power of

attorney to do so.

Tenancy agreements

Rental agreements must provide the tenant with the full terms and conditions of their ten ancy and be formalised in writing. Ensure you fully understand all clauses before signing and if something is not clear, seek legal advice.

The written agree ment must state the full name and ID number (DNI for Spanish nation als, NIE or passport for

foreign nationals) of the landlord and tenant, the property’s full address and the specific terms to which both parties have agreed such as rent amount, payment method etc.

If the property is fur nished, this must be specified in the agree ment, as should the ten ant’s ability to use any other facility such as storage rooms, parking spaces, shared gardens and swimming pools etc.

Equity release schemes on the Costa del Sol

EQUITY release schemes are schemes which are designed to allow homeowners to re lease equity from the value of their property as income, a

lump sum or a mixture of both.

A reverse mortgage (hipote ca inversa) is one form of equi ty release which allows home

owners to borrow money against the value of their home, which is used as collat eral. Reverse mortgages are generally marketed at retired homeowners who are over 65 years old.

If you are considering an eq uity release scheme, such as a reverse mortgage or lifetime loan, it is advisable to check that the company offering the mortgage is registered with the financial regulator for the securities markets, the Comi sion Nacional de Mercado de Valores (CNMV) and that they do not have any warnings is sued against them.

A list of financial companies which are not authorised to operate in Spain and those subject to an ongoing investi gation is available on the CN MV website.

Seek independent legal ad vice prior to signing any con tracts to make sure the infor mation the company has given you is correct, there are no abusive clauses in the contract

and you are fully aware of your rights.

Be suspicious of financial companies or agents who try to persuade you into signing a reverse mortgage agreement as a way of avoiding or reduc ing your tax obligations. If you have any concerns about your tax obligations (for example in heritance tax) you should seek the advice of an experienced professional tax advisor.

Bright forecast

DESPITE fears for global economic recession, the Costa del Sol remains a haven for luxury living. And according to a report by Caixabank, current property trends are likely to continue for three rea sons:

Spain is a top destina tion with buyers and tourists.

Wealthy buyers contin ue to be attracted to live in the region, preserving its exclusive status and maintaining investment in the area.

Buyers who rent out their properties will at tract tourists with dispos able incomes to inject in to the local economy.

New employment trends allow people to work from home.

The pandemic com pelled many businesses to change how they worked. As remote work appears to be here to stay, people

from all over Europe are considering moving, par ticularly as winter begins to bite in northern Eu rope. With a property on the aptly‐named Costa del Sol, buyers can contin ue to enjoy sunshine and warm temperatures.

Europe’s ageing popula tion approaches retire ment.

A significant increase in retirees is expected who seek new properties. The Costa del Sol is a top des tination for retirees with its reliably warm climate and dazzling views. Re tirees with savings con tribute to the economy, further adding to the area’s prosperity.

Add to all of this the unique charm of the Cos ta del Sol with its kilome tres of beautiful coastline, rolling mountains and buzzing social scene and it seems even more unlikely that demand for property is going anywhere.

Notaries for conveyancing

A SPANISH notary will prepare the contract of sale and issue the deeds.

As the purchaser, you have the right to choose which notary you use.

The notary is a public servant who has a duty to provide you with free and impartial legal advice on all aspects of the contract before you sign.

It is a good idea to seek advice from the notary early on.

When a date is set for signing the contract, you have three days beforehand to visit the notary and ask any questions you may have about any aspect of the contract.

Community of Owners

WHEN buying a property in the Costa del Sol you may come across the term ‘Communi ty of Owners’.

A ‘Community of Owners’ (‘Comunidad de Propietarios’ or ‘Comunidad de Vecinos’) is a legal entity (as per the Ley de Propiedad Horizontal 49/1960) comprising all homeown ers within the same development such as a block of flats or housing urbanisation.

The purpose of this entity is to manage the maintenance and financial upkeep of the property, particularly communal facilities. The fees charged are called community fees.

Each homeowner is assigned a monthly quota as set out in the Community’s govern ing statutes (Estatutos de la Comunidad de Propietarios) and is required to represent the Community on the governing board (Junta de Gobierno) on a rotational basis. ‘Com munities of Owners’ can take legal action against any owner who fails to pay communi ty fees.

Betty Henderson TENANCY AGREEMENTS: Governed by rental laws. Image: Pickadook/
PROPERTY to read more Property scan this QR Code
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 PROPERTY36

How to choose the right sunglasses

THE hottest months of the year might be over, but sunny days in Spain mean sunglasses re main popular (and necessary!) all year round. The perfect pair

of sunglasses can make you feel like a million dollars, but finding the perfect pair can seem like a lot of hard work.

Follow this advice and you’ll

be rocking your dream sun glasses in no time! First and foremost, UV protection is the most important factor when choosing sunglasses. The Span ish Optical University recom mends buyers to choose glass es labelled as having UV400 protection which comply with EU health regulations. Buyers should also choose sunglasses from accredited opticians.

Filter colour is also a defining factor when choosing sunglass es. Consider your daily activities when choosing filter strength. Grey or green filtered glasses are perfect for driving as they don’t alter your perception of colours. Yellow filtered glasses can help you to see further dis tances, but function poorly in bright conditions.

Considering your face shape can also help when choosing a pair of sunglasses:

Heart­shaped face: Stylists recommend oval and cat­eye styles as well as sunglasses wider at the top than the bot

Keep in mind your face shape and daily activities when searching for the perfect sunglasses.

tom for people with heartshaped faces.

Square face: Round or oval frames suit people with square­shaped faces by soften ing edges.

Round face: Square and cateye glasses can have flattering effects.

Oval face: Oversized and cateye styles suit oval faces.

Thinking about your face shape can help you when in vesting in a new pair of sun glasses. But if you just can’t pic ture how it would look, try online tools which allow shop pers to virtually ‘try’ a pair of sunglasses by simply using your camera or a photo!

A guide to keeping fit

IT can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle when im mersed in the Spanish cul ture of rich cuisine, world­fa mous wines and slow living. But, fear not! It is possible to develop healthy living habits.

We share five top tips from health and well­being experts on how to stay in shape in Spain.

Join a gym

It may seem like the most obvious fitness tip, but join ing a gym can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Many Spanish gyms offer high quality facilities in cluding high­tech machines allowing you to monitor your progress. Most Spanish gyms also include extensive pro grammes of fitness classes in their most basic membership options.

Visit your local market

Food in Spain is some of the freshest to be found across Europe. Boost your fresh fruit and vegetable con

sumption by visiting your lo cal market and stocking up on local produce.

Get your steps in

Experts consider 10,000 steps a day as a benchmark to keep fit. Getting active is easy in many parts of Spain with plenty of beaches and national parks for you to walk in. Making a walk part of your daily routine can im prove mood and increase productivity.

Try online workouts

If your lifestyle and other commitments prevent you from getting to a gym regu larly, you could try working out online. Plenty of fitness trainers now offer live classes online as well as pre­record ed videos on YouTube.

Mix up your diet!

Try to choose a variety of tapas when eating out, and avoid eating too much deep fried food. Many Spanish dishes contain fresh ingredi ents, but eating a balance of food groups is a must.

EWN 29 September - 5 October 202238 HEALTH & BEAUTY HEALTH & BEAUTY to read more Health & Beauty scan this QR Code
credit: DaxX

I WANT you to think about your life.

Do you have or have you had a plan for your entire life? Most of us don’t.

Why not? Good question. Everyone will give an answer. Most of them will be excuses. I don’t need to plan, or I don’t have the time.

The biggest excuse is always: I don’t have time.

My question:

Do you really not have time for the most important person in your life, YOU!!!!

You all plan our vacations in detail.

You decide very carefully on the vacation location, the flight, the ho tel, renting a car, and book addition al excursions.

You know exactly what clothes to wear, what shoes to take, what first aid medicines to take, etc... Camera for the best memories, battery charger. Everything is very well planned. And before the trip ap pointments for, haircut, manicure,

pedicure etc...

So why not do the same some times for your life?

My advice:

Take time for yourself every morn ing and evening, a minimum 10 min utes before you start your day and finish your day, and be grateful for who you are, for what you achieved in your life until now.

Take time and write down what are your goals, that you want to achieve and put a deadline, when you want to achieve the goal.

Love Betina 0034­699 327 363

Autumn wellness

WITH cooler months ahead, experts recommend making some adjustments to your di et and lifestyle during autumn to prepare your body and mind for the new season.

Boosting your vitamin in take can reduce your risk of catching seasonal colds. Con sider taking a vitamin C sup plement to strengthen your immune system or increasing your intake of foods such as oranges, peppers, cauliflower and broccoli. Vitamin A is also considered particularly valu able during autumn to strengthen the immune sys tem’s defence against season al infections. Eat raw carrots, parsley and dried apricots to naturally increase your body’s vitamin A supply.

Activity is just as important as diet, make the most of temperate Spanish autumn and maintain an active lifestyle. Persisting warm weather makes for pleasant days spent outdoors at this time of year. Surrounding

ourselves with nature increas es exposure to sunlight and has been proven to reduce stress levels, reduce feelings of loneliness and boost selfesteem. Spending time out doors can boost serotonin levels, crucial for maintaining good mental health through out the year.

Although temperatures are dropping, continue to wear products with SPF protection. Skincare choices are impor tant wherever you are in the world, but especially in Spain where sunny days can make up 320 of 365 days. The sun’s

UV rays remain strong well in to October, and applying sun cream and protective prod ucts can reduce your risk of skin cancer or aged, weath ered looking skin.

Maintain social connec tions, particularly since we tend to spend more time in doors during cooler months. Meet up with friends, partici pate in social events and make plans throughout the autumn. Keeping your mind and body active can help to stave away loneliness and boost productivity in our daily routines.

Autumn in Spain is the ideal time to take care of your physical and mental well-being. Photo credit: sunok/
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 39HEALTH & BEAUTY
Plan your vacations in detail.
Plan your life like your vacation DISCOVERING EMOTIONS WITH

Dr Grabowski: Do you know the cause of being tired?

DO you feel as though you are getting enough sleep at night, but you are still tired and sleepy during the day? Is your partner telling you that they can hear you snoring at night?

There is a possibility that you may unknowingly be suffering from sleep apnea, a condition that will affect your quality of sleep and your quality of life greatly, causing dangerous health problems and issues with concentra tion.

Dr Gabriel Grabowski is a specialist in diagnosing sleep apnea, internal medicine and lung diseases (pulmo nologist), diagnosing clients suffering from symptoms such as snoring, feel ing tired during the day, waking with a dry mouth or sore throat, mood changes such as irritability, having trouble concentrating during the day and frequent morning headaches.

The majority of people suffering from sleep apnea are not aware that they have the condition ­ that’s where Dr Gabriel comes in.

ous chronic health condition that caus es your breathing to pause when you are sleeping.

During sleep, when throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed, the soft tissue can cause the airway to be come blocked, causing a pause in breathing. You can’t get enough air, which can lower the oxygen level in your blood. Your brain senses your in ability to breathe and briefly rouses you from deeper sleep ­ this awaken ing is so brief that you don’t even re member it.

This pattern can repeat itself five to 30 times or more each hour, all night, impairing your ability to reach the deep, restful phases of sleep that you need.

People with enlarged tongues that can fold back into the mouth when sleeping and those with large tonsils can also suffer from sleep apnea ­ but how is it diagnosed and what can you do to cure it and improve your life?

The dangers of sleep apnea

Sudden drops in blood oxygen levels which occur during sleep apnea in crease blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system.

Having obstructive sleep apnea in creases your risk of high blood pres sure (hypertension) and might also in crease your risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke and abnormal heart beats, such as atrial fibrillation. If you have heart disease, multiple episodes of low blood oxygen (hypoxia or hy poxemia) can lead to sudden death from an irregular heartbeat.

Diagnosing sleep apnea

Dr Grabowski diagnoses his patients by providing them with a small device to use during the night at home, moni toring their sleep patterns and the type of sleep apnea a patient may have. Depending on the type of sleep apnea, Dr Grabowski will then provide therapy to treat this chronic condition.

Do you think you might have sleep apnea? Contact Dr Grabowski NOW for a consultation.

MANY of us will be glad to bid farewell to summer hair woes like humidity causing un controllable hair and fighting to tame your windswept, salty hair after a day at the beach. However, autumn brings its own unique hair challenges for us to deal with.

Changing weather can wreak havoc with your hair, but exercising a little extra care in your daily hair routine can keep your locks in prime condition.

Haircare in changing seasons

Increased rainfall during autumn and win ter can cause unwanted frizz in your hair. Pro fessional hairdressers recommend using antifrizz hair products before leaving the house and covering your hair if you are out in the rain.

Cooler temperatures can also dry out your scalp. To avoid shedding hair or excess dan

druff, you can try a hair mask or visit your lo cal hairdresser for a deep conditioning treat ment, your hair will thank you for it!

Some research has also proven scalp mas sages to reduce seasonal hair shedding and boosting moisture levels.

You can also increase moisture in your hair by reducing how often you wash it. Avoid

washing your hair every day as this strips the hair of its vital oils. Instead, hairdressers sug gest using dry shampoo every once in a while instead of repeatedly washing your hair. Without routine beach trips, many of us amp up our use of heat on hair during the winter. Experts advise against grabbing the straighteners or blow dryer every day to avoid split ends and damaged hair. If you must use heat, go ahead and apply a heat protective product first.

Betty Henderson What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a potentially danger
Undiagnosed sleep apnea affects your quality of life, Dr Grabowski can determine the right therapy for you.
Image – Dr Gabrial Grabowski
EWN 29 September - 5 October 202240 HEALTH & BEAUTY Advertising Feature Telephone: +34 952 493 035 Address: Clinica La Cala de Mijas, Edif. Butibamba 3-4, Paseo Costa del Sol, 10, 29649 Mijas Costa


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Views expressed and opinions given are not necessarily those of the EWN publishers. No responsibility is accepted for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements.


YOU say in Our View (Issue 1942) that some argue that Putin has been pushed into supporting a referendum by NATO. I would go further and say that the leader of the ter rorist state that is Russia was handed a good excuse for its invasion when Zelensky re fused to renounce his ambi tion of leading his country into NATO and when that organi sation undertook to give him its full support...

Now Sweden and Finland, want to join NATO. If we wish to avert a nuclear war these three countries should revert to their neutral status as buffer states between East and West… It’s just not worth it for either side.

Spot on Nora

I’M a regular visitor to Spain and I’m emailing you to say that I always enjoy reading your Breaking Views articles in the EWN whenever I’m here. They really cheer me up in these uncertain times. Thanks, Nora ‐ well done and keep it up!

A royal credit

I WOULD just like to write about the impeccable behav ior of the young royals during recent weeks and how well they have conducted them selves during such an upset ting time in their lives. The whole world watching and they did themselves, their family and the UK proud. Par ents raising spoilt little brats please take note.

Refused cash

I AM a retired professor from Cork, Ireland. Each September from 2017, I spend my vacation at Playa Vera. This year I was more than surprised when the new cash machine from Bank inter refused to give me cash

from my euro account with Bank of Ireland. I tried on differ ent days with no results. I could check my bank account but not get cash. Local people with cards had no problem. It seems very stupid to exclude from ser vicing foreign tourists.



THERE used to be a British slang term for 2/6d (12.5p to day) as half a dollar because for decades, the exchange rate between sterling and the US dollar was consistently four to the pound.

Now as sterling has plunged to a record low of almost one to one, imports from the USA will be more expensive although conversely, exports will become cheaper which may benefit the UK economy.

More to the point however is that even though the euro is also suffering against the dollar, it is still relatively strong against sterling and in the past week or so, the ex change rate has dropped from €1.19 or thereabouts to €1.11 to the pound.

Many British pensioners who have chosen to live in Spain will be receiving their state and private pensions in sterling and few have seen any advantage following British government support for energy bills as Spain is not consid ered cold enough to warrant the winter allowance.

With times of inflation, British pensioners are being hit twice as they are having to pay more for food and energy than ever before, but they are receiving less in the way of euros as they convert their pensions.

Add to this, the decision by some UK banks to close ac counts of some of those no longer resident in Britain and the situation gets worse, although many, provided that they are comfortable with the internet, are moving to on line banking with the new companies such as Revolut and others.

Those who still keep UK accounts would be well advised not to transfer funds direct but to use one of the many trust ed international payment companies as they offer much better rates of exchange than the banks.

EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 41LETTERS EUROWEEKLYNEWS.COM




Noraistheauthorofpopularpsychological suspenseandcrimethrillersandafreelancejournalist.

EVER felt that September ­ and not Jan uary ­ is the real start of the New Year when, after the long summer break, kids are back at school and adults at work?

And when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, I always make mine in September. There’s less pressure on the diet that never happens, the Jan uary that’s rarely dry and at least the weather’s much nicer!

September always feels like a new beginning because of the change in routine. A time of fresh starts, self­evaluation and, for travel operators, the inevitable post­holi day complaints.

Complaints from British tourists about Spain are particularly telling. “Topless sunbathing should be

banned!” moaned one angry wife, “my husband spent all day ogling women.” “The street signs weren’t in English. How can anyone get around?” “The beach was too sandy.” “Local shopkeep ers shouldn’t be lazy and close in the af ternoons because I often needed to buy things during ‘siesta’ time.”

Good grief! What’s up with these guys? I’d be more than happy to wait for shops to open late for some re gional pastries to eat on that sandy beach. Be cause it would mean I WAS having a holiday! (Handsome hunks, an extra bonus!)

Nora Johnson’s criti cally acclaimed psycho logical crime thrillers (www.nora­ all available online in cluding eBooks (€0.99; £0.99), Apple Books, au diobooks, paperbacks at Amazon etc. Profits to Cudeca cancer charity.



I GET it! I understand why some people just can’t be bothered with the political world. There are those who genuinely believe the line “How do you know when a politician is lying? Answer: “Their lips are moving.” I un derstand why many people believe that it makes no difference who you vote for, be cause at the end of the day they are all out for themselves at our expense.

While we patiently wait for official confir mation about how Resident Brits may be able to participate in Local Spanish elections, due at the end of May 2023, there are those who just don’t give a toss, because they never vote.

I took my car to the garage a couple of weeks ago, handed over a big wad of tenners and said to the mechanic, “Do something with it.” When I went back to collect it, it still wasn’t working. This is an analogy by the way. We pay our taxes, hand them over to the politicians and tell them to do something with it. We can’t really complain if what they do with it doesn’t meet our needs or expecta tions. We are rapidly coming into the period

of real electioneering when well­known and more obscure political parties will be laying out their promises if they are elected into gov ernment. This is exactly where they will be held to account.

I fully respect the right of people not to vote, but it does grate when these same peo ple then get into a rage about the way their money is being spent, or sometimes squan dered by those they haven’t voted for.

Politics doesn’t float my boat either, but helping to manage the place I have made my home does. So, before excusing yourself from the process, have a think.

Expat radio

Join me every Friday live from the Costa del Sol on Expat radio. Every week I have a con versation with someone who has made Spain, and the Costa del Sol their home. We have listeners in around 120 countries across the world. On Friday September 30 I will be joined by my regular guest, Physical Therapist, Marcel Salazar who works from his Clinic in Mijas. Marcel will be talking about the bene fits of cold water whether in a simple shower, or as an ice bath and how this improves our immune system. Not sure about this one!!!­live/

I like cash

THERE is a fairly new TV station called GB News. The man who seems to front it is a guy called Dan Wootton and I remember him from the Sun newspaper, not that I read it, but things he said used to come up on my Twitter feed and, to put it mildly, he was like a bitchy old washerwoman, like Les Dawson used to play back in the 70s and 80s. When he doesn’t like somebody or something he goes on and on about it trying to destroy careers and relationships.

He hates Meghan and attacks her at ev ery opportunity. But the one that gets me is how he is going on relentlessly about Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby com mitting the cardinal sin of allegedly jumping the queue to see the Queen lying in State.

To be honest I couldn’t give a monkeys if they did or didn’t but, according to Woot ton they should be fired and never be seen on TV again. This is the same reporter that wrote how the treatment of Caroline Flack was disgraceful, but thinks it’s OK to go on about these two presenters who actually have done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. Just leave them alone and report what’s really important, like how the UK is going down the toilet at a rate of knots.

I like cash. I don’t want a cashless soci ety. I don’t want to have to use my card to buy a bar of chocolate. We need cash.

Cashless might be OK for some, but affects a simple thing like tipping. I’ve seen people on social media saying it will stop dodgy deals but it won’t - you have to get rid of crypto currency to do that. Millionaires don’t need cash to do dodgy deals.

They have accountants to help them avoid paying too much tax, legally saving them millions. But God forbid your hair dresser doesn’t declare their €2 tip that helps feeds the kids, all hell will break loose and the world’s economy will crash. I’m al ways suspect of adding a tip to a credit card payment as I don’t think it’s always paid to staff. At least with cash they have half a chance.

If you ask if I want to do something and hear me say ‘yeah could do’, ‘we will see’, ‘maybe’, ‘perhaps’, ‘I’ll see how I feel’what I’m actually saying is No, absolutely not!


Bill’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors. Views of a Grumpy Old Man Nora’s
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 FEATURE44
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latest thriller.

What goes around

take the time to actually get to know the person we’re with, too preoccu pied with making useful contacts.

Just a few weeks ago I was introducing my guests to each other and one of them, who is a very nice person and does a very worthy job, wasn’t that in terested to chat or get to know the others; until I added that they were members of the press. Sud denly a huge smile crossed her face and she started to say how delighted she was to meet them and explain why. This made me sad, the only thing genuine in that moment was the passion behind the cause, but no in terest obviously in the per son, just how useful they had become.

Undeniably the press are there to help with commu nication but in my experi

‘Glamping’ is glamorous

CAMPING holidays in Spain can already seem a much more luxurious experience thanks to almost guaranteed sunshine and dry conditions, meaning campers won’t have to battle their tents to put them up or deal with soggy clothes.

However, ‘glamping’ sites which combine glamour and camping are becoming more and more popular across Spain. Some of Spain’s most rich cultural heritage is locat ed outside of cities in moun tain ranges and valleys.

‘Glamping’ brings these re mote yet idyllic landscapes to campers who are not com fortable sleeping in basic tent accommodation. The ‘glamp ing’ market has been expand ing rapidly in recent years and now offers something for ev eryone, from eco­camping to yoga retreats to hiking mas terclasses.

Camping is no longer re duced to just the traditional tent, in fact across the coun try ‘glamping’ accommoda tion has expanded to include

safari tents, yurts, treehouses and even caves!

Campers can show up to sites without the pressure of having to bring their own gear that might never be used again and pitch up from scratch, trying to follow un fathomable instructions.

‘Glamping’ sites provide luxury facilities so guests don’t need to ‘rough’ it like with traditional camping. Lux ury facilities include comfort able beds, hot tubs, access to private beach areas, fullyequipped gyms and outdoor kitchens. Often, ‘glamping’

sites also provide a special programme of activities for guests too, including yoga classes, cooking classes in the local cuisine, wine tastings, art classes and even work shops to bring couples closer together.

Wannabe ‘glampers’ can discover unique stays throughout Spain using the internet, many specialist sites have been set up to cater to an audience seeking luxuri ous stays, without the grit of basic camping experiences. What are you waiting for, get ‘glamping’!

ence it’s often the people one least expects that are actually in a position to help us and if we sincerely show interest in others even if not apparently ‘use ful’, we might just open many more doors and not leave people feeling cajoled or expendable.

It’s truly surprising what one can glean from the ev ery day folk that make up the backbone of our city; whether it is an electrician, cleaner, dignitary, Consul or the press, the different per spectives can be fascinating and insightful and you just never know where the rela tionship may lead.

In a city that thrives on

networking we need to be careful not to become too anxious or zealous when pushing one’s own objec tives and try to be more re ciprocal; not in a quid pro quo way, but with authen tic and unpretentious in tent to support others whilst also helping oneself.

Joining groups with those of similar interests is also a great way to thrive on the coast, personally and pro fessionally; as long as they follow the aforementioned basic guidelines. Ali Mee han’s Costa Women group is celebrating 12 years of unity, guidance and friend ship for the women of our community and the Costa

Press Club it’s 20th year! Both groups are great ex amples that networking is more effective when you’re amongst friends, not con tacts.

Even if we all do the same ‘job’ we do so in our own unique style; we don’t need to compete, rather lay down our angst and gen uinely wish the best for oth ers, as we would want for ourselves. Letting relation ships flow rather than forc ing the ones we feel can benefit us is a far worthier and more satisfying ap proach, particularly if we want to be successful and happy: what goes around does come around.

I THINK many of us miss oppor tunities that are right in front of our faces simply because we don’t
Congratulations Costa Clubs. Spanish ‘glamping’ sites combine comfortable stays with idyllic rural beauty. Photo credit: iammattdoran: • • MARBELLA MOMENTS
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022 45FEATURE

Settling a dog into your life in Spain

BRINGING your dog with you to live in Spain is an ex citing experience and can represent home comfort for new expats. But prop erly settling your pet into your new life and main taining its well‐being is cru cial to avoid long‐term health problems.

Here we list five top rec ommendations on how to adjust to life with your pooch in Spain!

1. Create a homely en vironment

Our number one tip for an easy transition to life with a dog in Spain is to create a cosy space for your dog. Keep hold of a familiar dog bed or blanket to get your dog settled quickly to a new environ ment. Temperature control is also important to avoid overheating.

2. Develop a routine Creating a routine can help dogs to adjust to a new home and avoid dis orientation. In Spain, dog walkers are blessed with a lengthy coastline and mountain trails to establish a regular walking route.

3. Get walking!

There are many reasons you may be unable to walk your dog such as work com mitments or mobility issues. You can find a pet sitter or

walker in your area using the internet to guarantee regular, substantial exercise for your dog.

4. Make like‐minded friends

Having friends with pets can make it a lot easier to

settle your pet into a new life and to be socially ful filled. Social media groups can match pet owners up to walk dogs together or mind each other’s pets during holidays.

5. Clean up! Council fines are becom ing increasingly common for dog‐walkers who don’t clean up after their four‐legged friends. Carry sup plies and take advantage of council schemes such as one in Torrevieja issuing pick up bags for free.

Tips for travelling by train

NEWS of a pilot project allowing large dogs to travel on Renfe’s national rail network has pet owners across Spain excited about an easier way to transport their pets. Travelling with a dog can be a stressful experience, but fear not! Here we share some top tips from ex perts in the pet field on how to make journeys with your four‐legged companion as smooth as possible.

1. Hydration is key!

Taking a thirsty dog on a busy train is a recipe for disaster. Bring a container with enough water for your journey to avoid issues such as dehydration and irritability in your pet.

2. Use space effectively

If your dog has a fear of unfamiliar people, you should avoid crowded areas on the train. Spanish train operator, Renfe, requires you to book seats and spaces on the train which can

help to avoid overcrowding. Book well in ad vance for peace of mind.

3. Exercise where you can

Travelling long distances by train can make even the most seasoned traveller restless. En sure that you give your dog a walk before catching the train or afterwards. If you have connections between journey, even walking your dog up and down the platform can stave off restlessness.

4. Be considerate of others

Even if you have a sociable dog, pet charity, Blue Cross, advises that you keep away from other dogs and other passengers given the un familiar circumstances.

5. Get comfy!

If you have a long journey ahead, bring sup plies such as a blanket for your pooch to sit on or a small treat. A little familiarity can keep dogs from feeling overwhelmed.

Prepare your pet for autumn

ADJUSTING to new sea sons can be tricky for hu mans, let alone for our pets. Research has shown that pets suffer from seasonal changes in a similar way to humans. The transition from hot summer months to cool er autumn weather can bring health problems for pets such as joint aches and psychological changes. We share some advice from profession als to keep pets comfort able into the autumn.

1. Prevent fur loss

Cooler temperatures can dry out our pets’ skin in the same way ours does! Dry skin can lead to excess fur shedding and dandruff in your pet. Keeping your pet’s skin moisturised can be as simple as feeding it a bal anced diet with enough healthy fats.

2. Make diet adjust ments

If you have a cat, it may leave the house less during rainier or cooler weather. Adapt your pet’s diet according to

changes in its exercise habits to avoid excess weight gain. However, temperature changes can require more energy to heat the body, so ex pect your pet to eat more food.

3. Paw protection!

Rainy weather and ex posure to chemicals used in street cleaning can cause cracks in your cat or dog’s paws. Vet, Cathy Madson, suggests wash ing your pet’s paws be fore and after autumn walks and investing in a specialist paw moisturis er.

4. Keep exercising Despite shorter days and darker mornings and evenings, pets still need exercise. Ensure that you still walk your pet, or find a dog walker if you are unable to do so.

5. Bug alert!

Vets see an increase in parasite and bug prob lems during autumn as insects seek warmth. Check your pet’s fur or paws for ticks and bugs regularly to avoid health issues.











Take advantage of Spain’s beaches for long dog walks! Photo credit: amfroey:
PETS PAGE to read more PETS scan this QR Code EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 PETS46
REMOVALS & STORAGE EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 SERVICES48

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JIM’S HOME IMPROVE MENTS. Bathrooms/ kitchen reforms, repairs, plumbing, carpentry, paint ing, tiling, maintenance. Give us a call no job too small. 692 207 799 / 645 559 423 (301059)

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ACE OF SHADES – All colours available. Urbani sations catered for, elec tric and manual opera tion; also recovery service available, largest selection of colours and designs on the coast. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@aceofshades. design T1(101730)

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SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for large glazed areas to reflect heat / glare and stop furniture fading and still keep the view. SAVE HEAT IN THE WINTER to improve your living envi ronment. ian@solar Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (292919)

BUILDERS Electrician, plumbing, con struction, painting. Innovation. ROT deduction for Swedish, Sotogrande to Marbella 648 712 530

GENERAL BUILDER, Tiling, plastering, painting, electrician, plumber, carpentry. Reasonable prices. 635 913 885 (Refer ences available (295929)

SWINGLES CASAS SL . For all your building needs. Visit for more details or call 635 999 765 / 666 960 262 (292511)

PLUMBING & GENERAL BUILDING All your plumbing needs. Bathroom, kitchens, tiling & painting. Benalmadena based, travel no problem. Glen 669 073 773 or Paul 642 098 115



PRIVATE collector will buy your Gold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)

ALHAURIN FURNITURE EMPORIUM Buyers & Sell ers of quality furniture. Top prices paid. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (296452)

QUICK AND URGENT House Clearance For All Jobs Big and Small – Tel: 622 647 602


ACE OF SHADES – Verti cal, Venetian, Roman, Roller, Wooden blinds,

NEW REJAS, GATES, Car ports & Fencing, repairs & al terations. Work Guaranteed.


29 September - 5 October 2022 • www.euroweeklynews.comCLASSIFIEDS 50 SPONSORED BY BUY & SELL If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

ALH RENT A CAR –SHORT & LONG-TERM RENTALS FROM €15 A DAY. INSURANCE IN CLUDED IN OUR PRICES. www.alhrentacar.comTLF: 638 846 909 or reservasalhrentacar@ (295923)

BENALMADENA Elim Fam ily Fellowship. Elimfami or call 951 912 525 or 952 446 627. (10011)

CALAHONDA: Encounter Church (Elim), Family church with kids activities, Iglesia San Miguel, Sundays 4.30pm, Rev. David Hodgson, 695 115 496 (10012)

THE Ark Christian Church. We meet at The Ark Christian School, Calle Río Darro 2 y Plaza Juncal, 29651, Mijas Costa (The road behind the Mijas Aquapark)on Sundays at 11.00am. Pastor, Andrew Seale Tlf 682 713 491 (293850)

RAINBOW Pinturas . En glish Painters & decorators. All aspects. Interior/exterior, private residential, commer cial & communities. Spraying: door, kitchens & furniture. Light construction. Call/ WhatsApp: Daniel: 628 066 308 www.rainbowpinturas. com (301113)

ATD DECOR. British Painter. 30 Years’ Experience. Punctu al. Great Rates. Call for free quote. 603 132 783 Face book: @ATDDecorMalaga (1296161)


LIT ELECTRICIANS for all your Electrical & mainte nance needs, no job too small for a FREE Quote. Call Craig on 604 106 414 or Ben 679 505 761 (301214)

FURNITURE wanted, same day collection, also house clearance and re movals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (296452)

GLASS CURTAIN repairs, specialist in replacement of discoloured plastic strips that act as a seal between the glass panels. Call Julian 655 825 931

CARS , Vans, Bikes wanted. Any Reg, Anything Consid ered Call or Whatsapp 687 049 592 (301400)


CALAHONDA LANGUAGE CENTRE Established 1987. New Beginners Spanish course, starts 4th October. Maximum 5 students per group for guaranteed results. Private classes available. Enrol now. Also,Translations undertak en calahondalanguage@ Tel: 636 413 187 (301291)

SIGNS all type of 3D letters and light boxes, full CNC cut ting services, large and small format printing like posters , roller banners , business card and flyers, we create your corporate identity, logos, real estate boards, decoration items for homes and offices. We cover the Coast and de livery. 951 310 395 / 665 804 321 (295065)


MARBLE FLOORS polished high shine non-slip. Fast Service Reliable, family run business. TERRACOTTA CLEANED and sealed. No job too small. Cleansol 10am – 10pm 7 days all ar eas. 952 930 861 / 607 610 578 Discount code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)

PROFESSIONAL garden services from Fuengirola to Estepona. All aspects of gardening and full maintenance and land scaping, free quotes, competitive prices. Con tact Andrew 600 259 981 Andrew@garden-profe (291784)


GUTTERING: Protect your property from rain dam age. Quality guaranteed. 26 years installation his tory in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered 952 663 141/670 409 759 info@


COLLECTIVE CALLING are urgently requesting dona tions of clothing, shoes, handbags & home-ware. We sell good quality items, which then supports low-income families and the homeless in the community. These items can be dropped directly to our charity shop Tienda Soli daria: Av. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 4, San Pedro de Alcantara, alternatively, call us to ar range collection on +34 711 006 961 (295137)

ADVANCED Cleaning Ser vices. Professional carpet, upholstery cleaning, 27 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable service 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 or email (290739)

CONEJO CLEANING & Property Management. Est. over 25 years. Rentals management, one off cleans. New Property set up service. Wendy call 635 630 370 / 952 964 407 www.conejocleaning. com (295933)

STARLIGHT Cleaning Services . All types of cleaning. Any size of property. All Ar eas. Residential & Holiday Lets. Deep Clean for Bars & Restaurants. We also do a professional Chimney Sweep ing service. 682 636 451 (295837)

DOMESTIC Appliance re pairs - washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, wa ter heaters, gas / electric, professionally repaired. Chris tian 608 337 497 (296265)


IRIS-IRRIGATION and landscapes. TRENCHLESS NO DIG Irrigation instal lation, Cables, Fibre Op tic, Electric & Lighting Ca bles. New Installations & problem-solving. Turf (supply and laying). Gar den constructions. Tree surgeon. Clearing. Astro Turf (Free Quotation) 676 747 521 (301097)

FUENGIROLA, Myofascial Release. J Schaegen, Spe cialised in treating neck, back & extremity disorders, 30 years in Practice. 652 291 224

ELECTRIC GATE/GARAGE DOOR automation re paired. Free, no obliga tion quotation. Call Colin - 636 394 641 (1296056)

BE PROACTIVE: Elec tric/Gas fires, Wood Burning Stoves. Quality guaranteed. EnviroCare. All areas covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759.


BLOCKED DRAINS? Leak detection, CCTV survey, root removal, Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / (291429)

CLEARFLOW – Unblocking, CCTV inspection, repair and installation. Tel: 630 200 600 / 952 885 661. satorosclearflow Facebook: DesatorosClearflow (301154)



WANTED Gold, Silver, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)

ELECTRIC GATES /Garage Doors. Intercoms/access control systems and replace ment remotes. New installs and repairs. For all your elec tric gate and garage door re quirements call us on 605 356 469/952 786 178. The Garage Door Co & 2 Way Gates. (293643)

VINYL SOLUTIONS WHY REPLACE WHEN YOU CAN RENOVATE? Modern adhesive vinyl coverings in hundreds of styles and designs can reno vate a tired kitchen, bath room, wall panels, bedroom wardrobes, fridge doors. Turn a tired looking wood designed kitchen into a modern solid colour or metallic look without painting or replacing. Work carried out on site with 10 year warranties Contact Ian 644 546 176 for design brochure and samples.

EXPERIENCED CAPABLE YOUNG MAN available for laboring work, heaving lifting & support with removals. Can supply trade contacts. Native English speaking and also fluent in Spanish. Please call or WhatsApp me at +44 7707 557342 (302048)

HOT TUBS new used, bought, sold, hired. Also move & repairs. Used good Hot Tubs for sale. 691 973 131 / +44 7836 379122

CHIMNEY SWEEP . Clean reliable professional. All types, special price for more than one. Chris 608 337 497

APEX CHIMNEY SER VICES, professional chimney sweeping and smoke testing. NACS Qualified. Clean and ef ficient Tel: Bob 696 320 202 (295514)




EMPORIUM furniture wanted, same day collec tion, also house clearance and removals. Also buy cars, campervans, boats & bikes. 697 511 071 (296452)


MOTOR INSURANCE . For the most competitive quotes in English call Linea Directa on 952 147 834, you could save as much as 30% and you can transfer your exist ing no claims bonus. Call Lin ea Directa on 952 147 834 for motor insurance with a human voice in English from Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and save money now! (200726)

STAY SAFE! Abbeygate Insurance Call phone 971 277 455 For your security (291234)


LOCKSMITH emergency / appointment. Doors opened without damage, locks changed, patio doors and windows secured, 24 hour honest, fast and reliable ser vice. Call Paul 657 466 803 (288129)



GOLD & SILVER Bought & Sold, Rolex & Patek Philippe Watches Tel – 678 716 693 (288662)


ACE OF SHADES – Don’t let the bugs get you! Available in enrollable, slider and pleated. Large choice of colours includ ing wood effect. Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / (101730)

MOSQUITO Screens for windows, doors and a high-quality sliding patio door screen. All finishes available. Quick service. All areas covered. Call Julian 655 825 931 (294354)

MOSQUITO screens, slid ing, pulldown, pleated, colours call Mosquito Nick 647 072 861 (295855)


WE ARE currently the mar ket leader in our country in the sale of direct car, motor bike, home and company fleet insurance. Since we started out in 1995, our phi losophy has always been to offer an excellent service with the best prices in the market. For the most com petitive quotes in English, call Linea Directa on 952 147 834. (200726)


MOBILE MECHANIC will come to your home or work. Servicing, repairs, ITVs & di agnostics. Call Mick on 617 553 072 (301275)

ENGLISH bodyshop, fully equipped, Mijas Costa. No Job Too Small. 952 667 074 (296043)


ALL CARS / Commercials wanted, runners or non-run ners. Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer included. 605 109 796 (295569)

WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all years, all mod els… from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch plat ed. Call us on 951 977 329 or 606 647 597. (301127)






IMPORT / TRANSFER CARS transferred, history checks, Imports and Embar go problems. Change of use and lost papers. Change your car to Spanish plates, simple efficient service. Cars bought and sold. Please call 678 808 837 Or email carsin (290739)



and we receive no help from the Town Hall or the Andalu cian government. We desper ately need foster homes and adoptants for our many dogs, especially the small ones and puppies who do not do well in a big shelter. We are grateful for any help of fered, including donations of food and blankets. Visiting times are from 13.00 to 15.00 and you can always turn up or make an appoint ment by calling Denise on 669 018 736. Our website is where you can view all the dogs in our care. (93320)

leaving something for aban doned animals. Contact ani or call 692 166 434 now for this absolutely free service (288287)

needed in all departments and are welcome at any time. For our riding for the disabled classes, we are also in need of extra helpers. We are nationally registered by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (164640) but only with your support can we give the equine a voice. If you can just commit to 2 or 3 euros a month it will really help make a difference. You can find us at Lauro Golf Equestrian Centre, Alqueria, Alhaurin de la Torre. Tel. 608 258 950 (93321)

INTERNATIONAL SKIPPER LICENCE: Courses held in En glish and starts soon. RYA VHF and Radar Courses. 626 245 098 (301294)


PAINTERS / DecoratorsMarbella, Estepona, Coin Area. Please call Albert 663 681 012 (1296158)


We will Paint your apartment in maximum 2 days. 640 350 479 (301298)


UK & IRISH Passport re newals including photo’s. Complete Service. Cath’s Cards. 952 885 759. (295683)


COCKROACHES , ANTS, in sects, fleas, mice, rats, wasps, termite specialists. Fumigations, bars, restau rants, houses, etc. Sanitary department officially regis tered certificates. Guarantee. Serving the coast since 1985. Only legal English owned pest control company on the coast. If you want the best then phone N.P.S. Nigel 606 008 940 (293982)


CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cattery. 952 112 978 / 630 197 435. www.catand (301392)

ADANA THE ANIMAL SHELTER IN ESTEPONA. We always need volunteers to walk and socialise with our dogs and help with cleaning. We also need good homes for our animals that you can see on Ken nels open every day 10-1.30, Camino de Casares, near Par que de los Pedregales, Es tepona. (5 minutes from the Poligono) For more informa tion call 952 113 467, avail able from 10.00am until 2.00pm. (93319)

ANIMEX Foundation offers free will upgrading when


ARCH - The Andalucian Res cue Centre for Horses, regis tered charity 8448, the Cen tre is now open again to visitors every Sunday from 9am until 2pm. Working closely with the Spanish au thorities, we rescue, rehabili tate and rehome abused and abandoned horses and don keys. Come and meet our current rescues, learn about our work and how you may be able to help. Run solely by a small team of dedicated volunteers, the Centre is lo cated between Alhaurin el Grande and Coin in Comm. de Viña Borrego behind Ven ta Miralmonte. For more in formation and directions see our website www.horseres, our Facebook page Centro Andalusi de Rescate de Caballos or tel. 610 845 491 or 656 935 613 (93322)

SEPE the horse and donkey charity is open to the public at weekends from 10.00 to 5.00. Volunteers are much

SOS ANIMAL REFUGE we have dogs, young and old looking for homes. Some of our dogs have been with us for some time and would love to find a cosy spot to curl up in and a knee on which to rest their heads. If you have room in your heart and home we would love to hear from you. We do not put our dogs to sleep - no matter how old, they are safe with us. For day to day needs and to pay for veterinary care, we much appreciate the support we receive. We desperately need items to sell on our market stall to help raise funds and are

ACE CHARITY ‘El Refugio’ in La Cala de Mijas is a regis tered charity. We have on av erage 275 dogs in our care





Sun: 12:00


FRI­SUN: 15:00


FRI, SAT: 15:00, 17:00 Sun: 12:00

DON'T WORRY DARLING MON­THURS: 16:45, 19:10, 22:21

FRI­SAT 15:00, 17:20, 19:40, 22:00


FRI­SUN: 15:00, 17:15, 19:30


FRI­SUN: 15:20


THURS: 19:20

FRI­SUN: 15:30, 19:00, 21:10

WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING MON­THURS: 16:30, 19:00 Weekend: 15:00, 19:45

RED DOG: The cinema has lots of English film times.

Credit: Facebook/Red Dog
Here are the viewing times for some of the English language films up to October 6 EWN 29 September - 5 October 202252 CLASSIFIEDS You can always see the updated listing at the following link:

happy to come and collect. So, if you are having a clearout, please contact us on 605 227 155. If you would like to know more about re-homing, please call 653 257 875. Visit our website www.sos-ani or please phone Sandy on 952 385 923 or 666 814 056 if you would like to make a donation or help in any way. (93317)


SELLING UP?? Why not give us a call an let us give you an honest and realistic valuation of your property. List with us and let us take the stress out of selling your home. No sale no fee!! English agent on the ball with clients waiting. Please call 685 524 921. (290739)

THINKING of selling your property or interested in a current valuation? We have clients actively look ing for properties from Torremolinos to Calahon da. List with us and let us sell your property. Call Joe 626 864 683 (301427)


COM Costa del Sol Property Sales & Long term rentals wanted. All areas / All bud gets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@inter (295509)



FUENGIROLA CENTRE APARTMENT for 1 person 1 bedroom beautifully fur nished long-term for senior citizen or a very responsible retired pensionist - min 1 year contract - 550€ per month - Tel. 667 655 648 or 608 337 300

FUENGIROLA Beach Front. 1 bed apartment, completely re-furbished. Long Term. €595pm. +447737 138 139 (302049)


15 CUBIC metre van re turning to the UK 14th October 2022. Space available each way. Tel. 639 928 090 (295249)


MAN & VAN , 20€ ph. Re movals, Rubbish & House Clearances. Paul 634 112 677 (291430)

2 MEN, Van €30 p hour. House Clearances & Stor age. 651 081 610 (301134)


ACE OF SHADES - PER SIANA (security shutter) electric and manual, vari ous colours available in cluding wood effect, we also offer a repair service. Make your home more se cure! Tel: 951 273 254 / 671 732 204 / info@ace (101730)

ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days a week, conversion from manual to mo torised, new installations. All areas covered. Coast and inland. 655 825 931 (291815)



FRENCH POLISHING RE PAIRS , restoration etc. re store your valuable furniture to its former glory. Tel 647 579 519 / 952 499 944 (285318)


tems. 26 years installa tion history in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality Guaran teed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@ (301178)



All Languages. 952 789 204 Mobile 654 613 094 sanpe (295071)

Please note that in Spain there is NO legislation banning adverts in this section. Neither regional nor national governments are able to pass such a law due to rules govern ing freedom of publica tion and printing.


ADVANCED Cleaning Ser vices. Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning, 28 years experience, wet/dry clean. Honest, reliable. 678 808 837 / 952 669 701 acservs@ (290739)

MARBELLA CENTRE - the ideal place for your enjoy ment in the city centre, eight young ladies for unforget table moments. Open 24h and prices from €50. For reservations and information call 620 366 817. (295192)

PLUMBING . Leak detection & blocked drains. Tel 952 568 414 / 661 910 772 / drain (291429)

. Bargain inland proper ties for all budgets, fin cas, village homes, apart ments and villas. Legal building plots. 952 491 609 / 685 514 835


COM Costa del Sol Property for sale. All areas / all bud gets / all types. Spain +34 951 708 422. UK +44 208 144 5008 Email info@inter (295509) Tel David 696 810 618 (293101)


STARLIGHT PROPERTY . All Areas. Residential & Holi day Lets. 689 819 592


SOLAR Hot Water heat ing: FREE HOT WATER. 26 years installation his tory in Spain. Envirocare. All areas covered. Quality guaranteed. 952 663 141/ 670 409 759 info@envirocare www.enviro (301178)


SOLAR BLINDS ES Ideal for Large Glazed Areas To Reflect Heat / Glare And Stop Furniture Fading And Still Keep The View. Save Heat in The Winter To Improve Your Living Environment. ian@ Tel Ian 958 496 571 / 644 546 176 (292919)

CARPETS AND SOFAS cleaned. Reliable, fast ser vice. Family run. Cleansol 952 930 861 / 607 610 578. 10am - 10pm 7 days, all ar eas Discount Code: EWN 1 CLEAN (206437)

UPHOLSTERY including leather cleaned also carpets. 685 524 921 (290739)


Electric & Gas Water Heaters. Quality Installa tions. 26 years installation history in Spain. Envi roCare. All Areas Covered. 952 663 141/670 409 759 (301178)

MATURE elegant lady. Voluptuous bust. All ser vices. Only hotel and home visits. 687 387 680 (286295)tp2

YOU will live a moment of passion and unparalleled sweetness. Don’t hesitate and come check it out. I can be your secretary, your nurse or your kinky lover. Natural French. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

SADOMASO. Fully equipped dungeon. Professional ser vices and equipment. Pain is the source of pleasure! Whips, gags, handcuffs, ban dages, ropes. Ask for your appointment. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

LONG TERM RENTALS AVAILABLE and also want ed. Super prices. Apart ments, townhouses, villas, fincas, shops, offices, bars, restaurants. Coast & in land. Tlf 679 111 522


COM Costa del Sol Property Long Term Rentals All areas / All budgets / All types. Spain +34 951 708 422 UK +44 208 144 5008. Email info@in

JDS EURO TRANSPORT & REMOVALS – Regular trips throughout Eu rope. Call or Whatsapp Julian 0044 7884 908 929. See Facebook Page for recommendations (301271) Tel David 696 810 618 (293101)

STORAGE Tel David 696 810 618 (293101)

CURTAINS, blinds, cushions and much more. Free esti mates and home visits. Tel 657 369 343 or rosan (301301)

DREAM Windows & Build ing Services UPVC windows & doors. High quality at great prices 15yrs on the coast. All work guaranteed. Also offer Aluminium windows, Mosquito screens, Persianas, Glass replacements, shower screens & much more. Call us on 619 604 562 (301215)


POOL MAINTENANCE , & Repairs, including heaters & regrouts. Friendly & reliable service. Malaga to Estepona & inland areas. 678 791 495 / 951 536 389 www.sparklen (291440)

WESTARPOOLS . Pool con struction, renovation, repairs and heating. 619 246 372 / (301120)

SWIMMING Pool Heating Pumps, Pool Covers, Rollers, Filtration Sys

MOBILE SERVICE. ITV Le gal. Solar Reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading, heat & glare. 958 496 571 – 644 546 176 ian@solarshadetinting. com (292919)

ENGLISH ELEGANT, attrac tive & classy lady in her late 40s, gives a very sensual girl friend experience. First timers & golfers especially welcome. Discretion assured. Call 680 177 569 (301143) tp7

HIGH standard villa. Luxury services. Cosy, discreet atmo sphere and very good treat ment. 8 beautiful girls deliv ered to the max. Free drink. Porn movies, erotic toys, jacuzzi, natural French, kiss es, Greek, lesbian, couples. Outcalls. 24h. VISA - 951 274 723 & 650 237 145 www. from € 50 (294721)

TRADITIONAL Window Cleaner. Give your win dows and doors that pro fessional finish at afford able prices. Call Chris 711 007 665/ 952 638 548 (295821)

RIVIERA, Katya, a beautiful Ukrainian girl with an exquisite body that will awak en all your desires. I am an expert, liberal and passionate lover. You will adore my kiss es on the mouth and my massages will leave you ready to enjoy and you will want to repeat as soon as possible. It will be unforget table. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 102 (294721)

WINDOWS WINDOW CLEANER XXX RELAXATION XXX FEMALE SITUATIONS VACANT EWN29 September - 5 October 2022CLASSIFIEDS 53 If you can read it, so can your clients. Contact us and have your business grow at + 34 951 386 161

MIKAELA , hot-blooded Brazilian, body of scandal. I am a beautiful blonde escort with green eyes and you will adore me at first sight. I have soft white skin, beauti ful natural breasts and I will take care of making those fantasies that you keep only for yourself come true. You will adore me, I assure you. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

MORGAN, 26 years old, En glish lady, luxury escort that will drive you crazy with plea sure. You will be attracted to my beauty and my insatiable sexual appetite. Get carried away by your instincts and try the most ardent English. Brunette with big natural breasts, blue eyes and white skin that wants to please you. My specialty is natural French, but I will also excite you with a lingerie show and you should know that I am fascinated by Greek and that I am ready to ride a wild du plex. Riviera del Sol, 24 hours, Tel. 650 237 145

RIVIERA , Eva, Venezuelan girl, 21 years old, sensual and very spicy. A girl with style that will make you en joy like nobody else. I have many erotic toys with which we can enjoy to the fullest. I am a sweetheart, I love to give you love, kiss your whole body and pass my wet tongue wherever you like it. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

NEARBY Elviria, Sara, sweet and passionate Colombian, gorgeous and slim, morbid and horny. I love to please my lovers and I assure you that I will not disappoint you. I love games and erotic mas sages. Look at my profile at and you will fall in love. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

RIVIERA DEL SOL , Latin blonde, goddess of sex, nymphomaniac, hot and mul ti-orgasmic. I am a real vol cano, as well as a very beau tiful, kind and dedicated woman. Complete services. Incalls and outcalls. 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

CALAHONDA . Kelly, Slim Brazilian, girl breast, long black hair and great ass. Vi cious, loving and accommo dating lover. I am the only one who will know how to fulfil your fantasies, dare to ask me what you always dreamed of and did not dare.

From €50. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

RIVIERA . Pretty Colombian Brunette long hair, elegant and discreet but also very vi cious. I enjoy living of sex with no limits. Call me. I am desperate to give you plea sure and lust for an unforget table moment. Available 24hrs. Tel. 650 237 145 (294721)

NUEVA ANDALUCIA: Very sexy, slim, horny and submis sive girl offers you a special experience with maximum pleasure. All services, includ ing sensual massages (quali fied independent masseuse) with natural French and hap py ending. Private apart ment. 656 350 401 (296167)

ESTEPONA. Laura Exotic, Hot Horny, Friendly, Erotic Mas sage, Complete Service and more. 600 213 967 (FU 2712)

BRITISH slim busty brunette, 39 years, green eyes, loves kissing. In calls. Golfers & first timers wel come. Near Estepona. Ac cepts bitcoin. Jade 665 896 519. (302047)

FUENGIROLA JOHANNASanta Ana Street. Brazilian 45yrs, Tall Brunette, Big Breast, Perfect Body - Tel 617 818 615 (296300)

FUENGIROLA CAROLINA – gorgeous lady, 35 yrs, spectacular body, big breast – Tel 634 703 111 (296300)

FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japanese girls. Complete services. Plea sure always guaranteed. Discretion Assured. Out calls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (WhatsApp) (293973)

SAN PEDRO DE ALCANTARA – CAMILLA 33yrs –Pretty Slim Latin Brunette –Private apartment – 603 804 443 (301495)

NEW COUPLE ! Outcalls ev erywhere in Costa del Sol! Gentlemen, ladies, couples are welcome! 604 256 336 (FU 2731)

WWW.LAILALYNCH1.COM Relax with me by, or in, my heated private pool. Inland retreat and fantasy hideaway with a full service. 662 913 428 (FU 2713)

FUENGIROLA. Oriental young, beautiful, sensual & sexy Japaneses girls. Complete services. Plea sure always guaranteed. Discretion Assured. Out calls. 24hrs 693 988 340 (Whatsapp) (301109)

VANESSA 37 years, blonde, all services for Gentlemen. Private apartment, discreet. Benalmadena 624 811 098 (302017)

ESTEPONA area, naughty, sexy, Asian, body massage, complete service and more. 642 371 536 (FU 2714)

FUENGIROLA Lisa 48, ma ture blonde Latin, loving, pri vate home. 613 230 681 (301425)

ORIENTAL mature lady sen sual body exotic, tantric, prostate etch. massage reliev

ing multiorgasmic service, pri vate discreet villa. Elviria, Mar bella. 604 428 812 (MI 536)

PHILIPINA, Thai, sexy slim indulge your fantasy erotic massage, pleasure lust unfor getable. Private discreet Elviria 679 126 231 (MI 532)

ASIAN young, slims, affec tionate unique sensual hot horny, complete multiorgas mic massage. Elviria. 604 143 788 (MI 533)

ASIAN busty long hair ma ture, sweet sexy accommo dating lover adult game inde pendent. Marbella. 602 415 351 (MI 534)

BENALMADENA Young lady 35, attractive, sexy, educat ed. For gentlemen. €30. 634 209 427 (302040)

FUENGIROLA . Vero Vene zuelan model, pretty. No lim its. Relaxing massage. 603 366 841 (fu 2745)

UKRANIAN lady tall, slim nice boobs, multiorgasmic, hot horny passionate body. Marbella. No rush. 613 229 769 (MI 530)

3 ASIAN friendly beautiful naughty exotic passionate sensual massage ,private, comfort, relaxation, luxury atmospher, service no rush , villa discreet. Elviria, Marbel la. 679 126 231 (MI 531)

FUENGIROLA . Private apartment. 5 young ladies. Massage and relax. 603 366 841 (fu 2745)

SEXY NATALIA , smart, blonde, beautiful boobs, good English. Incalls/ Out calls +34 632 801 194 Costa del Sol (301432)

BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE, relaxing prostate sensitive body massage, I only answer via private message. Tel 664 806 403 (301351)

BOLICHES: CELINA , inde pendent loving lady. Beautiful kind lovely only for discreet educated respectable gentle man! Sensual meetings, sen sitive exciting erotic relaxing massages./ prostatic/ Full sex, natural french anal, 69, black kiss, necking. Enjoy exquisite unhurried treat ment. Private apartment, quite cosy atmosphere. De manding impeccable hy giene! Only appointments! 11.30am/6pm. 622 210 797 (FU 2732)

PROSTATIC, erotic, relaxing masage. Kiss, 69, Golden rain, fetishism, natural French, hot sex by Ukraine lady. Fuengirola 657 697 397 (fu 2743)

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EWN 29 September - 5 October 202254 CLASSIFIEDS

Honda Civic e:HEV Hybrid - a clean start


HONDA’S Civic has been celebrating its 50th year and 11th generation as one of the Japanese car makers most iconic models. As with most cars, from all man ufacturers, the rise of the SUV means that hatchbacks are not as popular as they once were, but the Civic remains a clever and different choice.

In its newest form, and with hybrid power, it still possesses the quality build for which Honda has become renowned. The car maker has taken an evolutionary rather than revolutionary approach to evolving the Civic’s design.

Externally it’s a cleaner and more svelte, less fussy looking

car, while inside there is a clear and simple dash layout that in volves buttons in addition to the now seemingly obligatory digitisation.

Prices start from €33,750/ £29,595 and peak at €37,627 /£32,995, and the entry level model comes with a plethora of standard equipment rang ing from heated front seats and keyless start and go

through to intelli gent cruise control and high beam headlight assist. It’s a ful some list!

Three trim levels are all powered by a single engine choice of a 2.0‐litre petrol unit that comes with hybrid power to deliver 184PS with the benchmark 62 mph passed in under eight seconds and 60mpg, along with low emis

sions. The unit is mated to an e‐CVT automatic gearbox and this type of transmission has a characteristic of the en gine revs rising significantly while you wait for your speed to catch up. It’s down to a cer tain way of driving to get a less vocal performance, but the new Civic has a clever gearbox that’s primed to drop the revs as would happen in a normal

Facts at a Glance

Model: Honda Civic e:HEV Engine: 2.0-litre 4-cylinder petrol/electric hybrid – 184PS Gears: e-CVT automatic Performance: 0-100 kph (62 mph) Petrol 7.8

Maximum Speed Petrol 210 kph (111 mph)

Economy: Petrol 4.7 l/100km (60.1 mpg) WLTP

Emissions: 108g/km WLTP Model tested was UK-specification and equipment levels and prices may vary in other markets.

gear change. This leads to a more refined performance on the transmission front.

On the road the aforemen tioned gearbox is a huge im provement on not just Hon da’s previous efforts but on most other examples of this kind of gearbox. It handles well, as you might expect from a Civic, and has super smooth transitions between petrol and electric power. Being a self‐

charging hybrid it alleviates any range or charging worries and for this writer the best way to dip your tyres into the world of EV motoring.

If you need your motoring to offer space and practicality to ferry the family, but want something more interesting, a bit of a different and a more in telligent choice, then the Civic Hybrid could well be the trans port for you.

MOTORING to read more MOTORING scan this QR Code

HONDA CIVIC: Could be the transport for you.
EWN29 September - 5 October 2022MOTORING 55

Third diagnosis for Bundesliga

TWENTY-EIGHT-YEAR-OLD Hertha Berlin star Jean‐Paul Boetius has become the third Bundesliga player to be diagnosed with a testicular tumour in the last three months.

Following his teammate Marco Richter and Borussia Dort mund’s Sebastien Haller, Jean‐Paul Boetius worryingly became the third Bundesliga player to be diagnosed with a testicular tu mour in the last three months.

The German side said on Thursday, September 22: “Jean‐Paul Boetius has been diagnosed with a testicular tumour following the results of a urological test.

“He will be out for the foreseeable future.

“The club will provide further information on Boetius’ recov ery in due course. Until then we ask that everyone respects Jean‐Paul’s privacy during his recovery.”

Hertha sporting director Fredi Bobic added: “As tough as it is to hear at first, we are full of hope that Jean‐Paul will be able to recover and return to us as soon as possible.

THE Walking Dead 60 began their season in fine style with a 4‐1 away win to new boys Torrox Tornadoes. Torrox took the lead, but the more experienced Calahonda outfit were soon in level terms, and eventually rounded off the game with the three points.

Tornadoes manager Steve Lynton reflected on the game by saying that he was happy in general with the perfor mance, and that two errors and the inexperience of his fledgling side cost them.

Nerja 50s and 60s kicked off their league campaigns at home to much improved AC Benahavis 50 and 60. Bena havis has had a superb pre‐season, and won the 60 game 5‐8 and the 50 game 3‐4,with Andrew Sweeney bag

Euro Weekly News leagues kick off in style

ging all four goals and leaving the Parque Verano Azul stadi um, with maximum points.

Benahavis manager Tony Aiello said “pre season work paid off, thanks to Nerja who were great hosts.”

El Cañadon travel to Boca Seniors Competa 50 for both teams’ first games of the Euro Weekly Walking Football League 50. This will be an in teresting one, and a good gauge for both teams, as they enter the league for the first time. Malaga 60 continued their pre‐season preparations against Boca 60s after beat ing Axarquia outfit Aston

Viñuela 5‐1 in a pre‐season game last week. A report on both games will follow in next week’s edition.

There was a charity walk ing football event this week

in Benalmadena. It was in aid of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and was supported by Benal madena Town Hall. Although this event is nothing to do with it proves that the profile of our sport is spreading.

For all other walking foot ball news go to walking on Facebook.

Top left - Nerja and Benahavis, top right the charity event, bottom Torrox and the Walking Dead.
EWN 29 September - 5 October 2022 SPORT56 SPORT to read more SPORT scan this QR Code

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